Open Access
Biogeosciences, 10, 851–869, 2013
© Author(s) 2013. CC Attribution 3.0 License.
The Australian terrestrial carbon budget
V. Haverd1 , M. R. Raupach1 , P. R. Briggs1 , J. G. Canadell.1 , S. J. Davis2 , R. M. Law3 , C. P. Meyer3 , G. P. Peters4 ,
C. Pickett-Heaps1 , and B. Sherman5
Marine and Atmospheric Research, P.O. Box 3023, Canberra ACT 2601, Australia
of California, Irvine, Dept. of Earth System Science, CA, USA
3 CSIRO Marine and Atmospheric Research, PB1, Aspendale, Victoria 3195, Australia
4 Center for International Climate and Environmental Research – Oslo (CICERO), P. B. 1129 Geoscientiic
Blindern, 0318 Oslo, Norway
5 CSIRO Land and Water, P.O. Box 1666, Canberra ACT 2600, Australia
2 University
Correspondence to: V. Haverd (vanessa.haverd@csiro.au)
Received: 31 July 2012 – Published in Biogeosciences Discuss.: 12 September 2012
Revised: 14 December 2012 – Accepted: 26 December 2012 – Published: 7 February 2013
Abstract. This paper reports a study of the full carbon (CCO2 ) budget of the Australian continent, focussing on 1990–
2011 in the context of estimates over two centuries. The
work is a contribution to the RECCAP (REgional Carbon
Cycle Assessment and Processes) project, as one of numerous regional studies. In constructing the budget, we estimate
the following component carbon fluxes: net primary production (NPP); net ecosystem production (NEP); fire; land use
change (LUC); riverine export; dust export; harvest (wood,
crop and livestock) and fossil fuel emissions (both territorial
and non-territorial).
Major biospheric fluxes were derived using BIOS2
(Haverd et al., 2012), a fine-spatial-resolution (0.05◦ ) offline modelling environment in which predictions of CABLE
(Wang et al., 2011), a sophisticated land surface model with
carbon cycle, are constrained by multiple observation types.
The mean NEP reveals that climate variability and rising CO2 contributed 12 ± 24 (1σ error on mean) and
68 ± 15 TgC yr−1 , respectively. However these gains were
partially offset by fire and LUC (along with other minor
fluxes), which caused net losses of 26 ± 4 TgC yr−1 and
18 ± 7 TgC yr−1 , respectively. The resultant net biome production (NBP) is 36 ± 29 TgC yr−1 , in which the largest contributions to uncertainty are NEP, fire and LUC. This NBP
offset fossil fuel emissions (95 ± 6 TgC yr−1 ) by 38 ± 30 %.
The interannual variability (IAV) in the Australian carbon
budget exceeds Australia’s total carbon emissions by fossil
fuel combustion and is dominated by IAV in NEP. Territorial fossil fuel emissions are significantly smaller than the
rapidly growing fossil fuel exports: in 2009–2010, Australia
exported 2.5 times more carbon in fossil fuels than it emitted
by burning fossil fuels.
Full carbon budgets for land regions are significant for several reasons: they provide insights into terrestrial carbon cycle dynamics, including processes contributing to the net
trend and variability in the terrestrial carbon sink; they place
anthropogenic carbon and greenhouse gas inventories in a
broader context; and they indicate how anthropogenic inventories change spatially across regions and temporally in response to climate variability and changes in land use and land
management. This paper reports a study of the full carbon
budget of the Australian continent, focussing on 1990–2011
in the context of estimates over two centuries. The work is
a contribution to the RECCAP (REgional Carbon Cycle Assessment and Processes) project (Canadell et al., 2011), as
one of numerous regional studies being synthesised in RECCAP.
A carbon budget for a land region can be expressed by
equating the change in territorial storage of carbon CT per
unit time t with the net flux of carbon into the land surface:
−dCT /dt = −dCB /dt − dCF F /dt − dCHWP /dt
= ( FNPP + FRH + FFire + FLUC + FTransport
+FHarvest ) + FFF + FFF, Export − dCHWP /dt
Here, CB , CFF and CHWP are C stocks in the biospheric, fossil
fuel and harvested wood product (HWP) pools, respectively.
Published by Copernicus Publications on behalf of the European Geosciences Union.
V. Haverd et al.: The Australian terrestrial carbon budget
Changes in other C pools (e.g. biological products other than
HWP) are considered negligible. The sign convention for F
is that a positive flux is directed away from the land surface. (However note also the following hereafter: (i) positive
“productivities” denoted e.g. NPP (net primary production),
NEP (net ecosystem production), and NBP (net biome production); in the absence of the main symbol F are by definition uptake by the land; (ii) positive “exports” and “emissions” are by definition fluxes away from the land surface.)
Flux subscripts denote contributions to the net flux from
NPP, heterotrophic respiration (RH), fire, land use change
(LUC), transport by rivers and dust, harvest, fossil fuel emissions (FF), and FF export. It is assumed that, in all gaseous
fluxes, C is present as C in CO2 , and that the ultimate fate
of C in the lateral fluxes (transport, harvest, exported FF) is
C in CO2 . (Hereafter C in CO2 will be abbreviated as C.)
Terms in Eq. (1) can also be used to construct the net landto-atmosphere C flux:
+FHarvest − dCHWP /dt,
where LAE denotes land–atmosphere exchange and
FHarvest is the component of the harvest flux that is
consumed within the land region. The portion of the harvest
that is consumed but does not decompose is accounted
for by the change in stored HWP. The total change in
atmospheric C storage attributable to loss of C from the land
is given by −dCT /dt (Eq. 1), and is the sum of FLAE and
non-territorial (NT) emissions resulting from lateral fluxes
(i.e. transport fluxes, and the export of harvest and FF). As
such, a bottom-up estimate of dCT /dt formed by estimating
the component fluxes provides an independent test of
results from “top-down” atmospheric inversion approaches
(Canadell et al., 2011).
The aim of this work is to construct a full carbon budget for the period 1990–2011 by combining estimates of the
fluxes in Eq. (1). Methods for estimating the flux components are detailed in Sect. 2, and the budget is summarised
in Sect. 3. Details of the component fluxes are presented in
Sect. 4. In Sect. 5 atmospheric inversion results for Australia
are discussed.
Methods and datasets
Net primary production and net ecosystem production were
obtained using a regional biospheric modelling environment
(BIOS2), subject to constraint by multiple observation sets
(including eddy flux data and carbon pool data), as described
in Sect. 2.1 below. We chose to use BIOS2 in preference to
multiple estimates of NPP and NEP from global ecosystem
models participating in the carbon cycle model intercomparison project (TRENDY) (Sitch and Friedlingstein, 2011).
The reason for this is that these global models exhibit variability in Australian continental NPP estimates (2.2 PgCy−1
Biogeosciences, 10, 851–869, 2013
(range) and 0.8 PgCy−1 (1σ )), which is much higher than the
uncertainty (0.2 PgCy−1 (1σ )) in the regionally constrained
BIOS2 estimates (Haverd et al., 2012).
Most other components of the carbon budget were obtained independently as described in Sects. 2.2–2.6, with two
exceptions. First, the heterotrophic respiration, which is derived primarily from BIOS2, is corrected for the influences
of fire, transport (by river and dust) and harvest (Sect. 2.1).
Second, the net fire emissions from non-clearing fires were
estimated using a BIOS2 simulation with prescribed gross
fire emissions (Sect. 2.2.2).
Net primary production, net ecosystem production
and heterotophic respiration
NPP and NEP components were derived using BIOS2
(Haverd et al., 2012), constrained by multiple observation
types, and forced using remotely sensed vegetation cover.
BIOS2 is a fine-spatial-resolution (0.05◦ ) offline modelling
environment built on capability developed for the Australian
Water Availability Project (King et al., 2009; Raupach et al.,
2009). It includes a modification of the CABLE land surface scheme (Wang et al., 2011) incorporating the SLI soil
model (Haverd and Cuntz, 2010) and the CASA-CNP biogeochemical model (Wang et al., 2010). BIOS2 parameters
are constrained and predictions are evaluated using multiple
observation sets from across the Australian continent, including streamflow from 416 gauged catchments, eddy flux data
(CO2 and H2 O) from 12 OzFlux sites, litterfall data, and data
on soil, litter and biomass carbon pools (Haverd et al., 2012).
CABLE consists of five components (Wang et al., 2011):
(1) the radiation module describes direct and diffuse radiation transfer and absorption by sunlit and shaded leaves; (2)
the canopy micrometeorology module describes the surface
roughness length, zero-plane displacement height, and aerodynamic conductance from the reference height to the air
within canopy or to the soil surface; (3) the canopy module
includes the coupled energy balance, transpiration, stomatal
conductance and photosynthesis of sunlit and shaded leaves;
(4) the soil module describes heat and water fluxes within soil
and snow and at their respective surfaces; and (5) the ecosystem carbon module accounts for the respiration of stem, root
and soil organic carbon decomposition. In BIOS2, the default
CABLE v1.4 soil and carbon modules were replaced respectively by the SLI soil model (Haverd and Cuntz, 2010) and
the CASA-CNP biogeochemical model (Wang et al., 2010).
Modifications to CABLE, SLI and CASA-CNP for use in
BIOS2 are detailed in Haverd et al. (2012).
Nitrogen and phosphorous cycles in CASA-CNP were disabled, and land management was not considered explicitly.
However BIOS2 is driven by remotely sensed vegetation
cover and parameters and uncertainties were estimated using
multiple observation types spanning the entire bioclimatic
space, including managed lands. These two factors mitigate against the exclusion of potentially important processes.
V. Haverd et al.: The Australian terrestrial carbon budget
Moreover, model structural errors incurred by process omission are incorporated in the model-observation residuals,
which are propagated through to uncertainties in model predictions (Haverd et al., 2012).
In this work we extended BIOS2 simulations back in time
to 1799, to assess the effects of changing climate and atmospheric CO2 on NPP and NEP. CASA-CNP carbon pools
were initialised by spinning the model 200 times over a
39 yr period using NPP generated with atmospheric CO2
fixed at the pre-industrial value of 280 ppm, and 1911–1949
meteorology, corresponding to the earliest available rainfall and temperature data from the Bureau of Meteorology’s
Australian Water Availability Project dataset (BoM AWAP)
(Grant et al., 2008; Jones et al., 2009). Following spin-up, the
1799–2011 simulation was performed using actual deseasonalised atmospheric CO2 (from the Law Dome ice core prior
to 1959 (MacFarling Meure et al., 2006), and from global
in situ observations from 1959 onward (Keeling et al., 2001)
with repeated 1911–1949 meteorology prior to 1911 and actual meteorology thereafter.
Vegetation cover was prescribed using PAR (fraction photosynthetic absorbed radiation) estimates obtained from the
AVHRR record (1990–2006), with an annual climatology being used outside of the period of data availability. Total fPAR
was partitioned into persistent (mainly woody) and recurrent (mainly grassy) vegetation components, following the
methodology of Donohue et al. (2009) and Lu et al. (2003).
Leaf area index (LAI) for woody and grassy components was
estimated from the fPAR components by Beer’s law (e.g.
Houldcroft et al., 2009). Grassy LAI was partitioned between
C3 and C4 components according to the proportion of all
grass species that are C4 species, as estimated by Hattersley (1983).
Uncertainties in BIOS2 predictions (all uncertainties hereafter expressed as 1σ ), due to parameter uncertainty and uncertainty in forcing data, were estimated separately and combined in quadrature to give total uncertainty, as described by
Haverd et al. (2012). To obtain uncertainties in model predictions associated with parameter uncertainties in a parameter
set p, the parameter covariance matrix C was projected onto
the variance in the prediction Z:
σZ =
where ∂Z/∂p is the vector of sensitivities of a prediction
Z to the elements of p. Uncertainties in model predictions
associated with forcing uncertainties were estimated as the
absolute change in prediction associated with perturbations
to forcing inputs. NEP uncertainty estimates also include the
uncertainty due to an assumed 20 % uncertainty in the partial
derivative of NPP with respect to atmospheric CO2 concentration.
We define net ecosystem production as net primary production (NPP) minus the heterotrophic respiration flux that
would occur without the influences of fire, transport (by river
and dust) and harvest, FRH,-F-T-H . (Here subscripts -F, -T, H denote the absence of fire, harvest and transport.) Section 2.2 describes the estimation of FRH,-F-T-H , i.e. FRH under
a regime of fire. The effect of harvest and transport on FRH is
treated more simply: we assume FRH is discounted by 100 %
of the exported flux, because the C in these fluxes is removed
and cannot be respired.
Gross fire emissions
Gross monthly fire emissions were extracted from the
GFED3 database (van der Werf et al., 2010) for the 1997–
2009 period. These emissions are determined using the algorithm of Sieler and Crutzen (1980), with burnt area determined from the MODIS burned area product from 2002 to
2009 and from AVHRR for the period 1997–2002 (Giglio
et al., 2010), fuel loads calculated using the CASA terrestrial
biosphere model (Randerson et al., 1997) and combustion parameters sourced from the global literature. These were compared with independent estimates derived using the 2004 National Greenhouse Gas Inventory Methodology (Australian
Greenhouse Office, 2006; Meyer, 2004). This methodology
also implements the algorithm of Sieler and Crutzen (1980).
However the data are entirely independent of GFED. Burnt
area in the tropical savanna and arid rangelands is estimated
from AVHRR 1 km imagery (Craig et al., 2002) while, for the
forests area, fire area estimates are sourced from fire agency
statistics. In all regions fuel loads and combustion parameters
are sourced from field measurements. The NGGI (National
Greenhouse Gas Inventory) methodology is implemented regionally, by state (administrative unit), while GFED3 is spatially explicit at 0.5 deg resolution.
Uncertainty (1σ ) in continental gross fire emissions was
estimated as the difference between the NGGI and GFED3,
each averaged over the period (1997–2009) for which both
products exist.
Net fire emissions
We define net fire emissions (of CO2 -C) as the sum of contributions from clearing fires (i.e. fires associated with conversion of forest to cropland or grassland) and non-clearing
fires. Together gross emissions from these two categories of
fire sum to the total gross fire emissions (detailed above and
denoted by the “Fire” arrow in Fig. 1). Net emissions from
clearing fires are assumed equal to the gross emissions from
these fires. In contrast, net emissions from non-clearing fires
are estimated as the gross non-clearing fire emissions minus
the reduction in FRH incurred by non-clearing fires (relative
to a no-fire scenario). For non-clearing fires, NPP simulated
using BIOS2 in the absence of fire was assumed applicable under a recurring fire regime, because most Australian
Biogeosciences, 10, 851–869, 2013
V. Haverd et al.: The Australian terrestrial carbon budget
Fig. 1. Summary of the Australian territorial carbon budget, 1990–2011.
landscapes are resilient, with regrowth commencing after the
first post-fire rainfall (Graetz, 2002).
For the purpose of estimating net fire emissions, clearing
fire emissions Ffire, clearing were specified according to DCCEE (2012) and subtracted from the gross fire emissions
from GFED3 to give Ffire, non-clearing . The net export of C
from the biosphere due to non-clearing fires was evaluated
non-clearing = Ffire, non-clearing − FRH,-F-T-H + FRH,-T-H
= Ffire, non-clearing 1 −
Ffire, non-clearing
Heterotrophic respiration under a recurring fire regime (but
without account for transport by rivers and dust or harvest),
FRH,-T-H , was estimated using a modification of the BIOS2
environment, in which (i) fire occurred at prescribed return
intervals; (ii) at the time of fire, each aboveground carbon
pool Cj was instantaneously depleted by fb βj Cj with βj
being a set of prescribed burning efficiencies for each aboveground pool and fb the fraction of area burned. Burning efficiencies were assigned according to values used by Barrett (2010). The fraction burned area was calculated as
(rNPPt )
fb = P
βj Cj
with r a prescribed ratio of gross fire emissions to NPP (Table 2, Sect. 4.2.2 below) and NPPt the NPP accumulated
since the last burn. Gross fire emissions in this simulation
are thus equal to rNPPt .
Relative uncertainty in the mean net fire emissions was
assumed equal to that of the gross fire emissions.
Biogeosciences, 10, 851–869, 2013
Land use change and harvest
For land use change (LUC), flux estimates (FLUC ) (1990–
2008) were extracted from the Australian National Greenhouse Gas Inventory (DCCEE, 2012), and associated data
files (UNFCCC, 2011; v.1.4). The component extracted is the
one consistent with the Kyoto Protocol article 3.3 which focuses on emissions from deforestation and reforestation. Estimates of FLUC are calculated using the Australian National
Carbon Accounting System (NCAS), a greenhouse accounting framework for the land sector. It is based on spatially
explicit ecosystem modelling that uses extensive groundbased datasets for parameterization and validation, and Landsat data time series at 25-m resolution (Richards and Brack,
2004; Waterworth and Richards, 2008; Waterworth et al.,
The LUC flux from NCAS includes emissions from converting forest to cropland and to grassland, and afforestation
largely from the conversion of grasslands to forest land (i.e.
plantations). The FullCAM model, used as part of NCAS,
estimates emissions and removals from all pools including
living biomass, dead organic matter, and soil (Richards and
Evans, 2004).
Forests lands are defined as lands with a minimum tree
cover of 20 % and trees with a minimum height of 2 m. These
criteria are consistent with the reporting requirements of the
UNFCCC Marrakech Accords, Montreal Process, and the
Food and Agriculture Organization. For land conversion, e.g.
forest to grassland, a minimum conversion area of 0.2 ha is
used. Emissions from fires associated with land use change
are accounted for under fire emissions.
V. Haverd et al.: The Australian terrestrial carbon budget
Table 1. Components of the Australian carbon budget.
Biosphere (no fire,
no transport,
no harvest,
no LUC)
RH-F-T-H (no fire,
no transport, no harvest)
Flux (away
from land
[TgC yr−1 ]a
(1σ )
error on
(1σ )
Fire (non-clearing)
Fire (clearing)
Total fire
RH-T-H (corrected
for fire)
Net fire = FFire +
Total Transport
Harvest (wood,
livestock, crops)
HWP gross
HWP consumption
HWP export
Livestock gross
Livestock consumption
Livestock export
Crop gross
Crop consumption
Crop export
Harvest gross
Harvest export
Harvest consumption
RH (corrected for fire,
harvest, transport)
Land use change
Fossil fuels
FF (territorial)
FF (export)
Net fluxes
Land–atm exchange
Changes in Stockb
1CFF /dt
1CNon-Territorial /dt
1CBiosphere /dt
1CTerritorial /dt
1CHWP /dt
1CAtmosphere /dt
a Multiply by 0.126 to convert to g m−2 yr−1 .
b Sign convention: positive change in stock is an increase in stock.
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V. Haverd et al.: The Australian terrestrial carbon budget
For harvested products, the Australian National Carbon Accounting System (NCAS) accounts for the change in stock of
harvested wood products (HWP). This stock includes wood
products from forest land within Australia plus imported material minus exported material. Descriptions of the methods
and data sources are described in DCCEE (2012), and details
of the wood products model and accounting framework are
described in Richards et al. (2007).
Production, consumption and export of C in HWP, crops
and livestock feed consumption were estimated using the
methodology of Peters et al. (2012), applied to Australia for
this work. The livestock feed consumption data were converted to carbon content of livestock using the livestock conversion efficiency factor (for Oceania) of 3.7 % from Kraussmann et al. (2008) (Table 6).
For uncertainties of LUC emissions, we assumed the
global value of 40 % (1σ ) (Le Quere et al., 2009), while
for fluxes of harvested products, we assume uncertainties of
25 % (1σ ).
Riverine transport
Freshwater fluxes of dissolved organic carbon (DOC), which
we assume is of terrestrial origin, are computed as the product of a representative DOC concentration and the mean annual river flow.
River flow is taken to be either the modelled runoff from
one of several significant recent studies of surface water resources in Australia (e.g. Raupach et al., 2009; CSIRO, 2008)
or, for the catchments of the Great Barrier Reef lagoon,
measured annual discharge from the Short Term Modelling
Project (Cogle, Carroll, and Sherman, 2006) and from Furnas (2003).
A database of DOC concentrations for Australian continental rivers was assembled from the literature (e.g. Bass
et al., 2011). These data were used to estimate mean DOC
concentrations as follows: the Australian continent is broken
up into 246 distinct hydrographic basins (a.k.a. surface water management areas) (ASWMA, 2004). Where data were
available for more than one river within a basin, a flowweighted mean concentration was computed from the observations and assigned to the entire basin. This concentration was multiplied by the total basin runoff to give the
DOC flux for the basin. For calculating fluxes to the ocean,
the 246 basins were aggregated to areas contributing to 7
COSCAT zones (COastal Segmentation and related CATchments), based on a combination of coastal shelf morphology,
coastal current patterns, and climate gradients (Meybeck et
al., 2006), as shown in Fig. 13. Fluxes were calculated on a
COSCAT zone basis as the product of the relevant annual
runoff and a representative concentration. The representative concentration was computed as a flow-weighted average
from the constituent basins. In the absence of any measured
DOC data, a value was assigned using judgement to interpoBiogeosciences, 10, 851–869, 2013
late between basins with observational data and considering
the local landscape and hydrologic attributes.
In the absence of uncertainty estimates, we assign a relative uncertainty of 50 % on this component of the C budget.
This crude estimate has negligible impact on the uncertainty
of NBP, because the C flux associated with riverine transport
is very small (Sect. 4.4).
Dust export
Net dust export from Australia is equal to gross dust emissions minus wet and dry dust deposition terms. Estimates of
these terms were obtained from a literature survey of studies (Ginoux et al., 2004; Li et al., 2008; Luo et al., 2003;
Miller et al., 2004; Tanaka and Chiba, 2006; Werner et al.,
2002; Yue et al., 2009; Zender et al., 2003) that use global
atmospheric/chemical transport models and/or climate models, specifically enabled to simulate the uplift, transport and
wet/dry deposition of dust. Li et al. (2008) specifically target regions in the Southern Hemisphere. Of the eight studies, only four provided full dust budgets. The mean ratio of
net dust export to gross dust emissions for Australia obtained
from these four studies was applied to the gross emissions of
the remaining four studies.
Export of carbon by dust is estimated by multiplying net
dust export by a fixed soil organic content (SOC) of dust,
taken as 4 ± 3 %. This value is based on a range of 1–7 %
SOC observed in wind-blown sediment samples in a recent
study indicating significant enrichment of carbon in Australian dusts relative to parent soils (Webb et al., 2012).
Uncertainty in this flux component of the C budget is assumed as 100 % of the flux, based on the large uncertainty in
the soil organic carbon content of dust and the large range of
net dust export estimates (Sect. 4.5). This crude estimate has
negligible impact on the uncertainty of NBP, because the C
flux associated with dust transport is very small (Sect. 4.5).
Fossil fuel
Fossil fuel emissions estimates (1990–2010) for construction
of the Australian full carbon budget were obtained from the
latest available Australian National Greenhouse Gas Inventory (DCCEE, 2012). These were extrapolated to 2011 before
averaging over the 1990–2011 period. The C-flux embodied
in fossil fuel exports (2009–2010) was derived from fuel export data (ABARES, 2011), and extrapolated to the full budget period by assuming a constant growth rate of 0.06 yr−1 .
For calculation of embodied carbon emissions and comparisons with other countries, we used the dataset of the Carbon
Dioxide Information and Analysis Center (CDIAC) (Andres
et al., 2012; Boden et al., 2011; Marland and Rotty, 1984).
For uncertainties of FF emissions, we assumed the global
value of 6 % (1σ ) (Andres et al., 2012). This global value
is applicable to Australia, because, although fossil fuel
V. Haverd et al.: The Australian terrestrial carbon budget
Table 2. Ratio of annual gross fire emissions and annual net fire
emissions to mean NPP (1990–2011): mean ratio; IAV of ratio and
maximum ratio for the 1997–2009 period.
Gross fire emissions/
mean NPP
Warm Temp
Cool Temp
Net fire emissions/
mean NPP
IAV (1σ )
IAV (1σ )
1.8 × 10−5
8 × 10−6
3 × 10−5
consumption is known relatively accurately, the uncertainty
of carbon content of coal is ∼ 6 %.
The net carbon budget, 1990–2011
Table 1 summarises the net territorial Australian carbon budget, and it is further distilled in Figs. 1 and 2. Each component is discussed in detail in Sect. 4.
The budget period for each flux component is specified as
1990–2011, and is defined as starting at the beginning of
1990 or whenever data become available thereafter, and ending at the end of 2011, or whenever data cease being available before then. Estimates of NPP and NEP span the entire
budget period. Of the remaining fluxes, it is mostly assumed
that the average flux over the available years applies to the
entire budget period. The exception is fossil fuel emission
and export, for which the 1990–2011 values were derived by
extrapolation (Sect. 2.6).
For the 1990–2011 period, the biosphere gained carbon
at an average rate of 36 ± 29 TgC yr−1 (1σ error on mean).
As indicated in Figs. 1 and 2i, the gross loss of carbon
from the biosphere is dominated by heterotrophic respiration (1997 ± 383 TgC yr−1 ), with smaller losses due to fire
(127 ± 22 TgC yr−1 ), harvest (29 ± 7 TgC yr−1 ), land use
change (18 ± 7 TgC yr−1 ) and transport by rivers and dust
(3 ± 1 TgC yr−1 ). However the process contributions to biospheric carbon accumulation are quite different. As shown
in Fig. 2ii, the net effects of changing climate and rising CO2 are to increase biospheric carbon by 12 ± 24 and
68 ± 7 TgC yr−1 respectively, while fire and LUC cause net
respective losses of 26 ± 4 TgC yr−1 and 18 ± 7 TgC yr−1 .
(Harvest and transport are assumed to have no net effect on
biospheric carbon accumulation.)
Of the total harvest, 60 % is consumed in Australia and
mostly contributes directly to the flux from the Australian
territory to the atmosphere. A small part of the wood harvest flux contributes to the accumulation of the HWP stock
at a rate of 1 TgC yr−1 . The exported harvest is returned to
the atmosphere as non-territorial emissions. Small exports of
carbon by river (2 ± 1 TgC yr−1 ) and dust (1 ± 1 TgC yr−1 )
transport also contribute to non-territorial emissions.
Fig. 2. (i) Net flux of carbon out of the Australian biosphere (FNBP ,
yellow) as the sum of components (blue); (ii) net flux of carbon out
of the Australian biosphere (FNBP , yellow) as the sum of process
contributions (blue) due to variable climate, rising CO2 , net effect
of fire (mainly clearing fires) and LUC; (iii) net flux of carbon from
the Australian territory to the atmosphere (FLAE , yellow), as the
sum of components (blue). Error bars represent errors on the mean
(1σ , red) and interannual variability (1σ , black).
During the same period, the stock of carbon in fossil fuels was depleted by 235 ± 15 TgC yr−1 , of which
95 ± 6 TgC yr−1 were attributable to burning of fossil fuels within the Australian territory, and the remainder to export. Combining territorial fossil fuel emissions with harvest
consumption and biospheric land-to-atmosphere fluxes results in a total land-to-atmosphere flux of 43 ± 29 TgC yr−1 ,
with an additional 155 ± 17 TgC yr−1 contribution from nonterritorial emissions resulting from consumption of Australian harvest and fossil fuels outside of Australia.
Components of the net flux out of the Australian biosphere
and the net land-to-atmosphere flux are shown in bar-chart
form in Fig. 2i and iii, along with their 1σ uncertainties and
interannual variabilities (IAV). The IAV of both net fluxes is
dominated by IAV in FNPP + FRH (136 TgC yr−1 ), which in
turn is largely attributable to IAV in NPP (Table 1).
Components of the net carbon budget
For the purpose of regionalising NPP and NEP, we use the
bioclimatic classification shown in Fig. 3, a simple aggregation of classes from the agro-climatic classification of
Hutchinson et al. (2005) (Table 2, Fig. 3), which itself is
a digital reanalysis for Australia of the global scheme of
Hutchinson et al. (1992). Table 3 gives spatial extent, mean
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V. Haverd et al.: The Australian terrestrial carbon budget
Fig. 3. Bioclimatic classification for use in regionalisation of results.
annual temperature and precipitation (1975–2011) for each
bioclimatic region.
Table 3. Spatial extent, mean annual temperature and precipitation
of the bioclimatic regions shown in Fig. 3.
[106 km2 ]
Mean annual
T (1975–2011)
[◦ C]
Spatial distribution of mean NPP
Figure 4 shows the spatial distribution of mean NPP (1990–
2011) at 0.05◦ spatial resolution across the Australian continent, as simulated using BIOS2. Spatially and temporally
variable drivers are meteorological inputs (air temperature,
incoming solar radiation, precipitation), vegetation cover (total leaf area index and its partition into woody and grassy
components) and soil properties (temporally invariant). Solid
lines in Fig. 4 indicate the boundaries of the bioclimatic regions (Fig. 3) and emphasise the strong climate dependence
of NPP. The NPP is strongly weighted to the eastern, northern
and south-western margins of the continent, with the remainder of the continent having very low mean NPP.
Fig. 4. Mean NPP (1990–2011), with boundaries of bioclimatic regions (Fig. 3, Table 5) indicated as solid lines.
Ranking the 1990–2011 period
It is important to assess the 1990–2011 period in the context
of longer-term variability. Figure 5 shows the annual temporal variations of continental mean precipitation, NPP, and
NEP, for 1911–2011. Precipitation is included because it is
the single largest driver of variability in the Australian carbon cycle. We assessed the representativeness of precipitation, NPP and NEP during 1990–2011 compared with other
22-yr periods in Fig. 5. The assessment was done by (i) constructing moving average and standard deviation time series
of each quantity using a 22-yr window period; and (ii) converting each point in the time series to a percentile rank (i.e.
the percentage of points in the time series that have lower
values than the point in question).
Results are shown in Fig. 6, for each bioclimatic region of
Fig. 3 and for the whole continent. The final point in each
time series is the percentile rank for the 1990–2011 period.
Biogeosciences, 10, 851–869, 2013
Warm Temperate
Cool Temperate
Mean annual
[mm yr−1 ]
The x-axis represents the centre year of each 22-yr period.
Several features emerge from Fig. 6: (i) at the decadal time
scale, NPP is strongly correlated with precipitation; (ii) variability in NEP is more noisy (occurs at shorter time scales)
than variability in NPP; (iii) Mediterranean, cool temperate
and warm temperate regions have experienced below-median
rainfall in each 22-yr period from 1986 onwards (including 2010–2011, widely perceived as the break of a major
drought from 2000–2009); (iv) in contrast, the tropics, savanna, desert and the continent as a whole have experienced
above-median rainfall during the same period; (v) the rankings of precipitation and NPP for the whole of Australia are
very similar to those for the desert region; (vi) continental
NEP reveals additional structure not seen in the desert, particularly a decline in the periods from 1986–1997, associated
with the tropics and savanna regions.
Figure 7 shows the percentile rank of the 1990–2011 mean
and standard deviations of precipitation, NPP and NEP, relative to every other 22-yr period since 1911. The period 1990–
2011 was one of extremes in many respects: (i) precipitation in the tropics, savanna, desert and the whole of Australia
was exceptionally high (cumulative probability CP > 99 %)
and variable (CP > 90 %); (ii) NPP and NEP were correspondingly high and highly variable in the savanna, desert
V. Haverd et al.: The Australian terrestrial carbon budget
Fig. 5. Annual time series of Australian continental (i) precipitation; (ii) NPP; and (iii) NEP (NPP – RH in the absence of fire and
harvest). Shading represents 1σ uncertainties on the mean, and includes contributions from parameter uncertainties and forcing uncertainties, as evaluated in Haverd et al. (2012).
and the whole of Australia (CP > 85 %), but less so in the
tropics, where variability in temperature (particularly its influence on vapour pressure deficit) strongly influences variability in NPP and NEP; (iii) the cool temperate region suffered from exceptionally low precipitation (CP < 10 %) and
NEP (CP < 3 %), as a consequence of preceding decades of
below-median NPP (Fig. 6).
Mean NPP 1990–2011
Mean NPP for each bioclimatic region and for the whole
of Australia is shown in Fig. 8i, simulated at constant CO2
(280 ppm, a pre-industrial concentration), and with actual
(rising) CO2 . Error bars represent 1σ uncertainties due to
uncertainties in model parameters and forcing. The parameter uncertainty component represents the constraint on NPP
predictions provided by multiple observation sets in the parameter estimation process (Haverd et al., 2012). The Australian continental mean value (with rising CO2 forcing) on
a per unit area basis is 0.76 g m−2 d−1 , equivalent to 73 % of
the global mean of 1.04 g m−2 d−1 for a global land NPP of
55 PgC yr−1 (Cramer et al., 2001) and 56 ± 14 PgC yr−1 (Ito,
2011). This is taking Australia as 5.5 % of the global land
area, and excluding Greenland and Antarctica. Rising CO2
increases continental NPP by 13 % compared with steady
preindustrial forcing. Higher increases of 15–16 % occur in
the tropics, savanna and desert (which are subject to very
high temperatures and humidity deficits) and lower values
of 9–10 % in the temperate and Mediterranean regions. The
response of NPP to rising CO2 is also shown in time series
Fig. 6. Percentile rank time series of 22-yr averaged precipitation,
NPP and NEP. Each point is the percentile rank of the variable (precipitation, NPP or NEP), averaged over a 22-yr window, centered
at the time on the x-axis. A point having a percentile rank of 100 %
means that all other points in the time series have lower values.
form in Fig. 8i. Each time series is the difference between
NPP simulated at “rising CO2 ” and “constant CO2 ”, relative
to the “constant CO2 ” NPP.
Mean NEP 1990–2011
Non-zero mean NEP (1990–2011) simulated by BIOS2, and
shown in Fig. 9ii, is the consequence of variable meteorological forcing (“constant CO2 ”) and a combination of variable
meteorological forcing and CO2 forcing (“rising CO2 ”).
Biogeosciences, 10, 851–869, 2013
V. Haverd et al.: The Australian terrestrial carbon budget
Fig. 7. Percentile ranks of the 1990–2011 (i) mean and (ii) standard deviation of precipitation, NPP and NEP, relative to all other 22-yr
periods starting in successive years from 1911.
Responses of NEP to CO2 are plotted in Fig. 9ii. Interannual variations in the NPP responses (Fig. 9i) are amplified
in the NEP responses because of the time delay between a
change in NPP and the consequent change in RH. For clarity,
the responses are replotted in Fig. 9ii (inset) as 22-yr running
means, revealing distinct responses for the different regions.
The largest response is in the desert region (4.5 % of NPP
in 2011), and the response for Australia is 3.5 % of NPP in
Fig. 8ii shows that, with constant CO2 forcing, the tropics, warm temperate and cool temperate regions would be
significant sources of CO2 to the atmosphere, because the
averaging period (1990–2011) is preceded by a long period of declining NPP (Fig. 6). However, the CO2 response is sufficiently strong that each bioclimatic region,
and the whole of Australia, is a net sink under a regime
of no disturbance. Error bars represent the 1σ uncertainties in NEP resulting from 20 % uncertainty in the partial
derivative of NPP with respect to atmospheric CO2 concentration, combined in quadrature with uncertainties due to
uncertainties in model parameters and forcing. The continental NEP values of 0.004 g m−2 d−1 (constant CO2 ) and
0.029 g m−2 d−1 (rising CO2 ) are equivalent to respective
continental sinks 12 TgC yr−1 and 80 TgC yr−1 . The sink under rising CO2 is 59 % of the mean terrestrial global sink
(assuming a 1990–2011 average global sink of 2.6 PgC yr−1
(Canadell et al., 2007; Pan et al., 2011), and taking the Australian land surface are as 5.5 % of the global land surface,
excluding Greenland and Antarctica). However the combined effects of fire and LUC (Fig. 2ii) reduce the continental
biospheric sink to 36 TgC yr−1 or 27 % of the global mean
sink per unit area.
Interannual variability
As seen in the time series of Fig. 5, interannual variability
(IAV) of continental NPP and NEP is strongly associated
Biogeosciences, 10, 851–869, 2013
with IAV in rainfall. For the 1990–2011 period, IAV (1σ ) of
NPP, relative to mean NPP, is 9 % for the continent, with high
values of 14–15 % in the savanna, warm temperate, Mediterranean and desert regions, and lower values of 8 % in the
tropics and cool temperate regions. The IAV of NEP is similar in absolute magnitude to that of NPP, with a continental
value of 8 %, relative to mean NPP.
Gross fire emissions
Figure 10i compares gross annual fire emissions derived using the GFED and NGGI methodologies. Each point represents an annual state (administrative unit) flux from one of
three vegetation classes. The two estimates generally agree
well, particularly for the forest and arid rangelands where the
NGGI estimates are 20 % lower and 9 % higher respectively
than the GFED estimates. The comparison of the savanna
woodland estimates is slightly more complex. In this region,
the Queensland fuel loads were prescribed by state experts
while, for Northern Territory and Western Australia, they
were based on field measurements. It is now clear that the
Queensland estimates were biased towards heavily grazed regions of Western Queensland where the fuel loads are low in
comparison to Cape York Peninsula where most fires occur.
Excluding the Queensland data, NGGI estimates for tropical savanna woodland are on average 13 % lower than GFED
estimates. Annual continental fire emissions (Fig. 10ii) also
agree very well, with a mean bias of 17 % of GFED with
respect to NGGI.
Figure 11 shows the spatial distribution of GFED fire
emissions by month. Cool temperate fires occur in the Austral summer months (December–March). In contrast, intense
fires in the tropics occur May–November, corresponding to
the tropical dry season, with late season fires (September–
October) being more intense. There is a migration of fire
V. Haverd et al.: The Australian terrestrial carbon budget
Fig. 9. (i) Response of NPP to increasing CO2 , calculated as the difference between NPP simulated with rising CO2 and pre-industrial
CO2 (280 ppm), relative to NPP simulated with pre-industrial CO2 ;
(ii) response of NEP to increasing CO2 , calculated as the difference
between NEP simulated with rising CO2 and pre-industrial CO2 ,
relative to NPP simulated with pre-industrial CO2 .
Fig. 8. (i) BIOS2 estimates of 1990–2011 mean NPP under preindustrial CO2 and increasing CO2 forcing. (ii) BIOS2 estimates
of 1990–2011 mean NEP under pre-industrial CO2 and rising CO2 .
Error bars represent 1σ uncertainties on the mean, and include contributions from parameter uncertainties and forcing uncertainties, as
evaluated in Haverd et al. (2012).
from west to east across the top end, corresponding to a time
lag in the onset of the dry season. During the dry season,
the air flows to the north-west from the arid rangelands in
central Australia to the Timor Sea and the fetch across the
arid interior to north-west Western Australia is particularly
long. Hence this region becomes fire prone very early in the
season, in contrast to the north east (Cape York, Queensland) where winds are east to south-east, sometimes off the
ocean and therefore more humid. The seasonality of fire in
the rangelands is more variable than in the tropics; in the
south fires occur more frequently in the summer. In the north,
the seasonality of monsoons is the main driver.
Figure 12 shows time series of the GFED3 annual gross
fire emissions by region. The tropics are a persistently high
source of gross fire emissions, while the savanna fire emiswww.biogeosciences.net/10/851/2013/
sions are similarly high but show higher IAV, because fuel
loads are more variable. The fire events in the desert coincide with years of high NPP associated with large rainfall
events; the extreme fire years of 2000 and 2001 followed several extremely wet years in central Australia between 1997
and 1999.
The cool temperate region, usually a small source of fire
emissions, produced large emissions in the severe bushfire seasons of 2003 and 2006 during a period of extended
drought (seen above in Fig. 6).
In Table 2, we list the mean fraction of NPP burned by
region, its variability (1σ ), and maximum value. On average,
biomass burning represents 6 % of continental NPP, slightly
less than the IAV (1σ ) of continental NPP (9 %, Sect. 3.1.4)
or continental NEP (8 %, Sect. 3.1.4). At 2 % of NPP, the IAV
(1σ ) of gross fire emissions is small compared to that of NPP
or NEP.
Net fire emissions
Annual gross fire emissions from non-clearing fires were adjusted using Eq. (4) to obtain net annual emissions from
these fires.
The correction factor
in Eq. (4) was approxiFRH,-F-T-H −FRH,-T-H
mated as 1 −
using consistent estimates
of FRH,-F-T-H , FRH,-T-H and rNPPt , aggregated spatially over
bioclimatic regions and over the 1990–2011 period. The ratio
r in Eq. (4) was specified using the mean ratio of gross fire
emissions to mean NPP (Table 2), and the fire return interval was specified as 3 yr (tropics and savanna), 50 yr (warm
Biogeosciences, 10, 851–869, 2013
V. Haverd et al.: The Australian terrestrial carbon budget
Fig. 10. Comparison of GFED3 and NGGI CO2 -C gross fire emission estimates. (i) Annual fluxes per state per vegetation class; (ii) total
annual Australian continental fire emissions 1997–2009.
temperate and cool temperate) and 20 yr (Mediterranean and
Results for each region and for the Australian continent are
listed in Table 2. Net emissions are typically less than 5 % of
gross emissions, indicating that, over the averaging period of
interest (1990–2011), the C lost due to burning fuel is approximately matched by the additional heterotrophic respiration that occurs in the absence of fire. Significant exceptions
are the warm and cool temperate regions, where net fire emissions account for about 60 % of gross fire emissions. The reason for this large fraction is that, owing to the long fire return
interval (50 yr), the biosphere does not recover to its pre-fire
state within the averaging period (22 yr). Net fire emissions
in the tropics and savanna are slightly negative. This does not
mean that fire is increasing the uptake of biospheric carbon
in the long term. On the contrary, in the absence of fire more
carbon is sequestered in the soil over hundreds of years preceding the 1990–2011 period. Because of this and because
the period 1990–2011 occurs after an extended decline in
NPP (Fig. 7), more C is temporarily being released as RH
during 1990–2011 in the simulations with no fire than in the
simulations with fire.
The net fire emissions in Table 2 need to be augmented by
emissions from clearing fires. Graetz (2002) estimated these
to be 18 ± 10 PgC yr−1 (IAV, 1σ ) which is close to the current estimate of 23 ± 5 PgC yr−1 for 1990–2010 (DCCEE,
2012). Gross emissions from these fires are converted entirely to net emissions (Graetz, 2002).
Land use change and harvest
Net cumulative emissions from land use change were
359 TgC during the 1990–2009 period with mean annual
emissions of 21.4 TgC for the 1990s and 14.4 TgC for the
This cumulative net flux over 20 yr was the result of two
major land use changes, the first being the conversion of forest to grassland (12.9 Mha; 359 TgC) and forest to cropland
(4.4 Mha; 47 TgC) (Fig. 11). This dominant flux remained
quite stable on average throughout the period after an initial
Biogeosciences, 10, 851–869, 2013
decline of 51 % during the period 1990–1995. The flux also
takes into account the dynamics of regrowth and re-clearing
of forest land, which takes place particularly in the northeast
of Australia.
Second, the expansion of new forest largely results from
the conversion of grasslands to forest, which creates a CO2
sink (1.1 Mha; −47.9 TgC) (Fig. 11). This flux was largely
driven by the increase of plantations, which grew from about
1 Mha in 2003 to 1.8 Mha in 2006, largely attributable to
the expansion of hardwood plantations, mainly Eucalyptus (Montreal Process Implementation Group for Australia,
Carbon fluxes for non-CO2 greenhouse gases are negligible for this type of land conversions and not part of the accounting of this paper.
The change in stock of harvested wood products 1CHWP
accounts for a small carbon sink in the context of other major fluxes reported for the Australian terrestrial carbon budget. 1CHWP was estimated at 1.4 TgC in 1990, declining to
1.2 TgC in 2009 (DCCEE, 2012). We use an annual average
across the period 1990–2009 of 1.3 TgC yr−1 .
Production, consumption and export of in HWP, crops and
livestock are given in Table 1 for the year 2004, as estimated by Peters et al. (2012), and extracted for Australia
for this work. Of these harvest types, crops dominate production (19 TgC yr−1 ), with smaller productions of HWP
(6.4 TgC yr−1 ) and livestock (3.1 TgC yr−1 ). In 2004 there
was a net import of HWP (6 % of production), while 45 % of
crop production and 63 % of livestock production were exported.
Riverine transport
The estimated DOC flux has been computed for each
COSCAT zone receiving water from Australia (Table 4).
There is a trend for DOC concentrations to increase towards
the south of the continent relative to the wet tropical regions
to the north (Fig. 13). This may reflect longer transit times
for rainfall to reach the coast thereby allowing more time
for leaching of organic matter. The total DOC flux across
V. Haverd et al.: The Australian terrestrial carbon budget
Fig. 12. Annual time series of GFED CO2 -C gross fire emissions
by bioclimatic region.
Fig. 11. Ensemble average GFED CO2 -C gross fire emissions
0.5◦ × 0.5◦ grid cell (1997–2009) by month.
the Australian coastline is estimated to be 2.3 ± 1 TgC yr−1 .
This number is a preliminary estimate and could be refined
as more DOC concentration data become available (presently
available for only 33 of the total 246 basins).
Runoff estimates for Australia differ by roughly ± 5 %
(not shown) suggesting a relatively small error in flux estimates is attributable to uncertainty in runoff. Far greater uncertainty can be attributed by the relatively large range of
measured values for any given river. This variability must
stem in part from the timing of flow events relative to field
sampling. Field sampling on a weekly or less frequent basis
may miss a significant proportion of the total DOC flux. Bass
et al. (2011) suggest that insufficient temporal resolution of
DOC measurements can lead to underestimating the flux by
a factor of two or more.
There are several significant complications which are not
accounted for in the above approach. First, there is no distinction between the DOC flux in the significant portion
of runoff that does not reach the sea and that which does.
This is probably important: for example, of an estimated
27 041 GL yr−1 of gauged runoff within the Murray–Darling
Basin, just 4733 GL reach the ocean (CSIRO, 2008). Second, there is a chance that the typical DOC concentrations reported (and used here) have missed the initial surge of leaching and remineralisation which is likely to occur within the
first few days of rainfall or flooding after an extended dry period (Glazebrook and Robertson, 1999; Hladyz et al., 2011).
Third, remineralisation of DOC as water moves downstream
along a river is not accounted for, and is probably important
because the fraction of total organic carbon present as DOC
can be highly variable (e.g. Vink et al., 2005).
Table 4. Mean annual runoff (Raupach et al., 2009) draining into
Australian COSCAT regions (Fig. 13), mean DOC concentrations
computed from observed concentration data (italics denote assumed
DOC concentration used to compute DOC fluxes), and DOC fluxes
computed using each of the three runoff estimates. Fluxes were calculated using the maximum concentration observed in region 1411.
n/a interior
of basins
[GL yr−1 ]
76 273
40 157
79 600
18 284
128 840
353 931
Mean DOC
DOC flux
[GgC yr−1 ]
Dust transport
Australia is the largest source of atmospheric dust and subsequent dust deposition (outside Australia) within the Southern Hemisphere (Tanaka and Chiba, 2006). This is primarily due to the arid climate across much of Australia (rainfall < 1 mm d−1 ) and consequently low soil moisture and
sparse vegetation coverage. Wind erosion is the primary
means of dust uplift, although human activities also contribute (Boon et al., 1998). Australian emissions account
for 59 % of total Southern Hemisphere emissions, 34 % of
the dust burden of the Southern Ocean (Li et al., 2008)
and significantly influence atmospheric dust loading within
the Southern Hemisphere (Luo et al., 2003). However, Australian emissions only contribute ∼ 5 % to global emissions
(∼ 1000–2000 Tg yr−1 , Tanaka and Chiba, 2006), since major Northern Hemisphere source regions (e.g. northern Africa
and Asia) produce substantially larger emissions. The lack of
significant influence of Northern Hemisphere dust emissions
Biogeosciences, 10, 851–869, 2013
V. Haverd et al.: The Australian terrestrial carbon budget
Table 5. Australian continental dust: annual emission, deposition, export and emission as % global emission.
Tanaka and Chiba (2006)
Luo et al. (2003)
Miller et al. (2004)
Yue et al. (2009)
Zender et al. (2003)∗
Ginoux et al. (2004∗
Li et al. (2008)∗
Werner et al. (2002)∗
[Tg yr−1 ]
[Tg yr−1 ]
[Tg yr−1 ]
[Tg yr−1 ]
[Tg yr−1 ]
% global
∗ Full dust budget not published. Export and total deposition calculated assuming Export accounts for 27 % of Emission.
Fig. 14. Annual CO2 -C fluxes from land use change (TgC).
Fig. 13. Australian water catchments grouped by COSCAT zones
(filled colours). Bold numbers denote COSCAT zones. Italicised
numbers denote representative DOC concentrations [mg L−1 ] from
measurements taken in adjacent catchment rivers. COSCAT zones
are based on a combination of coastal shelf morphology, coastal
current patterns, and climate gradients (Meybeck, Durr, and Vorosmarty, 2006).
within the Southern Hemisphere is due to the short atmospheric lifetime of dust.
Dust emissions peak from October–February and the major source regions within Australia are the Great Artesian
Basin in Central Australia and the Murray–Darling Basin (Li
et al., 2008; Maher et al., 2010). Dust emission and export are
also characterized by short-lived, sporadic, intense events,
sometimes resulting in short-lived, offshore ocean fertilization due to high iron content (Luo et al., 2008). The major
pathways of dust export are to the south-east of the continent
and, to a lesser extent, the north-west (Maher et al., 2010).
Biogeosciences, 10, 851–869, 2013
Both total emission estimates and the fraction of dust exported from Australia vary considerably (Table 5). Of the 8
emission estimates provided in Table 5, only four are accompanied by a full budget, leading to a mean estimate of 27 % of
dust emissions being exported out of Australia. Applying this
estimate of 27 % to the remaining 4 emission estimates provides a set of 8 estimates of the total mass of dust exported
from Australia annually. The mean annual estimate of dust
export from Australia is 26 ± 33(1σ ) Tg yr−1 . The remaining dust is deposited elsewhere on the Australian continent,
primarily through dry deposition (Yue et al., 2009; Tanaka
and Chiba, 2006; Luo et al., 2003), although the proportion
of dry vs. wet deposition varies significantly.
Assuming a dust carbon content of 4 ± 3 % (Sect. 2.5
above) and a 100 % uncertainty estimate on net dust export
leads to an estimate of 1 ± 1 TgC yr−1 .
Fossil fuel emissions
Carbon and green house gas (GHG) accounts are conventionally referenced to territorial regions, and account for emissions from within the region to the atmosphere. On this
V. Haverd et al.: The Australian terrestrial carbon budget
Fig. 15. Millions of tons (Mt) of CO2 embodied in trade in 2004.
The upper panel shows regional differences between extraction and
production emissions (i.e. the net effect of emissions from traded
fossil fuels), and the lower panel shows regional differences between production and consumption emissions (i.e. the net effect of
emissions embodied in goods and services). Net exporting countries are shown in blue and net importing countries in red. Arrows
in each panel depict the fluxes of emissions (Mt CO2 yr−1 ) to and
from Australia greater than 9 Mt CO2 yr−1 . Fluxes to and from Europe are aggregated to include all 27 member states of the European
basis, Australia’s total GHG emissions in 2009–2010, excluding net CO2 emissions from land use, land use change
and forestry (LULUCF), were 148 TgC-equivalent yr−1 , or
543 TgCO2 -equivalent yr−1 in the units conventionally used
in greenhouse accounting (DCCEE, 2012). These CO2 equivalent emissions include all Kyoto GHGs (CO2 , CH4 ,
N2 O, HFCs, PFCs, SF6 ). Of these emissions, CO2 makes by
far the largest contribution at 110 TgC yr−1 , due almost entirely to emissions from fossil fuel combustion. The 1990–
2011 average fossil fuel emission was 95.1 TgC yr−1 . Thus,
Australia’s fossil fuel emissions are both the largest single
contribution to its total GHG emissions (about 74 %), and
also a major term in its full carbon budget (Eq. 1).
Australia’s emissions have also grown rapidly from 1990
to 2009–2010, the last period for which finalised data are
available. Excluding LULUCF, fossil-fuel CO2 emissions
have grown by 50 % (76 to 114 TgC yr−1 from 1990 to 2009–
2010) and total GHG emissions by 30 % (114 to 148 TgCequivalent yr−1 ). Including LULUCF, the growth in total
GHG emissions has been much smaller (4 % over 20 yr), because the baseline year, 1990, was a year of very high LULUCF emissions (DCCEE, 2012) followed by step reductions over the following five years. This will allow Australia
to formally meet its Kyoto commitment of an 8 % increase in
emissions from 1990 to 2008–2012. However, the underlying
emissions growth from fossil fuels is much higher.
The above figures for CO2 emissions for fossil fuels reflect territorial emissions from fossil-fuel combustion within
Australia’s borders. An even larger contribution comes from
export of mined fossil fuels, mainly coal and gas. Australia
is the world’s largest coal exporter, responsible for about
5 % of total world coal production. Australia’s total black
(thermal and metallurgical) coal production in 2009–2010
was 356 Mt (about 270 TgC, assuming a carbon content of
75 %), of which 300 Mt coal (225 TgC) was exported, with
the major export destinations being Japan, Korea, Taiwan,
India and China (ABARES, 2011). Coal exports are growing rapidly (∼ 3 % yr−1 over 2005–2010, and faster since
then). Additional brown coal (lignite) production is around
30 % of black coal production in carbon terms, but is not
exported. Gas production for Australia in 2009–2010 was
1954 PJ (petajoules) or about 24 TgC, of which about 16 TgC
were exported. In liquid fuels (including liquefied petroleum
gas, LPG) Australia is a net importer at about 19 GL yr−1 or
15 TgC yr−1 (2009–2010 data; ABARES, 2011). Across all
fossil fuels (solid, liquid, gas), Australia’s net exports were
close to 241 TgC (2009–2010), with black coal being the
largest flow by far. This is about twice the territorial CO2
emissions from Australia by fossil fuel combustion. This estimate of FF exports, and the assumption of a fixed growth
rate of 0.06 yr−1 , leads to an estimate of 140 TgC yr−1 for
the mean FF export over the 1990–2011 period. Major destination countries included Japan, Korea, Taiwan, India and
China (Fig. 15, upper). Australia also imported and burned
fossil fuels extracted in other regions, mostly oil from the
Middle East and Vietnam (Davis et al., 2011).
Embodied carbon flows
International trade in goods and services also embodies CO2
emissions. For example, emissions produced during the manufacture of goods for export may be attributed to the country
where the goods are consumed. In this way, goods and services consumed in Australia in 2004 were associated with
361 Mt CO2 , with net exports of 16 Mt CO2 mostly destined
for the EU, Japan and the US (Fig. 15, lower). Of exported
emissions, the vast majority (83 %) were embodied in intermediate goods for input to further manufacturing processes
elsewhere. Among the exported emissions embodied in final goods, 46 % were associated with just four industry sectors: air transport, machinery, beef, and motor vehicles/parts.
Emissions embodied in imports were similarly concentrated
in four sectors: machinery, electronic equipment, motor vehicles/parts, and unclassified transport (Davis and Caldeira,
Australian territorial emissions have grown steadily since
1990 (Sect. 4.6). However, the Australian economy is heavily dependent on mining and energy-intensive manufacturing
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V. Haverd et al.: The Australian terrestrial carbon budget
(e.g. aluminium), much of which is exported. When allocating the emissions in Australia required to produce exported
products, 25 % (20 TgC) of Australia’s carbon emissions in
1990 were from the production of exported products and this
almost doubled in size in 2008 to 41 % of the domestic emissions (39 TgC) (Peters et al., 2011, Fig. 1). In terms of imports, in 1990 10 TgC, representing 13 % of Australia’s domestic emissions, were emitted in other countries to produce
imports into Australia and this more than doubled to 24 TgC
(25 %) by 2008 (Peters et al., 2011; Fig. 1). Thus, Australia
is a net exporter of carbon emissions to the rest of the world,
increasing 50 % from a net export of 10 TgC (13 % domestic emissions) in 1990 to a net export of 15 TgC (16 %) in
2008. Consequently, after adjusting for the net trade in embodied carbon emissions (Peters, 2008), consumption-based
emissions in Australia are lower than the territorial emissions
with the gap increasing over time.
Consumption-based (embodied) carbon emissions and the
flows of carbon in traded fossil fuels are not included in territorial or production-based national carbon budgets. However,
these flows help to understand the drivers of changes in national emission profiles over time and how they relate to the
global total fossil fuel emissions (Peters et al., 2008; Davis
and Caldeira, 2010).
Analysis of global inversions
Fourteen sets of estimated fluxes are available from a range
of global inversions (Peylin, 2013). Coarse-resolution inversions (such as the TransCom cases) solve for Australia as a
single region combined with New Zealand. Other inversions
solve for sub-regions of Australia, or at model grid-scale.
However the major limitation of all these inversions is the
atmospheric CO2 data for the Australian region. Typically
the inversions include flask records at Cape Grim (144.7◦ E,
40.7◦ S) and Cape Ferguson (147.1◦ E, 19.3◦ S). However
these are taken under baseline conditions, which are designed
to avoid sampling air that has recently crossed the Australian
continent. Some inversions also use aircraft measurements
taken on Japan to Sydney flights, but these are from around
10 km altitude. Thus none of the global inversions considered here includes atmospheric CO2 measurements that are
representative of air that has had recent contact with the
Australian continent. Consequently the estimated fluxes are
highly dependent on prior information included in the inversion, typically fluxes from a biosphere model simulation such
as CASA (Randerson et al., 1997).
The inversions were run for different time periods
with fossil emissions taken as well known (though not
prescribed identically for different inversions). Decadal
mean (FLAE − FFF ) for Australia ranges from −0.26 to
0.31 PgC yr−1 with most variation being across models and
a smaller variation being across the years used to make the
decadal mean. Some inversions show decadal mean fluxes
Biogeosciences, 10, 851–869, 2013
that become more negative over time. The inversions with
higher fossil emissions do not show correspondingly lower
net biosphere fluxes. It is apparent that global inversions
driven by baseline CO2 observations provide no meaningful
constraint on Australian fluxes.
Key findings emerging from the construction of the full Australian carbon budget (1990–2011) are listed below.
1. Climate variability and rising CO2 contributed 12 ± 24
and 68 ± 15 TgC yr−1 to biospheric C accumulation.
The relative contributions of these forcings varied
across bioclimatic regions. One extreme was the desert
region, where CO2 fertilisation reinforced the positive
impact on NEP of extremely high rainfall in 1990–2011,
preceded by several decades of increasing rainfall. The
other extreme was the cool temperate region where CO2
fertilisation was only just sufficient to offset the negative
impact of decades of drought on NEP. The response of
NPP to rising CO2 varies regionally, being higher for regions where gross primary production (GPP) is strongly
influenced by high humidity deficit.
2. Net ecosystem productivity is partially offset by fire
and LUC, which cause net losses of 26 ± 5 TgC yr−1
and 18 ± 7 TgC yr−1 from the biosphere. The resultant
NBP of 36 ± 29 TgC yr−1 offsets fossil fuel emissions
(95 ± 6 TgC yr−1 ) by 32 ± 30 %.
3. Gross fire emissions account for 6 % of continental NPP,
approximately the same as the 1σ interannual variability in NPP. However net fire emissions, largely associated with clearing fires, account for only 1 % of NPP.
4. Lateral transport of C as DOC in rivers accounts for
0.1 % of NPP, while net export of C by dust is smaller
at 0.05 %. Both transport terms have large uncertainties
of ∼ 100 %.
5. Land use change emissions (the net effect of deforestation and reafforestation) is a similar magnitude to net
fire emissions, accounting for 1 % of NPP.
6. Australia exported 1.5 times as much fossil-fuel carbon
as it consumed in territorial emissions (1990–2010).
However this ratio is growing rapidly, with 2009–2010
exports being 2.5 times larger than territorial emissions
from fossil fuels.
7. The interannual variability in NEP and hence NBP exceeds Australia’s total carbon emissions by fossil fuel
consumption, and indeed its total anthropogenic GHG
emissions accounted under extant territorial GHG inventories.
V. Haverd et al.: The Australian terrestrial carbon budget
8. Global atmospheric inversion studies do not meaningfully constrain the Australian terrestrial carbon budget.
Acknowledgements. This work was largely supported by the
Australian Climate Change Science Program. We acknowledge
the TRENDY and Transcom modellers for making their results
available. We thank the Global Carbon Project for the invitation to
participate in RECCAP and Eva van Gorsel for her contribution via
the CSIRO internal review process.
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