Indigenous Fish Traps and Weirs of Queensland
Michael J. Rowland1,2 and Sean Ulm2
Cultural Heritage Coordination Unit, Department of Environment and Resource Management, GPO Box 2454, Brisbane,
QLD 4001, Australia
Department of Anthropology, Archaeology and Sociology, School of Arts and Social Sciences, James Cook University,
PO Box 6811, Cairns, QLD 4870, Australia
A Queensland state-wide review of coastal and inland fish traps and weirs is undertaken. More than
179 sites are described. For coastal Queensland, it is demonstrated that traps with multiple pens are
common in the Torres Strait and at a limited number of locations in the southern Gulf of Carpentaria.
Most traps and weirs south of Torres Strait and the Gulf are isolated structures, with traps in most
cases having a single pen. Walls of traps are most often in the shape of an arc and found at points and
estuaries and only occasionally on open beaches. Some traps and weirs on the coast were built or used
by non-Indigenous people, including South Sea Islanders. Less information could be located on traps
and weirs of inland Queensland, which appear to have included many organic traps and weirs. It was
found that weirs are common east of the Great Dividing Range, while traps were common to the west.
The review draws heavily on unpublished data and reports held by the Queensland Department of
Environment and Resource Management. The use of this information along with published sources,
theses, explorer’s diaries and ethnographic accounts allows a comprehensive overview of available
information. Fish traps in particular are often found in coastal zones subject to development pressure
and this work provides a baseline resource to generate discussion about research and management of
this significant site type in these zones.
Indigenous people throughout Australia have constructed
fish traps and weirs over a long period of time and there is
considerable variety in types, numbers, size and location
of these sites. They were designed to capture aquatic
animals, predominantly fish, and the more durable of
these structures (i.e. those made of stone) are still visible
on Australia’s coasts and rivers today. Fish were also
caught in natural pools and in a variety of small portable
traps but this review focuses predominantly on the more
substantive and durable non-portable devices.
Fish traps have assumed an important place in
discussions concerning late Holocene Aboriginal culture
change, in particular their possible role in increasing
marine production (Lourandos 1997). However, attempts
to directly date these structures have so far been
unsuccessful (e.g. McNiven 1994) with chronology often
established through dating of associated cultural deposits
(e.g. Bowen 1998; Ulm 2006). Recent discussions (e.g.
McNiven 2003) have also developed the idea that some
stone features in the intertidal zone are associated with the
cosmological landscape rather than serving a purely
economic function. As McNiven (2003) demonstrates
with examples from the Torres Strait, the two spheres are
not mutually exclusive with large fish trap complexes
playing a key role in the way that landscapes and
seascapes are inscribed with social meaning. Welz (2002)
has also attempted to interpret the fish traps of the Lower
Eyre Peninsula in the context of cultural and
environmental variables using a landscape approach.
In an unpublished report on Queensland traps and
weirs produced by Bowen and Rowland (1999) an attempt
was made to identify the range of site types, methods of
construction, distribution across the landscape, antiquity,
possible origins, and possible overall economic function.
The report sought to identify criteria that could be used to
discriminate between Indigenous traps and those made by
Europeans and South Sea Islanders who have built similar
Rowland & Ulm
traps, weirs and other stone structures. Recommendations
were made concerning the future recording and
management of traps and weirs in Queensland (see
Bowen and Rowland 1999). A potential method for dating
traps and weirs was also developed as part of that study
and is discussed elsewhere (Bowen 1998).
This paper builds on the results of Bowen and
Rowland’s (1999) study to provide a comprehensive
review of information pertaining to Indigenous fish traps
and weirs in Queensland. The review provides a baseline
resource to generate discussion about research,
management and other issues. The Queensland
Department of Environment and Resource Management
Indigenous Cultural Heritage Database (ICHD) provides
the basis for this review, supplemented by published
articles and books, as well as unpublished reports and
theses. An attempt has been made to incorporate
information from a wide range of sources, including
explorer’s diaries, ethnographic accounts, and cultural
heritage surveys. Many of the sources reviewed here are
not published or have limited availability, enhancing the
value of assembling this reference work. Published
summaries of site types for Australia, individual States or
Territories, or regions are rare (e.g. Hiscock and Mitchell
1993) and it is hoped this review might encourage others
to undertake similar reviews since they are extremely
valuable for comparative purposes and for providing a
strategic focus for future research and management.
The review is organised into three major sections. The
first two sections synthesise descriptive information about
the types and distribution of traps and weirs in coastal and
inland areas respectively. For simplicity, an arbitrary
geographic division of Queensland into five zones is
employed: Gulf of Carpentaria, Torres Strait, Northeast,
Central and South (Figure 1). The final section considers
key research and management themes arising from the
review, including determining the origins of traps and
weirs, patterns in distribution, function, dating, and best
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Figure 1. Fish traps registered on the ICHD and major geographical divisions employed in this discussion: Gulf
of Carpentaria, Torres Strait, Northeast, Central, South.
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Indigenous Fish Traps and Weirs of Queensland
practice guidelines for documentation and monitoring. A
comprehensive listing of traps and weirs registered on the
ICHD is provided in Appendix A, which includes
information about basic site attributes. Note that not all
sites listed in Appendix A are discussed in the text owing
to limited information (CW:B03, FK:C80, JC:A21,
KA:A67, KA:A72, KB:F91, LA:C80, KC:D93) or
restricted status (DL:B03).
The terms ‘traps’ and ‘weirs’ are often used
interchangeably (e.g. Clarke 2002:154-157; Connaway
2007:5; Bannerman and Jones 1999). In the Australian
ethnographic and archaeological literature however there
is a tendency to make a distinction between the two
though it is not consistently applied. On a worldwide
basis, Connaway (2007:5) defines a ‘weir’ as an
obstruction placed in a stream or tideway or along a
shoreline to channel fish into a procurement area, while a
‘trap’ is a device placed in the procurement area to
capture and impound fish for collection but again the
terminology is often used interchangeably. In this
discussion we have tended to use the term used by the
recorder or observer. Fish traps and weirs in Australia
range from slight modifications to natural features of the
landscape to special purpose-built structures (Mulvaney
and Kamminga 1999:34-35). A ‘trap’ is generally defined
as an artificial structure (normally made of stone) found
predominately in the intertidal zone with a length and
breath that creates a holding area (cf. McNiven 2003). A
trap may contain a single or multiple pens.
A trap with a clearly identifiable pen may be relatively
easy to identify, however, a trap whose areas are further
subdivided into pens may be decidedly more difficult to
define. Memmott et al. (2008) faced with these
methodological problems decided on an interim working
decision to treat each single wall feature as a unit and
defer abstract interpretation (i.e. definition of a pen) until
further fieldwork.
On the coast traps are found in the intertidal zone
where advantage is taken of fluctuating water levels. The
walls of the trap must be low enough for fish to swim in
at high tide, but high enough that some are captured at
low tide. A weir is generally considered to be a smaller
structure than a trap – a fence or wall that spans natural
conduits of water, such as creeks, streams, coves or
similar formations. Although also made of stone, weirs
are frequently made of organic materials such as wood. In
his worldwide review Connaway (2007:14) notes that for
tidal fishweirs wooden stakes and brush or nets are
preferable to rocks, considering the often larger size of the
weirs and the distance that many rocks would have to be
hauled. Connaway’s review makes only cursory reference
to the Australian literature which indicates that rocks were
more commonly used than stakes.
Traps and weirs were constructed almost exclusively
of locally available stone or organic materials and
sometimes gaps were left in the walls where nets or cages
were positioned to capture prey as they swam through.
While traps and weirs require some effort to build and
maintain, as stationary structures that simply rely on prey
moving into them, they require little effort in actual food
gathering (e.g. King 1995:65). Ethnographic literature
relating to the Coorong estuary and Lower Murray Lakes
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of South Australia indicate that the most common type of
fish trap was a V-shaped weir. They may have been built
on bases of eroded calcreted Pleistocene dunes using a
combination of loose limestone blocks and wooden sticks
but detailed surveys of the areas failed to find any
archaeological traces of these sites (Ross 2009). Fish traps
may therefore have been more common on Australia’s
coastline than the physical remains suggest.
We identify five primary pen shapes or forms (see also
McNiven 1994:92) (Table 1, Figure 2). The most
common form is the U- or arc-shape followed by the Vshape. With a small surface area exposed to water, these
shapes are better able to disperse pressure, and thus
remain intact compared with those with a larger surface
area, such as a square. They degrade slowly and thus
require minimal maintenance (Meriam and Kraige
1987:270-280). Some traps have a single pen, while
others have multiple pens, which may in some cases have
been designed for the purpose of dividing and holding
fish (Van Waarden and Wilson 1994:81).
Most of the traps and weirs reviewed here are
registered on the ICHD and are referred to using their site
number based on the 1:250,000 map sheet series for
Queensland (i.e. the site designated FL:C09 refers to the
Ingham sheet and is the 209th site recorded for the map
sheet. Sites are numbered A1-99, B100-199, C200-299
etc). Other fish traps are not registered on the ICHD, but
are described in published and unpublished sources.
Table 1. Primary fish trap or pen forms (see Figure 2
for examples).
An arc-shaped curve oriented so that the
open end faces the shore. Also referred to
as ‘arc’.
A ‘V’-shaped variant of the arc-shaped
trap, again with the open end facing the
shore. Also referred to as ‘funnel’.
A continuous curve. Also referred to as
‘circular’ or ‘oval’.
Also referred to as ‘square’.
Types and Distribution of Traps and Weirs: Coastal
Torres Strait
Throughout the Torres Strait Islands fishing was
important with fish traps a common component of the
wide-range of fishing techniques employed (Barham
2000:258-265) (see Figures 3-5). When Haddon
(1935:158-159) visited the area he noted that traps lined
the shores of ‘practically every island’, most commonly in
the eastern islands (where they were called sai), though
they also occurred on some of the western islands (where
they were called graz). Haddon (1935:158-159) indicates
that fish traps were typically built on the eastern side of
islands and were used during the northeast monsoon when
waters on the lee-side of an island were calm, but were
damaged during the southeast monsoon season when they
were not used. However on Erub, smaller fish trap
complexes also occur on the southwest and north-facing
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Figure 2. Primary fish trap or pen forms (Bowen and Rowland 1999:Figure 1.1a). Clockwise from top left: Vshaped, U-shaped, straight and rectangular. Bottom: organic weir across river.
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Indigenous Fish Traps and Weirs of Queensland
Figure 3. Fish traps registered on the ICHD, Ugar (Stephens Island), Torres Strait.
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Figure 4. Fish traps registered on the ICHD, Erub (Darnley Island), Torres Strait.
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Indigenous Fish Traps and Weirs of Queensland
Figure 5. Fish traps registered on the ICHD, Mabuiag (Jervis Island), Torres Strait.
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coast (Barham 2000:263). Haddon’s view therefore may
be misleading and consequently the view that the use of
fish traps was seasonally restricted to the wet season (see
Ghaleb 1990; Haddon 1912:179) has also been questioned
(Barham 2000:261). Haddon (1912:158-159) claimed that
people had no memory of making fish traps and that if the
ancestral beings Abob and Kos (the reputed inventors and
builders) had not been imbued with power exceeding that
of mere mortals, the fish traps would never have been
Barham (2000:263-264) makes two significant
observations concerning fishing and fish traps in the
Torres Strait Islands. Firstly, he notes that construction
and repair of stone fish traps were described in verse sung
during the saw-fish dance songs recorded by Haddon and
that similar songs and dances occurred at Batavia River
on the mainland, thus pointing to a ‘commonality of
structure and inherited traditional knowledge within the
area of the Torres Strait Cultural Complex’ (Barham
2000:264). Secondly, he concludes that the clear
implication of early narratives is that fish gathering was
comparable in importance to horticulture, at least in the
overall diet of the eastern Torres Strait Islanders. Fishing
therefore involved concepts of land allocation,
demarcation and ownership.
Traps have been reported on Muralag and Moa
(Barham 1981), Mabuiag (Harris et al. 1985) and Giralag
in the western islands, and Erub, Mer and Ugar in the
eastern islands (Barham 2000:260; Bird et al. 1995;
Johannes and MacFarlane 1991; Marks 1953). Barham
(1981:14-15) observed traps on Muralag and shipwreck
survivor Barbara Thompson (in Moore 1979:150-151)
who lived on the island in the 1840s also witnessed
people catching fish ‘by stopping the mouths of a creek
when the tide has gone into it with the mats called wakoo
and branches’.
Barham (1981) located three arc-shaped stone wall
traps on Moa, which were in varying states of
preservation. The first trap south of Saveka Point and
closest to the beach extended 10m north-south and was
partially covered by sand and mud (CW:A10). Further
seaward was an arc-shaped trap bordered at both ends by
the headland with a wall 53m long and gaps of 1-2m
between individual stones (CW:A11). Furthest seaward
was another arc-shaped trap 74m in length with
mangroves (Rhizophora sp.) growing over the southern
end of it (CW:A12). No plans or sketches of these sites
were made (but see Barham 1981:Plates 8-10).
Harris et al. (1985:47) have located and described fish
traps on Mabuiag. These include two multiple pen traps,
one in the northeast of the island (CX:A03) (Kodakal,
immediately west of Dabangai headland) and another in
the southeast (CX:A06) (Sipa Ngur headland), as well as
5 (CX:A23-A27) presumably, single-pen traps (Ghaleb
1990). These latter traps were located on the north, east
and south coasts on rocky foreshores near mangrove
stands. The trap at Kodakal (which was listed as both
CX:A03 and CX:A13 and is now listed as CX:A03) was
arc-shaped and had two pens with a landward wall 104m
long that had been damaged by wave action particularly
near its southern extremity. The main trap at Sipa Ngur
headland (CX:A06) was arc-shaped with a seaward wall
150m in length. A smaller, rectangular trap (no
dimensions provided) lay south of the main trap (recorded
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as part of CX:A06). One of the island elders indicated that
fish used to be speared, knifed or caught by hand in the
trap, though not in his lifetime. He also indicated that a
fish poison known as itamar, which used to be planted on
the old mounds at Maid, was used until it was made
illegal. The identity of itamar is uncertain, but Haddon
refers to it as the leguminous plant Indigofera australis
(Australian Indigo) (cited in Ghaleb 1990:165). A
helicopter reconnaissance of the coast of Mabuiag
undertaken in 1985 revealed four new fish trap locations,
including one with a cluster of three separate traps. The
absence of traps along the southwest coast was confirmed
by the 1985 survey and highlighted the proximity of fish
traps adjacent to the village areas of Goemu, DabangaiPanai, Awbayth and Wagadagam (Ghaleb 1990:164-167).
None of these traps have been recorded or mapped by
ground truthing. Fish traps were frequently located on
small rocky islets such as Sarabar and Purarai off
Mabuiag where only intermittent occupation would be
possible. CX:A15 is recorded on Woeydhul; CX:A28 and
CX:A29 on Aipus; CX:A30 and CX:A31 on Pururai; and
CX:A32 and CX:A33 on Sarabar (Ghaleb 1990) but no
details of the sites have been provided. The distribution of
all fish trap locations known on Mabuiag is presented by
Ghaleb (1990:Figure 6, Plates 7a-7b). Ghaleb’s (1990)
Figure 6 shows the location of seven fish traps on
Mabuiag and seven on offshore islets. None of these sites
is registered on the ICHD.
A rough sketch of a site on Waibene (Friday Island) in
the western islands (CW:A42) is on the site database. It is
described as rectangular in shape being approximately
60m north-south and approximately 25m east-west and
appears to have suffered coastal erosion. CW:A24 is a
fish trap on Goods Island in the western islands but
limited details are provided. It is reported as ‘M’-shaped,
perhaps referring to multiple V-shaped pens. Another trap
on Goods Island was subsequently described in more
detail and is listed as Bertie Bay fish trap (CW:A81). It is
listed as angular and there is some controversy over its
origin though the unknown recorder, believed it dated to
pre-contact times. On Brewers Island, a small island due
north of Turtle Head Island is a circular trap (CW:A79)
approximately 30m in diameter and 30-50cm high. A
recently vacated campsite is located adjacent to the fish
Jukes (1847:181-182) observed traps on the south side
of Erub (Darnley) in 1844, noting:
Sandy flats, dry at low water, stretch out two or three
hundred yards [180-270m] from the beach, covered with
native weirs, for catching fish. These are walls of loose
stone, about three feet [91cm] high, formed in curves
and semicircles along the sand flats, each having a
radius of one or two hundred yards [90-180m]. They are
completely covered at high water, but when the tide
falls, (its range being about ten feet, [3m]) many fish are
left within these enclosed spaces, or, together with crabs
and other sea creatures, caught in the interstices of the
stones … Here and there along the shore, both on the
beach and out on the sand-flats, were erected tall
bamboo poles with long streamers of leaves attached to
them, but what was their object we never could discover.
I am inclined to believe they are mere boundary marks
between the different fishing-grounds of each village or
small group of huts (see also Sweatman in Allen and
Corris 1977:xxii-xxiii; 25-27).
Indigenous Fish Traps and Weirs of Queensland
Marks (1953:117) observed similar traps made of
basalt boulders on Erub and Mer running out from the
north and east shores in a series of wide loops. Those on
Erub are numerous, are still owned by family groups, and
some are still used today (Johannes and MacFarlane
1991:82). A site on Yam Island is listed as DX:A27 and is
one recorded by Haddon (1935:373-378) as a low fence
of mangrove stakes. Some evidence of the site remained
in 1990 when it was recorded by John Singe on the site
card. A site on Erub has been mapped in detail (DX:A29)
and appears to be site DT28 or DT29 reported by Barham
as Badog fishtraps (2000; see Figure 6-7). It is
approximately 80m from the shore seaward and also 80m
at its widest point. Barham (2000) indicates the presence
of at least 34 fish traps on Erub. These have been
designated site numbers DX:A41-DX:A73 but full details
have not been provided (see Figures 4 and 6).
Bird et al. (1995:7) describe the traps on Mer as
rectangular, instead of circular, and located on the south
and east shores. They note that fish were trapped at night
during the ebbing tide and were speared or netted,
although hand lines or poison (sad) were occasionally
used. While many of the traps were the property of the
clan that owned the adjacent land, the entire community
rebuilt the structures once a year in exchange for fish
from the first catch. Johannes and MacFarlane (1991:
Figure 5) have comprehensively described these traps.
They note that fish traps (sai) with walls built of basalt
rocks are spread along the north and east sides of the
island, on the inner portion of the reef. Fish and other
marine animals are trapped within the walls on receding
tides and tend to gather in the deepest parts or ‘corners’ of
the traps, which are generally found along the walls.
Different families, who traditionally held the right to the
fish trapped in them, sometimes owned different corners.
In earlier times internal rock fences apparently marked off
these subdivisions. They refer to observations by Davies
in the 1920s that these fences were called belcars and that
it was ‘criminal’ to take fish from another family’s
section. Davies claims he often saw sai on Mer being
repaired after storms but Johannes and MacFarlane
(1991:76) indicate that today only a few sai are
occasionally repaired.
Johannes and MacFarlane (1991:99-100) note that sai
are numerous in the eastern islands and have in the past
yielded a fairly steady supply of marine resources without
entailing much more effort than periodically repairing the
walls. They describe sai as consisting of a semicircular
wall of lava rocks about 1m high and enclosing a portion
of the reef flat. The wall usually stops at the beach near
the high tide line. Typically, sai have a radius of between
50-150m. There are 23 such sites visible on the reef flat at
Mer, 24 at Erub and 23 much smaller ones on Ugar
(Figures 6-10). Barham (2000:Figure 7) notes the
existence of 23 fish traps on Ugar (Figure 10) which are
now listed as DX:A74-A96 (Figure 3). Johannes and
MacFarlane (1991:99:Footnote 1) have highlighted the
magnitude of the task of building the traps. They note that
the lava rocks must have been brought from the bush
since only coral rocks occur on the reef flat. On Mer alone
they indicate there is roughly 7km of sai walls and
estimate that each metre of wall contains about 0.5 tonnes
of stone. Thus the sai on Mer would contain about 3,500
tonnes of rock. If the average weight of rock that could be
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carried from the bush were 35kg per person, construction
of sai would have required around 100,000 person trips to
and from the bush. This represented a significant
investment of labour. The distribution of fish traps around
Mer is shown in Johannes and MacFarlane (1991:Figure
5) (see Figures 8-9). They are extensive on the western
side of the island.
The use of fish traps in the Eastern Islands appears to
have varied during the past century. In 1836 it was
reported that Erub islanders were working on a trap of
very large dimensions but in other reports as far back as
1866 traps were said to be no longer in use (Johannes and
MacFarlane 1991:99). A small number of sai in the
Eastern Islands are still used sporadically today. The
walls of the traps are completely submerged by high
spring tides. When the tide falls and the walls are exposed
fish are trapped, along with the occasional turtle and, very
rarely, a dugong. As the tide drops further, the fish are
easily captured by hand or with a spear, especially at
night by the light of a torch or pressure lamp. Catches are
much better during nocturnal spring low tides of the
northwest monsoon season than during the southeast trade
season, when spring low tides occur during midday. It is
reported that fish are less likely to escape over the sai on
falling tides at night than during the day. Catches are said
to be especially good on dark rainy nights when the water
is dirty. The fish caught in greatest numbers in the sai,
according to Islanders, are mullet, trevally and spinefoots
(rabbitfish) (Johannes and MacFarlane 1991:100). Most
of the sai are on the weather side of the islands and during
the southeast trade wind season floating logs, presumably
carried into the Strait in the outflow of the Fly River,
breach their walls. Repairs are carried out at the beginning
of the northwest monsoon season. On Mer in the 1920s
Davies observed people carrying boulders out from shore
for the purpose of repair. They were carried on a bamboo
frame slung between two canoes. Islanders informed
Johannes and MacFarlane (1991:99-100) that because
only a few traps had been repaired on Mer and Erub in
recent years, they were not nearly as important a source of
food as they once were. Lawrie (1970:342-343) assisted
with the repair of a fish trap on Mer in February 1967 and
notes that some fish traps are repaired regularly during the
northwest monsoon. Lawrie (1970:343) includes a
photograph of 15 men, women and children repairing the
fish trap. Traps on Ugar are no longer kept in repair
although Islanders still manage to obtain fish from some
of them.
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Figure 6. Fish traps recorded on Erub (Darnley Island) (Barham 2000:Figure 6). See also Figure 4.
Figure 7. Fish trap DX:A29 at Badog Village, Erub (Darnley Island) (DERM ICHD Slide Collection).
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Indigenous Fish Traps and Weirs of Queensland
Figure 8. Mer showing clan divisions and fish traps (Haddon 1935:160).
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Figure 9. Fish traps on Mer (Carter 2004:140).
Figure 10. Fish traps on Ugar (Stephens Island) (Barham 2000:Figure 7).
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Indigenous Fish Traps and Weirs of Queensland
Gulf of Carpentaria
Fish traps are also common in areas of the Gulf of
Carpentaria (Figure 11). Roth (1901:23), for example,
described stone wall traps among the Wellesley Islands:
On Sweers, Bentinck, Mornington, etc., Islands, stone
dams are erected along the coast-line in the shape of
more or less of a half-circle, the extreme convexity
reaching sometimes to as much as 300 yards [274m]
from the shore. The majority of these dams are
contiguous, and built of pieces of stone ... to a height of
from 18 inches [45cm] to upwards of three feet [90cm],
the general contour of the rocky beach being everywhere
taken advantage of.
These traps had apparently been modified and extended
since 1920 (Colliver 1970:8). Trigger (1987:79-80) notes
that some 334 traps (located at 108 sites) are spread over
470km of coastline, or on average one trap per 1.4km,
although the density of traps across the region varies
considerably. In general most of the smaller islands have
a relatively high density of sites (e.g. Bentinck, Sweers,
Allen and Forsyth Islands). They are common at the north
of Bentinck Island (Tindale 1962:286) and Bird (1996a:5)
referred to five traps located in the intertidal zone of the
mouth of Mackenzie Creek (listed as AM:A61) while
referring to accounts of at least 39 traps on the Island.
Sweers and Bentinck Islands have over 150 stone walls
arranged into a number of multiple pen traps (Memmott
and Trigger 1998; Ulm 2004:Figure 12.2). On
Mornington Island there is roughly one site every 20km
of coastline, on Bentinck one site every 0.9km and one
trap every 0.4km (Memmott et al. 2008). A rough sketch
of a site recorded on Mornington Island (BN:A09) is on
file and is described as having a seaward length of 120m
and a width of 80-100m. It was reputedly still used on
occasions when reported in 1983 by Kate Sutcliffe and
Peter Smith. Memmott (1996) makes mention of three
coastal fish traps (AN:A43, BN:A11 and BN:A21) and a
weir (BN:A23) on Mornington Island and these have been
listed although their precise location is not recorded.
BN:A11 is described as a semi-circular wall comprising
small stones, sand and aggregate. The wall is said to have
been made in the Dreamtime by Manhbil. This site is
close to BN:A21, described as three upright rocks in the
sea. It is known as Nhawalan. BN:A23 is known as
Wurukura and is a camp where the nearby river was
blocked with traps. A dancing ground and two wells are
located near the camp.
Lardil gave the name derdernin to fishtraps while
Kaiadilt called them ngarruwarr. They caught not only
fish but also turtle and dugong in traps. Other by-products
were crabs obtained from the crevices within and
underneath the rock walls, oysters from on the rocks
themselves, and a range of species of shellfish from the
muddy and sandy substrates of the traps (Memmott et al.
The Lardil people of Mornington, Sydney and
Wallaby Islands placed their traps across tidal streamlets
and each trap had a gate placed across the streamlet which
was left open as the tide rose and was closed with
mangrove foliage when it fell. People positioned
themselves at these gates with hand nets (mijil), while
others drove fish towards the gaps. Weirs (jadman) of
poles, bushes and grass were also placed across channels
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and estuaries. Fish in the traps were speared or captured
by hand (Memmott n.d. a, Tindale 1962:286,). The
Kaiadilt allowed anybody to use their traps, but among
the Lardil it was the patriclan country custodians
(dulmada) who gave permission to use traps whenever
tidal conditions were suitable (Memmott n.d. a; cf. Robins
et al. 1995:83, 1998). A Kaiadilt elder listed six fish
species, four kinds of shark and two types of stingray that
were easily available for capture when routinely caught
behind the trap walls with the receding tide. Lardil believe
their traps were shaped by the first Lardil people
Maarnbil, Jirnjirn and Diwaldiwal who brought culture
and language to Mornington Island (Roughsey 1971).
Older people recall the contribution of human labour to
building and maintaining some traps. Interestingly, when
Kaiadilt were moved from Bentinck Island to a
missionary settlement on Mornington Island in the 1940s
they built their own fish trap, despite many Lardil traps
located in close proximity (Memmott and Trigger
1998:114). Connah and Jones (1983:22) undertook aerial
photography of stone wall fish traps on Allen and Bayley
Islands and Robins et al. (1995, 1998) have subsequently
conducted an extensive survey of the Bayley Point traps
and those at Point Parker on the mainland (Figures 1216).
The Bayley Point (Gaabula) trap (AN:A01, previously
duplicated as AN:A24) has an inner and outer wall and 8
pens (with a total length of 604m), which Robins et al.
(1995:83, 1998) refer to as individual traps. The inner
wall has a combined length of 180m, whereas the outer
wall overlapped with the inner wall, extending further
south with a total length of 424m. Most of the traps (pens)
are arc-shaped except for trap (pen) 1, which is linear
with irregular bends. Fish are speared in these traps and
crabs and oysters are harvested from the walls (Figures
15-16). The Bayley Point site has been photographed
from the air by Connah and Jones (1983:Figure 13) and it
has been mapped and discussed in detail by Robins et al.
(1998:Figure 14). Connah and Jones have also
photographed sites on Bayley Island (Figure 12)
(AN:A02, AN:A03) and Allen Island (AM:A07,
comprising four pens) and these are listed on the ICHD
but these have not yet been further investigated or
mapped on the ground. One site is listed on Sweers Island
(BM:A09) but this is from a 1987 map by John Dymock
indicating nine separate sites and no further details are
Tindale (in Memmott et al. 2008) noted that on
Bentinck Island there were several phases of fish trap
building which he related to changes in sea-level. An
alternative hypothesis is that a complex of inner and outer
rock wall fish traps were used in the same harvesting
event upon a falling tide.
In 1880 Captain G. Pennefather observed of the Point
Parker traps that they formed ‘a succession of walled-in
paddocks of many acres in extent’ (Boyd 1895:57).
Robins et al. (1995:114, 1998) have subsequently
described the traps at Point Parker (AM:A59) as
comprising five separate pens and two straight walls
divided into two separate trap complexes – one trap on the
northern side of the point (wall 1), while on the southern
side are two single pens and a double pen. The longest
continuous wall is 195m and the shortest 35m. Walls 2, 4
and 5 are arc-shaped, wall 1 is V-shaped and walls 3 and
q a r | Vol. 14 | 2011 | 13
Figure 11. Fish traps registered on the ICHD, Wellesley Islands Region, Gulf of Carpentaria.
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Indigenous Fish Traps and Weirs of Queensland
Figure 12. Fish traps on Bayley Island, Gulf of
Carpentaria (Photograph: Connah and Jones, 12 May
Figure 13. Location B15 (Photograph: Richard Robins,
Negative 5681).
Figure 14. Fish traps off southwest corner of Bentinck
Island, Gulf of Carpentaria (Photograph: Richard
Robins, Negative 5681).
Figure 15. Fish traps at Bayley Point, Gulf of
Carpentaria (Connah and Jones, 12 May 1982).
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Figure 16. Ronnie Jupiter spearing a crab in a fish trap at Bayley Point, Gulf of Carpentaria (Photograph:
Richard Robins, September 1983).
6 (features of pen 5) are straight. Robins et al.
(1998:Figure 28) have described and mapped these traps
in detail. A diffuse scatter of shell is present on the
foredune including oyster (Ostrea sp.) and cockle
(Anadara granosa).
In the vicinity of Edward River on western Cape
York, Thomson (1936:73) noted that the Koko Tai'yuri
[Thaayorre] constructed:
extensive fishing fences on the mud flats of the Gulf;
they dam up the flood waters after the rains so that they
can the better employ fish poisons in the pools, when the
stupefied fish can be speared readily. Organised drives
are conducted by big parties armed with nets and spears
in the tidal waterways of the rivers, and fish are also
taken on lines with hooks made from wood and bone.
In a study of the Edward River region, Taylor and
Gorecki (in Britnell 1991:8) found brush fish traps in the
intertidal zone, which may still be used by members of
the local Aboriginal community, although this is not
further discussed by Britnell.
Northeast Queensland
Recorded fish traps in northeast Queensland are
concentrated around Hinchinbrook Island (Figure 17).
The northernmost trap recorded on the mainland east
coast of Queensland is in Quarantine Bay, near Cooktown
(EP:A81). This stone wall trap is arc-shaped and was in
good condition when recorded in 1978. There was no
local knowledge of who built the trap and Britnell (pers.
comm., 1996) has subsequently suggested it is nonAboriginal in origin. A survey plan of the site in the
ICHD does not assist in determining its origin and further
investigation is required. Britnell (1991:56) also reported
a trap on the north shore of Cooktown that was built by
Aboriginal people after World War II, but which has since
disappeared. The mission residents on their return from
Woorabinda also constructed a site near Nob Point after
16 | 2011 | Vol. 14 | q a r
World War II (Britnell 1991:Figure 6.1). Neither site has
been allocated a site number and is not included in the
database. Further to the south a fish trap is recorded on
Snapper Island off Cape Kimberley in far north
Queensland (EN:C33). It is reported as having ‘huge
retaining walls’ but no other details are provided. Cribb
(1997:Figure 1) has reported the remains of a fish trap at
Sunny Bay (FN:B97) near Cairns. He was unable to
estimate the dimensions of the site. He also notes that
another trap is present around the bay at Giangurra but
does not provide further details and the site has not been
allocated a site number or included in the site database. A
fish trap with 1m high walls is reported on High Island
(FM:A31) southeast of Cairns, but no other details are
FM:B64 is a weir reported by Duke and Collins
(1994b:14,16) at Browns Beach, south of Innisfail. It is
described as a natural formation of rock outcrops. It was
near a recognised Aboriginal gathering ground that was
reportedly built to provide food for those attending
gatherings. On the southern side of Clump Point, near
Mission Beach, Bird (1994a:18) identified a trap
(FM:B42) which covers an area 52m in width by 39m in
length and which is surrounded on all sides by basalt
boulders. She also located two poorly preserved stone
arrangements in Boat Bay (FM:B44), around the point
from the trap, but was unable to identify either
arrangement as being conclusively of Aboriginal
construction. There are a number of photographs of this
site on record but no site plan.
A complex of traps at Scraggy Point and Missionary
Bay on Hinchinbrook Island are more widely known and
have been described on a number of occasions (Banfield
1909:54; Brayshaw 1977:251; Campbell 1979, 1982;
Jones 1961:8; Stephens 1946; Sutton 1986:12; Walsh
1986). Seven traps are recorded at Missionary Bay
(FL:A49); each is ‘arc’-shaped and stands alone. The trap
at Scraggy Point (FL:A23) has a total area of 20,000m2
Indigenous Fish Traps and Weirs of Queensland
Figure 17. Fish traps registered on the ICHD, northeast Queensland.
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and is described on the site card as consisting of ‘loops,
pools, breakwaters and funnels’ with mangroves covering
much of it (Figures 18-19). Campbell (1979, 1982)
identified the remains of an earlier trap system below the
lowest tide level, which he proposed may have been built
at a time of lower sea or land levels and which he
suggested could be up to 8000 years old. Stephens (1945)
suggested that the Scraggy Point trap had not been used
since the 1890s while Walsh (1986:10) thought that the
sophisticated design of some of the walls meant they were
probably built by early European settlers. Stephens
(1946:3) has produced a sketch of the trap at Scraggy
Point while Campbell (1979:Figure 3) produced a sketch
of these traps drawn from an aerial photograph taken in
1976 and a more complex plan drawn from an oblique
photograph taken in 1978 (Campbell 1982:Figure 2).
Campbell’s (1982) Figure 1 has three fish trap symbols at
Scraggy Point and one just to the south now listed as
FL:C31-FL:C36. Campbell also reported two fish traps at
Oyster Point on the adjacent mainland in the 1970s. These
are noted on Campbell’s (1982) Figure 1. They have been
allocated State file numbers FL:A13 and FL:A48.
However, Bird (1994b) could not locate them during
fieldwork in 1994. Bird discussed this with Campbell who
indicated that the sites were in poor condition when
originally recorded. Bird concludes that they may have
been covered by mud and sand in the intervening period.
A stone wall trap on nearby Goold Island (FL:A46)
has been largely buried by sediment. The trap is set in a
drainage channel 40m southwest of a freshwater creek
mouth. It is arc-shaped and has a double wall at the apex
enclosing an area of approximately 4000m2 (Campbell
1979:27). Maximum wall height of the trap is 52cm
although most walls have collapsed (Figure 20). Walsh
(1986) has produced a useful sketch of this site.
Fishtraps have been reported on Rattlesnake (FK:C25)
and Herald (FK:C23) Islands (Hatte and Heijm 1999) and
a number of traps have been reported on Palm Island that
are apparently regularly used and maintained by members
of the contemporary Aboriginal community (Bird
1996b:5, citing N. Heijm). Hatte (1997; Hatte and
Manbarra Nagarra Wangarra Aboriginal Corporation
2009) has recorded three sites on Palm Island and one on
nearby Barber Island (FL:C09-FL:C11). Site FL:C09 is
described as a large fish trap in the corner of North East
Bay. FL:C10 is described as a very large fishtrap complex
in Horseshoe Bay. Its estimated minimum dimensions are
200m x 300m. FL:C11 is described as a large fish trap on
the northern side of Barber Island. Hatte (1997:Figure 1)
also notes the presence of other fish traps at Barber Bay
(FL:C26) and Casement Bay (FL:C27), but no further
details are provided.
A stone wall fish trap approximately 300m south of
R.M. Creek at Upstart Bay (GK:A52) stretches 15m from
nearby mangroves across the mudflats (Bird 1987:123)
(Figure 1). Bird indicates that part of the wall is covered
by mud and that the trap as a whole might therefore be
more extensive. A general locational map of this site is
available but no plan. An arc-shaped stone wall trap was
located on a tidal flat at Abbot Point (GK:A10), to the
south of Cape Upstart. The site was recorded by the
Aboriginal Ranger, Bruce Butler in 1980 and the site card
indicates a survey and sketch map were attached but they
have not been located. GK:A10 has more recently been
18 | 2011 | Vol. 14 | q a r
relocated and described by Bird (2009:57-59; Bird refers
to the site as JU2). It was located 500m west of the
location recorded on the DERM Indigenous Sites
Database. It is located in the intertidal zone fronting a
remnant beach ridge containing shell midden material. It
is arc-shaped and 40m in length. It is well-preserved with
walls standing approximately 40 to 50cm in height. It is
constructed from local boulders from the sandy tidal flats
with rocks of roughly uniform size placed between some
of the larger naturally positioned boulders. The structure
appears to be still functioning as a fish trap on the
receding tide, although there appears to be some sediment
build-up on the landward side of the wall, which may be
reducing its overall efficiency (Figures 21-23).
In the same location Bird (2010) recorded further fish
traps to the west of GK:A10 which are not recorded on
the DERM database. Shark Bay 1 (SB1) is described as
an arc-shaped fish trap. It is located close to the beach on
the edge of the intertidal sand flats around 9m from high
water mark. It is not well-preserved being impacted by a
substantial build-up of sediment. The wall is 20m in
length. The walls of the trap are partly collapsed but some
of the boulders are cemented together with oysters. Two
lines of stones are described as associated with SB1; one
is 7m in length, the other 8 to 10m in length.
Shark Bay 2 (SB2) is described as curved and
extending 15m in length. It is composed of large boulders
with more uniformly sized, smaller boulders placed
between the larger ones. The walls have in places partially
collapsed. The full extent of the landward and seaward
margins of the trap was difficult to detect (Bird 2010).
A stone wall trap at Adelaide Point, near Bowen
(GJ:A37), is described by Hill (1981:9) as arc-shaped
with long arms at the landward end, and broken at the
seaward end. It is 1.5m in width and approximately 6.5m
in length.
Seven ambiguous arrangements of stone have been
recorded on Mine Island, near Cape Upstart. Lines of
stones are located around the edge of the island in the
shape of arcs, funnels and straight walls. These lines are
no more than one stone high and individual stones are
spaced apart. Milne (1990:95) argued that the stone lines
may have been foundations for organic walls, although
she was not able to rule out the possibility that they were
stone arrangements serving a different purpose to that of
fish traps. Andrew Border (pers. comm., 1996) who has
inspected the site believes they are stone arrangements
rather than fish traps. Barker et al. (2010) suggests they
are ceremonial arrangements (see also McNiven 2003).
Brayshaw (1990:160) also doubts they are fish traps
suggesting water only reaches the site at exceptionally
high tides, although this may not always have been the
case and that the stones are too widely spaced to be
effective as fish traps. Milne (1990:Figures 4.2-4.10) has
provided plans of many of the stone arrangements but
they do not appear to be fish traps and remain enigmatic.
In a few areas of north Queensland traps and weirs
have been reported that were made of organic materials.
Roth (1901), for example, described such a weir at
Princess Charlotte Bay as being 100 feet (30m) long and
formed of a composite cross-piece along which dozens of
thin switches from 8-10 feet (2.4-3m) were placed.
Upright forked timbers supported the 5-6 logs that made
the cross-piece which reached the height of flood levels.
Indigenous Fish Traps and Weirs of Queensland
Figure 18. Fish trap FL:A23 at Scraggy Point, Hinchinbrook Island (DERM ICHD Slide Collection).
Figure 19. Fish trap FL:A23 at Scraggy Point, Hinchinbrook Island (DERM ICHD Slide Collection).
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Figure 20. Fish trap FL:A46 on Goold Island, near Hinchinbrook Island (DERM ICHD Slide Collection).
Figure 21. Fish trap GK:A10 at Abbott Point, Mackay region, 14 April 2009 (Bird 2009:Plate 171).
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Indigenous Fish Traps and Weirs of Queensland
Figure 22. Fish trap GK:A10 at Abbott Point, Mackay region (DERM ICHD Slide Collection).
Figure 23. Fish trap GK:A10 at Abbott Point, Mackay region, 14 April 2009 (Bird 2009:Plate 19).
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The switches that were firmly stuck in the mud rested at
an angle on the upstream side of the weir to resist water
movement. Nets were fixed at the extreme edges of the
weir to trap fish trying to escape, and as the water receded
fish were speared or captured (Roth 1901:23). Hale and
Tindale (1933:110) also observed an organic weir at
Bathurst Head, Princess Charlotte Bay. It comprised a
brush wall approximately 7.5m long that dammed a
mangrove creek. Further to the south on Dunk Island,
Banfield (1977:141) indicated that traps were made from
lawyer cane (Calamus sp.). Jukes (1847:86-87) observed
an organic weir being used by women, while travelling by
boat along a tidal creek at Upstart Bay in the 1840s, and
Bird (1987:50) has subsequently identified this
watercourse as Lefthand Branch Creek, a tributary of
Saltwater Creek.
Central Queensland
Eighteen fish trap sites are recorded on the ICHD for
central Queensland (Figures 24-25). Barker and Bernard
(2007) have recently undertaken an assessment of some of
these fish traps located between Bowen and Sarina and
their observations have been incorporated here. Barker
(1992a:33) has recorded a stone weir (HJ:A76) at
Woodwark Bay that extends 15m across a tidal creek
(Figure 1). In an earlier survey Barker (1988:8,10), also
located stone wall fish traps at Midge Point (HJ:A29) and
at the southeastern point of Covering Creek (HJ:A36).
The Midge Point trap is of square shape, 16m in length by
14m across with an average wall height of 70cm. The trap
at Covering Creek, is a single stone wall placed between
two natural rock walls. The stone wall is aligned
northeast, is 13m long and 60cm tall at its highest point
and rests on a rock platform approximately 240m east of
the high water mark. Discussions with local residents and
the presence of a graded road to the Midge Point trap led
Barker (1992a:10,12) to conclude that non-Aboriginal
fishing people built it. A graded road leading to the
Covering Creek trap also led Barker to conclude it was of
non-Aboriginal construction. Barker found enough
difference between the Midge Point and Covering Creek
traps and the weir at Woodwark Bay to argue that the
latter was of Aboriginal construction. Another stone
structure at Midge Point (HJ:A06) revisited by Barker and
Bernard (2007) is recorded as concentric in shape with a
maximum wall height of 40cm and rocks heavily
encrusted with oyster. Barker (1992a) also reports the
presence of another fish trap at Woodwark Bay (HJ:A03)
with dimensions 50m x 50m. Barker and Bernard (2007)
discuss two sites – one at Adelaide Point (Duck Creek),
the other at Dingo Beach – which are of European origin.
Barker (1992b) has reported a circle of stone (HJ:A96) on
the mangrove mudflat of South Repulse Island. It is
described as easily recognised as a fish trap but no other
details are available.
Winsor (1982:162) reported a stone wall trap as
having existed on Brampton Island, in the Whitsunday
Group, but there is no other record to verify this claim and
the site has not been allocated a site number. A stone wall
trap is also reported on Green Island (HJ:A34) as arcshaped with walls that extended 200m from a natural rock
wall. The built wall was between 30-45cm high and the
middle section was missing, although whether this was a
breach or intentionally designed is unknown. Site plans
22 | 2011 | Vol. 14 | q a r
are not available for this site. McGarry (1987:Plate 3),
who reported the site but did not observe it, obtained the
information from local residents.
South of Midge Point two stone wall traps have been
recorded at Mentmore Beach (HJ:B03) and Dewars Point
(HJ:A15). The Mentmore Beach trap is described as
extensive with walls 60-90cm high, while the Dewars
Point trap is partially covered by sand. However, no
survey plans of these sites are available. HJ:A14 is a fish
trap at Seaforth Beach reported by McGarry (1987) and
recorded in more detail by Barker and Bernard (2007).
The trap comprises a concentric line of individual stones
with a maximum wall height of 10cm. A trap on Rabbit
Island (HJ:A35) was reported as a ruined ‘arrowhead’
trap, but McGarry (1987:54-55) could find no evidence of
it. Andrew Border (pers. comm. 1996) has subsequently
located it and considers it is a modern trap made of wood.
A stone wall weir at Sand Bay, Cape Hillsborough
(HJ:A18), was recorded by Border and Hall (1994:2-3) as
stretching approximately 65m across the mouth of a small
intertidal cove enclosing an area of 5500m2. Border and
Hall suggest the wall was originally linear in shape and
that much had disappeared. A useful sketch of this site
can be found in Border and Hall (1994:Figure 2). Barker
and Bernard (2007) report a wall height of 30cm (Figures
26-27). Another weir (HJ:A07), said to be associated with
nearby middens, has been recorded in a small inlet at
Cape Hillsborough, and was described as a line of stones
that sealed two rock outcrops. The recorder of HJ:A07 did
not have a map of the region and therefore estimated the
weir’s location. The descriptions of HJ:A18 and HJ:A07
are so similar they might be assumed to be the same site
(Andrew Border, pers. comm., 1996), however, further
investigation is required.
A trap at Reliance Creek, as well as weirs at McCready
Creek, Pioneer River and Gallagher Creek, has been
described by McGarry (1987). The trap at Reliance Creek
(HH:A04) was a series of stone walls approximately 3036cm high. It was not actually seen by McGarry. HH:A16
at Sunset Bay was also not seen by McGarry (1987). It
was described as a scatter of stones over an estuarine flat.
Little remains of a site (HH:A19) reported at Eimeo
Beach and it cannot be conclusively considered to have
been a fish trap. The weir at Gallagher Creek (HH:A17)
was described as a single wall that was later divided by a
track and its original length was estimated to be 68m. The
weir at McCready Creek (HH:A15) jutted 5m into a 10mwide rock pool and is claimed to have been partly
dismantled after World War II. Little remains of what was
reported to have been a series of fish traps in the area.
McGarry described two weirs at Pioneer River, one was
2.9m long and enclosed a rock pool while the second was
upstream of weir 1 and was a stone wall 6.3m long by
1.76m wide (both listed as HH:A20). Border (1994:15)
was unable to locate either weir despite a number of
surveys of the region. Anecdotal evidence from a
Walkerston resident, however, suggests that a South Sea
Islander (George Efrey or Outrey?) used a rock fish trap
at the site. McGarry has provided rough sketches of
HH:A15 and HH:A17 on the site cards for these sites but
they are not informative. Bird (1996b:4) has described a
stone wall arc-shaped fish trap at Hay Point (HH:A75).
The trap is near the shoreline and runs about 60-65m
across intertidal mud flats. It had a maximum width of
Indigenous Fish Traps and Weirs of Queensland
Figure 24. Fish traps registered on the ICHD, Central Queensland Region.
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Figure 25. Fish traps registered on the ICHD, Freshwater Point, Central Queensland Region.
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Indigenous Fish Traps and Weirs of Queensland
Figure 26. Fish trap HJ:A18 at Cape Hillsborough (Barker and Bernard 2007:Figure 15). Note spread
out/deflated nature of stones.
Figure 27. Fish trap HJ:A18 at Cape Hillsborough (Barker and Bernard 2007:Figure 16).
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2.2m and the walls had a maximum height of 40cm. The
walls appeared to have partially collapsed over time and
wave and tidal movement had moved individual stones
and several sections of the wall. Despite this the site was
described as being in relatively good condition. There are
photographs of this site but no site plan.
Three traps have been recorded at Freshwater Point,
south of Mackay (Figure 25). The first (HH:A40), on the
southern side of the Point, was arc-shaped, comprising
two pens made of stone and was estimated at 90m long by
40m wide with a maximum wall height of 20cm (Barker
and Bernard 2007). Barker and Bernard (2007) conducted
a test excavation of the inside of the trap wall reporting
that the stones sit on mud and sand underlain by green
clay. The clays sit on a rocky rubble layer (Figures 2829). The second (HH:A42) comprised two stone wall
traps approximately 80m apart. Both traps were arcshaped and were located in the intertidal zone near the
mouth of Sarina Inlet. Border has provided useful
sketches of both these sites on his submitted site cards.
Barker and Bernard (2007) report a maximum wall height
of 20cm. There are multiple fish traps in the area of
Freshwater Point with imprecise recording of known trap
locations as clear in the plotting of HH:A42 on the inland
of the peninsula (Figure 25) (see also Barker and Bernard
2007). Barker and Bernard (2007) also report a fish trap at
Fig Tree Point.
Border (1992:22) located two walls of stone
(HH:A74), which extended 80m from the beach to the
inter-tidal zone, on West Hill Island, but he was reticent
to identify these traps as being Aboriginal constructions.
Creighton (1984:15, 127), mentioned a stone wall weir in
a creek at the end of Long Beach on South (Great) Keppel
Island and a trap in Mazie Bay Creek, on North Keppel
Island. Rowland who has undertaken extensive surveys of
the island has not located either of these traps (see
Rowland 2008 for references). Rowland did observe a
small linear stone wall at Mazie Bay but this was
confirmed by a local resident as being built in the 1930s
to shelter his boat. The sites on the Keppel Islands have
not been allocated site numbers and are not included in
Appendix A.
South of Mackay the coastline appears to be largely
devoid of stone traps and weirs. Apart from an arc-shaped
stone wall trap at Richards Point on Rodds Peninsula
(KF:A12) (Burke 1993:46) and a nearby trap at Mort
Creek (Ulm 2006), there are no other traps or weirs
reported south of Mackay to as far as Burnett Heads
(Figure 1). It is unclear whether this is due to the
extensive development of this coastline or is a true
reflection of absence. Further surveying of the coastline
would clarify the situation. There is no plan but a rough
sketch map of the trap at Rodds Peninsula available. Ulm
(2006:Figure 2.12; see also Ulm and Lilley 1999:Figure
13) presents a photograph of this feature and describes
this is as ‘a probable stone-walled tidal fishtrap’ (Ulm
2006:101) but notes extensive disturbance of this area
associated with heavy mineral sand mining in the 1970s.
Ulm (2006:97-98) reports a probable stone walled
tidal fish trap on the western margin of Mort Creek, 4km
south of the Richards Point trap. The oyster-encrusted
rocks appear to be anthropogenic extensions of the larger
boulder outcrops which extend towards the creek from the
shore. The rocks on the intertidal flats are much smaller
26 | 2011 | Vol. 14 | q a r
than those under the canopy of the adjacent mangrove
fringe. The portability of these smaller rocks and the
absence of larger boulders in this area suggested to Ulm
that the rocks were transported to extend oyster habitats
and/or to form a stone-walled trap. The feature consists of
several tiers of rocks, with lower tiers visible through the
top of the mangrove muds. The rocks form two low,
linear banks which are raised above the level of the
surrounding flats by accumulating muds. Although the
two arcs curve towards each other, they do not meet. The
southern arc appears to be broader than the northern one.
The abundance of fish remains recovered from the
adjacent shell midden deposits provided Ulm with
circumstantial evidence for an Indigenous origin of the
feature. On the basis of 12 radiocarbon dates available for
the adjacent deposits, Ulm argues that the site, including
the fish trap, was little used after 2000 years ago.
Southeast Queensland
In southern Queensland stone wall fish traps have been
recorded at Burnett Heads (KE:A22) and on Woody
Island (KD:A17) (Figures 1 and 30). No plans of these
sites are on record. The Woody Island trap is described as
permanently underwater in the intertidal zone (Frankland
1990:33; McNiven 1992:21; see also Lauer 1979:68). The
Burnett Heads trap is situated just inside the mouth of the
Burnett River and is arc-shaped with at least two pens.
The wall has two sections, the first is 30m long and the
second 15-20m, with a break of about 15-20m separating
these sections. The wall is 1m at its highest point but
averaged less and intermittently joined up with natural
rock outcrops. It is unclear whether the trap is of
Aboriginal or South Sea Islander origin (Godwin 1992),
although Foley (1992:18,22) argues they are Aboriginal
constructions. Godwin (1992) reported the presence of
many South Sea Islander-built walls in the Mon Repos
area, which could bear upon any interpretation of the
Burnett Heads trap.
McNiven (1994) recorded five stone wall fish trap
complexes at Booral (Figures 30-32). No description of
Trap Area 1 (KD:B23) (apart from an illustration,
McNiven 1994:Figure 2.3), which is located 100m south
of Area 2, is provided. Trap Area 2 (KD:A15) consists of
five walls arranged in two major groups. A southern
group consisted of four 20-40m long arc-shaped walls
linked to a number of natural rock walls while to the north
was a single 90m long arc-shaped wall, intersecting
natural walls. Trap Area 3 (KD:A14) consisted of four
continuous and discontinuous arc-shaped walls varying in
length between 30-40m. Each constructed wall intersected
a natural wall, while the two northern (seaward) walls
intersected each other. The northernmost of these walls
had a 2m wide gap. Trap Area 4 (KD:A13) consisted of
three arc-shaped walls which varied in length from ‘a
few’ up to 70m and larger walls intersected at least one
natural wall. Trap Area 5 (KD:B24) had two separate arcshaped walls. One was 25m long and both ends joined up
with natural rock walls while the other wall meandered
for 70m through mangroves before connecting with a
natural wall. It is possible that the walls McNiven
reported were the remnants of a larger, more extensive
trap complex. McNiven (1994: Figure 2.3, Figure 4.1) has
comprehensively mapped these sites.
Indigenous Fish Traps and Weirs of Queensland
Figure 28. Fish trap HH:A40 at Freshwater Point (Barker and Bernard 2007:Figure 19).
Figure 29. Excavated section of fish trap HH:A40 at Freshwater Point (Barker and Bernard 2007:Figure 21).
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Figure 30. Fish traps registered on the ICHD, Great Sandy Straits, southeast Queensland.
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Indigenous Fish Traps and Weirs of Queensland
Figure 31. Fish trap KD:A13 at Booral, Great Sandy Staits (DERM ICHD Slide Collection).
Figure 32. Fish trap KD:A14 at Booral, Great Sandy Staits (DERM ICHD Slide Collection).
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A semi-circular fish trap approximately 23.3m long
and 26m at its widest point is recorded at Point Vernon,
Hervey Bay (KD:B45). The height of the wall is up to
0.5m with two courses of flat slabs of stones. The wall
consists of outer slabs with smaller rock infill.
Observations by one of us (SU) note the presence of
wooden pylons at the eastern margin suggest that this
might be recent swimming enclosure rather than an
ancient fish trap.
A fish trap is recorded on the southeastern shore of
Lake Weyba (KC:E41). However its precise location is
uncertain and available details of the site are poor. The
rough sketch map of the site attached to the site card
raises some doubts as to the builders of this trap.
Photographs of the site held on file are not of assistance in
further defining the nature of the site. A stone wall
structure at Toorbul Point, near Bribie Island (LB:A37)
(Figures 33-34), is widely regarded as an Aboriginal fish
trap although its origins are uncertain. The structure is
arc-shaped, with a single wall 73m in length and 35m
across at its widest point with an average wall height of
around 30cm. A number of aquatic species including
various shellfish, crabs and prawns have been observed in
association with the structure (Hogan et al. 1992:Table 3).
There has been considerable debate as to whether the
structure is an Aboriginal or South Sea Islander
construction (Stockton 1975; Walters 1985), or a trap at
all (Anonymous 1990). No plan of this site has been made
but Connah and Jones (1983:Figure 2) have produced a
very clear aerial photograph of the site. Cleary (letter to
Alfredson 11 April 1995 in Alfredson 1995) identified the
remains of a trap, presumably stone, at Pebble Beach in
the Clontarf Bay area but insufficient details are provided
to assess the site. A stone wall trap at Tallebudgera Creek
(LA:A38) on the Gold Coast has been described as basalt
boulders arranged to form an oval enclosure 100m long
by 30m wide. However, photographic evidence (Black
1995: Plates 60-61) suggests the arrangement had either
eroded or was not designed for the purpose of harvesting
In southern Queensland, traps and weirs made of
organic materials appear to have been common in the
early days of settlement. Petrie (1904:72-73), for
example, described how fish were trapped in creeks along
the southeast coast in the mid-nineteenth century:
The narrow and shallow parts of a creek would be
blocked by stakes and bushes put across, and in this wall
of bushes two or three openings would be left wide
enough to permit of a blackfellow standing at each of
them with his hand net ready (of course, nets for fish
were much smaller than those for dugong). They would
not go near, however, until the tide was on the turn,
when they went and stood up to their necks in the water,
ready to catch the fish. As a net began to fill the owner
would close the mouth, and lifting up the pocket part, he
would catch hold of each fish in turn, and, putting the
head in his mouth, would give it a bite through the net to
kill it. All the fish being killed, and so unable to escape,
the man placed the net again in the opening, and stood
ready for more, and so they went on till the tide had
gone down, emptying their nets now and again, if they
got too heavy, by throwing the fish to the bank.
Matthew Flinders also observed a number of organic fish
traps near Clontarf Point (in Steele 1972:19).
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Most traps and weirs on the Queensland coast are isolated
structures and, in the case of traps, the majority have a
single pen. Almost all exceptions to this trend are found
north of Townsville. Multiple-pen traps occur at
Hinchinbrook, Goold and Palm Island on the east coast.
At Bayley Point, Point Parker and among the Wellesley
Islands in the Gulf of Carpentaria multiple-pen fish traps
are more common. In Torres Strait, and particularly on
Moa, Erub, Mer, Mabuiag and Ugar they in some cases
surround almost the entire coastline of the island. Of those
traps south of Hinchinbrook Island, only those at
Freshwater Point, Burnett Heads and Booral have two or
more pens. While these are multiple-pen traps, with the
exception of the Booral traps, they are not of the same
order of magnitude as the traps north of Townsville.
Nearly all the traps that are described have arc-shaped
walls. The Scraggy Point trap has funnel-shaped pens,
presumably meaning ‘V’- or ‘U’-shaped. The exception to
this regularity is the rectangular trap at Midge Point,
although Barker (1988:10) argued it is not of Aboriginal
construction. Some traps, for example, those at Moa,
Bayley Point, Scraggy Point and Woody Island appear to
have been built in stages since the traps have associated
walls or features that were partly buried or permanently
underwater at the time of recording. It therefore appears
that new traps may have been built as the coastline
changed, while older walls or features were abandoned.
Traps are usually located at points and estuaries and not
on open beaches. Traps and weirs on the leeward side of a
point or in an estuary are sheltered from the brunt of wave
and tidal action. Moreover, these are places that attract the
greatest diversity (although not necessarily number) of
aquatic fauna (see below).
Recorded organic weirs and traps are rare along the
coast. However, it is likely that organic traps and weirs
were more widespread but that natural processes have
resulted in poor preservation. Organic traps were
observed at Princess Charlotte Bay, Upstart Bay, among
the Wellesley Islands, and Clontarf Point. These
observations were made in the last century or the early
part of this century and no coastal organic trap or weir has
been recorded in the last 50 years.
There is some indication that Aboriginal people used
nets to harvest fish from traps and weirs. Roth (1901),
Jukes (1847), Flinders (1814) and Petrie (1904) referred
to nets being used in conjunction with traps or weirs at
Princess Charlotte Bay, Lefthand Branch Creek, Clontarf
Point and the southeast coast, respectively. While net
fishing was observed at traps, spearing or simply
collecting marooned fish was also common. Thomson
(1936) reported that poisoning, spearing, netting and line
fishing were used by people of the Gulf. Robins et al.
(1995:83, 1998) suggest that fish were speared in the
Bayley Point trap and Tindale (1974:111) indicated the
same for the Bentinck Island traps. Thompson (in Moore
1979) claimed people of Muralag harvested stranded fish
by hand.
Finally, certain traps along the coast were built or
maintained by non-Aboriginal people. As discussed
above, Barker (1988) argued that the traps at Midge Point
and, probably, Covering Creek were not of Aboriginal
construction. McGarry (1987) suggested that first
Aboriginal people, then South Sea Islanders of the
Indigenous Fish Traps and Weirs of Queensland
Figure 33. Fish traps registered on the ICHD, Great Sandy Straits, southeast Queensland.
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Figure 34. Fish trap LB:A37 at Toorbul Point, Great Sandy Staits (DERM ICHD Slide Collection).
Mackay region fished at the traps at McCready and
Reliance Creeks and the weir at Gallagher Creek. The
Reliance Creek trap was apparently used by Aboriginal
people until the 1930s, and then by South Sea Islanders in
the late 1940s and 1950s (McGarry 1987:59). South Sea
Islanders also maintained the weir at Gallagher Creek
(McGarry 1987:68). Likewise, Godwin (1992) was unable
to say whether the Burnett Heads trap was an Aboriginal
or South Sea Islander construction. There is genuine
confusion with regards to the origins of the Toorbul Point
trap with claims ranging from Aboriginal (Walters 1985),
to possibly South Sea Islander (Stockton 1975), or
European (Anonymous 1990).
Types and Distribution of Traps and Weirs: Inland
Gulf of Carpentaria
In the Gulf of Carpentaria Leichhardt passed two weirs,
the first a ‘fishing weir’ in a creek near the Gilbert River
(Leichhardt 1847:330) and the second in a mangrove
creek near the Leichhardt River ‘formed by many rows of
dry sticks’ (Leichhardt 1847:347). Wright (1988:Table 8)
also refers to Aboriginal people of the Leichhardt-Gilbert
district as driving fish into organic traps made from
boughs. Figure 35 illustrates the use of vegetation to form
a trap in a tidal estuary on Mornington Island. Stone wall
weirs in the ‘North-West Central Districts’ are described
by Roth (1897:Plate XI, 1901:23) which had a break in
the centre below which was a platform of woven grass
through which water rushed leaving fish stranded on the
platform. The platforms were built upon and surrounded
by stones, and were covered by boughs. Instead of, or
sometimes in addition to the platform, a net was fixed
32 | 2011 | Vol. 14 | q a r
with two sticks on the lower side of the break to catch
The Wik people of the Coen-Archer River region
apparently built weirs and traps in small creeks and
lagoons at the end of the dry season (McConnell
1930a:101), and decaying traps and weirs were located in
lagoons (Ornyauwa) south of the Archer River
(McConnell 1930b:198). They were used to catch fish as
they swam upstream after the rain, and as they returned.
Sutton (1994:39) notes that the Wik people of ‘earlier
times’ made fish traps, probably from brush.
An organic weir on the Mitchell River was reported
by Done (1929:68):
At the end of the wet season [fish] are caught by the
people in a way peculiar to themselves. A weir of green
bushes and grass is built across the stream, rising about
6 feet [1.82m] above the level of the water. This height
is necessary because the fish will leap over obstacles in
the path. A large hole is left in the centre of the
barricade above the water, and the upper side of this
hole is covered by a large basket arrangement.
Indigenous Fish Traps and Weirs of Queensland
Figure 35. Use of vegetation to form a trap in a tidal estuary on Mornington Island (Photograph: F. McCarthy).
Northeast Queensland
An arc-shaped stone wall fish trap has been reported on
the Mulgrave River (Bottoms 1990:11). Tenison-Woods
(1882) reported crossing this river in 1882 noting that it
was a great fishing station of the natives, perhaps because
it was the only one where dams could be conveniently
built. The Yidindji fish trap (FM:C08) is listed on the
ICHD but no description is provided. Roth (1901:23)
claimed baskets or cages were probably used to collect
fish caught in traps at the Mulgrave as well as at the
Russell and Barron Rivers. In 1885 Christie Palmerston
noted on the Beatrice River, a tributary of the North
Johnstone that:
holding fish. A trap was also found at a lake
approximately 3km west of Southwick that connects
Lolworth and Fletcher Creeks. The trap sat in a 27.5m
wide channel that connected two lakes and the two walls
converged to form a ‘V’, which regulated the flow of fish
between these lakes (FK:A24). Another site (FK:B27) is
listed as being in the eastern section of the Great Basalt
Wall 10km northwest of Lockwell but no further details
are provided. FE:A10 is described as a dam formed from
large boulders on Cheshire Station near Tambo.
Mulligan observed a weir being built, again of
unspecified materials, while crossing the St George River
in 1874:
aborigines have constructed a large fishery by damming
one of the channels, and having a tiny floodgate in its
centre, where they had fixed a long conically shaped
basket in which they entrap the fish (in Savage
[Aborigines] immediately abandoned a laborious piece
of work they were engaged at, in making a wing-dam
across a back bend or wing of the river in order to
poison the water with branches and leaves to catch fish
(in Jack 1921:434).
A stone wall weir 8m long by 50cm high (EL:A02) at
the base of a waterfall on Glenlofty Creek, a tributary of
the Burdekin River, has been reported by Brayshaw
(1977:621). This weir was supposedly used to catch black
bream (Acanthropagrus australis) at the end of the wet
season when floodwaters were receding.
Flecker (1951) describes two stone wall fish traps at
the Great Basalt Wall. In this location basalt rises in steplike formation to create rivulets that are full of fish during
the wet season and traps were apparently built to exploit
this seasonal abundance. The first trap consisted of
several narrow races about 60cm wide with walls
approximately 60cm high (FK:A23). A number of these
races were complex and some also had associated deep
holes which Flecker argued may have been used for
On the Normanby River in 1879 Jack (1921:488)
described a ‘native fishing station’ where the mouth of a
gully had been stopped by a fence of stakes and twisted
branches. Jack assumed that barramundi had been caught
in abundance because of ‘the heaps of large scales lying
Leichhardt (1847:188) came across an organic weir on
the Suttor River, where it had broken down into a series
of billabongs:
Rowland & Ulm
Recent camps of the natives were on each of them, and a
beaten path led from one to the other. A weir made of
sticks for catching fish crossed one of these holes. Bones
of large fish, turtle shells, and heaps of muscles, were
strewed round the fireplaces.
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Coyyan (1918) presents a particularly informative
description of the capture of fish on inland waterways and
rivers in the Tully area of north Queensland:
Fish play an important part with people. From the rivers
great quantities are caught. Their method is to form
small eddies with stones on the river rapids. Over the
rapids at certain times the fish will go in shoals. Just as
the day is beginning to dawn the fisherman and his mate
will noislessly [sic] approach the lower end of the rapid.
His device for throwing them out of the water is made
from the lawyer vine, and is in appearance like two big
fans joined together. The fisherman will walk in the
water and throw the fish on to the land with his
instrument, while his mate on land will secure the catch.
This work must be done quietly as possible, and it is
really wonderful how dexterous they are at the game. As
soon as the sun begins to rise this style of fishing is
I have known fisherman to catch over a hundredweight
of fish by this method in a remarkably short space of
time … The fish are placed in leaves and then baked in
hot ashes. When cooked the whole fish remains intact.
Central Queensland
In inland Queensland a stone wall weir is reported on the
Burke River within 1km of Boulia (BG:A01) with a wall
30m long and about 30cm wide. On the Georgina River,
Banfield (1909:53-54) described a large permanent
organic weir:
A tree had been felled across the stream so that the
respective bank supported each end of the trunk. Straight
stakes were driven firmly into the bed of the creek as
closely together as possible, the heads resting against the
horizontal tree trunk. This palisading formed the base of
an embankment of packed grass and rubbish, sufficiently
tight to raise the level of the stream about three feet
[90cm]. In the middle of the embankment and about one
foot [30cm] below water level a hole about one foot
square had been cut. A platform about ten feet [3m] long
by three feet wide [90cm], having a fall of about one
foot and formed of a number of straight saplings laid
parallel with the stream, and supported by a couple of
transverse bearers on four stout forked sticks received
the escape from the sluice. At the lower end of the
platform was a rough weir of twisted grass that was
continued up each side for about half its length. Water
passed with little hindrance through the platform, while
jew-fish, yellow-tail and bream were retained in
considerable numbers.
South Queensland
McKinlay (186?:69) observed a ‘native fishing weir’ on
one of the Diamantina River channels in 1862. In 1847,
Kennedy observed Aboriginal people camped at a ‘rocky
ford’ on the Barcoo River (Beale 1983:133), but it is
uncertain whether this was a natural or artificial feature.
At Gray’s Creek, near the Queensland border, William
Wills (1863:195) described an organic trap in 1861:
At the upper end of the creek we found in its bed what
appeared to be an arrangement for catching fish: it
consisted of a small oval mud paddock about twelve feet
[3.6m] by eight feet [2.4m], the sides of which were
about nine inches [22.8cm] above the bottom of the
hole, and the top of the fence covered with long grass, so
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arranged that the ends of the blades overhung scantily by
several inches the sides of the hole.
Dargin (1976:22) identified similar mud pens in use in the
Darling-Barwon district during times of low water.
In 1845, Sturt came upon a lake in the Cooper Creek
district where ‘a line of poles ran across it’ (Sturt
1849:36). The lake had ‘native paths’ and huts associated
with it but it is unclear whether the line of poles was a
device for catching birds or fish. Stone wall fish traps
have been recorded in Cooper Creek, near Nappamerrie
Station which were just covered by water at the time of
recording (CB:A10). A stone wall weir (DC:A08) was
observed on Thylungra Homestead east of Kyabra Creek,
a tributary of Cooper Creek and a stone artefact scatter
was found nearby.
Traps were observed on the Bulloo River in 1861,
at the northern termination of the water-hole, where the
creek branched with insignificant channels, numbers of
ingeniously-constructed fishing dams showed that the
natives derived a considerable sustenance from its
waters (Wright 1862:518).
In the Channel Country trapping was important and
fish were penned for future use:
[The Aborigines] went to a great deal of trouble to trap
game and fish. In the streams, and watercourses
especially in the deeper permanent holes he constructed
traps; some were huge affairs built of stone or stiffly
staked woven reeds resembling small pens. In these pens
were mustered fish by the hundreds in good seasons, and
hence they were kept alive - and fat - until required for a
feast (Duncan-Kemp 1968:275).
Two stone wall weirs have been recorded on the
Bulloo River. No details of the first trap (EC:A15) are
provided other than noting an association with the
Bunthamarra people. The second trap (EB:A01), known
as the Piastre trap, was observed in 1972 on Manu Manu
Creek, one of the branches of the Bulloo south of Quilpie
(Rowlands and Rowlands 1972:10) (Figure 36). This trap
was situated on a rocky bar near two permanent
billabongs and consisted of four banks of stones 70-80cm
high. The first two banks extended from either side of the
creek to within 1m of each other, while the other banks
were on the upstream side of the 1m gap and curved
away, forming two large enclosures. The banks thus acted
to channel fish into the 1m gap where, presumably, nets
or cages were set. The trap was in good condition in 1972
but had been degraded by successive floods.
The Piastre trap (EB:A01) has recently been recorded
in detail by Richter et al. (2006). They note the presence
of eight other sites in the area including seven artefact
scatters/camp sites and a stone arrangement. The fish trap
is on Manu Manu Creek approximately 7km upstream of
the junction with the Bulloo River.
In all, about 150m of stone walls were identified and
mapped (Figure 37). They consisted of arcs, V-shapes and
a circle with stone walls ranging from 20cm to 70cm in
height. A downstream main wall 60m long crosses the
creek in an arc at right angles running almost from bankto-bank. Two further arcs, one on the north side of the
Indigenous Fish Traps and Weirs of Queensland
Figure 36. Fish trap EB:A01 (the Piastre trap) on Manu Manu Creek, south of Quilpie (DERM ICHD Slide
Figure 37. Plan of fish trap EB:A01 (the Piastre trap) on Manu Manu Creek, south of Quilpie (DERM ICHD
Slide Collection).
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creek measuring 30m and a southern one 38m long meet
up with the main wall in the centre of the creek. These
two walls provide a V-shape to force fish through the
centre of the main wall. The main walls provide a v-shape
to force fish through the centre of the main wall. The
main wall has two openings. Either side of these openings
are piles of rocks which according to Richter et al. (2006)
may have been used to either close the trap when being
used or block the southern channel after water and fish
have entered a holding pond between the southern Vshaped arc and the main wall through back flow from the
main channel. A small stone circle, about 2.5m in
diameter, was also noted on the edge of the upper pool
and may have operated as a trap.
Richter et al. (2006) found that some damage had
occurred at the site from its first recording in 1972. This is
generally attributed to flood damage which has moved
stones and decreased the height of the stone walls.
In August 2008 the then Department of Natural
Resources and Water, the Mardigan Aboriginal
Traditional Owners and the landowners of Piastre Station
signed off on a Cultural Heritage Management Plan to
manage an area covering 20 hectares which should ensure
the ongoing management of this site.
An organic weir (HC:A42) was recorded at Snake
Creek, southeast of Roma where it was noted the weir
was associated with a group of axe-grinding grooves.
Richardson (1983) described two stone wall fish traps
between Cunnamulla and St George. The first at Balonne
River (HB:A02) was destroyed in 1949 to make a
European weir. The second at Nebine Creek (FA:A12)
had been damaged in the early 1980s for similar purposes.
Mitchell (1848:103) observed ‘a native fishing fence’
while crossing the Narran River in 1846, and noted that
access to this weir was gained by means of ‘a beaten
track’. A site in the Chinchilla area (JC:A93) is listed as a
weir but it is difficult to determine the nature of the site
from the description.
Petrie (1904:74) described the capture of freshwater
eels in Queensland’s southeast:
fresh water eels were gradually caught in times of
drought ... At other times [Aborigines] would dam a
small portion of water with mud banks, leaving openings
in each wall, and then, when the eels (or fish) went
through, the holes would be blocked and small hand nets
used to scoop up the fish; or they were speared.
Petrie (1904:73) specifically mentioned traps at North
Pine River:
the portion of the North Pine River near where the
railway bridge now crosses was known by that name
[mandin], for it was a great place for fish, and the blacks
used to have a breakwater of bushes built there.
Oxley (in Steele 1972:107) also observed a weir on Pine
River in 1823. Flinders noted organic traps at Clontarf
Point (see above).
A dichotomy occurs in the nature of traps and weirs east
and west of the Great Dividing Range. Weirs are reported
more often than traps east of the Great Dividing Range,
while traps are more commonly reported west of the
range, particularly in southwest Queensland. There are
36 | 2011 | Vol. 14 | q a r
some traps east of the Great Dividing Range in North
Queensland (Barron, Mulgrave, Russell and Tully Rivers)
but these are matched in number by weirs. This
dichotomy does not apply to building materials, where
there is a similar proportion of stone and organic traps on
either side of the Great Dividing Range. Some traps and
weirs may have been built to capture food that was in
temporary abundance. For example, most waterways of
the southwest only flow at certain times of the year and
otherwise become disconnected waterholes. Fish
generally spawn in those periods when water flow is at a
maximum. It would therefore be reasonable to assume
that some traps and weirs were built in times when fish
were most active and conditions for catching them at their
best. Baskets, cages and platforms seem to have been
used to collect aquatic fauna, although spearing or
collecting marooned fish was also possible. Baskets or
cages were observed at many traps in north Queensland
while platforms were observed in central Queensland and
the Gulf. Nets were used in southeast Queensland and
sometimes in the Gulf, instead of platforms. In the case of
southeast Queensland, it is unclear how far inland nets
were used, given Petrie’s (1904) silence on the precise
distribution of fishing techniques.
Interpretation and Discussion
Aboriginal, Non-Aboriginal or Natural Construction?
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people may have
built traps and weirs in Australia since at least the early
Holocene (Head 1989) and perhaps earlier. At Lake
Condah in Victoria, for example, Head (1989) notes that
some traps could have been operable from at least 8000
years ago, but were perhaps only associated with
continuous occupation in the last 2000 years. Attempts to
directly date the antiquity of the traps have met with
limited success, with hints of a mid-Holocene age
(McNiven et al. 2009). However, since 1788 no less than
four groups have built or used traps and weirs in
Queensland including Aboriginal people, Torres Strait
Islanders, South Sea Islanders, and other non-Aboriginal
peoples (including Europeans). A fish trap or weir has a
limited number of potential forms and none of these could
be considered to be characteristic of a single group.
Aboriginal, Torres Strait Islander and South Sea Islander
people as well as non-Aboriginal people all built ‘V’-or
arc-shaped traps (Codrington 1891:318; Hornell
1950:153-157; Jenkins 1974:7). The exception is that
Europeans occasionally made their traps in a square shape
(Barker 1988; Colhoun and Piper 1982; Godwin 1988;
Hornell 1950:85; McGarry 1987:v), while no known
Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander traps were made in
this shape. Nonetheless, there is no evidence that
Europeans exclusively made square traps.
The problem of classification is compounded by the
many instances in which different groups used the same
trap or weir over time. For example, South Sea Islanders
had knowledge of traps and weirs or had fishing
techniques taught to them by Aboriginal or Torres Strait
Islanders (Gistitin 1995:19; Mercer 1995:30,179). As a
consequence, South Sea Islanders occasionally caught
fish in abandoned Aboriginal traps, built their own traps
and remodelled or maintained Aboriginal traps (Clive
Moore, Department of History, University of Queensland,
pers. comm., 1996).
Indigenous Fish Traps and Weirs of Queensland
The location of a trap or weir may be identified from
historical documents. For example, Bird (1987:50) was
able to identify the location of a weir, which has now
disappeared, as being at Lefthand Branch Creek in
Upstart Bay (see above). Oral history may also assist in
identifying traps and weirs. For example, Britnell
(1991:56-57), through discussions with the local
Aboriginal community, was able to identify and date a
stone wall trap at Nob Point, Cape Bedford. He reported
that the Aboriginal residents of the mission built the trap
after World War II, but had not used traps and weirs
previously. Unfortunately, historical documents and oral
histories dealing with traps and weirs are not common.
Neither historical documents, oral histories nor dating of a
trap or weir is helpful in identifying those people who
may have actually used a structure.
As discussed above it is possible for a trap or weir to
have been built and used by one group and subsequently
maintained and used by another. The stone structure at
Toorbul Point (LB:A37) sits in the intertidal zone, has a
low stone wall in the shape of an arc and fits the general
description of an Aboriginal fish trap. However, Mr
James Clark, whose family owns the land at Toorbul
Point, claimed his grandfather directed South Sea Islander
labourers to build the structure for the purpose of farming
oysters (Anonymous 1990). Walters (1985:44-45) has
argued that the Toorbul Point structure is an Aboriginal
trap by virtue of it having been used by an Aborigine (Ms
Ann Birt) to capture fish. The abundance of nearby
middens containing fish bone might also lend credence to
this view (see below).
A further problem is that other arrangements of stone
are occasionally mistaken for fish traps (e.g. McNiven
2003; Walshe 1996; Woodford 1996). For example, it is
likely that the fish trap identified at Tallebudgera Creek
(LA:A38) served some other purpose. Photographs of the
‘trap’ (Black 1995:Plates 60,61) suggest it either was not
designed for the purpose of capturing aquatic resources or
has greatly eroded. The ‘trap’ at Sunset Bay (HH:A16)
and the weirs at Pioneer River are also unlikely to have
been built for the purposes of trapping. The second-hand
description of the Sunset Bay site, its reported location
and photographs of the structure make it unlikely that this
is a trap (McGarry 1987:Plates 9,10). Close analysis of
the photographs (McGarry 1987:Plates 7,8) leads to a
similar conclusion for at least one of the Pioneer River
weirs. The stones appear to be natural deposits. There is
no apparent structure or arrangement of stones and there
is no size sorting of stones that might be expected in the
case of a stone trap or weir.
The problems of identifying the function and builders
of stone arrangements are many and varied and have not
been addressed in detail by researchers. A partial solution
to this problem is to set in place a convention for
recording traps and weirs. This will avoid unnecessary
confusion by establishing the defining traits of traps and
weirs. A recording convention will also result in
uniformity of collected data and allow better comparison
between sites. Suggested criteria for recording traps and
weirs are set out in Table 2.
The Origin of Traps and Weirs
The apparently simple structure of traps and weirs
suggests that they could have been locally invented on a
Rowland & Ulm
number of occasions. However, the widespread
distribution of traps and weirs among fishing
communities of the world (Connaway 2007; Hornell
1950:136,153-157; Jenkins 1974) might also imply the
possibility of a common origin. McCarthy (1940), for
example, argued that traps and weirs entered Australia via
Torres Strait with a number of other imports in the
Holocene. McConnell (1930a:97-100) noted that the Wik
people of Cape York showed signs of prolonged contact
with Papuan people and claimed that a legendary group of
people called the pulwaiya had taught the Wik how to
build and use traps (McConnell 1930b:187).
Throughout the Wellesley Islands it is generally
believed that traps (Lardil: derndernym; Kaiadilt:
ngurruwarra) were built by mythic ancestors. The North
Wellesley Islanders believe the first Lardil people –
Maarnbil, Jirnjirn and Diwaldiwal – who brought culture
and language to Mornington Island, shaped their traps.
The Kaiadilt view is that the original construction of the
many traps in the South Wellesleys is attributed to Bujuku
(Black Crane) and Kaarrku (Seagull), but that older
people also recall the contributions of human labour in
building and maintaining the traps. In the vicinity of
Bayley Point and Point Parker on the mainland coast, the
rocks comprising fish traps are believed to be the flesh of
the Bijarrba (Dugong) Dreaming ancestor (Memmott and
Trigger 1998:112-114; see also Memmott et al. 2008).
The issue of origins is complex and remains to be
addressed by further research. Some archaeologists
support the view that most items of Aboriginal material
culture were local innovations, while others hold that new
implements and technology were brought into Australia
by diffusion of ideas or migrations of people (e.g. Flood
1988:196). O’Connor and Veth (2000:128-129) see the
construction of fish traps as a probable late Holocene
innovation since reef systems that support them were
probably not sufficiently developed in most areas prior to
the late Holocene. They note that these issues are
important but elude us because of the difficulty of dating
fish traps. In some areas traps and weirs could have been
a local innovation or an import, or both. The dating of
traps and weirs may resolve some issues relating to this
problem (see below).
Distribution of Traps and Weirs
There were 179 traps and weirs recorded on the
Queensland Indigenous Cultural Heritage Database as of
April 2010 (Appendix A). Of the 179 reported traps and
weirs, 159 sites were located on the coast and 20 inland.
Figure 1 and associated insets show their distribution
throughout Queensland. They were widely distributed
across Queensland during the frontier period (e.g. Roth
1901:23), and presumably before the arrival of nonIndigenous people. Traps and weirs occurred in some
parts of the State more often than they did others, or at
least have been reported more often in some areas.
Coastal traps and weirs are rare south of Mackay,
which is in marked contrast to the relative abundance of
traps and weirs to the north between Mackay and Cairns.
A possible explanation for this is that Mackay marks the
southern limit of protected, low energy coastlines. The
Capricorn Channel is a break in the Barrier Reef southeast
of Mackay that focuses the tide-wave between latitudes
21 to 23S into Broad Sound creating spring tides of 6-
q a r | Vol. 14 | 2011 | 37
Table 2. Identification checklist for fish traps and weirs.
A trap is any structure having a length and shape that creates a pen or comprising at least two walls joined at a
right angle. It is an artificial object.
A weir is a wall that seals natural conduits of water such as streams, creeks, coves and so forth. The wall may
include natural features.
General Guidelines
1. Record the location of the trap or weir using a GPS or on a map or, if a map is not on hand, take care to
record how to get to the site so that others can pinpoint it on a map.
2. Report the find to the Department of Environment and Resource Management, Cultural Heritage
Coordination Unit. People often neglect to report a find because they think it is unimportant or somebody
may have already reported it. Even if the authorities do know of the site, it is valuable for them to know its
present condition.
3. Try to photograph or at least draw a picture of the trap/weir. The more images the Department of
Environment and Resource Management, Cultural Heritage Coordination Unit has of a trap or weir available
the more useful the information become to future researchers and Indigenous communities.
4. Record as much information as you can; often it is the details left out of a file or report that are important.
5. Any measurement taken of a trap should be explained – it is important to record what the measurement
represents, how it was taken and even where it was taken.
Checklist 1: Traps
1. Describe trap. Is the trap an arc, square, ‘V’, maze, or other shape? Is it a single trap or part of a complex? Is
it made of stone or organic materials?
2. Photograph or draw the trap. Try to get as many images as possible, including an overall view of the
structure. Draw attention to any unusual features. If possible, use a scale (something standard size like a
ruler, pen, clipboard etc).
3. Measure wall length. If wall is unbroken, nominate one end as a datum and measure to other end. If wall is
broken, nominate a datum and measure remnant walls as well as the intervening gaps.
4. Measure apex. The apex of a trap is the longest line from the trap’s outer termination to intersect a line
connecting the trap’s landward edges. That is:
5. Measure width. Measuring the trap’s maximum width is generally sufficient.
6. Measure wall height. The wall should be measured for its maximum, minimum and average heights. It does
not matter what dimensions you measure (i.e. top of wall to bottom of wall, or top of wall to ground) as long
as they are clearly identified and used for each measurement. Count the number of stone courses.
7. Calculate area of enclosure. This is a simple calculation of area namely, length x width.
8. Describe the wall. Of what is the wall made? Does it have any unusual features? Does the wall have shellfish
colonies growing on it?
9. Describe the pen. Is the floor sandy, rocky, vegetated? Does it have any unusual features? If there is more
than one pen, are they the same depth?
10. Describe the context. Is the trap on a mudflat, open beach, tidal inlet, estuary, floodplain? Is there any other
archaeological material in the immediate area?
11. Describe the condition. Does the trap appear run-down? Are there any agents contributing to its degradation
(e.g. animals, erosion, human interference etc)?
12. Assess potential impact. Is the trap in a location where people will visit it on a regular basis? Is the trap likely
to be affected by human activity?
38 | 2011 | Vol. 14 | q a r
Indigenous Fish Traps and Weirs of Queensland
Table 2. Identification checklist for fish traps and weirs.
Checklist 2: Weirs
1. Describe the weir. Is it a single wall? Is it organic or stone?
2. Photograph or draw the weir. Try to get as many images as possible, including an overall view of the
structure. Draw attention to any unusual features. If possible, use a scale (something standard size like a
ruler, pen, clipboard etc).
3. Measure wall length. Nominate a datum and measure from this point. If the wall is broken, measure the
length of the remnant wall and the intervening gaps.
4. Measure wall height. The wall should be measured for its maximum, minimum and average heights. As with
traps, a standard should be set and used for each measurement. Count the number of stone courses.
5. Describe the wall. Of what is the wall made? Does it have any unusual features? Does the wall have shellfish
growing on it?
6. Describe the context. Is it in a stream, creek, inlet? Is it near any other features, like an estuary, river,
waterfall? Is there any other archaeological material in the immediate area?
7. Describe the condition. Is the weir in a state of disrepair? Are there agents of disrepair still affecting the
8. Assess potential impact. Is the weir in a location visited by people on a regular basis? Will the activities of
people affect the weir?
9m (Pickard et al. 1977:21). Such a range in tides would
damage all but the most protected of traps in a relatively
short period of time. Nevertheless, the general absence of
traps and weirs continues south of 23S, which means that
high tidal range is not the only factor contributing to the
absence of traps and weirs. The Swain Reef terminates at
225'S creating surf beaches south of this point. As a
consequence few locations south of 225'S have the same
protection as the coast north of 21S, a situation that
would militate against the placing of traps. An added
pressure on traps and weirs south of 21S has been
sustained and widespread development of the region. The
single major concentration of traps and weirs south of
21S is in the Great Sandy Strait at Booral, which is
protected from extreme surf conditions by Fraser Island.
The intensive use of the southeast corner of the State
since 1824 may have destroyed some other traps and
weirs in the region. For example, stone may have been
removed from traps and weirs to be used for other
purposes as it has from similar structures around Australia
(e.g. Gill 1970:30; Massola 1969:78-79; McGarry
development has concentrated in specific areas and has
not been uniform along the coast. Therefore development
can not be the only reason for the apparent absence of
traps and weirs in the State’s southeast corner. It may be
that traps and weirs were infrequently constructed in this
part of the State.
Fish traps in the Gulf of Carpentaria are located
among the Wellesley Islands group and on the adjacent
mainland at Point Parker and Bayley Point. There is an
apparent absence of traps and weirs elsewhere in the Gulf
although weirs have been observed in a few rivers. Their
apparent absence may be due in part to a lack of survey in
these other areas, although it is unlikely sites of such
dimensions as those described above would have been
overlooked. Other explanations must therefore be
considered. Across the Gulf region Memmott and Trigger
Rowland & Ulm
(1998:114) estimate a total of 334 individual traps
(located at 108 sites) on the islands and along the
mainland coast. In general most of the smaller islands
have a relatively dense distribution of traps and sites.
Bentinck Island is enormously rich in this respect with an
average of one site every 0.9km, and a figure of one trap
per 0.4km. In contrast on Mornington Island there is one
site for roughly every 20km of coastline. The range in
tides found throughout the Gulf might account for the
absence of traps and weirs on open sections of the coast.
Tides range from 2.4m at Weipa to 3.2m at Karumba
(Rhodes 1980:33) and given the magnitude of these tides
it is not surprising that traps and weirs might only survive
in sheltered positions like Point Bayley or Point Parker,
and the leeward side of the islands. Nevertheless, there
are many other protected areas in the Gulf region that do
not appear to have an associated trap or weir.
Alternatively, Memmott et al. (2008) have suggested that
differences in fish trap distribution might be related to a
greater dependence on this technology amongst Kaiadilt
on the south Wellesley Islands. The southern coast of the
Gulf is characterised by a narrow mangrove fringe and
extremely wide, arid salt pans (Munro 1972:14), while the
remainder is sandy beach. Boulders of ferruginous laterite
can be found (Robins et al. 1995:8, 1998), but in general
stone for making traps is limited. This is consistent with
the observations of Leichhardt (1847) and Thomson
(1936) that weirs in this area were also made of wood and
that many other items of material culture were made of
organic materials. Therefore, it is possible that traps and
weirs were more widespread in the Gulf but, being
organic, have disappeared.
There does not appear to be any obvious pattern to the
distribution of traps and weirs in inland Queensland.
Traps and weirs are found throughout inland Queensland
with the exception of the Mitchell Grass Downs, where
they are conspicuously absent. Traps and weirs do not
appear inland with the same frequency as they do on the
coast. It is unclear why this would be the case although it
q a r | Vol. 14 | 2011 | 39
is possible that traps and weirs of inland Queensland were
mostly made of organic materials and therefore have since
degraded. In some areas other fishing techniques may
have been important but have left no structural evidence.
It is also likely that aquatic fauna of inland waterways do
not have the wide distribution or relative abundance that
they do on the coast and therefore, traps and weirs were
localised. This explanation would apply to the seasonal
waterways in the State’s southwest but is less useful in
explaining the relatively few traps and weirs reported on
the perennial waterways of the Gulf or east of the Great
Dividing Range. Here, however, regular seasonal flooding
may have destroyed all but major traps and weirs. Social
factors also played an important role in the placement of
traps and weirs and these are discussed below.
The Function of Traps and Weirs
It is generally argued that traps and weirs are productive,
labour intensive, efficient or reliable and in some cases all
of the above. Some of these assumptions may be correct,
others incorrect or exaggerated, while each is in need of
closer study.
It is widely assumed that traps and weirs increase a
group’s food supply (Balme 1983:31; Barker 1992b:53;
Campbell 1978:129; Coleman 1982:9; Harris 1977:458459; Sutton 1986:12; Trigger 1987:79-80) and at
extensive traps like those at Bayley Point, Point Parker or
Scraggy Point this was probably the case. However, the
majority of traps found in Queensland are small, having a
single- or, occasionally, double-pen, while weirs are a
single wall and these smaller devices may not have
increased a group’s food supply in any significant way. It
has been assumed that trapping results in the growth of
fish production (Campbell 1978; Coleman 1982; Walters
1985). However, while it is the case that production goes
up a step, it is not the case that it continues to increase.
On the other hand, trapping is a technique that raises the
probability of a return but does not guarantee it. This is
apparent from a study of returns from fish traps in
Western Australia (Smith 1983). In this study it was
demonstrated that while fish traps increased potential
harvest they did not increase production per se. It also
implies that people were looking for certainty of return or
variety to their diet, or both. It further demonstrated that
trapping was just one way among many of getting food
and that trapping is only effective at times of the year
when fish are available to be caught.
There is also no reason to assume that traps and weirs
require high levels of organised labour. Building or
maintaining a trap or weir is not necessarily labour
intensive (Avery 1976:109; Coutts et al. 1978:33; Smith
1983:32; Stockton 1982:112). Traps have sometimes been
dismantled when they are to go unused for a time to
prevent the unnecessary waste of food (Smith 1983:31).
The efficiency and reliability of a trap or weir is directly
related to its condition and one that falls into disrepair is
neither efficient nor reliable. Trapping requires that labour
is spent on maintenance but this does not have to be
continuous. For example, Bird et al. (1995:7) and Altman
(1983:63) both described traps and weirs that were
maintained on a yearly basis.
It would seem that relying exclusively on a trap or
weir to capture fish would not significantly improve a
return. This is a relevant point when discussing the
40 | 2011 | Vol. 14 | q a r
contribution of trapping to the contents of an
archaeological deposit (e.g. Barham 1981:14-15; Harris et
al. 1985:47). Trap complexes such as those at Point
Parker, Bayley Point and Scraggy Point, as well as
Brewarrina, Toolondo and Lake Condah probably did
provide large returns, requiring a considerable degree of
social and economic organisation (cf. Altman 1983;
Birdsell 1971:344; Daley 1931:25; Dargin 1976:32; Head
1989; Jukes 1847:182; Robins et al. 1995:83, 1998).
Nevertheless traps and weirs are at least partially an
automatic means of obtaining food, therefore reducing
effort and time spent (after construction) and increasing
probability of some return. Nevertheless fish traps were
culturally important. On Sweers Island, for example, a
dulmarra dangka (senior influential male member of the
owning patriclan) would traditionally camp close to
certain fish traps, to be on guard against wungiji dangka,
‘stealing men’ – other persons who might sneak in to steal
fish and other foods from the traps (Memmott and Trigger
Intertidal zones along the coast can contain stone
arrangements with features similar but not identical to
fishtraps. These generally comprise small stones (usually
less than 20cm in diameter) arranged in curvi-linear lines
and range in area from less than 100m2 to large
complexes covering thousands of square metres. They are
located on recent (late Holocene) marine sands and muds
in quite backwater areas, usually open areas behind
mangrove forest near the upper high-water mark. While
many of the sites incorporate funnel-, V- and U-shaped
features characteristic of tidal fishtraps they are unlikely
to function simply as ‘subsistence’ facilities. McNiven
(2004:339:Figures 2-3, Plates 1-2) identifies four features
suggesting they were not conducive to catching fish. First,
many of the V- and U-shaped features are small in area
and face the wrong direction to trap fish (i.e. apertures
face the sea). Second, stones forming the sites are often
spaced apart with no inter-linking walls as would be
necessary to trap fish. Third, many of the stone features,
such as circles, cairns, and complex mazes, provide no
technical aid to trapping. Fourth, the sites tend to be
located near the high-water mark areas inundated only
episodically with shallow water during exceptionally
large tides.
McNiven (2004:339) argues that these inter-tidal stone
arrangements were engineered to engage with local tidal
waters and tidal forces that were critical to local
Aboriginal subsistence and mobility. Tidal waters nourish
the vast mangrove forest and mudflats of the region that
were key sources of animal and plant foods. In addition,
understanding tidal movements was essential for
scheduling use of the sea, especially the hazardous and
lengthy voyages to offshore islands.
Factors Affecting the Location of Traps and Weirs:
Environment and Behaviour
A number of environmental factors were important in
determining the location of a trap or weir with the most
obvious factor being the availability of aquatic fauna.
That is, if there were no fish then there was no point in
building a trap or weir. Moreover, the chance that a trap
or weir will catch fish improves with the number of
species using the area and the frequency with which they
visit (e.g. Thomson 1938:195-196). The ideal location for
Indigenous Fish Traps and Weirs of Queensland
a trap or weir is therefore where there are a high number
of species that frequently use the area.
Tides and wave action influence the placing of traps
and weirs (Avery 1976:109; also Bird 1992). A trap or
weir wall must be high enough to be above water at low
tide and thick enough to resist tidal and wave action,
which would otherwise undermine the structure. The
continual action of tides and waves will damage or
destroy a trap or weir in a short time and such structures
in a strong tidal or wave zone must be maintained at
regular intervals. Therefore, traps and weirs are often
placed to make use of natural features that reduce wear.
Coastal traps and weirs are usually located on a point,
estuary or mudflat and are also common in the vicinity of
reefs (cf. Martin 1988:79). They are also found in
sheltered areas such as the lee side of islands that also
attract fish to forage or breed. Thus placing a trap or weir
according to natural features can increase the diversity of
the yield (e.g. Coutts et al. 1978:24-25, Memmott n.d. b).
Time of year also plays a part in the productivity of a trap
or weir. For example, weirs were probably built to capture
fish as they moved into estuaries or intertidal streams to
spawn. The return from traps and weirs can vary with the
movement of fish. Smith (1983:33) argued that part of the
reason the Malagun fish trap produced a low yield at the
time of recording was because it was the wrong season for
Since behaviour consists of intangible things like
motivation, incentive, preference and expectation it is
difficult to determine what motivated people to build traps
and weirs. Nevertheless, some behavioural factors can be
inferred from the location of a trap or weir. It is obvious
that people would not build a trap or weir unless fish were
part of their diet. It may not follow, however, that those
aquatic resources were a dominant or even major dietary
staple of the people who built the trap or weir in question.
Nevertheless, it is possible to calculate the importance of
aquatic resources in a past diet, relative to other
components (Collier and Hobson 1987; Noli and Avery
1988). Using a trap or weir can increase the variety of
resources included in a diet and this is an important part
of any diet (e.g. Jochim 1976:19-21). The nutritional
value of a resource includes meat weight, protein content
and energy content with taste being a social equivalent. If
people are out foraging for other resources while a trap or
weir is left to capture fish, there is potential for a wide
array of foods in the diet. If foragers catch or gather what
they were after (or even catch or gather something they
were not after), and the trap or weir catches some fish, the
foragers will have a variety of foods.
The number of traps or weirs in an area may relate to
the size of the population that was exploiting resources.
As argued above, traps and weirs act to increase
production per unit area therefore the more traps or weirs
servicing a region, the greater the chance of a return. This,
in turn, can be used to accommodate a large population.
Nevertheless, it does not follow that a lot of traps mean a
large resident population. It may be those additional traps
and weirs were built to service temporarily large
populations, as might be the case in ceremonies or
meetings. Large gatherings of Aboriginal people were
frequently reported throughout Queensland for such
events (e.g. Morwood 1986; Petrie 1904; Sullivan 1977).
Rowland & Ulm
In sum, a trap will increase the size of a catch
compared to previous levels but will not continue to
increase production. Further, such devices will raise the
chance of catching some food but will not guarantee it
and people must continue to look for food elsewhere. It
seems a trap or weir is limited in what it can provide by a
number of factors including design, position and
availability of prey. Ultimately the device should be
thought of as a back-up to existing foraging strategies
rather than an infallible, automatic provider of resources.
Nevertheless, the existence of a trap or weir in the
archaeological record can be used to interpolate certain
behavioural as well as foraging techniques.
Dating Traps and Weirs
The dating of traps is an ongoing problem in archaeology
and relative dating methods are currently the most
commonly used method. To date, this has largely been
achieved through analysis of environmental conditions or
inferences drawn from the content of adjacent
archaeological deposits. McNiven (1994:Appendix C), for
example, attempted to date the traps at Booral by absolute
methods but without success. He argued that shellfish
growing on rocks used to build the wall might be
preserved within its interstices. Unfortunately he did not
find shell in his excavations and concluded that any
residue had long since eroded (see Dortch et al. 2006 for a
similar attempt in the southwest of Western Australia).
Physical environmental changes have also been used
to estimate the age of traps and weirs. Head (1989), for
example, estimated that fish traps at Lake Condah, in
western Victoria, may have been built prior to 8000 BP
and were most probably built after 4000 BP when the lake
was at its peak and probably used in the last 2000 years
with continuous occupation. Builth et al. (2008:423) more
recently have suggested that damming of the lake and
construction of the associated weir was undertaken c.4600
years ago. However, it is unlikely that all 78 traps were
built at the one time (cf. Coutts et al. 1978:180-181; Van
Waarden and Wilson 1994). A series of traps at Broke
Inlet on the Shannon River, Western Australia, which no
longer function because a nearby sand bar was protecting
the inlet from tidal movement has been dated by Dortch
(1997:28) to the arrival of the sand bar at 4000 BP (Dix
and Meagher 1976:180-181).
It is common for archaeologists to claim that a nearby
midden is the same age as the fish trap with which it is
associated, or even results from a trap or weir and
therefore is the same age as the midden (e.g. Campbell
1982:105; Colhoun and Piper 1982:118; Martin 1988:83;
Ulm 2004, 2006; Vale 2000). However developing a
convincing method to demonstrate such an association
has yet to be devised. A review of the Booral traps and
middens by Bowen (1998) used both environmental
context and change in the archaeological deposit in an
attempt to date the traps. The strength of this combined
environmental-behavioural dating is a degree of
resolution greater than environment or behaviour would
provide if considered alone. If further experiment shows
the approach to be viable, archaeologists will be able to
establish chronologies for other traps and weirs therefore
enabling them to address broader issues such as the origin
of these structures.
q a r | Vol. 14 | 2011 | 41
Managing Traps and Weirs
Traps and weirs on the coast and inland waterways of
Queensland are a rare site type. Traps with more than one
pen occur only in the Torres Strait islands, the southern
Gulf of Carpentaria, Hinchinbrook Island and at Booral.
Stone weirs are even less common than traps. Most weirs
were made of organic materials and have long since
decayed. Environmental erosion and/or development will
impact over time on the remaining traps and weirs thus
making it essential that known structures be thoroughly
recorded and managed. Enhanced climate and sea-level
changes may hasten the impact of these factors (Rowland
1989, 1992, 1996).
If a trap or weir is located on land or shorelines that
have particular values (i.e. aesthetic, economic, military,
political or social) then the structure is at risk. A trap or
weir may be protected while its surrounding area is
developed but it can be the side effects of development
that cause the most damage to a site. For example,
development may increase the traffic of people through an
area, thus impacting on a trap or weir. Further, developing
the environment of a trap or weir can sometimes change
conditions that previously protected the structure (cf. Bird
1996b:4). Protecting and monitoring a trap or weir must
therefore continue after developers have modified an area.
Protecting a trap or weir can be as simple as fencing off
an area or the placement of signs. Spot-checking of a trap
or weir after its immediate area has been developed is
important as a way of monitoring the ongoing impacts of
development. With few exceptions, traps and weirs in
Queensland have been crisis-managed. In most cases
where development has threatened a trap or weir, the
investigating archaeologist has identified the structure as
‘significant’ and developers have been directed to avoid
it. Such limited intervention is, to some extent,
unavoidable. No government department or local
government authority has the resources required to
monitor each archaeological site in Queensland on a
regular basis. However, these factors need not be in
conflict with a pro-active management strategy as
demonstrated by Border’s (1996) plan for the Scraggy
Point fish traps.
People have been visiting Scraggy Point for years. It is
a popular location for recreational purposes, including
fishing and is also a favourite anchorage for yachts and
pleasure cruisers (Border 1996:3). The traps attract much
public attention and have been sign-posted (Walsh
1986:18). The stone walls have been disturbed over time
through anchoring or by the actions of tourists. Moreover,
there is a risk of a cyclone or storm surge substantially
damaging the traps. Border (1996:5) therefore identified
four major management issues: visitor impact, anchor
damage, natural impacts and maintenance. He proposed a
three-phase management plan for the site. The first phase
involved a detailed study of the traps and a programme of
public education. The second phase entailed the placing
of buoys at the traps to prevent anchoring and included
the involvement of local Aboriginal groups to monitor the
structures. The third phase proposed an assessment of the
plan and its effectiveness. This proposal has few longterm costs and strikes a balance between otherwise
responsibility on the part of visitors. Nevertheless, the
fragile nature of traps and weirs means that their long-
42 | 2011 | Vol. 14 | q a r
term management will remain a challenge. Tides, waves,
storm surges or infilling by water-borne sediments (e.g.
Bird 1994a:18-19) will eventually undermine a trap or
weir. A management plan that does not recognise the
limited lifespan of a trap or weir will ultimately fail to
protect the site. Therefore, a strategy of recording and
research, which considers threats to preservation, is vital
(e.g. McNiven 1992).
In some cases Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander
people are still using traps and weirs. The way in which
Traditional Owners maintain and manage these structures
need to be closely studied and used as guidelines for
managing traps and weirs not currently in use. It is
possible that Traditional Owners recognise relationships
between a trap or weir and other features of the landscape
and seascape, which are not obvious to other observers.
Any such relationship would be an important
consideration for a management plan or recommendation.
Traditional management practices contain a wealth of
related information about how, when and why a trap or
weir is used. This information can be used for educating
the public on the role and value of a trap or weir, by
means of pamphlets, signs or the electronic media.
Moreover, the information has a scientific value as it can
serve as a basis for future research.
Future Recording, Management and Monitoring of
Traps and Weirs
It is apparent from the above discussions that Indigenous
traps and weirs of Queensland have, with a few
exceptions, been poorly studied. A number of survey and
recording, research and management options are therefore
discussed that would broaden our understanding of these
important sites.
First, more surveys of the coast and inland need to be
undertaken to record remaining traps and weirs. It is
recommended that a standardised convention for
recording traps and weirs should be implemented to
increase compatibility of resulting site descriptions, and
such a convention is proposed in Table 2. This should be
tested and then modified as required. It is suggested that
low-level aerial photographs should be taken of all traps
and weirs so far listed on the Queensland Indigenous
Cultural Heritage Database. A study of the entire
Queensland coast should also be undertaken, involving
analysis of aerial photographs and ground survey where
appropriate. A similar study of inland Queensland should
also be undertaken.
The opportunity exists for specific research, involving
direct experimentation, to be conducted on traps and
weirs (e.g. Keegan 1986; Smith 1983). An ongoing
review of the literature and oral histories would further
clarify the number, distribution, types and uses of traps
and weirs. The development of techniques to distinguish
Aboriginal from South Sea Islander and other nonAboriginal traps and weirs needs to be further researched.
A study of Pacific Islander and Aboriginal traps and weirs
might improve the success of an identificationclassification system. There are a wide-range of issues
that could be further investigated such as the rates at
which such structures decay, how they decay and what
factors cause decay. The productivity of traps and weirs
could be much more broadly investigated including how
often do traps or weirs get a catch, how many fish are
Indigenous Fish Traps and Weirs of Queensland
caught, what range size/age/sex/species of fish are caught,
how these factors vary with time of year and so on. Other
issues that could be further investigated include the role
of trapping in relationship to other food-getting activities.
The origin of traps and weirs and associated material
culture needs to be further investigated and this might be
assisted by the dating technique discussed by Bowen
(1998) which needs to be further tested and developed.
In terms of management there is a need to identify a
representative sample of local and regional sites and
implement management plans at those levels. More
consultation needs to be undertaken with Aboriginal and
Torres Strait Islander communities in identifying existing
management practices and potential reuse of the trap(s) or
weir(s). Sites that are particularly susceptible to adverse
impact, like those of Hinchinbrook Island or Booral,
should be made the subject of immediate, detailed study.
Management plans should include long-term protection
measures such as sign-posting, fencing where necessary
and spot-checking of a trap or weir. In the event of
development, the extent of impact should be monitored
and recorded for future reference.
Summary and Conclusions
Archival, library, graphic and oral references to the
presence of traps and weirs in Queensland have been
reviewed in this paper. This was done to obtain an overall
perspective on the distribution, types, and management
needs of these structures. For coastal Queensland, it was
concluded that multiple pen traps were common on the
Torres Strait islands and at a limited number of locations
in the southern Gulf of Carpentaria. With the exception of
Hinchinbrook Island and Booral, most traps and weirs
south of Torres Strait and the Gulf were isolated
structures, with traps having a single pen. Regardless of
location on the coast, the walls of traps were most often in
the shape of an arc. Similarly, traps and weirs were
usually found at points and estuaries and only
occasionally on open beaches. The aquatic fauna that
were caught by a trap or weir were removed using a
variety of techniques including netting, spearing or by
hand. It was also found that some traps and weirs on the
coast were built or used by non-Aboriginal people,
including South Sea Islanders. The task of identifying
whom may have built the various traps and weirs were
identified as a problem that requires further investigation.
Less information could be located on traps and weirs of
inland Queensland. It appears that inland Queensland had
many organic traps and weirs, which might indicate that
aquatic resources were available for short periods. The
only apparent consistency to their distribution is that
weirs were common east of the Great Dividing Range,
while traps were common to the west. A narrow range of
material items was observed in association with inland
traps and weirs; aquatic fauna was collected by baskets,
cages, platforms and nets.
A number of points were made in respect to the
classification and distribution of traps and weirs. First, it
was found that traps and weirs were built or used by a
number of non-Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander
groups, including South Sea Islanders and Europeans.
Associating traps and weirs with the group that built or
used it is confounded by the seeming universality of
shape and design among these structures. Second, most
Rowland & Ulm
traps and weirs on the coast are located between Cairns
and Mackay, at the southern Gulf of Carpentaria or
among the Torres Strait islands. Third, traps and weirs
were generally found on low energy coastlines that are
protected from strong tides and waves. It is unclear
whether traps and weirs were only built in protected areas
or that the structures in these areas had survived longer
than those in less protected areas. Finally, there are no
apparent consistencies in the distribution of traps and
weirs for inland Queensland. Traps and weirs were
generally widespread throughout inland Queensland with
the exception of the Mitchell Grass Downs where they
were notably absent.
In considering the role of traps and weirs in food
production, it was argued that a single-pen trap or weir
probably brought a modest increase to a group’s food
supply but did not greatly increase production. However,
this might not be the case for traps of a larger scale, such
as Scraggy Point, Booral, and certain traps of the Torres
Strait and the Gulf that may well have increased
production. Nevertheless, a group that builds a trap or
weir has a greater chance of catching some food although
it is not a certainty.
It was found that traps or weirs reveal much
information concerning the environment and human
behaviour, which may be used to date a site. It was also
concluded that traps and weirs are a rare site type, which
can be adversely affected by the pressures of development
and the environment; thus, there is a need for recording
and managing. There are provisions under various State
and Federal legislation, policies and procedures to
manage traps and weirs yet, with occasional exceptions,
most have been crisis-managed. Most management plans
or recommendations have protected traps and weirs but
have ignored the other priorities of long-term research and
Several broader themes came of this study that
requires further attention. These themes are identified
below. Nets, spears, poisons, baskets, cages and platforms
were used in association with traps and weirs. These items
may be of some use in solving the problems of
identification and classification discussed above. It may
be that the different groups who used traps or weirs each
had specific ways of extracting fish caught in traps and
weirs. Moreover, any difference might be evident in the
items people used to take fish from the trap or weir. For
example, some Aboriginal groups used spears to take fish
from their traps whereas Melanesians often used nets or
hand lines. If it can be shown that such differences
existed, research of museum collections could be
instrumental in identifying the builders of a trap or weir as
well as the period in which they used the structure. Such a
study would add a new depth to the current understanding
of fishing techniques used in conjunction with traps and
weirs. It might also define the distribution of traps and
weirs as well as particular extractive techniques.
The capacity of a trap or weir to produce food was
explored but it was the mechanical aspect of trapping that
received the most attention. The human aspects of food
production still require defining. Social factors (the ‘why’
of production) can determine the size, shape, position and
evolution of a trap or weir as well as when it was used
and by whom. Discussion with Aboriginal and Torres
Strait Islander communities is better placed to
q a r | Vol. 14 | 2011 | 43
characterise these factors than archaeology; yet apart from
studies among the Wellesley Islands and adjoining
mainland, little information has been gathered on the
human aspect of trapping. Observations of traps and weirs
recorded during the frontier period can provide only the
most superficial statements concerning social factors.
Anthropological studies must begin in the near future
before information is permanently lost.
It was argued that traps and weirs were unevenly
spread along the Queensland coast and that there was no
apparent consistency to their inland distribution.
However, the current distribution of traps and weirs might
be misleading since those built of organic materials may
have decayed. The key question is whether organic and
inorganic traps and weirs overlapped within a group’s
territory. In other words, did people build stone and brush
traps and weirs in the same place, wherever they built, or
did they build stone traps in one place and organic traps in
another? This is an important consideration with
significant implications. If organic and inorganic traps
and weirs overlapped within a group’s territory then, the
distribution of traps and weirs today is virtually the same
as it was in the frontier period. However if organic and
inorganic traps and weirs did not overlap within a group’s
territory, their present distribution might be
unrepresentative. In other words, the traps and weirs that
can be observed today might be the remnants of a
widespread network, which has since lost its organic
component to decay. Certainly there are many examples
of organic traps and weirs that were observed in the
frontier period and have since disappeared. Nevertheless,
this argument must be carefully considered as it is based
on negative evidence. It is acceptable to argue sites were
‘once there, now gone’ but first one must show that sites
were ‘once there’. Such an undertaking would require a
detailed study of historical records to quantify distribution
of traps and weirs throughout the frontier period.
The interpretation of traps and weirs as archaeological
and historical structures, or, indeed, as manageable
resources has been distinctly biased toward a European
perspective. The views of Aboriginal or Torres Strait
Islander people are poorly represented in the available
data, as are their techniques for managing traps and weirs.
This is most obvious when it comes to discussing how
traps and weirs were used and what role they played in
the organisation of food-getting activities. Without
reference to the experiences and knowledge of Traditional
Owners, researchers are forced to interpret from limited
data. Furthermore, the under-representation of their views
withholds official recognition from Aboriginal and Torres
Strait Islander people and denies them a stake in the
ongoing management of these important sites.
Perhaps the clearest conclusion drawn from this
review is the generally poor level of recording of known
fish traps. Only in the Gulf Country have Connah and
Jones (1983) undertaken low level aerial photography. In
the Gulf Country and on Hinchinbrook Island Robins et
al. (1985,1998) and Campbell (1982) have undertaken
systematic surveys respectively. Some sites in the Torres
Strait have been drawn from high-level aerial
photography but have not been ground-truthed. The
majority of fish traps remain reported as often very poor
sketch maps with limited photographic coverage. There is
therefore a need to undertake a detailed survey of these
44 | 2011 | Vol. 14 | q a r
sites using low-level aerial photography and groundtruthing. Techniques such as GPS mapping may also be
useful (e.g. Dare 1994). In the long-term whether or not
enhanced climate/sea level change has an impact on these
sites they will be destroyed by natural and human
The project on which this paper is based was funded by a grant
from the Australian Heritage Commission 1994-1995 National
Estate Grants Program awarded to Mike Rowland. The then
Environmental Protection Agency provided facilities that
enabled Greg Bowen and Mike Rowland to undertake the initial
research on which this paper was based. The initial findings
were reported in Bowen and Rowland (1999). Cameo Dalley of
The University of Queensland greatly assisted with recent
updates and checking of Appendix A and Meredith Roe, Project
Officer, Cultural Heritage Coordination Unit, Department of
Environment and Resource Management prepared the site maps.
This research was supported in part by the Australian Research
Council’s Discovery Projects funding scheme (project number
A number of people assisted with this project and we would
like to express our thanks to them. Clive Moore of the
Department of History, The University of Queensland, provided
advice on the history of South Sea Islanders in Queensland. The
staff of the John Oxley Library and the Fryer Library, The
University of Queensland, assisted with references and advice.
Monica Garner of the then Environmental Protection Agency
Library was instrumental in obtaining reports, articles and books
through inter-library loan. Danielle Burette of the then
Department of Natural Resources, Mines and Water assisted
with further reference material. Helen Cooke of the South
Australia Department of State Aboriginal Affairs, and Sharon
Veale of New South Wales National Parks and Wildlife Service
provided information and contacts. Ian McNiven, Val
Attenbrow, Anne Clarke, Peter Hiscock, Garrick Hitchcock and
Paul Memmott generously provided feedback or advice on a
number of issues. Thanks are also due to all those who allowed
their unpublished work to be cited in this volume.
For permissions to reproduced photographs and figures, we
thank Bryce Barker, Michele Bird, Melissa Carter, Graham
Connah, Alan Jones, Richard Robins, Anthony Barham, John
Richter and Cambridge University Press.
Special thanks are due to all those staff of the Cultural
Heritage Branch, Queensland then Environmental Protection
Agency and Cultural Heritage Coordination Unit, then
Department of Natural Resources, Mines and Water who have
assisted with this report in a practical way and who gave support
and encouragement. Dr Nicky Horsfall in particular provided a
critical analysis of an initial draft of the Bowen and Rowland
report and Andrew Border has provided more recent first-hand
observations on some of the sites mentioned in the text.
Finally, a special thanks to Isabel Tarrago (Director,
Cultural Heritage Coordination Unit, Department of
Environment and Resource Management) for supporting
updating of this report to its current form.
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50 | 2011 | Vol. 14 | q a r
Indigenous Fish Traps and Weirs of Queensland
Appendix A. List of fish traps and weirs registered on the Queensland Indigenous Cultural Heritage Database.
Wall Height4
Allen Island
Allen Island
Point Parker
Point Parker
35; 195
Bentick Island
Bayley Point
35; 175
Bayley Island
Bayley Island
Bayley Island
Bayley Island
Burke River,
Sweers Island
Burke River
Sweers Island
Memmott 1996
Memmott 1996
Cooper Creek,
J. Dymock
K. Sutcliffe &
P. Smith 1983
Memmott 1996
Rowland & Ulm
Site Name
Site ID
No. of
References or
Connah and
Jones 1983
Robins et al.
1995, 1998
Bird 1996a
Connah and
13; Robins et
al. 1995, 1998
Connah and
Jones 1983
Connah and
Jones 1983
Memmott 1996
South of
Saveka Point 1
South of
Saveka Point 2
South Saveka
Point 3
1 (trap)
Barham 1981
1 (trap)
Barham 1981
1 (trap)
Barham 1981
q a r | Vol. 14 | 2011 | 51
Site ID
1 trap
Brewers Island
1 trap
Goods Island
Bertie Bay
Zigini Point
1 trap
1 trap, 2
Arc and
trap is 150
NW corner of
Northern coast
of Mabuiag
Northern coast
of Mabuiag
Southern tip of
the east
headland of
Around the
headland from
Sipa Ngur, SE
Southern coast
of Mabuiag
East coast of
East coast of
NE coast of
SE coast of
Sipa Ngur
52 | 2011 | Vol. 14 | q a r
No. of
Wall Height4
Goods Island
NW end of
Goods Island
NE corner of
Brewers Island
Site Name
References or
Brown 2005
Harris et al.
Ghaleb 1990
Fish Trap 1
Fish Trap 2
Fish Trap 3
Ghaleb 1990
Fish Trap 4
Ghaleb 1990
Fish Trap 5
Fish Trap 1
Fish Trap 2
Pururai Fish
Trap 1
Puruai Fish
Trap 2
Sarabar Fish
Trap 1
Ghaleb 1990
Ghaleb 1990
Ghaleb 1990
Ghaleb 1990
Ghaleb 1990
Ghaleb 1990
Ghaleb 1990
Ghaleb 1990
Indigenous Fish Traps and Weirs of Queensland
Site ID
East of Kyabra
Creek, Quilpie
Listed as
Yam Island
Site Name
Sarabar Fish
Trap 2
No. of
Wall Height4
References or
Ghaleb 1990
Trap 1:60-80
Trap 2:40-30
Barham 2000:
Figure 6
Badog Village,
23 traps
Manu Manu
Creek off
Bulloo River,
south of
Bulloo River,
Creek, Graigs
Pocket Station,
Mt Garnet
Western end of
Snapper Island,
off Cape
Bay, Cooktown
Piastre 1
1 trap
number of
150m in total
Craigs Pocket
1 trap/pen
Brayshaw 1977
1 trap/pen
Britnell 1991
Rowland & Ulm
Badog Fish
Traps 1 and 2
(DT28 or
2 (each
with a
single pen)
Trap 1:
Trap 2:
Barham 2000
Barham 2000;
Johannes &
Richter et al
Rowlands &
Rowlands 1972
q a r | Vol. 14 | 2011 | 53
Site ID
1 trap/pen
1977; Flecker
Trap ?
6; 11
1977; Flecker
1 trap, 2
7 traps
Goold Island
Oyster Point
Palm Island
Palm Island
Wall Height4
Bendee Downs
54 | 2011 | Vol. 14 | q a r
Scraggy Point
Oyster Point
Fish Trap
North East Bay
Horseshoe Bay
No. of
Nebine River,
Murra Murra
Upper Barcoo
River, Cheshire
Station, Tambo
Great Basalt
Great Basalt
Great Basalt
Wall, Lochwall
Herald Island
Island 2
Site Name
Oyster Point
References or
Hatte and
Heijm 1999
Hatte and
Heijm 1999
Hatte 2007
Bird 1994b;
Campbell 1982
1979, 1982;
Stephens 1946
1979, 1982;
Walsh 1986
Bird 1994b;
Campbell 1982
1979, 1982
Hatte 1997
Hatte 1997
Indigenous Fish Traps and Weirs of Queensland
Site ID
Rowland & Ulm
Northern coast
of Barber
Barber Island
Palm Island
High Island
Clump Point
Clump Point
Browns Beach
Sunny Bay
Adelaide Point
Abbott Point,
Caley Valley
R.M. Creek
Balonne River,
Station, Surat
Snake Creek,
Station, Roma
Creek, Neils
Beach, Mackay
Sunset Bay,
Creek, Eimeo
Eimeo Beach,
Pioneer River
Site Name
Wall Height4
References or
Hatte 1997
Barber Bay
Barber Bay
Casement Bay
2 traps
26; 30
Bird 1987
1 trap
McGarry 1987
McGarry 1987
Sunset Bay
McGarry 1987
Eimeo Beach
McGarry 1987
McGarry 1987
Border 1994
McGarry 1987
Boat Bay
Boat Bay
No. of
Hatte 1997
Hatte 1997
Campbell 1982
Bird 1994a
Bird 1994b
Duke and
Collins 1994a
Cribb 1997
Hill 1981
Bird 2009
q a r | Vol. 14 | 2011 | 55
Site ID
Wall Height4
References or
Bird 1996b
80; ?
90 larger
Bird 1996b;
Barker &
Bernard 2007
Border 1992
Seaforth Beach
Dewars Point
Sandy Bay,
Stone ?
1 trap
Midge Point
Green Island
Rabbit Island
Woodwark Bay
South Repulse
Branch Creek,
Cannon Dee
for fishing.
West Hill
Hay Point
Woodwark Bay
Midge Point
56 | 2011 | Vol. 14 | q a r
Point 1
Point 3
No. of
1 trap, 2
1; 1
Site Name
Bird 1996b
Barker 1992a
Barker &
Bernard 2007
McGarry 1987;
Barker &
Bernard 2007
Border and
Hall 1994;
Barker &
Bernard 2007
Barker 1988,
McGarry 1987
McGarry 1987
Barker 1988,
Barker 1992a
Barker 1992b
John Long
Indigenous Fish Traps and Weirs of Queensland
Site ID
North Pine
Bli Bli
Lake Weyba
Woody Island
Point Vernon
Burnett Heads
Rowland & Ulm
Toorbul Point
Site Name
No. of
Wall Height4
for fishing.
Rain Increase
Area of fish
traps and other
sites. Limited
Su Davies
Trap ?
Area 3
Area 2
Area 1
Area 5
Area 4
Richards Point
References or
John Long
a few; 129
McNiven 1994
1 trap, 3
4 traps
5 traps
-1 trap
30; 40
One arc
1 trap
2 traps
2 pens+
Arc 25, linear
McNiven 1994
McNiven 1994
Lauer 1979;
1990; McNiven
McNiven 1994
McNiven 1994
Trap ?
1 trap/pen
1995; Black
Stockton 1975;
Hogan et al.
1992; Walters
Godwin 1992;
Foley 1992
Burke 1993
q a r | Vol. 14 | 2011 | 57
Fish traps occur as an arc (U), ‘V’-shaped (V), maze-like (M) or circular (O). Weirs are simple walls.
Longest wall in arc or line. If part of complex then, the shortest and longest walls.
The longest line from the trap’s outer termination to intersect a line connecting the trap’s landward edges. If part of complex then, the shortest and longest lines.
Average height from land surface to top of wall.
Widest point.
Recorder cited where no reference available
origin uncertain.
58 | 2011 | Vol. 14 | q a r
Indigenous Fish Traps and Weirs of Queensland