The 18th Annual IEEE International Symposium on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications (PIMRC'07)
Alessandro Andreadis
University of Siena
Siena, Italy
The transmission opportunity (TXOP) mechanism defined in
the IEEE 802.11e Hybrid Coordination Function (HCF) is not
optimized to meet the QoS requirements of heterogeneous
applications, since it is usually allocated by default according
to the different Access Categories (AC).
In this paper we propose a new algorithm, named DTXOP,
for the dynamic assignment of the TXOP maximum duration
at the Access Point (AP) of an IEEE 802.11e WLAN.
DTXOP is periodically updated according to the current
traffic conditions of each specific AC. Simulation
experiments show that DTXOP allows to enhance delay and
throughput performance and to maintain fairness between
upstream and downstream channel access times.
The development of high rate wireless networks has favoured
nomadic access to data communications anytime and
anywhere and with different type of terminals, ranging from
common laptops to PDAs and smart phones. Nomadic access
is often provided through hotspots or university campuses and
a very popular solution is the adoption of IEEE 802.11
standard [1]. Most terminals are now capable of multimedia
communications not limited to email or web browsing, but
extended to VoIP and video applications. Such applications
impose stringent QoS requirements which cannot be met by
the 802.11 standard itself and this is the reason why the
802.11e Task Group has recently defined an emerging
standard for QoS support to multimedia traffics [2].
With respect to the DCF and PCF functions of the legacy
802.11 technology, the 802.11e standard introduces some
extensions of the medium access control protocol for efficient
bandwidth sharing, namely, the Hybrid Coordination
Function (HCF). HCF envisages two access schemes: the
Enhanced Distributed Channel Access (EDCA) and the HCF
Controlled Channel Access (HCCA).
Several studies [3], [4], [5] have shown the QoS
enhancements provided by the adoption of EDCA, since this
is the function supported by all 802.11e devices, while HCCA
is rarely implemented [6], just as it happens with DCF and
PCF respectively. Recent experiments [7], [8], [9], have also
shown the significant impact of EDCA parameters on QoS
An important parameter is the “transmission opportunity”
(TXOP), allowing stations to transmit multiple packets on a
single channel access until the expiration of a maximum
TXOP interval. A suitable allocation of TXOP duration
results in efficient bandwidth sharing and positive influence
on delay and throughput of multimedia traffics.
In this paper we evaluate how QoS of multimedia
applications can be enhanced through a dynamic tuning of the
TXOP EDCA parameter. We propose a dynamic algorithm,
1-4244-0330-8/06/$20.002006 IEEE
Riccardo Zambon
University of Siena
Siena, Italy
named DTXOP, for adjusting TXOP according to the current
traffic conditions, in order to privilege real-time applications
with respect to best-effort and background traffics.
The paper is organised as follows: section II provides a
general description of EDCA; in section III we define our
DTXOP allocation scheme; sections IV is dedicated to
simulations and results, before coming to the final remarks in
section V.
With respect to the DCF of legacy IEEE802.11b MAC, the
802.11 Task Group E has defined an enhanced MAC scheme
for wireless QoS deployment, namely the Hybrid
Coordination Function (HCF). HCF incorporates two access
modes: the Contention Period (CP), called EDCA, and the
Contention Free Period (CFP) called HCCA [2], [10].
Our work focuses on the EDCA scheme, according to
which differentiated channel access probabilities are provided
to frames contending for the channel resources. Depending on
traffic QoS requirements, packets are assigned to suitable
Access Categories (AC) implemented in different queues at
the QoS enabled stations (QSTA). AC-based prioritization is
realized through independent backoff entities. Specifically,
each AC is characterized by different contention parameters
regulating channel access and frame transmission timings.
Such parameters are:
- AIFSD (Arbitration Inter Frame Space Duration) - it is the
minimum interval of time after which a station detecting the
idle channel can start its backoff timer, thus entering into its
contention window. It is greater or equal to DIFS of the
legacy MAC; smaller AIFSD values correspond to higher
priority frames.
where AIFSN is an integer greater than zero and SlotTime is
fixed to 20 µs for the 802.11b PHY.
- CWmin and CWmax (Contention Window parameters) they represent the minimum and maximum values controlling
the size of the random backoff; first it is initialized at CWmin,
but after each unsuccessful channel access, the random
backoff window size is doubled up, with an upper bound of
- TXOP (transmission opportunity) - it is the time a station
has the right to transmit a burst of data frames; it is defined by
a starting time and a maximum duration, and it is assigned by
the AP on the basis of traffic classification and requirements.
Instead of DIFS, CWmin and CWmax of the legacy DCF, in
EDCA each AC uses its own AIFSD[AC], CWmin[AC] and
CWmax[AC] respectively. Smaller values of these parameters
The 18th Annual IEEE International Symposium on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications (PIMRC'07)
provide higher priority. EDCA values are announced
periodically by the AP via the beacon frame.
According to this mechanism, a QSTA implements
internally several virtual stations, one for each AC. Channel
access is thus based on the same principles of DCF. If an AC
detects the channel idle for its AIFSD, it starts its backoff
counter. When the counter reaches zero, transmission can
start. An internal scheduler resolves virtual collisions inside
the QSTA, by choosing the highest priority frame for
transmission. In such a case, the other colliding frames
perform a backoff, doubling up their contention window size.
The maximum number of permitted ACs is fixed to n=4
transmission queues for managing background, best-effort,
video and voice traffics.
A. TXOP Parameter
TXOP is an important parameter in HCF, since it allows a
station to transmit a burst of frames back-to-back without reentering the contention phase for the channel (figure 1).
Figure 1: Bursty transmission within a TXOP limit.
A key parameter regulating the maximum duration of the
transmission opportunity is TXOPlimit. Its value is delivered
by the AP to the wireless stations via the beacon frame,
together with the other EDCA parameters (i.e., CWmin,
CWmax, AIFS for each AC) [11] and its value is expressed in
units of 32 µs.
Usually the EDCA parameters for the PHY in use are set
by default according to table 1.
Table 1: Default EDCA parameters setting.
Traffic Type
Best effort
TXOP limit
3,264 ms
6,016 ms
A TXOPlimit equal to zero indicates that the station can
transmit only one frame, after which it has to enter a new
contention phase.
Unfortunately, the adoption of a unique value of TXOPlimit
for all stations, included the AP, results in an unfair behavior.
In fact, with n wireless stations and for each AC there are n
upstream entities contending the channel with just one
downstream entity at the AP. This creates an unbalance
between upstream and downstream throughputs, because the
AP has to deliver to the wireless stations the whole traffic
coming from the wired network section [3].
Consequently, different algorithms have been studied for
providing the AP with a greater TXOPlimit, in order to
increase the throughput of downstream traffics, otherwise
penalized by wireless stations contending the channel for
upstream transmissions. Previous efforts [8], [9] assume that
downstream traffic volumes are greater than upstream ones,
and this is true in general, but it is not a rule. There are also
situations in which the wireless stations need equal or even
more resources than the AP, because upstream traffic is more
demanding than downstream.
The study of TXOPlimit is important mainly in critical
cases, when the network is loaded and is close to saturation;
consequently a careful allocation of transmission resources
inside the CP can enhance the WLAN performance in terms
of throughput and delay of multimedia traffics.
To solve this problem we propose an algorithm capable of
tuning the TXOPlimit value at the AP, in order to dynamically
change its channel resources, according to the current traffic
conditions. In contrast with previous approaches, our
algorithm can also reduce the AP channel occupation time
when upstream demand is greater than downstream demand.
In such an asymmetric situation the TXOPlimit of the AP can
be smaller than the TXOPlimit of the other stations.
Our algorithm counts the number of lost packets during the
i-th observing time that we have set equal to the beacon
interval (i.e., 100ms). The term “lost packets” here refers to
packets transmitted but not yet acknowledged (at the MAC
level) during the observing time by the destination station; we
assume that each packet corresponds to one frame (no
fragmentation). We chose this unique indicator because it is
the main symptom of transmission problems, regardless of the
events that caused such problems. Moreover, it can be easily
obtained from the standard itself and no substantial
modification to the IEEE802.11e standard is required.
However, several other indicators could be considered (e.g.,
average CW, free channel time histograms, etc…), but the
algorithm at the AP would be much more complex in
comparison to the performance gain.
We define L(i) as:
L(i) = Lost_down(i) - Lost_up(i)
where Lost_down(i) and Lost_up(i) are the total number of
lost packets in downstream and upstream direction
respectively, calculated during the i-th interval (i=1, 2, ...) for
a specific AC.
As regards the AC0 class, assigned to VoIP sessions which
are intrinsically symmetric, we have:
TXOPlimitAP(i) = N(i) x TXOPlimitQSTA
where TXOPlimitAP(i) represents the TXOPlimit value at
the AP during the i-th observing interval, TXOPlimitQSTA is
the TXOP limit at the other QSTA and it is set equal to 3,264
ms by default for AC0 (see table 1), and N(i) represents the
number of wireless stations involved in VoIP sessions during
the i-th interval. According to this equation, if the BSS has N
transmitting/receiving QSTAs, its AP receives half of the
channel resources instead of 1/(N+1) that it would receive
The 18th Annual IEEE International Symposium on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications (PIMRC'07)
without dynamic adjustment. This fact allows to balance the
transmission of VoIP frames between upstream and
downstream directions, as requested by the symmetric nature
of VoIP sessions.
As regards the AC1 class, generally assigned to video
flows which can be symmetric (e.g., videoconference) or
asymmetric (e.g., streaming video), we have the following
We have adopted ns2 [12] for performing simulations, with
the additional module for IEEE802.11e QoS support
developed by TKN [13]. In order to reflect a real WLAN
implementation inside a building, we have used the
parameters (i.e., TX power, RX sensitivity, Range-Closed,
Frequency) based on the specification of Orinoco 802.11b
11Mbps PC card in closed environments [14].
|L(i-1)| < α
TXOPlimitAP(i) = TXOPlimitAP(i-1) x N(i)/N(i-1)
TXOPlimitAP(i) = {TXOPlimitAP(i-1) +
+ [TXOPlimitQSTA x L(i-1)/α]} x N(i)/N(i-1)
where the algorithm is initialized as below:
TXOPlimitAP(0) = N(0) x TXOPlimitQSTA
Figure 2: Simulation scenario.
and TXOPlimitQSTA is set equal to 6,016 ms by default for
AC1 (see table 1). The threshold α is an integer and it is a
tuning parameter that allows us to regulate the aggressiveness
of the algorithm. The increase of TXOPlimitAP is slower
when α increases. Our experimental results have shown that
α=10 is a good choice. Moreover, the factor N(i)/N(i-1)
appearing in (4) takes into account that the number of
contending entities of a given AC can dynamically change
and it has been introduced in order to provide a prompt
reaction to a new traffic load situation.
Through the proposed algorithm, the starting situation is
characterized by fairness between AP (transmitting
downstream) and the other stations (transmitting upstream);
this situation can evolve during time and consequently
TXOPlimitAP is periodically tuned according to the
difference between lost frames in the two directions during
the previous beacon interval. In fact, the increase of this
difference is the symptom of a growing unbalance and hence
more channel time is to be allocated to upstream or
downstream flows of that AC.
The values of the variables needed for solving the above
equations are all available without any modifications to the
IEEE802.11e standard; they can be directly read inside the
“dot11QosCounterTable” of the MIB standard [2].
In our simulations we have used a scenario based on a single
IEEE 802.11b BSS, with one AP and six wireless stations
sharing the same channel. We assume that all the stations are
at a short distance from the AP (maximum 20 m) and they
transmit at the maximum bit rate of 11 Mb/s. The AP is then
connected with a server through a 10BaseT switch (figure 2).
The BSS implements QoS support as defined in
The WLAN is characterized by heterogeneous traffics with
different QoS requirements, in particular:
- VoIP sessions, associated with AC0, reflecting ITU G.726
audio codec bit rate of 32 Kb/s (CBR source at 64 Kb/s PCM
coding rate with 50% on/off activity periods);
- video traffic, associated to AC1, at medium quality (bit
rate of 300 Kb/s);
- data, intended as FTP background traffic, with no
particular requirements in terms of delay, associated to AC4.
All traffics are established between the server and the
wireless stations and their start/stop times are varied during
simulations (see table 2). We have chosen a balanced scenario
(not usually studied in literature), where each traffic typology
is mainly symmetric with similar upstream/downstream
flows. In some simulations we also tested an unbalanced
scenario and even better results were found (not reported here
for a matter of space).
The main characteristics of heterogeneous traffics and their
respective packet size are reported in table 3.
Table 2: Traffic sources.
The 18th Annual IEEE International Symposium on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications (PIMRC'07)
Table 3: Traffic types.
Bit rate
32 Kbit/s
300 Kbit/s
Packet Size
80 bytes
1464 bytes
1500 bytes
We have run many simulations, under the same scenario in
two cases, without and with the adoption of our DTXOP
In the first simulation set we have used the standard values
of TXOPlimit for all traffic categories, as indicated in table 1.
A TXOPlimit equal to zero in AC2 and AC3 indicates that it
is allowed the transmission of one single frame per each
channel access (i.e., no transmission of bursts).
In the second set we have implemented our dynamic
TXOPlimit adjustment described in section IV.
The results of both simulations are reported in the following
figures, in terms of goodput and delay performance.
Figures 3 and 4 show the goodput performance for VoIP
and video respectively.
In the second temporal window (60-110s) new flows are
activated and the network is entering in a critical phase of
saturation of channel resources; here we can see the benefits
introduced by the dynamic adjustment of the TXOPlimit
parameter for both ACs. This fact is very evident especially in
the downstream direction, which is penalized with a static
TXOPlimit allocation. Moreover, with our algorithm the
goodput resources are much more balanced between
downstream/upstream, as it is clearly depicted in figures 3
and 4.
In the third temporal window (110-160s), the network is
overloaded and channel resources are no more sufficient to
satisfy all the different traffic flows; thus there is a significant
decrease in goodput performance, that is more evident for
video traffics. However, even in this case the dynamic
TXOPlimit approach shows much better results, allowing
applications to resist for a longer time before ceasing.
In such a heavily loaded situation the network is not able to
guarantee acceptable QoS performance and an admission
control mechanism is needed [15], [16], [17].
In figures 5 and 6 we reported the results in terms of packet
delay for VoIP and video traffics. Here the benefits
introduced by the dynamic adjustment of TXOPlimit are even
more evident.
Figure 3: Goodput for VoIP traffic.
As in the first temporal window (10-60s) only four
instances for each AC are active, VoIP and video maintain a
stable goodput, both without and with dynamic TXOPlimit
approach. VoIP denotes less variability because of its higher
priority class with respect to video, as we can see from figures
3 and 4.
Figure 4: Goodput for video traffic.
Figure 5: Packet delay (ms) for VoIP traffic.
In fact, with static TXOPlimit, only the upstream flows meet
good QoS requirements, keeping their packet delay values
constantly under 50ms for VoIP and 100ms for video. On the
contrary, downstream VoIP packets experience a sudden
increase, exceeding the value 200ms when the network is
approaching saturation (around the time value of 85s in fig.5).
As regards downstream video, delays show a similar
behaviour, reaching values above 700ms.
With dynamic TXOPlimit, delay performance are hugely
increased especially for downstream. In both directions VoIP
and video exhibit very good delay values, even if QoS
degradation appears evident when too many sources are
contending the channel. However the network is saturated
later than with static TXOPlimit, as the critical point is now
around the time value of 120s, after the ingress of more traffic
The 18th Annual IEEE International Symposium on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications (PIMRC'07)
sources in the network. Moreover it is to be noted that after a
relatively long transitory period, due to the growth of traffic
load, the network seems to recover and delays show a rapid
decrease to more acceptable values; this behavior is not
shown with static TXOPlimit allocation. The same
observation applies to goodput performance.
Finally, figure 7 shows the ratio between the average
upstream and downstream goodputs. The ideal case of equal
allocation of channel resources in the two directions should
follow a horizontal line around the unitary value. This
condition is satisfied only when the WLAN is not heavily
loaded. When traffic volumes increase, balance between
upstream and downstream goodputs is constantly maintained
only with the dynamic adjustment of TXOPlimit.
defer the attainment of network saturation, when traffic load
is too high, an admission control mechanism is needed in
order to meet QoS requirements of high priority traffics.
[1] IEEE Std. 802.11-1999, Part 11: Wireless LAN Medium Access
Control (MAC) and Physical Layer (PHY) specifications, Reference
number ISO/IEC 8802-11:1999(E), IEEE Std. 802.11, 1999.
[2] IEEE Std. 802.11e-2005, Part 11: Wireless LAN Medium Access
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[3] A. Grilo and M. Nunes, “Performance Evaluation of IEEE 802.11e”, in
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[4] Sunghyun Choi, Javier del Prado, Sai Shankar N and Stefan Mangold:
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[5] A. Andreadis, G. Benelli and R. Zambon, “Evaluation of QoS Support
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[6] A. Banchs, A. Azcorra, C. Garcia and R. Cuevas, “Applications and
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Figure 6: Packet delay (ms) for video traffic.
[7] Marjan Davcevski, Toni Janevski: “Analysis of IEEE 802.11e QoS in
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[8] M. Thottan and M.C. Weigle, “Impact of 802.11e EDCA on Mixed
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[9] J. Majkowski and F.C. Palacio, “Dynamic TXOP configuration for Qos
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International Conference on Software, Telecommunications and
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[10] Sai Shankar N: “Multimedia Wireless Local Area Networks” in
Emerging Wireless Multimedia: Services and Technologies, Editors
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[11] I. Tinnirello and S. Choi, “Temporal Fairness Provisioning in MultiRate Contention-Based 802.11e WLANs”, in Proceedings of the Sixth
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[12] Network Simulator ns-2.
[13] S. Wiethölter and C. Hoene, “An IEEE 802.11e EDCA and CFB
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Figure 7: Average upstream/downstream goodput ratio.
This work proposes a new algorithm for the dynamic
allocation of TXOP duration to each AC of a IEEE 802.11e
WLAN. As demonstrated by simulation results, the proposed
DTXOP scheme is capable of enhancing QoS performance of
heterogeneous multimedia applications and of achieving
fairness between the channel access time in upstream and
downstream directions. However, even if DTXOP allows to
[14] W.
ChannelinNS2_new.pdf, April 2004.
[15] H. Zhai, J. Wang and Y. Fang, “Providing Statistical QoS Guarantee for
Voice over IP in the IEEE 802.11 Wireless LANs”, IEEE Wireless
Communications, vol. 13, no. 1, pp. 36-43, February 2006.
[16] Y. Xiao, “QoS Guarantee and Provisioning at the Contention-Based
Wireless MAC Layer in the IEEE 802.11e Wireless LANs”, IEEE
Wireless Communications, vol. 13, no. 1, pp. 14-21, February 2006.
[17] X. Chen, H. Zhai, X. Tian and Y. Fang, “Supporting QoS in IEEE
802.11e Wireless LANs”, IEEE Transactions on Wireless
Communications, vol. 5, no 8, pp. 2217-2227, August 2006.