
Transformer Syed Fawad Hussain Naqvi BEE 1D Bahria University Islamabad 01-133142-143 Abstract— Transformers are considered useful in different parts of our life. It is used in different types. This paper includes the detail of Computational high frequency model of the transformer. It contains the non-linear analysis of coupled circuit finite elements. The transformer FE model is coupled with external electric circuit. Then the capacitance order is reduced. The circuit domain of coupled circuit FEanalysis then used the reduced capacitance, inductance and resistance. FE analysis gave the result of transformer frequency which is fitted with rational function approximation and used to make frequency dependent branch. This is implemented on 125-kVA transformer. It contains connecting cable length and different switching frequencies. This paper also includes the information about the major defect in transformer which is mechanical defect. Power transformer wining deformation recognition is checked by short circuit impedance measurement and frequency response analysis. The transformers are mostly designed for rated frequency and sinusoidal load current. Non-linear load causes harmonic power loses due to which operational cost increased and can also cause higher loses, premature failure, fatigue of insulation.etc. Capacity of transformer is reduced to prevent these problems. The three dimensional transformer is used to evaluate the core loses. At the end high harmonic power and core loses relations are analyzed. lower order. Coupled circuit-FE analysis gives the response for transformer frequency. Transformers are used in various fields of life with little mechanical and electrical change in them. Many types of hazards are blocking the way of transformers. Continuous data from approach of separation process situations however bodily mechanized reliability is essential for the method user obviously. Knowledge has revealed that transformer disaster particularly in increased voltage type 230kV and 400kV leads to irrecoverable hurts to using power method . In crucial occasions the problem of a transformer is capable of millions of dollars in harm to appliances held by buyers and/or the utility. The modern and advanced techniques are used to reduce the defects of transformers. Smart transformers can be built to on the basis of smart grid concept for solving the problems in transformers. Short circuit , higher explosion of gases , winding, open turns, core movement, clamping broken circuit.etc are the causes of failure in transformers. Frequency Response Analyzed is a efficient way to get rid of these problems. In this research paper we will also discuss the increasing effect of non-linear loads over system of power. These loads can only draw current which is sinusoidal. e.g: fluorescent, rectifier, static converter.etc. Non-linear loads can cause harmonic current. The electric current is lost in large amount. The lost of magnetic core is increased in harmonic voltage while loses in structure and winding is increased in harmonic current. Keywords: Introduction, High frequency parameter calculation, Problem definition, Transfer Function mode, Case study, Hysteresis losses, Eddy current losses in core, Analyzed problem, Conclusion, Reference. I. INTRODUCTION To learn about switching surge distribution, insulation diagnosis and pulse voltage high frequency modeling is needed. This paper includes the information about developing high frequency modeling by adding power frequency model to high frequency branch. This enables series and parallel resonance. Then non-linear Finite Element (FE) give low and high frequency parameters of winding. Then by shifting the capacitance this is reduced to (1) (2) The equations written above are the non-linear partial differential equations. In this equation the total current density is given as A and vector potential by J. The equation which is following this paragraph gives the current in circuit. In the above equation Im, C-1m, Lm, Em and ϒm represents the voltage sources in different mesh. Sandwich coil along with shell type transformer and single phase of 60 Hz, 125kVA provides the simulation . In the domain of FE rectangles are used to represent the primary and secondary winding. B. Inductance Calculation Global inductance is the computed inductance of conductor when current is supplied to several conductors at the same time. The graph given below gives the relation between resistance and frequency. Geometry of Transformer (Fig: 1) II. HIGH-FREQUENCY CALCULATIONS PARAMETER In the given changed conditions the values of resistance, capacitance, and inductance also become changed under the pulse width modulation. Resistances become higher due to proximity and skin effect of winding. With the increase in frequency of operation the values of inductance increase. The detailed numerical models are used to remove these defects in readings. A. Resistance Calculation C. For the calculation of inductance and resistance of the transformer which depends upon frequency can be measured and the problem of harmonic is solved. Iron core and eddy current effect are used to get the required parameters. Capacitance Calculation Capacitance does not depend upon the function but on the graph. The applied voltage provides the electric potential distribution determined by analysis. III. PROBLEM DEFINITION The main causes which can put transformer out of use is short circuit current which produce mechanical deformation. The winding of transformer might contain the short circuit source and can also cause force of hooping. The force of electrodynamics that acts on the winding of the transformer can be determined by using the following formula. FL (BI) Where: “I” is the current “L” is the winding length “B” is the magnetic induction On the basis of above given information the types of common winding deformation of transformer are as follow: a) b) c) Redial forces Axial forces Combined forces V. Hysteresis Loss The hysteresis loses causes the contribution , to no load losses. Hysteresis losses generate from core lamination, resisting being demagnetized and magnetized by alternating magnetic field. Every time the direction of the force change when the magnetizing force changed Off-line Transformer Winding Deformation Diagnosis Methods The well-known and most common names in this respect are FRA and Short Circuit Impedance. A. Short Circuit Impedance method: This process is used to find the defect in transformer which is known as transformer winding detection. Te value obtained as a result of this can be compared with the measured SCI value of power transformer. B. Transfer Function Method (FRA/LVI) The behavior of the system can be explained by transformer. This process is now used very commonly is the process of diagnosis of different electrical equipments such as in the diagnosis of integrity of winding in transformers. IV. CASE STUDY We are considering step-up failed transformer to show the accuracy of the two different methods that are FRA and SCI. To execute this process the given transformer must have the following specifications that are given in the table below. The energy or power to get this change is taken from the input power supply and it is not transferred to external winding. Different types of core materials have the magnetizing ability which do not match with each other. The area of magnetizing BH and frequency has much effect on hysteresis losses. V. Eddy Current Losses in the Core The frequency and flux density are directly proportional to the induced EMF produced in the bulk of core by the alternating flux. The current obtained as a result of this is inversely related to the material resistivity and directly to the thickness of the core. The equation to find the Eddy current is given below: We = Ke . Bm2. f2 . t2 (W/kg) Where And the results obtained by the measured values of HV side and LV winding short circuited are given below in the form of table. Ke = eddy current constant f = frequency in Hertz(Hz) Bm = maximum flux (T) t = Thickness of lamination strip VI. . Effect of Harmonics on Core Losses CORE LOSS Manufacturers always tried to make transformers, so that the lost occur in rated frequency, rated voltage and sinusoidal current will be minimum. Now the sinusoidal current can be changed if we increase non-linear load. The division of loses in the transformers can be expressed in two different group, which is given below: PTL = PNL + PLL VII. ANALYZED TRANSFORMER The oil immersed three leg core type is known as three phase distribution transformer. The transformer is represented in the given figure. transformers .If the described methodology in this paper is practically used or implemented then it would provide great job to us. IX. REFRENCES [1] F. D. Leon and A. Semlyen, “Reduced order model for transformer transients,” IEEE Trans. Power Del., vol. 7, no. 1, pp. 361–369, Jan. 1992. [2] B. Gustavsen and A. Semlyen, “Rational approximation of frequency domain responses by vector fitting,” IEEE Trans. Power Del., vol. 14, no. 3, pp. 1052–1061, Jul. 1999. [3] B. Gustavsen, “Frequency dependent modeling of power transformers with ungrounded windings,” IEEE Trans. Power Del., vol. 19, no. 3, pp. 1328–1334, Jul. 2004. Transient 3D Model for Determination of Core Losses The three phase transformer having three dimensions is made as the first step. The current loads are sinusoidal in nature so transformer is drawn into Maxwell 3D. By considering the transformer geometry the model is made. The high voltage winding is light blue in color, the transformer core is dark in color, and low voltage winding has red color. VIII. CONCLUSION The high frequency branch and the nominal power frequency model are connected in parallel to each other to construct the variable model of frequency phase. The accuracy of the transformer can be changed or improved by using different FE studies. The validity of failed transformers was also discussed and considered. Different off-line tests are performed and mechanical defects are introduced. SCI do not provide information about winding of transformer while on the other hand FRA is capable of doing this. In different power systems the use harmonic generating apparatus is being increased. The current waveform and distortion of voltage are the drawbacks of using harmonic system. This paper also discussed the harmonic effects at load losses and has introduce the way to get good harmonic effects on [4] Charles Q. 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