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Shape Analysis in Molecular Imaging
Fei Gao and Pengcheng Shi
Abstract Molecular imaging is a new research discipline enabling the visualization,
characterization and quantification of biologic processes taking place at the cellular and subcellular levels within intact living subjects. Applications of molecular
imaging techniques will benefit various clinical practices including classification
and tracking of chemotherapy and treatment planning of radiotherapy, as well as
drug discovery and development. Molecular imaging typically includes two or three
dimensional imaging with quantification over time, and is often applied on molecular imaging modalities, such as Positron Emission Tomography (PET), Single
Photon Emission Computed Tomography (SPECT) etc. Image series acquired with
spatiotemporal distribution of molecular biomarkers must be carefully analyzed to
estimate the underlying physiology-related metabolic parameters. Shape analysis is
one of the most powerful tools to analyze the geometrical properties from similar
shapes or different groups, and can be applied to estimate both the concentration of
biomarkers and interaction between biomarkers and tissue/organs. However, some
limitations from molecular imaging modalities and clinical practices still hinder the
quantitative accuracy of shape analysis, e.g. the low spatial and temporal resolution
in PET scan, the inaccuracy of blood samplings from patients, the low Signal-toNoise (SNR) ratio of measurement data in dynamic PET/CT scan. In this chapter,
firstly, we will introduce the definition of molecular imaging, the clinical advantages
and limitations of various molecular imaging modalities, secondly, we will review
the challenges in data analysis based on the data processing procedure, and explain
how data corrections affect the accuracy of static and dynamic PET imaging, thirdly,
the general frameworks of image processing in PET and SPECT are reviewed with
focus on image reconstruction, at last, we will show some recent advancements and
give examples of clinical applications.
F. Gao (B) and P. Shi
Rochester Institute of Technology, 102 Lomb Memorial Drive, Rochester, NY 14623-5608, USA
P. Shi
S. Li and J. M. R. S. Tavares (eds.), Shape Analysis in Medical Image Analysis,
Lecture Notes in Computational Vision and Biomechanics 14,
DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-03813-1_2, © Springer International Publishing Switzerland 2014
F. Gao and P. Shi
1 Introduction to Molecular Imaging and Molecular Imaging
Molecular imaging provides the images of molecular and cellular level activities inside the body. Molecular imaging enables doctors to measure the biological
processes quantitatively and reflects the functionality of organs and tissues inside
patients. According to the definition from the Society of Nuclear Medicine and
Molecular Imaging (SNMMI), molecular imaging is the visualization, characterization, and measurement of biological processes at the molecular and cellular levels in
humans and other living systems [58]. Molecular imaging usually involves two- or
three- dimensional images and conducts quantitative analysis over the time.
Molecular imaging is a noninvasive procedure and can be used to study and diagnosis of cancer, brain diseases and disorders, cardiology, and various disorders in
different organs and tissues. Molecular imaging modalities include Positron Emission Tomography (PET), Single Photon Emission Computed Tomography (SPECT),
Optical imaging, Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI), Computed Tomography (CT),
and Ultrasound (US). Of all modalities, PET and SPECT are the full functional imaging modalities while others are only with limited abilities. Based on these imaging
modalities, hybrid PET/CT [90], PET/MRI [74], PET/SPECT/CT [56] further enrich
the ability of molecular imaging. Different imaging modalities require different considerations of data processing methods. The following sections will introduce the
major molecular imaging modalities and their data processing methods.
1.1 Positron Emission Tomography
PET as a biomedical research technique and clinical diagnostic procedure is one
of the most important applications in nuclear medical imaging devices. In the past
three decades, there have been significant advancements in PET scanners and image
processing methods [1, 92, 94]. PET scan is a unique type of imaging test that helps
doctors see how the organs and tissues inside your body are actually functioning.
PET scan reveals the cellular level metabolic changes occurring in an organ or tissue.
This is important and unique because disease processes often begin with functional
changes at the cellular level. Currently, PET scans are most commonly used to detect
cancer, heart problems, brain disorders and other central nervous system disorders.
PET scan can be used to track the spread of disease inside body and patient response
to drugs and therapies, which help to determine the more effective treatment plans
for individual patient. PET scans can also be used to follow-up and manage ongoing
cares. Quantitative dynamic PET imaging also offers good promise for personalized
drug treatment by accurate pharmacokinetic analysis and will enable medicine to be
tailored to each person’s needs, and improve the safety, quality and effectiveness of
healthcare for every patient.
Shape Analysis in Molecular Imaging
Fig. 1 PET images in different views: a Coronal view; b Sagittal view; c Horizontal view; d 3D
PET scans rely on the injected radiotracers which circulate inside the body. PET
scanner detects the pairs of gamma photons emitted from the radiotracer, which are
known as positron annihilation, and creates a projection data of radiotracer distribution. The reconstructed images from projection data are used for diagnosis. PET
images of different views from a volunteer are shown in Fig. 1. One currently used
PET radiotracer for daily clinical routines is 18 F-FDG (Fluoro-2-deoxy-d-glucose),
which is a compound consist of glucose and radioactive fluorine-18. When disease
occurs, the activities of cells begin to change, for example, the cancer cells need more
glucose and more active than normal cells, so there will be more radiolabeled 18 FFDG accumulated in the cancer cells. With the PET images, it appears higher intense
than surrounding tissues, which is called as a ‘hot spot’ indicating a high level of
activity or metabolism is occurring there. Correspondingly, a ‘cold spot’ refers to the
area of low metabolic activities indicated by lower intense in the PET images. With
these PET images, doctors will be able to evaluate the working situation of organs
F. Gao and P. Shi
Fig. 2 PET/CT images: a CT image; b PET image; c Fused PET/CT image
and tissues and determine the abnormals by analyzing the hot spots and cold spots.
The ability of detecting cellular level change that occurs early in the disease makes
PET imaging superior to the CT and MR images which show the structural change
after accumulations in cellular level. Hybrid PET/CT or PET/MRI is the combination
of PET and CT or MRI, the combination of multiple imaging modalities allows both
anatomical and functional images in one image set. One example of PET/CT images
is shown in Fig. 2.
Different radiotracers will reveal different diseases. Besides 18 F-FDG mentioned
before, which is widely used for cancer diagnosis, cardiology, neurology, there are
many other radiotracers used in research and clinical applications. 18 F-FLT (3′ fluoro-3′ -deoxy-l-thymidine) is developed as a PET tracer to image tumor cell proliferation [12], 11 C-Acetate is developed to localize prostate cancer [62], 13 N-ammonia
is developed to quantify the myocardial blood flow [48], 11 C-dihydrotetrabenazine
(DTBZ) is developed for brain imaging, which can be used for differentiating
Alzheimer’s disease from dementia and Parkinson’s disease [47], 11 C-WIN35,428 is
a cocaine analogue and sensitive to the dopamine transporters [93]. Researchers are
working on labeling different drugs with radioactive 11 F, 11 C, 13 N etc. for PET scan,
and pharmaceutical companies are especially interested in applying quantitative PET
analysis on radio-labeled new drugs, this has the potential to shorten the Phase I to
Phase II studies from more than 5 years to be 2 years.
Clinical PET studies include activity image reconstruction of radiotracer concentrations and parametric image reconstruction from dynamic PET scans. The quantitative accuracy of reconstructed images depends on the whole procedure: data
corrections of measurement data, statistical modeling of acquisition process, and
proper reconstruction methods. The data correction is the very first step, and directly
determines the accuracy of following steps. The data correction consists of many
specific corrections, including random correction, scatter correction, deadtime cor-
Shape Analysis in Molecular Imaging
Fig. 3 One patient SPECT scan
rection, attenuation correction etc. Among all the corrections, scatter correction is
the most complicated and still a very active research topic. The percentage of scatter
coincidence events in measurement data is around 30 % for PET scanners from major
manufactures. And their distributions are more complicated and will vary with the
dosage of injected radiotracer and the status of detector system, furthermore, the scatter coincidence events can either be corrected or modeled in the system probability
matrix. Additionally, the development of new full 3D PET scanner with new scintillators and Photomultiplier Tubes (PMT) [3, 6, 28, 40, 52, 87], requires corresponding
new correction methods.
1.2 Single Photon Emission Computed Tomography
SPECT scan uses a gamma camera that rotates around the patient to detect the radiotracer inside body. SPECT will also produce a set of 3D images but generally have
a lower resolution. The radiotracers commonly used for SPECT scan include 99m T c
[59], 188 Re [39], 68 Ga [104], 82 Rb [23] etc. Electrocardiography (ECG)-Gated 82 Rb
can also be used for myocardial perfusion PET [5]. One example image from SPECT
scan is shown in Fig. 3. Hybrid SPECT/CT is also designed to provide more accurate
anatomical and functional information [88]. SPECT scan differs from PET scan in
that the tracer stays in your blood stream rather than being absorbed by surrounding
tissues, therefore, SPECT scan can show how blood flows to the heart and brain
are effective or not. SPECT scan is cheaper and more readily available than higher
F. Gao and P. Shi
Fig. 4 One patient brain MRI scan
resolution PET scan. Tests have shown that SPECT scan might be more sensitive to
brain injury than either MRI or CT scanning because it can detect reduced blood flow
to injured sites. SPECT scan is also useful for presurgical evaluation of medically
uncontrolled seizures and diagnosing stress fractures in the spine (spondylolysis),
blood deprived (ischemic) areas of brain following a stroke, and tumors [4, 9].
1.3 Other Molecular Imaging Modalities
Other molecular imaging modalities include MRI, CT, Optical imaging, Ultrasound,
which have only limited molecular imaging abilities.
1.3.1 MRI
MRI scanners produce strong magnetic fields where body tissue that contains hydrogen atoms is made to emit a radio signal which is detected by the scanner. MRI scanners produce detailed 3D images of the inside of the body. MRI scan is best for brain
imaging, breast, heart and blood vessel, organs and soft tissues [13]. Contrast materials are often used to enhance MRI images. MRI has the highest spatial resolution
and possibility to extract both physiological and anatomical information. However,
MRI generally has low sensitivity and requires longer scan and data processing time.
Samples of MRI images are shown in Fig. 4.
Functional magnetic resonance imaging or functional MRI (fMRI) is a MRI procedure that measures brain activity by detecting associated changes in blood flow.
The primary form of fMRI uses the blood-oxygen-level-dependent (BOLD) contrast,
and measures the change in magnetization between oxygen-rich and oxygen-poor
blood, which is mostly used in brain mapping research [37].
Shape Analysis in Molecular Imaging
Another MRI scan used in research is Dynamic Contrast Enhanced- MRI (DCEMRI), which is a quantitative method that allows for tumor vascular analysis, including blood volume, perfusion, vascular leakage space. DCE-MRI uses gadolinumbased contrast agents and standard MRI scanners to provide quantitative results
1.3.2 Optical Imaging
Optical imaging has the highest sensitivity, but relatively low spatial resolution. Optical imaging only provides images in limited Field of View (FOV). Optical imaging
reduces patient radiation exposed significantly by using non-ionizing radiation. Optical imaging can be used to differentiate between native soft tissues and tissues labeled
with either endogenous or exogenous contrast media, using their different photon
absorption or scattering profiles at different wavelengths. Optical imaging is also easy
to be combined with other imaging modalities. In optical imaging, Diffusive Optical Imaging (DOI) is also known as Diffuse Optical Tomography (DOT) or Optical
Diffusion Tomography (ODT). DOI is used to study the functions of brains, and can
provide neural activities with its time courses [51]. Optical Coherence Tomography
(OCT) produces 3D images from optical scattering media and penetrates biological
tissues by using long wavelength light. OCT can provide higher SNR, faster signal
acquisition [78].
1.3.3 Ultrasound
Ultrasound scanners emit high frequency sound and measure the reflected sound from
the patients, which varies with the organs and tissues. Ultrasound imaging can be used
to detect heart problems, examine liver, kidneys, abdomens, and guide a surgeon.
Ultrasound can provide a real time imaging, but with limited spatial resolution. Most
scans need targeted micro-bubbles to enhance the images [21].
2 The Challenges in Molecular Imaging Data Analysis
2.1 Data Processing for PET Imaging
The previous sections explain the advantages and limitations of molecular imaging
modalities. Of all molecular imaging modalities, PET and SPECT are the full functional ones. Since PET and SPECT all belong to Emission Computed Tomography
(ECT), many data correction and data analysis methods can be shared. In this section,
we will focus on PET to demonstrate the challenges in data analysis. As shown in
Fig. 5, the measurement data of PET is first stored in listmode. The listmode data
F. Gao and P. Shi
Fig. 5 The whole procedure of PET data processing
can be corrected and reconstructed directly [66, 72], or rebinned by Fourier Rebinning to sinogram, which is corrected and reconstructed to be images [18]. The data
correction process generally includes random correction, normalization, deadtime
correction, attenuation correction and scatter correction. The corrected data will be
reconstructed by either analytical or statistical algorithms to generate both activity
images which are the concentrations of radiotracers in body and parametric images
which are the dynamic changes of radiotracers represented by kinetic parameters.
The challenges in PET data analysis come from the change of statistical properties
of measurement data after various data corrections. The quality of results from all
image reconstruction algorithms depends on the accuracy of statistical models in
each data correction and image reconstruction. However, due to the complexity of
PET scan, it is nearly impossible to propose a perfect model. From next subsection,
we will explain how the data corrections are applied and how they affect the data
2.1.1 Data Corrections
1. Random Correction. Random coincidence events are two gamma photons from
different positron annihilations are recorded as a Line of Response (LOR). The
rate of random coincidences on a particular LOR is defined as Ri j = 2τri r j ,
where Ri j is the random coincident rate on the LOR connecting detector i and
j, τ is the coincidence timing window, ri and r j are the singles rate on detector
Shape Analysis in Molecular Imaging
i and j. The random coincidence rate depends on the detector circuit response,
the most common method for estimating the random coincidence events is the
delayed timing window method.
Normalization. All the image processing methods assume the detector response
are uniform and identical, however, in real clinical data acquisition, the performance of each detector will be different, the PMT gains are not exactly the
same, and angle of incident of each gamma photon will also affect the detector
sensitivity. The process of correcting these effects is normalization. One common clinical solution is to perform a scan using a uniform cylindrical phantom
and a line source. In this scan, every possible LOR is illuminated by the same
coincidence source.
Deadtime Correction. The detector deadtime will cause the loss of coincidence
events. Especially in the high count rate cases, the detector response will be
significantly delayed due to the pile-up of incident gamma photons. A common
solution is to model both paralyzable and non-paralyzable components from
measurements of sources of different radioactivities.
Attenuation Correction. Some gamma photons will be absorbed when interacting
with the patients. The widely-adopted method for PET only scanner calculates
the attenuation correction factors by using a rotating rod source with the object in
the FOV. For hybrid PET/CT and PET/MRI scanners, the attenuation factors can
be obtained by assigning predefined attenuation coefficients to the anatomical
information generated by CT and MRI, which generally have a better spatial
Scatter Correction. The coincidence events include those that the annihilation
photons have an interaction of Compton scattering and change their directional
and energy information before they arrive at the detector system. They are called
scatter coincidences. Scatter coincidences will decrease the contrast, resolution
and SNR of reconstructed images and need to be corrected properly. Scatter
correction is the most complicated correction, we will use the scatter correction
as an example to show how corrections affect the quantitative accuracy in PET
2.1.2 Scatter Correction
Scatter Fraction. The scatter fraction is an important parameter included in both
National Electrical Manufacturers Association (NEMA) and International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) standards, and measured in every performance evaluation report of PET scanners. The scatter fractions of PET scanners from 3 major
manufactures are listed in Table 1 [28, 40, 87].
Multiple Scatter Coincidence Events. The gamma photons can be scattered
multiple times before recorded. Monte Carlo simulation is the best tool to study the
Compton scattering during PET acquisition. We have done similar studies with our
new PET scanner, HAMAMATSU SHR74000, we retrieve all the data, and analyze the composition of simulated measurement data according to the number of
F. Gao and P. Shi
Table 1 Scatter fractions of PET scanners from three main manufactures in 3D mode
Manufacture and model
Scatter fraction (%)
Siemens TruePoint PET/CT
GE discovery PET/CT
Philips Gemini PET/CT
Table 2 The percentage of coincidence events assorted by the number of scattering of each photon
Photon2 \Photon1
0× (%)
1× (%)
2× (%)
3× (%)
4× (%)
The data is from the simulation of a line source fixed in the transaxial center of standard phantom
Table 3 The percentage of coincidence events assorted by the number of scattering of each photon
Photon2 \Photon1
0× (%)
1× (%)
2× (%)
3× (%)
4× (%)
The data is from the simulation of a line source fixed in the transaxial center of over-sized phantom
scattering of each photon in the coincidence photon pairs. The first data set is analyzed with the standard NEMA phantom, a 70 cm long, 20 cm diameter cylinder, the
composition of scatter coincidences is summarized in Table 2. Furthermore, we have
a lot of over-sized and over-weighted patients, especially in the western countries,
and these patients usually take higher risk of many diseases than other patients. For
these patients, their size makes more photons scattered inside their body, we correspondingly analyze the composition of scatter coincidence photons with a 70 cm
long, 35 cm diameter cylinder, the results are summarized in Table 3. The number of
total scatter coincidence events increase by about 20 %. If the tumor is near the body
surface, the scatter fractions shown in Table 4 turn to be similar as in Table 2.
Scatter Coincidence from Activity Concentrations outside of FOV. A whole
body PET scan generally needs 4–5 bed positions to complete, then gamma photons
from outside of FOV will also have the possibility to be misrecorded by the detector
system. Sossi et al. show the scatter coincidence events need to be accounted for
when the amount of radioactivity outside of FOV is comparable to the radioactivity
inside the FOV in [81]. In the case of line sources, the scatter fraction increases by
about 15 % when the source is extended 4 cm outside of the FOV and 20 % when
it is extended 8 cm outside of the FOV. Spinks et al. also show for a full 3D PET,
Shape Analysis in Molecular Imaging
Table 4 The percentage of coincidence events assorted by the number of scattering of each photon
Photon2 \Photon1
0× (%)
1× (%)
2× (%)
3× (%)
4× (%)
The data is from the simulation of a line source fixed in the transaxial 169 mm offset of over-sized
the scatter fraction increased from 40 to 45 % with the scatter photons from outside
of FOV, after introducing a fitted brain shielding, the scatter fraction decreases to
be 41 % [82]. A recent paper by Ibaraki et al. show the use of the neck-shield to
suppress scatters from outside FOV can improve the SNR by 8 and 19 % for H2 15 O
and 15 O2 , respectively [38].
Scatter Correction Methods. Bailey et al. [2] and Bentourkia et al. [7] present
a Convolution-Subtraction (CS) scatter correction technique for 3D PET data. The
scatter distribution is estimated by iteratively convolving the photo-peak projections
with a mono-exponential kernel. The method is based on measuring the scatter fraction and the scatter function at different positions in a cylinder. The method performs
well on 2D measurement data and also accounts for the 3D acquisition geometry and
nature of scatter by performing the scatter estimation on 2D projections.
The method is easy to set up and still applies to a lot of animal studies, where the
scatter correction are usually considered not necessary. Lubberink et al. propose a
non-stationary CS scatter correction with a dual-exponential scatter kernel for scatter
correction in both emission and transmission data of studies of conscious monkeys
using Hamamatsu SHR7700 PET scanner [54] . Kitamura et al. implement a hybrid
scatter correction method, which estimates scatter components with a dual energy
acquisition using a CS to estimate the true coincidence events in the upper energy
window for their four layer Depth of Interaction (DOI)—PET scanner [45]. NaidooVariawa et al. suggest that scatter correction methods based on spatially invariant
scatter functions, such as CS, may be suitable for non-human primate brain imaging
in [65].
Single Scatter Simulation (SSS) is one of the most important methods for PET
scatter correction, and commercial PET scanners from Siemens are using SSS derived
scatter correction methods. Ollinger [67] and Watson [98] first introduced the concept
of model based scatter coincidence estimation. The single scatter approximation is
defined with the well accepted formulation based on Klein-Nishina equation as
σ AS σ B S
4π R 2AS R 2B S
µ dσc
[I A + I B ],
σc dΩ
F. Gao and P. Shi
Fig. 6 The procedure of a SSS based scatter correction for clinical PET scanner
I A = ε AS (E)ε B S (E ′ )e−
I B = ε AS (E )ε B S (E)e
µ(E,x)ds −
µ(E ′ ,x)ds −
µ(E ′ ,x)ds
v is the sampled scatter volume, S is the scatter point, A and B are sampled detectors, so S AB is the coincidence scatter rate in detectors A and B, σ AS and σ B S are
the detector cross sections presented to the rays AS and B S, R AS and R B S are the
distances from S to A and B. σc and dσc are the total and differential Compton
scattering cross sections, Ω is the solid angle, E is the energy of the non-scattered
photon, E ′ is the energy of the scattered photon, ε AS (E) and ε B S (E) are the approximated detector efficiencies for gamma rays which are incident along AS and B S,
µ(E, x) is the linear attenuation coefficient at the energy E and position x, and λ is
the estimated activity distribution from reconstructed images.
The calculation is repeated through all the sampled scatter points from activity
distribution and sampled detector blocks. The final result is the distribution of single
scatter coincidence events, and will be scaled and then subtracted from the measurement data to perform scatter correction. Figure 6 demonstrates the procedure of SSS
based scatter correction for clinical PET scanner.
2.1.3 Dynamic PET Imaging
Dynamic PET imaging is a combination of short interval PET scans and reflects the
dynamic metabolism of injected radiotracers. For example, a dynamic acquisition can
Shape Analysis in Molecular Imaging
Concentration ( µCi/ml)
Concentration (µCi/ml)
Time (min)
Time (min)
Fig. 7 a Standard zubal phantom; b TAC curves of three ROIs indicated in (a); c sample TAC
curves of true lesion and false lesion
consist of 85 frames in all: 15 × 0.2 min, 20 × 0.5 min, 40× 1 min, and 10 × 3 min.
The series of acquisitions can be used to estimate the kinetic parameters which
represent the metabolism of radiotracers in vivo. The difficulties in estimating kinetic
parameters arise from the low count rates in the first several time frames and the low
SNR. To obtain the kinetic parameters, a typical approach is first to reconstruct
the activity distributions from the dynamic PET data, and then to fit the calculated
time activity curve (TAC) to a predefined kinetic model. Samples of TAC curves
in different organs are shown in Fig. 7. The accuracy of this kind of approaches
relies on the reconstructed activity distributions. The complicated statistical noise
properties, especially in the low-count dynamic PET imaging, and the uncertainties
introduced by various PET data corrections will affect the activity reconstruction
and lead to a suboptimal estimation of kinetic parameters [29]. There are also many
efforts that try to estimate the kinetic parameters from PET projection data directly
and achieve better bias and variance including both linear and nonlinear models [83,
91, 103]. One problem is that the optimization algorithms are very complicated.
Kamasak et al. apply the coordinate descent algorithm for optimization but it is still
limited to specific kinetic models [61]. Wang et al. apply a generalized algorithm
for reconstruction of parametric images [96], however, it still lacks of estimation
and analysis of individual kinetic parameter. Exactly, every kinetic parameter has
its own physical meaning like radiotracer transport rate, phosphorylation rate and
dephosphorylation rate (it is very sensitive to the system [35]) in FDG study, which
will be critical to clinical research, drug discovery and drug development [15, 92].
F. Gao and P. Shi
3 General Framework of Shape Analysis in Molecular Imaging
3.1 Image Segmentation
In computer vision, image segmentation is the process of partitioning an image into
multiple different segments (group of pixels). Especially in molecular imaging, the
image segmentation is used to simplify the representation of an image and extract
Region of Interest (ROI) that is more meaningful and followed by image analysis.
Image segmentation is also important to find the boundaries of different regions and
organs by applying different labels. Image segmentation can also be applied to 3D
image stacks to help 3D image reconstruction [17, 106].
The aforementioned limitations of PET and SPECT also bring new challenges
to image segmentation. Here we will introduce several basic image segmentation
1. The simplest method of image segmentation is the thresholding method. Because
of the simplicity and fast implementation, the thresholding method is still used
in some clinical routines to identify ROI with high contrast, e.g. the lesions in
lung [19, 20, 42].
2. Cluster based method is a multivariate data analysis method that uses predefined
criteria to partition a large number of objects into a smaller number of clusters,
in which the objects are similar to each other. Cluster based method has been
applied to fMRI imaging and then dynamic PET imaging, with limited spatial
resolution and SNR [101].
3. Gradient based method is to find the boundary of an object of interest with the
gradient intensity observed in the image. This kind of method is fast and easy to
apply, but generally works together with other method to achieve better results
in molecular imaging [26].
4. Level set based method derives from snake method (active contour model), which
delineates an object outline from a noisy image by attempting to minimize an
energy associated to the contour as a sum of internal and external energies [57,
68]. Many methods are derived from basic level set method including deformable
level set models, which have the ability to automatically handle topology [33],
3D level set methods to compute 3D contours [105] etc.
5. Kinetic model guided segmentation assumes different ROIs have different tracer
kinetic properties to seprate different functional regions [11]. This method can
also be used to estimate the input functions for quantitative dynamic PET data
analysis [71].
Shape Analysis in Molecular Imaging
3.2 Image Registration
Image registration is the process to transform different sets of data into one coordinate
system. Image registration is widely used in molecular imaging, e.g. patient radiotherapy follow-up by transforming PET images from a series of studies, diagnosis
by images from multiple imaging modalities [16, 32, 36, 75]. With the development
of hybrid PET/CT, PET/MRI, the image registration with multiple images in one
study is made easier because the motions of patients are minimized by the simultaneous data acquisition. However, images from multiple studies still need good image
registrations. Mainstream image registration methods for molecular imaging include
1. Intense-base image registration. Since PET and SPECT imaging reflects the
concentrations of radiotracer, intense based methods compare intensity patterns
in multiple images and register the reference image and target image by defining
correlation metrics [46].
2. Feature-based image registration. In a series of studies/images, common features
can be extracted from the anatomical information of organs and tissues which
do not change a lot and can be used as references [73]. This method can also be
used for multiple imaging modalities [55].
3. Multiple modality image registration. The hybrid PET/CT and PET/MRI make
the image registration focus on the deformations from patients’ respirations and
motions [27, 60]. The image registration can be improved by different patient
preparation and pre-positioning [8], respiratory gating [10], various tracking
devices etc. [76].
3.3 Image Fusion
Image fusion is the combination of relevant information from two or more images
into one single image. The fused image will provide more information than any
single input image. Accurate image fusion from combined PET, CT, MRI scans can
significantly improve the diagnosis and provide better understandings of diseases.
Image fusion generally works together and shares similar technologies with image
registration [69, 89, 95].
3.4 Image Reconstruction
Image reconstruction is the process to reconstruct 2D and 3D images from acquisition data of molecular imaging modalities. Reconstruction algorithms include both
analytical ones, e.g. Filtered Back Projection (FBP) and iterative ones, e.g. Maximum
Likelihood (ML). Analytical algorithms are computationally fast, especially when
applied to full 3D image reconstruction using 3D-FBP. FBP is also used in dynamic
F. Gao and P. Shi
PET image reconstruction, where it is believed to provide better quantitative accuracy with the extremely low count data sets. Iterative algorithms are currently the
mainstream reconstruction algorithms, which use statistical assumptions and provide
images of overall better qualities. Image reconstruction is one of the most important
processes in data processing, other image-based processes and clinical diagnosis all
depend on the accuracy of reconstructed images.
3.5 Dynamic PET Analysis
3.5.1 Clinical Requirements
The accuracy of quantitative dynamic PET studies depends on various factors including kinetic models, quantitative methods and the approximation of arterial input function from blood sampling. The most general kinetic models used are compartment
model with assumptions that physiological process and molecular interactions are not
influenced by injected radioligand. Current clinical adopted quantitative methods are
actually semi-quantitative methods, which include methods using reference regions
or calculating Standard Uptake Value (SUV). Methods using reference regions are
easy to implement but have several drawbacks, e.g. the reference tissue is hard to
define and has low SNR due to the low resolution of PET and SPECT scans, and
the uptake of the reference tissue may change after the radiotherapy. SUV now is
included in every clinical study, which is calculated as a ratio of tissue radioactivity
concentration and injected dose divided by body weight, the advantage of SUV in
clinical study is that the blood sampling is not required. However, the full quantitative analysis requires both dynamic PET scans and tracer concentration in the arterial
blood plasma. The gold standard of blood sampling is serial arterial sampling of a
superficial artery, and clinical alternative methods include venous blood sampling,
image derived input function and population based input function. The drawback of
the full quantitative method is only one FOV/bed position can be taken into consideration. For metastasized disease, not all lesions can be quantified simultaneously.
3.5.2 Compartment Models
Compartment models are used in many fields including pharmacokinetics, biology, engineering etc. Compartment models are the type of mathematical models
to describe the way materials (radiotracers and their metabolite in PET and SPECT
scan) are transmitted among the compartments (different organs and tissues). Inside
each compartment, the concentration of radiotracers is assumed to be uniformly
equal. Due to their simplicity and plausibility, compartment models are widely used
in the dynamic PET scans to describe the tracer/drug kinetics.
Drug kinetic models include simple drug transport model, which generally contains equal or less than three compartments and can be solved directly, and compli-
Shape Analysis in Molecular Imaging
Fig. 8 Illustration of six basic compartment models
cated biological models, which can contain up to twenty compartments and generally
require prior knowledge to solve [30, 31]. Most of the complicated models with many
compartments can usually be decomposed into a combination of simple models with
less than four compartments. The most basic compartment models used in kinetic
analysis shown in Fig. 8 include two compartment blood flow model (Model 1),
standard two tissue three compartment Phelps 4K model with reversible target tissue
(Model 2) and Sokoloff 3K model with irreversible target tissue (Model 3), three tissue five parameter bertoldo model (Model 4), standard three tissue four compartment
model (Model 5 and Model 6). More complicated models with more compartments
and parallel model with multiple injection can be extended from aforementioned
standard models [24, 44].
All six models can be represented by a set of differential equations with corresponding kinetic parameters K = {k1 , k2 · · · kn }, where n is the number of kinetic
parameters. Here we utilize Model 2 as an example for demonstration. Model 2 can
be represented by first-order differential equations
dC F (t)
= k1 (t)C P (t) + k4 (t)C B (t) − (k2 (t) + k3 (t))C F (t)
dC B (t)
= k3 (t)C F (t) − k4 (t)C B (t)
The measurement of dPET is the combination of radiotracer in plasma C P , nonspecific binded radiotracer C F and specific binded radiotracer C B through
C P E T = (1 − Vb ) · (C F + C B ) + Vb · C P
Y = DC P E T + e
where Vb is the blood volume fraction, Y is measured projection data , D is the
system probability matrix, and e is the noises during acquisition. Equation (5) can be
represented by a more general time-dependent form for all models as
F. Gao and P. Shi
Y (t) = D X (K , t) + e(t)
Simple models with less than three compartments generally can be solved directly,
while more complicated models need simplifications and various numerical approximations.
4 Review of Recent Advancements of Shape Analysis
4.1 Mathematical Modeling and Statistical Formulation of PET
Image Reconstruction
4.1.1 Statistical Image Reconstruction Criterion
The goal of mathematical modeling of data acquisition is to describe the transforms
from spatial distribution of imaging objects to projection distributions on detector
pairs in PET system. Denoting the spatial distribution of imaging object by a set of
spatial variables x = {xi |i = 1 · · · n} ∈ Rn , where n is the total number of voxels,
and the expected values (means) of projection bins by ȳ = { ȳ j | j = 1 · · · m} ∈ Rm ,
where m is the total number of bins, a mathematical expression of the transform can
be obtained
ȳ = Dx + ē
where D is the system response model giving the probability matrix of mapping the
transform from x to ȳ, and ē is the means of background noises. A block diagram of
the above procedure is shown in Fig. 9a.
With the mathematical model specified above, the problem of PET image reconstruction is to find an estimation of the imaging object x̂ from the measurement data
(projection bins) y. The image reconstruction is an ill-posed inverse problem, so an
intuitive solution is to apply statistical assumptions of measurement data as regularizations. The statistical formulation tries to find an optimized relationship between
measurement data y and imaging object x (or expected values of projection bins ȳ )
by defining different objective functions. If denoting yr ndsa is the measurement data
y after all data corrections and assuming all the data correction are perfectly applied,
ȳ is equal to the yr ndsa after all data corrections, however, in real clinical data acquisition, there will be some difference between ȳ and y, which is accumulated from
residuals of each data correction.
A block diagram of statistical image reconstruction framework is shown in Fig. 9b:
the statistical properties of system noises or measurement data are first modeled
based on certain statistical distributions (Gaussian, Poisson, their combination or
other derivations) in block M, then inputted into system block D; the system output
is generated and compared with corrected measurement data yr ndsa based on the
predefined criteria, when the system goes convergent, estimations of the imaging
Shape Analysis in Molecular Imaging
Fig. 9 Block diagrams. a PET
data acquisition; b Statistical
model based iterative PET
reconstruction; c Designed
system for PET image reconstruction; d Simplified block
diagram (black box) of (c)
object x̂ will be obtained. Three major criteria can be used are Least Square based
(LS), Maximum Likelihood based (ML), Maximum A Posterior based (MAP).
LS based methods try to obtain the estimation x̂ by minimizing the difference of
fit between the predicted data by means of the modeling of the acquisition process
and the measured data yr ndsa , the general objective function is
x̂ = arg min ||yr ndsa − Dx||22
Extended algorithms are all based on the above equation and try to improve the
performance by introducing different weights or penalization items.
ML based methods try to obtain the estimation x̂ by maximizing the likelihood
functions which represent the goodness of fitting statistical assumptions to measurement data. The general objective function is based on the conditional probability
density of the image object with known measurement data yr ndsa as
x̂ = arg max p(x|yr ndsa )
where p represents the probability density, and the above equation is a function
of x. When a statistical model of measurement data or noises is defined, either
Gaussian/Poisson or their combination, the objective likelihood function can be
solved correspondingly. An improved method based on poisson assumption widely
used is EM-SP (Shifted Possion) algorithm, which introduces two times the mean of
randoms coincidences to the random precorrected data and models this sum as a Poisson random variable, and the objective function is still based on the above one [63].
F. Gao and P. Shi
Furthermore, a priori information can also be introduced in the form of statistical
properties of the imaging object as constraints into the ML objective function.
Bayesian formulation is such a probabilistic approach, statistical information of
the unknown imaging object x is introduced by adopting the probability density of
x, which is the prior p(x). Equation (9) can then be solved as follow:
p(x, yr ndsa )
p(x|yr ndsa ) =
p(yr ndsa )
p(yr ndsa |x)
p(yr ndsa )
p(yr ndsa |x) p(x)
p(yr ndsa )
without prior
with prior
where, p(x, yr ndsa ) is the joint probability density of x and yr ndsa . The expression
with prior is just the objective function of MAP based algorithms, and different priors
(e.g. image priors, independent priors) will lead to different implementations based on
the above objective function. All above objective functions demonstrate the implied
statistical knowledge assumptions on measurement data or noises in mathematical
modelings, however, as discussed in the section of data corrections, the statistical
distribution of corrected measurement data yr ndsa is neither single Gaussian/Poisson
distribution nor their combination after various data corrections, and there will be
further uncertainties during modelings. Due to the individual differences of patients
during real PET scanning, the uncertainties during modeling will be more serious
for over-weighted patients. With the development of new scintillators, PMTs and
full 3D PET scanner, various system uncertainties and procedures of photo counting
become more complicated. Additionally, there will be more scatter coincidences in
measurement data. All above effects make the accurate modeling of PET measurement data an challenging issue, and it is almost impossible to establish a statistical
model which can accommodate all the data errors.
4.1.2 Minimax Criterion
To deal with the differences between ȳ and y, another solution is to adopt minimax
criterion to reconstruct the measurement data yr ndsa from the point view of system
energy. As shown in Fig. 9c, a new block F is designed to reconstruct measurement
data yr ndsa , the output of the new system is designed to be the difference between
expected values of imaging object x and estimation values x̂, a block P contains
system response D and the input is all residuals and uncertainties e. Measurement
data yr ndsa is constant during image reconstruction, so the system can be simplified
with inner loop of block F and yr ndsa incorporated into block P and convert to a
black box J as shown in Fig. 9d. When the output (difference between current value
and estimated value) goes steady, the system J reaches convergent.
With this system, the minimax criterion can be adopted intuitively, the PET image
reconstruction procedure becomes to minimize the output (estimation errors x − x̂)
with maximized input (disturbance e) through system J :
x̂ = min max J
Shape Analysis in Molecular Imaging
Fig. 10 Illustration of system
gains and predefined upper
From the point view of transition system in engineering, system J can be treated
as a transformation from all residuals and uncertainties e to estimation errors x − x̂.
In order to obtain a desired output, a proper upper bound for system gain of system
J must be defined first, which means the transfer function of J shall also be required
to comfort to the same predefined upper bound. Denoting the upper bound be γ 2 ,
the previous description is equal to
max ||J ||2 < γ 2
The ∞-norm of the system can be further interpreted as the peak system gain, so
if the ∞-norm of the system satisfies ||J ||2∞ < γ 2 , then all the system gains will be
less than γ 2 as illustrated in Fig. 10. Here J is an element of the Hardy space, whose
members consist of all stable, causal, transfer functions [49]. The continuous form
of the ∞-norm ||J ||∞ will be
||J ||2∞ = sup
||e||2 =0
||x − x̂||22
= sup σ̄ 2 (J )
where sup stands for supremum, and σ̄ (J ) is the maximum singular value of J . From
Eq. (13), it is easy to obtain
max ||J || ≤ ||J ||2∞ = sup
||e||2 =0
||x − x̂||22
< γ2
This criterion represents a family of solutions where the peak system gain of J is
less than the predefined upper bound γ 2 . The problem is transformed from seeking
the maximum system gain of J to calculating the ∞-norm of system gain with upper
bound γ 2 .
With both Eqs. (11) and (14), in order to calculate the supremum, intuitively we
can minimize the numerator (estimation errors x − x̂) while maximizing denominator
(system uncertainties e). Then the objective function for the problem will be
min max ||x − x̂||22 − γ 2 ||e||22 < 0
F. Gao and P. Shi
Seeking solutions under disturbances is a difficult problem. By introducing the
∞-norm of system gain, solutions with peak system gain will perform well under
any circumstance and make the problem globally optimized. Furthermore, the minimax criterion allows one to identify a robust solution that has the best worstcase
performance. The robustness of the estimator arises from the fact that it yields an
energy gain less than γ 2 for all bounded energy disturbances no matter what they
4.1.3 Static PET Image Reconstruction Under Minimax Criterion
PET images reflect the concentration and metabolism of radiotracers in vivo, and the
metabolic rates of radiotracers in organs or tissues may vary with time, which can
be represented by differential equations with different constraint models as ẋ(t) =
C(x, t), where C(x, t) models the concentrations of radiotracers with time.
In this section, we focus on the static PET image reconstruction and analysis,
which assumes that the distribution of the radiotracers in the body is temporally
stationary corresponding to the autoradiographic (ARG) model. The ARG assumes
the equilibrium of the metabolic ratio, which can be represented by the first-order
differential equation of x as:
ẋ(t) = 0
Corresponding discrete-time form will be
x ′ (m) = H (m)x(m) + v(m)
where m represents the iterations in one discretized time frame, H is the transition
matrix representing the update of estimations, and v is the possible uncertainties in
Similarly, the discrete-time form of PET measurement equation will be
yr ndsa = Dx(m) + e(m)
Then the transition system J is extended to include uncertainties v as input
together with e. The initialization of x can also affect the reconstruct accuracy and
speed, so it is also included in the input as a source of uncertainties. Finally, the
minimax criterion can be derived from Eq. (14) as
||J ||2∞
= sup
x(0) − x̂(0)2 −1
x(m) − x̂(m)2Z (m)
+ m (v(m)2 −1 + e(m)2
V (m)
Z (m), p0−1 , V (m)−1 and E(m)−1 are the weighting matrices at iteration m to make
the criterion more extensible. After setting the upper bound γ 2 , the final objective
function of minimax criterion for PET image reconstruction can be derived based
Shape Analysis in Molecular Imaging
on Eqs. (15) and (19), which minimizes the estimation errors z − ẑ with maximized
initial disturbance x(0) − x̂(0), measurement disturbance e and v:
z(m)−ẑ(m) v,e,x(0)−x̂(0)
||J ||2 =
x(m) − x̂(m)2Z (m) − γ 2 x(0) − x̂(0)2p−1
−γ 2
(v(m)2V (m)−1 + e(m)2E(m)−1(20)
4.1.4 Solutions and Optimization
The final objective function Eq. (20) of minimax criterion for static PET image reconstruction is established from the point view of transition system in engineering. The
objective function calculates the system energy instead of building sophisticated statistical assumption of measurement data, and this makes the minimax criterion more
Of many methods that can be adopted to solve the above objective function, the
well-validated H∞ filter is the best to optimize this ∞-norm problem [49, 79]. A
specific H∞ filter has been modified based on Eq. (20). The H∞ filter represents a
typical minimax problem where the worst situation is first induced by the disturbances
and then the estimator is introduced for improvement, in other words, the H∞ filter
is in fact a two-person game between the external disturbances and the estimator.
This solution is just like optimization by using a game theoretic algorithm which
can be implemented through recursive updating of the filter gain K (m), the Riccati
difference equation solution P(m), and the state estimates x̂(m) as follow :
K (m) = H (m)P(m)S(m)D T E(m)−1
P(m + 1) = H (m)P(m)S(m)H (m)T + V (m)
x̂(m + 1) = H (m)x̂(m) + K (m)(yr ndsa − D x̂(m))
S(m) = (I − γ −2 Z (m)P(m) + D T E(m)−1 D P(m))−1
P(0) = p0
where H∞ gain K (m) indicates the system gain (correspondingly shows convergence
of the state estimation). Convergent estimations of the imaging object will be obtained
when the gain K (m) goes steadily. m still represents the number of iterations. From
the solution procedure, it can be noticed that the H2 norm filter for this objective
function is just the Kalman filter widely used. Detailed proofs of above solution can
be found in [79].
F. Gao and P. Shi
4.1.5 Computation Issues
Design of H∞ filter consists of choosing the weighting matrices Z , E, V , po and the
performance bound γ 2 . When there are accurate modelings of some effects of PET
acquisition, corresponding E, V , po can be initialized by the covariance matrices of
measurement disturbance e, state transition disturbance v and initial condition x̂(0).
If there is no modeling or one does not want to use current models, E, V , po can be
simply initialized by identity matrix. Since we generally assume the estimation results
after convergence are just what we desired, so Z is initialized by identity matrix, when
scanning over-weighted patient and suffering obvious underestimation, weighting
matrix Z can be scaled by a scaler less than 1. γ 2 is the predefined upper bound of
performance, theoretically, the smaller the γ 2 value, the smaller the estimation error,
however, the selection of γ 2 must make the Riccati equation have a positive definite
solution. So firstly, we define and iteratively update a residual matrix R(m + 1)−1
R(0) = (P(0)−1 − γ −2 Q(0))−1
R(m + 1)−1 = [H (m)(R(m)−1 + D T E(m)−1 D)
H (m)T
+ V (m)]−1 − γ −2 Z (m)
As a result, the optimal γ value can be determined as:
[H (m)(R(m)−1 + D T E(m)−1 D)
H (m)T + V (m)]−1 − γ −2 Z (m) > 0
→ [H (m)(R(m)−1 + D T E(m)−1 D)
H (m)T + V (m)]−1 > γ −2 I
→ γ 2 I > H (m)(R(m)−1 + D T E(m)−1 D)
H (m)T + V (m)
→ γ 2 > max{eig[H (m)(R(m)−1 + D T E(m)−1 D)
H (m)T + V (m)]}
→ γ = ξ max eig[H (m)(R(m)−1 + D T E(m)−1 D)−1 H (m)T + V (m)] (26)
where max{eig(A)} denotes the maximum eigenvalue of the matrix A, and ξ is
a constant larger than 1 to ensure that γ is always greater than certain optimal
performance level. If the γ value is too close to the optimal performance level, i.e.
ξ ≈ 1, it might lead to numerical errors because the matrix R(m) is now close to a
singular matrix. The matrix inverse is required in every time step in the conventional
H∞ filter in order to calculate the H∞ gain. Generally, inversion of small matrices
is fairly easy, but the inversion of a large matrix will require more computational
costs in a practical implementation. The steady state H∞ filter is much easier to be
implemented in a system in which real-time computational effort or code size is a
serious consideration [80].
The minimax objective function is given as Eq. (20), where the parameter matrices
N , V and Q are symmetric positive definite matrices chosen by the designer based
Shape Analysis in Molecular Imaging
on the specific problem. Since the designed parameters of the underlying system can
be treated as fixed values for input, then the steady state solution to the minimax
problem can be obtained. Referring to H∞ filter, the steady state solution will be
K = P S D T N −1
P = H PSHT + V
x̂(m + 1) = H x̂(m) + H K (m)(y(m) − D x̂(m))
S = (I − γ −2 Q̄ P + D T N −1 D P)−1
Q̄ = F T QF
In order to have a solution to the problem, the following condition must be hold:
P −1 − γ −2 Q̄ + D T N −1 D > 0
If γ −2 , F , N or Q is too large, or D is too small, the H∞ estimator will have no
solution. After the conditions above satisfied, Eq. (28) can be written as
P = H [P −1 − γ −2 Q̄ + D T N −1 D]−1 H T + V
Applying the matrix inversion lemma to the inverse of the above expression, we can
P = H P − P[P + (−γ −2 Q̄ + D T N −1 D)−1 ]−1 P H T + V
= H P H T − H P[P + (−γ −2 Q̄ + D T N −1 D)−1 ]−1 P H T + V
Equation (32) is a discrete-time algebraic Riccati equation that can be solved by
control system software or numerically iterating Eq. (28) until it converges to a steady
state value.
The disadvantage of the steady state H∞ filter is that theoretically it does not
perform as well as the time-varying filter. However, the reduced performance that
is seen in the steady state H∞ solution is often a small fraction of the optimal
performance, whereas the computational saving can be significant [80].
4.2 Dynamic PET Image Reconstruction
4.2.1 Radioisotope Decay Constrained Dynamic PET Imaging
Both PET and SPECT use radiotracers, which decay with time. The natural decay
property of the radioisotope, can be introduced into the objective function as the
temporal guidance for multi-frame image sequence reconstruction, and can also be
used to separate multiple radiotracers in dynamic imaging. The projection equation
F. Gao and P. Shi
of dynamic PET imaging can be formulated through an affine transform between the
projection data and emission object as:
y(t) = Dx(t) + r (t) + s(t)
where the emission sinogram data is represented by a vector y, and the activity of
emission object is represented by x. D is system probability matrix, which gives the
probability of a photon emitted from ith voxel being detected in projection jth bin.
t is the time frame. r and s are the contribution of random coincidence events and
scatter coincidence events. After the conventional online delayed-window random
correction, the Eq. (33) can be rewritten as:
y(t) = Dx(t) + e(t)
here e is an error vector, which represents unknown measurement uncertainties
including scatter coincidence events.
In the section of static PET imaging reconstruction, the distribution of the radioisotopes in the body is assumed to be temporally stationary corresponding to the autoradiographic model, however, in the real situation, the radioisotope will decay with
time, and its activity at time t should be
x = X 0e
T t
here X 0 is the initial activity distribution, and T is the half life of the radioisotope.
So the real-time change of radioisotope can be represented as
ln(0.5) ln(0.5) t
= X0
e T
then the dynamic change of radioisotope from one frame to the next can be obtained
from the integral of Eq. (36). A general representation of state transition will be
x(t + 1) = H (t)x(t) + v(t)
where x(t) is the radioactivity concentration at time frame t, and H (t) is a coefficient
matrix for state transition at time frame t. v(t) represents the uncertainties during
state transition. With the introduction of decay model shown as Eq. (37), we are able
to make use of the radioisotope’s own temporal properties as constraints to guide our
4.2.2 Dynamic PET Image Reconstruction with Minimax Criterion
Minimax criterion, which allows one to identify a robust solution as one that has the
best worstcase performance can also be applied to dynamic PET reconstruction. In
Shape Analysis in Molecular Imaging
general, a robust discrete optimization problem can be formulated as follows. Let
X be the set of all solutions, E be the set of uncertainties of measurement in single
time frame, and M be the set of uncertainties for state transition among time frames,
performance of a solution x ∈ X under uncertainties e ∈ E and v ∈ M is F(x, e, v).
The problem is to find the solution that has the best worst-case performance, which
is the same as minimizing (over all solutions) the maximum (over all uncertainties)
min max F(x, e, v)
x∈X e∈E,v∈M
from the description of Eqs. (34) and (37), the estimation of activity distribution x(t)
at time t is not only computed based on measurement y(t), but also affected by
previous estimations, so we define a linear combination of x(t) as
z(t) = F x(t) = g(x(k), H (k), v(k))
k = 1, 2...t
so the measure of performance F(x, e, v) is given by
x(0) − x̂(0)2 −1
z(t) − ẑ(t)2Q(t)
+ (v(t)2 −1 + e(t)2
V (t)
N (t)−1
where the notation x2G is defined as the square of the weighted (by G) L 2 norm of
x (i.e. x2G = x T Gx). N (t), V (t), Q(t) and po are the weighting matrices for the
uncertainties of measurement in single time frame, the uncertainties of state transition
among time frames, the estimation error, and the initial conditions respectively. x̂(0)
is the initial estimate of the state. The optimal estimate z(t) among all possible ẑ(t)
should satisfy:
J ∞ = sup J < γ 2
where γ 2 > 0 is a prescribed level of disturbances. It is assumed that the L 2 norms
of e(t) and v(t) exist. Then the minimax performance criterion of Eq. (40) where the
estimator strategy z(t) playing against the exogenous inputs e(t), v(t) and the initial
state x(0) becomes
max J =
z(t)−ẑ(t) v,e,x(0)
z(t) − ẑ(t)2Q(t) − γ 2 x(0) − x̂(0)2p−1
(v(t)2V (t)−1 + e(t)2N (t)−1 )
−γ 2
Now the problem becomes to solve the above objective function, and the kinect
model (e.g. the decay model in this section) is successfully incorporated in it. Same
solution framework as static PET image reconstruction can be used here.
F. Gao and P. Shi
4.3 Kinetic Parameter Estimation
From the section of compartment models, a two-tissue three-compartment model
(Model2) is general enough to describe regional tracer kinetics as shown in Fig. 8,
where C P (pmol/ml) is arterial concentration of radiotracer, C F and C B (pmol/ml)
are the concentrations of non–specific binding and specific binding tracers in tissues. Parameters k1 , k2 , k3 and k4 (min −1 ) specify radiotracer transport rates. The
time variation of kinetic model in voxel i can be denoted by first-order differential
equations as:
dC Fi (t)
= k1i (t)C Pi (t) + k4i (t)C Bi (t) − (k2i (t) + k3i (t))C Fi (t)
dC Bi (t)
= k3i (t)C Fi (t) − k4i (t)C Bi (t)
Here this model will be used to derive the solutions framework of kinetic parameter
4.3.1 Modeling of Dynamic PET Measurement with Tracer Kinetics
Dynamic PET imaging involves a sequence of contiguous acquisition with different
temporal resolutions, which can be formulated as a projection transform:
y(t) = Dx(t) + e(t)
Here, y(t) is the projection data and x(t) = {xi (t)|i = 1, · · · , n}T is the activity
concentration at time frame t. n is the total number of voxels. D is the system probability matrix. e(t) is the overall measurement uncertainties. Here we will transform
Eq. (45) to accommodate kinetic models. Firstly, activity concentration x will be the
combination of C F and C B , then Eq. (45) will be
y(t) = D D
C F (t)
+ e(t)
C B (t)
where C F (t) = {C Fi (t)|i = 1, · · · , n}T and C B (t) = [C Bi (t)|i = 1, · · · , n}T .
After the dynamic change of measurement dydti (t) being deduced, we substitute the
differential equations Eqs. (2) and (3) and do a simple transformation to arrange four
kinetic parameters (k1 , k2 , k3 , k4 ) in a column vector will yield
Shape Analysis in Molecular Imaging
⎢ dC Fi (t) ⎥
⎢ dt ⎥
dyi (t)
⎢ .. ⎥
= D D ⎢ . ⎥ + ei (t)
⎢ dC Bi (t) ⎥
⎣ dt ⎦
⎢ C Pi (t) −C Fi (t) −C Fi (t) C Bi (t) ⎥ k1i (t)
⎥ ⎢ k2i (t) ⎥
⎥ +e′ (t)(47)
= D D ⎢
⎥ k3i (t) ⎦ i
⎢ 0
C Fi (t) −C Bi (t) ⎥
⎦ k4i (t)
k1i (t)
⎢ C Pi (t) −C Fi (t) −C Fi (t) C Bi (t) ⎥
⎢ k2i (t) ⎥
By denoting Ri (t)= ⎢
⎥ and Si (t)= ⎢
⎣ k3i (t) ⎦,
⎢ 0
C Fi (t) −C Bi (t) ⎥
k4i (t)
we can get the dynamic change of total measurement data from all voxels as
dy(t) dyi (t)
= D D
S1 (t)
⎢ .. ⎥
⎢ . ⎥
R1 (t) · · · Ri (t) · · · Rn (t) ⎢
⎢ Si (t) ⎥ + e (t)
⎢ .. ⎥
⎣ . ⎦
Sn (t)
= D D R(t)S(t) + e (t)
Now we have set up the relationship between the change of measurement data and
kinetic parameters directly by Eq. (48).
4.3.2 Solution Under Minimax Criterion
The minimax solution framework can also be transform to estimate kinetic parameter. No statistical assumptions needed makes the minimax criterion robust to the
poor statistical properties in low count acquisition and system noises. Since kinetic
parameters are generally assumed to be constant, we can set:
F. Gao and P. Shi
S(t + 1) = S(t) + v(t)
Here, v is possible disturbances. With Eqs. (48) and (49), the corresponding minimax
performance equation will be “min S∈L maxe∈E,v∈V F(S, e, v)”, where L, E and V
are the sets of solutions, uncertainties of measurement and state transition. As an iterative solution, we also define a linear combination of S(t) as “z(t) = g(S(m), v(m))
where m = 1, 2...t”, then objective function J will be
S(0) − Ŝ(0)2 −1
z(t) − ẑ(t)2Q(t)
+ (v(t)2 −1 + e(t)2
V (t)
where the notation x2G is defined as the square of the weighted (by G) L 2 norm
of x. po , E(t), V (t) and Q(t) are weighting matrices. Ŝ(0) is the initialization of x.
More detailed settings and initialization of parameters can be found in [80].
5 Clinical Practices and Future Directions
5.1 Personalized Drug Metabolism Analysis
Dynamic PET is a molecular imaging technique that is used to monitor the spatiotemporal distribution of a radiotracer in vivo and enables cellular level metabolism
analysis in clinical routine. dPET provides a good promise for quantitative lesion
metabolism analysis to help identify lesions. However, due to poor statistical properties of the measurement data in low count dynamic PET acquisition and disturbances
from surrounding tissues, identifying small lesions inside the human body is still a
challenging issue. Furthermore, the mismatch between general purpose models and
patient size/motions makes the situation even worse. Quantitative kinetic analysis of
radiotracer uptakes requires the reconstruction of kinetic parameters [25, 77, 96].
The mainstream is statistical reconstruction algorithms, however, whose quality is
determined by the accuracy of sophisticated system probability matrix (SM). Many
efforts have been devoted to improve the accuracy of SM [64, 70, 85, 107]. However,
the ideal SM is almost impossible to obtain under practical conditions. The general
purpose SM also could not compensate different sizes of patients and the motions
during acquisition, which will decrease the accuracy of reconstructions. Furthermore, the reconstruction of dynamic PET image sequences, whose poor temporal
resolution, insufficient photon counts, more complicated data corrections and poor
statistical properties of measurement data also requires a more accurate SM.
To improve the personalized lesion metabolism analysis, we can generate a patient
adaptive SM using machine learning techniques. Both patient size information and
potential small lesion information are incorporated by simulations of phantoms of
different sizes and individual point source responses [50, 53, 102]. Training data
Shape Analysis in Molecular Imaging
set from simulations of 90 studies is conducted using 15 phantoms of different sizes
based on Zubal thorax phantom. Each simulation has randomly generated motions
and lesions in lung. The personalized SM should be able to differentiate true lesion
and false lesion, and further deal with input functions of different accuracies.
5.1.1 System Matrix Derived from Supervised Learning
Statistical reconstruction requires a well modeled SM, which directly determines
the accuracy of reconstruction results. The SM D is extended to include 2 parts,
D1 is a SM generated from geometry information and physical phenomena, and
will account for sizes and motions of different patients, D2 is an additional SM
generated from point source responses. D1 and D2 are full size SM, and combined
together by weighting matrices w1 and w2 according to the anatomical information of
patients. This effort makes the SM more patient adaptive. The measurement equation
is extended to be
X (κ, t) + e(t)
Y (t) = w1 w2
w1 , w2 , D1 , D2 are updated by supervised learning. Training sets are provided by
Monte Carlo simulations using GATE toolbox [41]. Correspondingly, two series of
simulations are performed, one is performed with human thorax phantom of different sizes, and the other is done by point source response inside a thorax phantom of
normal size. Denoting the activity concentrations as X = {x1 , x2 , · · · xn } and measurement datasets as Y = {y1 , y2 , · · · xn }. n is the number of training sets, and every
dataset is a dynamic data sequence related to time t. For simplification of expression, the PET measurement equation is written as Y (t) = D ′ X (k, t) + e(t). Since
ADALINE has been proved to be simple yet successful for updating SM in [85],
we also adopt ADALINE for our SM training here. The initialization of D1 and D2
are the SMs generated with uniform cylindrical phantom. The update procedure by
ADALINE using back-propagation and least mean square error is:
ŷm (t) = Dm
X (k, t) + em (t)
(t) + 2Lδm X T (t)
δk (t) = Y (t) − ŷm (t)
em+1 (t) = em (t) + 2Lδm (t)
where m is the iteration step of training, and L is the learning rate. After defining a
precision level of learning ε,
subject to
Y (t) − ŷm (t) < ε
ŷm (t) − Y (t) < ε
the weighting matrices w1 and w2 will be obtained when convergence is achieved
(Fig. 11).
F. Gao and P. Shi
Fig. 11 Demonstration of five phantoms from the phantom library used to generate personalized
5.1.2 Parameter Reconstruction of Dynamic PET
The kinetic model and image reconstruction are combined in one equation, the log
likelihood function can be derived with measurement data y(t) as
L (y|κ) =
y(t) log ȳ(κ, t) − ȳ(κ, t)
where ȳ(κ, t) = D ′ x(κ, t) + e(t)
κ̂ = arg max Φ(κ)
Φ(κ) = L (y|k) − βU (k)
where U is the penalty regularization term with parameter β controlling resolution/noise tradeoff. Equation (57) can be solved by a paraboloidal surrogates algorithm in [22]. The above solution is global convergent, however, the kinetic parameter
reconstruction has a higher data dimensionality/freedom, so we also define the evaluation of kinetic parameters through images by using student’s t-distribution hypothesis
test to determine their statistical differences among iterations. By selecting Region
of Interest (ROI), calculate
|x̄m − x̄m+1 |
σ =
varm + varm+1 − 2covm,m+1
covm,m+1 =
(xm,i − x̄m )(xm+1,i − x̄m+1 )
N −1
x̄m and x̄m+1 are the means in ROI at iteration m and m + 1, var is the corresponding
variances across the image elements. cov is the covariance across the two iterations.
t is calculated until less than t0.05 in the t-table to show a confidence level of 95 %
that the difference between images is small enough.
Shape Analysis in Molecular Imaging
Fig. 12 a Lesion in 40th slice; b 32nd slice as reference
Table 5 Summary of experiments
Lesion type
Input function
Successful estimation/Total studies
Generic SM
Personalized SM
5.1.3 Clinical Results
The clinical patient data in this study was a dynamic PET scan acquired from a
28-year-old, 75 kg male volunteer. 10 mCi 18 F-FDG was injected and a dynamic
acquisition of the thoracic cavity started just after injection. The acquisition consists
of 40 time frames: 20 × 0.5 min, 15 × 1 min, and 5 × 2 min. All corrections are performed properly with the software provided by the scanner. The input function is
estimated by the image-derived method. Figure 12a shows a lesion region by a red
arrow in the 40th slice. We calculate the influx rates of the lesion and compare them
with the heart muscles in the 32nd slice. The lesion metabolism calculated by the
new personalized SM is closer to the muscles than that by generic SM, and the lesion
is confirmed by the doctor as a false lesion with temporarily increased metabolism
than muscles. Results from the new personalized SM show potential improvements
in diagnosis. Table 5 shows the statistical results from all 90 studies, which shows
the ratio of successful identification of lesions using different input functions. Input
Function 1 is perfect input function (equivalent to perfect blood sampling with less
than 5 % error), Input Function 2 is good input function (equivalent to a disturbed
blood sampling with about 20 % error), Input Function 3 is an Image Derived Input
Function (IDIF). Both methods performs well by using Input Function 1. However,
with Input Function 2 (with disturbances), the accuracy of generic SM decreases, but
the personalized SM still provides good results. The results show the improvement in
identifying lesions by personalized SM, and the reduction of requirement of accurate
input function.
Table 6 Influx rate of patient
F. Gao and P. Shi
Generic SM
Personalized SM
5.2 Model Selection
In drug discovery and development, the procedure of drug selection is full of challenging issues. Kelloff et al. show that more than 90 % of all new oncology drugs fail
in the late stages of development because of inadequate activity and difficulties in
determining their efficacy [43]. Quantitative pharmacokinetic analysis with dynamic
PET imaging now plays a promising role as determinants of in vivo drug action to
help select drug candidate. Fast and accurate pharmacokinetic analysis with rapid
information feedback in the early stage of drug discovery and development is critical
to obtain the in vitro and in vivo drug properties [14, 100].
A typical procedure of pharmacokinetic analysis by dPET imaging includes,
firstly, setting up a working hypothesis of the target enzyme or receptor for a particular
disease, secondly, establishing suitable models (or surrogate markers) to test biological activities, and at last, screening the new drug molecules for biological activities. In
this procedure, model selection by dPET has seldom been studied because of various
scientific challenges, for example, (1) the kinetic models for drugs are generally very
complicated, when facing a new biomarker (new drug), it is hard to determine which
model will work best, (2) accurately solving these complicated models always needs
special mathematical considerations, (3) although we can always use more complicated models to represent certain biological activity, the computational cost increase
significantly due to the complex of the model, which cause a burden for the early drug
discovery. (4) measurement data from dPET suffers from poor spatial and temporal
resolutions, especially the first several time frames, (5) blood sampling is required
in pharmacokinetic analysis but it is very hard to generate an accurate one [31].
5.2.1 Temporal-Difference Reinforcement Learning
Machine learning in image processing and analysis is growing rapidly [97]. Of various machine learning methods, reinforcement learning is meant to be a general
approach to learn from interactions [86]. It is a control method which presents a
robust mechanism for goal directed decision making. Unlike supervised learning
methods, no examples of desired behaviors are provided during training, instead,
behavior is guided through positive or negative reinforcements [99]. So this method
do not require a large training dataset, and is especially suitable for preclinical drug
selection and pharmacokinetic analysis with only limited data sets [84]. Additionally,
as a control mechanism, the method can help solve the complicated kinetic models
with noisy dPET acquisition data. At the same time, the method can inherently deal
with disturbances during blood sampling. Therefore, in this section we will intro-
Shape Analysis in Molecular Imaging
duce a reinforcement learning based method which combines model selection and
parameter estimation for pharmacokinetic analysis by dPET.
Temporal Difference reinforcement learning (TD Learning) is a combination of
Monte Carlo ideas and dynamic programing [86, 99]. Therefore, like Monte Carlo
methods, TD Learning can learn from raw experiences without pre-defined models, and like dynamic programing, TD learning can update its estimations based
on a part of learning outcomes rather than the final outcome. These features are
especially suitable for model selection and noisy dPET data. Regardless of model,
when we have an initial K, we define an action set a, which contains 2n components, {a1+ , a1− , a2+ , a2− , · · · an+ , an− , }, with the subscript corresponds to the index
of kinetic parameters, and the superscript represents increasing (+) or decreasing
(−) that kinetic parameter by certain amount during estimation. We derive the TD
Learning algorithm for model selection and parameter estimation from the classic
one as shown in Algorithm 1. Details will be shown in next subsection.
5.2.2 Model Selection
As shown in the algorithm, reinforcement learning acts according to the rewards,
we define three rewards based on physical constraints for model selection. The combination of three rewards is able to exclude non-matching models fast, which can
improve the computational efficiency, and reduce the disturbances from the noises
in low count dPET data. By denoting K ′ as the estimated kinetic parameters after
selecting an action from a,
1. Reward 1: We compare the measured total counts in each time frame of measurement data Y and estimated total counts with K ′ .
M S E(T otalCounts(Y (t)), T otalCounts(D X (K ′ , t))) < T hr eshold1
2. Reward 2: We compare the first order difference of Time Activity Curve (TAC)
from measurement data Y and TAC curve estimated with K ′ .
M S E(Di f f er ence(T AC(Y )), Di f f er ence(T AC(D X (K ′ , t)))
< T hr eshold2
3. Reward 3: This is an optional reward, if there is priori knowledge from clinical
data available, they are learned together through a 2-hidden layer neural network
(NN) as shown in Sect. 5.1.1, and then used as a reference for estimated K ′ .
M S E(N N (Y ), K ′ ) < T hr eshold3
F. Gao and P. Shi
Where M S E is the operation to calculate the mean squared error. When each
reward criterion is met, we have a reward (r ew = +1), otherwise, (r ew = −1).
Then we accumulate all rewards by eligible trace Q-Learning [86] as shown in the
Q(K , a) ← Q(K , a) + α[r ewm+1 + γ Q(K m+1 , am+1 ) − Q(K , a)]
Where α, γ are learning parameters, which control the width and depth of learning.
Proofs in [86] show that α and γ mostly affect the convergence speed, and have only
limited effect on learning accuracy after convergency. Q is the value function in the
Q-Learning, which stores all the rewards, and m represents iteration steps.
Then the algorithm is applied to every model in the model bank, with each
estimated K ′ from the maximum in Q, we calculate the Bias between estimated
e ) and true TAC (T AC m ) from measurement data for each model by
T ACm −T ACe
Bias = T1
, where T is number of time frames. The model with the
lowest Bias in the model bank with be the selected model by the proposed method.
5.2.3 Parameter Estimation
When using Algorithm 1 to choose model, simultaneously calculated K ′ will be
the initial parameter for that model. And the kinetic parameter can also be further
calculated with a refined action set ar e f containing smaller increasing or decreasing
amount using Algorithm 1.
Algorithm 1 Model Selection and Parameter Estimation by TD Learning
Initialize Q(K,a) arbitrarily
Initialize K
Repeat until convergency
Randomly choose one action from a
Repeat for all steps
Take action a, generate K′ , observe reward r ew using defined criteria
Choose a′ from K′ derived from Q
Accumulate all rewards using Eq. 65
K ← K′
Select the Maximum in Q, Corresponding K is the estimated K
5.2.4 Clinical Results
We study three cases of real patient dPET scans. Figure 13 shows the three cases, the
first case is the scan of patient thorax, a ROI is defined in the normal muscle region,
Shape Analysis in Molecular Imaging
Fig. 13 a Case 1; b Case 2; c Case 3
Table 7 Model selection results
Case 1
Case 2
Case 3
NA is “Not Applicable”
Table 8 Estimated kinetic parameters for three cases
Case 1
Case 2
Case 3
NA is “Not Applicable”
the second case studies a ROI in the heart region, and the third case is with a ROI in
the liver. The dynamic PET scans are performed on our PET scanner, the dynamic
data set consists of 40 time frames: 20 × 0.5 min, 15 × 1 min and 5 × 2 min. The input
function is estimated by fitting the reconstructed dynamic images. This input function
is equal to a disturbed one affected by noises in reconstructed images. The model
bank used is the compartment models shown in Fig. 8. The model selection results is
shown Table 7. The results of model selections are consistent with suggestions from
clinical studies. ROI 1 is normal tissue and Model3 is mostly used. ROI 2 is near
the left ventricular and highly affected by the blood flow, so the blood flow model
(Model 1) is most suitable. For ROI 3, clinical results had shown the necessity and
importance of estimation of K4 in liver cancer, and the proposed method correctly
choose the right Model2 (Phelps 4K model). And the non-applicable models are
excluded successfully. The estimated kinetic parameters are shown in Table 8.
5.3 Future Directions
In this chapter, we review the shape analysis and application in molecular imaging.
Molecular imaging is a relatively new but fast-developing area for both research and
F. Gao and P. Shi
clinical applications. Although with some limitations, molecular imaging modalities especially PET show the superior ability to quantitatively measure the biologic
processes in a functional way at the cellular and subcellular level within living subjects. All the data processing and analysis of molecular imaging depend on the
physical natures of the molecular imaging modalities. The emerging new scanner
systems with new detectors will further enhance their abilities, and bring new challenges in data correction and image analysis at the same time. The data corrections
algorithms need to be adjusted with the properties of new system design, and new
features in detector system correspondingly. Monte Carlo simulation is always a
good way to study the new design and provide references for validation of new
data correction methods. And image reconstruction with disease specified statistical
model instead of the generic models can improve the image qualities of certain disease. With the advancement of data correction and image reconstruction methods,
the image post-processing including image registration and image fusion must adopt
related changes. Researchers are also actively using machine learning methods to
extract applicable pathological models from a series of patient studies and apply the
strategy to personalized treatment. Pharmaceutical companies are also interested in
the accurate quantitative pharmacokinetic parameter estimation using PET to study
the metabolism of new drugs, which has the potential to shorten the drug development cycle and save tons of money for the industry and patients. With the evolution
of both image pre-processing and post-processing methods, molecular imaging is
believed to be able to study more complicated diseases currently in the unknown
area, for example, the origins of Alzheimer’s disease and dementia.
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