Production Rate
Recent papers in Production Rate
We analyze the pair production of charged particles in two-dimensional Anti-de Sitter space (AdS_2) with a constant, uniform electric field. We compute the production rate both at a semi-classical level, viewing Schwinger pair production... more
Y. Kominami). a v a i l a b l e a t w w w . s c i e n c e d i r e c t . c o m j o u r n a l h o m e p a g e : w w w . e l s e v i e r . c o m / l o c a t e / a g r f o r m e t 0168-1923/$ -see front matter # a g r i c u l t u r a l a n d... more
Soil fumigation has recently been shown to affect the greenhouse gas balance by increasing emissions of nitrous oxide (N 2 O) following chloropicrin (CP) application. However, the exact mechanisms of this increase were not investigated.... more
For the first time it was possible to investigate a still poorly known region of the eastern Mediterranean Sea, the Libyan continental margin. An oceanographic cruise, performed during summer 2006, revealed an important and novel feature:... more
The present study was designed to examine the influence of oocyte quality, culture media and gonadotropins on cleavage rate and development of in vitro fertilized buffalo embryos. Three experiments were conducted. In experiment 1, oocytes... more
Performing experiments with transactinide elements demands highly sensitive detection methods due to the extremely low production rates (one-atom-at-a-time conditions). Preseparation with a physical recoil separator is a powerful method... more
Purpose -The purpose of this paper is to present a new generic Petri net (PN) model based on assembly plan for assembly sequence optimization. The model aims to allow modeling the flexible assembly system (FAS) configuration, determining... more
This paper summarizes our results on the changes in pelagic calci"cation and the standing stock of calcium carbonate associated with the SW Monsoon and NE Monsoon (cruises TN049 and TN053 of the U.S. JGOFS study, respectively) in the... more
Organic carbon fluxes to the deep ocean may be enhanced by association with ballast mineral material such as calcite and opal. We made simultaneous measurements of the upper ocean production of calcite (calcification), opal... more
Total body turnover of cholesterol was studied in 54 subjects by fitting a three-pool mathematical model to plasma decay curves of 32-49 weeks duration following ['4C]cholesterol injection. Fifteen subjects were normal, 10... more
All, but no tendency to precocious atherosclerosis is present. To elucidate this paradox, the structure of HDL, the potential of serum to promote cholesterol effiux from cultured cells, and the in vivo metabolism of HDL were examined in a... more
Large projectiles impacting the Earth will cause severe shock heating and chemical reprocessing of the Earth's atmosphere. This occurs during atmospheric entry and, more importantly, as a result of the supersonic plume ejected on impact.... more
This paper describes the linkage of a three-dimensional hydrodynamic circulation model with descriptive and experimental biological data concerning oyster (Crassostrea virginica) population dynamics in the Apalachicola Estuary (Florida,... more
Biomethanation Cookstove Appropriate technology Renewable energy a b s t r a c t Low-cost tubular digesters originally developed in tropical regions have been adapted to the extreme weather conditions of the Andean Plateau (3000e4000... more
Marine aerosols produced by bursting bubbles at the ocean surface are highly enriched in organic matter (OM) relative to seawater. The importance of this OM in the photochemical evolution of marine aerosols and particularly as a source of... more
Anaerobic digestion is an appropriate technique for the treatment of sludge before final disposal and it is employed worldwide as the oldest and most important process for sludge stabilization. In general, mesophilic anaerobic digestion... more
Maximum ethanol productions of two enological yeast strains (Sacc.haromyces cerevisiae K1 and 738-2) were compared during alcoholic fermentation under conditions where substrate was not a limiting factor. Although strain 738-2 seemed to... more
Twenty pH-controlled batch cultures with Lactobacillus helveticus were carried out in whey permeate-yeast extract medium according to a composite design with three factors: pH setpoint, and yeast extract and initial whey permeate... more
This paper focuses on the perception and production of the English alveolar stops (/t / and /d/) in syllable coda by Brazilian learners of English. In the production test, the participants read a list of English sentences containing... more
Beginning in 1992, the Slow The Spread (STS) pilot project was initiated to target gypsy moth (Lymantria dispar L.) spread rate reduction by controlling populations in the transition zone. The project uses intensive monitoring techniques,... more
Earthworm casts, formed when organic substrates and soil minerals pass through the digestive tract, may protect soil organic matter from biological degradation if they persist in the soil. Yet, the stability of casts is affected by their... more
Thermophilic anaerobic digestion offers an attractive alternative for the treatment of medium-and high-strength wastewaters. However, literature reports reveal that thermophilic wastewater treatment systems are often more sensitive to... more
Palaeoceanographic conditions in the eastern Indian Ocean for the last ¾30 kyr are documented by means of planktonic foraminiferal analyses of 10 gravity cores. Quantitative foraminiferal analysis (%), Q-mode factor analysis, the modern... more
Planet formation models suggest the primordial main belt experienced a short but intense period of collisional evolution shortly after the formation of planetary embryos. This period is believed to have lasted until Jupiter reached its... more
In the current environment of rapid technological change, the printed circuit card assembly manufacturer is often required to produce a wide variety of circuit card assemblies while maintaining a high level of quality and minimizing both... more
In the current environment of rapid technological change, the printed circuit card assembly manufacturer is often required to produce a wide variety of circuit card assemblies while maintaining a high level of quality and minimizing both... more
Two starchy substrates like pumpkin and cane molasses were selected for citric acid fermentation by using gamma ray induced mutant strains of 14/20 and 79/20 of A. niger under surface culture condition. Citric acid production was also... more
The concept of glycolysis optimization, first presented in Waddell (Biochemical Education 25 (1997) 204-205) and Heinrich et al. (Eur. J. Biochem. 243 (1997) 191-201), is reiterated and clarified in response to questions by Christoffersen... more
In view of the current increase in atmospheric pCO2 and concomitant changes in the marine environment, it is crucial to assess, understand, and predict future responses of ecologically relevant phytoplankton species. The diazotrophic... more
Models are needed for forecasting the effects of eutrophication on stream and river ecosystems. Most of the current models do not include differences in local stream characteristics and effects on the biota. To define the most important... more
The effect of inoculum level of Lactobacillus curvatus on Nham fermentation was studied. Nham inoculated with L. curvatus at 10 4 (LC104) and 10 6 cfu/g (LC106) exhibited a higher rate of fermentation than naturally fermented Nham... more
We report observational evidence for water ice in comet C/1995 O1 (Hale-Bopp) when it was at 2.9 AU from the Sun, from emission features at 44 and 65 mu m, and possibly an absorption feature at 3.1 mu m, observed with ISO/LWS and PHT. We... more
The aim of the current study was to examine effects of daily temperature variations on the performance of anaerobic digestion. Forced square-wave temperature variations (between 11 and 25, 15 and 28, and 19 and 32°C) were imposed on a... more
This paper deals with the development of a System Dynamics Model to study the influence of Production cycle time on: Production start rate, Work in progress, Production rate, Distribution inventory, Distribution rate, and Waste rate. The... more
Paper and cardboard stand for the major biodegradable organic fraction of most of municipal solid waste (MSW). This article aims at discussing the possible positive impact of a thin shredding of this fraction on its biodegradability under... more
The determination of dissolved CO 2 and HCO/ ( 3 concentrations as well as the carbon dioxide production rate in mammalian cell suspension culture is attracting more and more attention since the effects on major cell properties, such as... more