Icarus 175 (2005) 111–140
The fossilized size distribution of the main asteroid belt
William F. Bottke Jr. a,∗ , Daniel D. Durda a , David Nesvorný a , Robert Jedicke b ,
Alessandro Morbidelli c , David Vokrouhlický d , Hal Levison a
a Department of Space Studies, Southwest Research Institute, 1050 Walnut St, Suite 400, Boulder, CO 80302, USA
b Institute for Astronomy, University of Hawaii, Honolulu, HI 96822-1897, USA
c Observatoire de la Côte d’Azur, B.P. 4229, 06034 Nice Cedex 4, France
d Institute of Astronomy, Charles University, V Holešovičkách 2, 180 00 Prague 8, Czech Republic
Received 19 May 2004; revised 4 October 2004
Available online 14 March 2005
Planet formation models suggest the primordial main belt experienced a short but intense period of collisional evolution shortly after
the formation of planetary embryos. This period is believed to have lasted until Jupiter reached its full size, when dynamical processes
(e.g., sweeping resonances, excitation via planetary embryos) ejected most planetesimals from the main belt zone. The few planetesimals
left behind continued to undergo comminution at a reduced rate until the present day. We investigated how this scenario affects the main
belt size distribution over Solar System history using a collisional evolution model (CoEM) that accounts for these events. CoEM does not
explicitly include results from dynamical models, but instead treats the unknown size of the primordial main belt and the nature/timing of its
dynamical depletion using innovative but approximate methods. Model constraints were provided by the observed size frequency distribution
of the asteroid belt, the observed population of asteroid families, the cratered surface of differentiated Asteroid (4) Vesta, and the relatively
constant crater production rate of the Earth and Moon over the last 3 Gyr. Using CoEM, we solved for both the shape of the initial main
belt size distribution after accretion and the asteroid disruption scaling law Q∗D . In contrast to previous efforts, we find our derived Q∗D
function is very similar to results produced by numerical hydrocode simulations of asteroid impacts. Our best fit results suggest the asteroid
belt experienced as much comminution over its early history as it has since it reached its low-mass state approximately 3.9–4.5 Ga. These
results suggest the main belt’s wavy-shaped size-frequency distribution is a “fossil” from this violent early epoch. We find that most diameter
D 120 km asteroids are primordial, with their physical properties likely determined during the accretion epoch. Conversely, most smaller
asteroids are byproducts of fragmentation events. The observed changes in the asteroid spin rate and lightcurve distributions near D ∼ 100–
120 km are likely to be a byproduct of this difference. Estimates based on our results imply the primordial main belt population (in the form
of D < 1000 km bodies) was 150–250 times larger than it is today, in agreement with recent dynamical simulations.
2004 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Keywords: Asteroids; Asteroids, dynamics; Collisional physics; Impact processes; Origin, Solar System
1. Introduction
The main asteroid belt is a living relic, with ongoing collisional and dynamical evolution slowly obscuring traces left
behind by planet formation processes. Despite this, the main
belt retains critical clues that, properly read, can be used to
* Corresponding author. Fax: +1-303-546-9687.
E-mail address: bottke@boulder.swri.edu (W.F. Bottke).
0019-1035/$ – see front matter 2004 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
discern the initial conditions and evolution processes that occurred during the planet formation epoch (e.g., the nature
and mass of the solar nebula between Mars and Jupiter, the
timing of Jupiter’s formation, the distribution of volatiles in
the inner Solar System, the size distribution produced during runaway growth phase of planetary accretion, the scaling
laws that control collisional evolution both during and after
planetary accretion, the presence of planetary embryos inside Jupiter’s orbit, the migration of the giant planets and
whether sweeping resonance ever crossed the main belt, the
W.F. Bottke Jr. et al. / Icarus 175 (2005) 111–140
degree of material mixing that occurred between the feeding
zones, etc.).
In order to interpret the record left behind in the main
belt, we need to develop an understanding of how collisional
and dynamical evolution has affected this region over the
last 4.6 Gyr. A prerequisite for this kind of work is that
we develop tools capable of modeling these processes as
precisely as possible. At present, there are several different scenarios for modeling the dynamical evolution of the
main belt. While these scenarios come in different flavors
and have varying degrees of success at matching observational constraints (e.g., see Petit et al., 2002, for a recent
review), they all share certain similarities. For example, they
all conclude that a massive primordial main belt experienced a short but intense period of comminution during/after
the accretion phase. Less then ∼10 Myr later, the primordial main belt quickly lost most of its mass via dynamical
processes (e.g., sweeping resonances, excitation via planetary embryos), with the event presumably triggered by the
formation and orbital evolution of Jupiter and/or the dispersion of the solar nebula (Petit et al., 2002). We refer to this
event in this paper as the “dynamical depletion event,” or
DDE for short. The relatively few planetesimals that stayed
behind in the main belt region continued to undergo comminution at a reduced rate for billions of years. The net effect
of these processes left the main belt in its current state.
Although this main belt evolution scenario is considered
state of the art, it has yet to be modeled in any modern
collision code. A straightforward way to do this would be
to combine the current generation of collision codes with
the best available dynamical models. The modified code
could then be used to track asteroid comminution over the
last 4.6 Gyr. The problem with this approach is that it
would make use of enough unknown parameters that obtaining unique (or even useful) results would be difficult to
impossible. For example, the asteroid disruption and fragmentation routines used in current collision codes contain
significant uncertainties (e.g., see Holsapple et al., 2002;
Asphaug et al., 2002; and Davis et al., 2002, for recent reviews). We also lack a good understanding of both the conditions that existed in main belt during/after accretion and
of the timing/nature of dynamical events that occurred in the
main belt over the last 4.6 Gyr.
To overcome these problems, we employ in this paper an
alternative and more approximate approach that retains the
essential aspects of the scenario described above but eliminates several model parameters. This method requires that
we make two key assumptions about main belt evolution:
(i) comminution among diameter D < 1000 km planetesimals in the main belt zone were very likely dominated by
the same collision probabilities and impact velocities found
there today (Petit et al., 2001), and (ii) an immense planetesimal population undergoing comminution for a short period
of time is equivalent, for our purposes, to a much smaller
population undergoing comminution for an extended period
of time. As we will show, the application of (i) and (ii) allow
us to bypass questions related to the initial size of the main
belt population after accretion as well as the timing/nature
of the DDE that scattered main belt material.
To obtain the best possible results from our collision
code, we go to some effort in this paper to derive state of
the art model constraints. We do this by taking advantage of
recent insights into the main belt population (e.g., Jedicke
et al., 2002), asteroid disruption events (Benz and Asphaug,
1999; Durda et al., 2004a, 2004b) and the fragment size distribution produced by real asteroid breakup events (Tanga
et al., 1999; Nesvorný et al., 2002a, 2003). We also make
use of new estimates for the disruption frequency of asteroid
families produced by the breakup of diameter D > 100 km
bodies. We find these data are crucial to deriving a unique
solution for the asteroid disruption scaling law.
An additional way our work differs from other recent efforts is that we explore a wide range of initial conditions.
Over the last several decades, nearly all main belt collisional
models have limited themselves to initial populations that
were more massive in every size range of interest than the
observed one. Models of this type, however, may produce
results that are inconsistent with the available constraints.
For example, the starting conditions used by these models require the elimination of so many asteroids via comminution that the observed main belt cannot be reproduced
without the use of disruption scaling laws that are highly
discordant with those derived in laboratory and numerical
experiments (e.g., Durda et al., 1998). A second example is
that these models tend to produce far more asteroid families than those observed today. A third example stems from
the fact that these models predict the main belt population
should have decayed substantially over the age of the Solar System. If true, the near-Earth object (NEO) population,
which is almost entirely replenished by the main belt (Bottke et al., 2000, 2002a, 2002b), should have decayed by a
factor of ∼3 or more over the last ∼3 Gyr (Davis et al.,
2002). Studies of the lunar and terrestrial cratering record,
however, provide no evidence for such a decline; instead,
they suggest that the NEO population (and hence the main
belt population for D 30 km asteroids) has been relatively
constant over this time (e.g., Grieve and Shoemaker, 1994;
Shoemaker, 1998).
Instead of following this path, our solution has its roots
in several pioneering works on main belt evolution (Kuiper
et al., 1958; Anders, 1965; Hartmann and Hartmann, 1968).
Our best fit collisional model requires us to use an initial
main belt population that contains relatively few bodies in
the diameter D 120 km range. Accordingly, we argue that
the current small body population (D 120 km) is predominantly composed of fragments produced by breakup events
among larger asteroids (D 120 km). As we will show, this
model produces results that are much more consistent with
available constraints than previous efforts (e.g., Davis et al.,
2002). The asteroid disruption scaling law derived from our
best fit model is also remarkably similar to estimates pro-
The fossilized main belt size distribution
vided by numerical hydrocode experiments of asteroid collisions (Benz and Asphaug, 1999).
Overall, our results lead us to conclude that the main belt
size distribution is a “fossil” produced by numerous collisions that occurred early in Solar System history. They also
explain why the main belt size distribution has been in steady
state for the last ∼3 Gyr. Given the insights provided by this
work, we believe we are now ready to attack the main belt
evolution problem using increasingly realistic scenarios.
A brief outline of our paper is as follows. In Section 2,
we discuss some background on the main belt evolution
problem and accomplishments (and limitations) of previous
efforts. In Section 3, we present our collisional model. In
Section 4, we describe our model constraints. In Section 5,
we discuss both our approach to the problem and how we determined the nature of our starting population. In Section 6,
we show our model results, where we use our collision code
to derive the specific shape of the main belt size distribution
after accretion ended among the D < 1000 km planetesimals as well as the shape of the scaling relationship controlling asteroid disruption. Some implications of our work are
discussed in Section 7. Finally, in Section 8, we list our conclusions.
2. Background
In this section, we review several issues related to the collisional modeling work and what insights we have gleaned
from previous work. Those wishing to jump to a discussion
of the collisional model should go to Section 3.
2.1. A brief history of planet formation and their effects on
the main belt region
To set the stage for our work, we briefly discuss how the
asteroid belt was affected by planet formation. The classical view of planet formation in the inner Solar System,
which involves the gradual coalescence of many tiny bodies into rocky planets, can be divided into four stages: (i) the
accumulation of dust in the solar nebula into km-sized planetesimals, (ii) runaway growth of the largest planetesimals
via gravitational accretion into numerous protoplanets isolated in their feeding zones; (iii) oligarchic growth of protoplanets fed by planetesimals residing between their feeding zones; and (iv) mutual perturbations between Moonto-Mars-sized planetary embryos and Jupiter, causing collisions, mergers, and the dynamical excitation of small body
populations not yet accreted by the embryos (e.g., Safronov,
1969; Greenberg et al., 1978; Wetherill and Stewart, 1989;
Weidenschilling et al., 1997; Chambers and Wetherill, 1998;
Agnor et al., 1999; Weidenschilling, 2000; Petit et al., 2001;
Kokubo and Ida, 2002). It is believed that runaway growth
occurs over a timescale of 0.01–1.0 Myr while the latter stages required 10–100 Myr (for a recent review, see
Weidenschilling and Cuzzi, 2004).
One powerful constraint that the main belt provides to
planet formation models has to do with the putative large depletion of material in the main belt zone. While the surface
density distribution of solid material in our protosolar nebula is currently unknown, estimates can be made using the
assumption that the nebula contained just enough material
of solar composition to form the planets at their current locations and compositions. These model results suggest that
the Solar System’s surface density may have varied as r −1 to
r −3/2 between Venus and Neptune, where r is heliocentric
distance (Weidenschilling, 1977; Lissauer, 1987). Compared
to this prediction, however, the amount of solid material in
the main belt zone today is nearly 1000 times lower than our
expectations. This is a serious problem when one considers
that (i) we have no reason to think that the surface density of
the nebula was anything but smooth and (ii) to produce large
asteroids on timescales consistent with constraints provided
by the meteorite record, the surface density in the main belt
had to be at least 100 times higher than currently observed
(Wetherill, 1989).
To circumvent this mass depletion problem, many groups
(e.g., see Petit et al., 2002) now assume that the primordial
main belt originally contained M⊕ of material, enough to
allow the asteroids to accrete on relatively short timescales
An important implication of this assumption is that planetary
embryos on the scale of Moon- to Mars-size bodies probably formed in the primordial main belt at the same time
(e.g., Wetherill, 1992; Chambers and Wetherill, 1998, 2001;
Petit et al., 2001). If so, these bodies may have dynamically
excited planetesimals in the main belt region enough to initiate fragmentation. Thus, the primordial asteroid belt may
have experienced an early collisional evolution phase where
a significant fraction of the total main belt’s mass was still in
D < 1000 km bodies.
The elimination of bodies from the primordial main belt
is likely to have come from a combination of collisions and
dynamics, presumably triggered by the formation of Jupiter
several Myr after the birth of the Solar System (Wetherill,
1992; Franklin and Lecar, 2000; Morbidelli et al., 2000;
Chambers and Wetherill, 2001; Petit et al., 2001; Nagasawa
et al., 2002; see review by Petit et al., 2002). This socalled “dynamical depletion event” (DDE) would have left
the main belt in a state comparable to its current condition,
with a total mass ∼5 × 10−4 M⊕ . The timing and strength of
the mechanism that eliminated the mass is constrained by the
presence of Vesta’s basaltic crust. If the main belt were massive for too long, Vesta’s crust would have been obliterated
by collisions (Davis et al., 1985).
We caution that much of this scenario is supposition. Although numerical modeling work makes a good case that
planetary embryos once formed in the main belt, no one has
yet proven it had to happen, nor have they shown that the
main belt had to undergo an early phase of dynamical evolution. On the other hand, models that have attempted to investigate whether most of the main belt’s early mass was either
never there (e.g., Kortenkamp et al., 2001) or that it was lost
W.F. Bottke Jr. et al. / Icarus 175 (2005) 111–140
by comminution alone (e.g., Durda et al., 1998) have not yet
met with success. To probe these questions more deeply, we
need to understand these collisional modeling efforts and determine their merits. Hence, we now review previous efforts
to simulate the collisional evolution of the main belt.
2.2. Previous efforts to model the collisional evolution of
the main belt
Some of the earliest attempts to model the collisional evolution of the main belt were made by Anders (1965) (see
also Hartmann and Hartmann, 1968). In Anders (1965), it
was postulated that the initial main belt size distribution
may have had a Gaussian or bell-shape, making most small
asteroids in the current population byproducts of a relatively small number of collisional disruption events among
D > 60 km asteroids.1 Anders’ conclusions were not based
on collisional evolution models per se but rather on his efforts to derive the shape of the primordial main belt size
distribution by reconstructing the parent bodies of asteroid
families. This work produced several insights that we will
invoke later in this paper.
The first collisional evolution model was produced by
Dohnanyi (1969), who predicted that an asteroid population in collisional equilibrium should eventually evolve to
a steady state size distribution with a differential power law
slope index of −3.5 (see also Hellyer, 1970, 1971; Paolicchi,
1994; Williams and Wetherill, 1994; Tanaka et al., 1996).
To get this result, Dohnanyi’s model assumed fragmentation
occurs for a fixed projectile-to-target mass ratio and that the
self-gravity of the target was negligible. While his solutions
provided important insights into how small body populations
might evolve via a collisional cascade, his work did not use
a realistic scaling law for disrupting asteroids.
These scaling relationships are now commonly defined
as the critical impact specific energy, Q∗D , the energy per
unit target mass delivered by the projectile required for
catastrophic disruption of the target (i.e., such that one-half
the mass of the target body escapes) (Durda et al., 1998;
Holsapple et al., 2002; Asphaug et al., 2002). The diameter
of the projectile ddisrupt capable of disrupting a target asteroid (Dtarget ) is defined as:
2 1/3
ddisrupt = 2Q∗D /Vimp
Dtarget ,
where Vimp is the impact velocity and the target and projectile are both assumed to have the same density. While there
have been many different estimates for Q∗D over the years
(e.g., Fig. 6 from Holsapple et al., 2002), several trends remain constant. Small asteroids are considered part of the
“strength-scaling” regime, where the fragmentation of the
target body is governed by its tensile strength. Large asteroids, on the other hand, are considered part of the “gravityscaling” regime, where fragmentation is controlled by the
1 Note that Anders ideas were based, in part, on Kuiper et al. (1958),
who speculated the “bump” seen in observed population was primordial.
self-gravity of the target. Values for Q∗D have been estimated
using both laboratory experiments (e.g., see recent review
by Holsapple et al., 2002) and numerical hydrocode experiments (e.g., see recent review by Asphaug et al., 2002).
As summarized by Asphaug et al. (2002), Holsapple et al.
(2002), and Davis et al. (2002), laboratory experiments and
hydrocode modeling work suggests the transition between
the regimes occurs in the range 100 < D < 200 m.
The next important advance in collisional modeling was
made by Davis et al. (1979, 1985), who created a selfconsistent 1-D collisional evolution code to track the evolution of the main belt from shortly after the runaway growth
epoch (see also Davis et al., 1989). Davis et al. were the
first to use a disruption scaling law that accounted for size
dependent strength among smaller bodies and gravitational
binding among larger asteroids. They were also possibly the
first group to point out that accurate collisional models had
to account for the mass depletion of the main belt, the intact
crust of Vesta, the shape of the main belt size distribution,
and the population of large families observed in the main
belt. Unfortunately, the available data on these topics at the
time their paper was written was limited. Despite these handicaps, results from Davis et al. (1979, 1985) provide us with
several important insights (or paradoxes) into modeling the
collisional evolution of the main belt over 4.6 Gyr. They are:
Paradox 1. It is difficult for collisions alone to grind away
the size distribution of the main belt predicted by accretion
models without eliminating Vesta’s crust or producing size
distributions that are inconsistent with the observed main
belt size distribution.
Paradox 2. Collisional evolution results generated using
“realistic” Q∗D disruption laws have difficulty breaking up
D > 100 km asteroids, mainly because these objects have
significant self-gravity. Because these bodies cannot be eliminated by comminution, collision codes are driven toward
initial main belt size distributions that contain roughly the
same number of D > 100 km asteroids as those observed
today. Results from planetary accretion codes, however, indicate that large main belt asteroids cannot grow over reasonable timescales unless the planetesimal disk in the main
belt zone once held far more mass (e.g., Wetherill, 1989).
To deal with these paradoxes, Davis et al. (1985) hypothesized that dynamical processes related to planet formation
might have eliminated much of the main belt’s mass early
in Solar System history. We agree; one of the goals of this
paper is to provide evidence that this scenario is viable.
Interestingly, Davis et al. (1979, 1985) also tested the
Gaussian initial main belt population postulated by Anders
(1965). Because their results suggested that these size distributions retain the same basic shape over 4.6 Gyr of comminution, they concluded that Gaussian populations were
unlikely to serve as a reasonable starting point for main belt
evolution. In hindsight, we believe that Davis et al. may have
The fossilized main belt size distribution
premature in dismissing the Anders (1965) scenario, in part
because their results were based on Q∗D scaling laws that allowed D < 100 km asteroids to disrupt far more easily than
current hydrocode models suggest (e.g., Benz and Asphaug,
1999). Nevertheless, the Davis et al. results appear to have
been influential enough that all subsequent efforts to model
main belt comminution have used initial size distributions
with more mass in every size bin of interest than the observed population. We will return to this important issue in
Section 5.
Since Davis et al. (1979, 1985), several groups (Davis et
al., 1989, 1994; Durda, 1993; Campo Bagatin et al., 1994,
2001; Durda and Dermott, 1997; Durda et al., 1998; Marzari
et al., 1995, 1999; O’Brien and Greenberg, 2003; Cheng,
2004) have investigated the collisional evolution of the main
belt using comparable codes and/or methods. (Some groups
have used these codes to investigate small body populations in the outer Solar System as well; e.g., Stern, 1996;
Charnoz and Morbidelli, 2003.) The primary motivation of
these groups was to explore the effects of different Q∗D laws,
different starting main belt populations, and, in some cases,
different fragmentation laws (e.g., see Petit and Farinella,
1993; Campo Bagatin et al., 2001). One noteworthy advance
produced by these works was the recognition that “bumps” in the main belt size distribution, one near D ∼ 3–4 km
and one near D ∼ 100 km (Fig. 1), might be by-products of
collisional evolution using “V”-shaped Q∗D laws.
To create a wavy size distribution, we need Q∗D function
to undergo an abrupt change. As asteroids increase in size,
changes from negative Q∗D slopes in the strength regime to
positive slopes in the gravity regime make asteroids just beyond the transition point more difficult to disrupt. Because
these objects survive longer, an excess number of projectiles
is created that is capable of disrupting still larger asteroids.
This perturbation launches a wave into the size distribution. For a transition near D = 200 m between strength- and
gravity-scaling disruption regimes, a bump is created near
D ∼ 3–4 km (Campo Bagatin et al., 1994; Durda et al., 1998;
O’Brien and Greenberg, 2003; see Davis et al., 2002, for a
recent review). Some groups claim this pattern may also create the bump found near D ∼ 100 km (e.g., Durda et al.,
1998). These issues will be discussed further in Section 5.
Although all the collisional models mentioned above provide useful insights, we believe none has found a truly satisfying resolution to Paradoxes 1 and 2. To resolve these
issues, we constructed a code that incorporates the insights
described above into a collisional model.
3. Collisional evolution model
To model the comminution in the asteroid belt, we use a
modified version of the self-consistent 1-D collisional evolution model described in Durda and Dermott (1997) and
Durda et al. (1998). In this paper, this code will be referred
to as CoEM, which stands for Collisional Evolution Model.
Fig. 1. An representation of the incremental main belt size frequency distribution computed from a parametric representation of the absolute magnitude H distribution (Jedicke et al., 2002). The H bins have been transformed into D bins using Eq. (9) and a geometric albedo pv = 0.092. The
dots show the position of our bin. The H data is based on the catalog of
known asteroids for H < 12 and results of the Sloan Digital Sky Survey
(SDSS) for H > 12 (see Ivezić et al., 2001). The main belt size-frequency
distribution is wavy, with “bumps” near D ∼ 100 km and D ∼ 3–4 km.
Using this population, the cumulative number of D > 1, 50, and 100 km asteroids is 1.36 × 106 , 680 and 220, respectively. Note that when these data
are plotted on a log scale, the apparent slope is shallower by unity than the
power law index shown in Eq. (7) (Colwell, 1993).
3.1. Collision model framework
To start CoEM, we enter an initial main belt sizefrequency distribution where the population (N ) has been
binned between 0.001 km < D < 1000 km in logarithmic
intervals d Log D = 0.1. All particles in our bins are assumed to be spherical and are set to the same density. We
set the bulk density of each body here to be 2.7 g cm−3 . This
value is something of a compromise between the measured
densities of several different groups: the average bulk densities of several multi-km C-type asteroids (∼1.3 g cm−3 ), the
average bulk density of several multi-km S-type asteroids
(∼2.7 g cm−3 ), and the grain densities of several different
meteorite classes that may be more representative of the
bulk densities of sub-km asteroids (2.2 g cm−3 for CI meteorites, 2.7 g cm−3 for CM meteorites, 3.5 g cm−3 for CV
meteorites; 3.5–3.8 g cm−3 for ordinary chondrites) (Britt et
al., 2002). Note that moderate changes to this density do not
change our results. The characteristic size of the particles in
each bin is determined from the total mass and number of
particles per bin.
CoEM computes the time rate of change in the differential population N per unit volume of space over a size
range between diameter D and D + dD (Dohnanyi, 1969;
Williams and Wetherill, 1994):
W.F. Bottke Jr. et al. / Icarus 175 (2005) 111–140
Here, IDISRUPT is the net number of bodies that leave the
bin between D and D + dD per unit time from catastrophic
disruption (see Eq. (3) below). In CoEM, we assume that
most of our disruption events are barely-catastrophic (i.e.,
50% of the target body’s mass is ejected). This means we neglect both cratering events, which produce much less ejecta
over time than barely-catastrophic disruption events (e.g.,
Dohnanyi, 1969; Williams and Wetherill, 1994) and highlyenergetic catastrophic disruption events, which are unlikely
to occur (e.g., Love and Ahrens, 1997). Exceptions to this
rule are made for the largest asteroids; see Section 3.5 for
We define IFRAG as the number of bodies that enter the
size interval per unit time that were produced via the fragmentation of larger bodies. Finally, IDYN is the number of
bodies lost from the size interval via dynamical processes
(e.g., dynamical excitation via planetary embryos, removal
from the main belt via a resonance). As we will describe below, we employ a numerical strategy in this paper that allows
us to overlook IDYN for now.2 Once we have the components in place, CoEM integrates Eq. (2) over a time range of
interest. Output from CoEM includes the evolved size distribution, the time when each asteroid disruption took place,
and the total number of asteroids breakups that have occurred in each size bin over time. We now describe various
important components of CoEM in greater detail.
3.2. Asteroid collisional lifetimes
The component IDISRUPT from Eq. (2) can be defined as:
where τ is the collisional lifetime of a target body of diameter DT between D and D + dD. Assuming a projectile of
diameter ddisrupt can barely disrupt DT , we can define the
lifetime of the target body τ as:
1 1
N Pi (DT + d ′ )2 dd ′ ,
where d ′ is the projectile diameter, ddisrupt computed using
Eq. (1) and Pi is the “intrinsic collision probability” that projectiles will strike DT . In this model, Pi is defined as the
probability that a single member of the impacting population
will hit the target over a unit of time (Öpik, 1951; Wetherill,
1967; Greenberg, 1982; Farinella and Davis, 1992; Bottke
2 To avoid adding additional free parameters to CoEM, we purposely ignore the effects of Yarkovsky thermal drift that cause D 30 km asteroids
to drift into resonances where they can escape the main belt (e.g., Bottke et
al., 2002a, 2002b; Morbidelli and Vokrouhlický, 2003). Preliminary modeling results (O’Brien and Greenberg, 2004) and our own tests indicate that
the Yarkovsky effect affects the multikilometer main belt population but not
to such a degree that our conclusions are seriously impacted.
and Greenberg, 1993).3 Gravitational focusing is generally neglected here because asteroid escape velocities are
∝ m s−1 whereas asteroid impact velocities are ∝ km s−1
(Bottke et al., 1994).
For our model to work, we need Pi and Vimp values
in both the past and present-day main belt. For the moment, we will concentrate on the current values. To compute Pi and Vimp in the present-day main belt, Bottke et
al. (1994) took a representative sample of main belt asteroids (all 682 asteroids with D > 50 km) and calculated the
collision probabilities and impact velocities between all possible pairs of asteroids, assuming fixed values of semimajor
axis, eccentricity, and inclination (a, e, i). Note that Öpiklike codes like that in Bottke et al. assume the orbits can
be integrated over uniform distributions of longitudes of apsides and nodes; this approximation is considered reasonable
because secular precession randomizes the orientations of
asteroid orbits over ∼104 yr timescales. After all possible
orbital intersection positions for each projectile-target pair
were evaluated and weighted, they found that main belt objects striking one another have Pi ∼ 2.86×10−18 km−2 yr−1
and Vimp ∼ 5.3 km s−1 . These values have been corroborated by several different groups and methods (Farinella and
Davis, 1992; Vedder, 1998; dell’Oro and Paolicchi, 1998;
Manley et al., 1998).
To get Pi and Vimp in the past, we need to understand
how dynamical evolution affected planetesimals shortly after the accretion phase. Depending on how the asteroid belt
reached its current state, this could lead to a wide variety of
values. To winnow the possibilities, we decided to runs tests
on particles evolving in the best available model of main belt
dynamical evolution from Petit et al. (2001). We caution,
however, that Petit et al. assume that all planetary embryos
in the inner Solar System reach their full size more-or-less
simultaneously and that the effects of gas drag on planetesimals is negligible. While these calculations currently represent the state of the art, it is possible these approximations
are too simplistic.
Our results indicate that prior to the formation of Jupiter,
planetary embryos excited primordial asteroids to Pi ∼
2.5 × 10−18 km−2 yr−1 and V ∼ 6 km s−1 . The values are
nearly the same as current values. To explain the similarity,
we created randomly distributed test bodies within various
regions of (a, e, i) space that were centered on the main belt
and then computed their Pi and Vimp values. Our results indicate that ensembles of particles in (a, e, i) zones roughly
equivalent to the main belt produce Pi and Vimp values comparable to main belt values; big changes in Pi and Vimp only
occur when the (a, e, i) zone is stretched to high e, i values.
This explains the Petit et al. (2001) simulations, where planetary embryos push planetesimals into a region of space only
slightly larger than the observed main belt zone over 10 Myr.
3 An asteroid’s cross-section is usually defined as (π/4)D 2 , but here the
π value is included in Pi .
The fossilized main belt size distribution
Given these results, we decided it is a reasonable approximation in CoEM to assume that Pi and Vimp values have
stayed more or less constant, except for short intervals, since
accretion ended among D < 1000 km bodies. This allows
us to ignore the timing and precise nature of the DDE on
main belt comminution, and it simplifies the computation of
Eq. (4). The validity of this approximation hinges on two
issues. The first is that the Petit et al. (2001) scenario is a
reasonable approximation of reality or that other main belt
evolution scenarios allow some dynamical excitation to occur prior to the formation of Jupiter and/or the dynamical
depletion of the main belt. The second is that the main belt’s
dynamical depletion phase is short enough that high velocity collisions do not dominate the other phases of the main
belt’s collisional history (Petit et al., 2001, 2002). If the latter turns out to be false, our model will still produce useful
results if high impact velocities fail to make target asteroids
significantly easier to disrupt. Note that the record from hydrocode simulations is supportive of this idea; results from
Benz and Asphaug (1999) indicate that higher impact velocities can lead to a smaller fraction of the projectile’s kinetic
energy coupled to the target body. These issues will be investigated more closely in an upcoming paper.
A more detailed discussion of how varying impact
velocities in CoEM could affect our results is given in
Appendix A.
3.3. Modeling Q∗D in the main belt
A serious impediment to obtaining accurate results with
CoEM is our lack of knowledge about Q∗D in the main belt.
Note that without an accurate Q∗D function, we cannot derive a reliable ddisrupt value from Eq. (1). As described in
Holsapple et al. (2002) and Asphaug et al. (2002), there is
considerable debate in the catastrophic disruption community over which values of Q∗D are appropriate for particular
material properties, impact velocities, and object diameters.
Our lack of knowledge about Q∗D is also thwarting progress
in planetary accretion codes that need to model the transition
period between accretion and fragmentation as accurately as
For these reasons, a primary goal of this paper is to test a
range Q∗D functions and determine those solutions that provide the best fit to our model constraints.4 To describe Q∗D ,
we use the formalism described by Durda et al. (1998) and
adopt a four-parameter hyperbolic representation. The scaling law is a rotated and translated hyperbola in log Q∗D and
log D space that follows the form:
Ex 2 + Fxy + Gy 2 + H = 0
4 We caution that using a single Q∗ function for all asteroid disrupD
tions is an oversimplification because asteroids of various taxonomic classes
(e.g., S-type, C-type) and internal structures (e.g., monolithic, fractured,
shattered, rubble-pile, porous, non-porous; see Richardson et al., 2002) are
believed to react differently to impacts. Our Q∗D function should therefore
be thought of as a “global average” over all asteroid Q∗D functions.
with x = x − x0 , x = log D (km), y = y − y0 , and y =
log Q∗D (erg g−1 ). For all Q∗D cases described in this paper,
x0 = −0.753 and y0 = 2.10; our rationale for these values is
described in Section 6.
Like Durda et al. (1998), we assume our Q∗D functions pass through the normalization point Q∗D = 1.5 × 107
erg g−1 and D = 8 cm. Although this value was determined
using laboratory impact experiments, differences in target
materials and impact velocities suggest other values may be
equally valid here. The importance of the slope of Q∗D in
the strength regime (ss ) should not be underestimated. As
demonstrated by O’Brien and Greenberg (2003), in a collisional steady state scenario, ss determines the power law
index of the main belt size distribution for bodies in the
strength regime:
7 + ss /3
ps =
2 + ss /3
Because our attention in this paper is focused on collisional evolution in the gravity regime, however, the normalization point in the strength regime is less critical. O’Brien
and Greenberg (2003) point out that when the gravity-scaled
component of the population is wavy, it follows the general
trend of a power law that is independent of both the population index and the Q∗D law in the strength regime. We have
confirmed this numerically; modest changes to the slope of
Q∗D in the strength regime do not noticeably affect our results. We will investigate the main belt size distribution in
the strength regime in a future paper.
3.4. Modeling the statistical frequency of catastrophic
disruption events
After ddisrupt is calculated using Eq. (1), CoEM computes
the number of objects with ddisrupt < D < DT from the input size distribution. If ddisrupt happens to be smaller than
the smallest bin available in CoEM (Dsmall ), which in our
runs is set to 0.1 m, the number of projectiles is estimated
by extrapolating the shape of the size distribution to values
where ddisrupt < Dsmall . With all components in hand, CoEM
computes the collisional lifetime τ for each size bin. The
timestep for the evolution model is automatically set to be
10 times smaller than the minimum τ value.
To remove disrupted bodies from the bins of our sizefrequency distribution, we, like Durda et al. (1998), created
two complementary versions of CoEM. In the first version,
what Durda et al. called the “smooth” version of his code
(or what we call CoEM-SM), the number of bodies removed
from each bin is directly taken from analytic expressions using τ , the timestep, and the number of available particles in
each bin. Because this number is generally not an integer,
it is possible to end up with fractional remnants of individual bodies in the bins (e.g., one bin might be left with
0.7 bodies). The advantages of CoEM-SM are speed and its
deterministic nature; a size distribution inserted into CoEMSM with a specific set of input parameters will always produce the same result. As we describe below, these attributes
W.F. Bottke Jr. et al. / Icarus 175 (2005) 111–140
can be used to determine certain aspects of the main belt
Q∗D function. The main disadvantage of CoEM-SM is that
it does a poor job of simulating the stochastic nature of
breakups/fragment production in the main belt. For example, at each timestep the code produces a small number of
fragments from all non-empty bins. Because this procedure
is so different from reality, where a sudden family-forming
event can flood the main belt with fragments in an instant,
we are unsure whether these results can be realistically compared to observations.
For our second version, called the “stochastic” version
(or what we call CoEM-ST), breakups are treated as Poisson
random events, where integer numbers of particles removed
(or not removed) from a size bin within a timestep according
to Poisson statistics (Press et al., 1989). Because CoEM-ST
mimics breakups in the main belt in a more realistic manner
than CoEM-SM, its results can be more directly compared
with observations. The main disadvantage of CoEM-ST is
that it is not deterministic; a different seed for the random
number generator will produce a different outcome. Therefore, results from CoEM-ST need to be treated in a statistical manner; to get a quantitative measure of how good a
given set of input parameters reproduces observations, we
perform numerous trial runs using different random seeds
before comparing our results to observations.
3.5. Asteroid fragmentation
To get IDISRUPT for Eq. (3), we need to compute the size
distribution of the fragments produced by each catastrophic
disruption event. Previously, collisional evolution codes similar to CoEM (e.g., Davis et al., 1985; Durda and Dermott,
1997; Durda et al., 1998; O’Brien and Greenberg, 2003)
have distributed ejecta from disruption events into smaller
diameter bins using the power-law size distribution:
dN = BD p dD.
We define dN as the number of fragments between D and
D + dD, B is a constant determined so there is only one
object as large as the largest remnant, and p, the differential
power law index, is determined from the parameter b, the
fractional diameter of the largest fragment in terms of the
parent body.
If one assumes that the total mass of the fragments is
equal to the mass of the target asteroid, p is fixed by the expression (Greenberg and Nolan, 1989; O’Brien and Greenberg, 2003):
b +4
p=− 4
b +1
Interestingly, O’Brien and Greenberg (2003) showed analytically that the choice of b does not affect the shape of
a power-law size distribution in steady state. Previous work,
however, suggests that the entire main belt has yet to achieve
collisional equilibrium over 4.6 Gyr of comminution (e.g.,
Section 2). Thus, the stochastic breakup of D > 100 km asteroids have important short- and long-term effects on the
evolution of the main belt.
To assess the accuracy of these approximations, we compare the predicted b, p values from Eq. (8) to those produced
by asteroid families. We use asteroid families here rather
than the results of hydrocode simulations (e.g., Michel et al.,
2001, 2003) because we are still learning how to relate the
former to the latter. In our discussion below, we concentrate
on large family members that are the least likely to have been
affected by observational incompleteness and/or collisional
evolution. Thus, small family members with shallow p values (e.g., family members with absolute magnitude H > 15;
Morbidelli et al., 2003) are purposely excluded from this
Table III from Tanga et al. (1999) shows mLR /mPB , the
ratio of the mass of the largest remnant to the mass of
the parent body, for 14 prominent asteroid families. Computing b from these values (i.e., b = (mLR /mPB )1/3 ) and
examining plots of the fragment size distributions from
Tanga et al. (1999), Zappalà et al. (2002), and Morbidelli
et al. (2003), we find we can divide asteroid-family-forming
breakups into two broad classes: barely-catastrophic disruptions, where half the mass is ejected away at escape velocity
(mLR /mPB ∼ 0.5 or b ∼ 0.8), and super-catastrophic disruptions, where more than half the mass is lost (mLR /mPB ≪
0.5 or b ≪ 0.8).
Asteroid families like Adeona, Erigone, and Flora were
produced by barely-catastrophic disruption events (Tanga et
al., 1999). For these cases, Eq. (8) predicts that b = 0.8
should yield a fragment size distribution with a differential power law index of p = −3.13. The observed families,
however, show a very different distribution. To estimate the
fragment size distribution of the Adeona and Flora families,
we took H < 15 data from each family (see Morbidelli et
al., 2003) and combined it with the relationship D ∝ 10−H /5
(e.g., Fowler and Chillemi, 1992; see also Section 4.1). We
find the Adeona and Flora families have p −2 for H < 11
and p = −4.0, −4.6 for 11 < H < 15, respectively. Though
Morbidelli et al. (2003) did not investigate Erigone, Fig. 11
from Tanga et al. (1999) shows it shares comparable p values. For all 3 cases, the transition point between the shallow and steep slopes occurs roughly at 1/3 the diameter of
the largest remnant. Hence, barely-catastrophic disruption
events produce fragment size distributions that are poorly
represented by a single p value.
Comparable results are found for the large Eunomia
(DPB ∼ 284 km) and Hygiea (DPB ∼ 481 km) families,
although neither has technically undergone a catastrophic
disruption event (mLR /mPB values are 0.73 and 0.61, respectively). Like the three families described above, Eunomia
and Hygiea have p −2 for their largest family members
and steeper p values for their smaller objects: the Eunomia
family members with 11 < H < 15 have p = −4.2 and Hygiea family members with 12 < H < 15 have p = −4.8.
The fossilized main belt size distribution
Fig. 2. The fragment size frequency distribution produced by catastrophic
disruption events in our code. In this plot, our ejecta was produced by the
breakup of a D = 150 km target asteroid. The “Themis-style” fragment
distribution is modeled after prominent families like Themis whose largest
remnant is <80% the diameter of the parent body (see Tanga et al., 1999).
For our code, we assume the largest remnant is 50% the diameter of the parent body, and that the incremental power law index between the largest remnant and fragments 1/60 the diameter of the parent body was −3.5. The p
value for fragments smaller than this threshold was −1.5. The “Flora-style”
fragment size distribution was modeled after the barely-catastrophic disruption events that produced families like Flora and Adeona. The largest
remnant was set to 80% the diameter of the parent body. We chose slope
changes to occur at 1/3 and 1/40 the diameter of the parent body. The p
values, from the large diameters to the small diameters, are −2.3, −4.0, and
Once again, no single p value accurately characterizes these
fragment distributions.
Super-catastrophic events, on the other hand, produce
fragment size distributions that are better characterized by
a single p value. Examples include families produced by
the catastrophic breakup of D > 200 km asteroids such as
Themis (DPB ∼ 370 km) and Eos (DPB ∼ 220 km), with
mLR /mPB values of 0.31 and 0.11, respectively. Our predicted b values for Themis and Eos using Eq. (8) are 0.68
and 0.48, which corresponds to p = −3.5 and −3.8, respectively. The p values measured from Eos and Themis’s
absolute magnitude data between 7.5–8 < H < 15 are −3.5,
close to the Eq. (8) values. In both cases, the diameter of
the largest remnant is roughly half the size of the parent
body. The same trends can be found for Gefion (predicted
b = −3.9; observed b(11 < H < 15) = −3.6) and Dora
(predicted b = −4.0; observed b(11 < H < 15) = −3.7),
but not for Koronis, whose four largest members are comparable in size (predicted b = −4.0; observed b(9 < H <
15) = −3.4). Taken together, these comparisons suggest that
fragment size distributions have a strong dependance on the
individual nature of each impact event, and that great care
must be given when applying any simple metric to this issue.
Another potential limitation in using Eqs. (7) and (8) in
CoEM has to do with their prediction that b extends from
the largest remnant to dust-sized particles. As pointed out by
Tanga et al. (1999), geometrical considerations, the fact that
observed asteroids have convex shapes, and conservation of
volume arguments between parent bodies and their fragments drive fragment size frequency distributions to shallow power law slopes at small fragment sizes. This effect
is also observed in laboratory impact experiments, where
the quantity of small fragments produced by a high speed
collision becomes limited well before the detection limit is
reached (e.g., Durda et al., 2002). Thus, one must be careful
in stretching the predictions of Eqs. (7) and (8) too far when
computing how much mass goes into small bodies.
Based on these results and our desire to match the observed fragment size distributions of asteroid families as
closely as possible, we developed two fragment size distributions to treat catastrophic breakups in CoEM (Fig. 2).
“Themis”-style fragment size distributions (FSDs) were
developed for D > 150 km catastrophic disruption events
like Eos and Themis, a few of the largest catastrophic disruption events observed in the main belt. Note that it is surprising that so many large families were produced via superrather than a barely-catastrophic disruption events; this may
suggest that some of the largest asteroids were pre-shattered
before disruption, which would make them easier to disrupt
(e.g., Michel et al., 2003). For these distributions, we assume the largest remnant is 50% the diameter of the parent
body. The differential power law index p between the largest
remnant and fragments 1/60th the diameter of the parent
body was set to −3.5. The change in slope roughly describes
where the initial Eos and Themis family FSDs are expected
to roll over according to geometrical arguments (Tanga et
al., 1999). The p value for fragments smaller than 1/60th
the diameter of the parent body was set to a very shallow
value (p = −1.5).
“Flora”-style FSDs, developed for barely-catastrophic
disruption events, were chosen for all breakups among
D < 150 km bodies. Our logic here was that (i) CoEM
explicitly solves for barely-catastrophic disruption cases,
(ii) the frequency of super-catastrophic disruptions cannot
be easily determined from the observational record, and
(iii) barely-catastrophic disruptions are more likely to occur
than super-catastrophic disruptions. The values chosen for
the Flora FSD (the diameter of the largest remnant was set
to 80% the diameter of the parent body; slope changes occur
at 1/3 and 1/40 the diameter of the parent body; p values,
from the large end to the small end, were −2.3, −4.0, and
−2.0) were produced as a compromise between FSD measurements from Adeona, Erigone, and Flora and our goal
of producing a distribution comparable to the Themis-style
fragments for D > 0.1 km.
As a check, we tested how the transition between Florastyle and Themis-style FSDs affected our results (for the
best fit cases described in Section 6 using CoEM-ST). We
found few observable differences in the evolved main belt
size distribution when D < 100 km breakup events with
Flora-style FSDs were replaced with Themis-style FSDs.
W.F. Bottke Jr. et al. / Icarus 175 (2005) 111–140
More noticeable differences were found when we extended
this replacement to 100 km < D < 150 km breakup events.
The reason is that Themis-style FSDs decimate the parent
body to such a degree that we get significant depletion in
the 100 km < D < 150 km size range and an excess of fragments in the D < 100 km range. Because this trend would
make it increasingly difficult to reproduce the observed main
belt, we believe that Themis-style FSDs are unlikely to dominate breakup events in the 100 km < D < 150 km size range
(though they still must play an important role). To resolve
this issue, future models will need to include realistic FSD
derived by hydrocode models.
This completes our basic description of CoEM. In the
next two sections, we will discuss our model constraints and
our methods for including the insights described in the introduction.
4. Constraints on the collisional evolution of the main
To obtain useful results with CoEM, we need to have accurate constraints. As we describe below, determining solid
constraints was one of the more challenging aspects of our
modeling effort, partly because of an ongoing dispute about
the true shape and size of the main belt size distribution
but also because our understanding of the observed asteroid families has significantly advanced during the writing of
this paper.
4.1. Constraint #1: The main belt size frequency
The goal of our CoEM runs is to reproduce, as precisely
as possible, the current main belt size frequency distribution. To get this, we first need a measure of the main belt
absolute magnitude H distribution. Estimates of the main
belt H distribution have been produced by several different
surveys and instruments: The Palomar–Leiden survey (PLS;
van Houten et al., 1970), IRAS (Cellino et al., 1991); Spacewatch (Jedicke and Metcalfe, 1998), the Sloan Digital Sky
Survey (SDSS; Ivezić et al., 2001), and Subaru (Nakamura
and Yoshida, 2002; Yoshida et al., 2003). As described by
Jedicke et al. (2002), SDSS results produced a large number
of main belt detections over a small number of images during a controlled observational campaign, enough to produce
better statistical results than either the PLS or Spacewatch
surveys. For this reason, Jedicke et al. (2002) argued the
state of the art for the debiased main belt H distribution is
the SDSS H distribution for H > 12 coupled with the set of
known main belt asteroids with H < 12 (Table 1; see also
Jedicke et al., 2002). The reason for this split is described
The next step, namely turning the H distribution into a
size distribution, is surprisingly problematic. The relationship between asteroid diameter D, absolute magnitude H ,
Table 1
The observed main belt model parameters
Family dN
Column 1 is the absolute magnitude H . Column 2 is central diameter of
the bin assuming geometric albedo pv = 0.092 (see Eq. (9)). Column 3 is
the incremental number in each bin (Jedicke et al., 2002). Column 4 is the
number of observed asteroid families in each bin.
and visual geometric albedo pv , can be written as (e.g.,
Fowler and Chillemi, 1992):
D(km) = √ 10−H /5 .
Thus, once we have representative pv values for main belt
asteroids in every size bin of interest, Eq. (9) can be used to
turn our incremental H distribution into an incremental D
distribution. Unfortunately, the distribution of visual albedos
from IRAS data among main belt asteroids with D < 50–
100 km are incomplete and potentially biased (Veeder et al.,
1989; Tedesco et al., 2002). The best available estimates for
asteroid diameters and albedos come from the Supplemental IRAS Minor Planet Survey (SIMPS), who used IRAS
data to examine 2228 different multiply observed asteroids
(Tedesco et al., 2002). The mean and median albedos for
D > 20 km asteroids in this set are 0.10 and 0.060, respectively, while the same values for D < 20 km asteroids are
0.126 and 0.090, respectively. The SIMPS albedo distribution peaks near 0.06 for D < 20 km, but it also has a long
tail that stretches to values beyond 0.3. This wide range of
The fossilized main belt size distribution
possible albedo values makes it problematic to turn our H
distribution into a size distribution.
Given our unknowns, and after much experimentation,
we decided a reasonable compromise strategy was to choose
a representative albedo value, pv = 0.092, to transform the
Jedicke et al. (2002) H distribution into a size distribution
(Fig. 1 and Table 1). In doing so, we, like Morbidelli and
Vokrouhlický (2003), assume the power law slopes of the
H distribution produced by SDSS/Jedicke et al. (2002) do
a good job at reproducing the shape of the real main belt
size distribution. The only meaningful change made to the
Jedicke et al. distribution was to include the observed asteroids for D > 300 km using the IRAS/color-albedo-derived
diameters cited in Farinella and Davis (1992).
To check our results for large asteroids, we computed the
cumulative number of asteroids with D > 50 and 100 km.
Our values, 220 and 680, respectively, are almost exactly
those determined by Farinella and Davis (1992) using
IRAS/color-albedo data (e.g., Tedesco et al., 2002). For
smaller asteroids, we found our main belt size distribution
should have N(D > 1 km) ≃ 1.36 × 106 . This value is a
good match to several different estimates: Morbidelli and
Vokrouhlický (2003) showed using a numerical simulation
that ∼1.3 × 106 km-sized main belt asteroids are needed
to keep the main belt source regions of the near-Earth object population constantly replenished via the Yarkovsky
effect and resonances, while Tedesco and Desert (2002), using observations from the infrared satellite ISO, estimated
that the main belt should have (1.2 ± 0.5) × 106 asteroids
with D > 1 km.
Our results are more discordant, however, with estimates
from Ivezić et al. (2001, 2002), who, using SDSS data alone,
report there should be 7 × 105 km-sized main belt objects.
This result, while within the error bars of Tedesco and Desert
(2002), is still lower by nearly a factor of 2 than other estimates; a discussion of this issue can be found in both Jedicke
et al. (2002) and Morbidelli and Vokrouhlický (2003). We
summarize this discussion below.
Ivezić et al. (2001) claim the main belt should have
68,000 bodies with H < 15.5, a value significantly lower
than reported by the Spacewatch survey (Jedicke and Metcalfe, 1998). The predicted number of asteroids with H < 14
by Ivezić et al. (2001, 2002) also lies significantly below
the number of known asteroids. Jurić et al. (2002) claim
this difference may have been produced by systematic errors that permeate the H values reported in the ASTORB
catalog (see ftp://ftp.lowell.edu/pub/elgb/astorb.html) and in
the Minor Planet Center database. This explanation, however, is unsatisfying: (i) the bright H < 12–13 asteroids are
thought to be far less susceptible to systematic observational
errors than dimmer objects, yet they suffer from the same
discrepancy, and (ii) population estimates made solely from
Spacewatch data should not suffer from the same systematic errors as those from other surveys, yet Spacewatch’s
results are higher than predictions made from SDSS data.
In addition, Morbidelli and Vokrouhlický (2003) report that
a main belt population with 7 × 105 km-sized objects would
result in a flux of near-Earth objects from the main belt with
H < 18 far lower than numerical modeling results would
predict (e.g., Bottke et al., 2002a, 2002b). Thus, to overcome
this apparent discrepancy yet still take advantage of the large
quantity of superb SDSS data, Jedicke et al. (2002) merged
the observed distribution with H < 12 with the SDSS absolute magnitude distribution with H > 12.
We believe our size distribution estimates, while imperfect, are probably the best we can do until Spitzer space
telescope data is used to produce a more complete set of asteroid diameters in the 1 km < D < 30 km range.
4.2. Constraint #2: Asteroid families
Asteroid families provide critical constraints for main
belt collisional evolution models. These remnants of catastrophic collisions (e.g., Zappalà et al., 2002) are identified
by their clustered values of proper semimajor axes a, eccentricities e, and inclinations i (Milani and Knežević, 1994;
Bendjoya and Zappalà, 2002; Knežević et al., 2002). Ideally, by cataloging a complete set of main belt families over
a given size range, we can determine their disruption frequency, which in turn can be used to constrain Q∗D . Obtaining complete sets of asteroid families, however, is problematic for two main reasons:
1. Our current understanding of planet formation suggests
it is probably futile to look for asteroid families formed
early in Solar System history. While meteoritical evidence points to the idea that large asteroids did break
up during this time (Keil et al., 1994; Bogard, 1995;
Scott et al., 2001; Scott, 2002, 2004) dynamical modeling work suggests their families would have likely been
dispersed via encounters with planetary embryos (Petit
et al., 2001) and/or sweeping resonances produced by
the dissipation of the gas component of the disk and/or
the dynamical evolution of Jupiter (Franklin and Lecar,
2000; Nagasawa et al., 2002; see review by Petit et
al., 2002). Even if such dramatic events did not occur
in the main belt, it is unclear whether reliable proper
(a, e, i) values could be computed in a system where
the giant planets had not yet achieved their final configuration. Hence, we believe the asteroid families observed today had to form after the main belt reached
its current dynamical state. It is plausible, perhaps even
likely, that this state was not reached until some time after the Late Heavy Bombardment, which occurred (or
ended) ∼3.9 Gyr ago (Hartmann et al., 2000; Levison et
al., 2001; Gomez et al., 2004). This observational limit
would also explain the surprising paucity of observable
families in the current main belt (i.e., where are all the
families that presumably were produced by Late Heavy
Bombardment projectiles?).
2. Like piles of leaves on a windy day, asteroid families dynamically disperse over time. Family members injected
W.F. Bottke Jr. et al. / Icarus 175 (2005) 111–140
into dynamical resonances undergo secular changes in
both eccentricity and inclination, while the Yarkovsky
effect causes all D < 30 km asteroids to slowly drift inward or outward in semimajor axis (Bottke et al., 2001;
Nesvorný and Bottke, 2004). In some cases, family
members are driven into powerful resonances capable
of increasing their eccentricity to planet-crossing orbits; these bodies are lost from the main belt (Farinella
and Vokrouhlický, 1999; Bottke et al., 2000; see review
by Bottke et al., 2002a, 2002b). Even close encounters between family members and large asteroids like
(1) Ceres can produce distinct (a, e, i) changes over
time (Nesvorný et al., 2002a; Carruba et al., 2003).
Working together with collisions, these processes gradually erase the signatures of catastrophic collisions for all
but the largest breakup events. These mechanisms help
explain why there is limited observational evidence for
small break-up events across the main belt.
The precise time needed to spread asteroid families beyond recognition in different regions of the asteroid belt
is unknown. Much depends on factors such as the size
of the fragments, the characteristics of the break-up event,
and the proximity of the family to mean motion and secular resonances. Broadly, we can say that the timescale for
family erasure changes from region to region, with the inner main belt (2.1 AU < a < 2.5 AU) much more chaotic
and diffusive than the central (2.5 AU < a < 2.8 AU) and
outer main belt (2.8 AU < a < 3.2 AU) (Nesvorný et al.,
2002b). Determining precise timescales for family dispersion in these regions will require an extensive campaign of
numerical integration work and is beyond the scope of this
To bypass these problems while still producing useful
constraints for CoEM, we concentrate here on large families that cannot have been dispersed since the Late Heavy
Bombardment (Bottke et al., 2001; Nesvorný et al., 2003).
Previous work has suggested that at least 9 main belt families were produced by the catastrophic (or near catastrophic)
disruption of D > 100 km asteroids (Tanga et al., 1999).
The size of the parent body in each case was estimated using a geometrical/numerical model that summed the masses
of the observed family members and then extrapolated the
family’s FSD to smaller sizes. While this technique provides
us with many useful insights, it is limited in that it cannot
easily constrain the amount of mass hidden below the observational completeness limit (D 10 km). For example,
because super-catastrophic disruption events are expected
to produce numerous small fragments (Michel et al., 2001,
2003; Durda et al., 2004a, 2004b), Tanga et al. may underestimate the number of observed D > 100 km breakup events,
particularly if numerous family members are below the detection limit.
The issue is how to constrain the amount of mass hidden below our current detection limits. One way to do
this is to compare the observed families to results from
numerical hydrocode experiments. For the former, we determined family membership using a cluster-detection algorithm to a set of over 100,000 asteroid proper elements
found at the AstDyS node (Milani and Knežević, 1994;
Knežević et al., 2002). Note that this method has been
successfully used to identify the 5.8 Myr old Karin cluster and many other main belt families (Nesvorný et al.,
2002c, 2003, 2005; Nesvorný and Bottke, 2004). For the
latter, we computed the fragment size distribution produced by 161 numerical simulations of impacts into 100
km diameter asteroids using a 3-D smooth particle hydrodynamics (SPH) code (Benz and Asphaug, 1999) combined with the N -body code pkdgrav (Richardson et al.,
2002; Leinhardt et al., 2000; Leinhardt and Richardson,
2002). The computational details of this modeling effort
are described in Durda et al. (2004a, 2004b). Each target body was assumed to be an undamaged basaltic asteroid. The projectiles striking the target body were given
impact velocities Vimp between 2.5–7 km s−1 , impact angles θ between 15◦ –75◦ , and diameters Dimp between 10–
46 km.
Figure 3 shows a representative example of our results,
where we compare the observed members of the Erigone
family to a run from Durda et al. (Vimp = 7 km s−1 , θ = 30◦ ,
and Dimp = 18.5 km). We caution that these impact parameters may not be the true values; because the physical state
Fig. 3. A comparison between the observed size distribution of the Erigone
family and that of a numerical hydrocode run described in Durda et al.
(2004a, 2004b). The Erigone family, plotted as open circles, was determined
using the methods described by Nesvorný et al. (2005). The largest member
of the family is (163) Erigone, a diameter D ∼ 73 km C-type asteroid. The
solid line shows the results of a numerical impact experiment from Durda et
al. (2004a, 2004b) where a D = 100 km undamaged basaltic asteroid was
struck by a 18.5 km projectile at a velocity of 7 km s−1 and an impact angle
of 30◦ . The diameter of the largest remnant from this impact experiment
was set to the diameter of (163) Erigone, with the rest of the model FSD
scaled accordingly. Note the fit between model and data is satisfactory until
D < 4 km, where the observed size distribution bends downward from observational selection effects and the model size distribution bends upward
from resolution issues and mass conversation. We estimate that the Erigone
parent body was D ∼ 110 km.
The fossilized main belt size distribution
of Erigone’s parent body prior to the family-forming event
is unknown, tests with pre-shattered or rubble-pile target
bodies could yield different parameters. For our purposes,
however, it may not matter; it is likely that any reasonable fit
between Erigone’s observed FSD and a hydrocode-produced
FSD will yield a comparable amount of mass hidden below
the observational detection limit (and thus the parent body’s
true diameter). We find a satisfactory match between model
and data for D > 4 km, with the hydrocode results scaled
so the largest remnant is the same diameter as that in the
Erigone family. The upward bend in the model’s FSD slope
for D < 4 km is an artifact produced by the hydrocode’s
resolution limit and the fact that the model must explicitly
conserve mass. We estimate that the largest remnant left behind from the Erigone family-forming event has 28% of the
mass of its original parent body. This suggests the Erigone
parent body was D ∼ 110 km, about 20% larger than suggested by Tanga et al. (1999).
While we reserve a full description of our results for a
future paper, a preliminary analysis of the families identified via the Nesvorný et al. (2005) method suggests there
are ∼20 families produced by the breakup of D 100 km
asteroids. This value is twice that estimated by Tanga et
al. (1999). The number of families produced in each size
bin are given in Table 1. The majority of these families
have 100 km < D < 200 km. A comparison between our
parent body diameters and those described in Tanga et al.
(1999) reveals agreement for several parent body diameters (e.g., Adeona, Eunomia, all cratering event-type cases),
20–50% mismatches for several more (e.g., Eos, Erigone,
Flora, Koronis, Themis) and >100% mismatches for several super-catastrophic disruption cases (e.g., Dora, Gefion,
Maria, Merxia).
To use these families in CoEM, we need to know approximately how long they have been collecting in the main
belt. Preliminary estimates of the ages of these families, determined by Yarkovsky modeling (Nesvorný et al., 2003;
Vokrouhlický et al., in preparation) suggest that few are
older than ∼3 Gyr. It is curious that no family is significantly older than this age; after all, the Solar System was
formed 4.6 Gyr ago. Given the discussion above, we believe the most plausible solution to this enigma is that the
same dynamical instability that produced the Late Heavy
Bombardment ∼3.9 Gyr ago (e.g., Hartmann et al., 2000;
Levison et al., 2001) also scrambled our ability to compute
useful proper (a, e, i) elements beyond this epoch; in effect,
this would have produced a “clean slate” in the main belt
for the production of new families. Thus, we hypothesize
that the largest families were produced over a time period
stretching from somewhere between 3.0–3.9 Gyr ago to the
present day. Given our uncertainties, we decided to split
the difference and assume that the largest families formed
over the last ∼3.5 Gyr ago. Note that changing this value
to 4.6 Gyr ago would only introduce a ∼20% error into our
4.3. Constraint #3: The intact basaltic crust of (4) Vesta
Asteroid (4) Vesta is one of the three largest main belt
bodies (D = 529 ± 10 km; Thomas et al., 1997; Standish,
2001; see Britt et al., 2002). It is also the only known differentiated asteroid with an intact internal structure, presumably consisting of a metal core, an ultramafic mantle,
and a basaltic crust (Keil, 2002). If Vesta is the ultimate
source of the HED meteorites, as many believe, it differentiated and formed its crust ∼6 Myr after the formation
of the first solids (i.e., CAIs) (Shukolyukov and Lugmair,
2002). Vesta’s crust is currently intact, making it unlikely
that Vesta has gone through a catastrophic breakup-andreassembly episode since its crust formed (e.g., Thomas et
al., 1997). Observations from the Hubble Space Telescope
indicate that Vesta has a 460 km basin on its surface, which
was most likely the result of an impact from a ∼35 km projectile (Marzari et al., 1996; Thomas et al., 1997; Asphaug,
1997). Collisional modeling results suggest this impact event
is responsible for the so-called Vestoids, a family of D <
10 km asteroids on Vesta-like orbits whose spectral features
strongly resemble eucrites and howardites (Marzari et al.,
1996; Burbine et al., 2001). We use this singular crater to
set limits on the frequency of large Vesta impacts in both the
primordial and present-day main belt.
4.4. Constraint #4: The lunar and terrestrial impactor flux
over the last 3 Gyr
A fourth constraint comes from the estimated lunar and
terrestrial cratering rates over the last ∼3 Gyr. Because most
NEOs come from the main belt via the Yarkovsky effect
(Bottke et al., 2002a, 2002b), the impactor flux on the Earth
and Moon provides information on how the main belt size
distribution has changed over time. For example, a steadily
declining main belt population over the D < 30 km size
range should produce a similarly declining NEO population/impactor flux, while a main belt population in a quasisteady state should produce a constant impactor flux.
Data from crater studies indicate the lunar and terrestrial impact fluxes have been relatively constant over
0.5–0.8 to 3 Ga (e.g., Shoemaker, 1998). Proterozoic impact structures in Australia with D > 20 km formed from
0.54–2.6 Ga have a production rate of 3.8 ± 1.9 × 10−15
km−2 yr−1 (Shoemaker and Shoemaker, 1996). This value is
in good agreement with a production rate of 3.7 ± 0.4 ×
10−15 km−2 yr−1 reported for D > 20 km Eratosthenian
craters on the Moon (0.8–3.2 Ga) (McEwen et al., 1997).
Shoemaker (1998) claims that the uncertainties in these
values are of the order of a factor of 2, such that it has
commonly been assumed, by default, that these cratering
rates have been constant for the last 3.2 Ga (e.g., Wilhelms
et al., 1987). The only reported change comes from a putative factor of 2 increase in the impact flux occurring
over the last 120 Ma (e.g., Grieve and Shoemaker, 1994;
Neukum and Ivanov, 1994; S. Ward, personal communica-
W.F. Bottke Jr. et al. / Icarus 175 (2005) 111–140
tion). Some claim this change could have occurred over the
last 400–800 Ma (McEwen et al., 1997), though this is considered controversial (Grier et al., 2001).
Additional data on the lunar impactor flux over time
comes from Culler et al. (2000), who dated the formation
age of 155 lunar spherules found in Apollo 14 soil samples
using the 40 Ar/39 Ar isochron technique. These spherules,
100–500 µm in size, are presumably droplets of lunar surface
material that were melted and thrown several meters to hundreds of kilometers by an impact. If these spherules come
from a variety of different craters across the Moon, their
formation ages may reflect the impact history of the Moon.
Culler et al. claim that the lunar impactor flux has decreased
by a factor of 2–3 over the last ∼3.5 Gyr to a low about 500
to 600 Myr ago, then increased by a factor of 3.7 ± 1.2 over
the last 400 Myr. This interpretation, however, is considered
by some to be controversial (e.g., Hörz, 2000), with comparable tests applied to spherules from the Apollo 14, 16, 17
sites showing trends that appear to be dominated by local
impact events (J. Delano, personal communication; Zellner
et al., 2003). For these reasons, we believe these data do not
(yet) supersede results from crater studies.
The scenario most consistent with these constraints is that
the main belt size distribution with D < 30 km reached a
quasi-steady state several Gyr ago, with the factor of 2 increase a possible consequence of a recent large-scale disruption event (e.g., the creation of the Flora family ∼500 Ma;
Nesvorný et al., 2002a). It is less consistent with main belt
population models that show a factor of 3 decline over the
last 3 Ga (Durda et al., 1998; Davis et al., 2002). With
that said, however, it is unclear whether the accuracy claims
made by Shoemaker (1998) are strong enough to rule out
this possibility entirely. We leave this issue for future work.
5. Methodology
In this section, we describe how CoEM accounts for the
DDE as described in Sections 1 and 2. This leads into the
selection of our initial conditions.
5.1. Accounting for the putative dynamical depletion event
in CoEM
To briefly recap our discussion from Sections 1 and 2,
many modern models of main belt evolution claim the
main belt region once held several Earth-masses of material,
enough to accrete large planetesimals and possibly planetary embryos via runaway growth. While planetary embryos
presumably would have agglomerated most of this mass,
planetesimals smaller than the Asteroid Ceres would still
have contained hundreds of times more mass than the current main belt. The observed main belt population, however,
contains relatively little mass. To account for this difference,
many models now assume that a DDE, possibly triggered by
the formation of Jupiter, scattered numerous planetesimals
out of the main belt region and drove the main belt to its current state. Our problem is to model this scenario in CoEM
while avoiding unknowns like the size of the initial main
belt population and the nature/timing of the DDE.
To account for the nature of the DDE, we assumed in
Section 3.2 that collisions among diameter D < 1000 km
planetesimals in the main belt zone over the last 4.6 Gyr
have been dominated by the same collision probabilities
and impact velocities found there today. This approximation simplifies the nature of the DDE by making Pi and Vimp
constants. This leaves us with two unknowns: the mass of
the initial population and the length of time that the primordial main belt population experienced comminution. To treat
these variables, we invoke the following approximation.
Lets assume our simulations start with an massive mass
belt whose D < 1000 km members have been dynamically
excited enough to depart the accretion phase and enter the
fragmentation phase. Assuming Pi and Vimp are constants,
we can define the collisional lifetime τ for planetesimals between D and D + dD as:
1 Pi
(DT + d ′ )2 (Nrem + Ndep ) dd ′ ,
where DT is the representative target body diameter in the
size interval and d ′ is the projectile diameter. Here Nrem and
Ndep are defined as two parts of the same initial main belt
size distribution: Nrem is the remnant of the initial population that stays behind in the main belt zone, while Ndep is the
population that is eventually ejected from the main belt zone
via dynamical processes (e.g., sweeping resonances, gravitational interactions with planetary embryos and Jupiter).
Asteroids in Nrem can be struck by bodies in Nrem and Ndep ,
and vice versa.
We assume the ratio of Ndep over Nrem at time t = 0 Gyr
over all size bins is f . Since both populations uniformly
occupy the same volume of space, f will remain nearly constant as t increases (i.e., they would be precisely identical if
Poisson statistics did not govern the infrequent breakups of
large asteroids). This “self-similarity” concept is just another
way of saying that one can divide a single size distribution
into smaller versions of itself at any time, with each subpopulation sharing the overall shape.
If we now substitute Ndep = f Nrem into Eq. (10), we find
that τ becomes f + 1 times shorter than τ where Ndep =
0. Hence, by placing more objects in Ndep , we produce
faster collisional evolution among both sub-populations.
Conversely, Eq. (10) indicates that when Ndep = 0, Nrem can
reach the same evolutionary state if time is increased by a
factor f + 1. This means there is a direct tradeoff between
the size of the initial main belt population and evolution
Using this concept, we compensate for the unknown size
and departure time of Ndep by extending our evolution time
beyond 4.6 Gyr. In the process, the model time in CoEM becomes a “pseudo-time” that must be interpreted in a different
The fossilized main belt size distribution
way than “real” time. For example, in a real time scenario,
the primordial main belt would be Nrem + Ndep just prior to
the onset of fragmentation. After undergoing comminution
for time t1 , the main belt experiences a DDE and loses Ndep .
The Nrem population then undergoes collisional evolution
for an additional time t2 = 4.6 Gyr − t1 . In our pseudotime scenario, however, the collisional evolution of Nrem is
tracked until it matches our model constraints or until it becomes clear that the trial has failed. If we find a good match
with our constraints for values of pseudo-time longer than
4.6 Gyr, it tells us that the primordial main belt must have
originally contained more mass than Nrem (i.e., Ndep > 0).
We use this example case to further clarify our procedure.
Lets assume we performed a CoEM trial where Nrem undergoes comminution for a pseudo-time longer than 4.6 Gyr. If
we get our first match to our model constraints at tpseudo =
20 Gyr, it means the main belt required more than 4 times
the degree of comminution (20 Gyr/4.6 Gyr) than could have
taken place if Nrem were tracked by itself over Solar System
history. To account for this extra comminution in real time,
we can only infer that Ndep > 0 and that a DDE event took
The strengths of this technique are that we can ignore the
values of t1 and Ndep in our model while allowing CoEM to
investigate possible solutions for the Q∗D disruption function
and the initial size and shape of Nrem . It also yields information on how much collisional evolution could have ever
taken place in the main belt. The weakness is that we cannot
solve for t1 and Ndep , which describe the nature and timing
of the DDE event. Thus, we cannot tell if Ndep was massive
and short-lived or less massive and longer-lived. To do this,
we will have to take our Q∗D and Nrem solutions and apply
them to a real time model where we include the effects of a
realistic DDE. This will the subject of a separate paper in the
near future.
5.2. Initial main belt size distribution
Using the method described in Section 6.1, we can now
explore the nature of the initial size-frequency distribution
for Nrem as well as Q∗D . As described in Section 2, this can
be challenging work, with many combinations of these two
functions capable of reproducing the observed main belt.
Our task is to filter out the true pair from the impostors.
One powerful method used by Durda et al. (1998) was to
fix the shape of the initial population and then use a CoEMSM-like code (Section 3.4) to determine whether particular
Q∗D functions could reproduce the observed size distribution.
Note that in their study, they assumed the Q∗D function had to
have a hyperbolic shape and it had to match values found in
laboratory shot experiments. Using initial populations with
starting masses 3–6 times the current main belt’s mass, size
distributions containing more bodies in every size bin than
the current main belt, and no DDE (see Section 2), Durda et
al. found that collisions could not reproduce the shape of the
main belt size distribution unless the starting population con-
tained barely more D 100 km asteroids than the observed
population, regardless of the shape of the Q∗D function. Our
interpretation of their results is that the D 100 km part of
the main belt size distribution must be a by-product of accretion rather than collisional evolution.
Despite the claim that Durda et al. (1998) can reproduce the main belt size distribution, we find their best-fit
solution for Nrem and Q∗D to be unrealistic. Our computations indicate the Durda et al. (1998) best-fit case yields 44
D > 100 km asteroid disruptions over the last 3.5 Gyr, a factor of 2 higher than our estimates (Section 4.2). Moreover,
the shape of their derived Q∗D function is highly discordant
when compared to results from hydrocode modeling (e.g.,
Benz and Asphaug, 1999). The odd shape is needed to eliminate the large excess of main belt material. Finally, the evolution of their initial population would produce a steadily
declining NEO population that is likely discordant with the
constant impact flux observed on the lunar maria for the last
∼3 Gyr (see Section 1). These problems suggest there may
be a more satisfying combination of Nrem and Q∗D than the
one deduced by Durda et al. (1998).
In order to find that combination, we used CoEM-SM to
test a multitude of shapes for the initial main belt size distribution ala the procedure described by Durda et al. (1998). In
each case, CoEM-SM searched parameter space for the best
possible Q∗D function that would allow Nrem to reproduce
the observed population. Our initial results showed good
agreement with the conclusions of Durda et al.; Nrem for
D 100 km asteroids are likely to mimic the observed population, and breakup events among these bodies do not occur
frequently enough to significant modify the shape of the population in this size range.
To test the shape of Nrem for D 100 km asteroids, we
selected populations both smaller and larger than the observed population. In some cases, we even experimented
with size distributions that had multiple elbows. After numerous runs, our results can be summarized as follows. For
Nrem (D 100 km) populations set higher than the observed
one, our results repeat those of Durda et al. (1998); either
we could not reproduce the shape of the observed main
belt or we solved for Q∗D functions that created too many
families and were highly dissimilar to those reported elsewhere (e.g., Asphaug et al., 2002; Holsapple et al., 2002).
Particular problems were found when we used initial Nrem
populations with more D = 20–100 km bodies than the
observed main belt. In these cases, CoEM-SM had difficulty finding a Q∗D function that could eliminate numerous
D = 20–100 km bodies without also decimating the D >
100 km population. Numerous large breakup events lead to
too many families, too many fragments, and in some cases,
too many bodies capable of creating D ∼ 460 km craters on
When Nrem (D 100 km) was set lower than the observed main belt, however, our results produced Q∗D functions similar to those described by hydrocode modeling
(Benz and Asphaug, 1999). If we assume the number of
W.F. Bottke Jr. et al. / Icarus 175 (2005) 111–140
D = 20–100 km bodies does not exceed the observed population, Nrem (D 100 km) is restricted to power-law slopes
that are fairly flat. Note that modest variations in the slope do
not affect our results because the number of D = 1–10 km
bodies in the initial population are 2–3 orders of magnitude
lower than those observed.
Interestingly, our findings are analogous to the estimated
initial conditions predicted by Anders (1965) (see Section 2).
They are also comparable to accretion code results where
fragmentation has been turned off (e.g., Weidenschilling et
al., 1997).5 For example, asteroid belt accretion simulations
without fragmentation presented in Wetherill (1989); (see
Wetherill and Stewart, 1989 for additional details) show the
slope of the cumulative planetesimal size distribution between D ∼ 50–2000 km follows a cumulative power law index between −4.0 and −4.5. This value is similar to the observed slope of those main belt asteroids with D > 100 km
(Fig. 1). For D 50 km, the accretion size distribution goes
through a change in slope and becomes shallow (cumulative
power law index near 1.5). The shallow slope is a byproduct
of planetary embryos agglomerating nearly all of the small
bodies within their feeding zone.
While CoEM-SM provides us with many useful results,
we do not use it for our production runs because it does not
properly account for the effects of stochastic breakups. Instead, we used insights from these results to generate our
initial Nrem populations for the more realistic code CoEMST (Fig. 4). Because very few asteroid families come from
the disruption of D > 200 km asteroids, our initial population for D > 200 km uses the observed asteroids, with a few
objects added in, to account for the original Eos and Themis
parent bodies. For D < 200 km objects, we follow an incremental power law index of −4.5, producing slightly more
objects than the observed main belt size distribution. This
slope continues until it reaches D = Dx . We treat the location of this size distribution elbow as an unknown and test
values Dx = 80, 100, and 120 km. As described above and
below, tests with Dx < 80 km are probably not warranted.
Finally, for D < Dx , we gave Nrem an incremental slope of
−1.2 to limit the initial population of D = 50–100 km asteroids. As described above, modest variations to this value
should do affect our results. (As an aside, we note that all
these values could be tweaked a bit in order to reach the true
initial Nrem , but given available information and our computational limitations, we believe they are a reasonable place
to start.)
5 Note that great care must be taken when comparing accretion model
results with fragmentation turned on (e.g., Greenberg et al., 1978; Wetherill
and Stewart, 1989, which included cases with and without fragmentation;
Stern, 1996; Wetherill and Inaba, 2000; Kenyon, 2002; Inaba et al., 2003;
Kenyon and Bromley, 2004) to our results because the initial populations,
Q∗D functions, and fragmentation laws used by these codes have yet to be
tested against the constraints described in Section 4.
Fig. 4. Our initial main belt size distribution, which is based on a combination of the observed main belt population and accretion code results.
We set the number of D > 200 km asteroids close to those in the observed
main belt, assuming that a limited number of these objects ever disrupt. For
D < 200 km objects, we follow an incremental power law index of −4.5 until reaching the transition point Dx . We tested Dx = 80, 100, and 120 km in
our code. For D < Dx , the size distribution is given a shallow slope (−1.2).
Modest changes to this value do not affect our results. Note that this primordial population is only a mathematical convenience; we believe the real
population was probably hundreds of times larger than this, with most of
the mass eliminated by dynamical processes associated with the formation
of Jupiter (e.g., Petit et al., 2002).
6. Model runs
In this section, we use two sample CoEM-ST trial cases
to demonstrate our methods (Sections 6.1, 6.2) before presenting results from our production runs (Section 6.3). Our
best fit results are then applied to the constraints provided by
Asteroid (4) Vesta (Section 6.4).
6.1. Demonstration case #1: A good match with constraints
To illustrate how CoEM-ST works and how we analyze
our results, we describe here a sample trial for a single random seed (Fig. 5). In this case, we use CoEM-ST with the input size distribution described in Section 6.1, where the size
distribution changes slope at Dx = 120 km. For our disruption scaling law (Q∗D ), the Eq. (5) parameters are E = 0.861,
F = −0.913, G = −0.502, and H = −0.308 (see Fig. 9,
where this curve labeled Run 15).
Figure 5 shows six snapshots from the evolution of our
size distribution, which is tracked for a pseudo-time of
50 Gyr. At time tpseudo = 1.0 Gyr, we see the size distribution has already developed a bump near D ∼ 2 km. The
bump is produced by the change in Q∗D slope between the
strength and gravity regimes near D ∼ 0.2 km (see Section 2).
As our model time increases, Fig. 5 shows a better and
better fit to the observed main belt population. To determine
the goodness of fit between the binned main belt data and
our model, we originally used a χ 2 test (Press et al., 1989).
The fossilized main belt size distribution
Fig. 6. Tracking the goodness-of-fit for the test case shown in Fig. 5. The
2 , our metric for determining a match between the
line represents ψSFD
model and observed size distributions. The dotted line indicates ψSFD
< 20,
our estimated value for a positive match. The open squares represent where
the probability associated with χFAM
is greater than 30%. This value measures the likelihood that our model population produces the same number
of asteroids families as those described in Table 1. We see that the combi2
nation of ψSFD
and χFAM
are satisfied for many values between tpseudo =
9.25–17.25 Gyr.
2 :
tribution. We call this more subjective criterion ψSFD
NMODEL (D) − NMB (D) 2
0.2NMB (D)
Fig. 5. Six snapshots from a representative run where we track the collisional evolution of the main belt size distribution for a pseudo-time of
50 Gyr. This run uses a starting population with Dx = 120 km and a Q∗D
function associated with Run 15 (Fig. 9). The bump near D ∼ 120 km is
a leftover from accretion, while the bump at smaller sizes is driven by the
transition at D ∼ 200 m between strength and gravity-scaling regimes in
Q∗D . Our model main belt achieves the same approximate shape as the observed population at tpseudo = 9.25 Gyr. The model closely adheres to the
observed population for many Gyr after this time. Eventually, comminution
eliminates enough D > 100 km bodies that the model diverges from the
observed population.
Several attempts using these methods, however, did not lead
to satisfying results. Our main problem is that we are trying to fit our model results to an observed population that
extends over 1 km < D < 1000 km, with the incremental
number of bodies in each size bin varying from >105 on the
small end to 1–3 bodies on the large end. We found that standard χ 2 tests were not diagnostic of visually satisfying fits,
partly because the observational errors in our size bins are
not 1σ (see Section 4.1) but also because our size distribution is logarithmic in nature.
Instead, we decided to use a hybrid- or quasi-χ 2 test
which, while not following Poisson statistics, does provide
us with a useful metric describing when our model provides
a reasonable visual fit across the entire span of our size dis-
We assume that our model is a good fit if lies within 20%
of the observed data across all bins. Note that the 20%
value was determined experimentally via numerous comparisons between our model results and data. For reference, this
range is slightly smaller than the dot size used to plot the
observed main belt size distribution in Fig. 5. Tests indi2
< 20 generally provides a good match becate that ψSFD
tween model and data. The 6 snapshots shown in Fig. 5
values of 390, 356, 230, 76, 9.0, and 55 for
have ψSFD
tpseudo = 0, 1.0, 2.0, 5.0, 9.25, and 30.0 Gyr, respectively.
Figure 6 shows a plot of ψSFD
for all timesteps. The
small jumps are byproducts of catastrophic breakup events
among large bodies, which flood the main belt with fresh
fragments until they are beaten back by collisional evolution. At tpseudo = 9.25 Gyr, our model population reaches
< 20 for the first time. This value of tpseudo means that
in this simulation, Nrem cannot reach the same shape as the
observed size distribution over Solar System history unless
the main belt once held more mass (i.e., Ndep > 0; see Section 5.1).
In addition, we find the main belt size distribution enters into a quasi-steady state close to the observed values
after tpseudo = 9.25 Gyr. An apparent balance is achieved
between disruption events grinding the small body population down and larger-scale breakup events building the small
body population back up. We believe this explains why the
lunar and terrestrial crater record shows evidence for a con-
W.F. Bottke Jr. et al. / Icarus 175 (2005) 111–140
stant impactor flux over the last 3 Gyr (see Section 4.4). Note
that large-scale breakup events do cause perturbations to the
small body population, which can cause the population to
fluctuate a bit over time. If the breakup event is big enough
(e.g., the disruption of Vesta, Pallas, or Ceres), the entire
population is modified to such an extent that it will fail the
test for an extended time.
It is plausible that even more comminution took place
than this nominal amount. Figure 6 indicates that our model
< 20 values between tpseudo =
size distribution has ψSFD
9.25–20.5 Gyr. Over this interval, stochastic breakups among
large asteroids kept our model population replenished with
fragments, enough to allow it to closely adhere to the constraints of the observed population. Figure 5 (last frame)
indicates this period only ends when the reservoir of D >
envelope. These
80 km bodies falls outside the ψSFD
timescales imply we may not be able to tell whether the main
belt has only recently entered its current collisional state or
if it has been there for an extended time. We know, however,
that the lunar impactor flux has been relatively constant over
the last 3 Gyr and that most NEOs come from the main belt
(Bottke et al., 2002a, 2002b). We infer from this information
that the main belt population has not changed very much
over the last 3 Gyr.
It is necessary, but not sufficient, for our model size dis2
< 20. We also need to determine
tribution to reach ψSFD
whether our model can match the constraints provided by asteroids families. We do this by having CoEM keep a running
Fig. 7. Four snapshots from a second representative run where we track the
collisional evolution of the main belt size distribution for a pseudo-time
of 50 Gyr. Here we use Dx = 120 km and a Q∗D function associated with
< 20 constraint is
Run 3 (Fig. 4). The only acceptable match to our ψSFD
found at tpseudo = 5 Gyr. The remaining snapshots show timesteps where
the observed population was not reproduced.
tally of the total number of destroyed bodies produced every
timestep. Recall that in Section 4.2, we argued that most observed families formed over the last 3.5 Gyr of Solar System
history; families created prior to this time were likely dispersed by large scale dynamical processes associated with
the DDE and possibly the Late Heavy Bombardment. Thus,
when a CoEM trial reaches t > 3.5 Gyr, we compute the
change in the number of destroyed bodies Ndisrupt (D) over
a time window of 3.5 Gyr. This value is compared to the observed number of families in the 100 km < D < 400 km size
bins (Table 1) using a standard χ 2 test (Press et al., 1989).
We assume that the error in the number of known families in
each bin is normally distributed, and that the value obtained,
, must be better than 1σ (i.e., probability >30%) for
the trial to be considered a positive match.
is conThe open squares in Fig. 6 show where χFAM
sidered a good fit to our family data. For this run, we find
matches for tpseudo = 9.25–13 Gyr and a few near 17 Gyr.
If we combine the observed main belt size distribution and
and χFAM
family constraints together, we find that ψSFD
satisfied for 4.25 Gyr. These values will be used in Section 6.3 to compare different sets of runs to one another.
6.2. Demonstration case #2: A bad match with constraints
To compare and contrast these results, we show a less successful trial that uses a Q∗D function with E = 0.923, F =
−0.659, G = −0.410, and H = −0.246; see Eq. (5). This
function is labeled as Run 3 on Fig. 9. In this case, the slope
of Q∗D in the gravity regime is shallower than in the previous
case, allowing large asteroids to disrupt more easily. Snap2
shots from this trial are shown in Fig. 7, while the ψSFD
χFAM results are shown in Fig. 8. Overall, ψSFD < 20 is met
once at tpseudo = 5 Gyr while the χFAM
criterion is met near
tpseudo = 17 and 24 Gyr. The combination of the two produced no matches.
An investigation of this trial provides some interesting in2
< 20), we found the
sights. For tpseudo = 5 Gyr (where ψSFD
number of model families produced by D > 100 km disruption events over a 3.5 Gyr window was slightly more
fit at that
than half the observed number. The good ψSFD
time appears to be a fluke produced by good timing and the
stochastic breakup of a D ∼ 250 km asteroid. Timesteps between 5–15 Gyr produce 2–5 times the observed number of
families in the D ∼ 120 km bin. This explains the excess
number of bodies in the main belt size distribution seen over
values (Fig. 8). Reathis time (Fig. 7) and their high ψSFD
sonable values for χFAM do not return until the D > 100 km
population has become highly depleted for tpsuedo > 15 Gyr.
At this point, however, there are so few large asteroids re2
is impossible.
maining that matching ψSFD
6.3. Overall results
Using the methods described above, we are now ready
to explore which combinations of initial main belt size dis-
The fossilized main belt size distribution
Fig. 8. Tracking the goodness-of-fit for the test case shown in Fig. 7. See
Fig. 6 for plot details. In this case, there are no examples where ψSFD
metrics are met simultaneously. The positive matches with χFAM
occur after the D > 100 km population has been highly depleted by comminution.
tributions and Q∗D functions produce the best fit to our
constraints. We begin with the initial size distribution with
Dx = 120 km (Fig. 4). The Q∗D functions tested by CoEMST are plotted in Fig. 9. For reference, the Q∗D function
described by Benz and Asphaug (1999) for basaltic targets
being disrupted by projectiles at V = 3 km s−1 is labeled
as Run 13. Each combination was tested using at least 100
separate trials of CoEM using different random seeds, with
the maximum pseudo-time set to 50 Gyr. We define this as
a “run.” Our results indicate this time is sufficiently long
for most individual trials to achieve at least a few posi2
and χFAM
before comminution drags
tive matches in ψSFD
the model size distribution irrevocably away from the observed main belt. For the Q∗D functions producing the best
matches to our constraints, we ran an additional 100–200
test cases.
The results of our runs are summarized in Table 2. Column 1 is the run index. Columns 2 and 3 describe successes
and failures, where runs are declared a “success” if they
< 20 and χFAM
better than 1σ (i.e., probabilmatch ψSFD
ity >30%) at least once over 50 Gyr. Runs 8–22 all have
success rates greater than 70%. Columns 4 and 5 describe
the mean and median pseudo-times that each set of runs had
and χFAM
. Except for the
their first positive match with ψSFD
first few runs, where successes are infrequent and/or short,
we see a gradual increase in these values as the slope for
Q∗D in the gravity regime steepens. Recall that the steeper
the slope, the more difficult it is to break up large asteroids,
which in turn means fewer and fewer fragments are available to enhance the small body population. Columns 6 and 7
are the mean and median of the cumulative time that each of
the 100 test cases from each run maintains a positive match
< 20 and χFAM
. These values give us some sense
with ψSFD
of whether the match between model and data is a likely
occurrence or a fluke. Column 8 describes the cumulative
Fig. 9. The Q∗D functions tested in this paper. The numbers to the right of
each curve correspond to their run number, with a run is defined as 100
trials of CoEM started with different random seeds (see Table 2). The bottommost curve is Run 1 and the topmost curve is Run 46. For each run,
the size distribution and number of breakup events in each size bin for 100
trials were tracked for 50 Gyr. The colors represent the total time in each
< 20 and χFAM
; see Table 2,
run that the success criteria was met (ψSFD
column 8). For reference, the Q∗D function described by Benz and Asphaug
(1999) for V = 3 km s−1 impacts into basalt is given by Run 13. The curves
representing are best-fit cases are shown in red. The transition point between
strength- and gravity-scaling is D ∼ 200 m. All of the plotted functions pass
through the normalization point at D = 8 cm and Q∗D = 1.5 × 107 erg g−1 .
Fig. 10. A histogram showing the times our goodness-of-fit criteria ψSFD
and χFAM
were met for 200 test cases of Run 15 (see Table 2 and Fig. 5).
The mean for the histogram is tpseudo = 11.8 Gyr, with peaks at 7.375 and
8.625 Gyr.
W.F. Bottke Jr. et al. / Icarus 175 (2005) 111–140
Table 2
A statistical description of our results for tests that track the evolution of our initial size distribution with Dx = 120 km (Fig. 4)
% good
% bad
4.5 ± 0.5
4.6 ± 1.0
5.0 ± 1.4
5.0 ± 1.4
5.7 ± 2.1
5.8 ± 2.3
7.0 ± 3.1
6.6 ± 3.3
7.3 ± 3.9
8.2 ± 4.2
8.8 ± 5.0
9.2 ± 5.0
9.7 ± 5.3
9.6 ± 4.7
9.5 ± 5.3
10.1 ± 5.6
10.5 ± 5.5
11.3 ± 6.3
11.6 ± 6.1
11.2 ± 5.8
12.4 ± 7.3
10.7 ± 5.6
11.7 ± 5.2
14.5 ± 8.3
12.3 ± 4.9
13.7 ± 6.3
12.5 ± 7.5
14.4 ± 6.8
14.8 ± 6.9
15.9 ± 7.3
15.7 ± 7.2
15.5 ± 7.1
21.0 ± 8.7
19.6 ± 9.6
18.4 ± 9.8
18.8 ± 10.1
20.8 ± 10.1
17.6 ± 6.9
17.5 ± 8.4
21.3 ± 8.1
18.3 ± 8.8
19.3 ± 10.2
18.2 ± 4.4
0.0 ± 0.0
0.0 ± 0.0
0.0 ± 0.0
Median tfirst
0.2 ± 0.0
0.4 ± 0.2
0.8 ± 0.8
0.8 ± 0.7
1.0 ± 1.0
1.3 ± 1.0
1.3 ± 1.0
1.8 ± 1.2
1.9 ± 1.4
1.9 ± 1.4
2.1 ± 1.4
2.1 ± 1.4
2.0 ± 1.4
2.1 ± 1.4
2.2 ± 1.5
1.9 ± 1.3
2.2 ± 1.4
2.1 ± 1.6
2.0 ± 1.4
2.0 ± 1.5
1.9 ± 1.2
2.0 ± 1.3
2.2 ± 1.6
1.4 ± 1.2
1.9 ± 1.2
1.6 ± 1.0
1.7 ± 1.1
1.4 ± 1.1
1.4 ± 1.2
1.4 ± 1.1
1.1 ± 0.8
1.0 ± 0.9
1.2 ± 0.8
1.2 ± 0.8
1.5 ± 1.2
1.0 ± 0.8
1.1 ± 0.9
1.1 ± 0.8
1.1 ± 0.7
0.9 ± 0.8
0.7 ± 0.6
0.9 ± 0.6
0.9 ± 0.6
0.0 ± 0.0
0.0 ± 0.0
0.0 ± 0.0
Median tfit
Every entry is based on at least 100 trials (i.e., 100 CoEM-ST test cases using different random seeds) that were tracked over tpseudo = 50 Gyr; this defines a
“run.” Runs 11–18 are based on 200–300 trials. Column 1 is the run index. The slope of Q∗D increases with the run index. Columns 2 and 3 describe successes
and failures, where our success criteria is ψSFD
< 20 and χFAM
better than 1σ (i.e., probability >30%) at least once during their 50 Gyr of evolution. Columns
4 and 5 describe the mean and median pseudo-times that each set of runs has their first positive match with our success criteria. Columns 6 and 7 describe the
mean and median of the cumulative pseudo-times that test cases from each run maintains a positive match with our success criteria. Column 8 describes the
cumulative pseudo-time over all test cases (in Gyr) where our success criteria are satisfied. For Runs 11–18, these values have been averaged to correspond to
100 test cases.
pseudo-time over all test cases (in Gyr) where ψSFD
χFAM are satisfied. We use these results to color-code the
Q∗D curves from Fig. 9. The runs with cumulative pseudotimes >160 Gyr are plotted in red. The highest values are
found for Runs 11–18, with the exception of Run 16 (red
curves in Fig. 9). We believe Run 16 is likely a statistical
Because the highest cumulative success times are found
for Runs 11–18, we conclude that these Q∗D functions give
us our best opportunity of reproducing the observed main
belt over the age of the Solar System. For reference, the
Eq. (5) parameters for Run 11 are E = 0.871, F = −0.877,
G = −0.489, and H = −0.299, while those for Run 18 are
E = 0.854, F = −0.940, G = −0.511, and H = −0.314
The fossilized main belt size distribution
A visual inspection of trial cases in these runs indicates
why these initial Nrem populations are unlikely to reproduce
our constraints. The Dx = 80 and 100 km cases create a
bump near D ∼ 80–100 km that is difficult to grind away
using Q∗D functions with linear slopes in the gravity regime.
Though decreasing the gravity regime slope makes it easier to disrupt D > 100 km asteroids, it also tends to produce
too many families and too many fragments, the latter which
can drive the model size distribution away from the observed
main belt. Thus, we conclude that our initial size distribution
with Dx = 120 km is more likely to yield the observed main
belt than those with Dx = 80 or 100 km.
6.4. Constraints from (4) Vesta
Fig. 11. A histogram showing the times when our goodness-of-fit criteria
and χFAM
were met for the first time for the test cases from Run 15
(see Table 2 and Fig. 5). The distribution peaks at tpseudo = 6.5 Gyr, with
tfirst having mean and median values of 9.5 ± 5.3 Gyr and 8.0 Gyr, respectively. The paucity of values with tpseudo < 4.6 Gyr indicates the main belt
had to undergo more collisional evolution over its history than could have
been produced by simply running the observed population backward in time
4.6 Gyr.
(see also Table 2 and Fig. 9). Figure 10 shows a plot of the
cumulative time for all Run 15 test cases where our model
constraints are met. Note that the Q∗D function predicted by
the hydrocode modeling results of Benz and Asphaug (1999)
are represented by Run 13, right in the middle of our best fit
results. We take this as confirmation of the validity of our
approach and the general accuracy of the results.
The median first success pseudo-times for Runs 11–18
are 7.5–9.5 Gyr. A plot showing the distribution of first success pseudo-times for Run 15 is shown in Fig. 11; its mean
and median are 9.5 ± 5.3 and 8 Gyr, respectively. Thus, to
reach its current state, the main belt needed roughly twice the
amount of collisional evolution that a nominal Nrem would
have experienced over 4.6 Gyr. This implies that Ndep > 0
and the primordial main belt experienced an intense early
phase of collisional evolution. We believe that much of
the main belt’s wavy-shaped size-frequency distribution was
created during this time, such that its shape can be considered a “fossil” remnant from this violent epoch.
Using the same procedure, we have also investigated initial size distributions from Section 6.1 that have Dx = 80
and 100 km (Fig. 4). To cover this parameter space in a
reasonable amount of computation time, we set our maximum tpseudo value to 25 Gyr, half the value used above, and
we only generated 50 test cases per run. We also selected
a somewhat broader range of Q∗D functions than shown in
Fig. 9. Interestingly, none of the Dx = 80 and 100 km tests
produced results nearly as successful as our Dx = 120 km
runs, with no successes for the former and 1–3% successes
for the latter. Because these values are so much lower than
those obtained by Dx = 120 km runs using the same CoEMST parameters, we believe the successful matches in the
Dx = 100 km runs are predominately flukes.
Using our best-fit combination of Nrem and Q∗D , we can
now address the constraints provided by the intact basaltic
crust of (4) Vesta. As described in Section 4.3, Vesta is
a D = 529 ± 10 km asteroid with an intact basaltic crust
(e.g., Thomas et al., 1997; Standish, 2001; see Britt et al.,
2002). It also possesses a 460 km diameter crater, 13 km
deep, that completely dominates one hemisphere (Thomas
et al., 1997). From Vesta’s morphology, we can infer that
this crater was produced after Vesta formed its crust. Thus,
this crater provides a more restrictive constraint on the main
belt’s collisional history than Vesta’s intact basaltic crust;
instead of worrying about the obliteration of the crust, we
instead focus on the likelihood that Vesta experienced one
(and only one) such event over Solar System history.
Using the results from Run 15 and Dx = 120 km described in Section 6.3, we can readily check this scenario.
We estimate that Vesta’s intrinsic collision probability is
Pi = 2.8 × 10−18 km−2 yr−1 , nearly the same as that assumed for typical main belt asteroids (e.g., Farinella and
Davis, 1992; Bottke et al., 1994). The projectile that created the crater was D ∼ 35 km (Marzari et al., 1996;
Thomas et al., 1997; Asphaug, 1997). To get the approximate number of available D ∼ 35 km bodies over 4.6 Gyr of
main belt history, we interpolate between the central values
of bins D = 31 and 39 km for each timestep in our model
size distribution. Thus, the average interval between impacts
is given by:
(DVesta + dproj )2
× N (31 km D 40 km).
To simulate the timing and likelihood of such large impacts on Vesta, we integrated Eq. (12) in our Run 15 model.
We assumed the impacts followed Poisson statistics. We
made this computation every 0.25 Gyr in each of Run 15’s
100 test cases, and we reran our results 10 times using different random seeds. The probability distribution obtained from
this model indicates that the median number of D ∼ 35 km
objects striking Vesta over tpseudo intervals of 0–12, 13–27,
and 28–43 Gyr was 0, 1, and 2, while the mean number for
W.F. Bottke Jr. et al. / Icarus 175 (2005) 111–140
tpseudo 10, 24, and 41 Gyr was 0.5, 1.5, and 2.5, respectively. These values agree with more simplistic estimates
from the current main belt, where ∼280 objects between
31 km < D < 39 km yields an average impact interval of
tpseudo = 18 Gyr.
Though one must be careful with small number statistics, the singular nature of Vesta’s crater suggests the main
belt did not undergo the equivalent of more than ∼27 Gyr
of collisional evolution; if it had, the odds are that Vesta
would have been struck by at least two D ∼ 35 km impactors. These results are consistent with our predictions
from Section 6.3 that the main belt experienced tpseudo ∼7.5–
9.5 Gyr of collisional evolution (Table 2). Assuming these
values are reasonable, we estimate the probability that a single 31 km < D < 39 km would have struck Vesta over Solar
System history was roughly 42–53%, while the probability
one would have struck over the last 3.5 Gyr of real time and
produced the Vesta family is ∼19%.
7. Discussion and implications
Up to this point, we have only discussed the implications of our results for the asteroid belt in general terms. In
this section, we use our results to address number of issues
dealing with the asteroid disruption rates, the size of the primordial main belt, and the spin rate distribution of the largest
asteroids. We also compare our Q∗D estimates to recent hydrocode modeling work.
Fig. 12. The mean disruption rate of asteroids in each bin per Gyr for the
200 test cases of Run 15. The rates were computed by summing the total
number of disruption events across the test cases for each timestep, dividing
by the total number of runs, and then subtracting these values from one
another over 1 Gyr intervals. The mean interval for Karin-size breakups
(25 km < D < 35 km) is 15–30 Myr, while those for D > 100 km objects
is 0.25 Gyr.
Nesvorný and Bottke, 2004) occur ∼30–60 times per Gyr,
with a mean interval between breakups of 15–30 Myr.
7.1. Frequency of asteroid disruption
7.2. Estimating the size of the primordial main belt
Using Run 15, we have computed the average number
of catastrophically disrupted bodies produced by the Nrem
population over time. The average number of D > 100 km
breakups after tpseudo = 1, 2, 5, 8, 9, and 10 Gyr across the
100 trials of Run 15 are 3, 6, 17, 28, 31, and 35, respectively. Thus, if the main belt has experienced the equivalent
of 7.5–9.5 Gyr of comminution over the last 4.6 Gyr, as suggested by our best-fit model results, it appears that 28–35
D > 100 km asteroids in the Nrem population should have
disrupted. Note that this estimate excludes the disruption and
fragmentation products produced by the Ndep population.
For this reason, our CoEM values should be used carefully.
The mean disruption rate across our 100 test cases
per Gyr is shown in Fig. 12. The rates were computed by
summing the total number of disruption events across our
test cases for each timestep, dividing by the total number of runs (100), and then subtracting these values over
1 Gyr intervals. We find that for main belt populations that
have undergone tpseudo = 10 Gyr of collisional evolution,
roughly ∼4 asteroids with D > 100 km disrupt every Gyr.
Not surprisingly, this value is consistent with our constraints
from Section 4; recall that a metric of CoEM’s success
was the disruption rate of observed families. Karin-size
breakups (25 km < D < 35 km; Nesvorný et al., 2002c;
Our results from Section 6 indicate that a significant
amount of collisional evolution occurred while the primordial main belt is massive, and that much of this mass had to
be removed dynamically. Though a quantitative study of the
collisional and dynamical evolution of the main belt will be
investigated in a future paper, we can use our results, together with a simple back-of-the envelope calculation, to
crudely estimate the primordial size of the main belt just
prior to the onset of fragmentation.
The number of breakups events that ever occurred in the
main belt can be written as T /τ , where τ is the collisional
lifetime of an asteroid with diameter D and T is the time
needed for the input size distribution to attain a good match
and χFAM
. If we assume this quantity is a conwith ψSFD
stant, and that the main belt was once massive, we get:
TPrim TNow
where TPrim and τPrim are the evolution time and collisional
lifetime of objects in the primordial main belt before the
DDE and TNow and τNow are the values that have existed in
the main belt over the last ∼4.5 Gyr. We assume for now that
the only main belt dynamical excitation event occurred for
t > 4.5 Gyr. By substituting Eq. (12) for τ , we can rewrite
The fossilized main belt size distribution
the equation as:
Nmb T = (xNmb )(TPrim ) + Nmb TNow .
Here, we use Nmb as a stand-in for the approximate size
of the observed main belt. We set x to be a factor describing the size of the primordial main belt. We assume
that the observed main belt has been near its current size
for TNow = 4.5 Gyr. Given that our model results predict
T = 7.5–9.5 Gyr of collisional evolution in the main belt,
we can solve for x provided we know TPrim . Here is where
things get tricky. Recall that TPrim represents not only the
time the main belt was massive but also the time when asteroids ejected by the DDE were crashing into those that stayed
behind in the main belt. For this computation, we decided,
somewhat arbitrarily, to set TPrim = 20 Myr; 10 Myr for
Jupiter to accrete its gas (Pollack et al., 1996), and another
∼10 Myr for significant numbers of dynamically-excited asteroids to collide with the leftovers in the asteroid belt (e.g.,
Petit et al., 2001).
If these values are reasonable, the primordial main belt
for D 1000 km bodies was roughly 150–250 times the
size of the current main belt. These values are similar to
predictions of DDE models that suggest that the main belt
may have lost ∼99.5% of the bodies in its original population (Petit et al., 2001). If the observed asteroid belt is
∼5 × 10−4 M⊕ , these values yield a mass range of 0.075–
0.125 Earth masses for D 1000 km objects. Note that
these values are likely to be just a tiny fraction of the entire
main belt zone’s mass, most which likely went into Moonto Mars-sized planetary embryos.
7.3. Evidence for primordial bodies from asteroid spin
rates and lightcurves
Over the last 30 years, numerous groups have examined asteroidal rotation rates and lightcurves to discern
clues about the collisional history of the main belt. A short
list of work on this topic, much of which is still relevant, includes McAdoo and Burns (1973), Harris and Burns
(1979), Tedesco and Zappalà (1980), Farinella et al. (1981),
Farinella et al. (1982), Dermott et al. (1984), Dobrovolskis
and Burns (1984), Binzel et al. (1989), Davis et al. (1989),
Cellino et al. (1990), Farinella et al. (1992), Fulchignoni et
al. (1995), Donnison and Wiper (1999), Pravec and Harris
(2000), and Pravec et al. (2002). As we describe below, we
believe these data provide additional circumstantial evidence
supporting our results.
A tool used by many of the groups listed above is to plot
asteroid spin rates vs. diameter using a “running box” mean
method. Fig. 2 from Pravec et al. (2002) shows where this
method was applied to the spin rates of 984 asteroids. More
specifically for our purposes, Pravec et al. examined nearly
400 asteroids with D > 50 km, a size range where the thermal spin up/down mechanism (YORP) is not expected to
significantly modify asteroid spin rates (Rubincam, 2000;
Vokrouhlický and Čapek, 2002). A plot of these data reveals
a minimum in the mean spin rate distribution for D ∼ 90–
120 km asteroids (spin rate = 1.8 d−1 ). For reference, D ∼
200 km asteroids have ∼3 d−1 while D ∼ 50 km asteroids
have ∼2.5 d−1 . The minimum has also been observed in spin
rate distributions that show S, C, and M asteroids separately
(Dermott et al., 1984; Binzel et al., 1989).
A discontinuity is also observed in plots of running
box mean lightcurve amplitudes vs. diameter (Binzel et al.,
1989). Asteroids with D > 125 km show mean amplitudes
near 0.2, with a linear trend vs. log diameter that stretches
from 0.21 for D ∼ 200 km to 0.18 for D ∼ 125 km. Asteroids with D < 125 km, however, quickly jump to larger
mean amplitudes, with 0.24 for D ∼ 100 km, 0.28 for D ∼
70 km, and 0.31–0.32 for D < 40 km. It is unclear if this
discontinuity is related to the spin rate discontinuity; we
caution that to some unknown extent, lightcurve amplitudes
must be affected by an asteroid’s self gravity. Still, we find
it a surprising coincidence that both discontinuities occur at
D ∼ 100–125 km; the simplest scenario would imply a genetic relationship between these two.
Many groups have speculated about the cause of these
discontinuities. Dobrovolskis and Burns (1984) suggest the
spin rate minimum may be caused by an effect called “angular momentum drain,” where asteroid cratering events preferentially lose ejecta in the same direction as the asteroid’s
rotation (and thereby slow their spin rate). Cellino et al.
(1990) claimed that a similar effect, called “angular momentum splash,” would occur during marginally disruptive collisions. Numerical hydrocode modeling of asteroid breakups,
however, suggest a different story. Love and Ahrens (1997)
found that the trajectories of the impact ejecta in their simulations were highly directional (mainly downrange), enough
that the signal of angular momentum drain or splash could
not be determined from their data. Overall, they found that
small erosive collisions have a minimal effect on an object’s spin, while catastrophic disruption events essentially
destroy all “memory” of the target body’s initial spin. If true,
it seems unlikely that the spin rate and lightcurve amplitude
features observed in the data were produced by catastrophic
collisions. 6
A different solution was proposed by Tedesco and Zappalà (1980) and Dermott and Murray (1982), who suggested this discontinuity marked the dividing line between
primordial asteroids and their collisional products. This hypothesis is consistent with predictions made by several pioneering authors (e.g., Kuiper et al., 1958; Anders, 1965;
Hartmann and Hartmann, 1968) and with our model results.
It also provides some supporting evidence for our prediction
of a significant slope change in initial Nrem at Dx ∼ 120 km
(Fig. 4). Finally, it would argue that the spin rates and
lightcurve amplitudes for most D > 120 km bodies can be
6 It is possible that variants of these effects were important during accretion when planetesimal impact velocities were only a few m s−1 (Leinhardt
et al., 2000).
W.F. Bottke Jr. et al. / Icarus 175 (2005) 111–140
used to probe the processes that produced planetesimals during runaway accretion.
7.4. Caveats about our best-fit
disruption function
We are encouraged that our best-fit Q∗D functions in the
gravity regime (Runs 11–18; see Table 2 and Fig. 9) are
similar to results from hydrocode simulations that study the
disruption of undamaged basaltic targets (i.e., our Q∗D function for Run 13 is essentially the same as Benz and Asphaug,
1999, for Vimp = 3 km s−1 ; see also Love and Ahrens, 1996;
Holsapple et al., 2002; Asphaug et al., 2002). It is not yet
clear, however, how our results fit in with recent smoothedparticle hydrocode (SPH) simulations of pre-shattered asteroids that show that these bodies disrupt more easily than
undamaged targets (Michel et al., 2001, 2002, 2003). For
this reason, it is useful to describe some of the limitations of
current SPH modeling and our CoEM results.
While SPH models are the best tools we have for simulating asteroid disruption events, there is still room for improvement. A recent summary of some of their limitations
can be found in Holsapple et al. (2002). We point out one
additional issue here. Up to now, SPH codes have had limited success including macro- and micro-porosity in their
asteroid disruption simulations. This is important when you
consider that most S- and C-type asteroids have estimated
porosities in the range of 15–20 and 30–65%, respectively
(Britt et al., 2002). Because porous materials absorb impact
energy and prevent tensile waves from propagating through
a target body, they can make asteroids more difficult to disrupt (e.g., Asphaug, 1999; Housen and Holsapple, 2003). In
fact, preliminary hydrocode tests suggest that pre-shattered
asteroids with 25% macroporosity are easier to disrupt than
undamaged targets (W. Benz, personal communication). If
these results hold up, it would imply that the best-fit Q∗D
functions with shallow gravity regime slopes (e.g., Run 11)
are more likely to reflect reality than those with steeper
slopes (e.g., Run 18).
As for CoEM, our Q∗D estimate, for better or worse, is
intrinsically linked to the accuracy of the input and constraints included in CoEM. Here we list some of the factors
that could degrade the quality of our results: (i) the observed
main belt size distribution may differ from our estimates, (ii)
our choice of initial size distribution may need further refinement, (iii) our fragment size distribution may not represent
the broad spectrum of cratering/disruption events occurring
in the main belt, (iv) the approximations made to model the
DDE in CoEM may be overly-simplistic, and (v) the true Q∗D
function may not have a simple hyperbolic shape or it may
be velocity-dependant (though see Appendix A).
To mitigate against these potential problems, we have
used goodness-of-fit metrics that allow for some variability
2 ; χ2
in our constraints (e.g., ψSFD
FAM ). Still, future modeling
work is needed to determine whether our best-fit Q∗D functions are as accurate as they can be.
8. Conclusions
In this paper, we created a collisional evolution model
(CoEM) capable of tracking main belt comminution from
the end of accretion among D < 1000 km bodies to the
present day. Our method accounted for the possibility that
main belt population was once far more massive than the
current population and that it lost the majority of its mass
via a dynamical depletion event (DDE). We bypassed questions about the initial size of the main belt population and
the timing/nature of the DDE by assuming that: (i) main
belt comminution among diameter D < 1000 km bodies
has been dominated by the same collision probabilities and
impact velocities found in the main belt today, and (ii) a
large planetesimal population undergoing comminution for a
short period of time is mathematically equivalent to a much
smaller population undergoing comminution for an extended
period of time.
Using CoEM, we tested possible solutions for the asteroid disruption scaling-law (i.e., the critical impact specific
energy Q∗D ) and the shape of the initial main belt population. Constraints for CoEM came from the main belt’s
size-frequency distribution, the existence of a D = 460 km
crater on Asteroid (4) Vesta, the number of asteroid families produced by D > 100 km disruption events over the last
3–4 Gyr, and the relatively constant crater production rate of
the Earth and Moon over the last 3 Gyr. These constraints
helped drive our results toward a unique solution.
We summarize our major findings:
• Best fit solution for Q∗D . Our best fit solutions for the
Q∗D functions are described by Runs 11–18 (Table 2;
Fig. 9). Equation’s (5) parameters for Run 11 are E =
0.871, F = −0.877, G = −0.489, and H = −0.299,
while those for Run 18 are E = 0.854, F = −0.940,
G = −0.511, and H = −0.314 (see Table 2 and Fig. 9).
For reference, the Q∗D function predicted by the hydrocode modeling results of Benz and Asphaug (1999)
is represented by Run 13, located in the middle of our
best fit results. The positive match gives us increased
confidence that the method, constraints, and results described in this paper are accurate.
• Shape of the initial main belt size distribution. Using our
model’s assumptions, we estimated the shape of the initial main belt population that existed prior to the onset of
fragmentation among D < 1000 km bodies. The initial
main belt size distribution for D < 1000 km bodies was
divided into two components, Nrem and Ndep . We solved
for the former, which is a stand-in for the current main
belt population. The latter is a hypothetical population
that may have contributed impactors to the primordial
main belt before it was dynamically eliminated. Until
this removal, Ndep would have had the same shape as
Nrem . After numerous trials using both CoEM-SM and
CoEM-ST, we found the best fit Nrem initial population
had nearly the same number of D 120 km asteroids as
The fossilized main belt size distribution
the observed main belt (incremental power law index of
−4.5) and a much more limited number of D 120 km
asteroids. We found the power law slope of the D
120 km asteroid did not change out results, provided
it was shallow enough not to exceed observed number
of D ∼ 50–100 km asteroids. This shape is relatively
consistent with predictions made by several pioneering
papers from the 1950 and 1960’s (Kuiper et al., 1958;
Anders, 1965; Hartmann and Hartmann, 1968).
Degree of collisional evolution in main belt. The first
time our best-fit CoEM runs for Nrem matched our constraints was at a median pseudo-time of 7.5–9.5 Gyr.
We interpret this to mean that the main belt size distribution could not have attained its current wavy shape
without going through a period where it was exposed to
many more projectiles than are observed today. Accordingly, these results support the idea that the main belt
was once more massive than it is today, with much of
that mass lost via a dynamical mechanism rather than
comminution (i.e., Ndep > 0). Hence, the wavy main
belt size distribution is predominately a “fossil” produced by collisional evolution in the primordial main
belt. Our results also suggest that most D 120 km
objects have never been disrupted, while many, perhaps
most D 120 km asteroids are byproducts of fragmentation events among D 120 km asteroids.
Stability of main belt and NEO populations. Our best
fit models suggest that once the shape of the main belt
size distribution approaches the observed population, it
will remain close to those values for several Gyr. Because NEO population is predominately replenished by
D < 30 km main belt asteroids via the Yarkovsky effect
(Bottke et al., 2000, 2002a, 2002b), this result explains
why the impactor flux on the lunar maria has been nearly
constant for the last ∼3 Gyr (e.g., Grieve and Shoemaker, 1994).
Check of results using large crater on (4) Vesta. The intact basaltic crust of (4) Vesta has superposed on it a
D = 460 km crater. This feature was formed by the singular impact of a D ∼ 35 km projectile, making it a
better constraint for our model results than Vesta’s intact crust. Using our best-fit model runs, we estimate
that two such impactors should have struck Vesta over
a pseudo-time of tpsuedo > 27 Gyr. This value suggests
the degree of comminution experienced by the main belt
had to be less than 6 times the amount it would have received in the current low-mass main belt over the last
4.5 Gyr. These values are consistent with our estimates
that the main belt experienced roughly the equivalent of
tpseudo ∼ 7.5–9.5 Gyr of collisional evolution. The probability that any D ∼ 35 km impactor struck Vesta over
the last 3.5 Gyr of real time and produced the Vesta family is ∼20%.
Asteroid disruption frequency. We found that approximately four D > 100 km objects disrupt every Gyr,
and that Karin-size breakups (25 km < D < 35 km;
Nesvorný et al., 2002c; Nesvorný and Bottke, 2004) occur ∼15–30 times per Gyr.
• Constraints from asteroid spin rates and lightcurve
data. Supporting evidence for our claim that most
D 120 km objects are primordial comes from asteroid spin rates and lightcurve data. A running box
mean of asteroid spin rate vs. diameter shows a minima
near D ∼ 100–120 km, while a running box mean of
lightcurve amplitudes vs. diameter show a discontinuity
near D ∼ 125 km. Given our model results, we believe
the simplest explanation is that D 120 km bodies
are predominantly unaffected by catastrophic collisions,
while the D 120 km population is increasingly dominated by collisional fragments as one goes to smaller
and smaller sizes.
• The estimated size of the primordial main belt. Using
our best-fit model runs and a scenario where a massive main belt went through an intense phase of early
comminution prior to the formation of Jupiter, we estimate that the main belt population (in the form of
D < 1000 km bodies) was once 150–250 times larger
than it is today (0.075–0.125M⊕ ). These values are the
same as those predicted by numerical models of the dynamical excitation and clearing of the primordial main
belt population (Petit et al., 2001). They are also significantly lower than the several Earth masses of material predicted by solar nebula models, suggesting the
remaining mass was taken up by the growth of numerous Moon- to Mars-sized planetary embryos in the main
belt zone.
We thank Ed Scott, Patrick Michel, Dave O’Brien, and
Kleomenis Tsiganis for valuable discussions and input to
this study. We also thank Stu Weidenschilling and Sarah
Andre for their careful and constructive reviews of this paper. Research funds for William Bottke were provided by
NASA’s Origins of Solar Systems Program (Grant NAG510658) and NASA’s Discovery Data Analysis Program
(grant NNG04GA75G).
Appendix A. Exploring how varying impact velocities
affect our results
In this paper, we concentrated on CoEM simulations
where Vimp = 5.3 km s−1 . A potential problem with this approximation is that main belt impact velocities could have
been very different in the past. For example, it is plausible
that small asteroids could have fragmented at low velocities
while the largest bodies in the main belt were still forming. Alternatively, when the Ndep population was ejected
from the main belt, collision velocities between those asteroids and the Nrem population were probably comparable to
W.F. Bottke Jr. et al. / Icarus 175 (2005) 111–140
10 km s−1 (e.g., Petit et al., 2001). If either phase was critically important to the collisional evolution of the main belt,
the model results and Q∗D function derived here may be inaccurate. Moreover, no one knows precisely how Q∗D varies
with velocity. Some hydrocode results suggest that asteroids readily disrupt when struck at Vimp < 1 km s−1 (Benz,
To investigate how our results are affected by varying
impact velocities, we used CoEM-SM to set up a series of
“toy” simulations where we could compute the best possible Q∗D functions and evolution timescales for a population
being bombarded by projectiles with Vimp = 1, 3, 5.3, and
10.6 km s−1 . Our goal was not to generate a realistic simulation, but instead to explore how far Q∗D would change itself
in an extreme situation to reproduce the observed main belt.
To make it as easy as possible to compare our runs, we set Pi
to a clearly unphysical value of 2.86 × 10−18 km−2 yr−1 for
all cases (note that in reality, each Vimp value corresponds
to its own Pi value). Our initial Nrem population was set to
Dx = 120 km (Fig. 4).
We found that for each choice of Vimp , CoEM-SM found
a Q∗D function that, while very different from one another,
always yielded a best fit to our constraints at tpseudo ∼10 Gyr.
Fig. 13 shows the derived Q∗D function for each Vimp value.
We see that the Q∗D function for Vimp = 3 and 10.6 km s−1
are within a factor of 3 of the reference 5.3 km s−1 run, but
that the 1 km s−1 is nearly an order of magnitude lower than
the reference run.
Fig. 13. Best fit Q∗D functions from our toy CoEM-SM runs where Vimp =
1, 3, 5.3, and 10.6 km s−1 . We used the Dx = 120 km initial size distribution (Fig. 4) and set Pi to the non-physical value of 2.86 × 10−18
km−2 yr−1 for all our velocities. The evolution timescale was tpseudo ∼
10 Gyr. These runs determine how far Q∗D must vary to produce the observed main belt under our chosen conditions; they were not designed to be
realistic. Each simulation produces a comparable number of asteroid disruption events.
The reason our evolution timescales stayed constant
across our toy simulations was that the observed main belt
size distribution can only be reproduced if there are just the
right number of large-scale disruption events at particular
intervals over time; too many or too few yield size distributions that are inconsistent with observations. These results
suggest that if main belt impact velocities were once wildly
different than they are today, Q∗D had to be wildly different as well, and in just the right way, in order to limit the
number of large-scale breakup events, or that relatively few
disruption events occurred during that period. Either way, it
suggests our results are probably a reasonable approximation of collisional evolution in the main belt.
Another way to understand these results is as follows. If
the number of disruption events needed to make the main
belt size distribution does not change while Pi is held constant and Vimp varies, a target asteroid struck at a lower
Vimp value can only be disrupted by the same sized impactor
if Q∗D decreases as well. Figure 13 shows that, to a good
approximation, Q∗D in the gravity scaling regime varies as
2 . That is, the ratio of impact energy to that required for
the target’s disruption must remain essentially constant in
order to produce the same outcome.
A different question to ask is whether real Q∗D functions
change in the radical ways suggested by Fig. 13. The limited evidence we have today suggests it is unlikely. Benz
and Asphaug (1999) used hydrocode simulations to investigate collisions onto undamaged basaltic target bodies being
struck at Vimp = 3 and 5 km s−1 and for undamaged ice target bodies being struck at Vimp = 0.5 and 3 km s−1 . Their
results suggest that Q∗D in the gravity regime only varies by
a factor of 2 in each case, significantly smaller than the factor of 30 difference between our Vimp = 1 and 5.3 km s−1
cases. If true, these results suggest that an extended period
of low velocity impacts among planetesimals during the accretion of planetary embryos would not lead to significant
collisional erosion.
A caveat to these results comes from Benz (2000), who
investigated Q∗D for planetesimal collisions occurring at very
low velocities (Vimp = 5 and 40 m s−1 ). He found that for
such low velocity impacts, Q∗D in the gravity regime could
drop by roughly an order of magnitude over values derived
for 3 km s−1 . It is unclear from planet formation codes
whether D < 1000 km planetesimals experienced impact
velocities in this range for any extended period of time. Nevertheless, because these impact velocities and Q∗D functions
would be subject to the same constraints on the number and
timing of asteroid breakups as the results described above,
we do not believe they modify our conclusions.
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