Caching techniques for streaming multimedia over the internet

1999, Bell Labs, Holmdel, NJ, …

SOCCER 2000 DRAFT 1 Caching Techniques for Streaming Multimedia over the Internet ✁ ✁ Markus Hofmann , T.S. Eugene Ng , Katherine Guo , Sanjoy Paul , Hui Zhang ✁ Bell Laboratories 101 Crawfords Corner Road Holmdel, NJ 07733, USA (hofmann, kguo, sanjoy) Abstract— Existing solutions for streaming multimedia in the Internet do not scale in terms of object size and number of supported streams. Using separate unicast streams, for example, will overload both network and servers. While caching is the standard technique for improving scalability, existing caching schemes do not support streaming media well. In this paper, we propose a complete solution for caching multimedia streams in the Internet by extending existing techniques and proposing new techniques to support streaming media. These include segmentation of streaming objects, dynamic caching, and self-organizing cooperative caching. We consider these techniques in an integrated fashion. We implemented a complete caching architecture called SOCCER using the network simulator ns-2 and evaluate the effectiveness of each proposed technique and compare them to alternative caching solutions. Keywords—Streaming Media, Caching, Proxy. I. I NTRODUCTION Internet and World-Wide-Web are becoming the ubiquitous infrastructure for distributing all kinds of data and services, including continuous streaming data such as video and audio. A significant increase of commercial products for playback of stored video and audio over the Internet [1], [2] has occurred over the past several years, as well as a proliferation of server sites that support audio/video contents. However, existing solutions for streaming multimedia are not efficient because they use a separate unicast stream for each request, thus they require a stream to travel from the server to the client across the Internet for every request. From the content provider’s point of view, server load increases linearly with the number of receivers. From the receiver’s point of view, she must endure high start-up latency and unpredictable playback quality due to network congestion. From the ISP’s point of view, streaming multimedia under such an architecture poses serious network congestion problems. Multicast and caching are two common techniques for enhancing the scalability of general information dissemi- Carnegie Mellon University 5000 Forbes Avenue Pittsburgh, PA 15213, USA (eugeneng, hzhang) nation systems. However, neither of them can be directly applied to support streaming media playback over the Web. In multicast, receivers are assumed to be homogeneous and synchronous. In reality, receivers are generally heterogeneous and asynchronous. This problem can be solved by batching multiple requests into one multicast session, thus, reducing server load and network load. Unfortunately, this solution does increase the average start-up latency. Caching of web objects for improving end-to-end latency and for reducing network load has been studied extensively starting with CERN httpd [3], followed by improvements in hierarchical caching and co-operative caching under the Harvest project [4], [5] and the Squid project [6], respectively. Surprisingly, there has been very little work to extend cache systems to support streaming media. Existing caching schemes are not designed for and do not take advantage of streaming characteristics. For example, video objects are usually too large to be cached in their entirety. A single, two hour long MPEG movie, for instance, requires about 1.4 Gbytes of disk space. Given a finite buffer space, only a few streams could be stored at a cache, thus, decreasing the hit probability and the efficiency of the caching system. In addition, transmission of streaming objects needs to be rate regulated and these timing constraints need to be considered in the design of a caching system for streaming media. In this paper, we explore and assess three techniques to enhance caching systems to better support streaming media over the Internet, namely segmentation of streaming objects, dynamic caching, and self-organizing cooperative caching. We consider these techniques in an integrated fashion and define a unified streaming architecture called Self-Organizing Cooperative Caching Architecture (SOCCER) that can realize each of these techniques and allow ✂ In this paper, we assume the transmission rate of streaming objects to be a constant bit rate (CBR). However, the described techniques can be extended to also support streaming objects with variable bit rate (VBR). SOCCER 2000 DRAFT 2 us to use any combination of them. The architecture can use both caching and multicast techniques, and it takes advantage of unique properties of streaming media. The key components of the architecture are so-called helper machines, which are caching and streaming agents inside the network, communicating via a novel scalable state distribution protocol and forming dynamic meshes for forwarding streaming data. The rest of the paper is organized as follows. Section II discusses techniques for extending caching systems to better support streaming media. Section III describes the design of our unified streaming architecture. To evaluate various streaming techniques, we have implemented the architecture in the ns-2 simulator and built a prototype implementation on the Unix platform. Section IV presents the simulation results. Related work is discussed in Section V and we conclude the paper in Section VI Streaming Multimedia Object Chunk 0 Chunk 1 Chunk 2 Chunk 3 Uncached Segments Prefix-cached Segments Fig. 1. Segmentation and chunking of streaming objects propose a logical unit for caching called chunk. Figure 1 illustrates the various caching units. A chunk is simply a number of contiguous segments within an object. Thus, starting from the beginning of an object, every segments form a chunk. Each chunk is then cached independently using a prefix caching allocation and replacement policy. That is, the basic unit of caching and cache replacement is a segment, segments allocated for a chunk always form a prefix of the chunk, when any segment within a chunk is being accessed, no segment within the chunk can be ejected from the cache, when any segment within a chunk is chosen by the replacement algorithm, the last segment of the prefixcached segments is always the actual ejected victim. By varying the chunk size, we achieve a trade-off between the maximum number of gaps and the segment replacement flexibility. In the extreme case, this degenerates into performing prefix caching of the entire object. In practice, finding the missing gaps in the system might require some form of intelligent prefetching to meet the timing requirements of streaming. ✁ ✂ ✂ II. S TREAMING E XTENSIONS FOR C ACHING S YSTEMS In this section, we discuss techniques to better support streaming media in caching systems. A. Segmentation of Streaming Objects and Smart Segment Replacement Rather than caching entire streaming objects in an allor-nothing fashion, we propose a more promising way by dividing the objects into smaller segments for caching and replacement purposes. Suppose the minimal allocation unit of a cache disk block is size , then we can let the streaming object segment size be any multiple of . For the rest of this discussion, we simply assume a segment size of . By doing so, segments of a streaming object can be cached and replaced independently and therefore contention for disk space is greatly reduced and disk space can be most efficiently used to cache popular portions of large streaming objects. A drawback of such independent segment caching is that when a streaming request (e.g. playback from time 0 sec to 354 sec) arrives at a cache, the request will most likely result in a partial cache hit in that only certain parts of the requested data are in the cache. Therefore, satisfying such requests requires searching for the missing segments in other caches. This not only increases signaling cost, but also increases the probability of losing synchronization. To address this issue, we need to control the number of missing gaps. One way to accomplish this is to increase the segment size. However, this also increases the contention for disk space, and in the extreme case, this degenerates into caching all or nothing. This points to a need for a large logical unit for caching, while still retains a fine granularity for disk allocation and replacement. We ✂ ✂ B. Dynamic Caching As in classical web caching, the contents of cached multimedia data segments do not change over time and their ejection is controlled by a cache replacement policy. We refer to this as static caching. However, the streaming nature of multimedia offers new opportunities for further bandwidth savings than performing static caching alone. The key observation is that playback requests for streaming media are related by temporal distances. Normally, two playback requests require two separate data streams. However, if we can hide the temporal distance between the requests, then only one data stream is needed to serve both requests. This observation was exploited in [7], [8] for video servers in video-on-demand systems. We generalize this technique for caching systems and name it dynamic caching. Figure 2 demonstrates the basic dynamic has requested a certain caching technique. Receiver streaming object from server at time . At a later time ✄ ☎ SOCCER 2000 DRAFT 3 network load compared to accessing static caches only. S ? Buffer R1 Patch Data for R2 R2 Data for R1 ∆ t1 C. Self-Organizing Cooperative Caching ∆ time t2 Fig. 2. Example illustrating dynamic caching ✂✁ ☎✄ , requests for the same object. Let be the temporal distance between the requests. At , the first seconds of the stream have already been received by . However, notice that all subsequent data being streamed to will also be needed to satisfy ’s request. Thus, by allocating a ring buffer in the network to cache a moving window of seconds (starting at playback time ) of the data stream for , the same data stream can be shared to satisfy ’s request seconds later. The ring buffer has essentially hidden the temporal distance between the two requests. Of course, will have to obtain the initial seconds of missing data (called a patch) either from or from some cache in the network. This is known as patching. These basic techniques have been proposed in [8] in the context of receivers buffering data locally in order to join an in-progress multicast streaming session. We generalize the techniques to allow any network cache to perform dynamic caching for any receivers or any other network caches, and to allow a stream to flow through any number of dynamic caches in the network. In other words, dynamic caches form a stream distribution mesh in the network. Of course, dynamic caching also enables IP multicast delivery of streams in our caching system exactly like that proposed in [8]. Because dynamic caching helps to stream data to multiple destinations efficiently, it is a complementary technique to static caching. It is most useful when data are being streamed to caches or between caches. This happens when the static caches are being filled, or when caches are highly loaded. It is remarkable that a small ring buffer can be enough to deliver a complete streaming object however large it might be. Nevertheless, when presented with a choice between accessing a dynamic cache versus a static cache, there are several interesting trade-offs. First, the moving window nature of a dynamic cache ensures the delivery of the entire streaming object. On the other hand, static cache usually holds only portions of a streaming object, requiring more complex operations in order to retrieve the entire streaming object from within the system. Second, using dynamic caches always requires a feeding stream into the dynamic cache. This possibly increases ✁ ☎ ✁ ✁ ✄ ☎ ☎ ✁ ☎ ✄ ✁ ✄ ✄ ✁ ☎ ✄ ✁ ✄ ✁ ✄ Cooperation among distributed caching systems requires the ability to identify other caches and to learn about their current state. Optimally, a cache would always know the current state of all the other caches. This would allow it to choose the most suitable cache to cooperate with at any time. However, it is impractical to keep a consistent and up-to-date view of all distributed caches. Existing caching systems solve this problem by statically defining the neighbors of a cache using a configuration file [6]. This approach limits the ability of dynamically adapting to changes in network load, system load, and cache contents. Furthermore, it does not support instant identification of active data streams between caches, which is prerequisite to sharing multicast streams for multiple user requests. For these reasons, we propose a mechanism for scalable state distribution that enables caches to learn about the state of remote caching systems. Using this mechanism, loosely coupled cache meshes can be formed to forward a streaming object to various receivers. We call this selforganizing cooperative caching. The details of scalable state distribution and self-organizing cooperative caching are given in the following section. III. U NIFIED C ACHING A RCHITECTURE S TREAMING M EDIA FOR In order to explore and assess streaming extensions for caching systems, we propose a unified architecture called Self-Organizing Cooperative Caching Architecture (SOCCER) that embodies all the techniques discussed in Section II. Its core elements are the so-called helper machines, which are caching and data forwarding agents inside the network. Helpers serve requests for streaming objects by using cached (static or dynamic) data as much as possible. Close cooperation among helpers is enabled by scalable state distribution. A receiver interested in getting a certain streaming object simply sends its request to the origin server. The request will be redirected to the receiver’s proxy helper either transparently by a layer-4 switch or by configuring the proxy in the client’s software. On receiving the request, the proxy helper identifies locally available caches and other helpers that can serve the request through static and dynamic caching. If no appropriate helper is found, the request is forwarded directly to the origin server. Section III-A illustrates the interaction between static and dynamic caching. The mechanisms and criteria for enabling helper cooperation are explained in Section III-B and III-C. SOCCER 2000 DRAFT 4 S S ✂ ✁ 2 2 3 H1 3 8 9 5 H2 1 ✁ ✁ H1 7 8 9 5 load. Multicast from server: Dynamic caching enables to exploit the ongoing multicast transmission. To join the multicast group, allocates a ring buffer that ✆☎✞✝ ✂ . seconds of data, where can hold ✝ The extra seconds is added to absorb network destarts buffering lays and other random factors. received multicast data (step “7”) and, at the same time, requests one or more patches to get the first seconds of the object. might request a patch eior directly from the ther from the static cache of sender (step “8”). Upon receiving the patch (step “9”), forwards it to (step “10”). As soon as has forwarded all patching data, it starts forwarding data from the ring buffer (step “10”). Unicast from helper’s dynamic cache: From state disknows about the content of ’s static tribution, might decide to exploit the and dynamic caches. dynamic cache of . To do this, again allocates a ✟☎✠✝ seconds and sends a request to ring buffer of size (step “7a” in Figure 3b). On receiving the request, starts forwarding the data to (step “7b”). Like now has to request a patch either from the before, static cache of or directly from the sender. The rest of the operations proceed as before (step “8”, “9” and “10”). Unicast from helper’s static cache: It is also possible for to serve ’s request solely by accessing static and by contacting the server in case it caches in becomes necessary. ✄ ✁ 7a 1 ☎ H2 7b ☎ ✁ 4 10 6 R1 4 R2 10 R1 6 R2 ✁ (a) (b) Fig. 3. Example illustrating the unified architecture (a) using multicast (b) using unicast ✁ A. Interaction between Static and Dynamic Caching ✂ SOCCER makes use of both static caching and dynamic caching. The interaction between static and dynamic caching is illustrated in the example shown in Figure 3. There are two receivers and , a video server , and two helpers and . No data is cached at any helper initially. Figure 3a illustrates an example using multicast, while Figure 3b shows an example for unicast only. Receiver requests streaming object ✁ at time . The request is either directly addressed or transparently redirected to the proxy helper (step “1” in Figure 3a). Be’s local cause the requested data is not available from cache nor from any other remote helper, a request is sent to server (step “2”). On receiving the request, server initiates a new data stream for object ✁ (step “3”). The new data stream can either be unicast or multicast. For now, we assume it is multicast. At time ✄✂ , receives the data stream and starts caching incoming data in an infinitesimally small, defaultsized ring buffer. It also starts caching the data segments in static cache (as discussed in Section II). Simultaneously, (step “4”). also begins adit streams the data to vertising its ability to deliver segments of object ✁ (step “5”). issues a request for At some later time, receiver streaming object ✁ . The request is redirected and reaches at time (step “6”). Because of state proxy helper knows the state of distribution through advertisements, helper and the multicast stream transmitting the desired has several options, dependobject. Interesting is that ing on whether it is preferable to exploit static or dynamic caches, or to make use of unicast or multicast techniques: Unicast from server: Helper can contact the server and request the entire streaming object just like what did. Obviously, this does not require any additional buffer space, but it increases server and network ✁ ✁ ✄ ✁ ✄ ✄ ✁ ✄ ✁ ✁ ☎ ✁ ✁ ✂ ✁ ✁ ☎ ☎ ✁ ✁ ✁ ✁ ✄ ✁ ✄ ✂ ✁ ✁ ✄ B. Mechanisms for Scalable State Distribution Self-organizing helper cooperation is enabled by scalable state distribution. Helpers periodically send advertise messages to a well-known multicast address indicating their ability to serve requests for certain media objects. State information is then used to select the best helpers to cooperate with. A mechanism for scalable state distribution strives to balance two conflicting goals: network load should be kept as low as possible, and the freshness of state information should be as high as possible. Obviously, frequent sending of global advertisements improves freshness but increases network load. Notice that a helper would prefer getting support from a nearby helper rather than from a far away helper. Thus, to reduce the overhead caused by global advertisements, a good trade-off is to have a helper receive advertisements from other nearby helpers more frequently than from helpers far away. These observations motivated our design of the Expanding Ring Advertisement (ERA), which was originally de- SOCCER 2000 DRAFT 5 Interval No. TTL 1 15 2 31 3 15 4 63 5 15 6 31 7 15 8 127 9 15 10 31 11 15 12 63 13 15 14 31 15 15 16 254 17 15 18 31 TABLE I TTL Scope C VALUES USED TO SEND ADVERTISEMENTS Frequency of Reception 15 Every Advertisement 31 Every 2. Advertisement 63 Every 4. Advertisement 127 Every 8. Advertisement A D B Helper/Receiver Advertising Helper Fig. 4. Different scoping areas veloped in the context of reliable multicast protocols [9]. The ERA algorithm makes use of TTL-based scope restriction. However, it could easily be modified to use administratively scoped multicast addresses or any other scoping mechanism. According to the ERA algorithm, helpers send their advertisements with dynamically changing TTL values given in Table I. The given TTL values are defined according to the scope regions in the current MBone. They can easily be adjusted to conform to specific network infrastructures. In the given scheme, the first message is sent with a scope of 15 (local), the second one with a scope of 31 (regional), etc. The effect of this scheme is illustrated in Figure 4. Listening helpers within a scope of 15 (e.g., helper ) will get every advertise message (assuming there are no packet losses). Those who have distance between 16 and 31 (e.g., helper ✁ ) will receive every other advertisement. And every ✂☎✄✝✆✟✞ advertise message will be distributed worldwide. This ensures that the frequency of advertise messages exponentially decreases with increasing scope. Therefore, the scheme reduces network load while allowing short reaction time within a local scope. However, it still ensures global visibility of helpers over a larger time scale. By observing sequence numbers, the advertisements can also be used to estimate the number of hops between helpers without requiring access to the header of received IP packets. C. Helper Selection Upon receiving a request for a streaming object, a helper has to decide where to get the requested data. Data can be retrieved from its own local cache, directly from the server, or from any static or dynamic cache of other helpers. The decision making process is called helper selection. In general, a helper may get portions of the requested data from multiple sources. It is the goal of the helper selection algorithm to find a near optimal sequence of static and/or dynamic cache accesses in order to serve the request. We propose a helper selection algorithm that uses a step-wise algorithm to find one cache at a time and finishes streaming data from a selected cache before determining the next cache in sequence, thus, achieving a step-wise local optimum. C.1 Algorithm for Helper Selection During each iteration of our step-wise algorithm, a helper looks for the best cache (either dynamic or static) to use. Once it chooses a static cache, it gets as much data as there is in the selected static cache up to the start of the next available local cache or up to the end of the request. Once it chooses a dynamic cache, it gets data from it up to the end of the clip. The algorithm is outlined in Figure 5. During each iteration, using a cost function (discussed in the next section), the algorithm finds the lowest cost cache currently in the helpers to serve the request. Selection is restricted to static caches only if the ✠ ☛✡ ☛☞✍✌ ✏✎✒✑✔✓ flag is set. To restrict the number of switches between static caches, the algorithm requires a static cache to have at least ✕ segments of data after ☛✡✗✖ to be considered. If the cache found is static, the helper gets as much data as possible from this static cache, up to the point where its own local static cache can be used, and advances ✘✡✙✖ for the next iteration to the end of the current request. If the cache found is dynamic, the helper sends a request to get data up to ✘✚✛✎✒✜ from this dynamic cache. At the same time, it continues searching to get any required patches from one or more static caches. Using a dynamic cache generally involves prefetching of future data because the content of a dynamic cache changes over time. While prefetching data, the selected dynamic cache might become suboptimal. However, since the helper has already started to prefetch data, it keeps using the previously selected dynamic cache. ✁ ☎ ☎ ☎ ☎ ✁ ☎ ☎ ☎ ☎ ☎ C.2 Cost Function for Helper Selection Making use of a static or a dynamic cache is associated with many cost factors. For example, accessing a cache might cause additional network load and increase the processing load at the cache, using a dynamic cache ✢ The origin server is considered a static cache as well. SOCCER 2000 DRAFT ✂✁✄✆☎✞✝✟ ✡✠☞☛✍✌ = start playback time; = end playback time; ✌✏✎✑☛✓✒ = false; ✔ ✕☎✏✕✖✘✗✚✙✛☛✓✜✣✢ = false; 6 network distance to the closest member of group class local regional national global ✌✏✎✑☛✤✒ ) do while not( ✕☎✏✕✖✘✗✚✙✛☛✓✜✣✢ if ( ✔ ) then ( ✥ , ✦ ) = (helper,static cache) of min cost; else ( ✥ , ✦ ) = (helper,any cache) of min cost; fi if (isStatic( ✦ )) then ✡✁✪✆☎✫✝✑ send request ✧✩★ to ✥ for data from ✕✠☞☛✤✌ to min( ,endOf( ✦ ),start of next available local cache) ✕✠✬☛✍✌ if (endOf( ✧ ★ ) == ) then ✌✏✎✑☛✤✒ = true; else ✡✁✪✆☎✫✝✑ = endOf( ✧ ★ ); sleep for the playback duration of ✧ ★ ; fi else if (isDynamic( ✦ )) then send request ✧✮✭ to ✥ for data from ✡✠☞☛✍✌ ; startOf( ✦ ) to ✂✁✄✆☎✞✝✟ if ( == startOf( ✦ )) then ✌✏✎✑☛✤✒ = true; else ✕✠✬☛✍✌ = startOf( ✦ ); ✔ ✕☎✏✆✖✯✗✚✙✛☛✤✜✰✢ = true; fi fi od Fig. 5. Helper selection algorithm requires buffer space to absorb the temporal distance, etc. To keep complexity low, it is reasonable to define a subset of useful indices and to specify a good heuristic to find appropriate caches. Content providers, network service providers, and content consumers generally have different, sometimes conflicting optimization goals. We define one possible cost function that tries to find a balance between network and server/helper load. Before describing the function, we first specify two important cost factors that we consider – network load and server/helper load. Network Load: The network distance ✱ between two ✳✲ ✵✴ and is related to the number of hops on helpers ✲ ✴ the path from to . Network distance is used as an approximation for the network load associated with data transmission from one host to another. In SOCCER, helpers implicitly use the ERA algorithm to estimate network distance among themselves and the sender. They classify remote helpers based on the observed scoping level and assign distance values to each of the classes according to Table II. In addition, to approximate network load for receiving multicast data, the network distance be✲ and multicast group ✶ is defined to be the tween helper ✶ . ✌✸✷ network distance ( ✥✺✹✆✻✂✥☞✼✑✽ ) 1 2 3 4 ttl (scope) 0 - 15 16 - 31 32 - 63 64 - 255 TABLE II C LASSES OF NETWORK DISTANCE Server/Helper Load: It is desirable to evenly distribute load among the helper machines and to avoid overloading popular helpers. The total number of incoming and outgoing streams is a good indicator of the current processing load at a server/helper and is, therefore, included in the advertise messages. Each server/helper has a maximum number of streams it can serve concurrently. When the number of streams served is far less than this processing capacity limit, serving one more stream has little impact on performance. However, when the server/helper is operating close to its capacity, serving one more stream will degrade the performance significantly. As a result, the cost associated with server/helper load should increase mildly for low load and increase sharply for high load. Therefore, we define it as follows: If the cache is local or the resulting stream is multicast, the load related cost ✾ for requesting a stream from helper (or server ) is defined as one. If the resulting stream is unicast, it is defined as ✡✤❀❁✾❃❂ ✡ ✜ ✡ ✜ ✌❅❄ ✖ ✍✖ ❆ ✎ ✿ ✁ ✾ ✿ ✡✤❀❁✾❃❂ ❇✾❃❂ ✄ ☎ ✡ ✜ ❈ where ✌❅❄ ✖ ✖✍❆ ✎ ❇✾❃❂ ✡ ✜ is the number of streams at helper and ✿ ✡✓❀❉✾❊❂ ✡✗✜ is the maximum allowable number of streams at . Notice that the cost associated with server/helper load is minimized for both local cache (static or dynamic) and multicast streams, because these scenarios do not incur any additional load at other helpers or the server. Calculating the Normalized Cost: We define the normalized cost function for using a cache as the cost of getting a single segment from that cache. Using the two cost factors introduced above, the normalized cost is defined as ❋ ✱❍●■✾ , where ✱ is the network cost and ✾ is the cost associated with server/helper load. This metric is suitable for static caches. On the other hand, since using a dynamic cache involves prefetching data that are potentially not needed, care must be taken to discourage the use of a dynamic cache of a very large temporal distance. For example, a helper might have prefetched ✖ segments when the user aborts the transmission such that only ❀ segments ✁ ☎ SOCCER 2000 DRAFT 7 Request Time Beginning of Dynamic Buffer ∆ s x Fig. 6. Illustration of variables used in normalized cost are actually used. In this case, the normalized cost for getting those ❀ segments is increased by a overhead factor of ✁ (1) ✖ ❀ ✌ In general, the larger the temporal distance, the larger the potential waste. Figure 6 illustrates how we estimate this potential waste when a dynamic cache is selected. The notations used are as follows: : The temporal distance in segments between the requesting and the serving helper is denoted by , where . : The number of segments from beginning of dynamic cache up to the end of the streaming object is . denoted by , where ❀ : The number of segments that are actually used from ❀ the dynamic cache is denoted by ❀ , where . When a helper has received all the patching data and starts using data from a dynamic cache, it has already prefetched segments. If ❀ segments are used, the helper will have prefetched ❀ additional segments, until it reaches the end of the object. Therefore, the number of prefetched segments after ❀ segments are used is given by min ❀ . Thus, it follows that ✂ ✂✁ ✂ ✠ ✂✄ ✠ ✠ ✂✄ ✂ ✁ A different request length distribution will give a different value of ❀ , resulting in a different normalized cost function. It is important to note that, this cost function is minimized for local static cache, where is zero by definition and ✱ and ✾ are one. As a result, whenever local static cache is available, the algorithm always makes use of it to the fullest. IV. S IMULATION We use simulations conducted in ns-2 version 2.1b2 [10] to evaluate the effectiveness of the various techniques for streaming media. Helpers can be configured to perform proxy caching, hierarchical caching, or dynamic cooperative caching, using any combination of the techniques described in Sections II and III. For state distribution, we use the ns-2 centralized multicast feature with sender based trees. This option eliminates the periodic flooding and pruning messages of DVMRP [11]. Multicast routers in ns-2 always decrement the TTL value of packets being forwarded by one. Therefore, the ERA algorithm uses TTL values of 1, 2, 3, and 20 (to ensure delivery to all helpers) in the simulation instead of 15, 31, 63, and 127, as described in Section III-B. ✠ 25 Sender C 20 40 A 25 20 ✁ ☎ ✝✆ ✟✞ ☛✌✡☞✠ ✡ ✡ ✖ ☎ ❈ ✑✏ if if ❈ ✁ ✌ 15 ❈ ☎ ✆ ✄ ✎✆ ✍ ☎ ✄ ✠ ✄ ✠ 5 25 ❀ is assumed. If the considered cache is static or the temporal distance is zero, the overhead reduces to . At the time the cost calculation is done, a helper does not know whether or when a user might terminate transmission. Therefore, a helper needs to estimate the value of ❀ . Assuming that the playback lengths are uniformly distributed, then playback will on average continue for another segments. By substituting ❀ in equation (2), we estimate the overhead factor as 5 5 20 7 15 10 15 35 5 10 25 (2) ❀ 20 15 25 15 10 10 ❀ 7 15 B ✖ ✠ D 10 20 25 20 20 35 10 15 25 15 25 ✂ ✓✒✓✔ ✝✒✓✔ ✁ ✠ ✢ ✣ ✤ ✥ ✠ ✟✞ ✁ ✌ ☛✔ ✕☎ ✔✗✖ ✠ ✆ ❈ ☎ ✂ ❈ if if ✁ ✠ ✁✄ ✠ (3) ✁ Finally, the normalized cost function used by our helper selection algorithm is ❋ Fig. 7. MCI backbone topology and the static hierarchy built on top of it. The numbers on the link represent the latency in milliseconds. , , , and are parent helpers in the hierarchy. ✟✞ ✁ ☛ ✔✘✖✫✱✙✞✖ ✾ ☎✚☎✕✔✗✖ ✠ ✆ ✛✆✜✖✫✙ ✱ ✖ ✾ ❈ ☎ ✂ ❈ ✁ if ✠ ✄ ✠ if ✦ ✔ ✧ Topology obtained from in October 1998. ✂ ✁ ✁ We perform our simulation on the MCI backbone network as shown in Figure 7. Link capacities are irrelevant since we do not consider network congestion. A helper and a stub-router are attached to each backbone router. Each stub-router simulates a subnet of receivers. The latency between each backbone router and its corresponding stub-router is ms. The sender is attached to router through six additional hops of latency ms each. (4) SOCCER 2000 DRAFT 8 Parameter Simulation Time Average Request Inter-Arrival Time Per Subnet Stream Segment Size Stream Chunk Size Helper Static Cache Space Helper Dynamic Cache Space Static Caching Dynamic Caching Advertisement Timer Cost Function Parameter maxLoad Minimum Static Cache Solution Size Cache Replacement Policy Streaming Method Default Value 10 hours 4 minutes 1.67 MB 10 MB 5 GB 64 MB On Off 60 seconds 100 1.67 MB LFU Unicast TABLE III D EFAULT VALUES OF PARAMETERS For hierarchical caching, we construct a two-level hierarchy, where level 1 composes of nodes , , , and . The corresponding children level 2 nodes are assigned based on the grouping shown in Figure 7. Two versions of the hierarchy are used. Hierarchy 1 uses 5 GB as the helper static cache space for all caches. Hierarchy 2 uses 13 GB and 3 GB for level 1 and level 2 caches respectively (total cache space is the same as in Hierarchy 1). The sender contains 100 100-minute long streaming media objects of 1 GB each. A media stream is a constant bit rate UDP stream with 1 KB packet size and 1.33 Mbps playback rate. Each subnet of receivers follows a Poisson request arrival process and the requested object follows the Zipf [12] distribution. All requests start from the beginning of an object, but vary in the ending time. We use a bimodal distribution that gives a 40%, 20%, and 40% chance of playing back 0 to 20 minutes, 20 to 80 minutes, and 80 to 100 minutes respectively. Table III specifies a set of default simulation parameters. Whenever applicable, their default values are used unless otherwise noted. We use two performance metrics to evaluate various techniques, they are network load and sender load. Network load is illustrated as the cumulative number of bytes of all types of packets transmitted on all links versus time, whereas sender load is illustrated as the total number of outgoing streams at the sender versus time. In general, good performance is indicated by low network and sender load. ❋ ✁ A. Simulation Results To illustrate the benefits of various multimedia caching techniques, a set of simulation results are presented in Figure 8. First, we consider the benefit of segmenting a large multimedia object by varying the segment size (Figure 8 (a) & (b)). Recall that a segment is the minimum unit of data cached. When no segmentation is performed, multimedia objects are cached in all-or-nothing fashion. As shown in the figure, no segmentation leads to the highest network load and server load due to high contention for disk space. As the segment size decreases, contention for disk space is reduced and thus caches perform more effectively leading to lower overall load. Depending on the request arrival frequency, continuing reduction in segment size ceases to provide significant additional benefit. Since reducing the segment size increases the disk management overhead, the segment size should be set based on the expected system load. Next we consider dynamic caching (Figure 8 (c) & (d)). As noted before, dynamic caching is most useful when data are being streamed across the network when caches are being filled or the caches are heavily loaded. We simulate a highly loaded system by reducing the average request inter-arrival time per subnet to one second. Simulation time is reduced to 600 seconds to limit execution time, but as a result the data does not show the steady state of the system. Static caching is turned off while dynamic caching is turned on, and we vary the size of the dynamic cache. Two points worth noting in this experiment. First, as expected, network load reduces as the dynamic cache size increases. Second, by using dynamic caching, the sender load is decreased only by a small amount because of the extra patching streams. The benefit of self-organizing cooperative caching is shown in Figure 8 (e) & (f). We compare our proposed scheme against proxy caching and hierarchical caching (using two cache size configurations). There are several points to note. First, we see that the performance of hierarchical caching is highly dependent on the cache size configuration. Hierarchy 1, with 5 GB of space at each helper, gives similar network load as proxy caching, while reducing the sender load slightly. Hierarchy 2, with 13 GB caches at level 1 and 5 GB caches at level 2, provides much better performance. Second, self-organizing cooperative caching yields the best performance overall. It reduces network load by 44% compared to proxy caching or hierarchical caching in variant 1, and by 35% compared to hierarchical caching in variant 2. Third, the network load reported already accounts for the state distribution data packets, which contribute less than 0.03% to the total data traffic. In reality, compression techniques can be used to further reduce the overhead. We have also experimented with other advertisement timer values from 240 seconds to 20 seconds and observed that network load (including state distribution overhead) reduces slightly as advertisement messages are sent more frequently because the information used by helpers is more up-to-date. These results SOCCER 2000 DRAFT 9 1.2e+13 160 No Segmentation 167 MB/Segment 16.7 MB/Segment 1.67 MB/Segment No Segmentation 167 MB/Segment 16.7 MB/Segment 1.67 MB/Segment 140 120 Number of Streams at Sender Cumulative # Bytes Passed on All Links 1e+13 8e+12 6e+12 4e+12 100 80 60 40 2e+12 20 0 0 0 5000 10000 15000 20000 25000 Simulation Time (sec) 30000 35000 40000 0 5000 10000 (a) 15000 20000 25000 Simulation Time (sec) 30000 35000 40000 (b) 8e+12 No Caching 64 MB Dynamic Cache 128 MB Dynamic Cache 256 MB Dynamic Cache 7e+12 No Caching 64 MB Dynamic Cache 128 MB Dynamic Cache 256 MB Dynamic Cache 14000 Number of Streams at Sender Cumulative # Bytes Passed on All Links 12000 6e+12 5e+12 4e+12 3e+12 10000 8000 6000 4000 2e+12 2000 1e+12 0 0 100 200 300 Simulation Time (sec) 400 500 0 100 600 150 200 250 (c) 300 350 400 Simulation Time (sec) 450 500 550 600 (d) 250 1.4e+13 Proxy Cache Hierarchical Cache 1 Hierarchical Cache 2 SOCCER Static Cache Proxy Cache Hierarchical Cache 1 Hierarchical Cache 2 SOCCER Static Cache 200 1e+13 Number of Streams at Sender Cumulative # Bytes Passed on All Links 1.2e+13 8e+12 6e+12 150 100 4e+12 50 2e+12 0 0 0 5000 10000 15000 20000 25000 Simulation Time (sec) (e) 30000 35000 40000 0 5000 10000 15000 20000 25000 Simulation Time (sec) 30000 35000 40000 (f) Fig. 8. Various simulation results. (a)/(b) Benefit of segmentation. (c)/(d) Benefit of dynamic caching. (e)/(f) Benefit of selforganizing cooperative caching. SOCCER 2000 DRAFT 10 Adver Timer (seconds) Total Data (Bytes) State Dist Data (Bytes) 240 64.0e11 31.8e6 120 63.1e11 81.0e6 60 62.6e11 184e6 20 61.7e11 733e6 TABLE IV OVERHEAD Scheme Proxy Max Avg Hier 1 Max Avg Hier 2 Max Avg SOCCER Max Avg OF STATE DISTRIBUTION Server 220 173 196 152 153 119 73 56 Level 1 Helpers 36 18 136 85 125 80 45 25 Level 2 Helpers 43 20 43 20 45 21 50 27 TABLE V S ERVER AND HELPERS LOAD IN NUMBER OF STREAMS are summarized in Table IV. Finally, note that self-organizing cooperative caching can also distribute load much better than the other schemes. Table V illustrates the load on the server, level 1 helpers and level 2 helpers under the various caching schemes. Since helpers within the same level exhibit similar load, we provide only the aggregate statistics for each level. Under proxy caching, the server is extremely overloaded. Hierarchical caching reduces the server’s load slightly, however, much of the burden is carried by the four Level 1 parent caches. The Level 2 children caches are not effective. In contrast, under self-organizing cooperative caching, the maximum and average server load are reduced by about 67% compared to proxy caching. Furthermore, the burden is spread quite evenly among the caches. As a result, network hot-spots are eliminated. V. R ELATED W ORK Related work on web caching systems such as CERN httpd [3], Harvest [4], [5] and Squid [6] has already been mentioned in Section I. These systems are designed for classical web objects and do not offer any support for streaming media. Furthermore, their static web caching architecture is very different from self-organizing cache cooperation and dynamic caching as defined in SOCCER. In these approaches, parent caches and sibling caches are statically configured using a configuration file. Thus, they do not adapt to changes in network and system loads dynamically. Another body of related work is in the area of scalable video-on-demand systems [8], [13], [14], [15]. The idea is to reduce server load by grouping multiple requests within a time-interval and serving the entire group in a single stream. Chaining and patching refine the basic idea and define mechanisms to avoid the problem of increased start- up latency for those requests which arrive earlier in a timeinterval. The proposed techniques are designed for video on demand systems, and they are not concerned about wide area bandwidth constraints nor about the client’s buffer requirements. In fact, they can actually increase clients’ storage requirements, while chaining can also lead to increased network load in wide-area networks. SOCCER, on the other hand, aims at reducing network load and client storage requirements in addition to reducing server load. This goal is achieved by utilizing both temporal distance as well as network distance (or spatial proximity) to form the so-called helper mesh. Overall memory requirement is reduced because helpers share buffers with one another. Other related work has been done on memory caching for multimedia servers [16], [7]. While the basic principle of caching data in different memory levels of a video server has some similarities with storing data in a distributed caching system, there is a fundamental difference. The spatial distance between different memory levels in a server is zero. In contrast, spatial distance between distributed caching systems is not negligible and, therefore, has to be considered in the design of web cache management policies. This requirement is reflected in SOCCER’s helper selection and cost function. Recently, work has been presented on proxy caching architectures for improving video delivery over wide area networks. The scheme presented in [17] makes use of prefix caching in order to smooth bursty video streams during playback. Prefetching and storing portions of a stream in network proxies for the purpose of smoothing has also been proposed in [18]. In [19], a proxy caching mechanism is used for improving delivered quality of layeredencoded multimedia streams. All these approaches are based on a relative simple proxy architecture without any collaboration between the proxies. Our work is complementary in the sense that it focuses on the design of an efficient collaborative proxy/caching architecture. The proposed mechanisms for video smoothing and quality adaptation can use our architecture with the additional benefits of a collaborative caching environment. Finally, the “middleman” architecture presented in [20] is relevant to SOCCER. It forms clusters of caches where each cluster uses a coordinator to keep track of the state of caches in the cluster. This centralized approach contrasts sharply with SOCCER’s distributed architecture in which each helper maintains global state information and makes local decisions. VI. C ONCLUSIONS AND F UTURE W ORK This research is a first step to understand the issues of extending the caching principle to support streaming me- SOCCER 2000 DRAFT 11 dia over the Internet. We study relevant streaming techniques, generalize and apply them in the context of distributed caching. Furthermore, we propose several novel techniques, including segmentation of streaming objects, combined use of dynamic and static caching, and selforganizing cooperative caching. We integrate all these techniques into a complete solution for caching streaming media in the Internet by defining the Self-Organizing Cooperative Caching Architecture (SOCCER). Our simulations showed that self-organizing cooperative caching can significantly reduce network and server load compared to proxy or hierarchical caching. It turns out that the overhead for state distribution becomes almost negligible when using the proposed distribution protocol based on Expanding Ring Advertisement (ERA). Our results also show that heavily loaded systems will benefit from segmentation of media objects and from dynamic caching. More work needs to be done on evaluating and assessing different cost functions for helper selection and to better understand the trade-offs between effectiveness and complexity. Our current implementation of a streaming helper is in compliance with IETF standard protocols, notably Real Time Streaming Protocol (RTSP) [21] and Real-time Transport Protocol (RTP) [22]. Therefore, it can interoperate with any standard-compliant streaming server and client in a transparent way. 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