Chapter 2
Characterization of Plant-Based Aggregates
Bio-based aggregates present characteristics which are very different from the
mineral aggregates typically used in concretes, for which there are standardized
tools and techniques for characterization.
In this chapter, the aggregates examined come from the stem of plants cultivated
either for their fibers (hemp, flax, etc.) or for their seeds (oleaginous flax, sunflower,
etc.). In all cases, our aim is to enhance the value, as aggregates for construction
materials, of co-products from the stem which have, hitherto, hardly been used (if at
all). Cultivation of these plants solely for the purposes of production of aggregates
would not be advisable either from an economic or an environmental point of view:
the cost of such materials would prove significant in relation to, e.g., mineral
aggregates – the price of which is steadily increasing as resources become less
readily available – and their production would mobilize agricultural land for nonfood purposes. In the case of fibrous plants, it should be noted that this latter point is
compensated by the fact that cultivation of such plants contributes to balanced land
management and constitutes a beneficial component in cereal crop rotation.
Owing to the structure of the stem of the plant they are made from, such
aggregates are generally malleable, elongated and highly porous with a low apparent
density. Within the finished product, they do not play the part of a rigid skeleton, as
do mineral aggregates in hydraulic concretes, but are instead very flexible, and for
large quantities, their compactness in the material depends on the compacting
performed during the implementation stage. They can also absorb large amounts of
water and prevent potential hydraulic reactions of the binder used due to water
Chapter written by Vincent PICANDET.
Bio-aggregate-based Building Materials, Chapter 2, pp 27–73
Hence, the characterization of these aggregates, which is crucial to a proper
apprehension of the quality of the materials in which they are incorporated, requires
adaptations to be made to the techniques usually employed for mineral aggregates,
or the devising of new characterization procedures.
Following a brief description of the microstructure of these particles, based on
current studies aimed at enhancing the value of hemp shiv, flax shiv and sunflower
stems, a study relating to characterization of particle size distribution is detailed in
the case of hemp shiv. Measurements of the bulk density and compressibility of the
hemp shiv are also presented. Finally, the water-absorbing capability of these
aggregates is illustrated by a few very simple tests.
2.1. Microstructure of the shiv particles
2.1.1. Structure of the stem of fibrous plants
In a transversal cross-section, going from the outside toward the center of the
stem, which often forms a hollow cylinder (see Figures 1 and 2), the different
cellular tissues making up the plant are composed as follows [CRO 05; BOU 06]:
- Epidermis: this constitutes the stem’s protective layer, and is the area in which
exchanges with the surrounding environment take place.
- Primary fibers: these are associated with the primary phloems, running from
the primary meristem. The primary fibers are distinguished from the wood fibers by
their length, a very slender cell wall and a particular chemical composition.
- Phloem: this is the tissue that channels elaborated sap, which is a solution rich
in glucides such as saccharose, sorbital and mannitol.
- Secondary fibers: these are generated from the cambium.
- Cambium: this enables the stem to grow thicker, which is referred to as
secondary growth. The cambium originates from the procambium – a tissue derived
from the primary meristems (creating the primary vascular bundle). Cambial
activity, therefore, is responsible for the production of the secondary xylem which is
the main element in the central part of the stem.
- Meristem: this is a biological tissue comprising non-differentiated (or slightly
differentiated) cells forming an area of growth where cell division takes place. We
usually distinguish the primary meristems, which ensure the growth of the stem in
Characterization of Plant-Based Aggregates, written by Vincent PICANDET
terms of length, from the leaves or roots and the secondary meristems, which are
responsible for the transversal growth of the organs of certain plants.
- Xylem: this ensures the plant’s uprightness, and the transport of minerals –
functions performed respectively by the the fibers. and vessels.
Figure 2.1. Transversal cross-section of a hemp stem halfway up
In the case of hemp, the part assimilated to the cortex containing the epidermis
and the fibers represents barely 10% of the cross-section of the stem. Conversely,
the secondary xylem, assimilated to the woody part, represents over 85% of the
cross-section of the stem [FID 08]. Hemp shiv comes from this part of the stem.
The inner layer of the hollow stem is made of a material that is more translucent
than the woody part. These cells located at the heart of the stem constitute the
primary xylem – the site of cell multiplication in the process of the plant’s growth.
Bio-aggregate-based Building Materials, Chapter 2, pp 27–73
Figure 2.2. View, under a trinocular microscope, of the transversal cross-section of
thin slivers of hemp stem
2.1.2. SEM observation of hemp shiv particles
Cross-sections were taken of the woody part of the stem of a hemp plant and
observed under a SEM (Scanning Electron Microscope) at various levels of
magnification both along and across the stem (see Figure 2.3). These observations
confirm the highly porous nature of this material, which accounts for its excellent
capacity to absorb and retain water. It is made up of capillaries, formed by the cell
walls and oriented longitudinally (i.e. in the direction of the stem). The width of
these capillaries is variable, but on the transversal views they appear to be
connected, end-to-end, to one another.
Characterization of Plant-Based Aggregates, written by Vincent PICANDET
Figure 2.3. SEM observations of hemp shiv: transversal (a and c)
and longitudinal (b and d) views
The process of defibration produces hemp shiv particles from the woody part of
the stem, named as shiv, which are elongated along its axis. The porosity of these
particles is also mainly oriented along the same axis. These pores have a diameter
that essentially varies between 10 and 50µm and a length of around 80µm (see
Figure 2.3d).
2.1.3. Chemistry of the cell walls
Plant aggregates are made up of cell walls – remnants of the cells that make up
the plant from which they are taken. These lignocellular walls are composed
primarily of cellulose, hemi-celluloses and lignin in varying proportions depending
on the species of plant and the position or function of the cell within the plant’s
structure. For instance, a fiber is created by a cell which is elongated and whose
metabolism has focused entirely on the creation of the cell wall.
Bio-aggregate-based Building Materials, Chapter 2, pp 27–73
Mass %
Hemp shiv [GAR 98]
Hemp shiv[VIG 96]
Hemp fibers
[GAR 98]
Hemp fibers
[VIG 96]
Hemp fibers
[SED 08]
Hemp fibers
[TRO 08]
Flax shiv [FEN 89]
Flax shiv [BUR 07]
Flax shiv [COX 99]
Flax fibers [SAI 02]
Sunflower stalk
[JIM 93]
Marrow-less sunflower
[JIM 93]
Marrow-less sunflower
[KHR 96]
Sunflower marrow
[YIN 07]
Pectins Ash
Table 2.1. Mass fractions of the main categories of constituents of plant cell walls
Cell walls also contain various aromatic compounds associated with lignins,
pectins, waxes, fats or lipids and ash or mineral compounds which can be extracted
by calcination [AKI 10]. Cellulose, hemi-celluloses and lignin, in that order, are the
three most abundant types of natural polymers [BUR 08].
Table 2.1 gives a non-exhaustive overview of some values found in the existing
body of literature for the distributions of the primary constituents of the cell walls in
plants likely to produce aggregates for use in construction materials, which have
now been studied to a relatively advanced level. This category includes two fibrous
plants – hemp and flax – and an oily plant – sunflower – for which the data were
obtained by Vincent Nozahic [NOZ 12].
Characterization of Plant-Based Aggregates, written by Vincent PICANDET
7 Cellulose
Cellulose is primarily a linear polymer of glucose [NEL 00]. The way in which
glucose is linked or arranged to form this linear polymer determines the properties
of the particular cellulose. Generally, the glucose can be arranged in a crystalline
manner, giving rise to a stable, hydrophobic polymer with excellent mechanical
stress resistance. Cellulose is present in the cell walls in the form of microfibrils
(between 2 and 20nm in diameter and 100-400nm in length), constituting a
mechanically-resistant linear structure [AKI 10]. A number of different models of
the arrangement of these microfibrils in the cellulosic fiber may be envisaged, while
in other parts of the cell wall, cellulose may also be present in a less ordered form
than the crystalline state mentioned above, with significant differences in terms of
physical properties and functions.
In the case of fibrous plants, cellulose is essentially present in the cortical fibers,
the role of which is to improve the rigidity of the stem. These long fibers constitute
the main added value of the plant. Hemicellulose
After cellulose, hemicelluloses are the second most omnipresent carbohydrate in
plant cell walls. The term “hemicelluloses” covers many different polysaccharides
which are rather heterogeneous because of their origin and therefore their
composition and their structure or arrangement. Hemicelluloses are not linear
polymers, and in cell walls they are generally linked with pectins, aromatic
compounds or cellulose [AKI 10]. They are often compared to a matrix component,
which can be present in the lamellae that hold the cell walls in fibrous tissues
together, and in the primary and secondary cell wall, which is finer and rich in
cellulose, where they serve as the link between cellulose and lignin [FOC 92].
It should be noted that hemicelluloses are relatively hydrophilic, and contain
glucides which are potentially water-soluble. If included in an aqueous solution, the
quantities and solubility of the polysaccharides likely to interact with, e.g., a paste of
mineral binder, altering the kinetics of its binding and the binding itself, are highly
variable. However, care should be taken when envisaging this option. Lignin
The aromatic ring is the basic chemical component in lignin and other aromatics.
These compounds are extremely diverse and are present in various forms within the
plant and the cell walls. Three main groups of lignins can be distinguished
[BUR 08]: softwood lignin (gymnosperms), e.g. conifers; hardwood lignin
(angiosperms), and lignin from herbaceous plants. This latter group is beginning to
Bio-aggregate-based Building Materials, Chapter 2, pp 27–73
attract an increasing amount of interest in R&D, because it is a renewable material
produced in an annual cycle, and can be provided, primarily by the annual
production of biomass. The lignin largely conditions the properties and treatment of
bio-sourced materials. Hence, lignin is the compound which, indirectly, plays a
capital role in the development of the market for these materials [BUR 08]. The
estimated quantity of lignin is often relative to the measuring method used, and there
may be an appreciable difference in the amounts reported in the literature, even for
the same material [AKI 10].
Lignin also provides protection against the development of bacteria and
pathogenic microbes that are harmful to the cell walls [AKI 08]. The nature and
amount of the lignin present in the different parts of the plant have a significant
impact on the effectiveness of retting procedures applied to fibrous plants, and also,
more generally, on the durability or biodegradability of materials made from the
plant. In partnership with cellulose, lignin gives the plant a rigid structure, enabling
it to stand upright. In the cell walls, lignin is closely associated with hemicelluloses
and cellulose. Covalent bonds are formed between lignin and hemicelluloses, and it
is associated with the cellulose by the intermediary of the hemicelluloses [AKI 10].
In the case of fibrous plants – mainly flax or hemp – most of the lignin is to be
found in the tissues in the center of the stem, containing the xylem and the other cell
walls serving to channel water and sap [AKI 96]. Flax or hemp shiv obtained by
defibration come from this so-called “lignified” part of the plant (see Table 2.1). Pectin
Pectins, much like hemicelluloses, are water-soluble and include many different
components which are present in cell walls. Of these, galactose and rhamnose are
the most representative of pectins. In fibrous plants they are often present in small
quantities, but they are located strategically in the plant’s tissues. Pectins, in
juxtaposition to hemicelluloses, constitute the polysaccharide matrix in the different
tissues of the plant and in the fibers [AKI 10]. It should be noted that retting of
fibrous plants causes degradation of the pectins by the action of bacteria and mold,
thereby enabling the fibers to be separated from the non-fibrous part of the plant. Waxes, fats and lipids
These hydrocarbons are of different sorts, but share the peculiarity of being
insoluble in water [NEL 00]. The biological functions they perform are also diverse.
Fats and oils are the main forms of energy storage for many living organisms.
Phospholipids and sterols are structural components in membranes. Other lipids play
various roles, including enzymatic functions, pigmentation, etc. Biological waxes
are esters, comprising long chains of alcohols. The proportion of these constituents
Characterization of Plant-Based Aggregates, written by Vincent PICANDET
is relatively low in fibrous plants, but may be higher in grasses (bagasse and cereals)
[AKI 10].
Lipids are particularly important on the external wall of plants, and around the
fibers. In addition, the accumulation of wax on the cuticle forms a protective barrier
against dehydration and the entry of infection agents into the plant. During the
retting of fibrous plants, the epidermis of the stem separates from the fibers and the
lignified central part. Flax shiv, like hemp shiv, contains only very small amounts of
wax. Ash
The quantity of insoluble mineral matter can be determined by a number of
methods, the results of which are fairly congruous, overall. The quantity of ash in
fibrous plants is generally low, whereas in grasses it may be significantly higher –
particularly in rice or wheat straw, whose silica (SiO2) content is higher. Yet fibrous
plants – particularly flax and hemp – contain greater quantities of heavy metals such
as lead (Pb), copper (Cu), zinc (Zn) and cadmium (Cd) [AKI 10]. The capacity of
these plants to accumulate these heavy metals can, furthermore, be exploited to depollute some soils [LIN 02].
2.1.4. Density and porosity, in the case of hemp shiv
The densities and porosities measured on two types of hemp shiv [NGU 10a],
“HS” (Hemp Shiv) and “FHS” (Fibrous Hemp Shiv), presented in Figure 2.4 (see
section 2.2), are summarized in Table 2.2.
The apparent density when loose and dry is measured on the basis of a
cylindrical volume 160mm in diameter and 320mm in height, in which the loose dry
hemp shiv is poured.
The apparent density of the particles was measured on the basis of a straight
section of stem, the area of which was determined by image analysis and the
measured height. This figure, given as an indicative value, is underestimated in that
the hemp shiv particles probably have a greater density [CEY 08; CER 05], owing to
the stresses undergone during the defibration process and the stress of confinement
when they were conditioned and kept in a 20kg sack. A value of 300kg.m-3 would, at
first glance, seem to constitute a more meaningful density of the particles used. It
would represent a decrease of the intra-granular porosity but a slight increase in the
inter-granular porosity as reported in Table 2.2.
The apparent density of the solid phase is determined by a pycnometer, using
toluene as filling fluid.
Bio-aggregate-based Building Materials, Chapter 2, pp 27–73
From these measurements, we deduce the following porosity values:
- total porosity: φtotal = 1 – ρV/ρS
- intra-granular porosity: φintra = 1 – ρP/ρS
- inter-granular porosity: φinter = 1 – ρP/ρV
It should be noted that when long fibers are present in hemp shiv, as is the case
of fibrous shiv, these fibers make up a significant proportion of the loose volume,
and largely contribute to the increased inter-granular porosity.
Although the apparent density of the dry particles is probably underestimated,
the intra-granular porosity proves to be very high, which accounts for the excellent
absorbent quality of this material.
ρL apparent density loose and dry [kg.m ]
ρP apparent density of the dry particles [kg.m-3]
ρS apparent density of the solid phase [kg.m ]
φtotal, total porosity
φintra, intra-granular porosity
φinter, inter-granular porosity
Table 2.2. Densities and porosity of the hemp shiv under examination
2.2. Particle Size Distribution (PSD)
At present, no norm exists to cover the PSD of bio-sourced aggregates. They are
different in many respects from the mineral aggregates traditionally employed in
hydraulic concretes – which rounder, very unyielding with low porosity and
considerably denser – for which methods of characterization, mainly by sieving,
have been defined and are employed in the published standards. Yet the industrial
implementation either on-site or in a precast factory necessitates a better
characterization of these aggregates to stay abreast of the quality of the finished
Characterization of Plant-Based Aggregates, written by Vincent PICANDET
2.2.1. General characteristics of aggregates made from fibrous
Hemp straw and flax straw is composed of very long and not heavily lignified
cortical fibers surrounding a woody part (very heavily lignified short fibers) at the
center of the stem [CRO 05], corresponding to the part which, while the plant was
growing, carried the sap. The cortical fiber, rich in cellulose, represents the main
value of this agricultural product [BOU 06]. During the process of defibration, the
straw is ground, usually using a hammer mills. The woody part is detached from the
fibers, and shredded into small pieces to form hemp or flax shiv. In the case of
hemp, 100kg of straw, when ground, yield around 30kg of fiber, 60kg of hemp shiv
and 10kg of dust [BOU 06; BEV 09; BRU 09]. Although it is the main constituent,
hemp shiv is merely a co-product of the exploitation of hemp. Its main use up until
now has been in animal litter or horticultural straw.
The term “hemp shiv” is currently used to denote aggregates from the stem of
the hemp plant which may be very varied, as they come from agricultural products
that are subject to weather hazards and obtained using various post-harvest
processes. Flax shiv, for its part, present still more disparate characteristics,
particularly due to the larger variety of species that can be grown. In addition, the
implementation processes employed generally tend to (prefer) these particles, and
therefore – depending on the overall shape of the particles – give rise to a tangible
anisotropy of the material, particularly in terms of its thermal characteristics
[ELF 08; NGU 10b].
2.2.2. Fiber content
When the plant is felled, it may be left on the ground for a variable length of
time so that retting will facilitate the process of defibration. The advance of this
process, the dampness of the straw and the regulations of the grinders used affect the
size of the particles obtained when the straw is ground [MAN 04; MIA 11]. Also,
the defibration performed may be more or less vigorous, and the fiber content in the
hemp shiv or the flax shiv may be variable.
Bio-aggregate-based Building Materials, Chapter 2, pp 27–73
a) HS Hemp shiv
b) FHS shiv
Figure 2.4. Hemp shiv under investigation, laid out in a spread 7cm in diameter
The study presented below is based on the example of two types of hemp shiv: a
hemp shiv gained from an advanced process of defibration with very few residual
fibers, denoted HS, and another gained from a partial process of defibration,
containing a significant amount of short cortical fibers (shorter than 4cm), denoted
FHS. It is very easy to distinguish these two hemp shiv with the naked eye, as shown
in Figure 2.4.
2.2.3. Methods for characterizing the PSD
Two methods can be easily employed to study the PSD of the hemp shiv, each
with advantages and drawbacks:
The conventional method of sieving with dry particles enables us to take
measurements directly on a sample of a few hundred grams. The limitations of this
method are due to the elongated shape of hemp shiv particles, and their low density,
which render sieving less appropriate and unreliable [IGA 09].
2D image analysis of particles spread out over a flat surface gives us access to
more information. Thereby, the width and length of each particle detected can be
measured. However, this method is more complex and requires samples no larger
than a few grams. The precision of the results produced is therefore limited by the
representativeness of the sample and by the only dimensions obtained for the
aggregates by projection onto a plane.
Characterization of Plant-Based Aggregates, written by Vincent PICANDET
13 Sieving method
Sieving was performed on dry material, so that the finest particles could separate
from the others. Sieves with standardized square mesh were used, as was a
mechanical siever for the study of soils and mineral aggregates (NF ISO 3310.1 –
ASTM E-11-95). In order to obtain repetitive results, the vibration time was
extended to an hour for a 200-gram sample and for 5 consecutive sieves. The
apertures of the sieves used ranged from 10 to 0.315mm as follows: 10; 8; 6.3; 5; 4;
3.15; 2.5; 2; 1.25; 1; 0.63 and 0.315mm.
PSD analysis by sieving assumes that all the particles are practically spherical in
shape, and pass through a square aperture when their diameter is less than the side of
the square. For flat or elongated particles, such as hemp shiv particles, this point is
developed in further detail in section The particles may either pass through
the sieve in the direction of their length (see Figure 2.20) or (stay back) if they are
positioned across the aperture. In the latter case, these particles may also block the
passage of particles located above them.
Generally speaking, increasing the time taken over sieving helps to reduce the
relative differences of the refused particles obtained for each sieve. On the basis of
several tests, the precision of the results, i.e. the evaluation of the particles retained
in each sieve, was evaluated at ±15% with the series of sieves used. These
uncertainties are illustrated in Figure 2.6. Globally we observe that the PSD of the
two hemp shiv under study (apart from fibers), are relatively close.
Figure 2.5. Pellets of fibers formed with the first sieves (4 and 5mm)
When fibers are present, sieving can be used to complete the separation of the
fibers from the hemp shiv. Indeed, the fibers tend to form pellets in the first sieves –
see Figure 2.5. Also, when the fiber and the hemp shiv are still linked, the vibrations
of the sieve are enough to detach them. Generally, the amount of fibers in the hemp
shiv tested varies between 1 and 15% of the mass. For instance, this fiber content
was evaluated as being between 12% and 15% in the case of the fibrous hemp shiv
Bio-aggregate-based Building Materials, Chapter 2, pp 27–73
(FHS) as shown in Figure 2.4. The PSD presented below do not take account of
these free fibers. Yet even in the case of hemp shiv obtained by an advanced process
of defibration, a detailed examination of the aggregates shows that a small amount
of short fibers may still be found attached to a few hemp shiv particles, even after
the stages of sieving performed, for at least 30 minutes.
Figure 2.6. Cumulative size distribution obtained by sieving Image-analysis method
This method requires good-quality sampling, in that only a finite amount of
material can reasonably be analyzed. A classic method of quartering can be applied
to a 20kg sack of hemp shiv and repeated as many times as need be. The
representativeness of the sample selected is the key element guaranteeing the
relevance of the results produced. Acquisition of a digital image
Image analysis is based on a two-dimensional observation of particles spread out
over a flat surface. In this study, the images were obtained with a conventional
scanner generally used to digitize documents. This technique offers the advantage of
avoiding any distortion of the image which might occur if a camera were used. The
scanner can acquire a color image or an image converted into 8-bit grayscale that
Characterization of Plant-Based Aggregates, written by Vincent PICANDET
can be processing by an image-analysis program such as “Image Tool” or “ImageJ”,
which are freely accessible online.
The particles are spread out so that they do not overlap or touch. This requires
very detailed attention, because the particles are fine and in these conditions it is
difficult to avoid some overlap. Certain algorithms can be used to deal with this
problem at the image-processing level [SHA 06], but with the aim of simplifying the
procedure of analysis and increasing the precision of our measurements [IGA 09a]
[IGA 09b], we limited ourselves to a procedure of rather dispersed distribution,
requiring a greater number of images to be analyzed and a case-by-case verification
of potential overlaps of particles.
As the hemp shiv under investigation is light in color, a dark background was
used in order to obtain a maximum degree of contrast. The grayscale image was
processed at a resolution of 600 DPI (dots per inch) on both the vertical and
horizontal axes. This corresponds to a constant scale factor of 0.04233mm per pixel.
This scale factor can be verified by calibration. On an A4 surface, i.e.
210 × 297mm2, the image produced in an uncompressed format occupies around
35MB of memory. The precision of the measurements can further be improved by
increasing the resolution, but this is limiting because of the time needed for the
scanner to transfer the data and for the storage and processing of the multiple
Image analysis requires a binarized image, which necessitates prior thresholding
of the grayscale image. This is the trickiest step in this method, particularly if a large
number of fine particles (of less than 0.5mm width) are present. Automatic
thresholding procedures may be available, but there will be a halo effect, to a greater
or lesser degree of severity, around the particles identified. The halo effect tends to
decrease the level of gray of the pixels on the outer boundary of the lightest objects.
Incorrectly adapted thresholding may therefore contribute to an artificial increase of
the size of these objects and consequently, noticeably over- or underestimate
(depending on whether the background is dark- or light-colored) the relative size of
the smallest objects detected [NGU 10a; IGA 09b]. Yet this problem can be greatly
assuaged by manual thresholding to process the image. The lower bound of the
threshold can be adjusted so that this halo effect is contained in a band
approximately 1 pixel in width around each object. Appropriate thresholding should
cover the surface of the objects needing to be detected as precisely as possible. The
quality of this thresholding can be verified using small “standard” objects the same
color as the particles we wish to detect.
Generally, in the case of light-colored particles on a dark background, the upper
threshold is fixed at the maximum, i.e. 255, and the lower threshold is between 60
Bio-aggregate-based Building Materials, Chapter 2, pp 27–73
and 90. In our case, in order to create the most apt binarized image, the value of this
lower threshold was set at 80 for all the images processed.
Hemp shiv also contains dust of organic or mineral origin, usually less than 2%
of the weight of the particles passing through the 0.315mm sieve. The tail of
distribution toward the finest particles is difficult to quantify using image analysis.
Such a task would require additional observation, on a microscopic scale, of finest
sieved sample.
Next, therefore, it is useful to define a detection threshold, i.e. a minimum
projected area of the objects to be processed, so as to take account only of the hemp
shiv particles and avoid dust particles represented by merely a few pixels. In the
case presented here, only the particles whose area is greater than 0.08mm2 (i.e.
objects represented by at least 45 pixels) and width greater than 0.1mm (i.e. over 2
pixels across) were taken into account for the PSD analysis.
Other processing operations can also be carried out with a view to preparing the
images before analysis. One such operation, which involves producing an erosion of
a given number of pixels followed by an operation of expansion of the object by
adding the same number of pixels onto its boundary, can help eliminate dust
particles and fibers which are not representative of the hemp shiv particles needing
to be identified. This operation is referred to as an opening operation, because it may
lead to the de-compartmentalization of cavities, separated by thin boundaries, which
may be contained in the objects. By way of example, its effect is illustrated in
Figure 2.10 for a thickness of 2 pixels. Measurements of length and parameters of shape of
the objects
Image analysis gives us access to far more information than does sieving. For
each particle detected, its projected area and the perimeter of that projected area are
directly measured and recorded.
Other more elaborate parameters, such as the minimum convex area surrounding
the object (see Figure 2.7), can be used to define different formal parameters to help
better characterize the particles. Of these, the convexity ratio, χ (also called
“solidity”) [MOR 00], defined as the object’s projected area over the convex area
surrounding that object, reveals the form of the particles. Perfectly convex particles
have a convexity ratio of 1. In this study, we labeled particles with a convexity ratio
of less than 2/3 as non-convex (see section 2.5.1).
Similarly, the convexity of the particles can also be estimated by looking at the
ratio of the projected area to the product of the length by the width of the identified
Characterization of Plant-Based Aggregates, written by Vincent PICANDET
object (Area/(Length × width)) when this measurement is not embedded in the
software tool being used.
Minor Axis
Projected are of the object
Smallest enclosing
Minimum convex area
encompassing the object
Major axis
Boundary of the
Figure 2.7. Evaluation of the convex area and the maximum Féret diameter
Observation of different types of ground-up straw shows that the resulting
particles have irregular and angular forms due to the microstructure of the plant,
oriented along the axis of the stem and to the (tearing) action that can sometimes be
caused by hammer mills, for instance. In this scenario, the shapes of the finest
particles therefore tend to be polygonal and convex, whereas the shapes of the
coarsest particles tend to diversify to include non-convex particles [BIT 09a].
Bio-aggregate-based Building Materials, Chapter 2, pp 27–73
Overall, in the case of convex and non-convex particles gleaned from ground
straw, the method for determining the length based on the diameter of the smallest
enclosing circle or maximal caliper (which some writers also refer to as the Féret
diameter) is fairly representative of the length of the object [IGA 09a]. Hence, the
length can be directly quantified using this maximum diameter, defining the major
axis of the projected area (see Figure 2.7).
Figure 2.8. Hemp shiv particles after binarization of the image, classified on the
basis of biases in the analysis which will cause protuberances due to tearing and to
remaining connected fibers Determination of the particle size
The measurement of the length and width of these particles may be subject to
different definitions, depending on the representativeness of these dimensions in the
case of the type of object needing to be analyzed.
The width can be defined and measured using Image Tool, as the maximum
length along the minor axis, perpendicularly to the major axis. This is denoted as
“width*” in Figure 2.7 and Figure 2.9. For around 2600 analyzed particles contained
in a 4g sample of HS hemp shiv, Figure 2.11 gives a view of the logarithmic scale of
the widths in comparison to the lengths analyzed. This method leads to a slight
overestimation with rectangular shapes, because it is the diagonals that are identified
as the lengths. However, the overestimation of the lengths therefore also applies, to
the same degree, to the widths, so that the elongation of the particles, ε (the ratio of
length to width of the particles) – a parameter which we shall study later on –
remains the same. Overestimation is also important in the case of non-convex
particles, because the measured width starts from the major axis even if this axis lies
outside the object.
The width can also be defined, and measured using ImageJ, as the minimal Féret
diameter or minimal caliper, i.e. the minimum distance between two parallel straight
lines (or planes) encompassing the object, or indeed as the width of the narrowest
rectangle (or parallelepiped) containing the object – see Figure 2.9. This method
could lead us to suppose that the estimation of the width is correct in the case of
rectangular particles. However, in the case of hemp shivs, the short fibers still
connected and the particles (destroyed) by grinding give rise to outcrops from the
Characterization of Plant-Based Aggregates, written by Vincent PICANDET
projected areas and ultimately cause an overestimation of the widths obtained by
way of this method.
In order to iron out some of the (protuberances) of the objects studied (see
Figure 2.8) and analyze them using geometric forms deemed to be representative,
other methods exist. Such methods consist of adjusting the basic geometric shapes
(rectangles, ellipses, triangles, polygons, etc.) to the objects detected [IGA 08;
BIT 09a] so as to determine their length, and above all their representative width. Of
these, in the case of hemp shiv, an ellipse can be adjusted so that its center of gravity
corresponds to that of the object and its projected area is identical to that of the
object. The lengths and widths of the object are therefore defined respectively in
accordance with the large and small radii of the adjusted ellipses (see Figure 2.9).
Smallest rectangle containing
the object
(Minimum Féret Diameter)
Fitted ellipse
(Small diameter)
Boundary of the object :
(Perimeter / Area)
Fitted ellipse
(Large diameter)
Major Axis (Length*)
(Maximum Féret Diameter)
Diameter of the smallest enclosing
Maximum length
perpendicular to the
major axis
Figure 2.9. Lengths and widths analyzed
Bio-aggregate-based Building Materials, Chapter 2, pp 27–73
Figure 2.10. Analysis of a hemp shiv particle approximately 20mm in length:
a) grayscale scanned image; b) image after thresholding; c) image after operation
of opening of 1 pixel followed by adjustment of an ellipse, facilitating the evaluation
of its length and width
It should be noted that with rectangular shapes, the adjustment of an ellipse also
leads to an overestimation of the lengths and widths in identical proportions, so that
the elongation of the particles, ε, again remains unchanged.
For the same images obtained with a 4g sample of CP hemp shiv, the widths on
the basis of the lengths analyzed by adjustment of an ellipse on each object detected
(around 2600 – see section 2.5.1) are represented on Figure 2.12. Of these point
clouds, two general categories of particles may appear: the particles representative
of hemp shiv, for which the corresponding point cloud is centered around a width of
around 2mm. and dust or micro-fibers, for which the point cloud seems to be
truncated by the threshold selected.
Of the various characteristics that are measured, the elongation seems critically
important, because it will condition the orientation of the granular arrangement and
the anisotropy of the finished materials. For the same sample, it is represented as a
function of the projected area of each particle when the lengths are measured from
the major and minor axes in Figure 2.14 and when they are evaluated on the basis of
the diameters of the adjusted ellipses in Figure 2.13. The point cloud is primarily
clustered around a straight line denoting a constant length-to-width ratio. For an
elongation on a logarithmic scale, the points appear to be distributed in accordance
with a normal law. In these figures, therefore, we have considered the geometric
mean of the elongation of each particle weighted by its area, notated as ε gm, and the
Characterization of Plant-Based Aggregates, written by Vincent PICANDET
corresponding standard deviation, notated as σgm, in order to calculate the
confidence intervals for the different segments of the projected area in question.
In Figure 2.14, it appears that the smallest particles, with a projected area of less
than 0.4mm2 may contain short fibers (shorter than 5mm) which are not straight.
These particles noticeably increase the average elongation of the particles contained
in the smallest intervals of projected area when the lengths and widths are measured
in accordance with the major and minor axes.
Overall, for these two methods of analysis, there does not appear to be any
significant change in elongation with the projected area of the particles. Over all the
particles identified, the average value of this elongation is near to 4, with a
geometric standard deviation of around 1.5. The impact of the dimensional approach
to particle analysis on the results is presented in greater detail in section 2.6.2.
Width* [mm]
Lenght* [mm]
Figure 2.11. Length and width of hemp shiv particles evaluated by the major and
minor axes of the projected area
Bio-aggregate-based Building Materials, Chapter 2, pp 27–73
Width [mm]
Lenght [mm]
Figure 2.12. Length and width of hemp shiv particles evaluated by adjustment of an
ellipse over the projected area
Figure 2.13. Elongations of hemp shiv particles evaluated along the major and
minor axes of the projected area
Characterization of Plant-Based Aggregates, written by Vincent PICANDET
Figure 2.14. Elongations of the hemp shiv particles evaluated by adjustment of an
ellipse over the projected area
2.2.4. PSD analyses
Various types of distribution, or probability density, of size of particles may be
deduced from these tests, depending on whether they are distributed in accordance
with their number or with their projected area. However, so as to be meaningfully
representative of potential granular packing and to be comparable with the analyses
obtained by sieving, this analysis should be performed on the basis of a distribution
of the volume of the particles. Frequency distribution
Distributions on the basis of the number of particles can be performed directly
from the raw data from the image analysis step. However, this type of distribution is
very sensitive to the number of the smallest particles, and particularly to their
detection threshold. In the study presented, we set a detection threshold based on the
projected area of the particles equal to 0.08mm2. Yet clearly, the material contains
even smaller particles which will not be taken into account when counting the
particles. Such a distribution based on the relative cumulative number of particles
passing through a sieve of a given size, denoted as N% in Figure 2.15, therefore
depends heavily on this detection threshold.
Bio-aggregate-based Building Materials, Chapter 2, pp 27–73 Area fraction distribution (projected area)
Image analysis also gives us access to the projected area of each particle
detected: Ai. The influence of the finest particles on the PSD can therefore be
weighted by this criterion, so as to consider a distribution by the cumulative
projected area of the particles whose considered size is less than a given value. The
distribution of cumulative passing can be directly calculated on the basis of the sum
of the projected areas of n particles, arranged in order of increasing size, for a total
number of N particles detected, whose total area is AT. The cumulative distribution
by increasing size, PA(X ≤ xn), similar to the “cumulative passing” obtained by
sieving (see Figure 2.6), can then be written as:
PA (X ≤ x n ) =
i=1 i
where X is the considered size of the particles and PA(X ≤ xn) the proportion of
the projected area accounted for by particles smaller than the nth particle of size xn.
The cumulative distributions PA(X ≤ xn) and the distributions of size based on the
area of the particles are therefore annotated (A%) in the figures. Mass fraction distribution
The PSD curves are usually traced on the basis of the results obtained by sieving,
i.e. on the basis of a mass distribution. If Mi is the mass of the particle i, the
distribution PM(X ≤ xn) is directly calculated from the cumulative mass of the
n smallest particles passing through a sieve of given size out of a total of N particles
of mass MT:
PM (X ≤ x n ) =
where X is the considered size of the particles and PM(X ≤ xn) the proportion of
the mass of particles smaller than the nth particle of size xn. Relation between area fraction- and mass distributions
In order to be able to compare the results obtained by sieving and by image
analysis, a distribution of the size of the particles in relation to their mass must be
considered – that is, we must consider a distribution of type PM(X ≤ xn) for both the
width and length..
Characterization of Plant-Based Aggregates, written by Vincent PICANDET
If the apparent density of the particles is independent of their dimensions,
PM(X ≤ xn) can also be written in accordance with the volume Vi of each particle and
their total volume VT. Supposing that the particles are similar in shape, ei denotes the
average thickness over the whole of the projected area of each particle, i.e. their
third dimension (inaccessible by 2D image analysis), and the volume of each
particle can be considered to be the product of its projected area, Ai, by its average
thickness, ei: Vi = eiAi.
PM (X ≤ x n ) =
∑ i=1 Vi ≅
e .A i
i=1 i
e .A i
i=1 i
From hereon in, many complementary tests can be performed; yet it is not easy
to approximate the thickness ei of each particle. It can only be supposed that since
the particles are simply and freely spread out over a plane, this average thickness is
less than the width of each particle. The thickness of the woody part in the stem
varies noticeably, depending on the climatic conditions, the date of harvesting and
the density of the plantation [SCH 06] on the one hand, and then depending on the
height of the particular section within the stem [RAH 10], increasing from the apex
toward the base. However, the process of defibration is applied to all the cropped
straw, giving rise to multidirectional grinding. As observed for different types of
ground straw, the general shape of the particles does not seem to be affected by the
diameter of the stems being ground [NGU 10a; IGA 09a] whereas the size of the
particles produced depends essentially on the process of grinding itself and on the
settings used [BIT 09a]. Figure 2.11 shows that in this case, the average elongation
ratio of the particles is, overall, independent of the particles’ projected area. This
observation can be supposed to extend into the third dimension: the average ratio of
width to average thickness, Φ = ei/li, may also be reasonably assumed to be
If the density of the particles is identical, with a similar shape irrespective of
their size – i.e. if they are generally homothetic and their volume Vi can be
approximated by Φ Aili, the mass distribution of the particles can be deduced from
the projected area Ai and the width li of the particles by the following relation:
PM (X ≤ x n ) ≅
l .Ai ⎛ ei
≅ Φ (const.) ⎟
⎜ if
l .Ai ⎝
i=1 i
i=1 i
It is in view of this hypothesis that the cumulative distributions PM(X ≤ xn) and
distributions of size based on the mass of the particles are annotated as (M%) in
figures hereafter.
Bio-aggregate-based Building Materials, Chapter 2, pp 27–73
It should be noted that the cumulative distribution PM(X ≤ xn) depends neither on
the value of the apparent density of the particles, ρa, nor on Φ .
Because PM(X ≤ xn) is sensitive to the largest particles, this distribution may be
considerably different from PA(X ≤ xn) in the case of a spread distribution. It is
interesting to note that if all the particles had the same thickness, the approximation
of the cumulative distribution by mass, PM(X ≤ xn), defined in equation [2.3], would
be equivalent to PA(X ≤ xn) defined in equation [2.2].
Figures 2.15 and 2.16 illustrate the difference observed between the cumulative
distributions based on the number of particles, the projected area and the supposed
mass of the particles, for both the width and length of the particles.
In addition, the standard distributions of particle size represented in Figure 2.17
confirm the uni-modal nature of the area fraction (A%) and mass fraction (M%)
distributions for the width and length of the particles.
Figure 2.15. Cumulative size distribution of “CP” hemp shiv obtained by sieving,
considering a mesh-size measuring d and 21/2d in the sieves, and frequency
distributions (N%), in area fraction (A%) and mass fraction (M%) obtained by
image analysis from the lengths and widths of the hemp shiv particles evaluated
along the major and minor axes of the projected area of the particles
Characterization of Plant-Based Aggregates, written by Vincent PICANDET
Figure 2.16. Cumulative size distribution of “CP” hemp shiv obtained by sieving,
considering a mesh-size measuring d and 21/2d in the sieves, and frequency
distributions (N%), in area fraction (A%) and mass fraction (M%) obtained by
image analysis from the lengths and widths of the hemp shiv particles evaluated by
adjustment of ellipses on the projected areas of the particles
Bio-aggregate-based Building Materials, Chapter 2, pp 27–73
Figure 2.17. PSD in mass fraction of “CP” hemp shiv obtained by sieving,
considering a mesh-size measuring d and 21/2d in the sieves, and density of
distributions in area fraction (A%) of the widths, and mass fraction (M%) of the
widths and lengths obtained by image analysis from the dimensions evaluated by
adjustment of ellipses on the projected areas of the particles
2.2.5. Comparison of the results obtained by image analysis Impact of the selection of the particles to be analyzed
The detected area and minimal width of the particles needing to be analyzed
constitute the first parameter when selecting which particles to analyze. In the wake
of the defibration process, the hemp shiv particles may have varied shapes, which
deviate from the ellipsoidal or parallelepipedic shapes to which it is possible to
compare them. Short fibers may still be attached, and the tearing action to which the
stem is subjected leads to very varied shapes that are sometimes difficult to qualify
in terms of representative length and width. Thus a minimum convexity ratio can be
set in order to discount particles whose shape differs too greatly from the
conventional shapes which can be correctly analyzed. Figure 2.18 therefore presents
the effect of this selection on the distribution of the widths of the same sample
containing: 2600 particles whose area is greater than 0.08mm2 with a convexity
Characterization of Plant-Based Aggregates, written by Vincent PICANDET
coefficient χ, greater than 0; 2460 particles with χ > ½; 2300 particles with χ > ⅔;
and 1980 particles with χ > ¾. There is a noticeable effect is visible on frequency
distributions, for the finest particles, while the differences become very small for
area fraction distributions, and insignificant for mass fraction distributions. It should
be noted that the same observation can be made as regards the distributions of the
lengths, with differences reduced still further.
Convexity > 0
Cumulative percentage passing [%]
Convexity > 0.5
Convexity > 0.63
Convexity > 0.75
Width [mm]
Figure 2.18. Threshold effect of the convexity-to-width ratio of the ellipses adjusted
to the projected areas of the particles being analyzed
The results presented in this study relate to particles whose area is greater than
0.08mm2, width greater than 0.1mm and convexity ratio greater than 2/3. It should
be noted that this final condition, here applied operationally in order to shed light on
the results presented, disqualifies less than 12% of particles detected (300 in this
case) out of the sample tested, and therefore has little significant influence on the
progression of the analyses.
The influence of the threshold concerning the minimum area of the particles
taken into consideration in the analyses has also been studied. At the resolution
selected – 23.6 pixels/mm (600 DPI) – it does not seem representative to consider
objects whose surface area is less than or equal to 0.08mm2, i.e. we look at particles
represented by at least 45 pixels – notably to study the overall shape of the particles,
for instance. When this threshold is increased in iterative steps, up to ten times this
initial value (i.e. up to 0.8mm2), the number of particles taken into account decreases
significantly, but we do not see a significant difference in the distributions of
observed sizes in area fraction and mass fraction. Increase it still further, and slight
Bio-aggregate-based Building Materials, Chapter 2, pp 27–73
differences appear, primarily on the distributions of width of the particles. In reality,
for the hemp shiv being studied, it still seems possible to consider only those
particles whose area is greater than or equal to 1mm2 to perform a simplified but
representative PSD study. However, a lower threshold is preferable, wherever
possible. Impact of the method of analysis
The measurement of the length and width of these particles may be subject to
different definitions depending on the representativeness of these dimensions in the
case of the type of object needing to be analyzed – see Figure 2.9. Three different
analytical methods have been applied to the same images, and the distributions of
lengths and widths are presented and compared in Figure 2.19.
1) Maximum length along the major axis (or maximum Féret diameter) and
maximum length along the minor axis, perpendicular to the major axis, denoted as
“Major/Minor axes”.
2) Maximum and minimum Féret diameter, i.e. minimum distance between two
parallel lines (or planes) encapsulating the object, denoted as “Féret”.
3) Large and small diameter of an ellipse adjusted so that its center of gravity
corresponds to that of the object and its projected area is identical to that of the
object, denoted “Ellipse”.
It is clear that the distribution of the length is hardly sensitive at all to the
analytical method employed. It should be noted, however, that the first two methods
lead to theoretically-identical results for the length, even if two different programs
are used to measure it. Notably, there is no significant difference between the
distributions of lengths analyzed by methods 2 and 3 using the same program.
The widths, for their part, are more sensitive to the analytical method used. This
point develops differently depending on the nature of the particles studied,
particularly in the case of different food grains [IGA 09c]. In the case of hemp shiv,
however, the discernible difference is relatively small, and this difference is
comparable for both types of distribution shown in Figure 2.19, in terms of the area
fraction (A%) and mass fraction (M%).
Characterization of Plant-Based Aggregates, written by Vincent PICANDET
Cumulative percentage passing [%]
Ellipse (A%)
Major/Minor Axis (M%)
Féret (A%)
Width (A%)
Ellipse (M%)
Major/Minor Axis (M%)
Féret (M%)
Lenght (M%)
Size [mm]
Figure 2.19. Impact of the analytical method on the distribution of widths and
lengths of the objects (projected areas of the particles) analyzed
As mentioned in section, adjustment of ellipses to the projected areas of
the hemp shiv particles enables us to iron out some of the remaining short fibers,
supple and slight in terms of volume in comparison to the woody particles to which
they are still attached, which are more rigid and voluminous, that we are seeking to
identify. This method, leading to the smallest estimated widths, was therefore
selected for the continuation of the study here presented. Comparison with the results obtained by sieving
As presented in Figures 2.15 and 2.16, the cumulative distributions of the
particles are, overall, closer to the curve of cumulative passing obtained by sieving,
considering the width, rather than the length. This implies that the particles are
capable of passing through the sieves in a direction perpendicular to the meshes, and
that the sorting of the hemp shiv when the particles are sieved is done primarily on
the basis of the width rather than the length of the particles.
If we assume that the particles are ellipsoidal, elongated and flat in shape, when
these particles can pass lengthways through the sieves, their width may be oriented
along the diagonals of the square holes (see Figure 2.20). In this case, only those
particles whose width is greater than 21/2d are caught by a sieve whose mesh size
measures d.
Bio-aggregate-based Building Materials, Chapter 2, pp 27–73
Elliptical particle
projected in the
direction of its length
(large diameter)
Sieve opening :
d (mm)
2 d, diagonal
of the opening
Sieve mesh
Thickness of the particle
Figure 2.20. Cross-section of the largest elliptical particle able to pass through the
sieve, in the direction of its length and along the diagonal of the square hole
Figure 2.21 shows that the distribution of the cumulated mass widths (M%) is
very similar to the distribution obtained by considering the diagonal of the square
opening in the sieves, 21/2d mm instead of the mesh size i.e. the side of the square
opening, measuring d mm. This indicates that the majority of the particles are
oriented along the diagonal of the opening when they pass through the sieves.
As Figure 2.22 confirms, the size-per-mass distribution of the particles is also
that which corresponds most closely to the results obtained by sieving. Yet this is
slightly more skewed toward fine particles. This may be due to some of the finer
particles being retained in the sieve, particularly in the last and finest sieves, whose
meshes are finer than 1.25mm.
Characterization of Plant-Based Aggregates, written by Vincent PICANDET
Figure 2.21. Comparison of the width cumulative distributions in terms of area
fraction and mass fraction obtained by image analysis and by sieving, considering
the side of the square opening d and its diagonal 21/2d
Bio-aggregate-based Building Materials, Chapter 2, pp 27–73
Figure 2.22. Comparison of the width distributions in mass fractions by image
analysis and by sieving, considering the diagonal of the square opening 21/2d
2.2.6. Characterization of the geometry of the particles Average elongation
The elongation of the particles can lead to an anisotropy in the material, owing to
the preferred orientation that their implementation usually causes, and to the
orientation of the microstructure and porosity within these particles. In view of their
respective volume, the elongation of the largest particles will have a greater impact
on the general properties of the material than will the smaller particles. The average
elongation of the particles, ε , therefore needs to be weighted by the volume of each
particle and can be written as follows:
Li A i
l Ai
( si V ≅ Φ l A )
i=1 i
The estimations of lengths are essentially identical no matter what the analytical
method, whereas for the width the estimations exhibit a slight difference (see
Figure 2.19).
Consequently, for the sample of hemp shiv under consideration, the average
elongation varies between 3.93 (adjustment of the ellipse) and 3.65 (Féret
diameters), with 3.85 (major/minor axes).
The geometric means of the elongation are very similar to these values for all
cases (see section, with an associated standard deviation of less than 1.54. Average flatness
The average ratio of the particles’ thickness to their width, Φ , can be considered
an indicator of the flatness of the particles. It can be evaluated if the mass or total
volume of the particles being analyzed is known [KWA 99].
∑ i=1 li Ai
ρa ∑ i=1 li Ai
In our case, the mass of the sample is known, and the apparent density of the
particles ρa can be estimated [NGU 10a; CEY 08]. We shall consider the apparent
Characterization of Plant-Based Aggregates, written by Vincent PICANDET
density ρa of the particles to be approximately 300kg/m3, in the case at hand;
Φ ≅ 1/3 if the dimensions are estimated on the basis of adjusted ellipses. In that the
widths estimated differ slightly depending on the analytical method in question, the
value of Φ will be slightly smaller when the widths are estimated as being greater.
For instance, Φ ≅ ¼ when length and width are measured in accordance with the
major and minor axes.
2.2.7. Characterization of the PSD Means and standard deviations
The arithmetic mean of the size (width or length) of the particles, weighted by
their area or mass, and the associated standard deviation, can be used to gain an
overall characterization of the PSD. The standardized degrees of skewness and
kurtosis relative to the 3rd- and 4th-order moments of distribution can also be
However, in that the distributions can be approximated by a normal law
according to a scale of logarithmic size, the weighted geometric mean Xgm and its
associated standard deviation σgm, defined in the two equations below, appear to be
more relevant when seeking to characterize the distribution, as in the case of
numerous distributions of particle sizes obtained from the comminution of the stems
of different herbaceous plants [ASA 06; BIT 09a; BIT 09b; MIA 11] or organic
dusts [IGA 09b].
⎛ ∑ M i ln ( x i ) ⎞
X gm = exp ⎜
⎜ ∑M
σ gm = exp ⎜
∑ M ( ln ( x ) − ln ( X ) )
[2.8] Graphic methods
Different sizes corresponding to representative fractions of cumulative passing
such as D95, D90, D84, D75, D60, D50, D30, D25, D16, D10, and D5 are classically used to
determine different parameters which are supposed to characterize the PSD. In
Bio-aggregate-based Building Materials, Chapter 2, pp 27–73
particular, the mean, the standard deviation, the skewness and the kurtosis, on the
basis of a normal law, can be approximated from these different values [FOL 74].
Other parameters can also be used, with the aim of evaluating the uniformity and
the extent of the PSD at hand. Among the commonly-used dimensionless
coefficients, the Hazen coefficient or coefficient of uniformity, Cu = D60/D10 and the
coefficient of curvature Cc = D302/D10D60 can be used, although the nomenclature
employed to qualify mineral aggregates is not directly applicable to the current case. Distribution models
The maximum amount of information can be obtained if a distribution model is
adjusted to the PSD under investigation [DJA 97]. Different laws exist that are based
on semi-infinite variables. Usually, basic models with two parameters – one relating
to the average size and the other to the extent of the distribution – are used. Log-normal distribution
Given the uni-modal nature of the distributions presented and apparently
symmetrical according to a logarithmic scale of size, the Log-Normal law seems
obvious as a first approach [LIM 01]. Its distribution function of the lengths X is
written as follows:
⎛ ln ( x ) − ⎞ ⎤
⎢1 + erf ⎜
2 ⎢⎣
⎝ σ 2 ⎠ ⎥⎦
PLog.N (X ≤ x) =
where μ and σ are the parameters needing to be identified, and erf(x) denotes the
Gauss error function. It should be noted that eμ and eσ reciprocally represent the
weighted geometric mean and the associated standard deviation, which can both also
be calculated on the basis of the whole dataset including each particle identified, and
denoted as Xgm and σgm (see Table 2.3).
The probability density of this distribution function is written thus:
PLog.N (x) =
⎡ ⎛ ln ( x ) − ⎞2 ⎤
exp ⎢ − ⎜
⎟ ⎥
xσ 2π
⎣⎢ ⎝ σ 2 ⎠ ⎥⎦
The mode, ModeLog.N, or dominant value (i.e. the value which is most
represented in the size considered in the population of objects under investigation) is
obtained on the basis of the maximum of this latter function: ModeLog.N = e(μ−σ²)mm.
The arithmetic mean of the size, or expected value, ELog.N, is written as:
Characterization of Plant-Based Aggregates, written by Vincent PICANDET
σ2 ⎞
E Log.N = exp ⎜ + ⎟
2 ⎠
and its associated standard deviation is given by:
σ Log.N = E Log.N exp ( σ 2 ) − 1
[2.12] Rosin-Rammler distribution
When the size distribution relates to particles or fragments obtained by grinding,
one of the other models used most frequently in the existing body of literature is the
Rosin-Rammler model [DJA 97], particularly in the case of biomass, [ALL 03;
ALL 04; BIT 09b; BIT 11]. The distribution function of this model, identical to the
Weibull distribution, can better represent skewed distributions [ROS 33]:
⎡ ⎛ x ⎞k ⎤
PRR (X ≤ x) = 1 − exp ⎢ − ⎜ ⎟ ⎥
⎣⎢ ⎝ ⎠ ⎦⎥
⎡ −ln (1 − P (X ≤ x) ) 1k ⎤
where λ and k are constants relating respectively to the dimension of the 63.2th
percentile of the distribution function and to the tightening of the distribution. This
distribution function has the advantage of exhibiting a reciprocal function which can
be used to directly calculate the dimensions corresponding to a given cumulative
x =
The median size of the particles DRR(50) corresponds to P(X ≤ x) = 50% and is
equal to λ.ln(2)1/kmm.
The probability density derived from the Rosin-Rammler distribution function
can be written as follows:
PRR (x) =
⎜ ⎟
⎝ ⎠
k −1
⎡ ⎛x⎞
exp ⎢ − ⎜ ⎟
⎢⎣ ⎝ ⎠
The mode of this distribution, ModeRR, is written:
Bio-aggregate-based Building Materials, Chapter 2, pp 27–73
⎛ k −1 ⎞
ModeRR = ⎜
⎝ k ⎠
The arithmetic mean of the size, or its expected value ERR, is:
⎛ 1⎞
E RR = Γ ⎜1 + ⎟
⎝ k⎠
where Γ(x) denotes the gamma function.
The associated arithmetic standard deviation is given by:
σ RR =
⎛ 2⎞
Γ ⎜1 + ⎟ − E RR
⎝ k⎠
[2.18] Adjustment of the distribution laws
The aforementioned two distribution models can easily be adjusted to the area
fraction and volume fraction distributions – see Figure 2.23. They encompass each
of the distributions, in width or length. Overall, the distributions are better
represented by a log-normal law – particularly for the smallest values. These two
models can also be adjusted for data obtained by sieving, but with far fewer points
(see Figure 2.21). Using a “least-squares” method, the correlation coefficient R2 is
mentioned in each of the cases studied in Table 2.3. The values deduced from the
parameters of these models can thus be used to give a fairly accurate overall
characterization of the PSD under study.
The standardized distributions and the superposition of probability density
functions of these models are shown in Figure 2.22 in the case of sieving,
considering the diagonal of the square opening, i.e. 21/2d, and in Figures 2.24 and
2.25 for the distributions by area fraction and mass fraction respectively. Overall,
these different figures show that these two models describe the distributions
observed fairly well. The Rosin-Rammler model is better at describing the PSD
obtained by sieving of the finer particles, because it takes account of greater
skewness toward fine particles. The log-normal law, for its part, is better at
describing the distributions obtained by image analysis and corresponds more
closely to the modes observed.
Characterization of Plant-Based Aggregates, written by Vincent PICANDET
Figure 2.23.Comparison of the models adjusted to the cumulative distributions of
width and length in area fraction and mass fraction
Figure 2.24.Comparison of the models adjusted to the distributions of width and
length in area fraction
Bio-aggregate-based Building Materials, Chapter 2, pp 27–73
Figure 2.25. Comparison of the models adjusted to the distributions of width and
length in mass fraction Values characteristic of the present case
The values of the different parameters characteristic of the distributions are
recapped in Table 2.3. Of these parameters selected and to qualify the distributions,
in that these distributions are fairly well represented by a log-normal model, the
geometric mean Xgm and its associated standard deviation σgm, which correspond
respectively to the values of eμ and eσ for a long-normal distribution described in
equation [2.9], seem fairly representative of the PSD presented – particularly as
regards the description of the granular packing that they are likely to cause. The
comparison of these values, juxtaposed in Table 2.3, enables us to fully appreciate
the representativeness of the adjustments made.
Characterization of Plant-Based Aggregates, written by Vincent PICANDET
2 d
Log-Normal, see equation [2.9]
ModeLog.N = e(μ−σ²)
0.99998 0.99998 0.99963 0.99902 0.99931 0.99916
Rosin-Rammler, see equation [2.13]
0.99997 0.99998 0.99342 0.99393 0.99385 0.99241
λ [mm]
see equation [2.14]
see equation [2.16]
Arithmetic mean and standard deviation [mm]
see equation [2.11]
see equation [2.12]
see equation [2.17]
see equation [2.18]
Geometric mean and standard deviation [mm]
e = D50 Log.N
Dimensionless coefficients
Bio-aggregate-based Building Materials, Chapter 2, pp 27–73
Table 2.3. Calculated and adjusted parameters of the PSD exhibited in the case
of the hemp shiv under investigation
The correspondence of these values and standard deviations obtained is
excellent, while the geometric means obtained are in accordance with the
distributions obtained by image analysis, and differ slightly for the distributions
obtained by sieving. This difference may be due to some of the finer particles being
retained in the sieve, particularly in the last and finest sieves, whose meshes are finer
than 1.25mm. It is also interesting to note that the geometric standard deviations, for
the area fraction or mass fraction weighted variables, are very similar for both the
widths and lengths. This confirms the generally homothetic nature of the geometry
of the particles.
Finally, as regards geotechnical parameters using the dimensionless coefficients
Cu and Cg, these PSD (in mass fraction) would be qualified as uniform, and
therefore incorrectly graded or too well sorted to be used in a concrete mix.
2.2.8. Conclusions
The image analysis method, based solely on 2D observations, can be used to gain
a precise measurement of the length of the hemp shiv particles and, to a lesser
extent, when these particles retain connected fibers, of their width. Various image
analysis algorithms can be used to determine their width, such as the minimum Féret
diameter or the measurement of the small diameter of an adjusted ellipse. Many
different shape parameters are available, and a large number of particles can be
identified to deliver statistically robust results.
The near-constancy of the average elongation of the particles for the different
surface intervals considered, obtained on the basis of the 2D analysis, suggests that
the particles generally have a homothetic shape in 3D, i.e. a quasi-constant average
flatness. In addition, according to this basic hypothesis, image analysis allows us
access to the average elongation ε and the average flatness Φ of the particles which
are likely to cause significant anisotropy in the materials, in that the modes of
implementation or casting of the materials including hemp shiv tend to orient these
particles. If we also consider this hypothesis, the comparison between sieving and
image analysis shows that the square-mesh sieves conventionally used for mineral
aggregates separate the hemp shiv particles, elongated and flat, essentially on the
basis of their width. Furthermore, given how thin they are in comparison to their
width, the hemp-shiv particles pass through the sieves if that width is less than the
diagonal of the square holes.
Hence, conventional sieving offers an initial approach to the distribution of the
width of the particles. Notably, it enables us, if need be, to separate the cortical
Characterization of Plant-Based Aggregates, written by Vincent PICANDET
fibers remaining after the defibration operations, and also to evaluate the amount of
finer particles, or dust depending on the definition adopted, contained in the hemp
shiv. Sieving can also be used to supplement the image analysis techniques
presented herein.
From a practical point of view, therefore, image analysis can be performed very
easily with basic office materials, a flatbed scanner (or digital camera) and a modern
computer. The software packages, which are freely available online, can be used in
their basic, default configurations. Experience shows us, in the case of the hemp shiv
under investigation, that a detection threshold for the particles set between 0.08 and
0.8mm2, with no special discrimination between the particles in view of their
convexity, yields similar results: with no significant differences in terms of the
distributions either of area fraction or of mass fraction. In addition, it is sufficient to
sample 4g of material obtained by successive stages of quartering to provide reliable
and reproducible results.
The distributions obtained by sieving and image analysis, for their width or
length, cumulative in terms of area or mass, are uni-modal and can be accurately
approximated using a classic log-normal law. The weighted geometric mean and the
associated standard deviation therefore constitute the main representative parameters
with regard to the granular packing and to the overall properties induced in the
materials, to characterize this type of PSD.
Bio-aggregate-based Building Materials, Chapter 2, pp 27–73
2.3. Compactness and compressibility
Unlike mineral aggregates, usually employed in hydraulic concretes, aggregates
made from plant particles and highly deformable and cannot provide the material
with a rigid skeleton.
The apparent density ρV of loose dry hemp shiv (see Table 2.2 and section 2.1.4),
can be significantly increased by the application of confining stress. The application
of such stress is sometimes necessary for storage and/or transport. Applied upon
implementation or casting, it can help greatly reduce the porosity in the elaborated
material and increase its mechanical resistance [NGU 09].
Axial stress applied [MPa]
FHS exp.
FHS fitted model
HS exp.
HS fitted model
Equivalent bulk density of dry hemp shiv [kg.m-3]
Figure 2.26. Change in the apparent density of loose dry hemp shiv as axial stress is
applied in the cylinder
A compacting test is performed in a steel cylinder with an internal diameter of
160mm and a height of 320mm. The stress is applied axially by a piston sliding into
the cylinder. Compacting is performed by a hydraulic press with a capacity of
500kN. The movement of the piston and the force applied are recorded. The forcedisplacement curve for both types of aggregates is recorded and expressed as
Figure 2.26, plotting axial applied stress against equivalent bulk density of dry hemp
For this test, the hemp shiv was humidified so that its water content was 100%,
so that the test would be representative of the mechanical behavior of the hemp shiv
Characterization of Plant-Based Aggregates, written by Vincent PICANDET
at the time when it is cast. This in fact corresponds to its water content at the
moment of mixing during the manufacture of blocks destined for prefabrication by
controlled compacting in the fresh state of hemp concrete [NGU 09; NGU 10a].
Figure 2.26 demonstrates that the apparent density of loose hemp shiv becomes
greater than that of the uncompressed shiv once stress of 0.7MPa is applied. The
inter-granular porosity is then probably reduced, but, in view of the deformability of
the shiv particles , no information can be gleaned from these tests about the intergranular porosity in the compressed bulk.
In order to characterize the compressibility of, hemp shiv in bulk, a basic model
with two parameters, σo and k, described by equation [2.19], inspired by models
frequently used in the study of compacting of different biomasses [EMA 07], was
used. It directly links the stress applied to the hemp shiv, σ, to the equivalent bulk
density of dry hemp shiv in its initial state, ρVo, and to that in the stressed state ρV.
⎛ρ -ρ ⎞
σ = σ o ⎜ V Vo ⎟
⎝ ρ Vo ⎠
This model fairly accurately describes the experimental behavior observed
within the range of stresses applied. The values of the parameters σo and k are
recapped in Table 2.4. The parameter k, which relates to compressibility, indeed
appears greater in the case of fibrous hemp, FHS, because it exhibits greater relative
deformation under equal stress.
ρVo [kg.m-3]
σo [MPa]
k (compressibility) [-]
Table 2.4. Fitted parameters of the compressibility model to the cases under
investigation here
2.4. Water absorption capacity
In order to determine the water absorption capacity of the hemp shiv and its
absorption kinetics, measurements were taken from 100g samples of completely dry
shiv. They were dried beforehand at 60°C until a uniform weight was reached,
before being immersed in water for different periods of time: 1, 2, 5, 10, 30 and 60
minutes, and then 24 hours and 48 hours. The mass of the sample at a given time
enables us to determine the degree of water absorption, which is expressed as the
Bio-aggregate-based Building Materials, Chapter 2, pp 27–73
ratio between the sample’s weight gain at that particular moment and its initial dry
The absorption kinetics, measured by sequential weighing after immersion in
water, is similar for both aggregates, HS and FHS: very fast. The loose dry
aggregates absorb 50% of their maximum water capacity in less than a minute
[NGU 10a], which suggests significant competitiveness in terms of water
mobilization between the loose aggregates and the lime during casting and setting.
As an indication, we note that after 48 hours of immersion, the absorption of the HS
aggregates reache 400% and that of the FHS aggregates 350%.
Water Absorption [%]
Time [minutes]
Figure 2.27. Change in water content of hemp shiv over increasing time of
The fibers contained in the Fibrous Hemp Shiv are probably less hydrophilic
because of their less porous structure. Hence, although the inter-granular porosity is
greater in the case of FHS, the kinetics and absorption capacity are less than in the
case of HS, which contains very few fibers.
Water absorption capacity plays a very important role for the formulation and
casting of hemp concrete. This hydrophilic property of the shiv conditions the use of
hydraulic binders. Indeed, it means that hemp shiv will be in competition with the
binder to mobilize water, thereby altering the hydration of the binder which may
need to react with the water. The function of the binder may therefore be profoundly
altered, leading to serious problems such as incomplete setting, “crumbling” and
loss of resistance and cohesion.
Characterization of Plant-Based Aggregates, written by Vincent PICANDET
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