June 2008
Volume 42, Number 2
Department of Pathology, University of Pittsburgh Medical Center, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15213, USA;
Department of Pathology and Department of Microbiology, University of Ghana Medical School, College of
Health Sciences, University of Ghana, Korle-Bu, Accra, Ghana.
Author for correspondence: Dr. Akosua B. Domfeh,
E-mail: domfehab@upmc.edu
Conflict of Interest: None declared
Background: This study was aimed at estimating the
human papillomavirus (HPV) prevalence and its determinants among a sample of Ghanaian women.
Design: Cross-sectional observational study.
Setting: Gynaecology outpatient clinic of the Korle-Bu
Teaching Hospital, Accra, Ghana; the largest tertiary
care gynaecology outpatient clinic in Ghana.
Participants: Convenient sample of 75 consenting
women visiting the clinic.
Methods: Information was obtained through personal
interviews using structured questionnaire, Pap smears
obtained, and laboratory testing of cervical exfoliated
cells was performed. HPV DNA was detected using a
GP5+/6+ polymerase chain reaction assay. These data
were analyzed using both univariate and bivariate techniques.
Results: The mean age of participants was 33.3 years
(standard deviation, 9.2) and the percentage of lifetime
monogamy was 21.3%. The crude HPV DNA prevalence was 10.7%. Unlike most populations studied so
far, HPV prevalence was high not only among young
women, but also in middle and old age. Independent
HPV determinants were being illiterate (prevalence
odds ratio [POR], 13.9; 95% confidence interval
[95%CI], 1.9-100) and reporting more than three lifetime sexual partners (POR, 4.6; 95% CI, 1.0-22.2).
Conclusions: The study indicates a high crude prevalence of HPV in a largely polygamous Ghanaian population with a high crude prevalence in older age groups,
which may be a distinctive feature of polygamous
populations where HPV transmission continues into
middle age and cervical cancer incidence is very high.
Human papillomaviruses (HPVs) are aetiological
agents of cervical intraepithelial neoplasia and cervical
cancer. Cervical cancer claims the lives of an estimated
231,000 women annually, with over 80% of these
deaths occurring in developing countries. Cervical cancer is the most common female malignancy in subSaharan Africa.1 The incidence of cervical cancer in
sub-Saharan Africa is among the highest worldwide,
with the available age-standardised rates ranging from
19.9 per 100,000 in Ibadan, Nigeria,1 through 35.7 per
100,000 in Bamako, Mali, to 41.7 per 100,000 in
Kyadondo, Ugandan.2 The prevalence of cervical HPV
infection varies greatly worldwide. Population-based
HPV prevalence surveys have shown a 13-fold variation in sexually-active women aged 15-65 years, ranging from 2.0% in Hanoi, North Vietnam,3 3.0% in Barcelona, Spain,4 14.8% in Bogota, Columbia,5 through
17.7% in Concordia, Argentina,6 to the highest of
26.3% in Ibadan, Nigeria,7 a West African neighbour
of Ghana.
Genital HPVs are common sexually transmitted viruses
and the high-risk types (HR-HPV) have been shown to
be the cause of invasive cervical cancer and its cytological precursors, squamous intraepithelial lesions.8-10
Additionally, the prevalence of HR-HPV types in middle-aged women and the incidence of cervical cancer in
the same age group are strongly positively correlated.11
The prevalence of genital HPV is also directly related
to the number of lifetime sexual partners, recent change
in sexual partners, marital status, illiteracy, oral contraceptive use, alcoholism, smoking, hormonal and dietary factors, and immunosuppression.7,12-14 HPV 16 is
the most common HPV type found in the cervix and in
cervical cancers, where it is detected in over 50% of
cases. The other types detected commonly in cervical
cancers include types 18, 45 and 31.15
Keywords: HPV, Prevalence, PCR, Ghana
June 2008
A.B. Domfeh et al.
HPV Prevalence in Ghanaian Women
tients to enter the Gynaecology Clinic who consented
to participate in the study and a request for HPV testing. The inclusion criteria required a patient’s consent
to take part in the study and the consented patient
should not have any form of vaginal bleeding or discharge at the time of the study. Eighteen patients fulfilling the above inclusion criteria declined participation before we accrued our desired sample size of 75,
and the major reason offered was their lack of familiarity with the Papanicoloau test procedure on account of
no previous history of Pap testing. The protocol for the
study was approved by the Ethical and Protocol Review Committee of the University of Ghana Medical
Recently available information on the prevalence of
cervical HPV infection in subsets of the sexually-active
female population in sub-Saharan Africa16-26 show
comparably high prevalence rates to that found in the
population-based survey in Nigeria,7 with some variations based on the sample selection and the type of
HPV testing employed. Organized cytology screening
programs have reduced the incidence of and mortality
from cervical carcinoma in many developed countries,
but the Papanicoloau (Pap) screening test is not available routinely in sub-Saharan Africa. Because cytological or HPV screening programs based on frequently
repeated screening rounds would be expensive, logistically difficult and not feasible in many developing
countries, immunization against HR-HPV offers the
greatest hope for a long-term solution to cervical cancer. In the short-term, though, early detection of cervical neoplasia with visual inspection with acetic acid
(VIA), now considered as a low-technology alternative
to cervical cytology, is currently being evaluated in
Ghana and other developing countries.27
After an explanation of the study to each patient at
their appropriate level of literacy, and following written informed consent, information was obtained from
each consenting participant through personal interviews using structured questionnaire (including when
necessary translation of the purpose, written informed
consent form and the questionnaire of the study into
local Ghanaian languages) assessing sociodemographic
characteristics, sexual history, knowledge about cervical cancer, gynecological history as it relates to the risk
factors associated with HPV infections.
The understanding of the behavioural characteristics
that relate to the acquisition of HPV infections is important to identify subgroups within a population that
are at higher risk for invasive cervical cancer. Using
dot blot to detect the presence of HPV DNA, the evidence of cervical HPV infection was reported in 33%
and 48% of rural and urban women in Ghana, respectively.28 Here, we report the first PCR-based molecular
study of cervical HPV infection in Ghana, and its correlates to the socio-demographic and reproductive
characteristics of Ghanaian women.
Sample collection and DNA Extraction
Following completion of the questionnaire by personal
interview, a consultant gynaecologist performed a gynaecological examination. After the examination, ectocervical and endocervical samples were obtained
(from each patient) for the extraction of DNA for the
detection of HPV. Briefly, a sterile vaginal speculum
was inserted into the vagina of the patient, and using a
sterile Ayre’s spatula, exfoliated cells were obtained
from the transformation zone of the cervix. The spatula was then rinsed in sterile phosphate buffer (PBS,
pH 7.4), centrifuged (2,000g, 5 min), and the supernatant discarded. The pellets were placed in a microcentrifuge tube with 50 µl of lysing buffer solution
containing 2.5 mM MgCl2, 50 mM KCl, 10 mM Tris
HCl, pH 8.3, and 0.5% Tween 20. Two microliters of
proteinase K (QIAGEN, GmbH, Germany) was also
added and the mixture incubated at 56oC for 2 hours.
The samples were spun (2,000g, 2 min) briefly, and
then incubated (95oC for 10 minutes) to denature the
residual protease. The digested samples were centrifuged at 2,000g, for 2 minutes and 5µl of the supernatant of each sample was used directly, without purification, as DNA template for PCR amplification.
Study area and subjects
This study was conducted at the Gynecology Outpatient Clinic of the Korle-Bu Teaching Hospital
(KBTH), Accra, Ghana, between January and April
2002. KBTH, situated in the nation’s capital, Accra, is
the leading tertiary hospital and the major referral center in the country. Hence, most of the patients seen at
KBTH are referral cases from various parts of Southern
Ghana. It also serves as the teaching hospital of the
University of Ghana Medical School. Thus the demographics of the patients that were tested in this study
were not limited to a specific social group, such as
commercial sex workers, who are expected to attend
Gynaecological clinics more frequently. The patients
in this study originated from various social and ethnic
groups as well as geographically distinct areas from the
vast territory of the Greater Accra region and the
Southern part of Ghana. There was no selection of
patients from a larger cohort of HPV-tested cases; the
cases presented here were the first 75 consecutive pa-
PCR Primers and Amplification
To analyze the quality of target DNA for PCR testing,
5µl of the supernatant of each of the 75 samples were
June 2008
Volume 42, Number 2
screened with β-globin gene-specific control primers
(M24191),29 and all 75 samples produced a positive βglobin result. General consensus primers GP5+
were used (Invitrogen Life Technologies, Frederick,
MD, U.S.A). Amplification reactions were done using
5 µl of DNA (0.5% to 2% of the total extractable
DNA) as DNA template, in a 50 µl reaction mixture
containing 50 mM KCl, 10 mM Tris HCl (pH 8.8), 3.6
mM, 0.1 mg BSA/ml, 2.5 µl deoxynucleoside triphosphate, and IU of Taq polymerase (QIAGEN). Fifty
picomoles of each primer were used for the ultrasensitive amplification as previously described.30,31 HPV
negative control samples (K562 human DNA cell line
DNA) were interspersed between clinical specimens to
evaluate potential inter-specimen contamination. Positive control samples (HPV positive cell line CaSki
cells, 600 viral copies of HPV DNA/cell) were interspersed between clinical specimens to monitor the
overall amplification and hybridization process. The
negative and positive control specimens were processed with all clinical specimens and each individual
hybridization reaction tray contained at least 1 positive
and 1 negative control.
analysis of age was repeated after having stratified by
serum analysis results and compared the mean ages for
statistically significant difference using the Student’s T
Test. In the bivariate analysis, odds ratios for HPV
positivity and corresponding 95% confidence intervals
were calculated by means of unconditional, multiple
logistic regression equations adjusted for age (continuous variable).
The 75 study participants had a mean age of 33.3 years
(standard deviation, 9.2 years; range, 19 to 57 years).
The vast majority (90.7%) had at least primary level of
education and 9.3% were illiterates. The majority
(85.3%) were married (with 16.4% in a polygamous
marriage) and 14.7% were single, divorced or widowed. Fifty (66.7%) had their first sexual intercourse
by age 18, with the earliest age being 14 years. The
percentage of lifetime monogamy was 21.3%, with
78.7% of the study participants having had 2 or more
lifetime sexual partners. Their mean number of lifetime
sexual partners was 2.5, with the maximum number
being 6. Sixty-seven (89.3%) had never used a female
condom, whereas only 8 (10.7%) had ever used a condom. Fifty-six percent (42 out of 75) had heard of cervical cancer, but only one study participant knew it is
caused by HPV infection. Of the 42 study participants
who had heard of cervical cancer, 20 (47.6%) knew
that it could be prevented but only one study participant knew that it could be prevented specifically by
performing the Pap smear test. Thirty-four (45.3%), 24
(32.0%), and 4 (5.3%) respectively, had histories of
pelvic pain, offensive vaginal discharge and genital
PCR Product Visualization
Amplified DNA fragments were separated in 2% agarose gel by electrophoresis and stained with ethidium
bromide (0.5 mg/ml). The UV-illuminated gels were
photographed with Kodak (type DC265, Epson, Suwa,
Japan) digital camera. Electrophoresis was read by
comparison with the DNA molecular weight ladder/markers, and a positive result was identified by
corresponding to the 140 bp fragment of the amplified
HPV positive control sample (HPV positive cell line
CaSki cells).
Data Analysis
The Statistical Analysis System (SAS Institute, Cary,
NC) version 9.1 was used to complete all data analyses.
The categories of some of the characteristics were
combined into only two groups to avoid large confidence intervals, on account of our small study population size. The women were divided into 2 categories of
age; less than or equal to 30 years and greater than 30
years. Educational levels were classified as illiterate or
better; contraceptive use as barrier or non barrier; age
at first sexual intercourse was divided into less than or
equal to 18 years and greater than 18 years; number of
life time partners as less than or equal to 3 and more
than 3.In the univariate analysis, the frequencies for
each of the variables above were calculated. The
means, median, maximum and minimum values for
age, age at first sexual intercourse and number of lifetime sexual partners were determined. The univariate
Figure 1 Gel photograph of simple Human Papillomavirus
PCR products. The 140 bp fragment corresponds to the amplified HPV DNA. Lane M: 100bp DNA molecular weight
marker; NC: negative control (no DNA); PC: positive control
June 2008
A.B. Domfeh et al.
(HPV positive cell line CaSki cells); S1 and S2: HPV DNA
positive samples 1 and 2, respectively.
Figure 1 shows the 2% agarose gel electrophoresis
photograph of the products of the simple PCR amplification of the HPV DNA in the cervical scrapes. General consensus primers GP5+ and GP6+ were used to
amplify the HPV L1 gene region of the HPV DNA.
This synthesizes a 140 bp fragment. Of the 75 cervical
scrapes, positive HPV DNA PCR amplification was
achieved in 8, giving a crude HPV DNA prevalence of
10.7%. DNA from these 8 specimens gave bands in the
region of 140 bp, suggesting that the correct regions of
the HPV DNA has been amplified and confirming the
presence of HPV infection in these patients. The prevalence of HPV was highest (18.2%) among women 4150 years of age, followed by 10.7% in 21-30 year
group, then 10% in 31-40 year group, and 0% in 1121 and 51-60 year groups. The mean age of the 8 HPV
DNA positive women was 30.5 years (standard deviation, 9.1 years; range, 22 to 46 years), whilst the mean
age of the 67 HPV DNA negative women was 33.6
years (standard deviation, 9.2 years; range, 19 to 57
years). There was no statistically significant difference
(T test, t = 0.91, p = 0.4 > 0.05) between the mean
ages of the HPD DNA positive and negative women.
Table 1 shows the odds ratios (ORs) for HPV DNA
positive detection and corresponding 95% confidence
intervals (95%CIs) according to the sociodemographic
and reproductive behavioural characteristics among 75
women in Accra, Ghana. Illiteracy, which was reported by 9.3% of women, was associated with a OR
for HPV DNA detection of 13.9 (95%CI, 1.9 – 100).
Women reporting more than 3 lifetime sexual partners, who accounted for 20% of our study participants, had 4.6-fold (95%CI, 1.0 – 22.2) higher HPV
DNA prevalence as compared with women reporting 3
or less lifetime sexual partners. Women older than 30
years, who accounted for 57.3% of our study participants, were at an increased risk (OR, 2.1; 95%CI, 0.5
– 9.3) of HPV DNA detection as compared with
women younger than 30 years, though the differences
in prevalence estimates did not reach statistical significance. Sexual intercourse at 18 years of age or
younger, reported by 66.7% of women, was associated
with a OR for HPV DNA detection of 2.1 (95%CI, 0.4
– 10.4), but differences did not reach the level of statistical significance. Condom use was not associated with
HPV DNA detection (OR, 0.9; 95%CI, 0.1 – 9.4).
HPV Prevalence in Ghanaian Women
with the reported high incidence of cervical cancer in
Ghana and other sub-Saharan African countries,1,2 and
previous reports of high prevalence of cervical HPV
infection in Ghana28 and other sub-Saharan African
countries.7,16-24 The prevalence of HPV DNA detection
of 10.7% found in women in Accra, Ghana is in the
upper end of the world spectrum,3-7 and consistent with
previous reports in women in sub-Saharan African.7,1624
Table 1: Odds Ratios (ORs) for Positive HPV DNA
Detection and corresponding 95% Confidence Intervals
(95% CIs) according to the sociodemographic and reproductive behavioural characteristics among 75
women in Accra, Ghana
Positive HPV DNA Detection
Age (years)
< 30
3 (8.8)
> 30
5 (12.2)
(0.5 – 9.3)
Age at first sexual intercourse (years)
6 (12.0)
< 18
> 18
2 (8.0)
Formal educational level achieved
5 (7.4)
Primary or
4 (57.1)
Illiterate or
Condom (male & female types) use
7 (10.4)
(1.9 - 100)
(0.1 – 9.4)
1 (12.5)
Number of lifetime sexual partners
4 (6.7)
(0.4 – 10.4)
4 (26.7)
(1.0 – 22.2)
Combined into only two categories to minimize the width of
confidence intervals.
Adjusted for age.
Previous cervical HPV prevalence studies in subSaharan Africa have generally shown relatively high
prevalence with some variations, based on the sample
selection and the type of HPV testing employed. Polymerase chain reaction (PCR)-based assays, similar to
The study group included women that were largely
polygamous with multiple lifetime sexual partners,
relatively early age at first sexual intercourse and very
low lifetime use of condoms. This profile is consistent
June 2008
Volume 42, Number 2
that employed in this study, showed HPV prevalence of
44% in Nairobi, Kenya,24 40% in rural Mozambique,18
34% in Northwestern Tanzania,19,23 31% in Harare,
Zimbabwe,20 26.3% in Ibadan, Nigeria,7 18% in Dakar
and Pikene, Senegal,22 and 15.4% in South Africa.21
The hybrid capture assay II showed HPV prevalence of
25% in Harare, Zimbabwe,17 and 17% in rural
Uganda.16 Using dot blot to detect the presence of
HPV DNA, the evidence of cervical HPV infection was
previously reported in 33% and 48% of rural and urban
women in Ghana, respectively,28 compared to the
10.7% herein reported using the more specific PCRbased assay.
been reported in two populations as very high-risk for
cervical cancer, namely Chennai, Southern India18 and
Ibadan, Nigeria.7 Hormonal changes as well as changes
in sexual behaviour among peri- and post-menopausal
women and their partners might both contribute to this
observation. Specifically, in the Ghanaian and Nigerian
societies where polygamy is generally accepted, a fraction of men and women (mainly men) may continue to
have multiple sexual partners throughout their life and
therefore reinfect themselves and their spouses. Additionally, as previously suggested,7 women in developing countries, like Ghana, Nigeria and India, may have
decreased ability to clear HPV infections, possibly due
to concomitant genital infections or nutritional deficiencies, since the development of an efficient immune
response against HPV acquired over age is the generally accepted reason for the decline in HPV prevalence
observed in other populations.3-6,32 The group of
women who remain persistent carriers of HPV by middle age are now considered the high-risk group for cervical cancer.3-7,32-35
The reported age pattern of HPV prevalence differs
from one country to another, but the predominant reported pattern shows an early peak in the young age
groups, soon after the start of sexual intercourse,32
followed by a steady decline in middle age, after clearance of a large proportion of newly acquired infections,
and a steady state in the age group 40 and above.3-6,32,33
In some populations, U-shaped curves, with a second
peak in postmenopausal women, were found, and this
observation has generally been detected in countries
with high incidence rates of cervical cancer.32-35 In
three previous studies from sub-Saharan Africa,16,18,24
the prevalence of HPV declined significantly with age.
Being illiterate and reporting more than 3 lifetime sexual partners were the main correlates of HPV DNA
detection among the study women. This confirms the
findings of previous studies that demonstrated that the
number of lifetime sexual partners4,14 and illiteracy7
are significantly associated with HPV infection. The
previously identified barriers to the early detection of
cervical cancer in Ghana were the low level of knowledge about cervical cancer etiology, pap smear test and
cervical cancer screening.37 These barriers were confirmed in this study group, with the knowledge about
cervical cancer, its’ causes and prevention being very
poor. This poses a tremendous health education challenge, since majority of the women studied are not
even aware of the disease and the steps to prevent it
from occurring. Therefore, increasing the proportion of
population with formal education as well as intensifying health education would be necessary to reduce the
prevalence of HPV infection and the incidence of cervical cancer in Ghana. Adolescents who have not yet
had sexual intercourse should be educated, counseled
and encouraged to postpone sexual initiation as long as
possible. The general public should be educated on
cervical cancer aetiology, the pap smear test and cervical cancer screening, and the importance of limiting the
number of sexual partners and choosing sexual partners
who have not themselves had multiple sexual partners.
In two other sub-Saharan African studies,7,22 HPV
prevalence showed no significant decline with age, and
indeed, in one of these two studies22 high-risk, and not
low-risk HPV types, were more frequently detected in
older than younger women. The age-specific point
prevalence of cervical HPV infection of the study
group was notable, with a peak among women 41-50
years of age, followed by women in 21-30 year group,
then women in 31-40 year group, and finally women in
11-21 and 51-60 year groups. The age pattern of HPV
prevalence of the study group was U-shaped, with a
higher second peak, and consistent with the general
observation in countries with high cervical cancer incidence rates like Ghana.36 In Ghana, cervical cancer is
the third most common cause of cancer mortality in
women, accounting for 8.47% of cancer deaths in Ghanaian women.36 Additionally, the age pattern of HPV
prevalence of the study group showed a general increase, there was no statistically significant differences
in the age-specific rates of HPV DNA detection in the
study women aged 30 and older compared to the study
women younger than 30 years of age (Table 1). The
explanations for the persistent high prevalence of HPV
in middle and older aged women, and the peak HPV
prevalence in the 41-50 year group (peri- and postmenopausal women) in Accra, Ghana are not obvious
from this study. HPV prevalence age pattern similar to
that of the study group in Accra, Ghana has previously
Female condom use and delayed onset of sexual intercourse by the study group were not protective against
HPV infection, and therefore the previously reported
protective effect of condom use3, 4, 12, 14 and delayed
onset of sexual intercourse14 against HPV infection
could not be confirmed. This may be due to the small
June 2008
A.B. Domfeh et al.
sample size of the study group. Despite combining
some of the characteristics of our study participants
into only two categories for the univariate and bivariate
analysis, the relatively wide confidence intervals above
is due to our small sample size. Additionally, our sample of 75 women may not be representative of the general Ghanaian population on account of the small sample size and the convenient sampling method employed.
HPV Prevalence in Ghanaian Women
In conclusion, this study suggests a high prevalence of
HPV infection in some age groups of the largely polygamous Ghanaian female population as in other subSaharan African countries, and that the initiation of
sexual intercourse before age 18 and illiteracy are associated with HPV infection. This has implications for
extending the reach of formal education and for the
design of adolescent-specific cervical cancer health
educational programs in Ghana. However, the findings
and conclusions of this study are limited by the small
sample size of participants, and a much larger population-based study would be required to validate our
This study was funded by a research grant from the
Unilever (Ghana) Education and Research Trust Fund,
Accra, Ghana, to Professor Edwin K. Wiredu and Professor Andrew A. Adjei.
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