SchemaSQL: An extension to SQL for multidatabase interoperability

2001, ACM Transactions on Database Systems

We provide a principled extension of SQL, called SchemaSQL, that offers the capability of uniform manipulation of data and schema in relational multidatabase systems. We develop a precise syntax and semantics of SchemaSQL in a manner that extends traditional SQL syntax and semantics, and demonstrate the following. (1) SchemaSQL retains the flavor of SQL while supporting querying of both data

SchemaSQL—An Extension to SQL for Multidatabase Interoperability LAKS V. S. LAKSHMANAN The University of British Columbia FEREIDOON SADRI University of North Carolina, Greensboro and SUBBU N. SUBRAMANIAN Tavant Technologies We provide a principled extension of SQL, called SchemaSQL, that offers the capability of uniform manipulation of data and schema in relational multidatabase systems. We develop a precise syntax and semantics of SchemaSQL in a manner that extends traditional SQL syntax and semantics, and demonstrate the following. (1) SchemaSQL retains the flavor of SQL while supporting querying of both data and schema. (2) It can be used to transform data in a database in a structure substantially different from original database, in which data and schema may be interchanged. (3) It also permits the creation of views whose schema is dynamically dependent on the contents of the input instance. (4) While aggregation in SQL is restricted to values occurring in one column at a time, SchemaSQL permits “horizontal” aggregation and even aggregation over more general “blocks” of information. (5) SchemaSQL provides a useful facility for interoperability and data/schema manipulation in relational multidatabase systems. We provide many examples to illustrate our claims. We clearly spell out the formal semantics of SchemaSQL that accounts for all these features. We describe an architecture for the implementation of SchemaSQL and develop implementation algorithms based on available database technology that allows for powerful integration of SQL based relational DBMS. We also discuss the applicability of SchemaSQL for handling semantic heterogeneity arising in a multidatabase system. Categories and Subject Descriptors: H.2.3 [Database Management]: Languages—query languages; H.2.4 [Database Management]: Systems—relational databases; query processing; H.2.5 [Database Management]: Heterogeneous Databases L. V. S. Lakshmanan’s work was supported by a grant from the Natural Science and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC). F. Sadri’s work was supported by a grant from the National Science Foundation (NSF). Authors’ addresses: L. V. S. Lakshmanan, Department of Computer Science, The University of British Columbia, 2366 Main Mall, Vancouver, BC V6T 1Z4, Canada, e-mail:; F. Sadri, Department of Mathematical Sciences, University of North Carolina, Greensboro, NC 27410, e-mail:; S. N. Subramanian, Tavant Technologies, 542 Lakeside Drive #5, Sunnyvale, CA 94085, e-mail: Permission to make digital or hard copies of part or all of this work for personal or classroom use is granted without fee provided that copies are not made or distributed for profit or direct commercial advantage and that copies show this notice on the first page or initial screen of a display along with the full citation. Copyrights for components of this worked owned by others than ACM must be honored. Abstracting with credit is permitted. To copy otherwise, to republish, to post on servers, to redistribute to lists, or to use any component of this work in other works requires prior specific permission and/or a fee. Permission may be requested from Publications Dept., ACM, Inc., 1515 Broadway, New York, NY 10036 USA, fax +1 (212) 869-0481, or C 2001 ACM 0362-5915/01/1200-0476 $5.00 ACM Transactions on Database Systems, Vol. 26, No. 4, December 2001, Pages 476–519. SchemaSQL • 477 General Terms: Algorithms, Languages Additional Key Words and Phrases: Information integration, multidatabase systems, restructuring views, SchemaSQL, schematic heterogeneity 1. INTRODUCTION Significant strides in relational database technology have resulted in the autonomous creation and proliferation of database systems and applications, tailored to specific needs and user communities. A single organization often contains a large number of databases designed, created, and maintained by numerous groups independently of each other. These databases can be on different operating systems, different hardware, different platforms, and use different data models. The need to share information, within a single organization as well as across different organizations, has long been identified. There are several applications that create a need for sharing data and programs across the different databases. An example is a large organization whose operations may be divided on functional or departmental lines. Therefore, it is natural to have independent database systems that cater to different functional units and handle different organizational tasks. Normally, such an organization maintains separate databases for purchase, payroll, patents, and human resources. Suppose the organization decides to reward employees who have filed and successfully obtained more than n patents, for some suitable number n. Given the size of the organization, it would like to have this process automated. If all relevant information were available in one database, this would amount to implementing some kind of trigger, a functionality readily supported in most commercial DBMSs. On the other hand, the reality is that information pertinent to applications is often scattered across many database systems, on a multitude of platforms, with different DBMSs and even data models. Given the popularity of relational databases, it is reasonable to expect that in a significant number of cases, the database systems holding information of interest are relational. A challenge to developing such applications is one of being able to express and efficiently compute “cross-queries” that relate information in different databases. The issue of interoperability among databases has received considerable attention as a result of such a need. Interoperability is the ability to uniformly share, interpret, query, and manipulate information across many component databases. A multidatabase system (MDBS) provides such interoperability across a distributed network encompassing a heterogeneous mix of computers, operating systems, communication links, and local database systems. The terms, heterogeneous database systems and federated database systems, have also been used for these systems, sometimes with slight differences in the intended meaning. We use the term, multidatabase system, in this article. Some commercial systems (e.g., IBM DataJoiner [IBM], UniSQL/M [Kelley et al. 1995]) have already appeared on the market and significant research has been conducted in this area but there are many issues that still remain unresolved. For surveys on MDBS, see ACM [1990] (in particular, Sheth and ACM Transactions on Database Systems, Vol. 26, No. 4, December 2001. 478 • L. V. S. Lakshmanan et al. Larson [1990] and Litwin et al. [1990]), Hsiao [1992], and Elmagarmid et al. [1998]. Almost all factors of heterogeneity in a MDBS pose challenges for interoperability. These factors can be classified into semantic issues (e.g., interpreting and cross-relating information in different local databases), syntactic issues (e.g., heterogeneity in database schemas, data models, and in query processing, etc.), and systems issues (e.g., operating systems, communication protocols, consistency management, security management, etc.). We focus on syntactic and query language issues in this article. We consider the problem of interoperability among a number of component relational databases storing semantically similar information in structurally dissimilar ways. As was pointed out in Krishnamurthy et al. [1991], even in this case, the requirements imposed by interoperability are beyond the functionalities provided by conventional query languages like SQL. Some of the key features required of a language for interoperability in a (relational) MDBS are the following: (1) The language must have an expressive power that is independent of the schema used by the database. For instance, in most conventional relational languages, some queries (e.g., “find all department names”), expressible against the database univ-A in Figure 2, Section 2 are no longer expressible when the information is reorganized according to the schema of, say, univ-B there. This is undesirable and should be avoided. (2) To promote interoperability, the language must permit the restructuring of one database (e.g., the database univ-A in Figure 2) to conform to the schema of another (say, that of univ-B in that figure). (3) The language must be easy to use and yet sufficiently expressive. (4) The language must provide full data manipulation and view definition capabilities, and must be downward compatible with SQL, in the sense that it must be compatible with SQL syntax and semantics. This is a must given the importance and popularity of SQL in the database world. (5) Finally, the language must admit effective and efficient implementation. In particular, it must be possible to realize a non-intrusive implementation that would require minimal additions to component RDBMS. In this article, we propose an extension to SQL that meets all the criteria above. Specifically, our contributions are the following: —We propose a language called SchemaSQL, which meets the above criteria. We review the syntax and semantics of SQL, and develop SchemaSQL as a principled extension of SQL (Section 2). As a result, for a SQL user, adapting to SchemaSQL is relatively easy. —We study the semantics of SchemaSQL in depth (Sections 3 and 4), and illustrate the following powerful features of SchemaSQL: (i) uniform manipulation of data and meta-data; (ii) creating restructured views and the ability to dynamically create output schemas (e.g., univ-B in Figure 2); and ACM Transactions on Database Systems, Vol. 26, No. 4, December 2001. SchemaSQL • 479 Fig. 1. Syntax of simple SQL queries. (iii) the ability to express sophisticated aggregate computations far beyond those expressible in conventional languages like SQL. —We propose an implementation architecture for SchemaSQL that is designed to build on existing RDBMS technology, and requires minimal additions to it, while greatly enhancing its power (Section 5). We provide an implementation algorithm for SchemaSQL, and establish its correctness (Theorem 5.1 and 5.2). —We sketch novel query optimization opportunities that arise in the context of implementing SchemaSQL. We develop a lightweight extension to SchemaSQL for addressing semantic heterogeneity in MDBS in an elegant way (Section 6). —We provide a comparison with related work. Section 7 discusses related work and places our work in context. Since its proposal, it has been observed by researchers that SchemaSQL can provide useful enhancement to the functionality of SQL even in the context of single database systems for such applications as database publishing on the web [Miller 1998], query optimization in a data warehouse [Subramanian and Venkataraman 1998], and scalable classification algorithms in data mining [Wang et al. 1998]. We highlight these in Section 7. —Finally, Section 8 summarizes the paper and discusses future work. 2. SYNTAX Our goal is to develop SchemaSQL as a principled extension of SQL. To this end, in this section, we briefly analyze the syntax of SQL, and then develop the syntax of SchemaSQL as a natural extension. Later, in Section 3, we review the semantics of SQL and obtain the semantics of SchemaSQL as a simple extension. Our discussion in these sections is itself a novel way of viewing the syntax and semantics of SQL, which, in our opinion, helps a better understanding of SQL subtleties. In an SQL query, the (tuple) variables are declared in the from clause. A variable declaration has the form <range> <var>. For example, in the query in Figure 1(a), the expression emp T declares T as a variable that ranges over the (tuples of the) relation emp (in the usual SQL jargon, these variables are called aliases). The select and where clauses refer to (the extension of) attributes, where an attribute is denoted as <var>.<attName>, <var> being a (tuple) variable declared in the from clause, and <attName> being the name of an attribute of the relation over which var ranges. When no ambiguity arises, SQL permits certain abbreviations. Queries of Figure 1(b,c) are equivalent to the first one, and are the most common ways ACM Transactions on Database Systems, Vol. 26, No. 4, December 2001. 480 • L. V. S. Lakshmanan et al. such queries are written in practice. Note that in Figures 1(b) and 1(c), emp acts essentially as a tuple variable. The SchemaSQL syntax extends that of SQL in several directions. (1) The federation consists of databases, with each database containing relations. The syntax allows to distinguish between (the components of) different databases. (2) To permit meta-data queries and restructuring views, SchemaSQL permits the declaration of other types of variables in addition to the (tuple) variables permitted in SQL. (3) Aggregate operations are generalized in SchemaSQL to make horizontal and block aggregations possible, in addition to the usual vertical aggregation in SQL. In this section, we concentrate on the first two aspects. Restructuring views and aggregation are discussed in Section 4. In SchemaSQL, we refer to relation rel in database db as db::rel, thus distinguishing between relations in different databases. 2.1 Variable Declarations in SchemaSQL SchemaSQL permits the declaration of variables that can range over any of the following five sets: (i) names of databases in a federation; (ii) names of the relations in a database; (iii) names of the attributes in the scheme of a relation; (iv) tuples in a given relation in a database; and (v) values appearing in a column corresponding to a given attribute in a relation. Variable declarations follow the same syntax as <range> <var> in SQL, where var is any identifier. However, there are two major differences. (1) The only kind of range permitted in SQL is a set of tuples in some relation in the database, whereas in SchemaSQL any of the five kinds of ranges above can be used to declare variables. (2) More importantly, the range specification in SQL is made using a constant, that is, an identifier referring to a specific relation in a database. By contrast, the diversity of ranges possible in SchemaSQL permits range specifications to be nested, in the sense that it is possible to say, for example, that X is a variable ranging over the relation names in a database D, and that T is a tuple in the relation denoted by X. These ideas are made precise in the following definition: Definition 2.1 [Range Specifications]. The concepts of range specifications, constant, and variable identifiers are simultaneously defined by mutual recursion as follows: (1) Range specifications are one of the following five types of expressions, where db, rel, attr are any constant or variable identifiers (defined in (2) below). (a) The expression -> denotes a range corresponding to the set of database names in the federation. (b) The expression db-> denotes the set of relation names in the database db. ACM Transactions on Database Systems, Vol. 26, No. 4, December 2001. SchemaSQL • 481 Fig. 2. Representing similar information using different schemas in multiple databases univ-A, univ-B, univ-C, and univ-D. (c) The expression db::rel-> denotes the set of names of attributes in the scheme of the relation rel in the database db.1 (d) db::rel denotes the set of tuples in the relation rel in the database db. (e) db::rel.attr denotes the set of values appearing in the column named attr in the relation rel in the database db. (2) A variable declaration is of the form <range> <var> where <range> is one of the range specifications above and <var> is an identifier. An identifier <var> is said to be a variable if it is declared as a variable by an expression of the form <range> <var> in the from clause. Variables declared over the ranges (a) to (e) are called db-name, rel-name, attr-name, tuple, and domain variables, respectively. Any identifier not so declared is a constant. As an illustration of the idea of nesting variable declarations, consider the clause from db1-> X, db1::X T. This declares X as a variable ranging over the set of relation names in the database db1 and T as a variable ranging over the tuples in each relation X in the database db1. The following sections provide several examples demonstrating various capabilities of SchemaSQL. The following federation of databases is used as our running example. Consider the federation consisting of four databases, univ-A, univ-B, univ-C, and univ-D. Figure 2 shows some sample data in each of these four databases. Each database has (one or more) relation(s) that record(s) the salary floors for employees by their categories and their departments as follows: 1 The intuition for the notation is that we can regard the attributes of a relation as written to the right of the relation name itself! ACM Transactions on Database Systems, Vol. 26, No. 4, December 2001. 482 • L. V. S. Lakshmanan et al. • univ-A has a relation salInfo (category, dept, salFloor). • univ-B has a relation salInfo (category, dept1, dept2, . . . ). Note that the domains of dept1, dept2, . . . are the same as the domain of salFloor in univ-A::salInfo. • univ-C has one relation for each department with the scheme depti (category, salFloor). • univ-D has a relation salInfo (dept, cat1, cat2, . . . ). Note that the domains of attributes cat1, cat2, . . . are the same as the domain of salFloor in univ-A::salInfo. Example 2.1 [Comparing salaries in univ-A and univ-B]. List the departments in univ-A that pay a higher salary floor to their technicians compared with the same department in univ-B. (Q1) select from where A.dept univ-A::salInfo A, univ-B::salInfo B, univ-B::salInfo-> AttB AttB <> "category" A.dept = AttB A.category = "technician" B.category = "technician" A.salFloor > B.AttB and and and and Explanation. Variables A and B are (SQL-like) tuple variables ranging over the relations univ-A::salInfo and univ-B::salInfo, respectively. The variable AttB is declared as an attribute name of the relation univ-B::salInfo. It is intended to be a depti attribute (hence, the condition AttB <> "category" in the where clause). The rest of the query is self-explanatory. Example 2.2 [Comparing salaries in univ-C and univ-D]. List the departments in univ-C that pay a higher salary floor to their technicians compared with the same department in univ-D. (Q2) select from where RelC univ-C-> RelC, univ-C::RelC C, univ-D::salInfo D RelC = D.dept and C.category = "technician" and C.salFloor > D.technician Explanation. The variable RelC is declared as a relation name in the database univ-C. Note that in this database there is one relation per department, and the relation name coincides with department name. Variable C is then declared as a tuple variable on this (variable) relation RelC. The variable D is an (SQL-like) tuple variable ranging over the relation univ-D::salInfo. Note that in univ-D::salInfo categories are represented by attribute names, whose domains consist of the salary floors of the corresponding category. Hence, ACM Transactions on Database Systems, Vol. 26, No. 4, December 2001. SchemaSQL • 483 D.technician is the salary floor for category technician (for the tuple represented by tuple variable D). 3. SEMANTICS I: FIXED OUTPUT SCHEMA In this section, we discuss SchemaSQL queries with a fixed output schema. The topics of dynamic output schema and restructuring views are discussed in the next section. We first quickly review the semantics of SQL and express it in a manner that makes it possible to realize the semantics of SchemaSQL by a simple extension. 3.1 SQL Semantics Reviewed A query in SQL assumes a fixed scheme for the underlying database, and maps each database to a relation over a fixed scheme, called the output scheme associated with the query. Let D be the set of all database instances over a fixed scheme. Let a query Q be of the form2 select from where group by having attrList, aggList fromList whereConditions groupbyList havingConditions Let R be the set of all relations over the output scheme of the query Q. The query Q induces a function Q : D→R from databases to relations over a fixed scheme, defined as follows: Let D ∈ D be an input database, and T D the set of all tuples appearing in any relation in D. Let τ be the set of tuple variables occurring in Q. We define an instantiation as a function ı : τ → T D which instantiates each tuple variable in Q to some tuple over its appropriate range. The conditions whereConditions in the where clause induce a Boolean function, denoted satw (ı, Q), on the set of all instantiations, reflecting whether the conditions are satisfied by an instantiation. This is defined in the obvious manner. Let I Q = {ı | ı is an instantiation for which satw (ı, Q) = true} denote the set of instantiations satisfying whereConditions. The query assembles each satisfying instantiation into a tuple for the answer relation, via a tuple assembly function, defined below. Let TattrList denote the set of all tuples over the scheme attrList such that each value in each tuple appears in the database D. Then the tuple assembly function is a function tuple Q : I Q → TattrList defined as follows: O tuple Q (ı) = ı(t)[A]. “t.A”∈attrList Here, the predicate “t.A” ∈ attrList indicates the condition that the attribute denotation t.A literally appears in the list of attributes attrList in the select 2 In this article, we restrict attention to single block SchemaSQL queries. In keeping with this, we only consider single block SQL queries here. ACM Transactions on Database Systems, Vol. 26, No. 4, December 2001. 484 • L. V. S. Lakshmanan et al. N statement. The symbol denotes concatenation, and ı(t)[A] denotes the restriction of the tuple ı(t) to the attribute A. For an instantiation ı, tuple Q (ı) produces a tuple over the attributes attrList listed in the select statement. Suppose Q is a regular query, that is, a query without aggregation. In this case, the aggList is empty and the having and group by clauses are absent. So, the result of an SQL query without aggregation is captured by the function Q(D) = [tuple Q (ı) | ı ∈ I Q ]. Note that SQL has a multiset semantics. We use [· · ·] instead of {· · ·} to denote multisets. To account for aggregation, we need the following extension: Definition 3.1 [Equivalence Relation Induced by group by Clause]. For ı,  ∈ I Q , ı ∼  iff ∀ “t.A” ∈ groupbyList, ı(t)[A] =  (t)[A]. It is easy to see that ∼ is an equivalence relation on I Q . In words, two instantiations (satisfying the conditions in the where clause) are ∼-equivalent provided they agree on all attributes appearing in the group by clause. The conditions havingConditions in the having clause are a Boolean combination of atomic conditions of the form agg(t.att) relOp c and of the form agg1(t.att1) relOp agg2(t.att2). Intuitively, we are only interested in those equivalence classes of ∼ that satisfy havingConditions. For an equivalence class e of ∼, let sath (e, Q) = true denote that e satisfies havingConditions. Note that, in practice, checking whether sath (e, Q) = true for an equivalence class e requires the calculation of any additional aggregations that may appear in the having clause but not necessarily in the select clause. We have the following: Definition 3.2 [Valid Equivalence Classes]. E Q = {e | e is an equivalence class of ∼ and sath (e, Q) = true}. Let TaggList denote the set of all tuples over the scheme aggList. We define a function aggregate Q : E Q → TaggList as follows. O agg([ (t)[B] | e ∈ E Q and  ∈ e]). aggregate Q (e) = “agg(t.B)”∈AggList For a given equivalence class e ∈ E Q , aggregate Q considers all instantiations in e, and, for each aggregate operation, say agg, indicated on the attribute t.B in aggList, it performs the operation agg on the multiset of values associated with this attribute by instantiations in e. Again, we use [· · ·] to denote multisets. Now, we are ready to describe the tuple assembly associated with aggregate queries. Let Q be a query involving aggregation. Define a function aggtuple Q : E Q → TattrList × TaggList as follows: O aggregate Q (e), aggtuple Q (e) = tuple Q (ı) where ı is any instantiation in e. Note that SQL requires the set of attributes in attrList to be a subset of those in groupbyList. Hence, tuple Q (ı) is the same for all instantiations ı ∈ e, and thus aggtuple Q (e) is well defined, for any equivalence class e in E Q . ACM Transactions on Database Systems, Vol. 26, No. 4, December 2001. SchemaSQL • 485 Finally, the result of an aggregate SQL query is captured by the function Q(D) = [aggtuple Q (e) | e ∈ E Q ]. 3.2 Semantics of SchemaSQL Queries The semantics of SchemaSQL is obtained as a natural extension of that of SQL. A SchemaSQL query Q is of the form: select from where group by having itemList, aggList fromList whereConditions groupbyList havingConditions where itemList is a list of db-name, rel-name, attr-name, and domain variables; aggList is a list of expressions of the form agg(X) where agg is an aggregate function, and X is a db-name, rel-name, attr-name, or domain variable; fromList is a list of variable declarations; groupbyList is a list of db-name, rel-name, attr-name, and domain variables; and the conditions in the where and having clauses are analogous to SQL. The main difference with an SQL query is the availability of additional variable types, in addition to the usual SQL tuple variables. Let D be the set of all federation database instances. Let R be the set of all relations over the output scheme of the query Q. The query Q induces a function Q : D→R from federations to relations, defined as follows. Let D ∈ D be an input federation, and O D the set of all items (database names, relation names, attribute names, tuples, and values) appearing in D. Let V be the set of variables occurring in Q. We define an instantiation as a function ı : V → O D which instantiates each variable in Q to some item over its appropriate range. Throughout this article, we assume that any instantiation ı is extended in such a way that for a literal constant c, ı(c) = c. In defining the semantics of SchemaSQL queries, we find the following definitions useful. Identifiers in typewrite font (e.g., db) can be constants or variables. Definition 3.3 [Admissibility]. An instantiation ı is admissible provided, it satisfies the following conditions: —whenever -> D is a declaration in the from clause, ı(D) is the name of a database in the federation. —whenever db-> R is a declaration in the from clause, ı(R) is the name of a relation in the database ı(db). —whenever db::rel-> A is a declaration in the from clause, ı(A) is an attribute name in the relation ı(rel) in the database ı(db). —whenever db::rel T is a declaration in the from clause, ı(T) is a tuple in the relation ı(rel) in the database ı(db). ACM Transactions on Database Systems, Vol. 26, No. 4, December 2001. 486 • L. V. S. Lakshmanan et al. —whenever db::rel.attr V is a declaration in the from clause, ı(V) is a value that appears in the column ı(attr) of the relation ı(rel) in the database ı(db). —whenever T.attr V is a variable declaration in the from clause, ı(V) = ı(T)[ı(attr)]. Definition 3.3 precisely captures the notion of an appropriate range for a variable. Definition 3.4 [Validity]. Let sat(ı, Q) be a Boolean function on the set of all instantiations, induced by the conditions in the where clause. An instantiation ı is valid provided (a) it is admissible, and (b) sat(ı, Q) is true. The conditions in the where clause as well as additional conditions induced by the presence of certain patterns involving tuple variables is captured in Definition 3.4. We now define, I Q = {ı | ı is a valid instantiation}. (1) The query assembles each satisfying instantiation into a tuple for the answer relation, as follows. Let TitemList denote the set of all tuples over the scheme itemList such that each value in each tuple appears in the federation D. Then the tuple assembly function is a function tuple Q : I Q → TitemList defined as follows: O tuple Q (ı) = ı(s), (2) s∈itemList where s is a db-name, rel-name, attr-name, or domain variable. For an instantiation ı, tuple Q (ı) produces a tuple over the list of objects itemList listed in the select statement. 3.2.1 Queries with Fixed Output Schema and No Aggregation. Suppose Q is a SchemaSQL query without aggregation. In this case, the result of the query is captured by the function Q(D) = [tuple Q (ı) | ı ∈ I Q ]. (3) Similar to SQL, SchemaSQL’s semantics is based on multisets. Multisets are distinguished from sets with the use of [. .] instead of {. .}. It is not hard to see that the formal semantics captured by these definitions exactly correspond to the intuitive semantics discussed earlier for Queries Q1 and Q2 of Section 2. 3.3 Aggregation with Fixed Output Schema In SQL, we are restricted to “vertical” (or column-wise) aggregation on a predetermined set of columns, while SchemaSQL allows “horizontal” (or row-wise) aggregation, and also aggregation over more general “blocks” of information. Before we illustrate these points with examples, we provide a formal development of the semantics. 3.3.1 Semantics of Aggregation with Fixed Output Schema. Let Q be a SchemaSQL query involving aggregation. Similar to the development of SQL ACM Transactions on Database Systems, Vol. 26, No. 4, December 2001. SchemaSQL • 487 semantics, we define the equivalence relation ∼ on the instantiations I Q , and the set E Q of equivalence classes of ∼ that satisfy the havingConditions for SchemaSQL queries. Definition 3.5 [Equivalence Relation Induced by group by Clause]. For ı,  ∈ I Q , ı ∼  iff ∀ “v” ∈ groupbyList, ı(v) =  (v). It is straightforward to see that ∼ is an equivalence relation on I Q . Intuitively, two instantiations are ∼-equivalent provided they agree on all variables appearing in the group by clause. We denote by E Q the set of equivalence classes of I Q under ∼. Definition 3.6 [Valid equivalence classes]. E Q = {e | e is an equivalence class of ∼ and sath (e, Q) = true}, (4) where sath (e, Q) = true means equivalence class s satisfies the havingConditions. Let TaggList denote the set of tuples over the scheme aggList. We define a function aggregate Q : E Q →TaggList as follows: O agg([ (v) | e ∈ E Q and  ∈ e]). (5) aggregate Q (e) = “agg(v)”∈aggList For a given equivalence class e ∈ E Q , aggregate Q considers all instantiations in e, and, for each aggregate operation, say agg, indicated on the variable v in aggList, it performs the operation agg on the multiset of values associated with this variable by instantiations in e. Let Q be a query involving aggregation. We define the tuple assembly function aggtuple Q : E Q → TitemList × TaggList as follows: O aggregate Q (e), (6) aggtuple Q (e) = tuple Q (ı) where ı is any instantiation in e. In SchemaSQL, we require the set of variables in itemList to be a subset of those in groupbyList. Hence, tuple Q (ı) is the same for all instantiations ı ∈ e, and thus aggtuple Q (e) is well defined, for any equivalence class e in E Q . Finally, the result of a SchemaSQL query with aggregation is captured by the function Q(D) = [aggtuple Q (e) | e ∈ E Q ]. (7) We now provide some examples illustrating aggregation in SchemaSQL. Example 3.1 [Horizontal Aggregation and Aggregation through Multiple Relations]. The query (Q3) select from where group by T.category, avg(T.D) univ-B::salInfo-> D, univ-B::salInfo T D <> "category" T.category computes the average salary floor of each category of employees over all departments in univ-B. This captures horizontal aggregation. The condition D <> ACM Transactions on Database Systems, Vol. 26, No. 4, December 2001. 488 • L. V. S. Lakshmanan et al. “category” enforces the variable D to range over department names. Hence, a knowledge of department names (and even the number of departments) is not required to express this query. Alternatively, we could enumerate the departments, that is, using the condition (D = “Math” or D = “CS” or . . .).3 By contrast, the query (Q4) select from group by T.category, avg(T.salFloor) univ-C-> D, univ-C::D T T.category computes a similar information from univ-C. Notice that the aggregation is computed over a multiset of values obtained from several relations in univ-C. In a similar way, aggregations over values collected from more than one database can also be expressed. Block aggregations of a more sophisticated form are illustrated in Example 4.3. 4. SEMANTICS II: DYNAMIC OUTPUT SCHEMA AND RESTRUCTURING VIEWS The result of an SQL query (or view definition) is a single relation. Our discussion in the previous section was limited to the fragment of SchemaSQL queries that produce one relation, with a fixed schema, as output. In this section, we provide examples to demonstrate the following capabilities of SchemaSQL: (i) declaration of dynamic output schema, (ii) restructuring views, and (iii) interaction between dynamic output schema creation and aggregation. We illustrate the capabilities of SchemaSQL for the generation of an output schema which can dynamically depend on the contents of the input instance (i.e., the databases in the federation). While aggregation in SQL is restricted to vertical aggregation on a predetermined set of columns, we have so far seen that SchemaSQL can express horizontal aggregation and aggregation over more general “blocks” (see Example 3.1, Q3 and Q4). In this section, we shall see that the combination of dynamic output schema and metadata variables, namely, db-name, rel-name, and attr-name variables, allows us to express more powerful aggregations such as vertical aggregation on a variable number of columns and aggregation on a variable number of blocks as well. 4.1 Restructuring Without Aggregation We first illustrate the ideas and expressive power of SchemaSQL for performing restructuring, using examples. Formal development will follow. Example 4.1 [Restructuring univ-B Database into the Schema of univ-A Database]. Consider the relation salInfo in the database univ-B. The 3 An elegant solution would be to specify some kind of “type hierarchy” for the attributes, which can then be used for saying “D is an attribute of the following kind”, rather than “D is one of the following attributes”. Our proposed extension to SchemaSQL, discussed in Section 6.2, addresses this issue. ACM Transactions on Database Systems, Vol. 26, No. 4, December 2001. SchemaSQL • 489 following SchemaSQL view definition restructures this information into the format of the schema of univ-A::salInfo. (Q5) create view select from where BtoA::salInfo(category, dept, salFloor) as T.category, D, T.D univ-B::salInfo-> D, univ-B::salInfo T D <> ‘category’ Explanation. Two variables are declared in the from clause: T is a tuple variable ranging over the tuples of relation univ-B::salInfo, and D is an attributename variable ranging over the attributes of univ-B::salInfo. The condition in the where clause forces D to be a department name. Finally, each output tuple (T.category,D,T.D) lists the category, department name, and the corresponding salary floor (which is in the format of univ-A::salInfo). Note that corresponding to each tuple in the univ-B::salInfo format, Q(5) generates several tuples in the univ-A::salInfo scheme. The mapping, in this respect, is one-to-many. But each instantiation of the variables in the query, actually contributes to one output tuple. The following example illustrates restructuring involving dynamic creation of output schema. Example 4.2 [Restructuring univ-A database into the schema of univ-B database]. This view definition restructures data in univ-A::salInfo into the format of the schema univ-B::salInfo. (Q6) create view select from AtoB::salInfo(category, D) as A.category, A.salFloor univ-A::salInfo A, A.dept D Explanation. Each tuple of univ-A::salInfo contains the salary floor for one category in a single department, while each tuple of univ-B::salInfo contains the salary floors for one category in every department. Intuitively, all tuples in univ-A::salInfo corresponding to the same category are grouped together and “merged” to produce one output tuple. Another aspect of this restructuring view is the use of variables in the create view clause. The variable D in create view AtoB::salInfo(category, D) is declared as a domain variable ranging over the values of the dept attribute in the relation univ-A::salInfo. Hence, the schema of the view AtoB::salInfo is “dynamically” declared as AtoB::salInfo(category, dept1, . . . , deptn), where dept1, . . . , deptn are the values occurring in the dept column in the relation univ-A::salInfo. The restructuring in this example corresponds to a many-to-one mapping from instantiations to output tuples. As demonstrated by the previous examples, the semantics of restructuring in the context of a dynamically declared output schema has two aspects to it: (i) the determination of the output schema itself, and (ii) the formatting of ACM Transactions on Database Systems, Vol. 26, No. 4, December 2001. 490 • L. V. S. Lakshmanan et al. data to conform to the schema determined in (i). In this section, we formalize these concepts. We illustrate our development of the semantics by revisiting Example 4.2. Let a SchemaSQL query Q be a view definition of the form create view select from where db::rel(attr1,..., attrn) as obj1,..., objn fromList whereConditions where db, rel are constants or db-name, rel-name, att-name, or domain variables; attr1, . . . , attrn are all constants or one of them is a db-name, rel-name, att-name, or domain variable and the rest are constants; and obj1, . . . , objn are db-name, rel-name, att-name, or domain variables. We first define some useful notions. Recall that I Q is the set of valid instantiations (of the variables declared in the from clause) that satisfy the conditions in the where clause, as defined in Section 3.2. Definition 4.1 [Instantiations contributing to the same output relation]. For two instantiations ı,  ∈ I Q , we define ı ≡  , provided ı(db) =  (db) and ı(rel) =  (rel). Clearly ≡ is an equivalence relation. Determination of Output Schema. Each instantiation ı ∈ I Q produces a view of a database namely, ı(db), containing a relation named ı(rel), whose scheme consists of the attribute set attrset Q (ı) = { (attr) | attr ∈ {attr1, . . . , attrn},  ∈ I Q ,  ≡ ı}. Thus, each ≡-equivalence class of instantiations defines one relation scheme in the output view. For example, in Example 4.2, all instantiations ı ∈ I Q are ≡-equivalent, and this one equivalence class produces a view containing a database called AtoB, containing one relation named salInfo, with the scheme {category, CS, Math, . . .}. Formatting Data to Fit the Schema. There are two aspects to this. First, the output computed by the SchemaSQL query defining the view has to be properly allocated to conform to the output schema declared in the create view statement. This by itself might in general result in null values, which we can eliminate by identifying maximal subsets of “related” tuples and “merging” them. These ideas are made precise below. As seen above, an instantiation ı ∈ I Q contributes to a view of a database ı(db) containing a relation named ı(rel) with a scheme given by attrset Q (ı). The instantiations ≡-equivalent to ı contribute to a relation, allocate Q (ı), over the attribute set attrset Q (ı), as follows. For each instantiation  ∈ I Q such that  ≡ ı, allocate Q (ı) contains a tuple t, defined as follows. Let A ∈ attrset Q (ı). Then ½  (objk), whenever A =  (attrk) t[A] = null , otherwise. Figure 3(i) shows allocate Q6 (ı) for the view (Q6) defined in Example 4.2, where ı is any instantiation (recall all of them are ≡-equivalent). Secondly, merging of tuples in allocate Q (ı) is formalized as follows: Let DOM denote the union of all domains of all attributes of all relations involved in the ACM Transactions on Database Systems, Vol. 26, No. 4, December 2001. SchemaSQL • 491 Fig. 3. (i) The relation allocate Q6 (ı) and (ii) the final result after merging. federation, together with the null value, null. Define a partial order on DOM, by setting null ≤ v, ∀v ∈ DOM. In particular, note that any two distinct non-null values are incomparable. The least upper bound, lub, of two values in DOM is defined in the obvious way.  if v ≤ u  u, if u ≤ v lub(u, v) = v,  undefined, otherwise. We now have the following: Definition 4.2 [Merging a Pair of Tuples]. Two tuples t1 , t2 over a relation scheme R = {A1 , . . . , An } are mergeable provided for each i = 1, . . . , n, either t1 [Ai ] = t2 [Ai ], or at least one of t1 [Ai ] or t2 [Ai ] isJa null. Suppose t1 and t2 are mergeable. Then their merge, denoted t = t1 t2 , is defined as t[Ai ] = lub(t1 [Ai ], t2 [Ai ]), i = 1, . . . , n. J Clearly, the operator is commutative and associative, and it can be easily extended to any set of mergeable tuples. It will be convenient below to extend J the operator to any relation containing an arbitrary (i.e., not necessarily mergeable) set of tuples. The idea is to partition the relation into sets of mergeable tuples, and merge the tuples in each partition. Notice that mergeability is not a transitive relation: for example, tuple t1 = (a, ⊥) is mergeable with each of the tuples t2 = (a, b) and t3 = (a, b′ ), which themselves are not mergeable. Thus, in partitioning a relation into sets of mergeable tuples, choice arises in grouping tuples. From the point of view of the meaning of the tuples, the choices may be made arbitrarily. So, for instance, we may merge t1 and t2 above (and leave t3 alone) or merge t1 and t3 . While the results look physically different, the meaning is the same. Intuitively, we need any “maximal” partition of a relation that respects mergeability, formalized below. Definition 4.3 [Maximal Partitions]. A partition P = {r1 , . . . , rk } of a relation r is valid provided for each block ri , the tuples in ri are pairwise mergeable, 1 ≤ i ≤ k. Define a partial order ≤ on partitions as follows:4 P1 ≤ P2 provided ∀ri ∈ P1 : ∃s j ∈ P2 : ri ⊆ s j . A partition P is a maximal valid partition provided for every valid partition P ′ : P ≤ P ′ ⇒ P ′ = P. 4 This is the dual of the standard refinement ordering on partitions. ACM Transactions on Database Systems, Vol. 26, No. 4, December 2001. 492 • L. V. S. Lakshmanan et al. The following easily established result reveals the significance of maximal valid partitions. LEMMA 4.1 [MAXIMAL PARTITIONS]. Let r be a relation and P be any maximal valid partition of r. Then the following holds: (i) for each block ri ∈ P, the tuples in ri are pairwise mergeable; (ii) for any two distinct blocks ri , r j ∈ P, the tuples ri ∪ r j are not pairwise mergeable, that is, there is a pair of tuples t, t ′ ∈ ri ∪ r j such that they are not mergeable. We suppress the obvious proof. Finally, we can define the result of applying a merge operator to a relation as follows: Definition 4.4 [Merging a Relation]. Let and P = {r1 , . . . , rk } Jr be a relation J be any maximal valid partition of r. Then, r = { (ri ) | ri ∈ P }. Finally, we can define the semantics of view definitions in SchemaSQL without aggregation as follows: Definition 4.5 [Semantics of Restructuring Views without Aggregation]. Let Q be the SchemaSQL query that defines a view V . Then the materialization of V consists of one relation for each ≡-equivalence class of instantiations in I Q . For an equivalence class [ı], for any ı ∈ I Q , the corresponding relation is J determined by allocate Q (ı). As an example, the final output produced by the view definition (Q6) in Example 4.2 is a view of a database A2B containing a relation salInfo(category, CS, Math) as shown in Figure 3(ii). 4.2 Aggregation with Dynamic View Definition In Section 3, we illustrated the capability of SchemaSQL for computing (i) horizontal aggregation and (ii) aggregation over blocks of information collected from one or more relations, or even databases. In this section, we shall see that when SchemaSQL aggregation is combined with its view definition facility, it is possible to express vertical aggregation over a variable number of columns or blocks of data, determined dynamically by the input instance. The following examples illustrate this point. Example 4.3 [Block Aggregation: Fixed and Dynamic Output Schemas]. Suppose in the database univ-D in Figure 2, there is an additional relation faculty(dname, fname) relating each department to its faculty, such as, (math, arts and sciences), (physics, arts and sciences), (cs, engineering and comp sci), etc. The first query uses a fixed output schema. The second query is identical to the first except for a create view expression that defines a dynamic output schema: (Q7) select from U.fname, avg(T.C) univ-D::salInfo-> C, univ-D::salInfo T, univ-D::faculty U ACM Transactions on Database Systems, Vol. 26, No. 4, December 2001. SchemaSQL where group by • 493 C <> "dept" and T.dept = U.dname U.fname Q7 computes, for each faculty, the faculty-wide average floor salary of all employees (over all departments) in the faculty. Notice that the aggregation is performed over ‘rectangular blocks’ of information. Consider now the following view definition Q8, which is essentially defined using the query Q7. (Q8) create view select from where group by averages::salInfo(faculty, C) as U.fname, avg(T.C) univ-D::salInfo-> C, univ-D::salInfo T, univ-D::faculty U C <> "dept" and T.dept = U.dname U.fname The view defined by Q8 actually computes, for each faculty, the average floor salary in each category of employees (over all departments) in the faculty. This is achieved by using the variable C, ranging over categories, in the dynamic output schema declaration through the create view statement. The schema of the output has the form {faculty, Prof, AssocProf, Technician, . . . }, namely, the variable C in the view definition represents its value in the set of valid instantiations, and hence the output schema depends on the input data. Example 4.4 [Aggregation on a Variable Number of Blocks]. Let us add yet another relation to the database univ-D of Figure 2. The relation empType(category, type) lists the categories, and their types, for example, (prof, teaching faculty), (assoc prof, teaching faculty), (technician, technical staff), (secretary, administrative staff), etc. Consider the query: (Q9) create view select from where group by averages::salInfo(faculty, Y) as U.fname, avg(T.C) univ-D::salInfo-> C, univ-D::salInfo T, univ-D::faculty U, univ-D::empType E, E.type Y C <> "dept" and T.dept = U.dname and E.category = C U.fname Figure 4 depicts relation univ-D::salInfo, and the “blocks” upon which the aggregation is carried out. Each block corresponds to a faculty and an employee type. ACM Transactions on Database Systems, Vol. 26, No. 4, December 2001. 494 • L. V. S. Lakshmanan et al. Fig. 4. univ-D::salInfo relation. The schema components appear in bold face font. The “facultyi & category type j ” rectangles are the blocks upon which the aggregation is carried out. The schema of the output relation is averages :: salInfo(faculty, teachingfaculty, technicalstaff, . . .) and each tuple in the output lists a faculty, such as “arts and sciences”, and the corresponding average salary floors for the employees in each of the category types “teaching faculty”, “technical staff”, “administrative staff”, etc. 4.2.1 Semantics of Aggregation with Dynamic View Definition. The semantics of restructuring (via view definition) with aggregation involves putting together the ideas behind each of these operations. Intuitively, as explained in Section 4.1, the instantiations ≡-equivalent to ı ∈ I Q produce (in the view) one relation in a database whose scheme consists of the attributes attrset Q (ı), as defined in that section. The tuples for this relation are obtained by computing the aggregations listed in the aggList in the select statement with respect to each valid equivalence class of instantiations that agree on the variables listed in the group by clause as well as on the variables appearing in the create view statement, and then performing the necessary merging. The reason for including the variables in the create view statement is that they specify an implicit group by. This intuition is formalized below. Consider the SchemaSQL view definition Q, below: create view select from where group by having db::rel(attr1,..., attrn) as itemList, aggList fromList whereConditions groupbyList havingConditions Definition 4.6 [Equivalence Relation Induced by Group by and Create View Clauses]. For two instantiations ı,  ∈ I Q , we define ı# , provided for each o ∈ groupbyList, ı(o) =  (o), and for each variable X occurring in the create view statement, ı(X ) =  (X ). Clearly, # is an equivalence relation. Similar to previous cases, we denote by E Q the set of equivalence classes of I Q under # that satisfy the havingConditions: ACM Transactions on Database Systems, Vol. 26, No. 4, December 2001. SchemaSQL • 495 Definition 4.7 [Valid Equivalence Classes]. E Q = {e | e is an equivalence class of # and sath (e, Q) = true}. The notions of aggregate Q (e), aggtuple Q (e), and sath (e, Q) for an equivalence class e ∈ E Q , are defined analogously to the way they were defined in Section 3.3. The only difference is that the equivalence relation # is used instead of ∼. O agg([ (o) | e ∈ E Q and  ∈ e]) aggregate Q (e) = “agg(o)”∈aggList aggtuple Q (e) = tuple Q (ı) O aggregate Q (e) where ı is any instantiation in the equivalence class e. The concept of allocating tuples computed above according to the various output schemas dynamically created by the instantiations can be formalized in a way similar to what was done in Section 4.1, and we suppress these obvious details for brevity. Recall that the schema of each output relation is determined by one equivalence class of I Q under the ≡ relationship. Let aggallocate Q (ı) denote the allocated relation determined by the ≡-equivalence class of ı ∈ I Q . The concept of merging, defined in Definitions 4.2 and 4.4, can now be directly applied to compute the final output. Thus, for each J instantiation ı ∈ I Q , the ≡-equivalence class of ı contributes to the relation aggallocate Q (ı), over the schema ı(db) :: ı(rel)(attrset Q (ı)). As an example, it is easy to verify that the view defined by Q8 indeed computes for each faculty, the category-wise floor salary averages. Before closing this section, we note that the combination of dynamic output schema declaration with SchemaSQL’s aggregation mechanism makes it possible to express many other novel forms of aggregation as well. Further, note that the examples in this and previous sections were in the context of a single database, demonstrating some of the applications of SchemaSQL for a single database environment. 5. IMPLEMENTATION In this section, we describe the architecture of a system for implementing a multidatabase querying and restructuring facility based on SchemaSQL. A highlight of our architecture is that it builds on existing architecture of SQL in a nonintrusive way, requiring minimal extensions to prevailing database technology. This makes it possible to build a SchemaSQL system on top of (already available) SQL systems. We also identify novel query optimization opportunities that arise in a multidatabase setting. The architecture consists of a SchemaSQL server that communicates with the local databases in the federation. We assume that the meta-information comprising component database names, names of the relations in each database, names of the attributes in each relation, and possibly other useful information (such as statistical information on the component databases, useful for query optimization) are stored in the SchemaSQL server in the form of a relation called Federation System Table (FST). ACM Transactions on Database Systems, Vol. 26, No. 4, December 2001. 496 • L. V. S. Lakshmanan et al. Fig. 5. SchemaSQL — implementation architecture. Figure 5 depicts our architecture for implementing SchemaSQL. At a high level, global SchemaSQL queries are submitted to the SchemaSQL server, which determines a series of local SQL queries and submits them to the local databases. The SchemaSQL server then collects the answers from local databases, and, using its own resident SQL engine, executes a final series of SQL queries against the answers collected above, to produce the answer to the global query. Intuitively, the task of the SchemaSQL server is to compile the instantiations for the variables declared in the query, and enforce the conditions, groupings, aggregations, and mergings to produce the output. Many query optimization opportunities at different stages, and at different levels of abstraction, are possible, and should be employed for efficiency (see discussions in Section 6.1). Algorithms 5.1 and 5.2 give detailed accounts of our query processing strategy for the fixed and dynamic output schema, respectively. Query processing in a SchemaSQL environment consists of two major phases. In the first phase, tables called VIT ’s (Variable Instantiation Tables) corresponding to the variable declarations in the from clause of a SchemaSQL query are generated. The schema of a VIT consists of all the variables in one or more variable declarations in the from clause, while its contents correspond to instantiations of these variables. VIT’s are materialized by executing appropriate SQL queries on the FST and/or component databases. In the second phase, the SchemaSQL query is rewritten into a series of one or more SQL queries against the VITs with the property that the result of the series of queries against the ACM Transactions on Database Systems, Vol. 26, No. 4, December 2001. SchemaSQL • 497 VITs is identical to that of the original SchemaSQL query against the federation. The result so obtained is appropriately restructured for presentation to the user. For ease of exposition, we first consider (Section 5.1) SchemaSQL queries with a fixed output schema and then present the algorithm for handling queries with a dynamic output schema (Section 5.2). 5.1 Processing SchemaSQL Queries with a Fixed Output Schema We assume that the FST has the scheme FST(db-name, rel-name, attr-name). Also, we refer to the db-name, rel-name, and attr-name variables (defined in Definition 2.1) collectively as meta-variables. Our algorithm below considers SchemaSQL queries with a fixed output schema, possibly with aggregation. The algorithm consists of two phases as explained above. In order to facilitate the reader to follow the development, we break the presentation of the algorithm after each phase and follow it with an illustrative example. ALGORITHM 5.1. SchemaSQL Query Processing—Fixed Output Schema Input: A SchemaSQL query with aggregation and with a fixed output schema. Output: The result of the query. Method: Phase I: Corresponding to a set of variable declarations in the from clause, create V I T s using one or more SQL queries against some local databases and/or the FST. Phase II: Rewrite the original SchemaSQL query against the federation into an “equivalent” query against the set of V I T relations and compute it using the resident SQL server. Phase I (0) Rewrite the input SchemaSQL statement into the following form such that the conditions in the where and having clauses are in conjunctive normal form. select from where group by having itemList, aggList hrang e1 i V1 , . . . , hrang ek i Vk hcond 1 i and . . . and hcond m i groupbyList havingConditions We assume an ordering on the variable declarations in the from clause: If a variable V j appears in the range of another variable Vi , that is, in hrangei i, then we say Vi depends on V j , denoted V j ≺ Vi . We will assume that whenever V j ≺ Vi , the declaration of V j comes before that of Vi in the from clause. It is trivial to reorder the declarations in a given SchemaSQL query to meet this condition. (1) Consider each variable declaration hrangei i Vi , 1 ≤ i ≤ k. The following cases arise: (a) Vi is a meta-variable: In this case, all variables in the declaration hrangei i Vi must be meta-variables. As an optimization issue, notice that it is sufficient to create VITs for just those meta variables that are maximal (among meta-variables) with respect to the ordering ≺: As we will discuss below, the VIT for a maximal meta-variable Vi also contains the instantiations for all meta-variables V j such that V j ≺ Vi . Create a VIT for Vi , VITVi as follows: the schema of VITVi consists of Vi and all variables V j such that V j ≺ Vi ; the contents of VITVi are obtained using an appropriate SQL query against the FST. For example, assume the from clause contains the declarations -> D and D::r-> A declaring db-name and attr-name variables D and A, where r is a constant (relation ACM Transactions on Database Systems, Vol. 26, No. 4, December 2001. 498 • L. V. S. Lakshmanan et al. name). The VIT for D will have the schema {D, A}. Its contents can be obtained using the SQL query select from where db-name as D, attr-name as A FST rel-name = r Notice that VITD includes instantiations for the attr-name variable A, and thus we can save on creating a separate VIT for A. We can further optimize the query processing by enforcing conditions of the form U relOp c (or c relOp U ) in the where clause of the original SchemaSQL query, if any, at this time, provided U is a variable in the schema of VITVi , relOp is a comparison operator, and c is a constant. (b) Vi is a tuple variable: Let the declaration for T be db::rel T, where db (rel) can be constant or variable. Determine the schema of VITT as follows. (i) Include all meta-variables appearing in db::rel, if any, in the schema of VITT . (ii) If T.a, where a is a constant, appears in the query (in the select, where,5 group by, or having clauses), include Ta in the schema of VITT . Here, the identifier Ta is obtained by concatenating the tuple variable T with the attribute name a. (iii) For each domain variable declaration T.a V, where a is a constant, include V in the schema of VITT . For each domain variable declaration T.A V, where A is an attr-name variable, include both A and V in the schema of VITT . (iv) If, for an attr-name variable A, T.A appears in the select, where, group by, or having clauses, then include both A and TA in the schema of VITT . Next, obtain the contents of VITT by submitting SQL queries to component databases, and computing their union, as follows. (i) Identify the meta-variables in the schema of VITT . These include any variables in db::rel, and possibly some attr-name variables. Obtain the bindings for these variables by executing an SQL query on their VITs. (ii) For each binding obtained, generate one SQL query and submit it to the appropriate component database, in order to retrieve the relevant tuples from that database that pertain to the binding on the meta-variables. Push each condition of the form T.att relOp c (c relOp T.att), T.A relOp c (c relOp T.A), and V relOp c (c relOp V), where att and c are constants, A is an attr-name variable, and V is a domain variable declared using T, in the where clause of the original SchemaSQL query into the where clause of the SQL query to be submitted, above. (iii) Finally, obtain the contents of VITT as the union of the SQL queries submitted to component databases. If only one component database is involved, i.e. if db in the declaration db::rel T is a constant, then the union can be expressed within one SQL query submitted to the component database db. This completes Phase I of the algorithm. Notice that no separate VITs are needed for domain variables, as their instantiations are captured by the VITs for their associated tuple variables. Exampe 5.1 illustrates generation of VITs for meta and tuple variables. Example 5.1 [Illustrating Phase I: Generating VITs]. In this example, we illustrate the Phase I of the algorithm using a variant of query Q2 of Example 2.2: 5 If T.a appears only in the where clause, in the form T.a relOp c where c is a constant, then there is no need to include Ta in the schema of VITT . ACM Transactions on Database Systems, Vol. 26, No. 4, December 2001. SchemaSQL (Q2’) select from where • 499 RelC, C.salFloor univ-C-> RelC, univ-C::RelC C, univ-D::salInfo D RelC = D.dept and C.salFloor > D.technician and C.category = "technician" The query contains declarations for one meta variable RelC, which is a rel-name variable, and two tuple variables C and D. Here is how Phase I of the algorithm will proceed to construct the VITs for this query. (Notice that as far as Phase I is concerned, aggregation is completely orthogonal.) The schema of VITRelC is {RelC} (one column). Its contents are generated using the following query to the FST: select from where rel-name as RelC FST db-name = "univ-C" The schema of VITC is {RelC, CsalFloor}. Note that Ccategory need not be included: The where clause condition C.category = "technician" will be enforced within the SQL query to the component database univ-C. VITC is generated as the union of SQL queries to database univ-C as follows: First, bindings for the meta-variable RelC are obtained from its VIT via the trivial query: select from RelC VITRelC Let {r1 , . . . , rn } be the answer to the above query. VITC is obtained by submitting the following SQL query to the database univ-C. select from where ’r1 ’ as RelC, salFloor as CsalFloor r1 category = "technician" UNION ... select from where UNION ’rn ’ as RelC, salFloor as CsalFloor rn category = "technician" Finally, the schema of VITD is {Ddept,Dtechnician}, and its contents are obtained via the following SQL query to the database univ-D: select from dept as Ddept, technician as Dtechnician salInfo We now return to Phase II of Algorithm 5.1. ACM Transactions on Database Systems, Vol. 26, No. 4, December 2001. 500 • L. V. S. Lakshmanan et al. Algorithm 5.1 SchemaSQL Query Processing (cont’d.) Phase II (1) Execution of this phase happens in the SchemaSQL server. The SchemaSQL query is rewritten into an equivalent conventional SQL query on the VIT’s generated in Phase I, as follows: To simplify the presentation, we use the concept of the Joined Variable Instantiation Table (JVIT). As the name suggests, JVIT is the (natural) join of the VITs generated for the various meta-variables and tuple variables during Phase I. In the creation of the JVIT, we enforce the remaining conditions, if any, in the where clause of the original SchemaSQL query. However, these conditions need to be syntactically rewritten so they make sense against the schema of the JVIT. Recall that all where clause conditions involving a comparison with a constant were already enforced in Phase I. The remaining conditions must have the form obj1 relOp obj2, where obj1 and obj2 are either variables, or qualified attributes of the form T.a or T.A. We need to rewrite these conditions by renaming the obj’s (variables and/or qualified attributes) as follows: (i) Replace each occurrence of variable V by VITU .V, where VITU is the VIT corresponding to V. It is possible that U is different from V, since VITs are generated only for certain variables and the instantiations for the remaining variables are obtained from these (see Phase I). (ii) Replace each occurrence of a qualified attribute T.a (or T.A) by VITT .Ta (or VITT .TA). (2) Assume VITV1 , . . . , V I TVn are all the variable instantiation tables generated in Phase I. Let {U1 , . . . , Um } be the union of their schemas. Properly qualify each Ui with the VIT whose schema contains Vi . For example, if Ui is Ta, then its qualified version is VITT .Ta. If Ui appears in the schemas of several VITs, break the tie arbitrarily for the purpose of qualification. Let {V I TU1 .U1 , . . . , V I TUm .Um } represent the qualified set. Then obtain the joined variable instantiation table using the following SQL query: create view select from where JVIT(U1 , . . . , Um ) as VITU1 .U1 , . . . , VITUm .Um VITV1 , . . . , VITVn (rewritten where clause) and (natural join conditions) Here, “rewritten where clause” is obtained by rewriting the remaining where clause conditions as pointed out above, and “natural join conditions” consist of conditions of the form VITVi .attr = VITV j .attr for all pairs of VITs VITVi and VITV j and all attributes attr that are common to the schemas of these VITs. (3) Finally, generate a SQL query from the original SchemaSQL query to produce the final output, as follows. select from group by having itemList’, aggList’ JVIT groupbyList’ havingConditions’ where, itemList’ (respectively, aggList’, groupbyList’, havingConditions’) is obtained from itemList (respectively, aggList, groupbyList, havingConditions) in the original SchemaSQL query by replacing every occurrence of T.a by Ta and of T.A by TA. Note that the generation of JVIT and the final SQL query can be combined in one step. We chose to divide it into two steps for clarity of exposition. Further, it also simplifies our presentation of the query processing algorithm for SchemaSQL queries with dynamic output schemas in Section 5.2. In fact, since we generated JVIT as a view, a natural option for the the resident SQL engine’s query optimizer is to use query rewriting (rather than materializing JVIT) to process the final query in one step. This completes Phase II of the algorithm. ACM Transactions on Database Systems, Vol. 26, No. 4, December 2001. SchemaSQL • 501 Fig. 6. Example—Query Processing. We now present an example that illustrates our algorithm. Example 5.2 [Illustrating Phase II: Computing the Rest]. We continue with the processing of query (Q2’) of Example 5.1. There, we demonstrated how the VITs VITRelC , VITC and VITD are generated. Figure 6 shows these VITs for the federation of Figure 2. The following SQL query produces the JVIT. create view select from where JVIT(RelC, CsalFloor, Ddept, Dtechnician) as VITRelC .RelC, VITC .CsalFloor, VITD .Ddept, VITD .Dtechnician VITRelC , VITC , VITD VITRelC .RelC = VITD .Ddept and VITC .CsalFloor > VITD .Dtechnician and VITRelC .RelC = VITC .RelC In this query, the first two conditions in the where clause came from the (rewritten versions of) the first two conditions in the where clause of (Q2’). The last condition in the SQL query enforces natural join. Here is the final SQL query. select from RelC, CsalFloor JVIT Notice that C.salFloor is replaced by CsalFloor. Next, let us consider the effect of aggregation. As with Phase I, aggregation remains orthogonal to the processing being done in Phase II. As an illustration, consider the following query from Example 3.1. (Q3): “find the average salary floor across all departments for each employee category in database univ-B.” This query involves a horizontal aggregation. select from where group by T.category, avg(T.D) univ-B::salInfo -> D, univ-B::salInfo T, D <> "category" T.category Computation of the JVIT for this query is analogous to that for (Q2’): aggregation does not influence this step. Then, the final SQL query would be: select from group by Tcategory, avg(TD) JVIT Tcategory The following lemma forms the basis for the correctness of our query processing strategy for both fixed and dynamic output schema. ACM Transactions on Database Systems, Vol. 26, No. 4, December 2001. 502 • L. V. S. Lakshmanan et al. LEMMA 5.1 [COMPUTING VALID INSTANTIATIONS]. Let JVIT be the joined variable instantiation table for a given SchemaSQL query Q. Then JVIT contains exactly the set of valid instantiations I Q for query Q, restricted to the columns of JVIT. PROOF. It is straightforward to see that for each variable V , VITV generated in Phase I only contains admissible instantiation (restricted to V and variables on which V depends, in case V is a meta-variable, or restricted to all relevant attribute and domain variables related to V , in case V is a tuple variable). We only need to verify that the JVIT produced from these in Phase II will ensure that each instantiation in JVIT will satisfy all conditions in the where clause of Q. To see why this is true, notice that each condition of the form x relOp y where one of x, y is a constant, that constrains some column of VITV is enforced in the formation of VITV in Phase I. The remaining conditions are enforced while computing the join of the VITs. The natural join ensures that pieces of the same (global) instantiation are put together in the formation of JVIT. It follows that JVIT contains exactly the valid instantiations I Q , restricted to the columns of JVIT. THEOREM 5.1 [CORRECTNESS FOR FIXED OUTPUT SCHEMA]. Algorithm 5.1 correctly computes answers to SchemaSQL queries with fixed output schemas. PROOF. By Lemma 5.1, JVIT contains the set of valid instantiations I Q , restricted to the columns of JVIT. The final SQL query of Phase II assembles the result. For a SchemaSQL query with no aggregation, this final query is simply select from itemList’ JVIT which corresponds to the semantics given by Eqs. (2) and (3) (Section 3.2), repeated here for convenience O ı(s). Q(D) = [tuple Q (ı) | ı ∈ I Q ], where, tuple Q (ı) = s∈itemList If the SchemaSQL query contains aggregation, then the final SQL query generated in the algorithm is: select from group by having itemList’, aggList’ JVIT groupbyList’ havingConditions’ Semantics of SchemaSQL queries with aggregation was defined using the set E Q of valid equivalence classes of I Q with respect to the group by clause groupings of the original SchemaSQL query, which was characterized by the equivalence relation ∼. It is easy to verify that the group by clause of the rewritten SQL query above partitions JVIT, that is, the set of valid instantiations I Q , exactly into equivalence classes of I Q with respect to ∼. The having clause restricts these partitions to the valid equivalence classes, namely, E Q . Finally, the select ACM Transactions on Database Systems, Vol. 26, No. 4, December 2001. SchemaSQL • 503 clause assembles the result. This corresponds exactly to the semantics which was defined by Eqs. (5), (6), and (7) (Section 3.3), repeated here for convenience. Q(D) = [aggtuple Q (e) | e ∈ E Q ], where aggtuple Q (e) = tuple Q (ı) and aggregate Q (e) = O O aggregate Q (e) agg([ (t)[B] | e ∈ E Q and  ∈ e]). “agg(t.B)”∈AggList This completes the proof of Theorem 5.1. 5.2 Processing SchemaSQL Queries with Dynamic Output Schema Our algorithms for the processing of SchemaSQL queries with dynamic output schema are directly based on the allocate and merge operations discussed in Section 4.2. Recall that the output schema is dynamic, that is, it depends on the input data. This happens when variables appear in the create view statement. Consider the SchemaSQL view definition create view select from where group by having db::rel(attr1, ..., attrn) as itemList, aggList fromList whereConditions groupbyList havingConditions If db, rel and attr1, . . ., attrn are all constants, then the query has a fixed output schema and will be processed according to Algorithm 5.1. In the following, we assume the create view clause has at least one variable. Also, recall that at most one of attr1, . . ., attrn can be a variable, while both or either of db and rel can be variable. ALGORITHM 5.2. SchemaSQL Query Processing—Dynamic Output Schema Input: A SchemaSQL query with aggregation and with a dynamic output schema Output: The result of the query. Method: First, we compute the JVIT as for fixed output schema. Then for each database d and for each relation r for which an output view must be created, we implement the allocate and merge operations discussed in Section 4.1. These operations are implemented in cascade, without materializing the result of the allocate. (1) Compute the VITs and the JVIT exactly as in Algorithm 5.1. (2) If db and rel in the create view clause are both constants, then create a single relation (view) rel in the database db. Otherwise, query the JVIT to obtain the values of db and/or rel, to form distinct (d , r) pairs dictated by the create view statement. For example, if both db and rel are variables, compute the (d , r) pairs using the following SQL query: select from distinct db as d , rel as r JVIT ACM Transactions on Database Systems, Vol. 26, No. 4, December 2001. 504 • L. V. S. Lakshmanan et al. (3) Assume attri in the create view clause is a variable. For each (d , r) pair of the previous step, obtain the instantiations for the attri by applying the following SQL query on JVIT: select from where distinct attri JVIT db = d and rel = r Note that one query is needed for each (d , r) pair, and one relation is constructed (as the output of the SchemaSQL query) for each (d , r) pair, as described in next steps. (4) Let (d , r) be an arbitrary, but fixed pair, from above. Let a1 , . . . , am be the output of the previous step for this pair (d , r). The schema of the relation corresponding to this (d , r) pair in the result of the SchemaSQL query is {attr1 ,. . ., attri−1 ,a1 , . . . , am ,attri+1 ,. . .,attrn }. For each ak , k = 1, . . . , m, we generate a relation Rk (attr1 ,. . .,attri−1 , ak ,attri+1 ,. . .,attrn ) as follows. To simplify the presentation, we expand the select clause of the SchemaSQL query, namely select itemList, aggList, as select obj1 ,. . . ,objn . Note that each of obj1 ,. . . , objn can be a simple or an aggregate operation. Compute relation R k (attr1 ,. . ., attri−1 ,ak ,attri+1 ,. . .,attrn ) using the following SQL query on JVIT. select from where group by having obj1 as attr1 ,. . .,obji−1 as attri−1 ,obji as ak , obji+1 as attri+1 ,. . .,objn as attrn JVIT db = d and rel = r and attri = ak groupbyList havingConditions We observe here that the outer union of R1 , . . . , Rm computes the result of the allocate operation discussed in Sections 4.1 and 4.2. More precisely, the outer union is equal to allocate Q (ı) (for SchemaSQL queries with no aggregation), or aggallocate Q (ı) (for SchemaSQL queries containing aggregation), as discussed in Sections 4.1 and 4.2. However, we do not compute this outer union, and instead compute the result of the cascade of allocate followed by merge directly, in the next step. (5) Perform an outer join of the relations Rk , 1 ≤ k ≤ m, of the previous step using the following SQL query: select from where R1 .obj1 as attr1 ,. . .,R1 .obji−1 as attri−1 , R1 .a1 as a1 ,R2 .a2 as a2 , . . . Rm .am as am , R1 .obji+1 as attri+1 ,. . .,R1 .objn as attrn R1 outer join R2 outer join . . . outer join Rm R1 .obj[1..i − 1] = R2 .obj[1..i − 1] and . . . and R1 .obj[1..i − 1] = Rm .obj[1..i − 1] and R1 .obj[i + 1..n] = R2 .obj[i + 1..n] and . . . and R1 .obj[i + 1..n] = Rm .obj[i + 1..n] and R1 .sid = R2 .sid and . . . and R1 .sid = Rm .sid where R1 .obj[ j..k] = R2 .obj[ j..k] abbreviates R1 .obj j = R2 .obj j and · · · and R1 .objk = R2 .objk . We have assumed that the relations Rk , k = 1, . . . , m, have a special attribute sid (sequence id), that records a sequential row number within each group of tuples with the same values for obj1 ,. . .,obji−1 ,obji+1 ,. . ., objn . Generating these sequence id values using SQL applications or user defined functions is quite simple in most commercial database systems as explained below. Our technique for sequence id generation assumes the availability of a system supplied, user query-able unique row identifier column such as the rid column of ORACLE or the identity column of SYBASE SQL SERVER. Now, consider a tuple t in a relation Rk whose sequence id (within the group to which it belongs) needs to be ACM Transactions on Database Systems, Vol. 26, No. 4, December 2001. SchemaSQL • 505 generated. The following SQL statement returns the sid for t. We use the Oracle convention to refer to the unique row identifier column as rid. select from where count(*) Rk Rk .obj[1..i − 1] = t.obj[1..i − 1] and Rk .obj[1 + 1..n] = t.obj[i + 1..n] and Rk .rid < t.rid In the above statement, sid for tuple t is obtained by counting the number of tuples in t’s group that have a lesser rid value than the rid value of t. Note that the join condition involving the sid column in the above outer join SQL query correctly captures the merge semantics of Section 4.2. This completes Algorithm 5.2. Example 5.3 [Processing a SchemaSQL Query with Aggregation and Dynamic Output Schema]. Consider query Q8 of Example 4.3, repeated here for convenience. (Q8) create view select from where group by averages::salInfo(faculty, C) as U.fname, avg(T.C) univ-D::salInfo-> C, univ-D::salInfo T, univ-D::faculty U C <> "dept" and T.dept = U.dname U.fname The first step of the algorithm is the generation of VITC (schema: {C}), VITT (schema: {C, TC, Tdept}), and VITU (schema: {Udname, Ufname}), and then the generation of JVIT. Since the details of the generation of these tables are identical to that for fixed output schema, we suppress these details and assume that the JVIT for this query, with schema (C, TC, Tdept, Ufname, Udname) is created. Since the db and rel components of the create view clause of the SchemaSQL query are constant, we proceed to the third step. The following query is used to enumerate the distinct values of the variable C appearing in the create view statement. select from distinct C JVIT We obtain (Prof, AssocProf, Technician) as the answer to the query above. (We are using the federation of Figure 2). Step (4) of the algorithm involves the creation of relations Rk , one per each value obtained in Step (3). For this example, there are three relations: Relation R1 has the schema {faculty, Prof} and is obtained as: select from where group by Ufname as faculty, avg(TC) as Prof JVIT C = "Prof" Ufname ACM Transactions on Database Systems, Vol. 26, No. 4, December 2001. 506 • L. V. S. Lakshmanan et al. Relations R2 and R3 are similar, with Prof substituted by AssocProf and Technician, respectively. Note that the schemas of these three relations are {faculty, Prof}, {faculty, AssocProf}, and {faculty, Technician}, respectively. The final step of the algorithm performs an outer join of the three relations generated in Step (4): select from where R1 .faculty as faculty, R1 .Prof as Prof, R2 .AssocProf as AssocProf, R3 .Technician as Technician R1 outer join R2 outer join R3 R1 .faculty = R2 .faculty and R1 .faculty = R3 .faculty and R 1 .sid = R2 .sid and R1 .sid = R3 .sid THEOREM 5.2 [CORRECTNESS FOR DYNAMIC OUTPUT SCHEMA]. Algorithm 5.2 correctly computes answers to SchemaSQL queries with dynamic output schemas. PROOF. We proceed in two steps: First we show the schema of the output generated by Algorithm 5.2 is correct, then we show the contents generated by the algorithm is also correct. This parallels the semantics definitions of Sections 4.1 and 4.2. Recall that by Lemma 5.1, JVIT contains the set of valid instantiations I Q , restricted to the columns of JVIT. (i) Schema of the output. The semantics of dynamic output schema was discussed in Section 4.1 with the aid of the equivalence relation ≡ (Definition 4.1). Each equivalence class of ≡ corresponds to one value of the (db, rel) pair in the create view statement. The output schema corresponding to a (d , r) pair is simply the set of values in the corresponding equivalence class of ≡ for the attributes in the create view statement. It is evident in Steps (4) and (5) of the algorithm that the schema of the output for a (d , r) pair, namely, {attr1 ,. . .,attri−1 , a1 , . . . , am ,attri+1 ,. . .,attrn }, indeed corresponds to this semantics. (ii) Contents of the Output. We concentrate on queries with aggregation and dynamic output schema. Queries with no aggregation are simpler and can be regarded as a special case of the former. The semantics of aggregation with dynamic view definition was discussed in Section 4.2 with the aid of the equivalence relation # (Definition 4.6). Each equivalence class of # corresponds to the set of instantiations with the same values for SchemaSQL variables appearing in the create view statement, plus the objects appearing in the group by list. The variables in the create view statement can include db, rel, and one attribute such as attri . In Step (4) of the algorithm, each relation Rk , k = 1, . . . , m, corresponds to one value ak of attri , and is for a given (d , r) pair. This is evident by examining the where clause of the (regular) SQL query that generates Rk . In fact, since this SQL query also incorporates the group by and having clauses from the original SchemaSQL query, we can see that each R k “packs” the output corresponding to equivalence classes of # that have the same values d , r, and ak , for db, rel, and attri , respectively. Also, notice that the schema of Rk is {attr1 ,. . .,attri−1 ,ak ,attri+1 ,. . .,attrn }. We observe that if an outer union is ACM Transactions on Database Systems, Vol. 26, No. 4, December 2001. SchemaSQL • 507 performed on R1 , . . . , Rm , tuples of each relation Rk is extended by nulls to the full schema {attr1 ,. . .,attri−1 ,a1 , . . . , am , attri+1 ,. . .,attrn }, and unioned. This coincides exactly with the semantics of the allocate operation. Finally, we need to show that Step (5) of the algorithm generates the merge (Definition 4.4) of the allocated relation. Note that our algorithm does not materialize the allocated relation. Rather, Step (5) performs an outer join of the relations Rk , k = 1, . . . , m. We observe that a set of tuples {t1 , . . . , tm }, t j ∈ R j , are mergeable (Definition 4.2) if and only if, for all j, k ∈ {1, . . . , m}, t j (attr1 ) = tk (attr1 ), . . ., t j (attri−1 ) = tk (attri−1 ), t j (attri+1 ) = tk (attri+1 ), . . ., t j (attrn ) = tk (attrn ). The SQL query in Step 5 achieves the merging of these tuples. Further, the conditions in the where clause of this query that involve the sid attribute make sure each tuple from a relation Rk participates in the formation of exactly one output tuple. Without these conditions each tuple could possibly participate in the formation of multiple output tuples violating the multi-set semantics of SchemaSQL. This completes the proof of Theorem 5.2. Based on the algorithms presented in this section, prototype implementations of SchemaSQL have been developed [Gingras et al. 1997; Sadri and Wilson 1997]. 6. DISCUSSION In this section, we discuss a variety of optimization opportunities in the context of SchemaSQL implementation. We also discuss some novel database applications facilitated by a SchemaSQL-based system. 6.1 Query Optimization Opportunities There are several opportunities for query optimization that are peculiar to the MDBS environment. In the following, we identify the major optimization possibilities and sketch how they can be incorporated in Algorithm 5.1. (1) The conditions in the where clause of the input SchemaSQL query should be pushed inside the local spawned SQL queries so that they are as ‘tight’ as possible. Algorithm 5.1 incorporates this optimization to some extent. (2) Knowledge of the variables in the select and where clauses can be used to minimize the size of the VIT’s generated in Phase I. For example, if certain attributes are not required for processing in Phase II, they can ‘dropped’ while generating the local SQL queries. (3) If more than one tuple variable refers to the same database, and their relevant where conditions do not involve data from another database, the SQL statements corresponding to these variable declarations should be combined into one. This would have the effect of combining the VIT ’s corresponding to these variable declarations and thus reducing the number of spawned local SQL queries. This can be incorporated by modifying Step (1) (b) of our algorithm. (4) One of the costliest factors for query evaluation in a multidatabase environment is database connectivity. We should minimize the number of times ACM Transactions on Database Systems, Vol. 26, No. 4, December 2001. 508 • L. V. S. Lakshmanan et al. connections are made to a database during query evaluation. Thus, the spawned SQL statements need to be submitted (in batches) to the component databases in such a way that they are evaluated in minimal number of connections to the databases. (5) In view of the sideways information passing (sip) [Bancilhon and Ramakrishnan 1986] technique inherent in our algorithm, reordering of variable declarations would result in more efficient query processing. However, the heuristics that meta-variables obtain a significantly fewer number of bindings when compared to other variables in a multidatabase setting, presents novel issues in reordering. For instance, the order db::r.a R, -> D, D-> R suggested by the conventional reordering strategies could be worse than -> D, D-> R, db::r.a R because of the lower number of bindings R obtains for its VIT in the latter. (6) We should make use of works such as Lipton and Naughton [1990] and Lipton et al. [1990] to determine which of the VIT’s should be generated first so that the tightest bindings are passed for generating subsequent VITs. (7) If parallelism can be supported, SQL queries to multiple databases can be submitted in parallel. 6.2 Semantic Heterogeneity One of the roadblocks to achieving true interoperability is the heterogeneity that arises due to the difference in the meaning and interpretation of similar data across the component systems. This semantic heterogeneity problem has been discussed in detail in Sheth [1991], Kim et al. [1993], and Hammer and Mcleod [1993]. A promising approach to dealing with semantic heterogeneity is the proposal of Sciore et al. [1994]. The main idea behind their proposal is the notion of semantic values, obtained by introducing explicit context information to each data object in the database. In applying this idea to the relational model, they develop an extension of SQL called Context-SQL (C-SQL) that allows for explicitly accessing the data as well as its context information. In this section, we sketch how SchemaSQL can be extended with the wherewithal to tackle the semantic heterogeneity problem. We extend the proposal of Sciore et al. [1994], by associating the context information to relation names as well as attribute names, in addition to the values in a database. Also, in the SchemaSQL setting, there is a natural need for including the type information of an object as part of its context information. We propose techniques for intensionally specifying the semantic values as well as for algorithmically deriving the (intensional) semantic value specification of a restructured database, given the old specification and the SchemaSQL view definition. The following example illustrates our ideas. Example 6.1 [Semantic heterogeneity]. Consider the database univInfoA having a single relation stats with scheme {cat, cs, math, ontario, quebec}. This database stores information on the floor salary of various employee categories for each department (as in univ-B of the university federation) as well as ACM Transactions on Database Systems, Vol. 26, No. 4, December 2001. SchemaSQL • 509 information on the average number of years it takes to get promoted to a category, in each province in the country. The type information of the objects in the database univInfoA is stored in a relation called isa and is captured using the following rules6 : isa(cs, d ept) ← isa(math, d ept) ← isa(ontario, prov) ← isa(quebec, prov) ← isa(C, cat) ← stats[cat → C] isa(S, sal ) ← stats[D → S], isa(D, d ept) isa(Y, year) ← stats[P → Y ], isa(P, prov) Now, consider restructuring univInfoA into univInfoB, which consists of two relations salstats{dept, prof, assoc-prof} and timestats {prov, prof, assoc-prof}. salstats has tuples of the form <d , s1 , s2 >, representing the fact that d is a department that has a floor salary of s1 for category professor, and s2 for associate professor. A tuple of the form < p, y 1 , y 2 > in timestats says that p is a province in which the average time it takes to reach the category professor is y 1 and to reach the category associate professor is y 2 . The following SchemaSQL statements perform the restructuring that yields univInfoB. create view select from where create view select from where univInfoB::salstats(dept, C) as D, T.D univInfoA::stats T, C, univInfoA::stats-> D, D isa ‘dept’ univInfoB::timestats(prov, C) as P, T.P univInfoA::stats T, C, univInfoA::stats-> P, P isa ‘prov’ Note how the type information is used in the where clause to elegantly specify the range of the attribute variables. Our algorithm that processes the restructuring view definitions derives the following intensional type specification for univInfoB: isa(prof, cat) ← isa(assoc-prof, cat) ← isa(D, dept) ← salstats[dept → D] isa(S, sal) ← salstats[C → S], isa(C, cat) isa(P, prov) ← timestats[ prov → P ] isa(Y, year) ← timestats[P → Y ], isa(P, prov) 6 The syntax of the type specification rules is based on the syntax of SchemaLog [Lakshmanan et al. 1997]. ACM Transactions on Database Systems, Vol. 26, No. 4, December 2001. 510 • L. V. S. Lakshmanan et al. Query processing in this setting involves the following modification to the processing of comparisons mentioned in the user’s query. The comparison is performed after (a) finding the type information using the specification, (b) finding the associated context information, and (c) applying the appropriate conversion functions. 7. COMPARISON WITH RELATED WORK In this section, we compare and contrast our proposal against some of the related work for meta-data manipulation and multidatabase interoperability. The features of SchemaSQL that distinguishes it from similar works include —Uniform treatment of data and metadata. —No explicit use of object identifiers. —Downward compatibility with SQL. —Comprehensive aggregation facility. —Restructuring views, in which data and meta-data may be interchanged. —Designed specifically for interoperability in multi-database systems. In Litwin et al. [1989] and Grant et al. [1993], Litwin et al. propose a multidatabase manipulation language called MSQL that is capable of expressing queries over multiple databases in a single statement. MSQL extends the traditional functions of SQL to the context of a federation of databases. The salient features of this language include the ability to retrieve and update relations in different databases, define multi-database views, and specify compatible and equivalent domains across different databases. Missier and Rusinkiewicz [1995] extends MSQL with features for accessing external functions (for resolving semantic heterogeneity) and for specifying a global schema against which the component databases could be mapped. Though MSQL (and its extension) has facilities for ranging variables over multiple database names, its treatment of data and meta-data is nonuniform in that relation names and attribute names are not given the same status as the data values. The issues of schema independent querying and resolving schematic discrepancies of the kind discussed in this paper, are not addressed in their work. Many object-oriented query languages, by virtue of treating the schema information as objects, are capable of powerful meta-data querying and manipulation. Some of these languages include XSQL [Kifer et al. 1992], HOSQL [Ahmed et al. 1991], Noodle [Mumick and Ross 1993], and OSQL [Chomicki and Litwin 1993]. XSQL [Kifer et al. 1992] has its logical foundations in F-logic [Kifer et al. 1995] and is capable of querying and restructuring object-oriented databases. However, it is not suitable for the needs addressed in this article as its syntax was not designed with interoperability as a main goal. Besides, the complex nature of this query language raises concerns about effective and efficient implementability, a concern not addressed in Kifer et al. [1992]. Indeed, we are not aware of any implementation of XSQL. The Pegasus Multidatabase system [Ahmed et al. 1991] uses a language called HOSQL as its data manipulation ACM Transactions on Database Systems, Vol. 26, No. 4, December 2001. SchemaSQL • 511 language. HOSQL is a functional object-oriented language that incorporates nonprocedural statements to manipulate multiple databases. OSQL [Chomicki and Litwin 1993], an extension of HOSQL, is capable of tackling schematic discrepancies among heterogeneous object-oriented databases with a common data model. Both HOSQL and OSQL do not provide for ad-hoc queries that refer to many local databases in the federation in one shot. While XSQL, HOSQL, and OSQL have a SQL flavor, unlike SchemaSQL, they do not appear to be downward compatible with SQL syntax and semantics. In other related work, Ross [1992] proposes an interesting algebra and calculus that treats relation names at par with the values in a relation. However, its expressive power is limited in that attribute names, database names, and comprehensive aggregation capabilities are not supported. Lefebvre et al. [1992] use F-logic [Kifer et al. 1995] to reconcile schematic discrepancies in a federation of relational databases. Unlike SchemaSQL, which can provide a ‘dynamic global schema,’ ad hoc queries that refer the data and schema components of the local databases in a single statement cannot be posed in their framework. UniSQL/M [Kelley et al. 1995] is a multidatabase system for managing a heterogeneous collection of relational database systems. The language of UniSQL/M, known as SQL/M, provides facilities for defining a global schema over related entities in different local databases, and to deal with semantic heterogeneity issues such as scaling and unit transformation. However, it does not have facilities for manipulating metadata. Hence, features such as restructuring views that transform data into metadata and vice-versa, dynamic schema definitions, and extended aggregation facilities supported in SchemaSQL are not available in SQL/M. The emerging standard for SQL3 [SQL Standards Home Page 1996; Beech 1993] supports ADTs and oid’s, and thus shares some features with higher-order languages. However, even though it is computationally complete, to our knowledge it does not directly support the kind of higher-order features in SchemaSQL. Krishnamurthy and Naqvi [1988] and Krishnamurthy et al. [1991] are early and influential proposals that demonstrated the power of using variables that uniformly range over data and meta-data, for schema browsing and interoperability. While such ‘higher-order variables’ admitted in SchemaSQL have been inspired by these proposals, there are major differences that distinguish our work from the above proposals. (i) These languages have a syntax closer to that of logic programming languages, and far from that of SQL. (ii) More importantly, these languages do not admit tuple variables of the kind permitted in SchemaSQL (and even SQL). This limits their expressive power. (iii) Lastly, aggregate computations of the kind discussed in Sections 3.3 and 4.2 are unique to our framework, and to our knowledge, not addressed elsewhere in the literature. Many researchers have addressed the issue of information integration. Recent emphasis has been on data integration from semantically heterogeneous sources and integration of semistructured and unstructured sources. Some of the recent work on semantic integration issues include Bergamaschi et al. [1999] and Castano and Antonellis [1997]. The main idea is to provide a ACM Transactions on Database Systems, Vol. 26, No. 4, December 2001. 512 • L. V. S. Lakshmanan et al. semantic dictionary, or thesaurus, that is used to map data from multiple sources into a common data model. In Calvanese et al. [1998], the authors present an architecture for declarative information integration that is based on the conceptual modeling of the domain and reasoning support over the conceptual representation. The TSIMMIS project [Garcia-Molina et al. 1997] uses the wrapper/mediator approach for the integration of semistructured data sources. It uses an object-oriented language called LOREL (lightweight object repository language) to access information wrapped into a common data model. A case-based approach is adapted in Panti et al. [2000], which enables the system to cope with dynamic changes in the schema of sources. Our work on SchemaSQL provides a facility for the integration of data in syntactically heterogeneous sources. Furthermore, we have laid the groundwork for enhancing SchemaSQL with semantic reconciliation functionality (Section 6.2). Further research is needed in this area. The issues of information capacity and information capacity preserving mapping have been discussed in Miller et al. [1993]. Intuitively, we are interested in characterizing views (in our case restructuring views) that, can be used in lieu of the original data (e.g., for answering queries, viewing data, and/or updating data). First we notice that, if we restrict the query language to SQL, then any restructuring view in which data becomes metadata is not information capacity preserving, since some SQL queries on the original data are not expressible in SQL on the restructured view. This is due to SQL’s inability to query metadata. So we will assume the full power of SchemaSQL henceforth. Let us consider the views in Figure 2. It can be shown that the mapping between univ-A and the view univ-C is one-to-one, and hence the two schemas are equivalent in terms of information capacity [Miller et al. 1993]. On the other hand, views univ-B and univ-D are not, in general, equivalent to univ-A. This is due to the possible creation of null values in the views, which compromises the one-to-one property. A detailed and general study of information capacity equivalence and preservation for restructured views is beyond the scope of this article. Relational tuple calculus is generally regarded as the mathematical basis for SQL. The important difference is the set semantics of tuple calculus versus multi-set semantics of SQL. Klug [1982] has extended relational algebra and relational tuple calculus to include aggregate functions, and has proved their equivalence. While retaining the set semantics of the relational model, he provides an elegant semantics of aggregation by providing aggregate operators on columns of relations (as opposed to operators on a set of values). Our treatment of SQL semantics (Section 3.1), based on instantiations of tuple variables, closely parallels the relational tuple calculus approach. Furthermore, we have accounted for aggregate constructs group by and having in SQL, and have also supported a multi-set semantics to be consistent with SQL and commercial database systems. Semantics of SchemaSQL was obtained by extending this semantics to (1) additional variable types of SchemaSQL, and (2) accounting for dynamic outputs, where the output schema is not fixed and is a function of input data. We have presented an extended relational algebra for the singledatabase version of SchemaSQL in Lakshmanan et al. [1999]. Deriving calculus and algebra for the full SchemaSQL is an interesting topic for future research. ACM Transactions on Database Systems, Vol. 26, No. 4, December 2001. SchemaSQL • 513 In the context of multidimensional databases (MDDB) and online analytical processing (OLAP), there is a great need for powerful languages expressing complex forms of aggregation [Codd et al. 1995]. The powerful features of SchemaSQL for horizontal and block aggregation will be especially useful in this context (e.g., see Examples 3.3 and 4.3). Interestingly, the Data Cube operator proposed by Gray et al. [1996] can be simulated in SchemaSQL. Unlike the cube operator, SchemaSQL can express any subset of the data cube to any level of granularity. Substantial amount of work has been done on efficient computation of the data cube. This is a large body of work and we refer the reader to the pioneering work by Agarwal et al. [1996] for details. It would be interesting to investigate how some of these fast algorithms for the cube can be leveraged for efficient computation of SchemaSQL queries involving complex aggregations. As pointed out above, the aggregation and restructuring features of SchemaSQL would be very useful in OLAP style computations. However, SchemaSQL by itself is not a full-fledged OLAP query language. Gingras [1997] and Gingras and Lakshmanan [1998] document the limitations of SchemaSQL for OLAP applications and propose a language they call nD-SQL specifically designed for OLAP computations. An example of such a limitation is that in SchemaSQL, one cannot create a column as a function of more than one domain value. SchemaSQL was designed with interoperability in mind, where there seems to be no natural need for this capability. Statistical Databases (SDB) applications, in addition to requiring complex statistical operations, also have natural use for restructuring and for handling data meta-data conflicts [Shoshani 1997]. Languages developed in the SDB community do possess such features (e.g., see Meo-Evoli et al. [1992] and Ozsoyoglu et al. [1985; 1989]). However, on comparing SDB languages with SchemaSQL, we find that they are complementary with respect to what they have to offer. It might be interesting to investigate how useful features from these languages can be combined to support sophisticated SDB and OLAP applications. While we propose SchemaSQL as a language for multidatabase interoperability and data warehousing applications, researchers have identified several applications where SchemaSQL can enhance the functionality of a single DBMS significantly. These applications include publishing of relational data on the web [Miller et al. 1997; Miller 1998; Krishnamurthy and Zloof 1995], techniques for providing physical data independence [Miller 1998], developing tightly coupled scalable classification algorithms in data mining [Wang et al. 1998], and query optimization in the context of data warehousing [Subramanian and Venkataraman 1998]. In a recent work, Agrawal et al. discuss the advantages of storing data in vertical attribute/value pair (akin to XML tag/value structure), while viewing and querying it in the restructured traditional (horizontal) format [Agrawal et al. 2001]. Motivated by similar observations, in Lakshmanan et al. [1999], we discuss efficient implementation of SchemaSQL on a single RDBMS. We develop logical as well as physical algebraic operators for SchemaSQL and using these operators as a vehicle, present several alternate implementation strategies for SchemaSQL queries/views in a single database setting. We also test the effectiveness of these strategies by means of ACM Transactions on Database Systems, Vol. 26, No. 4, December 2001. 514 • L. V. S. Lakshmanan et al. a series of tests based on TPC-D benchmark data. In a more recent work, we discuss the equivalences (i.e., rewrite rules) for this (extended) algebra to be used in a cost-based optimizer for SchemaSQL [Davis and Sadri 2001]. In other related work, Gyssens et al. [1996] develop a general data model called the Tabular Data Model, which subsumes relations and spreadsheets as special cases. They develop an algebra for querying and restructuring tabular information and show that the algebra is complete for a broad class of natural transformations. They also demonstrate that the tabular algebra can serve as a foundation for the restructuring aspects of OLAP. Restructuring views expressible in SchemaSQL can also be expressed in their algebra but they do not address aggregate computations. In Lakshmanan et al. [1993; 1997], we proposed a logic-based query/ restructuring language, SchemaLog, for facilitating interoperability in multidatabase systems. SchemaLog admits a simple syntax and semantics, but allows for expressing powerful queries and programs in the context of schema browsing and interoperability. A formal account of SchemaLog’s syntax and semantics can be found in Lakshmanan et al. [1997] SchemaLog can also express the complex forms of aggregation discussed in this paper. SchemaSQL has been to a large extent inspired by SchemaLog. Indeed, the logical underpinnings of SchemaSQL can be found in SchemaLog. However, SchemaSQL is not obtained by simply “SQL-izing” SchemaLog. There are important differences between the two languages: (1) SchemaSQL has been designed to be as close as possible to SQL. In this vein, we have developed the syntax and semantics of SchemaSQL by extending that of SQL. SchemaLog on the other hand has a syntax based on logic programming. (2) Answers to SchemaSQL queries come with an associated schema. In SchemaLog, as in other logic programming systems, answers to queries are simply a set of (tuples of) bindings of variables in the query (unless explicitly specified using a restructuring rule). (3) The aggregation semantics of SchemaSQL is based on a ‘merging’ operator. There is no obvious way to simulate merging in SchemaLog. (4) To facilitate an ordinary SQL user to adapt to SchemaSQL easily, we have designed SchemaSQL without the following features present in SchemaLog—(a) function symbols and (b) explicit access to tuple-id’s. As demonstrated in this paper, the resulting language is simple, yet powerful for the interoperability needs in a federation. 8. CONCLUSIONS AND FUTURE WORK We introduced SchemaSQL, a principled extension of SQL for relational multidatabase systems. In SchemaSQL data and meta-data, that is, database instance and its schema, are treated uniformly, thus making it possible to query both the contents and the structure of a database. In a multidatabase environment, SchemaSQL provides the means for handling schematic (structural) heterogeneity, that is, similar information represented in different structures. View definition in SchemaSQL makes it possible to define restructuring views, namely, views that can change the structure of input data in a manner that exploits the data/meta-data interplay, while preserving the information content. Data (i.e., attribute values) in one representation can play the role ACM Transactions on Database Systems, Vol. 26, No. 4, December 2001. SchemaSQL • 515 of meta-data objects (database name, relation name, and attribute name) in a restructured view. SchemaSQL also provides novel aggregation capabilities, akin to some aggregations only available in OLAP systems. In addition to the usual SQL column aggregations, in SchemaSQL it is possible to aggregate on a set of columns, individually or collectively, whether the columns are in one relation or in several. This can be done using a single query. The latter case is basically aggregation over a “block” of data. The set of columns participating in the aggregation is determined dynamically, at execution time, and is dependent on the database instance. Horizontal (i.e., row) aggregation is also possible in SchemaSQL. SchemaSQL was introduced specifically in the context of multidatabase interoperability, but it has since found significant usefulness in the context of single database applications. These applications include database publishing on the web, query optimization in a data warehouse, and scalable classification algorithms in data mining, and were briefly reviewed in Section 7. In this article we presented the syntax of SchemaSQL, developed a formal semantics for it, and discussed an architecture and algorithms for the implementation of SchemaSQL using existing (SQL) database technology. We also proved the correctness of the algorithms. Our work opens up many interesting directions for future work: we just mention a few. —Implementation of a SchemaSQL system. The architecture for SchemaSQL implementation described in this paper (Section 5) is a nonintrusive architecture built upon SQL systems. We believe this is the most appropriate architecture for purposes of multi-database interoperability. Depending on the intended applications, a wide spectrum of alternative architectures are possible, similar in spirit to the frameworks studied in Sarawagi et al. [1998]. Further research is needed to design and compare various architectures for the implementation of SchemaSQL. The approach in Lakshmanan et al. [1999] for the implementation of SchemaSQL on a single RDBMS is based upon an extended relational algebra that can be used in a cost-based optimizer. The new operators in this algebra can be implemented as embedded SQL applications, stored procedures, or user defined functions. When a SchemaSQL query is rewritten into this algebra, it is possible for some operands to be unknown at compile time. An investigation into dynamic query optimization for SchemaSQL is thus an attractive topic for future work. —Extending SchemaSQL to handle semantic heterogeneity. We laid the groundwork for enhancing SchemaSQL with semantic heterogeneity reconciliation capability in Section 6.2. Many issues merit further investigation. For example, how to handle semantic heterogeneity in SchemaSQL in a manner that is transparent to the user? How to optimize queries when semantic reconciliation is also involved? —Information capacity. The notions of information capacity and equivalence for classes of schemas involving data/meta-data interplay need to be rigorously studied. A related question is characterizing restructuring views that preserve information content. ACM Transactions on Database Systems, Vol. 26, No. 4, December 2001. 516 • L. V. S. Lakshmanan et al. —Query containment and answering using views. The issue of query containment, studied extensively for SQL, is the basis for query optimization as well as for query answering using materialized views. The restructuring view capability of SchemaSQL opens a whole new spectrum of optimization opportunities with possible applications in conventional relational databases and data warehouses. What can we say about containment of SchemaSQL queries? —XML. The rich capabilities of SchemaSQL for restructuring among various representations of reations suggest it may be a convenient tool for mapping between alternative storage structures for XML data (e.g., see Carey et al. [2000], Florescu and Kossmann [1999], and Shanmugasundaram et al. [1999; 2000]). In addition, it appears SchemaSQL has the potential for use as a language for mapping between the flat relational representation and the hierarchical representation of XML data. This is an interesting topic with substantial applications. REFERENCES ACM. 1990. 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