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2008, 27th West Coast Conference on Formal Linguistics, …
10 pages
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AI-generated Abstract
Noun-verb asymmetries in Korean phonology are analyzed through the lens of various theoretical approaches, including Noun Faithfulness, Prosodic alignment, and Base-Output Correspondence. The paper argues that these asymmetries demonstrate opacity in nominal inflection, which resists general phonological processes or allows additional contrasts. Key findings indicate that both Stratal and Cyclic Optimality Theory models struggle to account for the optional nature of coda consonant simplification. The study concludes that a nuanced understanding of phonological constraints is necessary to address the complexities of noun and verb inflection in Korean.
University of Pennsylvania Working Papers in …, 2009
The life cycle of phonological rules or processes is a concept that has been familiar to phonologists since the work of Kruszewski and Baudouin de Courtenay in the last decades of the 19th century. Coming into being with the phonologization (Hyman 1976) of mechanically determined phonetic variation and being as a result entirely general at the outset, phonological processes subsequently acquire morphosyntactic conditioning or come to apply in increasingly restricted morphological domains (Bermúdez-Otero 2007:504, 2015:382-384). Eventually, they may disappear from the grammar altogether, leaving traces of their former existence only in isolated alternations between lexically listed items; this is the case, for example, for the residue of Verner’s Law in English (was/were, lose/forlorn).
Journal of East Asian Linguistics, 2006
This paper discusses various puzzles concerning the phonology of Korean nominal inflection. In particular, I investigate a range of vowel hiatus resolution phenomena that differ between nouns and verbs, the overapplication of consonant cluster simplification and laryngeal feature neutralization in nominal stems, and certain asymmetries between derived nouns and nonderived nouns. After presenting some problems with previous approaches, I offer an analysis of the phonology of Korean nominal inflection in terms of Base-Output Correspondence (BOC) Theory, along the lines of Kager (1999). I argue that a variety of unexpected properties of noun phonology in Korean can receive a unified account under the BOC approach. I also show that noun-specific alignment and noun-specific faithfulness constraints are inadequate to capture noun phonology in Korean. My arguments support the view that the fact that nouns have a Base (isolation form) is the key factor in explaining the unique properties of noun phonology (Kenstowicz's (1996) Base Identity, in particular). It is shown, however, that the BOC approach overcomes shortcomings with the Base Identity approach by making a necessary distinction between minor and fatal divergence from the Base. BASE-OUTPUT CORRESPONDENCE IN KOREAN NOMINAL INLFECTION 2 1. BASE-OUTPUT CORRESPONDENCE IN KOREAN NOMINAL INLFECTION 3 because of the requirement that nouns project a prosodic word. We can term this the Prosodic Approach which is represented by such works as Yongsung Lee (1999, 2001: Y. Lee, hereafter) and E. Kang (2000, 2001). Other researchers argue that nouns show peculiar behavior due to domain-specific faithfulness. We term this the Noun Faithfulness Approach which is represented by Smith (1997) and subsequent works. Still others argue that the complex behavior of nouns is traced to a morphologically related isolation form, the Base: the Base Identity Approach of Kenstowicz (1996). All these approaches seem to provide a plausible analysis for certain aspects of nouns in Korean. Crucially, however, the previous analyses do not adequately handle the full range of phenomena previously mentioned concerning the phonology of Korean nominal inflection. Furthermore, the data that each analysis covers do not overlap very much, and thus there has been no serious attempt to compare these competing analyses on the same ground. In this paper, I provide detailed arguments to show that on closer inspection, all the previous analyses have some problems in dealing with the puzzles concerning the noun-verb asymmetries in Korean. I propose a novel account for the phonology of Korean nouns by adopting Kager's (1999) Base-Output Correspondence (BOC) Theory. Specifically, I argue that the phonological complexity of nouns is tied to the morphological fact that nouns, not verbs, have a free-standing Base (cf. Kenstowicz 1996). Since nouns in Korean have a Base, they are significantly affected by the ranking of Base-output faithfulness constraints. Verbs in Korean, in contrast, have no Base, and thus they are not affected by Base-output faithfulness constraints. Consequently, the rankings of Base-output faithfulness constraints with respect to markedness constraints or inputoutput faithfulness constraints contribute to underapplication and overapplication of phonology BASE-OUTPUT CORRESPONDENCE IN KOREAN NOMINAL INLFECTION 4 in nouns, but not in verbs. Nonderived nouns behave like verbal stems because being unaffixed they too cannot be affected by Base-output (affixed form) faithfulness constraints. My proposal certainly inherits the insight of Kenstowicz's (1996) Base Identity approach concerning the special role of an isolation form in Korean phonology. However, it overcomes some remaining problems with the Base Identity approach. The original formulation of Base Identity requires complete identity between the output and the Base. Thus, it does not distinguish between minor and fatal deviation from the Base systematically (but see section 3.3.2 for discussions). The BOC analysis, on the other hand, evaluates the similarity between the output and the Base with respect to various relations defined in Correspondence Theory (McCarthy and Prince 1995, Kager 1999). Thus, under the BOC approach, the winning candidate may be quite different from the Base, yet be more faithful to the Base than the other losing candidates. In this paper, I show that BOC analysis resolves the puzzles that the previous Base Identity approach could not handle adequately-specifically, the cases in which some alternation from the Base is mandatory due to high ranked markedness constraints in Korean (e.g. intersonorant voicing). I also demonstrate that my proposal provides a unified account for a variety of noun-verb asymmetries in Korean, which have not been feasible under the previous analyses. BASE-OUTPUT CORRESPONDENCE IN KOREAN NOMINAL INLFECTION 6 2.1 Underapplication of Phonology in Nominal Inflection In Korean, vowel hiatus frequently arises when a vowel-final stem is followed by a vowel-initial suffix. The hiatus can be resolved by various processes such as glide formation, /ˆ/ deletion, and vowel coalescence (Y. Lee 1993). A noun-verb asymmetry is consistently observed in the hiatus resolution processes-particularly, in a stem-final position (cf. section 3.2.2 for hiatus resolution processes in nonderived contexts). Starting with glide formation, consider the verbal stems in (3) and the nominal stems in (4). When a stem ending with a high front vowel /i/ or a round vowel /u, o/ is followed by a vowel-initial suffix, the stem-final vowel is optionally turned into a glide: (3a). 2 Glide formation is obligatory if the output without glide formation yields two consecutive onsetless syllables: (3b). Crucially, however, glide formation is not applicable to a nominal stem-final vowel: (4)
The aim of this paper is to analyze the opaque phonological interaction between two consonantal deletion processes in Standard Japanese and to discuss the relative merits of several extensions of Optimality Theory for phonological opacity. The phenomenon I treat in this paper is the opaque interaction between suffix-initial consonant deletion and /w/-deletion in verb morphology. When the two deletion processes interact, /w/-deletion wipes out the condition for suffix-inital consonant deletion and makes suffix-initial consonant deletion 'non-surface-apparent'. I will argue that approaches relying on representations distinct from both input and output, namely Stratal OT, Sympathy Theory and Targeted Constraint can handle with this opaque interaction, whereas other theoretical extensions cannot. Among the three extensions, Stratal OT is preferable in that it reflects the grammatical status of each process involved in this interaction directly. The analysis I will present here suggests that a strong form of parallelism cannot provide an insightful solution for some cases.
In Korean and Japanese Morphology from a lexical perspective, Sells (1995) argues against the view that complex words in Japanese or Korean like (1b) are derived from the underlying syntactic structure in (1c) by syntactic head movement (Sells 1995: 280) * : (1) a. Mary-ga oyog-ana-katta-to Japanese Mary-NOM swim-NEG-PAST-C b. C c. CP 3 3 T C TP C 3 to 3 to Neg T DP 3 3 katta Mary-ga NegP T V Neg 3 katta oyag ana VP Neg 4 ana oyog Sells establishes that the complex word in (1b) does not contain any pronounced arguments of V, and argues against the syntactic view in (1), on the grounds that it leads to expectations that are not met. In particular, if inflectional morphemes are heads, they should behave as heads: they should not be transparent for selection, and they should determine the category of the complex word. Sells shows that certain inflectional morphemes are transparent for locality of selection, and that the leftmost element in Korean and Japanese 'words' shows head-like behavior in that it determines the categorical feature of the complex word. Sells concludes that the properties of these words should not receive a syntactic treatment. and outlines a lexicalist account which takes the templatic nature of the morphology as basic. Strictly morphological principles regulate the Chelswu-NOM bread-ACC not eat-PAST-DECL 'Chelswu did not eat the bread.' (3) Chelswu-ka wuncen an ha-ta Cheslwu-NOM drive not do-DECL 'Chelsu didn't drive' Korean and Japanese are agglutinative languages, with the order of morphemes basically reflecting the syntactic hierarchy. Inflectional morphemes have predictable phonology, and are phrasal affixes (Yoon 1994). They allow their dependents to be coordinated, as illustrated for the past tense affix in the example below. 1 (4) John-i pap-ul cis-ko kwuk-ul kkulhi-ess-ta. (Yoon 1994) J-NOM rice-ACC cook-CONJ soup-ACC boil-PAST-DECL 'John cooked the rice and made the soup.' This leads to the straightforward conclusion that these inflectional morphemes spell out the corresponding syntactic head positions, in very similar ways as English 's does. Since the verb and the inflectional morphemes form a phonological constituent, the question arises if this surface phonological constituent is formed pre-spell out or not. Some linguists argue the V remains within the VP in the syntax, and forms a constituent after 'rebracketing' or Marantz's 'Merger' in the phonology (Yoon 1994, Fukui and Sakai 2003), others argue that the V must raise out of the VP pre spell-out on the basis of ellipsis and coordination (Otani and Whitman 1991, Koizumi 2000) 2. Kayne (1994) suggests the V remains within the VP, but the VP is attracted to the Spec of some head, yielding the head final property.
Theoretical and Applied Linguistics at Kobe Shoin 17:1-33, 2014
The assumption that speakers take isolation forms as basic in Korean noun inflection is confronted with an alternative according to which historically conservative forms are basic. That alternative is shown to be problematic, validating the original assumption. With that conclusion in place, the question of whether speakers analyze cases in which basic X alternates with multiple Y i by postulating multiple stochastic rules or by taking only the most frequent alternation as regular is raised. Predictions regarding the presence or absence of variation in innovative and established stems are generated for each mode of analysis, and searches of a new Korean subtitle corpus and of the internet are used to test those predictions. The conclusion is reached that only the most frequent alternation is phonologized; minor alternations are represented in the lexicon rather than as probabilistic rules.
Journal of East Asian Linguistics, 1995
In this paper we give a reasonably comprehensive presentation of Korean inflectional suffixes, whose status has been somewhat controversial in the generative literature. We argue that nominal and verbal inflectional morphemes not only show phonological constituency with their hosts but also show evidence of lexical attachment, within the theory of Lexical Phonology and Morphology , , ). Consequently, the inflectional suffixes should combine with their hosts in a lexical formation component, separate from the syntax proper.
ABSTRACT The recent literature on paradigms has uncovered two forces that pull a morpheme,in different directions, often contravening a language's normal phonological processes and constraints. Paradigm Uniformity (PU) optimizes for the same stem/affixal shape through a range of morphosyntactic,contexts while Paradigmatic Contrast (PC) strives to maintain some minimal distance between,morphemes.,In this paper we apply these notions to the analysis of a much- discussed class of irregular verbs in Korean. 1. Background
Korean Linguistics, 2014
This paper reports and analyzes the tonal patterns that emerge in South Kyengsang monosyllabic nouns that exhibit two well-known analogical changes in stem shape, one involving coronal obstruent codas and the other stems with an underlying cluster. By the first change, underlying and orthographic /nach/ ‘face’ inflects asnat̚,nach-ɨl(conservative) ornas-ɨl(innovative); and by the second underlying /talk/ ‘chicken’ inflects astak̚,talk-ɨl(conservative) ortak-ɨl(innovative). We find that many such nouns with a high-low tonal pattern change to high-high when inflected with the segmentally innovative stem. We propose that this tonal change supports the model of Korean noun paradigms proposed in Albright (2008) and Do (2013) in which the citation form serves as the base for the construction of the suffixed forms. If the base is a neutralization site, then learners select the alternant in which they have the greatest confidence of scoring a correct hit when undoing the neutralization.
Studies in Phonetics, Phonology, and Morphology, 2013
This paper discusses two previous approaches to the nominal stem-endings in Korean inflection, including loanwords: one is the assibilation approach, represented by H. Kim (2001), and the other is the analogy approach, represented by Albright (2002 et sequel) and Y. Kang (2003b). I contend that the assibilation approach is deficient in handling the underapplication to the non-nominal categories such as verb. More specifically, the assibilation approach is improper to explain why spirantization applies neither to derivative nouns nor to non-nominal items in entirety. By contrast, the analogy approach is able to overcome the difficulties involved with the assibilation position. What is crucial to the analogy approach is that the nominal bases end with t rather than with s. The evidence of tending bases is garnered from the base selection criteria, the disparity between tending and sending inputs in loanwords, and the alternations of stem-endings among t, s, ʧʰ, and ʧ. Unconventionally, I dare to contend that normative rules via orthography intervene as part of alternation extension, alongside semantic conditioning and token/type frequency.
Revue germanique internationale, 2001
Malena López Palmero y Carolina Martínez, “Ambición colonial, propaganda anti-española y mercado editorial en la Europa de los siglos XVI-XVIII. Los casos de Inglaterra y Francia en la disputa por América”, Anuario del Centro de Estudios Históricos "Prof. Carlos S. A. Segreti", Vol. 12, Nº 12, 2012
MATEC Web of Conferences, 2018
International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 2020
Roczniki Państwowego Zakładu Higieny, 2018
Deu Muhendislik Fakultesi Fen ve Muhendislik
Jurnal Perikanan dan Kelautan
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Ciência e Tecnologia de Alimentos, 2003
NASILJE NAD ŽENAMA: Diskursi, perspektive, lekcije iz bh. povijesti, 2024
Indonesian Journal of Applied Linguistics, 2024