P. Angeletti, A. Bolea Alamanac, F. Coromina, F. Deborgies, R. De Gaudenzi, A. Ginesi
European Space Agency
European Space Research and Technology Centre (ESTEC)
Keplerlaan 1, 2200 AG Noordwijk, The Netherlands
{e-mail:, Phone : +31-71-5654227}
Keywords: Satellite Communication Systems, Mobile
Satellite Services, Satellite Communication Payloads, OnBoard Processors, Mobile User Terminals.
In this paper we intend to complement the information
contained in the companion paper [1] dealing with broadband
fixed communications with possible scenarios of development
for future mobile satcom networks, including the underlying
key challenges as well as critical techniques and technologies
to be developed in the coming years.
1 Introduction
Mobile terrestrial networks have seen an enormous growth in
the last years and three generation of commercial networks
have been deployed while the fourth one is being defined.
Together with the expansion of service provision (from pure
voice and small messages to full Internet access and
multimedia capabilities), terrestrial networks, coverage, level
of interoperability and Q.o.S. made giant steps.
The dream of global satellite mobile networks based on large
satellite constellation became a reality in the late ‘90s with a
very modest commercial success. Nonetheless today, despite
some important failure, global and regional satellite mobile
networks are still representing an important commercial
reality and generating good revenues in regions or
applications where the terrestrial offering is weak. The last
generation Inmarsat BGAN network demonstrates that
satellite networks are also moving from 2G to 3G type of
services at a much more affordable cost than in the past
thanks to the innovation which took place both at the space
and at the ground segment levels. Furthermore, another
opportunity for the satellite appears in the rollout of hybrid
satellite/terrestrial mobile networks in USA (ICO, Skyterra,
Terrestar) and Europe (Solaris W2A, Inmarsat…) providing
multimedia broadcasting as well as interactive (emergency)
But, as for broadband satellite networks, the past success
should not relax the need for a continuous yet reinforced
innovation effort to guarantee a comparable satellite role in
the medium/long term. This is particularly true when we look
at the impressive pace at which terrestrial wireless
technologies are developing. Furthermore, due to the extreme
competition existing in this field, service quality is constantly
growing at the same time as the access cost is decreases.
The satellite component successful development in 3.5/4G
type of networks requires extra effort to be dedicated in the
following high-level areas:
• Reduction of the performance gap between terrestrial
and satellite networks;
• Terminal cost, power consumption and form factor;
• Service fee reduction;
• Level of satellite network integration in terrestrial
• Spectrum availability.
Satellite is extremely well positioned for the provision of rich
multimedia content to a large number of mobile users
satellite, in particular for broadcasting/multicasting type of
services. For mobile broadcasting applications terrestrial
networks are intrinsically penalised by the large infrastructure
cost to achieve the required coverage and for which hybrid
solutions may have better chances of success. But interesting
perspectives are also emerging for the interactive type of
services, in particular for collecting information from vehicles
(e.g. road toll, location-based automated services etc…).
In line with [2], the identified key technical challenges for the
satellite mobile services are:
• Service enhancements (volume, peak rate, cost);
• Integration with 3.5G/4G terrestrial networks;
• Commercial exploitation of ATC/CGC networks;
• Support of enhanced
interactive services.
2 Proposed Way Forward
For each of the identified challenges the following key
techniques/technologies have been identified to play a pivotal
role in the mobile satellite networks evolution:
1. Smaller satellite beam width for higher antenna gain
and frequency reuse;
2. Extended spectrum and frequency reuse;
3. Integrated RF front-ends supporting larger number of
4. Enhanced on-board equipments (reduction in cost,
size, mass..)
5. Enhanced on-board processors;
6. Enhanced return link capabilities;
7. Enhanced waveform and on-ground signal processing;
8. System/payload design tools;
9. Low-cost enhanced mobile terminals;
10. Enhanced terminal capabilities.
The following table shows the mapping of the selected
technologies onto the application scenarios and the
preliminary assessment of the potential benefit of each
Small satellite antenna beams/high accuracy pointing –
System level de-pointing countermeasures
performance. We have shown there that under the assumption
of uniform traffic distribution, the system throughput of a
point-to-point system is almost linearly growing with the
number of beams covering the service area. The commercial
GEO MSS satellites under constructions, like MSV-2, are
already using a 22 m diameter reflector, while 12-18 m
reflectors are currently flying. To accommodate the future
increased performance requirements, larger antenna reflector
will be required. The antenna pointing accuracy, as well the
reflector surface stability, may end-up being the limiting
factor. To make this technology viable, large reflector (20++
m) technology shall offer adequate thermo-elastic distortion
performance combined with compensation of residual
pointing errors by means of digital Beam Forming Networks
(BFN), Adaptive Coding and Modulation (ACM), networkaided beam handover. The increase of reflector size/number
of beams leads to large increase of number of feeds and
associated input/output section hardware causing major
satellite accommodation issues.
The access to this key space segment technology currently
dominated by US companies is subject to ITAR restrictions
and the current European technology gap constitute one of the
major weakness for European industry competitiveness in this
sector that shall be urgently addressed.
As shown in the companion paper [1] for point-to-point
applications, the satellite beam size is a key to achieve higher
Small Beams /
Accurate Pointing
Low-cost Enhanced
Extend bandwidth
and frequency reuse
Advanced Payload
Enhanced On-Board
Design Tools
Waveforms and OnGround Processing
RL Capabilities
Interactive Service Performance
Integration with 3.5/4G
Enhanced Broadcast/Multicast
Table 1: Technology-to-Application Mapping
Enhanced Terminal Antenna
The mobile terminal antenna represents a major bottleneck for
the mobile satellite networks performance as its omnidirectional antenna pattern requirement, together with the
compact front-end and adjacent band filtering requirements
determines a low G/T figure. This is particularly true for the
hand-held type of terminals. New challenges appear with the
need to support antenna (polarisation) diversity which is
likely to be adopted by enhanced terrestrial terminals
exploiting MIMO techniques. In this respect, the use of dual
linear or dual circular polarisation becomes a new
requirement for satellite (hybrid) terminals. Ideally, the
satellite terminal should be able to support the same type of
dual polarisation technique adopted by terrestrial systems.
For vehicular terminals the satellite antenna integration is
easier than for hand-held since the vehicle antenna assembly
already contains a GPS antenna and space is not as
constrained as in the hand-held case. But again economical
and aesthetical antenna implementation poses important
technical challenges.
Extended Spectrum and Frequency Reuse
Current and planned MSS systems exploit the MSS frequency
allocation in the L and S bands. These frequencies present
excellent propagation properties for mobile terminals
particularly when they are equipped with low or omnidirectional antennas. However, the MSS allocation on these
bands is relatively scarce: the current L-band allocation is
saturated; S-band is limited to 30 MHz which will rapidly
saturate in particular for the expected provision of mobile
broadcast/interactive applications which are particularly
bandwidth hungry. To illustrate this point, Figure 1 shows
the EIRP capabilities of current and next generation payloads.
The current generation payloads designed for the provision of
broadcast/interactive services can address up to 15 MHz of
capacity (approximately 8Mbps) when handheld terminals are
considered (black star in Figure 1). Next generation payload
will be able to address up to 65 MHz under the same
conditions (grey star in Figure 1). However, for linguistic
beams systems, assuming 15 MHz allocated per S-band
system and a frequency reuse factor of 3 (thanks to the use of
the cross polarization for an improved isolation) only 45 MHz
of capacity will be available for each system. This scarcity of
spectrum will be particularly penalising for systems
addressing vehicular terminals since next generation payloads
are capable of addressing a much higher capacity for those
terminals (white star in Figure 1).
More frequency reuse can be achieved by increasing the
number of satellite beams as well by using dual polarisation
(see later). However, even if a spot-beam coverage can
increase the frequency re-use, that kind of coverage is
generally more adequate for the provision of two-way unicast
services. Those services are far more data rate hungry than
the broadcast/interactive based services. A similar analysis
has been done for systems dedicated to the provision of twoway unicast mobile services and, although the overall
capacity handled by the system is superior, the data rate
requirements are such that similar conclusions in terms of
spectrum scarcity can be derived. Additionally, narrow spot
beam coverages in those frequency bands require very
challenging antenna technologies.
Payload EIRP capabilities
Dual Polar
Power Limited Area
Spectrum Limited Area
Capacity (MHz)
Current Generation Payload
Next Generation Payload
Required EIRP/MHz Handheld Rx
Required EIRP/MHz Vehicular Rx
Figure 1: Current and Next Generation Payload EIRP capabilities
Therefore, there is a definite need for new MSS frequency
bands if we want to expand the offer of services keeping the
pace of terrestrial mobile networks. To cope with this
spectrum scarcity problem which may severely constrain the
satellite mobile sector development a stepped approach may
be envisaged. In Step 1, an increase of S-band spectrum
efficiency may be achieved by exploiting dual polarisation
reuse within each satellite beam. This will require the
development of a new space segment and related user
terminals as well as the adoption of an evolved waveform
capable to operate in dual polar mode. However, linguistic
beam systems, dual polarization will likely require lowering
the frequency reuse factor down to 2 to assure enough
isolation between co-frequency beams; therefore systems will
still be limited to a maximum capacity of 60 MHz. This could
be enough for handheld oriented systems but it is still very
constraining when only vehicular terminals are considered.
Step 2 consists in extending the S-band CGC frequency
allocation beyond the current 30 MHz. This is likely to
require a major lobbying effort with possible opposition from
terrestrial operators not eager to see more spectrum allocated
to MSS in S-band. Step 3 consists in requesting a frequency
allocation at C-band to support higher data rates for vehicular
and nomadic terminals, or terminals on-board large platforms
etc… A CGC approach similar to S-band in support of the
development of hybrid networks may be envisaged in C-band.
This step is also very challenging because the lower part of Cband is also currently used for FSS services and terrestrial
operators are already asking for allocations to deploy wireless
terrestrial services on these bands. Nevertheless, in
accordance with Resolution 231 of WRC-07, the Agenda
Item 1.25 is currently considering possible additional
allocations to the mobile-satellite service particularly in the
frequency bands 4-16 GHz to rectify the predicted shortfall of
the MSS allocation.
Advanced Mobile Payload Concepts
The support of larger antenna reflector and higher number of
beams (> 300) calls for a reduction of cable losses through
closer RF front-end integration, enhanced RF power stage
efficiency, more powerful scalable processors, digital BFNbased antenna errors compensation. The reduction of payload
equipments mass, size and power requires the adoption of
new RF and optical technologies as well the exploitation of
more advanced deep sub-micron (DSM) digital technologies.
Figure 2: 20 W GaN MMIC (8.5 - 11 GHz)
Courtesy of IAF
To stimulate and accelerate the market introduction of this
innovative (disruptive) technology in Europe ESA has
assembled a consortium of competent partners under the:
GaN Reliability Enhancement and Technology Transfer
Initiative (GREAT2). Primary objective of GREAT2 is to
establish a commercial, space compatible, GaN MMIC
foundry process through UMS by 2011.
New technologies for on-board RF equipment
Current mobile communication satellites make extensive use
of solid-state power amplifiers (SSPA) and rely exclusively
on gallium arsenide (GaAs) as the preferred semiconductor
technology. However, a new semiconductor technology is
emerging, namely gallium nitride (GaN see Figure 2) which
brings significant advantages to the design of SSPAs. As a
matter of fact, a GaN based SSPA has a number of attractive
new features as compared to current GaAs implementation:
• Higher base plate temperature operation,
associated thermal mass reduction;
• Improved linearity and wider band operation;
• Higher efficiency and reduced RF power combining
• Possibility of SSPA vertical mounting with significant
improvement on output section accommodation and
reduction of output losses;
• Possibility of matrix less implementation: lower
losses, increased numbers of SSPA/feeds. This is an
aspect with a good potential to enhance hot-spot
• More compact design (both chip and PA)
• Increased robustness.
As mobile communication satellites are generating a large
number of beams, it is essential that the numerous RF
equipments such as LNAs and converters are both compact
and cost effective. The key to this is generic design for those
equipments which become stand-alone products that are
highly integrated as well as easily customisable through either
embedded flexibility or at least modular approach. This is not
only valid for the RF chain but also for the TM/TC interface
and the power conditioning unit. The active elements of the
RF chain can easily be integrated into a chipset of microwave
monolithic integrated circuits (MMIC). Although this
integration requires a significant investment as compared to a
COTS based solution, it does provide the most effective
solution for a large number of units. However, the filters tend
to be difficult to integrate and may become the bottleneck of a
further size reduction of the RF chains. Luckily, innovative
design ideas as well as new technologies (e.g. lossy filters and
micro-machining respectively) are emerging and are expected
to lead to more compact LNAs and converters. A number of
ESA contracts are currently supporting those new
developments which are expected to appear in enhanced onboard equipments in the coming years.
As the number of equipment gets larger, the RF harness
required to interconnect all the units becomes both tricky and
“massive”. Fibre optics is expected to be a quite effective
solution to this issue. As a matter of fact, the fibre has many
advantages over an RF cable, namely its small weight and
size, small bend radius, very low transmission loss and total
immunity to EMC. Indeed this approach implies the
qualification of new components such as lasers, photodiodes,
optical connectors which currently have little or no space
heritage at all. But this is not considered as a showstopper as
exemplified by the ESA Earth Observation SMOS Mission
which is relying to a large optical harness. A number of ESA
contracts addressing the different building blocks as well as
the whole concept of microwave photonics distribution of RF
signals are currently running. Similarly, fibre optics is
envisaged for on-board high speed digital interconnect which
has been identified as a severe limitation in the
implementation of high capacity processors. Terrestrial
experiments have already demonstrated that the performance
is there with terabit rates… so the main issue is again the
qualification of suitable building blocks.
Enhanced on-board Processors
Today mobile payloads are including transparent digital
processors which allow performing flexible channelization,
frequency reuse plan, beam forming as well as automatic
level control. The increased processed bandwidth and the
number of satellite beams require an evolution of the digital
processor to enhance its capabilities with lower mass and
power consumption [3], [4] (see Figure 3 and Figure 4). Key
transparent OBP functionality is digital beamforming which
allows single reflector AFR configurations and proves
flexibility in:
• Satellite coverage
• Beam shape (e.g. sidelobe control), pointing
• Beam/frequency allocation
Advanced processor functions can include:
• Payload/antenna self-calibration
• Interference reduction by mean of “dynamic” or
“adaptive” beamforming.
Key driving technologies to support this processor
enhancement are:
• Technology update to latest DSM (0.65 μm under
development on an ESA TRP contract [5]).
• Modular and scalable architectures (reduced NRE,
increased throughput/beams/feeds) – this solution is
now available in Europe.
• Exploitation of available ASIC resources (reduced #
• Increase of integration which requires new thermal
Highly integrated pre/post processors are playing an
important role in the advanced mobile payload to interface the
RF front-end with the digital processor. The pre/post
processor unit can benefit from improvements which can
leverage on the following technologies/techniques:
• IF Sampling: Possibility of reduction of number of
down conversion stages.
• Frequency Conversion / ADC Integration – Reduction
of payload complexity, cost, mass.
• DBFN-based electronic antenna mispointing and
thermo-elastic distortion compensation
• New generation of high speed A/D and D/A
developments (currently under development with ESA
TRP fundings [5]).
• Per user beam processing
Carrier Level
Carrier Level
Carrier Level
Interference Level
Interference Level
Interference Level
Noise Floor
Figure 3: Evolution of the payload processor capabilities
Forward link
A/D demux
feeder links
10 x 12.6 MHz
D/A demux
D/A demux
+ gain
mobile-tomobile links
A/D demux
mobile feeds
120 x 30 MHz
+ gain
Return link
Figure 4: Evolution of the MSS payload digital transparent processor architecture [3], [4]
– On-board beamforming for reducing the number
control signals.
– On-ground beamforming and/or advanced multiuser techniques for capacity and flexibility
• On-board waveform digitization (WAVE-SAT):
– On-board A/D conversion at feed level, vector
quantization / data compression of the feeds’
signals and high-order modulation transmission of
the data-flow (applicable for the return link: userto-gateway).
– Digital transmission of the data-flow from the
gateway, on-board demodulation, decompression
and/or quantization re-mapping (e.g. from nonuniform to uniform), D/A conversion at feed level
(applicable for the forward link: gateway-to-user).
Hybrid Space/Ground processing consists in moving to
ground the bulk of the digital processing by transferring the
antenna feeds signals to ground [6] (see Figure 5). This
future-proof approach allows for the on-ground
implementation of advanced algorithms, as for example
Multi-User Detection (applicable for the return link: user-togateway) and Multi-User Pre-Distortion (applicable for the
forward link: gateway-to-user) in addition to the
functionalities which can be supported by the on-board
processor. One of the major drawbacks of the approach is
related to the increase of feeder link bandwidth as the full
band of each antenna feed has to be transferred to ground and
vice versa.
Techniques for feeder-link bandwidth reduction can be
classified in three main classes [7]:
• Hybrid on-board/on-ground beamforming:
(Poliphase Network + FFT)
Beam/User #1
Beam/User #K
Figure 5: High level block diagram of a flexible broadband payload based on a Digital Bent Pipe Processor [6]
Enhanced waveform and on-ground signal processing
Key waveform evolution axes which have been retained from
current terrestrial trends are OFDM(A) and MIMO.
OFDM(A) can be justified in future mobile satcom networks
not only to be aligned with 4G terrestrial systems but to
provide enhanced performance in hybrid networks and SFN
mode of operation. The LTE [8] SC-FDMA [9] waveform
provides limited PAPR compared to conventional OFDMA
and a high degree of flexibility in terms of data rate supported
which can be of interest for the satellite return link. OFDMA
allows also the simplification the on-board frequency
Multiple Input Multiple Output (MIMO) is an emerging
technique for increasing the wireless data rate and/or link
reliability, and it is know to provide the highest performance
gains in uncorrelated multipath rich environments. Although
at first glance MIMO looks of limited attractiveness for
satellite networks where multipath is mild and
fading/shadowing uncorrelation is difficult to achieve, there
are good reasons making it attractive:
• Over terrestrial channels capacity doubling (almost)
with substantial increase in power efficiency.
• Over satellite almost double the capacity – MIMO
shall bring some further power efficiency increase.
• Over hybrid conditions: same capacity increase target
with enhanced Q.o.S. (power efficiency).
There is a need to understand the physics of the Land Mobile
Satellite channel (LMS) MIMO channel for optimising the
MIMO technique in satellite links [9]. The classical Alamouti
[9] does not seem to exploit the potential capacity increase
(rate ½ coding) and provides an oversized cross-polar
robustness (no loss up to 0 dB cross-polar). Golden codes
[10] may provide the right mix between capacity and
diversity increase. In practice simpler to decode Golden like
codes with reduced decoding complexity may be the right
solution for the satellite MIMO application.
3 Conclusions
In the authors’ opinion the identified systems techniques,
payload architectures and technologies are good candidates
for reinforcing satellite offer attractiveness in complementing
the terrestrial networks. In line with the ESA’s Long Term
Telecommunication Plan [2], ESA has initiated preliminary
studies and prototyping activities in several of the identified
areas but the momentum shall grow to ensure that the
technology maturity will be at the right level when the
commercial request will emerge. The preliminary results
contained in this paper related to the application scenarios and
the performance impact for the various techniques and
technologies are expected to trigger the discussion and
support decision makers to choose R&D lines to invest.
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