Book Catalogue of Hydrology and Water Science
南京信息工程大学 地理与遥感学院
陈昌春(博士,副教授) 编
Changchun Chen(PhD, Associate Professor)
School of Geography and Remote Sensing,
Nanjing University of Information Science & Technology,
Nanjing 210044, China
2015-11-15, Nanjing, China
著作的有关信息。至于水科学的具体分支,未作特别强调。比如,The Science of Water_
Concepts and Applications(Third Edition, 2014) 一 书 列 入 了 “ Water Hydraulics 、 Water
Chemistry、Water Biology、Water Ecology、Water Pollution、Water Economics、Water Use and
Availability、Water Treatment”等)
本书目。不包括附录介绍的著作信息,书目正文收录的书籍共 2419 本。连同附录介绍的书
籍,本书目提及的水文水资源、水科学著作总量大体在 2500 本以上。
但拥有 ISBN 出版号的报告(如英国生态与水文中心及原英国水文研究所出版的 CEH Report、
IH Report)等,不收录期刊学术论文。少量书名中的“No ISBN”指虽无 ISBN 出版号,但以
书籍形式出现的手册、报告与教材等。很少一部分书名括号中的 “Report”系指“报告”
符号对应的日期,即版权年份进行介绍。部分网页介绍的出版年份可能比此年份早 1 年(早
1 年的原因是标注采用了具体出版年月)。也就是说,部分收集自不同来源的书籍日期字面
上可能存在 1 年的偏差。比如,Hydrology and Floodplain Analysis(5th Edition,2013)的出版时
间为“Published Date: Feb 15, 2012”
,而版权时间为“Copyright © 2013”
月、日格式的出版日期,如 Aug 24, 2009,系来自亚马逊网站等的书籍搜索。
合理之处。为保持电脑自动排序与手工排序的一致性,使用 UltraEdit 软件的优先级顺序(即:
;3、 “,”
“ –”
于)以下 13 种:1、Advances in Hydroscience;2、Developments in Water Science;3、Water
Science and Technology Library;4、International Hydrology Series;5、Water Resources
Monograph Series;6、Developments in Hydrobiology;7、SpringerBriefs in Water Science and
Technology ; 8 、 International Contributions To Hydrogeology ; 9 、 Selected Papers on
Hydrogeology;10、Global Issues in Water Policy;11、Water and Environmental Management
Series(IWA Publishing) ;12、Water Resources Development and Management(Springer);13、
Comprehensive Assessment of Water Management in Agriculture Series。
《Advances in Hydroscience》系列丛书共 14 卷。前 13 卷的各卷唯一主编均为旅美华人
学者周文德先生(Ven Te Chow,1919.10.7 – 1981.7.30)
他是美国伊利诺大学著名水利专家,他牵头创办并曾任国际水资源协会主席。该丛书 1964
发行第 1 卷,周先生去世年份出版第 13 卷(出版日期为 1981 年)。第 14 卷的编辑信息为“创
始编辑周文德,本卷编辑颜本琦(Ben Chie Yen)
”。颜本琦先生(1935.4.14 - 2001.12.23)也是
专业书籍的作者和主编,即《明渠水力学》(Open-Channel Hydraulics,1959 年初版)和《应
用水文学手册》(Handbook of Applied Hydrology,1964 年初版),还是另一本流行教科书《应
用水文学》(Applied Hydrology)的合著者。
周文德先生 20 世纪 60 年代除主编了《Advances in Hydroscience》外,还参加了
《Developments in Water Science》的编辑。
《Developments in Water Science》(1982 年前数卷
多由周文德先生主编,此后出版的卷册主要由 Vijay P. Singh 先生等主编)是持续出版多年的
水科学、水技术著作系列。1974 年推出的第 1 卷《Computer Systems and Water Resources》
除作者信息外,周先生是唯一专门占据 1 页进行标注的编辑(特约编辑,Advisory Editor)。
据 Elsevier 官网的消息,该丛书至 2006 年 12 月份止已出至第 56 卷(2015.10.27 下午访问时
官 网 的 该 丛 书 的 最 新 卷 仍 为 第
卷 。
关于周文德先生,新版《水文学手册》(1992)主编 David R.Maidment 先生在前言中说:
“1988 年,我和周文德先生及 Larry W.Mays 合著的《应用水文学》作为教材出版,
McGraw-Hill 出版公司与我联系,并让我考虑修订《应用水文学手册》
”Maidment 先生在扉页上写道:
。Maidment 先生的《水文学手册》已成
为新的行业名著,张建云院士等翻译了这本著作并在国内出版。Maidment 先生的《水文学
手册》的作者人数多达 58 位,审核专家高达 230 位。
水科学与技术丛书《Water Science and Technology Library》(Springer 公司出版,由 V. P.
Singh 与 Baton Rouge 等共同主编)一直在持续出版之中。最早收入水科学与技术丛书的第 1
卷著作是 1982 出版的《Alternative Wastewater Treatment: Low-Cost Small Systems, Research
and Development Proceedings of the Conference held at Oslo, Norway, September 7–10, 1981》
Water Science and Technology Library 系 列 图 书 至 2014 年 , 已 出 版 71 卷 ,
国际水文系列丛书“International Hydrology Series”由联合国教科文组织国际水文计划
国际水文协会的书籍出版物包括三个系列:the Benchmark Papers in Hydrology series; the
"Red Books" or Proceedings and Reports series; the "Blue Books" or Special Publications series。
Springer 出版公司除出版 Water Resources Development and Management 丛书外,也在另
外一套与水科学相关的系列丛书 Developments in Hydrobiology 中出版了多本水科学著作。
2012 年出版的《Phytoplankton responses to human impacts at different scales》
“Developments in Hydrobiology 221”
。关于系列性水科学著作,除上述提到的 5 种外,围绕
全球水政策问题,Springer 公司还出版了《Global Issues in Water Policy》
,截止 2015 年 5 月,
已出版了 15 册,第 15 卷名为“Understanding and Managing Urban Water in Transition”
在出版机构方面,专门从事水科学著作生产的机构主要有 Water Resource Publications,
LLC 公司(http://www.wrpllc.com/index.html)
就独立的单卷本而言,水文学综合性著作中,2005 年 John Wiley & Sons Ltd 出版,由 Malcolm
G Anderson 主编、长达 3243 页的《Encyclopedia of Hydrological Sciences》篇幅最丰。现列
出部分大部头著作还包括 1.The Water Encyclopedia_ Hydrologic Data and Internet Resources
(2007, 1880 pages; 2. Hydrology Handbook(David Maidment, McGraw-Hill Professional, 1993,
1143 pages);3. Encyclopedia of Hydrology and Water Resources (1998, 832 pages); 4. The
Science of Water_ Concepts and Applications(Third Edition, 2014); 5. Encyclopedia of Water
Science(Volumes I-II)(Second Edition, Stanley W. Trimble,2008); 6. Handbook of Engineering
Hydrology 三卷本(Taylor and Francis 2014)(Fundamentals and Applications(Volume 1, 2014,
624 pages);: Modeling, Climate Change, and Variability(Volume 2, 2014, 630 pages);
Environmental Hydrology and Water Management(Volume 3, 2014, 594 pages)); 7. Chow's
Handbook of Applied Hydrology(2016,已有网页介绍,但尚未销售)。
南京信息工程大学地理与遥感学院 陈昌春
Contact: No.219, Ningliu Road, Nanjing, Jiangsu, China(Postcode: 210044),
School of Geography and Remote Sensing,
Nanjing University of Information Science & Technology,
Nanjing 210044, China
200 Years of British Hydrogeology(2004)
2009 Virginia Water Research Conference(2009)
3D-Groundwater Modeling with PMWIN_ A Simulation System for Modeling Groundwater Flow
and Pollution(2003)
A Community-Based Flood Insurance Option (2015)
A Decision Framework for Integrated Wetland-River Basin Management in a Tropical and Data
Scarce Environment(2013)
A Framework for Financing Water Resources Management(OECD Studies on Water)(2012)
A Guide to the Formulation of Water Resources Strategy(World Bank Publications,1994)
A House on the Water Inspiration for Living at the Water's Edge(2003)
A Modern Introduction to the Mathematical Theory of Water Waves(1997)
A Multidisciplinary Profile of a Tropical Watershed(2005)
A New Approach of Sediment Transport in the Design and Operation of Irrigation Canals(2006)
A New Ecophysiological Approach to Forest-Water Relationships in Arid Climates(1973)
A Peculiar River_ Geology, Geomorphology, and Hydrology of the Deschutes River, Oregon
A Pictorial Record of the Qing Dynasty_ Rivers and Sites (2009)
A Practitioner's Guide to Freshwater Biodiversity Conservation(2005)
A Republic of Rivers_ Three Centuries of Nature Writing from Alaska and the Yukon(1992)
A River in the Sky (Amelia Peabody Mysteries)(2010)
A River Running West_ The Life of John Wesley Powell (2000)
A Sand County Almanac with Other Essays on Conservation from Round River (1949)
A Science of Impurity_ Water Analysis in Nineteenth Century Britain(1990)
A Systems Description of Flow Through Porous Media(2013)
A Watershed Year_ Anatomy of the Iowa Floods of 2008(2010)
A World of Water_ Rain, Rivers and Seas in Southeast Asian Histories(2007)
Abyssal Channels in the Atlantic Ocean_ Water Structure and Flows(2010)
Access to Water _ Rights, Obligations and the Bangalore Situation(2008)
Acidic Mining Lakes_ Acid Mine Drainage, Limnology Limnology and Reclamation(1998)
Acidic Pit Lakes_ The Legacy of Coal and Metal Surface Mines(2013)
Acidic Precipitation_ Soils, Aquatic Processes, and Lake Acidification(1990)
Acoustic Sensing Techniques for the Shallow Water Environment_ Inversion Methods and
Adaptation to Climate Change through Water Resources Management: Capacity, Equity and
Sustainability (Oct 14, 2014)
Adapting to Drought_ Farmers, Famines and Desertification in West Africa(1989)
Adaptive and Integrated Water Management_ Coping with Complexity and Uncertainty(2007)
Adaptive Management for Water Resources Project Planning(2004)
Advanced Methods for Groundwater Pollution Control(1995)
Advanced Modeling and Computer Technologies for Fluvial Water Quality Research and
Advanced Monitoring and Numerical Analysis of Coastal Water and Urban Air
Advanced Simulation and Modeling for Urban Groundwater Management(Urban Water Series –
Advanced Water Injection for Low Permeability Reservoirs_ Theory and Practice(2013)
Advanced Water Supply and Wastewater Treatment_A Road to Safer Society and
Advances in Data-Based Approaches for Hydrologic Modeling and Forecasting(2010)
Advances in Environmental Fluid Mechanics(2010)
Advances in Geosciences Vol.4_ Hydrological Science(2006)
Advances in Geosciences Vol.6_ Hydrological Science(2007)
Advances in Geosciences Volume 11_ Hydrological Science(2009)
Advances in Geosciences Volume 17_ Hydrological Science(2010)
Advances in Groundwater Pollution Control and Remediation(1996)
Advances in Hydrogeology(2013)
Advances in Hydroinformatics_ SIMHYDRO 2012–New Frontiers of Simulation(2014)
Advances in Hydroscience (1) Ven Te Chow (Eds.) (1964)
Advances in Hydroscience (2) Ven Te Chow (Eds.) (1965)
Advances in Hydroscience (3) Ven Te Chow (Eds.) (1966)
Advances in Hydroscience (4) Ven Te Chow (Eds.) (1967)
Advances in Hydroscience (5) Ven Te Chow (Eds.) (1969)
Advances in Hydroscience (6) Ven Te Chow (Eds.) (1970)
Advances in Hydroscience (7) Ven Te Chow (Eds.) (1971)
Advances in Hydroscience (8) Ven Te Chow (Eds.) (1972)
Advances in Hydroscience (9) Ven Te Chow (Eds.) (1973)
Advances in Hydroscience (10) Ven Te Chow (Eds.)(1975)
Advances in Hydroscience(11) Ven Te Chow (Eds.)(1978)
Advances in Hydroscience (12) Ven Te Chow (Eds.)(1981)
Advances in Hydroscience (13) Ven Te Chow (Eds.)(1982)
(Advances in Hydroscience 14)(Founding Editor:Ven Te Chow; Volume Editor:Ben Chie Yen
Advances in Membrane Technologies for Water Treatment_Materials, Processes and
Advances in Modeling the Management of Stormwater Impacts (William James, 1996)
Advances in Rainfall-runoff Modelling and Numerical Weather Prediction for Real-time Flood
Forecasting (Science Press, Beijing) (Liu Jia, 2014)
Advances in River Sediment Research(2013)
Advances in the Research of Aquatic Environment_ Volume 1(2011)
Advances in the Research of Aquatic Environment_ Volume 2(2011)
Advances in Theoretical Hydrology_ A Tribute to James Dooge(1992)
Advances in Urban Flood Management(Proceedings and Monographs in Engineering, Water and
Earth Sciences) (2007)
Advances in Urban Stormwater and Agricultural Runoff Source Controls(2001)
Advances in Water and Wastewater Treatment(American Society of Civil Engineers)(2004)
Advances in Water Desalination(2013)
Advances in Water Resources and Hydraulic Engineering_ Proceedings of 16th IAHR-APD
Congress and 3rd Symposium of IAHR-ISHS (2009)
Advances in Water Monitoring Research(2001)
Advances in Water Resources Engineering(2015)
Advances in Water Science Methodologies(2005)
Advances in Watershed Science and Assessment(2015)
Against the Current_ Privatization, Water Markets, and the State in Chile(1998)
Agricultural Nonpoint Source Pollution_ Watershed Management and Hydrology(2001)
Agricultural Use of Groundwater_ Towards Integration Between Agricultural Policy and Water
Agricultural Water Management Research Trends(2008)
Agricultural Water Management_ Proceedings of a Workshop in Tunisia(2007)
Agriculture, Hydrology and Water Quality(2002)
Air, Water and Soil Quality Modelling for Risk and Impact Assessment(2007)
Air, Water, & Weather_ Stop Faking It! Finally Understanding Science so You Can Teach It(2005)
Allowance for Discretization in Hydrological and Environmental Risk Estimation(1995)
Alluvial Fan Flooding(1996)
Alluvial Geoarchaeology_ Floodplain Archaeology and Environmental Change(1997)
Alpine Waters(The Handbook of Environmental Chemistry, Volume 6) (2010)
Alternative Irrigation_ The Promise of Runoff Agriculture(1999)
Alternative Wastewater Treatment_ Low-Cost Small Systems, Research and Development(Water
Science and Technology Library)(1982)
Alternatives for Ground Water Cleanup(1994)
Alternatives for Managing the Nation’s Complex Contaminated Groundwater Sites(2012)
Amazonian Floodplain Forests_ Ecophysiology, Biodiversity and Sustainable Management(2010)
America's Fight over Water_ The Environmental and Political Effects of Large-Scale Water
An Atlas of the Global Water Cycle_ Based on the IPCC AR4 Climate Models(2009)
An Informal History of Pouring Oil on Water with Reflections on The Ups and Downs of
Scientific Life In General (2004)
Analytic Element Modeling of Groundwater Flow(1995)
Analytical Methods for Drinking Water_ Advances in Sampling and Analysis(Water Quality
Measurements Series)(2006)
Analysis and Modelling of Water Supply and Demand Under Climate Change, Land Use
Transformation and Socio-Economic Development_ The Water Resource Challenge and
Adaptation Measures for Urumqi Region, Northwest China (Katharina Fricke, 2014)
Analysis of Biogeochemical Cycling Processes in Walker Branch Watershed(1989)
Analysis of Flow in Water Distribution Networks(1991)
Analysis of Pesticides in Ground and SurfaceWater I_ Progress in Basic Multi-Residue
Analysis of Pesticides in Ground and Surface Water II_ Latest Developments and State-of-the-Art
of Multiple Residue Methods(1995)
Analysis of Solids in Natural Waters(1996)
Analysis of Water Resource Systems(Developments in Water Science 32,1988)
Analysis, Removal, Effects and Risk of Pharmaceuticals in the Water Cycle(2013)
Analytical Measurements in Aquatic Environments (Analytical Chemistry)(2009)
Analytical Methods and Approaches for Water Resources Project Planning(2004)
Analytical Solutions of Geohydrological Problems(Developments in Water Science 46,1999)
Ancient Floods, Modern Hazards_ Principles and Applications of Paleoflood Hydrology(Water
Science and Application 5) (2002)
Ancient Water Technologies(2010)
An Introduction to Aquatic Toxicology(2014)
An Introduction to Mine Hydrogeology(SpringerBriefs in Water Science and Technology)(2014)
Applications of Environmental Aquatic Chemistry_A Practical Guide(2007)
Application of Frequency and Risk in Water Resources_ Proceedings of the International
Symposium on Flood Frequency and Risk Analyses,14-17 May 1986, Louisiana State University,
Baton Rouge, U.S.A. (1987)
Application of Hydrodynamic Cavitation in Environmental Engineering(2012)
Application of Nanotechnology in Water Research(2014)
Applications of New Concepts of Physical-Chemical Wastewater Treatment(Progress in Water
Technology, Volume I)(1972)
Application of Satellite Remote Sensing to Support Water Resources Management in Africa
(IHP-VII Technical Documents in Hydrology) (Report, 2010, No ISBN)
Application of the SWAT Model for Water Components Separation in Iran(2015)
Applied Environmental Economics_ A GIS Approach to Cost-Benefit Analysis(2003)
Applied Flow and Solute Transport Modeling in Aquifers_ Fundamental Principles and Analytical
and Numerical Methods(2005)
Applied Geoinformatics for Sustainable Integrated Land and Water Resources Management
(ILWRM) in the Brahmaputra River Basin(2015)
Applied Geophysics in Hydrogeological and Engineering Practice(Developments in Water Science
Applied Ground-Water Hydrology and Well Hydraulics (3rd Ed.2001)
Applied Groundwater Modeling_ Simulation of Flow and Advective Transport (2002)
Applied Groundwater Studies in Africa_ IAH Selected Papers on Hydrogeology, Volume 13(2008)
Applied Hydrodynamics_ An Introduction to Ideal and Real Fluid Flows(2009)
Applied Hydrogeology (4th Edition,2000)
Applied Hydrogeology of Fractured Rocks(Second Edition, 2010)
Applied Hydrogeophysics(Nato Science Series IV:Earth and Environmental Sciences–Vol.
Applied Hydrology(Ven Chow, David Maidment, Larry Mays, 1988)
Applied Hydrometeorology(2009)
Applied Limnology_ Comprehensive View from Watershed to Lake(2014)
Applied Multivariate Statistics in Geohydrology and Related Sciences (1998)
Applied Principles of Hydrology (3rd Edition, Jul 4, 1996)
Applied Soil Physics_ Soil Water and Temperature Applications(1992)
Applied Uncertainty Analysis for Flood Risk Management(2013)
Applied Water Technology(Charles C. Patton, John Morgan Campbell, 3rd Edition, 2007)
Applying the Flood Vulnerability Index as a Knowledge Base for Flood Risk Assessment(2012)
Approaches to Private Participation in Water Services_ A Toolkit (2006)
Aqua Shock, Revised and Updated_ Water in Crisis (Bloomberg)(2011)
Aquatic Biodiversity_ A Celebratory Volume in Honour of Henri J. Dumont(2003)
Aquatic Biodiversity II_ The Diversity of Aquatic Ecosystems (Developments in Hydrobiology)
Aquatic Chemistry(Werner Stumm, James J. Morgan,1995)
Aquatic Chemistry_ Interfacial and Interspecies Processes(1995)
Aquatic Ecosystem Research Trends(2009)
Aquatic Ecosystems_ Trends and Global Prospects(2008)
Aquatic Ecosystem_ Biodiversity, Ecology and Conservation(2015)
Aquatic Habitats in Sustainable Urban Water Management_ Science Policy and Practice(Urban
Water Series–UNESCO-IHP)(2008)
Aquatic Vegetation and Its Use and Control(Unesco Paris 1974)
Aqueous Systems at Elevated Temperatures and Pressures_ Physical Chemistry in Water, Steam
and Hydrothermal Solution(2003)
Aquifer Systems Management(Selected Papers on Hydrogeology 10)(2007)
Arc Hydro_ Gis for Water Resources(2002)
Arc Hydro Groundwater_ GIS for Hydrogeology(2011)
Arid Land Hydrogeology_ In Search of a Solution to a Threatened Resource_ Proceedings of the
Third Joint UAE(2006)
Arid Lands Water Evaluation and Management(2012)
Aridity_ Droughts and Human Development(1999)
Artificial Neural Networks in Hydrology(2000)
Assessing and Managing Groundwater in Different Environments (2013)
Assessing the Ecological Integrity of Running Waters-Proceedings of the International Conference
Assessing the National Streamflow Information Program(2004)
Assessment of Hydrologic and Hydrometeorological Operations and Services (1996)
Assessment of Water Quality in Lakes by the Use of Bio-Indices from Satellite Imagery (2012)
At the Water's Edge_ Macroevolution and the Transformation of Life (1998)
Atlantic Water in the Nordic Seas_ Properties, Variability, Climatic Importance(2014)
Atlas of the Huai River Basin Water Environment_ Digestive Cancer Mortality(2014)
Attitudes to Water in South Asia(2014)
Australia's Water Resources_ From Use to Management(2006)
Balancing the Needs of Water Use(1989)
Balancing Water for Humans and Nature_ The New Approach in Ecohydrology(2004)
Balancing Water_ Restoring the Klamath Basin(2000)
Basic Ground-Water Hydrology(1987)
Basic Hydraulics(1982)
Basic Water Treatment(5th Edition)(2013)
Becoming Water_ Glaciers in a Warming World(2012)
Beyond Scarcity_ Power, Poverty and the Global Water Crisis(Human Development Report 2006)
Bioassessment of Freshwater Ecosystems_ Using the Reference Condition Approach(2004)
Biogeochemical Dynamics at Major River-coastal Interfaces_ Linkages with Global
Biogeochemical Investigations of Terrestrial, Freshwater, and Wetland Ecosystems across the
Biological Monitoring of Rivers_ Applications and Perspectives(2006)
Biomonitoring of Water and Waste Water(2013)
Biosalinity in Action_ Bioproduction with Saline Water(1985)
Blue Covenant_ The Global Water Crisis and the Coming Battle for the Right to Water(2009)
Blue Future_ Protecting Water for People and the Planet Forever(2014)
Blue Gold_ The Fight to Stop the Corporate Theft of the World's Water(2002)
Blue Revolution_ Unmaking America's Water Crisis(2011)
The River Where America Began_ A Journey Along the James (2007)
Boreal Shield Watersheds_Lake Trout Ecosystems in a Changing Environment(2004)
Braided Rivers_ Process, Deposits, Ecology and Management(2006)
Branching in Nature_ Dynamics and Morphogenesis of Branching Structures, from Cell to River
Networks (2001)
Braving the Currents_ Evaluating Environmental Conflict Resolution in the River Basins of the
American West(2004)
Braving Troubled Waters_ Sea Change in a Dutch Fishing Community(2009)
Bridge over Troubled Waters_ Linking Climate Change And Development(2005)
Bridging Troubled Waters_ Assessing the World Bank Water Resources Strategy(2002)
Bridging Troubled Waters_ Conflict Resolution From the Heart(2002)
Calcium and Magnesium in Groundwater_ Occurrence and Significance for Human Health(2014)
Calibration of Watershed Models(2003)
California Rivers and Streams_ The Conflict Between Fluvial Process and Land Use (1995)
California's Best Fly Fishing_ Premier Streams and Rivers from Northern California to the Eastern
Cameron Hydraulic Data(16th, 1984)
Canal and River Levées(1982)
Canal Automation for Irrigation Systems(2014)
Canoeing the Congo_ The First Source-to-Sea Descent of the Congo River(2013)
Capacity Development for Improved Water Management(2009)
Catchment Dynamics and River Processes_ Mediterranean and Other Climate Regions(2005)
Catchment Runoff And Rational Formula(Water Resources Publications) (Ben Chie Yen, 1992)
Central European Stream Ecosystems_ The Long Term Study of the Breitenbach(2011)
Challenges and Opportunities in the Hydrologic Sciences(2012)
Challenges of a Changing Earth_ Proceedings of the Global Change Open Science Conference
Challenges of the New Water Policies for the XXI Century(2004)
Changes in Flood Risk in Europe (2012)
Channel Flow Resistance_Centennial of Manning’s Formula(Water Resources Publications)(Ben
Chie Yen, Mar 1992)
Changing the Face of the Waters_ The Promise and Challenge of Sustainable Aquaculture(2007)
Chasing Water_ A Guide for Moving from Scarcity to Sustainability(2014)
Chemical Analysis of Water_ General Principles and Techniques(Royal Society of
Chemical and Isotopic Groundwater Hydrology(Third Edition, 2004)
Chemistry and Biology of Water, Air and Soil_ Environmental Aspects(1993)
Chemistry of Advanced Environmental Purification Processes of Water_ Fundamentals and
Chemistry of Aquatic Systems_ Local and Global Perspectives(1994)
Chernobyl-What Have We Learned_ The Successes and Failures to Mitigate Water Contamination
Over 20 Years (2007)
China's Water Warriors_ Citizen Action and Policy Change(2008)
China_ Air, Land, and Water( Environmental Priorities for a New Millennium)(2001)
Chow's Handbook of Applied Hydrology(Vijay Singh, Second Edition, March 7, 2016))
Clean Air and Water Act(2012)
Clean Soil and Safe Water(2012)
Clean Water_ An Introduction to Water Quality and Water Pollution Control(2nd ed, 2003)
CLEANER and NSF's Environmental Observatories(2006)
Clean Water_ An Introduction to Water Quality and Water Pollution Control(2003)
Clear Water, Blue Skies_ China's Environment in the New Century (Todd Johnson, Feng Liu, et al.
Climate and Hydrology in Mountain Areas(2005)
Climate and the Hydrological Cycle(IAHS Special Publication)(2009)
Climate and Water_ Transboundary Challenges in the Americas(2003)
Climate Change Adaptation in the Water Sector(2009)
Climate Change and Adaptation for Water Resources in Yellow River Basin, China(IHP VII
Technical Document in Hydrology)(2010, No ISBN)
Climate Change and Flood Risk Management_ Adaptation and Extreme Events at the Local
Level(E. Carina H. Keskitalo, 2013)
Climate Change and its Effects on Water Resources_ Issues of National and Global Security(2011)
Climate Change and the Sustainable Use of Water Resources(2012)
Climate Change and Water Governance_ Adaptive Capacity in Chile and Switzerland(2013)
Climate Change and Water Resources in South Asia (2005)
Climate Change and Water Resources Planning Criteria(1997)
Climate Change and Water Resources(Dr. Sangam Shrestha,2014)
Climate Change and Water Resources(The Handbook of Environmental Chemistry 25)(Volume
Editors-Tamim Younos,2013)
Climate Change and Water_ International Perspectives on Mitigation and Adaptation(2009)
Climate Change Effects on Groundwater Resources_ A Global Synthesis of Findings and
Recommendations (IAH-International Contributions to Hydrogeology 27)(2011)
Climate Change Impacts and Adaptation in Water Resources and Water Use Sectors_ Southeast
Climate Change Impacts on Freshwater Ecosystems(2010)
Climate Change in Contrasting River Basins_ Adaptation Strategies for Water, Food and
Climate Change in the Northwest_ Implications for Our Landscapes, Waters, and
Climate Changes during the Holocene and their Impact on Hydrological Systems(International
Hydrology Series)(2003)
Climate Change_ IPCC, Water Crisis, and Policy Riddles with Reference to India and Her
Climate Driven Retreat of Mount Baker Glaciers and Changing Water Resources (SpringerBriefs
in Climate Studies)(Oct 14, 2015)
Climate Variability and Water Resources Degradation in Kenya_ Improving Water Resources
Development And Management(2006)
Climate, Climatic Change, and Water Supply_ Studies in Geophysics(1977)
Climatic Change and Global Warming of Inland Waters_ Impacts and Mitigation for Ecosystems
and Societies(2012)
Climatic Changes and Water Resources in the Middle East and North Africa(2008)
Climate Change - Realities, Impacts on hydrology, Sea Level and Risks_ Understanding the
Hydro-climatology of Lower Niger River Basin, West Africa(June 20, 2013)
Climate for Change_ Non-State Actors and the Global Politics of the Greenhouse(International
Hydrology Series)(2000)
Climatic Change_ Implications for the Hydrological Cycle and for Water Management(2002)
Clumsy Floodplains_ Responsive Land Policy for Extreme Floods(2011)
Coastal Watershed Management(International Series on Progress in Water Resources)(2008)
Cold Region Atmospheric and Hydrologic Studies_ The Mackenzie GEWEX Experience (Volume
1: Atmospheric Dynamics) (2008)
Cold Region Atmospheric and Hydrologic Studies_ The Mackenzie GEWEX Experience Volume
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Water Resources Management IV(The 4th International Conference on Sustainable Water
Resources Management, held in Kos, Greece in May 2007)(2007)
Water Resources Management Sustaining Socio-Economic Welfare(Global Issues in Water Policy
Water Resources Management and the Environment(Apr 17, 2001)
Water Resources Management(David Stephenson, 2003)
Water Resources of Arid Areas(Proceedings of the International Conference on Water Resources
of Arid and Semi-Arid Regions of Africa, Gaborone, Botswana, 3-6 August 2004)(2004)
Water Resources of Hard Rock Aquifers in Arid and Semi-Arid Zones(1999)
Water Resources of North America(2003)
Water Resources Perspectives_ Evaluation, Management and Policy(Developments in Water
Science 50)(2003)
Water Resources Planning and Management(2011)
Water Resources Planning(Manual of Water Supply Practices—M50)(American Waterworks
Association, Second Edition, 2007)
Water Resources Quality_ Preserving the Quality of our Water Resources(2002)
Water Resources Research in Northwest China(2014)
Water Resources Sector Strategy_ Strategic Directions for World Bank Engagement(2004)
Water Resources Sustainability(Larry Mays, Sep 19, 2006)
Water Resources Systems Analysis through Case Studies_ Data and Models for Decision
Water Resources Systems Analysis_ With Emphasis on Conflict Resolution(2003)
Water Resources Systems Planning and Management(Developments in Water Science 51)( S.K.
Jain and V.P. Singh (Eds.) ,2003)
Water Resources Systems Planning and Management_ An Introduction to Methods, Models and
Applications(Daniel P. Loucks and Eelco van Beek,2005)
Water Resources (Foundations of Contemporary Environmental Studies Series)(2010)
Water Resources_ A New Era for Coordination(1998)
Water Resources_ An Integrated Approach(Sep 27, 2013)
Water Resources_ Efficient, Sustainable and Equitable Use (Haus Publishing - Sustainability
Project)(Sep 1, 2009)
Water Resources_Health, Environment and Development(1999)
Water Resources_ Hydraulics and Hydrology(The United States Army Corps of Engineers, Oral
History)(Interview with Alfred S. Harrison, No ISBN, 1998)
Water Resources_ Practice Problems(Mar 11, 2013)
Water-Resources Engineering (3rd Edition)(Oct 14, 2012)
Water Reuse for Irrigation_ Agriculture, Landscapes, and Turf Grass(2004)
Water Reuse_ An International Survey of Current Practice, Issues and Needs(2008)
Water Reuse_ Issues, Technologies, and Applications(2007)
Water Reuse_ Potential for Expanding the Nation's Water Supply through Reuse of Municipal
Water Rights and the Environment in the United States_ A Documentary and Reference
Water Rights Reform_ Lessons for Institutional Design(2005)
Water Saving Techniques for Plant Growth(1992)
Water Scarcity in the Mediterranean_ Perspectives Under Global Change(2010)
Water Scarcity, Land Degradation and Desertification in the Mediterranean Region(2009)
Water Scarcity, Livelihoods and Food Security_ Research and Innovation for Development(2014)
Water Scarcity_ Impacts on Western Agriculture(1984)
Water Science &Technology in China_ A Roadmap to 2050(2012)
Water Science Reviews 1(Volume 1)(1985, digitally printed version in 2008))
Water Science Reviews 2(Volume 2)_ Crystalline Hydrates(digitally printed version in 2008)
Water Science Reviews 3(Volume 3)_ Water Dynamics(1988, digitally printed version in 2008)
Water Science Reviews 4(Volume 4)_ Hydration Phenomena in Colloidal Systems(1989, digitally
printed version in 2004)
Water Science Reviews 5(Volume 5)_ The Molecules of Life(1990, digitally printed version in
Water Security_ Principles, Perspectives and Practices(2013)
Water Security_ The Water-Food-Energy-Climate Nexus(2011)
Water Security in the Mediterranean Region_ An International Evaluation of Management,
Control,and Governance Approaches(2011)
Water Sensitive Urban Design Engineering Procedures_ Stormwater(2005)
Water Shall Flow from the Rock_ Hydrogeology and Climate in the Lands of the Bible(1990)
Water Sources(American Water Works Association)(Fourth Edition, 2010)
Water Stress(Intech)(2011)
Water Supply and Sewerage(McGraw-Hill Series in Water Resources and Environmental
Water Supply in Emergency Situations (NATO Science for Peace and Security Series C:
Environmental Security)(2007)
Water Supply Management(Water Science and Technology Library 29)(1998)
Water Supply Systems Security(2004)
Water Supply Systems_ New Technologies(1996)
Water System Science and Policy Interfacing(2009)
Water Technology_ An Introduction for Environmental Scientists and Engineers(Third edition,
Water Tower of the Yellow River in A Changing Climate_ Toward An Integrated
Water Transmission and Distribution(Principles and Practices of Water Supply Operations
Series)(Fourth Edition, 2010)
Water Transport in Plants under Climatic Stress(1993)
Water Treatment in Developed and Developing Nations_ An International Perspective(2016)
Water Treatment(American Water Works Association)(Fourth Edition, 2010)
Water Use Efficiency for Irrigated Turf and Landscape(2013)
Water Use, Management,And Planning In The United States(1999)
Water Utility Management(2005)
Water Vapor Measurement_ Methods and Instrumentation(1997)
Water Wars_ Privatization, Pollution, and Profit(Feb 1, 2002)
Water Watching(2000)
Water, Agriculture and the Environment in Spain _ Can We Square the Circle(2012)
Water, Cultural Diversity,and Global Environmental Change_ Emerging Trends, Sustainable
Futures? (2012)
Water, Climate Change and Sustainable Development(2016)
Water, Development, and the Global Spread of American Environmental Expertise(2011)
Water, Ecosystems and Society_ A Confluence of Disciplines(2009)
Water, Environment and Society in Times of Climatic Change(Contributions from an International
Workshop within the framework of International Hydrological Program (lHP) UNESCO, held at
Ben-Gurion University, Sede Boker, Israel from 7-12 July 1996)(Water Science and Technology
Library 31)(1998)
Water, Life and Civilisation_ Climate, Environment and Society in the Jordan Valley(2011)
Water, Peace, and War_ Confronting the Global Water Crisis(Apr 11, 2013)
Water, Place, and Equity (American and Comparative Environmental Policy) (2008)
Water, Politics and Money_ A Reality Check on Privatization(2015)
Water, Power and Citizenship_ Social Struggle in the Basin of Mexico(2006)
Water, Race, and Disease(2004)
Water, Resources and Conflict in the Middle East(1993)
Water, Sovereignty and Borders in Asia and Oceania(2009)
Water-Quality Engineering in Natural Systems_ Fate and Transport Processes in the Water
Environment(Second Edition,2013)
Water-Quality Hydrology_ Proceedings of The International Conference on Hydrology and Water
Resources, New Delhi, India, December 1993(Water Science and Technology Library 16) (1996)
Water_ A Natural History(September 27, 1997)
Water-Rock Interaction_ Proceedings of The 13th International Conference on Water-Rock
Interaction Wri-13, Guanajuato, Mexico, 16–20 August 2010(2010)
Water_ A Reflection of Land Use(Options for Counteracting Land and Water Mismanagement)
Water_ A Shared Responsibilty (United Nations World Water Development Report, 2006)
Water_ A Source of Conflict or Cooperation(2007)
Water_ A Way of Life(Sustainable Water Management in a Cultural Context)(2009)
Water_ Global Common and Global Problems(2006)
Water_ Molecular Structure and Properties(2013)
Water_ Rates, Fees, and the Legal Environment(Second Edition, 2005, 2010)
Water_ Science and Issues(Volume 1)_ Acid–Drought(2003)
Water_ Science and Issues(Volume 3)_ Land–Pricing(2003)
Water_ Science and Issues(Volume 4)_ Prior–Women Water(2003)
Water_ Science, Policy, and Management__Challenges And Opportunities(2003)
Water_ The Causes, Costs, and Future of a Global Crisis(2008)
Water_ The Defining Crisis of the Twenty-first Century(When the Rivers Run Dry)(2007)
Water_ The Epic Struggle for Wealth, Power, and Civilization(2011)
Water_ The Final Resource: How the Politics of Water Will Impact the World(2008)
Water_ The Forgotten Biological Molecule(2011)
Water_ The Looming Crisis in India (Asia World)(2008)
Water_ The Shocking Truth That can Save Your Life-Bragg Health Sciences (2005)
Waterfalls(Extreme Earth series)(2007)
Waterflooding (SPE Textbook Series)(Society of Petroleum)(1986)
Waterfront Landscapes(2012)
WATERSHED 89_ The Future for Water Quality in Europe(Volume I, Proceedings of the
IAWPRC Conference held in Guildford, U.K.,17-20 April 1989) (1989)
Watershed Analysis for Mill, Deer, and Antelope Creeks(Report, No ISBN)
Watershed Conservation(2008)
Watershed Dynamics(2004)
Watershed Health Monitoring_ Emerging Technologies (2002)
Watershed Hydrology(1996)
Watershed Management for Potable Water Supply_ Assessing the New York City Strategy(2003)
Watershed Management_ Balancing Sustainability and Environmental Change(1992)
Watershed Models(Vijay Singh,2006)
Watershed Research in the U.S. Geological Survey(1997)
Watersheds_ A Practical Handbook for Healthy Water(1999)
Watershed_ The Role of Fresh Water in the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict(1994)
Web-based Virtual Environments for Decision Support in Water Based Systems(UNESCO-IHE
PhD Thesis, 2014)
Weighting Methods and their Effects on Multi-Criteria Decision Making Model Outcomes in
Water Resources Management(2015)
Weathering and the Riverine Denudation of Continents(2014)
Wet-Weather Flow in the Urban Watershed_ Technology and Management (2002)
Wetland and Water Resource Modeling and Assessment_ A Watershed Perspective(2008)
Wetland Restoration_ Shanghai Dalian Lake Project(2014)
Wetlands and Lakes of the World(2013)
Xenobiotics in the Urban Water Cycle(2010)
Wetland Soils - Genesis, Hydrology, Landscapes, and Classification(2001)
Wetland Systems To Control Urban Runoff(2006)
Wetland Systems_ Storm Water Management Control(2011)
Wetlands and Water Framework Directive_ Protection, Management and Climate Change(2015)
Wetland Soils_ Genesis, Hydrology, Landscapes, and Classification(Sep 15, 2000)
What Water is Worth_ Overlooked Non-Economic Value in Water Resources (Palgrave Pivot)(Oct
22, 2013)
When the Rivers Run Dry_ Journeys Into the Heart of the World's Water Crisis(2006)
When the Rivers Run Dry_ Water--The Defining Crisis of the Twenty-first Century(Mar 15, 2007)
Where the Dragon Meets the Angry River_ Nature and Power in the People’s Republic of
Why States Cooperate Over Shared Water_ the Water Negotiations in the Jordan River
Wicked River_ The Mississippi When It Last Ran Wild(2010)
Witness to Extinction_ How We Failed to Save the Yangtze River Dolphin(2009)
Working With Water in Medieval Europe_ Technology and Resource-Use(2000)
World Catalogue of Very Large Floods (Studies & Reports in Hydrology) (1976)
World in Transition_ Ways Towards Sustainable Management of Freshwater Resources(1998)
World Water Development Report 2015_ Water for a Sustainable World(2015)
World Water Resources and their Future(Russian Edition©1974, Translation © 1979)
World Water Resources at the Beginning of the Twenty-First century (International Hydrology
Series) (2003)
Worlds of Flow_ A History of Hydrodynamics from the Bernoullis to Prandtl(2005)
Yangtze River_ Geography, Pollution & Environmental Implications ((2013)
附 1:http://link.springer.com/bookseries/6689
Water Science and Technology Library 系列图书(至 2014 年,已出 71 卷)
Editor-in-chief: Singh, Vijay P.
ISSN: 0921-092X
The aim of the Water Science and Technology Library is to provide a forum for dissemination
of the state-of-the-art of topics of current interest in the area of water science and technology. This
is accomplished through publication of reference books and monographs, authored or edited.
Water Science and Technology Library encompasses a wide range of topics dealing with science
as well as socio-economic aspects of water, environment, and ecology. Both the water quantity
and quality issues are relevant and are embraced by Water Science and Technology Library. The
emphasis may be on either the scientific content, or techniques of solution, or both. There is
increasing emphasis these days on processes and Water Science and Technology Library is
committed to promoting this emphasis by publishing books emphasizing scientific discussions of
physical, chemical, and/or biological aspects of water resources. Likewise, current or emerging
solution techniques receive high priority. Interdisciplinary coverage is encouraged. Case studies
contributing to our knowledge of water science and technology are also embraced by the series.
Innovative ideas and novel techniques are of particular interest.
Alternative Wastewater Treatment(Low-Cost Small Systems, Research and Development
Proceedings of the Conference held at Oslo, Norway, September 7–10, 1981)
Schanke Eikum, Robert W. Seabloom in Water Science and Technology Library (1982)
Gas Transfer at Water Surfaces
Wilfried Brutsaert, Gerhard H. Jirka in Water Science and
Technology Library (1984)
Hydrological Forecasting_Design and Operation of Hydrological Forecasting Systems
Jaromir Nemec in Water Science and Technology Library (1986)
River Flow Modelling and Forecasting
D. A. Kraijenhoff, J. R. Moll in Water Science and
Technology Library (1986)
Scale Problems in Hydrology_Runoff Generation and Basin Response
V. K. Gupta, I.
Rodríguez-Iturbe, E. F. Wood in Water Science and Technology Library (1986)
Large-Scale Regional Water Resources Planning_The North Atlantic Regional Study
David C. Major, Harry E. Schwarz in Water Science and Technology Library (1990)
Entropy and Energy Dissipation in Water Resources
V. P. Singh, M. Fiorentino in Water
Science and Technology Library (1992)
Energy Dissipators and Hydraulic Jump
Willi H. Hager in Water Science and Technology
Library (1992)
Global and Regional Climate Interaction: The Caspian Sea Experience
Sergei N.
Rodionov in Water Science and Technology Library (1994)
Stochastic and Statistical Methods in Hydrology and Environmental Engineering_Volume 2
Stochastic and Statistical Modelling with Groundwater and Surface Water Applications
Keith W. Hipel in Water Science and Technology Library (1994)
Numerical Methods for Shallow-Water Flow
C. B. Vreugdenhil in Water Science and
Technology Library (1994)
Stochastic and Statistical Methods in Hydrology and Environmental Engineering_Time Series
Analysis in Hydrology and Environmental Engineering
Keith W. Hipel, A. Ian McLeod…
in Water Science and Technology Library (1994)
Stochastic and Statistical Methods in Hydrology and Environmental Engineering_Effective
Environmental Management for Sustainable Development
Keith W. Hipel, Liping Fang in
Water Science and Technology Library (1994)
Environmental Hydrology
Professor Vijay P. Singh in Water Science and Technology
Library (1995)
Improving Efficiency and Reliability in Water Distribution Systems
Enrique Cabrera,
Antonio F. Vela in Water Science and Technology Library (1995)
Environmental Hydraulics
Vijay P. Singh, Willi H. Hager in Water Science and Technology
Library (1996)
Water-Quality Hydrology
Vijay P. Singh, Bhishm Kumar in Water Science and Technology
Library (1996)
Runoff, Infiltration and Subsurface Flow of Water in Arid and Semi-Arid Regions
Arie S.
Issar, Sol D. Resnick in Water Science and Technology Library (1996)
Dam Breach Modeling Technology
Vijay P. Singh in Water Science and Technology Library
Subsurface-Water Hydrology_Proceedings of the International Conference on Hydrology and
Water Resources, New Delhi, India, December 1993
Vijay P. Singh, Bhishm Kumar in
Water Science and Technology Library (1996)
Geographical Information Systems in Hydrology
Professor Vijay P. Singh… in Water
Science and Technology Library (1996)
Distributed Hydrological Modelling
Michael B. Abbott… in Water Science and Technology
Library (1996)
Hydrological Systems Analysis_Methods and Applications
G. B. Engelen, F. H.
Kloosterman in Water Science and Technology Library (1996)
Proceedings of the International Conference on Hydrology and Water Resources, New Delhi,
India, December 1993_Surface-Water Hydrology
Vijay P. Singh, Bhishm Kumar in Water
Science and Technology Library (1996)
Hydrology of Disasters
Professor Vijay P. Singh in Water Science and Technology Library
Parameter Identification and Inverse Problems in Hydrology, Geology and Ecology
Johannes Gottlieb, Paul DuChateau in Water Science and Technology Library (1996)
Environmental Data Management
Nilgun B. Harmancioglu, Vijay P. Singh… in Water
Science and Technology Library (1998)
Water Supply Management
David Stephenson in Water Science and Technology Library
CENAS_Coastline Evolution of the Upper Adriatic Sea due to Sea Level Rise and Natural and
Anthropogenic Land Subsidence
Giuseppe Gambolati in Water Science and Technology
Library (1998)
Water, Environment and Society in Times of Climatic Change_Contributions from an
International Workshop within the framework of International Hydrological Program (IHP)
UNESCO, held at Ben-Gurion University, Sede Boker, Israel from 7–12 July 1996
Arie S.
Issar, Neville Brown in Water Science and Technology Library (1998)
Entropy-Based Parameter Estimation in Hydrology
Vijay P. Singh in Water Science and
Technology Library (1998)
Water Quality Monitoring Network Design
Nilgun B. Harmancioglu… in Water Science
and Technology Library (1999)
Drought Management Planning in Water Supply Systems_Proceedings from the UIMP
International Course held in Valencia, December 1997
Enrique Cabrera, Jorge
García-Serra in Water Science and Technology Library (1999)
Hydrogeology of Crystalline Rocks
Ingrid Stober, Kurt Bucher in Water Science and
Technology Library (2000)
Drought Management on Farmland
J. S. Whitmore in Water Science and Technology
Library (2000)
Artificial Neural Networks in Hydrology
R. S. Govindaraju, A. Ramachandra Rao in Water
Science and Technology Library (2000)
Distributed Hydrologic Modeling Using GIS
Baxter E. Vieux in Water Science and
Technology Library (2001)
Water-Rock Interaction
Ingrid Stober, Kurt Bucher in Water Science and Technology
Library (2002)
Hydrological Dimensioning and Operation of Reservoirs_Practical Design Concepts and
Imre V. Nagy, Kofi Asante-Duah… in Water Science and Technology Library
Hydrology and Water Resources of Africa
Mamdouh Shahin in Water Science and
Technology Library (2002)
Soil Conservation Service Curve Number (SCS-CN) Methodology
Surendra Kumar Mishra,
Vijay P. Singh in Water Science and Technology Library (2003)
Nonstationarities in Hydrologic and Environmental Time Series
A. Ramachandra Rao,
Khaled H. Hamed… in Water Science and Technology Library (2003)
Managing Urban Water Supply
Donald E. Agthe, R. Bruce Billings… in Water Science and
Technology Library (2003)
Tools for Drought Mitigation in Mediterranean Regions
Giuseppe Rossi, Antonino
Cancelliere… in Water Science and Technology Library (2003)
Riverbank Filtration_Improving Source-Water Quality
Chittaranjan Ray, Gina Melin,
Ronald B. Linsky in Water Science and Technology Library (2003)
The Brahmaputra Basin Water Resources
Vijay P. Singh, Nayan Sharma… in Water
Science and Technology Library (2004)
The Ganges Water Diversion: Environmental Effects and Implications
M. Monirul Qader
Mirza in Water Science and Technology Library (2004)
Distributed Hydrologic Modeling Using GIS
Baxter E. Vieux in Water Science and
Technology Library (2004)
Yoram Rubin, Susan S. Hubbard in Water Science and Technology Library
Rare Earth Elements in Groundwater Flow Systems
Karen H. Johannesson in Water
Science and Technology Library (2005)
The Ganges Water Diversion: Environmental Effects and Implications
M. Monirul Qader
Mirza in Water Science and Technology Library (2005)
The Río Chagres, Panama_A Multidisciplinary Profile of a Tropical Watershed
Russell S.
Harmon in Water Science and Technology Library (2005)
Macro-Engineering_A Challenge for the Future
Viorel Badescu, Richard B. Cathcart,
Roelof D. Schuiling in Water Science and Technology Library (2006)
Groundwater Recharge from Run-Off, Infiltration and Percolation
K.-P. Seiler, J.R. Gat in
Water Science and Technology Library (2007)
Hydrology and Water Resources of India
Sharad K. Jain, Pushpendra K. Agarwal… in
Water Science and Technology Library (2007)
Moment Analysis For Subsurface Hydrologic Applications
Rao S. Govindaraju, Bhabani S.
Das in Water Science and Technology Library (2007)
Extremes in Nature
An Approach Using Copulas_Gianfausto Salvadori, Carlo De
Michele… in Water Science and Technology Library (2007)
Water Resources and Hydrometeorology of the Arab Region
Mamdouh Shahin in Water
Science and Technology Library (2007)
Methods and Tools for Drought Analysis and Management
Giuseppe Rossi, Teodoro
Vega… in Water Science and Technology Library (2007)
Hydrological Modelling and the Water Cycle_Coupling the Atmospheric and Hydrological
Soroosh Sorooshian, Kuo-Lin Hsu… in Water Science and Technology Library
Practical Hydroinformatics_Computational Intelligence and Technological Developments in
Water Applications
Robert J. Abrahart, Linda M. See… in Water Science and Technology
Library (2008)
Regionalization of Watersheds_An Approach Based on Cluster Analysis
A. Ramachandra
Rao, V.V. Srinivas in Water Science and Technology Library (2008)
Hilbert-Huang Transform Analysis Of Hydrological And Environmental Time Series
Ramachandra Rao, En-Ching Hsu in Water Science and Technology Library (2008)
The Ganga_Water Use in the Indian Subcontinent
Pranab Kumar Parua in Water Science
and Technology Library (2009)
Numerical Modeling in Open Channel Hydraulics
Romuald Szymkiewicz in Water Science
and Technology Library (2010)
The Yamuna River Basin_Water Resources and Environment
Raveendra Kumar Rai, Alka
Upadhyay… in Water Science and Technology Library (2012)
Water Quality Modelling for Rivers and Streams
Marcello Benedini, George Tsakiris in
Water Science and Technology Library (2013)
Extremes in a Changing Climate_Detection, Analysis and Uncertainty
Amir AghaKouchak,
David Easterling… in Water Science and Technology Library (2013)
Management of Water Quality in Moldova
Gheorghe Duca in Water Science and
Technology Library (2014)
Data-Driven Modeling: Using MATLAB® in Water Resources and Environmental Engineering
Shahab Araghinejad in Water Science and Technology Library (2014)
The Security of Water, Food, Energy and Liveability of Cities_Challenges and Opportunities for
Peri-Urban Futures
Basant Maheshwari, Ramesh Purohit… in Water Science and
Technology Library (2014)
附 2:http://www.elsevier.com/books/book-series/developments-in-water-science
Developments in Water Science 系列图书(至 2006 年,已出 56 卷)
This series deals with all aspects of the science and technology of water quality and water
management, including topics such as treatment processes, water quality standards, as well as all
aspects of hydrological sciences, plus disciplines such as surface and groundwater hydrology,
hydrometeorology and hydrogeology.The series includes research monographs, advanced level
textbooks and proceedings volumes.Series URL: http://www.elsevier.com/locate/series/dws
1. Computer Systems and Water Resources(1974)
2. Physiological Limnology An Approach to the Physiology of Lake Ecosystems(1975)
3. Multi Objective Optimization in Water Resources Systems The Surrogate Worth Trade-off
4. Groundwater Pollution(Published: January 1975)
5. Turbulent Jets(Published: January 1976)
6. Pipeline Design for Water Engineers (1976)
7. Groundwater (HydraulicsPublished: January 1979)
8. Hydrology and Water Resources in Tropical Africa(Published: January 1977)
9. Reservoir Capacity and Yield (1978)
10. Seepage Hydraulics(Published: January 1981)
11. Hydrodynamics of Lakes(Published: January 1979)
12. Contemporary Hydrogeology_The George Burke Maxey Memorial Volume (1979)
13. Seepage and Groundwater(Published: January 1982)
14. Stormwater Hydrology and Drainage(Published: January 1981)
15. Pipeline Design for Water Engineers (1981)
16. Symposium on Geochemistry of Groundwater 26th International Geological Congress,
Paris, 1980 (1982)
17. Time Series Methods in Hydrosciences(Published: January 1982)
18. Hydrology and Water Resources in Tropical Regions(Published: July 1983)
19. Pipeflow Analysis(Published: February 1984)
20. Morphometry of Drainage Basins(Published: January 1985)
22. Streamflow Characteristics(Published: January 1985)
23. Municipal Waste Water Treatment (Published: January 1985)
24. Groundwater Monitoring Handbook for Coal and Oil Shale Development(Published: July
25. Groundwater Modelling(Published: January 1986)
26. Kinematic Hydrology and Modelling(Published: April 1986)
27. Statistical Aspects of Water Quality Monitoring(Published: January 1986)
28. Water Resources and Water Management(Published: January 1987)
29. Reservoir Sedimentation(Published: January 1987)
30. Microcomputer Programs for Groundwater Studies(Published: June 1987)
31. Hydraulic Processes on Alluvial Fans(Published: June 1987)
32. Analysis of Water Resource Systems(Published: September 1988)
33. Water Management in Reservoirs(Published: February 1989)
34. Water and Wastewater Systems Analysis(Published: July 1988)
37. Groundwater Discharge Tests: Simulation and Analysis(Published: November 1988)
38. Groundwater Resources Assessment(Published: September 1989)
39. Groundwater Economics(Published: April 1989)
40. Pipeline Design for Water Engineers(Published: June 1989)
41. Water Resources Development in Developing Countries(Published: March 1991)
42. Estimation Theory in Hydrology and Water Systems(Published: June 1993)
43. Water Hammer in Pipe-Line Systems(Published: May 1993)
44. Applied Geophysics in Hydrogeological and Engineering Practice(Published: January 1993)
45. Time Series Modelling of Water Resources and Environmental Systems(Published: April
46. Analytical Solutions of Geohydrological Problems(Published: February 1999)
47. Computational Methods in Water Resources(Published: June 2002)
48. Hydrological Drought(Published: December 2004)
49. Modern Scientific Tools in Bioprocessing(Published: March 2002)
50. Water Resources Perspectives: Evaluation, Management and Policy(Published: December
51. Water Resources Systems Planning and Management(Published: September 2003)
52. Underground Injection Science and Technology(Published: October 2005)
53. 此卷未找到相关信息,原因不详
54. Lake and Reservoir Management(Published: March 2005)
55. Computational Methods in Water Resources, Part 2, 55(Published: September 2004)
56. Environmental Hydraulics Hydrodynamic and Pollutant Transport Modelling of Lakes and
Coastal Waters(2006)
“国际水文系列”出版物(International Hydrology Series)
附 3:
The International Hydrology Series has been developed by the IHP in collaboration with
Cambridge University Press as a major collection of research monographs, synthesis volumes, and
graduate texts on the subject of water. Authoritative and international in scope, the various books
within the series all contribute to the aims of the IHP in improving scientific and technical
knowledge of freshwater processes, in providing research know-how and in stimulating the
responsible management of water resources.
The International Hydrology Series is a collaborative publishing program between UNESCO,
Paris and Cambridge University Press. It contains monographs describing research activities in
hydrology which have been sponsored by the UNESCO International Hydrology Program. The
program addresses theoretical issues in the conduct of hydrological research, as well as practical,
applied, and water management issues raised by hydrological projects. The volumes are addressed
to those working in a practical context in less developed countries.
Titles in print in this series(International Hydrology Series)
Hydrology and Water Management in the Humid Tropics: Hydrological Research
Issues and Strategies for Water Management(M. Bonell, M. M. Hufschmidt and J. S.
New Uncertainty Concepts in Hydrology and Water Resources(Z. W. Kundzewicz)
Space and Time Scale Variability and Interdependencies in Hydrological
Processes(R. A. Feddes)
Groundwater/Surface Water Ecotones: Biological and Hydrological Interactions
and Management Options(J. Gibert, J. Mathieu and F. Fournier)
Subsurface Flow and Transport: A Stochastic Approach(G. Dagan and S. Neuman)
Dam Impacts of Climate Change and Climate Variability on Hydrological Regimes(J.
C. van)
Sustainability Criteria for Water Resource Systems(D. P. Loucks and J. S. Gladwell)
Risk, Reliability, Uncertainty, and Robustness of Water Resource Systems(J. J.
Bogardi and Z. W. Kundzewicz)
Tropical Glaciers(G. Kaser and H. Osmaston)
World Water Resources at the Beginning of the Twenty-First Century(I. A.
Shiklomanov and J. C. Rodda)
Climate Changes during the Holocene and their Impact on Hydrological Systems(A.
S. Issar)
Forests, Water and People in the Humid Tropics: Past, Present and Future(M. Bonell
and L. A. Bruijnzee)
Hydrological Research forIntegrated Land and Water Management(M. Bonell and L. A.
Inter-Basin Water Transfer: Case Studies from Australia, United States, Canada,
China and India(F. Ghassemi and I. White)
Dynamic Programming Based Operation of Reservoirs: Applicability and Limits(K. D.
W. Nandalal and J. J. Bogardi)
Hydrological Modelling in Arid and Semi-Arid Areas(H. S. Wheater, S. Sorooshian and K. D.
Managing and Transforming Water Conflicts(J. Delli Priscoli and A. T. Wolf)
Groundwater Modelling in Arid and Semi-Arid Areas(H. S. Wheater, S. A. Mathias and X. Li)
Tropical Montane Cloud Forests(L. A. Bruijnzeel, F. N. Scatena and L. S. Hamilton)
Water, Life and Civilization: Climate, Environment and Society in the Jordan Valley(S. Mithen and E.
Co-Engineering and Participatory Water Management(K. A. Daniell)
Floods in a Changing Climate: Extreme Precipitation(R. Teegavarapu)
Floods in a Changing Climate: Hydrologic Modeling(P. P. Mujumdar and D. Nagesh Kumar)
Floods in a Changing Climate: Inundation Modelling(G. Di Baldassarre)
Floods in a Changing Climate: Risk Management(S. Simonović)
Frameworks for Water Law Reform(S. Hendry)
Water Ecosystem Services_A Global Perspective
Edited by Julia Martin-Ortega, Robert C. Ferrier, Iain J. Gordon, Shahbaz Khan
Print Publication Year: 2015
This comprehensive volume describes how ecosystem services-based approaches can assist in
addressing major global and regional water challenges, such as climate change, biodiversity loss,
and water security in the developing world, by integrating scientific knowledge from different
disciplines, such as hydrological modelling, environmental economics, psychology and
international law. Empirical assessments at the national, catchment and regional levels are used to
critically appraise this systemic approach, and the merits and potential limitations are presented.
The practicalities of this approach with regard to water resources management, nature
conservation, and sustainable business practices are discussed, and the role of society in
underpinning the concept of ecosystem services is explored. Presenting new insights and
perspectives on how to shape future strategies, this contributory volume is a valuable reference for
researchers, academics, students and policy makers, in environmental studies, hydrology, water
resource management, ecology, environmental law, policy and economics, and conservation
Frameworks for Water Law Reform
Sarah Hendry
Print Publication Year: 2014
The world is currently experiencing unprecedented global change, with population increase,
urbanisation, climate change and environmental degradation combining to make management of
freshwater resources a critical policy focus of the twenty-first century. This timely book designs
and develops an original, analytical framework for water law reform processes, using case studies
across four jurisdictions. Addressing the four principal areas of water law - integrated water
resource management (IWRM) and river basin planning, water rights and allocation, water
pollution and quality, and water services - this book provides a comprehensive study of water law,
within the context of global and regional policy agendas. Case studies from England, Scotland,
South Africa and Queensland, Australia, are presented, providing comparators from both common
law and mixed jurisdictions, from the northern and southern hemispheres, and from developed and
developing countries. A legislative framework is proposed for water law reform processes, and the
consequences of different reform options are considered and investigated. A valuable resource for
academics and graduate students in environmental law, resource management, hydrology and
social science, this book is also highly relevant to policymakers, NGOs and legal practitioners.
Co-Engineering and Participatory Water Management_Organisational Challenges for Water
Katherine A. Daniell
Print Publication Year: 2012
Effective participatory water management requires effective co-engineering – the collective
process whereby organisational decisions are made on how to bring stakeholders together. This
trans-disciplinary book highlights the challenges involved in the collective initiation, design,
implementation and evaluation of water planning and management processes. It demonstrates how
successful management requires the effective handling of two participatory processes: the
stakeholder water management process and the co-engineering process required to organise this.
The book provides practical methods for supporting improved participatory processes, including
the application of theory and models to aid decision-making. International case studies of these
applications from Australia, Europe and all over the world including Africa, are used to examine
negotiations and leadership approaches, and their effects on the participatory stakeholder
processes. This international review of participatory water governance forms an important
resource for academic researchers in hydrology, environmental management and water policy, and
also practitioners and policy-makers working in water management.
Floods in a Changing Climate_Risk Management
Slobodan P. Simonović
Print Publication Year: 2012
Flood risk management is presented in this book as a framework for identifying, assessing and
prioritizing climate-related risks and developing appropriate adaptation responses. Rigorous
assessment is employed to determine the available probabilistic and fuzzy set-based analytic tools,
when each is appropriate and how to apply them to practical problems. Academic researchers in
the fields of hydrology, climate change, environmental science and policy and risk assessment,
and professionals and policy-makers working in hazard mitigation, water resources engineering
and environmental economics, will find this an invaluable resource. This volume is the fourth in a
collection of four books on flood disaster management theory and practice within the context of
anthropogenic climate change. The others are: Floods in a Changing Climate: Extreme
Precipitation by Ramesh Teegavarapu, Floods in a Changing Climate: Hydrological Modelling by
P. P. Mujumdar and D. Nagesh Kumar and Floods in a Changing Climate: Inundation Modelling
by Giuliano Di Baldassarre.
Floods in a Changing Climate_Inundation Modelling
Giuliano Di Baldassarre
Print Publication Year: 2012
Flood inundation models enable us to make hazard predictions for floodplains, mitigating
increasing flood fatalities and losses. This book provides an understanding of hydraulic modelling
and floodplain dynamics, with a key focus on state-of-the-art remote sensing data, and methods to
estimate and communicate uncertainty. Academic researchers in the fields of hydrology, climate
change, environmental science and natural hazards, and professionals and policy-makers working
in flood risk mitigation, hydraulic engineering and remote sensing will find this an invaluable
resource. This volume is the third in a collection of four books on flood disaster management
theory and practice within the context of anthropogenic climate change. The others are: Floods in
a Changing Climate: Extreme Precipitation by Ramesh Teegavarapu, Floods in a Changing
Climate: Hydrological Modelling by P. P. Mujumdar and D. Nagesh Kumar and Floods in a
Changing Climate: Risk Management by Slodoban Simonović.
Floods in a Changing Climate_Hydrologic Modeling
P. P. Mujumdar, D. Nagesh Kumar
Print Publication Year: 2012
Various modeling methodologies are available to aid planning and operational decision making:
this book synthesises these, with an emphasis on methodologies applicable in data scarce regions,
such as developing countries. Problems included in each chapter, and supported by links to
available online data sets and modelling tools, engage the reader with practical applications of the
models. Academic researchers in the fields of hydrology, climate change, and environmental
science and hazards, and professionals and policy-makers working in hazard mitigation, remote
sensing and hydrological engineering will find this an invaluable resource. This volume is the
second in a collection of four books on flood disaster management theory and practice within the
context of anthropogenic climate change. The others are: Floods in a Changing Climate: Extreme
Precipitation by Ramesh Teegavarapu, Floods in a Changing Climate: Inundation Modelling by
Giuliano Di Baldassarre and Floods in a Changing Climate: Risk Management by Slodoban
Floods in a Changing Climate_Extreme Precipitation
Ramesh S. V. Teegavarapu
Print Publication Year: 2012
Measurement, analysis and modeling of extreme precipitation events linked to floods is vital in
understanding changing climate impacts and variability. This book provides methods for
assessment of the trends in these events and their impacts. It also provides a basis to develop
procedures and guidelines for climate-adaptive hydrologic engineering. Academic researchers in
the fields of hydrology, climate change, meteorology, environmental policy and risk assessment,
and professionals and policy-makers working in hazard mitigation, water resources engineering
and climate adaptation will find this an invaluable resource. This volume is the first in a collection
of four books on flood disaster management theory and practice within the context of
anthropogenic climate change. The others are: Floods in a Changing Climate: Hydrological
Modeling by P. P. Mujumdar and D. Nagesh Kumar, Floods in a Changing Climate: Inundation
Modeling by Giuliano Di Baldassarre and Floods in a Changing Climate: Risk Management by
Slodoban Simonović.
Water, Life and Civilisation_Climate, Environment and Society in the Jordan Valley
Edited by Steven Mithen, Emily Black
Print Publication Year: 2011
A unique interdisciplinary study of the relationships between climate, hydrology and human
society from 20,000 years ago to the present day within the Jordan Valley. It describes how
state-of-the-art models can simulate the past, present and future climates of the Near East, reviews
and provides new evidence for environmental change from geological deposits, builds
hydrological models for the River Jordan and associated wadis and explains how present day
urban and rural communities manage their water supply. The volume provides a new approach and
new methods that can be applied for exploring the relationships between climate, hydrology and
human society in arid and semi-arid regions throughout the world. It is an invaluable reference for
researchers and advanced students concerned with the impacts of climate change and hydrology
on human society, especially in the Near East.
Tropical Montane Cloud Forests_Science for Conservation and Management
Edited by L. A. Bruijnzeel, F. N. Scatena, L. S. Hamilton
Print Publication Year: 2011
This volume represents a uniquely comprehensive overview of our current knowledge on tropical
montane cloud forests. 72 chapters cover a wide spectrum of topics including cloud forest
distribution, climate, soils, biodiversity, hydrological processes, hydrochemistry and water quality,
climate change impacts, and cloud forest conservation, management, and restoration. The final
chapter presents a major synthesis by some of the world's leading cloud forest researchers, which
summarizes our current knowledge and considers the sustainability of these forests in an
ever-changing world. This book presents state-of-the-art knowledge concerning cloud forest
occurrence and status, as well as the biological and hydrological value of these unique forests. The
presentation is academic but with a firm practical emphasis. It will serve as a core reference for
academic researchers and students of environmental science and ecology, as well as practitioners
(natural resources management, forest conservation) and decision makers at local, national, and
international levels.
Groundwater Modelling in Arid and Semi-Arid Areas
Edited by Howard S. Wheater, Simon A. Mathias, Xin Li
Print Publication Year: 2010
Arid and semi-arid regions face major challenges in the management of scarce freshwater
resources under pressures of population, economic development, climate change, pollution and
over-abstraction. Groundwater is commonly the most important water resource in these areas.
Groundwater models are widely used globally to understand groundwater systems and to guide
decisions on management. However, the hydrology of arid and semi-arid areas is very different
from that of humid regions, and there is little guidance on the special challenges of groundwater
modelling for these areas. This book brings together the experience of internationally-leading
experts to fill a gap in the scientific and technical literature. It introduces state-of-the-art methods
for modelling groundwater resources, illustrated with a wide-ranging set of illustrative examples
from around the world. The book is valuable for researchers, practitioners in developed and
developing countries, and graduate students in hydrology, hydrogeology, water resources
management, environmental engineering and geography.
Managing and Transforming Water Conflicts
Jerome Delli Priscoli, Aaron T. Wolf
Print Publication Year: 2009
What is the one thing that no-one can do without? Water. Where water crosses boundaries – be
they economic, legal, political or cultural – the stage is set for disputes between different users
trying to safeguard access to a vital resource, while protecting the natural environment. Without
strategies to anticipate, address, and mediate between competing users, intractable water conflicts
are likely to become more frequent, more intense, and more disruptive around the world. In this
book, Delli Priscoli and Wolf investigate the dynamics of water conflict and conflict resolution,
from the local to the international. They explore the inexorable links between three facets of
conflict management and transformation: Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR), public
participation, and institutional capacity. This practical guide will be invaluable to water
management professionals, as well as to researchers and students in engineering, economics,
geography, geology, and political science who are involved in any aspects of water management.
Hydrological Modelling in Arid and Semi-Arid Areas
Edited by Howard Wheater, Soroosh Sorooshian, K. D. Sharma
Print Publication Year: 2007
Arid and semi-arid regions are defined as areas where water is at its most scarce. The hydrological
regime in these areas is extreme and highly variable, and they face great pressures to deliver and
manage freshwater resources. However, there is no guidance on the decision support tools that are
needed to underpin flood and water resource management in arid areas. UNESCO initiated the
Global network for Water and Development Information for arid lands (GWADI), and arranged a
workshop of the world's leading experts to discuss these issues. This book presents chapters from
contributors to the workshop, and includes case studies from the world's major arid regions to
demonstrate model applications, and web links to tutorials and state of the art modelling software.
This volume is a valuable reference for researchers and engineers working on the water resources
of arid and semi-arid regions.
Inter-Basin Water Transfer_Case Studies from Australia, United States, Canada, China and
India Fereidoun Ghassemi, Ian White
Print Publication Year: 2007
Increasing demands for irrigation, domestic and industrial water have generated a massive growth
world-wide in the number of large water infrastructure projects involving the transfer of water
from basins considered to have surplus water to those where the demand for water has exceeded or
is expected to exceed supplies. Using the experiences of projects in Australia, United States,
Canada, China and India, this book examines case studies within the diverse geographical,
climatic, economic, and policy regimes operating in these countries. It examines the water
resources of Australia, the driest inhabited continent, and explores inter-basin water transfer
projects in the United States, Canada, China and India, examining their benefits and impacts
within these nations' contrasting economies and governance systems. This comprehensive and
well-illustrated text will be of great interest to professionals and researchers in the fields of
hydrology, water resources, and to those engaged in environmental science, policy and regulation.
Dynamic Programming Based Operation of Reservoirs_Applicability and Limits
K. D. W. Nandalal, Janos J. Bogardi
Print Publication Year: 2007
Dynamic programming is a method of solving multi-stage problems in which decisions at one
stage become the conditions governing the succeeding stages. It can be applied to the management
of water reservoirs, allowing them to be operated more efficiently. Originally published in 2007,
this is one of the few books dedicated solely to dynamic programming techniques used in
reservoir management. It presents the applicability of these techniques and their limits on the
operational analysis of reservoir systems. The dynamic programming models presented in this
book have been applied to reservoir systems all over the world, helping the reader to appreciate
the applicability and limits of these models. The book also includes a model for the operation of a
reservoir during an emergency situation. This volume will be a valuable reference to researchers in
hydrology, water resources and engineering, as well as professionals in reservoir management.
Forests, Water and People in the Humid Tropics
Past, Present and Future Hydrological Research for Integrated Land and Water Management
Edited by M. Bonell, L. A. Bruijnzeel
Print Publication Year: 2005
This comprehensive review of the hydrological and physiological functioning of tropical rain
forests covers the environmental impacts of their disturbance and conversion to other land uses, as
well as optimum strategies for managing them. Specialists will find authenticated detail in
chapters written by experts on a complete range of people-water-land use issues.
Climate Changes during the Holocene and their Impact on Hydrological Systems
Arie S. Issar
Print Publication Year: 2003
It is now widely accepted that increasing concentrations of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere are
causing higher global temperatures. This volume provides a comprehensive review of the effects
of climate variability on hydrological and human systems in the Holocene (the last 10,000 years).
The book concentrates on the regions bordering the Mediterranean Sea, western and central
Europe, China, Japan, West and South Africa and southwestern U.S.A. It is intended for
researchers and professionals in hydrology, climatology, geology and historical geography.
Risk, Reliability, Uncertainty, and Robustness of Water Resource Systems
Edited by Janos J. Bogardi, Zbigniew W. Kundzewicz
Print Publication Year: 2002
In Risk, Reliability, Uncertainty and Robustness of Water Resources Systems, thirty-five leading
scientists provide state-of-the-art reviews of topical areas of research on water resources systems,
including aspects of extreme hydrological events: floods and droughts, water quantity and quality,
dams, reservoirs and hydraulic structures, evaluating sustainability and climate change impacts. As
well as discussing essential challenges and research directions, the book will assist in applying
theoretical methods to the solution of practical problems in water resources.
Impacts of Climate Change and Climate Variability on Hydrological Regimes
Edited by Jan C. van Dam
Print Publication Year: 1999
Water is going to be one of the key, if not the most critical, environmental issues in the
twenty-first century because of the escalation in socio-economic pressures on the environment in
general. Any future climate change or climate variability will only accentuate such pressures. This
volume initially follows the perspective of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC)
to infer possible changes in hydrological regimes and water quality based on the outputs from
various scenarios of General Circulation Models (GCMs). In subsequent chapters, the possible
effects of climate change on the hydrology of each of the continents is examined. The book
concludes with an overview of hydrological models for use in the evaluation of the impacts of
climate change. It will provide a valuable guide for environmental planners and policy-makers,
and will also be of use to all students and researchers interested in the possible effects of climate
Groundwater/Surface Water Ecotones_Biological and Hydrological Interactions and
Management Options
Edited by Janine Gibert, Jacques Mathieu, Fred Fournier
Print Publication Year: 1997
Aquatic ecosystems have formed the focus of several UNESCO research projects because of the
impact on them of human activities such as intensification of agricultural activity, erosion and
sedimentation due to irrigation projects, groundwater pollution and eutrophication. Interfaces, or
ecotones, between terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems were found to have an essential role in the
movement of water and materials throughout the landscape. Ecotones are zones where ecological
processes are more intense and resources more diversified. They are also zones which react
quickly to human influences and changes of environmental variables. This volume summarises the
results presented at an international conference dedicated to the study of groundwater/surface
water ecotones, with contributors of international scientific reputation representing the
multidisciplinary viewpoints of hydrologists, biologists and ecologists. It addresses areas of active
research in hydrology and biology, and is aimed towards researchers, water resource project
managers and policy makers.
Subsurface Flow and Transport_A Stochastic Approach
Edited by Gedeon Dagan, Shlomo P. Neuman
Print Publication Year: 1997
This book describes a major method in modeling the flow of water and transport of solutes in the
subsurface, a subject of considerable interest in the exploitation and preservation of water
resources. The stochastic approach allows the uncertainty that affects various properties and
parameters to be incorporated in models of subsurface flow and transport. These much more
realistic models are of greater use in, for example, modeling the transport and buildup of
contaminants in groundwater. The book is a valuable reference work for graduate students,
research workers and professionals in government and public institutions, and for those interested
in hydrology, environmental issues, soil physics, petroleum engineering, geological engineering
and applied mathematics.
Space and Time Scale Variability and Interdependencies in Hydrological Processes
Edited by Reinder A. Feddes
Print Publication Year: 1995
The atmospheric, hydrologic, and terrestrial components of the earth's systems operate on different
time and space scales. Resolving these scaling incongruities as well as understanding and
modeling the complex interaction of land surface processes at the different scales represents a
major challenge for hydrologists, ecologists and meteorologists alike. This book presents the
contributions of hydrologists, meteorologists, and ecologists to the first IHP/IAHS George Kovacs
Colloqium on global hydrology and climate change. It deals with time and space scale variations
with reference to several topics including soil water balance, ecosystems and interaction of flow
systems, and macroscale hydrologic modeling. This book will be of great use to researchers,
engineers and forecasters with an interest in space and time scale variability.
New Uncertainty Concepts in Hydrology and Water Resources
Edited by Zbigniew W. Kundzewicz
Print Publication Year: 1995
This volume contains an overview of conventional and nonorthodox methods of representing and
analyzing aspects of uncertainty in hydrology and water resources. Topics covered include:
fractals, deterministic chaos, risk and reliability related criteria, fuzzy sets, pattern recognition,
random fields, time series, stochastic modeling, outliers detection, nonparametric methods,
information measures, and neural networks. Many new topics are discussed that make this book
particularly valuable, and they include multifractals (applied to rain), a Bayesian relative
information measure as a tool for analyzing the outputs of general circulation models, and a
stochastic weather generator using atmospheric circulation patterns as a means to evaluate climate
Hydrology and Water Management in the Humid Tropics_Hydrological Research Issues and
Strategies for Water Management
Edited by Michael Bonell, Maynard M. Hufschmidt, John S. Gladwell
Print Publication Year:
This book considers all aspects of hydrology in the humid tropics. The first four parts of the book
cover the physical basis of hydrology in the humid tropics: climatology, meteorology, process
hydrology, sedimentation, water quality and freshwater ecology. This is followed by extensive
treatment of the human and societal issues: land-use changes, water resource management, and
rural and urban water supply in the tropical regions.
附 4:
IAHS publishes three book series(包括三个系列书籍出版物)
the Benchmark Papers in Hydrology series that collects together, by theme, the seminal
scientific papers that provided the foundation for modern hydrology.
the "Red Books" or Proceedings and Reports series and the new online open-access
proceedings journal, Proceedings of the International Association of Hydrological
Sciences, PIAHS.
the "Blue Books" or Special Publications series
附 4-1:
IAHS(国际水文科学协会) Benchmark Papers in Hydrology
Jeff McDonnell is the editor of a book series from the International Association of
Hydrological Sciences (IAHS). The IAHS Benchmark Papers in Hydrology Series collects
together, by theme, the outstanding papers that provide the scientific foundations for hydrology in
the 21st century. Published across a wide spectrum of disciplines, these papers define the field and
provide an overview of the development of ideas that have led to our current concepts and
understanding. Each thematic volume reproduces around 30 papers selected by a leading expert,
who also introduces the theme and comments on the significance of the individual papers.
The series includes:
Streamflow Generation Processes (compiled by Keith J. Beven)(2006)
Evaporation (compiled by John Gash and Jim Shuttleworth)( 2007)
Groundwater (compiled by Mary P. Anderson)(2008)
Rainfall-Runoff Modelling (compiled by Keith Loague) (2010)
Riparian-zone Hydrology and Biogeochemistry (compiled by T.P. Burt, G. Pinay and S. Sbater)
Hydro-Geomorphology, Erosion and Sedimentation (compiled by Michael J. Kirkby) (2011)
Forest Hydrology (compiled by D. DeWalle) (2011)
Isotope Hydrology (compiled by P.K. Aggarwal, K.O. Fröhlich, J.R. Gat and R. Gonfiantini)
Author / Editor: Victor R. Baker
附 4-2:
IAHS(国际水文科学协会) Red Books
Hydrologic Non-Stationarity and Extrapolating Models to Predict The Future, Author / Editor: J.
Vaze, F. Chiew, D. Hughes, & V. Andreassian, Publication Number: 371, Year: 2015
Changes in Flood Risk and Perception in Catchments and Cities, Author / Editor: M. Rogger, H.
Aksoy, M. Kooy, A. Schumann, E. Toth, Y. Chen, V. Borrell Estupina, & G. Blö, Publication
Number: 370, Year: 2015
Extreme Hydrological Events, Author / Editor: C. Cudennec, A. Eicker, P. Pilon, M. Stoffel, A.
Viglione, & Z. Xu, Publication Number: 369, Year: 2015
Remote Sensing and Gis for Hydrology and Water Resources, Author / Editor: Yangbo Chen, C.
Neale, I. Cluckie, Z. Su, J. Zhou, Q. Huang, Z. Xu, Publication Number: 368, Year: 2015
Sediment Dynamics from The Summit to The Sea, Author / Editor: Y. Jun Xu et al. Publication
Number: 367, Year: 2014
Hydrological Sciences and Water Security: Past, Present And Future, Author / Editor: C.
Cudennec, S. Demuth, A. Mishra & G. Young, Publication Number: 366, Year: 2015
Complex Interfaces under Change: Sea - River - Groundwater – Lake, Author / Editor: C.
Cudennec, M. Kravchishina, J. Lewandowski, D. Rosbjerg & P. Woodworth, Publication Number:
365, Year: 2014
Evolving Water Resources Systems: Understanding, Predicting and Managing Water-Society
Interactions, Author / Editor: Attilio Castellarin, Serena Ceola, Elena Toth & Alberto Montanari,
Publication Number: 364, Year: 2014
Hydrology in A Changing World: Environmental and Human Dimensions, Author / Editor: T.M.
DANIELL et al. Publication Number: 363, Year: 2014
Considering Hydrological Change in Reservoir Planning and Management, Author / Editor:
Andreas Schumann et al. Publication Number: 362, Year: 2013
Understanding Freshwater Quality Problems in A Changing World, Author / Editor: Berit
Arheimer et al. Publication Number: 361, Year: 2013
Cold And Mountain Region Hydrological Systems Under Climate Change: Towards Improved
Projections, Author / Editor: Alexander Gelfan, Daqing Yang, Yeugeniy Gusev & Harald
Kunstmann, Publication Number: 360, Year: 2013
Climate And Land Surface Changes In Hydrology, Author / Editor: Eva Boegh, E. Blyth, D.M.
Hannah, H. Hisdal, H. Kunstmann, B. Su & Â K. Yilmaz, Publication Number: 359, Year: 2013
Deltas: Landforms, Ecosystems and Human Activities, Author / Editor: Gordon Young &
Gerardo M.E. Perillo, Publication Number: 358, Year: 2013
Floods - From Risk to Opportunity, Author / Editor: A. Chavoshian, K. Takeuchi, Â X. Cheng, E.
Plate, S. Uhlenbrook & N. Wright, Publication Number: 357, Year: 2013
Erosion and Sediment Yields in the Changing Environment, Author / Editor: Adrian L. Collins,
Valentin Golosov, Arthur J. Horowitz, Xixi Lu, Mike Stone, Des E. Walli, Publication Number:
356, Year: 2012
Models - Repositories of Knowledge, Author / Editor: Sascha E. Oswald, Olaf Kolditz & Sabine
Attinger, Publication Number: 355, Year: 2012
Wildfire and Water Quality: Processes, Impacts and Challenges, Author / Editor: Mike Stone,
Adrian Collins & Martin Thoms, Publication Number: 354, Year: 2012
Revisiting Experimental Catchment Studies in Forest Hydrology, Author / Editor: Ashley A.
Webb, Mike Bonell, Leon Bren, Patrick N. J. Lane, Don McGuire, Daniel G. Neary, Publication
Number: 353, Year: 2012
Remote Sensing and Hydrology, Author / Editor: Christopher M. U. Neale & Michael H. Cosh,
Publication Number: 352, Year: 2012
附 4-3:
IAHS(国际水文科学协会) IAHS Special Publication
Leonardo Da Vinci's Water Theory_On the Origin and Fate of Water(Volume: 9), L Pfister, H
Savenije and F Fenicia, Jan 2009
Climate and the Hydrological Cycle(Volume: 8), Marc Bierkens(Editor), AJ Dolman(Editor),
Peter Troch(Editor)
Sep 2008
Hydrology - A Question of Balance(Volume: 7), J Sutcliffe, Dec 2004
The Ecohydrology of South American Rivers and Wetlands(Volume: 6), Dec 2002
The Hydrology of the Nile(Volume: 5), JV Sutcliffe and YP Parks, Dec 1999
Coupling Large-Scale Hydrological and Atmospheric Models(Volume: 3), GA Schultz, M
Nornbogen, P Viterbo and J Noilham, Dec 1995
Use of Suspended Sediment and Associated Trace Elements in Water Quality Studies(Volume: 4),
AJ Horowitz, Dec 1995
Changes in Flood Risk(2012), Zbigniew W. Kundzewicz
Coupling Large-Scale Hydrological and Atmospheric Models(1995), G. A. Schultz, M.
A Methodology for The Assessment of Surface Resistance and Soil Water Storage Variability at
Mesoscale Based on Remote Sensing Measurements: A Case Study with Hapex-Efeda
附 5:http://www.springer.com/series/7009?detailsPage=titles
Water Resources Development and Management 系列(Springer 公司出版)
Series Editors: Biswas, Asit K., Tortajada, Cecilia
ISSN: 1614-810X
Water, Climate Change and Sustainable Development
Biswas, Asit K., Tortajada, Cecilia (Eds.)2016
Society - Water - Technology
A Critical Appraisal of Major Water Engineering Projects
Huettl, R.F., Bens, O., Bismuth, C., Hoechstetter, S. (Eds.)2016
Impacts of Large Dams: A Global Assessment
Tortajada, Cecilia, Altinbilek, Dogan, Biswas, Asit K. (Eds.)2013
Impacts of Large Dams: A Global Assessment
Tortajada, Cecilia, Altinbilek, Dogan, Biswas, Asit K. (Eds.)2012
Global Change: Impacts on Water and food Security
Ringler, Claudia, Biswas, Asit K., Cline, Sarah (Eds.)2010
Water Management in 2020 and Beyond
Biswas, Asit K., Tortajada, Cecilia, Izquierdo-Avino, Rafael (Eds.)2009
Impacts of Megaconferences on the Water Sector
Biswas, Asit K., Tortajada, Cecilia2009
Management of Transboundary Rivers and Lakes
Varis, Olli, Tortajada, Cecilia, Biswas, Asit K. (Eds.)2008
Governance as a Trialogue: Government-Society-Science in
Turton, A.R. (et al.) (Eds.)2007
Water Institutions: Policies, Performance and Prospects
Gopalakrishnan, Chennat, Tortajada, Cecilia, Biswas, Asit K. (Eds.)2005
附 6:
附 6-1: 联合国教科文(UNESCO)组织出版的水文水资源研究报告系列之一
Studies And Reports In Hydrology
http://www.unesco.org/ulis/en/advanced_ search.html
官网页面上目前仅可见到较近的 9 本:
1. Managing Water Resources_ Methods and Tools for a Systems Approach(2009)
2. Water Resources Systems Planning and Management_ An Introduction to Methods, Models and
Applications (2005)
3. Monitoring for Groundwater Management in (Semi-) Arid Regions(1998)
4. Water Resources of Hard Rock Aquifers in Arid and Semi-Arid Zones(1999)
5. Guidelines for Conducting Water Resources Assessment(1998)
6. Hydrology and Water Resources of Small Islands_ A Practical Guide(2005)
7. Limnology and Hydrology of Lake Victoria(1995)
8. Limnology and Hydrology of Lakes Tanganyika and Malawi(1997)
9. Use of Models for River Problems(1993)
附 6-2: 联合国教科文组织(UNESCO)出版的水文水资源研究报告系列之二
Urban Water series - UNESCO-IHP
Urban Pluvial and Coincidental Flooding(2016)
Urban Water Conflicts(2012)
Advanced Simulation and Modelling for Urban Groundwater Management – UGROW(2010)
Integrated Urban Water Management: Humid Tropics(2010)
Integrated Urban Water Management: Arid and Semi-Arid Regions(2009)
Urban Water Security: Managing Risks(2009)
Urban Water in Japan(2008)
Aquatic Habitats in Sustainable Urban Water Management(2007)
Data Requirements for Integrated Urban Water Management(2008)
Urban Water Cycle Processes and Interactions(2008)
More Urban Water: Design and Management of Dutch water cities(2007)
附 6-3: 联合国教科文组织(UNESCO)出版的水文水资源研究报告系列之三
Technical Papers in Hydrology
1.Perennial ice and snow masses. A guide for compilation and assemblage of data for a world
2.Seasonal snow cover. A guide for measurement, compilation and assemblage of data.
3.Variations of existing glaciers. A guide to international practices for their measurement.
4.Antartic glaciology in the International Hydrological Decade.
5.Combined heat, ice and water balances at selected glacier basins. A guide for compilation and
assemblage of data for glacier mass balance measurements.
6.Textbooks on hydrology - analyses and synoptic tables of contents of selected textbooks.
7.Scientific framework of world water balance.
8.Flood studies - an international guide for collection and processing of data.
9.Guide to world inventory of sea, lake, and river ice.
10.Curricula and syllabi in hydrology.
11.Teaching aids in hydrology.
12.Ecology of water weeds in the netropics.
13.The teaching of hydrology.
14.Legends for geohydrochemical maps.
15.Research on urban hydrology, vol. 1.
16.Research on urban hydrology, vol. 2.
17.Hydrological problems arising from the development of energy.
18.Urban hydrological modelling and catchment research, international summary.
19.Remote sensing of snow and ice.
20.Predicting effects of power plant once-through cooling on aquatic systems.
21.Research on urban hydrology, vol. 3.
22.Curricula and syllabi in hydrology.
23.Dispersion and self-purification of pollutants in surface water systems.
24.Experimental facilities in water resources education.
25.Teaching the systems approach to water resources development.
26.Study of the relationship between water quality and sediment transport.
27.Teaching aids in hydrology - Second edition.(1985)
附 7:
IAH has two book series which are produced under the imprint of CRC Press in the
Netherlands, part of the Taylor and Francis Group. IAH books have the common purpose of
spreading the science and knowledge of hydrogeology and are products arising from IAH’s
congresses and meetings, its commissions and networks, as well as a variety of other sources.
Information is gathered from highly respected sources and include case studies, regional
descriptions, analyses of sub-disciplines and outputs from major international programmes.
Selected Papers(系列)
The first series is the Selected Papers, often referred to as the ‘green books’. These are
collections of papers derived from Congress and other meetings which normally, but not always,
were sponsored by IAH. They may also be a collection of papers derived from a programme of
investigation that again need not necessarily have enjoyed direct IAH involvement.
International Contributions to Hydrogeology(系列)
The second series, International Contributions to Hydrogeology, the ‘blue books’, includes
monographs on sub-disciplines of hydrogeology as well as outlets for major international
investigatory programmes and collections of papers within a broad theme of international interest.
附 8:
IWMI publication 国际水资源管理研究所的出版物
大部分可免费下载。IWMI 的所有研究成果和开发的工具都可免费提供给发展中国家,以帮
IWMI 是由 60 个国家、私人组织及国际和地区组织赞助的 15 个国际研究中心的一个。
这些国际研究研中心联合起来就是“国际农业研究磋商小组”(Consultative Group on
International Agricultural Research (CGIAR))。这是个非盈利的组织。
IWMI 的科研成果分发到相关国家及其水资源管理机构,以便其能更好地理解和管理水资
源。IWMI 的研究也给国际农业研究团体在如何利用、测算和评价水资源方面带来了新思路。
IWMI 的一个重要研究内容是研究在水资源日益短缺和各部门用水竞争的形势下,水资源的
IWMI 的大多数研究都综合了经济学家、农学家、水文学家、工程师、社会学家、管理
专家和健康学家等的专业知识。IWMI 的总部位于斯里兰卡,它在印度、巴基斯坦、泰国和
南非设有地区性办公室。在 20 多个国家开展项目研究,包括中国、尼泊尔、菲律宾、印度
国际水资源管理研究所成立于 1984 年,是一家非营利性科研机构,专注于推动农业领
附 9:
The World’s Water——两年一度的报告(Island Press 出版)
Produced biennially, The World's Water is the most comprehensive and up-to-to date source of
information and analysis on freshwater resources. Each new volume examines critical global
trends and offers the best data available on a variety of topics related to water.
Volume 8 features chapters on hydraulic fracturing (fracking), water footprints, sustainable
water jobs, and desalination financing, among other timely issues. Water briefs provide concise
updates on topics including the Dead-Sea and the role of water in the Syrian conflict.
The World's Water is coauthored by MacArthur "genius" Peter H. Gleick and his colleagues at
the world-renowned Pacific Institute. Since the first volume was published in 1998, the series has
become an indispensable resource for professionals in government agencies and nongovernmental
organizations, researchers, students, and anyone concerned with water and its use.
Volume 1: The World’s Water 1998–1999: The Biennial Report on Freshwater Resources
Volume 2: The World’s Water 2000–2001: The Biennial Report on Freshwater Resources
Volume 3: The World’s Water 2002–2003: The Biennial Report on Freshwater Resources
Volume 4: The World’s Water 2004–2005: The Biennial Report on Freshwater Resources
Volume 5: The World’s Water 2006–2007: The Biennial Report on Freshwater Resources
Volume 6: The World’s Water 2008–2009: The Biennial Report on Freshwater Resources
Volume 7: The World’s Water Volume 7: The Biennial Report on Freshwater Resources
Volume 8: The World’s Water Volume 8: The Biennial Report on Freshwater Resources
附 10:
专题报告——水质测量系列(Water Quality Measurements Series)
John Wiley & Sons , Ltd.出版公司
Published Titles in the Water Quality Measurements Series
Hydrological and Limnological Aspects of Lake Monitoring, Edited by Pertti Heinonen, Giuliano
Ziglio and Andre Van der Beken
Quality Assurance for Water Analysis, Edited by Philippe Quevauviller
Detection Methods for Algae, Protozoa and Helminths in Fresh and Drinking Water, Edited by
Andre Van der Beken, Giuliano Ziglio and Franca Palumbo
Analytical Methods for Drinking Water: Advances in Sampling and Analysis, Edited by Philippe
Biological Monitoring of Rivers: Applications and Perspectives, Edited by Giuliano Ziglio,
Maurizio Siligardi and Giovanna Flaim
Wastewater Quality Monitoring and Treatment, Edited by Philippe Quevauviller, Olivier Thomas
and Andre Van der Berken
The Water Framework Directive – Ecological and Chemical Status Monitoring, Edited by
Philippe Quevauviller, Ulrich Borchers, Clive Thompson and Tristan Simonart
Rapid Chemical and Biological Techniques for Water Monitoring, Edited by Catherine Gonzalez,
Richard Greenwood and Philippe Quevauviller
Groundwater Monitoring, Edited by Philippe Quevauviller, A M Fouillac, D J Grath and R Ward
Forthcoming Titles in the Water Quality Measurements Series
Chemical Marine Monitoring: Policy Framework and Analytical Trends, Edited by Philippe
Quevauviller, Patrick Roose and Gert Vereet
附 11:https://www.crcpress.com/water-science-engineering
CRC PressWater Science & Engineering
(CRC 出版社“水科学与工程”领域的书籍出版物)
Water Science and Engineering explores the earth’s complex water systems, focusing on
the movement, distribution, and quality of water, as well as the problems, principles, and
processes involved with water and waste water management. This field of study involves the
entire water cycle, from sourced drinking water, to treated and discharged waste water, to
maintaining and enhancing river and ground water. It covers drinking water, ground water,
hydrogeology, hydrology, wetlands, storm water, surface water, waste water, water pollution, and
water resources management and is concerned with ensuring the safety of public water systems.
附 12:Comprehensive Assessment of Water Management in Agriculture Series
(CAB International 出版公司的“农业水管理综合评估系列”书籍)
Volume 1. Water Productivity in Agriculture: Limits and Opportunities for Improvement, Edited
by Jacob W. Kijne, Randolph Barker and David Molden
Volume 2. Environment and Livelihoods in Tropical Coastal Zones: Managing Agriculture–
Fishery–Aquaculture Conflicts, Edited by Chu Thai Hoanh, To Phuc Tuong, John W. Gowing and
Bill Hardy
Volume 3. The Agriculture Groundwater Revolution: Opportunities and Threats to Development,
Edited by Mark Giordano and Karen G. Villholth
Volume 4. Irrigation Water Pricing: The Gap Between Theory and Practice, Edited by François
Molle and Jeremy Berkoff
Volume 5. Community-based Water Law and Water Resource Management Reform in
Developing Countries, Edited by Barbara van Koppen, Mark Giordano and John Butterworth
Volume 6. Conserving Land, Protecting Water, Edited by Deborah Bossio and Kim Geheb
Volume 7. Rainfed Agriculture: Unlocking the Potential, Edited by Suhas P. Wani, Johan
Rockström and Theib Oweis
Volume 8. River Basin Trajectories: Societies, Environments and Development, Edited by
François Molle and Philippus Wester
Volume 9. Tropical Deltas and Coastal Zones: Food Production, Communities and
Environment at the Land–Water Interface, Edited by Chu T. Hoanh, Brian W. Szuster, Kam
Suan-Pheng, Abdelbagi M. Ismail and Andrew D. Noble
附 13:
Water Resource Publications, LLC 公司的出版目录
ACQUIRING WATER for ENERGY: Institutional Aspects, Edited by G. Weatherford, K.
Nardi, F. Osterhoudt & F. Roach
This book provides basic information about the legal, political and social constraints faced by
energy developers in the acquisition of water (institutional constraints). ISBN 0-918339-42-X.
Publ. 1982 WRP.
The aim of this book is to focus attention on the management side of solid waste management.
It is written for the practicing professional and students in the solid waste field. Most of the
concepts presented are equally applicable to private and public waste managers. Three major
management issues facing waste managers were addressed: l. How to manage employees
effectively. 2. How to interface with the public effectively. 3. How to manage financial resources
effectively. ISBN 0-918334-79-9. Publ. 1992 WRP.
ADVANCES IN DISTRIBUTED HYDROLOGY (Selected papers from the International
Workshop organized by ISMES),
edited by R. Rosso, A. Peano, I. Becchi, and G. A. Bemporad
The International Workshop on Advances in Distributed Hydrology held in Bergamo (Italy) on
June 25-26, 1992, was organized to provide a forum for exchanging of views on all aspects of the
analysis and modeling of spatially variable hydrologic processes. This collection of papers
provides a comprehensive review of the present advances in distributed hydrologic modeling, and
it also indicates some perspectives for both improving the present capability of modeling spatially
variable hydrologic processes, and properly approaching hydrologic design and water resources
management by using a spatially distributed approach. ISBN 0-918334-81-0. Publ. 1994 WRP.
Edited by T. Younos
This book, successfully used as a textbook, discusses important current issues in Water
Monitoring Science & Research, Policy, Information Transfer, and Technological Advances - used
successfully as a textbook. ISBN 13: 978-1-887201-33-9: ISBN 10: 1-887201-33-5. Publ. 2002
Edited by
L.W. Shen and H. Kikkawa
Bilateral U.S. Japan Seminar. Contents: data collection and analysis, watershed sediment yields,
alluvial bed forms, sediment transport, dispersion and diffusion of sediment, secondary flows,
debris flows, channel geometry, meandering and braiding, reservoir sedimentation, mathematical
models, coastal sediment process, coastal structures and shorelines. ISBN 0-918334-31-4. Publ.
1980 WRP.
Michael Kasenow,
This third edition of Dr. Kasenow's highly acclaimed first & second editions, successfully used
as a textbook by major unversity, provides review and application in regard to the mechanics of
ground-water flow and aquifer analysis. Using common language and carefully constructed
illustrations, this book has been written for those who think visually. The mathematics have been
enhanced and thoroughly demonstrated through the use of many solved example problems that do
not skip essential steps in the solution process. Chapters in the first half of the book emphasize
ground-water hydrology. The second half of the book details aquifer analysis, a subject extremely
important to almost every aspect of the ground-water industry. ISBN -13: 978-1-887201-62-9;
ISBN - 10: 1-887201-62-9. (Previously Published: ISBN -13: 978-1-887201-62-9; ISBN - 10:
1-887201-62-9. Publ. 2011 WRP.
Proceedings of the Int. Symposium on Rainfall-Runoff Modeling, May 1981, Mississippi,
U.S.A. Contains 31 papers in six sections: Modeling of catchment hydrology, Evaluation of
watershed models, Application of catchment models, Application in urban environment, and
Remote sensing applications. ISBN 0-918334-43-8. Publ. 1982 WRP.
by J.D. Salas, J.W. Delleur, V.
Yevjevich, & W.L. Lane
This monograph represents a bridge between theory and practice in modeling hydrologic time
series. Step-by-step procedures for modeling univariate and multivariate time series, such as AR,
ARMA, ARIMA and disaggregation models, accompanied by examples of applications. ISBN
0-918334-37-3. Reprinted 1988 WRP.
APPLIED SURFACE HYDROLOGY, Edited by Ö. Starosolszky
This book gives practical knowledge to hydrologists based on sound theoretical principles.
ISBN 0-918334-60-8. Publ. 1987 WRP.
Anthony, M.D. Harvey, J.B. Laronne, M.P. Mosley
This book, successfully used as a textbook, is an important addition to any library about the
workings and restoration of the world’s rivers. This book contains papers on basic research and
practical dealings with Fluvial systems •• Sediment •• Chemical pollution •• Fish habitat ••
Severely impacted channels. ISBN 13: 978-1887201-29-2; ISBN 10: 1-887201-29-7. Publ. 2002
by Michael Kasenow,
Ph.D. and Paul Pare
This book, successfully used as a textbook, estimates aquifer parameters using a variety of
methods including: Theis time, distance-drawdown and recovery methods, time,
distance-drawdown and recovery regression analysis solutions, Hantush inflection point method,
steady-state and specific capacity solutions. The program provides solutions and results including:
step-drawdown, well efficiency, capture zones, and the ability to model a pump test. ISBN 13:
978-0-918334-94-7; ISBN 10: 9-18334-94-2. Publ. 1996 WRP.
AQUIFER TEST DATA: Analysis and Evaluation,
by M. Kasenow
Includes Easy to Use Tables of Specific Capacity and Easy to Use Theisian Tables in pdf format
on CD
This is a condensed version from the book Applied Ground-Water Hydrology and Well
Hydraulics (2nd edition), with additional information and more equations added to better access
aquifer test data in the field, in the office, or in the classroom. It is an easy read and a must for any
ground-water consultant's library. ISBN-13: 978-1-8872014-14-1; ISBN-10: 1-887201-41-6.
Reprinted 2010 WRP.
by K. Stelczer
Seven chapters on definition of bed-load transport, factors affecting bed-load movement, critical
number of formulae proposed for bed-load transport and associated variables. ISBN
0-918334-39-X. Publ. 1981 WRP.
BRIDGE SCOUR - NOW INCLUDES CD-ROM: Evaluating Scour at Bridges,
by Bruce
Melville and Stephen Coleman
This book, successfully used as a textbook, covers the description of, analysis of, and design for
scour at bridge foundations. The central focus is the combination of old and new design methods
into a comprehensive methodology for bridge-scour design. The book is based upon an extensive
summary of existing research results and design experience, such material not being previously
adequately collated. The book serves as both a handy reference text and also a manual for the
practicing bridge designers. ISBN 13: 978-1-887201-18-6;ISBN 10: 1-887201-18-1. Publ. 1999
Fifteen papers were selected from those presented at the International Conference for
Centennial of Manning's Formula and Kuichling's Rational Formula. They are arranged in the
following order: The first one is a conceptual challenge. The next four are concerned with the
rational method. The next three papers deal with runoff coefficient. The following three deal with
overland flow and finally, the last four papers are on rainfall-runoff modeling. ISBN
0-918334-71-3. Publ. 1991 Editor.
by B.C. Yen
Twenty papers selected and revised from those presented at the International Conference for
Centennial of Manning's Formula and Kuichling's Rational Formula, plus one state-of-art review
are arranged in the following order: The first eight concern the fundamental aspects and historical
background of flow resistance. The next four papers deal with steep and gravel channels and the
third group of six papers are on composite and compound channels. Finally, the last three papers
give a glimpse on the significance of resistance in unsteady flow routing which is a currently
fashionable subject. ISBN-13: 978-0-918334-72-5; ISBN-10: 0-918334-72-1. Publ. 1991 Editor.
CHANNEL DESIGN AND FLOW ANALYSIS + computer program, by James Guo
This book emphasizes channel designs and channel performance evaluations. All examples are
illustrated through the application of the computer software package. This software package not
only gives technical information but is also a technical tool. ISBN-13: 978-1-887201-09-4. Publ.
CLOSED-CONDUIT FLOW, Edited by M.H. Chaudhry & V. Yevjevich
17 chapters on: head losses, cavitation, pipe networks, transport of solid-liquid mixtures,
unsteady flow, surge control, air entrainment, two phase flows, cooling-water systems, case
studies, incidents, accidents and failures, valve stroking, gates and valves, pumps and pump
intakes, and hydraulic models of closed-conduit flows. ISBN 0-918334-41-1. Publ. 1981 WRP.
COASTAL HYDROLOGY AND PROCESSES From the AIH 25th Anniversary Meeting &
International Conference on "Challenges in Coastal Hydrology and Water Quality",
by V. P. Singh and Y. Jun Xu
This book contains 41 papers in seven sections reflecting various aspects of coastal
environment and water quality. Section 1 deals with coastal water pollution which has received
considerable attention in recent decades. Section 2 looks at saltwater intrusion which is of
fundamental importance for the management of coastal aquifers. Section 3 covers coastal water
eutrophication. This subject takes on an added significance in light of growing hypoxia due to
nutrient enrichment in the Gulf of Mexico. Section 4 deals with best management practices
currently being employed for water quality management. Taken together, these first four sections
constitute the building blocks for water quality modeling, which is the subject of Section 5.
Extending this discussion further, Section 6 encompasses coastal ecology, wetlands and
environment. In conclusion, Section 7 presents some of the impacts of hurricanes Katrina and Rita.
ISBN-13: 978-1-887201-46-9; ISBN-10: 1-887201-46-7. Publ. 2006 WRP.
Meeting & International Conference on "Challenges in Coastal Hydrology and Water Quality",
Edited by Y. Jun Xu and V. P. Singh
This book contains 41 papers in seven sections reflecting various aspects of coastal
environment and water quality. Section 1 deals with coastal water pollution which has received
considerable attention in recent decades. Section 2 looks at saltwater intrusion which is of
fundamental importance for the management of coastal aquifers. Section 3 covers coastal water
eutrophication. This subject takes on an added significance in light of growing hypoxia due to
nutrient enrichment in the Gulf of Mexico. Section 4 deals with best management practices
currently being employed for water quality management. Taken together, these first four sections
constitute the building blocks for water quality modeling, which is the subject of Section 5.
Extending this discussion further, Section 6 encompasses coastal ecology, wetlands and
environment. In conclusion, Section 7 presents some of the impacts of hurricanes Katrina and Rita.
ISBN-13: 978-1-887201-47-6; ISBN-10: 1-887201-47-5. Publ. 2006 WRP.
HARDCOVER EDITION, Edited by Vijay P. Singh
US $115, Hardcover Reprinted 2012 Book, 1144 pages + CD with 13 compatible modeling
programs, Cat. No. CMWHN
Due to popular demand, this book has been reprinted in hardcover. A wide variety of models
that together span a range of characteristics, were included. Some of those models represent a
large class of models, some comprehensive, some applicable to not only civil works but also to
agricultural, range and forest, and nonpoint source pollution field; some equipped with the GIS
and remote sensing capability, and some a large cross-section of models from around the world.
(Previously Published: ISBN-13: 978-0-918334-91-6; ISBN-10: 0-918334-91-8). Reprinted 2012
WRP, ISBN -13: 978-1-887201-74-2; ISBN - 10: 1-887201-74-2.
CONCEPTS OF WATERSHED HYDROLOGY: An Auto-tutorial Nutshell Course,
By Peter
Black, PHD
US $35, SC, 30 pp, 1 CD-ROM, Cat. No. CWH
This animated and audio Short Course is an excellent visual for all professionals involved in
watershed and its management, a must for libraries geared toward engineering and environmental
technology. ISBN 1-887201-36-X. Publ. P. E. Black 2002.
COPING WITH DROUGHTS, Edited by V. Yevjevich, L. da Cunha & E. Vlachos
US $58, SC, 450 pp, Cat. No. CWD
This book has been successfully used as a textbook. Chapters: 1. Drought, environment and
society; 2. Drought characteristics; 3. Drought impacts; 4. Strategies and measures for coping with
droughts; 5. Use of new and existing water supplies for coping with drought; 6. Demand oriented
measures; 7. Managing environmental aspects of agricultural droughts, Australian experience; 8.
Institutional adjustments and modifications; 9. Drought cases describing nature and impacts of
droughts; 10. Reactive or crisis management cases; and 11. Proactive or risk management cases
(total of 12 cases in Chapters 10 and 11). ISBN 0-918334-52-7. Publ. 1984 WRP.
by Branislav Djordjevic
US $94, HC, 641 pp, Cat. No. CWRM
This book will appeal to a wide circle of readers interested in water resources and the associated
environmental problems. The unique merit of this book is that it covers in an accessible form
virtually all sides of a multi-faced and multi-disciplinary subject. The main goal of this book is to
explain the complexity of water management and the importance of right decisions at the right
times. Key Contents:Science of Planning Water Resources Systems as a Branch of Cybernetics -Managing Complex Water Resources Systems -- Mathematical Modeling for Management of
Water Resources Systems -- Simulation Models for System Control -- Water Resources Systems
Optimization: Techniques and Applications -- Application of Estimators in Solving of Water
Resources Systems Control Problems -- Information Systems within Water Resources Systems.
ISBN 0-918334-82-9. Publ. 1994 WRP.
Edited by T.E.
Unny and E.A. McBean
US $54, HC, 612 pp, Cat. No. DMH
Proceedings of Int. Symposium on Real-Time Operation of Hydrosystems, June 1981, Waterloo,
Ontario, Canada. Contains 32 papers in four sections: Human factors and risk evaluation,
Optimization procedures, Models for input data, and Real-time forecasting of input data. ISBN
0-918334-50-0. Publ. 1982 WRP.
by T.G. Sanders, J.C.
Loftis, T.D. Steele, D. D. Adrian, & V. Yevjevich
US $60, HC, 336 pp, Cat. No. DNM
This book has been successfully used as both a textbook in university classes and for general
seminars. Chap. 1- introduction. Chap. 2 discusses the monitoring network design problems. Chap.
3 provides statistical background. Chaps. 4, 5 and 6 deal with where, how often, and what to
sample, for data analysis. Chap. 7 summarizes the text with a step-by-step review of the network
design principles. ISBN 13: 0-918334-51-0; ISBN 10: 0-918334-51-9. Reprinted WRP.
DESIGN OF SMALL CANAL STRUCTURES 1978 Enhanced and Legible Version,
by A. J.
Aisenbrey, Jr., R. B. Hayes, H. J. Warren, D. L. Winsett, R. B. Young (Bureau of Reclamation)
US $95, SPB, 457 pp, Cat. No. DSCS
100+ FIGURES reworked extensively for legibility -- 15 FIGURES expanded to 3 pages for
easy viewing - copies of these original 15 figures included in the appendix.
This publication, successfully used as a textbook, illustrates the application of canal structures
having design discharge capacities up to 100 cubic feet per second.
DESIGN OF SMALL DAMS - Third Edition, 1987
US $183, 904 pp, Spiralbound ONLY, Cat. No. DSD
The purpose of this third edition has been changed in scope and intent from that of the second
edition. The title Design of Small Dams has been retained even though some of the information in
the third edition relates to large dams. Many of the theoretical concepts presented can be applied
to large or small structures. Printed 1987 USDI (USBR).
by Michael Kasenow, Ph.D.
US $68, Softcover, 179 pp, plus Computer Program, Cat. No. DAP2
Pump test evaluation is tedious and subjective when completed by hand. This computer
program provides theory and application for the solution of pump test data using the Cooper-Jacob
method along with array and regression analysis. Linear regression analysis offers the advantage
of removing subjective interpretation. Array analysis offers the convenience of regression analysis,
but with a visual inspection of the solution process. Array analysis has been coupled with
regression analysis in the computer program included with this monograph, to offer fast and easy
solutions for the analysis of pump test data. ISBN 1-887201-16-5. Publ. 1994 WRP.
GRAIN-SIZE COMPOSITION, by Milan Vukovic and Andjelko Soro –
86 pp in pdf format plus Computer Data on CD-ROM
Monograph presents practical methods on how to determine the hydraulic conductivity for the
granulometric curves. It presents the general aspects of this problem, with the theoretical
background. Then the presentation and analysis of the ten characteristic empirical formulas
follows, with an analysis of the basic parameters in empirical formulas for determination of
hydraulic conductivity of porous media. Then a comparative analysis of these formulas, including
the reliability of computed conductivity is given. The appendix contains the program MVASKF
for the computation of hydraulic conductivity. ISBN 0-918334-77-2. Publ. 1992 WRP.
plus Grain Size Analysis computer program-Windows98™ compatible, by Michael Kasenow,
US $110, SPB, 196 pp, Publ. 2002, SCS Cat. No. GSA/DHC
This book gives both practical and applicable methods on how to determine the hydraulic
conductivity for the grain-size curves. It is a useful tool in estimating the hydraulic conductivity of
aquifers when the budget for an aquifer test is cost prohibitive. In order to complete this task in a
comprehensive manner, this book establishes the relationship between the hydraulic conductivity
of the porous media and the fluid properties of water. This edition includes the WRP Classic
Resource by Miland Vukovic and Andjelko Soro entitled Determination of Hydraulic
Conductivity of Porous Media from Grain-Size Composition in the appendix. This book and the
computer program are useful for coarse-grain, aquifer material (sands and gravels). (Previously
Published: ISBN-13: 978-1-887201-31-5; ISBN-10: 1-887201-31-9). ISBN -13: 9781887201582.
Reprinted 2011 WRP.
US $58, HC, 225 pp, Cat. No. DGP
Research on Impacts and Strategies.of droughts in the Great Plains, by identifying and
prioritizing research needs to provide information in preparation of a regional strategy. ISBN
0-918334-34-9. Publ. 1980 WRP.
DROUGHT RESEARCH NEEDS, Edited by V. Yevjevich, W.A. Hall & J.D. Salas
US $58, HC, 288 pp, Cat. No. DRN
Results of Conference on Drought Research Needs, Fort Collins, Colorado U.S.A., 1977,
containing descriptions of 127 research topics. ISBN 0-918334-26-8.Publ. 1979 WRP.
by Michael Kasenow, Ph.D. US $22,
Cat. No. EUTSC
The tables have been developed to facilitate an easy field by which transmissivity could be
estimated using drawdown measured from a production well for both confined and unconfined
aquifers utilizing both small diameter and larger diameter production well parameters.
EASY TO USE THEISIAN TABLES ~2nd Edition with Applications, by Michael Kasenow,
Ph.D. US $22, Cat. No. EUTT
These tables, developed to facilitate an easy method to determine Theisian correction factors, µ
and W(µ), for simple ground-water modeling, contain over 1300 pairs of matching µ and W(µ)
values. These values are required in the Theis solution to estimate discharge, drawdown, pumping
time, observation distance, limit of the transient cone of depression, and specific capacity, when
transmissivity and the storage coefficient can be estimated or are known.
J.R. Nuckols, R. Reyes, and M. Ward
US $62, 476 pp, SC, Cat. No. EEHS
This book contains forty two papers from the International Symposium on Environmental
Engineering and Health Sciences: A Joint Effort for the XXI Century that was organized to
provide a forum for the interdisciplinary exchange of views on all aspects of these sciences. The
papers addressed issues concerning environmental engineering and health sciences. ISBN 13:
1-887201-17-9; ISBN 10: 1-887201-17-3 Publ. 2000 WRP.
ENVIRONMENTAL MODELING, Edited by Vijay P. Singh, Il Won Seo, and Jung H. Sonu
US $62, HC, 456 pp, Cat. No. EMSINGH
This book contains seven sections encompassing major aspects of environmental and ecosystem
modeling. Beginning with a discussion of water quality in the first section, the papers go on to
discuss water quality monitoring in Section 2, water pollution in Section 3, municipal landfills and
underground storage in Section 4, wastewater treatment in Section 5, ecosystem modeling in
Section 6, and environmental risk in Section 7. ISBN 13: 978-1-887201-23-0; ISBN 10:
1-887201-23-8. Publ. 1999 WRP.
by Michael
Kasenow, Ph.D. ( Previously published under the title ANALYSIS AND DESIGN OF
STEP-DRAWDOWN TESTS - ISBN: 9781887201155.)
US $68, 156 pp, Softbound, plus Computer Program, Cat. No. STP
This book provides in-depth knowledge, examples, and instruction in the use of current
step-drawdown analytical methods, including solutions that can confirm results. The program
solves for aquifer loss, well loss, specific capacity, transmissivity and more. ISBN-13:
978-1-88701-02-5; ISBN-10: 1-887201-15-7. Publ. 1999 WRP.
by G.E. Radosevich
US $45, HC, 280 pp, Cat. No. EACWL
Comprehensive treatment of water law in Colorado. A brief history and its relationships to other
water law doctrines in U.S.A., water rights acquisition in Colorado, nature of property right
acquired and ways in which the right may be lost or impaired. ISBN 0-918334-12-8. Reprinted
1985 WRP.
by Donald Gray
US $82, Hardcover, 500pp, Cat. No. FCFM
Successfully used as a textbook by major universities, this book is based on over twenty years
of classroom experience, this book is intended as a text for a one semester introduction to fluid
mechanics for students of civil engineering and related fields such as environmental and
agricultural engineering. Although intentionally shorter than most other introductory fluid
mechanics textbooks, this book is characterized by distinctive features which make it particularly
suitable for its intended audience. ISBN -13: 978-1-887201-11-7; ISBN - 10: 1-887201-11-4.
Reprinted 2011 WRP.
FLOOD HYDROLOGY MANUAL, by Arthur G. Cudworth, Jr.
US $45, 258 pp, SC, Cat. No. FHM
This manual concentrates on three major technical aspects of flood hydrology: (1)
hydrometeorology related to probable maximum precipitation determinations, (2) probable
maximum flood hydrograph determinations, and (3) statistics and probabilities relating to the
magnitude and frequency of flood flows. Reprinted 3rd edition 1992, USDI (USBR).
FLOODS AND DROUGHTS: The New Zealand Experience, edited by M. Paul Mosley and
Charles P. Pearson for the New Zealand Hydrological Society
US $50, Soft Cover, 206 pp, Cat. No. FDNZ
This book summarizes the wealth of observation and analysis of floods and droughts in New
Zealand. ISBN 13: 978-0-473-04735-1; ISBN 10: 0-473-04735-7.
US $56, SC, 266 pp, plus Computer Program, Cat. No. FRAH
This book describes some methods currently used to apply frequency analysis techniques to
hydrological data in order to provide planners and engineers with figures that they can use in
practice to reduce the losses caused by flood and drought. ISBN-13: 978-1-887201-64-0.
by B. Bobée and F. Ashkar
US $54, SC, 218 pp, Cat. No. GFDD
Chapt. 1 discusses the steps to be followed in a hydrologic frequency analysis, Chapt. 2 shows
how this system is derived, Chapt. 3 discusses the moments of the different distributions, Chapt. 4
treats the SP and G1 distributions from which all members of the P-LP-GG group are derived,
Chapt. 5 - 8 give important distributions for fitting hydrologic data (G2, P, LP, GG), and Chapt. 9
gives some practical recommendations for choosing a statistical distribution/fitting technique from
a set of alternatives. ISBN 0-918334-68-3. Publ. 1990 WRP.
by B. Bobée and F. Ashkar
US $85, Cat. No. CGFDD - Program HFA on CD-ROM
Both the book and the computer program - US $ 110
Robert L. Beschta, Paul D. Komar, and Jeffrey B. Bradley
US $95, Hard Cover, 864 pp, Cat. No. GBR
This is the fourth "Gravel-Bed Rivers Workshop" publication. Beginning in 1980 and held at
five-year intervals, these workshops have brought together leading international researchers to
present and discuss new results, concepts and state-of-the-art methods to analyze fluvial processes
in and manage gravel-bed rivers. The fourth workshop was held at Gold Bar, Washington, near the
dynamic Skykomish River and strikingly beautiful Cascade Mountains. Workshop papers and
discussions are published to document new concepts and ideas for broad use by those who study,
manage or have general interests in rivers. ISBN 13: 978-1-887201-13-1, ISBN 10:
1-887201-13-0. Publ. 1999 WRP.
Edited by M. Paul Mosley
US $95, Hard Cover, 642 pp, Cat. No. GBR5
This is the fifth publication from "Gravel-Bed Rivers Workshop". It discusses almost every
conceivable aspect of the fascinating behavior of rivers and their management. ISBN
GROUNDWATER DYNAMICS, by Milan Vukovic and Andjelko Soro
US $95, 544 pp, HC, plus Computer Program, Cat. No. GWD
This book provides a simpler approach to solving even the most complex problems involving
groundwater flow. The text includes 118 stated and solved problems from actual practice. These
problems are used to present the fundamental laws of groundwater flow under steady conditions.
Each stated problem also includes the approach to solving the problem, starting with a physical
model and encompassing the computational model, application of appropriate mathematically
formulated laws governing the flow, as well as the required solution. ISBN 1-887201-01-7. Publ.
1997 WRP.
US $45, 84 pp, SPB, Cat. No. SMGWD
The Solution Manual includes 131 given problems and solutions. ISBN 1-887201-03-3. Publ.
1997 WRP.
GROUND WATER MANUAL, US $95, 693 pp, SC, Cat. No. GWM
This is a guide to field personnel in the more practical aspects and commonly encountered
problems of ground-water investigations, development, and management.
Information is presented concerning such aspects as ground-water occurrence and movement,
well-aquifer relationships, ground-water investigations, aquifer test analyses, estimating aquifer
yield, data collection, and geophysical investigations. Reprinted 2nd edition 1995, USDI USBR.
by D.B. McWhorter & D.K. Sunada
US $58, HC, 304 pp, Cat. No. GWHH
Successfully used as a textbook, this book is an outgrowth of a course in groundwater
hydrology and hydraulics taught for seniors and first-year graduate students in agricultural and
chemical engineering, civil engineering, geology, and watershed science. The book is designed for
use as a text. The emphasis on basic physical and mathematical concepts should be found useful to
professional hydrologists and geohydrologists. A solid background in fundamentals and a
thorough understanding of groundwater phenomena in idealized cases contributes immeasurably
to imaginative and successful analysis, synthesis, and solution of field problems. Selection and
presentation of the subject material has been influenced by authors of similar books and former
This text is excellent for seniors or first-year graduate students. Emphasis is on basic physical
and mathematical concepts with 52 examples, 145 problems and study questions. ISBN -13:
978-1-887201-61-2; ISBN - 10: 1-887201-61-0. (Previously Published: ISBN-13:
978-0-918334-18-3; ISBN-10: 0-918334-18-7). Reprinted 2010. WRP.
GROUNDWATERS OF NEW ZEALAND, Edited by Michael R. Rosen and Paul A. Whitefor
the New Zealand Hydrological Society
US $85, Hard Cover, 512 pp, Cat. No. GNZ
This book summarizes the wealth of observation and analysis of floods and droughts in New
Zealand.ISBN 13: 978-0-473-07816-4; ISBN 10: 0-473-07816-3.
by L. I. Ivicsics
US $45, HC, 310 pp, Cat. No. HM
Basic concepts with details on hydraulic models with fundamental principles and concepts of
hydraulic modeling closely related to hydraulic engineering practice. ISBN 0-918334-38-1.
Reprinted 1980 WRP.
HYDRAULIC MODELING, Edited by Vijay P. Singh, Il Won Seo, and Jung H. Sonu
US $52, HC, 284pp, Cat. No. HMSINGH
This book contains four sections encompassing major aspects of environmental hydraulic
modeling. Beginning a discussion of turbulent flow in the first section, the papers go on to discuss
channel flow modeling in Section 2, scour and sedimentation in Section 3, and pollutant transport
in Section 4. ISBN 1-887201-22-X. Publ. 1999 WRP.
by Fuat Sentürk
US $110, HC, 814 pp, Cat. No. HOD
This book is prepared so that it can be used in universities and in professional applications by
students and engineers. For solving a hydraulic problem, different ways are suggested by different
researchers and competent professionals, these solutions are detailed in the book. The comparison
of the results are reported in the problems following each chapter. The book describes the
hydraulics of flowing water from its inflow in the reservoir, its traveling in the reservoir and over
the spillway, then in the downstream channel up to a control section. ISBN 13: 978-0-918334-80-0;
ISBN 10: 0-918334-80-2. Reprinted 2011 WRP.
PROBLEM SOLUTION MANUAL: Hydraulics of Dams and Reservoirs,
by Fuat Sentürk
US $60, SC, 304 pp, Cat. No. SMHOD
This solution manual covers the entire field of hydraulics of dams, from the approach condition
of the flow to the spillway up to a check point in the downstream natural water course, plus
solving all the problems included in the book Hydraulics of Dams and Reservoirs, to aid
understanding the engineering application of theoretical approaches. ISBN 13: 978-0-918334-90-9;
ISBN 10: 0-918334-90-X. Reprinted 2010WRP.
US $75, SC, 524 pp, Cat. No. HST
by W.H. Graf
This book has been successfully used by major universities as their textbook. Part 1: Short
History of Sediment Transport; Part 2 deals with the Hydrodynamics of Fluid-Particle Systems;
Part 3 is concerned with the Sediment Transport in Open Channels; and Part 4 describes the
Sediment Transport in Closed Pipes. ISBN -13: 978-1-887201-57-5; ISBN - 10: 1-887201-57-2.
(Previously Published: ISBN-13: 978-0-918334-56-5; ISBN-10: 0-918334-56-X). Reprinted 2011
by Milan Vukovic and Andjelko Soro
US $94, HC, 368 pp, plus Computer Program, Cat. No. HWW
By designing, testing and studying more than 1000 wells, the authors have gained extensive
experience, primarily in the area of solving problems related to well hydraulics. This book
presents modern approaches to problems encountered during concept generation, construction and
use of the wells. Numerous examples are given with the objective of how to optimize construction
and use of production wells. The subject matter is presented in four parts: Theoretical Background;
Evaluation of Tests and Production Pumpage Data; Design and Production Problems of Tube
Wells; Case Studies of Tests and Production Pumping. ISBN 0-918334-76-4. Publ. 1992 WRP.
Kasenow, Ph.D.
US $55, SPB, 454 pp, Cat. No. BOG
This book provides information obtained from a three year investigation of the physical and
chemical mechanics occurring within that often mysterious but beautiful environment - a northern
bog. ISBN 0-918334-96-9. Publ. 1995 WRP.
US $65, SPB, 148 pp, plus Computer Program, Cat. No. HAC
This book describes some of the techniques that the author has found useful in many different
parts of the world. ISBN 0-918334-69-1. Publ. 1991 WRP.
HYDROLOGIC MODELING, Edited by Vijay P. Singh, Il Won Seo, and Jung H. Sonu
US $58, HC, 454pp, Cat. No. HLMSINGH
This book contains six sections encompassing major aspects of surface and subsurface water
hydrology. Beginning with rainfall modeling in the first section, the papers go on to discuss
channel network characteristics in Section 2, streamflow modeling in Section 3, frequency and
risk analysis in Section 4, subsurface and ground water modeling in Section 5 and solute transport
in porous media in Section 6. ISBN 1-887201-21-1.Publ. 1999 WRP.
HYDROLOGY AND HYDRAULICS, edited by Vijay P. Singh
US $150, HC, 1098pp, Cat. No. HHSINGH
This book is both a tribute to Professor Rao and a state-of-the-art text concerning certain
aspects of hydrologic past, present, and future. Specialists and experts from all parts of the world,
including both developed and developing countries contributed to this publication. This book will
be of interest to researchers and consultants. ISBN-13: 978-188720152-0. Publ. 2008 WRP.
Edited by J. A. Raynal
US $54, HC, 480 pp, Cat. No. HWRE
The International Symposium on Hydrology and Water Resources Education and Training: The
Challenges to Meet at the Turn of the XXl Century, was organized to provide a forum for the
interdisciplinary exchange of views on all aspects of the education and training in hydrology and
water resources. ISBN 0-918334-73-X. Publ. 1992 WRP.
by Larry Mays and
Yeou-Koung Tung
US $68, SC, 550 pp, Cat. No. HEAM
Originally published from the McGraw-Hill Water Resources and Environmental Engineering
This book is an excellent textbook for water resources engineering and management studies.
ISBN -13: 978-1-887201-32-2; ISBN - 10: 1-887201-32-7. Reprinted WRP.
by S.A. Schumm,
M.D. Harvey & C.C.Watson
US $58, SC, 208 pp, Cat. No. IC
Content: Fluvial systems behavior; Drainage network rejuvenation; Gullies; Entrenched streams;
Entrenched channels of Northern Mississippi; Channels; summary and applications. ISBN - 13:
978-1-887201-64-3; ISBN - 10: 1-887201-64-5. (Previously Published: ISBN-13:
978-0-918334-53-4; ISBN-10: 0-918334-53-5). Publ. 1984 WRP.
GOVERNANCE, by Jan Adamowski, Cory Zyla, Eduardo Ganem Cuenca, Wietske Medema,
Murray Clamen, Paul Reig
US $95, 224 pp, HC, full color graphic, images, and charts, Cat. No. IAW
This book provides a broad overview of the most important and emerging concepts,
frameworks, methods and tools in the areas of water resources planning, management and
governance. ISBN 978-1-887201-81-0 2014, WRP.
INTRODUCTION TO AQUIFER ANALYSIS - 4th Edition, by Michael Kasenow, Ph.D.
Computer Program by Michael Kasenow, Ph.D. and Paul Pare
US $85, 320 pp, SC, Cat. No. IAA
Successfully used as a textbook, this book presents the conventional solution methods using
common language and carefully constructed illustrations. It is an excellent teaching tool and a
reference: a teaching tool for students new to the hydrogeological sciences; and a reference for
engineers who need quick and easy access to information. The mathematics are successfully
explained through the use of illustrations. The computer program is included to help with the
learning process and can be used to evaluate aquifer test data and confirm the newer methods. This
is a powerful package that should be in the library of any ground-water scientist. ISBN
1-887201-06-8. Publ. 1997, WRP.
by G.
Skogerboe and G. P. Merkley
US $68, HC, 368 pp, Cat. No. IMOL
Successfully, used as a textbook, this publication provides sensible and practical guidelines and
procedures for improved maintenance and operations of conveyance and distribution systems for
irrigation water. ISBN 0-918334-92-6. Publ. 1996 WRP.
IRRIGATION FUNDAMENTALS, An Applied Technology Text for Teaching Irrigation at the
Intermediate Level,
by George H. Hargreaves and Gary P. Merkley
US $68, HC, 198 pp, Cat. No. IF
Successfully, used as a textbook, this book is a very comprehensive text on the principals and
practices of irrigated agriculture. Various factors that influence crop yield and production
including climate, fertility, water, drainage, and agronomic practices are addressed. A chapter on
soils includes evaluation, classification, and soil water relationships as well as instructions on
resource evaluation. The various irrigation methods such as border, basin, contour, furrow, sub,
sprinkle, and drip or trickle are described; and conditions are given for selection of the appropriate
method to use. ISBN 978-1-887201-10-0. Publ. 1998 WRP.
US $50, HC, 444 pp, Cat. No. KH
Presents experience and new methods used in investigation of karstified carbonate rocks and
their hydrogeologic problems. ISBN 0-918334-36-5. Publ. 1981 WRP.
US $50, HC, 288 pp, Cat. No. KWRN
Introduction on karst (karstified limestone) water problems in general, and in the U.S.A.
particularly. Detailed description of 150 research topics sorted in: physcial-environmental,
technological and socio-economic research needs. ISBN 0-918334-40-3. Publ. 1981 WRP.
by G.G. Svanidze
US $50, HC, 326 pp, Cat. No. MMHS
Presents attainments in analysis of hydrologic time series in Soviet Union. Intended for various
computations in water resources. Part I: Analysis of observed hydrologic series. Part II: Modeling
(simulation) of annual and seasonal series. ISBN 0-918334-32-2. Publ. 1980 WRP.
Singh and Donald K. Frevert
US $95, HC, 914 pp, Cat. No. MMLW
Comprehensive account of some of the most popular models of watershed hydrology ~~ of
interest to all hydrologic modelers and model users and a welcome and timely edition to any
modeling library. ISBN 1-88720-34-3. Publ. 2002 WRP.
Edited by Vijay P. Singh and Donald K. Frevert
US $95, HC, 972 pp, Cat. No. MMSW
Comprehensive account of some of the most popular models of watershed hydrology ~~ of
interest to all hydrologic modelers and model users and a welcome and timely edition to any
modeling library. ISBN 1-88720-35-1. Publ. 2002 WRP.
MATHMOD 1 - COMPUTER PROGRAMS FOR Mathematical Models of Large Watershed
US $55, 1 CD-ROM, Cat. No. MM1
16 Mathematical Modeling Programs in conjunction with Mathematical Models of Large
Watershed Hydrology ~~ of interest to all hydrologic modelers and model users. Publ. 2002 WRP.
MATHMOD 2 - COMPUTER PROGRAMS FOR Mathematical Models of Small Watershed
Hydrology and Applications
US $55, 1 CD-ROM, Cat. No. MM2
19 Mathematical Modeling Programs in conjunction with Mathematical Models of Small
Watershed Hydrology and Applications ~~ of interest to all hydrologic modelers and model users.
Publ. 2002 WRP.
by K. Mahmood, M. I. Haque and A.M.
US $70, HC, 545 pp, Cat. No. MAC
Proceedings of the 1985 Symposium, held in Lahore, Pakistan, on the same topic. It contains 29
papers sorted in seven parts: Keynote Addresses; Measurement and Analysis of Data; Bedforms
and Channel Morphology; Hydraulics of Alluvial Channels; Sediment Transport; Channel
Response and Control; and Channel Stability. ISBN 0-918334-63-2. Publ. 1988 WRP.
by Arthur T. Corey
US $54, SC, 269 pp, Cat. No. MIFPM
Since publication of the first edition in 1977, pollution of groundwater aquifers by petroleum
fluids and other non-aqueous liquids, such as chlorinated hydrocarbons, has become a major
concern of investigators both nationally and internationally. Material presented in this text
provides the necessary foundation for students, with a background in elementary fluid mechanics
and applied mathematics, interested in the analysis of such problems. ISBN 0-918334-83-7. Publ.
1994 WRP.
US $85, SC, 652 pp, Cat. No. OCH
This book is primarily a text for graduate or undergraduate students in civil and agricultural
engineering and hydrologic science. Extensively Revised from the original text. ISBN - 13:
978-1-887201-44-5; ISBN - 10: 1-887201-44-0. Publ. 2007 WRP.
Koelzer & A.B.Bigler
by V.A.
US $25, HC, 306 pp, Cat. No. POUWM
Comments by the National Water Commission after a five year study of a variety of water
policies. ISBN 0-918334-06-3. Publ. 1975 WRP.
by M.S. Basson, R.B. Allen, G.G.S. Pegram and J.A. van Rooyen
US $75, HC, 434 pp, Cat. No. PMWR
On behalf of the Department of Water Affairs and Forestry, South Africa
This is a first comprehensive publication to cover the application of stochastic hydrology together
with sophisticated systems analysis techniques in water resources engineering.
The methodology that was developed has been extensively applied in practice for more than five
years for the real-time operating and development planning of large water resource systems with
great success. The stochastic models and probabilistic techniques have been tested and proven
under varied hydrological conditions from semi-desert to humid sub-tropical and mountain
highland conditions. Although primarily aimed at complex multi-reservoir systems, serving
multiple users with varying reliability of supply requirements, as well as hydropower generation,
the methodology described applies equally well to simple single reservoir developments. ISBN
0-918334-89-6. Publ. 1994 WRP.
US $65, 312 pp, SC, Cat. No. PSH
Successfully used as a textbook by major universities. This book offers basic principles of
probability theory and mathematical inferential statistics as viewed from and applied to hydrology
and water resources. ISBN - 13: 978-1-887201-60-5; ISBN - 10: 1-887201-60-2. (Previously
Published: ISBN-13: 978-0-918334-00-8; ISBN-10: 0-918334-00-4). Reprinted 2011, WRP.
US $65, SC, 501 pp, Cat. No. PAH
Successfully used as a textbook by major universities. Problem solution manual of exercises
demonstrating principles of hydrology with 130 problems and 25 worked examples of typical
problems in hydrology. ISBN -13: 978-1-887201-65-0; ISBN - 10: 1-887201-65-3. (Previously
Published: ISBN-13: 978-0-918334-07-7; ISBN-10: 0-918334-07-1). Reprinted 2011 WRP.
Edited by V.P. Singh, I.W. Seo, J.H. Sonu
US $176, HC, 4 volumes, 1480 pp. Cat No. WEESHE
The papers contained in these books represent the conference contributions from the
Proceedings of the International Conference on Water, Environment, Ecology, Socio-economics
and Health Engineering (WEESHE) held October 18-21, 1999.
Past Accomplishments and New Challenges, Edited by Raymond Walton and Ronald E. Nece
US $98, More than 400 papers on CD-ROM, Cat No. WATERCD
This CD-ROM is a compilation of over 400 papers presented in Seattle, Washington at the
August 1999 ASCE International Water Resources Engineering Conference. It includes papers
from symposia on River Restoration and Sediment Technology, Water Resources in the Urban
Environment, Groundwater Protection, and Irrigation Efficiency. Viewed through Adobe
Acrobat™ Version 3.0. ISBN 1-887201-25-4.
PRODUCTION WELL ANALYSIS: New Methods and a Computer Program in Well Hydraulics
by Michael Kasenow, Ph.D.
**Replaced by the book Introduction to Aquifer Analysis - 4th Edition, US $75 Cat. No. IAA
US $52, HC, 576 pp, Cat. No. RRR
Proceedings of Symposium on Rainfall-Runoff Modeling, May 1981, Mississippi, U.S.A.
Contains 36 papers in ten sections: Brief history, Linear systems modeling, Nonlinear systems
modeling, Hydraulic modeling, Subsurface runoff modeling, Source areas for runoff generation,
Curve numbers, Geomorphology and its application, Optimization, and Flood routing. ISBN
0-918334-45-4. Publ. 1982 WRP.
RECOVERY ANALYSIS: New Methods and a Computer Program in Well Hydraulics,
Michael Kasenow, Ph.D.
**Replaced by the book Introduction to Aquifer Analysis - 4th Edition, US $75 Cat. No. IAA
by I. Zsuffa and A. Galai
US $52, SC, 195 pp, plus Computer Program, Cat. No. RSTP
Content: Application of the Moran's Model, Description of Reservoirs Performance, Sizing of
Multipurpose Reservoirs, Reservoir Sizing with Stochastic Demand, Sizing of Interconnected
Reservoirs, Role of Reservoirs in Power Production, Mathematical Analysis of Reservoirs. Two
diskettes with computer programs are included as the integral part of Part II of the book. ISBN
0-918334-62-4. Publ. 1987 WRP.
by West Consultants
US $249, Software, Cat. No. RDS
RIPRAP Design System 3.0 provides guidance in sizing riprap for bank and bottom protection
from scour. The software incorporates the latest criteria from seven riprap design methods.
US $50, HC, 188 pp, Cat. No. RADS
The book contains ten papers written by international renowned experts and professors in this
field. It reviews the theory of reliability analysis in dam safety assessment and introduces the
hydrological, hydraulic, and seismic aspects of dam safety and its risk assessment. In addition, it
reports the progress and current status of dam safety risk management in some countries, such as
Australia, Canada, Germany, Taiwan, and U.S.A. ISBN 1-88720120-3. Publ. 1999.
RIVER ICE BREAKUP, edited by Spyros Beltaos
US $85, HC, 480 pp, Includes 12 photographs in color. Cat. No. RIB
A collaborative effort by different experts in the field of river ice, contributing their unique
expertise and focusing on different aspects of river ice breakup processes and associated problems.
ISBN 978-1-887201-50-6 , Publ. 2008 WRP.
edited by Spyros Beltaos
US $75, HC, 390 pp, Cat. No. RIJ
This book has been successfully used as a textbook by major universities. This subject is of
considerable socio-economic significance only recently studies in depth. The book is a
collaborative effort by several authors focusing on different aspects of the ice jamming processes
and associated problems. It reviews the occurrences of ice jams and identifies their main effects
while giving an overview of river ice processes in general. ISBN 13: 978-0-918334-87-9, ISBN 10:
0-918334-87-X Publ. WRP.
US $78, Hardcover, 500 pp, Cat. No. RLIE
This book has been successfully used as a textbook by major universities. The IAHR
Committee on Ice Problems assigned themselves the task to produce a single, introductory source
for the general principles for engineering applied to river and lake ice problems. Book contains
nine chapters. Index; Introduction; ice physics; ice mechanics; thermal regime of lakes and rivers;
hydraulics of ice phenomena); ice control; remote sensing; and icebreakers. ISBN 13:
978-1-887201-63-6; ISBN 10: 1-887201-63-7. (Previously Published: ISBN-13:
978-0-918334-59-6; ISBN-10: 0-918334-59-4. Reprinted 2011 WRP.
RIVER AND RESERVOIR YIELD, by T. A. McMahon and R. G. Mein
US $50, HC, 376 pp, Cat. No. RRY
This text provides a comprehensive review of analyses associated with defining hydrology of
low flows and with the hydrologic design and operation of reservoir storage systems. ISBN
0-918334-61-6. Publ. 1986 WRP.
US $85, SC, 336 pp, 156 full color photographs, Cat. No. RCNZR
The information presented is the culmination of a three-year field program in which roughness
and other hydraulic parameters were measured. Physical and hydraulic characteristics are
presented for 78 New Zealand river and canal reaches which may be used as reference reaches for
estimating roughness coefficients in similar channels. ISBN 0-477-026008-7, Publ. 1999 NIWA.
ROOT ZONE WATER QUALITY MODEL - Modelling Management Effects on Water Quality
and Crop Production,
Edited by L.R. Ahuja, K.W. Rojas, J.D. Hanson, M.J. Shaffer, L. Ma
US $95, SC, 372 pp, plus CD-ROM - Cat. No. RZWQM
Successfully used as a textbook, the Root Zone Water Quality Model (RZWQM) is a
comprehensive simulation model designed to predict the hydrologic response, including potential
for surface and groundwater contamination, of alternative crop-management systems. It simulates
crop development and the movement of water, nutrients and pesticides over and through the root
zone for a representative unit area of an agricultural field over multiple years. ISBN
1-887201-08-4. Publ. 1999 WRP.
by D.
B. Simons and F. Sentürk
US $129, HC, 919 pp, Cat. No. STT
Successfully used as a textbook, this revised edition of the original text entitled Sediment
Transport Technology. All chapters have been updated and expanded and contain excellent
discussions of the concepts, advantages and disadvantages of various types of mathematical
models, providing a source of theoretical and experience-based information for students,
consultants, policy formulating agencies, environmentalists and individuals and/or organization
contemplating or involved in hearings and litigation. ISBN 0-918334-66-7. Publ. 1992 WRP.
and F. Sentürk
US $55, SC, 288 pp, Cat. No. SMSTT
The Solutions Manual effectively supports the text and should prove very useful both to the
practicing engineer and to the professors teaching geomorphology, river mechanics, sediment
transport and related subjects. ISBN 0-918334-67-5. Publ. 1992 WRP.
SLURP 12.9 Hydrologic Model Software,
by G.W. Kite
US $950.00, Compatible with Windows 95/98/ME or NT/2000 operating systems, Cat. No.
SLURP is a computer model which simulates the hydrological cycle from rainfall and snowfall
to evapotranspiration, surface runoff and groundwater treating each land cover separately. Because
very few river basins remain natural, the model can include the full range of water resources
projects including dams, reservoirs, diversions, inter-basin transfers, groundwater extractions and
irrigation schemes. ISBN-13: 978-1-887201-49-0; ISBN-10: 1-887201-49-1.
US $55, HC, 292 pp, Cat. No. SRAHE
The 22-paper proceedings present a coordinated view of the present status of different aspects
of stochastic hydraulics. ISBN 0-918334-57-8. Publ. 1986 WRP.
US $55, HC, 276 pp, Cat. No. SPH
This book offers methods for analysis of hydrologic stochastic processes, particularly of
hydrologic time series, with the power and the limitations of these techniques, with concepts
defined, mathematical expressions given in forms ready for use, and methods demonstrated in
numerous examples. (Previously Published: ISBN-13: 978-0-918334-01-5; ISBN-10:
0-918334-01-2). Reprinted 2014 WRP, ISBN -13: 978-1-887201-77-3.
James Guo
US $95, SC, 108pp, Plus computer program, Cat. No. UDINLET
UDINLET is a menu driven, user interactive computer program package. Types of inlets
considered in UDINLET include grate, curb-opening, combination of grate and curb opening, and
slot drain. Inlets can be placed on a sump or on a grade. Inlet interception capacity and the amount
of the carryover flow are determined with the consideration of the user-specified clogging factor.
ISBN 1-887201-00-9. Publ. 1997 WRP.
US $42, SPB, 154 pp, plus Computer Program, Cat. No. THA
Lessons included in this set are as follows: Unit Conversion Table, and Unit Comparison Graph
• Sources of Hydrologic Data and Displaying Data • Precipitation Intensity-Duration-Frequency
Curve and Design Storm • Statistical Analysis Using Normal Distribution • Statistical Analysis
Using Log Pearson Type III Distribution • Precipitation Excess for a Design Storm on a Small
Watershed • Composite Hydrograph for a Small Watershed • Flood Routing Through a Small
Reservoir. Reprinted 1996 WRP.
THEIS MADE EASY - New Methods and a Computer Program in Well Hydraulics,
Michael Kasenow, Ph.D.
US $85, 284 pp, SC, plus Computer Program, Cat. No. THEIS
This book provides theory and application for new and improved methods that can be used to
solve for transmissivity and the storage coefficient using pump test data and the Theis equation without the Theis curve! A computer program is also provided, along with numerous data sets that
can be used to test these methods. A step-drawdown solution and the ability to model a pump test
is provided as well as an extensive output. ISBN 0-918334-85-3. Publ. 1994 WRP.
TIME AND THE RIVER, edited by G.W. Kite
US $58, HC, 374 pp, Cat. No. TAR
This book is a set of essays by eminent hydrologists. The book discusses such subjects as
hydrological data collection and advances in hydrological analyses in developing countries. ISBN
0-918334-97-7. Publ 1995 WRP.
by E. Glover
US $68, SC, 424 pp, Cat. No. TGWH
Developments, formulas and methods useful to engineers for quantitative evaluations of
groundwater transient flow, problems governed by partial differential equations nonlinear in form,
with tables of their solutions. ISBN-13: 978-1-887201-56-8; ISBN-10: 1-887201-56-4.
(Previously Published: ISBN-13: 978-0-918334-24-4; ISBN-10: 0-918334-24-1). Reprinted 1985
edited by Dr. Shou-shan Fan, Interagency Ad Hoc Sedimentation
Work Group
US $85, SPB, 560 pp, Cat. No. TSCSSM
In phase one, an inventory was made of those sediment transport model/methods which were in
current use. In phase two, a representative sample of models was selected and presented. The
results of these two phases are summarized in this publication.
From the Table of Contents: Part 1: SUMMARY REPORT • Part 2: SIX FEDERALLY OWNED
US $45, SPB, Cat. No. UFOCNB
Notebook from the short course on the above subject.
US $95, SPB, 166 pp, plus Computer Program, Cat. No. UFCD
With the computer software, it was developed by the author, in collaboration with the Urban
Drainage and Flood Control District in Denver (City and County of Denver), Cities of Aurora and
Littleton; Counties of Adams, Arapahoe, and Douglas, with the support of the University of
Colorado at Denver, to provide step by step design procedures for various types of channel.
Emphasis is on designs of urban flood channels using the concept of multiple design events. ISBN
0-918334-00-9. Publ. 2005 WRP.
US $110, SPB, 196 pp, plus Computer Program, Cat. No. USWD
This book covering both storm water conveyance and storage designs, will be useful and
resourceful because it provides theories, practices, and tools for storm water designs. ISBN
0-918334-37-8. Publ. 2005 WRP.
URBAN STORM DRAINAGE CRITERIA MANUAL, Volume 3, Best Management Practices
by Urban Drainage and Flood Control District
US $150.00, 3 Ring Binder, 584pp, Cat. No. USDCM
This manual is designed to provide guidance for engineers, planners, landscape architects,
developers, and Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System (MS4) permit holders in selecting
designing, maintaining, and carrying out best management practices (BMPs) to minimize water
quality and quantity impacts from stormwater runoff. It focuses on smaller, more frequently
occurring events that have the greatest overall impact on the quality of receiving waters. ISBN -13:
978-1-887201-66-7. Publ. UDFCD.
URBAN STORM DRAINAGE Proceedings, U.S. - Italy Bilateral Seminar, Cagliari, Italy,
Edited by C. Cao, B. C. Yen, and M. Benedini
US $55, HC, 330pp, HC, Cat. No. USDI
This book contains primarily the contributions of the invited speakers in the Bilateral Seminar.
From the Table of Contents: 1 - Analysis of Rainfall Data for Urban Drainage -- 2 - Effects of
Rainfall Characteristics on Urban Runoff -- 3 - Experimental Basins -- 4 - Modeling of Urban
Stormwater Runoff -- 5 - Stormwater Quality Aspects -- 6 - Research Programs in Progress in
U.S.A. and Italy and potentially in the future. ISBN 0-918334-75-6. Publ. 1993 WRP.
US $75, HC, 600 pp, Cat. No. USHH
Proceedings of the 2nd Int. Conference on Urban Storm Drainage, June 1981, Urbana, Illinois.
U.S.A. Contains 50 papers in eight sections: Precipitation for Urban Runoff; Overland Surface
Runoff; Special Urban Hydraulic Components; Sewer Flow Routing; Design Models;
Rainfall-Runoff Simulation Models and Methods and their Verifications; Application of
Simulation Models; and Storm Runoff Collection. ISBN - 13: 978-1-887201-72-8; ISBN - 10:
1-887201-72-6. (Previously Published: ISBN-13: 978-0-918334-47-3; ISBN-10: 0-918334-47-0).
Reprinted 2012 WRP.
US $55, HC, 600 pp, Cat. No. USQ
Proceedings of the 2nd Conference on Urban Storm Drainage, June 1981, Urbana, Illinois,
U.S.A. Contains 51 papers on Stormwater Quality Loading; Pollutant Loading; Water Quality
Data Collection and Analysis; Urban Sediment Problems; Receiving Water, Combined Sewer
Overflow; Storm Water Runoff Detention; Storm Runoff Management and Planning;
Socio-Political and Economical Consideration in Planning. ISBN 0918334-48-9. Publ. 1982 WRP.
by Michael Kasenow, Ph.D. and Paul Pare
US $55, SPB, 90 pp, plus Computer Program, Cat. No. USCET
This monograph provides methods, application and a user friendly computer program that
solves for transmissivity using specific capacity data obtained from a production well. ISBN
0-918334-95-0. Publ. 1994 WRP.
M.G. Gos, and J.A. Replogle
US $68, HC, 382pp, Cat. No. WMFM
Successfully used as a textbook, this publication integrates material from the 1984 book Flow
Measuring Flumes for Open-Channel Systems and the 1993 book FLUME: Design and
Calibration of Long-Throated Measuring Flumes, which introduced the first interactive
flume-design software. ISBN -13: 978-1-887201-54-4; ISBN - 10: 1-887201-54-8. Publ. 2011
edited by Vijay P. Singh, Il Won
Seo, and Jung H. Sonu
US $62, HC, 286pp, Cat. No. WRPM
This book contains five sections encompassing major aspects of water resources planning and
management. Beginning with a discussion of water resources planning in the first section, the
papers go on to discuss water pricing in Section 2, water resources management in Section 3,
operation of water resources systems in Section 4, and impact of climate change in Section 5.
ISBN-13: 978-1-887201-24-7. Publ. 1999 WRP.
US $75, SC, 416 pp, by U.S. Department of the Interior, Bureau of Reclamation, Cat. No. WMM
Successfully used as a textbook, this manual was prepared by the U.S. Bureau of Reclamation
to make availale to designers, system operators, and water users the information needed for
measuring irrigation, municipal, and industrial waters. It is useful to anyone engaged in designing
or using water distribution facilities. Publ. 1993, 3nd edition, Bureau of Reclamation.
WATER RESOURCES YIELD, by T.A. McMahon and J. Adeloye
US $75, 234 pp, SC, No. WRY
This book will successfully serve the needs of practitioners working in the area of surface water
resources yield planning and assessment. It has been written in a way that is very easy to
understand, and the inclusion of well-presented worked examples will facilitate the understanding
of some of the complex storage-yield-performance techniques. This book is one of the most
complete reference textbooks on water resources yield assessment and is a must for all engaged in
this area. ISBN-13: 978-1-887201-38-4. Publ 2005 WRP.
WATER WELL AND AQUIFER TEST ANALYSIS, by Phil Hall with programs by Joe Chen
US $96, 428 pp, HC, plus Computer Program, Cat. No. WWAT
Successfully used as a textbook, his book gives practical advise on how to design an aquifer test
and which method to use for analysis. Many of the more common analysis methods are described
and accompanying computer programs are used to analyze the data. In addition to the type curve
solutions of Theis, Hantush and Neuman, type curves are generated using methods developed by
Moench. ISBN-13: 978-0-918334-93-0. Publ 1996 WRP.
WATERCD - See Proc. of the 1999 ASCE International Water Resources Engineering Conference,
Water Resources into the New Millenium: Past Accomplishments and New Challenges
US $98, More than 400 papers on CD-ROM, Cat No. WATERCD
附 14:http://www.tandf.net/books/series/WATER/( Taylor & Francis 出版公司)
Routledge Special Issues on Water Policy and Governance
Edited by Cecilia Tortajada (IJWRD), James Nickum (WI)
Most of the world’s water problems, and their solutions, are directly related to policies
and governance, both specific to water and in general. Two of the world’s leading
journals in this area, the International Journal of Water Resources
Development(sponsored by the Third World Centre for Water Management, Mexico)
and Water International (the official journal of the International Water Resources
Association), contribute to this special issues series, aimed at disseminating new
knowledge on the policy and governance of water resources to a very broad and
diverse readership all over the world. The series should be of direct interest to all
policy makers, professionals and lay readers concerned with obtaining the latest
perspectives on addressing the world’s many water issues.
Restoring Communities Resettled After Dam Construction in Asia
Edited by Mikiyasu Nakayama, Ryo Fujikura
The rapid economic expansion and population growth of developing
countries in Asia has led to increasing demands for water and energy. To
meet these demands, large dam development projects have been completed,
which has inevitably caused involuntary resettlement. In order to support
these projects,... Published September 10th 2015 by Routledge
Integrated Water Resources Management_From concept to implementation
Edited by Cecilia Tortajada
The book includes seventeen excellent researched and documented papers
that reflect the diversity of thought, ideas and experiences related to
IWRM. They draw from an extensive, inclusive and geographically
representative range of theoretical propositions and practical examples.
These include... Published July 29th 2015 by Routledge
The Future of Public Water Governance_Has Water Privatization Peaked?
Edited by Christopher A. Scott, Bernard de Gouvello
The privatization of water supply and wastewater systems, together with
institutional restructuring of governance – through decentralization
and the penetration of global firms in local and regional markets – have
been promoted as solutions to increase economic efficiency and achieve
universal... Published July 23rd 2015 by Routledge
Frontiers of Land and Water Governance in Urban Regions
Edited by Thomas Hartmann, Tejo Spit
A society that intensifies and expands the use of land and water in urban
areas needs to search for solutions to manage the frontiers between these
two essential elements for urban living. Sustainable governance of land
and water is one of the major challenges of our times. Managing retention
areas... Published July 8th 2015 by Routledge
Water Infrastructure
Edited by Cecilia Tortajada, Asit K. Biswas
Water infrastructure is an essential element in water management.
Together with institutions, policies and regulation, it provides basic
services to growing populations, especially in developing countries,
where much of the growth is taking place. In the Asia-Pacific region, for
instance,... Published July 3rd 2015 by Routledge
Water Quality Policy and Management in Asia
Edited by Cecilia Tortajada
Asia's 48 countries have an estimated 1.757 billion urban population and
2.4 billion people in rural areas (or approximately 60 per cent of the
global population). Divided into central, eastern, southern,
south-eastern and western regions, the continent is also extremely
heterogeneous in terms of... Published April 27th 2015 by Routledge
Water Management and Climate Change
Dealing with Uncertainties
Edited by Cecilia Tortajada, Asit K. Biswas, Avinash Tyagi
To plan successfully and manage the increased uncertainties posed by
likely future climate change, knowledge needs to advance much more for
the water profession beyond what it is now available. Meeting these
challenges does not depend exclusively on advances in
climatological-hydrologic models.... Published October 31st 2014 by Routledge
Water for Food Security_Challenges for Pakistan
Edited by Claudia Ringler, Arif Anwar
Pakistan’s water management is at a critical watershed. Water shortages
are growing rapidly as a result of growing demand across all water-using
sectors. Rapid population growth, from 175 million people in 2010 to an
estimated 236 million by 2030 and 280 million by 2050, and international...
Published September 22nd 2014 by Routledge
The Private Sector and Water Pricing in Efficient Urban Water
Edited by Cecilia Tortajada, Francisco González-Gómez, Asit K. Biswas, Miguel A.
This book focuses on participation of the public and private sectors in
urban water management and on the role of water pricing. It discusses
in-depth topics such as public choices of urban water service management;
dynamics of privatization and regulation of water services; adoption of
water... Published August 1st 2014 by Routledge
Water Quality Management_Present Situations, Challenges and Future
Edited by Asit K. Biswas, Cecilia Tortajada, Rafael Izquierdo
The global attention in recent years has focused primarily on water
quantity and allocation issues. Water quality has received significantly
less attention than water quantity. Commendable progress has been made
by the developed world to control point sources of pollution, but
commensurate progress... Published June 23rd 2014 by Routledge
Water Resources and Decision-Making Systems
Edited by Cecilia Tortajada, Kevin Parris
Water data and information are essential to support efforts to understand,
manage, allocate, utilize and protect water resources. The linkages
between Water Information Systems and needs of decision makers are complex,
but can be encapsulated in a Driving Force (Policy Needs) – Monitoring
– Data... Published September 20th 2013 by Routledge
Water and Security in Central Asia_Solving a Rubik's Cube
Edited by Virpi Stucki, Kai Wegerich, Muhammad Mizanur Rahaman, Olli Varis
Examining the water, development and security linkages in Central Asia
can feel a bit like solving a Rubik’s cube. The Rubik’s cube starts to
usually find structure and the different pieces find their places when
its solver adopts a systematic approach. Still, solving the whole cube
takes time and... Published July 3rd 2013 by Routledge
Water Policy and Management in Spain
Edited by Francisco González-Gómez, Miguel A. García-Rubio, Jorge Guardiola
Spain is facing an increasingly difficult situation in terms of water
stress. This is an issue that is due mostly to poor management practices
in all sectors. Large amounts of water have been used for agricultural
purposes at very low prices for too long; there is an uncontrolled use
of... Published July 2nd 2013 by Routledge
Managing Transboundary Waters of Latin America
Edited by Asit K. Biswas
Definitive analyses of transboundary water management in Latin America
are conspicuous by their absence. The situation is a little better for
rivers compared to groundwater resources. Transboundary water management
in Latin America has been evolving in a somewhat different manner compared
to other... Published August 13th 2012 by Routledge
Asian Perspectives on Water Policy
Edited by Cecilia Tortajada, Asit K. Biswas
Asian countries are not homogenous. They are in different stages of social
and economic development, with cultural conditions and institutional and
legal frameworks varying from one country to another. Therefore, how water
can be successfully managed differs from one country to another. The book...
Published February 7th 2012 by Routledge
Water, Food and Poverty in River Basins_Defining the Limits
Edited by Myles J. Fisher, Simon E. Cook
Conventional wisdom says that the world is heading for a major water crisis.
By 2050, global population will increase from 7 billion to a staggering
9.5 billion and the demands this will place on food and water systems will
inevitably push river basins over the edge. The findings from this book...
Published February 2nd 2012 by Routledge
Improving Water Policy and Governance
Edited by Cecilia Tortajada, Asit K. Biswas
Old forms of governance in both public and private sectors are becoming
increasingly irrelevant because of rapidly changing conditions. Because
of these changes, both governance processes and the scope of the
institutions through which power is exercised throughout society may have
to undergo a... Published November 17th 2010 by Routledge
Water Resources Management in the People's Republic of China
Edited by Xuetao Sun, Robert Speed, Dajun Shen
Chinese water resource managers face a challenge that is both immense and
unique. They must balance limited water supplies against the needs of the
world’s largest population; demands for rapid economic growth with calls
for improved environmental management; and the desire for a market-based...
Published November 23rd 2009 by Routledge
Integrated Water Resources Management in Latin America
Edited by Asit K. Biswas, Benedito P.F. Braga, Cecilia Tortajada, Marco Palermo
It is now widely accepted that the world is likely to face a major water
crisis unless the present management practices are improved very
significantly. Promoted extensively by donors and international
institutions over the past 15 years, integrated water resources
management (IWRM) has been...
Published May 28th 2009 by Routledge
Water as a Human Right for the Middle East and North Africa
Edited by Asit K. Biswas, Eglal Rached, Cecilia Tortajada
Access to safe drinking water and proper sanitation is essential for human
survival and for maintenance of a decent quality of life. Currently, more
than a billion people do not have access to safe drinking water and more
than two billion people lack proper sanitation. In 1992, the United...
Published April 29th 2008 by Routledge
Water and Disasters
Edited by Chennat Gopalakrishnan, Norio Okada
This book is the first major attempt to address, comprehensively and
in-depth, the many issues associated with water and disasters. It is
particularly relevant and topical in view of the increasing frequency and
intensity of water-triggered disasters that have afflicted the world in
recent years,... Published December 13th 2007 by Routledge
Water Pricing and Public-Private Partnership
Edited by Asit K. Biswas, Cecilia Tortajada
There is no question that water pricing and public-private partnership
can improve water management practices in the future. However, this
concept is neither the cure-all many proponents argue, nor the disaster
its opponents forecast. Providing a comprehensive and objective
assessment of what does... Published June 2nd 2005 by Routledge
附 15:https://www.e-wef.org/Default.aspx?TabID=258
世界水环境联盟 (WEF) 的书籍出版物
水环境联合会(Water Environment Federation,WEF)是一个国际性水环境教育与技术组
Activated Sludge,
List Price: $95.00
Advances in Water Quality Trading as a Flexible Compliance Tool,
List Price: $130.00
Affordability of Wastewater Service, List Price: $85.00
All the Way to the Ocean,
List Price: $15.95
Alternative Sewer Systems,
List Price: $109.00
Alternative Water Sources and Wastewater Management,
List Price: $50.00
Anaerobic Biotechnology & Odor/Corrosion Control for Municipalities & Industries, List Price:
Automation of Water Resource Recovery Facilities,
List Price: $155.00
Basic Laboratory Procedures for the Operator-Analyst,
List Price: $96.00
Biological Nutrient Removal (BNR) Operation in Wastewater Treatment Plants, List Price:
Chlorination/Dechlorination Handbook, List Price: $75.00
Clarifier Design,
List Price: $166.00
Clean Water Act, 25th Anniversary,
List Price: $71.00
Climate Change and Water Resources,
List Price: $129.95
Contemporary Technologies for Shale-Gas Water and Environmental Management, List Price:
Control of Infiltration and Inflow in Private Building Sewer Connections, List Price: $75.00
Damned if We Don't! Ideas for Accelerating Change Around Water, List Price: $14.95
Desalination Engineering: Operation and Maintenance, List Price: $125.00
Desalination Engineering: Planning and Design,
List Price: $156.00
Design and Construction of Urban Stormwater Management Systems, List Price: $75.00
Design of Municipal Wastewater Treatment Plants,
List Price: $385.00
Design of Urban Stormwater Controls,
List Price: $140.00
Design of Wastewater and Stormwater Pumping Stations,
List Price: $75.00
Economic Incentives for Stormwater Control, List Price: $115.95
Emergency Planning, Response, and Recovery, List Price: $125.00
Energy Conservation in Water and Wastewater Treatment Facilities,
List Price: $145.00
Environmental Engineering: Fundamentals, Sustainability, Design, List Price: $241.95
Environmental Engineering: Water, Wastewater, Soil and Groundwater Treatment and
List Price: $125.00
Existing Sewer Evaluation and Rehabilitation,
List Price: $109.00
Financing & Charges for Wastewater Systems, List Price: $95.00
GIS Implementation for Water & Wastewater Treatment Facilities, List Price: $99.00
Gravity Sanitary Sewer Design and Construction,
List Price: $95.00
Green Infrastructure Implementation, List Price: $130.00
Guide for Municipal Wet Weather Strategies,
List Price: $70.00
Handbook of Energy Engineering Calculations,
List Price: $135.00
Handbook of Environmental Engineering Calculations,
List Price: $165.00
Handbook on Sediment Quality,
List Price: $85.00
Hydraulic Fracturing Impacts and Technologies: A Multidisciplinary Perspective, List Price:
Implementing Asset Management: A Practical Guide,
List Price: $200.00
Industrial MBRs: Membrane Bioreactors for Industrial Wastewater Treatment,
List Price:
Industrial Wastewater Management, Treatment & Disposal, List Price: $125.00
Industrial Water Quality,
List Price: $177.00
Information Technology in Water and Wastewater Facilities, List Price: $109.00
International Standard Units for Water & Wastewater Processes, List Price: $50.00
Introduction to Water Resource Recovery Facility Design,
List Price: $165.00
Managing the Water & Wastewater Utility, List Price: $90.00
Membrane Bioreactors,
List Price: $134.00
Membrane Operations: Innovative Separations and Transformations, List Price: $245.00
Membrane Processes for Water Reuse, List Price: $103.00
Membrane Systems for Wastewater Treatment, List Price: $114.00
Moving Toward Resource Recovery Facilities, List Price: $130.00
Nalco Water Handbook,
List Price: $140.00
Natural Systems for Wastewater Treatment,
List Price: $110.00
Operation of Municipal Wastewater Treatment Plants,
List Price: $260.00
Public Safety Guidance for Urban Stormwater Facilities,
List Price: $70.00
Safety, Health, and Security in Wastewater Systems, List Price: $109.00
Standard Methods for the Examination of Water & Wastewater, List Price: $325.00
Stormwater Collection Systems Design Handbook,
List Price: $131.00
Sustainability Reporting Statements for Wastewater Systems, List Price: $75.00
The Effective Water Professional,
List Price: $155.00
The Science of Water: Concepts and Applications, List Price: $129.95
The Value of Water: A Compendium of Essays by Smart CEOs, List Price: $25.95
Third Century Of Biochemical Oxygen Demand, List Price: $93.00
Trenchless Technology Pipeline and Utility Design, Construction and Renewal, List Price:
Trenchless Technology Piping: Installation and Inspection, List Price: $125.00
Trenchless Technology: Planning, Equipment, and Methods, List Price: $115.00
Ultraviolet Disinfection for Wastewater, List Price: $125.00
Upgrading and Retrofitting Water and Wastewater Treatment Facilities, List Price: $88.00
Member Price: $69.00
User-Fee-Funded Stormwater Programs, List Price: $75.00
Using Reclaimed Water to Augment Potable Water Resources, List Price: $119.00
Wastewater Biology: The Habitats,
List Price: $70.00
Wastewater Biology: The Life Processes, List Price: $70.00
Wastewater Biology: The Microlife,
List Price: $70.00
Wastewater Collection Systems Management, List Price: $114.00
Wastewater Engineering: Treatment and Resource Recovery, List Price: $298.00
Wastewater Solids Incineration Systems,
List Price: $114.00
Wastewater Stabilization Ponds,
List Price: $119.95
Wastewater Treatment in Dry Climates (Desert or Desert with Some Rain) , List Price: $80.00
Wastewater Treatment of Alkylphenols and Their Ethoxylates: A State of the Science Review,
List Price: $105.00
Wastewater Treatment Plant Design Handbook, List Price: $90.00
Wastewater Treatment Process Modeling, List Price: $146.00
Water and Wastewater Calculations Manual, List Price: $125.00
Water and Wastewater Engineering:Principles and Practice, List Price: $177.00
Water and Wastewater Finance and Pricing: The Changing Landscape, List Price: $179.95
Water and Wastewater Laboratory Techniques,
List Price: $78.00
Water and Wastewater Treatment: A Guide for the Nonengineering Professional, List Price:
Water Reuse: Issues, Technologies, and Applications,
List Price: $135.00
Water Tech: A Guide to Investment, Innovation and Business Opportunities in the Water Sector,
List Price: $84.95
Water Treatment Plant Performance Evaluations and Operations,
List Price: $95.00
Water-Quality Trading,
List Price: $130.00
Wet Weather Design and Operation in Water Resource Recovery Facilities,
List Price: $130.00
Basic Laboratory Procedures for the Operator-Analyst and Water and Wastewater Laboratory
Techniques Set,
List Price: $139.20
Biological Nutrient Removal (BNR) Operations Manual and Study Guide, List Price: $44.10
Design of Municipal Wastewater Treatment Plants and Wastewater Treatment Plant Design
List Price: $380.00
Introduction to Water Resource Recovery Facility Design Textbook and Workbook, List Price:
Operation of Municipal Wastewater Treatment Plants Manual and Study Guide, List Price:
The Energy Roadmap and Energy & Water 2013 Conference Proceedings,
List Price: $136.00
Trenchless Technology Series 3-Book Set, List Price: $281.25
附 16:http://www.witpress.com/books/subjects/water-resources
WIT 出版社(WIT PRESS)出版的水科学类书籍
WIT Press is a publisher of high-end scientific books and journals, available both electronically
and in print. With over 30 years of experience in scitech publishing, WIT Press produces books
that enable researchers, engineers, scientists, graduate students and managers within industry to
remain up-to-date with the latest developments in their fields.
Hydrology, Hydraulics and Water Resources Management_A Heuristic Optimization Approach
Edited by: K. L. KATSIFARAKIS, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece
With population of our planet exceeding seven billion, funds for infrastructure works being
limited worldwide and climate change affecting water resources, their optimal development and
management is literally vital. This volume deals with application of some non-traditional
optimization techniques to hydraulics, hydrology and water resources management and aims at
helping scientists dealing with these issues to reach the best decisions.
Chapter 1 is a brief introduction to optimization and its application to water resources
management. Chapter 2 is dedicated to genetic algorithms. Chapter 3 focuses on applications of
genetic algorithms to hydraulic networks, mainly irrigation ones. Chapter 4 is dedicated to
simulated annealing. The particle swarm method (PSO) is discussed in Chapter 5. In Chapter 6 the
basic concepts and features of Tabu search are presented and its coupling with other heuristic
optimizers is discussed. Chapter 7 is dedicated to the Harmony Search method. Finally, Chapter 8
deals with the Outer Approximation method.
This book is aimed at engineers and other scientists working on water resources management
and hydraulic networks.
ISBN: 978-1-84564-664-6 eISBN: 978-1-84564-665-3, Published 2012 / 174pp / US$154.00
Urban Water III, Edited by: C.A. BREBBIA, Wessex Institute of Technology, UK
Urban Water III is the proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on the Design,
Construction, Maintenance, Monitoring and Control of Urban Water Systems. The conference
reconvened following its success in 2012 and in 2014, when it was held in the Algarve, Portugal.
These proceedings deal with two main subjects: water supply systems and urban drainage.
Water distribution networks often suffer substantial losses which indicate energy and treatment
waste. Sewer systems are under relentless pressure due to urbanisation and climate change, and
the environmental impact caused by urban drainage overflows is related to both water quantity and
water quality.
Most architects and town planners are aware of the importance of the interaction between urban
water cycles and city planning and landscaping. Specialised computer tools are needed to manage
all of these aspects and are required to respond to the increased complexity of urban water systems.
Topics such as contamination and pollution discharges in urban water bodies, as well as the
monitoring of water recycling systems are currently receiving a great deal of attention from
researchers and professional engineers working in the water industry. Other related topics include:
Leakage and Losses; Modelling and Experimentation; Safety and Security of Water Systems;
Maintenance and Repairs; Surface Water and Groundwater Sources; Reservoirs; Network Design;
Waste Water Treatment and Disposal; Combined Sewer Networks; Flood Control; Storage Tanks;
Environmental Impact; Domestic and Industrial Waste Water Issues.
In addition to the above, the conference discusses legal and regulatory aspects, along with more
technical problems.
ISBN: 978-1-78466-141-0 eISBN: 978-1-78466-142-7, Forthcoming 2016 / apx 500pp / apx
Urban Water II, Edited by: S. MAMBRETTI, Politecnico di Milano, Italy and C.A. BREBBIA,
Wessex Institute of Technology, UK
Urban Water II is the proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on the Design,
Construction, Maintenance, Monitoring and Control of Urban Water Systems. The meeting was
reconvened following the success of the first conference held in the New Forest, home to the
Wessex Institute of Technology, in 2012.
Topics such as contamination and pollution discharges in urban water bodies, as well as the
monitoring of water recycling systems are currently receiving a great deal of attention from
researchers and professional engineers working in the water industry. Architects and town
planners are also aware of the importance of the interaction between urban water cycles and city
planning and landscaping. Management of all these aspects requires the development of
specialised computer tools that can respond to the increased complexity of urban water systems.
Relating to the subject areas of Water Supply Networks and Urban Drainage, topics covered
include: Leakage and Losses; Modelling and Experimentation; Water Quality; Network Design;
Combined Sewer Networks; Flood Control; Water Supply Networks; Urban Drainage Systems for
Water Sensitive Cities; Infrastructure Issues.
ISBN: 978-1-84564-780-3 eISBN: 978-1-84564-781-0, Published 2014 / 444pp / US$382.00
Urban Water, Edited by: S. MAMBRETTI, Politecnico di Milano, Italy and C.A. BREBBIA,
Wessex Institute of Technology, UK
Containing the proceedings of the first international conference organised by the Wessex
Institute of Technology on the Design, Construction, Maintenance, Monitoring and Control of
Urban Water Systems, this book covers an area of increasing worldwide concern.
Topics include the following in the area of Water Supply: Surface Water and Ground Water
Sources; Water Supply Networks; Coping with Water Scarcity; Safety and Security of Water
Systems; Water Quality; Water and Sustainability; Water Savings; Water Re-use. The Following
Topics are related to Urban Drainage: Waste Water Treatment and Disposal; Structural Works and
Infrastructure; Networks Design; Real Time Control; Water Quality Issues; Combined Sewer
Overflows; Storage Tanks; Flood Control; Environmental Impact; Industrial Waste Water.
ISBN: 978-1-84564-576-2 eISBN: 978-1-84564-577-9, Published 2012 / 306pp / US$264.00
Water and Society III,
Edited by: C.A. BREBBIA, Wessex Institute of Technology, UK
The proceedings from The Water and Society Conference 2015 contain papers that encourage
trans-disciplinary communication on issues related to the nature of water, and its use and
exploitation by society. The papers within this book bridge the gap between the broad spectrum of
socio-political sciences and humanistic disciplines and the physical, biological, environmental,
and health sciences.
The Water and Society conference series which began in 2011 exchanges ideas on issues such
as the need for clean and inexpensive water by an increasing global population, and the growing
demands of Agriculture and Industry. The book deals with the interaction between water and
energy systems, as well as the more technical aspects of water resources management and quality,
with the aim of helping policy makers put forward policies and legislation that will lead to
improved solutions for all.
Topics covered include: Water as a Human Right; Water Quality; Water Resources
Contamination; Water Sanitation and Health; Water and Disaster Management; Future Water
Demands; Irrigation and Desertification.
ISBN: 978-1-84564-972-2 eISBN: 978-1-84564-973-9, Published 2015 / 408pp / US$362.00
Water and Society II,
Edited by: C.A. BREBBIA, Wessex Institute of Technology, UK
Containing the proceedings of the Second International Conference on the title topic, the book
examines issues related to the nature of water, and its use and exploitation by society. Since
ensuring an adequate water supply is becoming a critical issue in more and more countries, the
conference brings together specialists from the social sciences and humanistic disciplines and the
physical and natural sciences, biology, environmental sciences, and health to bridge gaps between
the disciplines in addressing the problem. The international, interdisciplinary nature of the book’s
contents makes it possible to arrive at equitable solutions to the many transnational issues, relating
to the rights of states, that arise around water supply.
The book discusses: Water as a Human Right; Water Resources Contamination; Water
Resources Management; Water, Sanitation and Health; Water and Disaster Management; Water
Quality; Policy and Legislation.
ISBN: 978-1-84564-742-1 eISBN: 978-1-84564-743-8, Published 2013 / 364pp / US$314.00
Groundwater Characterization, Management and Monitoring,
M. CUNHA, University of
Coimbra, Portugal and L.M. NUNES, University of Algarve, Portugal
This book provides the theoretical background necessary to accomplish planning and
management of groundwater systems, and presents up-todate applications of the decision-aid
techniques in this field.
Groundwater systems play an essential role in meeting the everincreasing demand for water for
various purposes. Proper design and management of such systems should therefore be a very
important matter of concern, not only to ensure that water will be available in adequate quantity
and quality to satisfy demands, but also to guarantee that this would be done in an optimal manner
from a IWRM perspective. There are many different decisions to be taken: where to locate wells,
how much water is to be pumped, remedial strategies to be adopted, water supply structures
(especially pumping equipment and pipe networks) to be installed, monitoring networks to be
defined, etc. These decisions must take many constraints into account, including drawdown
limitations, flow gradients, and quality standards. Given the uncertainty characterizing
groundwater flow and transport, risk issues have to be considered. Decision-aid techniques must
be capable of handling simultaneously the various facets characterizing such problems (economic,
social, technical, environmental, etc). Therefore detailed simulation models have to be
incorporated into the decision models. The application of simulationoptimization methods to
planning and managing groundwater systems has become an area of active research.
ISBN: 978-1-84564-134-4 eISBN: 978-1-84564-351-5, Published 2011 / 304pp / US$230.00
Sustainable Irrigation and Drainage V_Management, Technologies and Policies, Edited by:
C.A. BREBBIA, Wessex Institute of Technology, UK and H. BJORNLUND, University of South
Australia & University of Lethbridge, Canada
Irrigation, as the biggest water user in most regions of the world, is facing significant challenges
in balancing social, economic and environmental needs for water.
These proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Sustainable Irrigation and Drainage:
Management, Technologies and Policies provide examples of how irrigation and drainage can
become more sustainable, while acknowledging that the concept of sustainability is a goal that
continues to change as our knowledge of the biophysical realities alters. A focus is made on the
implications for improving sustainability, whether this is drainage, irrigation technologies,
economic modelling, governance studies for irrigation management, reuse of water or any other
Topics covered include: Irrigation Management; Irrigation Systems; Groundwater Issues;
Climate Change Effects; Socio-economic Benefits.
ISBN: 978-1-84564-788-9 eISBN: 978-1-84564-789-6, Published 2014 / 280pp / US$240.00
Sustainable Irrigation and Drainage IV_Management, Technologies and Policies, Edited by:
H. BJORNLUND, University of South Australia, Australia & University of Lethbridge, Canada;
C.A. BREBBIA, Wessex Institute of Technology, UK and S. WHEELER, University of South
Australia, Australia
Sustainable Irrigation and Drainage IV: Management, Technologies and Policies addresses
various aspects of irrigation. It includes not only the scientific and technical aspects of the
management of water resources, but also covers the economic and policy aspects. Containing
papers presented at the Fourth International Conference on the subject, the book covers topics
such as: Irrigation Management; Irrigation Modelling; Irrigation Systems and Planning;
Governance for Sustainable Irrigation; The State of the Art; Sustainable Irrigation and Water
Re-use; Water Trade Issues.
ISBN: 978-1-84564-648-6 eISBN: 978-1-84564-649-3, Published 2013 / 544pp / US$468.00
Water Pollution XIII,
Edited by: C.A. BREBBIA, Wessex Institute of Technology, UK
Water Pollution XIII is the proceedings of the 13th International Conference in the series of
Modelling, Monitoring and Management of Water Pollution. The conference, which has always
been very successful, provided a forum for discussion amongst scientists, managers and academics
from different areas of water contamination. Their papers, included in this book, provide a wealth
of information which will be of great benefit to all those involved with water pollution problems.
The environmental problems caused by the increase of pollutant loads discharged into natural
water bodies requires the formation of a framework for regulation and control. This framework
needs to be based on scientific results that relate pollutant discharge with changes in water quality.
The results of these studies allow industry to apply more efficient methods of controlling and
treating waste loads, and water authorities to enforce appropriate regulations regarding this matter.
Environmental problems are essentially interdisciplinary. Engineers and scientists working in this
field must be familiar with a wide range of issues, including the physical processes of mixing and
dilution, chemical and biological processes, mathematical modelling, data acquisition and
measurement, to name but a few. In view of the scarcity of available data, it is important that
experiences are shared on an international basis. Thus, a continuous exchange of information
between scientists from different countries is essential.
Topics covered include: Monitoring, Modelling and Forecasting; Freshwater Quality; Marine
Water Quality; Groundwater and Aquifer Issues; Water Management; Remediation; Agricultural
Contamination; Wastewater Treatment and Management; Offshore Pollution and Oil Spills;
Mining and Water Quality; Soil Erosion and Water Pollution; Emerging Technologies; Health Risk
Studies; Micropollution and Nanoparticles; Microbiological Aspects; Risk Assessments;
Socio-economic-political Consequences; Education and Training; Population and Climate Change;
Future Trends in Water Pollution; Emerging Approaches for Water Waste Management.
ISBN: 978-1-78466-139-7 eISBN: 978-1-78466-140-3, Forthcoming 2016 / apx 440pp / apx
Water Pollution XII,
Edited by: C.A. BREBBIA, Wessex Institute of Technology, UK
Water Pollution XII contains the proceedings of the 12th International Conference in the series
on Modelling, Monitoring and Management of Water Pollution. The book will be of interest to
scientists, managers and academics from various areas of water contamination. Environmental
problems are essentially interdisciplinary. Engineers and scientists working in this field must be
familiar with a wide range of issues including the physical processes of mixing and dilution,
chemical and biological processes, mathematical modelling, data acquisition and measurement to
name but a few. In view of the scarcity of available data, it is important that experiences are shared
on an international basis. Thus, a continuous exchange of information between scientists from
different countries is essential.
Topics covered include: Water Quality; Groundwater and Aquifer Issues; Environmental
Monitoring; Wastewater Treatment and Management; Monitoring and Modelling.
ISBN: 978-1-84564-776-6 eISBN: 978-1-84564-777-3, Published 2014 / 412pp / US$354.00
Water Resources Management VIII,
Edited by: C.A. BREBBIA, Wessex Institute of
Technology, UK
Water Resources Management VIII contains papers presented at the eighth conference in a
biennial series organised by the Wessex Institute.
First held in 2001, the Conference includes the work of scientists, practitioners and other
experts regarding the sustainable management of water resources. It is predicted that population
growth and irregular precipitation due to climate change may lead to more restricted access to
water in certain regions of the world. The problem will be aggravated by human activities that
affect the quality of available water. In order to improve strategies for dealing with a scarcity of
potable water, it is important to review and compare the performance of current technologies and
practices in order to select those that will provide the most effective approaches. It is also
important that technologies and practices be able to respond with agility to changing conditions.
New ways of thinking are required in order to successfully predict future trends and prepare
adequate sustainable solutions.
The papers included in this book cover such topics as: Water Management and Planning; River
Basin Management; Urban Water Management; Irrigation; Desalination; Climate Change; Water
Quality; Governance and Regulations; Pollution Contaminants and Control; Water Pollution.
ISBN: 978-1-84564-960-9 eISBN: 978-1-84564-961-6, Published 2015 / 582pp / US$498.00
Water Resources Management VII,
Edited by: C.A. BREBBIA, Wessex Institute of
Technology, UK
Containing research on recent technological and scientific developments associated with the
management of surface and sub-surface water, this book consists of papers presented at the
Seventh International Conference on Water Resources Management. The biennial conference, first
held in 2001, is one of several water-related conferences organised by the Wessex Institute of
Technology. We have reached a point where water has become quite a precious resource, with
communities around the world struggling to ensure adequate supply to their people. The research
shared in this volume is an important contribution to the body of literature on the topic.
The research covers: Water Management and Planning; The Right to Water and Sanitation;
Waste Water Treatment and Re-use; Water Markets, Policies and Contracts; Climate Change;
Irrigation; Urban Water Management; Hydraulic Engineering; Water Quality; Pollution
Contaminants and Control; River Basin Management; Flood Risk; Wetlands; Regional and
Geo-politics of Water; Water Resources and Economics; Government and Regulations.
ISBN: 978-1-84564-710-0 eISBN: 978-1-84564-711-7, Published 2013 / 356pp / US$306.00
River Basin Management VIII, Edited by: C.A. BREBBIA, Wessex Institute of Technology,
This book contains the proceedings of the eighth international conference on River Basin
Management including all aspects of Hydrology, Ecology, Environmental Management, Flood
Plains and Wetlands. The biennial conference is organised by the Wessex Institute and was first
held in 2001. The papers included in the book cover recent advances in the use of computers to
predict the flow, sediment transport, water quality, and ecological processes in river systems.
The papers presented at the Conference cover such topics as: River and Watershed Management;
Flood Risk Management; Erosion and Sediment Transport; Water Resources Management; Water
Quality; River Basin Risk Analysis; Extreme Event Management.
ISBN: 978-1-84564-962-3 eISBN: 978-1-84564-963-0, Published 2015 / 302pp / US$260.00
River Basin Management VII, Edited by: C.A. BREBBIA, Wessex Institute of Technology,
Containing papers presented at the seventh international conference on the topic, this book
reviews the advances that have been made in the development and application of software tools
for predicting the flow, water quality, sediment transport and ecological processes in river systems.
Organised by the Wessex Institute of Technology, the biennial conference was first held in 2001.
The papers presented at the Conference address: Water Resources Management; Flood Risk
Management; Erosion and Sediment Transport; Hydrological Modelling; River Restoration and
Rehabilitation; Water Quality; Changing Climate; Hydrodynamics.
ISBN: 978-1-84564-712-4 eISBN: 978-1-84564-713-1, Published 2013 / 472pp / US$374.00
Earthscan Studies in Water Resource Management
Water Management, Food Security and Sustainable Agriculture in Developing Economies,
Edited by M. Dinesh Kumar, M.V.K. Sivamohan and Nitin Bassi
Governing International Watercourses_ River Basin Organizations and the Sustainable
Governance of Internationally Shared Rivers and Lakes,
Susanne Schmeier
Transferable Groundwater Rights_ Integrating Hydrogeology, Law and Economics,
Andreas N. Charalambous
Contemporary Water Governance in the Global South_ Scarcity, Marketization and
Edited by Leila Harris, Jacqueline Goldin and Christopher Sneddon
Water Governance, Policy and Knowledge Transfer_ International Studies on Contextual
Water Management,
Edited by Cheryl de Boer, Joanne Vinke-de Kruijf, Gül 謟 erol and
Hans Th. A. Bressers
Water as a Catalyst for Peace_ Transboundary Water Management and Conflict Resolution,
Ahmed Abukhater
Sustainable Water and Sanitation Services_ The Life-cycle Approach to Planning and
Livelihoods & Natural Resource Management Institute, International Water &
Sanitation Centre, Centre for Economic and Social Studies, Watershed Support Services &
Activities Network
Water for Food Security and Well-being in Latin America and the Caribbean_ Social and
Environmental Implications for a Globalized Economy,
Edited by Bárbara A. Willaarts,
Alberto Garrido and M. Ramón Llamas
Water Scarcity, Livelihoods and Food Security_ Research and Innovation for Development,
Edited by Larry W. Harrington and Myles J. Fisher
Adaptation to Climate Change through Water Resources Management_ Capacity, Equity and
Edited by Dominic Stucker and Elena Lopez-Gunn
Hydropower Devleopment in the Mekong Region_ Political, Socio-economic and
Environmental Perspectives,
Edited by Nathanial Matthews and Kim Geheb
Governing Transboundary Waters_ Canada, the United States and Indigenous Communities,
Emma S. Norman
附 18:
农业水资源管理综合评估系列丛书(CABI 出版社)
Comprehensive Assessment of Water Management in Agriculture Series
Volume 1. Water Productivity in Agriculture: Limits and Opportunities for Improvement,
Edited by Jacob W. Kijne, Randolph Barker and David Molden
Volume 2. Environment and Livelihoods in Tropical Coastal Zones: Managing
Agriculture–Fishery–Aquaculture Conflicts, Edited by Chu Thai Hoanh, To Phuc Tuong, John
W. Gowing and Bill Hardy
Volume 3. The Agriculture Groundwater Revolution: Opportunities and Threats to Development,
Edited by Mark Giordano and Karen G. Villholth
Volume 4. Irrigation Water Pricing: the Gap Between Theory and Practice, Edited by F Molle
and Jeremy Berkoff
Volume 5. Community-based Water Law and Water Resource Management Reform in Developing
Edited by Barbara van Koppen, Mark Giordano and John Butterworth
Volume 6. Conserving Land, Protecting Water, Edited by Deborah Bossio and Kim Geheb
Volume 7. Rainfed Agriculture: Unlocking the Potential, Edited by Suhas P. Wani, Johan
Rockström and Theib Oweis
Volume 8. River Basin Trajectories: Societies, Environments and Development, Edited by F
Molle and Philippus Wester
Volume 9. Tropical Deltas and Coastal Zones: Food Production Communities and Environment at
the Land–Water Interface,
Edited by Chu T. Hoanh, Brian W. Szuster, Kam Suan-Pheng,
Abdelbagi M. Ismail and Andrew D. Noble
Volume 10. Managing Water and Agroecosystems for Food Security, Edited by Eline Boelee
附 19:
美国地球物理学会(AGU,American Geophysical Union)是一个非营利的国际科学组织,
现今在全球拥有 5 万多名会员。AGU 致力于通过各个会员的努力和与其它科学组织的合作
AGU 将其官方网站建设成以地球科学为核心内容的跨学科的综合性研究站点,内容涉
研究动态、新文章报道及评述和 AGU 的各种通知。AGU 的出版物也通过这个网站提供访
AGU 1956-2014 年出版的电子图书共有 613 种,包括著名的《Geophysical Monograph
“AGU 电子图书(1956-2014 年出版,共 613 本)清单
清单下载 点击下载此文件
AGU 出版物中“Fluvial Hydrology & Limnology(河流水文学及湖沼学)”分学科的著作:
A Peculiar River: Geology, Geomorphology, and Hydrology of the Deschutes River, Oregon;
O'Connor (2003)
Ancient Floods, Modern Hazards: Principles and Applications of Paleoflood Hydrology, Water
Science and Application 5; House(2002)
Brines and Evaporites; Sonnenfeld(1989)
Coastal Depositional Systems, Northwest Gulf of Mexico: New Orleans, Louisiana to Houston,
Texas, July 21-25, 1989, Field Trip Guidebook T370; Suter(1989)
Gondwana Six: Structure, Tectonics, and Geophysics; McKenzie(1987)
Lake Champlain in Transition: From Research Toward Restoration; Manley(1999)
Mountain Rivers Revisited; Wohl(2010)
Physical Processes in Lakes and Oceans; Imberger(1998)
Riparian Vegetation and Fluvial Geomorphology; Bennett(2004)
Rivers Over Rock: Fluvial Processes in Bedrock Channels, Geophysical Monograph 107;
Stream Restoration in Dynamic Fluvial Systems: Scientific Approaches, Analyses, and Tools;
Numerical Methods In The Hydrological Sciences; Hornberger(2005)
Geotrekking In Southeastern Arabia: A Guide To Locations Of World-Class Geology ;
附 19-1:
Geophysical Monograph Series 中涉及水科学的著作选介
The Geophysical Monograph Series encompasses all of the scientific areas in Earth and space
science. It publishes monographic works and compilations of papers on a single topic. Volumes
frequently focus on multidisciplinary problems and are designed to be of interest to researchers,
teachers, and graduate students. ISSN: 0065-8448
Vol. 210, Fluid Dynamics in Complex Fractured-Porous Systems
Vol. 206, Remote Sensing of the Terrestrial Water Cycle
rizon Oil Spill: A Record-Breaking Enterprise
Vol. 194, Stream Restoration in Dynamic Fluvial Systems: Scientific Approaches, Analyses, and
Vol. 191, Rainfall: State of the Science
Vol. 171, Subsurface Hydrology: Data Integration for Properties and Processes
Vol. 168, Earth’s Deep Water Cycle
Vol. 163, Remote Sensing in Northern Hydrology: Measuring Environmental Change
Vol. 129, Environmental Mechanics: Water, Mass and Energy Transfer in the Biosphere
Vol. 128, Hawaiian Volcanoes: Deep Underwater Perspectives
Vol. 127, Gas Transfer at Water Surfaces
Vol. 110, The Controlled Flood in Grand Canyon
Vol. 107, Rivers Over Rock: Fluvial Processes in Bedrock Channels
Vol. 47, Hydrogeological Regimes and Their Subsurface Thermal Effects
Vol. 42, Flow and Transport Through Unsaturated Fractured Rock
Vol. 11, Isotope Techniques in the Hydrologic Cycle: Papers Presented at a Symposium at the
University of Illinois, November 10–12, 1965
Vol. 5, Physics of Precipitation: Proceedings of the Cloud Physics Conference, Woods Hole,
Massachusetts, June 3–5, 1959
附 19-2: http://agupubs.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/agu/books/water-resources-monographs.html
Water Resources Monograph Series
(美国 AGU 出版的水资源专著系列)
The Water Resources Monograph Series is an effective medium for disseminating current
expertise in hydrology and water resources planning and management to those engaged in the
day-to-day problem of water resources development. The series is intended to serve those who are
not engaged in specialized research. In fundamental contrast with research papers, the series limits
discussion of unproven experimental work and complex and detailed mathematical manipulations.
The series presents a brief but well-articulated treatment of the theoretical background of the
subject matter, followed by examples and applications worked out in sufficient detail to be easily
followed to the end result. In general, a strong emphasis is placed on a thorough exposition of the
techniques involved. ISSN: 0170-9600
Vol. 19, Mountain Rivers Revisited
Vol. 18, Landslides: Processes, Prediction, and Land Use
Vol. 17, Soil and Groundwater Contamination: Nonaqueous Phase Liquids— Principles
and Observations
Vol. 16, Water: Science, Policy, and Management: Challenges and Opportunities
Vol. 15, Infiltration Theory for Hydrologic Applications
Vol. 14, Mountain Rivers
Vol. 13, Groundwater Modeling by the Finite Element Method
Vol. 12, River Meandering
Vol. 11, Hillslope Stability and Land Use
Vol. 10, Groundwater Transport: Handbook of Mathematical Models
Vol. 9, Groundwater Hydraulics
Vol. 8, The Scientist and Engineer in Court
Vol. 7, Urban Stormwater Hydrology
Vol. 6, Metropolitan Water Management
Vol. 5, Groundwater Management: The Use of Numerical Models
Vol. 4, Multiobjective Water Resource Planning
Vol. 3, Outdoor Recreation and Water Resources Planning
Vol. 2, Benefit‐Cost Analysis for Water System Planning
Vol. 1, Synthetic Streamflows
附 20:
Water Resources Publications
New Publications, and Highlighted Collections
New Publications of the U.S. Geological Survey
Selected Groundwater Publications
Selected Surface-Water Reports
Selected Water-Quality Publications
Selected Water-Use Bibliography
Annual Water Data Reports, interactive since 2006
USGS Water Resources Research: Recent Climate Change Publications
addressing Water Availability Issues
A sampling of Reports of National and Regional Interest
Educational Resources
The Largest Earth Science Library in the World!:
The USGS publishes in a variety of series, some for the general public (General Interest
Publications, Fact Sheetsand Circulars), and many for more technical audiences.Descriptions of
USGS publications series.
附 21:http://www.nwri-usa.org/epublications.htm
美国国家水研究理事会(National Water Research Institute)的书籍与电子出版物
NWRI Book Store
Welcome to the Book Store where in addition to books, we have publications on CD-ROM,
DVD, and other media. We accept all major credit cards. Shipping is with Fedex or the U.S. Postal
Service. Shipping options shown in your cart as USPS refer to the U.S. Postal Service. We do not
ship with UPS at this time. Listed shipping fees are for shipping and handling.
To help broadly distribute the information generated at NWRI events or through NWRI
research projects, NWRI offers complimentary downloadable publications on our website.
The following NWRI documents are available to download:
NWRI White Papers
UV Guidelines
Joint Reports
Final Project Reports (2006-Present)
Updated! Report Archive: Final Project Reports (1993-2005)
Fellowship Program Progress Reports
Conference Presentations and Papers
Conference Abstracts or Proceedings
Independent Advisory Panel Reports
NGT Workshops
Outreach Publications
Southern California Salinity Coalition (SCSC) Publications
California MTBE Research Partnership Reports
附 22:美国土木工程师学会环境与水资源工程丛书
(ASCE Book Series on Environmental and Water Resources Engineering)
附 23:美国环境保护署环境出版物国家服务中心
EPA Publications
You can search, retrieve, download, print, and order EPA technical, scientific, and educational
materials from this site – all free of charge!
附 24:http://www.hec.usace.army.mil/publications/
美国陆军工程师兵团水文工程中心的出版物(Report 等)
附 25:http://www.awwa.org/publications.aspx
美国水工程协会 AWWA 书籍出版物
附 26:http://dels.nas.edu/wstb/Reports-Academies-Findings
美国科学院“水科学与技术委员会”的专家报告(现有 151 个报告,大部分可在美国学术
附 27:http://www.taylorandfrancis.com/books/subjects/SCEC0793/
Taylor & Francis 出版公司网站检索的水科学出版物
Water Science Books
(时间为倒序排列,2015.11.12 访问,显示总量为 642 本)
泰勒•弗朗西斯集团(Taylor & Francis Group) 是世界上最大的学术出版集团之一,Taylor
& Francis 出版多个领域的学术出版物。泰勒•弗朗西斯集团旗下的出版机构包括 CRC Press
(CRC 主要出版专业参考书、杂志及其他订阅产品。其领域覆盖科学、工程学、医药学等。
旗下的出版品牌有 CRC Press 和 Parthenon Publishing,每年出版 32 种期刊和 350 种新书,
其重版书超过 6000 种)
、Routledge(Routledge 是人文和社科领域著名的出版商。每年出版
超过 1000 种新书,重版书超过 7000 种)等。
New and Published Books – Page 1
Introduction to Hydrogeology, Third Edition
Unesco-IHE Delft Lecture Note Series
By J.C. Nonner
Series: UNESCO-IHE Lecture Note Series
Providing an introduction to the crucially important topic of groundwater, this text covers all
major fields of hydrogeology and includes outlines of the occurrence of groundwater in various
rock types, the movement and storage of groundwater, the formulation of groundwater
balances, the...
Published November 4th 2015 by CRC Press
Biogenic Nanoparticles of Elemental Selenium
Synthesis, Characterization and Relevance in Wastewater Treatment
By Rohan Jain
Series: UNESCO-IHE PhD Thesis Series
Selenium is an intriguing element as on one hand it is toxic and on the other hand it is a
necessary micro-nutrient for humans. It is also a desirable element due to its unique properties
and hence it is used in xerogrpahy, rectifiers, solar cells etc. The presence of selenium in
Published October 29th 2015 by CRC Press
Multiscale Physical Processes of Fine Sediment in an Estuary
By Yuanyang Wan
Series: UNESCO-IHE PhD Thesis Series
Estuaries are natural highly dynamic and rapidly changing systems, comprising a complex
combination of physical processes on many different time- and space- scales. The research
conducted a systematic study on the topic of fine sediment physical processes in a meso-tidal
convergent alluvial estuary...
Published October 29th 2015 by CRC Press
Capacity Development for Learning and Knowledge Permeation
The Case of Water Utilities in Sub-Saharan Africa
By Silas Mvulirwenande
Series: UNESCO-IHE PhD Thesis Series
After World War II, international development became the world leading development model,
but its effectiveness is much debated. Nowadays, it is acknowledged that international
development can effectively support development through knowledge and capacity
development (KCD). Nonetheless,...
Published October 29th 2015 by CRC Press
Low-cost space-borne data for inundation modelling: topography,
flood extent and water level
By Kun Yan
This thesis aims to explore the potential and limitations of low-cost, space-borne data in flood
inundation modelling under unavoidable, intrinsic uncertainty. In particular, the potential in
supporting hydraulic modelling of floods of: NASA’s SRTM (Shuttle Radar Topographic
Mission) topographic...
Published October 29th 2015 by CRC Press
Impact of Improved Operation and Maintenance on Cohesive
Sediment Transport in Gezira Scheme, Sudan
By Ishraga S. Osman
Series: UNESCO-IHE PhD Thesis Series
Irrigated agriculture remains to be the main option to boost the economy in Sudan in general. It
can rise the living standard of the majority of the population; particularly those who are
attached to farming and livestock. With the expected increase in population in the next
decades, water...
Published October 29th 2015 by CRC Press
Subsurface Drainage of Valley Bottom Irrigated Rice Schemes in
Tropical Savannah
Case Studies of Tiefora and Moussodougou in Burkina Faso
By Amadou Keita
Series: UNESCO-IHE PhD Thesis Series
This study was built to investigate the impact of subsurface drainage on iron toxicity in Tropical
Savannah irrigated rice valley bottoms. The research leaned upon two complementary
approaches: field investigations and designed experiments. Important results, covering
several fields, where achieved...
Published October 21st 2015 by CRC Press
Wastewater Management for Irrigation
Principles and Practices
Edited by Megh R. Goyal
Series: Research Advances in Sustainable Micro Irrigation
The reuse of wastewater in irrigation is being practiced only recently to solve water scarcity
problems in agriculture. Management of water, soil, crop, and operational procedures,
including precautions to protect farm workers, play an important role in the successful use of
sewage effluent for...
Published October 6th 2015 by Apple Academic Press
Routledge Handbook of Water and Health
Edited by Jamie Bartram
This comprehensive handbook provides an authoritative source of information on global water
and health, suitable for interdisciplinary teaching for advanced undergraduate and
postgraduate students. It covers both developing and developed country concerns. It is
organized into sections covering:...
Published October 5th 2015 by Routledge
Introduction to Tsallis Entropy Theory in Water Engineering
By Vijay P. Singh
Focuses On an Emerging Field in Water Engineering A broad treatment of the Tsallis entropy
theory presented from a water resources engineering point of view, Introduction to Tsallis
Entropy Theory in Water Engineering fills a growing need for material on this theory and its
relevant applications in...
Published September 25th 2015 by CRC Press
New and Published Books – Page 2
Environmental Hydrology, Third Edition
By Andy D. Ward, Stanley W. Trimble, Suzette R. Burckhard, John G. Lyon
The late Professor Reds Wolman in his Foreword to the award-winning second edition said,
"This is not your ordinary textbook. Environmental Hydrology is indeed a textbook, but five
elements often found separately combine here in one text to make it different. It is eclectic,
practical, in places a...
Published September 17th 2015 by CRC Press
Reverse Osmosis
A Guide for the Nonengineering Professional
By Frank R. Spellman
For the Nonengineering Professional Perfect for anyone without a background in science or
engineering who wants to take a closer look at how water is processed and treated, Reverse
Osmosis: A Guide for the Nonengineering Professional relates reverse osmosis in its most
basic form and addresses...
Published August 5th 2015 by CRC Press
Multi-Stage Flash Desalination
Modeling, Simulation, and Adaptive Control
By Abraha Woldai
Series: Engineering Systems and Sustainability
Explore a Viable Resource for Desalination The world’s freshwater supplies are rapidly
depleting and seawater is being positioned as a major feasible replacement in the search for a
sustainable water source. Focused on large-scale multi-stage flash (MSF) seawater
desalination plants, and based on...
Published June 26th 2015 by CRC Press
Wastewater and Shale Formation Development
Risks, Mitigation, and Regulation
Edited by Sheila Olmstead
The number of tight oil and shale gas wells continues to rise primarily in the US, but also
worldwide. The US has vast reserves of oil and natural gas, which now are commercially
reachable as a result of advances in horizontal drilling and hydraulic fracturing technologies.
But as hydraulic...
Published June 24th 2015 by Apple Academic Press
Wastewater and Public Health
Bacterial and Pharmaceutical Exposures
Edited by Victor M. Monsalvo
This compendium volume is an indispensable source of information on the ways in which
wastewater can impact public health. The editor, a well-respected expert in his field, has
collected the most recent and pertinent investigations into this serious issue. Included are
studies involving: • The...
Published June 24th 2015 by Apple Academic Press
Membrane Bioreactor Processes
Principles and Applications
By Seong-Hoon Yoon
Series: Advances in Water and Wastewater Transport and Treatment
Grasp the Essential Principles of Membrane Bioreactor Processes Evolved from the
conventional activated sludge (CAS) process, membrane bioreactor (MBR) processes have
become the next-generation solution for municipal and industrial wastewater treatment and
recycle. Membrane Bioreactor Processes:...
Published June 23rd 2015 by CRC Press
Hydraulic Fracturing Impacts and Technologies
A Multidisciplinary Perspective
Edited by Venki Uddameri, Audra Morse, Kay J. Tindle
Hydraulic Fracturing Impacts and Technologies: A Multidisciplinary Perspective serves as an
introduction to hydraulic fracturing and provides balanced coverage of its benefits and
potential negative effects. Presenting a holistic assessment of hydraulic fracturing and its
environmental impacts,...
Published June 22nd 2015 by CRC Press
Efficient Management of Wastewater from Manufacturing
New Treatment Technologies
Edited by Victor M. Monsalvo
Efficient Management of Wastewater from Manufacturing is an accessible research
compendium, highly useful for anyone involved with the phytosanitaries, food and beverage,
pharmaceutical, or textile industries. The editor, Victor Monsalvo, is a well-respected expert in
the field who has included...
Published June 22nd 2015 by Apple Academic Press
Ecological Technologies for Industrial Wastewater Management
Petrochemicals, Metals, Semi-Conductors, and Paper Industries
Edited by Victor M. Monsalvo
Water is essential to our planet’s life, and protecting our water resources is a prerequisite for
building a sustainable future. Since water use is inextricably linked to energy use, however, we
face significant challenges. Water plays an essential role in many, if not most, manufacturing...
Published June 16th 2015 by Apple Academic Press
Transboundary Water Management and the Climate Change Debate
By Anton Earle, Ana Elisa Cascao, Stina Hansson, Anders Jägerskog, Ashok
Swain, Joakim Öjendal
Series: Earthscan Studies in Water Resource Management
Climate change has an impact on the ability of transboundary water management institutions
to deliver on their respective mandates. The starting point for this book is that actors within
transboundary water management institutions develop responses to the climate change
debate, as...
Published May 26th 2015 by Routledge
New and Published Books – Page 3
Water Management, Food Security and Sustainable Agriculture in
Developing Economies
Edited by M. Dinesh Kumar, M.V.K. Sivamohan, Nitin Bassi
Series: Earthscan Studies in Water Resource Management
This book addresses strategies for food security and sustainable agriculture in developing
economies. The book focuses primarily on India, a fast developing economy, whose natural
resource base comprising land and water supporting agricultural production is not only under
enormous stress, but also...
Published May 22nd 2015 by Routledge
Biology and Management of Invasive Quagga and Zebra Mussels in the
Western United States
Edited by Wai Hing Wong, Shawn L. Gerstenberger
Biology and Management of Invasive Quagga and Zebra Mussels in the Western United
States is a synthesis of the biology and management of invasive mussels from scientists and
managers working on invasive quagga and zebra mussels in the western United States.
Invasive dreissenid mussels have spread...
Published May 7th 2015 by CRC Press
Wastewater Treatment
Occurrence and Fate of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs)
Edited by Amy J. Forsgren
Series: Advances in Water and Wastewater Transport and Treatment
This book describes the sources of water contamination by PAHs and their transportation and
fate in natural aquatic systems. It then discusses, from the analytical chemist’s view, how to
determine the presence of PAHs in water and wastewater, and the changes in PAH
concentration during treatment...
Published April 21st 2015 by CRC Press
Principles of Membrane Bioreactors for Wastewater Treatment
By Hee-Deung Park, In-Soung Chang, Kwang-Jin Lee
Principles of Membrane Bioreactors for Wastewater Treatment covers the basic principles of
membrane bioreactor (MBR) technology, including biological treatment, membrane filtration,
and MBR applications. The book discusses concrete principles, appropriate design, and
operational aspects. It covers...
Published April 14th 2015 by CRC Press
Groundwater Geochemistry and Isotopes
By Ian Clark
Understand the Environmental Processes That Control Groundwater Quality The integration of
environmental isotopes with geochemical studies is now recognized as a routine approach to
solving problems of natural and contaminated groundwater quality. Advanced sampling and
analytical methods are...
Published April 13th 2015 by CRC Press
Agricultural Water Productivity Optimization for Irrigated Teff
(Eragrostic Tef) in a Water Scarce Semi-Arid Region of Ethiopia
By Yenesew Mengiste Yihun
Series: UNESCO-IHE PhD Thesis Series
The prospects for the future are clear. Agriculture will have to respond to changing patterns of
demand for food and combat food insecurity and poverty amongst marginalized communities.
In so doing, agriculture will have to compete for scarce water with other users and reduce
pressure on the water...
Published April 9th 2015 by CRC Press
Micro and Small Enterprises, Water and Developing Countries
A Challenge for Sustainability in Colombia
By Gloria Ana María Mónica Sanz Galindo
Series: UNESCO-IHE PhD Thesis Series
The relationship between environmental agencies and polluters is especially challenging in the
context of micro and small sized enterprises (McSEs) in developing countries. The focus is
mainly at end-of-pipe solutions that are usually unaffordable for McSEs. In order to engage
them in achieving...
Published April 9th 2015 by CRC Press
Understanding Catchment Processes and Hydrological Modelling
in the Abay/Upper Blue Nile Basin, Ethiopia
By Sirak Tekleab Gebrekristos
Series: UNESCO-IHE PhD Thesis Series
The Abay / Upper Blue Nile basin contributes the largest share of discharge to the river Nile.
However, the basin exhibits large spatio-temporal variability in rainfall and runoff. Moreover,
human activities also impact hydrological processes through intensive agriculture, overgrazing
Published April 9th 2015 by CRC Press
Surface and Subsurface Runoff Generation Processes in a Poorly
Gauged Tropical Coastal Catchment
A Study from Nicaragua
By Heyddy Calderon Palma
Series: UNESCO-IHE PhD Thesis Series
Hydrological research in humid tropics is particularly challenging because of highly variable
hydrological conditions and high socio-economic stresses caused by rapid population increase,
as is the case of Nicaragua. The objective of this research is to understand the surface and
subsurface runoff...
Published March 31st 2015 by CRC Press
Greywater Reuse
By Amit Gross, Adi Maimon, Yuval Alfiya, Eran Friedler
Greywater Reuse examines the features and implications of greywater reuse scientifically,
quantitatively, and thoroughly. Based on the authors’ extensive studies of treatment facilities in
urban and rural environments, development of greywater treatment systems, and research of
Published March 26th 2015 by CRC Press
New and Published Books – Page 4
Remote Sensing of Wetlands
Applications and Advances
Edited by Ralph W. Tiner, Megan W. Lang, Victor V. Klemas
Effectively Manage Wetland Resources Using the Best Available Remote Sensing Techniques
Utilizing top scientists in the wetland classification and mapping field, Remote Sensing of
Wetlands: Applications and Advances covers the rapidly changing landscape of wetlands and
describes the latest...
Published March 23rd 2015 by CRC Press
Membrane Fabrication
Edited by Nidal Hilal, Ahmad Fauzi Ismail, Chris Wright
Membranes play a crucial role in ensuring the optimum use and recovery of materials in
manufacturing. In the process industries, they are required for efficient production and
minimization of environmental impact. They are also essential for the efficient production of
clean water, a significant...
Published March 2nd 2015 by CRC Press
Disposal and Management of Solid Waste
Pathogens and Diseases
By Eliot Epstein
Disposal and Management of Solid Waste: Pathogens and Diseases takes a closer look at
pathogens that are found in solid wastes and the diseases that they produce. While comparing
the differences between developed and developing countries, this book provides an
understanding of the risks and...
Published March 2nd 2015 by CRC Press
Transient Free Surface Flows in Building Drainage Systems
By John Swaffield
Climate change will present a series of challenges to engineers concerned with the provision
of both building internal appliance drainage networks and rainwater systems within the building
boundary, generally identified as the connection to the sewer network. Climate change is now
recognised as...
Published February 19th 2015 by Routledge
Drought: Research and Science-Policy Interfacing
Edited by Joaquin Andreu, Abel Solera, Javier Paredes-Arquiola, David
Haro-Monteagudo, Henny van Lanen
Droughts occur in arid and semi-arid areas of the world, but also in humid areas, and can
develop over short periods (flash drought) or longer periods (seasons/decades). Even though
progress has been made, it remains difficult to adequately characterize, monitor, forecast and
manage droughts, due...
Published February 12th 2015 by CRC Press
Unstructured Cellular Automata in Ecohydraulics Modelling
By Yuqing Lin
Series: UNESCO-IHE PhD Thesis Series
The field of ecohydraulics integrates hydrodynamic and eco-dynamic processes. While
hydrodynamic processes are usually well described by partial differential equations (PDE’s)
based on physical conservation principles, ecosystem dynamics often involve specific
interactions at the local scale....
Published January 25th 2015 by CRC Press
Modeling Estuarine Morphodynamics under Combined River and
Tidal Forcing
By Leicheng Guo
Series: UNESCO-IHE PhD Thesis Series
This research is dedicated to studying longterm estuarine morphodynamic behavior under
combined river and tidal forcing. Analysis of river tides in the Yangtze River estuary (YRE) in
China, schematized morphodynamic modeling in 1D and 2D mode and morphodynamic
modeling of the YRE based on a...
Published January 14th 2015 by CRC Press
Permeable Reactive Barrier
Sustainable Groundwater Remediation
Edited by Ravi Naidu, Volker Birke
Series: Advances in Trace Elements in the Environment
Remediation of groundwater is complex and often challenging. But the cost of pump and treat
technology, coupled with the dismal results achieved, has paved the way for newer, better
technologies to be developed. Among these techniques is permeable reactive barrier (PRB)
technology, which allows...
Published December 20th 2014 by CRC Press
Harmful Algae Blooms in Drinking Water
Removal of Cyanobacterial Cells and Toxins
By Harold W. Walker
Series: Advances in Water and Wastewater Transport and Treatment
Harmful algal blooms (HABs) occurring in freshwater, and the associated toxins they produce,
are dangerous to animals and humans. Mitigating the increasing presence of HABs presents a
major challenge to water managers and drinking water utilities across the world. This book
explores the current...
Published December 18th 2014 by CRC Press
The Impact of Soil Erosion in the Upper Blue Nile on Downstream
Reservoir Sedimentation
By Yasir Salih Ahmed Ali
Series: UNESCO-IHE PhD Thesis Series
Population growth in the Blue Nile Basin has led to fast land-use changes from forest to
agricultural land, which resulted in speeding up the soil erosion processes producing highly
negative impacts on the local soil fertility and agricultural productivity. The eroded sediment is
Published December 9th 2014 by CRC Press
New and Published Books – Page 5
Nanocomposites in Wastewater Treatment
Edited by Ajay Kumar Mishra
Nanocomposites have better adsorption capacity, selectivity, and stability than nanoparticles.
Therefore, they find diversified applications in many areas. Recently, various methods for
heavy metal detection from water have been extensively studied. The adsorption of various
pollutants such as...
Published December 4th 2014 by Pan Stanford
Soil Aquifer Treatment: Assessment and Applicability of Primary
Effluent Reuse in Developing Countries
By Chol Deng Thon Abel
Series: UNESCO-IHE PhD Thesis Series
Climate change, rapid population growth and urbanization are causing water shortage and
pollution, especially in arid and semi-arid regions of the world due to the growing demand in
different sectors and disposal of inadequately treated wastewater to water bodies. To tackle
these challenges,...
Published November 13th 2014 by CRC Press
Fate and Transport of Nutrients in Groundwater and Surface Water in an
Urban Slum Catchment, Kampala, Uganda
By Philip Mayanja Nyenje
Series: UNESCO-IHE PhD Thesis Series
Urban informal settlements or slums are growing rapidly in cities in sub-Saharan Africa. Most
often, a sewer system is not present and the commonly-used low-cost onsite wastewater
handling practices, typically pit latrines, are frequently unplanned, uncontrolled and inefficient.
Consequently, most...
Published November 1st 2014 by CRC Press
Ecological Causal Assessment
Edited by Susan B. Norton, Susan M. Cormier, Glenn W. Suter II
Series: Environmental Assessment and Management
Edited by experts at the leading edge of the development of causal assessment methods for
more than two decades, Ecological Causal Assessment gives insight and expert guidance on
how to identify cause-effect relationships in environmental systems. The book discusses the
importance of asking the...
Published October 29th 2014 by CRC Press
Sediment Transport in Irrigation Canals
A New Approach
By Herman Depeweg, Krishna P. Paudel, Néstor Méndez V
Series: UNESCO-IHE Lecture Note Series
Sediment transport in irrigation canals influences to a great extent the sustainability of an
irrigation system. Unwanted erosion or deposition will not only increase maintenance costs,
but may also lead to unfair, unreliable and unequitable distribution of irrigation water to the end
users. Proper...
Published October 1st 2014 by CRC Press
Global Prospects
Edited by David E. Reisner, T. Pradeep
The world’s fresh water supplies are dwindling rapidly—even wastewater is now considered an
asset. By 2025, most of the world's population will be facing serious water stresses and
shortages. Aquananotechnology: Global Prospects breaks new ground with its informative and
innovative introduction of...
Published September 24th 2014 by CRC Press
The Science of Water
Concepts and Applications, Third Edition
By Frank R. Spellman
The Science of Water: Concepts and Applications, Third Edition contains a wealth of scientific
information and is based on real-world experience. Building on the second edition, this text
applies the latest data and research in the field, and addresses water contamination as a
growing problem. The...
Published September 17th 2014 by CRC Press
River Flow 2014
Edited by Anton J. Schleiss, Giovanni de Cesare, Mario J. Franca, Michael Pfister
The behaviour of river systems is a result of the complex interaction between flow, sediments,
morphology and habitats. Furthermore, rivers are often used as a source of water supply and
energy production as well as a waterway for transportation. The main challenge faced by river
engineers today,...
Published August 12th 2014 by CRC Press
Reservoir Sedimentation
Edited by Anton J. Schleiss, Giovanni de Cesare, Mario J. Franca, Michael Pfister
Despite the mechanisms of reservoir sedimentation being well known for a long time,
sustainable and preventive measures are rarely taken into consideration in the design of new
reservoirs. To avoid operational problems of powerhouses, sedimentation is often treated for
existing reservoirs with...
Published August 12th 2014 by CRC Press
Swiss Competences in River Engineering and Restoration
Edited by Anton J. Schleiss, Jürg Speerli, Roger Pfammatter
Every year the Swiss Commission for Flood Protection (KOHS) of the Swiss Association for
Water Management (SWV) organizes a symposium where professionals, officers of public
administrations, and researchers exchange their experiences on special topics and key
projects in river engineering and...
Published August 12th 2014 by CRC Press
New and Published Books – Page 6
Water and Wastewater Finance and Pricing
The Changing Landscape, Fourth Edition
Edited by George A. Raftelis
A Strategy Guide for Water Utility Managers and Executives, and a Compendium of Best
Financial Practices for Utility Financial Leaders, a "How-To" Guide for Rate and Finance
Technicians and a Reference Point for Policymakers Detailing utility financial plans and rate
structures, and highlighting...
Published July 24th 2014 by CRC Press
Coagulation and Ultrafiltration in Seawater Reverse Osmosis
By S. Assiyeh Alizadeh Tabatabai
Series: UNESCO-IHE PhD Thesis Series
This study investigates the role of coagulation in enhancing hydraulic performance and
permeate quality of UF membranes and provides insight into options for minimizing or ideally
eliminating coagulation from UF pre-treatment to SWRO. Results show that coagulation
improves UF hydraulic performance...
Published July 2nd 2014 by CRC Press
Key Concepts in Water Resource Management
A Review and Critical Evaluation
Edited by Jonathan Lautze
Series: Earthscan Water Text
The vocabulary and discourse of water resource management have expanded vastly in recent
years to include an array of new concepts and terminology, such as water security, water
productivity, virtual water and water governance. While the new conceptual lenses may
generate insights that improve...
Published June 19th 2014 by Routledge
Calcium and Magnesium in Groundwater
Occurrence and Significance for Human Health
Edited by Lidia Razowska-Jaworek
Series: IAH - Selected Papers on Hydrogeology
Calcium and magnesium are abundant in groundwater, but the role of groundwater as the
essential source of these important nutrients is very often neglected. Hydrogeochemical
studies have focused mainly on the distribution and behaviour of constituents that cause
deterioration of water quality, such...
Published June 17th 2014 by CRC Press
Contesting Hidden Waters
Conflict Resolution for Groundwater and Aquifers
By W. Todd Jarvis
Series: Earthscan Water Text
The world increasingly relies on groundwater resources for drinking water and the provision of
food for a growing population. The utilization of aquifer systems also extends beyond
freshwater supply to include other resources such as heat extraction and the storage and
disposal of substances. ...
Published June 3rd 2014 by Routledge
Practical Design Calculations for Groundwater and Soil
Remediation, Second Edition
By Jeff Kuo
Includes Illustrative Applications of Practical Design Calculations Written in a straightforward
style and user-friendly format, Practical Design Calculations for Groundwater and Soil
Remediation, Second Edition highlights the essential concepts and important aspects of major
Published June 2nd 2014 by CRC Press
Algal Blooms and Membrane Based Desalination Technology
By Loreen Ople Villacorte
Series: UNESCO-IHE PhD Thesis Series
Seawater desalination is rapidly growing in terms of installed capacity (~80 million m3/day in
2013), plant size and global application. An emerging threat to this technology is the seasonal
proliferation of microscopic algae in seawater known as algal blooms. Such blooms have
caused operational...
Published May 29th 2014 by CRC Press
Networked Environments for Stakeholder Participation in Water
Resources and Flood Management
By Adrian Delos Santos Almoradie
Series: UNESCO-IHE PhD Thesis Series
Stakeholders’ lack of awareness, involvement and participation in the planning and
management of water resources and flood risk often creates problems in the acceptance and
implementation of proposed measures. Interactions among stakeholders and decision makers
build awareness, trust, enhance...
Published May 29th 2014 by CRC Press
Modelling Groundwater Systems: Understanding and Improving
Groundwater Quantity and Quality Management
By Girma Yimer Ebrahim
Series: UNESCO-IHE PhD Thesis Series
Groundwater is increasingly subjected to excessive over-exploitation and contamination in
many parts of the world. It faces the challenge of balancing its multiple functions in a
sustainable manner. This thesis explores several specific problems related to contaminant
migration, groundwater-surface...
Published May 14th 2014 by CRC Press
The Effect of Riparian Zones on Nitrate Removal by Denitrification at the
River Basin Scale
By Linh Hoang
Series: UNESCO-IHE PhD Thesis Series
At the interface between terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems, the riparian zone plays an
important role in nitrogen removal, despite the minor proportion of the land area that it covers.
Very limited studies are carried out in modelling these effects at the river basin scales. The Soil
and Water...
Published May 14th 2014 by CRC Press
New and Published Books – Page 7
Delivering Integrated Flood Risk Management
Governance for Collaboration, Learning and Adaptation
By Sebastiaan van Herk
Series: UNESCO-IHE PhD Thesis Series
The frequency and consequences of extreme flood events have increased rapidly worldwide in
recent decades and climate change and economic growth are likely to exacerbate this trend.
Flood protection measures alone cannot accommodate the future frequencies and impacts of
flooding. Integrated flood...
Published May 14th 2014 by CRC Press
Delivering Change
Towards Fit-for-Purpose Governance of Adaptation to Flooding and Drought
By Jeroen Rijke
Series: UNESCO-IHE PhD Thesis Series
This book addresses pressing challenges of policy makers, planners and project managers in
the water sector to successfully implement adaptation action. Taking into account both
strategic planning and implementation of adaptation projects, it provides principles and
attributes that contribute to...
Published May 14th 2014 by CRC Press
Mathematics Manual for Water and Wastewater Treatment Plant
Operators, Second Edition: Water Treatment Operations
Math Concepts and Calculations
By Frank R. Spellman
To properly operate a waterworks or wastewater treatment plant and to pass the examination
for a waterworks/wastewater operator’s license, it is necessary to know how to perform certain
calculations. All operators, at all levels of licensure, need a basic understanding of arithmetic
Published May 7th 2014 by CRC Press
Mathematics Manual for Water and Wastewater Treatment Plant
Operators, Second Edition
Basic Mathematics for Water and Wastewater Operators
By Frank R. Spellman
To properly operate a waterworks or wastewater treatment plant and to pass the examination
for a waterworks/wastewater operator’s license, it is necessary to know how to perform certain
calculations. All operators, at all levels of licensure, need a basic understanding of arithmetic
Published May 7th 2014 by CRC Press
Mathematics Manual for Water and Wastewater Treatment Plant
Operators, Second Edition: Wastewater Treatment Operations
Math Concepts and Calculations
By Frank R. Spellman
To properly operate a waterworks or wastewater treatment plant and to pass the examination
for a waterworks/wastewater operator’s license, it is necessary to know how to perform certain
calculations. All operators, at all levels of licensure, need a basic understanding of arithmetic
Published May 7th 2014 by CRC Press
Mathematics Manual for Water and Wastewater Treatment Plant
Operators, Second Edition - Three Volume Set
By Frank R. Spellman
To properly operate a waterworks or wastewater treatment plant and to pass the examination
for a waterworks/wastewater operator’s license, it is necessary to know how to perform certain
calculations. All operators, at all levels of licensure, need a basic understanding of arithmetic
Published May 6th 2014 by CRC Press
Wastewater Stabilization Ponds
By Frank R. Spellman, Joanne E. Drinan
Ponds (lagoons) have been used for centuries with great success in the treatment of
wastewater. Ponds created for treatment, known as stabilization ponds, model the physical
and biochemical interactions that occur in natural ponds. Easy to build and manage,
stabilization ponds can accommodate large...
Published April 9th 2014 by CRC Press
Sanitation in Unsewered Urban Poor Areas
Technology Selection, Quantitative Microbial Risk Assessment and Grey Water
By Alex Yasoni Katukiza
Series: UNESCO-IHE PhD Thesis Series
The PhD Thesis covers a review of sanitation technology options for urban slums including
existing technologies, their application status and the knowledge gaps. A novel method for
selection of sustainable sanitation technologies in urban slums is presented as an alternative
to software...
Published March 19th 2014 by CRC Press
Adsorptive Removal of Heavy Metals from Groundwater by Iron
Oxide Based Adsorbents
By Valentine Uwamariya
Series: UNESCO-IHE PhD Thesis Series
In general, groundwater is a preferred source of drinking water because of its convenient
availability and its constant and good quality. However this source is vulnerable to
contamination by several substances. Acceptable quality limits relative to micropollutant
contents in drinking water are...
Published March 19th 2014 by CRC Press
Debris Flow
Mechanics, Prediction and Countermeasures, 2nd edition, 2nd Edition
By Tamotsu Takahashi
This is the 2nd edition of one of the most comprehensive accounts of debris flow, describing
both theoretical and applied aspects. In the first part, the fundamental mechanical
characteristics are discussed, including flow characteristics, type classification, mechanics,
occurrence and development,...
Published March 10th 2014 by CRC Press
New and Published Books – Page 8
Modeling Shallow Water Flows Using the Discontinuous Galerkin
By Abdul A. Khan, Wencong Lai
Replacing the Traditional Physical Model Approach Computational models offer promise in
improving the modeling of shallow water flows. As new techniques are considered, the
process continues to change and evolve. Modeling Shallow Water Flows Using the
Discontinuous Galerkin Method examines...
Published March 3rd 2014 by CRC Press
Modelling the Future Water Infrastructure of Cities
By Arlex Sanchez Torres
Series: UNESCO-IHE PhD Thesis Series
Many cities around the world are facing considerable pressure to cope with urban
development, sustaining economic growth and providing basic living conditions. Urban
infrastructure is aging and uncontrolled urbanization leads to considerable pressure on
economic resources. Hence there is a need for...
Published February 5th 2014 by CRC Press
Guidelines for Evaluating Water in Pit Slope Stability
Edited by Geoff Beale, John Read
Guidelines for Evaluating Water in Pit Slope Stability is a comprehensive account of the
hydrogeological procedures that should be followed when performing open pit slope stability
design studies. Created as an outcome of the Large Open Pit (LOP) project, an international
research and technology...
Published January 24th 2014 by CRC Press
Experimental and Modeling Studies of Horizontal Subsurface Flow
Constructed Wetlands Treating Domestic Wastewater
By Njenga Mburu
Series: UNESCO-IHE PhD Thesis Series
Sustainable sanitation and water pollution control calls for adoption of affordable and efficient
wastewater treatment technologies. In the developing countries, the safe management of
wastewater is not widespread. There is therefore a need for an appropriate technology that
can reliably achieve...
Published January 10th 2014 by CRC Press
Water Resources Strategies to Increase Food Production in the
Semi-Arid Tropics
By David Love
Water demand in southern Africa continues to rise, as urban areas expand and as agricultural
water demand rises to meet the millennium development food security goals. Water resource
availability in the northern Limpopo Basin has declined over the last 30 years, and will decline
further under...
Published December 15th 2013 by CRC Press
Thermal Use of Shallow Groundwater
By Fritz Stauffer, Peter Bayer, Philipp Blum, Nelson Molina Giraldo,Wolfgang
The thermal use of the shallow subsurface is increasingly being promoted and implemented as
one of many promising measures for saving energy. A series of questions arises concerning
the design and management of underground and groundwater heat extraction systems, such
as the sharing of the thermal...
Published December 12th 2013 by CRC Press
Hydro-Environmental Analysis
Freshwater Environments
By James L. Martin
Focusing on fundamental principles, Hydro-Environmental Analysis: Freshwater Environments
presents in-depth information about freshwater environments and how they are influenced by
regulation. It provides a holistic approach, exploring the factors that impact water quality and
quantity, and the...
Published December 4th 2013 by CRC Press
Soil and Water Contamination, 2nd Edition
By Marcel van der Perk
Soil and Water Contamination, Second Edition gives a structured overview of transport and
fate processes of environmental contaminants. Dealing with all topics essential for
understanding and predicting contaminant patterns in soil, groundwater and surface water, it
contributes to the formation of...
Published November 15th 2013 by CRC Press
Mineral Scales in Biological and Industrial Systems
Edited by Zahid Amjad
Soluble and insoluble impurities present in water used for domestic and industrial applications
can lead to the deposition of unwanted materials on equipment surfaces. Impurities such as
dissolved minerals, natural organic compounds, and suspended particles can impact various
processes and systems...
Published October 26th 2013 by CRC Press
Quagga and Zebra Mussels
Biology, Impacts, and Control, Second Edition
Edited by Thomas F. Nalepa, Don W. Schloesser
The introduction and rapid spread of two Eurasian mussel species, Dreissena polymorpha
(zebra mussel) and Dreissena rostriformis bugensis (quagga mussel), in waters of North
America has caused great concern among industrial and recreational water users. These
invasive species can create substantial...
Published October 25th 2013 by CRC Press
New and Published Books – Page 9
Handbook of Water and Wastewater Treatment Plant Operations,
Third Edition
By Frank R. Spellman
Handbook of Water and Wastewater Treatment Plant Operations the first thorough resource
manual developed exclusively for water and wastewater plant operators has been updated
and expanded. An industry standard now in its third edition, this book addresses management
issues and security needs,...
Published October 21st 2013 by CRC Press
Sustainable Gold Mining Wastewater Treatment by Sorption Using
Low-Cost Materials
By Mike Agbesi Acheampong
Sorption technique was employed to remove heavy metals from gold mining effluent using
natural and plant materials for sustainability. An assessment of the effluent quality of a gold
mining company in Ghana indicated that arsenic, copper and cyanide were the major
pollutants in the process effluent...
Published October 18th 2013 by CRC Press
Simultaneous Sulfate Reduction and Metal Precipitation in an
Inverse Fluidized Bed Reactor
By Denys Kristalia Villa Gomez
Industrial activities like textile processing and mining are typical sources of heavy metal-rich
wastewaters. The sulfate reducing process has become an attractive method for the
production of sulfide to precipitate metals since most of these streams also contain sulfate,
which is the electron...
Published October 18th 2013 by CRC Press
Assessing and Managing Groundwater in Different Environments
Edited by Jude Cobbing, Shafick Adams, Ingrid Dennis, Kornelius Riemann
Series: IAH - Selected Papers on Hydrogeology
This collection of papers is a snapshot of modern hydrogeology in which highly technical
methods and approaches sit side-by-side with overlapping legal, social, organisational,
institutional and governance considerations. Groundwater is integral to many human and
environmental systems. Indeed,...
Published October 10th 2013 by CRC Press
Water Tech
A Guide to Investment, Innovation and Business Opportunities in the Water Sector
By William Sarni, Tamin Pechet
This book unveils how the world in the twenty-first century will need to manage our most
fundamental resource need, water. It outlines how stakeholders can improve water use in their
homes, their businesses, and the world. In particular, it focuses on the role of stakeholders in...
Published October 4th 2013 by Routledge
Water Ethics
A Values Approach to Solving the Water Crisis
By David Groenfeldt
Series: Earthscan Water Text
This book introduces the idea that ethics are an intrinsic dimension of any water policy,
program, or practice, and that understanding what ethics are being acted out in water policies
is fundamental to an understanding of water resource management. Thus in controversies or
conflicts over water...
Published September 10th 2013 by Routledge
Resource Efficiency Complexity and the Commons
The Paracommons and Paradoxes of Natural Resource Losses, Wastes and
By Bruce Lankford
The efficient use of natural resources is key to a sustainable economy, and yet the
complexities of the physical aspects of resource efficiency are poorly understood. In this
challenging book, the author proposes a major advance in our understanding of this topic by
analysing resource efficiency...
Published August 16th 2013 by Routledge
Advances in River Sediment Research
Edited by Shoji Fukuoka, Hajime Nakagawa, Tetsuya Sumi, Hao Zhang
Sediments, which constitute the surface of the Earth, start their journey to rivers with the
energy obtained from rainfalls, fl oods and other natural processes. Due to transport of
sediments, rivers develop with various appearances and functions, and play a crucial role in
the activities of human...
Published August 15th 2013 by CRC Press
Handbook of Water Analysis, Third Edition
Edited by Leo M.L. Nollet, Leen S. P. De Gelder
Extensively revised and updated, Handbook of Water Analysis, Third Edition provides current
analytical techniques for detecting various compounds in water samples. Maintaining the
detailed and accessible style of the previous editions, this third edition demonstrates water
sampling and preservation...
Published July 29th 2013 by CRC Press
Emergence and Evolution of Endogenous Water Institutions in an
African River Basin
Local Water Governance and State Intervention in the Pangani River Basin,
Tanzania, UNESCO-IHE PhD Thesis
By Charles Hans Komakech
Water management challenges in many basins of Sub-Saharan Africa are increasing due to
rapid urbanisation, poverty and food insecurity, energy demands, and climate change. These
challenges put additional demands on existing water institutions, and their capacity to
reconcile competing claims. In...
Published July 4th 2013 by CRC Press
New and Published Books – Page 10
Large-Eddy Simulation in Hydraulics
By Wolfgang Rodi, George Constantinescu, Thorsten Stoesser
Series: IAHR Monographs
Large-Eddy Simulation (LES), which is an advanced eddy-resolving method for calculating
turbulent flows, is used increasingly in Computational Fluid Dynamics, also for solving
hydraulics and environmental flow problems. The method has generally great potential and is
particularly suited for...
Published June 27th 2013 by CRC Press
Adaptive Multi-reservoir-based Flood Control and Management
for the Yellow River
Towards a Next Generation Software System - UNESCO-IHE PhD Thesis
By Shengyang Li
The Yellow River experienced many major floods in the past, often with catastrophic effects for
the North China Plain. After establishing the Yellow River Conservancy Commission (YRCC)
of the Ministry of Water Resources, a number of reservoirs were constructed for flood control
and water resources...
Published June 26th 2013 by CRC Press
Groundwater and Ecosystems
Edited by Luis Ribeiro, Tibor Y. Stigter, Antonio Chambel, M. Teresa Condesso de
Melo, Jose Paulo Monteiro, Albino Medeiros
Series: IAH - Selected Papers on Hydrogeology
Groundwater resources are facing increasing pressure from consuming and contaminating
activities. There is a growing awareness that the quantitative and qualitative preservation of
groundwater resources is a global need, not only to safeguard their future use for public supply
and irrigation, but...
Published June 13th 2013 by CRC Press
Water Governance, Policy and Knowledge Transfer
International Studies on Contextual Water Management
Edited by Cheryl De Boer, Joanne Vinke-de Kruijf, Gül Özerol, Hans Th. A. Bressers
Series: Earthscan Studies in Water Resource Management
In an increasingly global community of researchers and practitioners, new technologies and
communication means have made the transfer of policies from one country or region to
another progressively more prevalent. There has been a lot of attention in the field of public
administration paid to...
Published May 24th 2013 by Routledge
Risk and Uncertainty Analysis for Sustainable Urban Water
By Krishna Bahadur Khatri
A combination of future change pressures - including unprecedented growth in population,
urbanization, socio-economic, and climate change - are imposing new stresses on the earth’s
resources and society’s ability to maintain or improve infrastructure systems and
environmental quality. While...
Published May 1st 2013 by CRC Press
Sewer Processes
Microbial and Chemical Process Engineering of Sewer Networks, Second Edition
By Thorkild Hvitved-Jacobsen, Jes Vollertsen, Asbjørn Haaning Nielsen
Since the first edition was published over a decade ago, advancements have been made in
the design, operation, and maintenance of sewer systems, and new problems have emerged.
For example, sewer processes are now integrated in computer models, and simultaneously,
odor and corrosion problems caused...
Published April 23rd 2013 by CRC Press
Wetland Landscape Characterization
Practical Tools, Methods, and Approaches for Landscape Ecology, Second Edition
By Ricardo D. Lopez, John G. Lyon, Lynn K. Lyon, Debra K. Lopez
Wetlands are, by their very nature, ephemeral and transitional, which makes them challenging
to characterize. Yet the need for characterizing wetlands continues to grow, particularly as we
develop a better understanding of the wealth of ecosystem services that they provide. Wetland
Published March 27th 2013 by CRC Press
Natural and Engineered Solutions for Drinking Water Supplies
Lessons from the Northeastern United States and Directions for Global Watershed
Edited by Emily Alcott, Mark S Ashton, Bradford S Gentry
Illuminating opportunities to develop a more integrated approach to municipal water system
design, Natural and Engineered Solutions for Drinking Water Supplies: Lessons from the
Northeastern United States and Directions for Global Watershed Management explores critical
factors in the...
Published March 26th 2013 by CRC Press
The Water Footprint of Modern Consumer Society
By Arjen Y. Hoekstra
Water is not only used in the domestic context, but also in agriculture and industry in the
production of commercial goods, from food to paper. The water footprint is an indicator of
freshwater use that looks at both direct and indirect use of water by a consumer or producer.
The water footprint of...
Published March 19th 2013 by Routledge
Groundwater around the World
A Geographic Synopsis
By Jean Margat, Jac van der Gun
This book presents a unique and up-to-date summary of what is known about groundwater on
our planet, from a global perspective and in terms of area-specific factual information. Unlike
most textbooks on groundwater, it does not deal with theoretical principles, but rather with the
overall picture...
Published March 19th 2013 by CRC Press
New and Published Books – Page 11
Framework for Dynamic Modelling of Urban Floods at Different
Topographical Resolutions
By Solomon D. Seyoum
Urban flood risks and their impacts are expected to increase as urban development in flood
prone areas continues and rain intensity increases as a result of climate change while aging
drainage infrastructures limit the drainage capacity in existing urban areas. Flood mitigation
strategies are...
Published March 8th 2013 by CRC Press
Transboundary Water Management in a Changing Climate
Edited by Benjamin Dewals, Maïté Fournier
Most large river basins in the world are transboundary. Experience with such basins
emphasizes the urgent need for more efficient transnational water management. This book
details recent initiatives undertaken in the Meuse basin (North-West Europe) to develop a
transnational adaptation strategy to...
Published February 27th 2013 by CRC Press
Investing in Water for a Green Economy
Services, Infrastructure, Policies and Management
Edited by Mike Young, Christine Esau
In the context of the economies of the world becoming greener, this book provides a global
and interdisciplinary overview of the condition of the world’s water resources and the
infrastructure used to manage it. It focuses on current social and economic costs of water
provision, needs and...
Published February 26th 2013 by Routledge
Integrated Water Resources Management, Institutions and
Livelihoods under Stress
Bottom-up Perspectives from Zimbabwe; UNESCO-IHE PhD Thesis
By Collin C. Mabiza
The majority of people in Limpopo river basin depend on rainfed agriculture. Unfortunately the
Limpopo is water scarce, and parts of the basin, such as Zimbabwe’s Mzingwane catchment,
are under stress in terms of agro-ecological and socio-politicoeconomic conditions. Integrated
Water Resources...
Published February 6th 2013 by CRC Press
Water Hammer Research
Advances in Nonlinear Dynamics Modeling
By Kaveh Hariri Asli
This book provides a broad understanding of the main computational techniques used for
water hammer research in water systems. The theoretical background to a number of
techniques is introduced, and general data analysis techniques and examining the application
of techniques in an industrial...
Published January 22nd 2013 by Apple Academic Press
Optimization of Urban Wastewater Systems using Model Based
Design and Control
By Carlos Alberto Velez Quintero
A considerable amount of scientific evidence has been collected leading to the conclusion that
urban wastewater components should be designed as one integrated system, in order to
protect the receiving waters cost-effectively. Moreover, there is a need to optimize the design
Published December 15th 2012 by CRC Press
Drinking Water Disinfection Techniques
By Jyoti Kishen Kumar, Aniruddha Bhalchandra Pandit
Water is our natural heritage, our miracle of life. However, our increasingly technological
society has become indifferent to water. Far from being pure, modern drinking water around
the world contains many undesirable chemical and bacterial contaminants. The existing
techniques employed for the...
Published December 13th 2012 by CRC Press
Long-term Process-based Morphological Modeling of Large Tidal
By Ali Dastgheib
The study presented in this book is a part of a collective effort to bridge the existing gap of our
understanding of morphological behavior of tidal basins between engineering and geological
time scales by extending the use of coastal engineering tools (process-based models) to
geological time...
Published December 10th 2012 by CRC Press
Characterizing Natural Organic Matter in Drinking Water
Treatment Processes and Trains
By Saeed Abdallah Baghoth
Natural organic matter (NOM) generally significantly influences water treatment processes
such as coagulation, oxidation, adsorption, and membrane filtration. In addition to aesthetic
problems such as colour, taste and odour, NOM also contributes to the fouling of filtration
membranes, serves as a...
Published December 10th 2012 by CRC Press
Applications of Environmental Aquatic Chemistry
A Practical Guide, Third Edition
By Eugene R. Weiner
Professionals and students who come from disciplines other than chemistry need a concise
yet reliable guide that explains key concepts in environmental chemistry, from the fundamental
science to the necessary calculations for applying them. Updated and reorganized,
Applications of Environmental...
Published December 7th 2012 by CRC Press
New and Published Books – Page 12
Hydrology and Hydroclimatology
Principles and Applications
By M. Karamouz, S. Nazif, M. Falahi
This book presents a systematic approach to understanding and applying the principles of
hydrology and hydroclimatology, examining the interactions among different components of
the water cycle. It takes a fresh look at the fundamentals and challenges in hydrologic and
hydroclimatic systems as well...
Published November 27th 2012 by CRC Press
Numerical Methods for Hyperbolic Equations
Edited by Elena Vázquez-Cendón, Arturo Hidalgo, Pilar Garcia Navarro, Luis Cea
Numerical Methods for Hyperbolic Equations is a collection of 49 articles presented at the
International Conference on Numerical Methods for Hyperbolic Equations: Theory and
Applications (Santiago de Compostela, Spain, 4-8 July 2011). The conference was organized
to honour Professor Eleuterio Toro...
Published November 5th 2012 by CRC Press
Forest Hydrology
An Introduction to Water and Forests, Third Edition
By Mingteh Chang
Due to its height, density, and thickness of crown canopy; fluffy forest floor; large root system;
and horizontal distribution; forest is the most distinguished type of vegetation on the earth. In
the U.S., forests occupy about 30 percent of the total territory. Yet this 30 percent of land
Published November 1st 2012 by CRC Press
Comprehensive Flood Risk Management
Research for Policy and Practice
Edited by Frans Klijn, Timo Schweckendiek
Flood risk management policy across the European Union is changing, partly in response to
the EU Floods Directive and partly because of new scientific approaches and research
findings. It involves a move towards comprehensive flood risk management, which requires
bringing the following fields/...
Published November 1st 2012 by CRC Press
Groundwater Modeling and Management under Uncertainty
Proceedings of the Sixth IAHR International Groundwater Symposium, Kuwait, 19
- 21 November, 2012
Edited by Khaled Hadi, Nadim Copty
Groundwater is a vital resource of water, in some regions of the world the only source of fresh
water. Its use for domestic use and agriculture dates back thousands of years. In recent
decades the over-exploitation and unabated use of this resource has lead to severe
environmental problems such as...
Published October 29th 2012 by CRC Press
Water Loss Management: Tools and Methods for Developing
By Harrison E. Mutikanga
Water losses occur in all water distribution systems worldwide and high levels are indicative of
poor governance and poor physical condition of the system. Water losses vary from 3% of
system input volume in the developed countries to 70% in the developing countries. This high
contrast suggests...
Published October 11th 2012 by CRC Press
Applying the Flood Vulnerability Index as a Knowledge Base for
Flood Risk Assessment
By Stefania-Florina Balica
Floods are one of the most common and widely distributed natural risks to life and property
worldwide. There is a need to identify the risk of flooding in flood prone areas to support
decisions for flood management from high level planning proposals to detailed design. An
important part of...
Published October 11th 2012 by CRC Press
Development of a Low-Cost Alternative for Metal Removal from
Textile Wastewater
By Christian Sekomo Birame
Industrial wastewater contains many pollutants. This book focuses on heavy metals found in
textile effluents because of their known toxicity effect in the environment. Wastewater from a
textile industry (UTEXRWA) in Rwanda has been screened for the occurrence of Cd, Cr, Cu,
Pb, and Zn. Batch...
Published October 11th 2012 by CRC Press
An Approach towards Generic Coastal Geomorphological
Modelling with Applications
By Qinghua Ye
This thesis presents the development a generic morphological model for both structured and
unstructured grid. An online coupling model frame is set up by modularizing a proven 3d
hydrodynamic module, a bed state description module, a sediment transport module, a bed
update module, and a...
Published October 11th 2012 by CRC Press
Water and Sanitation Services
Public Policy and Management
Edited by Jose Esteban Castro, Leo Heller
Substantially reducing the number of human beings who lack access to clean water and safe
sanitation is one of the key Millennium Development Goals. This book argues and
demonstrates that this can only be achieved by a better integration of the technical and social
science approaches in the search...
Published August 24th 2012 by Routledge
New and Published Books – Page 13
Fundamentals of Wastewater Treatment and Engineering
By Rumana Riffat
As the world’s population has increased, sources of clean water have decreased, shifting the
focus toward pollution reduction and control. Disposal of wastes and wastewater without
treatment is no longer an option. Fundamentals of Wastewater Treatment and Engineering
introduces readers to the...
Published August 17th 2012 by CRC Press
Groundwater Quality Sustainability
Edited by Piotr Maloszewski, Stanisław Witczak, Grzegorz Malina
Series: IAH - Selected Papers on Hydrogeology
Sustainable groundwater development requires knowledge of the appropriate recharge and
transport-processes. This is a prerequisite to understanding: (i) groundwater resources and
their availability, and (ii) the dependence between groundwater and the environment.
Conceptual understanding of...
Published August 6th 2012 by CRC Press
Fundamental Mechanics of Fluids, Fourth Edition
By I.G. Currie
Fundamental Mechanics of Fluids, Fourth Edition addresses the need for an introductory text
that focuses on the basics of fluid mechanics—before concentrating on specialized areas such
as ideal-fluid flow and boundary-layer theory. Filling that void for both students and
professionals working in...
Published August 1st 2012 by CRC Press
Hydrogeological Conceptual Site Models
Data Analysis and Visualization
By Neven Kresic, Alex Mikszewski
A reference for students, researchers, and environmental professionals, Hydrogeological
Conceptual Site Models: Data Analysis and Visualization explains how to develop effective
conceptual site models, perform advanced spatial data analysis, and generate informative
graphics for applications in...
Published July 30th 2012 by CRC Press
Water and Wastewater Treatment
A Guide for the Nonengineering Professional, Second Edition
By Joanne E. Drinan, Frank Spellman
Lauded for its engaging, highly readable style, the best-selling first edition became the premier
guide for nonengineers involved in water and wastewater treatment operations. Water and
Wastewater Treatment: A Guide for the Nonengineering Professional, Second Edition
continues to provide a simple,...
Published July 20th 2012 by CRC Press
Wastewater Treatment
Advanced Processes and Technologies
Edited by D. G. Rao, R. Senthilkumar, J. Anthony Byrne, S. Feroz
Due to the heterogeneous nature of water streams from diverse domestic and industrial
sources, and the equally diverse nature of pollutants that can be physical, chemical, and
biological in nature, their treatment methods also must be varied in nature. Responding to this
complex situation,...
Published July 5th 2012 by CRC Press
Renewable Energy Applications for Freshwater Production
Edited by Jochen Bundschuh, Jan Hoinkis
Series: Sustainable Energy Developments
Worldwide, many regions have a great potential to cover part of their pressing water needs by
renewable energy powered water treatment processes using either thermal or membrane
based technologies. Not only arid and semiarid regions are increasingly suffering from water
shortage but also many other...
Published July 2nd 2012 by CRC Press
Water, Wastewater, and Stormwater Infrastructure Management,
Second Edition
By Neil S. Grigg
Urban water services are building blocks for healthy cities, and they require complex and
expensive infrastructure systems. Most of the infrastructure is out of sight and tends to be
taken for granted, but an infrastructure financing crisis looms in the United States because the
systems are aging...
Published June 8th 2012 by CRC Press
Micellar Enhanced Ultrafiltration
Fundamentals & Applications
By Sirshendu De, Sourav Mondal
Series: IIT Kharagpur Research Monograph Series
A response to increasingly stringent regulation of pollution and toxicity levels in industrial
waste discharge, Micellar Enhanced Ultrafiltration: Fundamentals & Applications offers the
most complete book available on the benefits and use of micellar-enhanced ultrafiltration
(MEUF) to achieve...
Published June 4th 2012 by CRC Press
Environmental Fluid Mechanics
Memorial Volume in honour of Prof. Gerhard H. Jirka
Edited by Wolfgang Rodi, Markus Uhlmann
Series: IAHR Monographs
This book contains the written versions of invited lectures presented at the Gerhard H. Jirka
Memorial Colloquium on Environmental Fluid Mechanics, held June 3-4, 2011, in Karlsruhe,
Germany. Professor Jirka was widely known for his outstanding work in Environmental Fluid
Mechanics, and 23 eminent...
Published May 28th 2012 by CRC Press
New and Published Books – Page 14
The Drinking Water Handbook, Second Edition
By Frank R. Spellman, Joanne E. Drinan
When you open the tap to fill your glass with drinking water, you expect the water to be of good
quality. But is the water from your tap really safe? The second edition of an industry-wide
bestseller, The Drinking Water Handbook explains the many processes employed to make
water safe to drink....
Published May 22nd 2012 by CRC Press
Interactions between Land Use and Flood Management in the Chi
River Basin
By Kittiwet Kuntiyawichai
The damages and hardships caused by floods and flooding remain an issue and are
continuously increasing in the Chi River Basin, Thailand. It is difficult to make an accurate
assessment of the costs and consequences associated with floods. However, flood hazards
can also be seen as an opportunity, a...
Published May 11th 2012 by CRC Press
Changes in Flood Risk in Europe
Edited by Zbigniew W. Kundzewicz
Floods are the most prevalent natural hazard in Europe. Has flood risk increased in the
continent? How, where, and why? Are climate change impacts apparent? How do
socio-economic trends and associated land-use and land-cover change impact flood risk? This
book considers national and regional...
Published April 30th 2012 by CRC Press
Groundwater Optimization Handbook
Flow, Contaminant Transport, and Conjunctive Management
By Richard C. Peralta
Existing and impending water shortages argue for improving water quantity and quality
management. Groundwater Optimization Handbook: Flow, Contaminant Transport, and
Conjunctive Management helps you formulate and solve groundwater optimization problems
to ensure sustainable supplies of adequate...
Published April 26th 2012 by CRC Press
A Methodology for Processing Raw LIDAR Data to Support Urban
Flood Modelling Framework
By Ahmad Fikri Bin Abdullah
The consequences of recent floods and flash floods in many parts of the world have been
devastating. One way to improving flood management practice is to invest in data collection
and modelling activities which enable an understanding of the functioning of a system and the
selection of...
Published April 15th 2012 by CRC Press
Water Policy Processes in India
Discourses of Power and Resistance
By Vandana Asthana
Series: Routledge Contemporary South Asia Series
The privatization of water is a keenly contested issue in an economically-liberalizing India.
Since the 1990s, large social groups across India's diverse and disparate peoples have been
re-negotiating their cultural relationships with each other as to whether they support or
Published March 29th 2012 by Routledge
Pattern Recognition for Reliability Assessment of Water
Distribution Networks
By N. Trifunovic
This study investigates the patterns that describe reliability of water distribution networks
focusing to the node connectivity, energy balance, and economics of construction, operation
and maintenance. A number of measures to evaluate the network resilience has been
developed and assessed to...
Published February 13th 2012 by CRC Press
Integrating GIS, Remote Sensing, and Mathematical Modelling for
Surface Water Quality Management in Irrigated Watersheds
By Amel Moustafa Azab
The intensive use of limited water resources, the growing population rates and the various
increasing human activities put high and continuous stresses on these resources. Major
problems affecting the water quality of rivers, streams and lakes may arise from inadequately
treated sewage, poor land...
Published February 12th 2012 by CRC Press
Transport of multiple Escherichia coli strains in saturated porous
By George Lutterodt
Prediction of microbial transport distances are usually based on the sticking efficiency, a
parameter in the classical colloid filtration theory. This parameter represents the interaction
between colloid and collector surfaces resulting in deposition. According to the theory, the
Published February 7th 2012 by CRC Press
By Jose Galizia Tundisi, Takako Matsumura Tundisi
Limnology provides an in-depth and current overview of the field of limnology. The result of a
major tour de force by two renowned and experienced experts, this unique and richly
illustrated reference presents a wealth of data on limnology history, water as a substrate,
lakes’ origins and aquatic...
Published January 27th 2012 by CRC Press
New and Published Books – Page 15
Plasma Discharge in Liquid
Water Treatment and Applications
By Yong Yang, Young I. Cho, Alexander Fridman
Plasma methods that effectively combine ultraviolet radiation, active chemicals, and high
electric fields offer an alternative to conventional water treatment methods. However,
knowledge of the electric breakdown of liquids has not kept pace with this increasing interest,
mostly due to the...
Published January 24th 2012 by CRC Press
Geochemical Modeling of Groundwater, Vadose and Geothermal
Edited by Jochen Bundschuh, Michael Zilberbrand
Series: Multiphysics Modeling
Geochemical modeling is an important tool in environmental studies, and in the areas of
subsurface and surface hydrology, pedology, water resources management, mining geology,
geothermal resources, hydrocarbon geology, and related areas dealing with the exploration
and extraction of natural...
Published December 23rd 2011 by CRC Press
Predicting Storm Surges: Chaos, Computational Intelligence, Data
Assimilation and Ensembles
By Michael Siek
Accurate predictions of storm surge are of importance in many coastal areas in the world to
avoid and mitigate its destructive impacts. For this purpose the physically-based (process)
numerical models are typically utilized. However, in data-rich cases, one may use data-driven
methods aiming at...
Published December 16th 2011 by CRC Press
Sustainable Irrigation Development in the White Volta sub-Basin
By Eric Antwi Ofosu
Sub-Saharan Africa has an irrigation potential of about 42 million hectares of which only 17%
is developed. Despite several investments in irrigation the growth is slow. This study aims at
helping to achieve sustainable irrigation in sub-Saharan Africa, through gaining a better
understanding of...
Published December 16th 2011 by CRC Press
Institutional Innovation in Water Management
The Scottish Experience
Edited by W.R.D. Sewell, J.T. Coppock, A. Pitkethly
Water supply is high on the international political agenda. This study, using the Scottish
experience as an examplar, shows that institutional innovation is as important if not more so
than improved technology in providing water for a growing world population....
Published December 13th 2011 by CRC Press
Urban Water Conflicts
By Bernard Barraque
Series: Urban Water Series
Urban water conflicts manifested first in Europe in the 19th century and are observed
nowadays in various forms throughout the world; in particular, in developing countries. Main
causes of these conflicts are characterized by complex socioeconomic and institutional issues
related to urban water...
Published December 2nd 2011 by CRC Press
Climate Change Effects on Groundwater Resources
A Global Synthesis of Findings and Recommendations
Edited by Holger Treidel, Jose Luis Martin-Bordes, Jason J. Gurdak
Series: IAH - International Contributions to Hydrogeology
Climate change is expected to modify the hydrological cycle and affect freshwater resources.
Groundwater is a critical source of fresh drinking water for almost half of the world’s population
and it also supplies irrigated agriculture. Groundwater is also important in sustaining streams,
Published December 2nd 2011 by CRC Press
Remediation Manual for Contaminated Sites
By David L. Russell
To ask the right question, one needs to have some idea of what the answer might be. So it is
with remediation. There is no such thing as too much information when it comes to
characterizing a site, as information can aid in selecting the best remediation options.
Unfortunately, the collection of...
Published October 6th 2011 by CRC Press
Sustainable Development
Environment, Energy and Water Resources
By M. K. Ghosh Roy
The over-exploitation of the Earth’s resources has brought about an unsustainable situation
where biodiversity and ecological balance are under dire threat. But the most immediate
concern is global warming, caused by high anthropogenic emission of carbon dioxide in the
atmosphere. Global warming is...
Published October 6th 2011 by CRC Press
Particulate and Organic Matter Fouling of Seawater Reverse
Osmosis Systems
Characterization, Modelling and Applications. UNESCO-IHE PhD Thesis
By Sergio G. Salinas Rodriguez
Characterizing bulk organic matter in seawater and bay water by various analytical techniques
and linking these measurements with fouling in membrane systems. Furthermore, it aimed for
the development of the Modified Fouling Index - ultrafiltration (MFI-UF) at constant flux
filtration as an...
Published September 28th 2011 by CRC Press
New and Published Books – Page 16
Field Hydrogeology
A Guide for Site Investigations and Report Preparation, Second Edition
By John E. Moore
In recent years, the focus in hydrogeologic investigations has expanded to include aquifer
sustainability as part of resource evaluations. While there are other books on the subject, Field
Hydrogeology: A Guide for Site Investigations and Report Preparation provides the first
Published August 4th 2011 by CRC Press
Economic Incentives for Stormwater Control
Edited by Hale W. Thurston
Dealing with stormwater runoff in urban areas is a problem that is getting bigger and more
expensive. As we cover porous surfaces with impervious structures—commercial buildings,
parking lots, roads, and houses—finding places for rainwater and snowmelt to soak in
becomes harder. Many landscapers,...
Published August 3rd 2011 by CRC Press
Lecture Notes on Numerical Methods for Hyperbolic Equations
Edited by Elena Vázquez-Cendón
This volume contains the lecture notes of the Short Course on Numerical Methods for
Hyperbolic Equations (Faculty of Mathematics, University of Santiago de Compostela, Spain,
2-4 July 2011). The course was organized in recognition of Prof. Eleuterio Toro’s contribution
to education and training on...
Published May 23rd 2011 by CRC Press
Rip Currents
Beach Safety, Physical Oceanography, and Wave Modeling
Edited by Stephen Leatherman, John Fletemeyer
Rip Currents: Beach Safety, Physical Oceanography, and Wave Modeling is the culmination of
research from over 100 coastal scientists, engineers, forecast meteorologists, lifeguard chiefs,
and other practitioners from around the world who participated in the 1st International Rip
Current Symposium....
Published May 9th 2011 by CRC Press
Urban Storm Water Management
By Hormoz Pazwash
Covering all elements of the storm water runoff process, Urban Storm Water Management
includes numerous examples and case studies to guide practitioners in the design,
maintenance, and understanding of runoff systems, erosion control systems, and common
design methods and misconceptions. It covers...
Published April 28th 2011 by CRC Press
Practical Handbook for Wetland Identification and Delineation,
Second Edition
By John G. Lyon, Lynn Krise Lyon
Series: Mapping Science
Wetland identification, although theoretically straightforward, is not cut and dry as a practice.
Despite the time and expense, it is an economic and environmental necessity. The Definitive
Guide to the Practice of Wetland Identification The second edition of the bestselling Practical
Published March 21st 2011 by CRC Press
Groundwater Hydrology
Engineering, Planning, and Management
By M. Karamouz, A. Ahmadi, M. Akhbari
Increasing demand for water, higher standards of living, depletion of resources of acceptable
quality, and excessive water pollution due to urban, agricultural, and industrial expansions
have caused intense environmental, social, economic, and political predicaments. More
frequent and severe floods...
Published March 15th 2011 by CRC Press
Water in Central Asia
Past, Present, Future
By Victor A. Dukhovny, Joop de Schutter
Central Asia is the cluster of countries located in the basin of the "Great Aral Sea". It originates
from the ancient civilizations of the IV-III millennium B.C. known as “Ariana” and is an
important geopolitical centre today, where the USA, Russia, China, EU, Iran and India
participate in the...
Published January 25th 2011 by CRC Press
Water Productivity in Rainfed Agriculture
By Hodson Makurira
The challenge of water scarcity as a result of insufficient seasonal rainfall and dry spell
occurrences during cropping seasons is compounded by inefficient agricultural practices by
smallholder farmers where insignificant soil and water conservation efforts are applied. The
hypothesis of this...
Published December 30th 2010 by CRC Press
Multiple Objective Treatment Aspects of Bank Filtration
By Sung Kyu Maeng
Bank filtration (BF) is a natural water treatment process which induces surface water to flow in
response to a hydraulic gradient through soil/sediment and into a vertical or horizontal well. It
is a relatively cost-effective, robust and sustainable technology. From a historical perspective,
BF is...
Published December 15th 2010 by CRC Press
New and Published Books – Page 17
Optimisation of Monitoring Networks for Water Systems
By José L.A. Segura
Monitoring networks provide data that is analysed to help managers make informed decisions
about their water systems. Their design and evaluation have a number of challenges that must
be resolved, among others, the restriction on having a limited number of monitoring devices.
This book presents...
Published December 15th 2010 by CRC Press
The Forgotten Biological Molecule
Edited by Denis Le Bihan, Hidenao Fukuyama
The main objective of this book is to bring together multidisciplinary contributions from leading
authorities on the properties and roles of water in cell systems which are otherwise dispersed
in the literature and difficult to gather. The authors are drawn from areas of physics, chemistry,
Published November 30th 2010 by Pan Stanford
Advanced Simulation and Modeling for Urban Groundwater
Management - UGROW
Edited by Dubravka Pokrajac, Ken W.F. Howard
Series: Urban Water Series
UGROW (Urban GROundWater) represents one of the most advanced urban water
management tools produced to date and fully integrates all urban water system components
including groundwater. It will raise the awareness of the interaction between urban water
system components, support management...
Published November 16th 2010 by CRC Press
Fundamentals of Water Treatment Unit Processes
Physical, Chemical, and Biological
By David Hendricks
Carefully designed to balance coverage of theoretical and practical principles, Fundamentals
of Water Treatment Unit Processes delineates the principles that support practice, using the
unit processes approach as the organizing concept. The author covers principles common to
any kind of water...
Published November 9th 2010 by CRC Press
Water Quality Concepts, Sampling, and Analyses
Edited by Yuncong Li, Kati Migliaccio
As water quality becomes a leading concern for people and ecosystems worldwide, it must be
properly assessed in order to protect water resources for current and future generations.
Water Quality Concepts, Sampling, and Analyses supplies practical information for planning,
conducting, or evaluating...
Published October 21st 2010 by CRC Press
Re-thinking Water and Food Security
Fourth Botin Foundation Water Workshop
Edited by Luis Martinez-Cortina, Alberto Garrido, Elena Lopez-Gunn
This book provides an overview, by leading world experts, on key issues in global water and
food security. The book is divided in a series of over-arching themes and sections. The first
part of the book provides an overview of water and food security. The second and third
sections look at...
Published September 30th 2010 by CRC Press
Modern Well Design
Second Edition
By Bernt S. Aadnoy
Modern Well Design - Second Edition presents a unified approach to the well design process
and drilling operations. Following an introduction to the field, the second chapter addresses
drilling fluids, as well as optimal mud weight, hole cleaning, hydraulic optimization, and
methods to handle...
Published September 15th 2010 by CRC Press
Water Chemistry
Green Science and Technology of Nature's Most Renewable Resource
By Stanley E. Manahan
Carefully crafted to provide a comprehensive overview of the chemistry of water in the
environment, Water Chemistry: Green Science and Technology of Nature's Most Renewable
Resource examines water issues within the broad framework of sustainability, an issue of
increasing importance as the demands...
Published August 19th 2010 by CRC Press
Water Technology, Third Edition
By Nick Gray
Water has become one of the most important issues of our time. Career prospects for those
working in water and wastewater engineering are expanding, with over 90,000 workers in the
water environment industry, and technological developments are rapidly advancing our
understanding in this area. This...
Published July 26th 2010 by CRC Press
Urban Drainage, Third Edition
By David Butler, John Davies
Urban Drainage has been thoroughly revised and updated to reflect changes in the practice
and priorities of urban drainage. New and expanded coverage includes: Sewer flooding The
impact of climate change Flooding models The move towards sustainability Providing a
descriptive overview of the...
Published July 23rd 2010 by CRC Press
New and Published Books – Page 18
Introduction to the Numerical Modeling of Groundwater and
Geothermal Systems
Fundamentals of Mass, Energy and Solute Transport in Poroelastic Rocks
By Jochen Bundschuh, Mario César Suárez A.
Series: Multiphysics Modeling
This book provides an introduction to the scientific fundamentals of groundwater and
geothermal systems. In a simple and didactic manner the different water and energy problems
existing in deformable porous rocks are explained as well as the corresponding theories and
the mathematical and numerical...
Published July 5th 2010 by CRC Press
Recursive Streamflow Forecasting
A State Space Approach
By Jozsef Szilagyi, Andras Szollosi Nagy
This textbook is a practical guide to real-time streamflow forecasting that provides a rigorous
description of a coupled stochastic and physically based flow routing method and its practical
applications. This method is used in current times of record-breaking floods to forecast flood...
Published June 25th 2010 by CRC Press
Engineering Hydrology of Arid and Semi-Arid Regions
By Mostafa M. Soliman
The natural scarcity of water in arid and semiarid regions, aggravated by man-made factors,
makes it difficult to achieve a reliable water resources supply. Communities in these areas pay
the price for thousands of years of water manipulation. Presenting important insight into the
complexities of...
Published June 23rd 2010 by CRC Press
Desalination Technology
Health and Environmental Impacts
Edited by Joseph Cotruvo, Nikolay Voutchkov, John Fawell, Pierre Payment,David
Cunliffe, Sabine Lattemann
Desalination Technology: Health and Environmental Impacts covers the latest developments
in desalination, examining the environmental and public health-related impacts of these
technologies. Written by international experts, the text presents specifications for assessing
water quality, technical...
Published June 23rd 2010 by CRC Press
Eco-hydraulic Modelling of Eutrophication for Reservoir
By Nahm-chung Jung
This study presents an systematic approach to water quality assessment, hybrid modelling
and decision support for eutrophication management in deep reservoirs. It is found that during
the summer monsoon the catchment runoff into the Yongdam reservoir induces a transfer of
pollutants from a middle...
Published May 11th 2010 by CRC Press
From Water Scarcity to Sustainable Water Use in the West Bank,
By Dima Wadi Nazer
Water scarcity is increasing all over the world because of growing population and increasing
demands. Countries with limited water resources are urgently in need of a new approach
toward water management by shifting from the "use and dispose" approach to the "use, treat,
and reuse" approach....
Published May 11th 2010 by CRC Press
Rejection of Emerging Organic Contaminants by Nanofiltration
and Reverse Osmosis Membranes
Effects of Fouling, Modelling and Water Reuse
By Victor Augusto Yangali Quintanilla
Pollution of water sources with emerging contaminants (micropollutants) is a fact known
worldwide. Although the risks of micropollutants in sources of water are partly recognized,
interpretation of consequences are controversial; thus, the future effects of altered water with
Published May 11th 2010 by CRC Press
Development of an Environmental Impact Assessment and
Decision Support System for Seawater Desalination Plants
By Sabine Latteman
Seawater desalination is a coastal-based industry. The growing number of desalination plants
worldwide and the increasing size of single facilities emphasises the need for greener
desalination technologies and more sustainable desalination projects. Two complementing
approaches are the development...
Published May 11th 2010 by CRC Press
The Global Arsenic Problem
Challenges for Safe Water Production
Edited by Nalan Kabay, Jochen Bundschuh, Bruce Hendry, Marek Bryjak, Kazuharu
Yoshizuka, Prosun Bhattacharya, Suer Anac
Series: Arsenic in the environment
A prevalent and increasingly important issue, arsenic removal continues to be one of the most
important areas of water treatment. Conventional treatment plants may employ several
methods for removing arsenic from water. Commonly used processes include oxidation,
sedimentation, coagulation and...
Published April 26th 2010 by CRC Press
Environmental Investigation and Remediation
1,4-Dioxane and other Solvent Stabilizers
By Thomas K.G. Mohr, Julie A. Stickney, William H. DiGuiseppi
A ubiquitous, largely overlooked groundwater contaminant, 1,4-dioxane escaped notice by
almost everyone until the late 1990s. While some dismissed 1,4-dioxane because it was not
regulated, others were concerned and required testing and remediation at sites they oversaw.
Drawing years of 1,4-dioxane...
Published March 25th 2010 by CRC Press
New and Published Books – Page 19
Urban and Highway Stormwater Pollution
Concepts and Engineering
By Thorkild Hvitved-Jacobsen, Jes Vollertsen, Asbjorn Haaning Nielsen
As the world population grows, already burgeoning cities are becoming taxed in every
conceivable way. One topic that receives few headlines, but significantly impacts an area’s
quality of health and economic development is the challenge to maintain sustainable urban
drainage (SUD). Poor drainage...
Published March 25th 2010 by CRC Press
Practical Atlas for Bacterial Identification, Second Edition
By D. Roy Cullimore
Published nearly ten years ago, the first edition of Practical Atlas for Bacterial Identification
broke new ground with the wealth of detail and breadth of information it provided. The second
edition is poised to do the same. Differing fundamentally from the first edition, this book begins
Published March 17th 2010 by CRC Press
Capacity Development for Improved Water Management
Edited by Maarten Blokland, Guy Alaerts, Judith Kaspersma, Matt Hare
This collection of papers explains how knowledge and capacity development can contribute to
improved, effective water management with a digest of lessons learned in the areas of
development of tools and techniques, field applications and evaluation. The authors are
prominent practitioners...
Published February 1st 2010 by CRC Press
Urban Water Engineering and Management
By Mohammad Karamouz, Ali Moridi, Sara Nazif
In past decades, urban water management practices focused on optimizing the design and
operation of water distribution networks, wastewater collection systems, and water and
wastewater treatment plants. However, municipalities are now faced with aging urban water
infrastructures whose operation...
Published January 20th 2010 by CRC Press
Strategy and Performance of Water Supply and Sanitation
By Marco Schouten
The continuous growth in the demand for water supply and sanitation services has posed
decision makers with the challenge to discover new, and to adapt existing, institutions. Since
the last two decades, the most prominent institutional change for the water and sanitation
sector is neo-liberalism....
Published January 15th 2010 by CRC Press
A Technical-Economic Model for Integrated Water Resources
Management in Tourism Dependent Arid Coastal Regions
By Aya Lamei
The modeling tool is applied to address water management issues in the case study region
(Sharm El Sheikh, South-Sinai, Egypt) that suffers from water shortage and that is located
near a unique but sensitive marine environment of high ecological value. The main economic
activity in the city is...
Published January 15th 2010 by CRC Press
Anticipatory Water Management – Using ensemble weather
forecasts for critical events
By Schalk-Jan van Andel
Day-to-day water management is challenged by meteorological extremes, causing floods and
droughts. Often operational water managers are informed too late about these upcoming
events to be able to respond and mitigate their effects, such as by taking flood control
measures or even requiring...
Published January 15th 2010 by CRC Press
Groundwater Response to Changing Climate
Edited by Makoto Taniguchi, Ian P. Holman
Series: IAH - Selected Papers on Hydrogeology
Groundwater systems are vital to both society and the environment, supporting food
production and many other ecosystem services. Sustainable management of this vital
resource for future generations requires a sound understanding of how groundwater might
respond to the inevitable changes in future...
Published January 12th 2010 by CRC Press
Adsorptive Removal of Manganese, Arsenic and Iron from
By Richard Buamah
Arsenic, manganese and iron in drinking water at concentrations exceeding recommended
guideline values pose health risks and aesthetic defects. Batch and pilot experiments on
manganese adsorption equilibrium and kinetics using iron-oxide coated sand (IOCS),
Aquamandix and other media have been...
Published January 12th 2010 by CRC Press
Rapid Bioassessment of Stream Health
By Duncan L. Hughes, James Gore, Michele P. Brossett, John R. Olson
Tasked by the Clean Water Act to restore and maintain the integrity of their waters, state and
local governments must develop systems for assessing the health of the streams within their
borders. They quickly find that one size does not fit all when it comes to sampling. Rapid
Bioassessment of...
Published December 23rd 2009 by CRC Press
New and Published Books – Page 20
Monitoring and Control of Macrofouling Mollusks in Fresh Water
Systems, Second Edition
By Gerald L. Mackie, Renata Claudi
Upon its initial publication more than fifteen years ago, this book broke new ground with its
comprehensive coverage of the biology and ecology, distribution and dispersal mechanisms,
physiology, monitoring, negative and positive impacts, and control of aquatic invasive species
of mussels, clams,...
Published December 23rd 2009 by CRC Press
Spatial Pattern Dynamics in Aquatic Ecosystem Modelling
By Hong Li
In this work, several modelling approaches are explored to represent spatial pattern dynamics
of aquatic populations in aquatic ecosystems by the combination of models, knowledge and
data in different scales. It is shown that including spatially distributed inputs retrieved from
Remote Sensing...
Published December 22nd 2009 by CRC Press
Groundwater Economics
By Charles A. Job
From the western United States to the Indian subcontinent, water issues have always been
economic issues. Considered ubiquitous under the continents, groundwater varies
considerably in depth, quality, accessibility, and availability. A unified discussion of
groundwater and its economic importance,...
Published December 21st 2009 by CRC Press
Sediments Contamination and Sustainable Remediation
By Catherine N. Mulligan, Masaharu Fukue, Yoshio Sato
Although valuable resources in river basins and other aqueous environments, sediments often
receive much less attention from researchers, policymakers, and other professionals than
other components of the ecosystem. Until now. Highlighting the important role that sediments
play in the...
Published December 16th 2009 by CRC Press
Advances in Friedel-Crafts Acylation Reactions
Catalytic and Green Processes
By Giovanni Sartori, Raimondo Maggi
Used in the production of a wide number of fine chemicals and pharmaceuticals, the
Friedel-Crafts acylation reaction represents a synthetic process of great interest to organic
chemists of academia and industry. Nearly 40 years since the last major treatise on the topic
and reflecting the growing...
Published December 4th 2009 by CRC Press
Introduction to Hydrogeology, Second Edition
Unesco-IHE Delft Lecture Note Series
By J.C. Nonner
Series: UNESCO-IHE Lecture Note Series
Providing an introduction to the crucially important topic of groundwater, this text covers all
major fields of hydrogeology and includes outlines of the occurrence of groundwater in various
rock types, the movement and storage of groundwater, the formulation of groundwater
balances, the...
Published November 18th 2009 by CRC Press
Sustainable Wells
Maintenance, Problem Prevention, and Rehabilitation
By Stuart A. Smith, Allen E. Comeskey
No one has recorded when well digging started, but surely humans imitated elephants in
digging holes in the sand to access cooler water that didn’t make the children sick. Eventually,
humankind began to redesign, maintain, and repair the wells they constructed, but when wells
became "commodities"...
Published November 4th 2009 by CRC Press
Sustainable Groundwater Resources in Africa
Water supply and sanitation environment
Edited by Yongxin Xu, Eberhard Braune
Empowering people, reducing poverty, improving livelihoods and promoting economic growth,
while at the ensuring sustainable ecosystems, requires local, appropriate and widely replicable
solutions. In the search for these, poor sanitation and poor water supply are major drivers in
cycles of...
Published October 16th 2009 by CRC Press
Fuzzy Logic and Hydrological Modeling
By Zekai Sen
The hydrological sciences typically present grey or fuzzy information, making them quite
messy and a choice challenge for fuzzy logic application. Providing readers with the first book
to cover fuzzy logic modeling as it relates to water science, the author takes an approach that
Published October 14th 2009 by CRC Press
Air Pollution
Measurement, Modelling and Mitigation, Third Edition
By Jeremy Colls, Abhishek Tiwary
A one stop, comprehensive textbook, covering the three essential components of air pollution
science. The Third Edition has been updated with the latest developments, especially the
inclusion of new information on the role of air pollutants in climate change. The authors give
greater coverage to...
Published August 19th 2009 by CRC Press
New and Published Books – Page 21
Water Policy in Spain
Edited by Alberto Garrido, M. Ramon Llamas
Though the modern Spanish State was formed in the mid Fifteenth Century, historical records
show that water works, statues, and the utilization of water dates back to centuries BC. As a
semi-arid country, the effort to control, store and assure water supplies to cities and fields is
present in...
Published August 11th 2009 by CRC Press
Flow and Sediment Transport in Compound Channels
The Experience of Japanese and UK Research
Edited by S. Ikeda, I.K. McEwan
Series: IAHR Monographs
This monograph provides a comprehensive state-of-the-art description of the work carried out
in the UK and Japan on "Flow and Sediment Transport in Compound Channels". It therefore
describes research which has been conducted, primarily over the last two decades, and which
has yielded a fairly...
Published July 1st 2009 by CRC Press
Remote Sensing of Global Croplands for Food Security
Edited by Prasad Thenkabail, John G. Lyon, Hugh Turral, Chandrashekhar Biradar
Series: Remote Sensing Applications Series
Increases in populations have created an increasing demand for food crops while increases in
demand for biofuels have created an increase in demand for fuel crops. What has not
increased is the amount of croplands and their productivity. These and many other factors
such as decreasing water...
Published June 24th 2009 by CRC Press
Practical Guidelines for the Analysis of Seawater
Edited by Oliver Wurl
As we discover more about the role of the ocean in global changes and identify the effects of
global change on the ocean, understanding its chemical composition and processes becomes
increasingly paramount. However, understanding these processes requires a wide range of
measurements in the vast...
Published June 9th 2009 by CRC Press
Groundwater Governance in the Indo-Gangetic and Yellow River
Realities and Challenges
Edited by Aditi Mukherji, Karen G. Villholth, Bharat R. Sharma, Jinxia Wang
Series: IAH - Selected Papers on Hydrogeology
One of the key features of agricultural development in the last five decades has been intensive
groundwater use in the Indo-Gangetic Basin (Pakistan, India, Nepal and Bangladesh) and in
the Yellow River Basin (China). Groundwater irrigates almost 60% of the net irrigated area in
South Asia and 70%...
Published June 8th 2009 by CRC Press
Integrated Urban Water Management: Arid and Semi-Arid
Edited by Larry Mays
Series: Urban Water Series
The Integrated Urban Water Management (IUWM) is an emerging approach to managing the
entire urban water cycle in an integrated way, which is key to achieving the sustainability of
urban water resources and services. The IUWM incorporates: the systematic consideration of
the various dimensions of...
Published March 24th 2009 by CRC Press
Urban Water Security: Managing Risks
Edited by Blanca Jimenez Cisneros, Joan B. Rose
Series: Urban Water Series
Understanding the impacts of urbanization on the urban water cycle and managing the
associated health risks demand adequate strategies and measures. Health risks associated
with urban water systems and services include the microbiological and chemical
contamination of urban waters and outbreak of...
Published March 24th 2009 by CRC Press
Urban Water Security: Managing Risks
Edited by Blanca Jimenez Cisneros, JOAN B ROSE
Series: Urban Water Series
Understanding the impacts of urbanization on the urban water cycle and managing the
associated health risks demand adequate strategies and measures. Health risks associated
with urban water systems and services include the microbiological and chemical
contamination of urban waters and outbreak of...
Published March 24th 2009 by CRC Press
Water: A way of life
Sustainable water management in a cultural context
By A.J.M. (Lida) Schelwald-van der Kley, Linda Reijerkerk
Why do many water management projects, begun with the best of intentions, still fail? How is it
that large infrastructural water works often encounter opposition? Is it perhaps, among other
things, the lack of attention for the cultural context? These and other intriguing questions are
Published March 19th 2009 by CRC Press
Understanding Hydrological Processes in an Ungauged
Catchment in sub-Saharan Africa
By Marloes Mul
Ungauged catchments can be found in many parts of the world, but particularly in sub-Saharan
Africa. Information collected in a gauged catchment and its regionalisation to ungauged areas
is crucial for water resources assessment. Especially farmers in semi-arid zones are in need of
such information...
Published March 18th 2009 by CRC Press
New and Published Books – Page 22
Water Distribution System Monitoring
A Practical Approach for Evaluating Drinking Water Quality
By Abigail F. Cantor
A typical water distribution system is complex and chaotic with varying piping configurations,
water flows, chemical reactions, and microbiological activity. It is therefore no surprise that
monitoring water quality can be a daunting task, not to mention dealing with the devastating
and costly...
Published March 10th 2009 by CRC Press
Environmental Economics for Watershed Restoration
Edited by Hale W. Thurston, Matthew T. Heberling, Alyse Schrecongost
Whether addressing pollution problems or helping protect a specific use, watershed
associations are finding that the competition for funds is getting harder. While we can grasp
the value of our streams for fishing or kayaking and other services, or their cultural value, or
their value to an...
Published March 6th 2009 by CRC Press
A Pilot Constructed Treatment Wetland for Pulp and Paper Mill
Performance, Processes and Implications for the Nzoia River, Kenya,
By Margaret Akinyi Abira
This study, conducted in Kenya, gives the first insight into the performance of a constructed
treatment wetland receiving pulp and paper mill wastewater in the tropics. The wetland
effectively removed organic matter, suspended solids, phenols and nutrients. BOD and
phenols reduction rates are...
Published December 1st 2008 by CRC Press
Burrowing Shrimps and Seagrass Dynamics in Shallow-Water
Meadows off Bolinao (New Philippines)
By Hildie Maria E. Nacorda
Based on research in Bolinao, this book assesses the importance of small-scale disturbance
by burrowing shrimps. It covers the distribution of burrowing shrimp disturbance, the behavior
of the snapping shrimp Alpheus macellarius in situ and as observed from tank experiments,
and the effects of...
Published December 1st 2008 by CRC Press
Environmental Hydrogeology, Second Edition
By Philip E. LaMoreaux, James W. LaMoreaux, Mostafa M. Soliman, Bashir A.
Memon, Fakhry A. Assaad
Headlines continue to blare news of climate change, tangential catastrophic events, and
dwindling energy resources. Written by respected practitioners, and geared to practitioners
and students, Environmental Hydrogeology, Second Edition explores the role that
hydrogeology can play in solving...
Published October 21st 2008 by CRC Press
Advances in Subsurface Pollution of Porous Media - Indicators,
Processes and Modelling
IAH selected papers, volume 14
Edited by Lucila Candela, Inaki Vadillo, Francisco Javier Elorza
Series: IAH - Selected Papers on Hydrogeology
Advances in Subsurface Contamination of Porous Media: Indicators, Processes and Modelling
provides a high level understanding of the processes concerning common and emergent
contaminants through their passage from soil to groundwater. The book presents new
methodologies and indicators to...
Published October 1st 2008 by CRC Press
Applied Groundwater Studies in Africa
IAH Selected Papers on Hydrogeology, volume 13
Edited by Segun Adelana, Alan MacDonald
Series: IAH - Selected Papers on Hydrogeology
Groundwater is Africa’s most precious natural resource, providing reliable water supplies for
many people. Further development of groundwater resources is fundamental to increasing
access to safe water across the continent to meet coverage targets and reduce poverty. There
is also an...
Published September 23rd 2008 by CRC Press
Natural Arsenic in Groundwaters of Latin America
Edited by Jochen Bundschuh, M. A. Armienta, Peter Birkle, Prosun Bhattacharya, Jörg
Matschullat, A. B. Mukherjee
Series: Arsenic in the environment
Groundwater resources naturally contain high levels of arsenic in many parts of the world.
Over the last two decades, the As-containing groundwater in South-East Asia has received
much attention, but the situation is just as crucial in Latin America, where the number of
studies is still relatively...
Published September 23rd 2008 by CRC Press
Sediment and Contaminant Transport in Surface Waters
By Wilbert Lick
Contaminated bottom sediments and their negative impacts on water quality are a major
problem in surface waters throughout the United States as well as in many other parts of the
world. Even after elimination of the primary contaminant sources, these bottom sediments will
be a main source of...
Published September 18th 2008 by CRC Press
Land, Water and Development
Sustainable and Adaptive Management of Rivers
By Malcolm Newson
Water is newsworthy: there is, or will be, a world water crisis. Aggravated by climate change,
we are approaching the limits of human exploitation of freshwater resources, notably in
growing essential food. The complexities and uncertainties associated with improving our
management of fresh water...
Published September 17th 2008 by Routledge
New and Published Books – Page 23
Treatment Wetlands, Second Edition
By Robert H. Kadlec, Scott Wallace
Completely revised and updated, Treatment Wetlands, Second Edition is still the most
comprehensive resource available for the planning, design, and operation of wetland
treatment systems. The book addresses the design, construction, and operation of wetlands
for water pollution control. It presents...
Published July 22nd 2008 by CRC Press
Urban Water in Japan
Edited by Rutger de Graaf, Fransje Hooimeijer
Series: Urban Water Series
Water control is essential to Japan, as more than half of its invested capital is concentrated in
elevations under sea level and the majority of the island nation is exceptionally vulnerable to
flooding. To avoid potential crisis, the Japanese have developed exceptionally innovative
Published June 4th 2008 by CRC Press
IHE Delft Lecture Note Series, 3rd Edition
By W. Boiten, Wubbo Boiten
Hydrometry presents a thorough introduction to the science of hydrometry: the measurement
of flow in open channels. Dealing with both traditional techniques and innovative new methods
and instruments, in line with the latest ISO standards, this book deals with the main themes
Published May 15th 2008 by CRC Press
Groundwater Flow Understanding
From Local to Regional Scale
Edited by J. Joel Carrillo Rivera, M. Adrian Ortega Guerrero
Series: IAH - Selected Papers on Hydrogeology
Any sustainable groundwater development programme requires knowledge of the prevailing
flow system, extending from local to regional scale. This book of selected papers discusses
integral groundwater management with scale flow issues and presents methods of defining,
preventing, controlling and...
Published April 9th 2008 by CRC Press
Groundwater for Sustainable Development
Problems, Perspectives and Challenges
Edited by Prosun Bhattacharya, AL Ramanathan, Arun B. Mukherjee,Jochen
Bundschuh, D. Chandrasekharam, A.K. Keshari
Groundwater is the most important source of domestic, industrial, and agricultural water and
also a finite resource. Population growth has created an unprecedented demand for water,
with the situation most critical in the developing world, where several million people depend on
Published April 9th 2008 by CRC Press
Remediation Hydraulics
By Fred C. Payne, Joseph A. Quinnan, Scott T. Potter
In situ treatments involving the arrangement of contact between prospective reactants in
complex porous media require a refined understanding of solute migration. However, the tools
and methods used to predict and control fluid movement in the subsurface need significant
improvement. Practitioners...
Published March 27th 2008 by CRC Press
Wadi Hydrology
By Zekai Sen
The literature of hydrology abounds with texts on the hydrological and water resource
problems in humid regions. However, this is not the case for the arid or semi arid regions. The
situation is exemplified by the fact a concrete definition for the term “wadi”, as accepted by
UNESCO for...
Published March 24th 2008 by CRC Press
Fate of Pharmaceuticals in the Environment and in Water
Treatment Systems
Edited by Diana S. Aga
The detection of pharmaceutical residues remained elusive until instruments such as liquid
chromatography and mass spectrometry became commonplace in environmental laboratories.
The documentation of the occurrence of pharmaceutical residues and endocrine disrupting
chemicals in water resources...
Published December 26th 2007 by CRC Press
Encyclopedia of Water Science, Second Edition - Two Volume Set
(Print Version)
By Stanley W. Trimble
Filled with figures, images, and illustrations, Encyclopedia of Water Science, Second Edition
provides effective concepts and procedures in environmental water science and engineering.
It unveils a wide spectrum of design concepts, methods, and solutions for enhanced
performance of water quality,...
Published December 26th 2007 by CRC Press
Cryptosporidium and Cryptosporidiosis, Second Edition
Edited by Ronald Fayer, Lihua Xiao
From the microscopic observation of infection to the widespread application of molecular
techniques in taxonomy and epidemiology, to the genome sequencing of two major species
and advances in biochemistry, phylogeny, and water treatment, new information on this
fascinating genus continues to mount...
Published December 25th 2007 by CRC Press
New and Published Books – Page 24
Practical Manual of Groundwater Microbiology, Second Edition
By D. Roy Cullimore
Series: Sustainable Water Well
Although microorganisms can be found virtually anywhere on our planet, from clouds to soils
to oceans, they are often poorly understood when examining issues related to groundwater
and water wells. Focusing on the impact of microorganisms on groundwater and water wells,
Practical Manual of...
Published December 17th 2007 by CRC Press
Data Requirements for Integrated Urban Water Management
Urban Water Series - UNESCO-IHP
Edited by Tim Fletcher, Ana Deletic
Series: Urban Water Series
Integrated urban water management relies on data allowing us to analyse, understand and
predict the behaviour of the individual water cycle components and their interactions. The
concomitant monitoring of the complex of urban water system elements makes it possible to
grasp the entirety of...
Published November 15th 2007 by CRC Press
Management of Pollutant Emission from Landfills and Sludge
Edited by Malgorzata Pawlowska, Lucjan Pawlowski
This book gives an overview of recent findings on the mitigation of gas emission from landfills
and sludge processing. Special attention is given to methane and the migration of POPs,
heavy metal ions, ammonia and nitrate from landfills to the water-soil system and to the
atmosphere. Strategies for...
Published September 20th 2007 by CRC Press
Urban Water Cycle Processes and Interactions
Urban Water Series - UNESCO-IHP
By Jiri Marsalek, Blanca Jimenez Cisneros, Mohammad Karamouz, Per-Arne
Malmquist, Joel Avruch Goldenfum, Bernard Chocat
Series: Urban Water Series
Effective management of urban water should be based on a scientific understanding of the
impact of human activity on both the urban hydrological cycle – including its processes and
interactions – and the environment itself. Such anthropogenic impacts, which vary broadly in
time and space, need to...
Published September 20th 2007 by CRC Press
More Urban Water
Design and Management of Dutch water cities
By Fransje Hooimeijer, Wout Toorn Vrijthoff
Series: Urban Water Series
The perceptibly changing climate has resulted in more precipitation in a small number of short
periods. As most urban water management systems were developed at a time when
precipitation was distributed more evenly throughout the year, they cannot deal properly with
the new circumstances, and high...
Published September 20th 2007 by CRC Press
Numerical Modelling of Hydrodynamics for Water Resources
Proceedings of the Conference on Numerical Modelling of Hydrodynamic
Systems (Zaragoza, Spain, 18-21 June 2007)
Edited by Pilar Garcia Navarro, Enrique Playán
Overland flow modelling has been an active field of research for some years, but
developments in numerical methods and computational resources have recently accelerated
progress, producing models for different geometries and types of flows, such as simulations of
canal and river networks. ...
Published September 17th 2007 by CRC Press
Water Quality & Pollution Set
By Various
A three volume set consisting of: Water Quality Monitoring: A practical guide to the design and
implementation of freshwater quality studies and monitoring programmes Richard Balance &
Jamie Bartram 9780419217305 July 1996 234x156mm 400pp Water quality monitoring is an
essential tool in...
Published August 29th 2007 by CRC Press
Groundwater Vulnerability Assessment and Mapping
IAH-Selected Papers, volume 11
Edited by Andrzej J. Witkowski, Andrzej Kowalczyk, Jaroslav Vrba
Series: IAH - Selected Papers on Hydrogeology
This volume presents the contemporary issues surrounding groundwater pollution risk
assessment and the application of vulnerability and risk assessment maps for the effective
protection and management of aquifers. Numerous new and improved approaches to intrinsic
and specific vulnerability...
Published August 24th 2007 by CRC Press
Water Management Challenges in Global Change
Proceedings of the 9th Computing and Control for the Water Industry (CCWI2007)
and the Sustainable Urban Water Management (SUWM) conferences, Leicester,
UK, 3-5 September 2007
Edited by B. Ulanicki, Kalanithy Vairavamoorthy, David Butler, Peter L. M.
Bounds, Fayyaz Ali Memon
Water Management Challenges in Global Change contains the proceedings of the 9th
Computing and Control for the Water Industry (CCWI2007) and the Sustainable Urban Water
Management (SUWM2007) conferences. The rationale behind these conferences is to
improve the management of urban water systems...
Published August 24th 2007 by CRC Press
Science and Conservation of Vernal Pools in Northeastern North
Ecology and Conservation of Seasonal Wetlands in Northeastern North America
By Aram J. K. Calhoun, Phillip G. DeMaynadier
Synthesizes Decades of Research on Vernal Pools Science Pulling together information from
a broad array of sources, Science and Conservation of Vernal Pools in Northeastern North
America is a guide to the issues and solutions surrounding seasonal pools. Drawing on 15
years of experience, the...
Published August 13th 2007 by CRC Press
New and Published Books – Page 25
Wetlands: Monitoring, Modelling and Management
Edited by Tomasz Okruszko, Edward Maltby, Jan Szatylowicz, Dorota
Miroslaw-Swiatek, Wiktor Kotowski
Wetlands are complex and dynamic ecological systems incorporating two important,
inter-linked components: hydrology and vegetation. Modelling wetland components and
processes reveals the nature of wetland systems and helps to predict the effects of
environmental change. The main goal of much...
Published July 26th 2007 by CRC Press
A Tradition in Transition, Water Management Reforms and
Indigenous Spate Irrigation Systems in Eritrea
PhD, UNESCO-IHE Institute for Water Education, Delft, The Netherlands
By Abraham Mehari Haile
An in-depth assessment of the century-old Wadi Laba indigenous spate irrigation system in
Eritrea. This system has relied on earthern and brushwood structures and customary water
rules to support subsistence livelihoods of the Wadi Laba communities for many years. This
Published July 18th 2007 by CRC Press
Transport of Escherichia coli in Saturated Porous Media
PhD, Unesco-IHE Institute for Water Education, Delft, The Netherlands
By Jan Willem Foppen
When wastewater infiltrates into the soil, groundwater may be contaminated. If the distance
from source of pollution to point of groundwater abstraction is small, there is a real chance of
abstracting pathogenic microorganisms. In this book, the transport of Escherichia coli in
aquifers under...
Published July 18th 2007 by CRC Press
Drinking Water Sector in Ghana: Drivers for Performance
PhD, UNESCO-IHE Institute for Water Education, Delft, The Netherlands
By Kwabena Biritwum Nyarko
This book examines the drivers for improved performance of the drinking water sector in
Ghana by focussing on the role of the national macro-environment, water supply related
organisations and institutions and the water service providers (urban and small towns).
Political interference, which...
Published July 18th 2007 by CRC Press
Groundwater in Fractured Rocks
IAH Selected Paper Series, volume 9
Edited by Jirí Krásný, John M. Sharp
Series: IAH - Selected Papers on Hydrogeology
The hydrogeologic environment of fractured rocks represents vital natural systems, examples
of which occur on every continent. This book discusses key issues, methodologies and
techniques in the hydrogeology of fractured rocks, summarizing recent progress and
anticipating the outcome of future...
Published July 5th 2007 by CRC Press
A Source of Conflict or Cooperation?
Edited by Velma I. Grover
This volume describes various scenarios of conflict and cooperation over water resources
among stakeholders in a variety of settings. It discusses treaty making over international rivers,
bilateral cooperation on river development between South Africa and Lesotho, the political
economy of water...
Published July 1st 2007 by CRC Press
Water Engineering in Ancient Civilizations
5,000 Years of History
By Pierre-Louis Viollet
Series: IAHR Monographs
This new book offers an engineer's perspective on the history of water technology and its
impact on the development of civilisation. A Second Edition and translation into English of the
French book "L'Hydraulique dans les Civilisations Anciennes".Water professionals, engineers,
scientists, and...
Published July 1st 2007 by CRC Press
Methods in Karst Hydrogeology
IAH: International Contributions to Hydrogeology, 26
Edited by Nico Goldscheider, David Drew
Series: IAH - International Contributions to Hydrogeology
The importance of investigating karstified aquifers lies in their significance as a major source of
drinking water. This book describes methods that are basic to all hydrogeological studies, such
as hydraulic investigations, hydrochemistry, geophysics, isotope chemistry and modelling, but
with the...
Published June 14th 2007 by CRC Press
Land Use Effects on Streamflow and Water Quality in the
Northeastern United States
By Avril L. de la Cretaz, Paul K. Barten
Filling a long-standing need for a desk reference that synthesizes current research, Land Use
Effects on Streamflow and Water Quality in the Northeastern United States reviews and
discusses the impact of forest management, agriculture, and urbanization. The book provides
a gateway to the diverse...
Published June 1st 2007 by CRC Press
Groundwater Chemicals Desk Reference, Fourth Edition
By John H. Montgomery
Building on the foundation set by its best-selling predecessors, the Groundwater Chemicals
Desk Reference, Fourth Edition is both a broad, comprehensive desk reference and a guide
for field research. This fourth edition contains more than 1,700 additional references, including
adsorption data for...
Published April 18th 2007 by CRC Press
New and Published Books – Page 26
Water Pricing and Public-Private Partnership
Edited by Asit K. Biswas, Cecilia Tortajada
There is no question that water pricing and public-private partnership can improve water
management practices in the future. However, this concept is neither the cure-all many
proponents argue, nor the disaster its opponents forecast. Providing a comprehensive and
objective assessment of what does...
Published February 15th 2007 by Routledge
Pathogen Removal Mechanisms in Macrophyte and Algal Waste
Stabilization Ponds
PhD: UNESCO-IHE Institute, Delft
By E. Awuah
Pathogen removal mechanisms in macrophyte and algal-based waste stabilization ponds were
studied in Ghana and Colombia. The macrophytes used were water lettuce (Pistia stratiotes)
and duckweeds (Lemna paucicostata and Spirodela polyrhiza). The selection of the species
was based on economic...
Published January 18th 2007 by CRC Press
Fingerponds: Seasonal Integrated Aquaculture in East African
Freshwater Wetlands: Exploring their potential for wise use strategies
PhD: UNESCO-IHE Institute, Delft
By Julius Kipkemboi
Wetlands play an important role in the livelihoods of many rural households particularly in
sub-Saharan Africa. However, due to decline in rainfed terrestrial agriculture, many wetlands
are being encroached upon to grow crops. The question to any wetland scientist/policy maker
in the region is:...
Published January 18th 2007 by CRC Press
The Dynamics of Shoreline Wetlands and Sediments of Northern
Lake Victoria
By N.G.T. Azza
This book presents the results of research conducted between 2000 and 2004 on Lake
Victoria (East Africa). The research examined the spatial spread of shoreline wetlands and
found their distribution to be strongly influenced by the action of wind and waves. Evidence
also pointed to a strong...
Published January 18th 2007 by CRC Press
Urban Groundwater, Meeting the Challenge
IAH Selected Papers on Hydrogeology 8
Edited by Ken W.F. Howard
Series: IAH - Selected Papers on Hydrogeology
During the past three decades, urban groundwater has emerged as one of the world’s most
pressing issues. Explosive population growth, most prevalent in cities, has placed an
inordinate demand on groundwater supply, prompting concerns for its long-term sustainability
at a time when the quality of...
Published January 11th 2007 by CRC Press
The Indian Ocean Tsunami
Edited by Tad S. Murty, U. Aswathanarayana, Niru Nirupama
The Indian Ocean tsunami of December 2004 is considered to have been one of the worst
natural disasters in history, affecting twelve countries, from Indonesia to Somalia. 175,000
people are believed to have lost their lives, almost 50,000 were registered as missing and 1.7
million people were...
Published December 14th 2006 by CRC Press
The Essential Handbook of Ground-Water Sampling
By David M. Nielsen, Gillian Nielsen
Tremendous improvements in ground-water sampling methodologies and analytical
technologies have made it possible to collect and analyze truly representative samples to
detect increasingly lower levels of contaminants—now in the sub-parts-per-billion range.
Though these new methods produce more...
Published November 27th 2006 by CRC Press
The Handbook of Groundwater Engineering, Second Edition
Edited by Jacques W. Delleur
A complete treatment of the theory and practice of groundwater engineering, The Handbook of
Groundwater Engineering, Second Edition provides a current and detailed review of how to
model the flow of water and the transport of contaminants both in the unsaturated and
saturated zones, covers the...
Published November 16th 2006 by CRC Press
The Nile Hydroclimatology: Impact of the Sudd Wetland
By Yasis Abbas Mohamed
Hydroclimatology has emerged as a new discipline in line with increasing awareness of the
connected nature of land-surface-atmosphere processes. Changes in landuse affect the
atmospheric moisture conditions, not only locally but also at a continental scale. Similarly,
climate change influences...
Published November 16th 2006 by CRC Press
Geotechnical and Environmental Aspects of Waste Disposal Sites
Proceedings of the 4th International Symposium on Geotechnics Related to the
Environment - GREEN 4, Wolverhampton, UK, 28 June-1 July 2004
Edited by R.W. Sarsby, A.J. Felton
Despite the importance of preserving the environment in our developing world, activity
involving the extraction of natural resources and the disposal of waste continues to increase.
Such operations need to be conducted in a carefully-controlled manner, protecting both the
natural environment and...
Published November 16th 2006 by CRC Press
New and Published Books – Page 27
Aquifer Test Modeling
By William C. Walton
In recognition of the trend toward using numerical methdos for analyzing aquifer test data,
Aquifer Test Modeling delineates the application of numerical Laplace inversion analytical
equations and numerical models and demonstrates the use of public domain software. Written
by a leading expert with...
Published November 15th 2006 by CRC Press
Globalisation of Water: Opportunities and Threats of Virtual Water
PhD: UNESCO-IHE Institute, Delft
By A.K. Chapagain
The river basin is no longer the appropriate spatial unit for analysing water problems. With
increasing trade between nations and continents, water is more and more often used to
produce goods that are exported. This book analyses this issue for the first time on a global
scale. It addresses...
Published November 2nd 2006 by CRC Press
Groundwater Recharge Processes and Groundwater
Management in a Tropical Crystalline Basement Aquifer
PhD: UNESCO-IHE Institute, Delft
By Nyasha Lawrence Nyagwambo
This study proposes a simple method for assessing the potential available monthly and annual
recharge in a small crystalline basement aquifer catchment, taking into consideration the
rainfall and the physical characteristics of the catchment. By studying the geology, land use
and rainfall, and...
Published November 2nd 2006 by CRC Press
Pollutant Effects in Freshwater
Applied Limnology, 3rd Edition
By J. Jacoby, E. Welch
Pollutant Effects in Freshwater provides a practical and concise introduction to the ecological
consequences of water pollution in aquatic ecosystems. In tackling the problem of water
quality deterioration, this book combines the limnological and water pollution literature to
describe how...
Published November 1st 2006 by CRC Press
Hydrogeology and Groundwater Modeling, Second Edition
By Neven Kresic
Coupling the basics of hygrogeology with analytical and numerical modeling methods,
Hydrogeology and Groundwater Modeling, Second Edition provides detailed coverage of both
theory and practice. Written by a leading hydrogeologist who has consulted for industry and
environmental agencies and taught...
Published October 26th 2006 by CRC Press
Groundwater Pollution in Africa
Edited by Yongxin Xu, Brent Usher
In 2000, various UN organizations launched a collaborative effort to assess the vulnerability of
groundwater in several African cities. The project addressed the issue of aquifer vulnerability
and the protection of groundwater quality. This book is a collection of thirty peer-reviewed
papers on the...
Published October 5th 2006 by CRC Press
Submarine Groundwater
By Igor S. Zektser, Lorne G. Everett, Roald G. Dzhamalov
Sustainable management of water resources is quickly increasing in importance on a global
scale. An important piece of the puzzle is the characterization of marine water and determining
its importance to geochemical budgets. To do this, submarine groundwater discharges must
be carefully studied....
Published September 29th 2006 by CRC Press
River Flow 2006, Two Volume Set
Proceedings of the International Conference on Fluvial Hydraulics, Lisbon,
Portugal, 6-8 September 2006
Edited by Rui M.L. Ferreira, Elsa C.T.L. Alves, Joao G.A.B. Leal, Antonio H. Cardoso
Rivers are complex entities. In addition to being valuable wildlife habitats, they support human
activities by providing water for human usage, renewable energy and convenient
transportation. Rivers may also pose threats to riverine communities, in the form of floods and
other natural or...
Published September 14th 2006 by CRC Press
Environmental Problems and Solutions
By Kathleen Sellers, Katherine Weeks, William R. Alsop, Stephen R. Clough,Marilyn
Hoyt, Barbara Pugh, Joseph Robb
The development of analytical methods for identifying widespread perchlorate contamination
brought about an explosion of research into the environmental problems and their potential
solutions along with a corresponding increase in the availability of information. Unlike
reference works that focus...
Published August 30th 2006 by CRC Press
Reclaiming the Desert: Towards a Sustainable Environment in
Arid Lands
Proceedings of the Third Joint UAE-Japan Symposium on Sustainable GCC
Environment and Water Resources (EWR2006), 30 January - 1 February 2006,
Abu Dhabi, UAE.
Edited by A.M.O. Mohamed
A comprehensive collection of contributions from the Middle East and Japan, dealing with
pressing problems concerning sustainability in arid zones, this time with the accent on
environmental science and engineering. The symposium brought together researchers and
field engineers who discussed issues...
Published July 27th 2006 by CRC Press
New and Published Books – Page 28
Introduction to Urban Water Distribution
Unesco-IHE Lecture Note Series
By Nemanja Trifunovic
Series: UNESCO-IHE Lecture Note Series
Focusing primarily on understanding the steady-state hydraulics that form the basis of
hydraulic design and computer modelling applied in water distribution, Introduction to Urban
Water Distribution elaborates the general principles and practices of water distribution in a
straightforward way. The...
Published March 9th 2006 by CRC Press
Advanced Onsite Wastewater Systems Technologies
By Anish R. Jantrania, Mark A. Gross
Drawing on the authors' combined experience of more than 30 years, Advanced Onsite
Wastewater Systems Technologies explores use of these technologies on a wide-scale basis
to solve the problems associated with conventional septic tank and drain field systems. The
authors discuss a regulatory and...
Published January 13th 2006 by CRC Press
Water Treatment Unit Processes
Physical and Chemical
By David W. Hendricks
Series: Civil and Environmental Engineering
The unit process approach, common in the field of chemical engineering, was introduced
about 1962 to the field of environmental engineering. An understanding of unit processes is
the foundation for continued learning and for designing treatment systems. The time is ripe for
a new textbook that...
Published January 13th 2006 by CRC Press
Diffuse Pollution of Water Resources
Principles and Case Studies in the Southern African Region
Edited by Roumiana Hranova
Diffuse pollution of water resources has a multi-disciplinary dimension and the measures to
prevent and control it are closely inter-related to the development patterns and societal habits
of the region. This book aims to bridge the gaps between different specialists working in the
field and to...
Published December 8th 2005 by CRC Press
Barrier Systems for Environmental Contaminant Containment and
By Calvin C. Chien, Hilary I. Inyang, Lorne G. Everett
Containment and permeable reactive barriers have come full circle as an acceptable
environmental control technology during the past 30 years. As interest shifted back toward
containment in the 1990s, the industry found itself relying largely on pre-1980s technology.
Fortunately, in the past 10...
Published October 31st 2005 by CRC Press
Introduction to Isotope Hydrology
Stable and Radioactive Isotopes of Hydrogen, Carbon, and Oxygen
By Willem G. Mook
Series: IAH - International Contributions to Hydrogeology
The application of natural isotopes, stable as well as radioactive, has become a widespread
tool for hydrological research, especially surface- and groundwater behaviour and exploration.
By far the most common isotopes applied are those of the elements of hydrogen, oxygen and
carbon, crucial in the...
Published October 20th 2005 by CRC Press
Practical Handbook of Environmental Site Characterization and
Ground-Water Monitoring, Second Edition
Edited by David M. Nielsen
Published in 1991, the first edition of The Practical Handbook of Ground-Water Monitoring
quickly became the gold standard reference on the topic of ground-water monitoring. But, as in
all rapidly evolving fields, regulations change, technology advances, methods improve, and
research reveals flaws...
Published September 28th 2005 by CRC Press
Watershed Models
Edited by Vijay P. Singh, Donald K. Frevert
Watershed modeling is at the heart of modern hydrology, supplying rich information that is vital
to addressing resource planning, environmental, and social problems. Even in light of this
important role, many books relegate the subject to a single chapter while books devoted to
modeling focus only...
Published September 28th 2005 by CRC Press
Particles in Water
Properties and Processes
By John Gregory
Based on the author’s more than 35 years of experience, Particles in Water: Properties and
Processes examines particles and their behavior in water systems. The book offers clear and
accessible methods for characterizing a range of particles both individually and as aggregates.
The author...
Published September 6th 2005 by CRC Press
Short-cutting the Phosphorus Cycle in Urban Ecosystems
By Bekithemba Gumbo
This dissertation presents a methodology of short-cutting the phosphorus cycle in urban
ecosystems. In nature, the P-cycle is a circular, closed-loop system, but human activities use
and dispose P in a linear, open-ended system leading to the customary environmental
problems. Lake...
Published August 18th 2005 by CRC Press
New and Published Books – Page 29
Water Flow In Soils, Second Edition
By Tsuyoshi Miyazaki
Series: Books in Soils, Plants, and the Environment
The new edition of a bestseller, Water Flow in Soils bridges the fields of soil physics-where
descriptions of water flow tend to be microscopic- and hydrology - where they tend to be
macroscopic. Unlike other physics laden texts, this work conveys the fundamental concepts of
water flow in soils...
Published July 28th 2005 by CRC Press
Applied Flow and Solute Transport Modeling in Aquifers
Fundamental Principles and Analytical and Numerical Methods
By Vedat Batu
Over recent years, important contributions on the topic of solving various aquifer problems
have been presented in numerous papers and reports. The scattered and wide-ranging nature
of this information has made finding solutions and best practices difficult. Comprehensive and
Published July 12th 2005 by CRC Press
Restoration of Aquatic Systems
By Robert J. Livingston
Series: CRC Marine Science
Simplistic thinking would have us believe that by eliminating the loading of a given pollutant, an
aquatic system will revert to its previous pristine state. This premise is without scientific
verification. Besides the fact that typically very little documentation exists defining what exactly
Published July 11th 2005 by CRC Press
Climate Change and Water Resources in South Asia
Edited by M. Monirul Qader Mirza, Q.K Ahmad
This book addresses the most pressing water resource issues in South Asia, particularly in
relation to climate change and variability. This is a region characterised by abundant water
during the monsoon, when devastating floods occur, and by scarcity of water and droughts
during the dry period....
Published June 30th 2005 by CRC Press
Sustainable Mining Practices
A Global Perspective
Edited by Vasudevan Rajaram, Subijoy Dutta, Krishna Parameswaran
A perfect introduction to sustainable mining for those new to the subject or those who require
some revision, this book provides a basic overview of international sustainable mining
practices since 1992, with particular emphasis upon practices in the Americas, Asia and
Europe. The text begins by...
Published June 30th 2005 by CRC Press
Groundwater and Human Development
IAH Selected Papers on Hydrogeology 6
Edited by Emilia Bocanegra, Mario Hernandez, Eduardo Usunoff
Series: IAH - Selected Papers on Hydrogeology
It has long been recognized that groundwater plays a central role in the development of human
societies. Groundwater resources are readily and reliably available compared with surface
water resources. In many contexts, the presence of groundwater ensures the presence of life
Published June 30th 2005 by CRC Press
Groundwater Intensive Use
IAH Selected Papers on Hydrogeology 7
Edited by Andrés Sahuquillo, J. Capilla, Luis Martinez Cortina, X. Sanchez Vila
Series: IAH - Selected Papers on Hydrogeology
Intensive use of groundwater has resolved the demand for drinking water and, through
irrigation, has contributed to the eradication of malnourishment in many developing countries.
The spectacular worldwide increase in groundwater use in the last decades, especially in arid
and semi-arid regions,...
Published June 30th 2005 by CRC Press
Optimization of Water Management in Polder Areas
Some Examples for the Temperate Humid and the Humid Tropical Zone
By Preecha Wandee
The demand on land to produce food, for urban development such as housing, industry,
shopping areas, infrastructure and also for recreation has increased during the history of
mankind. This has resulted in such activities as the reclamation of swamps, flood plains, tidal
areas and even lakes...
Published June 16th 2005 by CRC Press
Stabilisation/Solidification Treatment and Remediation
Proceedings of the International Conference on Stabilisation/Solidification
Treatment and Remediation, 12-13 April 2005, Cambridge, UK
Edited by Amir Al Tabbaa, Julia A. Stegemann
Stabilisation/Solidification Treatment and Remediation - Advances in S/S for Waste and
Contaminated Land contains 39 papers, summaries of the four keynote lectures and the seven
State of Practice reports presented at the International Conference organized by the
EPSRC-funded network STARNET (...
Published May 29th 2005 by CRC Press
Satellite Monitoring of Inland and Coastal Water Quality
Retrospection, Introspection, Future Directions
By Robert P. Bukata
Satellite Monitoring of Inland and Coastal Water Quality: Retrospection, Introspection, Future
Directions reviews how aquatic optics models can convert remote determinations of water
color into accurate assessments of water quality. This book illustrates how this conversion can
generate products of...
Published May 26th 2005 by CRC Press
New and Published Books – Page 30
Advances in Water Science Methodologies
Edited by U Aswathanarayana
This book is a useful guide to employing remote sensing data to explain and illustrate
interactions between atmospheric, oceanic and hydrological processes, incorporating the
latest developments in the field. A number of applications, such as water resources
management, environmental monitoring,...
Published May 26th 2005 by CRC Press
Restoration and Management of Lakes and Reservoirs, Third
By G. Dennis Cooke, Eugene B. Welch, Spencer Peterson, Stanley A. Nichols
It has been more than ten years since the last edition of the bestselling Restoration and
Management of Lakes and Reservoirs. In that time, lake and reservoir management and
restoration technologies have evolved and an enhanced version of this standard resource is
long overdue. Completely revised...
Published May 9th 2005 by CRC Press
Geochemistry, Groundwater and Pollution, Second Edition
By C.A.J. Appelo, Dieke Postma
Building on the success of its 1993 predecessor, this second edition of Geochemistry,
Groundwater and Pollution has been thoroughly re-written, updated and extended to provide a
complete and authoritative account of modern hydrogeochemistry. Offering a quantitative
approach to the study of...
Published April 15th 2005 by CRC Press
Effect of Operational Variables on Nitrogen Transformations in
Duckweed Stabilization Ponds
By Julia Rosa Caicedo Bejarano
There is an urgent need to develop and improve low cost technologies for wastewater
treatment. Simultaneously treating wastewater and producing duckweed in a pond system is,
therefore, an attractive solution contributing to both environmental protection and food
production. Duckweed has excellent...
Published March 24th 2005 by CRC Press
GIS Applications for Water, Wastewater, and Stormwater Systems
By U.M. Shamsi
Professionals involved in the planning, design, operation, and construction of water,
wastewater, and stormwater systems need to understand the productivity-enhancing
applications of GIS. Inspired by an ASCE-sponsored continuing education course taught by
the author, GIS Applications for Water,...
Published January 27th 2005 by CRC Press
Natural Arsenic in Groundwater
Proceedings of the Pre-Congress Workshop "Natural Arsenic in Groundwater",
32nd International Geological Congress, Florence, Italy, 18-19 August 2004
Edited by J. Bundschuh, P. Bhattacharya, D. Chandrasekharam
Arsenic contamination has become a global phenomenon. With the development of advanced
technological detection tools, more geographical areas have been identified. The people most
affected are those in the poorer socio-economic groups. The research articles in this book
have been...
Published January 6th 2005 by CRC Press
Soil-Water-Solute Process Characterization
An Integrated Approach
Edited by Javier Alvarez-Benedi, Rafael Munoz-Carpena
The practitioner or researcher often faces complex alternatives when selecting a method to
characterize properties governing a soil process. After years of research and development,
environmental and agricultural professionals now have an array of methods for characterizing
soil processes....
Published December 28th 2004 by CRC Press
In Situ Remediation Engineering
By Suthan S. Suthersan, Fred C. Payne
In Situ Remediation Engineering provides a comprehensive guide to the design and
implementation of reactive zone methods for treatment of all major classes of groundwater
contamination. It teaches the fundamentals that underlie development of cost-effective
reactive zone strategies, guides the...
Published December 28th 2004 by CRC Press
Economics and Ecological Risk Assessment
Applications to Watershed Management
Edited by Randall J. F. Bruins, Matthew T. Heberling
Series: Environmental and Ecological Risk Assessment
With contributions from a wide array of economists, ecologists, and government agency
professionals, Economics and Ecological Risk Assessment: Applications to Watershed
Management provides a multidisciplinary approach to environmental decision-making at a
watershed level. It introduces the fields...
Published December 28th 2004 by CRC Press
The Economics of Groundwater Remediation and Protection
By Paul E. Hardisty, Ece Ozdemiroglu
Series: Integrative Studies in Water Management & Land Deve
Economic literature is often too theoretical for engineers and policymakers to put into practical
use, while scientific literature on the remediation of contaminated aquifers rarely considers
costs and benefits. Written by a hydrogeologist and an economist, The Economics of
Groundwater Remediation...
Published December 20th 2004 by CRC Press
New and Published Books – Page 31
Cyanobacterial Toxins of Drinking Water Supplies
By Ian Robert Falconer
The contamination of both drinking and recreational water supplies by cyanobacteria is
increasingly a cause for concern worldwide. While contamination causes livestock deaths with
relative frequency, acute poisoning is rare in humans. However, there is growing apprehension
over the possible role of...
Published December 20th 2004 by CRC Press
Environmental Hydraulics and Sustainable Water Management,
Two Volume Set
Proceedings of the 4th International Symposium on Environmental Hydraulics &
14th Congress of Asia and Pacific Division, International Association of Hydraulic
Engineering and Research, 15-18 December 2004, Hong Kong
Edited by J.H.W. Lee, K.M. Lam
This two-volume set, with cd-rom, comprises the Proceedings of the 4th International
Symposium on Environmental Hydraulics & the 14th Congress of Asia and Pacific Division,
International Association of Hydraulic Engineering and Research held in December 2004 in
Hong Kong. Volume 1 covers...
Published December 15th 2004 by CRC Press
Environmental Engineer's Mathematics Handbook
By Frank R. Spellman, Nancy E. Whiting
Advanced mathematics used in engineering is studied here in this text which examines the
relationship between the principles in natural processes and those employed in engineered
processes. The text covers principles, practices and the mathematics involved in the design
and operation of...
Published November 23rd 2004 by CRC Press
Principles of Hydrogeology, Third Edition
By Paul F. Hudak
Principles of Hydrogeology, Third Edition presents important concepts of groundwater
hydrology with a strong emphasis on problem-solving and field applications of hydrogeology.
With newly added and revised content, this volume maintains a broad and current scope of
topics, from the history of...
Published September 29th 2004 by CRC Press
Shallow Flows
Research Presented at the International Symposium on Shallow Flows, Delft,
Netherlands, 2003
Edited by Gerhard H. Jirka, Wim S.J. Uijttewaal
This text presents the key findings of the International Symposium held in Delft in 2003, which
explored the process of shallow flows. Shallow flows are found in lowland rivers, lakes,
estuaries, bays, coastal areas and in density-stratified atmospheres, and may be observed in
puddles, as in...
Published September 15th 2004 by CRC Press
Water Resources of Arid Areas
Proceedings of the International Conference on Water Resources of Arid and
Semi-Arid Regions of Africa, Gaborone, Botswana, 3-6 August 2004
Edited by D. Stephenson, E.M. Shemang, T.R. Chaoka
With Africa's water resources constantly threatened by an increasing population and the
resultant rise in water demand, together with the stresses of water use for various activities,
desertification, climate change, and other interventions in the water cycle by man, it is vital that
the water...
Published August 15th 2004 by CRC Press
Nitrates in Groundwater
IAH Selected Papers on Hydrogeology 5
Edited by Lidia Razowska-Jaworek, Andrezj Sadurski
Series: IAH - Selected Papers on Hydrogeology
The first book devoted entirely to the problem of nitrate risk and behaviour in groundwater, this
volume includes twenty-seven papers selected from those presented during the Euromeeting
of the International Association of Hydrogeologists "Nitrate in Groundwater in Europe" held in
Wisla, Poland in...
Published August 15th 2004 by CRC Press
Options for Wastewater Management in Harare, Zimbabwe
By Innocent Nhapi
The sustainable management of waste water should aim at pollution prevention and reduction
first, followed by resource recovery and reuse. This work shows that substantial water quality
improvements could be achieved through a so-called 3-Step Stategic Approach. The
frameworks developed in this...
Published May 15th 2004 by CRC Press
Nitrification in Saline Industrial Wastewater
By Moustafa Samir Moussa
This dissertation considers various questions with respect to the effects of salinity on
nutrification: what are the main inhibiting factors causing the effects, do all salts have similar
effects, what is the maximum acceptable salt level, are ammonia oxidisers or nitrite oxidizers
most sensitive...
Published April 1st 2004 by CRC Press
Pollutant Effects in Freshwater
Applied Limnology, Third Edition
By J. Jacoby, E. Welch
Pollutant Effects in Freshwater provides a practical and concise introduction to the ecological
consequences of water pollution in aquatic ecosystems. In tackling the problem of water
quality deterioration, this book combines the limnological and water pollution literature to
describe how...
Published March 25th 2004 by CRC Press
New and Published Books – Page 32
Global Water Dynamics
Shallow and Deep Groundwater, Petroleum Hydrology, Hydrothermal Fluids, and
By Emanuel Mazor
Series: Books in Soils, Plants, and the Environment
All that makes this planet special is largely attributable to liquid water. Water in one form or
another is found all over our planet, even encountered at depths of thousands of meters within
the rocky crust. With a history of around four billion years, water has been around since the
early days of...
Published March 18th 2004 by CRC Press
Ozone Reaction Kinetics for Water and Wastewater Systems
By Fernando J. Beltran
Interest in ozonation for drinking water and wastewater treatment has soared in recent years
due to ozone's potency as a disinfectant, and the increasing need to control disinfection
byproducts that arise from the chlorination of water and wastewater. Ozone Reaction Kinetics
for Water and...
Published December 29th 2003 by CRC Press
Coastal Aquifer Management-Monitoring, Modeling, and Case
Edited by Alexander H.D. Cheng, Driss Ouazar
Approximately 70% of the world's population lives in coastal areas, and the majority of these
people depend on coastal aquifers for freshwater. The fragility of these aquifers and their
sensitivity to human activity demand informed, competent management to guarantee their
survival. Significant...
Published December 18th 2003 by CRC Press
Contaminated Ground Water and Sediment
Modeling for Management and Remediation
Edited by Calvin C. Chien, Miguel A. Medina, Jr., George F. Pinder, Danny D.
Reible, Brent Sleep, Chunmiao Zheng
This book is the documented result of a workshop, Modeling and Management of Emerging
Environmental Issues, held at Penn State University. This event assembled modeling experts
from the U.S. and Canada to discuss modeling technology development and application, in
order to promote sound and...
Published November 24th 2003 by CRC Press
Water Quality Systems
Guide For Facility Managers, 2nd Edition
By Robert N. Reid, P.E.
An excellent guide for anyone with a water system or water system problem, Water Quality
and Systems provides an A-Z reference for improving water quality, meeting new regulations,
and reducing costs. Every page contains a time- and money-saving tip. The book covers water
purity, renovations,...
Published October 29th 2003 by Fairmont Press
Chemical and Isotopic Groundwater Hydrology
3rd Edition
By Emanuel Mazor
This updated and expanded edition provides a thorough understanding of the measurable
properties of groundwater systems and the knowledge to apply hydrochemical, geological,
isotopic, and dating approaches to their work. This volume includes question and answer
discussions for key concepts...
Published October 1st 2003 by CRC Press
Practical Handbook of Soil, Vadose Zone, and Ground-Water
Assessment, Prevention, and Remediation, Second Edition
By J. Russell Boulding, Jon S. Ginn
A synthesis of years of interdisciplinary research and practice, the second edition of this
bestseller continues to serve as a primary resource for information on the assessment,
remediation, and control of contamination on and below the ground surface.Practical
Handbook of Soil, Vadose Zone, and...
Published September 17th 2003 by CRC Press
Disinfection Byproducts in Drinking Water
Formation, Analysis, and Control
By Yuefeng Xie
The EPA has established regulations which classify four types of disinfection byproducts TTHMs, haloacetic acids, bromate, and chlorite - and requires public water systems limit these
byproducts to specific levels. Most of the information required to comply with these standards
is either...
Published August 27th 2003 by CRC Press
Boreal Shield Watersheds
Lake Trout Ecosystems in a Changing Environment
Edited by John Gunn, Robert John Steedman, Richard Ryder
Series: Integrative Studies in Water Management & Land Deve
Boreal Shield Watersheds: Lake Trout Ecosystems in a Changing Environment brings
together the work of a renowned international group of scientists who specialize in aquatic
science and environmental management. They explore the functioning of Boreal Shield
ecosystems, focusing on the lake trout,...
Published August 27th 2003 by CRC Press
Riparian Areas of the Southwestern United States
Hydrology, Ecology, and Management
Edited by Peter F. Ffolliott, Leonard F. DeBano
The demand for water resulting from massive population and economic growth in the
southwestern U.S. overwhelmed traditional uses of riparian areas. As a consequence, many of
these uniquely-structured ecosystems have been altered or destroyed. Within recent years
people have become increasingly...
Published July 28th 2003 by CRC Press
New and Published Books – Page 33
Chromatography of Natural, Treated and Waste Waters
By T.R Crompton
Chromatography of Natural, Treated and Waste Waters is the first book to bring together
information of a range of chromatographic techniques in all types of water, precipitation to
sewage effluents. Organic and inorganic compounds, cations, anions and elements are all
discussed. Particular...
Published May 22nd 2003 by CRC Press
Lake and Pond Management Guidebook
By Steve McComas
The Lake and Pond Management Guidebook is the successor to the bestselling Lake Smarts:
The First Lake Maintenance Handbook, the "bible" for small-scale lake and pond
improvements, published by the Terrene Institute in 1993. Completely revised and updated,
now published by Lewis Publishers, this...
Published January 30th 2003 by CRC Press
Water Resources Management
By David Stephenson
The world's water resources are being tapped at an ever increasing rate, to the extent that
sustainability and water quality are being compromised. This book provides accounts of the
technology used for managing water resources to reduce risks. Besides controlling floods,
overcoming droughts and...
Published January 1st 2003 by CRC Press
IHE Delft Lecture Note Series
By W. Boiten
Hydrometry presents a thorough introduction to the science of hydrometry: the measurement
of flow in open channels. Dealing with both traditional techniques and innovative new methods
and instruments, in line with the latest ISO standards, this book deals with the main themes
Published January 1st 2003 by CRC Press
Nitrogen Transformations and Removal Mechanisms in Algal and
Duckweed Waste Stabilisation Ponds
By Omar Zimmo
Effective treatment of nitrogen containing wastewater is required to prevent eutrophication and
groundwater pollution. This thesis shows that effective treatment may be combined with
substantial nitrogen recovery in duckweed-based waste stabilization ponds....
Published January 1st 2003 by CRC Press
Defining and Assessing Adverse Environmental Impact from
Power Plant Impingement and Entrainment of Aquatic Organisms
Symposium in Conjunction with the Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries
Society, 2001, in Phoenix, Arizona, USA
Edited by Douglas Dixon, John A. Veil, Joe Wisniewski
The U.S. Clean Water Act calls for the minimization of "adverse environmental impact" at
cooling water intake structures. To facilitate an exchange of information among all
stakeholders in the issue, the Electric Power Research Institute organised a national
symposium in 2001 to discuss the...
Published January 1st 2003 by CRC Press
Hydrology and Water Resources
Volume 5- Additional Volume International Conference on Water Resources
Management in Arid Regions, 23-27 March 2002, Kuwait
Edited by M.M. Sherif, V.P. Singh, M. Al-Rashed
This is the fifth and last volume representing the proceedings of the International Conference
on Water Resources Management in Arid Regions held March 23rd-27th 2002 in Kuwait. This
book discusses major aspects of hydrology and water resources. It presents papers on
important aspects of surface...
Published January 1st 2003 by CRC Press
Lubrication in Inland and Coastal Water Activities
By P van Broekhuizen, D Theodori, K Le Blansch, S Ullmer
This book is strongly recommended to those engaged in activities involving the lubrication of
machines, to lubricant manufacturers and to raw material producers. It brings together the
experience of many companies, institutions and individual users in a variety of European
Published January 1st 2003 by CRC Press
Urban Groundwater Pollution
IAH International Contributions to Hydrogeology 24
Edited by David Lerner
Series: IAH - International Contributions to Hydrogeology
More than 50% of the world's population already live in cities, and the proportion is rising
extremely rapidly towards developed country levels of more than 90%. Groundwater from
wells is the major source of water supply for many of these cities, however, groundwater is
polluted by the...
Published January 1st 2003 by CRC Press
Effectiveness of Surge Flow Irrigation in Egypt
Water Use Efficiency in Field Crop Production
Edited by Ismael Mahmoud
Published January 1st 2003 by CRC Press
New and Published Books – Page 34
Nutrients Valorisation via Duckweed-based Wastewater Treatment
and Aquaculture
By Saber Abdel-Aziz Abdel-Salam Mohamed El-Shafai
Published January 1st 2003 by CRC Press
Groundwater Engineering - Recent Advances
Proceedings of the International Symposium, Okayama, Japan, May 2003
Edited by Iichiro Kono, Makato Nishigaki, Mitsuru Komatsu
This work contains peer-reviewed papers presented at the International Symposium on
Groundwater Problems related to geo-Environment, held in Okayama, Japan in May 2003.
The symposium was organized to promote the exchange of ideas, and the latest
developments in research and practice in the...
Published January 1st 2003 by CRC Press
Conversion to On-Site Sodium Hypochlorite Generation
Water and Wastewater Applications
By Leonard Casson, Jim Bess
Since the implementation of the USEPA Clean Air Act Risk Management Plan, many water
treatment and wastewater treatment utilities have converted to on-site sodium hypochlorite
generation. Conversion to On-Site Sodium Hypochlorite Generation: Water and Wastewater
Applications is a comprehensive text...
Published December 17th 2002 by CRC Press
Municipal Stormwater Management, Second Edition
By Thomas N. Debo, Andrew Reese
Designed to be a stand alone desktop reference for the Stormwater manager, designer, and
planner, the bestselling Municipal Stormwater Management has been expanded and updated.
Here is what's new in the second edition: New material on complying with the NPDES program
for Phase II and in running a...
Published November 25th 2002 by CRC Press
Endocrine Disrupters in Wastewater and Sludge Treatment
Edited by Jason W. Birkett, John N. Lester
Endocrine Disrupting Chemicals (EDCs) have been shown to produce changes in the
endocrine system of organisms, leading to increases in cancers and abnormalities in
reproductive structure and function. This book presents research on the endocrine-disrupting
effects of sewage and industrial effluents...
Published November 25th 2002 by CRC Press
Preconcentration Techniques for Natural and Treated Waters
High Sensitivity Determination of Organic and Organometallic Compounds,
Cations and Anions
By T.R. Crompton
Equipment used for the analysis of water is frequently insufficiently sensitive to be able to
detect the low concentrations of organic and inorganic substances present in samples.
Applying preconcentration to the sample prior to analysis means the results gained are more
accurate and can be used to...
Published October 31st 2002 by CRC Press
GIS for Water Resource and Watershed Management
Edited by John G. Lyon
The use of GIS, and its application for solving environmental problems is growing rapidly. This
powerful set of tools can be used to great effect in hydrological modeling, environment and
habitat assessments, ecosystem studies, monitoring of wetlands and forested watersheds,
urban studies,...
Published October 3rd 2002 by CRC Press
The Watershed Project Management Guide
By Thomas E. Davenport
A key question for individuals involved in managing watersheds is, "What is an effective
process that will integrate science, policy, and public participation in order to help manage
water resources effectively?" The Watershed Project Management Guide presents a
four-phase approach to watershed...
Published August 28th 2002 by CRC Press
Wet-Weather Flow in the Urban Watershed
Technology and Management
Edited by Richard Field, Daniel Sullivan
According to the National Resources Defense Council, stormwater runoff rivals or exceeds
discharges from factories and sewage plants as a source of pollution throughout the United
States. The Environmental Protection Agency identifies urban stormwaters as the second
largest source of water quality...
Published August 27th 2002 by CRC Press
Agricultural Pollution
Environmental Problems and Practical Solutions
By Graham Merrington, Dr Linton Winder Nfa, R. Parkinson, Mark Redman, L. Winder
This comprehensive text provides a concise overview of environmental problems caused by
agriculture, (such as pesticide pollution and increased nitrate levels) and offers practical
solutions to them. It is well illustrated and contains a fully-referenced introduction to the main
Published August 22nd 2002 by CRC Press
New and Published Books – Page 35
Drinking Water and Infectious Disease
Establishing the Links
Edited by Paul Raymond Hunter, Michael Waite, Elettra Ronchi
In many countries, considerable uncertainty still exists about the contribution of drinking water
to sporadic cases of disease. The Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development
(OECD), in cooperation with the World Health Organization (WHO), led the Workshop on
Molecular Technologies for...
Published July 30th 2002 by CRC Press
Watershed Health Monitoring
Emerging Technologies
By Chris Jones, R. Mark Palmer, Susan Motkaluk, Michael Walters
Watershed Health Monitoring: Emerging Technologies is a concise reference that defines the
concept of watershed health and explains that monitoring the health of watersheds is a critical
precursor to adaptive resource management on a watershed basis. The focus of the text is a
clear description of...
Published May 29th 2002 by CRC Press
Problems in Water Distribution
Solved, Explained and Applied
By Y. Koby Cohen
Water distribution and treatment operators, supervisors, and managers are required to pass
certification exams. The most useful way to prepare for these exams is by solving calculations
and knowledge problems and by completing practice exams. Solving a problem and
immediately finding out the...
Published April 29th 2002 by CRC Press
Ultraviolet Light in Water and Wastewater Sanitation
By Willy J. Masschelein, Rip G. Rice
Several general books are available on ultraviolet light and its applications. However, this is
the first comprehensive monograph that deals with its application to water and wastewater
treatment. There is a rapidly growing interest in using UV light in water sanitation due to the
Published April 26th 2002 by CRC Press
Blueprint Reading
Fundamentals for the Water and Wastewater Maintenance Operator
By Frank R. Spellman, Joanne Drinan
Series: Fundamentals for the Water and Wastewater Main Operator Series
Experience has shown that when maintenance operators can understand and properly use
blueprints and schematics they have little difficulty in correctly interpreting and using plant unit
process drawings. Blueprint Reading bridges the gap between available training materials and
the information...
Published February 26th 2002 by CRC Press
Water Resources Management in Arid Regions
Proceedings of the International Conference on Water Resources Management in
Arid Regions, 23-27 March 2002, Kuwait
Edited by V.P. Singh, M. Al-Rashed, M.M. Sherif
These four volumes represent the Proceedings of the International Conference on Water
Resources Management in Arid Regions, which was held in Kuwait in 2002. There are four
volumes: Surface Water Hydrology: hydrologic data; effect of climate change; rainfall;
evaporation and...
Published January 1st 2002 by CRC Press
Model Induction from Data
Towards the next generation of computational engines in hydraulics and hydrology
By Y.B. Dibike
There has been an explosive growth of methods in recent years for learning (or estimating
dependency) from data, where data refers to known samples that are combinations of inputs
and corresponding outputs of a given physical system. The main subject addressed in this
thesis is model induction from...
Published January 1st 2002 by CRC Press
Hydraulics of Stepped Chutes and Spillways
By Hubert Chanson
Stepped channel design has been in use for more than 3,500 years. Recent advances in
technology have triggered a regained interest in stepped design, although much expertise has
been lost in the last 80 years. The steps significantly increase the rate of energy dissipation
taking place along...
Published January 1st 2002 by CRC Press
Sustainable Development and Management of Groundwater
Resources in Semi-Arid Regions with Special Reference to Hard Rocks
Proceedings of the International Groundwater Conference IGC, Dindigul, India,
Edited by M. Thangarajan, S.N. Rai, V.S. Singh
This volume offers twenty-four papers on subjects such as: groundwater potential assessment
through the application of GIS; geophysical methods and remote sensing techniques;
groundwater pollution and its remediation measures; aquifer characterisation of continuum
and fracture media;...
Published January 1st 2002 by CRC Press
Chernobyl Disaster and Groundwater
Edited by V.M. Shestopalov
The Chernobyl disaster that occurred on April 26, 1986 was the result of an explosion in the
fourth reactor of the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant located in Ukraine. This book examines
the natural and technogenic objects falling at, or close to, the epicentre of the accident....
Published January 1st 2002 by CRC Press
New and Published Books – Page 36
Regional Water System Management
Water Conservation, Water Supply and System Integration
Edited by Enrique Cabrera, R. Cobacho, Jay Lund
The spectacular industrial and economic development of the twentieth century was achieved
at a considerable environmental cost. The increasingly precarious position of water, the most
valuable of natural resources, reflects this trend. Today we have come to realise...
Published January 1st 2002 by CRC Press
Intensive Use of Groundwater:
Challenges and Opportunities
Edited by M. Ramon Llamas, E. Custodio
This text is written by a number of authors from different countries and disciplines, affording
the reader an invaluable and unbiased perspective on the subject of intensive groundwater
development. Based on information gathered from the experience of many countries over the
last decades, the...
Published January 1st 2002 by CRC Press
An Integrated Approach for the Improvement of Flood Control and
Drainage Schemes in the Coastal Belt of Bangladesh
By Liakath Ali
This study describes the development of water management in Bangladesh, including flood
control and drainage schemes. The present landuse situation and hydrological conditions are
presented and the coastal lowland development of Southeast Asia is reviewed. A performance
analysis of...
Published January 1st 2002 by CRC Press
Management of Aquifer Recharge for Sustainability
Proceedings of the 4th International Symposium on Artificial Recharge of
Groundwater, Adelaide, September 2002
Edited by P.J. Dillon
This title offers more than 100 papers originating in 20 countries, covering research on a
widening range of methods for recharge enhancement and groundwater quality protection and
improvement. These include: bank filtration; aquifer storage and recovery; and soil aquifer
treatment, as well as...
Published January 1st 2002 by CRC Press
Air Quality Assessment and Management
A Practical Guide
By Dr Owen Harrop
Series: Clay’s Library of Health and the Environment
Air Quality Assessment and Management: A Practical Guide describes the techniques
available for an assessment while detailing the concepts and methodologies involved. It
reviews the principles of air quality management; primary sources of air pollution; impact of
emissions on human health, flora...
Published October 25th 2001 by CRC Press
Piping and Valves
By Frank R. Spellman, Joanne Drinan
Series: Fundamentals for the Water and Wastewater Main Operator Series
This volume in the Fundamentals for the Water and Wastewater Main Operator series covers
the basics of piping and valves in water and wastewater plants, including details on fittings,
strainers, filters, traps and control systems. The book explains how pipes and valves are used
to feed materials (...
Published August 31st 2001 by CRC Press
Natural Organics Removal Using Membranes
Principles, Performance, and Cost
By Andrea Schafer
Natural Organics Removal Using Membranes: Principles, Performance, and Cost provides a
unique combination of important new data and operational parameters on the role of
membranes in removing natural organic materials during water treatment. It examines and
compares the three pressure-driven...
Published August 31st 2001 by CRC Press
Stormwater Effects Handbook
A Toolbox for Watershed Managers, Scientists, and Engineers
By G. Allen Burton, Jr., Robert Pitt
A stand-alone working document, Stormwater Effects Handbook: A Toolbox for Watershed
Managers, Scientists, and Engineers assists scientists and regulators in determining when
stormwater runoff causes adverse effects in receiving waters. This complicated task requires
an integrated assessment...
Published August 29th 2001 by CRC Press
Drinking Water Chemistry
A Laboratory Manual
By Barbara Hauser
Whether you are a new employee or seasoned professional you need easy access to the
latest test methods, updated quality control procedures, and calculations at your fingertips.
You need to perform analyses quickly and easily and troubleshoot problems as they arise. You
need a resource that is not...
Published August 21st 2001 by CRC Press
Water Science for Food Health
By Zeki Berk
Published August 17th 2001 by CRC Press
New and Published Books – Page 37
Environmental Fluid Mechanics
By Hillel Rubin
Environmental Fluid Mechanics provides comprehensive coverage of a combination of basic
fluid principles and their application in a number of different situations-exploring fluid motions
on the earth's surface, underground, and in oceans-detailing the use of physical and numerical
models and modern...
Published August 17th 2001 by CRC Press
Stream Ecology and Self Purification
An Introduction, Second Edition
By Frank R. Spellman, Joanne Drinan
This new edition of a very successful standard reference is expanded and fully reworked. The
book explains and quantifies the processes whereby streams cleanse themselves, reducing
their pollutant load as a natural process. Mechanisms of purification in running waters have
always been critical with...
Published June 5th 2001 by CRC Press
Adsorptive Iron Removal from Groundwater
By Sharoz Kumar Sharma
A pilot study conducted at the Gilze water treatment plant of Water Supply North West Brabant
demonstrated that adsorptive filtration has several potential advantages over floc filtration,
namely: longer filter runs due to slower head loss development; better filtrate quality; shorter
ripening time...
Published June 1st 2001 by CRC Press
Determination of Metals and Anions in Soils, Sediments and
By T R Crompton
Series: Determination Techniques - The Complete Set
Determination of Metals and Anions in Soils, Sediments and Sludges is the first volume which
comprehensively discusses the range of methods currently available for the analysis of metals
and anions in soils, river and marine sediments and industrial sludges. There are specialist
chapters on...
Published March 29th 2001 by CRC Press
Fundamentals for the Water and Wastewater Maintenance Operator
By Frank R. Spellman, Joanne Drinan
Series: Fundamentals for the Water and Wastewater Main Operator Series
This is the only book series devoted to explaining the full range of specialized areas required
of water and wastewater plant operators. Each volume is designed to give operators the basic
knowledge of a subject needed for certification, licensure, and improved job performance.
Published January 15th 2001 by CRC Press
Water Resources Management and the Environment
By U. Aswathanarayana
Addressing the techno-socio-economic challenges involved in the protection, conservation,
recycling and equitable utilization of water as an economic good, this text explores the
linkages and dynamics of interactions involving water, and includes the following key topic
areas: dynamics of...
Published January 1st 2001 by CRC Press
Hydropower in the New Millennium
Proceedings of the 4th International Conference Hydropower, Bergen, Norway,
20-22 June 2001
Edited by B. Honningsvag, G.H. Midttomme, K. Repp, K. Vaskinn, T. Westeren
The power sector has undergone a liberalization process both in industrialized and developing
countries, involving market regimes, as well as ownership structure. These processes have
called for new and innovative concepts, affecting both the operation of existing hydropower
plants and transmission...
Published January 1st 2001 by CRC Press
Fundamentals for the Water and Wastewater Maintenance Operator
By Frank R. Spellman, Joanne Drinan
Series: Fundamentals for the Water and Wastewater Main Operator Series
This is the only book series devoted to explaining the full range of specialized areas required
of water and wastewater plant operators. Each volume is designed to give operators the basic
knowledge of a subject needed for certification, licensure, and improved job performance.
Published December 31st 2000 by CRC Press
In Situ Treatment Technology, Second Edition
Edited by Evan K. Nyer
Completely revised and updated, the second edition of the bestselling In Situ Treatment
Technology adds three new chapters to provide the reader with an even more comprehensive
reference source on remediation. This authoritative book goes beyond discussion of individual
in situ technologies by...
Published December 28th 2000 by CRC Press
Water Hydraulics
Fundamentals for the Water and Wastewater Maintenance Operator
By Frank R. Spellman, Joanne Drinan
Series: Fundamentals for the Water and Wastewater Main Operator Series
This is the only book series devoted to explaining the full range of specialized areas required
of water and wastewater plant operators. Each volume is designed to give operators the basic
knowledge of a subject needed for certification, licensure, and improved job performance.
Published November 30th 2000 by CRC Press
New and Published Books – Page 38
Tap Water as a Hydraulic Pressure Medium
By Erik Trostmann
"Showcases the beneftis and potential advantages of water hydraulics over oil-based media.
Interweaves examples and excercises throughout the text to illustrate critical concepts, with
helpful appendices on abbreviations, symbols, conversion factors, and water contaminants,
and glossary sections."...
Published November 17th 2000 by CRC Press
Fundamentals for the Water and Wastewater Maintenance Operator
By Frank R. Spellman, Joanne Drinan
Series: Fundamentals for the Water and Wastewater Main Operator Series
Electricity offers a complete introduction to the nature of electricity for those who want to know
more about electricity but do not find the time to struggle through complicated handbooks. It
explains what electricity and magnetism are, how batteries work, the difference between DCand AC-fields,...
Published November 6th 2000 by CRC Press
Effects on Soil and Groundwater Resources
Edited by Jacques Guertin, Christy Herron, James A. Jacobs
Written by an expert team of scientists, engineers, and toxicologists, MTBE: Effects on Soil
and Ground-Water Resources provides complete in-depth coverage of the assessment and
potential remediation strategies of methyl tertiary-butyl ether (MTBE). In addition to a history
and overview of fuel...
Published September 28th 2000 by CRC Press
Wetland Soils
Genesis, Hydrology, Landscapes, and Classification
Edited by Michael J. Vepraskas, J.L. Richardson, M.J. Vepraskas, Christopher B. Craft
Covering wetlands soils from Florida to Alaska, Wetland Soils: Genesis, Hydrology,
Landscapes, and Classification provides information on all types of hydric soils. With
contributions from soil scientists who have extensive field experience, the book focuses on the
soil morphology of the wet soils...
Published September 15th 2000 by CRC Press
Applied Wetlands Science and Technology, Second Edition
Edited by Donald M. Kent
Continuing the tradition of excellence established by the first edition, the Second Edition of
Applied Wetlands Science and Technology provides the fundamentals for delineating,
identifying, and regulating wetlands. It covers functions and values, ecological assessments,
and how to minimize...
Published August 30th 2000 by CRC Press
Handbook for Restoring Tidal Wetlands
Edited by Joy B. Zedler
Series: CRC Marine Science
Efforts to direct the recovery of damaged sites and landscape date back as far as the 1930s. If
we fully understood the conditions and controlling variables at restoration sites, we would be
better equipped to predict the outcomes of restoration efforts. If there were no constraints, we
Published August 30th 2000 by CRC Press
A Practical Guide to Particle Counting for Drinking Water
By John Michael Broadwell
As EPA standards for water quality have tightened in recent years, the need to more
accurately assess filter performance and improve the overall treatment process has led to
increased demand for the high sensitivity provided by particle counters. One particle counter
can give you more data than a...
Published July 31st 2000 by CRC Press
Multilayered Aquifier Systems
Fundamentals and Applications
By Alexander H.D. Cheng
Series: Civil and Environmental Engineering
Offers a systematic and unified approach to the classical theories and recent techniques of
multilayered aquifer systems. Clarifies governing principles and facilitates industrial problem
solving. Uses the automated numerical Laplace inversion procedure to simplify mathematical
Published July 18th 2000 by CRC Press
Innovative Urban Wet-Weather Flow Management Systems
By Richard Field, James P. Heaney, Robert Pitt
The 20th century's automobile-inspired land use changes brought about tremendous
transformations in how stormwater moves across the modern urban land-scape. Streets and
parking areas in the average urban family's neighborhood now exceed the amount of land
devoted to living space. Add parking,...
Published June 27th 2000 by CRC Press
Investigative Methods and Applications
By Hans-Curt Flemming, Ulrich Szewzyk, Thomas Griebe
Until now, techniques for studying biofilms- the cellular colonies that live in drinking water
systems, wastewater operations, even ground and surface water- have been limited. Yet
during the last decade, biofilms have become a critical element in water quality preservation
systems, a key component...
Published June 23rd 2000 by CRC Press
New and Published Books – Page 39
Restoration of Contaminated Aquifers
Petroleum Hydrocarbons and Organic Compounds, Second Edition
By Duane L. Winegardner, Stephen M. Testa
The second edition of Restoration of Contaminated Aquifers: Petroleum Hydrocarbons and
Organic Compounds incorporates the latest advances in in-situ remediation and natural
attenuation, and maintains the comprehensive, accessible structure that made the first edition
a classic.The new edition...
Published June 22nd 2000 by CRC Press
Groundwater and the Environment
Applications for the Global Community
By Igor S. Zektser, Lorne G. Everett
Historically, water has been treated as an inexhaustible resource. However, with the growth of
population and development of industry and agriculture, freshwater demand has increased
drastically, and its shortage felt in roughly 60% of the Earth. As early as 1931, renowned
Russian scholar A.P....
Published June 21st 2000 by CRC Press
Contaminant Hydrology
Cold Regions Modeling
Edited by S.A. Grant, John M. Baker, I.K. Iskandar
Environmental contamination in cold regions poses unique problems. It affects traditionally
pristine areas and presents substantial operational difficulties. The extreme temperature range,
soils and geology, the unique biological diversity, the freezing and thawing of pollutants, and
the impact of...
Published June 21st 2000 by CRC Press
Heavy Metals in the Environment
Using Wetlands for Their Removal
Edited by Howard T. Odum
Much of the convenience of modern life resides in sheet metal, the cowling shield of most
machines and appliances. However, the load that this takes off human shoulders has to be
carried elsewhere, and the Earth has borne the burden. Many of us woke up to the
environmental cost when over a century...
Published May 24th 2000 by CRC Press
Microbiological Aspects of Biofilms and Drinking Water
By Steven Lane Percival, James Taggari Walker, Paul R. Hunter
The development of biofilms and their role in public health - particularly drinking water - is often
overlooked. Ideal for anyone interested in water related issues, Microbiological Aspects of
Biofilms and Drinking Water presents an overview of the public health effects associated with
Published May 23rd 2000 by CRC Press
Groundwater Contamination, Volume II
Management, Containment, Risk Assessment and Legal Issues
By Chester D. Rail
Fully updated and expanded into two volumes, the new edition of Groundwater Contamination
explains in a comprehensive way the sources for groundwater contamination, the regulations
governing it, and the technologies for abating it. This volume discusses aquifer management
and strategies for...
Published May 2nd 2000 by CRC Press
Groundwater Contamination, Volume I
Sources and Hydrology
By Chester D. Rail
Fully updated and expanded into two volumes, the new edition of Groundwater Contamination
explains in a comprehensive way the sources for groundwater contamination, the regulations
governing it, and the technologies for abating it. Volume 1 covers all major contaminants and
explains the hydrology...
Published April 14th 2000 by CRC Press
Artificial Reef Evaluation
With Application to Natural Marine Habitats
Edited by William Seaman
Series: CRC Marine Science
Beneath the coastal waters of the world lie thousands of artificial reefs. Some are old and
retired freighters and ships that once plied the oceans of the world but now serve as habitats
for marine life. Others are newer reefs that have been designed and built for specific
applications. With the...
Published March 23rd 2000 by CRC Press
Aquatic Effects of Acidic Deposition
By Timothy J Sullivan
The completion of the initial phase of the U.S. National Acid Precipitation Assessment
Program (NAPAP) in 1990 marked the end of the largest environmental research and
assessment effort to that time. The resulting series of 27 State of Science and Technology
(SOS/T) Reports and the NAPAP Integrated...
Published March 15th 2000 by CRC Press
Applied Math for Water Plant Operators Set
By Joanne K. Price
This third volume is a complete guide to the calculations required for water treatment. The text
includes many worked examples, and calculations are summarized in each chapter. Includes a
522 page workbook. Topics covered include volume, flow and velocity, milligrams per liter to
pounds per day,...
Published February 28th 2000 by CRC Press
New and Published Books – Page 40
Hands On Water and Wastewater Equipment Maintenance,
Volume II
By Barbara Renner
Hands-On Water/Wastewater Equipment Maintenance, Volumes 1 and 2 deals with
equipment maintenance as individual components, not as complete machines, allowing more
information about the design, application and maintenance requirements of machinery to be
presented. This work-related inventory of...
Published February 16th 2000 by CRC Press
Water Management, Purificaton, and Conservation in Arid
Climates, Volume III
Water Conservation
By Mattheus F. A. Goosen, Walid H. Shayya
This three volume series presents a broad and integrated approach to water management,
purification, and conservation in arid climates. Volume one includes an introductory chapter on
water problems and water resources in arid climates followed by specific chapters covering
various aspects of water...
Published January 5th 2000 by CRC Press
Water Management, Purification, and Conservation in Arid
Climates, Three Volume Set
By Mattheus F. A. Goosen, Walid H. Shayya
This three volume series presents a broad and integrated approach to water management,
purification, and conservation in arid climates. Volume one includes an introductory chapter on
water problems and water resources in arid climates followed by specific chapters covering
various aspects of water...
Published January 5th 2000 by CRC Press
Competition for Scarce Groundwater in the Sana'a Plain, Yemen.
A study of the incentive systems for urban and agricultural water use.
By Mohammed I. Al-Hamdi
The efficient management of water supply becomes even more important in arid areas where
supply is at best erratic. This book looks at a range of issues connected to urban and
agricultural water use in the Sana'a Plain area, including engineering and logisical problems,
environmental and climatic...
Published January 1st 2000 by CRC Press
Groundwater Flow and Contaminant Transport in Carbonate
Edited by Ira D. Sasowsky, Carol M. Wicks
Carbonate aquifers are an important source of water throughout the world. They are
complicated systems and not always easy to interpret. Caves and channels form in the rock,
leading to complex flow pathways and unpredictable contaminant behaviour. This volume
covers the range of techniques used to...
Published January 1st 2000 by CRC Press
Groundwater 2000
Proceedings of the International Conference on Groundwater Research,
Copenhagen, Denmark, 6-8 June 2000
Edited by Poul L. Bjerg, Peter Engesgaard, Thomas D. Krom
These proceedings, with cd-rom, present a comprehensive overview of advances in
groundwater research. The five main topics covered are: aquifers and contaminant distribution;
groundwater quality; natural attenuation; remediation technologies and groundwater protection.
Published January 1st 2000 by CRC Press
Pesticides in Stream Sediment and Aquatic Biota
Distribution, Trends, and Governing Factors
By Lisa H. Nowell, Paul D. Capel, Peter D. Dileanis
More than 20 years after the ban of DDT and other organochlorine pesticides, pesticides
continue to be detected in air, rain, soil, surface water, bed sediment, and aquatic and
terrestrial biota throughout the world. Recent research suggests that low levels of some of
these pesticides may have the...
Published December 28th 1999 by CRC Press
Agriculture and Phosphorus Management
The Chesapeake Bay
Edited by Andrew N. Sharpley
Using the Chesapeake Bay as a case study, Agriculture and Phosphorus Management
discusses the impact and management of phosphorus in watersheds. Although urban and
other sources contribute phosphorus to the Bay, the papers presented focus on how its role in
agriculture impacts water quality. They...
Published December 20th 1999 by CRC Press
Riparian Management in Forests of the Continental Eastern
United States
Edited by Ellen S. Verry, James W. Hornbeck, C. Andrew Dolloff
The timing could not be better for addressing riparian area management and the resulting
impacts of surface water. The Forest Service leadership team has identified water and
watershed management as the issue of the upcoming decade. These factors and more have
moved riparian forests to the...
Published December 6th 1999 by CRC Press
Determination of Organic Compounds in Soils, Sediments and
By T R Crompton
Series: Determination Techniques - The Complete Set
The first volume to comprehensively discuss the range of methods available for the analysis of
organic compounds in soils, river and marine sediments and industrial sludges. It commences
with a review of the instrumentation used in soil and sediment laboratories and indicates the
types of organics...
Published December 2nd 1999 by CRC Press
New and Published Books – Page 41
Groundwater and Surface Water Pollution
Edited by David H.F. Liu, Bela G. Liptak
Groundwater and Surface Water Pollution contains almost all the technical know-how required
to clean up our water supply. It provides a survey of up-to-date technologies for remediation,
as well as a step-by-step guide to pollution assessment for both ground and surface
waters.The book defines...
Published November 29th 1999 by CRC Press
Monitoring Bathing Waters
A Practical Guide to the Design and Implementation of Assessments and
Monitoring Programmes
Edited by Jamie Bartram, Gareth Rees
This book, which has been prepared by an international group of experts, provides
comprehensive guidance for the design, planning and implementation of assessments and
monitoring programmes for water bodies used for recreation. It addresses the wide range of
hazards which may be encountered and...
Published November 25th 1999 by CRC Press
Water Management, Purificaton, and Conservation in Arid
Climates, Volume II
Water Purification
By Mattheus F. A. Goosen, Walid H. Shayya
This three volume series presents a broad and integrated approach to water management,
purification, and conservation in arid climates. Volume one includes an introductory chapter on
water problems and water resources in arid climates followed by specific chapters covering
various aspects of water...
Published September 28th 1999 by CRC Press
Phytoremediation of Contaminated Soil and Water
Edited by Norman Terry, Gary S. Banuelos
Phytoremediation is an exciting, new technology that utilizes metal-accumulating plants to rid
soil of heavy metal and radionuclides. Hyperaccumulation plants are an appealing and
economical alternative to current methods of soil recovery. Phytoremediation of Contaminated
Soil and Water is the...
Published September 24th 1999 by CRC Press
Microbiology of Well Biofouling
By D. Roy Cullimore
Series: Sustainable Water Well
The third book in the Sustainable Well Series, Microbiology of Well Biofouling, is the second
edition of Practical Manual of Groundwater Microbiology. It is concerned with solving
production problems in all types of wells.See what's new in the new edition:Addresses
deleterious events in all types...
Published September 15th 1999 by CRC Press
Soils and Groundwater Pollution and Remediation
Asia, Africa, and Oceania
By P. M. Huang, I.K. Iskandar
The increasing population densities of Asia, Africa and Oceania are in conflict with the
ecosystem. A growing demand for food and fiber causes agriculture to rely heavily upon
chemical fertilization, herbicides and pesticides. Rising industrial output creates higher
contamination from cadmium, lead...
Published July 29th 1999 by CRC Press
Water Management, Purificaton, and Conservation in Arid
Climates, Volume I
Water Management
By Mattheus F. A. Goosen, Walid H. Shayya
This new three volume series presents a broad and integrated approach to water management,
purification, and conservation in arid climates. Volume one includes an introductory chapter on
water problems and water resources in arid climates followed by specific chapters covering
various aspects of...
Published July 21st 1999 by CRC Press
Choosing Disinfection Alternatives for Water/Wastewater
Treatment Plants
By Frank R. Spellman
Safe drinking water and effluent have long been dependent on the large-scale use of chlorine.
Process Safety Management (PSM) and the Risk Management Program (RMP), safety
regulations now enforced by OSHA and EPA are leading to serious reconsideration of
chlorination as the preferred disinfection...
Published June 29th 1999 by CRC Press
Vadose Zone Processes
By John S. Selker, James T. McCord, C. Kent Keller
Vadose Zone Processes provides a unified, up-to-date treatment on the movement of water
through unsaturated media. In addition to covering the basic equations governing the flow and
fate of water in unsaturated media, the text covers the biogeochemistry of vadose
environments and the statistical...
Published June 28th 1999 by CRC Press
Providing Safe Drinking Water in Small Systems
Technology, Operations, and Economics
Edited by Joseph Cotruvo, Gunther F. Craun, Nancy Hearne
The continued lack of access to adequate amounts of safe drinking water is one of the primary
causes of infant morbidity and mortality worldwide and a serious situation which governments,
international agencies and private organizations are striving to alleviate. Barriers to providing
Published May 12th 1999 by CRC Press
New and Published Books – Page 42
Quality Assessment of Water and Wastewater
By Mamta Tomar
Water is the most basic need of mankind. Drinking water is considered the most essential use
of water in life. Therefore it must be free of pathogens, toxins and carcinogens.Absolutley pure
water does not exist in nature. Surface water absorbs particles, carbon dioxide and other
gases and mixes...
Published April 27th 1999 by CRC Press
Wetland Indicators
A Guide to Wetland Identification, Delineation, Classification, and Mapping
By Ralph W. Tiner, Ralph W. Tiner
Understand the current concept of wetland and methods for identifying, describing, classifying,
and delineating wetlands in the United States with Wetland Indicators - capturing the current
state of science's role in wetland recognition and mapping.Environmental scientists and others
involved with...
Published April 21st 1999 by CRC Press
Impact Assessment of Hazardous Aquatic Contaminants
Concepts and Approaches
By Salem Rao
What is the impact of environmental mutagens and genotoxins? Can vitellogenin induction in
fish indicate estrogen exposure? What does EROD induction reveal? Impact Assessment of
Hazardous Aquatic Contaminants answers these questions and more. The book evaluates the
harmful effects of complex...
Published April 15th 1999 by CRC Press
Decommissioning the Brent Spar
By Paula Owen, Tony Rice
Decommissioning of Brent Spar chronicles the events leading up to the recent decision to
recycle the offshore installation in a Norwegian fjord; the Greenpeace campaign to stop it
being dumped at sea; the repercussions of Shell's decision to abort the decommissioning at
the eleventh hour; and the...
Published April 8th 1999 by CRC Press
Microbiological Examination of Water and Wastewater
By Maria Csuros
Microbiological tests have proven to be an indispensable part of environmental contaminant
detection. It has also been tremendously difficult to find a comprehensive training manual and
laboratory manual for those procedures.Microbiological Examination of Water and Wastewater
now provides that...
Published March 26th 1999 by CRC Press
Landscape Restoration Handbook, Second Edition
By Donald Harker
Five years after the first edition of Landscape Restoration Handbook was published, its natural
landscaping and ecological restoration techniques have become standard-and
successful-practice throughout the nation.Now, the Landscape Restoration Handbook:
Second Edition substantially widens the scope...
Published February 16th 1999 by CRC Press
Toxic Cyanobacteria in Water
A Guide to their Public Health Consequences, Monitoring and Management
Edited by Ingrid Chorus, Jamie Bartram
Cyanobacteria and their toxins are an increasing global public health menace. Most recently,
problems have been experienced in Australia, the United States and, due to drought and
increasing water scarcity, pose a severe threat in the U.K. With an international range of
contributors, all leading...
Published February 11th 1999 by CRC Press
Water Sector Capacity Building: Concepts and Instruments
Edited by G.J. Alaerts, F.J.A. Hartvelt, F.M. Patorni
Capacity building of institutions and of individuals is a key mechanism to improve public
governance. In the water sector, which encompasses water management and water services
such as water supply, sanitation and irrigated agriculture, capacity building is seen as the
solution to the main...
Published January 1st 1999 by CRC Press
Polluted Sites
By Paul Lecomte
This is a translation of "Les sites pollues: traitement des sols et des eaux souterraines",
second edition. It covers: contaminated sites; environmental diagnosis; assessment of hazard;
remediaiton; costs; new legal requirements; and investments and role of insurance....
Published January 1st 1999 by CRC Press
Development of a Decision Support System for Groundwater
Pollution Assessment
By N. Kukuric
Decision Support Systems (DSSs) are electronic systems that support the decision-making
process. This work discusses the development of the DSS for groundwater pollution
assessment, one of the first integrated information systems in the field of hydrogeology....
Published January 1st 1999 by CRC Press
New and Published Books – Page 43
The Application of Heat and Chemicals in the Control of Biofouling
Events in Wells
By George Alford, D. Roy Cullimore
Series: Sustainable Water Well
Application of heat and chemicals to a biofouling well is a relatively new approach for water
well rehabilitation.For the first time, The Application of Heat and Chemicals in the Control of
Biofouling Events in Wells explains what many microbiologists now believe is the most
effective form of...
Published December 29th 1998 by CRC Press
Water Well Rehabilitation
A Practical Guide to Understanding Well Problems and Solutions
By Neil Mansuy
Series: Sustainable Water Well
Well rehabilitation techniques have been the focus of major advancements in recent times.
Environmental engineers can keep pace with those changes with the book Water Well
Rehabilitation.Written from a microbiological viewpoint, the text outlines proven solutions to
production problems in all types...
Published December 29th 1998 by CRC Press
Hydrodynamics and Transport for Water Quality Modeling
By James L. Martin, Steven C. McCutcheon
Hydrodynamics and Transport for Water Quality Modeling presents a complete overview of
current methods used to describe or predict transport in aquatic systems, with special
emphasis on water quality modeling. The book features detailed descriptions of each method,
supported by sample applications...
Published December 15th 1998 by CRC Press
Applied Mathematics in Hydrogeology
By Tien-Chang Lee
As introduced in Dr. Lee's 10-week class, Applied Mathematics in Hydrogeology is written for
professionals and graduate students who have a keen interest in the application of
mathematics in hydrogeology.Its first seven chapters cover analytical solutions for problems
commonly encountered in the...
Published December 10th 1998 by CRC Press
Exposure to Contaminants in Drinking Water
Estimating Uptake through the Skin and by Inhalation
Edited by Stephen S Olin
Exposure to Contaminants in Drinking Water: Estimating Uptake through the Skin and by
Inhalation examines the current state of science in this field by identifying and reviewing the
available information resources; evaluating various models and approaches; and
demonstrating the feasibility of...
Published November 19th 1998 by CRC Press
Urban Traffic Pollution
By Dietrich Schwela, Olivier Zali
Noise and air pollution from motor vehicles have a major impact on the physical and mental
well-being of urban residents worldwide. Although control measures have already been
implemented in most developed countries, noise and air pollution have only recently become
major problems in many...
Published November 12th 1998 by CRC Press
Hands On Water and Wastewater Equipment Maintenance,
Volume I
By Barbara Renner
Hands-On Maintenance for Water/Wastewater Equipment deals with equipment maintenance
as individual components, not as complete machines. This allows more information about the
design, application and maintenance requirements of machinery to be presented. The text
covers basic operating...
Published October 2nd 1998 by CRC Press
Constructed Wetlands for the Treatment of Landfill Leachates
By George Mulamoottil, Edward A. McBean, Frank Rovers
Constructed wetlands are proving to be the best natural treatment system for landfill
leachates.Most of the contaminants in landfill leachates are degraded in treatment wetlands.
Potential for long-term sustainability and significant cost savings are attractive features of
Published September 29th 1998 by CRC Press
A Water Quality Assessment of the Former Soviet Union
Edited by Vitaly Kimstach, Michel Meybeck, Ellysar Baroudy
A Water Quality Assessment of the Former Soviet Union focuses on water quality issues using
examples from around the former Soviet Union. It covers the background to the natural water
resources and composition of surface and ground waters in the former Soviet Union and then
proceeds to examine the...
Published September 24th 1998 by CRC Press
Water and the Environment
Innovation Issues in Irrigation and Drainage
By John Gowing, Luis Santos Pereira
Published September 17th 1998 by CRC Press
New and Published Books – Page 44
Manual of Bioassessment of Aquatic Sediment Quality
Edited by Alena Mudroch, Jose M. Azcue, Paul Mudroch
Past generations of industrial development and chemical production are still very much with
us-through contaminants they've left in all phases of the ecosystem. Especially vulnerable to
this damage: water.Professionals from various disciplines in environmental sciences are
becoming increasingly...
Published September 17th 1998 by CRC Press
Chemistry of Water Treatment, Second Edition
By Samuel D. Faust, Osman M. Aly
This second edition demonstrates how chemistry influences the design of water treatment
plants and how it should influence the design.Historically, water treatment plants have been
designed from hydraulic considerations with little regard to chemical aspects. The many
chemical reactions used for...
Published July 1st 1998 by CRC Press
Adsorption Design for Wastewater Treatment
By David O. Cooney
Adsorption: it's the most important method for removing organic contaminants from
wastewater streams. Students and professionals alike in the fields of water/wastewater
treatment and environmental engineering have expressed tremendous interest in learning and
understanding adsorption...
Published June 12th 1998 by CRC Press
Toxicity Reduction
Evaluation and Control, Volume III, Second Edition
By Davis Ford
In the reauthorization of the Clean Water Act in 1987, the U.S. EPA specifically addressed
toxics management. In addition to the requirement to eliminate discharge of toxics, there can
be a requirement to conduct a toxicity reduction evaluation (TRE). The scope of toxicity
reduction varies from the...
Published May 18th 1998 by CRC Press
Groundwater and Soil Remediation
Practical Methods and Strategies, Volume II
By Evan K. Nyer
This bestselling author presents his latest compilation of time- and cost-saving techniques,
methods, and strategies for soil and groundwater remediation. This book outlines advanced
technologies, including phytoremediation, air sparging, reactive zones, vacuum-enhanced
recovery, and more!...
Published May 1st 1998 by CRC Press
International Trade in Hazardous Wastes
By D.K. Asante-Duah, I.V. Nagy
This book discusses the need for a regulated and informed forum for international trade in
hazardous waste. The authors argue that with careful planning, health and ecological risks can
be minimized and net economic benefits realized fairly. The book examines the key
parameters that should be...
Published March 12th 1998 by Routledge
Shallow Groundwater Systems
IAH International Contributions to Hydrogeology 18
Edited by Peter Dillon, Ian Simmers
Series: IAH - International Contributions to Hydrogeology
Shallow groundwater systems are important as a source of water, for sustenance of stream
baseflow, and for wetland and riparian ecosystems. They are also central to waterlogging, and
dryland and irrigation salinity problems. Response time to hydrologic change and pollutant
loadings is fast among...
Published January 1st 1998 by CRC Press
Microcystic Aeruginosa Removal by Dissolved Air Flotation (DAF)
By Aleksandar Vlaski
The problem of reservoir eutrophication and resulting increase of algal activity is common for
seven Dutch waterworks. In this context, the text investigates dissolved air flotation (DAF) as
an alternative for algae removal, compared to conventionally applied sedimentation....
Published January 1st 1998 by CRC Press
Water Quality and Its Management
Edited by C.V.J. Varma, A.R.G. Rao, S.P. Kaushish
A collection of 81 papers looking at water quality and its management are presented here.
Topics include the impact of industry and agriculture on water quality, in respect of
improvement methods, techniques and technologies. The management of surface and
drinking water is also considered....
Published January 1st 1998 by CRC Press
Tracing Technique in Geohydrology
By Werner Kass
This translation of the original German textbook, Hydrogeologie, summarizes tracing
techniques. Individual chapters have been contributed by relevant experts from geology,
hydrology, chemistry and virology, and engineering and isotope specialists. Text contributions
Published January 1st 1998 by CRC Press
New and Published Books – Page 45
Physics of Estuaries and Coastal Seas
Proceedings of an international conference, The Hague, 9-12 September 1996
Edited by J. Dronkers, M.B.A.M. Scheffers
Edited from the conference papers, this book looks into the circulation, sedimentation and
morphodymanics of estauries and coastal seas.Topics: Estuarine sedimentation; Estuarine
and inlet morphodynamics; Estuarine mixing and circulation; Coastal morphodynamics;
Coastal hydrodynamics; Sediment...
Published January 1st 1998 by CRC Press
Storage Reservoirs and Deep Wells in Karst Regions
By Marko Breznik
Karst is a dry landscape situated on a soluble rock mass with an underground flow of water.
Ten per cent of the world's landscape consists of karst. During rainy periods, karst valleys and
poljes are flooded, whereas in dry periods there is a lack of water....
Published January 1st 1998 by CRC Press
Artificial Recharge of Groundwater
Edited by Jos H. Peters, et al
This text covers the proceedings of the third International Symposium - TISAR 98, held in
Amsterdam. Topics include: basin recharge; water management in arid regions; behaviour of
pollutants; bank, basin, well and other types of recharge; and storage and recovery
Published January 1st 1998 by CRC Press
Environment and Society in Florida
By Howard T. Odum, E.C. Odum, M.T. Brown
With its lush wetlands, miles of beaches, and wide array of colorful wildlife, Florida is a
fascinating and important ecosystem to study. Using this state as a model, Environment and
Society in Florida offers a whole systems approach to understanding the environment and
discusses the interactions...
Published December 29th 1997 by CRC Press
The Design, Performance, and Analysis of Slug Tests
By James Johnson Butler, Jr.
The slug test is currently the most common method for the in situ estimation of hydraulic
conductivity at sites of suspected groundwater contamination. However, inappropriate
procedures in one or more phases of a slug test can introduce considerable error into the
resulting parameter estimates....
Published November 25th 1997 by CRC Press
Southern Forested Wetlands
Ecology and Management
By Michael G. Messina, William H. Conner
New information on managing forested wetlands is often developed in isolation of other
activities occurring in the region. Although many excellent texts exist on the ecology of
southern forested wetlands none present both the ecological and management aspects of
these important ecosystems. Compiled...
Published November 11th 1997 by CRC Press
Pesticides in Surface Waters
Distribution, Trends, and Governing Factors
By Steven J. Larson, Paul D. Capel, Michael Majewski
Pesticde use in agriculture and non-agriculture settings has increased dramatically over the
last several decades. Concern about adverse effects on the environment and human health
has spurred an enormous amount of research into their environmental behavior and fate.
Pesticides in Surface Waters...
Published November 1st 1997 by CRC Press
Subsurface Restoration
By C. H. Ward
Presenting a clear, understandable examination, this book outlines efficient, effective methods
and strategies for the complex field of subsurface remediation. The editors fully assess the
state-of-knowledge of subsurface science requisite for finding new solutions, providing a
focused guide for...
Published November 1st 1997 by CRC Press
Integrated Fish Farming
By Jack A. Mathias, Anthony T. Charles, Hu Baotong
Integrated Fish Farming (IFF) is a sustainable-agriculture technology practiced widely in Asia
and other regions of the world. This integrated technology can offer farmers economic
improvements while lessening the adverse environmental impacts of farming. IFF systems
typically involve a combination...
Published October 24th 1997 by CRC Press
The Industrial Wastewater Systems Handbook
By Ralph L. Stephenson, James B. Blackburn, Jr.
From explanations of laws and regulations to hands-on design and operation-the Handbook
has it covered!...
Published October 23rd 1997 by CRC Press
New and Published Books – Page 46
Water Pollution Control
A Guide to the Use of Water Quality Management Principles
By Richard Helmer, Ivanildo Hespanhol
This is a handbook for policy makers and environmental managers in water authorities and
engineering companies engaged in water quality programmes, especially in developing
countries. It is also suitable for use as a textbook or as training material for water quality
management courses. It is a...
Published October 2nd 1997 by CRC Press
Metals in Surface Waters
By Herbert E. Allen, George W Luther, Wayne Garrison
Metals in Surface Waters presents state-of-the-art research and applications on the full range
of subjects, including toxicity to aquatic organisms as well as humans with an emphasis on
metals speciation. The book explores metals contamination of surface waters from several
different disciplines,...
Published October 1st 1997 by CRC Press
Dynamics of Pond Aquaculture
By Hillary S. Egna, Claude E. Boyd
The culmination of over a decade's worth of research by the Pond Dynamics/Aquaculture
Collaborative Research Support Program (CRSP), Dynamics of Pond Aquaculture not only
explains the physical, chemical, and biological processes that interact in pond culture systems,
but also presents real-world...
Published August 21st 1997 by CRC Press
International River Water Quality
Pollution and restoration
Edited by Gerry Best, Teresa Bogacka, Elzbieta Niemirycz
This book is a collection of papers presented at the 2nd International River Quality
Symposium.The papers give case studies of the quality of rivers in different parts of the world,
focusing particularly on the polluted Vistula River in Poland and the revived Will amette River
in Oregon, USA which...
Published August 7th 1997 by CRC Press
Environmental Isotopes in Hydrogeology
By Ian D. Clark, Peter Fritz
Groundwater is an increasingly important resource to human populations around the world,
and the study and protection of groundwater is an essential part of hydrogeology - the subset
of hydrology that concentrates on the subsurface. Environmental isotopes, naturally occurring
nuclides in water and...
Published July 23rd 1997 by CRC Press
Groundwater Geochemistry
Fundamentals and Applications to Contamination
By William J. Deutsch, Randy Siegel
Groundwater Geochemistry: Fundamentals and Applications to Contamination examines the
integral role geochemistry play s in groundwater monitoring and remediation programs, and
presents it at a level understandable to a wide audience. Readers of all backgrounds can gain
a better understanding of...
Published July 9th 1997 by CRC Press
Biodiversity in Land/Inland Water Ecotones
Edited by J.-B. Lachavanne, R. Juge
This is a high-level scientific text and reference work on the properties of land-water ecotones
and their role in maintaining local, regional, and global biological diversity. It reviews current
knowledge of the subject, explains the importance of land-water ecotones in maintaining
Published March 15th 1997 by CRC Press
Ecology and Management of Tidal MarshesA Model from the Gulf
of Mexico
By Charles L. Coultas
This is a major compendium of the existing knowledge of the ecology and management of tidal
marshes by some of the leading experts in the field. The major theme of the book is the
interconnectedness of the marsh, plants, marine organisms, soils and geology, energy and
money flow, and legal and...
Published March 7th 1997 by CRC Press
River Quality
Dynamics and Restoration
Edited by David A. Dunnette, Antonius Laenen
What is involved in restoring a river? River Quality: Dynamics and Restoration answers this
question through a series of articles and case studies written by some of the field's leading
researchers and practitioners. The first part of the book covers the physical, chemical, and
biological dynamics...
Published January 28th 1997 by CRC Press
The Sentinel Method and Its Application to Environmental
Pollution Problems
By J.P. Kernevez
Series: Mathematical Modeling
Many environmental problems contain incomplete data in the initial or boundary conditions.
How do we solve problems for which some of the initial and/or boundary conditions are
unknown? Using a new technique, the sentinel method, this book answers these questions
and others as they pertain to...
Published January 24th 1997 by CRC Press
New and Published Books – Page 47
Advances in Modeling the Management of Stormwater Impacts
By William James
The latest book in the popular series demonstrates state-of-the-art methods, models, and
techniques for water quality management. This book includes a CD-ROM that collects
hundreds of hard-to-find literature citations from the gray literature....
Published January 1st 1997 by CRC Press
Renewable Energy - Small Hydro
Edited by C.V.J. Varma, A.R.G. Rao
This is a collection of conference papers on small hydro renewable energy, covering such
topics as: resource assessment and planning; design and construction; and plant and
Published January 1st 1997 by CRC Press
Dynamic Water-System Control
By A.H. Lobbrecht
Typically a large number of interests with conflicting requirements are involved in the
management of a water system. The computer-based method of management introduced in
this text - dynamic control - is designed to determine the most effective operational strategy....
Published January 1st 1997 by CRC Press
Financial Aspects of Water Management
Edited by Paul van Hofwegen, Bart Schultz
This study examines the large world wide large differences and requirements regarding water
management of systems and structures, financing mechanisms and cost sharing....
Published January 1st 1997 by CRC Press
Groundwater Contaminant Transport
Impact of heterogenous characterization: a new view on dispersion
By A.M.M. Elfeki, G.J.M. Uffink, F.B.J. Barends
Impacts of developed tools of heterogenous characterization on the hydrodynamics of flow
and the transport mechanisms are illustrated in this text through a series of extensive
numerical simulations consisting of single and multiple-realizations (Monte Carlo method)....
Published January 1st 1997 by CRC Press
Recharge of Phreatic Aquifers in (Semi-)Arid Areas
IAH International Contributions to Hydrogeology 19
Edited by Ian Simmers, J.M.H. Hendrickx, G.P. Kruseman, K.R. Rushton
Series: IAH - International Contributions to Hydrogeology
Groundwater use is of fundamental importance to meet the rapidly expanding urban, industrial
and agricultural water requirements in (semi) arid areas. Quantifying the current rate of
groundwater recharge and define its variability in space and time are thus prerequesites for
Published January 1st 1997 by CRC Press
Ecological Engineering for Wastewater Treatment, Second Edition
By Carl Etnier, Bjorn Guterstam
The new science of ecological engineering is winning increasing acceptance all over the world.
Established industrial economies like Sweden and the United States are investing more in it as
initial skepticism and regulatory hurdles are giving way to burgeoning investments by
companies and...
Published December 20th 1996 by CRC Press
Northern Forested Wetlands Ecology and Management
By Carl C. Trettin, Martin F. Jurgensen, David F. Grigal, Margaret R. Gale,John R.
Forested wetlands are a major component of northern landscapes, important both for their
ecological functions and their socioeconomic values. Historically, these lands have been used
for timber and fiber products, hunting, fishing, trapping, food gathering, and recreation. There
are many questions...
Published December 20th 1996 by CRC Press
Manual of Biocorrosion
By Hector A. Videla
The Manual of Biocorrosion explains the microbiology, electrochemistry, and surface
phenomena involved in biocorrosion and biofouling processes. Written primarily for
non-specialists, the information in this manual is practical and offers a comprehensive look at
the three components of biocorrosion...
Published December 10th 1996 by CRC Press
A Practical Guide to Borehole Geophysics in Environmental
By W. Scott Keys
Borehole geophysics is frequently applied in hydrogeological environmental investigations
where, for example, sites must be evaluated to determine the distribution of contaminants. It is
a cost-effective method for obtaining information during several phases of such investigations.
Written by one...
Published December 9th 1996 by CRC Press
New and Published Books – Page 48
The Coliform Index and Waterborne Disease
Problems of microbial drinking water assessment
By Cara Gleeson, Nick Gray
In the past decade there has been a rapid increase in waterborne outbreaks of disease
associated with viral and protozoan agents, normally in drinking waters that were found to be
microbially safe using the Coliform Index.For nearly a quarter of a century indicator organisms,
in particular the...
Published December 5th 1996 by CRC Press
Basic Hydrogeologic Methods
A Field and Laboratory Manual with Microcomputer Applications
By Frank Fletcher
FROM THE PREFACEThe approach of this book is "how-to-do and hands-on." Its purpose is
to provide clear, step-by-step instruction in many of the fundamental methods of hydrogeologic
investigation. These methods include both 1) the traditional techniques of data analysis, such
as mathematical...
Published November 25th 1996 by CRC Press
Creating Freshwater Wetlands, Second Edition
By Donald A. Hammer
Creating Freshwater Wetlands, Second Edition clearly demonstrates the step-by-step
processes required to restore or create freshwater wetlands. It presents practical advice on
choosing sites, getting help, attracting and stocking wildlife, selecting plants, and wetland
operation and maintenance....
Published October 31st 1996 by CRC Press
Limnology, Climatology and Paleoclimatology of the East African
By A. Ivan Johnson
Published October 1st 1996 by CRC Press
Water Policy
Allocation and management in practice
Edited by P. Howsam, R.C. Carter
This book examines some of the successes and failures of actual implementation of modern
water policy options in the light of the principles and concepts which have emerged from the
Rio Earth Summit, the Dublin Statement and other international consensus. The book attempts
to share real practical...
Published September 19th 1996 by CRC Press
Nitrates in Groundwater
By Larry W. Canter
This time-saving book provides extensive coverage of all important aspects of nitrates in
groundwater, ranging from prevention to problem assessment to remediation. It begins by
highlighting the nitrogen cycle and related health concerns, providing both background
information and a unique...
Published September 18th 1996 by CRC Press
Water Quality Assessments
A guide to the use of biota, sediments and water in environmental monitoring,
Second Edition
Edited by Deborah V Chapman
This guidebook, now thoroughly updated and revised in its second edition, gives
comprehensive advice on the designing and setting up of monitoring programmes for the
purpose of providing valid data for water quality assessments in all types of freshwater bodies.
It is clearly and concisely written...
Published August 22nd 1996 by CRC Press
Water Quality Assessments
A guide to the use of biota, sediments and water in environmental monitoring,
Second Edition
Edited by Deborah V Chapman
This guidebook, now thoroughly updated and revised in its second edition, gives
comprehensive advice on the designing and setting up of monitoring programmes for the
purpose of providing valid data for water quality assessments in all types of freshwater bodies.
It is clearly and concisely written...
Published August 22nd 1996 by CRC Press
Techniques in Aquatic Toxicology
Edited by Gary K. Ostrander
This is a comprehensive gathering of measurement and assessment techniques for aquatic
toxicants. Covering everything from ASTM and similar standard methods to new and
innovative techniques, Techniques in Aquatic Toxicology provides necessary details on
sampling, testing, and analysis in both...
Published August 7th 1996 by CRC Press
Water Quality Monitoring
A practical guide to the design and implementation of freshwater quality studies
and monitoring programmes
Edited by Jamie Bartram, Richard Ballance
Water quality monitoring is an essential tool in the management of water resources and this
book comprehensively covers the entire monitoring operation.This important text is the
outcome of a collborative programme of activity between UNEP and WHO with inputs from
WMO and UNESCO and draws on the...
Published July 25th 1996 by CRC Press
New and Published Books – Page 49
Water Quality Monitoring
A Practical Guide to the Design and Implementation of Freshwater Quality Studies
and Monitoring Programmes
Edited by Jamie Bartram, Richard Ballance
Water quality monitoring is a fundamental tool in the management of freshwater resources,
and this book covers the entire monitoring process providing detailed guidance for
implementing a monitoring network with step-by-step descriptions of field and laboratory
Published July 25th 1996 by CRC Press
Principles of Contaminant Hydrogeology, Second Edition
By Christopher M. Palmer
This second edition features new and expanded coverage of contaminant hydrogeologic
investigations. It presents a practical approach to completing investigations for environmental
compliance, emphasizing the use of geologic principles in assessment to move sites toward
cleanup. Stressing the basics...
Published July 9th 1996 by CRC Press
Water Treatment
Troubleshooting and Problem Solving
By Glenn M. Tillman
Our daily lives and continued good health are reliant on successful water treatment. For quick
solutions to on-the-job problems, the industry turns to Water Treatment. Tillman shares the
wisdom of almost 20 years of experience in municipal, industrial and wastewater facilities. The
author writes...
Published July 1st 1996 by CRC Press
Environmental Gradients, Boundaries, and Buffers
Edited by George Mulamoottil
An understanding of environmental gradients (physical, chemical, hydrological, and biological)
is a prerequisite to the accurate delineation of wetland boundaries. Presenting the
wide-ranging views of academicians, environmentalists, policy makers, consultants, planners,
engineers, hydrologists,...
Published April 17th 1996 by CRC Press
Groundwater Contamination from Stormwater Infiltration
By Robert E. Pitt
Groundwater Contamination from Stormwater Infiltration examines topics such as urban runoff,
constituents of concern, treatment, combined sewage characteristics, relative contributions of
urban runoff flow phase, salts and dissolved minerals, treatment before discharge, outfall
pretreatment, and...
Published March 1st 1996 by CRC Press
Microbial Quality of Water Supply in Distribution Systems
By Edwin E. Geldreich
Hidden problems, buried deep in the pipe networks of water distribution systems, are very
serious potential threats to water quality. Microbial Quality of Water Supply in Distribution
Systems outlines the processes and issues related to the degradation of water quality upon
passage through networks...
Published January 18th 1996 by CRC Press
Aquifer Test Analysis with WindowsTM Software
By William C. Walton
The purpose of this book is to broaden and improve aquifer test analysis by generating type
curves for complicated aquifer and well conditions. It simplifies type curve matching with
on-screen interactive techniques, and introduces a statistical semi-automatic protocol for
calibrating aquifer test...
Published January 10th 1996 by CRC Press
Advances in Modeling the Management of Stormwater Impacts
By William James
Why bother documenting conference proceedings? Simple: accountability. What we are doing
to the environment today - and the arguments we use to justify it - will seem incomprehensible
in the future.This popular series demonstrates state-of-the-art methods, models, and
techniques for water quality...
Published January 1st 1996 by CRC Press
Metal Contaminated Aquatic Sediments
By Herbert E. Allen
Over the past decade the sediments of many rivers, lakes, and estuaries have been
contaminated by inorganic and organic materials. Contaminants from sediments, under certain
conditions, can be released into overlying waters. Thus, sediments may be an important
source of contaminants to waters in...
Published January 1st 1996 by CRC Press
Manual on Evaporation and Its Restriction from Free Water
Edited by C. Varma
Many areas of the world are arid or semi-arid. This text looks at the problems caused by the
loss of water stored in lakes and reservoirs for irrigation and domestic use by evaporation
during the summer months....
Published January 1st 1996 by CRC Press
New and Published Books – Page 50
Disinfection By-Products in Water TreatmentThe Chemistry of
Their Formation and Control
By Roger A. Minear, Gary Amy
Disinfection By-Products in Water Treatment describes new government regulations related to
disinfection by-products. It explains the formation of microorganism by-products during water
treatment and the methods employed to control them.The book includes several chapters on
chlorine by-products and...
Published December 18th 1995 by CRC Press
Photodegradation of Water Pollutants
By Martin M. Halmann
Photodegradation of Water Pollutants, the only complete survey available of current
photocatalytic methods for treating water pollutants, covers all aspects of light-stimulated
detoxification. Ideal for researchers and students, this new book explains methods for pollution
treatment that have...
Published December 5th 1995 by CRC Press
Vadose Zone Hydrology
By Daniel B. Stephens
Vadose Zone Hydrology describes the elements of the physical processes most often
encountered by hydrogeologists and ground-water engineers in their vadose zone projects. It
illustrates the application of soil physics to practical problems relevant to the characterization
and monitoring of the...
Published November 16th 1995 by CRC Press
Storm Water Discharges
Regulatory Compliance and Best Management Practices
By Mark S. Dennison
Filled with tables, checklists, worksheets, and sample plans, Storm Water Discharges is a
unique, nontechnical guide to the full spectrum of storm water issues. Written in a language
accessible to everyone, this guide offers a practical, nuts-and-bolts approach to compliance
with EPA's complex...
Published November 3rd 1995 by CRC Press
Stock Assessment
Quantitative Methods and Applications for Small Scale Fisheries
By Vincent F. Gallucci, Saul B. Saila, Daniel J. Gustafson, Brian J. Rothschild
Stock Assessment: Quantitative Methods and Applications for Small Scale Fisheries is a book
about stock assessment as it is practiced. It focuses on applications for small scale or artisanal
fisheries in developing countries, however it is not limited in applicability to tropical waters and
Published October 25th 1995 by CRC Press
Water Hydraulics Control Technology
By Erik Trostmann
This work introduces the principles of water hydraulics technology and its benefits and
limitations, and clarifies the essential differences between water and oil hydraulics. It
discusses basic components and systems, including hydraulic power generators (pumps),
hydraulic control components or...
Published October 18th 1995 by CRC Press
Non Point Pollution and Urban Stormwater Management, Volume
By Vladimir Novotny
Directions of diffuse pollution research and Best Management Practices are evolving, and
effective and affordable methods of control are being developed to handle the abatement of
toxic pollutants from atmospheric deposition, and urban and agricultural runoff. This book
provides a useful manual...
Published October 11th 1995 by CRC Press
Water Quality Data
Analysis and Interpretation
By Arthur Hounslow
Water Quality Data emphasizes the interpretation of a water analysis or a group of analyses,
with major applications on ground-water pollution or contaminant transport. A companion
computer program aids in obtaining accurate, reproducible results, and alleviates some of the
drudgery involved in...
Published August 16th 1995 by CRC Press
Salt and Sediment Dynamics
By Ian Lerche, Kenneth Petersen
Salt and Sediment Dynamics presents a thorough treatment of salt and sediment interactions
and the implications of such interactions for sub-salt exploration. The book emphasizes and
utilizes recent discoveries on many aspects of salt and sediment interactions, provides the
theoretical framework...
Published August 1st 1995 by CRC Press
Stormwater Runoff and Receiving Systems
Impact, Monitoring, and Assessment
By Edwin Herricks
The primary focus of stormwater and urban runoff research during the past twenty-five years
has been on the physical description and the chemical quality assessment of runoff events and
the design and implementation of the best management practices to control these events.
There is a definite need...
Published July 25th 1995 by CRC Press
New and Published Books – Page 51
Water Treatment Processes
Simple Options
By S. Vigneswaran, C. Visvanathan
Series: New Directions in Civil Engineering
Water Treatment Processes: Simple Options bridges the gap in the existing literature by
emphasizing low-cost and simple treatment technologies as well as the conventional options.
The appropriateness and the economy of the technology must be an integral part of the
selection process. This book...
Published July 12th 1995 by CRC Press
Applied Hydrogeology for Scientists and Engineers
By Zekai Sen
In order to properly plan, design, and operate groundwater resources projects, it is necessary
to measure - over time or distance - pertinent groundwater variables such as drawdown and
discharge in the field. Applied Hydrogeology for Scientists and Engineers shows how to
assess and interpret these...
Published June 26th 1995 by CRC Press
System Development Charges for Water, Wastewater, and
Stormwater Facilities
By Arthur C. Nelson
This book presents a comprehensive method by which to determine the proportionate share of
the costs and revenues generated by the development of new water, wastewater, and
stormwater facilities. It presents a rational, legally defensible approach to assessing charges
based on the use of new and...
Published June 23rd 1995 by CRC Press
Monitoring and Remediation Wells
Problem Prevention, Maintenance, and Rehabilitation
By Stuart A. Smith
There is a growing problem of performance degradation of wells and associated systems on
sites where groundwater quality is monitored or remediation performed. This book acts as a
valuable guide in keeping monitoring and pumping well systems operating to their best
capacity. It addresses the need...
Published May 4th 1995 by CRC Press
Pesticide Risk in Groundwater
By Enzo Funari, Marco Vighi
Pesticide pollution of groundwater results from agricultural practices, the properties of the
substance and its behavior in the soil environment, and the characteristics of aquifers and their
vulnerability. Pesticide Risk in Groundwater provides an overview of the main issues
concerning pesticide...
Published May 4th 1995 by CRC Press
Groundwater Models for Resources Analysis and Management
By Aly I. El-Kadi
Written by renowned experts in the field, this book assesses the status of groundwater models
and defines models and modeling needs in the 21st century. It reviews the state of the art in
model development and application in regional groundwater management, unsaturated
flow/multiphase flow and...
Published March 23rd 1995 by CRC Press
Eutrophic Shallow Estuaries and Lagoons
By Arthur J. McComb
This book brings together, for the first time, a series of experts in various aspects of the
eutrophication of shallow estuaries. It provides a comprehensive picture of our current state of
knowledge of these systems. The first half of the book contains case studies from Asia,
Australia, Europe,...
Published March 22nd 1995 by CRC Press
Soil Water and Ground Water Sampling
By Neal Wilson
The most recent "comprehensive" book on the subject of ground water sampling was written
by Dr. Barcelona in 1986 and is still being sold today. It does not, however, include soil water
sampling and analytic techniques. A considerable amount of research has since been
undertaken dealing with ground...
Published March 13th 1995 by CRC Press
Biological Assessment and Criteria
Tools for Water Resource Planning and Decision Making
Edited by Wayne S. Davis, Thomas P. Simon
Biological Assessment and Criteria presents a state-of-the-art overview of the applications of
biological assessments and biocriteria for water quality management in fresh waters. The book
presents case studies which illustrate how bioassessment has been used to identify and
diagnose water quality...
Published March 3rd 1995 by CRC Press
Manual of Aquatic Sediment Sampling
By Alena Mudroch, Jose M. Azcue
Little attention has been paid to the techniques for aquatic sediment sampling in the scientific
literature dealing with environmental issues. With increasing interest in aquatic sediments as a
sink source of contaminants in aquatic ecosystems, it has been recognized that sediment
sampling is a...
Published February 15th 1995 by CRC Press
New and Published Books – Page 52
Screening Equipment Handbook, Second Edition
By Thomas M. Pankratz
Published February 10th 1995 by CRC Press
Groundwater Recharge and Wells
A Guide to Aquifer Storage Recovery
By R. David G. Pyne
Understanding the issues that have been encountered at other sites, and the steps that have
led to successful resolution of these issues, can provide great help to those considering,
planning, or implementing new groundwater recharge projects. Recent technical advances
and operational experience...
Published February 6th 1995 by CRC Press
Design of Fishways and Other Fish Facilities
2nd Edition
By Charles H. Clay
This new edition of the best-selling book describes the main types of fishways and fish
facilities used around the world to assist the passage of fish over dams and other obstructions
to their migration. It also focuses on the protection of fish (mainly young fish) from the hazards
encountered in...
Published December 27th 1994 by CRC Press
Handbook of Vadose Zone Characterization & Monitoring
By L. Gray Wilson, Lorne G. Everett, Stephen J. Cullen
This book is written in a simple, straightforward manner without complicated mathematical
derivatives. Compiled by experienced practitioners, this guide covers topics such as basic
principles of vadose zone hydrology and prevalent monitoring techniques. Case studies
present actual field experiences...
Published December 20th 1994 by CRC Press
Handbook of Water and Wastewater Treatment Technology
By Nicholas P. Cheremisinoff
Offers information on the treatment of water and wastewater for municipal, sanitary and
industrial applications, focusing on unit operations and processes that serve the broadest
range of users. Wastewater treatement unit operations, including filtration, flotation, chemical
Published November 9th 1994 by CRC Press
Trace Elements in Natural Waters
By Brit Salbu, Eiliv Steinnes
In natural waters, trace elements-especially metals-may be present in different
physicochemical forms varying in size, charge, and density. Trace Elements in Natural Waters
comprehensively covers the microchemical processes occurring in the water phase. The book
describes geological and biological...
Published November 8th 1994 by CRC Press
Stormwater Infiltration
By Bruce K. Ferguson
Stormwater infiltration is the most complete approach to stormwater management. Only
infiltration can simultaneously solve problems of water quality, flood control, streambank
erosion, aquifer recharge, and maintenance of downstream base flows and wetland
hydroperiods. Stormwater Infiltration is...
Published September 21st 1994 by CRC Press
Sanitary Landfill Leachate
Generation, Control and Treatment
By Syed R. Qasim, Walter Chiang
FROM THE PREFACESanitary landfills are the most widely utilized method of solid waste
disposal around the world. With increased use and public awareness of this method of
disposal, there is much concern with respect to the pollution potential of the landfill leachate.
Depending on the composition...
Published August 12th 1994 by CRC Press
Soil Processes and Water Quality
By Bobby A. Stewart
Agrochemicals and agricultural practices have a tremendous impact on environmental quality,
particularly their role in water quality degradation. Soil Processes and Water Quality examines
principles and practices that minimize the risks of water pollution while enhancing
Published August 10th 1994 by CRC Press
Physical, Chemical, and Biological Interactions
By Jerry Hamelink, Peter F. Landrum, Harold Bergman, William H. Benson
Practical and provocative, Bioavailability reviews prevalent understanding of the
physical-chemical-biological mechanisms that control the bioavailability of both organic and
inorganic contaminants in aquatic environments.Discusses the complex issues that surround
many regulatory issuesEmphasizes...
Published July 12th 1994 by CRC Press
New and Published Books – Page 53
The Biology of Particles in Aquatic Systems, Second Edition
By Roger S. Wotton
The Biology of Particles in Aquatic Systems, Second Edition presents the latest information on
particulate and dissolved matter found in aquatic habitats ranging from small streams to
oceans. Only by studying this matter can we gain an understanding of the functioning of
aquatic ecosystems and thus...
Published April 19th 1994 by CRC Press
Contamination of Groundwaters
By Adriano
International experts have contributed key chapters to this major work on groundwater
contamination. Section 1: Methodology and Modeling deals with both organic and inorganic
contaminants, including those from agricultural operations. Section 2: Case Studies presents
contamination scenarios with...
Published April 1st 1994 by CRC Press
Water Contamination and Health
Integration of Exposure Assessment, Toxicology, and Risk Assessment
By Rhoda G.M. Wang
Series: Environmental Science & Pollution
This volume examines every potential means of exposure to water contaminants, provides
in-depth discussions on toxicology, and explains up-to-date techniques for evaluating human
health risk. It develops a methodology for assessing the cumulative absorbed dose of
contaminants through all routes of...
Published March 30th 1994 by CRC Press
Remediation of Hazardous Waste Contaminated Soils
By Donald L. Wise
Series: Environmental Science & Pollution
"This unique, single-source reference offers a thorough treatment of the remediation of soils
contaminated by hazardous wastes and the scientific and engineering issues that must be
addressed in creating practical solutions for their reclamation."...
Published March 30th 1994 by CRC Press
Hydrocarbon Bioremediation
By Battelle Memorial In, Robert E. Hinchee, R.N. Miller, R.E. Hoeppel
With oil spills occurring worldwide, much media and practical attention has been given in
recent years to the rapidly maturing field of hydrocarbon bioremediation, particularly with
application to marine spills. Hydrocarbon contamination of soil and groundwater, although less
visible, is even more...
Published March 8th 1994 by CRC Press
Air Sparging for Site Remediation
By Battelle Memorial In
The problem of aquifer contamination remains one of the greatest challenges facing
environmental scientists and engineers. Air sparging, a technique unknown until recently, has
emerged with increasing application frequency as an alternative to both the pump-and-treat
technology and conventional in...
Published February 23rd 1994 by CRC Press
Current Practices in Modelling the Management of Stormwater
By William James
This impressive publication presents the proceedings of the 1993 Toronto Stormwater and
Water Quality Modelling meeting. The number of papers in the book has been substantially
increased and, for the first time, the contributions have been peer reviewed for novelty,
accuracy, readability, and...
Published February 7th 1994 by CRC Press
Biological Monitoring of Aquatic Systems
By Stanford, L. Loeb, Anne Spacie
With regional, national, and global processes affecting both the structure and function of lakes
and rivers, assessment methodology must encompass many attributes to evaluate the impact
of these processes on water quality. Many of the changes in biological communities correlate
to resource...
Published January 24th 1994 by CRC Press
New Perspectives in Water Supply
By William Whipple, Jr.
This book explains how needs for increasing regional water supply are reconciled with other
water needs and how water conservation and other demand management practices are used
in time of drought. The book covers a number of new and unconventional types of methods
that are beginning to be utilized...
Published January 11th 1994 by CRC Press
The Ecosystem and Its Restoration
By Steve Davis, John C. Ogden
The 31 chapters provide a wealth of previously unpublished information, plus topic syntheses,
for a wide range of ecological parameters. These include the physical driving forces that
created and continue to shape the Everglades and patterns and processes of its flora and
fauna. The book summarizes...
Published January 1st 1994 by CRC Press
New and Published Books – Page 54
Last (65)
Water Quality and its Control
IAHR Hydraulic Structures Design Manuals 5
By Mikio Hino
Series: IAHR Design Manual
Describes both physical and biological processes of pollution in aquatic environments. This
text introduces theories and means of predicting the scale of environmental pollution and
counter-measures. It also describes optimal allocation methods of facilities for sewage
Published January 1st 1994 by CRC Press
Chemical and Biological Regulation of Aquatic Systems
By Jacques Buffle, Richard R. DeVitre
Chemical and Biological Regulation of Aquatic Systems covers the fundamentals of chemical
and microbial process that control the quality of surface water. Topics discussed include the
nature and environmental role of surface, complexation and redox reactions; fluxes in the
water column and at...
Published December 21st 1993 by CRC Press
Implementing a Stormwater Management Program
By David Pyzoha
Implementing a Stormwater Management Program presents a four-step, common-sense
approach that describes how to create and implement a successful stormwater management
program. Guidelines, concepts, techniques, and thought-provoking questions are included for
all phases of program development,...
Published November 18th 1993 by CRC Press
Hazardous Waste Site Soil Remediation
Theory and Application of Innovative Technologies
By David J. Wilson
Series: Environmental Science & Pollution
Introduces the most up-to-date techniques for soil remediation, including chemical
fixation/stabilization, soil vapor extraction, thermally enhanced vapor stripping, biodegradation,
and air spargingwritten in a style accessible to nonspecialists. Desc4ibes the ex shu technique
of thermal desorption...
Published October 28th 1993 by CRC Press
Constructed Wetlands for Water Quality Improvement
By Gerald A. Moshiri
Constructed Wetlands for Water Quality Improvement is a virtual encyclopedia of
state-of-the-art information on the use of constructed wetlands for improving water quality.
Well-organized and easy-to-use, this book features contributions from prominent scientists
and provides important case studies...
Published October 25th 1993 by CRC Press
An Environmental Approach
By Ian Watson
Hydrology covers the fundamentals of hydrology and hydrogeology, taking an environmental
slant dictated by the emphasis in recent times for the remediation of contaminated aquifers
and surface-water bodies as well as a demand for new designs that impose the least negative
impact on the natural...
Published October 13th 1993 by CRC Press
Transport and Transformation of Contaminants Near the
Sediment-Water Interface
By Joseph V. DePinto, Martin Schmidt, John F. Paul
Transport and Transformation of Contaminants Near the Sediment-Water Interface addresses
the issue of contaminated bottom sediments and their potential adverse impacts on water
quality. This state-of-the-science book covers regulatory management perspectives, physical
processes, chemical and...
Published October 13th 1993 by CRC Press
Water Quality Modeling
Application to Estuaries, Volume III
By Wu-Seng Lung
This volume to discussing the various aspects of estuarine water quality modeling. Topics
considered include fundamental principles, estuarine mass transport, BOD/DO and
eutrophication model kinetics, kinetics on toxicants, and sediment-water interactions. The
book also discusses mixing zone...
Published July 29th 1993 by CRC Press
Metals in Groundwater
By Herbert E. Allen, E. Michael Perdue, David S. Brown
Metal contamination of groundwater results from many human activities, including agriculture,
mining, and the disposal of municipal waste and fly ash. Metals in Groundwater describes the
transport of metals to groundwater from these and other sources. It also covers risk
assessment of metals in...
Published July 23rd 1993 by CRC Press
Ultra-Clean Technology Handbook
Volume 1: Ultra-Pure Water
By Ohmi
Evaluating the effectiveness of conventional wet processes for cleaning silicon wafers in
semiconductor production, this reference reveals concrete measures to improve ultrapure
water quality reviewing the structure and physical characteristics of ultrapure water molecules.
The volume is divided int...
Published June 29th 1993 by CRC Press
New and Published Books – Page 55
Progress in Standardization of Aquatic Toxicity Tests
By Amadeu Soares, Peter Calow
Progress in Standardization of Aquatic Toxicity Tests provides a critical evaluation of the level
of standardization achieved by freshwater and marine ecotoxicity tests used to evaluate
potential risk of new chemicals and wastewater effluents. Tests at the sub-cellular, individual,
Published June 16th 1993 by CRC Press
Turbulence in Open Channel Flows
Edited by Hiroji Nakagawa, Iehisa Nezu
Series: IAHR Monographs
A review of open channel turbulence, focusing especially on certain features stemming from
the presence of the free surface and the bed of a river. Part one presents the statistical theory
of turbulence; Part two addresses the coherent structures in open-channel flows and boundary
Published June 7th 1993 by CRC Press
Particulate Matter and Aquatic Contaminants
By Salem Rao
Particulate Matter and Aquatic Contaminants presents eight chapters dedicated to promoting a
better understanding of suspended particulate-contaminant interactions and some of the
biological, microbiological, and ecotoxicological principles associated with contaminant
adsorption and transportation...
Published May 27th 1993 by CRC Press
DNAPL Site Evaluation
By James W. Mercer, Robert M. Cohen
DNAPL Site Evaluation covers long-term contamination of ground water by DNAPL (dense
non-aqueous phase liquids) chemicals. The book develops a framework for planning and
implementing DNAPL site characterization activities. It provides detailed methods to identify,
characterize, and monitor sites...
Published April 29th 1993 by CRC Press
Geochemical Techniques for Identifying Sources of Ground-Water
By Charles W. Kreitler
Geochemical Techniques for Identifying Sources of Ground-Water Salinization offers a
comprehensive look at the threat to the United States' freshwater resources due to salinization
and outlines techniques that can be used to study the problem. The book reviews the seven
major salt-water sources...
Published April 27th 1993 by CRC Press
Regulating Toxic Substances in Surface Water
By Jeffrey A. Foran, Larry E. Fink
Regulating Toxic Substances in Surface Water offers a critical examination of the mechanisms
used to control, reduce, and eliminate toxic substances and their impacts on aquatic
ecosystems and on human health. The book explains how surface water criteria for toxic
substances are developed and how...
Published April 13th 1993 by CRC Press
Handbook of Project Finance for Water and Wastewater Systems
By Michael Curley
Handbook of Project Finance for Water and Wastewater Systems provides an easy-to-read
guide for gaining an understanding of the myriad options available for financing water and
wastewater projects and how to evaluate which options are most appropriate. This crucial
reference delineates a basic...
Published March 25th 1993 by CRC Press
Issues in Underground Storage Tank Management UST Closure
and Financial Assurance
By Janet E. Robinson, Paul S. Thompson, W. David Conn, L. Leon Geyer
Issues in Underground Storage Tank Management presents a comprehensive description of
the many complex facets of hazardous waste management, tank closure, and site assessment.
It is also the only book to cover financial assurance of UST remediation. Part I discusses UST
closure including regulation...
Published February 22nd 1993 by CRC Press
Storm Water Management for Industrial Activities Developing
Pollution Prevention Plans and Best Management Practices
By Washington Us Epa
This manual provides industrial facilities with comprehensive guidance on the development of
storm water pollution prevention plans and the identification of appropriate Best Management
Practices (BMPs). The guide presents expert technical assistance for any facility subject to
pollution prevention...
Published February 18th 1993 by CRC Press
Natural Groundwater Flow
By Wouter Zijl, Marek Nawalany
Natural Groundwater Flow is an important volume focused on providing a complete description
of groundwater flow velocity field and the velocity oriented approach for conducting numerical
simulations and other applications. The book presents background information regarding the
causes leading to...
Published February 3rd 1993 by CRC Press
New and Published Books – Page 56
Water Fluoridation
By Glenn M. Tillman
Water Fluoridation is a comprehensive guide that covers all aspects of adding fluoridation
chemicals to public water supplies. Topics covered include how to add fluoride in a controlled
manner, where to add it, how to monitor fluoride levels, what problems you should watch for,
and how to remedy...
Published January 25th 1993 by CRC Press
Manipulation of Groundwater Colloids for Environmental
By John McCarthy
This valuable resource discusses several strategies of manipulating colloids for environmental
restoration, identifies advantages and disadvantages of each strategy, and considers
obstacles limiting the application of each strategy. Approaches evaluated include the
following:Chemical modification...
Published January 4th 1993 by CRC Press
New Techniques for Modelling the Management of Stormwater
Quality Impacts
By William James
New Techniques for Modelling the Management of Stormwater Quality Impacts is a unique
volume devoted to discussing new developments in modeling, best management practices
(BMPs), information management, user interfacing, and instrumentation for reducing the
impacts of urbanization on aquatic...
Published December 21st 1992 by CRC Press
Health Advisories for Drinking Water Contaminants
By Us Epa
The United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Office of Water (OW) initiated the
Health Advisory Program in 1978 to provide information and guidance to individuals or
agencies concerned with potential risk from drinking water contaminants for which no national
regulations currently exist....
Published December 15th 1992 by CRC Press
Principles and Practices for Petroleum Contaminated Soils
By Edward J. Calabrese, Paul T. Kostecki
Principles and Practices for Petroleum Contaminated Soils includes some of the best research
and practical work done by top researchers in the field-both in industry and academia. It
covers fundamental and advanced topics, such as analysis and site assessment, techniques
(e.g., vacuum extraction,...
Published November 30th 1992 by CRC Press
Field Studies of Radon in Rocks, Soils, and Water
By Gundersen/Wanty
Field Studies of Radon in Rocks, Soils, and Water focuses on the principal sources of indoor
radon and detecting radon through geochemical and hydrological studies of ground water. The
book addresses how to measure radon, covers geological field study techniques, and presents
techniques for...
Published November 30th 1992 by CRC Press
Remediation Manual for Petroleum Contaminated Sites
By David L. Russell
Based on proven investigation into cleanup techniques, the material in this manual gives
engineers a working knowledge of the field and a basis for making key decisions during the
cleanup process. It is easy to get petroleum into the ground, but hard to get it back out again.
The problem does not...
Published November 23rd 1992 by CRC Press
Hydraulics for Operators
By Barbara Hauser
This important new reference addresses the principles and calculations dealing with the
hydraulics of water systems. Hydraulics for Operators includes what is necessary for a basic
understanding of water and wastewater utility operations, and it emphasizes practical
applications of these principles...
Published October 22nd 1992 by CRC Press
Practical Techniques for Groundwater & Soil Remediation
By Evan K. Nyer
Practical Techniques for Groundwater and Soil Remediation is a compilation of articles by the
author that were printed in the National Ground Water Association (NGWA) magazine
Groundwater Monitoring Review. The book provides valuable data, emphasizes the practical
aspects of remediation, presents...
Published September 25th 1992 by CRC Press
Unit Processes in Drinking Water Treatment
By Masschelein
Series: Environmental Science & Pollution
This text offers information on the theory of major drinking water treatment processes and
contains real-life practical examples. It aims to create guidelines for the design of unit
processes that operate within an overall framework for water treatment plants....
Published August 13th 1992 by CRC Press
New and Published Books – Page 57
Groundwater Contamination and Analysis at Hazardous Waste
By Suzanne Lesage
Series: Environmental Science & Pollution
This comprehensive reference describes investigations of the fate of toxic chemicals
emanating from hazardous waste sites and contaminating groundwater, discussing the
hydrogeochemistry at US, Canadian, Australian, and German sites to reflect the different
approaches used around the world.;Written...
Published August 13th 1992 by CRC Press
Influence and Removal of Organics in Drinking Water
By Joel Mallevialle, Mel Suffet
Use this new book to solve water treatment problems related to toxicity, taste and odor, and
bacteria regrowth. Influence and Removal of Organics in Drinking Water presents the latest
advances in oxidation technologies, ozonation, membrane technology, micropollutant removal,
and filtration...
Published June 23rd 1992 by CRC Press
Chemical Hazards at Water and Wastewater Treatment Plants
By Ruth Ann Buzzi
Water quality operators and lab personnel are exposed to a wide variety of chemical hazards.
This is an important new guide to safety in the workplace. The book provides a concise,
easy-to-use reference discussing chemical safety in the workplace for water quality treatment
personnel. It reviews...
Published June 16th 1992 by CRC Press
Drinking Water Health Advisory
By Welford C. Roberts, William R. Hartley
The United States Environmental Protection Agency (U.S. EPA) Office of Water (OW) initiated
the Health Advisory Program in 1978 to provide information and guidance to individuals or
agencies concerned with potential risk from drinking water contaminants for which no national
regulations currently...
Published June 16th 1992 by CRC Press
Manual of Small Public Water Supply Systems
By Us Epa
Manual of Small Public Water Supply Systems presents current concepts and practices
affecting water treatment, financing, management, community involvement in water supply,
institutional support, and development of human resources for improved operations and
management of water supplies....
Published June 16th 1992 by CRC Press
ATSDR Public Health Assessment Guidance Manual
By Edward J. Calabrese
ATSDR Public Health Assessment Guidance Manual describes the health assessment
process as defined by ATSDR and clarifies the methodologies and guidelines that are used by
ATSDR staff and agents in conducting health assessments. This guide covers the individual
steps for performing a health...
Published June 9th 1992 by CRC Press
Groundwater Remediation, Volume VIII
By R.J Charbeneau
Published May 6th 1992 by CRC Press
Mobility and Degradation of Organic Contaminants in Subsurface
By Lyman
This book identifies the most important "rules" governing transport, partitioning, retention and
transformation of leaked motor fuels in the underground environment. It examines micro-scale
fate and transport processes as a means toward promoting a better understanding of larger
scale movement of...
Published April 22nd 1992 by CRC Press
Groundwater Modeling Utilities
By William C. Walton
Groundwater Modeling Utilities is a handy reference guide designed to help groundwater
industry professionals learn to use a variety of microcomputer software applications for
groundwater modeling and numerical modeling in flow and contaminant migration studies. The
book provides the following: (1)...
Published April 14th 1992 by CRC Press
Practical Guide to Managing Acidic Surface Waters and Their
By Robert W. Brocksen, Michael D. Marcus, Harvey Olem
Practical Guide to Managing Acidic Surface Waters and Their Fisheries explains how to
manage acidic surface waters to preserve or restore fisheries. The work gives readers the
basic tools to carry out a variety of surface water management activities. Topics include
biological productivity and...
Published January 14th 1992 by CRC Press
New and Published Books – Page 58
Guide for the Design of River Dikes
Edited by CUR, Gouda, The Netherlands
In this work, practical recommendations are given for sound dike design. Particular emphasis
is placed on design, management and maintenance. Coverage includes the assessment of
soil properties and different types of loadings on a dike....
Published January 1st 1992 by CRC Press
Complex Oceanographic Research on the Black Sea
Edited by Eremeev
This book contains articles by oceanographic researchers from the (former) USSR and
presents new data on various aspects of the Black Sea. The topics include Black Sea
thermohaline, hydrochemical and optical structures, the dynamics of the Main Black Sea
current and deep layers, wave phenomena in...
Published January 1st 1992 by CRC Press
Advances in Water Treatment and Environmental Management
Edited by G. Thomas, R. King
Proceedings of the 1st International Conference, Lyon, France, 27-29 June 1990...
Published December 31st 1991 by CRC Press
Design of Slurry Transport Systems
By B.E.A. Jacobs
This book benefits users, manufacturers and engineers by drawing together an overall view of
the technology. It attempts to give the reader an appreciation of the extent to which slurry
transport is presently employed, the theoretical basis for pipeline design, the practicalities of
design and new...
Published December 31st 1991 by CRC Press
Integrated Approaches to Water Pollution Problems
Edited by J. Bau, J.D. Henriques, J.P. Lobo Ferreira, J. de Oliveira Raposo
Papers presented at the International Symposium of Integrated Approaches to Water Pollution
Problems [SISIPPA 89], Laboratorio Nacional de Engenharia Civil, Lisbon, Portugal, June
Published December 31st 1991 by CRC Press
Regulating Drinking Water Quality
By Charles E. Gilbert, Edward J. Calabrese
Regulating Drinking Water Quality examines the issue of safe drinking water from both
scientific and public health policy points of view. Twenty-seven chapters provide a forum in
which EPA and non-EPA scientists discuss the challenges of implementing the 1986 Safe
Drinking Water Act (SDWA)...
Published December 18th 1991 by CRC Press
Underground Storage Tank Installation and Management
By G. Mattney Cole
Published December 18th 1991 by CRC Press
Ecology of Estuaries
Anthropogenic Effects
By Michael J. Kennish
Series: CRC Marine Science
Ecology of Estuaries represents the most definitive and comprehensive source of reference
information available on the human impact on estuarine ecosystems. The volume discusses
both acute and insidious pollution problems plaguing these coastal ecotones. It also provides a
detailed examination of...
Published November 19th 1991 by CRC Press
Metal Ecotoxicology Concepts and Applications
By Michael C. Newman, Alan W. McIntosh
Series: Advances in Trace Substances Research
This book provides an in-depth discussion of various aspects of metal ecotoxicology.
State-of-the-art information and techniques in areas ranging from metal behavior in surface
waters to bioaccumulation kinetics and toxicokinetics to community effects are presented in a
hierarchical arrangement....
Published October 29th 1991 by CRC Press
Geraghty & Miller's Groundwater Bibliography, Fifth Edition
By Frits van der Leeden
Geraghty & Miller's Groundwater Bibliography, 5th Edition, is the latest edition of this bestseller.
Over 5,500 references have been compiled into this 507-page paperback volume that
references both "classic" works and significant new papers in this rapidly growing field. More
than 500 new...
Published October 21st 1991 by CRC Press
New and Published Books – Page 59
Adsorption Technology for Air and Water Pollution Control
By Kenneth E. Noll
This practical book is valuable for a diversity of applications in both air and water pollution.
Adsorption Technology usually deals with control of organic compounds, such as VOCs,
pesticides, phenolics, and complex synthetic organics. However, it is also used to control
certain inorganic...
Published October 18th 1991 by CRC Press
Water & the Environment
By Rose
Published September 5th 1991 by CRC Press
Organic Substances and Sediments in Water, Volume II
By Robert A. Baker
The fate and transport of natural and anthropogenic sediment-borne organic contaminants is a
critical environmental issue and complex processes are involved that until now have been
poorly defined. Organic Substances and Sediments in Water is a three-volume book that
provides the best information...
Published August 19th 1991 by CRC Press
Organic Substances and Sediments in Water, Three Volume Set
By Robert A. Baker
Published August 19th 1991 by CRC Press
Organic Substances and Sediments in Water, Volume III
By Robert A. Baker
The fate and transport of natural and anthropogenic sediment-borne organic contaminants is a
critical environmental issue and complex processes are involved that until now have been
poorly defined. Organic Substances and Sediments in Water is a three-volume book that
provides the best information...
Published August 19th 1991 by CRC Press
Applied Math for Water Plant Operators
By Joanne K. Price
With many worked examples, this book provides a step-by-step training manual for water
treatment calculations. It presents all the fundamental math concepts and skills needed for
daily water treatment plant operations. The text covers volume, flow and velocity, milligrams
per liter to pounds per...
Published July 22nd 1991 by CRC Press
Basic Math Concepts
For Water and Wastewater Plant Operators
By Joanne K. Price
FROM THE PREFACEIn the years since the first edition, I have continued to consider ways in
which the texts could be improved. In this regard, I researched several topics including how
people learn (learning styles, etc.), how the brain functions in storing and retrieving information,
and the...
Published July 1st 1991 by CRC Press
Aquifer Testing
Design and Analysis of Pumping and Slug Tests
By Jonathan D. Istok, Karen J. Dawson
New! A practical, easy-to-use reference for the design and analysis of groundwater pumping
and slug testsAquifer Testing: Design and Analysis of Pumping and Slug Tests is a complete
design and analysis reference emphasizing practical solutions for engineers, scientists,
consultants, and students...
Published May 31st 1991 by CRC Press
Water Quality Modeling
Decision Support Techniques for Lakes and Reservoirs, Volume IV
By Brian Henderson-Sellers
This volume represents the first decision support book aimed at water quality management for
lakes and reservoirs. The book offers both a retrospective view (in terms of summarizing past
work) and a prospective view (in terms of forecasting the greater use of such models as part of
much needed...
Published March 14th 1991 by CRC Press
Hydrocarbon Contaminated Soils and Groundwater
Analysis, Fate, Environmental & Public Health Effects, & Remediation, Volume I
By Paul T. Kostecki
Proceedings of the February 19-22, 1990, conference held at Newport Beach, California.
Published February 26th 1991 by CRC Press
New and Published Books – Page 60
Ozone in Water Treatment
Application and Engineering
By Am Water Works Res F, Bruno Langlais, David A. Reckhow, Deborah R Brink
With the advent of the Safe Drinking Water Act Amendments of 1986, many water utilities are
reexamining their water treatment practices. Upcoming new regulations on disinfection and on
disinfection by-products, in particular, are the primary driving forces for the big interest in
ozone. It...
Published February 13th 1991 by CRC Press
Applied Math for Water Plant Operators - Workbook
By Joanne K. Price
This workbook is a companion to Applied Math for Water Plant Operators (ISBN:
9780877628743) and part of the Applied Math for Water Plant Operators Set (ISBN:
9781566769884). It contains self-teaching guides for all water treatment calculations, skill
checks, hundreds of worked examples, and...
Published February 12th 1991 by CRC Press
Technologies for Upgrading Existing or Designing New Drinking
By Us Epa
Published January 4th 1991 by CRC Press
Sand Transport in Rivers, Estuaries and the Sea
Proceedings of the Euromech 262 Colloquium, Wallingford, UK, 26-29 June 1990
Edited by R. Soulsby, R. Bettess....
Published January 1st 1991 by CRC Press
Nitrogen in the Sea
Forms, Abundance, and Rate Processes
By Etaro Wada, Akihiko Hattori
This book provides essential information regarding the dynamics and rate processes of
nitrogenous compounds in the sea. Topics discussed include characteristics and behavior of
nitrogen at the atomic, molecular, and isotopic levels; elemental rate processes and
physico-chemical and biological...
Published December 7th 1990 by CRC Press
Liming Acidic Surface Waters
By Harvey Olem
An encyclopedic work!This comprehensive volume is an impressive integration of European
and North American research, providing the most complete information to date regarding the
problems and solutions associated with aquatic liming. The book gives readers a thorough
understanding of the...
Published November 26th 1990 by CRC Press
Principles of Groundwater Engineering
By William C. Walton
The purpose of this book is to bring together under one cover the principles of groundwater
engineering. The concise format has produced a handy, comprehensive manual for
professionals working in the groundwater industry. The author places emphasis on the
application of theory and practical aspects...
Published November 20th 1990 by CRC Press
Drinking Water Health Advisory
Volatile Organic Compounds
By Jennifer Orme-Zavaleta, Jan Connery
Health Advisories (HAs) are prepared by the Criteria and Standards Division, Office of
Drinking Water (ODW) of the United States Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) in
Washington, D.C. Documents summarized in this volume are part of the Health Advisory
Program sponsored by ODW in response to...
Published November 16th 1990 by CRC Press
Acanthaster Planci
Major Management Problem of Coral Reefs
By Charles Birkeland, John Lucas
The purpose of this book is to provide an organized compilation of information and techniques
for all aspects of the biology and management of the Acanthaster planci species. This
extraordinary coral predator has greater effects on coral reef communities than any other
animal species. It can cause...
Published September 24th 1990 by CRC Press
Carbon, Nitrogen, and Sulfur Pollutants and Their Determination
in Air and Water
By Jerome C. Greyson
For chemists and engineers in ecology, food science, pollution control, and related fields.
Details the procedures available for monitoring and controlling carbon, sulfur, and nitrogen
pollutants in such industries as waste water treatment, energy, transportation,
pharmaceuticals, and mining. Outlin...
Published August 22nd 1990 by CRC Press
New and Published Books – Page 61
Ecological Processes and Cumulative Impacts Illustrated by
Bottomland Hardwood Wetland EcosystemsLewis Publishers, Inc.
By Coastal Ecology Inst
This timely new book is a "must-have" for anyone involved with wetland conservation, in
particular bottomland hardwood forests, a habitat in which over 50% of our nation's inventory
has been destroyed. Authored by recognized experts, the book thoroughly covers the
ecological processes in...
Published July 31st 1990 by CRC Press
Decommissioning of Nuclear Installations
Edited by K. Pflugrad, E. Skupinski, R. Bisci, B. Huber
Proceedings of an international conference held in Brussels, Belgium, 24-27 October 1989,
organized by the CEC, Directorate-General for Science, Research and Development,
Decommissioning Programme, Brussels and F R Rey, Conference Services, Brussels....
Published July 13th 1990 by CRC Press
Radon, Radium, and Uranium in Drinking Water
By C. Richard Cothern
With new regulations for radionuclides in drinking water, this volume will be valuable for
understanding where radionuclides come from, how their prescence is determined, where
humans come in contact with them, health effects consequences (both for individuals and
communities), removal from water,...
Published July 2nd 1990 by CRC Press
Ground Water Modeling in Multilayer Aquifers, Volume II
By Mustafa M. Aral
Published May 16th 1990 by CRC Press
Groundwater Remediation and Petroleum
A Guide for Underground Storage Tanks
By David C. Noonan, James T. Curtis
This new book presents state-of-the-art for treating groundwater contaminated with Petroleum
Hydrocarbons, based on CDM's vast experience in treating contaminated groundwater using
air stripping, GAC and biorestoration. Design issues and pitfalls to avoid when implementing
treatment technologies...
Published May 3rd 1990 by CRC Press
Dream-Analytical Ground Water Flow Programs
By Stewart Rounds, Bernadine A. Bonn
Valuable for consultants and regulators...Dream is a useful tool for basic field work, including
the first-cut evaluation of remediation design. Ground water professionals will find Dream to be
ideal for estimating actual flow conditions when information on aquifer properties is limited.
Flow nets,...
Published March 20th 1990 by CRC Press
Groundwater Pumping Tests
By William C. Walton
This practical new book details concepts, techniques, field work, case studies, and
microcomputer models-information designed to improve accuracy and reliability....
Published February 28th 1990 by CRC Press
Ground Water Modeling in Multilayer Aquifers, Volume I
By Mustafa M. Aral
Published February 28th 1990 by CRC Press
Significance and Treatment of Volatile Organic Compounds in
Water Supplies
By Neil M. Ram
Significance and Treatment of Volatile Organic Compounds in Water Supplies reviews
EPA-approved analytical methods for VOC analysis, QA/QC, data quality objectives and limits
of detection. It covers current methods for the assessment of health effects, including toxicity
and carcinogenicity. If you...
Published February 26th 1990 by CRC Press
Water Quality Modeling
River Transport and Surface Exchange, Volume I
By Steven C. McCutcheon
This fascinating work is divided into two main sections. Part I reviews the basic principles of
water movement in channels and the mass balance approach common to most models. It also
covers the practical usefulness, model peer review, and guidance on model selection and
calibration. Part II...
Published January 5th 1990 by CRC Press
New and Published Books – Page 62
Constructed Wetlands for Wastewater Treatment
Municipal, Industrial and Agricultural
Edited by Donald A. Hammer
Both practical and theoretical, this book provides the basic principles of soil chemistry,
hydrology, wetland ecology, microbiology, vegetation and wildlife as a sound introduction to
this innovative technology to treat toxic wastewaters and sludges. The use of wetlands for acid
mine drainage, and...
Published October 31st 1989 by CRC Press
Water and Wastewater Examination Manual
By V. Dean Adams
This new manual is an indispensable working lab guide and reference for water/wastewater
quality analysis. Based on procedures from "Standard Methods" and "Methods for Chemical
Analysis of Water and Waste (EPA)," and other pertinent references the Water and
Wastewater Examination Manual is an...
Published October 27th 1989 by CRC Press
Drinking Water Health Advisory
By Epa
Each Health Advisory gives the useful and relevant data on the health effects associated with
each contaminant, and gives concentrations of the contaminant that would not cause adverse
health effects during various periods of exposure. Complete sections also cover information on
Published October 1st 1989 by CRC Press
Granular Activated Carbon
By Clark
This new book presents design, cost, and performance information on the application of GAC
in drinking water, including the use of GAC both in the U.S. and overseas. Various design
concepts for the unit operations that make up the GAC process are presented in 11
comprehensive, complete chapters,...
Published October 1st 1989 by CRC Press
Medical Response to Effects of Ionizing Radiation
Edited by W.A. Crosbie, J.H. Gittus
Proceedings of a Conference on Medical Response to Effects of Ionizing Radiation held at
Queen Elizabeth II Conference Centre, London, UK, 28-30 June 1989....
Published July 20th 1989 by CRC Press
Drilling Wastes
Edited by F.R. Englehardt, A.H. Gillam, J.P. Ray
Proceedings of the 1988 International Conference on Drilling Wastes, Calgary, Alberta,
Canada, 5-8 April 1988....
Published June 23rd 1989 by CRC Press
Health Effects of Drinking Water Contaminants
By Edward J. Calabrese
This new book evaluates the risks and benefits of the widely used types of drinking water
treatment technologies, based on assessment and comparison of chemicals used in treatment,
by-products of chemicals, and non-treatment. This valuable material was prepared by
independent experts in drinking...
Published June 1st 1989 by CRC Press
Water, Wastewater, and Sludge Filtration
By C. Visvanathan, Roger Ben Aim
A comprehensive and up-to-date account of filtration in solid-liquid separation processes, with
a sharp focus on the influence of pro-cess variables on performance and specific applications
is pre-sented in this volume. With contribu-tions from researchers with significant industrial
Published February 28th 1989 by CRC Press
Numerical Groundwater Modelling
Flow and Contaminant Migration
By William C. Walton
This valuable new book, with 2 programs on diskettes, will help practitioners in solving
groundwater flow and contamination problems by integrating simulation techniques. The
reader is expected to have knowledge of hydrogeology, and have access to books on
groundwater hydrogeology. Two...
Published January 1st 1989 by CRC Press
Groundwater Recharge
Proceedings of a symposium, Perth, 6-9 July 1987
Edited by M.L. Sharma
Proceedings of a symposium held at Mandurah, Western Australia, July, 1987. No index.
Annotation copyright Book News, Inc. Portland, Or....
Published January 1st 1989 by CRC Press
New and Published Books – Page 63
Biohazards of Drinking Water Treatment
By Richard A. Larson
For the last decade, concern over drinking water safety has rapidly increased. Revelations of
chemical contamination of surface and ground waters, and the realization that drinking water
treatment by traditional methods such as chlorination may introduce unforeseen new problems,
has focused the...
Published November 1st 1988 by CRC Press
Instrumentation Handbook for Water and Wastewater Treatment
By Robert G. Skrentner
Answers to what makes an instrument reliable and maintainable frequently lie outside the
manufacturers' manuals. These sometimes are revised procedures, test methods, or physical
modifications. This book provides complete information for 26 widely used instruments
including pumps and valves used in...
Published May 1st 1988 by CRC Press
Water Law
2nd Edition
By William Goldfarb
This revised second edition is essential to everyone involved with water and water
resources-complying with the myriad federal, state, and local laws and regulations that govern
the use and management of water in our attempts to maintain, clean, usable water. It includes
the law of water diversion...
Published April 1st 1988 by CRC Press
Remedial Technologies for Leaking Underground Storage Tanks
By Preslo
This new work describes the state-of-the-art of remedial technologies for petroleum
contaminated soils and impacted ground water-13 feasible methods and their basic elements,
along with discussion of the factors to consider when selecting the method(s) to use-and their
implementation. It presents a...
Published February 1st 1988 by CRC Press
Toxic Contamination in Large Lakes, Volume II
By Schmidtke
Every notable aspect of Toxic Contamination in Large Lakes is examined by known experts
from every continent. Authors represent the U.S. and Canada, Argentina, Sweden, USSR,
Israel, Great Britain, Japan, China, The Netherlands, Germany, Kenya, Austria. Authors
represent the entire spectrum-academia...
Published January 1st 1988 by CRC Press
Toxic Contamination in Large Lakes, Volume III
By Schmidtke
Every notable aspect of Toxic Contamination in Large Lakes is examined by known experts
from every continent. Authors represent the U.S. and Canada, Argentina, Sweden, USSR,
Israel, Great Britain, Japan, China, The Netherlands, Germany, Kenya, Austria. Authors
represent the entire spectrum-academia...
Published January 1st 1988 by CRC Press
Toxic Contamination in Large Lakes, Volume I
By Schmidtke
Every notable aspect of Toxic Contamination in Large Lakes is examined by known experts
from every continent. Authors represent the U.S. and Canada, Argentina, Sweden, USSR,
Israel, Great Britain, Japan, China, The Netherlands, Germany, Kenya, Austria. Authors
represent the entire spectrum-academia...
Published January 1st 1988 by CRC Press
Toxic Contamination in Large Lakes, Volume IV
By Schmidtke
Every notable aspect of Toxic Contamination in Large Lakes is examined by known experts
from every continent. Authors represent the U.S. and Canada, Argentina, Sweden, USSR,
Israel, Great Britain, Japan, China, The Netherlands, Germany, Kenya, Austria. Authors
represent the entire spectrum-academia...
Published January 1st 1988 by CRC Press
Modelling Soil-Water-Structure Interaction SOWAS 88
Edited by P.A. Kolkman, J. Lindenberg, K.W. Pilarczyk
Published January 1st 1988 by CRC Press
The Morphodynamics of the Wadden Sea
By Jurgen Ehlers
The Wadden Sea area of the North Sea is one which undergoes rapid morphological changes.
Under natural conditions, the barrier islands would adjust them¬selves to a rising sea level.
However, be¬cause the islands are densely populated and have an important role as holiday
resorts, morphological...
Published January 1st 1988 by CRC Press
New and Published Books – Page 64
Radon in Ground Water
By National Water Well Assoc.
This new book focuses on sampling and analysis, radon and radium in water supply wells,
predictive models, geologic and hydrogeologic controls that influence radon occurrence,
monitoring radon and other radioactivity from geologic sources and mining impacts on
occurrence of radioactivity in ground...
Published July 1st 1987 by CRC Press
Flood Hazard Management: British and International Perspectives
Edited by John W Handmer
In some important respects floodplain management and flood hazard research is different in
Britain from that in other countries. This collection of papers from a conference provides some
comparisons. It covers urban flooding, institutions and policy, land use policy, hazard response,
and project...
Published June 30th 1987 by CRC Press
Ground Water Quality Protection
By Deborah Fairchild
This new book provides a sound summary of the rapidly expanding body of knowledge on
ground water pollution sources, evaluation and control. It is used to plan and implement
ground water quality management programs, and also may be used as a text. The first three
(introductory) chapters are about...
Published May 1st 1987 by CRC Press
Ground Water Quality and Agricultural Practices
By Deborah Fairchild
This outstanding reference book deals with effects of various agricultural practices on ground
water quality and usage; and ground water management strategies for protection of ground
water affected by agriculture....
Published March 1st 1987 by CRC Press
Water for the Future:Water Resources Developments in
Proceedings of the international symposium on water for the future, Rome, 6-11
April 1987
By J., Egbert Prins, Walter O Wunderlich
Published January 1st 1987 by CRC Press
New Developments in Processing of Sludges and Slurries
By A.M. Bruce, P. L'Hermite, P.J. Newman
Published April 29th 1986 by CRC Press
Agricultural Water Management
By A. L. Van Wijk, Wesseling J.....
Published January 1st 1986 by CRC Press
Long-term Effects of Sewage Sludge and Farm Slurries
Edited by J.H. Williams, G. Guidi, P. L'Hermite
Anaerobic digestion has no effect on the quantity of the waste treated, but it affects its quality
and its usefulness as fertilizer. This conference proceedings collection of twenty papers delves
into the issue....
Published October 31st 1985 by CRC Press
Ground Water Pollution Control
By Canter
Covers thoroughly technologies for ground water pollution control in part one and deals in
depth with aquifer restoration decision-making in part two. Part three gives an extensive range
of case studies and detailed references....
Published May 2nd 1985 by CRC Press
Septic Tank System Effects on Ground Water Quality
By Canter
This valuable reference delineates the ground water quality concerns associated with the
planning and usage of septic tank systems. Septic tank systems represent a significant source
of ground water pollution in the United States. Since many existing systems are exceeding
their design life by...
Published April 1st 1985 by CRC Press
New and Published Books – Page 65
Estuarine Ecology - with Particular Reference to Southern Africa
Edited by J.H. Day
This text covers coastal hydrodynamics, currents, salinities and temperatures, fertility, flora,
biomass and plankton, fauna, fishes, avifauna and a survey of estuaries in southern Africa....
Published January 1st 1981 by CRC Press
Public Health Engineering
Sewerage, Second Edition
By R.E. Bartlett
This broad-based book covers topics in sewage treatment from site investigation through to
design, construction and operation. Data and design charts are given in an appendix....
Published January 1st 1979 by CRC Press
附 28:http://www.taylorandfrancis.com/books/subjects/SCEC0793/forthcoming/
Taylor & Francis 出版公司网站 “即将出版水科学出版物”
(2015.11.12 检索,共 29 册)
Forthcoming Water Science Books
Water Productivity of Sunflower under Different Irrigation Regimes
at Gezira Clay Soil, Sudan
By Eman Rahamtalla Ahmed Elsheikh
Series: UNESCO-IHE PhD Thesis Series
The Gezira Scheme is Sudan's oldest and largest gravity irrigation system. The scheme has
played an important role in the economic development of the country, and is a major source of
foreign exchange. The farming system of the Gezira Scheme is dominated by crop production.
The main crops grown are...
To Be Published November 30th 2015 by CRC Press
Environmental Microbiology for Engineers, Second Edition
By Volodymyr Ivanov
Updated Edition Includes a New Chapter and Enhanced Study Material The second edition of
Environmental Microbiology for Engineers explores the role that microorganisms play in the
engineered protection and enhancement of an environment. Offering a perfect balance of
microbiological knowledge and...
To Be Published December 2nd 2015 by CRC Press
Wetland Soils
Genesis, Hydrology, Landscapes, and Classification, Second Edition
Edited by Michael J. Vepraskas, Christopher B. Craft
A Major Revision of the Previous Edition Wetland Soils: Genesis, Hydrology, Landscapes, and
Classification, Second Edition contains 11 new chapters and additional updates written by new
authors with a broad range of related field and academic experience. This revised work
augments the previous...
To Be Published December 3rd 2015 by CRC Press
Pathogen removal using saturated sand columns supplemented
with hydrochar
By Jae Wook Chung
Series: UNESCO-IHE PhD Thesis Series
Lack of clean water is one of the most important public health challenges in less developed
communities. Due to insufficient financial and technical resources in places in need,
development of low-cost water treatment technologies can play a key role in sustainable water
provision. In this context,...
To Be Published December 15th 2015 by CRC Press
Design and development of two novel constructed wetlands
The Duplex-Constructed Wetland and the Constructed Wetroof
By Maribel Zapater Pereyra
Series: UNESCO-IHE PhD Thesis Series
Constructed Wetlands (CWs) are among the few natural treatment systems that can
guarantee an efficient wastewater treatment and an appealing green space at the same time.
However, they require large areas for their construction, which is not available in many cases.
In this thesis, two domestic...
To Be Published December 15th 2015 by CRC Press
Urban Water Reuse Handbook
Edited by Saeid Eslamian
Examining the current literature, research, and relevant case studies, presented by a team of
international experts, the Urban Water Reuse Handbook discusses the pros and cons of water
reuse and explores new and alternative methods for obtaining a sustainable water supply. The
book defines water...
To Be Published December 22nd 2015 by CRC Press
Membrane Technologies for Water Treatment
Removal of Toxic Trace Elements with Emphasis on Arsenic, Fluoride and
Edited by Alberto Figoli, Jan Hoinkis, Jochen Bundschuh
Series: Sustainable Water Developments - Resources, Management, Treatment, Efficiency
and Reuse
Focuses on the application of membrane technologies in removing toxic metals\metalloids
from water. Particular attention is devoted to the removal of arsenic, uranium, and fluoride.
These compounds are all existing in the earth’s crust at levels between two and five thousands
micrograms per kg...
To Be Published December 28th 2015 by CRC Press
Urban Storm Water Management, Second Edition
By Hormoz Pazwash
Design Drainage and Storm Water Management Systems Efficiently Urban Storm Water
Management, Second Edition covers the design, installation, and maintenance of storm water
management systems, addresses the impact of urban development on runoff and infiltration,
and focuses on storm water...
To Be Published December 29th 2015 by CRC Press
Climate Change Impacts on the Stability of Small Tidal Inlets
By Duong Minh Trang
Series: UNESCO-IHE PhD Thesis Series
This work explores coastal zones in the vicinity of tidal inlets, which are commonly utilized for
navigation, sand mining, waterfront developments and fishing and recreation, are under
particularly high population pressure and will only be exacerbated by foreshadowed climate
change (CC). Although...
To Be Published January 12th 2016 by CRC Press
Policies lost in translation? Unravelling water reform processes in
African waterscapes
By Jeltsje Sanne Kemerink-Seyoum
Series: UNESCO-IHE PhD Thesis Series
Since the 1980s a major change took place in public policies for water resources management.
The role of governments shifted under this reform process from an emphasis on investment in
the development, operation and maintenance of water infrastructure to a focus on managing
water resources systems...
To Be Published January 21st 2016 by CRC Press
Since the 1980s a major change took place in public policies for water resources management.
The role of governments shifted under this reform process from an emphasis on investment in
the development, operation and maintenance of water infrastructure to a focus on managing
water resources systems...
To Be Published January 21st 2016 by CRC Press
Enhanced Biological Phosphorus Removal
Metabolic Insights and Salinity Effects
By Laurens Welles
Series: UNESCO-IHE PhD Thesis Series
The Enhanced Biological Phosphorus Removal (EBPR) process is a biological process for
efficient phosphate removal from wastewaters through intracellular storage of polyphosphate
by Phosphate-Accumulating Organisms (PAO) and subsequent removal through wastage of
excess sludge. Although many studies...
To Be Published February 2nd 2016 by CRC Press
Urban Pluvial and Coincidental Flooding
Edited by Čedo Maksimovic, Adrian Saul
Series: Urban Water Series
Pluvial flooding is defined as flooding that results from rainfall-generated overland flow, before
the runoff enters any watercourse or sewer. It is usually associated with high intensity rainfall
events (typically >30mm/h) but can also occur with lower intensity rainfall or melting snow...
To Be Published March 15th 2016 by CRC Press
Solving the Groundwater Challenges of the 21st Century
Edited by Ryan Vogwill
Series: IAH - Selected Papers on Hydrogeology
This volume presents a selection of the outstanding papers presented at the IAH-Congress
(groundwater research) in Perth, Australia, 2013, focussing on presenting solutions for
groundwater problems world-wide. The incorporation of research into the solution of
hydrogeological issues is critical to...
To Be Published April 15th 2016 by CRC Press
The Water, Food, Energy and Climate Nexus
Challenges and an agenda for action
Edited by Felix Dodds, Jamie Bartram
Series: Earthscan Studies in Natural Resource Management
Global trends of population growth, rising living standards and the rapidly increasing urbanized
world are increasing the demand on water, food and energy. Added to this is the growing
threat of climate change which will have huge impacts on water and food availability. It is
To Be Published April 30th 2016 by Routledge
Environmental Engineering and Activated Sludge Processes
Models, Methodologies, and Applications
Edited by Olga Sanchez
The activated sludge process is one of the most versatile and commonly used wastewater
treatment systems in the world. In the past, when industrial wastewater treatment focused on
removing biological oxygen demand and suspended solids, waste water plants needed
different processes and technology....
To Be Published April 30th 2016 by Apple Academic Press
Amphibious Building Design and Construction
By Chris Zevenbergen, Elizabeth English
Amphibious Buildings refers to buildings that rest on the ground in normal conditions and rise
with floodwater. This is an emerging area of building in a time that many cities are dealing with
an increasing amount of floodwater, and often also with a lack of space for urban development.
In this...
To Be Published May 1st 2016 by CRC Press
Ion Exchange and Solvent Extraction
A Series of Advances, Volume 22
Edited by Arup K. Sengupta
Series: Ion Exchange and Solvent Extraction Series
The field of ion exchange has permeated into a wide array of applications ranging from mining
to microelectronics, environment to energy, drug delivery to detection, food to fertilizer,
chemical cleaning to catalysis, bio-separation to brackish water, and many others. Ion
exchange has taken a...
To Be Published May 3rd 2016 by CRC Press
Fluoride in Drinking Water
Status, Issues, and Solutions
By A.K. Gupta, S. Ayoob
The aim of this book is to highlight the dimensions of the problem and suggest scientific
solutions. The global status of fluoride pollution is conceptually presented in this book. Most of
the recent scientific studies undertaken the world over, are carefully summarized and
tabulated so as to...
To Be Published May 4th 2016 by CRC Press
River Morphodynamics and Stream Ecology of the Qinghai-Tibet
By Zhaoyin Wang, Zhiwei Li, Mengzhen Xu, Guoan Yu
Based on a thorough understanding of changing facts on fluvial morphodynamics and ecology
on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, the research projects in this book study the effect of the plateau
uplift on river network morphology, fluvial processes, aquatic ecology (i.e. wetland, lake and...
To Be Published May 30th 2016 by CRC Press
Geothermal Water Management
Edited by Jochen Bundschuh, Barbara Tomaszewska
Series: Sustainable Water Developments - Resources, Management, Treatment, Efficiency
and Reuse
Drinking water shortages in many regions of the world have often contributed to the
development of water treatment technologies. Not only arid and semi-arid regions are
increasingly exposed to water shortage, but also many other regions face limitations of the
fresh water resources. Geothermal...
To Be Published June 15th 2016 by CRC Press
River Sedimentation
Proceedings of the 13th International Symposium on River Sedimentation
(Stuttgart, Germany, 19-22 September, 2016)
Edited by Silke Wieprecht
To Be Published June 19th 2016 by CRC Press
Groundwater Assessment, Modeling, and Management
Edited by M. Thangarajan, Vijay P. Singh
The book starts with the introduction of recapping groundwater basics and an overview of the
development of electrical resistivity methods. The book essentially deals with the resistivity
tomography for the identification of potential boreholes in hard rock regions, resource
evaluation through...
To Be Published June 20th 2016 by CRC Press
Fluvial Processes
Second Edition
By Ana Maria Ferreira da Silva, M. Selim Yalin
Series: IAHR Monographs
A stream flowing in alluvium deforms its bed surface so as to form ripples, dunes, bars, etc.,
and, in many instances, it deforms its channel as a whole so as to create meandering or
braiding patterns. One can say that, in general, an alluvial stream and its deformable boundary
undergo a variety of...
To Be Published July 1st 2016 by CRC Press
Arsenic in Groundwater
Poisoning and Risk Assessment
By M. Manzurul Hassan, Peter J. Atkins
Arsenic-contaminated groundwater has created one of the world's largest environmental
health crises. This book addresses the arsenic issue within a scientific and social science
framework, with the context set by environmental and legal considerations. The text explores
the methodological issues of...
To Be Published July 15th 2016 by CRC Press
Project Finance for Water and Wastewater Systems, Second
By Michael Curley
This book will address ways to provide the highest quality water services at the lowest possible
cost, and examine the major finance issues that system managers face. It will deal with grants,
loans, municipal bonds, tariffs/rates and subsidies, as well as the major government finance
To Be Published July 15th 2016 by CRC Press
Environmental Ion Exchange
Principles and Design, Second Edition
By Anthony M. Wachinski
This book will contain the most important ion exchange-related design and application issues.
Using tables, graphs, and conversion tables, it will explain the fundamentals, providing the
knowledge to use ion exchange to reuse wastewaters, recover valuable chemicals, and
recycle industrial waters....
To Be Published August 15th 2016 by CRC Press
Advanced Nanomaterials for Wastewater Remediation
Edited by Ravindra Kumar Gautam, Mahesh Chandra Chattopadhyaya
Series: Advances in Water and Wastewater Transport and Treatment
The physicochemical methods used today for wastewater remediation produce a high amount
of sludge, create disposal problems, at high cost. The need for cost-effective and
environmentally sound techniques bring nanomaterials to the foreground of scientific interest
for the design of novel wastewater...
To Be Published September 1st 2016 by CRC Press
Underground Aqueducts Handbook
Edited by Andreas N. Angelakis, Saeid Eslamian, Herbert Weingartner,Efstathios Chiotis
This book will present the major engineering achievements in underground aqueducts from
around the world and throughout history. It will provide valuable insights into wastewater
technologies and management with respect to durability, adaptability to the environment, and
sustainability. Comparisons...
To Be Published October 1st 2016 by CRC Press
Biological Wastewater Treatment Processes
Model-based Simulation, Design and Optimization
By Davide Dionisi
This book describes how to use kinetic models based on the concept of biomass growth and
growth stoichiometry to simulate, design, and optimize biological wastewater treatment
processes. The approach used is to write rate equations for the various processes occurring
and couple them with mass...
To Be Published November 1st 2016 by CRC Press
附 29:
对水文学新书目材料 Hydrotitles 的介绍
Title: New hydrology bibliography available
刊登于: Eos, Transactions American Geophysical Union, Volume 72, Issue 15, p. 172-172
Publication Date: 00/1991
Hydrotitles is the first bibliography to be published specifically covering hydrology and
hydrology-related sciences. With the increasing numbers of journals and publications in this
area, Hydrotitles fills a long-felt need for assistance in guiding the practitioner through the
mass of literature to publications that are relevant to his or her needs. The bimonthly
publication is published by Geosystems (P.O. Box 40, Didcot, Oxon OX11 9BX, United
Kingdom; ISSN 0953-7589, $150 per year.)
Entries are arranged by a subject hierarchy according to Geosaurus, Geosystem's thesaurus
of geoscience. The main subject headings are hydrology; hydrogeology; hydraulics;
experimental hydrology and hydrometry; numerical hydrology; hydrogeochemistry; water
quality, treatment, supply and management; environmental hydrology, water pollution and
acid rain; fluvial geomorphology; glaciology; climate change; energy; equipment; computer
methods; policy and law; limnology; and engineering. There follows a locational index, a
stratigraphical index, a geographical index, and an author index.
New hydrology bibliography available
Calder, Jan R.
AA(Institute of Hydrology, Wallingford, Oxfordshire, United Kingdom)
Eos, Transactions American Geophysical Union, Volume 72, Issue 15, p.
Publication Date:
General or Miscellaneous: Notices and announcements, Hydrology: General
or miscellaneous
(c) 1991: American Geophysical Union
附 29-1:
《水文学杂志》发布的介绍 Hydrotitles 的短讯
Book review(Hydrotitles: Hydroscience bibliography)
(刊登于 Journal of Hydrology, Volume 128, Issues 1–4, November 1991, Pages 376–377)
Hydrotitles: Hydroscience bibliography: Published bimonthly by Geosystems, Didcot. Annual
subscription £75.00 (US$150.00), ISSN 0953-7589
附 30:Bibliography of Hydrology of the United States and Canada, 1964(美加 1964 年水文学文
献目录)(1969, 254 pages)
附 31:Bibliography of Hydrology of the United States, 1963(北美 1963 年水文学文献目录汇
编)(1963, 182 pages )
附 32:一份北美 1941-1950 水文学文献目录汇编
Annotated Bibliography on Hydrology, 1941-1950: United States and Canada by American
Geophysical Union (Editor), Ray K Linsley (Foreword by)
附 33:一份国际水文协会日本国家委员会出版的水文学书目(-1980)
Bibliography of hydrology
Saikon Pub. Co., Ltd./c1980.
I. Measurement 1
II. Statistics 11
III. Rain 19
IV. Snow and Snow Melt 37
V. Glacier 49
VI. Runoff 57
(1) Drainage Basin 59
(2) Flood Runoff and Rainfall Runoff 65
(3) Low Flow and Snow Melt Runoff 95
(4) Runoff influenced by Urbanization 105
VII. Flood Routing 111
(1) Flood 113
(2) Flood Control 125
VIII Water Resources 131
(1) Water Balance 133
(2) Water Resources 145
(3) Water Quality and Temperature 157
IX Ground Water 169
(1) Infiltration 171
(2) Ground Water 181
(3) Ground Water Quality 205
X Lake 211
(1) Water Level and Current 213
(2) Water Quality and Temperature 221
(3) Sediment 231
XI Sediment 239
XII Ocean 251
XIII Miscellaneous 257
XIV List of Published Journals 269
附 34:Bibliography On Hydrological Applications Of Weather Radar In The United Kingdom
(Eighth Edition, publications notified up to December 2011, 60 pages) (英国生态水文中心制作)
附 35:为有助于读者了解更多的书籍出版资讯,后面附录了一些水科学类著作的出版消息。
Water Resources Development and Management
Series Editors: A.K. Biswas, C. Tortajada
Each book of this multidisciplinary series covers a critical or emerging water issue. Authors
and contributors are leading experts of international repute. The readers of the series will
be professionals from different disciplines and development sectors from different parts
of the world. They will include civil engineers, economists, geographers, geoscientists,
sociologists, lawyers, environmental scientists and biologists. The books will be of direct
interest to universities, research institutions, private and public sector institutions,
international organisations and NGOs. In addition, all the books will be standard reference
books for the water and the associated resource sectors.
Recently published:
C. Tortajada, D. Altinbilek, A.K. Biswas (Eds.)
Impacts of Large Dams: A Global Assessment
C. Ringler, A.K. Biswas, S. Cline (Eds.)
Global Change: Impacts on Water and food Security
A.K. Biswas, C. Tortajada, R. Izquierdo-Avino (Eds.)
Springer books available as
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Water Management in 2020 and Beyond
Upcoming Volumes:
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Impacts of Large Dams: A Global Assessment
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R.F. Huettl, O. Bens, C. Bismuth, S. Hoechstetter (Eds.)
Society - Water - Technology
A Critical Appraisal of Major Water Engineering Projects
A.K. Biswas, C. Tortajada (Eds.)
Water, Climate Change and Sustainable Development
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Water Resources
Water Resources
Urban Water
Hydrology, Hydraulics and Water
Resources Management
Containing the proceedings of the first international conference organised by
the Wessex Institute of Technology on the Design, Construction, Maintenance,
Monitoring and Control of Urban Water Systems, this book covers an area of
increasing worldwide concern. As our cities continue to expand, their urban
infrastructure needs to be re-evaluated and adapted to new requirements
related to the increase in population and the growing areas under urbanisation.
A Heuristic Optimization Approach
Edited by: K. L. KATSIFARAKIS, Aristotle University of
Thessaloniki, Greece
With population of our planet exceeding seven billion, funds for infrastructure
works being limited worldwide and climate change affecting water resources,
their optimal development and management is literally vital. This volume
deals with application of some non-traditional optimization techniques to
hydraulics, hydrology and water resources management and aims at helping
scientists dealing with these issues to reach the best decisions.
Chapter 1 is a brief introduction to optimization and its application
to water resources management. Chapter 2 is dedicated to genetic
algorithms. Chapter 3 focuses on applications of genetic algorithms to
hydraulic networks, mainly irrigation ones. Chapter 4 is dedicated to
simulated annealing. The particle swarm method (PSO) is discussed
in Chapter 5. In Chapter 6 the basic concepts and features of Tabu
search are presented and its coupling with other heuristic optimizers
is discussed. Chapter 7 is dedicated to the Harmony Search method.
Finally, Chapter 8 deals with the Outer Approximation method.
This book is aimed at engineers and other scientists working on water
resources management and hydraulic networks.
WIT Transactions on State-of-the-art in Science and
Engineering, Vol 56
ISBN: 978-1-84564-664-6
eISBN: 978-1-84564-665-3
Published 2012 / 174pp / US$154.00
Urban Water II
Edited by: S. MAMBRETTI, Politecnico di Milano, Italy and
C.A. BREBBIA, Wessex Institute of Technology, UK
Urban Water II is the proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on
the Design, Construction, Maintenance, Monitoring and Control of Urban
Water Systems. The meeting was reconvened following the success of the
first conference held in the New Forest, home to the Wessex Institute of
Technology, in 2012.
Water systems in the urban environment consist of supply networks as
well as sewage and storm drainage systems. They interact with each
other and with warm bodies such as rivers, lakes and aquifers, and this
interaction affects the quality and quantity of the different systems.
As our cities continue to expand, their urban infrastructure must be re-evaluated
and adapted to new requirements related to the increase in population and
the growing areas under urbanisation. New water systems are also required
to reduce the risk associated with floods, network failures and many others
related to inadequate networks. New systems should reduce economic losses
and environmental impacts as well as promote a higher degree of reliability.
Improved management, measurement and control mechanisms are needed to
ensure the efficiency and safety of urban water systems.
Edited by: S. MAMBRETTI, Politecnico di Milano, Italy
and C.A. BREBBIA, Wessex Institute of Technology, UK
New water systems are also required to reduce the risk associated with
floods, network failures, and problems associated with inadequate
networks. New systems should reduce economic losses and
environmental impacts as well as promote a higher degree of reliability to
users. Improved management, measurement and control mechanisms are
needed to ensure the efficiency and safety of urban water systems.
Topics include the following in the area of Water Supply: Surface Water
and Ground Water Sources; Water Supply Networks; Coping with Water
Scarcity; Safety and Security of Water Systems; Water Quality; Water
and Sustainability; Water Savings; Water Re-use. The Following Topics
are related to Urban Drainage: Waste Water Treatment and Disposal;
Structural Works and Infrastructure; Networks Design; Real Time Control;
Water Quality Issues; Combined Sewer Overflows; Storage Tanks; Flood
Control; Environmental Impact; Industrial Waste Water.
WIT Transactions on The Built Environment, Vol 122
ISBN: 978-1-84564-576-2
eISBN: 978-1-84564-577-9
Published 2012 / 306pp / US$264.00
Water and Society III
Edited by: C.A. BREBBIA, Wessex Institute of Technology, UK
The proceedings from The Water and Society Conference 2015 contain
papers that encourage trans-disciplinary communication on issues
related to the nature of water, and its use and exploitation by society. The
papers within this book bridge the gap between the broad spectrum of
socio-political sciences and humanistic disciplines and the physical,
biological, environmental, and health sciences.
The Water and Society conference series which began in 2011 exchanges
ideas on issues such as the need for clean and inexpensive water by an
increasing global population, and the growing demands of Agriculture
and Industry. The book deals with the interaction between water and
energy systems, as well as the more technical aspects of water resources
management and quality, with the aim of helping policy makers put
forward policies and legislation that will lead to improved solutions for all.
Topics covered include: Water as a Human Right; Water Quality;
Water Resources Contamination; Water Sanitation and Health; Water
and Disaster Management; Future Water Demands; Irrigation and
WIT Transactions on Ecology and the Environment, Vol 200
ISBN: 978-1-84564-972-2
eISBN: 978-1-84564-973-9
Forthcoming 2015 / apx 420pp / apx US$362.00
Topics such as contamination and pollution discharges in urban water
bodies, as well as the monitoring of water recycling systems are currently
receiving a great deal of attention from researchers and professional
engineers working in the water industry. Architects and town planners
are also aware of the importance of the interaction between urban water
cycles and city planning and landscaping. Management of all these
aspects requires the development of specialised computer tools that can
respond to the increased complexity of urban water systems.
Relating to the subject areas of Water Supply Networks and Urban
Drainage, topics covered include: Leakage and Losses; Modelling and
Experimentation; Water Quality; Network Design; Combined Sewer
Networks; Flood Control; Water Supply Networks; Urban Drainage
Systems for Water Sensitive Cities; Infrastructure Issues.
WIT Transactions on The Built Environment, Vol 139
ISBN: 978-1-84564-780-3
eISBN: 978-1-84564-781-0
Published 2014 / 444pp / US$382.00
WIT Press – New Titles Update
If you would like to receive free information on new WIT Press titles in
your areas of interest, together with related conference announcements,
please contact the Marketing Department with your relevant details.
Water Resources
Water and Society II
Edited by: C.A. BREBBIA, Wessex Institute of Technology, UK
Containing the proceedings of the Second International Conference on the
title topic, the book examines issues related to the nature of water, and its
use and exploitation by society. Since ensuring an adequate water supply
is becoming a critical issue in more and more countries, the conference
brings together specialists from the social sciences and humanistic
disciplines and the physical and natural sciences, biology, environmental
sciences, and health to bridge gaps between the disciplines in addressing
the problem. The international, interdisciplinary nature of the book’s
contents makes it possible to arrive at equitable solutions to the many
transnational issues, relating to the rights of states, that arise around
water supply.
The book discusses: Water as a Human Right; Water Resources
Contamination; Water Resources Management; Water, Sanitation and
Health; Water and Disaster Management; Water Quality; Policy and
Incentives and Instruments for
Sustainable Irrigation
Edited by: H. BJORNLUND, University of Lethbridge,
Canada & University of South Australia, Australia
This book deals with the complex issue of promoting development towards
sustainable irrigation. It does not see sustainable irrigation as a fixed defined
endpoint, but rather as a locally defined and constantly changing objective.
It provides a comprehensive discussion of the importance of institutions
and governance to guide this process and then provides examples from
around the world of how incentives and instruments have been introduced
to support this development, how successful they have been, and what
factors have promoted or impeded the successful outcomes.
WIT Transactions on Ecology and the Environment, Vol 178
The book also highlights the need to see sustainable irrigation in the
context of other objectives such as food and water security, reallocating
existing scarce resources between competing uses, such as urban and
industrial users, and how emerging issues such as bio-fuel production
and increasing energy prices influence the process.
ISBN: 978-1-84564-742-1
eISBN: 978-1-84564-743-8
Published 2013 / 364pp / US$314.00
WIT Transactions on State-of-the-art in Science and
Engineering, Vol 37
Soft Computing in Water Resources
Artificial Neural Networks, Fuzzy Logic and
Genetic Algorithms
G. TAYFUR, Izmir Institute of Technology, Turkey
Soft Computing in Water Resources Engineering introduces the basics of
artificial neural networks (ANN), fuzzy logic (FL) and genetic algorithms
(GA). It gives details on the feed forward back propagation algorithm and
also introduces neuro-fuzzy modelling to readers. Artificial intelligence
method applications covered in the book include predicting and
forecasting floods, predicting suspended sediment, predicting eventbased flow hydrographs and sedimentographs, locating seepage path in
an earth-fill dam body, and the predicting dispersion coefficient in natural
channels. The author also provides an analysis comparing the artificial
intelligence models and contemporary non-artificial intelligence methods
(empirical, numerical, regression, etc.).
The ANN, FL, and GA are fairly new methods in water resources
engineering. The first publications appeared in the early 1990s and quite
a few studies followed in the early 2000s. Although these methods are
currently widely known in journal publications, they are still very new for
many scientific readers and they are totally new for students, especially
undergraduates. Numerical methods were first taught at the graduate level
but are now taught at the undergraduate level. There are already a few
graduate courses developed on AI methods in engineering and included
in the graduate curriculum of some universities. It is expected that these
courses, too, will soon be taught at the undergraduate levels.
ISBN: 978-1-84564-636-3
eISBN: 978-1-84564-637-0
Published 2012 / 288pp / US$276.00
Call for Papers from WIT
Water and Society 2015
3rd International Conference on Water and Society
15 - 17 July, 2015, A Coruña, Spain
The Water and Society Conference is to be reconvened in 2015
following the success of the previous meetings.
This meeting will encourage trans-disciplinary communication on
issues related to the nature of water, and its use and exploitation by
Submit an abstract or register online:
ISBN: 978-1-84564-406-2
eISBN: 978-1-84564-407-9
Published 2010 / 240pp / US$170.00
Groundwater Characterization,
Management and Monitoring
M. CUNHA, University of Coimbra, Portugal and
L.M. NUNES, University of Algarve, Portugal
This book provides the theoretical background necessary to accomplish
planning and management of groundwater systems, and presents up-todate applications of the decision-aid techniques in this field.
Groundwater systems play an essential role in meeting the everincreasing demand for water for various purposes. Proper design and
management of such systems should therefore be a very important matter
of concern, not only to ensure that water will be available in adequate
quantity and quality to satisfy demands, but also to guarantee that this
would be done in an optimal manner from a IWRM perspective. There are
many different decisions to be taken: where to locate wells, how much
water is to be pumped, remedial strategies to be adopted, water supply
structures (especially pumping equipment and pipe networks) to be
installed, monitoring networks to be defined, etc. These decisions must
take many constraints into account, including drawdown limitations, flow
gradients, and quality standards. Given the uncertainty characterizing
groundwater flow and transport, risk issues have to be considered.
Decision-aid techniques must be capable of handling simultaneously the
various facets characterizing such problems (economic, social, technical,
environmental, etc). Therefore detailed simulation models have to be
incorporated into the decision models. The application of simulationoptimization methods to planning and managing groundwater systems
has become an area of active research.
ISBN: 978-1-84564-134-4
eISBN: 978-1-84564-351-5
Published 2011 / 304pp / US$230.00
Water Resources
Management of Scarce
Water Resources
A Middle Eastern Experience
H. K. EL-NASER, Overseas for Sustainable Development
(OSD), Jordan
Arid and semi-arid countries have historically suffered from a plethora of
complex water concerns due to climatic limitations. Research in these
regions has long supported the necessity of delivering life-sustaining
access and availability to water while being inherently linked to several
inter-related factors, including technical and economic issues, human
resources, and health and private sector participation. Regional conflicts
and controversial political agendas have also exercised a profound
impact on the viability of co-operative water resources and management
Sustainable Irrigation and Drainage IV: Management, Technologies and
Policies addresses various aspects of irrigation. It includes not only the
scientific and technical aspects of the management of water resources,
but also covers the economic and policy aspects.
Containing papers presented at the Fourth International Conference on the
subject, the book covers topics such as: Irrigation Management; Irrigation
Modelling; Irrigation Systems and Planning; Governance for Sustainable
Irrigation; The State of the Art; Sustainable Irrigation and Water Re-use;
Water Trade Issues.
WIT Transactions on Ecology and the Environment, Vol 168
ISBN: 978-1-84564-648-6
eISBN: 978-1-84564-649-3
Published 2013 / 544pp / US$468.00
Dr Hazim El-Naser has applied his experiences as a water expert and
government minister in Jordan by exploring a wide variety of water-related
problems that the MENA countries face with respect to water resource
management. This book focuses on his experiences, highlighting the
complexity of these problems and advocating practical solutions, and
uses recent case studies to provide a framework to assist the practitioner
in resolving these problems.
Water Pollution XII
Series: Progress in Water Resources, Vol 14
The environmental problems caused by the increase of pollutant
loads discharged into natural water bodies required the formation of a
framework for regulation and control. This framework needs to be based
on scientific results that relate pollutant discharge with changes in water
quality. The results of these studies allow industry to apply more efficient
methods of controlling and treating waste loads, and water authorities to
enforce appropriate regulations regarding this matter.
ISBN: 978-1-84564-414-7
eISBN: 978-1-84564-415-4
Published 2009 / 224pp / US$198.00
Sustainable Irrigation and
Drainage V
Management, Technologies and Policies
Edited by: C.A. BREBBIA, Wessex Institute of Technology,
UK and H. BJORNLUND, University of South Australia &
University of Lethbridge, Canada
Irrigation, as the biggest water user in most regions of the world, is facing
significant challenges in balancing social, economic and environmental
needs for water.
Edited by: C.A. BREBBIA, Wessex Institute of Technology, UK
Water Pollution XII contains the proceedings of the 12th International
Conference in the series on Modelling, Monitoring and Management of
Water Pollution. The book will be of interest to scientists, managers and
academics from various areas of water contamination.
Environmental problems are essentially interdisciplinary. Engineers and
scientists working in this field must be familiar with a wide range of
issues including the physical processes of mixing and dilution, chemical
and biological processes, mathematical modelling, data acquisition and
measurement to name but a few. In view of the scarcity of available data,
it is important that experiences are shared on an international basis. Thus,
a continuous exchange of information between scientists from different
countries is essential.
Topics covered include: Water Quality; Groundwater and Aquifer Issues;
Environmental Monitoring; Wastewater Treatment and Management;
Monitoring and Modelling.
WIT Transactions on Ecology and the Environment, Vol 182
These proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Sustainable
Irrigation and Drainage: Management, Technologies and Policies provide
examples of how irrigation and drainage can become more sustainable,
while acknowledging that the concept of sustainability is a goal that
continues to change as our knowledge of the biophysical realities alters.
In that sense moving towards sustainability is an ever evolving journey.
ISBN: 978-1-84564-776-6
eISBN: 978-1-84564-777-3
Published 2014 / 412pp / US$354.00
A focus is made on the implications for improving sustainability, whether
this is drainage, irrigation technologies, economic modelling, governance
studies for irrigation management, reuse of water or any other aspect.
Edited by: C.A. BREBBIA, Wessex Institute of Technology, UK
Topics covered include: Irrigation Management; Irrigation Systems and
Planning; Groundwater Issues; Climate Change Effects; Socio-economic
WIT Transactions on Ecology and the Environment, Vol 185
ISBN: 978-1-84564-788-9
eISBN: 978-1-84564-789-6
Published 2014 / 280pp / US$240.00
Sustainable Irrigation and
Drainage IV
Management, Technologies and Policies
Edited by: H. BJORNLUND, University of South Australia,
Australia & University of Lethbridge, Canada;
C.A. BREBBIA, Wessex Institute of Technology, UK and
S. WHEELER, University of South Australia, Australia
With fresh water becoming an increasingly precious commodity, and the
prospect of becoming a source of the same type of political instability
that is now associated with energy shortages, sustainable use of water
resources is becoming more and more important. One of those uses is
for irrigation.
Water Pollution XI
Water Pollution XI contains papers presented at the Eleventh Conference
and includes the following topics: Water Quality; Groundwater and Aquifer
Issues; Environmental Monitoring and Control; Remediation; Pollution
Prevention; Lakes and Rivers; Agricultural Contamination; Wastewater
Treatment and Management; Offshore Pollution and Oil Spills; Emerging
Technologies; Biosensors; Health Risk Studies; Nano-particles;
Socio-economic Costs; Biosystems; Education and Training.
WIT Transactions on Ecology and the Environment, Vol 164
ISBN: 978-1-84564-608-0
eISBN: 978-1-84564-609-7
Published 2012 / 508pp / US$436.00
Water Resources Management VIII
Edited by: C.A. BREBBIA, Wessex Institute of Technology, UK
Water Resources Management VIII contains papers presented at the
eighth conference in a biennial series organised by the Wessex Institute.
First held in 2001, the Conference includes the work of scientists,
practitioners and other experts regarding the sustainable management of
water resources.
It is predicted that population growth and irregular precipitation due to
climate change may lead to more restricted access to water in certain
Water Resources
regions of the world. The problem will be aggravated by human activities that
affect the quality of available water. In order to improve strategies for dealing
with a scarcity of potable water, it is important to review and compare the
performance of current technologies and practices in order to select those
that will provide the most effective approaches. It is also important that
technologies and practices be able to respond with agility to changing
conditions. New ways of thinking are required in order to successfully
predict future trends and prepare adequate sustainable solutions.
The papers included in this book cover such topics as: Water
Management and Planning; Water Rights and Accessibility; Water Markets
and Policies; Climate Change; Irrigation; Urban Water Management;
Hydraulic Engineering; Water Quality; Pollution Contaminants and
Control; River Basin Management; Flood Risk Management; Geo-politics
of Water; Water Resources and Economics; Governance and Regulations;
Desalination; Water Services.
WIT Transactions on Ecology and the Environment, Vol 196
ISBN: 978-1-84564-960-9
eISBN: 978-1-84564-961-6
Forthcoming 2015 / apx 400pp / US$344.00
Water Resources Management VII
Edited by: C.A. BREBBIA, Wessex Institute of Technology, UK
Containing research on recent technological and scientific developments
associated with the management of surface and sub-surface water, this
book consists of papers presented at the Seventh International Conference
on Water Resources Management. The biennial conference, first held
in 2001, is one of several water-related conferences organised by the
Wessex Institute of Technology. We have reached a point where water has
become quite a precious resource, with communities around the world
struggling to ensure adequate supply to their people. The research shared
in this volume is an important contribution to the body of literature on
the topic.
The research covers: Water Management and Planning; The Right
to Water and Sanitation; Waste Water Treatment and Re-use; Water
Markets, Policies and Contracts; Climate Change; Irrigation; Urban
Water Management; Hydraulic Engineering; Water Quality; Pollution
Contaminants and Control; River Basin Management; Flood Risk;
Wetlands; Regional and Geo-politics of Water; Water Resources and
Economics; Government and Regulations.
WIT Transactions on Ecology and the Environment, Vol 171
ISBN: 978-1-84564-710-0
eISBN: 978-1-84564-711-7
Published 2013 / 356pp / US$306.00
River Basin Management VIII
Edited by: C.A. BREBBIA, Wessex Institute of Technology, UK
This book contains the proceedings of the eighth international conference
on River Basin Management including all aspects of Hydrology, Ecology,
Environmental Management, Flood Plains and Wetlands. The biennial
conference is organised by the Wessex Institute and was first held in
2001. The papers included in the book cover recent advances in the use
of computers to predict the flow, sediment transport, water quality, and
ecological processes in river systems.
The papers presented at the Conference cover such topics as: Water
Resources Management; Flood Risk Management; Ecological and
Environmental Impact; Erosion and Sediment Transport; Hydrological
Modelling; River Restoration and Rehabilitation; Hydropower Impacts and
Solutions; River and Watershed Management; Integrated Management;
Water Quality Issues; Eutrophication and Agricultural Pollution; Transboundary River Issues; Estuaries and Deltas; Extreme Event Management;
Wetlands; Climate Change and Adaptive Water Management; Water Quality
and Health; Socio-economic and Political Issues; Water Governance
and Water Justice; Data Acquisition, Management and Analysis; Flood
Risk Control; Remote Sensing and Instrumentation; Dam Operation;
Experimental Modelling; River Basin Risk Analysis; Emerging Technologies;
Rain Water Systems; Erosion and Sediment Transport; Hydrodynamics.
WIT Transactions on Ecology and the Environment, Vol 197
ISBN: 978-1-84564-962-3 eISBN: 978-1-84564-963-0
Forthcoming 2015 / apx 520pp / apx US$448.00
River Basin Management VII
Edited by: C.A. BREBBIA, Wessex Institute of Technology, UK
Containing papers presented at the seventh international conference on
the topic, this book reviews the advances that have been made in the
development and application of software tools for predicting the flow,
water quality, sediment transport and ecological processes in river
systems. Organised by the Wessex Institute of Technology, the biennial
conference was first held in 2001.
The papers presented at the Conference address: Water Resources
Management; Flood Risk Management; Erosion and Sediment Transport;
Hydrological Modelling; River Restoration and Rehabilitation; Water
Quality; Changing Climate; Hydrodynamics.
WIT Transactions on Ecology and the Environment, Vol 172
ISBN: 978-1-84564-712-4 eISBN: 978-1-84564-713-1
Published 2013 / 472pp / US$374.00
River Basin Management VI
Edited by: C.A. BREBBIA, Wessex Institute of Technology, UK
This book contains papers presented at the 6th International Conference
on River Basin Management, held in Riverside, California, representing
the state of the art in this important topic. They include many aspects of
hydrology, ecology, environmental management, flood plains and wetlands.
The contributions in this volume are classified under the following
sections: River and Watershed Management; Flood Studies; Hydrological
Modelling; River Restoration and Environmental Impact; Erosion and
Sediment Transport; Water Resources Management and Water Quality.
WIT Transactions on Ecology and the Environment, Vol 146
ISBN: 978-1-84564-516-8 eISBN: 978-1-84564-517-5
Published 2011 / 416pp / US$358.00
Coastal Watershed Management
Edited by: A. FARES and A.I. EL-KADI, University of
Hawaii-Manoa, Hawaii, USA
The contents of this book generally address three broad areas:
hydrological modelling, water quality, and watershed management. Water
quality chapters cover nutrient bioavailability of soils and sediments in a
watershed influenced by agriculture; processes and pathways of sediment
movement in watersheds; fine particles in small steep-land streams;
effects of land use changes and groundwater pumping on salt water
intrusions in coastal watersheds; function and role of coastal wetlands
in reducing impact of land based management; and microbial issues
in Hawaii’s tropical watersheds. Limited water resources and concerns
regarding water quality necessitate best management practices.
Series: Progress in Water Resources, Vol 13
ISBN: 978-1-84564-091-0
eISBN: 978-1-84564-322-5
Published 2008 / 432pp / US$318.00
Call for Papers from WIT
Water Resources Management
8th International Conference on Sustainable Water
Resources Management
15 - 17 June, 2015, A Coruña, Spain
The eighth International Conference on Sustainable Water Resources
Management will present the more recent technological and scientific
developments, associated with the management of surface and subsurface water resources.
Submit an abstract or register online:
United Nations
Educational, Scientific and
Cultural Organization
Urban Water
Series Editors:
Čedo Maksimović, J. Alberto Tejada-Guibert, Sarantuyaa Zandaryaa
International Hydrological Programme
Division of Water Sciences
UNESCO-IHP Urban Water Series
ISSN 1749-0790
Published jointly by
The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization
Taylor & Francis The Netherlands
To order:
UNESCO Publishing - www.unesco.org/publishing
E-mail: publishing.promotion@unesco.org
UNESCO-IHP Urban Water Series
Series Editors:
Čedo Maksimović
Imperial College, London, United Kingdom
J. Alberto Tejada-Guibert
UNESCO International Hydrological
Programme, Paris, France
Sarantuyaa Zandaryaa
UNESCO International Hydrological
Programme, Paris, France
The UNESCO-IHP Urban Water Series,
comprising a set of books on urban water
management, addresses fundamental
issues related to the role of water in cities
and the effects of urbanization on the
hydrological cycle and water resources.
Focusing on integrated approaches to
sustainable urban water management,
the Series provides valuable scientific
and practical information for urban water
practitioners, policy-makers and educators
throughout the world.
UNESCO-IHP Urban Water Series 1
Urban Water Cycle Processes
and Interactions
Jiri Marsalek, Pascal Breil, Blanca Jiménez-Cisneros,
Mohammad Karamouz, Per-Arne Malmquist, Joel Goldenfum
and Bernard Chocat. 2007
Effective management of urban water should be based on a scientific
understanding of the impact of human activity on both the urban
hydrological cycle – including its processes and interactions – and the
environment itself. Such anthropogenic impacts, which vary broadly in
time and space, need to be quantified with respect to local climate, urban
development, cultural, environmental and religious practices, and other
socio-economic factors.
Urban Water Cycle Processes and Interactions represents the fruit of a
project by UNESCO’s International Hydrological Programme on this topic. The volume begins by introducing the
urban water cycle concept and the need for integrated or total management. It then explores in detail the manifold
hydrological components of the cycle, the diverse elements of urban infrastructure and water services, and the
various effects of urbanization on the environment – from the atmosphere and surface waters to wetlands, soils
and groundwater, as well as biodiversity. A concluding series of recommendations for effective urban water
management summarize the important findings set forth here.
Table of Contents
Chapter 1 Urban water cycle
1.1 Introduction
1.2 Urban water cycle concept
1.3 Total management of the urban water cycle
3.2 Water supply
3.3 Urban drainage
3.4 Wastewater and sanitation
Chapter 4 Impacts of urbanization on the
Chapter 2 Urban water cycle hydrologic
2.1 Water sources
2.2 Hydrologic abstractions
2.3 Water storage
2.4 Interflow and groundwater flow
2.5 Stormwater runoff
2.6 Natural drainage: urban streams, rivers and lakes
2.7 Needs for urban water infrastructure
Chapter 3 Urban water infrastructure
3.1 Demands on water services in urban areas
Urban Water
4.1 Overview
4.2 General characterization of urbanization effects
4.3 Urbanization effects on the atmosphere
4.4 Urbanization effects on surface waters
4.5 Urbanization effects on wetlands
4.6 Urbanization effects on soils
4.7 Urban impacts on groundwater
4.8 Urban impacts on biota: loss of biodiversity
Chapter 5 Summary
Data Requirements for
Integrated Urban Water
Edited by Tim D. Fletcher and Ana Deletić. 2007
Integrated urban water management relies on data allowing us to
analyse, understand and predict the behaviour of the individual water
cycle components and their interactions. The concomitant monitoring of
the complex of urban water system elements makes it possible to grasp
the entirety of relations among the various components of the urban
water cycle and so develop a holistic approach to solving urban water
Data Requirements for Integrated Urban Water Management – issuing
from UNESCO’s International Hydrological Programme project on this topic – is geared towards improving
integrated urban water management by providing guidance on the collection, validation, storage, assessment
and utilization of the relevant data. The first part of this volume describes general principles for developing a
monitoring programme in support of sustainable urban water management. The second part examines in detail
the monitoring of individual water cycle components. Two case studies in the final part illustrating attempts to
deliver an integrated monitoring system help demonstrate the fundamental principles of sustainable urban water
management elaborated here.
Table of Contents
Chapter 1 Introduction
PART I - Guiding principles for data acquisition
management and use
Chapter 2 Overview of guiding principles
Chapter 3 Defining objectives and applications of
Chapter 4 Selecting variables to monitor
Chapter 5 Spatial and temporal scale consideration
Chapter 6 Understanding and managing uncertainty
Chapter 7 Selecting monitoring equipment
Chapter 8 Data validation: principles and
Chapter 9 Data handling and storage
Chapter 10 Use of data to create information and
Chapter 11 Social and institutional considerations
Chapter 12 Financial considerations
PART II - Consideration and integration of
specific urban water cycle components
Chapter 13 Monitoring to understand urban water
cycle interactions
Chapter 14 Urban meteorology
Chapter 15 Water supply
Chapter 16 Wastewater
Chapter 17 Stormwater
Chapter 18 Combined sewers
Chapter 19 Groundwater
Chapter 20 Aquatic ecosystems
Chapter 21 Human health
Chapter 22 Social and institutional components
PART III - Case studies
Chapter 23 The OTHU Case study: integrated
monitoring of stormwater in Lyon, France
Chapter 24 Wireless sensor network for monitoring
a large-scale infrastructure system in
Boston, USA
UNESCO-IHP Urban Water Series 3
Aquatic Habitats in Sustainable
Urban Water Management
Science, Policy and Practice
Edited by Iwona Wagner, Jiri Marsalek and Pascal Breil. 2007
Aquatic habitats supply a wide range of vital ecosystem benefits to cities
and their inhabitants. The unsustainable use of aquatic habitats, including
inadequate urban water management, however, tends to alter and reduce
their biodiversity and thereby diminish their ability to provide clean water,
protect us from waterborne diseases and pollutants, keep urban areas
safe from flooding, and support recreational ecosystem services and
even the aesthetic enjoyment of our world.
Aquatic Habitats in Sustainable Urban Water Management – the result
of collaboration between UNESCO’s International Hydrological Programme and its Man and the Biosphere
Programme – aims at improving our understanding of aquatic habitats, related ecosystem goods and services,
and conservation and sustainable use – with a special focus on their integration into urban water management.
The first part of this volume reviews basic concepts and challenges in urban aquatic habitats, as well as strategies
for their management integration. The second part examines technical measures related to habitats management
and rehabilitation, along with their incorporation into urban planning and their role in human health. The final part
looks at current urban aquatic habitat issues and practical approaches to solving them through the lens of case
studies from around the globe.
Table of Contents
Chapter 1 Introduction to urban aquatic habitat
Chapter 2 Urban aquatic habitats: characteristics
and functioning
Chapter 3 Strategies, policies and regulations
integrating protection and rehabilitation of
aquatic habitats in urban water management
Chapter 4 Ecosensitive approaches to managing
urban aquatic habitats and their
integration with urban infrastructure
Chapter 5 Aquatic habitat rehabilitation: goals,
constraints and techniques
Chapter 6 Ecohydrology of urban aquatic
ecosystems for healthy cities
Chapter 7 Integrating aquatic habitat management
into urban planning
Chapter 8 Human health and safety related to urban
aquatic habitats
Chapter 9 Integrated management of urban aquatic
habitats to enhance quality of life and
environment in cities: Selected case studies
Urban Water
• Moddergat River rehabilitation and flood
management project Cape Town, South Africa
• Rehabilitation of the Wasit Nature Reserve, Sharjah,
United Arab Emirates
• The ecohydrological dimension of small urban river
management for stormwater retention and pollution
loads mitigation: Lodz, Poland
• Integrating ecological and hydrological issues into
urban planning in the Adige River fluvial corridor, Italy
• Assessing stream bio-assimilation capacity to cope
with combined sewer overflows, Lyon, France
• Optimization of the river hydrological regime to
maintain floodplain wetland biodiversity, Lobau
Biosphere Reserve, Vienna, Austria
• Integrated management of aquatic habitats: Urban
Biosphere Reserve (UBR) approach for the Omerli
Watershed, Istanbul, Turkey
• Description of the ecology and water management in
the Phoenix metropolitan area, Arizona, USA
Urban Water Security:
Managing Risks
Edited by Blanca Jiménez and Joan Rose. 2009
Understanding the impacts of urbanization on the urban water cycle
and managing the associated health risks demand adequate strategies
and measures. Health risks associated with urban water systems and
services include the microbiological and chemical contamination of urban
waters and outbreak of water-borne diseases, mainly due to poor water
and sanitation in urban areas, and the discharge of inadequately treated,
or untreated, industrial and domestic wastewater. Climate change only
exacerbates these problems, as alternative scenarios need to be taken
into consideration in urban water risk management.
Urban Water Security: Managing Risks – the result of a project by
UNESCO’s International Hydrological Programme on the topic – addresses issues associated with urban water
risks. The first section of the volume describes risks associated with urban water systems and services. The volume
then discusses the concept of risk management for urban water systems and explores different approaches to
managing and controlling urban water risks. A concluding section presents case studies on managing urban water
Table of Contents
Chapter 1 Introduction
Chapter 2 Drinking water – Potential health effects
caused by wastewater disposal
Chapter 3 Microbial health risks and water quality
Chapter 4 Chemical health risks
Chapter 5 Risk management in the urban water
cycle: climate change risks
Chapter 6 Water source and drinking-water risk
Chapter 7 Wastewater risks in the urban water
Chapter 8 Risks associated with biosolids reuse in
Chapter 9 ‘Closing the Urban Water Cycle’
integrated approach towards water reuse
in Windhoek, Namibia
Chapter 10 Reducing risk from wastewater use in
urban farming – a case study of Accra,
Chapter 11 Drinking water – potential health effects
caused by infiltration of pollutants from
solid waste landfills
Chapter 12 Exploding sewers: the industrial use and
abuse of municipal sewers, and reducing
the risk – the experience of Louisville,
Kentucky, US
Chapter 13 Lessons learned: a response and
recovery framework for post-disaster
Chapter 14 Managing urban water risks: managing
drought and climate change risks in
UNESCO-IHP Urban Water Series 5
Integrated Urban Water
Management: Arid and
Semi-Arid Regions
Edited by Larry W. Mays. 2009
Integrated Urban Water Management (IUWM) is a new approach to
managing the entire urban water cycle in an integrated way, a key to
achieving the sustainability of urban water resources and services.
The IUWM incorporates: the systematic consideration of the various
dimensions of water, including surface and groundwater resources,
quality and quantity issues; the fact that water is a system and component
which interacts with other systems; and the interrelationships between
water and social and economic development.
Integrated Urban Water Management: Arid and Semi-Arid Regions – the outcome of UNESCO’s International
Hydrological Programme project on the topic – examines the integrated management of water resources in
urban settings, focusing on issues specific to arid and semi-arid regions. The urban water management system
is considered here as two integrated processes: water supply management and water excess management.
The first six chapters provide an overview of the various aspects of IUWM in arid and semi-arid regions, with
emphasis on water supply technologies, such as artificial recharge, water transfers, desalination, and rainwater
harvesting. Water excess management is examined in the context of both stormwater management and floodplain
management. Case studies from developed and developing countries are presented in order to emphasize the
various needs and challenges of water management in urban environments in arid and semi-arid regions worldwide.
These case studies include: Mexico City, Mexico; Tucson, Arizona; Awash River Basin, Ethiopia; China; and Cairo,
Table of Contents
Chapter 1 Introduction
Case studies
Chapter 2 Arid and semi-arid regions: what makes
• Water and wastewater management in Mexico City
• Integrated urban water management in the Tucson,
Arizona metropolitan area
• Upper Awash River System in Ethiopia
• Water treatment for urban water management in
• Challenges for urban water management in Cairo,
Egypt: the need for sustainable solutions
them different?
Chapter 3 Integrated water supply management in
arid and semi-arid regions
Chapter 4 Integrated water excess management in
arid and semi-arid regions
Chapter 5 Interactions and issues of urban water
Chapter 6 Opportunities and challenges
Urban Water
Integrated Urban Water
Management: Humid
Edited by Jonathan N. Parkinson, Joel A. Goldenfum and Carlos
E.M. Tucci. 2010
Excess water in the urban environment leads to flooding, which in turn
causes structural damage, risks to personal safety and disruption to city
life. Water is also a major contributory factor in disease transmission as
well as being the transport medium of many pollutants. These problems
are of increasing concern due to climate changes and are particularly
apparent in the humid tropics.
Integrated Urban Water Management: Humid Tropics – the output of
a project by UNESCO’s International Hydrological Programme on the topic – focuses on engineering aspects
related to water supply, wastewater and stormwater management in the humid tropics. Flood control is dealt with,
focusing on reducing vulnerability to flood disasters in urban areas. The book also addresses environmental health
concerns related to the different components of the urban water system and proposes strategies for their control.
It illustrates different aspects of integrated water management in the urban environment by drawing upon a set of
case studies – predominantly from South America.
Table of Contents
Chapter 1 Integrated urban water management in
Chapter 6 Reducing vulnerability to water-related
the humid tropics
Chapter 2 Water supply and wastewater
management in the humid tropics
Chapter 3 Stormwater management in the humid
Chapter 4 Interactions between solid waste
management and urban stormwater
Chapter 5 Control of public health hazards in the
humid tropics
disasters in urban areas of the humid
Chapter 7 Integrated urban water management:
institutional, legal and socioeconomic
Chapter 8 Education and capacity-building
UNESCO-IHP Urban Water Series 7
Advanced Simulation
and Modeling for Urban
Groundwater Management
Edited by Dubravka Pokrajac and Ken Howard. 2010
Groundwater plays a vital role in the urban water cycle but is frequently
ignored. The assessment and evaluation of urban water systems rarely
consider the contribution of groundwater to the urban water budget, and
available decision-support tools for integrated urban water management
often fail to include aquifer storage and the strong two-way interaction
that commonly occurs between groundwater and surface water and other
urban water system components.
Advanced Simulation and Modelling for Urban Groundwater Management - UGROW presents the result of a project
of UNESCO’s International Hydrological Programme on the topic. The book presents UGROW—a complete and
fully integrated modelling package—for simulating urban water systems. As a decision-support tool for urban
water management, it focuses on urban groundwater, but all other key urban water system elements are fully
represented and seamlessly linked. The theory behind UGROW is thoroughly described in the book, with three
case studies illustrating how UGROW can be applied in practice. A CD-ROM containing a fully functional version of
UGROW is included in the book.
Table of Contents
Chapter 1 Challenges in urban groundwater
modelling as an introduction to UGROW
1.1 The management of urban groundwater
1.2 What hydrogeological characteristics are unique
to urban groundwater systems?
1.3 The challenges for model representation of urban
1.4 Numerical modelling of groundwater in urban
areas – the state of the art
Chapter 2 UGROW – the Urban GROundWater
Urban Water
modelling system
Model concepts
Model application
GROW: GROundWater flow simulation model
Unsaturated soil water movement (UNSAT)
Surface runoff (RUNOFF)
2.6 Model data
2.7 User interface
2.8 Model application
Chapter 3 UGROW applications – case studies
3.1 Testing and validation of UGROW in Rastatt,
3.2 Case study: Pančevački Rit, Serbia
3.3 Case study: city of Bijeljina in Bosnia
Chapter 4 Conclusions
4.1 The urban sustainability challenge
4.2 UGROW as a tool for urban water system
4.3 Validation and testing of UGROW
4.4 UGROW – the future
UNESCO-IHP Urban Water Series
Series Editors:
Čedo Maksimović, J. Alberto Tejada-Guibert, Sarantuyaa Zandaryaa
Urban Water Cycle Processes and Interactions
Jiri Marsalek, Pascal Breil, Blanca Jiménez-Cisneros, Mohammad Karamouz,
Per-Arne Malmquist, Joel Goldenfum and Bernard Chocat. 2007
Data Requirements for Integrated Urban Water Management
Edited by Tim D. Fletcher and Ana Deletić. 2007
Aquatic Habitats in Sustainable Urban Water Management Science,
Policy and Practice
Edited by Iwona Wagner, Jiri Marsalek and Pascal Breil. 2007
Urban Water Security: Managing Risks
Edited by Blanca Jiménez and Joan Rose. 2009
Integrated Urban Water Management: Arid and Semi-Arid Regions
Edited by Larry W. Mays. 2009
Integrated Urban Water Management: Humid Tropics
Edited by Jonathan N. Parkinson, Joel A. Goldenfum and Carlos E.M. Tucci. 2010
Advanced Simulation and Modeling for Urban Groundwater
management – UGROW
Edited by Dubravka Pokrajac and Ken Howard. 2010
Forthcoming books:
Urban Water Conflicts
Integrated Urban Water System Interactions
Integrated Urban Water Management: Temperate Climates
Integrated Urban Water Management: Cold Climates
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©istockphoto.com/Breathe Fitness ©istockphoto.com/tbradford Design: MH DESIGN Maro Haas
Printed on 100% recycled paper.
Contact information
Sarantuyaa Zandaryaa
International Hydrological Programme
Division of Water Sciences
1 rue Miollis
75732 Paris Cedex 15
Tel: (+33) 1 45 68 40 01
Fax: (+33) 1 45 68 58 11
Email: ihp@unesco.org
United Nations Educational, Scientific
and Cultural Organization
Urban Hydrology
Research Guide
This is a list of selected research tools that address the issues of water conservation
and management in an urban environment. All the sources are located in the U.S.C.
Library system. To search for books, conference proceedings, and other monographs
associated with social justice issues, search HOMER, the online library catalog. For
periodical articles concerning this topic, consult the section in this guide entitled,
"Indexes and Abstracts." Note that many publications from the United Nations,
World Bank, and other international agencies may be useful. These items are located
in the VKC International Documents Collection. To obtain a particular publication,
request assistance at the VKC circulation desk. For an annotated list of basic urban
planning research materials, use the Urban Planning library research guide. Please
consult a reference librarian if you need further research assistance.
Drinking Water Dictionary. New York: McGraw-Hill, 2001.
Science Library [Reference] TD208 .D75 2001
Produced by the American W ater W orks Association, this dictionary includes over 15,000 terms in all
areas of drinking water: supply, treatment, regulation, chemistry, health effects, distribution, management,
storm water, wastewater, hydrology, and over thirty other distinct topics associated with drinking water.
Includes definitions of abbreviations and acronyms as well. The entries are written by twenty-three experts
in their respective fields. The dictionary also includes Units of Measurement, a Table of Conversation
Factors, and a list of sources of further information. This is the most comprehensive source on the topic
of managing and distributing drinking water in the built environment.
International Glossary of Hydrology. 2nd ed. Geneva: Secretariat of the World Meteorological
Organization, 1992
Science Library [Reference] GB 655 .W25 1992
This dictionary includes approximately 1,800 terms arranged alphabetically in English, with equivalents
and definitions given in French, Russian, and Spanish. Indexes in all four languages refer to the main
section. The dictionary includes the Universal Decimal Classification for hydrology in the appendix.
Lo, Shus-Shiaw. Glossary of Hydrology. Littleton, CO: Water Resources Publications, 1992.
Doheny Library [Book Stacks] GB 655 .L6 1992
Lists over 17,500 terms in surface and ground water hydrology as well as related terms in meteorology,
geology, and engineering. Definitions are usually brief but not overly technical.
Urban Hydrology
Dasch, Julius E. Water: Science and Issues. 4 vols. New York: Macmillan Reference USA, 2003.
U.S.C. Libraries [Electronic Book] GB655 .W38 2003eb
W ith more than 300 topical entries, this encyclopedia is a good starting place for anyone desiring to learn
about a wide array of topics surrounding the nature, sources, use, desecration, and protection of this most
valuable resource. Acid rain, Bottled water, Careers in oceanography, Hoover Dam, Leonardo da Vinci,
Plankton, Salmon decline and recovery, and W etlands are examples of entries. The topical outline at the
beginning of all volumes groups entries into 28 categories such as "Agriculture," "Aquatic Animals,"
"Biographies," "Using W ater," and "W eather and Climate." The outline also lists the 17 "Selected Sidebars
Topics." Also at the beginning of each volume are several tables: metric conversions; symbols,
abbreviations, and acronyms; and geologic eras, periods and epochs. Entries range in length from 500 to
2,500 words and include short bibliographies of print and electronic sources. Pages have wide margins,
which contain picture captions, definitions of key terms, and boxes of important facts and explanations.
Each volume concludes with the 36-page, detailed cumulative index and the 60-page glossary. The glossary
is a useful reference tool with clear, plain English definitions of terms like 100-year flood, one that has a
1 percent chance of happening in a given year, and senior appropriator, the holder of the highest or oldest
water right. The scientific and social aspects of water are well introduced in this set.
Newton, David E. Encyclopedia of Water. Westport, CT: Greenwood Press, 2003.
Doheny Library [Reference] GB655 .N38 2003
The 236 entries in this book comprise an A-Z overview of water's manifold roles in human society and the
natural world throughout history. Topics include boats and ships, dams, groundwater, hydrology, ice, the
Johnstown Flood, Scripps Institute of Oceanography, sea monsters, surface tension, and water wheels, and
much more. Scientific and technical issues are explored, including the physical and chemical properties
of water, steam, and ice; the uses to which water and steam are put; and the purification, transfer, and uses
of water by communities. The hydrologic cycle is explained, with attention to the properties and
distribution of ice masses, and the properties of oceans and rivers. In addition, philosophical, mystical,
metaphorical, and symbolic roles of water in literature, mythology, religion, the visual arts, and music are
considered, as are individuals and organizations responsible for contributing to our understanding of water.
This book includes a bibliography and a guide to related topics. Each entry concludes with a list of further
Access EPA. Washington, DC: U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Information Management
and Services, 1991-. Annual.
Grand Library [Bookstacks] Z 675 .E75U55a
A basic reference tool for understanding and working with the Environmental Protection Agency. Provides
access to data in: 1) public information; 2) major EPA dockets; 3) clearinghouses and hotlines; 4) records
management programs; 5) major environmental databases; 6) library and information services; 7) state
environmental libraries; 8) glossary of acronyms.
Urban Hydrology
Encyclopedia of Associations. Detroit, MI: Gale Group, Inc. Annual.
Doheny Library [Reference] HS17 .G3362
Encyclopedia of Associations: International Organizations. Detroit, MI: Gale Group, Inc. Annual.
Doheny Library [Reference] HS17 .G3364
Encyclopedia of Associations: Regional, State and Local Organizations. Detroit, MI: Gale Group,
Inc. Annual.
Doheny Library [Reference] HS17.G3363
The most comprehensive source for detailed information on more than 22,000 nonprofit American
membership organizations of national scope. Every entry offers a wealth of valuable data, typically
including the organization's complete name, address and phone number together with the primary official's
name and title; fax number, when available; founding date, purpose, activities and dues; national and
international conferences; and more. Also featured is an alphabetical name and keyword index so you can
quickly locate the name and address of the organization you need to contact without ever having to consult
the main entry. Encyclopedia of Associations has two companion volumes: Volume 2, Geographic and
Executive Indexes and Volume 3, Supplement, which updates contact information from the previous
edition and provide coverage of new or newly identified associations and projects. The Regional, State and
Local Organizations volume provide detailed information on U.S. nonprofit membership organizations
with interstate, state, intrastate, city or local scope and interest. The International Organizations volume
covers multinational and national membership organizations from Afghanistan to Zimbabwe, including
U.S.-based organizations with a binational or multinational membership.
Alley, E. Robert. Water Quality Control Handbook. 2nd ed. New York: McGraw-Hill, 2007.
Science Library [Reference] TD420 .A45 2007
The updated Water Quality Control Handbook provides information on designing and operating systems
used to treat wastewater from industrial and domestic sources. This state-of-the-art guide explores design
innovations, equipment selection, treatment processes, new regulations, and operating methods for
achieving peak performance in all kinds of wastewater treatment facilities. The author also examines
breakthroughs that are improving current wastewater treatment practice, covering the optimization of
activated sludge wastewater treatment through cation control, pH control for quickly varying pH levels,
and the use of separate activated sludge treatment units in series to efficiently treat a mixture of
biodegradable and refractory organics. The author also discusses the design of activated sludge wetlands,
new pollutant precipitation techniques, total nitrogen removal design, recommendations for reducing
effluent toxicity to aquatic life, and much more. Handbook includes 650 illustrations, charts, and tables
with expanded coverage of treatment systems for specific pollutants, the latest water quality regulations,
and new sections on wastewater treatment operations, new material on membrane treatment processes, and
new developments in cost-saving treatment design methods.
Berry, James F. and Mark S. Dennison. The Environmental Law and Compliance Handbook. New
York: McGraw-Hill, 2000.
VKC Library [Bookstacks] KF 3775 .B42 2000
This comprehensive handbook covers a broad range of topics associated with environmental law
compliance. A significant portion of the book is devoted to covering the urban environment, including
water pollution control, hazardous and toxic waste control, and land use control. The handbook concludes
with a glossary of environmental terms and acronyms and a comprehensive index.
Urban Hydrology
Handbook of Public Water Systems. 2nd Edition. New York: John Wiley, 2001.
Science Library [Reference] TD223 .H27 2001
This handbook covers the myriad of issues associated with public water systems that deliver high-quality
water to the public. This book is useful in finding a technical explanation for solving the vast array of
problems, from pollution monitoring and control to the fundamentals of hydraulics and pipe fitting with
running an effective public water system. Among the topics discussed in each chapter are W ater System
Planning, Source W ater Development, and Economic and Financial Issues.
Kassim, Tarek A., ed. Environmental Impact Assessment of Recycled Wastes on Surface and
Ground Waters. New York: Springer, 2004-2005.
Science Library [Bookstacks] TD428 .R4E58
The state of the art of the impact assessment of recycled hazardous waste materials on surface and ground
waters is presented. The topics include chemodynamics, toxicology, modeling and information systems.
Information on this topic is published in three separate volumes: vol. 1: Concepts, Methodology and
Chemical Analysis; vol. 2: Risk Analysis and vol. 3: Engineering Modeling and Sustainability. The book
serves as a practical conceptual guide for those who have professional responsibility for the monitoring,
design, management, or conduct of environmental impact assessment. It is believed that the book will prove
useful to the reader who, regardless of disciplinary background, wants to examine in greater detail the kinds
of interdisciplinary contributions to contemporary decision-making processes that characterize modern
impact assessment project development. Each volume contains the contents of all volumes. The state of
the art of the impact assessment of recycled hazardous waste materials on surface and ground waters is
presented. The topics include chemodynamics, toxicology, modeling and information systems. The book
is useful to the reader who, regardless of disciplinary background, wants to examine in greater detail the
kinds of interdisciplinary contributions to contemporary decision-making processes that characterize
modern impact assessment project development.
Liu, David H. F. et al. Environmental Engineers' Handbook. 2nd ed. New York: Lewis Publishers,
Science Library [Reference] TD 145 .E574 1997
This is a comprehensive handbook on all aspects of environmental engineering, including multiple chapters
devoted to explaining and analyzing wastewater treatment, removing specific water contaminants, and
groundwater and surface water pollution.
Mays, Larry W., Ed. Stormwater Collection Systems Design Handbook. New York: McGraw Hill,
Science Library [Reference] TD665 . S757 2001
This handbook, written by leading experts, offers the most comprehensive, state-of-the-art coverage on the
design of stormwater collection systems. A unique work, this compendium provides detailed coverage of
the latest design methods and tools for analyzing stormwater collection systems. Each chapter offers expert,
detailed, professional guidance on the important components of stormwater collection. These features
include: design procedures and detailed examples of inlets, sewers, both in-line and off-line detnetion
systems, infiltration systems, and pump facilities; specialized procedures for the design and implementation
of distributed stormwater control and reuse and stormwater treatment using wetland systems; procedures
for the removal of urban litter and sediment movement in sewers; and design procedures and detailed
examples of drainage channels, flow channels, and energy dissipates. There are detailed illustrations
throughout the book.
Urban Hydrology
Mays, Larry W., Ed. Water Distribution Systems Handbook. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1999.
VKC Library [Bookstacks] TD 481 .W375
This handbook is a comprehensive reference book on water distribution systems in both urban and rural
environments. The book is intended to capture the "substantial new knowledge" that has been developed
concerning the design, operation, and analysis of water distribution systems, especially as these issues
relate to water quality of storage, modeling of water quality, optimal operation, and reliability of water
distribution systems. The opening chapter provides a brief history of water distribution and includes an
Petts, Judith. Handbook of Environmental Impact Assessment. 2 vols. Oxford: Blackwell Science,
VKC Library [Bookstacks]; Doheny Library [Bookstacks] GE 145 .H35 1999
The first volume addresses environmental impact assessment principles, processes, and methods, placing
in context the issue of sustainable development, and economic valuation. The second volume explores the
transnational dimensions of environmental impact assessment, including the work of multilateral
international organizations, arranged under six regionally focused chapters on Eastern Europe, East Asia,
Africa, Central and South America, North America, and the European Union. Includes significant coverage
of issues associated with water resources.
AccessUN. New Canaan, CT: Newsbank/Readex, 1996-.
Electronic Resources Web Page
The Readex United Nations Index provides access to current and retrospective United Nations documents
and publications. Articles appearing in UN periodicals are individually indexed. Indexing of the bilateral
and multilateral treaties in the UN Treaty Series is another unique feature of the Index. Documents from
the six main bodies of the United Nations— General Assembly, Security Council, Economic and Social
Council, Trusteeship Council, Secretariat and International Court of Justice—are indexed. Masthead
documents (formerly referred to as mimeographed documents), Official Records, sales publications, limited
and restricted documents, and documents emanating from sessional and standing committees, functional
commissions, conferences and regional bodies are the basis of the Index. Full-text resolutions from the
General Assembly, Security Council and the Economic and Social Council are appended to their respective
bibliographic citations. The Index supports access to the microfiche and paper formats of your library's
United Nations holdings. Readex provides libraries with a comprehensive microfiche collection of noncopyrighted United Nations documents and publications. The "Readex Year" field readily identifies
documents included in the Readex microfiche collection. This is the primary database to use when
searching for information about UN initiatives related to urbanization and economic development.
Avery Index to Architectural Periodicals. Mountain View, CA: Research Libraries Group, 1977-.
Electronic Resources Web Page
This resource indexes more than 1,000 periodicals published worldwide on archaeology, city planning,
interior design, and historic preservation, as well as architecture. Updated daily, Avery currently covers
journals from 1977 to the present. Simple search allows keyword searches of selected fields. The advanced
search option allows you to select fields and construct phrase searches using Boolean operators. Includes
good coverage of research journals in urban and regional planning.
Urban Hydrology
Environmental Policy Index. Birmingham, AL: EBSCO Industries, 1950-.
Electronic Resources Web Page
Environmental Policy Index offers comprehensive coverage in applicable areas of agriculture, ecosystem
ecology, energy, natural resources, marine & freshwater science, geography, pollution & waste
management, environmental technology, environmental law, public policy, social impacts, urban planning,
and more. The database offers cover-to-cover indexing and detailed abstracts for well over 1,000
international journals, with ongoing coverage for over 500 titles, providing a global perspective on
important issues. The database features an in-depth thesaurus, and extensive subject area coverage ranging
as far back as 1950.
ESA Journals Online. Washington, DC: Ecological Society of America.
Electronic Resources Web Page
The Ecological Society of America (ESA) is a nonpartisan, nonprofit organization of scientists founded
in 1915 to promote ecological science by improving communication among ecologists; raise the public's
level of awareness of the importance of ecological science; increase the resources available for the conduct
of ecological science; and, ensure the appropriate use of ecological science in environmental decision
making by enhancing communication between the ecological community and policy-makers. This database
allows you to search all of the suite of journals produced by the Society.
Index to Current Urban Documents. Westport, CT: Greenwood Press, 1972-2000.
VKC Library [Bookstacks] Z 7165. U5I654
This index contains bibliographic descriptions of local and regional government documents issued by about
300 of the larger cities and counties of the U.S. and Canada. The documents cover a broad range of urban
planning issues, including development plans, budgets, ordinances, surveys, and zoning. . The print index
has been published since 1972 as a quarterly publication consisting of three paperback issues and a yearly
cumulative issue. Entries are arranged geographically by city or county and by the name of the department
issuing the document. The Index contains citations of local government and local government-related
publications. State documents that deal specifically with an eligible city or county may be included. The
documents indexed are part of an archival microfiche collection held at the University of CaliforniaBerkeley and can be obtained through interlibrary loan. Index now only available online, which U.S.C.
currently does not have a subscription.
International Development Abstracts. Norwich, UK: Elsevier Science Publishers, 1982-. Monthly.
VKC Library [Reference] HD 72.I57
International Development Abstracts was founded in response to the need for a reference journal covering
the growing literature on topics and issues relating to developing countries and remains the leading
bibliographical reference source in the field. Papers are divided into 40 main headings including sections
on agriculture and rural development; environment and development; industrial policy; social policies such
as health, housing, and education; health, demography; gender and culture; aid, international relations and
politics. Abstracts are taken from over 2,000 science journals with title translation and abstract for
non-English papers. A cumulative index is published at the end of each year. Also available as part of the
GEOBASE on-line database.
Urban Hydrology
Journal of Planning Literature. Newbury Park, CA: Sage Publications, 1985-. Quarterly.
Electronic Resources Web Page
This is the most comprehensive index to recent books and journal articles in the field of urban and regional
planning. The Journal aims to give the reader an understanding of the state of knowledge of the field for
use in research or professional practice in planning and design. The Journal publishes review articles,
annotated bibliographies, listings and abstracts of recent literature in city and regional planning design.
Each issue contains one to three refereed literature reviews; book reviews; several hundred abstracts of
books, journal articles, dissertations, and several hundred bibliographic listings.
PAIS: Public Affairs Information Service. New York: Public Affairs Information Service, 1915-.
Electronic Resources Web Page
"A selective list of the latest books, periodical articles, government documents, pamphlets, microfiche, and
reports of public and private agencies relating to business, economics and social conditions, public policy
and administration, and international relations." Includes foreign language materials and brief annotations
for many entries. Excellent source of international information about specific cities, towns or regions.
Pollution Abstracts. Bethesda, MD: Cambridge Scientific Abstracts, 1970-. Bi-monthly.
Electronic Resources Web Page
Pollution Abstracts indexes worldwide literature concerning all forms of environmental pollution. Among
the subjects covered are sewage and wastewater treatment, waste management, land development pollution,
international agreements, and environmental policies, programs, legislation, and education. Includes a
separate section citing papers presented at selected recent conferences and an author and subject index.
Sage Urban Studies Abstracts. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications, 1973-. Quarterly.
Electronic Resources Web Page
Provides comprehensive abstracts of the contents of over 1,000 books, journal articles, government
documents, pamphlets, and research studies annually and covering all aspects of urban studies and
planning. Entries are arranged under fifteen subject categories. Includes a cumulative author and subject
index in the last issue of each year.
Web of Science Citation Indexing Service. Philadelphia, PA: Institute for Scientific Information,
1987-. Daily.
Electronic Resources Web Page
The W eb of Science ISI Citation Databases are multidisciplinary databases of bibliographic information
indexed so that you can search for specific articles by subject, author, journal, and/or author address. USC
has access to three citation databases. The Science Citation Index is a multidisciplinary database, with
searchable author abstracts, covering the journal literature of the sciences. It indexes 5,300 major journals
across 164 scientific disciplines, covering approximately 2,000 more journals than its SCI print and CDROM counterparts, with all cited references captured. The Social Sciences Citation Index is a
multidisciplinary database, with searchable author abstracts, covering the journal literature of the social
sciences. It indexes 1,700 journals spanning 50 disciplines, as well as covering individually selected,
relevant items from over 3,300 of the world's leading scientific and technical journals. Arts & Humanities
Citation Index is a multidisciplinary database covering the journal literature of the arts and humanities. It
Urban Hydrology
indexes 1,100 of the world's leading arts and humanities journals, as well as covering individually selected,
relevant items from over 6,800 major science and social science journals.
Statistical Universe. Bethesda, MD: Congressional Information Service, 1998-.
Electronic Resources Web Page
Statistical Universe abstracts include a detailed description of a publication's statistical contents and
primary bibliographic information like title, date, collation, agency report number (if any), and periodicity.
W henever possible, the Superintendent of Documents classification number, the Library of Congress card
number, the Government Printing Office (GPO) Monthly Catalog entry number, the GPO stock number,
and the depository item number are also included. The abstract may also contain two hypertext links - one
to the agency's W orld W ide W eb site where the full text of the publication may be viewed and downloaded;
the other to the full text on Statistical Universe, where the publication can be viewed, downloaded and
accessed section by section or table by table. Also includes access to the Statistical Abstract of the United
Toxic Release Inventory. Washington: U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Office of Pollution
Prevention and Toxics, 1987-. Annual.
Web: http://www.epa.gov/tri/
The Toxics Release Inventory (TRI) is a publicly available EPA database that contains information on
toxic chemical releases and other waste management activities reported annually by certain covered
industry groups as well as federal facilities. The EPA is required by law to establish a national inventory
of toxic chemical emissions from certain facilities and to make this information publicly available through
a computer database. Required information includes: Name, location and type of business; an estimate of
maximum amounts of the toxic chemical present at the facility at any time during the preceding year; and
the quantity of the chemical entering the air, land and water annually.
American Water Works Association. Denver, CO: The Association, 2007.
Web Address: http://www.awwa.org/
The American W ater W orks Association is an international nonprofit scientific and educational society
dedicated to the improvement of drinking water quality and supply. Founded in 1881, AW W A is the largest
organization of water supply professionals in the world. Its more than 50,000 members represent the full
spectrum of the drinking water community: treatment plant operators and managers, scientists,
environmentalists, manufacturers, academicians, regulators, and others who hold genuine interest in water
supply and public health. Membership includes more than 3,700 utilities that supply water to roughly 170
million people in North America.
Urban Hydrology
California Department of Water Resources. Sacramento, CA: The Department, 2007-.
Web Address: http://www.water.ca.gov/
The Department was created to serve local water needs by providing technical assistance; cooperating with
local agencies on water resources investigations; supporting watershed and river restoration programs;
encouraging water conservation; exploring conjunctive use of ground and surface water; facilitating
voluntary water transfers; and, when needed, operating a State drought water bank. To that end, the web
site includes links to W ater Commission Reports, state-wide water project reports, a calendar of events,
and other agency home pages.
Google Directory: Urban and Regional Planning. Mountain View, CA: Google Inc. 2007-.
Web: http://www.google.com/alpha/Top/Science/Social_Sciences/Urban_and_Regional_Planning/
Google W eb Directory integrates Google's sophisticated search technology with Open Directory pages to
create useful guides to subject-specific sites on the web. W eb sites are selected by Open Directory
volunteer editors. Google then applies its ranking system and other factors to rank the sites based on their
importance. However, there are options to simply alphabetize the lists. Related categories contain web
pages that are similar to the ones in the category you are looking at, but in a different part of the directory.
The largest subcategories on each page are listed in bold letters, helping the user find the most popular
categories in the directory more quickly. Good place to begin a search of urban planning-related sites on
the Internet.
Water Online
Producer: Water Online
Web Address: http://www.wateronline.com/
The Water Online database serves the information needs of engineers, planners, operational and financial
managers, consultants, elected officials, government personnel and others who are involved in the
municipal water supply industry, and the municipal and industrial wastewater treatment field. The web site
provides access to the basic operational elements of this industry, including resource management, supply,
treatment and distribution of drinking water, and the collection, treatment and disposal of wastewater, as
well as the many ancillary functions that accompany them, for example, storm water management and
sludge conditioning and disposal.
Urban Hydrology
IHP Catalogue of
Publications – 2003
International Hydrological Programme
UNESCO/Division of Water Sciences
1, rue Miollis
75732 Paris Cedex 15, France
Tel: +33 1 45 68 40 01
Fax: +33 1 45 68 58 11
E-mail: ihp@unesco.org
Website: http://www.unesco.org/water/ihp
UNESCO, Paris 2003
The designations employed and the presentation of material throughout
the publication do not imply the expression of any opinion
whatsoever on the part of UNESCO concerning the legal status
of any country, territory, city or of its authorities, or
concerning the delimitation of its frontiers or boundaries.
Table of Contents
Studies and Reports in Hydrology
Technical Documents in Hydrology
International Hydrology Series (IHP/UNESCO and Cambridge University Press)
IHP Humid Tropics Programme Series
IHP Non-Serial Publications in Hydrology
Documents of Administrative Sessions of
Various IHP Intergovernmental Bodies
Co-Edition IAHS / UNESCO
Co-Edition IAH / UNESCO
Documents and Reports in Hydrology
Published by the UNESCO Regional Offices
Technical Papers in Hydrology (Terminated Series – Out of Print)
Non-UNESCO Publications Issued in the Framework of IHP
Addresses of UNESCO Regional Offices
IHP publications at http://www.unesco.org/water/ihp/
Online information on IHP publications, including downloadable full-text (in PDF)
for a majority of non-commercial titles issued since 1996, is available at the IHP website.
We invite you to visit the online IHP publications database for updates and new releases.
Studies and Reports in Hydrology
Section I
Studies and Reports in Hydrology
Available titles in the series may be purchased from:
UNESCO Publishing
Promotions and Sales Division
7, place de Fontenoy
75352 Paris 07 SP
Fax: +33 (0)1 45 68 57 37
Online orders: http://upo.unesco.org/
Available Titles
N°5. Discharge of selected rivers of the
world/Débits de certains cours d’eau du
monde/Caudal de algunos ríos del mundo.
Multilingual: English/French/Spanish/Russian.
Vol. II (Part II): Monthly and annual discharges
recorded at various selected stations, 20-year
catalogue (1965-1984). UNESCO, 1996. 600 pp.,
tables. ISBN 92-3-002940-8.
Price: 33.54 Euros
In response to the great demand for precise information on
the discharge of rivers and streams throughout the world, this
report includes data from 136 countries and territories
concerning 958 gauging stations, over a period of twenty
years. The data are presented in a uniform manner and
comprise: name of the river; name of the station; the basin
into which the river flows, the catchment area, the coordinates and elevation of the station; the mean monthly and
annual discharge; and the maximum, minimum and extreme
Vol. III (Part V): Mean monthly and extreme
discharges (1980-1984). UNESCO, 1993. 126
pp., tables. ISBN 92-3-002729-4.
Price: 9.15 Euros
A complete table of monthly and annual discharges and of
extreme daily discharges (maximum and minimum) recorded
for a given period. The data of occurrence of minimum
discharge is also indicated.
Keywords: global data sets, annual discharge, extreme
daily discharge
N°30. Pollution et protection des aquifères.
Président et directeur de publication: R.E.
Jackson. UNESCO, 1986. 436 p., fig., tabl.
Français. ISBN 92-3-201886-1.
Prix: 22.87 Euros
Un résumé des aspects théoriques et pratiques de
l’hydrogéologie et de la gestion de la qualité des eaux
souterraines, avec 20 études de cas de pollution des eaux
souterraines générée par des activités agricoles, urbaines,
industrielles ou autres.
Mots-clés: hydrogéologie, pollution, qualité des eaux, eaux
souterraines, aquifères.
N°51. Use of models for river problems.
Prepared for the IHP within Project M-3-5(a)(IHPIV). By M. de Vries. UNESCO, 1993. 85 pp., illus.,
figs. English. ISBN 92-3-102861-8.
Price: 7.62 Euros
By a coherent and self-sufficient overview of the
main theoretical and practical problems of river
modelling, this publication offers a wellbalanced approach to the use of models for
predictions of sufficient accuracy for practical
purposes. It contains the basics needed for the
understanding of fluvial processes, sediment transport, river
morphology and dispersion phenomena, in the context of
simulation by either scale of numerical models. Methods for
the determination of scales for physical models are reviewed
and evaluated, and numerical methods of modelling
discussed. Scale effects in modelling are analyzed and
clues are proposed for the correct interpretation of models
results. Guidance is given for the selection of appropriate
models for solving practical river problems. The interaction
of ice phenomena with alluvial morphology is also reviewed.
The publication is recommended as a useful compendium,
addressed to both users and developers of river models.
river processes, scale models, numerical
models, morphology, sediment transport, dispersion, ice.
Limnology and hydrology of Lake
Victoria. Comprehensive and comparative study
of Great Lakes. IHP-IV Project M-5-1. By Ruud
C.M. Crul. UNESCO, 1995. 80 pp., tables, maps.
English. ISBN 92-3-103198-8.
Price: 11.43 Euros
Lake Victoria is the largest water body on the
African continent. It is the most important
freshwater resources for the people living in
its vicinity and is of vital socio-economic
importance to the region in general. The
threats to the lake are diverse and include
eutrophication and pollution caused by untreated effluents,
oil exploration, recreational activities and reduction of fish
stocks due to overfishing. This monograph presents a
concise and readable review of knowledge obtained over
recent decades on the hydrology and limnology of the lake.
In so doing, it provides a valuable scientific background for
all those involved in the development, planning and
management of this economically and environmentally
important natural resource.
lake, hydrology, limnology, water balance,
hydrodynamics, nutrient dynamics, biotic environment,
IHP Catalogue of Publications – 2003
Limnology and hydrology of Lakes
Tanganyika and Malawi.
Comprehensive and
comparative study of Great Lakes. IHP-IV Project M5-1. By Ruud C.M. Crul. UNESCO, 1997. 112 pp.,
tables, maps. English. ISBN 92-3-103400-6.
Price: 14.48 Euros
This document is an amalgamation of
information collected over the past twenty
years on the limnology and hydrology of
Lakes Tanganyika and Malawi. Information on
geology, climatology, water balance, hydrodynamics, nutrient dynamics and biotic
environment are provided for each lake in an accessible
form, with several figures and diagrams.
bibliographies as well as overviews of the history of
limnological research activities are also included.
This monograph is a companion volume to a previous one on
Lake Victoria published in 1995. Both have been prepared in
the framework of the International Hydrological Programme
(IHP) as a contribution to the improvement of scientific
knowledge of the hydrology and limnology of the Great Lakes
of Africa.
Keywords: limnology, hydrology, Lake Tanganyika, Lake
Malawi, water balance, hydrodynamics, nutrient dynamics,
biotic environment, sediments
Guidelines for conducting water
resources assessment. By Milorad Miloradov
and Prvoslav Marjanovic. UNESCO, 1998. 120
pp., tables, graphs. English. ISBN 92-3-1034766.
Price: 14.48 Euros
This publication is a methodological guide for
understanding water resources assessment
studies as a prerequisite to preparing basic
environmental evaluations, for a wide range of
hydrological considerations.
The first part considers the requirements for water resources
master plans and environmental evaluation studies, including
the spatial and temporal variability of required data, and the
spatial and temporal scales of water resources planning and
management. The second part deals with water resources
management balance and the collection, compilation and
evaluation of required data. The final part presents an
evaluation procedure for ensuring integrated water resources
management balance. This evaluation should be regarded
as the key component of any water resources assessment
Keywords: water resources assessment, water resources
master plans, data collection, water resources balance,
surface water, groundwater, water resources management,
water demand, GIS, cost-benefit analysis, environmental
evaluation system.
one of the key variables for the early detection of possible
man-induced climatic change. The general shrinkage of
mountain glaciers during the 20th century is a major
reflection of the fact that rapid secular change in the energy
balance of the Earth’s surface is taking place on a global
The volume opens with the facsimile of an article written in
1894 by F.-A. Forel, President of the International Glacier
Commission, followed by thematic chapters dealing with
glacier monitoring, data handling, modelling and remotesensing techniques, as well as a selection of regional
accounts. Characteristic examples of glaciers from all
continents are described, including special cases such as the
continental ice sheets.
Keywords: glaciers, glacier mass balance, climate change
management in (semi-)arid regions.
contribution to IHP-IV Project M-1-1b. Prepared
by Henny A.J. van Lanen. UNESCO, 1998. 224
pp., tables, figures, graphs. English. ISBN 92-3103579-7.
Price: 22.11 Euros
This document focuses on groundwater
monitoring in (semi-)arid regions, including
available monitoring tools as well as its
spatial and temporal aspects. Current
possibilities for the storage of collected data
and their processing, including data retrieval
and distribution using groundwater information systems, are
also explained. Although time-independent data such as
elevation, land use, aquifer thickness and lithology are of
major importance for monitoring network design and
interpretation of monitoring data, the document limits itself to
subjects related to the collection of dynamic hydrological
variables and related aspects.
This document is a valuable tool for professional
hydrogeologists. It is a technical guide containing sufficient
information to set up an initial design of a groundwater
monitoring network. The document has two parts: Part I
deals with basic studies and in Part II, case studies are
presented. The general outline for groundwater monitoring in
(semi) arid regions is presented in Chapter 2. It summarizes
and refers to the main issues dealt with in the document,
thereby situating groundwater in the wider context of
groundwater management studies, including groundwater
system identification and modelling.
groundwater, groundwater monitor-ing,
groundwater information systems, groundwater quantity, arid
regions, semi-arid regions, groundwater modelling
N°58. Water resources of hard rock aquifers
in arid and semi-arid zones. Edited by J.W.
Lloyd. UNESCO, 1999. 284 pp., tables, figures.
English. ISBN 92-3-103511-8.
Price: 42.69 Euros
N°56. Into the second century of worldwide
glacier monitoring: prospects and strategies.
Edited by W. Haeberli, M. Hoelzle and S. Suter.
UNESCO, 1998. 227 pp., tables, graphs. English.
ISBN 92-3-103434-0.
Price: 27.44 Euros
International co-ordination of long-term glacier
observations is a century-long tradition that
began in 1894 with the establishment of the
International Glacier Commission in Zürich,
Switzerland. Over the past century, the goals
monitoring have changed somewhat and multiplied. Today,
the evolution of glaciers and ice caps is recognized as being
In 1984, the IHP of UNESCO published
Groundwater in hard rocks (Studies and
Reports in Hydrology N°33), edited by I.
Larsson. The publication provided an
excellent guide to the procedures then in use
for recognizing the presence of groundwater
in igneous and metamorphic terrains and the methods of
resources assessment and exploitation. The publication took
a global view, irrespective of climate. Since 1984, growing
attention has been paid to groundwater resources
development in many parts of the semi-arid and arid areas
where ‘hard rocks’ occur. This has stemmed from a general
progressive formulation of socio-economic plans in the
countries concerned but, in certain instances, notably in
southern Africa, it is the occurrence of drought and the need
Studies and Reports in Hydrology
to create and maintain viable potable water supplies that
have focused attention. In addition, procedures in such fields
as remote sensing, well yield enhancement, numerical
groundwater modelling, etc., have substantially advanced
and beneficially added to the overall appreciation of
groundwater in ‘hard rocks’.
In response to the improving understanding of ‘hard rock’
hydrogeology and investigation techniques, the IHP has
undertaken the present update of the Larrson (1984)
compilation. For this publication, ‘hard rocks’ are defined as
igneous intrusive and metamorphic rocks. Volcanics and
rocks such assedimentary quartzites are not included.
However, to demonstrate the methodology, some hard
fractured limestone conditions are cited. Furthermore, the
publication is directed towards groundwater conditions in
hard rocks in semi-arid and arid areas, (i.e., areas with
annual average precipitationbelow 400-500 mm) although,
for illustrative purposes, data from other climatic areas are
hard rocks, groundwater, arid and semiKeywords:
arid areas, igneous and metamorphic terrains, resources
assessment and exploitation
Management and conservation of the
African Great Lakes (Lakes Victoria, Tanganyika
and Malawi). Comprehensive and comparative
study of Great Lakes. IHP-IV Project M-5-1. By
Ruud C.M. Crul. UNESCO, 1998. 107 pp., tables,
figures. English. ISBN 92-3-103593-2.
Price: 19.06 Euros
This publication is one result of IHP-IV Project
M-5-1 Comprehensive and Comparative Study
of Great Lakes. The African Great Lakes
Working Group of the International Limnological
Society (SIL) collaborated with UNESCO’s IHP
on implementing the various project activities.
The project’s overall objective was to bring together the
knowledge gained over the past 15 years on the limnology
and hydrology of Lakes Victoria, Tanganyika and Malawi. A
comprehensive, comparative study has been made in two
earlier monographs on the individual lakes of Victoria (Crul,
1995, Studies & Reports in Hydrology N°53), Tanganyika and
Malawi (Crul, 1997, Studies & Reports in Hydrology N°54),
while the present publication focuses on the management
and conservation of these same lakes.
The role of limnological and hydrological research in
addressing the management and conservation of these
major inland water bodies is highlighted in these three
monographs. The comparative limnology and hydrology of
the three lakes are discussed and an integrated approach is
elaborated. The three studies in this series may form the
basis for a consensus on the hydrological and limnological
descriptions of these international water systems.
Consequently, it should be easier for the riparian countries to
reach agreement on the use, development, planning and
management of these lakes.
management, Lake Victoria, Lake Tanganyika, Lake Malawi,
hydrodynamics, water balance
IHP Catalogue of Publications – 2003
Out of Print Titles
N°1. The use of analog and digital
Symposium, June 1969. Vols. I and
II. Co-edition IAHS/ UNESCO, 1969.
Bilingual English/French. ISBN 92-3000734-X.
N°2. Water in the unsaturated
Wageningen Symposium, August
1967. Edited by P.E. Rijtema and H.
Wassink. Vols. I and II. Co-edition
English/French. ISBN 92-3-0007331.
N°3. Floods and their computation.
Proceedings of the Leningrad
Symposium, August 1967. Vols. I
and II. Co-edition IAHS/UNESCO,
1969. Bilingual English/French. ISBN
international guide for research and
practice. Edited by C. Toebes and V.
Ouryvaev. UNESCO , 1970. English.
ISBN 92-3-100808-0.
N°4. Les bassins représentatifs et
expérimentaux. Guide international
des pratiques en matière de
recherche. Publié sous la direction
de C. Toebes et V. Ouryvaev.
UNESCO, 1970. Français. ISBN
N°5. Discharge of selected rivers
of the world / Débits de certains
cours d’eau du monde / Caudal de
Vol. I: General and regime
characteristics of stations selected.
UNESCO, 1969. ISBN 92-3-0011649.
Vol. II (Part I): Monthly and annual
discharges recorded at various
selected stations (from start of
observations up to 1964). UNESCO,
Vol. III (Part I): Mean monthly and
extreme discharges (1965-1969).
UNESCO, 1971.
Vol. III (Part II): Mean monthly and
extreme discharges (1969-1972).
UNESCO, 1974. ISBN 92-3-0011789.
Vol. III (Part III): Mean monthly and
extreme discharges (1972-1975).
UNESCO, 1979. ISBN 92-3-0015695.
Vol. III (Part IV): Mean monthly and
extreme discharges (1976-1979).
UNESCO, 1985. 126 pp., tables.
ISBN 92-3-002263-2.
Hydrological Decade stations of
UNESCO, 1969. ISBN 92-3-0007617.
N°7. Groundwater studies. An
international guide for research and
practice. Edited by R.H. Brown, A.A.
Konoplyantsev, J. Ineson, V.S.
Kovalevsky. UNESCO, 1972.
Symposium, September 1969. Vols.
I and II. Co-edition IAHS/ UNESCO,
1970. Bilingual: English/ French.
Hydrology of deltas.
Proceedings of the Bucharest
Symposium, May 1969. Vols. I and II.
Co-edition IAHS/UNESCO, 1970.
Bilingual: English/French.
Status and trends of
research in hydrology, 1965-1974.
N°11. World
water balance.
Proceedings of the Reading Symposium,
UNESCO/ IAHS/WMO, 1972. Vols.
English/French with abstracts in
Spanish and Russian.
N°12. Results of research on
representative and experimental
Proceedings of the
Symposium, December 1970. Vols. I
and II. Co-edition UNESCO/IAHS,
French. ISBN 92-3-001021-9.
N°13. Hydrometry. Proceedings of
the Koblenz Symposium, September
1970. Vols. I and II. Co-edition
Bilingual: English/ French; abstracts
in Spanish and Russian. ISBN 92-3001051-0.
Whetstone and V.J. Grigoriev. Coedition
English. ISBN 92-3-100957-5.
Mathematical models in
hydrology. Proceedings of the
Warsaw Symposium, July 1971.
Vols. I, II and III. Co-edition
Bilingual: English/French. ISBN 923-001031-6.
N°16. Design of water resources
projects with inadequate data.
Symposium, June 1973. Vols. I and
1974. Bi-lingual: English/French with
abstracts in Spanish. ISBN 92-3001137-1.
N°17. Methods for water balance
computation. An international guide
for research and practice. Edited by
A.A. Sokolov and T.G. Chapman.
UNESCO, 1974. English. ISBN 92-3101227-4.
Métodos de cálculo del
balance hídrico. Guía internacional
de investigacíon y métodos. Editada
por Instituto de Hidrología de
Distribucíon exclusiva en España:
Instituto de Hidrología de España,
ISBN 92-3301227-1.
N°18. Hydrological effects of
UNESCO, 1974.
Reports of sub-group on the effects
of urbanization on the hydrological
English. ISBN 92-3-101223-1.
N°19. Hydrology of marsh-ridden
areas. Proceedings of the Minsk
Symposium, June 1972. Co-edition
ISBN 92-3-101264-9.
N°20. Hydrological maps. Coedition
English. ISBN 92-3-101260-6.
N°21. World catalogue of very
large floods. UNESCO, 1976.
ISBN 92-3-001310-2.
Floodflow computation.
Methods compiled from world
experience. By A.A. Sokolov, S.E.
Rantz and M. Roche. UNESCO,
1976. English. ISBN 92-3-101350-5.
N°23. Water quality surveys. A
guide for the collection and
interpretation of water quality data.
Co-edition UNESCO/WHO, 1978.
English. ISBN 92-3-101473-0.
N°24. Effects of urbanization and
hydrological regime and on water
Proceedings of the
Amsterdam Symposium, October
Co-edition UNESCO/IAHS,
ISBN 92-3-001537-7.
N°25. World water balance and
water resources of the earth.
UNESCO, 1978. English. ISBN 923-101497-8.
N°25. Balance hídrico mundial y
recursos hidráulicos de la tierra.
Edited by: Instituto de Hidrología
ISBN 92-3-301497-5.
N°26. Impact of urbanization and
Studies and Reports in Hydrology
Report of the
UNESCO IHP workshop, Zandwoort,
The Netherlands, October 1977.
UNESCO, 1979.
ISBN 92-3-101624-5.
N°27. Socio-economic aspects of
urban hydrology. Based on a report
by G. Lindh. Prepared at a workshop
in Lund, Sweden, under the direction
of R.M. Berthelot. UNESCO, 1979.
English. ISBN 92-3-101702-0.
N°28. Casebook on methods of
changes in the hydrological
regime of river basins due to
human activities. Chairperson: J.H.
English. ISBN 92-3-101798-5.
groundwater interaction. Prepared
by the International Commission on
Groundwater. Edited by C.E. Wright.
UNESCO, 1980. English. ISBN 923-101862-0.
N°30. Aquifer contamination and
protection. Prepared by the IHP
Working Group 8.3. Chairperson and
General Editor: R.E. Jackson.
UNESCO, 1980. English. ISBN 923-101886-8.
N°31. Methods of computation of
the water balance of large lakes
Edited by H.L
and reservoirs.
Ferguson and V.A. Znamensky.
Vol. 1: Methodology. UNESCO,
1981. ISBN 92-3-101906-6.
Vol. II: Case Studies. UNESCO,
1985. ISBN 92-3-102286-5.
N°32. Application of results from
representative and experimental
Prepared by the IHP
Working Group 4.1, Chairperson:
D.N. Body. UNESCO, 1982. English.
ISBN 92-3-101949-X.
N°33. Groundwater in hard rocks.
Project 8.6 of the IHP. Prepared by
the Project Panel Chairperson: I.
Larsson. UNESCO, 1984. English.
ISBN 92-3-101980-5.
Aguas subterráneas en
rocas duras. Proyecto 8.6 del PHI.
Preparado por el Presidente del
Grupo de Trabajo: I. Larsson.
UNESCO, 1986. Español. ISBN 923-301980-2.
N°33. Les eaux souterraines des
roches dures du socle. Projet 8.6
du PHI. Préparé par le Président du
Groupe de travail: I. Larsson.
UNESCO, 1987. Français. ISBN 923-201980-9.
N°34. Groundwater models. Vol.
I: Concepts, problems and methods
of analysis with examples of their
application. Prepared by J. D.
Bredehoeft et al. UNESCO, 1982.
English. ISBN 92-3-102006-4.
N°35. Sedimentation problems in
river basins. Prepared by the IHP
Working Group 5.3. Chairperson: A.
Sundborg. Edited by W.R. White.
UNESCO, 1982. English. ISBN 923-102014-5.
Problèmes d’érosion,
transport solide et sédimentation
dans les bassins versants. Projet
5.3 du PHI présidé par A. Sundborg.
Directeur de publication: W.R. White.
UNESCO 1986. 161 p., ill., tabl.
Français. ISBN 92-3-202014-9.
N°36. Methods of computation of
low stream-flow. Edited by T.A.
McMahon and A. Diaz Arenas.
UNESCO, 1982. English. ISBN 923-102013-7.
Proceedings of the
Leningrad Symposium, September
1979, on specific aspects of
Russian only.
N°42. Water and energy: demand
and effects. Prepared for the IHP by
the US National Committee on
Scientific Hydrology. By G.H. Davis.
UNESCO, 1985. English. ISBN 923-102328-4.
Manual on drainage in
urbanized areas. Edited by W.F.
Geiger, J. Marsalek, W.J. Rawls,
F.C. Zuidema (Chairperson).
Vol. I: Planning and design of
drainage systems. UNESCO, 1987.
203 pp., illus., figs.,tables. English.
ISBN 92-3-102416-7.
Vol. II: Data collection and analysis
for drainage design in urban areas.
UNESCO, 1987. 135 pp., figs.,
tables. English. ISBN 92-3-1025228.
The process of water
resources planning: a systems
approach. Report prepared by the
Project team A.4.3 of the IHP.
(Chairperson), J. Kindler, E.J. Plate.
UNESCO, 1987. ISBN 92-3-1024760.
Methods of hydrological
computation for water projects.
Report prepared by the IHP Working
Group 3.1. Edited by B.S. Eichert, J.
Kindler, G.A. Schultz, A.A. Sokolov
UNESCO, 1982.
English. ISBN 92-3-102005-6.
N°44. El proceso de planificación
de proyectos de recursos hídricos:
un enfoque de sistemas. Proyecto
A 4.3 del PHI.
Directeurs de
publication: Y.Y. Haimes (Président),
J. Kindler, E.J. Plate. UNESCO,
1990. Español. ISBN 92-3-3024768.
N°38. Méthodes de calcul pour les
études hydrologiques concernant
l’aménagement des eaux. Rapport
par le Groupe de travail PHI 3.1.
Directeurs de publication: B.S.
Eichert, J. Kindler, G.A. Schultz, A.A.
Sokolov (Président). UNESCO 1985.
Français. ISBN 92-3-202005-X.
N°45. Groundwater problems in
coastal areas. Prepared by the IHP
Working Group on Changes in the
salt-freshwater balance in deltas,
estuaries and coastal zones due to
structural works and groundwater.
Chairperson: E. Custodio. UNESCO,
1987. English. ISBN 92-3-102415-9.
Hydrological aspects of
Prepared by a joint
UNESCO/WMO Panel. B.A. Beran
UNESCO, 1985. English. ISBN 92-3102288-1.
N°46. The role of water in socioeconomic development. Report 1
of IHP-II Project C1. Prepared for
the IHP by the Working Group on
Heightening awareness of the socioeconomic role of water. Edited by
W.E. Cox.
UNESCO, 1988.
English. ISBN 92-3-102534-1.
N°39. Aspects hydrologiques des
Elaboré par un
Comité conjoint UNESCO/OMM.
Français. ISBN 92-3-202288-5.
N°40. Guidebook to studies of
groundwater withdrawal. Prepared
for the IHP by the orking Group 8.4.
J.F. Poland, Chairperson and Editor.
UNESCO, 1985. English. ISBN 923-102213-X.
N°41. Guide to the hydrology of
carbonate rocks. Report originated
by an IHD Working Group. Updating
and editorial responsibility by P. La
Moreaux, B.M. Wilson and B.A.
Memon. UNESCO, 1984. English.
ISBN 92-3-102206-7.
N°47. Communication strategies
for heightening awareness of
water. Report 2 of IHP-II Project C1.
Prepared for the IHP by the Working
Group on Heightening awareness of
the socio-economic role of water.
Edited by B.S. Sadler. UNESCO,
1987. English. ISBN 92-3-102469-8.
N°48. Casebook of methods for
parameters for water projects.
Prepared for the IHP by the Working
Chairperson: J.W.van der Made.
Editor: M.J. Lowing.
1987. English. ISBN 92-3-102472-8.
Recueil de méthodes de
IHP Catalogue of Publications – 2003
hydrologiques pour les projets
hydrauliques. Préparé pour le PHI
par le Groupe de travail du projet
Président: J.W. van der
Made. Directeur de publication: M.J.
Lowing. UNESCO, 1990. Français.
ISBN 92-3-202472-1.
Hydrology and water
resources of small islands: a
practical guide. A contribution to
IHP-III, Project 4.6. Edited by A.
Falkland. UNESCO, 1991. English.
ISBN 92-3-102753-0.
N°50. Guidelines on the study of
seawater intrusion into rivers.
Prepared for the IHP by the Working
Group of IHP-III Project 4.4b. Edited
by H. van der Tuin. UNESCO, 1991.
138 pp., illus. English. ISBN 92-3102765-4.
N°52. Discharge of selected rivers
of Africa. Débit de certains cours
d’eau d’Afrique. UNESCO, 1995.
Bilingual:English/French. ISBN 92-3003101-1.
Technical Documents in Hydrology
Section II
Technical Documents in Hydrology
To obtain free single copies of available titles in the series, contact:
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See Annex for complete addresses of above UNESCO Regional Offices.
Available Titles
Moisture transport in the atmosphere over the
UNESCO, 1981. English. (SC.81/WS/74).
Education in hydrology. Proceedings of the
international workshop on hydrological education,
Smolenice, Czechoslovakia, 16-19 September
1980. Edited by J. Paci. UNESCO/ Czechoslovak
Committee for Hydrology, 1981. English.
Hydrological characteristics of selected rivers
of the world. By T.A. McMahon. UNESCO,
1982. English. (SC.82/WS/51).
Relationship between natural water quality
and health. By T.H.Y. Tebbut. UNESCO, 1983.
English. (SC.83/WS/11).
International legend for
The application of mathematical models of
water quality and pollutant transport: an
international survey. By P.G. Whitehead. IHP-II
Project A.1.7.1.
UNESCO, 1984.
Application of remote sensing to hydrology
including groundwater. By Eric Farnsworth,
E.C. Barrett and M.S. Dhanju. IHP-II Project A-15. UNESCO, 1984. English.
1983. English.
Application of stochastic methods to the
study of aquifer systems. By J. Ganoulis and
H. Morel-Seytoux.
Project IHP-II A.1.9.2.
UNESCO, 1985. English. (SC.85/WS/5).
Recent developments in erosion and sediment
yield studies. By R.F. Hadley, R. Lal, C.A.
Onstad, D.E. Walling and A. Yair. IHP-II Project
A.1.3.1. UNESCO, 1985. English.
Long-term monitoring of natural and manmade changes in the hydrological regime and
related ecological environments. IHP-II Project
A.3.1. By R.F. Hadley. UNESCO, 1985. English.
International colloquium on the role of microcomputers in hydraulic and hydrological
research and education (Delft, 14-15 June
1984). Edited by A. Vervey, Principal Rapporteur
of IHP-III Project 15.1(b).
UNESCO, 1985.
Scenarios for the preparation of guidance and
audio-visual material for planners and
decision-makers. By G. Lindh. IHP-III Project
12.1(b). UNESCO, 1986.
Energy policies and strategies for water
resources development.
Preliminary report.
Prepared by A.C.Tatit Holtz, Principal rapporteur,
S.G. Hildebrand, E. Tondevold, A. Rodruiguez
Fontal. IHP-III Project 12.2. UNESCO, 1986.
English. (SC.86/WS/47).
River response to hydraulic structures. By the
Editorial Group on IHP-II Project A.3.8: S.
Raynov, D. Pechinov, Z. Kopaliani. Edited by
raduate courses in hydrology. 7 ed. UNESCO,
1986. (SC.86/WS/21).
IHP Catalogue of Publications – 2003
Study of groundwater and soil moisture
movement by applying nuclear, physical and
chemical methods. By H. Moser, W. Rauert, G.
Morgenschweis and H. Zojer. IHP-II Project
A.1.6. UNESCO, 1986. English. (SC.87/WS/1).
Human influences on hydrological behavior:
an international literature survey. Edited by N.
Arnell. IHP-III Project 6.1. UNESCO, 1989.
Hydrological aspects of land disposal of
radioactive waste. By M.S. Bedinger. IHP-III
Project 8.2(c). UNESCO, 1987. English.
documentary and information systems. Edited
by P. Nieuwenhuysen.
IHP-III Project 17.1.
UNESCO, 1989. English. (SC.89/WS/49).
Water utilization and conservation techniques
navigational and energy uses. By A. Calcagno.
IHP-III Project 11.2. English, UNESCO, 1987.
Advances in remote sensing for hydrology
and water resources management. By G.A.
Schultz and E. Barrett.
IHP-III Project 5.1.
UNESCO, 1989. English. (SC.89/WS/52).
Role of groundwater in the hydrological cycle
and in continental water balance. By I.K.
Zektser and R.G. Dzhamalov. IHP-III Project 2.3.
UNESCO, 1988. English.
Single-well and multi-well nuclear tracer
techniques: a critical review. By J.W. Drost.
IHP-III Project 5.2. UNESCO, 1989. English.
Evaluation of the UNESCO-sponsored postgraduate courses in hydrology and water
resources. By N.B. Ayibotele, with contributions
from L.J. Mostertman and U. Maniak. IHP-III
Project 13.1.
UNESCO, 1988.
Use of data on atmospheric moisture
transport over continents and large river
basins for the estimation of water balances
and other purposes. By L.P. Kuznetsova. IHPIII Project 1.1.
UNESCO, 1990.
Proceedings of the colloquium on information
systems for water-related users. Organized by
the IHP Belgian National Committee. IHP-III
Project 17.1. UNESCO, 1988. English.
Metals and metalloids in the hydrosphere:
impact through mining and industry, and
prevention technology. Proceedings of an IHP
Workshop, Bochum, FRG, 21-25 September
1987. Edited by G. Strigel. UNESCO, 1988.
English. (SC.88/WS/68).
Hydrology of mountainous areas. Proceedings
of an international workshop sponsored by
Pleso, Czechoslovakia, 6-11 June 1988).
UNESCO/Czech Committee for Hydrology, 1988.
Atmospheric moisture, its transfer and phase transitions,
plays an important role in climatic systems and the
hydrological cycle. The information on atmospheric moisture
and its circulation is of practical use for estimating the effects
of large-scale water reclamation, air and water pollution, for
long-term forecasting of climate and water regimes; this
information is most important for water balance computations
based on the combined solution of atmospheric and river
basin water balance equations. The detailed description of
atmospheric moisture based on aerological observations
improves our knowledge not only of the atmospheric branch
of the hydrological cycle, but also of the whole cycle. The
purpose of the publication is to review new information on
atmospheric water content and transport in connection with
water-balance computation. During 1986-1987, the IHP
Secretariat received, through the IHP National Committees of
Australia, Brazil, Canada, China, the USA and the ex-USSR,
a number of publications on the theme of IHP-III Project 1.1.
In addition, China and the USSR presented special reports
on the project. The publication gives a short summary of
these national contributions.
Técnicas de utilización y conservación de los
recursos hídricos para usos domésticos e
industriales y para la agricultura, la
navegación y la energía. Por A.T. Calcagno.
UNESCO, 1989. Español.
Model curriculum for short-term training
courses for senior hydrology technicians. By
U. Maniak. IHP-III Project 14.1(a). UNESCO,
1989. English. (SC.89/WS/16).
Methodology for distinguishing between
man’s influence and climatic effects on the
hydrological cycle. By J.C. Refsgaard, W.M.
Alley and V.S. Vuglinsky. IHP-III Project 6.3.
UNESCO, 1989. English. (SC.89/WS/22).
The use of environmental isotope techniques
in arid zone hydrology: a critical review. By J.
Ch. Fontes and W.M. Edmunds. IHP-III Project
5.2. UNESCO, 1989. English. (SC.89/WS/33).
large river basins, climate, atmospheric
moisture, water balance.
The use of nuclear techniques in sediment
transport and sedimentation problems. By M.J.
Crickmore, G.S. Tazioli, P.G. Appleby and F.
Oldfield. IHP-III Project 5.2. UNESCO, 1990.
English. (SC.90/WS/49).
The aim of this report is a critical review of the impact of
nuclear techniques for the solution of specific hydrological
problems. The review considers three nuclear techniques
that have contributed to our understanding of sedimentary
processes. The three categories are quite distinct and
separate chapters are devoted to each. First, the utilization of
nucleonic transmission and backscatter probes is described:
on the one hand, for gauging temporal variations in the high
suspended sediment charges of water courses; and on the
other, for the spatial mapping of soft bed deposits.
Secondly, the role that artificial radio-isotopes can plan as
sediment tracers to reveal the behaviour of silt, sand and
gravel is developed. Thirdly, the contributions that lead-210
Technical Documents in Hydrology
dating and artificial fallout studies can make in establishing
the time scale of recent sedimentation is assessed. The
detailed review of the nuclear techniques is prefaced by a
brief account of the different hydraulic/ sedimentological
interactions operating in river, estuarine and coastal
environments and the state-of-the-art with regard to
traditional non-nuclear acquisition of relevant sedimentary
data by direct measurement or by deduction from hydraulic
continue and to expand hydrological education and to make it
a truly worldwide movement both in industrialized and
developing countries.
Keywords: International Hydrological Decade, International
Hydrological Programme, educational programmes in
hydrology, hydrology courses.
Keywords: sedimentary processes, rivers, estuaries, lakes,
sediment transport, nuclear gauging, tracer methods, radioisotopes, dating with isotopes, artificial fallout isotopes.
Integrated planning and management of water
resources. Guidance material for courses for
engineers, planners and decision-makers. Edited
by S. Dyck. IHP-III Project 14.3. UNESCO, 1990.
English. (SC.90/WS/53).
This report is the result of IHP-III Project 14.3. It includes
the analysis of a questionnaire which was sent to 200
universities around the world in order to ascertain the status
of their education programmes. It contains the following
Contents and methods of education in water resources
planning and management;
Objectives of education for integrated planning and
management of water resources for engineers, planners
and decision-makers;
The spectrum of education in water management;
Present state of educational programmes (analysis of a
questionnaire about programmes and courses related to
the integrated planning and management of water
Keywords: water resources management, water resources
planning, education.
The report describes the 6 regional training course for
hydrology technicians held in Harare, Zimbabwe, from 10
January to 6 April 1990. The annexes contain lists of
teaching staff, participants, lectures and seminars and also a
detailed evaluation of the training course by the trainees.
Keywords: hydrology technicians, training courses, course
syllabus, evaluation.
The report was prepared by the IHP-III working group for
Project 14.1(c) whose long-term objective was to establish
self-supporting systems for the training of hydrology
technicians within the countries themselves. It contains the
following chapters:
Training of hydrology technicians through their
The target group (definition of terms, motivation of the
Structure of the training programme (phases of training
programme, schemes of instruction);
Recent developments in training of supervisors/
Sequence of critical events during training;
A proposal for a training course for supervisors/
Outlook (annexes on the training materials, proposed
structure and proposed detailed timetable).
training, hydrology technicians, training of
teachers and supervisors of technicians, structure of training
programmes, training units, model training course.
UNESCO/NORAD 6 regional training course
for hydrology technicians, Harare (Zimbabwe),
1990. Final report. UNESCO, 1990. English.
25 years of UNESCO’s programme in
Compiled by W.H. Gilbrich. UNESCO, 1991.
English. (SC.91/WS/5).
The report provides a historical record of the contribution of
the IHP to hydrological education. The figures related to
UNESCO’s hydrological education programme are quite
impressive: over fifty meetings, two dozen publications, more
than a hundred experts participating in working groups and
panels, and approximately ten thousand participants in
training programmes. Hydrological education has become a
worldwide concern, from on-the-job training to formal
education, from the technician level to summer schools for
professors, from pure classical hydrology to its variations in
geology, agriculture, meteorology, geography, engineering,
biology, chemistry, environmental subjects, etc. The report
is also intended to encourage teachers, organizers, donors,
institutions, Member States and international organizations to
Effective on-the-job training in hydrology. A
guide for supervisors of hydrology technicians.
By R. Allaburton. IHP-III Project 14.1(c).
UNESCO, 1991. English. (SC.91/WS/6).
Integrated land-use planning and groundwater
protection in rural areas. A comparative study
of planning and management methodologies.
IHP-III Project 10.6. UNESCO, 1991. English.
Prepared by the Project Working Group of the
Groundwater Protection Commission of the International
Association of Hydrogeologists (IAH), this document deals
mainly with the qualitative aspects of groundwater resources
protection resulting from inadequate land-use management.
Quantitative depletion of groundwater resources is also
covered, showing falling groundwater levels due to overdevelopment of aquifers as the most common problem. But
the consequences of poor management and uncontrolled
land-use on groundwater quality are much more complex,
long-term and very difficult to remedy. Land-use planning in
relation to groundwater protection is seen as a dynamic
process, within which hierarchical interests may conflict and
priorities change in terms of time and space. The need to
balance land-use needs and groundwater protection is
discussed as well as the consequences of land-use on
groundwater resources; data requirements and database
management; land-use planning and groundwater protection
management; legislation and regulations; implementation of
groundwater protection management; and public information
and education.
groundwater management, legislation, data management,
public information, land-use.
Information related to water and the
environment: databases available online and
on CD-ROM. By F. Provost, P. Nieuwenhuysen
and W.W. de Mes. IHP-IV Project M-2-1 and M2-2. UNESCO, 1992. English.
IHP Catalogue of Publications – 2003
This document includes a directory of water-related
databases. It is divided into two categories: the CD-ROM
databases and accessible online databases.
databases, including full-text, bibliographic, referral and
numeric databases are considered. The document
demonstrates the wide variety of water-related databases
available. Each database has its own literature sources but
there is extensive overlapping of sources between
Keywords: databases, mega databases, online databases,
water databases, CD-ROM.
Recommendations to water-related database
designers aiming at bibliographic database
design and creation based on the Micro
CDS/ISIS and CCF. By M. Sicevic. IHP-IV
Project M-2-1.
UNESCO, 1992.
These recommendations are intended to assist database
designers in the water field who are confronted with the
problem of designing a bibliographic database using the
micro CDS/ISIS software and the international standard
exchange format CCF. They include:
methodological aspects of a bibliographic database
design including the aspects pertaining to the possibility
of an international exchange of information;
a very concise survey of the most prominent features of
the CDS/ISIS software;
the same type of survey for the standard exchange
format CCF;
an assessment of the fitness of the CDS/ISIS software
from the CCF;
the design of a model database based on data
elements defined by the CCF and on the micro
CDS/ISIS as a software tool.
bibliographic databases, database design,
water-related databases, micro CDS/ISIS software, Common
Communication Format (CCF), standard exchange format,
information exchange.
processes of contaminant transformation and
transport in river and lake systems. By G.
Jolánkai. IHP-IV Project H-3-2. UNESCO, 1992.
English. (SC.93/WS/15).
This state-of-the-art report presents a study of the
hydrological, chemical and biological processes of
contaminant transformation and transport in river and lake
systems. It adopts a practical control- and managementoriented systems analysis approach presenting mathematical
and computational tools to support decision-making in
managing the aquatic environment. Basic formulae for
transport and transformation processes are derived on the
basis of conservation of mass and continuity considerations.
Transport and transformation processes in streams are
discussed. Multi-parameter stream water quality models are
examined in the light of the capabilities of some of the early
model systems, thus presenting some of the most widely
used methods of describing the details of the oxygen
household processes, including nitrification, photosynthesis,
benthic oxygen demand, etc. Modelling of stream transport
processes with special regard to dispersion and mixing is
presented in detail including sample applications of
numerical solutions to the advection-dispersion equation.
The section on hydrological processes deals essentially
with the non-point source pollution problem. Processes of
land-runoff generation (precipitation, interception, infiltration,
evapo-transpiration) are discussed along with their role in the
fate of the contaminants. The quantification possibilities of
run-off induced pollution loads are examined, with an overall
review of the processes involved. Conclusions on the
possibilities and limitations of quantifying (modelling)
pollutant transport and transformation processes are
Keywords: aquatic systems, stream processes, pollutant
transformation and transport, lakes and reservoirs,
eutrophication, non-point source pollution.
International seminar on the hydrology of
large flatlands. Proceedings of the Buenos
Aires Seminar (November 1989).
Edited by
M.C.F. Mejia. UNESCO, 1993. Bilingual English/
This volume represents the proceedings of the
international seminar on the “Hydrology of Flatlands” held in
Buenos Aires, Argentina, in November 1989. It contains 90
papers presented at the seminar. Large flatlands are the
habitat of a great part of the world population and many of
them supply food for human consumption. Their study,
therefore, is very important in planning their use. The first
chapter includes some of the papers dealing with the
knowledge of the flatland by means of case examples and
theoretical developments and models. Importance was given
to the quantification of real evapotranspiration, one of the
problems where great progress has been made, although
with insufficient results. Evapotranspiration is directly linked
to the understanding of the biological problems of vegetation
studies by botanical scientists, another problem dealt with by
the seminar. The seminar also included a discussion on soil
and water management in large flatlands. The papers
showed the results of the application of agrotechnical
practices - known as microhydraulics - which, together with
macrohydraulics, are very helpful in solving problems
originating from large floods. Moreover, if these practices
are applied in carefully-selected areas, the occurrence of
such floods may be prevented.
resources management.
Education systems for hydrology technicians.
By M. Bruen. IHP-IV Project E-1.1. UNESCO,
1993. English. (SC.93/WS/23).
Based on the data collected from a large number of
regional and national training courses for hydrology
technicians, an analysis has been made on how to assess
training needs and plan human resources at the level of
hydrology technicians. Various training systems have been
described ranging from on-the-job training to formal
continuous courses. For potential course organizers logistics
have been elaborated covering all organizational aspects.
Case studies demonstrate applications. Advice is given on
how to prepare, organize and execute the various forms of
technician training.
Keywords: technician training, human resource planning,
training requirements, on-the-job training, ad hoc courses,
field training, classroom training, course logistics, course
organization, course budget.
Workshop Sediment Quality. Fifth international
symposium on river sedimentation (Karlsruhe,
1992). Edited by P. Larsen and N. Eisenhauer.
UNESCO, 1993. English. (SC.93/WS/24).
While symposia on river hydraulics traditionally concentrate
on the quantitative aspects of sediment transport, the
Technical Documents in Hydrology
attention of hydrologists and environmentalists is now turning
towards the quality of sediments as both carriers and
potential sources of contaminants in aquatic systems.
Contaminated sediment in suspension and the activation of
chemical processes in polluted bed sediments due to resuspension may have significant impact on the aquatic
environment. When deposited on the land, sediment may
also affect groundwater quality and agricultural production.
Responding to the new needs, sediment quality was put on
the programme of the River Sedimentation Symposium in
Karlsruhe as the theme of a workshop chaired by Prof Ulrich
Sediment quality criteria are discussed in the introductory
paper prepared by the Chairperson and his collaborators,
from both the pragmatic and fundamental points of view.
Illustrative case studies are presented in the papers of
several authors, dealing with a variety of subjects such as
comparison of sediment quality in impounded and nonimpounded river sections, heavy metal pollution of
sediments, phosphorus relationships, sediment quality
downstream from dams and mathematical modelling of
cohesive sediments influencing oxygen demand.
publication is a useful guide for research on sediment quality.
Keywords: river sedimentation, water quality, contaminant
transport, contamination, groundwater quality, interface
zones, monitoring, biological impact, heavy metal pollution.
Continuing education in hydrology. By A. van
der Beken. IHP-IV Project E-4-1. UNESCO,
1993. English. (SC.93/WS/27).
The report describes the aims and objectives of continuing
education. It puts emphasis on the importance of the
trainee’s motivation and self-commitment. It discusses the
forms and methods applied as well as the supporting
techniques. The report deals with the role of continuing
education in national development and in the overall national
education policy. It provides a description of the framework
to be used when planning and putting into practice continuing
education schemes. It also contains a synthesis of the
pedagogical and technical problems related to continuing
Keywords: hydrological education, continuing education,
pedagogical methods, learning techniques, self-learning,
teaching techniques, teaching aids.
Hydrological basis of ecologically sound
management of soil and groundwater. Report
of the UNESCO-ICGW Working Group to IHP-IV
Project M-3-1. Edited by H.P. Nachtnebel, K.
Kovar and Z. Zuidema.
UNESCO, 1993.
English. (SC.93/WS/44).
The report summarizes the main findings and conclusions
of the IHP-IV Project M-3-1 (Hydro-ecological models and
bio-monitoring for environmental evaluation and prediction of
impacts of natural and man-made changes and hydroecological classification of fresh water bodies) Working
Group that met during the IAHS Symposium held in Vienna
in 1991, responding to an urgent need to link hydrology and
ecology. Co-operation between hydrologists and ecologists
is essential for determining the quantitative parameters of the
hydrological regimes requires for ecological studies, in order
to provide a decision tool for evaluating human impacts on
The publication contains the abstracts of 36 papers
presented during the symposium. The papers were critically
assessed by members of the IHP-IV Working Group
established for Project M-3-1. The main conclusions of the
four review papers are presented as guidelines for further
research, aiming at a better understanding of relationships
between groundwater hydrology and soil ecology, the
selection of appropriate monitoring methods and the
development of eco-hydrological models for soil and
groundwater management. The publication is a valuable
reference for scientists and water resources engineers
involved or wishing to know more about the emerging new
discipline of ecohydrology.
Keywords: hydrogeology, ecology, ecohydrology, biological
indicators, interface zones, groundwater, soil ecology,
monitoring networks, modelling.
Curricula and syllabi for hydrology in
university education. By U. Maniak. IHP-IV
Project E-2-1. UNESCO, 1993. English.
Based on the analysis of a great number of hydrology
courses taught at university level, curricula and syllabi for the
instruction of hydrology have been developed for three
streams of differing intensity. Stream I contains courses
where hydrology is only an auxiliary subject. Stream II
constitutes instruction where hydrology is the dominating,
essential subject. Streams I and II have been developed for
a number of scientific disciplines, from civil engineering
through geology, geography, biology, agriculture and forestry
to meteorology. Stream III constitutes a fully-fledged study
programme leading to a degree in hydrology.
publication gives advice regarding duration, structure and
contents of hydrology and hydrology-related courses. The
proposed programmes should be regarded as a preliminary
structure which can be adapted according to local needs.
undergraduate education, study periods,
disciplines, model curricula, model syllabi, masters courses,
fully-fledged hydrology courses, graduation.
Summary review of available models for
groundwater flow and contaminant migration.
Proceedings of the workshop on hydrological
impact of nuclear power plant systems (Paris, 2325 September 1992). By F. Quercia. UNESCO,
1993. English. (SC.94/WS/3).
Accidental radioactive releases from nuclear power plants
(NPPs) contaminate groundwater directly, by spilling on the
surface and then slowly infiltrating into the ground, and also
through the atmosphere, reaching wide distances from the
site. From the hydrogeological point of view, a favorable site
for a NPP is where the risk of interaction with major aquifers
is minimum and where the path and time of transit of
potential contamination from the site to the users is
predictable with a fair degree of confidence. The introductory
chapter of the publication comprises an overview of relevant
hydrogeological factors and an outline of the main
hydrogeological investigations, followed by a brief review of
available codes for the simulation of the pertinent
phenomena. Twenty-three selected codes are then shortly
described and classified according to their simulation
capability, popularity (i.e., number of users, tests and real
cases where the respective codes were applied), and
availability of documentation. The selected models are listed
in a synoptic table showing their key features and fields of
application. The publication offers a useful guidance to those
who are interested in the siting of NPPs and wish to know
more about the available codes for the modelling of relevant
groundwater phenomena.
groundwater flow, contaminant transport,
models, radioactive releases, nuclear power.
Curriculum for long-term training of hydrology
technicians. By T. Winkler. IHP-IV Project E-11. UNESCO, 1994. English.
IHP Catalogue of Publications – 2003
This report describes the structure and contents of a
training programme for hydrology technicians in Canada.
The Canadian model contains both indoor and outdoor
training as well as a career development programme which
allows monitoring of the training activity. Stress has been
given to the linkage between theory, laboratory and field
demonstrations and the application of knowledge and skills in
practice. The report has been conceived in such a way as to
demonstrate its applicability to other countries after
adaptation to local conditions.
This long-term training
programme completes the report entitled Model curriculum
for short-term training courses for senior hydrology
technicians, by U. Maniak, published in the same series
(UNESCO, 1989).
Keywords: technician training, training requirements, field
training, classroom training, course logistics, course
organization, course schedules.
Programme de formation à long terme des
techniciens en hydrologie. Par T. Winkler.
PHI-IV Projet E-1-1. UNESCO, 1994. Français.
Ce rapport décrit la structure et le contenu d’un programme
canadien de formation de techniciens en hydrologie. Ce
programme comporte des activités en établissement et à
l’extérieur ainsi qu’un plan de carrière permettant de
contrôler la formation. L’accent a été mis sur l’articulation
entre la théorie, les travaux pratiques en laboratoire et sur le
terrain et l’application pratique des connaissances et des
compétences. Le rapport à été conçu de manière que le
programme peut être mis en oeuvre dans d’autres pays
après adaptation aux conditions locales.
Ce programme de formation à long terme complète le
rapport Model curriculum for short-term training courses
for senior hydrology technicians, par U. Maniak, publié
par l’UNESCO, en anglais seulement, dans la même série
(UNESCO, 1989).
Mots clés: formation des techniciens, besoins de formation,
formation sur le terrain, formation classique, matériels de
Séminaire international annuel du Groupe
AMHY de FRIEND (Lyon, octobre 1991).
Compte-rendu N° 2 1992-1993. Projet PHI-IV H5-5. UNESCO, 1994. Bilingual: French/English.
This document represents the report of the first annual
seminar of the FRIEND/AMHY (Alpine and Mediterranean
Hydrology) Group which met in Lyon, France, in October
1991. The following countries participated in the AMHY
Group: Bulgaria, France, Italy, Poland, Romania, Spain,
Switzerland, UK and the former State of Yugoslavia.
Participants from other countries also attended the seminar.
The report contains a general introduction on the FRIEND
project, information on the launching of FRIEND AMHY, a
study of the Western and Northern FRIEND Group, the
detailed programme of the seminar and the conclusions of
the working groups.
FRIEND, database, hydrological regimes,
desertification, floods, low flow, precipitation.
Hydrological education during the fourth IHP
phase (1990-1995). Compiled by W.H. Gilbrich.
UNESCO, 1994. English. (SC.94/WS/25).
An essential part of the activities during the Fourth Phase
of the IHP (1990-1995) was devoted to education and
training. The report describes the efforts of the committees
and working groups established and it critically reviews the
results achieved in terms of publications and training
While work at technician level and for
postgraduates can be considered classical in IHP, the Fourth
Phase introduced guidance materials at undergraduate level
and for continuing education. Innovations such as CAL
(Computer-Assisted Learning) anticipate forthcoming work
during the Fifth Phase of the IHP.
The report is
complementary to a description of IHD/IHP educational
activities since the inception of these programmes by
UNESCO and gives a full account of all meetings held as
well as persons involved.
Keywords: hydrological education, IHP Fourth Phase,
education materials, hydrology technicians, undergraduates,
postgraduates, continuing education.
Postgraduate education in hydrology. A stateof-the-art report. By P. Kovar and W.H. Gilbrich.
IHP-IV Project E-3-1. UNESCO, 1995. English.
The report describes the aims and objectives of
postgraduate education in hydrology and water resources. It
analyzes the development of postgraduate education over
the past thirty years and the relationships between
undergraduate university education and postgraduate
training, followed by an evaluation of the present situation.
Postgraduate education is rapidly expanding and the report
tries to develop ideas concerning future trends with regard to
both the contents and forms of postgraduate education. The
report also deals with course evaluation and the value of
postgraduate training. In order to assist planners and
organizers of courses an attempt has been made to discuss
the problems encountered with the manpower market.
Keywords: hydrology, postgraduate education, courses,
hydrology trends, hydrology curricula, manpower market.
A bibliography of Lake Victoria (East Africa).
By R.C.M. Crul, G.T. Silvestre, D.J. Postma,
M.J.P. van Oijen, T.O. Acere and G. Bongers.
IHP-IV Project M-5-1. UNESCO, 1995. English.
The bibliography is a compilation of both scientific and
popular references relating to Lake Victoria. It includes
2,180 bibliographic references covering several disciplines
including hydrology, limnology, climate, history and
geography, botany and zoology with emphasis on fish and
fisheries. The bibliographic references, up to 1990, are listed
in alphabetical order and are also classified according to
discipline to facilitate information search and retrieval. The
bibliography was prepared within the framework of the
International Hydrological Programme (IHP) of UNESCO,
project M-5-1 related to ‘Comprehensive and Comparative
Study of the Great Lakes of Africa’.
Keywords: hydrology, limnology, Lake Victoria, botany,
zoology, fish, fisheries, climate.
The global water cycle and the greenhouse
Outlines and implications of
macroscale water-vapour dynamics. By K.
Szesztay. IHP-IV Project H-1-1. UNESCO, 1995.
English. (SC.95/WS/22).
On a global scale the atmosphere is a closed water-vapour
reservoir of dynamic nature strongly linked with the
greenhouse effect. This interrelation is approached from two
aspects: (i) a semi-empirical simulation procedure which
describes the internal relations between the vapour-pressure
variations at the earth’s surface, within the unsaturated near-
Technical Documents in Hydrology
surface layers and at the cloud base; (ii) an analytical
description of the effect of changing the earth’s surface
temperature on the vertical vapour pressure gradients which
throws some light on the feedback mechanism linking
evaporation from the earth’s surface and the formation of
precipitation. Combining the results of the two approaches a
macroscale precipitation formula is derived and criteria are
formulated for vertical vapour flux equilibrium. Applying these
criteria, together with simplified solutions of computational
details, tentative data on the major constituents of the global
water-vapour cycle are reconstructed and compared with
each other and with earlier results available for a wide range
of the greenhouse effect. The application of global and
macroscale water-vapour dynamics in combination with other
approaches of climate research appear to offer definite
possibilities for future research.
Keywords: greenhouse gases, global and macroscale water
vapour dynamics and gradients, atmospheric physics and
Enqûete archivistique sur le climat. Par C.
Dhérent et G. Petit-Renaud. UNESCO, 1995.
Français. (SC.95/WS/23).
La quantité et la fiabilité des données d’observation et
autres données disponibles pour l’étude de la variabilité et
des changements climatiques passés et présents sont
déterminantes pour une connaissance du climat placée dans
une perspective mondiale.
L’utilisation régulière de
méthodes scientifiques d’observation des paramètres
climatiques et météorologiques à l’échelle mondiale est
relativement récente. Il est donc nécessaire de compléter
ces observations en faisant appel à diverses sources de
données climatologiques, y compris, par exemple, celles qui
résultent de l’examen des anneaux annuels des arbres ou
des analyses isotopiques.
Les sources documentaires ont déjà été utilisées de façon
sporadique. Les sources écrites sont parfois d’anciennes
mesures faites à l’aide d’instruments et les informations
qu’elles fournissent sont donc souvent de nature qualitative.
Elles offrent cependant la possibilité d’étudier les fluctuations
climatiques sur une période remontant au-delà des 100 ans
d’observations météorologiques effectuées à la surface du
globe terrestre. Une étude conjointe menée depuis 1990 par
plusieurs organisations internationales (CIA, CIUS,
UNESCO, OMM) a abouti à la réalisation d’une étude
d’archives sur l’histoire du climat. Le présent rapport décrit
les differentes phases de cette étude, les méthodes de
recherche utilisées et les résultats préliminaires obtenus
dans une zone circonscrite d’Europe. L’utilisation à des fins
climatologiques des données d’archives est aussi décrite.
Mots clés: changement planétaire, climatologie, données
supplétives, archives.
Keywords: climate change, Holocene, hydrological impacts.
New tasks due to an ever-increasing world population, a
rapid depletion of many natural resources and indications of
global changes (climatic, etc.) are emerging. These
developments have brought about significant changes in all
fields of science and engineering. The International
Association for Hydraulic Research (IAHR) and UNESCO,
through its International Hydrological Programme, therefore
saw a definite need to assess the present and future roles for
hydraulic engineers in the service of mankind, and a
consequent need to consider the status of education of the
hydraulic engineer of the future. A joint panel was
established in 1991 and was charged to describe the
functions and broadening scope of hydraulic engineering, to
indicate present trends of development and to articulate the
implications for education. The present report of this panel
also addresses young people and students for a general
orientation to the profession they are about to enter.
The report was distributed, presented and discussed at a
seminar at the XXV Congress of the IAHR in Tokyo, Japan,
August 1993. Comments on the report and reactions to a
questionnaire concerning it have been incorporated into the
final version. The report contains in concentrated form the
rationale needed by the planners of engineering curricula,
from which universities and educational institutions worldwide
can search for that set of objectives which suits each
institution and its country best. Of special importance is the
attention given to long term global responsibilities,
condensed in the concept of sustainability.
Keywords: hydraulics, hydraulic engineering, education.
Impacts of climate variations on water
management and related socio-economic
systems. By A.S. Issar. IHP-IV Project H-2-1.
UNESCO, 1995. English. (SC.95/WS/26).
This document synthesizes evidence of climate changes
which have taken place from the Pleistocene through to the
Holocene. The author draws on material from archeology,
environmental isotopes to reconstruct this synthesis of
climate change. The author argues that the understanding of
recent climatic changes is necessary to project possible
future trends of present climate systems and for the
calibration of GCMs (General Circulation Models). The
monograph provides a succinct summary of climate change
during the Holocene and an analysis of possible hydrological
impacts in the Circum-Mediterranean region, the Sahara and
Sahel belt of Africa, Europe, West Asia, North America, and
the Southern Hemisphere.
Rencontres hydrologiques franco-roumaines.
Contribution au PHI organisée par les Comités
nationaux français et roumain de l’AISH et du
PHI, Tulcea (Roumanie), 6-9 septembre 1993.
Edité par J.P. Carbonnel, P. Serban, P. Hubert et
H. Bendjoudi.
UNESCO, 1996.
These proceedings contain the abstracts of the joint
scientific meeting of the French and Romanian IHP National
Keywords: hydrology, water resources management.
Education of hydraulic engineers. By H. Kobus,
E. Plate, H.W. Shen and A. Szöllösi-Nagy. Coedition UNESCO/IAHR UNESCO, 1996. English.
Global river discharge database (RivDIS v1.0).
Vols. 0 to VI. Compiled by C.J. Vörösmarty, B.
Fekete and B.A. Tucker. IHP-V Theme 1.
UNESCO, 1996. English. (SC.96/WS/26).
Consisting of 7 volumes, this Global Hydrological Archive
and Analysis System (GHAAS) is a major contribution to
IHP-V Theme 1 from the University of New Hampshire,
Institute for the Study of Earth, Oceans and Space and
sponsored by NASA, the US National Science Foundation
and the Department of Energy. An important part of the
GHAAS holdings was derived from the UNESCO river
archives, dating back to the inception of the International
Hydrological Decade (1965-74).
One of the purposes of this compilation is to provide
discharge data from the original UNESCO publication The
discharge of selected rivers of the world in a digital format
that can be easily acquired and analyzed by researchers and
planners in the water sciences community. In addition to the
original Selected discharges books, additional information
IHP Catalogue of Publications – 2003
was compiled by the Global Runoff Data Centre (GRDC),
Koblenz. This has resulted in encode data for 949 discharge
monitoring stations. For each gauging station the following
data summary are given: geographic co-ordinates,
observation period, total months, annual discharge (m /s,
km /yr), annual runoff (mm/yr), monthly means for
observation period, and flow duration curve.
UNESCO and GRDC river archives, river
gauging station co-ordinates, observation period, annual
discharge, annual runoff (depth equivalent), mean monthly
discharge, flow duration curve.
From this point onwards,
titles in the series are numbered.
N°1. Variations of snow and ice in the past
and at present on a global and regional scale.
Edited by V.M. Kotlyakov. IHP-IV Project H-4-1.
UNESCO, 1996. 78 pp. English. (SC.96/WS/ 13).
Under the guidance of the International Commission for
Snow and Ice - ICSI (which plays a major role in
implementing the IHP component connected with snow and
ice hydrology), this multi-authored document summarizes the
achievements in snow and ice research during the 19871991 ICSI Bureau session. Subsequently, the manuscript
was further revised with the assistance of M. Kuhn in the
period 1992-1995. The structure of the document is as
follows: (i) New data on global snow and ice resources (V.M.
Kotlyakov); (ii) Global changes over the latest climate cycle
according to ice core data (V.M. Kotlyakov); (iii) Mass
balance of Antarctica and sea level change (Ch. Bentley); (iv)
The problem of surge-type glaciers (A.F. Glazovskiy); (v)
Fluctuations of mountain glaciers (W. Haeberli); (vi) Specific
features of snow and ice regime under the conditions of
Central Asia (K. Higuchi, Y. Ohata); (vii) The role of snow
and ice in natural processes on local, regional and global
scale (M. Kuhn); (viii) The future of glaciers under the
expected climate warming (V.M. Kotlyakov); and (ix) Task for
future glaciological research (M. Kuhn). This comprehensive
piece of work is of special interest to hydrologists,
climatologists, glaciologists, geographers and geophysicists.
Keywords: glacier mass balance, climate change, snow
and ice processes, glaciological research.
N°2. Reservoir sedimentation. Proceedings of
the St. Petersburg Workshop (May 1994). Edited
by S. Bruk and H. Zebidi. IHP-IV Project H-1-2.
UNESCO, 1996. 354 pp. English.
This document is based on papers presented at the St.
Petersburg workshop which addressed different aspects of
reservoir sedimentation, from watershed to reservoir and the
effects downstream.
Simulation models of stream
sedimentation and reservoir sedimentation and its mitigation
are presented.
Current practices used in reservoir
sedimentation mitigation and their impacts downstream are
described based on selected examples in China, the USA
and France.
Uncertainties experienced during various
phases in the life of a reservoir are outlined. This benchmark
publication is a contribution from the International Coordination
(ICCORES) to UNESCO’s International Hydrological
Programme (IHP).
Keywords : reservoir sedimentation, watersheds, sediment
processes, sediment flushing, density current, lowland.
N°3. Environmental and socio-economic
development and management. Proceedings
of the Moscow Symposium (15-20 May 1995).
Edited by G.V. Voropaev and N.A. Zaitseva. IHPIV Projects M-4-1/M-4-2. UNESCO, 1996. 232
pp. English. (SC.96/WS/45).
This volume addresses the impact of water resources
projects on environmental and socio-economic development.
The first part of the proceedings deals with the impact of
hydraulic engineering on flood plains as well as their
repercussion on irrigation and hydropower plants; the second
part is devoted to the Caspian and Aral Seas. The problem
of the Caspian sea-level rise is described and analyzed,
particularly in connection with coastal zones.
hydrological regime of the Volga River is discussed as well
as its possible repercussions on the Caspian sea-level rise.
Other papers deal with the present condition and
perspectives of the Aral Sea. Recommendations for the
economically stable and ecologically safe development of
water projects under different natural and socio-economic
conditions are also defined.
Keywords : water projects, engineering projects, water
resources management, water planning, environmental
pollution, socio-economic conditions, irrigation plants, Volga
River, Caspian Sea, Aral Sea, hydropower plants, sea-level
rise, water use and supply.
N°4. Past, present and future of postgraduate
education in hydrology. Proceedings of the
Prague Workshop (29-31 August 1994). Edited
by H. Salz. IHP-IV Project E-3-1. UNESCO,
1996. 216 pp. English. (SC.96/WS/47).
Postgraduate activities, continuing education and training
(CE+T) in hydrology and water resources management are
part of UNESCO’s mandate. Within the framework of the
International Hydrological Programme, several courses and
other activities have been started and developed with
UNESCO’s assistance. In spite of decade-long efforts,
continuous training and upgrading of professionals is as
actual as ever. New ideas and techniques should be
understood and implemented by water resource planners
and managers. Environmentally-oriented water resources
development, sustainability considerations, integrated
resource and demand management and the inherent
challenges of man-made and climate change impacts on the
hydrosphere have to be tackled worldwide by well-trained
engineers and scientists. The scope and concepts of CE+T
activities should be studied carefully and updated to meet
ever-changing needs, reflecting priorities and educational
The present volume contains contributions from several
course organizers and other professionals closely associated
with CE+T programmes. Information on both past and future
postgraduate courses is given. These contributions were
presented and discussed during the Workshop on
Postgraduate Education in Hydrology, hosted by the
Agricultural University of Prague, Czech Republic, from 29 to
31 August 1994.
Keywords : hydrology, groundwater, water resources
development and management, postgraduate education,
continuing education and training, IHP.
Fresh groundwater lens recharge,
Bonriki, Kiribati. Preliminary Report. By Ian
White. IHP-V Project 6.1. UNESCO, 1996. 34
pp. English. (SC.96/WS/49).
Knowledge of the recharge of the fresh groundwater lenses
of small, low-lying islands in the humid tropics is essential in
Technical Documents in Hydrology
managing the sustainable extraction of potable water. This
document pays particular attention to total evapotranspiration
from coconut trees.
Concerning the water balance of
shallow basal aquifers, it is the least well-characterized.
Moreover, coconut trees present a management conflict as
they can be used for a variety of products but potentially
consume limited potable groundwater. It is suggested that
equilibrium evaporation is the most appropriate upper limit for
both short- and long-term water balances of small coral
islands. The document also reviews techniques of direct
evapotranspiration measurement, but places doubt on the
value of all of them because of advective effects from nearby
oceans. The only exceptions are the possible use of tracers
and stable isotopes, and scintillometry. Another conclusion
is that time domain reflectrometry to measure the diurnal
changes in soil water content linked with a simple soil water
balance model is one of the best approaches to infer total
evaporation losses.
Keywords : fresh groundwater lenses, low-lying atoll islands,
evapotranspiration, measurements techniques, scintillometry,
time domain reflectrometry.
N°6. Groundwater pollution by sanitation on
tropical islands. By Peter Dillon. IHP-V Project
UNESCO, 1997.
34 pp.
Contamination by sewage threatens the use of
groundwater as a drinking water supply on small, low-lying
tropical islands. This document provides a review of the
extent of groundwater pollution by sanitation systems, the
design of sanitation systems, the nature of contaminants in
sewage, their fate in the subsurface environment including
factors affecting their attenuation, and the methods which
have been used to study the movement of sewage
contaminants in groundwater. The report concludes with a
summary of the options for managing this problem, including
criteria for establishing common sewerage systems; wellhead protection policy options; siting, design and
maintenance of sanitation systems; monitoring procedures
related to objectives, treatment of water supplies; and public
education and action programmes. These provide a range of
measures which can be adapted by local communities to
meet their needs for safe water supplies, and give assurance
of this, at reasonable costs.
Keywords : groundwater, low
contamination and movement,
management guidelines.
atoll islands, sewage
management options,
N°7. Ecohydrology. A new paradigm for the
sustainable use of aquatic resources. Edited
by M. Zalewski, G.A. Janauer and G. Jolánkai.
IHP-V Projects 2.3/2.4. UNESCO, 1997. 58 pp.
English. (SC.97/WS/12).
In line with the objective of helping promote the sustainable
use of environmental resources, a major area in need of
study is that of the inter-relationships between mechanisms
and processes of water circulation and its biotic as well as
abiotic content. The amount of water, its quality and some
processes in the aquatic environment are not only guided by
climatic factors but also, to a great extent, by biotic factors.
The integration, therefore, of the most recent knowledge from
two branches of science - hydrology and ecology - seems an
appropriate tool to obtain new insight into the interrelationship between water and biota.
This volume aims to launch a new challenging concept ecohydrology - in order to create a basis for the sustainable
development of fresh water resources through the integration
of the dynamics of fresh water ecosystems into hydrological
Keywords: fresh water resources development, water/biota
inter-relationships, ecohydrology.
mountainous areas. Proceedings of the Stará
Lesná Conference, 12-16 September 1994.
FRIEND AMHY Group Annual Report N°4.
Edited by L’. Molnár, P. Miklánek and I.
UNESCO,1997.293 pp. English. (SC.97/WS/15).
The Proceedings of the Stará Lesná Conference, held 1216 September 1994, present the state of knowledge on the
hydrology of mountainous areas, gathered through the efforts
of two projects of the International Hydrological Programme
(IHP) - the Mountain Hydrology and the FRIEND/AMHY
These proceedings are divided into three main sections:
one devoted to basic research in hydrology of mountainous
areas, while the other two, more regional in scope, to
mountain hydrology in the Alpine and Carpathian regions.
The selected papers reproduced in this volume address
runoff formation in small catchments as well as regional
synthesis of hydrological regimes and the modelling and
forecasting of runoff in mountainous catchments.
Keywords : hydrological regimes, mountainous areas, Alpine
region, Carpathian region, regionalization, runoff formation,
runoff modelling, extreme floods, precipitation, rainfall-runoff
models, small catchments
N°9. Runoff computations for water projects.
Proceedings of the St. Petersburg Symposium,
30 October - 3 November 1995. Edited by A.V.
UNESCO, 1997. 359 pp. English. (SC.97/
The St. Petersburg Symposium addressed the theoretical,
methodological and applied aspects of runoff computation.
The papers presented in these proceedings deal with
experimental studies and their use in applied computations
for both stationary climatic situations and the impact of
human activities on runoff. The topics discussed relate to:
use of runoff formation laws for hydrological
runoff computations on the basis of long-term time
regional methods for hydrological computations; and
specific aspects of runoff computations under
anthropogenic impact conditions.
Keywords : runoff, runoff computations, streamflow regimes,
hydrological models, flood, snowmelt flood, low flow, regional
flood, water projects, runoff change, human impact
N°10. Study of erosion, river bed deformation
and sediment transport in river basins as
related to natural and man-made changes.
IHP-IV Project H-1-2. UNESCO, 1997. 393 pp.
English. (SC.97/WS/42).
This publication is a synthesis of existing information on
various aspects of erosion and sedimentation in different
regions of the world. It is based on extended contributions
prepared by the members of working group IHP-IV Project H1-2 as well as selected papers presented at a symposium
held in St. Petersburg, Russia (May 1994).
The report covers the following areas:
erosion in river basins;
sediment transport;
river channel dynamics;
IHP Catalogue of Publications – 2003
river channel design concepts and applications; and
modelling strategies and approaches.
Keywords : erosion, sediment transport, river basins, river
channel dynamics, river channel processes, river modelling,
river engineering
N°14. Ecohydrological processes in small
basins. Proceedings of the Sixth ERB
September 1996). Edited by D. Viville and I.G.
Littlewood. UNESCO, 1997. 210 pp. English.
(SC.97/WS/ 83).
These Proceedings comprise 30 papers presented orally
as either full Papers or Posters at the Sixth Conference of
the Experimental and Representative Basin (ERB) network,
“Ecohydrological Processes in Small Basins”, Strasbourg,
24-26 September 1996. The contributions cover current
research carried out across south-west to central Europe on
ecohydrological processes in small basins and related topics.
They focus mainly on the monitoring and modelling of soilatmosphere interactions, runoff generation processes and
water pathways, and water quality and hydrobiogeochemical
behaviour at small basin scale. In this context, important
unsolved problems such as regionalization and scale effects
are discussed, as well as probable effects of climate change
on hydrological behaviour and mass budgets.
The Papers are grouped under four broad thematic
headings corresponding to the four sessions of the
Evapotranspiration components and modelling;
Surface water quality;
Runoff formation, discharge generation and water
pathways; and
Runoff modelling.
Keywords : evapotranspiration components, surface water
quality, runoff formation, discharge generation, water
pathways, runoff modelling, topography-based modelling.
N°15. Southern Africa FRIEND. IHP-V Project
1.1. UNESCO, 1997. 163 pp., illus., figs., tables.
English. (SC.98/WS/47).
This report presents the results of the hydrological
research activities undertaken in Southern Africa in the
framework of the FRIEND (Flow Regimes from International
Experimental and Network Data) project.
The establishment and management of the regional
database, which includes a river flow database and a spatial
database, is described. This is followed by the presentation
of the results obtained during the research activities
developed on the following topics:
regional surface water resources and drought
rainfall – runoff modelling
regional flood frequency analysis
Keywords: flow regimes, Southern Africa, database, surface
water resources, drought, rainfall-runoff modelling, flood
frequency, regional hydrology
N°16. Premier atelier scientifique du projet
FRIEND AOC (Cotonou, Bénin, 14 décembre
1995). Variabilité climatique et Variabilité des
ressources en eau. PHI-IV Projet H-5-5/IHP-V
Project 1.1. UNESCO, 1997. 146 p. Français.
Ce rapport présente les premiers résultats des recherches
entreprises en Afrique de l’Ouest et du Centre (AOC). Les
thèmes abordés concernent:
la variabilité pluviométrique
la variabilité climatique
analyse des écoulements
variabilité des ressources en eau
impact de l’évolution climatique
N°17. Use of fuzzy logic to encode archival
climate research uncertainty. A contribution to
the UNESCO ARCHISS Project. By Lucien
Duckstein. IHP-V Project 1.4. UNESCO, 1998.
47 pp. English. (SC.98/WS/22).
The purpose of this report is to provide a methodology
based (mostly) on fuzzy logic for the efficient use of both
gauged and proxy data in archives dealing with
hydroclimatology. The report is divided into two parts: Part 1
briefly introduces fuzzy sets, fuzzy numbers and fuzzy
operations. Part 2, subdivided into six sections, presents the
various facets of the fuzzy logic approach using the Mexico
case study. Section 2.1 introduces the case study and gives
the scope of the applications. Section 2.2 deals with the
encoding of errors and uncertainty in gauged records of
extreme events in the 19 century. Section 2.3 deals with the
main feature of this report, namely, the encoding of proxy
data. Examples include the search for data on floods and
droughts through the 17 sources available in the National
Archives of Mexico. Section 2.4 provides both statistical and
fuzzy methods for the reconstruction of an incomplete time
series of hydrologic events. Section 2.5 shows how very
imprecise (proxy) data on ENSO events from 1720 to 1909
combined with drought information can readily be modelled
using a fuzzy number representation. Section 2.6 shows
how fuzzy and non-fuzzy (reliable/gauged) data may be
combined, using essentially a fuzzy rule-based approach, to
yield drought indices and excess precipitation indices.
Keywords: archival hydrology, drought, El Niño, extreme
events, floods, fuzzy logic, fuzzy rule-based models,
hydroclimatology, Mexico, proxy data, 14th to 19th Century
(events), uncertainties
N°18. Water: a looming crisis? Proceedings
of the International Conference on Word Water
Resources at the Beginning of the 21 Century
(UNESCO, Paris, 3-6 June 1998). Edited by H.
Zebidi. UNESCO, 1998. 536 pp. English (with
some contributions in French). (SC.98/WS/21).
This volume contains unedited technical papers submitted
to the International Conference on Water: a Looming
Crisis?, held within the framework of UNESCO’s
International Hydrological Programme. The first part is
devoted to the main findings of a major IHP co-operative
research project: the monograph on World Water
Resources at the Beginning of the 21st Century. This is
followed by a presentation of other important research
projects implemented in the framework of the IHP, such as
the World Atlas of Snow and Ice Resources and the
monograph on Groundwater Resources of the World and
their Use, as well as lecture notes on the relationship of
water resources to health and food.
The second part includes selected papers presented at the
Conference, grouped under the following themes and which
were presented and discussed in working groups: (i) data
and improvement of water resources management; (ii) water
quality and environmental impact; (iii) impact of human
activity on water resources; (iv) the extremes of water
resources and their management; and (v) economic and
social aspects of water resources.
The main conclusions and recommendations of the
Conference have been published separately (see Section
global water resources, water resources
Keywords :
assessment, surface water, groundwater, snow and ice,
Technical Documents in Hydrology
water availability, water use, water quality, data collection,
groundwater overexploitation, water management, water
demand, drought, floods, water scarcity, water policy,
economic value of water, institutional aspects, urban water
resources, rural water resources.
N°19. Soil and groundwater pollution from
agricultural activities.
Learning Material.
UNESCO, 1998. 428 pp. English. (SC.98/
This publication, undertaken within the framework of IHP-V
Project 3.5 dealing with Agricultural Threats to Groundwater,
aims to introduce readers to the different aspects of
understanding of soil and groundwater principles of
hydrology; reviews and analyzes different aspects of
agricultural activities that could have adverse impacts on the
quality of soil and ground water.
The material is presented in 7 chapters: the first 2 chapters
introduce readers to the basic principles of agricultural
activities, soil science and groundwater hydrology. Chapter 1
also includes an overall summary of adverse environmental
impacts that may occur as a result of poor agricultural
management. Chapters 3 to 6 introduce the concepts of
environmental effects on soil and groundwater quality, as
well as the techniques available to monitor, control and
remedy groundwater pollution problems. Chapter 7 includes
examples of agricultural management that lead to adverse
environmental impacts.
The learning materials contained in this volume have been
designed for postgraduate students in Science and
Engineering; they are also appropriate for use in continuing
education and are invaluable for practicing engineers,
scientists and policy makers.
Keywords: land management, environmental impacts of
agricultural activities, groundwater quality, fertilizers and
pesticides, monitoring of groundwater contamination, soil
N°20. Statistical and Bayesian methods in
hydrological sciences / Méthodes statistiques
et approches bayésiennes en hydrologie.
Conference in honor of Prof. Jacques Bernier /
Comptes-rendus sélectionnés de la Conférence
internationale en l’honneur du Prof. Jacques
Bernier (UNESCO, Paris, 11-13 September /
septembre 1998). Edited by / Sous la direction
de: Eric Parent, Pierre Hubert, Bernard Bobée,
Jacques Miquel. UNESCO, 1998. 490 pp.
Bilingual: English / French. (SC.98/WS/80).
This publication is composed of refereed and edited papers
presented at the International Conference in honor of
Professor Jacques Bernier. The Conference was meant to
point out recent advances in water sciences related to:
Bayesian approaches to hydrology (uncertainty and riskbased decision making, probabilities of statistical
decision theory)
Statistical modelling in hydrology (exceedances,
statistical distributions, multivariate models)
Regional estimation and transfer of information on
Statistical decision theory applied to hydrosystems
Assessment and management of risk in hydrology.
The publication is divided into five chapters corresponding
to the above five topics.
Keywords: statistical hydrology, Bayesian methods, water
resources systems, model of exceedances, regional analysis
of extreme events, hydrological risk analysis, decision theory
for hydro-systems
A list of scientific
activities of IHP-V Projects 2.3/2.4. Edited by
M. Zalewski and M. McClain. UNESCO, 1998.
60 pp. English. (SC.98/WS/81).
To maintain water quality, a more efficient approach than
purely technical control must be based on the understanding
of the temporal and spatial patterns of catchment-scale water
These patterns are determined by four
fundamental components: climate, geomorphology, plant
cover/biota dynamics and anthropogenic modifications.
Recent and ongoing research has greatly increased our
understanding of hydrological dynamics and, in parallel,
biotic and biogeochemical dynamics in freshwater
ecosystems and land/water ecotones. The integration of the
above components in a holistic model should significantly
expand the repertory of management tools which can be
applied to freshwater resources.
This publication presents the scope of activities which has
been developed in the framework of IHP-V Projects 2.3/2.4
on Ecohydrology.
mesoscale catchment management,
Keywords :
water quality/quantity management, river classification and
rehabilitation, effects of flows, historical dynamics of river
valley, application and implementation.
National reports of the National
Committees for the IHP (September 1996 - May
1998). UNESCO, 1998. 300 pp. Reports in
English/French/Spanish. (SC.98/WS/83).
This volume comprises reports from the National
Committees of the Member States of the IHP covering
activities for the intersessional period between the 12 and
13 sessions of the Intergovernmental Council (September
1996 – May 1998). A common structure is used for the
reports to facilitate the review and sharing of experiences
between National Committees for the IHP and to have more
complete and systematic information on ongoing activities.
In this volume there are 50 national reports representing 54
countries (there is only one report for the five Nordic
countries); 41 are in English, 3 in French and 6 in Spanish.
Keywords: International Hydrological Programme, National
Committees, hydrological sciences, water resources
management, regional co-operation, international cooperation
N°24. Will water be enough, will food be
enough? By P. Vakkilainen and O. Varis.
UNESCO, 1999. 38 pp. English. (SC.99/WS/ 37).
Water and food, food and water – this seemingly uneven
couple cannot be separated. There are regions in the world
with abundant water resources but without food demand or
food productions; similarly there are other regions which lack
water but have high demands in food. The problem is not
new; ancient cultures were as prosperous as their ability was
to master the water supply and to create a system which
today would be called an ecological equilibrium. History is
full of examples of grand civilizations, their emergence and
decay reflecting the success and failure of land and water
The present study firstly investigates the potential for food
production, in the future, at both global and regional scales.
Case studies throw light on particular solutions for water-food
issues and depict the interrelationships of many factors:
population, climate, land use, water availability and demand,
water quality, cultural and socio-economic constraints. An
attempt is made to assess the possibilities of putting modern
IHP Catalogue of Publications – 2003
techniques such as water-saving practices, recycling, water
transfer and agricultural innovations to use. The report
outlines the scientific foundation on which future policies and
future economies should be based. It calls for improvements
in land-use techniques, better coordination of agriculture,
education, industry and trade, all within more efficient
political systems.
This document is a contribution of the IHP National
Committee of Finland to IHP-V Project 4.2 Comprehensive
environmental risk and impact assessment. Beyond this
association with IHP, the present report, with its in-depth
analysis of food security and its interactions with water
resources, can be seen as a contribution to the ongoing
deliberations on “Water and Food” within the Long Term
Vision for Water, Life and the Environment.
Keywords: water, food, population growth, food production,
climate, land use, water availability and demand, water
quality, water saving, water recycling, water transfer,
agriculture, land-use techniques
N°25. Groundwater recharge in low coral
Bonriki, South Tarawa, Kiribati.
Issues, traditions and conflicts in groundwater
use and management. By I. White, A. Falkland,
L. Crennan, P. Jones, T. Metutera, B. Etuati and
E. Metai. UNESCO, 1999. 38 pp. English.
As part of a UNESCO-IHP/SOPAC study of rainwater
recharge of a freshwater lens in a water reserve at Bonriki,
Tarawa Atoll, Republic of Kiribati, this study examines the
issued involved in the establishment and management of
water reserves. Bonriki was selected because of the severe
pressures on groundwater and land resources in urban South
Tarawa, the capital of Kiribati. The aim of this component of
the project was to involve the local community in the project,
to identify local socio-cultural issues in land, groundwater
management and ownership, particularly under variable
rainfalls, and to determine concerns of local landowners
about the study.
lenses, coral islands, small island states, rainwater recharge,
water reserves, land use and water management, water
legislation, Bonriki, Kiribati
N°26. Droughts in small coral islands: Case
study, South Tarawa, Kiribati. By I. White, T.
Falkland and D. Scott. UNESCO, 1999. 55 pp.
English. (SC.99/WS/50).
Droughts are frequent events in small coral islands and
small island nations across the Indian and Pacific Oceans.
Many of these are correlated with El Niño-La Niña events.
Limited water storages on small islands mean that domestic
water supplies are severely threatened by these dry periods.
In this work, meteorological or climatological drought is used
to define drought relevant to domestic water supplies. South
Tarawa, the capital of the Republic of Kiribati, is used as a
case study. It is argued that drought depends on the
characteristics of the water sources. Three sources of water
are identified – rain tanks, domestic water wells and
reticulated water supplied from large freshwater lenses and
these need to be treated separately for drought declaration.
mall island nations.
droughts, small coral islands, rain tanks,
rainfall catchments, water wells, freshwater lenses, Decile
Depreciation Method, rainfall totalling periods,
Tarawa, Kiribati
N°27. Future groundwater resources at risk.
Proceedings of the 2 International Conference,
Changchun, China, July 1998. IHP-V Theme 3.
UNESCO, 2000.
320 pp.
English. (SC2000/WS/50)
This conference, a contribution to UNESCO’s IHP-V
Theme 3 Groundwater resources at risk, was a follow-up to
the successful FGR-94 (Future Groundwater Resources at
Risk) International Conference held in Helsinki, Finland in
1994. The conference was organized by the Changchun
University of Science and Technology (CUST), the IHP of
UNESCO, the International Association of Hydrogeologists
(IAH), the International Association of Hydrological Sciences
(IAHS), and the Water Management Modelling Center
(Changchun) of the Ministry of Land and Resources of China.
Seventy-one papers have been included into the
proceedings, as well as oral presentation papers and
posters. The papers in this volume are grouped in the
following topics:
Side effects related to groundwater development in
urban areas;
Groundwater contamination control and remediation;
Water resources development and ecosystems in arid
or semi-arid areas;
Water resources and environment in karst areas;
Groundwater modelling and information system; and
Groundwater monitoring, management and protection.
Keywords: groundwater, groundwater risks, groundwater
contamination, groundwater development in urban areas,
water resources in karst areas, water resources development
in arid and semi-arid areas, groundwater modelling and
information system, groundwater monitoring, groundwater
management, groundwater protection.
N°28. Interbasin water transfer. Proceedings
of the International Workshop, UNESCO, Paris,
25-27 April 1999. UNESCO, 1999. 230 pp.
Trilingual: Reports in English/French/Spanish.
Interbasin water transfer (IWT) has a long history as a
means of addressing water scarcity in one region by
transporting additional supplies from areas where water is
relatively more abundant. The International Workshop was
planned as a forum for sharing of experiences with IWT and
discussing the many associated issues from a diversity of
The proceedings are a compilation of
presentations made at the workshop and statements
prepared by participants.
The agenda for the International Workshop consisted of
presentations on a series of case studies of IWTs, followed
by presentations from a panel to initiate discussion of a
range of related issues.
The case studies, while
representing a diversity of transfer experiences, tended to
focus on transfer of water into urban areas in support of
continuing urban development. One of the case studies, and
a major focal point of interest at the workshop, was a
proposed water transfer from the Languedoc-Roussillon
region of France to the Catalonia region of Spain.
Discussions at the International Workshop and the
resulting proceedings reflect the long operational history of
IWT. A workshop examines a particular subject at a specific
point in time in terms of collective operational experience to
determine its current status and identify problems and
opportunities likely to affect future prospects. Workshops on
topics with relatively short societal involvement and limited
operational histories tend to focus on physical feasibility and
other basic aspects.
Those on more mature topics
concentrate on broader societal aspects rather than technical
feasibility. IWT falls into this latter category. Consistent with
the maturity of IWT and extensive prior analysis in other
forums, discussions of the International Workshop
concentrated on broad social concerns. The issue was not
Technical Documents in Hydrology
the technical feasibility of IWT proposals but the question of
the desirability of shared water management of resources in
adjacent basins, in light of potential socio-economic, cultural,
and environmental implications and benefits.
interbasin water transfer, sharing of
water resources, water management and sustainability,
water ethics, water crisis.
Séminaire international annuel du
Groupe AMHY de FRIEND (Istanbul, Turquie,
octobre 1998). Rapport annuel N°6 (1997-1998).
PHI-V Projet 1-1. UNESCO, 2000. 194 pp.
Bilingual English / French.
These Proceedings comprise the reports, abstracts and
programmed themes of the 1998 International Seminar of the
FRIEND Alpine and Mediterranean Hydrology (AMHY)
Group, held in Istanbul, Turkey, that saw the participation of
representatives from Algeria, Bulgaria, France, Greece,
Hungary, Italy, Poland, Romania, Slovak Republic, Slovenia,
Spain, Switzerland, Turkey, and Yugoslavia. The annual
FRIEND/AMHY event aims to review and discuss the results
obtained from the research activities on river flow regimes
conducted through open and systematic international
The present Annual Report particularly documents
seminars and sessions organized on the subject of low flows
(e.g., frequency analysis techniques in low flow hydrology,
recession curve of the hydrograph, long range forescasting of
hydrological aspects of droughts) as well as on erosion and
solid transport (e.g., reservoir sediment deposits, stochastic
modelling of sediment discharges, application of renewal
processes to characterize the riverbed sediment load).
Articles are reported in English or French.
FRIEND, Alpine and Mediterranean
Hydrology (AMHY), river flow regimes, low flows, droughts,
erosion, solid transport, stochastic modelling of sediment
discharges, renewal processes, riverbed sedimentation load.
N°31. River basin management. Proceedings
of the International Workshop, The Hague, The
Netherlands, 27-29 October 1999. Edited by E.
Mostert. IHP-V Project 4.1. UNESCO, 2000.
275 pages. English.
River basin management is one of the biggest challenges
of the 21 century. River basins sustain ecosystems, are the
paramount source of water for households, agriculture and
industry, and fulfil many non-consumptive uses. Yet, due to
population growth and overexploitation, the demands on river
basins are increasing and the basins’ capacity to meet these
demands is decreasing. In this context, the International
Workshop on River Basin Management was held in The
Hague, Netherlands, from 27-29 October 1999. The main
objective of the workshop was to contribute to the
preparations of the Ministerial Conference, held in The
Hague on 21-22 March 2000, parallel to the Second World
Water Forum. As river basin management was a key issue
at this Conference, it was considered opportune to bring
together experts from all over the world to discuss their
experiences with river basin management and develop a set
of recommendations and guidelines.
The workshop participants adopted the Recommendations
and Guidelines on Sustainable River Basin Management.
The recommendations and guidelines were subsequently
used in preparing the brochure Towards Sustainable River
Basin Management: Recommendations and Guidelines on
Best Management Practices, produced in the context of the
Second World Water Forum and Ministerial Conference by
the Dutch Ministry of Housing, Spatial Planning and the
Environment and the Ministry of Transport, Public Works and
Water Management, in co-operation with the Ministry of
Agriculture, Nature Management and Fisheries, the National
Institute of Public Health and the Environment, the UNEP
Co-ordination Office of the Global Programme of Action for
the Protection of the Marine Environment from Land-based
Activities, and the River Basin Administration (RBA) of the
Delft University of Technology.
This report constitutes the proceedings of the workshop. It
contains the opening addresses, the Recommendations and
Guidelines, all keynote papers and most other written
contributions. The annexes contain the list of participants,
the workshop programme and the composition of the
organizing committee. The brochure Towards Sustainable
River Basin Management was published separately by the
Dutch Ministry of Housing, Spatial Planning and the
river basin management, integrated
management, international river basins, water crisis, water
law, international co-operation, recommendations and
guidelines for river basin management.
Hydrological research and water
resources management strategies in arid and
semi-arid zones.
Proceedings of the
International Symposium, Tashkent, Uzbekistan,
25-30 September 1995). UNESCO, 2000. 120
pp. English. (SC-2000/WS/9).
The objectives of the symposium, organized within the
framework of the IHP were to highlight the problems related
to water resources development in arid and semi-arid zones,
exchange results of scientific research addressing this issue,
and propose strategies for the rational management of water
resources under deficit conditions. The proceedings cover
the papers presented within three major topics:
surface water conditions in arid and semi-arid zones
groundwater development in arid and semi-arid zones
water resources management with special reference to
the Aral Sea Basin
The first two topics gather nine papers from different
regions of the world, addressing various subjects, from flash
floods to reservoir management strategies and artificial
recharge. The third topic focuses in depth on the Aral Sea
Basin conditions from the physical to the socio-economic
aspects, with contributions from Central Asian and other
international authors.
water resources management, arid and
semi-arid zones, groundwater development, recharge,
reservoir operation, Aral Sea Basin, salinized land
N°33. Contributions to IHP-V by Canadian
experts. Canadian National Committee for the
IHP. UNESCO, 2000. 155 pp. English. (SC2000/WS/18).
The Fifth Phase (1996-2001) of the IHP was in progress
when the Canadian IHP National Committee (NC) came into
existence. One of the primary goals of the Canadian IHP/NC
was to determine how to provide contributions to IHP-V. An
intensive survey of work in progress related to the themes of
IHP-V was conducted and publication of this book was
decided to be the best way to share the results of the
ongoing Canadian work with the rest of the IHP community.
However, this book is far from being a comprehensive review
of Canadian hydrology.
Selection of papers for the
publication in this volume has been based on their scientific
merits and relevance to the themes of IHP-V.
Contributions by Whitfield & Cannon, Beltaos & Prowse,
Jacobs & Banfiled and Belore et al. are directly related to
IHP-V Theme I – Global hydrological and geochemical
processes, especially topic 1.1 – Application of methods of
hydrological analysis using data sets. Papers by Schertzer &
Lam are of direct relevance to topic 1.3 – Hydrological
interpretation of global change predictions of Theme 1.
Three contributions are provided to the Theme 2 –
IHP Catalogue of Publications – 2003
Ecohydrological processes in the surficial environment.
Issues related to topic 2.2 – Sedimentation processes in
reservoirs and deltas are addressed in the contribution by
Pettucrew & Droppo. Work by Stolte addresses issues
under the topic 2.3 – Interactions between river systems,
flood plains and wetlands. Contribution to the topic 2.4 –
Comprehensive assessment of the surficial eco-hydrological
processes is provided by Levesque & de Boer.
Readers are invited to get in touch with the Canadian IHP
National Committee. Canadian expertise in hydrology and
water resources is vast and it is hoped that this publication
will help in building new networks, improving communication
between the professionals around the world and transferring
some of the Canadian knowledge to other regions.
previously known as the Centre Technique Forestier
Tropical – CRFT);
Detailed information concerning available research
data, including special mention of the state of existing
stored data.
West African humid tropics, tropical
forests, forest hydrology, forest conversion, deforestation,
land use conversion, anthropogenic activities, West Africa,
Madagascar, ORSTOM, IRD, CIRAD
Canada, Canadian hydrology, Canadian
rivers, climate variations, climate impacts on extreme ice jam
events, surficial fine-grained laminae, hydrology of
salinization – wetlands – reclaimed areas, GIS, climate
change modelling on large lakes and basins
Ecohydrology – Advanced Study
Ecohydrology concept as problem
solving approach. Edited by M. Zalewski and I.
Wagner. IHP-V Projects 2.3/2.4. UNESCO,
2000. 65 pp. English. (SC-2000/WS/31).
The programme on ecohydrology was launched within the
framework of IHP-V Projects 2.3/2.4 and the present
Advanced Study Course was organized to promote
ecohydrology among the scientific community. The course
provided a forum for young scientists of different
specializations and from 24 countries all over the world. The
scientific programme enabled them to meet internationally
recognized scientists and exchange up-to-date views on both
basic research and applied aspects of ecohydrology and
water management. The international character of this
meeting provided a unique opportunity to obtain a broad view
of the problems related to water resources quality and
quantity in Europe and other continents.
During special sessions, students presented various
problems related to water resources management in their
respective countries. The potential ecohydrological solutions
were discussed and proposed on the basis of the data and
knowledge gained during the course. The major outputs of
the course are provided in this document as one-page
syntheses that also represent the submission by the
participants of their respective research activities for
development within the framework of the UNESCO/IHP
Ecohydrology Programme.
ecohydrology, study course, basin scale
processes, freshwater ecosystems, anthropogenic stress,
nutrient loading of rivers, water cycle restoration, nutrient
cycle restoration, sustainable water resources management.
N°36. The impact of forest conversion on
hydrology. A synthesis of French work in West
Africa and Madagascar. By Sylvain Adokpo
Migan. UNESCO, 2000. 80 pp. English. (SC2000/WS/30).
In pursuance of the selected topic for the IHP Humid
Tropics Programme concerning “The impacts of land-use on
hydrology”, the present work synthesizes forest hydrology
work in French-speaking West Africa and Madagascar. The
monograph includes:
A review of forest hydrology work, principally that
conducted by ORSTOM (formerly the Office de la
Recherche Scientifique et Technique Outre-Mer, now
known as L’Institut Français de Recherche Scientifique
pour le Développement en Coopération – IRD) and
CIRAD (Centre de Coopération International en
Recherche Agronomique pour le Développement,
biochemical processes in the changing
environment. Proceedings of the 7 Conference
of the European Network of Experimental and
Representative Basins (ERB), Liblice, Czech
Republic, 22-4 September 1998. Edited by V.
Elias and I.G. Littlewood. UNESCO, 2000. 300
pp. English. (SC-2000/WS/38)
These Proceedings comprise 34 contributions focusing on
the main subject of the 7 ERB Conference, namely the
hydrological and biochemical processes in the changing
environment. Input data for their preparation were collected
from experimental and representative basins located across
These data, concerning their spatial density,
monitoring frequency and types of derived parameters are, in
most cases, much more detailed than otherwise possible
with the common monitoring networks. Through this, one of
the aims of ERB is being fulfilled – to study in detail
processes and their interactions in the soil, vegetation,
atmosphere and hydrosphere system.
Overall, the
contributions were prepared by representatives of 11
countries and give a useful overview of the current stage of
experimental hydrology in Europe.
European Network of Experimental and
Representative Basins (ERB), catchment processes,
hydrological processes, biochemical processes, soil water
regime, hydrological modelling, water quality, rainfall-runoff
processes, evapotranspiration measurements, cloud and fog
water, springflow, forest catchments, badlands catchments
An overview of selected policy
documents on water resources management
that contributed to the design of HELP.
UNESCO, 2000.
52 pp.
This publication summarizes various recent policy
documents and international conference reports on the
subject of water resources management. Many of these
documents stress the urgent need for action to address
declining global water security. Since the 1990s, there have
been various high profile meetings on global water resources
management, each seeking to develop better practices for
improving declining global water security. However, these
meetings have not resulted in any follow-up scientific
programme that would address, in a field context, the
integration of the necessary technological response with
policy and management considerations. In fact, as readers
may notice, many of the documents reviewed herein do not
recommend concrete approaches or actions for tackling
emerging water resources issues. Unfortunately, there is a
traditional separation between the water policy-makers/water
management community and the scientific community. This
gap has led to a new global initiative entitled HELP
(Hydrology for the Environment, Life and Policy) which seeks
to integrate the three communities of scientists, policymakers, and water managers in order to achieve better
management of world water resources.
Although not comprehensive, as it reviews only sampling
of documents on the water management issue, the present
publication aims to serve as a reference work for scientists,
water managers, and policy-makers, who are the key actors
Technical Documents in Hydrology
in global water resources management.
Parts of this
document was presented to the HELP Task Force
(established by the Fifth UNESCO/WMO International
Conference on Hydrology in February 1999) for consultation
during their development of The Design and Implementation
Strategy of the HELP Initiative (HELP Task Force: 2000).
Hydrology for the Environment, Life and
Policy (HELP), water resources management, water
managers, policy-makers, water quality management,
sustainable development
Environmental isotopes in the
applications. Volumes I to VI. Edited by Willem
G. Mook. UNESCO/IAEA, 2000-2001.
The International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) and
UNESCO have established a close co-operation within the
framework of both the earlier International Hydrological
Decade (IHP, 1965-1974) and the ongoing IHP in the specific
aspects of scientific and methodological developments
related to water resources that are of mutual interest to the
programmes of both organizations. In view of the fact that
the IHP’s objectives also include a multi-disciplinary
approach to the assessment and rational management of
water resources and taking note of the advances made in
isotope hydrology, the IAEA and UNESCO have initiated a
joint activity in the preparation of a series of six up-to-date
textbooks, covering the entire field of hydrological
applications of natural isotopes (environmental isotopes) to
the overall domain of water resources and related
environmental studies.
The main aim of this series is to provide a comprehensive
review of basic theoretical concepts and principles of isotope
hydrology methodologies and their practical applications with
some illustrative examples. The volumes are designed to be
self-sufficient reference material for scientists and engineers
involved in research and/or practical applications of isotope
hydrology as an integral part of the investigations related to
management. Furthermore, they are also expected to serve
as 'teaching material' or text books to be used in universities
and teaching institutions for incorporating the study of
"isotopes in water" in general into the curriculum of the earth
sciences. Additionally, the contents can fulfil the need for
basic knowledge in other disciplines of the earth sciences
dealing with water in general.
Vol. I. Introduction: Theory, Methods, Review.
By Willem G. Mook. UNESCO/IAEA, 2000. 280
pp., figs., tables. English. (SC-2000/WS/58).
The first volume in the series, "Introduction: Theory,
Methods, Review", is the result of a re-orientation and in part
extension of the lecture notes used by the author during his
teaching years on Isotope Hydrology at the Free University of
Amsterdam. After an introductory chapter on the hydrological
cycle, this volume contains the principles of radioactivity and
of the isotope effects for stable isotopes. The elements of
hydrogen, carbon and oxygen are treated in detail as they
form the 'heart' of isotopic applications in the water cycle.
environmental isotopes, hydrological
cycle, radioactivity, atomic systematics, hydrogen, carbon,
oxygen, carbonic acid in water
Vol. II. Atmospheric water. By J.R. Gat, W.G.
Mook and H.A.J. Meijer. UNESCO/IAEA, 2001.
113 pp., figs., tables. English. (SC-2001/WS/38).
The changes in the isotopic composition of water in the
water cycle occur primarily during the passage of water into
and through the atmosphere. The specific isotopic signatures
engendered by these processes are then imprinted on the
terrestrial water bodies, forming the basis for the many
applications of isotopes in hydrological studies. A detailed
understanding of the complex and changing processes
involved is thus a necessary pre-condition for the use of this
tool in studies of present and past climatic systems.
However, considering the variability and changeability of
the atmosphere, the database for describing the atmospheric
isotopic composition is very limited, being based mainly on
long-term precipitation samples. Our concepts thus have to
rely to a large degree on the physical models of the
atmosphere and the anticipated isotope fractionation related
to the atmospheric processes.
This volume presents both the theoretical and the
empirical aspects of the atmospheric part of the water cycle.
It is hoped that the readers will be able to identify gaps in our
knowledge of the system and incorporate steps in their
respective projects to narrow down these gaps by judiciously
designed measurements and observations.
environmental isotopes, hydrological
cycle, atmospheric water, evaporation, precipitation, tritium,
atmospheric carbon dioxide, atmospheric oxygen.
Vol. III. Surface water. By K. Rozanski, K.
Froehlich and W.G. Mook. UNESCO/IAEA, 2001.
117 pp., figs., tables. English. (SC-2001/WS/38).
The third volume in the series of textbooks on the
environmental isotopes in the hydrological cycle deals with
surface water. From man’s perspective, this is perhaps the
most visible and most accessible part of the global
hydrological cycle. Indeed, development of human civilization
over the past millennia was always intimately linked to
availability of water; civilizations flourished and died in the
rhythm of climatic cycles controlling availability and
abundance of freshwater in many parts of the world.
This series of 6 volumes are meant to be in first instance
textbooks helping young people to apply environmental
isotope methodologies in addressing various practical
problems related to the hydrological cycle. Practical
approach was adopted also throughout Volume III. Three
core chapters of this volume (Chapter 2, 3 and 4) deal with
rivers, estuaries and lake systems, respectively. Systematic
presentation of possibilities offered by various isotope tracers
in addressing questions related to the dynamics of surface
water systems, their interaction with groundwater and
vulnerability to pollution is pursued throughout those two
chapters. Practical hints and suggestions are given how to
carry on environmental isotope investigation. The volume
closes with an outlook to future of surface water systems in
the light of anticipated global warming induced by
greenhouse gases.
environmental isotopes, hydrological
cycle, surface water, rivers, estuaries and the sea, lakes and
reservoirs, climatic change
Groundwater: Saturated and
Vol. IV.
unsaturated zone.
By Mebus Geyh.
UNESCO/IAEA, 2000. 196 pp., figs., tables.
English. (SC-2000/WS/59).
This volume deals with the application of isotope
hydrological methods in groundwater studies. It conveys
basic knowledge in geohydraulics and hydrogeology required
for a consistent interpretation of isotope hydrological data.
The volume starts with a brief discussion of the
characteristics and behavior of groundwater as a medium of
mass transport for gases, dissolved constituents and
colloids. The geohydraulic aspects of groundwater flow under
steady-state conditions are described in combination with an
explanation of the most important terms related to isotope
hydrology (e.g., transit time, turn-over time, mean residence
time, water age). Non-steady state flow conditions caused by
palaeoclimatic variations and anthropogenic activities such
as overexploitation or groundwater mining seriously affect the
IHP Catalogue of Publications – 2003
interpretation of isotope hydrological data. In addition, waterrock interactions may modify the isotope composition of a
carbonate rock environment, especially in high-temperature
Environmental isotope techniques are pre-eminently
suitable for studying the unsaturated and saturated zone, the
latter particularly concerning the stable and radioactive
natural isotopes. Stable isotope data preferentially yield
information on the origin of groundwater. Radioactive
isotopes allow groundwater to be 'dated' in support of
geohydraulic investigations. In undisturbed high-temperature
systems isotopic geothermometry is applied for gaining
information on water mixing as well as the origin and history
of fluids. Anthropogenic changes due to steam loss,
underground liquid-vapor separation and the impact of reinjection of waste water are also traced by the isotopic
composition of geothermal fluids. A brief outline is also given
on the planning and performance of environmental multiisotope studies, as well as the interpretation of the
corresponding results.
environmental isotopes, hydrological
cycle, groundwater, tracers and transport, water-rock
interactions, saturated zone, unsaturated zone, groundwater
Man’s impact on groundwater
Vol. V.
UNESCO/IAEA, 2001. 105 pp., figs. tables.
English. (SW-2001/WS/3).
Water is an essential component of ecosystems and
man’s health. As the world population is growing, the need
for more food, man’s shift to urban areas and the progressive
industrialization all affect water resources in a qualitative and
quantitative way. Since water resources react on changes of
land and water use with a long delay time, man’s activities
should be better adapted to basic hydrodynamic conditions in
order to better satisfy the needs of a safe drinking water
supply, flood protection, as well as food and industrial
production. It is well known that remediation techniques of
water resources imply costly but crucial efforts with often low
efficiency to restore the health of ecosystems and to provide
a healthy water supply on the basis of existing guidelines. To
avoid such efforts fundamental and process-oriented
research on the physical, chemical, microbial and hydraulic
behavior of water resources must advance to provide
effective and long-term strategies of water resources
In many areas of the world, relevant long-term data on
water resources are missing. The traditional and isotope
methods in combination with mathematical modelling, often
answer pressing questions about groundwater origin,
chemical reactions, fluxes, ages and mixing processes
occurring in reservoirs. Only on this basis can relevant
strategies for exploration, exploitation and protection of
subsurface water be developed.
This volume aims to demonstrate how the choice of
applying combined disciplines and methods should be made
in the case of specific, man-made perturbations of the
natural environment.
environmental isotopes, hydrological
cycle, groundwater systems, aquifer systems, exploitation
and overexploitation, pollution susceptibility, contaminant
sources, irrigation and impact on groundwater quality,
percolation, urbanization impact on groundwater, Molasse
Basin (Germany), Valenci Lake and Caracas (Venezuela).
Vol. VI. Modelling. Co-ordinating Editor: Yuecel
Yurtsever. UNESCO/IEAE, 2001. 127 pp., figs.
tables. English. (SC-2001/WS/4).
This last volume in the series of textbooks on
environmental isotopes in the hydrological cycle provides an
overview of the basic principles of existing conceptual
formulations of modelling approaches. While some of the
concepts provided in Chapters 2 and 3 are of general validity
for quantitative interpretation of isotope data, the modelling
methodologies commonly employed for incorporating isotope
data into evaluations specifically related to groundwater
systems are given in this volume together with some
illustrative examples.
Development of conceptual models for quantitative
interpretations of isotope date in hydrogeology and the
assessment of their limitations and field verification have
been given priority in the research and development efforts of
the IAEA during the last decade. Several Co-ordinated
Research Projects on this specific topic were implemented
and results published by the IAEA. Based on these efforts
and contributions made by a number of scientists involved in
this specific field, the IEAE has published two Technical
Documents entitled “Mathematical models and their
applications to isotope studies in groundwater studies – IAEA
TECDOC-777, 1994” and “Manual on mathematical models
in isotope hydrogeology – IAEA TECDOC-910, 1996”.
Results of a recently completed Co-ordinated Research
Project entitled “Use of isotopes for analysis of flow and
transport dynamics in groundwater systems” will be soon
published by the IAEA. This is the reason why the IAEA was
involved in the co-ordination required for preparation of this
volume; the material presented is a condensed overview
prepared by some of the scientists that were involved in the
above-cited activities.
environmental isotopes, hydrological
cycle, modelling, lumped parameter models, compartmental
model approaches, numerical models, groundwater flow,
groundwater transport
N°40. Urban drainage in specific climates.
Volumes I to III. IHP-V Project 7.3. Chief Editor:
Cedo Maksimovic.
UNESCO/IRTCUD, 20002001. English.
The three-volume series on “Urban drainage in specific
climates” is published within the framework of Theme 7:
Integrated urban water management, Project 7.3 Integrated
urban drainage modelling in different climates: tropical, arid
and semi-arid and cold of the Fifth Phase of UNESCO’s
International Hydrological Programme. The three volumes of
the series address urban drainage aspects in the humid
tropics (Vol I), in cold climates (Vol II) and in arid and semiarid climates (Vol III). The series is produced under the coordinating role of the regional subcentres for particular
climates of IRTCUD (International Research and Training
Centre on Urban Drainage), an organization established
under the auspices of UNESCO.
Vol. I. Urban drainage in humid tropics.
Edited by Carlos E.M. Tucci. UNESCO/IRTCUD,
2001. 240 pp., figs., tables. English. (SC2001/WS/11).
The emphasis of this volume is on cities in developing
countries of the humid tropics, responding to two overriding
factors: (1) the overwhelming majority of cities in this climatic
zone are located in developing countries, particularly the
largest and the fastest growing ones; and (2) the general lack
information and guidelines on urban drainage there makes it
an urgent task to disseminate existing experience and
knowledge. Urban development of the cities in these
countries is one of major challenges of the 21 century and
the adoption of sound urban drainage practices is a key
factor in the improvement of the quality of life for the
population in these regions. The goal of this volume is to
describe and systematize the already existing knowledge
regarding urban drainage in the humid tropics and to provide
guidelines in this respect.
Technical Documents in Hydrology
Most of the experience presented in this book is drawn
from the Brazilian humid tropics, given that the editor of this
volume and most of the authors are from this region.
Chapter 1 gives an overview of urban drainage principles and
practice, while Chapter 2 introduces the issues related to
urban drainage in developing countries. Chapter 3 describes
the climate conditions of humid tropics covering the main
physical aspects related to rainfall and the overall regional
climate. Chapter 4 deals with tools related to the forecast of
flood flow and sediment yield calculations in urban drainage,
while Chapter 5 describes the water quality evaluation,
impacts and controls in urban drainage. Chapter 6 presents
the flood control measures and Chapter 7 addresses urban
drainage management covering the relevant technical and
institutional aspects. Chapter 8 concludes the volume,
presenting seven cases studies in flood hazard and urban
drainage. Most of them deal with Brazilian cities having
various drainage management problems.
loads during stormwater events occur in these areas. The
importance of monitoring of stormwater quality where
accurate estimates of pollutant loads are required is
underlined. Chapter 6 discusses the state-of-the art of the
traditional methods of urban drainage in arid and semiarid
regions, both for small and large catchments. Chapter 7
proposes sustainable solutions for urban drainage problems
in arid and semiarid regions, using, for instance, techniques
of rainwater harvesting in the urbanized areas and adopting
the methods of water spreading over the infiltrating surface of
catchments. Chapter 8 reviews practices of maintenance
and management of urban stormwater drainage appropriate
for arid and semiarid regions. Chapter 9 describes the case
studies dealing with: (i) the effects of dust storms on
stormwater quality, (ii) stormwater hydrograph prediction in
arid catchments using the Storm Water Management Model
(SWMM), and (iii) effect of urbanization on hydrograph
components and on runoff water quality.
urban drainage, humid tropics, Brazil,
developing countries, rainfall, flood control, sediment yield,
water quality
urban drainage, arid and semi-arid climates,
runoff prediction, urban stormwater pollution, rainwater
harvesting, urban stormwater drainage, dust storms, Storm
Water Management Model (SWMM).
Vol. II. Urban drainage in cold climates.
Edited by S. Saegrov, J. Milina and T.
Thorolfsson. UNESCO/IRTCUD, 2000. 200 pp.,
figs., tables. English. (SC-2000/WS/72).
This volume deals with cold climates and is a result of a
team work by specialists of 10 countries. The topics covered
include: Chapter 1 – an overview of the differences between
rain and snow dominated hydrological regimes in urban
settings; Chapter 2 – snow accumulation and the physics of
snowmelt; Chapter 3 – storm hydrology and flood analysis;
Chapter 4 – snow water quality and pollutant transport during
snowmelt; Chapter 5 – maintenance and management of
urban drainage systems and their interactions with other
urban water systems; Chapter 6 – design and management
of urban hydrological stations; Chapter 6 – ecological
handling of stormwater and other innovative techniques for
sustainable management of urban stormwater systems; and
Chapter 7 – a general characterization of cold climate in
different regions and the relationship between climate and
Keywords: urban drainage, cold climate trends, snow and
snowmelt, runoff processes, urban water quality issues,
technical solutions, problem solutions – innovation.
Vol. III. Urban drainage in arid and semi-arid
UNESCO/IRTCUD, 2001. 150 pp., figs., tables.
English. (SC-2001/WS/43).
This volume deals with urban drainage in arid and semiarid climates. The editor of this volume is Prof. Mamdouh
Nouh of Sharjah University, United Arab Emirates, having led
a team of 13 leading international experts in the preparation
of this volume. Chapter 1 is an introductory chapter common
to the three volumes, giving a general overview of urban
drainage principles and practice. Chapter 2 discusses the
specific climate features affecting the hydrologic
characteristics of arid and semi-arid areas. It points to the
low, highly variable, rainfall, high evaporation rates, and the
sparseness of vegetation and to the main features of arid
zone landscapes. Chapter 3 emphasizes the effect of such
characteristics on urban drainage, showing that many
problems originate from the application of traditional methods
of design developed in other climatic zones. Chapter 4
describes the various factors affecting runoff prediction and
design of urban facilities. Common methods of estimating
design rainfall and runoff are also reviewed and discussed.
Chapter 5 addresses important issues related to urban
stormwater pollution. Due to the dry conditions and reduced
vegetation in arid areas, higher pollutant concentrations and
N°41. Les femmes, l’éducation et l’eau en
Afrique. De Claudine Brelet. UNESCO, 2000.
132 pages, illus., figs., tableaux. Français. (SC2000/WS/73).
En Afrique sub-saharienne et cela, depuis l’aube de
l’humanité, ce sont les femmes qui fournissent quasiment à
elles seules toute l’eau nécessaire à la vie quotidienne des
familles. Au fil des siècles, les Africaines ont ainsi accumulé
un impressionnant trésor de connaissances et de savoir-faire
sur l’environnement et la santé. Elles assument très souvent
elles-mêmes la charge et l’éducation des enfants tout en les
associant aux activités qui leur permettent d’assurer la survie
économique de toute leur famille. Très souvent aussi,
diverses circonstances (crises économiques, écologiques et
politiques) obligent les femmes à devenir à part entière de
véritables chefs de famille, notamment lorsque les hommes
sont contraints de s’expatrier vers les villes ou des pays
voisins dans l’espoir de trouver un emploi.
Les exemples concrets offerts dans ce manuel ont pour
but d’aider les femmes et les enfants à devenir les moteurs
d’une meilleure protection de leur environnement contre les
risques associés à l’eau. Les méthodes proposées dans ce
manuel sont basées sur le principe de l’éducation active.
L’approche est globale afin de stimuler l’imagination et la
créativité, l’esprit d’initiative et le sens des responsabilités
non seulement des femmes, mais aussi des hommes, car
ces deux groupes constituent chacun la moitié de l’espèce
humaine. L’orientation de ce manuel, «apprendre en faisant
», est résolument pratique dans l’espoir de stimuler
l’interaction des hommes et des femmes – et le dialogue
entre les experts en hydrologie, les décideurs et les
populations féminines. Le rôle de ces dernières est essentiel
pour construire l’avenir de l’Afrique sub-saharienne.
Ce manuel a pour ambition de sensibiliser une audience
aussi large que possible à tout ce qui touche de près ou de
loin à l’eau. L’eau est le miroir vivant du statut social et
sanitaire des femmes de l’Afrique sub-saharienne.
Aujourd’hui, nul ne peut plus ignorer l’amplitude et la
diversité des problèmes que les populations féminines
doivent encore y affronter, mais il est tout aussi important de
savoir que ces problèmes ont des solutions.
Mots-clé: Femmes, eau, éducation, Afrique, apprentissage,
santé, famille, environnement, maladies d'origine hydrique
N°42. International aquifer systems in arid
and semi-arid zones: Managing nonrenewable resources. Proceedings of the Tripoli
Conference. (publication currently in final editing
phase – expected release date: Summer 2003)
IHP Catalogue of Publications – 2003
Integration of social and technical
science in groundwater monitoring and
management. Groundwater pollution study on
Lifuka, Ha’apai, Tonga.
Recharge study on
Bonriki, South Tarawa, Kiribati. By L. Crennan.
IHP-V Theme 6. UNESCO, 2001. 50 pp., figs.
English. (SC-2001/WS/6).
This paper describes a groundwater pollution study on the
island of Lifuka in the Kingdom of Tonga, in a village where
private wells are an important source of water, in addition to
dependence on household rainwater tanks and a public
reticulated system. Comparison is also made with the
findings of a groundwater recharge project, which was
undertaken on the island of Tarawa in the Republic of
Kiribati, Central Pacific, where a reticulated groundwater
system, sourced from a government controlled water
reserve, was the primary focus of the study.
Both projects aimed to increase the understanding and
effective management of groundwater resources and both
projects encountered the often conflicting priorities of
environmental conservation and human need. However, from
the investigations, it may eventually be perceived that
changes in behavior which protect the natural resource will
also sustain human welfare.
The groundwater pollution study in Tonga and the
groundwater recharge study in Kiribati were conducted within
the framework of the IHP Humid Tropics Programme, and
were two of the three field projects recommended at the
workshop on Pacific Water Sector Planning, Research and
Training in Honiara, Solomon Islands in June 1994. The
projects were reviewed and updated at the UNESCO/SOPAC
Water Resources Workshop at USP, Suva, Fiji in July 1997.
low lying coral islands, groundwater
pollution, groundwater recharge, groundwater monitoring and
management, social and technical science, Lifuka, Tonga,
Bonriki, Kiribati, humid tropics
The design and implementation
strategy of the HELP initiative. Produced by
the HELP Task Force. UNESCO, 2001. 67 pp.
English. Conception et stratégie de mise en
oeuvre de l’initiative HELP. Document établi
par l’équipe spéciale chargée de HELP. 64
pages. Français. Elaboración y estrategia de
ejecución de la iniciativa HELP. Documento
preparado por el grupo de trabajo sobre HELP.
64 páginas.
(Document available separately in English,
French and Spanish).
The 5 Joint UNESCO/WMO International Conference
on Hydrology (Geneva, 8-12 February 1999) unanimously
endorsed a new global initiative, entitled HELP (Hydrology for
the Environment, Life and Policy), which would seek to
establish a global network of catchments to improve the links
between hydrology and the needs of society. The conference
recommended the establishment of a task force, consisting
of hydrological scientists, water resources managers and
water policy specialists, to develop the concept. The
conference also requested the preparation of a project
document by the Task Force. This document fulfils that
request. It provides a guide to the history of HELP, the
issues it addresses, its objectives, and the strategy for
implementing the initiative. This document presents the
state of HELP planning in October 2000. It is a final draft and
includes comments from a wide range of stakeholders.
HELP (Hydrology for the Environment,
Life and Policy), catchments, water and climate, water and
food, water quality and human health, water and the
environment, water and conflict
N°45. Frontiers in urban water management:
Deadlock or hope? / Frontières de la gestion
de l’eau urbaine: Impasse ou espoir?
Proceedings of the International Symposium /
Actes du Symposium international. 18-20 June /
juin 2001, Marseille, France. Edited by / Sous la
direction de : José Alberto Tejada-Guibert, Cedo
Maksimovic. UNESCO, 2001. 364 pp., figs.,
Bilingual: English/French.
The International Symposium “Frontiers of urban water
management: Deadlock or hope?” (Marseille, 18-20 June
2001) represents a unique opportunity to assess the current
status of urban water systems in various settings around the
world and to explore various approaches, proposals and
technologies that hold promise in facing the shortcomings.
The nature and gravity of the urban water problems in the
developing countries is such that they warrant our immediate
attention. The aim is not only finding ways to cope and to
hold off an impending collapse, but to provide sustainability
and improve the quality of life of the urban population, while
safeguarding the well-being of all members of society.
This Symposium, organized by UNESCO and the
Académie de l’Eau de France, with the support of the City of
Marseille and of the Secretariat of the World Water Council,
represents the culmination of the activities related to the
theme Integrated Urban Water Management of the Fifth
Phase (1996-2001) of the International Hydrological
Programme (IHP) of UNESCO.
This volume holds the papers selected to be presented
orally at the six workshops of the Symposium, and the
abstracts of the papers accepted for poster presentations. In
evaluating the papers submitted to the Symposium, the
Scientific Advisory Committee assessed the quality of the
papers, coverage of topics and geographical distribution of
authors. Some of the keynote papers and workshop papers
were not available when this volume had to be submitted to
the printer, so have they not been included here.
Nevertheless, the companion CD-ROM contains the full set
of papers, including those of the posters.
urban water management, municipal
wastewater, urban water supply, society and water quality,
GIS, water recycling and reuse, water and health, slum
networking, private sector participation in provision of urban
water services
Ecohydrology – Science and the
sustainable management of tropical waters. A
summary of the projects presented to the
Conference, Naivasha, Kenya, 11-16 April 1999.
Edited by David Harper and Maciej Zalewski.
IHP-V Projects 2.3/2.4. UNESCO, 2001. 126
pp., illus., fig., tables.
The management of waters in the tropics is beset by
difficulties more severe than those in the temperate zones.
The moist tropics – wet rainforests and high altitude areas –
experience a surplus of water which is distant from human
settlement use, and as a consequence water systems are
relatively natural but their problems relate to reservoir and
river regulation schemes. The arid tropics, in contrast, are
often those areas where human development is
concentrated, increasing pressure upon limited natural water
cycles and water stores through pollution and regulation as
well as creating new ones.
The range of papers presented here illustrate not only the
problems inherent in the management of tropical waters but
also the additional work which is necessary to put
ecohydrological principles in place.
Furthermore, they
illustrate the progress which is being made towards a holistic
Technical Documents in Hydrology
style of management of water systems and demonstrate the
extent to which ecohydrology can help in long-term
sustainable management solutions.
ecohydrology, tropical waters, basin
scale processes, freshwater ecosystems, catchment
systems, sustainable water resources management
Ecohydrology – Hydrological and
geochemical processes in large river basins.
A summary of the projects presented to the
International Symposium, Manaus, Brazil, 15-19
November 1999. Edited by Michael McClain and
Maciej Zalewski.
IHP-V Projects 2.3/2.4.
UNESCO, 2001. 46 pp., illus., fig., tables.
English. (SC-2001/WS/18).
The Earth’s large tropical rivers present a unique set of
challenges and opportunities for scientists and resource
managers. Located mainly in developing nations, tropical
rivers are often receptacles for large quantities of untreated
wastes from domestic and industrial sources. Financial
limitations and ineffective enforcement of laws preclude
proper wastewater treatment and, in many cases, also
preclude treatment of water taken from rivers and intended
for human use. Consequently, waterborne illness is a severe
problem in many developing nations, and aquatic resources
in general continue to decline in quality. Costly engineering
and capital-intensive solutions to these problems are
impractical today and are likely to remain impractical for
decades. On the other hand, historically low investment in
river engineering projects has left many tropical rivers in a
more or less natural state with regard to channel form and
hydrological flow regime. This is particularly true in the
humid tropics. Many tropical rivers also retain much of their
original biodiversity, which when combined with a natural flow
regime forms an integrated system with sometimes
astounding abilities for self-purification. Dilution, oxidation,
aeration, filtration, acid neutralization and sedimentation are
all water treatment practices that occur naturally in intact
river systems. Thus the opportunity presented by many
tropical rivers is to capitalize on these intrinsic purification
abilities and to incorporate them explicitly into water
management programmes.
Understanding the integration of biotic and physical
processes in river systems and applying this understanding
to improve water management are core objectives of the
UNESCO/IHP Ecohydrology Programme (IH-V Projects
2.3/2.4). The 28 projects featured in this document stem
from a symposium entitled “Hydrological and Geochemical
Processes in Large Scale River Basins” and convened 15-19
November 1999 in Manaus, Brazil. UNESCO/IHP sponsored
a special session of the symposium devoted to the subject of
hydrological processes, geochemical processes, sustainable
water resources management
N°48. Public participation in the design of
local strategies for flood mitigation and
control. By B. Affeltranger. IHP-V Themes 4
and 7. UNESCO, 2001. 82 pp. English. (SC2001/WS/16).
The production of this Technical Report was undertaken
within the framework of the Fifth Phase of IHP (1996-2001),
addressing issues of public participation in flood
management pertinent to Theme 4: Strategies for water
resources management in emergency and conflicting
situations and to Theme 7: Integrated urban water
management. This report is also presented as a UNESCO
contribution to the follow-up activities of the United Nations
International Decade for Natural Disaster Reduction (19902000).
It is the purpose of this document to provide guidelines
on public participation and community involvement to water
professionals and planners responsible for the formulation of
integrated flood control policies and for their implementation.
The involvement of the general public in water-related
decision-making processes, especially with view to
implementing integrated water management, is no longer a
new concept and is being practiced today in many countries,
especially in the West. Yet, the difficult and complex
involvement of stakeholders in decision-making processes
addressing to flood control policies and planning, especially
at local level, has not be fully appreciated everywhere by
water experts and practitioners. In the last decades, there
have been important results achieved in both research and
action in the field of public participation in water management
(PPWM), an illustration of which could be found in the rich
exchanges and proceedings of the Budapest conference on
PPWM (a satellite conference to the World Conference on
Science), that took place in June 1999.
This document seeks to: a) present the reasons for
advocating a stronger involvement of the general public in
flood-related decision-making processes, b) discuss the
conditions making such an involvement feasible in practice,
and c) illustrate with case studies the different aspects of
public participation in the design of local strategies for flood
mitigation and management.
public participation in water management
(PPWM), flood mitigation and control, local strategies,
structural and non-structural flood control measures
N°49. Present state and future trends of Karst
studies. Proceedings of the 6 International
Symposium and Field Seminar, Marmaris,
Turkey, 17-26 September 2000. Edited by G.
Günay, K.S. Johnson, D. Ford and A.I Johnson.
Volumes I to II. UNESCO, 2001. English.
Vol I. 390 pp., figs., tables.
This volume contains the following chapters: Chapter 1:
Keynote Addresses; Chapter 2: Evaporite Karst; Chapter 3:
Carbon Cycle in Karst and Environment, Karst
Hydrochemistry; Chapter 4: Karst and Sustainable
Development, Karst Ecosystems, Sustainability of Karst
Waters, Quality and Pollution by Karst; Chapter 5:
Engineering Problems in Karst; and Chapter 6: Exploration
Vol II. 358 pp., figs., tables.
This volume contains the following chapters: Chapter 7:
Karst Hydrology; Chapter 8: Karst Geomorphology and
Speleology; Chapter 9: Geothermal Karst; Chapter 10:
Modelling; Chapter 11: Remote Sensing and GIS in Karst;
Chapter 12: Regional Karst Systems; and Chapter 13:
Palaeokarst, Palaeoclimate and Palaeohydrology.
Karst, evaporite Karst, carbon cycle,
sustainable development, quality and pollution in Karst, hard
rock aquifers, Karst geomorphology and speleology,
geothermal Karst, remote sensing and GIS in Karst,
N°50. Guidelines on non-structural measures
in urban flood management. By I. Andjelkovic.
IHP-V Project 7.1 UNESCO, 2001. 87 pp.
These Guidelines have been prepared within the
framework of the Fifth Phase of UNESCO’s International
Hydrologic Programme as a contribution to Theme 7:
IHP Catalogue of Publications – 2003
Integrated Urban Water Management, Project 7.1 Nonstructural flood control measures to balance risk-cost-benefit
in flood control management in urban areas. Flooding in
cities originates from extreme high flows and stages in major
neighboring rivers as a result of extreme area-wide
meteorological disturbances, as well as from local severe
thunderstorms occurring over the urbanized areas. This
document takes into account the physical damages and the
consequences of pollution caused by urban flooding.
The primary target audience for these Guidelines is
government professionals at all levels engaged in the
planning and implementation of flood mitigation programmes.
Consulting engineers, urban planners, educators and
legislators may also find this document interesting and useful
for widening the scope of their work.
The purpose of the Guidelines is to offer a set of
engineering, structural measures, rather than to propose
ready-made solutions. Flood mitigation is a site-specific
discipline, institutionalized through local governments and
founded on integrated, multidisciplinary consideration of
various concepts, measures, and technique. It aims towards
flooding control solutions that satisfy the requirements of
environmental and economic sustainability. It requires public
participation based on an ongoing development of public
awareness as well as on the evaluation of the past
flood management, urban environment,
flood mitigation, development and land use policies, flood
forecasting and warning, disaster management, flood
proofing, legal and institutional issues, public involvement,
environmental impacts caused by flooding.
N°52. Hydrology and water management in
the humid tropics. Proceedings of the 2
International Colloquium, Panama, Republic of
Panama, 22-26 March 1999. UNESCO, 2002.
487 pp., figs, tables. English.
During the week of March 21-26 1999 a series of parallel
meetings took place in Panama City, Republic of Panama,
which collectively was referred to as Water Week in Panama.
The Second International Colloquium on Hydrology and
Water Management in the Humid Tropics, as one of these
events, brought together a group of leading researchers and
water managers from around the world who work in the
humid tropics region or execute research programs related to
the hydrology of these regions. The Colloquium consisted of
presentations of technical papers and discussions on the
following themes:
• Multi-dimensional Approach to Water Management
• Climate Variability and the Impacts on Hydrology and
Water Resources
• Surface, Sub-surface and Ground Water Quality
• Urban Hydrology
• Tropical Island Hydrology
• An Ecohydrological Perspective of Montane Cloud
recommendations, final statements and technical papers that
were presented at the Colloquium.
humid tropics, water management,
climate variability, impacts on hydrology and water
resources, groundwater quality, urban hydrology, tropical
island hydrology, ecohydrology, montane cloud forests
N°53. Negotiation over water. Proceedings of
the Haifa Workshop, 1997. Edited by U. Shamir.
IHP-V Project 4.1. UNESCO, 2001. 167 pp.,
figs., tables. English. (SC-2001/WS/35).
While there is a widespread perception that water has
been the cause of armed conflicts between nations, and that
“water wars” are likely to become more prevalent in the
future, history tells us otherwise. Water has been more a
basis for co-operation between neighboring nations than a
cause for wars. The statement that the wars of the future are
going to be fought over water has permeated the public
utterances of politicians, thus helping to dramatize in the
public eye this exaggerated picture of water conflicts.
UNESCO has undertaken to examine the issue of
international water conflicts and co-operation in a scientific
manner. In this regard, a working group on “International
Water Systems: Conflicts, Results, Techniques” was set up
under IHP. The Workshop “Negotiation Over Water:
Conflicts, Results, Techniques” and these Proceedings are
among its products.
NOW, water conflicts, water disputes,
negotiation, mediation, conflict resolution, conflict mitigation,
water rights, water markets, GMCR II model, WAS model,
water security, Rhine, Danube, Mekong, Uruguay, water
N°54. Priority aquifer systems. IHP Network on
Groundwater Protection in the Arab Region.
Edited by F.A.R. Attia and A. Salih. UNESCO,
2002. 94 pp., tables, figs. English. (SC2002/WS/32).
This document has been prepared by a number of experts
from the Arab region aiming at disseminating their
experiences with respect to research and development,
lessons learned and best procedures for selected aquifers in
the region. The initiative behind the preparation of this
document is vehicled by the UNESCO Cairo Office as a
result of recommendations made by the Arab countries. The
document is the first in a series of documents aimed at
supporting decisions and actions related to groundwater
protection in the region. The main aquifers identified (as first
priority) for research and development are:
regional non-renewable aquifers with deep groundwater
which are generally subjected to over-exploitation;
coastal aquifers, which are subjected to saline water
intrusion and upconing;
wadi aquifers, which consist major resources to the
region; and
local aquifers subjected to pollution due to recharge with
non-conventional water.
This document contains relevant experiences of some
Arab countries in research and development, including
lessons learned and proposed procedures.
Arab region, non-renewable aquifers,
groundwater, coastal aquifers, saline intrusion and upconing,
wadi aquifers, aquifer recharge with non-conventional water
N°55. Hydrology of wadi systems. IHP Network
on Wadi Hydrology in the Arab Region. Edited by
H. Wheater and R.A. Al-Weshah.
2002. 162 pp., figs., illus. English. (SC2002/WS/33).
Wadi Hydrology has emerged as a distinct scientific area
within the last decade, due mainly to the initiative of a
number of individuals within and outside the Arab region, and
the active support of UNESCO, assisted by the Arab League
Educational, Cultural and Scientific Organization(ALECSO)
and the Arab Center for Studies of Arid Zones and Dry Lands
This publication has arisen from a UNESCO initiative to
develop a programme in Wadi Hydrology for the Arab region,
leading to an improved science base and appropriate
decision support tools for the integrated management of wadi
systems. This programme has been developed through a
series of regional workshops, and has led, for example, to
international training
conference (Sharm el Sheikh, 2000), and the formulation of
Technical Documents in Hydrology
an international Wadi Hydrology Network to provide high
quality data and a test-bed for the development of
appropriate tools for modelling and analysis.
The aim of this publication is to summarize the scientific,
technical and management issues associated with the
integrated management of Wadi systems. This study is
implemented by UNESCO Cairo Office under the activities of
the Arab Network in Wadi Hydrology established in 1996 in
co-operation with ALECSO and ACSAD. All articles
presented in this book peer reviewed.
wadi hydrology, arid and semi-arid
areas, rainfall-runoff and water resource modelling,
groundwater recharge, sediment transport, sustainable
management of wadi systems, ALECSO, ACSAD
Non-structural measures for water
management. Proceedings of the International
Workshop (London, Ontario, Canada, 18 – 20
October 2001).
Edited by S.P. Simonovic.
UNESCO, 2002. 307 pp., figs., tables, illus.
English. (SC-2002/WS/34).
Non-structural measures are an attractive alternative and
addition to structural measures that may reduce the loss of
life and property caused by water-related problems. The
main objective of the workshop was to identify the role of
non-structural measures in sustained set of actions that
improve society’s capacity to, anticipate, mitigate, withstand
and recover from water-related problems. Recent water
resources management is emphasizing a more integrated
approach including measures such as insurance, forecasting,
warning and land use planning. The advent of non-structural
measures can be viewed within the wider context of the need
for the development of more hazard effective and sustainable
relationships with the environment in an era of integrated
water resources management.
This set of Proceedings is intended to serve as a key
source of reference not only for water researchers in
academia and professionals, including practitioners and
policy makers in agencies, consultancy and government
departments, but also to everyone concerned with
comprehensive water resources management and the role
that non-structural measures can play in the future.
non-structural measures, water-related
problems, water resources management, data and computerbased methodologies, forecasting, flood protection and
sustainability, flood management, municipal stormwater
management, extreme events, water pricing, irrigation water
management, modelling of extreme hydrologic processes,
real-time hydrological forecasting, demand management,
non-structural flood alleviation measures
Expert review workshop on Data
Synthesis System (DSS) for Pan-African water
resources. Workshop Report (Cairo, Egypt, 1112 April 2002). UNESCO, 2002. 36 pp. English.
An expert review workshop on the Data Synthesis System
(DSS) for Pan-African water resources was held on April 1112, 2002 in Cairo, Egypt, with 11 regional experts from the
facilitators from the University of New Hampshire. The
workshop was aimed (1) to explore the functionality and data
holdings of the Data Synthesis System (DSS) at regional and
country scales; (2) to assess the utility of the DSS to support
regional, sub-regional and country-level water resources
assessments; and (3) to propose recommendations for future
enhancements of the DSS.
The DSS was presented to the expert panel demonstrating
its major features and functionality including ease of use
(friendly interactive interface), ease of modification in
functionality, ease in data updating, ability to compare
different areas with a common base (regionally to globally),
ease of adapting to higher resolution datasets. The
discussion centered on how the system could be used to
support the countries for their water resources assessments.
It was recommended that UNESCO/IHP, in collaboration with
the IHP National Committees and other relevant international
and regional agencies, continue development of the system
in support of WWAP.
Data Synthesis System (DSS), PanKeywords:
African water resources, Africa, Arab States, water resources
assessment, WWAP
N° 58. Coping with water scarcity. By L.S.
Pereira, I. Cordery and I. Iacovides. UNESCO,
2002. 269 pp., figs., tables. English. (SC2002/WS/49).
Water scarcity is among the main problems to be faced by
many societies and the World in the 21st century. Water
scarcity causes enormous problems for populations and
societies. The available water is not sufficient for the
production of food and for alleviating hunger and poverty in
these regions, where quite often the population growth is
larger than the capability for sustainable use of the natural
The book intends to serve as a guide, not to be followed
as such, but to serve for establishing regional or local
guidelines oriented to help in developing and implementing
new conceptual and managerial ideas that may assist in
coping with water scarcity. The basic idea behind the book is
that water scarcity will continue to exist and, for many
regions, unfortunately will continue to grow. Human and
societal skills will need to be developed to cope with water
scarcity and to assist the local people to live in harmony with
the environmental constraints, particularly those concerning
water resources. This guideline does not produce an
exhaustive review on every aspect covered but attempts to
provide basic information to assist decision-makers, water
managers, engineers, agronomists, economists, social
scientists and other professionals to have coherent and
hopefully harmonious consolidated views on the problems.
Therefore, to help assist those who may need more detail,
oriented, but less than comprehensive bibliographies are
water scarcity, aridity and drought,
climatic conditions, social value of water, environmental
value of water, economic value of water, water ownership,
water use and harvesting, reservoir management,
groundwater use and recharge, non-conventional resources,
wastewater use, desalinated water, water conservation and
water saving practices and management, social, economic,
cultural, legal and institutional constraints and issues,
education, public awareness of water scarcity issues
N° 59. A manual for monitoring the mass
balance of mountain glaciers. By G. Kaser and
A. Fountain. (In press. Expected release date:
Summer 2003).
N° 60. Modelling erosion, sediment transport
and sediment yield. Edited by W. Summer and
D.E. Walling. IHP-V Projects 2.1 and 6.2.
UNESCO, 2002. 264 pp., figs., tables. English.
In July 1998, the International Commission on Continental
Erosion of the International Association of Hydrological
Sciences organized a symposium at the IAEA Headquarters
in Vienna, Austria, with the theme “Modelling Soil Erosion,
Sediment Transport and Closely Related Hydrological
Processes”. The symposium was co-sponsored by
IHP Catalogue of Publications – 2003
UNESCO, as a contribution to IHP-V and more particularly to
IHP-V Project 2.1 dealing with “Vegetation, Land-Water Use
and Erosion Processes” and Project 6.2 concerned with
“Land Use,Deforestation,Erosion and Sedimentation in the
Humid Tropics”. The proceedings were published by IAHS
Press (Modelling Soil Erosion,Sediment Transport and
Closely Related Hydrological Processes ,Proceedings of the
Vienna Symposium, July 13-17,1998, eds. W.Summer,
E.Klaghofer and W.Zhang, IAHS Publication no.249, 1998)
and the 50 papers were contributed by authors from many
different regions of the world.
The formal and informal discussion sessions at the
meeting emphasized the diversity of the approach to
modelling erosion and sediment yield and the need for closer
integration of field monitoring and modelling activities, but
nevertheless provided clear evidence of many significant
advances and achievements within the general area. The
discussions also highlighted the central role that modelling
must play in dealing with the many environmental problems
associated with erosion and sediment transport and in the
development of effective catchment management and
sediment control strategies.
To build on the success of the symposium and to
contribute further to IHP-V Projects 2.1 and 6.2, it was
agreed to assemble a collection of papers dealing with recent
work on the field of modelling erosion, sediment transport
and sediment yield, that could be published in the
UNESCO/IHP Technical Documents in Hydrology series, in
order to demonstrate the state-of-the-art in this important
area. Many of the papers built on contributions to the
symposium, but others were solicited to extend the scope of
the collection.
erosion modelling, sediment transport
modelling, sediment yield modelling, suspended sediment
structure, soil erosion by water prediction technology,
SHETRAN concept, land use optimization, physically-based
overland flow modelling, suspended sediment structure
N° 61. Water management in the Mekong
Delta: Changes, conflicts and opportunities.
By I. White. UNESCO, 2002. 73 pp., figs.,
tables. English. (SC-2002/WS/47).
This report is a state-of-the-art monograph on the Mekong
Delta which addresses:
a succinct summary of past and present hydrology and
water resource management activities, including those
under the auspices of the Mekong River Commission
and of other specialized agencies.
a critique of existing and past projects in terms of their
success rate of implementation;
recommendations for future inter-disciplinary and interagency projects in the broad field of land-use (water
management) which require an integrated approach at
the subregional level on water management issues. The
recommended programme should be able to attain
achievable results within 3 years, take into account any
limitations on-site infrastructure and incorporate the
socio-cultural aspects of water management (i.e.,
community water management) in the proposal.
Mekong, Mekong River Commission,
Mekong River Basin, hydrology and climate of the Mekong
Delta, integrated management and conflict resolution, salinity
intrusion forecasting, water quality monitoring, the Mekong
Delta Master Plan
N° 62. Conflict and cooperation related to
international water resources: historical
perspectives. Selected Papers of the IWHA
Conference on The Role of Water in History and
Development, Bergen, Norway, August 2001.
Edited by S. Castelein and A. Otte. UNESCO,
2002. 216 pp., figs., illus., tables. English. (SC2002/WS/53).
The articles of this volume are drawn from contributions
made to the International Water History Association’s
Conference on the “Role of Water in History and
Development” (Bergen, Norway, 10-12 August 2001). Like
the conference, they reflect a diversity of historical, political
and cultural perspectives on water. Despite the variety of
underlying concepts, methods or disciplines, geographical
scope or historical period of their articles, all authors care
particularly about one common aspect: the linkage between
history and the future of sharing and developing water
The volume is a contribution to IHP’s Theme 4 "Water and
Society", in particular its Focal Areas "Water, civilization and
ethics" and "Water conflicts – prevention and resolution". It
also contributes to the joint UNESCO/Green Cross
International initiative "PCCP: Water for Peace" which is
linked to the aforementioned IHP focal areas and to the UNwide World Water Assessment Programme (WWAP).
water in history and development,
international water resources, political and socio-cultural
functions of water, water for peace, water conflict, water
cooperation, International Water History Association (IWHA),
From Potential Conflict to Cooperation Potential (PCCP)
Technical Documents in Hydrology
Out of Print Titles
A provisional list.
Hydrological maps. A provisional
catalogue. Vol. 2. UNESCO, 1972.
English. (SC/WS/437)
Hydrological aspects of saline
water resources. A provisional
annotated bibliography. UNESCO,
1972. English. (SC/WS/438).
Regional co-operation in the
Nordic countries. UNESCO, 1972.
English. (SC/WS/439).
equivalents of karst terms. First
preliminary edition. UNESCO/FAO,
1972. (SC/WS/440).
Karst hydrology in eight circum
preliminary edition. UNESCO/FAO,
1973. English. (SC/WS/446).
Review of published works on the
world water balance - United
States of America. A provisional
UNESCO, 1973.
hydrological experiments. By G.J.
Blake and F.A. Branson. First
preliminary edition. UNESCO, 1973.
English. (SC/WS/543).
representative and experimental
Hydrologie du karst dans huit
régions circum-méditerranéennes.
The hydroclimatic role of forests.
By V.V. Rakhmanov.
1973. English. (SC/WS/573).
research on representative and
experimental basins. By G. Kienitz.
First preliminary edition. UNESCO,
1974. English. (SC/ WS/576).
The progress in hydrological
education since the inception of
Decade. First preliminary edition.
data sets
representative and experimental
By R.P. Ibbitt.
preliminary edition. UNESCO, 1974.
English. (SC.74/WS/11).
International hydrogeological map
of Europe. An explanatory note to
sheet C5 (BERN). UNESCO, 1974.
(SC/WS/ 580).
Survey on water balance of lakes
and reservoirs of the world. A
preliminary edition. UNESCO, 1974.
English. (SC/WS/587).
A review of research on methods
for the extrapolation of data and
representative and experimental
basins. By R.T. Clarke. UNESCO,
1977. English. (SC.77/ WS/83).
First preliminary
Quadrilingual: English /
French / Spanish / Russian.
UNESCO, 1978. (SC.77/WS/71).
hydrological activities in the
Water balance of Europe. Key
reports of the workshop on the water
balance of Europe, Varna, Bulgaria,
27 September-2 October 1976.
UNESCO, 1978. English.
Gross sediment transport into the
First preliminary edition
with map inserted. UNESCO/IAHS,
1974. English. (SC.74/WS/33).
Climatic roles of ice. By U. Radok.
(SC.78/WS/ 9).
Technical reports on scientific and
practical results of selected IHD
projects. UNESCO, 1974. English.
Vol. I (SC.74/WS/37); Vol. II
(SC.74/WS/35); Vol. III (SC.74/WS/
36); Vol. IV (SC.74/WS/34).
hydrology. Proceedings of the joint
UNESCO/ WMO/IAHS celebration,
(SC.74/CON.804/COL. 3).
Contributions to the development
of the concept of the hydrological
cycle. UNESCO, 1974. English.
(SC.74/ CONF.804/COL.1).
Classification of representative
and experimental basins. By R.
First preliminary edition.
research on representative and
By H.C.
experimental basins.
First preliminary edition.
A formulation for quantifying the
influence of soil porosity and
vegetation on infiltration. By H.N.
First preliminary edition.
UNESCO, 1975. English. (SC.75/
Cours régional de formation
hydrologique pour spécialistes
des ressources en eau de la
région du Sahel, Haute-Volta,
Projet RAF/74/ 026.
International courses, fellowships
and scholarships in hydrology.
Fifth edition.
UNESCO, 1978.
English. (SC.78/WS/ 57).
Hydrological regime as influenced
by drainage of wetlands. By G.
Kienitz. UNESCO, 1979. English.
(SC.79/WS/ 40).
UNESCO/NORAD third regional
training course for hydrology
technicians, Kenya 1977. Editor:
K.D. Gray.
UNESCO, 1979.
English. (SC.79/WS/32).
processes in the water cycle. By E.
Eriksson. UNESCO, 1981. English.
(SC.81/WS/ 1).
research and experimental basins.
By R.T. Clarke. UNESCO, 1981.
English. (SC.81/WS/59).
Investigation of the water regime
of river basins affected by
Kharchenko and Th. Maddock Jr.
computers in water resources
studies. By I. Herrera and R.A.
Yates Smith.
UNESCO, 1983.
Fourth regional training course for
hydrology technicians, Lusaka,
1983. English. (SC.83/WS/9).
IHP Catalogue of Publications – 2003
International courses, fellowships
and scholarships in hydrology. 6th
Groundwater in rural water supply.
Report on the workshop held in
Lahnstein, FR of Germany, 5-8
September 1983. UNESCO, 1984.
English. (SC.84/WS/26).
Regulated river basins: a review of
operational management. By the
Working Group on IHP-II Project
Edited by T. Kitson.
UNESCO, 1984. English.
Proceedings of the scientific
conference on hydrology and the
scientific bases for the rational
management of water resources.
Hydro-Environmental Indices. By
the Working Group on IHP-II Project
A-3-2. Edited by J.R. Card and
produced by P. Leentvaar with the
Institute for Nature Management,
UNESCO, 1984. English.
Fifth regional training course for
hydrology technicians, Harare and
Mutare (Zimbabwe).
1984. English. (SC.84/WS/57).
Socio-economic aspects of water
resources development in the
USSR. By G.V. Voropaev. Project
IHP-III 12.1(a).
UNESCO, 1986.
Remote sensing applications in
hydrology and water resources.
Proceedings of an international
seminar sponsored by UNESCO,
WMO and FAO and organized by the
Slovak Hydrometeorological Institute
and Datasystem KUO, Bratislava,
17-21 June 1985. Edited by E.C.
Barrett, L. Molnar and D. Podhorsky.
UNESCO/ Czechoslovak Committee
for Hydrology, 1986. English.
Lecture notes of the UNESCO/
Norway fifth regional training
course for hydrology technicians.
Editor: G.P. Jones, Zimbabwe, 1984.
IHP-III Project 14.1.6.
authors: J. Balek, G.P. Jones, E.
UNESCO, 1988. English.
Groundwater in rural water supply.
Report of the West Africa Subregional Workshop (Accra, Ghana,
20-24 October 1986).
1988. (SC.88/WS/ 49).
Evaluation of national guides on
Prepared by an
Editorial Group with M.F. Roche as
Chairpserson. Edited by J.W. van
der Made. IHP-III Project 2.1(c).
proceedings of the International
IHP/MAB Symposium on Water
Erosion (Varna, Bulgaria, 19-24
September 1988).
Edited by K.
Ivanov and D. Pechinov.
Project 2.6.
UNESCO, 1989.
English. (SC.89/WS/57).
The Sahel Forum. Seminar on the
state-of the-art of hydrology and
hydrogeology in the arid and semiarid areas of Africa. Forum du
Sahel. Séminaire sur l’état de l’art
en hydrologie et en hydrogéologie
dans les zones arides et semiarides d’Afrique
Burkina Faso, 13-18 février 1989).
UNESCO, 1990. Bilingual: English /
French. (SC.90/WS/1).
Guidelines for water resource
assessments of river basins. By
R.B. Godwin, B.L. Foxworthy and
V.A. Vladimirov. IHP-III Project 9.2.
Approaches to integrated water
resources management in humid
tropical and arid and semi-arid
zones in developing countries. By
M. Hufschmidt and J. Kindler. IHP-III
UNESCO, Paris. 1991.
Hydrology and water balance of
small islands. A review of existing
knowledge. By A.A. Diaz Arenas
and J. Febrillet Huertas.
Project 4.6.
UNESCO, 1986.
English. (SC.87/WS/4).
Séminaire international annuel du
Groupe AMHY du FRIEND (Lyon,
octobre 1991).
thèmes programmés. IHP-IV Project
H-5-5. UNESCO, 1993. French.
The value of groundwater models
for planners and decision-makers.
By K. Høgh Jensen. IHP-III Project
2.4(b). UNESCO, 1987. English.
development. Vols. I and II. Edited
by J.C. van Dam and J. Wessel.
Water resources management:
focusing on sustainability. By P.
Loucks. IHP-IV Project M-4-3.
Applied hydrology for technicians.
Vols. I to IV. By J. Balek, M. Bruen,
W.H. Gilbrich, G. Jones, D.
Lundquist and E. Skofteland. IHP-IV
Project E-1-2. UNESCO, 1994.
English. (SC.94/WS/26).
Séminaire annuel du
(Théssalonique, Grèce, septembre
1995). Rapport Annuel N°5 (19951996). IHP-V Project 1.1. UNESCO,
400 pp.
French/English. (SC.97/WS/69).
N°12. National reports of the
National Committees for the IHP
UNESCO, 1997. 320 pp. Reports in
N°13. Basic river water quality
models. Computer-aided learning
(CAL) programme on water quality
modelling (WQWCAL version 1.1).
By G. Jolánkai. IHP-V Project 8.1.
UNESCO, 1997. 50 pp. + diskette.
English. (SC.97/WS/80).
N°23. Flash floods in arid and
semi-arid zones. Prepared by the
Working Group of IHP-IV Project H5-2.
UNESCO, 1999. 60 pp. English.
(SC.99/WS/ 34).
N°30. Participatory processes in
Conference to the World Conference
on Science (Budapest, Hungary, 2830 June 1999). Edited by József
Gayer. UNESCO, 2000.
280 pp.
management: Lessons for SubSaharan Africa. Proceedings of the
International Conference, Pretoria,
South Africa, 20-22 September 1999.
UNESCO, 2000. 387 pp. English.
Hydrologie des régions
(Montpellier, France, 11-13 octobre
International Hydrology Series
Section III
International Hydrology Series
(IHP/UNESCO and Cambridge University Press)
The International Hydrology Series is a collaborative publishing programme between the International Hydrological
Programme (IHP) of UNESCO and Cambridge University Press. The IHP addresses theoretical issues in the conduct of
hydrological research, as well as practical, applied, and water management issues raised by hydrological projects.
Authoritative and international in scope, the series constitutes a major collection of research monographs, synthesis
volumes, and graduate texts.
Individual orders for publications in the series must be sent to:
Cambridge University Press
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Hydrology and Water Management in the
Humid Tropics. Hydrological Research Issues
and Strategies for Water Management. Edited by
Michael Bonell, Maynard M. Hufschmidt and John
UNESCO, 1993. 610 pages.
S. Gladwell.
Hardback. 279 x 215 mm. UNESCO ISBN 92-3102854-5. Cambridge University Press ISBN 0
521 45268 6.
Price: GB £110
Environmental problems in the humid tropical regions,
where the focus is on the fate and management of the
surviving rainforest and climate change, are attracting
increasing attention internationally. The distribution of tropical
rainfall is highly variable, and in many regions the supply of
potable water is inadequate. By the end of the century onethird of the world’s population will be living in the humid
tropics. This book considers all aspects of hydrology in the
humid tropics. The first four parts of the book cover the
physical basis of hydrology in the humid tropics: climatology,
meteorology, process hydrology, sedimentation, water quality
and freshwater ecology. This is followed by extensive
treatment of the human and societal issues: land-use
changes, water resource management, and rural and urban
water supply in the tropical regions. The book is a uniquely
integrated summary of hydrology in the tropics.
Keywords: climatology, meteorology, process hydrology,
sedimentation, water quality, freshwater ecology, water
resources management, water and health, rural and urban
water supply
New Uncertainty Concepts in Hydrology and
Water Resources. Edited by Zbigniew W.
Kundzevicz. Cambridge University Press, 1995.
336 pages. Hardback. 279 x 215 mm. ISBN 0
521 46118 9.
Price: GB £65
One of the greatest problems hydrology
research faces today is how to quantify
uncertainty, which is inherent in every
hydrological process. This modern
overview of uncertainty emphasizes nonorthodox concepts, such as random
fields, fractals and fuzziness. This book
comprehensively reviews alternative and
conventional methods of risk and uncertainty representation
in hydrology and water resources. The water-related
applications discussed in the book pertain to areas of strong
recent interest, such as multifractals and climate change
impacts. The authors represent a variety of research
backgrounds, achieving a broad subject coverage. The
material covered provides an important insight into the new
theories of uncertainty related to the field of hydrology. The
book is international in its scope, and will be welcomed by
researchers and graduate students of hydrology and water
Keywords: aspects of uncertainty, fractals, fuzzy sets,
pattern recognition, non-parametric methods, random fields,
time series and stochastic methods, risk reliability and
related criteria
Space and Time Scale Variability and
Interdependencies in Hydrological Processes.
Edited by Reinder A. Feddes. UNESCO, 1995.
193 pages. Hardback. 297 x 210 mm. 124 line
diagrams. 20 tables. ISBN 0 521 49508 3.
Price: GB £40
This book presents the integrated
meteorologists and ecologists to the first
IHP/IAHS George Kovacs Colloquium in
connection with the study of global
hydrology and climate change. The
terrestrial components of the Earth’s
systems operate on different time and
space scales. Resolving these scaling incongruities, as well
as understanding and modelling the complex interaction of
land surface processes at the different scales, represent a
major challenge for hydrologists,
meteorological scientists alike. This book deals with time and
space scale variations with reference to several topics
including: soil water balance; ecosystems and interaction of
flow systems; and macroscale hydrological modelling. This
book will be of great use to researchers, engineers and
forecasters with an interest in space and time scale
Keywords: heterogeneity, scaling, mesoscale and
macroscale modelling, land-atmosphere water and energy
fluxes, surface fluxes of water
IHP Catalogue of Publications – 2003
Groundwater / Surface Water Ecotones.
Biological and Hydrological Interactions and
Management Options. Edited by Janine Gibert,
Jacques Mathieu and Fred Fournier. UNESCO,
1997. 258 pages. Hardback. 297 x 210 mm.
151 line diagrams. 1 half-tone. 38 tables. ISBN 0
521 57254 1.
Price: UK £75
Aquatic ecosystems can be adversely affected by human
activities such as intensification of agricultural activity, or
erosion and sedimentation due to irrigation projects, or
groundwater pollution and eutrophication, and so on.
Interfaces, or ecotones, between terrestrial and aquatic
ecosystems have an essential role in the movement of water
and materials throughout the landscape. Ecotones are zones
where ecological processes are more intense and resources
more diversified. They are also zones which react quickly to
human influences and changes of environmental variables.
This volume is derived from an international conference of
the Ecotone project, established under the dual responsibility
of the UNESCO International Hydrological Programme and
the Man and the Biosphere Programme, and summarizes the
results of the subnetwork activities devoted to the study of
groundwater/surface water interactions. The contributors
were carefully selected on their international scientific
reputation to represent the multidisciplinary viewpoints of
hydrologists, biologists and ecologists. Topics covered
include interrelationships between surface water and
groundwater in riparian forests, wetlands, areas surrounding
lakes and alluvial flood plains.
This book defines strategies for the integration of data
obtained by different disciplines in order to provide a
scientific basis for the sound ecological management of
water resources leading to sustainable development of the
environment. It addresses areas of active research in
hydrology and biology, and is therefore aimed towards
researchers, water resource project managers, and policy
groundwater/surface water interfaces, bioKeywords:
logy/hydrology interactions, water quality, biodiversity,
modelling, river ecosystem functioning, water resource
Subsurface Flow and Transport. A Stochastic
Approach. Edited by Gedeon Dagan and Shlomo
P. Neuman. UNESCO, 1997.
255 pp.
Hardback. 297 x 210 mm. 111 line diagrams. 2
tables. ISBN 0 521 57257 6.
Price:UK £90
This book deals with issues of fluid flow and solute
transport in complex geologic environments under
uncertainty. The resolution of such issues is important for
the rational management of water resources, the
preservation of subsurface water quality, the optimization
of irrigation and drainage efficiency, the safe and economic
extraction of subsurface mineral and energy resources,
and the subsurface storage of energy and wastes. Over
the last two decades, it has become common to describe
the spatial variability of geologic medium flow and transport
properties using methods of spatial (or geo-) statistics.
According to geostatistical philosophy, these properties
constitute spatially correlated random fields. As medium
properties are random, the equations that govern
subsurface flow and transport are stochastic.
This volume describes the most recent advances in
stochastic modelling. It takes stock of mathematical and
computational solutions obtained for stochastic subsurface
flow and transport equations, and their application to
experimental field data, over the last two decades. The
book also attempts to identify corresponding future
research needs. This volume is based on the second
Kovacs Colloquium organized by the International
Hydrological Programme (IHP) of UNESCO and the
International Association of Hydrological Sciences (IAHS).
The book is a reference work for graduate students,
research workers and professionals in government and
public institutions, interested in hydrology, environmental
issues, soil physics, petroleum engineering, geological
engineering and applied mathematics.
groundwater, hydrogeology, stochastic
modelling, solute transport, field-scale application of
stochastic subsurface hydrology
Impacts of Climate Change and Climate
Variability on Hydrological Environments.
Edited by Jan C. van Dam. UNESCO, 1999.
192 pp. Hardback. 276 x 219 mm. 51 line
diagrams. 15 tables. ISBN 0 521 63332 X.
Price: UK £50
Water is going to be one of the key, if not the most
critical, environmental issues in the twenty-first century
because of the escalation in socio-economic pressures on
the environment in general. Any future climate change or
climate variability will only accentuate such pressures.
This volume initially follows the perspective of the
Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) to
infer possible changes in hydrological regimes and water
quality based on the outputs from various scenarios of
General Circulation Models (GCMs).
In subsequent
chapters, the possible effects of climate change on the
hydrology of each of the continents is examined. The book
concludes with an overview of hydrological models for use
in the evaluation of the impacts of climate change. It will
provide a valuable guide for environmental planners and
policy-makers, and will also be of use to all students and
researchers interested in the possible effects of climate
Keywords: climate change, climate variability, General
Circulation Models (GCMs), hydrology
Sustainability Criteria for Water Resources
Systems. Edited by Daniel P. Loucks and John
S. Gladwell. UNESCO, 1999.
144 pp.
Hardback. 276 x 219 mm. 25 line diagrams. 5
tables. ISBN 0 521 56044 6.
Price: UK £60
Water resources professionals have an obligation to
conceive and manage water resource systems such that
they will fully contribute to an improved quality of life for all
humans, now and into the future. Those water resource
systems that will be able to satisfy the changing demands
that will inevitably be placed on them, without significant
system degradation, can be called ‘sustainable’. An
international group of experts have reviewed various
guidelines for achieving greater degrees of sustainability
and the extent to which they have been applied in a
number of case studies. Approaches for measuring and
modelling sustainability are provided. Ways in which these
measures and models might be used when evaluating
alternative designs and operating policies are illustrated.
The monograph will be particularly valuable for practicing
engineers and planners, and as a supplementary text for
graduate students in civil and environmental engineering,
hydrology, geography and economics.
Keywords: water resources, guidelines for sustain-ability,
modelling sustainability, operating policies
International Hydrology Series
Tropical Glaciers .
By G. Kaiser and H.
Osmaston. Cambridge University Press, 2001.
Binding: Hardback. Size: 284 x 224 mm. Pages:
Weight: 0.943kg.
Figures: 70 line
diagrams, 70 half-tones, 40 tables, 35 graphs.
ISBN 0521633338.
Price: UK£ 75
Tropical glaciers are both highly
sensitive indicators of global
climate and fresh water reservoirs
in some fast developing regions.
This book gives a theoretical and
practical analysis
glaciology including a useful
definition of tropical glacier-climate
regimes and the analysis of the
main glaciological key variables. The Rwenzori and the
Cordillera Blanca are investigated as examples of tropical
glacierized mountains. The fluctuations of their glaciers
since the end of the Little Ice Age are reconstructed and
the probable climatic reasons are discussed. The evidence
of great expansions of mountain glaciers throughout the
tropics on several occasions during the Quaternary are
summarized, examined and then applied and contrasted.
The accompanying map of the Rwenzori Mountains
National Park at a scale of 1:100,000 shows the
spectacular retreat of the glaciers during the last century,
and their extensions over half the area of the Park in the
last 300,000 years.
tropical glaciology, climate regimes,
Rwenzori, Cordillera Blanca, glacier
quarternary tropical glaciers.
Risk, Reliability, Uncertainty and Robustness
of Water Resources Systems. Edited by Janos
Cambridge University Press, 2002. Binding:
Hardback. Size: 227 x 285 mm. Pages: 236.
Weight: 0.948kg. Figures: 133 line diagrams 37
tables. ISBN 0521800366.
Price: UK£ 75
This publication is based on the Third
George Kovacs Colloquium organized
by the International Hydrological
Programme (IHP) of UNESCO and
the International Association of
Hydrological Sciences (IAHS). Thirtyfive
state-of-the-art reviews of topical
areas of research on water resources systems, including
aspects of extreme hydrological events: floods and droughts,
water quantity and quality, dams, reservoirs and hydraulic
structures, evaluating sustainability and climate change
impacts. As well as discussing essential challenges and
research directions, the book will assist in applying
theoretical methods to the solution of practical problems in
water resources. The authors are multi-disciplinary,
stemming from such areas as: hydrology, geography, civil,
environmental and agricultural engineering, forestry, systems
sciences, operations research, mathematics, physics and
geophysics, ecology and atmospheric sciences. This review
volume will be valuable for graduate students, scientists,
consultants, administrators, and practicing hydrologists and
water managers.
water resources systems, risk, reliability,
uncertainty, robustness, extreme hydrological events, floods
and droughts, water quantity and quality, dams, reservoirs
and hydraulic structures, sustainability, climate change
IHP Humid Tropics Programme Series
Section IV
IHP Humid Tropics Programme Series
Scientific understanding of interactions between land, vegetation, oceans, atmosphere and human actions is one of the
IHP’s priorities in the humid tropics. By definition, the problems are multidisciplinary and the IHP encourages an
integrated approach to studying the various links and linkages that make up the world’s water cycle. This is accomplished
through globally and regionally co-ordinated co-operative efforts by networks of experts and organizations, facilitated by
the establishment of regional administrative centers. Sustainable development and management is the key to long-term
survival. It is within this framework that the IHP has undertaken the publication of non-technical documents covering
issues relevant to the humids tropics, suitable for the higher-level decision maker and for the public.
To obtain free single copies of available titles in the series, contact:
For Europe and North America
UNESCO/Division of Water Sciences
IHP Documentation Center
1, rue Miollis
75732 Paris Cedex 15, France
Tel: (+33 1) 45684004 / Fax: (+33 1) 45685811
E-mail: ihp@unesco.org
Website: http://www.unesco.org/water/ihp
For Africa
UNESCO Nairobi Office
For the Arab States
UNESCO Cairo Office
For Latin America and the Caribbean
UNESCO Montevideo Office
For South and Central Asia
UNESCO New Delhi Office
For Southeast Asia and the Pacific
UNESCO Jakarta Office
See Annex for complete addresses of above UNESCO Regional Offices.
Available Titles
A programme for the humid tropics. Waterrelated issues and problems of the humid tropics
and other warm humid regions. UNESCO,
1991. 32 pages. English.
Environmental and social problems in the humid tropics are
particularly complex. Nearly all are water-related, caused by
population and land-use pressures and the failure to consider
water resources management adequately within the context
of general development plans for the region. This document
presents many of the problems of the humid tropics,
suggesting numerous areas in need of research. It also
discusses the need for co-ordinated co-operative research
programmes as well as structured knowledge and technology
transfer activities.
Keywords: humid tropics, surface water, groundwater, water
quality control, erosion, sedimentation, water resources
management, knowledge and technology transfer.
Small tropical islands - water resources of
paradises lost. Water-related issues and
problems of the humid tropics and other warm
humid regions. IHP Humid Tropics Programme
series no. 2. By Anthony C. Falkland. UNESCO,
1992. 48 pages. English.
Small islands, especially those situated far from continents
or other large islands, are physically, demographically and
economically different. Their limited size, their shortage of
natural resources, their isolation, the widespread nature of
their territories, and their exposure to natural disasters can
make the hydrological and water resource problems of these
islands very serious. Most small islands have few or no
permanent streams or lakes. Their groundwater is also in
limited supply. In the small low-lying islands, such as the
many coral atolls and limestone islands, what groundwater
they posses is a thin layer of freshwater “floating” on top of
the sea water. Both the surface water and groundwater
resources of small islands can be polluted from urbanization,
agricultural activities, mining and the clearing of forests. The
document summarizes for the non-technically educated
readers the factors which can determine whether or not the
problems can be lessened, including an examination of the
physical structure of the tropical small islands.
Keywords: small islands, humid tropics, coral atolls,
groundwater, surface water, pollution, natural disasters,
water supply, catchment protection, legislation, research
needs, training needs.
Tropical cities: managing their water. Waterrelated issues and problems of the humid tropics
and other warm humid regions. IHP Humid
Tropics Programme series no. 4. By John S.
Gladwell and Low Kwai Sim. UNESCO, 1993.
25 pages. English.
This document describes conflicting issues related to
urbanization in the humid tropics, population growth, pollution
and the economics of rehabilitation of pollution against a
background of tropical climate variability. Examples of
specific water quality problems linked to cities especially
those in coastal locations across the humid tropics are
described in detail. The document concludes by providing a
IHP Catalogue of Publications – 2003
succinct assessment of possible technical and non-technical
Keywords: humid tropics, urbanization, population growth,
water quality, coastal cities, solutions.
Integrated water resource management meeting the sustainability challenge. Waterrelated issues and problems of the humid tropics
and other warm humid regions. IHP Humid
Tropics Programme series no. 5. UNESCO,
1993. 36 pages. English.
This document presents in popularized form the
fundamentals related to integrated water resource
management for the humid tropics. With a fixed supply of
water and rapidly increasing demands for water and its
services in the humid tropics, sustainability is becoming a
more and more difficult goal to achieve. Integrated water
resource management, which means making better use of
the resources to meet current and future demands, is
increasingly seen as the answer to this challenge.
water resource management system,
sustainable water management, uplevel watersheds, urban
water management, humid tropics.
Water-related issues and
problems of the humid tropics and other warm
humid regions. IHP Humid Tropics Programme
series no. 8.
By Christine Coughanowr.
UNESCO, 1995. 48 pages. English.
This document provides a non-technical overview of
groundwater systems and groundwater development within
the context of the humid tropics, and includes a discussion of
the major causes and consequences of groundwater misuse,
and a review of some of the options available fro the rational
management of this resource. This is achieved under the
following headings: Basic Groundwater Hydrology, Unique
Aspects of Groundwater in the Humid Tropics, Groundwater
Extraction, Groundwater Problems and Groundwater
overexploitation, management.
Environmental impacts of converting moist
tropical forests to agricultural plantations.
Water-related issues and problems of the humid
tropics and other warm humid regions. IHP
Humid Tropics Programme series no. 10. By
W.R.S Critchley and L.A. Bruijnzeel. UNESCO,
This document is an extension of the companion volume 7,
Environmental Impacts of Logging Moist Tropical
Forests (out of print). It outlines the hydrological
consequences of the second common type of interference by
man to tropical forests, namely clearing for agriculture or
plantations. It addresses the hydrological and sediment
transfer changes that occur when forest is cleared to make
way for rainfed crop farming; however, reference is also
made to irrigated agriculture and development of pastures for
raising livestock. Subsequently, the volume examines the
impacts of various plantation crops, such as coffee, rubber
and oil palm, and finally forest plantations for timber, pulp or
tropical forest conversion, agriculture,
plantations, changes in water balance, sediment transfer.
Helping children in the humid tropics : water
education. Water-related issues and problems
of the humid tropics and other warm humid
regions. IHP Humid Tropics Programme series
no. 11. By Claudine Brelet-Rueff. UNESCO,
1997. 64 pages. English.
This monograph is a follow-on from the previous booklet
n°3 in the same series entitled Water and Health (out of
print). As decision-makers usually belong to the modern and
wealthy segments of society and are more sensitive to the
needs of their own social category, this booklet may be
considered a two-way communication tool: (1) helping people
at risk to help themselves, and (2) informing decision-makers
of real and felt needs.
Keywords: children’s health, water education, community
participation, humid tropics
N°12. Wetlands of the Humid Tropics. Waterrelated issues and problems of the humid tropics
and other warm humid regions. IHP Humid
Tropics Programme series no. 12. By Christine
Coughanowr. UNESCO, 1998. 48 pp. English.
Wetland ecosystems are an important and widely
distributed feature of tropical landscapes in both coastal and
island regions. This document systematically covers the
following areas: value of wetlands, unique aspects of
wetlands in the humid tropics, causes and consequences of
wetland loss, a framework for management.
wetlands, management
N°13. Decision time for cloud forests / Tiempo
decisivo para las selvas de neblina. Waterrelated issues and problems of the humid tropics
and other warm humid regions. IHP Humid
Tropics Programme series no. 13.
By L.A.
Bruijnzeel and L.S. Hamilton. UNESCO, 2000
(English version).
UNESCO, 2001 (Spanish
version). 40 pp.
At a Tropical Montane Cloud Forest workshop held at
Cambridge, UK, in July 1998, 30 scientists, professional
managers, and NGO conservation group members
representing more than 14 countries and all global regions,
concluded that there is insufficient public and political
awareness of the status and values of Tropical Montane
Cloud Forests (TMCF). The group suggested that a sciencebased "pop-doc" would be an effective initial action to
remedy this. This volume is a response to that
recommendation. It documents some of the scientific
information that will be of interest to other scientists and
managers of TMCF, but not overwhelming for a lay reader
who is seeking to become more informed about these
remarkable ecosystems.
humid tropics, tropical montane cloud
forests (TMCF), ecosystems, fountain forests, biodiversity,
IHP Humid Tropics Programme Series
Out of Print Titles
Water-related issues and problems
of the humid tropics and other
UNESCO/UNEP, 1990. 34 pages.
English/French/Spanish. ISBN 92-3102672-0.
Hydrology of moist tropical forests
and effects of conservation: a
state of knowledge review. By L.A.
Bruijnzeel. UNESCO, 1990. 224
pages. English. No longer available
from UNESCO/Division of Water
Sciences. Contact author: Dr. L.A.
Bruijnzeel, Faculty of Earth Sciences,
Free University, De Boelelaan 1085,
Netherlands (Fax: +3120 6462457; email: brul@geo. vu.nl.).
The disappearing tropical forests.
Water-related issues and problems
of the humid tropics and other warm
humid regions. IHP Humid Tropics
UNESCO, 1991.
49 pages.
Water and health. Water-related
issues and problems of the humid
tropics and other warm humid
IHP Humid Tropics
Programme series no. 3. By Claudine
Brelet-Rueff. UNESCO, 1992. 47
pages. English.
Women in the humid tropics.
Water-related issues and problems
of the humid tropics and other warm
humid regions. IHP Humid Tropics
Programme series no. 6. By Annabel
UNESCO, 1993.
pages. English.
Les femmes dans les zones
tropicales humides. Problèmes de
l’eau propres aux zones tropicales
humides et autres régions humides
Série du PHI sur le
tropicales humides no. 6.
Annabel Rodda. UNESCO, 1993.
48 pages. Français.
Environmental impacts of logging
Watermoist tropical forests.
related issues and problems of the
humid tropics and other warm humid
IHP Humid Tropics
Programme series no. 7. By L.A.
Bruijnzeel and W.R.S Critchley.
UNESCO, 1994.
48 pages.
IHP Non-Serial Publications in Hydrology
Section V
IHP Non-Serial Publications In Hydrology
UNESCO-published documents marked free of charge are available from UNESCO Headquarters (for Europe and North
America) and the UNESCO Regional Offices (see Annex for regions covered and complete addresses).
UNESCO-published documents on sale are available from UNESCO Publishing, Promotions and Sales Division, 7 place
de Fontenoy, 75352 Paris 07 SP, France. Fax: +33 (0)1 45 68 57 37. For online orders, go to: http://upo.unesco.org/
Available Titles
Water and the city. Prepared for UNESCO by G.
Lindh under a grant from the Swedish Council for
Building Research. UNESCO. English, 1983.
ISBN 92-3-102194-X.
Free of charge
International hydrogeological map of Europe
and the Mediterranean regions, 1:1,500,000.
Published jointly by UNESCO and the
Bundesanstalt für Geowissenschaften und
Rohstoffe, Hanover, Germany.
Sheets and
explanatory notes on sale from UNESCO
Sheet A1. Iceland (North-West), ISBN: 92-3099876-1, Price: 11,43 Euros
Sheet A2. Iceland (South-West), ISBN: 92-3099875-3, Price: 11,43 Euros
Sheet A3. Rockall, with English translation of
legends, ISBN: 92-3-099977-6, Price: 3,81 Euros
Sheet A4. Tralee, ISBN: 92-3-099788-9, Price:
14,48 Euros
Sheet A5. La Coruña, ISBN: 92-3-099917-2,
Price: 11,43 Euros
Sheet A6. Lisbon, ISBN: 92-3-099789-7, Price:
16,77 Euros
Sheet B1. Iceland North-East, ISBN: 92-3099874-5, Price: 11,43 Euros
Sheet B2. Iceland South-East, ISBN: 92-3099873-7, Price: 11,43 Euros
Sheet B3. Edinburgh, with English translation of
legends, ISBN: 92-3-099976-8, Price: 11,43
Sheet B4. London, ISBN: 92-3-099967-9, Price:
14,48 Euros
Sheet B5. South of Paris, ISBN: 92-3-099935-0,
Price: 14,48 Euros
Sheet B6. Madrid, ISBN: 92-3-099791-9, Price:
14,48 Euros
Sheet C1.Jan Mayen, with English translation of
legends, ISBN: 92-3-099975-X, Price: 3,81 Euros
Sheet C2. Trondheim, with English translation of
legends, ISBN: 92-3-099974-1, Price: 11,43
Sheet C3. Oslo, with English translation of
legends, ISBN: 92-3-099973-3, Price: 11,43
Sheet C4. Berlin, ISBN: 92-3-099964-4, Price:
14,48 Euros
Sheet C5. Bern, ISBN: 92-3-099963-6, Price:
14,48 Euros
Sheet C6., Rome, ISBN: 92-3-099816-8, Price:
11,43 Euros
Sheet C7. Tarabulus, ISBN: 92-3-099815-X,
Price: 14,48 Euros
Sheet D1. North Cape, with English translation of
legends, ISBN: 92-3-099972-5, Price: 11,43
Sheet D2. Haparanda, with English translation of
legends, ISBN: 92-3-099971-7, Price: 11,43
Sheet D3. Stockholm, with English translation of
legends, ISBN: 92-3-099970-9, Price: 11,43
Sheet D4. Warsaw, ISBN: 92-3-099968-7, Price:
14,48 Euros
Sheet D5. Budapest, ISBN: 92-3-099969-5, Price:
14,48 Euros
Sheet D6. Athens, ISBN: 92-3-099793-5, Price:
16,77 Euros
Sheet D7. Benghazi, ISBN: 92-3-099864-8, Price:
11,43 Euros
Sheet E1. Kanin, ISBN: 92-3-099966-0, Price:
11,43 Euros
Sheet E2. Arkhangel'sk, ISBN: 92-3-099965-2,
Price: 11,43 Euros
Sheet E3. Moscow, ISBN: 92-3-099936-9, Price:
11,43 Euros
Sheet E4. Kiev, ISBN: 92-3-099932-6, Price:
11,43 Euros
Sheet E5. Bucharest, ISBN: 92-3-099817-6,
Price: 11,43 Euros
Sheet E6. Ankara, without text for legend, ISBN:
92-3-099794-3, Price: 16,77 Euros
Sheet E7. Cairo, ISBN: 92-3-099863-X, Price:
11,43 Euros
Sheet F1. Vorkuta, ISBN: 92-3-099918-0, Price:
11,43 Euros
Sheet F2. Kirov, ISBN: 92-3-099931-8, Price:
11,43 Euros
Sheet F3. Kazan, ISBN: 92-3-099937-7, Price:
11,43 Euros
Sheet F4. Astrakhan, ISBN: 92-3-099919-9,
Price: 11,43 Euros
Sheet F5. Tbilisi, ISBN: 92-3-099853-2, Price:
16,77 Euros
Sheet F6. Haleb, ISBN: 92-3-099795-1, Price:
14,48 Euros
Sheet G1. Chanty-Mansijsk, ISBN: 92-3-099913X, Price: 11,43 Euros
Sheet G2. Sverdlovsk, ISBN: 92-3-099912-1,
Price: 11,43 Euros
Sheet G3. Magnitogorsk, ISBN: 92-3-099908-3,
Price: 11,43 Euros
Sheet G4. Guriev, ISBN: 92-3-099907-5, Price:
11,43 Euros
IHP Catalogue of Publications – 2003
19 July 1990. Edited by A. Bárdossy. UNESCO,
1992. English. (SC.92/WS/29).
Free of charge
Sheet G5. Baku, ISBN: 92-3-099854-0, Price:
16,77 Euros
Water and development: Managing the
By William E. Cox. UNESCO,
1989. English.
Free of charge
This report reflects the broadening of IHP’s initial focus on
hydrological processes to include the socio-economic context
of water resources management. The report is an outgrowth
of the activities of a working group of which the author was a
member that prepared two publications for UNESCO’s
Studies and Reports in Hydrology series: “The role of water
in socio-economic development” edited by W.E. Cox and
“Communication strategies for heightening awareness of
water” edited by B.S. Sadler.
Keywords: water and development, water policy, water
management, impacts of socio-economic development on
water resources.
Keywords: ECA, ESCWA, ESCAP, ECLAC, ECE, Mar del
Plata Action Plan (MPAP), water resources assessment,
hydrologic networks, database, water resource information,
human resources, education and training, institutional
arrangements, technology transfer.
Proceedings of the International symposium
to commemorate 25 years of the IHD/IHP.
Convened by UNESCO, 15-17 March 1990,
Paris. UNESCO, 1991. English. (SC.91/WS/22).
Free of charge
The symposium was held from 15-17 March 1990 at
UNESCO Headquarters, Paris, to celebrate 25 years of a
successful programme that began with the International
Hydrological Decade (IHD) and later became the current
International Hydrological Programme (IHP).
NGO, IHD, IHP, hydrology, hydrological
hydrology, hydrologist, world water resources, water science,
global change, greenhouse.
geostatistics, surface water, ground-water,
kriging, fuzzy sets, network design.
Water resources assessment. UNESCO/WMO
progress report on the implementation of the Mar
del Plata Action Plan and a Strategy for the
1990s. UNESCO/WMO, 1991. English.
Free of charge
This joint UNESCO/WMO report aims at establishing the
progress made since the UN Water Conference (Mar del
Plata, 1977) in the field of water resources assessment
(WRA) and identifying key issues as the foundation of a
strategy for water in the 1990s and beyond. In order to
development, a strategy for the 1990s is proposed, based on
four components:
- more appropriate financial allocation for WRA;
- proper institutional arrangements;
- WRA technology transfer;
- human resources development, education and training.
A wide number of actions is proposed for the
implementation of the above strategy, to be carried out by
national agencies, regional and international organizations,
and donor countries.
This publication contains 14 contributions presented at
an international workshop held in Karlsruhe (Germany) from
17 to 19 July 1990. Detailed, physically-based hydrological
models require data in high spatial resolution. Fundamental
to this task is the interpolation and extrapolation of data
obtained from networks of measurement stations. In this
document different geostatistical methods are presented to
solve this problem. Questions relating to the estimation of
soil, surface-water and groundwater parameters are
discussed in detail. Kriging, Bayesian-kriging, co-kriging,
space-time kriging examples are presented. Additionally the
use of fuzzy data, simulation techniques and empirical
orthogonal functions are also discussed.
Geostatistical methods: Recent developments
and applications in surface and subsurface
hydrology. Proceedings of an international
workshop held at Karlsruhe, Germany, from 17 to
Hydrological considerations in relation to
nuclear power plants. Proceedings of an
international workshop jointly organized by
September 1992. In co-operation with the
UNESCO Chernobyl Programme. UNESCO,
1993. English. (SC.93/WS/51).
Free of charge
A series of projects with the objective of finding solutions
to some of the consequences of the Chernobyl accident have
been carried out within the framework of the UNESCO
Chernobyl Programme. The IHP organized a workshop to
review and compare present knowledge of radionuclide
transfer in the hydrological cycle. The participants’
presentations focused on (i) hydrological considerations
relating to nuclear power plants; (ii) hydrologicalhydrogeological characteristics and water contamination risk
assessment; and (iii) emergency response and radiological
monitoring for the water pathway.
radionuclide migration, contamination, risk
assessment, water resources management, radiological
Using archival sources for climate history
A joint study carried out by
ICA/ICSU/UNESCO/WMO). By C. Dhérent and G.
Free of charge
The knowledge of the climate in a global perspective
depends critically on the amount and reliability of
observational and other data available for studies of historical
and current climate variability and changes.
instrumental observations of climate and weather parameters
on the global scale do not have a long history. It is therefore
necessary to complement them, as far as possible, by
various sources of climate data including, for instance, those
to be obtained from tree ring or isotopic analyses.
The documentary sources offer the possibility of studying
climatic fluctuations over a period extending to the past,
beyond the hundred years of meteorological observations
carried out on the surface of the globe. A joint study carried
out since 1990 by several international organizations (ICA,
ICSU, UNESCO, WMO) has led to the implementation of an
archive study on the history of climate.
The report describes the different phases of this study,
the research methods used, and the preliminary results
obtained in a delimited area of Europe.
Keywords: climate, archives, global change
IHP Non-Serial Publications in Hydrology
Modelling water resources and water demand
in semi-arid areas: Data integration and
analysis using a Geographic Information
programme for “Geo-information for the
environmentally sound management of natural
resources”. By G. Bocco, H. de Brouwer and F.
Free of charge
The report presents a case study on the use of
Geographic Information System (GIS) for the Samburu
District, Kenya, using the Integrated Land and Water
Information System. The objective of the study was to
assess the availability of, and various demands for, water
resources through the use of spatial databases. A general
database containing different thematic maps (topography,
geology, census data, satellite images, etc.) and a hydrologic
database are described and demonstrated.
Keywords: Geographic Information System (GIS)
UNDDSMS workshop.
Pacific water sector
planning, research and training. 1-8 June 1994,
Honiara, Solomon Islands.
UNESCO, 1995.
Available in English and French. (SC.95/WS/13).
Free of charge
These Proceedings are based on the joint UNESCO
IHP/UNDDSMS/SOPAC Workshop which was held in Honiara,
Solomon Islands, 1-8 June 1994, as a technical follow-up to
the April 1994 Barbados meeting connected with Small Island
Development States (SIDTS). One of the objectives of the
Workshop was for the South Pacific region to prioritize
potential IHP projects which fulfilled the multiple objectives of
applied research to address the most critical water
management issues, the on-job training needs and the
incorporation of the socio-cultural aspects of water use.
Keywords: South Pacific, water management, water supply
and sanitation, socio-cultural issues, training and data
management needs, applied research
Development of water-related information
systems. Proceedings from the international
workshop sponsored by UNESCO/IAH/USGS, in
co-operation with the American Institute of
Hydrology, held in Washington, DC, USA, 19-20
May 1993. Edited by P. Patrick Leahy, T.H.
Yorke, J.S. Rosenshein. Vol. I (Proceedings) and
Vol. II (Work Group Recommendations).
UNESCO, 1995. English.
Free of charge
Assessment of the quantity and quality of water
resources throughout the world requires an adequate and
compatible base of relevant hydrologic and related
information. This type of database is needed to assess,
analyze and recommend solutions for the multiplicity of
international water-related problems. It also is critical that
data be comparable in order that nations can exchange
information effectively and address international water
issues. The proceedings includes (1) a summary of
findings from an international survey of available waterrelated information systems, (2) recommendations prepared
by four work groups consisting of participants of the
workshop, and (3) most of the technical papers that were
presented at the workshop.
Keywords: information systems, water resources
Water resources in the OSS countries evaluation, use and management. UNESCO/
CIFEG/OSS, 1997. English. (SC.95/WS/24).
Free of charge
The region covered by the Sahara and Sahel
Observatory in Africa corresponds to one of the areas in the
world where the scarcity of water resources may hinder the
sustainable development of the related countries. The report
describes the main features of the water resources available
in the region, including rivers and aquifers, and provides an
assessment on their quantity. It then considers their present
use, country by country, and the evolution of water demand
in the future, taking account of population growth. The last
part of the report is devoted to the management of water
resources and the ways of meeting the needs of the
Keywords : water resources, Africa, Sahara, Sahel, water
resources assessment, water resources use, water
resources management, water needs, water resources
Evaluation des ressources en eau. Manuel
pour l’évaluation des capacités nationales.
UNESCO/ OMM, 1997. 172 pages. Français.
Disponible à titre gratuit
Evaluer la quantité et la qualité de l’eau disponible est
indispensable à la mise en valeur et à la gestion des
ressources en eau, qu’il s’agisse d’eau potable pour les
populations, de production agricole, industrielle ou d’énergie.
L’évaluation des ressources en eau demeure une
responsabilité nationale de même que l’examen de la
capacité d’un pays à pratiquer cette évaluation. Cependant,
avec l’accroissement de la demande d’eau dans la plupart
des régions, qui entraîne un recours de plus en plus fréquent
à des bassins hydrographiques transfrontalières, il se
pourrait que les évaluations régionales portant sur plusieurs
pays se multiplient. Des principes directeurs, élaborés à
l’échelle internationale, ont été publiés en 1988 par
l’UNESCO et l’OMM sous le titre Evaluation des ressources
en eau – Manuel pour une étude d’appréciation des activités
nationales (la version anglaise est parue en 1988 et les
versions espagnole et française en 1993). L’utilisation de ce
guide était supposée aboutir à une certaine uniformité
d’approche, et faciliter ainsi la mise en place d’une
l’évaluation des ressources en eau.
L’évolution récente de la situation en matière d’évaluation
et de gestion des ressources en eau a conduit à réexaminer
et à réviser la publication initiale, en particulier pour en
faciliter l’emploi. La méthodologie révisée est présentée
dans le présent Manuel à l’intention de tous ceux qui ont la
charge d’apprécier la capacité d’un pays à pratiquer
l’évalutaion de base de ses ressources en eau.
évaluation des ressources en eau, cadre
Mots clé:
institutionnel relatif à l’évaluation et à la planification des
ressources en eau, collecte et traitement des données.
Water, the city and urban planning / L’eau, la
ville et l’urbanisme. Proceedings / Actes.
Symposium, 10-11 April / avril 1997. UNESCO /
Académie de l’Eau, 1998. 220 pp. Bilingual:
English / French. (SC.98/WS/8).
Free of charge
The international symposium on “Water, the City and
Urban Planning”, jointly organized by the Académie de l'Eau
and UNESCO, assembled more than 300 participants in
Paris, 10-11 April 1997. Participants from over 40 countries
IHP Catalogue of Publications – 2003
of the developed and the developing world compared their
visions on urban water issues, which are of growing worldwide concern.
Five main areas of discussion were defined at the
symposium: (1) Urban organization and dialogue between
the various actors; (2) Water, the city and its people; (3)
Socio-economic and financial aspects; (4) Water and urban
planning; and (5) Use of techniques for water supply,
sanitation and flood control.
The Paris Statement was adopted at the end of the
symposium, with the recommendations of the event, notably
those stressing the necessity for co-operation between water
and urban planning, and the proposal to create an
international network of cities to encourage co-operation with
sustainable urban development in sight.
Keywords: water supply, sanitation, urban planning, water
resources management, network of cities.
World water resources. A new appraisal and
assessment for the 21
By I.
Shiklomanov. UNESCO, 1998. 37 pp., illus.,
figs. English.
Free of charge
This brochure summarizes, in popularized form, the main
results of the monograph on World Water Resources at the
Beginning of the 21st Century, prepared in the framework of
the International Hydrological Programme.
The distribution of water resources and their variability on
different continents are presented and compared on the
basis of recent assessments. This is followed by an
evaluation of the present situation of water use for different
purposes and a forecast of future water requirements. The
brochure concludes with an analysis of water availability and
deficits and recommendations are made for safeguarding
water for the future.
Keywords: global water resources, water resources
assessment, water resources distribution, water resources
variability, surface water, groundwater, water use, municipal
water use, water use in agriculture, water use in industry,
water availability, water deficits, water requirements, man’s
impact on water, man’s impact on climate
Water: a looming crisis?
Summary and
Conference on World Water Resources at the
Beginning of the 21 Century. Paris, 3-6 June
1998. UNESCO, 1998. 28 pp. Available in
English and French.
Free of charge
The International Conference on World Water Resources
at the Beginning of the 21st Century was held at UNESCO
Headquarters, Paris, from 3-6 June 1998. The Conference
was convened by UNESCO’s International Hydrological
Programme (IHP), the World Water Council and the
International Association of Hydrological Sciences (IAHS),
with 12 co-sponsors.
This document presents the major outcome of the
First, there is the overall conclusion or
summary of the Conference which embraces the
recommendations of the five working groups within the
Conference. This overview is then followed by the reports of
the individual working groups, each tackling a specific topic
concerned with the central issue of water resources. The
recommendations in this document provide guidelines for
both the international scientific community and the world’s
water resources managers and policy makers on how to
achieve the goal of sustainable development and how to
counter the perceived looming water crisis.
Keywords: global water resources, water resources
assessment, water availability, water use, water quality,
groundwater, water management, water demand, drought,
floods, water scarcity, water policy, economic value of water,
urban water resources, rural water resources
Groundwater pollution.
By Alexander
Zaporozec and John C. Miller. UNESCO, 2000.
25 pp., illus., figs. English.
Free of charge
Groundwater is one of the world’s “hidden” resources.
However, many of those who have heard of groundwater
consider it as a pristine source of drinking water that cannot
be polluted because it is naturally protected from pollution by
layers of soils and rocks. Yet, pollution of groundwater has
always been with us because of its close link to human
activities. Practically every human activity, every type of
facility or structure installed by man represents a potential
source of pollution.
This brochure summarizes, in
popularized form, not only the value of groundwater, its
widespread occurrence and availability, and its natural
qualities but also the relatively little attention that has been
focused on groundwater pollution – whether naturallyoccuring or introduced by human activities.
occurrence and movement, groundwater quality, sources of
groundwater pollution, waste disposal, groundwater
Water-related Vision for the Aral Sea Basin.
English/Russian. Available free-of-charge from
UNESCO Headquarters.
UNESCO launched its 'Aral Sea Initiative' outlining future
activities in the area during its Executive Board session in
November 1998. The first phase of this initiative, 'A Water
Related Vision for the Aral Sea Basin', is presented here.
This document is based on contributions from the five
Working Groups established in the Central Asian Republics.
The Aral Sea Basin Vision is also a contribution to the
worldwide consultative project: 'Long Term Vision for Water,
Life and the Environment' of the World Water Council. Views
and information from many individuals, scientists and NGOs
have been received and analyzed during the course of the
consultation process. UNESCO aims to use the present
Vision document as a basis for continuous and broad
consultation leading to actions in the Aral Sea region that will
help secure it a bright and sustainable future.
Aral Sea Basin, Aral Sea Initiative,
Water-related Vision for the Aral Sea Basin, SABAS, Central
Asian Republics, ecological and social disaster, health,
drinking water supply, sanitation, environment and water,
regional co-operation
Développement urbain durable en zone
Actes du Séminaire international.
Mahdia, Tunisie, 21-24 juin 1999. UNESCO,
2000. 225 pages. Français. (Ce document est
enregistré en tant que: MOST Document de
travail n°49 / CSI Info n°8 / PHI Publications hors
séries en hydrologie.
Le document est
disponible, à titre gratuit, auprès les services de
documentation du PHI, du MOST et de la CSI.)
Une réunion d’experts nationaux et internationaux a été
organisée à Mahdia, du 21 au 24 juin 1999, conjointement
par la Tunisie et l’UNESCO, pour discuter la problématique
du développement urbain de la ville, pour rassembler les
connaissances et les expériences, et pour proposer des
orientations et des recommandations de coopération
destinées aux autorités locales, régionales et nationales en
faveur de Mahdia, première capitale Fatimide.
IHP Non-Serial Publications in Hydrology
PHI/IHP, MOST, CSI, développement
Mots-clé :
urbain durable, zone côtière, l’eau et la ville, Mahdia, Tunisie,
environnement, aménagement touristique, alimentation en
eau potable, Essaouira, Sebkha Ben Ghayadha
Water-Education-Training. Towards a strategy
on human capacity building for integrated water
resources management and service delivery.
UNESCO, 2001. 44 pp. English. Available freeof-charge from UNESCO Headquarters.
The 2 World Water Forum (The Hague, 17-22 March
2000) gave impetus to UNESCO, UNDP, IHE-Delft, the
World Bank Institute and UNU/INWEH to initiate a
programme of action on water sector capacity building
focusing on education and training. Their work is guided by
the present Strategy Paper,
a result of extensive
consultations during and after the Forum. The consultation
benefitted from an earlier framework paper on water,
education and training (WET) which was presented and
discussed during a special session at the Forum dedicated to
this subject. The Paper describes the considerations, basic
principles, themes and elements as a basis for the
formulation of strategies and programmes at the local,
country, regional or global levels. It must be seen as « work
in progress » which will be updated and adjusted periodically
in the light of experience and comments.
Water-Education-Training (WET), World
Keywords :
Water Vision, 2nd World Water Forum, environmental
management, subsidiarity, capacity building, learning society,
policy makers, human resources development, collaborative
Internationally shared (transboundary) aquifer
document. IHP-VI Theme 2. UNESCO, 2001. 71
pp., figs., tables. English.
Available free-ofcharge from UNESCO Headquarters. (SC2001/WS/40).
This framework document presents a multi-annual work
programme that responds to the challenges of shared water
resources set out in the Declaration of The Hague Ministerial
Conference (Ministerial Declaration of the Hague on Water
Security in the 21st Century, The Netherlands,March 2000).
Since the management of transboundary aquifers is a
multidisciplinary and multidimensional issue,the document
has been prepared for wide circulation and is addressed to a
wide readership, but particularly to scientists,legal
pecialists,socio-economists, environmentalists and policy
Keywords :
transboundary aquifer resources management.
FRIEND - A global perspective 1998-2002.
Edited by A. Gustard and G.A. Cole. IHP-V
Project 1.1 and IHP-VI Cross-Cutting Theme.
©CEH, February 2002. ISBN 1 903741 03 3.
English. 132 pp., figs., tables. Limited copies
available from UNESCO Headquarters. (SC2001/WS/40).
This volume is the fourth in a series of FRIEND Reports
(Gustard et al., 1989; Gustard, 1993; Oberlin & Desbos,
1997), which have been produced to mark the end of
successive phases of FRIEND and to coincide with major
international FRIEND Conferences held in Bolkesjø, Norway
in 1989, Braunschweig, Germany in 1993 and Postøjna,
Slovenia, in 1997 (Roald et al., 1989; Seuna et al., 1994;
Gustard et al., 1997). This report presents research
conducted during the fourth phase of FRIEND from 1998 to
2002 and coincides with the Fourth FRIEND Conference,
«Bridging the gap between research and practice», in Cape
Town, South Africa, 18-22 March 2002. It also presents a
synthesis of global FRIEND research, giving the reader a
flavor of the wide range of research activities addressed and
the different problems faced by each regional FRIEND group.
FRIEND, hydrological regimes, regional
hydrology, databases, low flows, droughts, floods, heavy
rains, physical processes, runoff formation, long series,
hydrological models.
Integrated drought management: Lessons for
Sub-Saharan Africa (brochure). UNESCO, 2002
15 pp., illus., figs. English.
Free of charge
Drought is a chronic problem in sub- Saharan Africa. The
most seriously affected are the dryland areas of Africa south
of the Sahara and, according to expert opinion,
desertification still continues to accelerate.
Throughout the world there is a growing recognition that
drought and desertification are multi-faceted problems
requiring a developmental rather than a crisis management
approach. The challenge lies in moving towards the
integration of a variety of actions, which can mitigate the
crisis, and create opportunities for improving the quality of
life, maintaining ecosystems and generating wealth and
sustainable development.. Some of the lessons learned in
this regard for sub-Saharan Africa have been captured in this
brochure to help create national, regional and international
momentum towards integrated drought management.
management, Sub-Saharan Africa, desertification
Intensively exploited aquifers. Main concepts,
relevant facts and some suggestions. By Ramón
Llamas and Emilio Custodio. IHP-VI Series on
Groundwater No. 4. UNESCO, 2002. 19 pp.
Free of charge
Intensive use of groundwater is becoming a common
situation in many areas of the world. In this paper the authors
present what they consider are the main results obtained in
the Madrid Workshop on Intensively Exploited Aquifers
(Madrid, 13 -15 December 2001), including comments and
ideas to improve water management in regions where there
is intensive use of groundwater.
sponsored by IHP/UNESCO and compiled by the
International Association of Hydrogeologists
Commission on Management of Aquifer
Recharge (IAH-MAR). UNESCO/IAH, 2002. 12
pp. English.
Free of charge
The water flowing out of aquifers to feed springs and rivers
is replenished naturally, at a rate which varies according to
local conditions. Pressures of the modern world to increase
water resources has led to the concept of enhancing these
natural rates of recharge so that groundwater can be used
more widely. This brochure describes the principles of
managing aquifer recharge and lists the activities and
achievements of the major international players in this
important area of sustainable development.
aquifer recharge, groundwater, rainwater
harvesting, aquifer storage and recovery (ASR), induced
IHP Catalogue of Publications – 2003
inflitration, well injection and recovery, groundwater demand
Hydrology for the Environment, Life and Policy
(HELP) brochure. Brochure conception done in
collaboration with the Centre for Ecology and
Hydrology. UNESCO, 2002. 12 pp. English.
HELP is a joint initiative of the United Nations Educational
Scientific Organization (UNESCO) and the World
Meteorological Organization (WMO). Following the
recommendations of the 5th UNESCO/WMO International
Conference on Hydrology (February 1999), HELP is led by
the International Hydrological Programme. This brochure
describes what HELP is doing to create a new approach to
integrated catchment management through the creation of a
framework for water law and policy experts, water resource
managers and water scientists to work together on waterrelated problems.
Hydrology for the Environment, Life and
Policy (HELP), catchments, basins
IHP Non-Serial Publications in Hydrology
Out of Print Titles
Bibliography of African hydrology.
By J. Rodier, 1963. English.
Proceedings of the Queensland
Symposium, 1967. Co-published with
WMO, 1969. English. ISBN 92-3100767-X.
International glossary of hydrology.
Co-published with WMO, 1974.
Irrigation, drainage and salinity. An
international source book edited by
V.O. Kovda, R.M. Hagan, C. van den
Co-published with the
London, and FAO, 1973. English.
Scientific problems of the humid
publications. Proceedings of the
Dacca Symposium, March 1964.
UNESCO, 1966.
Three centuries of scientific
hydrology, 1674 - 1974. Key papers
submitted on the occasion of the
celebration of the Tercentenary of
Scientific Hydrology, Paris, 9-12
September 1974. Co-published with
Aquatic vegetation and its use and
control. Edited by D.S. Mitchell.
UNESCO, 1974. English. ISBN 923-1010082-4.
ed., UNESCO,
publications. 2
1981. English. (SC.81/WS/110).
international avalanche classification.
UNESCO, 1981.
ISBN 92-3001696-9.
List of National Committees for the
IHP. UNESCO, 1982.
Water and the city. A non-technical
discussion about the current and
historic importance of water to urban
areas. Prepared for UNESCO by G.
Lindh under a grant from the
Research. UNESCO. Spanish, 1984
(ISBN 92-3-302194-7) / Russian,
1984 / Arabic, 1986 (ISBN 92-3602194-8) / Chinese, 1986 / French,
1987 (ISBN 92-3-202194-3).
reservoirs. IHP-II Project A.2.6.1.
Stevan Bruk, Rapporteur. UNESCO,
1985. English.
Méthodes de calcul de la
sédimentation dans les lacs et les
réservoirs. Projet A.2.6.1. du PHI-II.
Stevan Bruk, Rapporteur. UNESCO,
1986. French.
Methodological guidelines for the
evaluation of water resources
scientific expert group for the
UNEP/UNESCO project FP/5201-8501 under the chairmanship of Prof. Dr.
L. Hartmann and printed by the
Netherlands. UNESCO/UNEP, 1987.
Directrices metodológicas para la
evaluación ambiental integrada del
hídricos. Preparado por el grupo de
expertos científicos del proyecto
bajo la presidencia del Profesor Dr.
L. Hartmann.
El Instituto de
Investigación para la Gestión de la
Naturaleza, Leersum, Países Bajos,
UNESCO/UNEP, 1987. Español.
National infrastructures in the field
of water resources. By I. Orloci, K.
Szestay, L . Varkonyi. Published by
the Institute for Water Management,
Budapest, with assistance from the
IHP Secretariat and the Hungarian
National Committee for the IHP.
1985. English.
Hydrological principles for the
deep-well disposal of liquid wastes
and wastewaters. A contribution by
the IHP/OHP National Committee of
the Federal Republic of Germany.
IHP-II Project A.3.6. Koblenz, 1985.
Programmes in water sciences. A
brochure of 25 pages describing
UNESCO’s programmes. English/
List of National Committees for the
IHP. UNESCO, 1986. (SC.86/WS/
intégrée du développement des
ressources en eau: directrices
méthodologiques. Préparé par le
Groupe d’experts scientifiques du
projet PNUE/UNESCO FP/5201-8501 placé sous la présidence du
UNESCO / PNUE, 1987. French.
UNESCO publications in the field
of water sciences. Publications de
l’UNESCO dans le domaine des
sciences de l’eau. UNESCO 1987.
classification system. By L.W.G.
Printed by the Research
Institute for Nature Management,
UNESCO/UNEP, 1988. English.
activities. Handbook for national
evaluation. UNESCO/WMO, 1988.
Comparative hydrology.
ecological approach to land and
water resources. Edited by Malin
Falkenmark and Tom Chapman.
UNESCO, 1989. English. ISBN 923-102571-6.
The impact of large water projects
on the environment. Proceedings of
convened by UNESCO and UNEP
and organized in co-operation with
Paris, 21-31
October 1986.
1990. English.
Free of charge
World Water Resources. Scientific
Brochure. UNESCO, 1991. English.
revised ed.
UNESCO/WMO, 1992. Multilingual:
ISBN 92-3-002745-6.
Evaluation des ressources en eau.
nationales. UNESCO/OMM, 1993.
hídricos. Manual para un estudio de
apreciación de las actividades
nationales. UNESCO/OMM, 1993.
Hidrología comparada.
aportación ecológica a los recursos
hídricos y de la tierra.
version of Comparative hydrology An ecological approach to land and
Falkenmark and Chapman, published
by UNESCO in 1989. Translated by
the Spanish IHP National Committee
within the framework of IHP-IV
Project H-5-4.
CEDEX, 1994.
Spanish. ISBN 84-7790-161-9.
IHP Catalogue of Publications – 2003
Multicriteria decision analysis in
water resources management.
IHP-IV Project M-4-3. Edited by J.
Bogardi and H.P. Nachtnebel.
UNESCO, 1994.
climatology for hydrologists and
water resource engineers. Edited
by M. Sanderson. UNESCO, 1990.
English. ISBN 92-3-102712-3.
Water in our common future. A
research agenda for sustainable
development of water resources.
Compiled by an editorial board of
COWAR (ICSU/UATI) composed of
J. Jordaan, E.J Plate, E. Prins and J.
UNESCO. UNESCO, 1993. English.
Introduction to the use of
geographic information systems in
practical hydrology. By Allard M.J.
Meijerink, Hans A.M. de Brouwer,
Valenzuela. UNESCO / ITC, 1994.
ITC Publication Number 23. English.
ISBN 90-6164-100-4.
Les ressources en eau des pays
de l’OSS - évaluation, utilisation et
gestion. UNESCO / OSS, 1995.
French. (SC.95/WS/24).
List of Publications (1963-1996).
UNESCO, 1996. English. (SC.96/
List of Publications (1963-1997),
2 edition, July 1997.
English (abstracts and
keywords in English, French or
Spanish). (SC.97/ WS/43).
The World’s Water: is there
enough? UNESCO/ WMO, 1997.
ISBN 92-63-10857-9 (English). ISBN
92-63-20857-3 (French). ISBN 92-6330857-8 (Spanish).
ISBN 92-6340857-2 (Russian). 22 pp.
Mauritanie, 3-5 novembre 1996.
UNESCO, 1997. 107 pp. Français.
Handbook for review of national
capabilities. UNESCO/WMO 1997.
153 pp. English.
groundwater quality.
Proceedings, Zaragoza, Spain, 27-30
October 1996. Edited by L. Candela
and A. Aureli. UNESCO/CIHEAM/
UPC, 1998. 215 pp., figs., tables.
Documents of Administrative Sessions of
Various IHP Intergovernmental Bodies
Section VI
Documents of Administrative Sessions of
Various IHP Intergovernmental Bodies
To obtain free single copies of available titles in the series, contact:
For Europe and North America
UNESCO/Division of Water Sciences
IHP Documentation Center
1, rue Miollis
75732 Paris Cedex 15, France
Tel: (+33 1) 45684004 / Fax:(+33 1) 45685811
E-mail: ihp@unesco.org
Website: http://www.unesco.org/water/ihp
For Africa
UNESCO Nairobi Office
For the Arab States
UNESCO Cairo Office
For Latin America and the Caribbean
UNESCO Montevideo Office
For South and Central Asia
UNESCO New Delhi Office
For Southeast Asia and the Pacific
UNESCO Jakarta Office
See Annex for complete addresses of above UNESCO Regional Offices.
Available Titles
the IHP (1990-1995) as approved by the IHP Council at
session. UNESCO, 1990. English/French/
its 9
Spanish/ Russian. (SC.91/ WS/33).
Towards the 21st century: Research and
operational needs. Report of the UNESCO/
Towards the 21st century: Research and
25 session of the Bureau of the IHP. Paris, 2-4
June 1997. Final report. UNESCO, 1997. English/
French/Spanish. (SC.97/CONF.218/ CLD.1).
UNESCO at its 18 session and amended at its 20
21 , 23 , 27 and 28 sessions. English/French/
Spanish/Russian. (SC.96/ WS/8).
26 session of the Bureau of the IHP. Paris, 6-8
April 1998. Final report. UNESCO, 1998. English/
French/Spanish. (SC.98/CONF.205/ CLD. 34).
Rules of procedure of the Intergovernmental
Council of the IHP. Approved by the
13 session of the Intergovernmental Council
of the IHP. Paris, 8-13 June 1998. Final report.
Statutes of the Intergovernmental Council of
the IHP. Approved by the General Conference of
24 session of the Bureau of the IHP. Paris, 28
September 1996. Final report. UNESCO, 1997. English
only. (SC.98/CONF.205/CLD.11).
11 session of the Intergovernmental Council
of the IHP. Paris, 30 January - 4 February 1995. Final
12 session of the Intergovernmental Council
of the IHP. Paris, 23-28 September 1996. Final report.
report. UNESCO, 1995.
Russian. (SC/MD/105).
23 session of the Bureau of the IHP. Paris, 2527 March 1996. Final report. English/Spanish/ French.
UNESCO/WMO/ICSU International Conference on
Paris, 22-26 March 1993. English.
Hydrology and water resources development
in a vulnerable environment. Final plan of the
Fifth Phase (1996-2001) of the IHP. UNESCO, 1996.
English/French/Spanish/Russian. (SC.96/WS/ 24).
WMO/ICSU International Conference on Hydrology.
Evaluation of the International Hydrological
Programme (IHP) of UNESCO. Report of the
External Evaluation Committee, Paris, October 1995.
UNESCO, 1996. English. (SC.96/WS/23).
10 session of the Intergovernmental Council
of the IHP. Paris, 6-11 July 1992. Final report.
Intergovernmental Council amended Article 26 on
‘secret ballot’ at its 14 session. English/French/
Spanish/Russian. (SC-2000//WS/49)
sustainable development in a changing
environment. Detailed plan of the Fourth Phase of
Intergovernmental Council of the IHP at its 1 session
and modified in accordance with the amendment of the
Council’s Statutes by the General Conference of
UNESCO at its 21 , 23 and 28 sessions. The IHP
IHP Catalogue of Publications – 2003
27 session of the Bureau of the IHP. Paris, 13
June 1998.
Final report.
UNESCO, 1998.
33 (extraordinary) session of the IHP Bureau.
5 UNESCO/WMO International Conference on
Hydrology. Geneva, 8-12 February 1999. Final
session of the IHP Bureau. Paris, 4-5 March
English/French/Spanish/Russian. (SC-2002/CONF.203/
Paris, 16 June 2002. Final report.
UNESCO, 2002.
29 session of the IHP Bureau. Paris, 17-19 April
session of the IHP Bureau. Paris, 10 June
2000. Final report. UNESCO, 2000. English/French/
Spanish/Russian. (SC-2000/CONF.210/CLD.1).
15 session of the Intergovernmental Council
of the IHP. Paris, 17-22 June 2002. Final report.
14 session of the Intergovernmental Council
of the IHP. Paris, 5-10 June 2000. Final report.
session of the IHP Bureau. Paris, 19-21
September 2001.
Final report.
UNESCO, 2001.
English/French/Spanish/Russian. (SC-2001/CONF.212/
Final report.
UNESCO, 2000. English/
French/Spanish/Russian. (SC-2000/CONF.205/CLD.1).
28 session of the Bureau of the IHP. Geneva,
Spanish/ Russian.
13-16 September 1999. Final report. UNESCO, 1998.
English/French/Spanish/Russian. (SC-2000/CONF.205/
session of the IHP Bureau. Paris, 22 June
2002. Final report. UNESCO, 2002. English/French/
Spanish/Russian. (In press. Expected release date:
Summer 2003).
Out of Print Titles
International conference on the
practical and scientific results of
Decade (IHD) and on international
co-operation in hydrology. Paris,
8-16 December 1969. Final report.
Records of the International
conference on the results of the
International Hydrological Decade
(IHD) and on future programmes in
hydrology. Paris 2-13 September
1974. Final report. English/French/
Long-term programme in the field
UNESCO, 1974.
of hydrology.
(SC.74/WS/ 23).
1 session of the Intergovernmental Council of IHP. Paris, 9-17
(SC/ MD/48).
session of the Intergovernmental Council of the IHP. Paris,
20-27 June 1977.
Final report.
bic. (SC/MD/59).
Report of the regional meeting of
the IHP National Committees in
North, East, Central and South
Asia. 8-13 August 1977, Colombo,
Sri Lanka. English.
Final report of the 2 meeting on
hydrological problems in Europe.
Brussels, 19-22 September 1977.
Report of the regional meeting of
the National Committees for the
IHP in Southeast Asia and the
Pacific. Bandung, Indonesia, 2-7
October 1978. English.
Report of the meeting of the
Mediterranean countries for the
Rome, Italy, 9-13 October
1978. English.
session of the Intergovernmental Council of the IHP. Paris,
9-16 November 1979. Final Report.
bic. (SC/ MD/ 66).
IHP-III (1984-1989).
and plan. UNESCO, 1985. English/
session of the Intergovernmental Council of the IHP. Paris,
18-23 June 1986. Final report.
bic. (SC/MD/83).
Third UNESCO/WMO International
Conference on hydrology and the
scientific bases of water resources
Geneva, 16-20
French/Spanish/ Russian.
session of the Intergovern4
mental Council of the IHP. Paris,
bic. (SC/MD/69).
session of the Intergovern8
mental Council of the IHP. Paris,
21-25 June 1988. Final report.
hydrology and the scientific bases
for the rational management of
water resources. Paris, 18-27
August 1981. UNESCO/WMO. Final
session of the Intergovern9
mental Council of the IHP. Paris,
19-24 March 1990.
Final report.
session of the Intergovern5
mental Council of the IHP. Paris,
8-15 November 1982. Final report.
English/French/Spanish/Arabic. (SC/
session of the Intergovernmental Council of the IHP. Paris,
22-30 March 1984. Final report.
English/French/Spanish/Arabic. (SC/
opérationnels dans la perspective
du XXIe siècle. Les actes de la
Paris, 22-26 mars 1993. Français.
Co-Edition IAHS / UNESCO
Section VII
Co-Edition IAHS / UNESCO
Prices marked include cost of packaging and mailing. Payments must be made in full (from an account in the same
currency so that there are no deductions for currency exchange) in either GB pounds or US dollars; payments may also be
made using the following credit cards: VISA / MasterCard / EUROCARD. Cheques and money orders in GB pounds should
be made payable to: IAHS Ltd. Cheques and money orders in US dollars should be made payable to: IAHS.
Address for all payments:
IAHS Press
Centre for Ecology and Hydrology
Wallingford, Oxfordshire OX10 8BB, UK
Fax : +44 (0)1491 692448 / 692424
E-mail : jilly@iahs.demon.co.uk
All inquiries and orders concerning titles in this Section should be made with the IAHS Press at the above address.
Series on Snow and Ice
As a contribution to the International Hydrological Decade and the International Hydrological Programme, the International
Association of Hydrological Sciences (IAHS), through its International Commission on Snow and Ice, has published jointly with
UNESCO a special series on snow and ice topics. The titles in this series do not have a publication number. Titles produced up to
1977 have been on sale from IAHS Press, but the only titles still available are Fluctuations of glaciers 1959-1965 and Fluctuations of
glaciers 1965-1970. Titles published from 1978 onwards, although supported by the IAHS International Commission on Snow and
Ice, are available from other sources.
Fluctuations of glaciers 1959-1965.
Data on
variations in the positions of glacier fronts, selected
investigations of glacier mass balance, also
hydrometeorological data - mostly for mountain
glaciers in temperate regions in Europe. Vol. I. By
Peter Kasser. 1967.
Price: £9.00
Hydrological Decade. 1969.
Out of print
Variations of existing glaciers. 1969.
Out of print
Perennial ice and snow masses. 1970.
Out of print
Seasonal snow cover. 1970.
Out of print
Guide to world inventory of sea, lake and river ice.
Out of print
Combined heat, ice and water balance at selected
glacier basins. Part II. Specifications, standards
and data exchange. 1973.
Out of print
Fluctuations of glaciers 1965-1970.
extended to glaciers in the Arctic and Antarctic. Vol.
II. By Peter Kasser. 1973.
Price: £9.00
Fluctuations of glaciers 1970-1975. 1977.
Out of print
For orders and information on the titles listed below, please contact: World Glacier Monitoring Service, Professor W. Haeberli,
Department of Geography, University of Zürich - IRCHEL, Winterthurerstrasse 190, CH-8057 Zürich, Switzerland. Tel: +41 (0)1
6355120/21. Fax: +41 (0)1 6356844;. E-mail: haeberli@geo.unizh.ch.
Fluctuations of glaciers 1975-1980. Vol. IV, published 1985.
Fluctuations of glaciers 1980-1985. Vol. V, published 1988.
Fluctuations of glaciers 1985-1990. Vol. VI, published 1993.
Fluctuations of glaciers 1990-1995. Vol. VII, published 1998.
Fluctuations of glaciers 1995-2000. Vol. VIII, planned 2003.
World glacier inventory: status 1988. Edited by W. Haeberli, H. Bösch, K. Scherler, G. Østrem and C.C. Wallén,
published 1989.
IHP Catalogue of Publications – 2003
Glacier mass balance bulletin No. 1 (1988--1989), published 1991.
Glacier mass balance bulletin No. 2 (1990--1991), published 1993.
Glacier mass balance bulletin No. 3 (1992--1993), published 1994.
Glacier mass balance bulletin No. 4 (1994--1995), published 1996.
Glacier mass balance bulletin No. 5 (1996--1997), published 1999.
Glacier mass balance bulletin No. 6 (1998--1999), published 2001.
Series of Special Publications – Blue Books
Special Publication no. 3 (April 1995). Coupling Large-Scale Hydrological and Atmospheric Models. By G.A.
Schultz, M. Hornbogen, P. Viterbo and J. Noilhan. 96 + viii pages. ISBN 0-947571-24-8. Price: £17.00.
Special Publication no. 6 (December 2002). The Ecohydrology of South American Rivers and Wetlands.
Edited by Michael McClain. 209 pp. ISBN 1-901502-02-3. Eleven chapters based on papers from the International
Symposium on Hydrological and Geochemical Processes in Large-scale River Basins (with special emphasis on the
Amazon and other tropical basins), held at Manaus, Brazil, November 1999, as part of the UNESCO Ecohydrology
Series of Proceedings and Reports – Red Books
Hydrology of fractured rocks. Proceedings of a
symposium held at Dubrovnik.
Vols.I and II.
IAHS/UNESCO, 1967. 690 pp. IAHS Publications
no.73 and no.74.
Price: £9.00 the set
The use of analog and digital computers in
hydrology. Tucson symposium, 1968. Vols.1 and 2.
IAHS/UNESCO, 1968 (UNESCO Studies and reports
in hydrology 1). 756 pp. IAHS Publications no.80 and
Price: £9.00 the set
Water in the unsaturated zone. Wageningen
symposium, 1966. Vols.1 and II. IAHS/UNESCO,
1968 (UNESCO Studies and reports in hydrology 2).
996 pp. IAHS Publications no.82 and no.83.
Price: £9.00 the set
Land subsidence. Tokyo symposium, 1969. Vols. 1
and 2. IAHS/UNESCO, 1970 (UNESCO Studies and
reports in hydrology 8). 660 pp. + maps. IAHS
Publications no.88 and no.89.
Price: £9.00 the set
Symposium on the hydrology of deltas. Bucharest,
1969. Vols.I and II. IAHS/UNESCO, 1970 (UNESCO
Studies and reports in hydrology 9). 492 pp. IAHS
Publications no.90 and no.91.
Price: £9.00 the set
Symposium on world water balance. Reading,
1970. Vols.I, II and III.
(UNESCO Studies and reports in hydrology 11). 706
pp. IAHS Publications no.92, no.93 and no.94.
Price: £9.00 the set
Symposium on the results of research on
Wellington, 1970. Vols. I and II. IAHS/UNESCO, 1970
(Vol.I) and 1973 (Vol.II) (UNESCO Studies and
reports in hydrology 12). 478 pp. IAHS Publications
no.96 and no.97.
Price: £9.00 each
International legend for hydrogeological maps.
Second edition.
1970. IAHS Publication no.98.
Out of print
Symposium on hydrometry. Koblenz, September
1970. Vols.I and II. IAHS/UNESCO, 1973 (UNESCO
Studies and reports in hydrology 13). 894 pp. IAHS
Publication no.99.
Price: £9.00
Mathematical models in hydrology. Proceedings of
a symposium held at Warsaw, July 1971. Vols. 1, 2
and 3. IAHS/UNESCO, 1974 (UNESCO Studies and
reports in hydrology 15). 1356 + xxxii pp. IAHS
Publications no.100, no.101 and no.102.
Price: £9.00 the set
Hydrology of marsh-ridden areas. Proceedings of a
symposium held at Minsk, June 1972.
UNESCO, 1975 (UNESCO Studies and reports in
hydrology 19). 562 pp. IAHS Publication no.105.
Price: £9.00
Role of snow and ice in hydrology. Proceedings of
symposium held at Banff, September 1972. Vols. 1
and 2. IAHS/UNESCO/WMO, 1973. 1484 + xxiv pp.
IAHS Publication no.107.
Out of print
Design of water resources projects with
inadequate data. Proceedings of a symposium held
at Madrid, June 1973. Vols.1 and 2. IAHS /
UNESCO, 1974 (UNESCO Studies and reports in
hydrology 16). 598 and 696 pp. respectively. IAHS
Publication no.108.
Price: £9.00 the set
Effects of urbanization and industrialization on the
hydrological regime
and on water quality.
Proceedings of a symposium held at Amsterdam,
October 1977.
Studies and reports in hydrology 24). 572 + xii pp.
IAHS Publication no.123.
Price: £9.00
IHP Catalogue of Publications – 2003
Land subsidence.
Proceedings of the 4
international symposium on land subsidence held at
Houston, May 1991. Edited by A.I. Johnson. 690 +
xiv pp. IAHS Publication no.200 (1991). ISBN 0947571-92-2.
Price: £10.00
Macroscale modelling of the hydrosphere.
Proceedings of a symposium held during the joint
IAMAP/IAHS meeting, Yokohama, July 1993. Edited
by W.B. Wilkinson. 194 + viii pp. IAHS Publication
no.214 (1993). ISBN 0 -947571-63-9.
Price: £32.50
Hydrology of warm humid regions. Proceedings of
a symposium held during the joint IAMAP/IAHS
meeting, Yokohama, July 1993. Edited by John Stuart
Gladwell. 510 + x pp. IAHS Publication no.216
(1993). ISBN 0-947571-73-6.
Price: £48.50
Biogeochemistry of seasonally snow-covered
catchments. Proceedings of a symposium held
during the IUGG Assembly at Boulder, July 1995.
Edited by Kathy A. Tonnessen, Mark W. Williams and
Martyn Tranter. 466 + xiv pp. IAHS Publication
no.228 (1995). ISBN 0-947571-44-2.
Price: £52.00
Land subsidence: by fluid withdrawal; by solid
extraction; theory and modelling; environmental
effects and remedial measures. Proceedings of a
symposium held at The Hague, October 1995. Edited
by Frans B.J. Barends, Frits J.J. Brouwer and Frans
H. Schröder. 492 + xx pp. IAHS Publication no.234
(1995). ISBN 0-947571-74-4.
Price: £52.00
Sustainability of water resources under increasing
uncertainty. Edited by D. Rosbjerg, N-E. Boutayeb,
A. Gustard, Z.W. Kundzewicz and P. F. Rasmussen.
IAHS/UNESCO, 1997. 528 + x pp. IAHS Publication
no.240. ISBN 0-901502-05-8.
Price: £60.00
The symposium on Sustainability of Water Resources
under Increasing Uncertainty, jointly convened by the
International Commission on Water Resources Systems, the
International Commission on Surface Water, and the
International Commission on Groundwater during the Fifth
IAHS Scientific Assembly held in Rabat, Morocco, from 23
April to 3 May 1997, examines the hydrological basis and
management options which provide the scientific foundation
for the sustainable use of water resources.
The published proceedings include a number of papers
from the hydrological community in Africa where problems of
sustainability have been highlighted by decreased rainfall
which has resulted in severe and prolonged agricultural and
water resource drought over extensive regions of the
continent. In general the 56 published papers reflect the
wide range of global issues and scientific challenges being
encountered by hydrologists.
In considering the scientific issues which affect both
surface water and groundwater availability and the policies
and measures which should be introduced to provide reliable
and sustainable water resource systems, a key focus was
the impact of environmental change, including climate, land
use, urbanization, economic development and greater public
awareness of environmental issues.
The papers in this proceedings are a contribution to the
International Hydrological Programme of UNESCO (IHP-V
Project 4.1).
Hydrochemistry. Edited by Norman E. Peters and
Anne Coudrain-Ribstein. IAHS/UNESCO, 1997. 344
+ xii pp. IAHS Publication no.244. ISBN 1-901502-252.
Price: £42.00
Tracer techniques have proven to be applicable to virtually
every aspect of hydrology, and increased use of these
techniques in the future seems certain. The 33 published
papers of this symposium, which was jointly convened by the
IAHS International Commission on Water Quality (ICQW)
and the International Committee on Tracers (ICT) during the
Fifth Scientific Assembly of the IAHS held at Rabat,
Morocco, 23 April to 3 May 1997, summarize the use of
tracers and contribute to knowledge of the movement and
residence of natural and human-made chemical constituents
in all parts of the hydrosphere. Symposium topics relevant to
local and regional issues for arid and semi-arid areas and for
the humid tropics were targetted, and papers on modelling
studies using tracer results were encouraged.
The papers were separated into three groups: Salinization
and Saltwater Intrusion, for which papers are relevant to the
arid and semi-arid zone and contribute to UNESCO’s IHP-V
Project 5.1, Tracer Techniques, and Hydrological and
Hydrochemical Processes, for which a subset of papers are
relevant to the humid tropics and contribute to IHP-V Project
Human impact on erosion and sedimentation.
Edited by D.E. Walling and J-L. Probst. IAHS/
UNESCO, 1997. 312 + viii pp. IAHS Publication
no.245. ISBN 0-901502-30-9.
Price: £42.00
The 33 papers in this publication explore and assess the
significance of human activity in influencing both erosion and
sediment transport. Concern for this impact has been
promoted by recent interest in global change and sustainable
development of the world’s resources. The papers were
presented at the international symposium on Human Impact
on Erosion and Sedimentation, organized by the IAHS
International Commission on Continental Erosion during the
Fifth IAHS Scientific Assembly held at Rabat, Morocco, from
23 April to 3 May 1997.
This publication brings together case studies and findings
from 23 countries representative of many different
environments, as well as providing more general global
perspectives. The first eight papers focus on human impact
on erosion rates and provide useful examples of the potential
magnitude of the changes associated with different human
activities in a range of environments, as well as directing
attention to the development of procedures for predicting the
magnitude of the changes involved. The next group of 11
papers considers the downstream effects of accelerated
erosion on sediment transport and sediment yield and these
contributions document a wide range of examples of the
impact of human activity and land development in different
parts of the world. These are followed by six further papers
that explore a number of problems and approaches
associated with the development of sediment management
and control strategies. The final eight papers deal more
specifically with reservoir sedimentation and related
problems and with the impact of river regulation on sediment
loads and channel morphology.
This symposium was a contribution to the International
Hydrological Programme of UNESCO (IHP-V Project 2.1).
Co-edition IAHS / UNESCO
FRIEND’97 - Regional Hydrology. Concepts and
Edited by Alan Gustard, Sarka
Blazkova, Mitja Brilly, Siegfried Demuth, Julia Dixon,
Henny van Lanen, Carmen Llasat, Simon Mkhandi
and Eric Servat. IAHS/UNESCO, 1997. 364 + x pp.
IAHS Publication no.246. ISBN 1-901502-35-X.
Price: £50.00
This proceedings publication contains 39 papers selected
for the FRIEND’97 Conference held in Postojna, Slovenia,
from 30 September to 4 October 1997. The FRIEND - Flow
Regimes from International Experimental and Network Data large research project within the framework of UNESCO’s
International Hydrological Programme (IHP) is an
international collaborative study on regional hydrology. Since
its inception in northern Europe in 1985 it has developed to
embrace six major international groups worldwide with
around 75 participating countries.
The objective of this publication is to illustrate theoretical
and applied links between regional hydrology and the
integrated catchment management systems. The roster of
issues tackled in the book ranges from hydrological
processes and catchment modelling, through spatial and
temporal variability, to hydrological extremes. In accordance
with the name of the project, there are also several
contributions devoted to variability of hydrological regimes
which control our domestic, agricultural, industrial, energy
and environmental use of water.
Modelling soil erosion, sediment transport and
closely related hydrological processes. Edited by
W. Summer, E. Klaghofer and W. Zhang. IAHS/
UNESCO, 1998. 454 + x pp. IAHS Publication no.
249. ISBN 0-901502-50-3.
Price: £57.00
The International Symposium on Modelling Soil Erosion,
Sediment Transport and Closely Related Hydrological
Processes was held in Vienna, Austria, 13-17 July 1998, at
the conference facilities of the International Atomic Energy
Agency. It focused on the developments in erosion and
sediment transport modelling. The 50 papers selected for
this publication consider theoretical aspects of modelling, the
validation of these models including necessary monitoring
strategies, and model applications on various scales, as well
as in different global regions.
The Symposium, organized by the International
Commission on Continental Erosion of the IAHS, in cooperation with the Institute for Land and Water Management
of the Austrian Federal Agency for Water Management and
the Austrian Ministry for Agriculture and Forestry, provided
an international forum for scientists and engineers active in
the field of
geomorphology, earth and environmental sciences to focus
on relevant achievements.
This Symposium was a contribution to UNESCO’s
International Hydrological Programme (IHP-V) Project 2.1
Vegetation, Land-Water Use and Erosion Processes and
Project 6.2 Land Unse, Deforestation, Erosion and
Sedimentation in the Humid Tropics.
Hydrology in the humid tropic environment. Edited
by A. Ivan Johnson and Carlos A. FernándezJáuregui. 458 + xiv pp. IAHS Publication no.253
(1998). ISBN 1-901502-70-8.
Price: £62.00
The 47 papers in this proceedings publication comprise
selected oral and poster papers submitted and presented at
the International Symposium on Hydrology in the Humid
Tropic Environment which took place from 17 to 23
November 1996 in Kingston, Jamaica. This symposium
followed other IAHS symposia on the humid tropics – the first
was convened in 1983 in Hamburg, Germany, and the
second in 1993 in Yokohama, Japan.
The papers are divided among the following eight primary
hydrological and environmental subjects especially related to
problems in the humid tropics of Latin America and the
Caribbean, with a few papers covering humid tropics in other
parts of the world:
Environmental contamination and impacts
Hydrologic methods and analysis
Modelling and statistical analysis
Information and data systems
Legal and societal impacts
Urban drainage
Karst and the environment
Coastal and island hydrology
All papers have titles and abstracts in Spanish as well as
Regionalization in Hydrology. Proceedings of a
conference held at Braunschweig, March 1997.
Edited by Bernd Diekkrüger, Mike J. Kirkby & Ulrich
Schröder. 260 + xii pages. IAHS Publication no.254
(1999 ). ISBN 1-901502-80-5.
Price: £41.50
The German National Committee of the International
Hydrological Programme of UNESCO and the Operational
Hydrology Programme of the World Meteorological
Organization provided financial sponsorship for this
There is an increasing demand for the forecasting of water
quantity and quality at all scales from the local (point) to the
regional (meso and macro) scale, and so regionalization has
become one of the major issues in hydrology.
The basic principles of many hydrological processes are
well understood and numerous models, applicable at
different scales, have been developed. However, it is not
usually possible to apply such models across scales
because the model structure, and/or the model parameters,
are scale variant. Therefore in addition to the classical
definition of regionalization (determination of hydrologically
similar units), it is necessary to analyse problems concerned
with interpolation, and up- and downscaling. While
interpolation takes place at a certain scale, up- and
downscaling are concerned with a change of scale from the
local up to the regional scale, or vice versa.
This volume comprises a selection of 28 papers from an
international conference held in 1997 at Braunschweig,
Germany, which explored new mathematical and
computational tools to describe and analyse the behaviour of
hydrological systems at all relevant scales from the point to
the global, for whole systems and for subsystems. The
papers provide an overview of actual model and
regionalization concepts, scaling of properties and
processes, and of modern software tools.
FRIEND 2000. Regional Hydrology: Bridging the
Gap between Research and Practice. Edited by
Henny A. J. van Lanen & Siegfried Demuth. Coeditors: E. Servat, R. Ibbitt, C. Prudhomme, M. F. Bari,
D. Hughes, M. del Carmen Llasat & S. H. Mkhandi.
518 + x pp. IAHS Publication no. 274 (2002). ISBN
Price: £73.50
The International FRIEND research programme (Flow
Regimes from International Network Data) is an initiative of
the International Hydrological Programme of UNESCO which
brings together people from a range of institutions including
operational hydrological agencies, water users, policy
makers and research scientists, to generate and share
scientific knowledge, tools and information. One of the main
objectives of FRIEND is to study the variability of
hydrological regimes in order to improve the management of
water resources at the catchment, regional and global scale.
Since the inaugu-ration of FRIEND in 1985, the initiative has
IHP Catalogue of Publications – 2003
grown to a worldwide network of scientists belonging to
different regional FRIEND groups: Northern European, Alpine
and Mediterranean, Southern Africa, West and Central
Africa, Hindu-Kush Himalayan, Nile Basin, Asian Pacific and
This volume comprises selected and reviewed papers
presented at the Fourth International Conference on FRIEND
held in Cape Town, South Africa in March 2002. The
conference focused attention on bridging the gap between
knowledge, research and practical applications; the themes
Hydrological Data policy, international rivers, databases,
real time, dissemination
Managing hydrological risk floods, surface and
groundwater droughts
Water scarcity overexploitation and poverty reduction
Sustaining water-related ecosystems
methodology and operation
Continental hydrology regimes, water sharing,
teleconnections, snow, ice, international basins
The 63 papers demonstrate how advances in hydrology
can be used for the development of integrated river basin
management to ensure the sustainable development of water
resources. Furthermore, examples are given of the
incorporation of research results into operational hydrology
and water resources planning, including numerical and
statistical models and visualization techniques.
The Structure, Function and Management
Implications of Fluvial Sedimentary Systems.
Edited by Fiona J. Dyer, Martin C. Thoms & Jon M.
Olley. 484 + xii pp. IAHS Publication no. 276 (2002).
ISBN 1-901502-96-1.
Price £72
This volume comprises the proceedings of a symposium
of the same name held in September 2002 at Alice Springs
in Australia, as a contribution to the UNESCO IHP-V Project
2.1: Vegetation, Land Use and Erosion. The 54 papers cover
a wide range of topics pertaining to fluvial sedimentary
systems, recognizing their role and the way in which they are
managed for the health of riverine systems. They are
grouped into four sections:
Eco-geomorphology: linking the physical form of fluvial
sedimentary systems with ecological response captures
research on the relationships between the physical form
of river systems and ecological functioning.
Flood plains: the role of temporary storage in the
exchange of sediment and nutrients focuses on the
conveyance and cycling of contaminants, sediment and
nutrients through temporary storage.
Variability: magnitude and frequency controlling
sedimentary systems identifies how understanding the
effects of temporal and spatial variation on our river
systems is key to their management.
Techniques: new approaches in the study of fluvial
sedimentary systems presents advances in the
application of remote sensing, hydraulic modelling and
tracing to the study of these systems.
Each section concludes with a keynote paper summarizing
the main issues and identifying the challenges which face
that research field into the future.
Co-Edition IAH / UNESCO
Section VIII
Co-edition IAH / UNESCO
The International Association of Hydrogeologists (IAH), a non-government and non-profit scientific organization, aims to
promote co-operation between geologists and specialists of other disciplines interested in hydrogeological problems. The
IAH participates in the International Hydrological Programme (IHP) of UNESCO and titles specifically produced in the
framework of the IHP were issued as part of the series International Contributions to Hydrogeology, published by A.A.
Balkema Publishers (Rotterdam, The Netherlands). Prior to 1996, the series was published for IAH by Verlag Heinz Heise
(Hanover, Germany).
All inquiries concerning titles in this Section should be sent to:
A.A.Balkema Publishers
Postal address: P.O.Box 1675, 3000 BR Rotterdam, Netherlands
Street address: Vijverweg 8, 3062 JP Rotterdam, Netherlands
Telefax: (+31.10)4135947
E-mail: balkema@balkema.nl
Website: http://balkema.ima.nl/
Volume 1
Hydrogeology of Karstic Terrains, Case Histories.
A. Burger and L. Dubertret. 264 pp. Contribution to
Contributions to Hydrogeology, Vol. 1, 1984. ISBN 3922705-05-7.
Out of print
For many years the IAH has maintained a commission
which concerns itself with the hydrogeology of karstic
terrains. The first volume devoted to the hydrogeology of
karstic terrains was published in 1975 and was out-of-print
within a short time. This consecutive volume with the first
case histories is published with the financial assistance of
UNESCO and comprises three chapters.
Volume 2
Hydrology of Limestone Terranes.
Philip E.
LaMoreaux. 342 pp. International Contributions to
Hydrogeology, Vol. 2, 1986. ISBN 3-922705-12-X.
Out of print
Bibliography of Carbonate Rocks, Volume III, was prepared
under the authorization of the IAH.
This publication
complements Volumes I and II, previously published by the
Work Group on the Hydrology of Carbonate Terranes of the
U.S. National Committee for International Hydrological
Decade (IHD) and the Alabama Geological Survey, USA.
Out of print
Volume 3
List of Terms of Hydrogeology, Geochemistry and
Geothermals of Mineral and Thermal Waters. H.R.
Langguth. 92 pp. English, French, Spanish, Russian,
German, Arabic.
Glossary in English, French,
Russian. International Contri-butions to Hydrogeology,
Vol. 3, 1984. ISBN 3-922705-07-3.
Out of print
An exact definition of terms is a preliminary essential for
scientific understanding among specialized colleagues from
different countries. It is surprising how differently terms are
interpreted and used.
Volume 5
Impact of Agricultural Activities on Ground-water.
J. Vrba and E. Romijn.
332 pp. International
Contributions to Hydrogeology, Vol. 5, 1986. ISBN 3922705-09-X.
Out of print
The project “Impact of Agricultural Activities on
Groundwater” is included in the IAH contribution to the
second phase of the IHP of UNESCO. The international
symposium in Prague in 1982, the workshop in Koblenz in
1983 and this monograph were the most important activities
of the project. The main scope of the monograph was to
collect data and results of relevant research.
Volume 6
Theoretical Background, Hydrogeology and
Practice of Groundwater Protection Zones. G.
Matthess, S.S.D. Foster and A. Ch. Skinner. 204 pp.
International Contributions to Hydrogeology, Vol. 6,
1985. ISBN 3-922705-10-3.
Out of print
This publication includes the papers presented at the
IAH/UNESCO workshop at Koblenz on 1 September 1983
which was held in the framework of IHP Project A.3.7.
Volume 7
Hydrogeological Mapping in Asia and the Pacific
Region. W. Grimmelmann, K.D. Krampe and W.
Struckmeier. 410 pp. International Contributions to
Hydrogeology, Vol. 7, 1985. ISBN 3-922705-11-1.
Out of print
The ESCAP-RMRDC Workshop on Hydrogeological
Mapping in Asia and the Pacific Region was the first of its
kind involving the whole ESCAP region. It was intended to
be a review of achievements as well as a source of
information on different subjects.
The Proceedings of the workshop include reports from 21
countries, 6 general papers, 3 reports of ad hoc working
groups, a list of published maps and the revised version
(1983) of the International Legend for Hydrogeological Maps
The wealth of
information presented in this volume will be of value to water
resources specialists both within the ESCAP region and
IHP Catalogue of Publications – 2003
Volume 8
Groundwater recharge - A guide to understanding
and estimating natural recharge. David N. Lerner,
Arie S. Issar and Ian Simmers. 346 pp. International
Contributions to Hydrogeology, Vol. 8, 1990. ISBN: 3
922705 91 X.
Out of print
This manual of practice, prepared by an IAH workgroup as a
contribution to the International Hydrogeological Programme
of UNESCO, especially refers to the world's arid and semiarid zones, these being the areas where the need for reliable
estimates of groundwater recharge are greatest. Results of a
workshop held in Turkey in 1987 on estimation of natural and
man-induced groundwater recharge are also included.
Volume 12
Hydrology and Management of Hazardous Waste
by Deep Well Disposal. Philip E. LaMoreaux and
Jaroslav Vrba (Editors-in-Chief). 136 pp. International
Contributions to Hydrogeology, Vol. 12, 1990. ISBN
Out of print
This monograph deals with deep-well disposal of
hazardous liquid wastes: radioactive waste is not included in
this report. No international standards provide guidelines for
handling and management of hazardous liquid wastes;
however, several countries regulate the injection of liquid
waste by legislation. Some examples of deep-well disposal
are presented in case histories in the second part of the
monograph. This monograph was prepared as a reference
source for decision makers, political representatives and
interested citizens.
Volume 16
Guidebook on Mapping Groundwater Vulnerability. Jaroslav Vrba and Alexander Zaporozec. 156
pp. International Contributions to Hydrogeology, Vol.
16, 1994. ISBN 3-922705-97-9.
Out of print
(Limited copies available at IHP Secretariat Headquarters,
Paris, France)
This book is included in the IAH contribution to the fourth
phase of the IHP, in the framework of project M-1-2(a) on
Methodological Guide for Mapping Groundwater Resources
and their Vulnerability. The book, prepared and published
with financial support of UNESCO, is the result of
international co-operation of groundwater scientists,
members of the IAH / IHP Working Group on Groundwater
Vulnerability Mapping. The book is intended to help map
makers in developing and compiling groundwater
vulnerability maps and to help users of the maps to
understand the contents and value of these. It concentrates
on the methodology of vulnerability assessment and mapping
and attempts to provide a comprehensive guide to
interpretation of hydrogeological and other relevant data and
an understandable format of presenting the data. A model
legend is included to facilitate the preparation of groundwater
vulnerability maps in an internationally-standardized form.
Volume 17
Hydrogeological Maps - A Guide and a Standard
Legend. Wilhelm F. Struckmeier and Jean Margat.
160 pp. International Contributions to Hydrogeology,
Vol. 17, 1995. ISBN 3-922705-98-7.
Out of print
(Limited copies available at IHP Secretariat Headquarters,
Paris, France)
ICH 17 is a joint publication of IAH, IAHS, CGMW and
UNESCO. It is based on experience in hydrogeological
mapping all over the world, and presents a comprehensive
follow-up of the international legends published in 1970 and
1983. The book is composed of two parts: Part I contains a
methodical guide on the preparation of hydrogeological
maps; Part II is an international standard legend with a
catalogue of colors, signs and symbols explained in English,
French and German. It is, therefore, both a textbook and a
The guide and the standard legend will assist map
makers in preparing hydrogeological maps and harmonize
the representation of hydrogeological maps. They also help
map makers to understand and fully grasp the information
provided on hydrogeological maps. They complement the
Guidebook on Mapping Groundwater Vulnerability, published
as Volume 16 of the series International Contributions to
Documents and Reports in Hydrology
Published by the UNESCO Regional Offices
Section IX
Documents and Reports in Hydrology Published
by the UNESCO Regional Offices
(Available Titles Only)
Inquiries and orders for titles in the series should be addressed directly to the Regional Office concerned.
See Annex for complete addresses of the UNESCO Regional Offices.
UNESCO Cairo Office
New publications of the UNESCO Cairo Office are available for consultation/downloading from their website at:
Water resources assessment in the Arab region. UNESCO ROSTAS/ACSAD/IHHE, Cairo, 1988 in Arabic.
Translated into English and partly updated by ROSTAS, 1995. 398 pp.
Report of the UNESCO/NWRC/ACSAD Work-shops on “Wadi Hydrology” and “Groundwater Protection”,
Cairo, 3-6 June 1996. UNESCO Cairo Office, 1996. English. Available free-of-charge from UNESCO Cairo
Proceedings of the UNESCO/NWRC/ACSAD Workshops on “Wadi Hydrology” and “Ground-water
Protection”, Cairo, 3-6 June 1996. Editors: Lineke J.M. Mourits, Abdin M.A. Salih, Mohsen Morad Sherif.
Technical Documents in Hydrology N°1 (UNESCO Cairo Office series). UNESCO Cairo Office, 1997. 143 pp.
Proceedings of the Sixth Regional Meeting of the Arab National Committees for the IHP, “Water
Resources Integrated Management in the Arab Region”, Amman (Jordan), 3-6 December 1995. UNESCO
Cairo Office, 1997. 196 pp. Bilingual: English/Arabic.
Report of the Seventh Regional Meeting of the Arab National Committees of the IHP, Rabat (Morocco), 812 September 1997. UNESCO Cairo Office, 1997. 28 pp. Bilingual: English/Arabic.
IHP Regional Network on Groundwater Protection in the Arab Region. Seminar on Training of Trainers in
the Arab Region on Groundwater Protection (Cairo, 8-17 December 1996). Edited by Fatma A.R. Attia, Network
Co-ordinator. Technical Documents in Hydrology N°2 (UNESCO Cairo Office series). UNESCO Cairo Office,
1998. 49 pp. English.
IHP Regional Network on Groundwater Protection in the Arab Region in Co-operation with the Dutch
Government. Round Table Workshop on Groundwater Protection and Meeting of the Network (Cairo, 6-10
September 1998). Edited by Fatma A.R. Attia and Abdin M.A. Salih. . Technical Documents in Hydrology N°4
(UNESCO Cairo Office series). UNESCO Cairo Office, 1998. 39 pp. English.
IHP Regional Network on Groundwater Protection in the Arab Region. Proceedings of the 2 Cairo Round
Table Meeting on Groundwater Protection in Arid and Semi-Arid Regions (6-10 September 1998). Edited by
Fatma A.R. Attia and Abdin M.A. Salih. Technical Documents in Hydrology N°5 (UNESCO Cairo Office series).
UNESCO Cairo Office, 1998. 148 pp. English and Arabic.
IHP Regional Network on Groundwater Protection in the Arab Region. Systematic Approach for Research
and Implementation. Priority Aquifer Systems. Edited by Fatma A.R. Attia and Abdin M.A. Salih. English.
Technical Documents in Hydrology N°6 (UNESCO Cairo Office series).
Report of the 8 Regional Meeting of the IHP National Committees of the Arab Region (Beirut, Lebanon, 28
September – 1 October 1999). Technical Documents in Hydrology N°7 (UNESCO Cairo Office series).
IHP Regional Network on Groundwater Protection in the Arab Region. Brochure. UNESCO Cairo Office,
1998. 11 pp. English.
International Conference on Regional Aquifer Systems in Arid Zones – Managing Non-Renewable
Sources. (Tripoli, Libya, 22-26 November 1998). Brochure. Arabic translation.
Hydraulic Engineering for Water Harvesting in Arid and Semi-Arid Environments. (Delta Barrage, Cairo, 719 August 1999). Brochure. English.
IHP Catalogue of Publications – 2003
Wadi Hydrology. Arab Network on Wadi Hydrology. Brochure. English and Arabic.
Proceedings of the International Conference on Wadi Hydrology. UNESCO Cairo Office, National Water
Research Center- Cairo, November 2000.
IHP- Regional Network on Grounwater Protection in the Arab Region. Development of Groundwater
Protection Criteria. Edited by Fatma A.R. Attia and Amr Fadlelmawla. UNESCO Cairo Office, 2001.
IHP- Regional Network on Groundwater Protection in the Arab Region. Manual of Field Data of
Groundwater Studies. Arabic translation. December 2001. Edited by Ahmed R. Khater, Akram M. Fekry.,
Abdullah Droubi.
IHP – Regional Network on Groundwater Protection in the Arab Region. Environmental Monitoring and
performance standards for Groundwater Sustainability. Edited by Fatma A.R. Attia. UNESCO Cairo Office, 2001.
Capacity Buildings and Training on Environmental Planning and Management: Final Report, Edited by
Radwan Al-Weshah, Riyad El Khoudary November 2001, UNESCO Cairo Office, 2001.
Ninth Regional Meeting of the Arab IHP National Committees. Muscat – The Sultanate of Oman 23-26
September 2001. Edited by Radwan Al-Weshah. UNESCO Cairo Office, 2001.
IHP – International Hydrological Programme : Network on Groundwater Protection in the Arab region- Status
of Groundwater Protection in the Arab Region (Egypt, Bahrain, Yemen, Tunisia) June 2002. Edited by Ahmed R.
Khater, Radwan Al-Weshah. UNESCO Cairo Office, 2002.
IHP – International Hydrological Programme : Arab Wadi Hydrology Network (AWHN) – Water Resources of
Wadi Systems in the Arab World: Case Studies (Jordan, Egypt, Sudan, Morocco, Tunisia). Edited by Radwan AlWeshah. UNESCO Cairo Office, June 2002.
UNESCO Jakarta Office
Proceedings of the international symposium on special problems of alluvial rivers including those of
international rivers, Seoul, Korea, 16-19 September 1991. UNESCO ROSTSEA. 279 pp. English.
International hydrology and water resources symposium 1991: “Challenges
development”, Perth, Australia, 2-4 October 1991. UNESCO ROSTSEA. English.
Proceedings of the regional training programme on erosion and sedimentation for Asia (RTPESA 5):
Workshop on soil erosion debris flow control, VSTC, Yogyakarta, Indonesia, 5-8 November 1991.
UNESCO ROSTSEA. 401 pp. English.
Proceedings of the seminar on water environmental topic number one, Jakarta, Indonesia, 2-5 December
1991. UNESCO ROSTSEA. 244 pp. English/Bahasa Indonesia.
Proceedings of the International seminar on integrated development and management of water resources
for sustainable use in Indonesia, Cisarua, Bogor, Indonesia, 29 October - 01 November 1992. IHP-IV
Project M-1-1. UNESCO ROSTSEA. 100 pp. English.
Report of the technical workshop on groundwater contamination in sub-humid and humid tropical Asia,
Bangkok, Thailand, 14-18 December 1992. IHP-IV Project H-5-1. UNESCO ROSTSEA. 200 pp. English.
Final report of the regional meeting of the National Committees for the IHP in Southeast Asia and the
Pacific, Manila, Philippines, 18-22 January 1993. UNESCO ROSTSEA. 100 pp. English.
Proceedings of the regional workshop on small island hydrology, Batam Island, Indonesia, 16-19
February 1993. IHP-IV Project H-5-1. UNESCO ROSTSEA. 200 p. English.
Proceedings of the technical workshop on hydrological research in a changing environment, UKM,
Malaysia, 15-18 June 1993. IHP-IV Project H-5-1. UNESCO ROSTSEA. 259 pp. English.
Catalogue of rivers for Southeast Asia and the Pacific. Vol. I, second edition. By K. Takeuchi, A.W.
Jayawardena and Y. Takahasi. UNESCO ROSTSEA, 1995. 290 pp. English. ISBN 962-8014-07-2.
Documents and Reports in Hydrology
Published by the UNESCO Regional Offices
Final report and country report of the regional meeting of the IHP National Committees and the Regional
Steering Committee (RSC) on humid tropics hydrology, Phnom Penh, Cambodia, 28 November 1995.
UNESCO ROSTSEA. 240 pp. English.
Proceedings of the workshop on water resources assessment and integrated management, water supply
and pollution control, Hanoi, Vietnam, 8-11 November 1995. UNESCO ROSTSEA. 220 pp. English.
Proceedings of the regional training course on water resources assessment and development of small
islands and the coastal zone, Pulau Pari and Bandung, Indonesia, 17-25 January 1995. UNESCO
ROSTSEA. 175 pp. English.
National inventory of the major lakes and reservoirs in Indonesia. Finland National Committee for the IHP,
1995. 175 pp. English.
Proceedings of the International Symposium on Comparative Research on Hydrology and Water
Resources in Southeast Asia and the Pacific (Yogyakarta, Indonesia, 18-22 November 1996). Edited by
Joesron Loebis. Sponsored by UNESCO, Indonesian Institute of Science (LIPI) and the Research Institute for
Water Resources Development (RIWRD). Indonesian National Committee for the IHP/UNESCO Jakarta Office,
1997. 265 pp. English. Available from: the Secretariat of the Indonesian National Committee for the IHP.
Catalogue of Rivers for Southease Asia and the Pacific - Volume II. Edited by A.W. Jayawardena, K.
Takeuchi and B. Machbub. Sponsored by the UNESCO-IHP Regional Steering Committee for Southeast Asia
and the Pacific. UNESCO Jakarta Office, December 1997. 285 pp. English.
1 Asian Pacific FRIEND workshop: Data archive and scientific methods for comparative hydrology and
water resources, Malaysia, 20-23 March 1998. Technical Documents in Hydrology No. 1, UNESCO Jakarta
Office, 1999, Kuala Lumpur.
Asian Pacific FRIEND. Technical Documents in Hydrology No. 2, UNESCO Jakarta Office, 1999, Jakarta.
2 Asian Pacific FRIEND/GAME Workshop on ENSO, Floods and Droughts in the 1990's in Southeast
Asia and the Pacific.
Workshop Report, 23-26 March 1999, Hanoi, Vietnam. Technical Documents in
Hydrology No. 3, UNESCO Jakarta Office, 1999, Jakarta.
Proceedings of the International Symposium on Floods and Droughts, Nanjing, China, 18-21 October
1999. Technical Documents in Hydrology No. 4, UNESCO Jakarta Office, 1999, Hohai.
Proceedings of the International Symposium on Hydrology and Environment Development and
Management in Southeast Asia and the Pacific 10-13 November 1998, Taegu, Republic of Korea.
Yeungnam University, 1998, Kyongsan, Republic of Korea.
Proceedings of the 2 Asian Pacific FRIEND/GAME workshop on ENSO, Floods and Droughts in the
1990's in Southeast Asia and the Pacific, 23-26 March 1999, Hanoi, Vietnam. Hydro Meteorological Service,
Final Report of the 6 RSC meeting 14 November 1998, Taegu, Republic of Korea. UNESCO Jakarta Office,
1998, Jakarta, Indonesia.
Final Report of the 7
Jakarta, Indonesia.
Guide to Remote Sensing, Textbook for the Eighth IHP Training Course. Editor: Kenji Nakamura, Institute
for Hydrospheric-Atmospheric Sciences, Nagoya University, March 1999, Nagoya.
Limnology, Textbook for the Ninth IHP Training Course. Editor: Hisayoshi Terai, Institute for HydrosphericAtmospheric Sciences, Nagoya University, August 1999, Nagoya.
8 Regional Steering Committee Meeting for Southeast Asia and Pacific, Christchurch, New Zealand, 20
November 2000. IHP-Regional Steering Committee for South East Asia and the Pacific. Final Report. UNESCO
Jakarta Office, 2000. Final report of the IHP Regional Steering Committee Meeting for Southeast Asia and
Pacific, which includes the Country Reports presented on that occasion by the IHP National Committees of the
Catalogue of Rivers for Southeast Asia and the Pacific – Volume III. Pawitan, H., Jayawardena, A. W.,
Takeuchi, K. & Lee, S. (Eds.) UNESCO-IHP Regional Steering Committee for Southeast Asia and the Pacific.
UNESCO Jakarta Office, 2000. This volume contains information related to 20 rivers from 9 countries in the
RSC meeting 21 October 1999, Nanjing, China. UNESCO Jakarta Office, 1998,
IHP Catalogue of Publications – 2003
Southeast Asia and the Pacific. Three volumes in this series have been published to date (UNESCO 1995, 1997
and 2000). These three volumes contain details for a total of 69 rivers in 13 countries.
Fresh Perspectives on Hydrology and Water Resources in Southeast Asia and the Pacific, Christchurch,
New Zealand, 21-24 November 2000. Mosley, M.P. (Ed.). Proceedings. IHP-V Technical Documents in
Hydrology No.7. UNESCO Jakarta Office, 2000. Proceedings of the international symposium held in conjunction
with the 8 IHP-RSC Meeting (Christchurch, 21-24 November 2000) and jointly organized by the RSC-SEAP and
the Hydrological, Meteorological and Limnological Societies of New Zealand. The volume contains 37 full papers
presented during the symposium.
9 Regional Steering Committee Meeting for Southeast Asia and Pacific, Ha Long City, Vietnam 22
November 2001. IHP-Regional Steering Committee for South East Asia and the Pacific. Final Report. UNESCO
Jakarta Office, 2002. Final report of the IHP Regional Steering Committee Meeting for Southeast Asia and
Pacific, which includes the Country Reports presented on that occasion by the IHP National Committees of the
International Symposium on Achievements of IHP-V in Hydrological Research, Ha Noi, Viet nam, 19-22
November 2001. Thuc, T. (Ed.). Proceedings. IHP-V Technical documents in Hydrology No. 8 (UNESCO Jakarta
Office series), UNESCO Jakarta Office, 2001.
Kamus Limnology (Perairan Darat). Hehanussa, P.E. and Haryani, G.S. (Eds.). Non numbered Publication,
UNESCO Jakarta Office, 2001. Glossary of limnological terms in Indonesian, published in September 2001.
UNESCO Jakarta provided financial support and technical assistance to this initiative carried out by the
Indonesian National Committee for IHP and the Indonesian Institute of Sciences (LIPI). It contains 1500
limnological terms in Indonesian, with quick reference in English, and is based on the “International Glossary of
Hydrology” published by UNESCO and WMO in 1992.
Catalogue of Rivers for Southeast Asia and the Pacific – Volume IV. Ibbitt, R., Takara, K., Desa, Mohd. Nor
Bin Mohd. and Pawitan, H., (Eds.) UNESCO-IHP Regional Steering Committee for Southeast Asia and the
Pacific. UNESCO Jakarta Office, 2002. This Volume contains 25 rivers from 10 countries and brings the total
number of rivers catalogued in the region, including those in Vols. I to III, to 94. With this printed Volume, a CDRom version is also included. It is intended that over time previous Volumes will also be made available in CDRom format. Further information on this project will become available on the web page maintained by the Humid
Tropics Centre (HTC), Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, at http://htc.moa.my/apfriend/wa/
UNESCO Montevideo Office
New publications of the UNESCO Montevideo Office are available for consultation / downloading from their website at:
The missing link in a production chain: vertical obstacles to catch Camanchaca. By Christian Gischler.
UNESCO ROSTLAC/UNICEF, 1991. 197 pp. English. ISBN 90-9089-019-7.
Balance hídrico do estado de Sao Paulo. By B. Braga Jr., J.G. Conejo & J.C Palos. UNESCO
ROSTLAC/CTH-USP, 1991. 87 pp. Portuguese. ISBN 92-9089-0214.
Agua, vida y desarrollo. Volume 3 (Técnicas). By Ramon Vargas. UNESCO ROSTLAC, 1992. 174 pp.
Spanish. ISBN 92-3-302459-8.
Surface water balance of Bolivia. By M-A. Roche, C. Fernández-Jáuregui, A. Rivera, J. Pena Mendez, E.
Salas Rada and J. Luis Montano. UNESCO ROSTLAC/SENAMHI/ORSTOM, 1992. 80 pp. Available from:
Edgar Salas Rada, Instituto de Hidraulica e Hidrología-UMSA, Casilla 699, La Paz, Bolivia. Price: US$30 +
Surface water of Paraguay. National Meteorology and Hydrology Service of Paraguay/UNESCO ROSTLAC,
1992. Spanish.
Overall creditworthiness as a tool for sustainable development. By Geoffrey J. Matthews. UNESCO
ROSTLAC, 1993. 69 pp. English version ISBN 92-9089-031-4. Spanish version ISBN 92-9089024-1.
Evaluación de los recursos hídricos. Manual para un estudio de apreciación de las actividades nacionales.
UNESCO ROSTLAC/WMO, 1993. 117 pp. Spanish.
Elementos técnicos de hidrología III. By Roberto Pizarro Tapia. Universidad de Talca, Chile, 1993. 133 pp.
Spanish. Available from: Editorial Universidad de Talca, Casilla 747, Talca, Chile.
Documents and Reports in Hydrology
Published by the UNESCO Regional Offices
Estrategia para el Próximo Siglo - Recursos Hídricos Subterráneos. ABAS-MG (Brazil)/ UNESCO-PHI.
UNESCO Montevideo Office, 1996. Papers in Portuguese, Spanish and English with English/Portuguese
La Hidrología Operativa: Base para el desarrollo de la hidrología aplicada y de los aprovechamientos
hidráulicos: Experiencia cubana. Eduardo Planos Gutiérrez, PHI-Cuba. UNESCO Montevideo Office, 1997.
Manual para la Interpretación de los Ensayos de Bombeo y Programas de Cálculo. Diosdado Pérez
Franco, Instituto Politécnico José Antonio Echeverría, La Habana, Cuba; Jorge de los Santos, Facultad de
Ingeniería, Universidad de la República, Montevideo, Uruguay and Caroline Diaz Goano (programming).
Spanish. (Includes a Users’ Manual and the possibility of downloading the computer programme in 4 diskettes.)
Estrategia para el Próximo Siglo - Recursos Hídricos Subterráneos. ABAS-MG (Brazil)/ UNESCO-PHI.
UNESCO Montevideo, 1996. Papers in Portuguese, Spanish and English with English/Portuguese abstracts.
La Hidrología Operativa: Base para el desarrollo de la hidrología aplicada y de los aprovechamientos
hidráulicos: Experiencia cubana. Eduardo Planos Gutiérrez, PHI-Cuba. UNESCO Montevideo, 1997.
Short history of water.
ORSTOM- France/Archivo y Biblioteca nacionales de Bolivia/SENAMHIBolivia/CONAPHI-Bolivia/IHP/ UNESCO, Montevideo,1997. English, French and Spanish versions.
5a. Reunión del Grupo de Trabajo sobre Hidromecánica. Editores: Daniel Schenzer & Jorge Freiría.
Montevideo, Uruguay, mayo 1999. División Latinoamericana de la IAHR, Universidad de la República, UNESCOPHI.
Pequeñas obras hidráulicas. By Roger Mattos (Bolivia). (June 1999)
Technical proceedings of the International Seminar on Climatic and Hydrological Consequences of the El
Niño-ENSO Event at regional and local scale. 1998 Editors: Eric Cadier (ORSTOM), Gustavo Gómez
(INAMHI-Ecuador), Remigio Galárraga (Escuela Politécnica Nacional-Ecuador) and Carlos Fernández-Jáuregui
(UNESCO). Papers in Spanish, English and French.
Análisis económico de la propuesta de modificación a la ley de aguas de Bolivia de 1906. By Juan de Dios
Mattos (Bolivia). With support from the Catholic University of Chile.
Weather Radar Technology for Water Resources Management. Edited by Benedito Braga Jr. and Oswaldo
Massambani. IRTCUD, Univ. Sao Paulo (Brazil), UNESCO-IHP, Montevideo,1997.
ISBN 92-9089-055-1.
(limited edition of printed version)
Digitized theme maps of the surface water balance of South and Central America. UNESCO-IHP, UNEP,
CIAT (Colombia), 1999.
Digitized version of the Hydrogeological Map of South America at scale 1:5.000.000. UNESCO-PHI, CPRM
y DNPM (Brasil), 1978-1989. Map and explanatory note in Spanish, English, Portuguese and French. Printed in
CD-ROM "Montevideo entero por un medio ambiente". Con el apoyo y auspicio de la Intendencia Municipal
de Montevideo, el Centro Uruguay Indpendiente (CUI), CEA y el PHI de UNESCO, se lanzó el 18 de junio de
1998 el CD-ROM que presenta una descripción del tema recursos hídricos y saneamiento de la ciudad de
Montevideo. El lanzamiento estuvo a cargo del Intendente de Montevideo, Arq. Mariano Arana, en la Sala de
Exposiciones de la Estación del Colector de Punta Carretas. (Inquiries : cui@adinet.com.uy)
Análisis comparativo de la vulnerabilidad del Acuífero Norte de Quito. Proyecto en ejecución.
Coello. Edición internet, enero 2002.
Sistema de apoyo a la gestión integral de cuencas hidrográficas. Oscar Raúl Dölling. Edición internet,
noviembre 2001.
Lineamientos ingenieriles para la administración pública del agua con énfasis en la predicción de la
oferta mensual hídrica bajo escenario no estacionario. Hebert Gonzalo Rivera. Edición internet, julio 2001.
Optimización de la red hidrológica básica bajo los escenarios del cambio climático en la República de
Bolivia. M. Ontiveros. Edición internet, enero 2001.
IHP Catalogue of Publications – 2003
Contributions to the knowledge on the stratigraphy and hydrochemistry of the giant Guarani Aquifer
System, South America. S. Kittl. Internet edition, December 2000.
Guía para la educación básica sobre protección de aguas subterráneas. Universidad Nacional de La Pampa
– Argentina Universidad de la República – Uruguay. Segunda edición internet, enero 2002.
Case studies on water and environment issues in Haiti / Etudes de cas sur les problèmes de l´eau et
l´environnement en Haïti. Evens Emmanuel (Editor). Internet edition, November 2000.
Manejo integrado de recursos hídricos. CATHALAC/BID, Panamá. November 2000.
Proceedings of the Third Dialogue in Water Management. IWRN/CATHALAC/OEA, Panamá. November
2000. Available in CD-ROM.
Regional consultation of Central America : Vision on Water, Life and the Environment for the 21 Century.
By M. Donoso, M. Kempkes, P. Ramirez and A. Lorlesse. CATHALAC, Panamá. Published in English and
Spanish. March 2000.
Regional consultation of the Caribbean: Vision on Water, Life and the Environment for the 21 Century.
By M. Donoso, M. Kempkes, M. Crichlow, T. Bakkum, P. Ramirez and A. Lorlesse. CATHALAC, Panamá.
Published in English and Spanish. March 2000.
UNESCO New Delhi Office
Status and role of mountain hydrology in the Hindu Kush-Himalayan region. MEM Series No.10,
Kathmandu, Nepal. By Kiran Shankar. UNESCO ROSTSCA/ICIMOD, 1991. 34 pp. English. Available from
ICIMOD, P.O.B. 3226, Kathmandu, Nepal.
Report of the first consultative meeting of the regional working group on mountain hydrology,
Kathmandu, Nepal. UNESCO ROSTSCA/ ICIMOD, 1992. 23 pp. English. Available from: ICIMOD, P.O.B.
3226, Kathmandu, Nepal.
Report on meeting of the National Committees for the IHP of South and Central Asia, New Delhi, India, 68 April 1992. UNESCO ROSTSCA, 1992. 21 pp. English.
Report of the third consultative meeting of the regional working group on mountain hydrology, New Delhi,
India, 23-25 November 1993. IHP-IV Project H-5-6. UNESCO ROSTSCA. English.
Report of the preparatory meeting to launch Flow Regimes from International Experimental and Network
Data Sets (FRIENDS) project for the Hindu Kush Himalayan region. New Delhi, 18-20 July 1995. UNESCO
New Delhi Office. 5 pages. English.
Extended abstracts of the international conference on ecohydrology of high mountain areas, Kathmandu,
24-28 March 1996. By S.R. Chalise and N.R. Khanal. IHP-V Project 2.4. UNESCO New Delhi Office / ICIMOD,
1996. 392 pp. English. Available from: ICIMOD, P.O.B. 3226, Kathmandu, Nepal.
Proceedings of the international symposium on water resources in karst with special emphasis on arid
and semi-arid zones. Shiraz, Islamic Republic of Iran, 23-30 October 1992. IHP-IV Project M-4-1. Afrasiabian,
A. Tehran, 1993. 508 pp (Vol. I). English. Available from: Ministry of Energy, PO Box 15875-3584, Tehran,
Islamic Republic of Iran.
Management of sediment: philosophy, aims and techniques. Proceedings of the sixth international
symposium on river sedimentation, New Delhi, 7-11 November 1995. IHP-IV Project H-1-2. C.V.J. Varma and
A.R.G. Rao. New Delhi Central Board of Irrigation and Power/Oxford & IBH, 1995. 1187 pp. English. Available
from: A.T. Balkema, A.A. Balkema Publishers. PO Box 1675, NL 3000 BR, Rotterdam, The Netherlands.
Final Report of the Meeting of the IHP National Committees in South and Central Asia, Tehran, Islamic
Republic of Iran, 23-26 May 1996. UNESCO New Delhi Office, 1996. 46 pp. English.
Final Report of the Meeting of the IHP National Committees in South and Central Asia, Tehran, Islamic
Republic of Iran, 23-26 May 1996. UNESCO New Delhi Office, 1996. 46 pp. English.
Report of the Regional Workshop on Hydrology of the Hindu Kush - Himalayas, Kathmandu, Nepal, 23-24
March 1997. UNESCO New Delhi Office/ICIMOD, 1997. 46 pp. English. Available free-of-charge from the
Publications Unit, ICIMOD, G.P.O. Box 3226, Kathmandu, Nepal.
Documents and Reports in Hydrology
Published by the UNESCO Regional Offices
Proceedings of the International Symposium on Water for the 21st Century: Demand, Supply,
Development and Socio-Environmental Issues, Pakistan, 17-19 June 1997. UNESCO New Delhi
Office/CEWRE, Pakistan, 1997. 565 pp. English. Copies available for sale (Pakistan Rs. 800 per copy) from
Centre of Excellence in Water Resources Engineering, University of Engineering and Technology, G.T. Road,
Lahore 54890, Pakistan.
Rain Water Harvesting and Artificial Recharge to Groundwater – A Guide Book to Follow. Edited by D.K.
Chada, and R. Jayakumar, UNESCO New Delhi Office, 2000. Print copies available from: UNESCO New Delhi
Proceedings: Seminar on Women and Water. Organized jointly by UNESCO New Delhi Office and Central
Ground Water Board, Ministry of Water Resources, Government of India. English. Available from Chairman,
Central Groundwater Board, Jamnagar House, Mansingh Road, New Delhi 110 011. Fax: +91-11-3386743.
Email: niccgwb@sansad.nic.in.
Hydrological Observations with Illustrations. UNESCO New Delhi Office and Central Board of Irrigation and
Power, 2001. English. Copies available from the IHP Secretariat at HQ and the UNESCO New Delhi Office.
Groundwater Mapping, Conservation and Management in the Maldives – Training Manual. Edited by A.
Balasubramanian and R. Jayakumar. UNESCO New Delhi Office, 2001. Copies available from the UNESCO
New Delhi Office.
Final Report on “The influence of alteration of Central Asian climate on natural and economic conditions
of Mongolia”. UNESCO New Delhi Office, 2001. English copies of the report available from the UNESCO New
Delhi Office.
Proceedings: International Workshop on Ecohydrology. Edited by V. Subramanian, Al. Ramanathan. ©
ENVIS Centre, Jawaharlal Nehru University, 2001. ISBN-81-85589-06-2. Hardback. 444 pages. English. Copies
available from Prof. V. Subramanian, School of Environmental Science, Jwaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi
110 057.
Modelling in Hydrogeology. Edited by L. Elango and R. Jayakumar. ©UNESCO / Allied Publishers Limited,
2001. ISBN 81-7764-218-9. Hardback. 259 pages. English. Also available in CD-ROM. Print and CD-ROM
copies available from the UNESCO New Delhi Office.
UNESCO Venice Office
Proceedings of the XXth Conference of the Danube Countries on Hydrological Forecasting and
Hydrological Bases of Water Management. (4-8 September 2000, Bratislava, Slovak Republic). Organized by
the Slovak Committee for Hydrology and the Slovak Hydrometeorological Institute jointly with UNESCO, WMO
and IAHS. Proceedings available on CD-ROM from the Slovak Committee for Hydrology, Institute of Hydrology
SAS, Račianska 75, P.O.Box 94, 838 11 Bratislava 38, Slovak Republic. E-mail: : ncihp@uh.savba.sk Website:
Ecohydrology brochure. A four-page quadri-color information folder on the concepts, structure, and activities of
the project. Available from M. Zalewski, Dept of Applied Ecology, Center for Ecohydrological Studies, University
of Lodz, Banacha 12/16, 90-237 Lodz, Poland.
Email: mzal@biol.uni.lodz.pl.
Ecohydrology. Special issue of Elsevier Journal Ecological Engineering Vol. 16, No. 1 (2000). Based on the
proceedings of the Ecohydrology Workshop in Lodz, Poland in 1998. Journal Editor-in-Chief: W.J. Mitsch.
Special issue editor: M. Zalewski. ©2000 Elsevier Science B.V. ISSN 0925-8574. 197 pp. English. This special
issue of Ecological Engineering is based on the proceedings of the UNESCO/UNDP Workshop on Ecohydrology
held in Lodz, Poland, on 20-24 May 1998. It was organized by the IHP of UNESCO, within the framework of IHPV Projects 2.3/2.4 on Ecohydrological processes in the surficial environment, in collaboration with the UNESCO
Venice Office-Regional Office for Science and Technology for Europe (UVO-ROSTE).
Launching of the International Journal of Ecohydrology & Hydrobiology (formerly: Polskie Archiwum
Hydrobiologii and Acta Hydrobiologica). Journal established in the framework of UNESCO IHP-V Projects 2.3/2.4
on Ecohydrology, with the support of the UNESCO Venice Office – Regional Office for Science and Technology
in Europe (ROSTE). First issue, Vol. 1, No. 1-2 (2001), on “Catchment processes land/water ecotones and fish
communities”, proceedings of the MAB Workshop held in Zakopane, Poland, 22-25 May 1995. ©2001
International Centre for Ecology, Polish Academy of Sciences and the Karol Starmach Institute of Freshwater
Biology, Polish Academy of Sciences. PL ISSN 1642-3593. English. Available from : M. Zalewski, International
IHP Catalogue of Publications – 2003
Centre for Ecology, Polish Academy of Sciences, Dziekanow lesny, 05-092 Lomianki, Poland. Tel/Fax : +48 22
751 4116. Email : mce-pan@mail.unicom.
The Ecohydrology of South American Rivers and Wetlands. IAHS Special Publication no. 6. Edited by
Michael E. McClain. ISBN 1-901502-02-3. IAHS Press 2002. 209 pp., figs., tables. English. Available only
from: IAHS Press, Centre for Ecology and Hydrology, Wallingford, Oxfordshire OX10 8BB, UK. Fax: +44 1491
692448. Email: jilly@iahs.demon.co.uk. The contents of this publication stem mainly from the International
Symposium on Hydrology and Geochemistry of Large-scale River Basins (with special emphasis on the Amazon
and other tropical basins), held 15-19 November 1999 in Manaus, Brazil, as part of the UNESCO Ecohydrology
Section X
Commercial CD-ROMs are available for sale from sources as indicated below.
Non-commercial CD-ROMs (e.g., IHP CD-ROM series) are available free-of-charge while stocks last from the
IHP Secretariat, UNESCO Headquarters and/or from sources as indicated below .
Non-Commercial (Free-of-Charge) CD-ROMs
UNH/GRDC Composite Runoff Fields.
Available from: Water Systems
Research Center, Institute for the Study of
Earth, oceans and Space, University of New
Hampshire, Durham, NH 03824-3525, USA.
Fax: +1 603 862 0188.
watsys@unh.edu. A limited supply of the
CD-ROM is available upon request (while
stocks last) from the IHP Secretariat,
UNESCO Headquarters, Paris, France. An
online version is available on the IHP
website at http://www.unesco.org/water/ihp/db/.
The present data set demonstrates the potential of
combining observed river discharge information with a
climate-driven Water Balance Model in order to
develop composite runoff fields which are consistent
with observed discharges. The method applied in the
preparation of this data set utilizes a gridded river
network at 30-minute spatial resolution to represent the
riverine flow pathways and to link the continental land
mass to oceans through river channels. Selected
gauging stations from the Global Runoff Data Centre
data archive were co-registered to a simulated
topological network (STN-30p) developed at the
University of New Hampshire. Inter-station regions
between gauging stations along the STN-30p network
were identified. Inter-station discharge and runoff were
calculated to compare observed runoff with outputs
from the water balance model (WBM) simulation.
World Freshwater Resources (World
Water Resources and their Use).
Prepared by I. Shiklomanov, SHI, St.
Petersburg, Russia. A limited supply of the
CD-ROM version is available upon request
(while stocks last) from the IHP Secretariat,
UNESCO Headquarters, Paris, France. An
online version is available on the IHP
website at http://www.unesco.org/water/ihp/db/.
The present database is the first attempt to
disseminate a comprehensive data set on global
surface water resources, and water use for domestic,
agricultural and industrial purposes. Forecasts of
expected water use until 2025, and a database of
monthly discharges of selected rivers in the world are
also included. The database is also aimed to initiate a
dialogue among those concerned with freshwater
resources assessment and monitoring.
is available upon request (while stocks last)
from the IHP Secretariat, UNESCO
Headquarters, Paris, France.
This programme is the second extended version of the
former computer aided learning (CAL) software by the
same authors (Basic river water quality models,
WQMCAL version 1.1, UNESCO/IHP 1997, Technical
Documents in Hydrology N°13, SC-97/WS/80) which
has been prepared for UNESCO in the framework of
the IHP-IV project on the preparation of didactic
materials in hydrology, to aid university teachers and
students in teaching respectively, and learning the
basis of river water quality modelling. The present
version has been expanded to deal also with the basics
of lakewater quality modelling, with special regard to
plant nutrient budgets and eutrophication. All important
features of version 1.1 are also included, although in
an improved, modified way. This version includes lake
"ecohydrological" applications) and was made in such
a way as to fit into the framework of UNESCO/IHP's
"Ecohydrology" programme (IHP-V Projects 2.3 and
intergovernmental programmes, has prepared a CDROM entitled "UNESCO in the Mountains of the World"
providing information and site descriptions on all
UNESCO mountain biosphere reserves recognized
under the Programme on Man and the Biosphere
(MAB), all mountain world heritage sites listed under
the World Heritage Convention, and all on-going
mountain projects under the International Hydrological
Programme (IHP) and the International Geological
Correlation Programme (IGCP). The CD-ROM is
based on a global mountain map produced by UNEPWCMC (World Conservation Monitoring Centre) in
electronic format.
Basic river and lake water quality
Computer aided learning
programme on water quality modelling
(WQMCAL Version 2). By G. Jolánkai and I.
Bíró.. IHP-V Projects 8.1, 2.3, and 2.4.
UNESCO, 2001. English. IHP CD-ROM
series n°1. A limited supply of the CD-ROM
UNESCO in the Mountains of the World.
Published by UNESCO in collaboration with
UNEP-WCMC (January 2002). English. A
limited supply of the CD-ROM version is
available upon request (while stocks last)
from the Division of Ecological Sciences,
UNESCO Headquarters, Paris, France.
Contact: Mr Thomas Schaaf, email:
t.schaaf@unesco.org. An online version is
Frontiers in urban water management:
Deadlock or hope? / Frontières de la
gestion de l’eau urbaine: Impasse ou
espoir? UNESCO, 2002. English. IHP
CD-ROM series n°2. A limited supply of the
CD-ROM is available (while stocks last) from
Headquarters, Paris, France. A print edition
IHP Catalogue of Publications – 2003
has been issued in 2001 as Technical
Document in Hydrology N°45 (see page 24)
and an online version (PDF) is available at:
The International Symposium “Frontiers of urban water
management: Deadlock or hope?” (Marseille, 18-20
June 2001) represented a unique opportunity to assess
the current status of urban water systems in various
settings around the world and to explore various
approaches, proposals and technologies that hold
promise in facing the shortcomings. This Symposium,
organised by UNESCO and the Académie de l’Eau de
France, with the support of the City of Marseille and of
the Secretariat of the World Water Council, represents
the culmination of the activities related to the theme
Integrated Urban Water Management of the Fifth
Phase (1996-2001) of the International Hydrological
Programme (IHP) of UNESCO. This volume holds the
papers selected to be presented orally at the six
workshops of the Symposium, and the abstracts of the
papers accepted for poster presentations. In evaluating
the papers submitted to the Symposium, the Scientific
Advisory Committee assessed the quality of the
papers, coverage of topics and geographical
distribution of authors. This CD-ROM edition contains
the full set of papers, including those of the posters.
International aquifer systems in arid and
nonrenewable resources. Proceedings of the
Tripoli Conference,
UNESCO, 2002. A limited supply of the CDROM is available (while stocks last) from the
IHP Secretariat, UNESCO Headquarters,
Paris, France. A print edition is expected to
be issued in 2003 as Technical Document in
Hydrology N°42 (see page 23) while an
online version (PDF) is available at:
The International Conference on "Regional Aquifer
Systems in Arid Zones – Managing non-renewable
resources" (Tripoli, 21-25 November 1999) marked a
milestone in the review, discussion and analysis of the
emerging concept of planned groundwater mining and
made important progress in international exchange and
co-operation towards an equitable and sustainable
utilization of shared groundwater resources.
Conference was jointly convened by the Divisions of
Water Sciences and Earth Sciences of UNESCO and
the General Water Authority of the Libyan Arab
Jamahiriya. It was co-sponsored by FAO, OSS, IAH,
the Great Man-Made River Authority.
Groundwater contamination inventory: A
Methodological Guide. IHP-VI Series on
Groundwater N°2. Prepared for the
International Hydrological Programme within
IHP-V Project 3.1. By the Project Working
Group: A. Zaporozec (Co-ordinator and
Editor), J. E. Conrad, R. Hirata, P-O.
Johansson, J. C. Nonner, E. Romijn and J.
M. C. Weaver. UNESCO, 2002. A limited
supply of the CD-ROM is available (while
stocks last) from the IHP Secretariat,
UNESCO Headquarters, Paris, France. An
online version will also be made available on
the IHP website, under “Publications”.
Among the most serious problems in water resources
is the degradation of groundwater. The objectives of
IHP-V Project 3.1 “Groundwater contamination
inventory” were to document the extent, spatial
distribution, and types of contamination including pointsource and non-point-source problems, as well as
natural contamination due to saline water intrusion at
regional scales and to develop a standardised
methodological guideline. Data on the extent of
contamination were gathered by the IHP National
Committees and the UNESCO Regional Offices of
Science and Technology and presented at various
conferences organized during the IHP-V. The
contamination inventory is presented in this
publication. The text of this document is a reproduction
with small changes of chapter 22 of the book Intensive
Use of Groundwater: Challenges and Opportunities
edited by M. R. Llamas and E. Custodio, with
permission of the publisher Balkema, The Netherlands;
ISBN 90-5809-390-5.
Intensively exploited aquifers – Main
concepts, relevant facts and some
suggestions / Acuíferos explotados
intensivamente – Conceptos principales,
hechos relevantes y algunas sugerencias.
IHP-VI Series on Groundwater No. 4. By
Ramón Llamas and Emilio Custodio.
UNESCO, 2002. A limited supply of the CDROM is available (while stocks last) from the
IHP Secretariat, UNESCO Headquarters,
Paris, France. A print edition is also
available under the series IHP Non-Serial
Publications in Hydrology (see page 43). An
online version will also be made available on
the IHP website, under “Publications”.
Intensive use of groundwater is becoming a common
situation in many areas of the world. In this paper the
authors present what they consider are the main
results obtained in the Madrid Workshop on Intensively
Exploited Aquifers (Madrid, 13 -15 December 2001),
including comments and ideas to improve water
management in regions where there is intensive use of
Commercial (For Sale) CD-ROMs
The commercial CD-ROMs listed below are available for sale from UNESCO Publishing, Promotions and Sales
Division, 7 place de Fontenoy, 75352 Paris 07 SP, France. Fax: +33 (0)1 45 68 57 37. For online orders, go to:
Blue Gold – Interactive Encyclopaedia of Water
UNESCO Publishing/Strass Productions, 2000.
CD-ROM. Format: PC-MAC.
Graphics, 22 video clips, 600 photographs, 8 slide shows, charts, diagrams, maps.
ISBN 92-3-103560-6. Price: 45.58 Euros.
This Cd-Rom offers a voyage of discovery in the quest for water. Very well documented and a mine of interdisciplinary
information on water, it combines a scientific and an attractive approach. There is a choice of two navigation modes: the
user can run freely through the whole Cd-Rom visually, as represented by a huge interactive fresco, or search by topic,
using a subject database. A family and an educational tool, it deals with history and civilizations, biology, geology and
environment, politics, economy and development.
L’Or Bleu – L’Encyclopédie interactive de l’eau
Editions UNESCO/Strass Productions, 2002. CD-ROM. Format: PC-MAC. Graphiques
3d, 22 clips vidéo, 600 photos, 8 diaporamas, 200 tableaux, 2ème édition. ISBN: ISBN
92-3-203853-6. Prix: 45.58 Euros.
Ce Cd-Rom propose de fantastiques voyages à travers la planète et à travers l'histoire, à la recherche de l'Or bleu. Il
concilie rigueur scientifique et réalisation interactive attrayante et ludique. Un choix de deux modes de navigation facilite
l'accès à l'information : l'utilisateur peut parcourir librement et de manière visuelle l'intégralité du CD-Rom représentée
par une gigantesque fresque interactive, ou rechercher un thème précis à l'aide d'une base de données thèmatique.
Outil familial et pédagogique, il aborde l'histoire, la biologie, la géologie et l'environnement, la politique, l'économie et le
La Quête de l’Eau - Un jeu d'aventure pour sauver le Peuple de l'Eau et cinq
voyages de découverte sur notre planète
Editions UNESCO/Strass Productions, 2000. CD-ROM. Format: PC-MAC. Exploration,
jeux, recherches, animations 3d, liens, expérimentations. ISBN ISBN 92-3-203770-X.
Prix: 37.96 Euros
Après l'Or Bleu, l'encyclopédie interactive de l'eau, voici un titre ludo-éducatif destiné aux 9 - 15 ans. Alliant jeu
d'aventure et contenu éducatif, ce Cd-Rom permet de découvrir l'environnement et particulièrement l'eau sous tous ses
aspects : histoire et géographie, sciences et technologie, arts et culture. Le Cd-Rom se prête à un usage pédagogique
collectif en classe, comme à un usage individuel ou en famille. Il est également utile aux enseignants comme support ou
outil de préparation des cours, et aux élèves, qui peuvent se constituter des données personnelles.
Perl et Gadoo au Pays de l’Eau - Un jeu éducatif pour découvrir l'eau sur la terre (47 ans)
Editions UNESCO/Strass Productions, 2001. CD-ROM. Format: PC-MAC. CD-ROM.
13 univers en 3d, jeux pour colorier, chanter, construire, des ateliers. ISBN ISBN 92-3203821-8. Prix: 37.96 Euros
Après L'Or Blue (tout public) et La quête de l'eau (9-15 ans), voici un titre ludo-éducatif pour les tous petits. Perl et
Gadoo, deux gouttes d'eau qui vivent sur un nuage, sont invitées sur terre à l'anniversaire d'une petite fille du désert.
L'enfant part avec ses nouveaux amis à la découverte de la nature et de l'eau. Plein de surprises les attendent ! Tout
en s'amusant, ils découvrent la météo, la diversité des habitants de la terre, les différents milieux de notre planète et
l'importance de l'eau. Et à tout moment ils pourront consulter les thèmes du Livre de l'eau, ou prendre des photos pour
remplir leur Carnet de voyage. Ce cd-rom est un outil ludo-pédagogique par excellence. Il développe la curiosité, la
logique, le sens de l'observation et la créativité de l'enfant.
Technical Papers in Hydrology (Terminated Series)
Section XI
Technical Papers in Hydrology
(Terminated Series – Out of Print)
UNESCO, 1972.
Editor: M.B. McPherson. UNESCO,
1981. English. ISBN 92-3-101984-8.
Seasonal snow cover. A
guide for measurement, compilation
and assemblage of data. Co-edition
ISBN 92-3-201168-5.
L’enseignement de l’hydrologie.
UNESCO, 1974. French. ISBN 923-301168-9. La enseñanza de la
UNESCO, 1975.
Spanish. ISBN 92-3-101168-2.
Curricula and syllabi in
Chief Editors: S.
Chandra and L.J. Mostertman.
UNESCO, 1983 (2nd edition).
English. ISBN 92-3-102106-0.
glaciers. A guide to international
practices for their measurement. Coedition
Legends for geohydrochemical maps. UNESCO, 1975.
ISBN 92-3-001207-6.
N°4. Antarctic glaciology in the
International Hydrological Decade.
Co-edition UNESCO/IAHS, 1969.
Research on urban
hydrology. Vol. 1: State-of-the-art
reports from Australia, Canada,
USSR, United Kingdom, USA.
General Editor: M.B. McPherson.
UNESCO, 1977. English. ISBN 923-101488-9.
Perennial ice and snow
masses. A guide for the compilation
and assemblage of data for a world
Co-edition UNESCO/
IAHS, 1970. English.
Combined heat, ice and
water balances at selected glacier
Part I: A guide for
compilation and assemblage of data
measurements. UNESCO, 1970.
English. ISBN 92-3-100855-2. Part II:
Specifications, standards and data
exchange. UNESCO, 1973. English.
ISBN 92-3-101050-6.
Textbooks in hydrology.
Analysis and synoptic tables of
contents of selected textbooks. Vol.I,
UNESCO, 1974. English.
N°7. Scientific framework of world
water balance. UNESCO, 1971.
international guide for collection
and processing of data. Edited by
F. Snyder, A. Sokolov and K.
Szesztay. UNESCO, 1971. English.
N°9. Guide to world inventory of
sea, lake and river ice. Co-edition
ISBN 92-3-100958-3.
Curricula and syllabi in
N°11. Teaching aids in hydrology.
UNESCO, 1972. English.
N°12. Ecology of water weeds in
An ecological
the neotropics.
survey of the aquatic weeds
Eichhornia cassipedes and Salvinia
species and their natural enemies in
the neotropics. By D.S Mitchell and
P.A. Thomas.
Research on urban
hydrology. Vol. 2: State-of-the-art
Sweden. UNESCO, 1978. English.
ISBN 92-3-101555-9.
Hydrological problems
arising from the development of
energy. A preliminary report. By
G.H. Davis and A.L. Velikanov.
UNESCO, 1979. English. ISBN 923-101685-7.
modeling and catchment research:
international summary. By M.B.
McPherson and F.C. Zuidema.
UNESCO, 1978. English. ISBN 923-101691-1.
Dispersion and selfpurification
surface water systems. A report by
IHP Working Group 6.1.
Editors: P.G. Whitehead and T. Lack.
UNESCO, 1982. English. ISBN 923-102049-8.
N°24. Experimental facilities in
water resources education. Report
by a team of authors on IHP-II
Project B.2.1.4. UNESCO, 1983.
English. ISBN 92-3-102107-9.
Teaching the systems
approach to water resources
A state-of-the-art
report by IHP rapporteur L.J.
UNESCO, 1983.
English. ISBN 92-3-102108-7.
N°26. Study of the relationship
sediment transport. A guide for the
collection and interpretation of
sediment quality data. Prepared by
H.L. Golterman, P.G. Sly and R.L.
Thomas. UNESCO, 1983. English.
ISBN 92-3-102109-5.
N°27. Teaching aids in hydrology.
Chairperson: U. Maniak.
P.W. Jowitt. UNESCO, 1985 (2nd
ISBN 92-3102304-7.
N°19. Remote sensing of snow
By Mark F. Meier.
and ice.
UNESCO, 1979. English. ISBN 923-101730-6.
N°20. Predicting effects of power
plant once-through cooling on
aquatic systems. A state-of-the-art
report of IHP Working Group 6.2 on
the effects of thermal discharges.
Chief Editors: W. Majewski and D.C.
Miller. UNESCO, 1979. English.
ISBN 92-3-101704-7.
Research on urban
Vol. 3:
reports from 11 countries: Australia,
Canada, United Kingdom, Federal
Republic of Germany, Sweden,
Poland, India and USA. General
Non-UNESCO Publications
Issued in the Framework of IHP
Section XII
Non-UNESCO Publications Issued in the Framework of IHP
This section contains a listing of titles that have come to the attention of the IHP Secretariat since 1998.
All titles in this section are only available from sources other than UNESCO.
Water, Environment and Society in Times
of Climatic Change. Contributions from an
framework of UNESCO’s IHP, held at BenGurion University, Sede Boker, Israel, from
7-12 July 1996. Edited by Arie S. Issar and
Neville Brown. 372 pp., hardbound, ISBN 01998, Kluwer Academic
Publishers. Price: US$159. Orders should
be sent to: Kluwer Academic Publishers,
Order Department, PO Box 322, 3300 AH
Dordrecht, The Netherlands. Fax: +31 78
654 6474. E-mail: orderdept@wkap.nl
This volume addresses climate variability and its
human impact during the Holocene. The various
contributions were presented during the July 1996
Negev University workshop and provide an
interdisciplinary, integrative overview. Some chapters
document and discuss climate variability and paleohydrology using stable isotopes, radiocarbon, pollen
and other proxy data. The mechanisms causing
climate variability are also extensively discussed.
This volume will be of interest to paleohydrologists,
archaeologists, and other scientists interested in
climate change and history.
The workshop was organized in close co-operation
with the IHP and is a major contribution to IHP-V
project 1.4.
Water – A Reflection of Land Use.
Options for counteracting land and water
By M. Falkenmark, L.
Andersson, R. Castensson, K. Sundblad, in
collaborations with C. Batchelor, J.
Gardiner, C. Lyle, N. Peters, B. Pettersen,
P. Quinn, J. Rockström, C. Yapijakis.
Published by the Swedish Natural Science
Research Council (NFR) as a contribution to
the International Hydrological Programme
(IHP) of UNESCO. 128 pp.
©Swedish Natural Science Research
Council (NFR), 1999. ISBN 91 546 03587.
Available from NFR, PO Box 7142, SE-103
87 Stockholm, Sweden. Fax: +46 8 454
A land use decision is also a water decision. Land
and water are closely linked through the water cycle.
In extreme cases, downstream effects of irrigation
farming may be as serious as in the case of the Aral
Sea disaster. An increasing number of rivers are
reported more or less depleted from upstream land use
activities. At the same time, farmers are accused also
of polluting the underlying groundwater beyond
potability limits and of causing eutrophication of
surface waters and enclosed seas. Industrialized
landscapes are littered by landfills leaking pollutants to
underlying aquifers. Their remediation has often relied
on “superfunds” due to the high costs involved.
In demystifying the water cycle, this book reviews
issues in land-water management, clarifying the need
for an integrated approach in line with Agenda 21. The
links between water cycle, human activities and their
effects on freshwater is explained and illustrated by
examples from different parts of the world. The book
related land use to sustainability issues and highlights
current policy mismatches.
It also includes a
discussion of the time scale of recovery and provides
an agenda for a better-informed political action.
The book contributes actively in filling the
conceptual void between climate and ecosystems. It
may serve as an introductory text to students and it
may also be valuable for teachers looking for a good
overview of key causes and processes that lead up to
ecological degradation and for a knowledgeable
general audience interested in ongoing environmental
degradation all around the world.
Glaciers of the Southern Hemisphere.
Special issue of Elsevier Journal Global
and Planetary Change Vol. 22 (1999).
Journal editors: S. Cloetingh, C. Covey, A.
Henderson-Sellers, L. Cirbus Sloan, B.
Moore and P. Pirazzoli.
Special issue
editors: A.G. Fountain, G. Kaser and A.
Ruddell. ©1999 Elsevier Science B.V. ISSN
267 pp.
English. For
bibliographic and ordering information,
contact Elsevier Science online at :
http://www.elsevier.com. Online access to
full text articles for Global and Planetary
Change is available to those readers whose
library has subscribed to Global and
Planetary Change via ScienceDirect Digital
Collections, or, has a current print
subscription to Global and Planetary
ScienceDirect Web Editions.
This special issue of Global and Planetary Change
is the result of an International Symposium on Glaciers
of the Southern Hemisphere, which was held in
Melbourne, Australia on 7–9 July 1997.
symposium was organized by the International
Commission on Snow and Ice for the purpose of
highlighting the efforts and results of glaciological
investigations in the Southern Hemisphere with
particular attention to South America. About 40 papers
were presented, most of which addressed glaciological
work in New Zealand and on the Patagonian ice caps.
Other reports presented results from alpine glaciers in
the tropics and in Antarctica. The papers in this
volume present a comprehensive view of current
knowledge on the glaciers in the Southern
Ecohydrology. Special issue of Elsevier
Journal Ecological Engineering Vol. 16,
No. 1 (2000). Journal Editor-in-Chief: W.J.
Mitsch. Special issue editor: M. Zalewski.
©2000 Elsevier Science B.V. ISSN 09258574. 197 pp. English. For bibliographic
and ordering information, contact Elsevier
Science online at : http://www.elsevier.com.
Online access to full text articles for
Ecological Engineering is available to those
IHP Catalogue of Publications – 2003
readers whose library has subscribed to
Ecological Engineering via ScienceDirect
Digital Collections, or, has a current print
subscription to Ecological Engineering and
has registered for ScienceDirect Web
This special issue of Ecological Engineering is
based on the proceedings of the UNESCO/UNDP
Workshop on Ecohydrology held in Lodz, Poland, on
20-24 May 1998. It was organized by the IHP of
UNESCO, within the framework of IHP-V Projects
2.3/2.4 on Ecohydrological processes in the surficial
environment, in collaboration with the UNESCO Venice
Office-Regional Office for Science and Technology for
Europe (UVO-ROSTE). The papers selected for this
special issue represent a sample of the activities of 39
projects in 26 countries within the framework of the
UNESCO IHP-V Ecohydrology programme.
discussions, information flow and activities developed
in this programme create a notable step toward the
sustainable use of freshwater resources in the face of
global changes.
L’eau, de la cellule au paysage. Editeur
scientifique: Stanislas Wecherek. Collection
©2000 Éditions scientifiques et médicales
ELSEVIER SAS. ISBN 2-84299-243-1. 424
Prix: 52.59 Euros.
Disponible à la vente chez: Éditions
scientifiques et médicales Elsevier. 23 rue
Linois, 75724 Paris Cedex 15, France. Tél. :
01 45 58 91 00. Fax. : 01 45 58 94 25.
URL: http://www.elsevier.fr.
Quatrième de la collection Environnement, cet
ouvrage devrait intéresser non seulement les
scientifiques, mais aussi tout personne concernée par
le problème de l'eau. L'eau, de la cellule au paysage,
ouvrage résolument interdisciplinaire, traite de « l'eau,
source de vie : sa qualité, sa gestion ». Il s'agit de
rassembler disciplines, approches et échelles
différentes afin de percevoir, dans une vision intégrée
et spatialisée, les enjeux environnementaux de l'eau
sur les problématiques suivantes : l'eau, vecteur
d'informations environnementales ; l'eau, vecteur
d'informations biologiques ; l'eau et la qualité de
l'environnement dans les zones humides ; l'eau dans
son intégration socioéconomique et appliquée.
L'eau constitue en effet le principal véhicule des
effluents d'origines diverses, des microorganismes et
des molécules biologiquement actives ; elle détermine
les usages et les valorisations des lieux et apparaît
ainsi comme un agent essentiel de l'évolution des
paysages et comme un élément clé de la géographie
de la santé. Dès lors, elle nécessite une approche
globale afin de fixer les termes d'un développement
durable de l'espace.
Integrated water resources management
Conference, New Delhi, 19-21 December
2000. Volumes I and II. Edited by R.
Mehrotra, B. Soni and K.K.S. Bhatia. ©2000
National Institute of Hydrology, Roorkee,
The proceedings are
available on CD-ROM (US$40) or in print
(US$150). To order / for more information,
contact: DR B. Soni. Organizing Secretary
ICIWRM 2000.
National Institute of
Hydrology, Roorkee 247667, India. Fax:
The Conference was organized by the National
Institute of Hydrology, Roorkee, India, and sponsored
by UNESCO and the IAEA; IAHS and WMO were
among the co-sponsors. The aim of the Conference
was to provide a common platform for scientists and
engineers from around the world to discuss and
summarize current knowledge and to evolve strategies
for viable future plans of integrated water resources
management for their wider implementation by
governmental agencies, the private sector and nongovernmental organizations.
Report on a mission to Egypt and
Lebanon in connection with the
Programme Water for Society. By M.J.
Hall (IHE-Delft) and M. Schuster (IHSRotterdam). English. 20 pp. Available from
the Netherlands National Committee for the
IHP of UNESCO and the OHP of WMO, c/o
KNMI, PO Box 201, 3730 AE De Bilt, The
Netherlands. Fax: +31 30 221 0407.
In 1998/99, the Netherlands National Committee for
IHP/OHP and the National Commission for UNESCO
discussed manners to strengthen co-operation
between the natural and social sciences within the
framework of UNESCO’s cross-sectoral project on
“Urban development and freshwater resources in small
and medium-sized Mediterranean cities”.
It was
decided to organize an international Working
Conference in order to discuss opportunities of cooperation between scientists of both disciplines in the
Netherlands as well as with their colleagues in the
Mediterranean region. A preceding short mission of
two experts – one natural scientist and one social
scientist – to Alexandria (Egypt) and Saida (Lebanon)
was carried out in November 1999 by Dr Mike J. Hall,
professor of hydrology at IHE-Delft, and Ms Micaela
Schuster, urban environmental specialist at IHSRotterdam. This report presents a condensed problem
analysis and problem grouping, followed by a set of
recommendations, one of which focuses on issues for
potential co-operation between research institutions.
Floodplain pollution control management
(Vistula River, Poland).
Edited by A.
Magnuszewski, Z. Mikulski and W.L.F.
Brinkmann. A contribution of the German
IHP/OHP National Committee and the
Polish IHP National Committee to UNESCO
IHP-IV Project M.3.4 and to IHP-V Project 2.
Koblenz, 2000. ISSN 0177-9915. English.
108 pp.
Available from the German
200253, 56000 Koblenz, Germany. Fax:
+49 (0)261 1306 5422.
sedimentological background originating from a high
spatial and temporal variation in river flow. The papers
in this volume give an insight into the morphological
and hydrological background of the Vistula River near
Plock, Poland and present some information on the
actual sedimentological features.
The research project proposed by Z. Mikulski and
W.L.F Brinkmann was executed as part of a joint
venture of teams of hydrologists from the Universities
of Warsaw (Poland) and Frankfurt/Main (Germany).
Fieldwork started in 1992 and was given continuous
support by the German IHP/OHP National Committee
Non-UNESCO Publications
Issued in the Framework of IHP
and the Polish IHP National Committee to UNESCO
IHP-IV Project M.3.4 “Floodplain pollution control
management of the rivers Vistula (Poland) and Main
(Germany) and to IHP-V Project 2.3 “Interactions
between river systems, floodplains and wetlands”.
Both projects were carried out in close co-operation
with the “Man and the Biosphere” (MAB) Programme of
The report presented here is understood to be an
introduction to the research efforts of the research
groups. Results obtained during field and laboratory
work, which cover the fields of hydrology,
hydrochemistry, sedimentology and geochemistry in
the Vistula valley near Plock, including the interactions
and transfer mechanisms between abiotic and biotic
compartments, give detailed information on the geoecological and eco-hydrological structure and patterns
of the Vistula valley and floodplain. These sets of
basic information will provide the tools for decisionmaking and risk-management procedures as well as
for predictive purposes and modelling.
Proceedings of the
Germany, 25-27 September 2001.
contribution of the German IHP/OHP
National Committee to UNESCO IHP-V
Project 4.1 “International Water Systems”.
Koblenz, 2001. ISSN 0177-9915. English.
487 pp.
Available from the German
200253, 56000 Koblenz, Germany. Fax:
+49 (0)261 1306 5422.
This publication contains the papers which were
presented during the International Conference on
Hydrological Challenges in Transboundary Water
Resources Management.
This conference was
convened by the German National Committee for the
IHP of UNESCO and for the OHP of WMO in Koblenz,
Germany, from 25-27 September 2001.
Frontiers in urban water management:
Deadlock or Hope?
Edited by Čedo
Maksimović and José Alberto TejadaGuibert. ©2001 IWA Publishing. ISBN 1
900222 76 0. Hardback.
416 pages.
English. Price: UK£ 65.00 / US$ 99.00.
Available from: IWA Publishing, a whollyowned subsidiary of the International Water
Association (IWA).
Address: IWA
Publishing, Alliance House, 12 Caxton St.,
London SW1H 0QS. Fax: +44 (0) 20 7654
5555. http://www.iwapublishing.com.
This book presents the state-of-the art in urban
water management at the beginning of the 21st century
by bringing together major scientific and professional
players to address critical and topical issues in water
management. This team of leading world experts
investigates themes such as the challenges of urban
water management, infrastructure integration issues,
and emerging paradigms in water supply and
sanitation. Key issues are investigated from the
hydrological, technical and managerial points of view,
incorporating both social and economic realities.
Specific reference is also made to solutions for
developing countries. With a view to the future,
conclusions from past experiences are highlighted,
new pathways are explored and future developments
are suggested.
This book represents one of the culminating
activities on the theme of Integrated Urban Water
Management of the Fifth Phase (1996-2001) of the
International Hydrological Programme (IHP) of
UNESCO. It was prepared as a contribution to the
International Symposium “Frontiers in Urban Water
Management: Deadlock or Hope?” (Marseille, 18-20
June 2001), which was organized by UNESCO and the
Académie de l’Eau de France, with the support of the
City of Marseille and of the Secretariat of the World
Water Council.
Nouvelles frontières de la gestion
urbaine de l’eau: Impasse ou espoir ?
Sous la direction de Cedo Maksimovic,
Alberto Tejada-Guibert, Pierre-Alain Roche.
©2001, Presses de l’Ecole Nationale des
Ponts et Chausées. Titre original: Frontiers
in urban water management: Deadlock or
ISBN 2 85978 345 8 (édition
originale: 1 900222 76 0, éditeur IWA
Publishing, Londres). 448 p., 17 x 24,
broché. Français. Prix: 74,70 Euros. Pour
plus de renseignements, contactez: Les
Presses de l’Ecole nationale des Ponts et
Chaussées, 28 rue des Saints-Pères, 75343
Paris cedex 07, tél: +33 (0)1 44 58 27 00 ou
+33 (0)1 44 58 27 00.
Cet ouvrage fait le point en matière de gestion
urbaine de l’eau en ce début de XXIe siècle. Il marque
la clôture de la cinquième phase du Programme
hydrologique international de l’UNESCO en réunissant
des spécialistes de premier plan, scientifiques et
professionnels, pour aborder les points clés de cette
internationaux se penche sur les défis concernant la
gestion urbaine de l’eau, les problèmes d’intégration
des infrastructures et l’émergence de nouveaux
paradigmes pour les ressources en eau et pour
Les questions de fond sont examinées sous leur
aspect hydrologique et technique ainsi que sous
l’angle de la gestion, en tenant compte des réalités
tant à la fois sociales qu’économiques. Les auteurs
s’attachent par ailleurs à mettre en avant les solutions
destinées aux pays en développement. Dans un
perspective d’avenir, cet ouvrage tire les conclusions
de l’expérience du passé, explore de nouvelles voies et
suggère des évolutions futures.
Le financement de l’édition française de cet ouvrage
a été assuré par l’Agence de l’eau Seine-Normandie.
Surface Water Hydrology (Vol. 1) /
Groundwater Hydrology (Vol. 2) /
Pollution (Vol. 3) / Water Resources
Development and Management (Vol. 4).
Proceedings of the International Conference
on Water Resources Management in Arid
Regions (WaRMAR), Kuwait, 23-27 March
2002. Edited by V.P. Singh, M. Al-Rashed
and M.M. Sherif.. ©2002 A.A. Balkema, a
member of Swets & Zeitlinger Publishers.
25 cm, 2230 pp., 4 vols. ISBN: 90 5809
Price: 595 Euros / US$ 595.
362 X.
Orders should be sent to: A.A. Balkema
Publishers. Postal address: P.O.Box 1675,
3000 BR Rotterdam, The Netherlands.
IHP Catalogue of Publications – 2003
Telefax: +31 10
The four volumes constitute the proceedings of the
International Conference on Water Resources
Management in Arid Regions (WaRMAR) held in
Kuwait from 23-27 March 2002. The topics covered
include: Surface water hydrology (Vol. 1): Hydrologic
data; Effect of climate change; Rainfall; Evaporation
modelling; Flood and drought frequency analysis;
Hydrologic applications. Groundwater hydrology
(Vol. 2): Hydrogeologic data and information needs;
Seepage and groundwater recharge; Groundwater
exploration; Groundwater modeling; Groundwater
development and management. Environmental and
groundwater pollution (Vol. 3): Surface water quality;
Groundwater quality; Wastewater; Groundwater
pollution modeling; Seawater intrusion. Water
resources development and management (Vol. 4):
Water problems and policy water problems; Water
scarcity, conservation and security; Water harvesting;
Management of water resources.
The book is of interest to researchers and
practitioners in the field of hydrology, environmental
engineering, agricultural engineering, and watershed
and range sciences, as well as to those engaged in
management in arid and semi-arid areas.
UNESCO Regional Offices
UNESCO Regional Offices*
All requests for single copies of available publications in the free-of-charge series (Technical Documents in Hydrology, IHP
Humid Tropics Programme Series, Documents of Administrative Sessions of Various IHP Intergovernmental Bodies, certain
titles in Non-Serial Publications in Hydrology) should be addressed directly to the Regional Office in your area (the
geographic coverage of each Regional Office is indicated below). Moreover, all inquiries and orders for documents and
reports in hydrology issued by the Regional Offices should be sent directly to the Office concerned.
For Africa
UNESCO Nairobi Office
Attn: Regional Hydrologist
PO Box 30592
Nairobi, Kenya
+254 2 621 234
+254 2 215 991
E-mail: e.naah@unesco.org
Website: http://www.unesco-nairobi.org/wsc.asp
For the Arab States
UNESCO Cairo Office
Attn: Regional Hydrologist
8 Abdul Rahman, Fahmy Street
Garden City, 11511 Cairo, Egypt
Tel. : + 202 794 30 36 / 5599
Fax : + 202 794 52 96
E-mail : r.weshah@mail.unesco.org.eg
Website: http://www.unesco-cairo.org/Programmes/science/Ihp/
For Latin America and the Caribbean
UNESCO Montevideo Office
Attn: Regional Hydrologist
Edificio MERCOSUR (ex-Parque Hotel)
Calle Dr. Luis Piera 1992, 2° piso
PO Box 859
11200 Montevideo, Uruguay
Tel. : + 598 2 413 20 75
Fax : + 598 2 413 20 94
E-mail : phi@unesco.org.uy
Website: http://www.unesco.org.uy/phi
For South and Central Asia
UNESCO New Delhi Office
Attn: Regional Hydrologist
8 Poorvi Marg, Vasant Vihar
New Delhi 110057, India
+91 11 614 7310
+91 11 614 3351
E-mail: r.jayakumar@unesco.org
Website: http://unescodelhi.nic.in/sci.htm
For Southeast Asia and the Pacific
UNESCO Jakarta Office
Attn: Regional Hydrologist
United Nations Bldg., 2nd Flr.
Jalam Thamrin 14, 1273/JKT Tromolpos
Jakarta 10012, Indonesia
Tel. : + 62 21 321 308
Fax : + 62 21 315 0382
E-mail: g.arduino@unesco.org
Limited to UNESCO Regional Offices that publish, issue and/or distribute IHP documents and reports.
IAHS Publications Catalogue Supplement
Includes all newer books
Information about all IAHS publications is available at www.iahs.info. All printed books, including the Red Books up
to no. 368, can be purchased from IAHS. Recent, vol. 364 onward, and future volumes of the Proceedings of IAHS
(PIAHS, the online continuation of the Red Books) are available open-access online, at www.proc-iahs.net
Benchmark Papers in
Hydrology Series
This series collects together, by theme, the
scientific papers that provided the foundation
for modern hydrology, with commentaries
detailing their significance.
Excellent resources for graduate and
post-graduate teaching
Victor R. Baker
ISBN 978-1-907161-30-8 (2014)
BM9 A4 format, hardback, 494 pp, £75
P.K. Aggarwal, K.O. Fröhlich, J R. Gat
& R. Gonfiantini
ISBN 978-1-907161-29-2 (2012)
BM8 A4 format, hardback, 486 pp, £70
David R. DeWalle
ISBN 978-1-907161-17-9 (2011)
BM7 A4 format, hardback, 474 pp, £65
Michael J. Kirkby
ISBN 978-1-907161-14-8 (2011)
BM6 A4 format, hardback, 640 pp, £70
T. P. Burt, G. Pinay & S. Sabater
ISBN 978-1-907161-09-4 (2010)
BM5 A4 format, hardback, 490 pp, £65
Keith Loague
ISBN 978-1-907161-06-3 (2010)
BM4 A4 format, hardback, 506 pp, £65
Mary P. Anderson
ISBN 978-901502-74-9 (2008)
BM3 A4 format, hardback, 626 pp, £55
John Gash & James Shuttleworth
ISBN 978-901502-98-5 (2007)
BM2 A4 format, softback, 526 pp, £40
Keith J. Beven
ISBN 978-901502-53-4 (2006)
BM1 A4 format, softback, 432 pp, £40
Remote Sensing and GIS for
Hydrology and Water Resources
Editor: Yangbo Chen
Co-Editors: C. Neale, I. Cluckie, Z. Su, J. Zhou,
Q. Huang & Z. Xu
IAHS Publ. 368 (May 2015)
ISBN 978-1-907161-46-9, 484 + xii pp. Price £110.00
Collects together
78 peer-reviewed
papers presented
at the 3rd Remote
Sensing and Hydrology Symposium
and the 3rd International Conference on GIS/RS in
Hydrology, Water
Resources and
Environment, held
concurrently in
Guangzhou, China,
August 2014. Addresses:
Sediment Dynamics from the
Summit to the Sea
Editor: Y. Jun Xu
Co-Editors: M.A. Allison, S.J. Bentley,
A.L. Collins, W.D. Erskine, V. Golosov,
A.J. Horowitz & M. Stone
IAHS Publ. 367 (December 2014)
ISBN 978-1-907161-45-2, 470 + x pp. Price £105.00
Presents the latest
research on topics
from hillslope and
channel erosion to
riverine sediment
transport, sedimentassociated
pollution, catchment and basin
sediment yield,
integrated erosionsediment modelling, and coastal
sediment dynamics.
Hydrological Sciences and Water
Security: Past, Present and
Editors: Christophe Cudennec, Siegfried
Demuth, Anil Mishra & Gordon Young
IAHS Publ. 366 (April 2015)
ISBN 978-1-907161-44-5, 202 + x pp. Price £60.00
Water Security addresses the threats posed by
floods, droughts and pollution spills to human
societies, and also the impacts of inadequate
supplies of water, both in quantity and quality,
for food and energy production, for domestic
and industrial
purposes, and for
sustaining ecosystem productivity. The contributions arise from the
2014 Kovacs
Colloquium held
at UNESCO. The
invited keynote
papers are
accompanied by
extended poster
Complex Interfaces Under
Change: Sea – River –
Groundwater – Lake
Editors: C. Cudennec, M. Kravchishina,
J. Lewandowski, D. Rosbjerg & P. Woodworth
IAHS Publ. 365 (December 2014)
ISBN 978-1-907161-43-8, 100 + viii pp. Price £36.00
Selected papers
from two
symposia at the
Assembly in
Gothenburg: HP2:
Interaction, and
HP3: Implications
of Sea Level
Change for the
Coastal Zone.
Evolving Water Resources
Systems: Understanding,
Predicting and Managing
Water–Society Interactions
Editors: Attilio Castellarin, Serena Ceola,
Elena Toth & Alberto Montanari
IAHS Publ. 364 (June 2014)
ISBN 978-1-907161-42-1, 548 + xii pp. Price £118.00
Almost 90
papers address
topics associated with water
and management in a
and particularly
the two-way
between water
and society, the
focus of the Panta Rhei IAHS research
initiative (http://www.iahs.info/pantarhei).
Water resources systems, catchment
hydrology, eco-hydrology, groundwater
hydrology, water security and sociohydrology are the driving scientific areas that
are covered.
Hydrology in a Changing
World: Environmental and
Human Dimensions
Editor: Trevor M. Daniell
Co-Editors: H.A.J. Van Lanen, S. Demuth,
G. Laaha, E. Servat, G. Mahe, J.-F. Boyer,
J.-E. Paturel, A. Dezetter & D. Ruelland
IAHS Publ. 363 (October 2014)
ISBN 978-1-907161-41-4, 478 + xii pp. Price £105.00
proceedings of
the 7th World
FRIEND Conference (France,
2014) contains
75 contributions
on changes in
processes and
their impacts,
including ecological flows,
erosion and
and the development of adaptable water
management and water policies to account for
these impacts, and changes in the frequency
and variability of floods and droughts.
Considering Hydrological
Change in Reservoir Planning
and Management
Editor: Andreas Schumann
Co-editors: Vladimir Belyaev, Emna Gargouri,
George Kuczera, Gil Mahé & Stephen Mallory
IAHS Publ. 362 (July 2013)
ISBN 978-1-907161-40-7, 214 + x pp. Price £61.00
An excellent
overview of
problems in
from planning
aspects of large
and small dams,
to governmental
issues, and
climate change
Understanding Freshwater
Quality Problems in a
Changing World
Edited by Berit Arheimer
Co-edited by A. Collins, V. Krysanova, El.
Lakshmanan, M. Meybeck & M. Stone
IAHS Publ. 361 (July 2013)
ISBN 978-1-907161-39-1, 372 + xii pp. Price £87.00
from each
continent provide
a review of water
quality problems
worldwide, describing present
freshwater quality
status and
research needs
and development into the
future, given ongoing changes in environment and society .
Cold and Mountain Region
Hydrological Systems Under
Climate Change: Towards
Improved Projections
Edited by Alexander Gelfan, Daqing Yang,
Yeugeniy Gusev & Harald Kunstmann
IAHS Publ. 360 (July 2013)
ISBN 978-1-907161-38-4, 184 + viii pp. Price £57.00
Presents results obtained from experimental
and modelling studies of river basins, snow
cover, permafrost, glaciers and ecosystems in
cold regions located in different physiographic
and climatic conditions. Collectively, they reveal
physical mechanisms that control
cold region hydrological responses to
climate change,
and consider the
sources and magnitude of uncertainties to improve
projections of these
responses under
different geographical conditions and
at various time
Climate and Land Surface
Changes in Hydrology
Edited by E. Boegh, E. Blyth,
D. M. Hannah, H. Hisdal, H. Kunstmann,
B. Su & K. Yilmaz
IAHS Publ. 359 (July 2013)
ISBN 978-1-907161-37-7, 440 + viii pp. Price £95.00
Focuses on fieldbased and
modelling studies
addressing the
sensitivity of
hydrological and
fluxes of the
coupled land–
system to climate
and land-use
change at local,
regional and global
scales. Includes
model-based studies that evaluate
methodologies and impacts of using climate and
weather prediction data. Several empirical
studies, some from remote data-scarce regions,
and others using Earth Observations to evaluate
temporal and spatial variability in precipitation,
evapotranspiration and hydrological predictions,
are included.
Order Online at
In N America, also available from
Or send book orders and enquiries to: IAHS,
CEH Wallingford, Oxfordshire OX10 8BB, UK
fax: + 44 1491 692448
tel: +44 1491 692515
Deltas: Landforms,
Ecosystems and Human
Editors Gordon Young & Gerardo M. E.
Associate Editors H. Aksoy, J. Bogen, Al.
Gelfan, G. Mahé, P. Marsh & H. Savenije
IAHS Publ. 358 (July 2013)
ISBN 978-1-907161-36-0, 246 + x pp. Price £65.00
Physically deltas
are complex
systems, the
end-products of
involving water
supply, sediment
delivery and
water quality –
elements that
are fast changing over time as
a result both of
human influences and change in climatic drivers. Result of
a joint symposium of the International Associations of Hydrological Sciences (IAHS) and
of Physical Sciences of the Ocean (IAPSO).
Floods: From Risk to
Edited by A. Chavoshian & K. Takeuchi
Co-edited by X. Cheng, E. Plate,
S. Simonovic, S. Uhlenbrook & N. Wright
IAHS Publ. 357 (February 2013)
ISBN 978-1-907161-35-3, 470 + x pp. £96.00
A paradigm
shift from
focusing on
response and
recovery to
flood risk
is required to
build the
necessary to
cope with
floods. The
process should
be supported by vulnerability monitoring and
development of tools such as standard
measures of risk and preparedness in an
integrated approach to improve capacity to
deal with floods, taking advantage of their
benefits while minimizing the social,
economic and environmental risks.
Volumes 364 onward of the Proceedings
of IAHS (PIAHS, the online continuation of
the Red Books) are available open-access
online, at www.proc-iahs.net
hydrology – general
erosion and sediment
remote sensing
snow, ice, mountain hydrology
surface water/predictions in ungauged
basins (PUB)
water quality
water resources & management
Listing of titles
see back cover
Benchmark Papers in
Hydrology Series
This series collects together, by theme, the seminal scientific papers
that provided the foundation for modern hydrology, with
commentaries detailing their significance. Excellent resources for
graduate and post-graduate teaching
The International Association of Hydrological Sciences
(IAHS) produces a variety of publications in fulfilling its
mission to disseminate the results of hydrological research
and practice worldwide.
This catalogue provides descriptions of books published
since 2007, grouped by subject, on pages 1–8 and
bibliographic details of books published since 2005 on pages
8–9. Information about all books, including abstracts of
papers, is available at the IAHS website (click on
Publications) or via the Bookshop. The older Red Books
(Publs 1–290, i.e. 1922–2004) are free to view as pdfs at the
IAHS website. Print copies of many older volumes are still
IAHS Membership is free of charge
All IAHS members ordering personally from IAHS Press
are eligible for 25% discount on book prices. Members in
poor countries are eligible for 80% discount, subject to the
£15 minimum price restriction, and free online access to
Hydrological Sciences Journal.
Order online at
P. K. Aggarwal, K. O. Fröhlich, J. R. Gatt & R. Gonfiantini
See p. 1 (hydrology – general)
David R. DeWalle
See p. 6 (surface water)
Michael J. Kirkby
Hydrological Sciences Journal
Editors Zbigniew W. Kundzewicz & Demetris Koutsoyiannis
Hydrological Sciences Journal (HSJ) provides a forum for original
papers and discussion of significant developments in hydrological
science and practice, and related disciplines.
The current Impact Factor is 1.541, and the Five-Year Impact
Factor is 1.934
Institutions and libraries should order direct from Taylor &
Francis: www.tandf.co.uk/journals/thsj, or their usual agent.
See p. 3 (erosion & sediment)
T. P. Burt, G. Pinay & S. Sabater
See p. 2 (ecohydrology/hydro-ecology)
Keith Loague
See p. 6 (surface water/PUB)
Mary P. Anderson
See p. 4 (groundwater)
Special journal subscription rates
are available to IAHS Members:
£27.00 for a personal online
subscription, and £48.00 for a
personal online + print
subscription (£32.40 and £53.40,
respectively for EU members,
inclusive of VAT).
IAHS Members should order
from IAHS Press, or online.
Subscriptions for 2013 can be
ordered now.
John H. C. Gash & W. James Shuttleworth
See p. 6 (surface water/PUB)
Keith J. Beven
See p. 6 (surface water/PUB)
Access to the back archive is free – explore 53 volumes of
cutting-edge research and discovery
IAHS Ltd registered in England & Wales 2676180
Registered Charity 1078635
VAT GB614538250
(October 2012)
hydrology – general
Changes in Flood Risk in Europe
Zbigniew W. Kundzewicz
Floods are the most prevalent
natural hazard in Europe. But, has
flood risk increased in the
continent? How, where, and why?
Are climate change impacts
apparent? How do socio-economic
trends and associated land-use
change impact flood risk? This
interdisciplinary book, authored by
an international team, offers:
• A comprehensive overview of
flood risk in Europe, past and
present, and future
• National/regional chapters
covering Central Europe,
Western Europe, Southern
Europe and Northern Europe,
the Alpine region and the
Iberian Peninsula.
• A focus on detection and
attribution of change with
respect to climate change and its impacts, water resources and flood
risk, the re-insurer’s view point, and future projections of flood risk.
• Rectification of common-place judgements, e.g. “climate is warming
so floods should become more frequent and intense”; observations
do not always confirm this expectation.
Special Publ. 10
516 + xvi pp.
P. K. Aggarwal, K. O. Fröhlich, J. R. Gat & R. Gonfiantini
ISBN 978-1-907161-29-2 (2012)
BM8 A4 format, hardback, 486 pp, £70.00
The potential of using stable
isotopes of water was recognized
in the 1930s, but not fully
explored until the 1950s.
Improvements in measurement
techniques have facilitated use of
isotopes in many contexts, and
isotope hydrology has become
mainstream. The benchmark
papers in this development are
reprinted with commentaries by
the authors, under the topics:
A. Fundamental,
B. Atmospheric Water Cycle
C. Palaeoclimates
D. River and Lake Hydrology
E. Groundwater.
Leonardo Da Vinci’s Water Theory:
On the origin and fate of water
Land Subsidence,
Hazards and the
Role of Natural Resources Development
Laurent Pfister, Hubert H. G. Savenije & Fabrizio Fenicia
Leonardo Da Vinci (1452–1519)
was not only one of the greatest
artists of his time, he was also a
great engineer and scientist. A
large part of his scientific work
was dedicated to understanding
the movement, circulation and
physical characteristics of water
in its different forms. This book
makes Leonardo Da Vinci’s
contributions to the science of
water accessible to a wider
public and compares his ideas
with our present knowledge.
Fascinating, revealing and
inspiring, Leonardo Da Vinci’s
Water Theory opens up a new
history to the study of water.
Special Publ. 9
92 + xx pp.
Editors D. Carreón-Freyre, M. Cerca & D. l. Galloway;
Technical Editor J. Jesús Silva-Corona
Land subsidence is a global problem affecting urban centres and
engineering facilities (e.g. mining, water distribution and storage,
roads) worldwide, but the mitigation and solution of each case
demands knowledge of the affected area. Multidisciplinary research
into land subsidence phenomena, caused naturally or by
groundwater extraction, demonstrates a growing need to incorporate
new perspectives in risk analysis and planning of urban development
in susceptible areas.
Publ. 339
772+ xii pp.
522+ xiv pp.
Editor C. David Sellars
Second Edition with a new Foreword, and Prolegomena by
Demetris Koutsoyiannis
Editors Liliang Ren, Wen Wang & Fei Yuan
Proceedings of the IWRM2010
Methodology in Hydrology
symposium held in China,
presents research describing the
hydrological cycle in changing
environments and identifying
impacts by various factors, the use
of quantitative methodology for
water resources assessment, and
eco-hydrological approaches to
water resources sustainability.
1 Hydrological processes in a
changing environment
2 Water resources assessment
and management
3 Ecohydrological approach to
water resources sustainability
4 Water environment
5 Subsurface water and
6 Uncertainty in hydrological
7 Hydrological data mining and data assimilation
8 Hydrological data retrieval by remote sensing methods
9 Hydrological modelling supported by multi-source information
Common Sense and Other Heresies:
Selected Papers on Hydrology and
Water Resources Engineering by Vít Klemeš
Hydrological Cycle and Water Resources
Sustainability in Changing Environments
Publ. 350
An insight to the science and
practice of hydrology. Reading
Klemeš’s (1932–2010) work
continues to be a refreshing,
enlightening and inspiring
experience. Includes his
classic contributions:
– Dilettantism in hydrology:
transition or destiny
– Of carts and horses in
hydrologic modelling
– Statistics and probability:
wrong remedies for a
confused hydrologic
378 + xvii pp.
$50 (Canadian)
Order from the Canadian Water Resources Association, www.cwra.org
River Basins – from Hydrological Science to
Water Management
Hydrocomplexity: New Tools for
Solving Wicked Water Problems
Editors Ioulia Tchiguirinskaia, Siegfried Demuth & Pierre Hubert
A review of the practice and realities of undertaking research for
river basin management (how to involve the public as stakeholders,
building trust with decision-makers, the research funding situation),
the tools we have available (hydrological models, how good are
they, how can we reduce uncertainties and explain them to policy
makers), their application, and the current situation regarding water
monitoring, research and management in El Salvador, India,
Romania, Russia and South Africa. The authors’ main conclusions
and recommendations are summarized in a final section which
proposes issues for future consideration in hydrological research
and management.
Publ. 323
Editors S. Khan, H. H. G. Savenije, S. Demuth & P. Hubert
Human activities have become major drivers of change in the Earth’s
biosphere, resulting in deterioration of water quality, overexploitation
of freshwater resources, hydrological hazards and landscape
degradation, and affecting the functioning of ecosystems and their
ability to provide the goods and services on which human well-being
depends. Water problems are complex and wicked. There is a need
for community-based transdisciplinary management tools to provide
better understanding of water as both an abiotic resource and as a
service delivered by ecosystems.
Publ. 338
272 + x pp.
154 + xii pp.
Special Issues of
Hydrological Sciences Journal (HSJ)
The Court of Miracles of Hydrology
Guest Editors Charles Perrin & Vazken Andréassian
HSJ 55(6) (2010) (available from Taylor & Francis)
Water Crisis: From Conflict to Cooperation
Guest Editor Bellie Sivakumar
HSJ 56(4) (2011) (available from Taylor & Francis)
Hydro-climatology: Variability and Change
Editors Stewart W. Franks, Eva Boegh, Eleanor Blyth,
David M. Hannah & Koray K. Yilmaz
Illustrates the scientific and
practical value of considering
hydrological phenomena and
processes in a climate context to
improve understanding of
controls, process interaction, and
past and future variability/change.
Contributions deal with
understanding hydrological
systems given historic observed
climate variability, or utilise climate
models to project future climate
scenarios and then assess the
resultant hydrological
consequences. Human
interventions – water storages,
extraction, irrigation, land-use
change – i.e. the societal context,
are also considered. The interdisciplinary approach reveals
information and perspectives that
go beyond the study of climate
and hydrology alone.
Publ. 344
Precipitation physics and rainfall observation
Land surface hydrology
Land surface schemes and climate models
Arctic and snow hydrology
Dynamics of glaciers, ice sheets and global sea level
Feedback mechanisms: precipitation and soil moisture
Feedback mechanisms: land use, hydrology and carbon
Palaeohydrology: an introduction
Groundwater palaeohydrology
Global warming and the acceleration of the hydrological cycle
Climate change and hydrological impact studies
Remote sensing for hydrological studies
Special Publ. 8
344 + xvi pp.
Water Quality: Current Trends and Expected Climate
Change Impacts
Editors Norman E. Peters et al. See page 7 (water quality)
Publ. 348
254 + x pp.
186 + xi pp.
Cold Regions Hydrology in a Changing Climate
Editors Daqing Yang et al. See page 5 (snow, ice, mountain hydrology)
Publ. 346
Climate and the Hydrological Cycle
208 + x pp.
Global Change: Facing Risks and Threats to
Water Resources
Editors Marc Bierkens, Han Dolman & Peter Troch
An in-depth overview of the role of the hydrological cycle within the
climate system, including climate change impacts on hydrological
reserves and fluxes, as well as the controls of terrestrial hydrology
on regional and global climatology. This book fills the need for a text
about the interface between the two disciplines.
• Role of the hydrological cycle in the climate system
• Evaporation
• Physics of evaporation and atmospheric boundary layers
Editors E. Servat et al. See page 7 (water resources & management)
Publ. 340
704 + xiv pp.
Groundwater and Climate in Africa
Editors Richard Taylor et al. See page 4 (groundwater)
Publ. 334
276 + xii pp.
T. P. Burt, G. Pinay & S. Sabater
Study specifically of riparian zones is relatively new in hydrology, and
while the oldest of the 36 benchmark papers selected for this volume
dates to 1936, several of the others were published in the 1970s and
1980s. They are grouped under the topics: Landscape ecology,
Hydrology of the riparian zone, Linking riparian zone hydrology to
solute transport, Biogeochemical processes and methods, Riparian buffering of surface and subsurface flows, and In-stream processes. Together,
the reprinted papers and the editors’ commentaries map the breakthroughs in the development of this important subdiscipline.
Hardback, 490 + x pp.
Ecohydrology of Surface and Groundwater
Dependent Systems: Concepts, Methods and
Recent Developments
Antonio Chambel &
Vladimir Smakhtin
An outcome of a
symposium of the same
name organized by the
IAHS international
commissions on Continental
Erosion, on Groundwater,
and on Surface Water, and
the International
Association of
Hydrogeologists (IAH). The
articles provide an exciting
contribution to the field of
Ecohydrology. As a
collection they represent an
expansion of this emerging
field of science, from its initial focus on the relationships between
water and vegetation in different landscape settings, to one that
• Ecohydrology of riverine landscapes,
• Ecohydrology and groundwater systems, and
• Ecohydrology and catchment land-use issues.
Editors A. A. Webb et al. See page 6 (surface water/PUB)
Revisiting Experimental Catchment Studies in
Forest Hydrology
Editors Martin Thoms, Kate Heal, Eva Bøgh,
Publ. 328
240 + viii pp.
Publ. 353
240 + viii pp.
Conceptual and Modelling Studies of
Integrated Groundwater, Surface Water, and
Ecological Systems
Editors Corinna Abesser et al. See page 4 (groundwater)
Publ. 345
274 + xii pp.
Special Issues of
Hydrological Sciences Journal (HSJ)
Advances in Ecohydrological Modelling with SWAT
Guest Editors Valentina Krysanova & Jeffrey G. Arnold
HSJ 53(8) (2008) (available from Taylor & Francis)
Ecosystem Services of Wetlands
Guest Editor Michael Acreman
HSJ 56(8) (2011) (available from Taylor & Francis)
erosion & sediment
Erosion and Sediment Yields in the
Changing Environment
resulting from wildfires, (4) methodologies used to evaluate the
provenance and fate of wildfire impacted sediments and associated
contaminants, (5) prediction of hydrological and sediment transport
recovery trajectories at the local and catchment scale, (6) impacts of
wildfire on aquatic ecology, (7) post-fire sedimentation and water
quality impacts in reservoirs, and (8) management actions to reduce
the impact of wildfires or river ecosystems.
Editors Adrian L. Collins, Valentin
Golosov, Arthur J.
Horowitz, Xixi Lu, Mike
Stone, Des E. Walling &
Xinbao Zhang
ICCE-2012, held in Chengdu,
China, continues the successful,
series of ICCE symposia and
publications, and focused on
understanding processes of
erosion and sediment production
in a world that is increasingly
affected by anthropogenic
activities. In this book, the four
keynote papers precede 50
contributions grouped by theme:
Dynamic processes of erosion and
sediment transport in fluvial
systems; Impacts of climate
change and human activities on erosion and sediment yield ; Modelling
erosion and sediment yields ; Mountain hazards and debris flows;
Monitoring and tracing methodology
Publ. 356
452 + x pp.
Wildfire and Water Quality: Processes,
Impacts and Challenges
Publ. 354
124 + viii pp.
Sediment Problems and Sediment
Management in Asian River
Editor Des E. Walling
Sediment problems
are assuming
increasing importance
in many Asian river
basins Problems
include accelerated
soil erosion, reservoir
sedimentation, the
impact of sediment on
aquatic ecology, river
morphology and water
resources. They are
complicated by climate
change and other
components of global
change in causing both increases and decreases in sediment loads.
This volume, arises from a workshop organised by the International
Commission on Continental Erosion (ICCE) of IAHS, the UNESCO
International Sediment Initiative (ISI) and the World Association for
Sedimentation and Erosion Research (WASER).
Editors Mike Stone, Adrian Collins & Martin Thoms
Publ. 349
There is increasing global
concern over the impacts of
landscape disturbance by
wildfire on a range of aquatic
ecosystem services and
drinking water supply.
Profound and often
irreversible changes in river
ecosystem function,
geomorphology, water quality
and water supply can occur.
Such impacts have important
management implications for
source water supply and
protection at the catchment
Themes addressed in
this volume include: (1)
impacts of wildfire on
hillslope hydrology, (2)
effects of wildfire on the
physical, chemical and
biological composition of
soils, (3) changes in sediment transport dynamics and yields
224 + viii pp.
Michael J. Kirkby
In this Benchmark Series volume, Kirkby presents a systematic
analysis of the relationships between hydrology and geomorphology
with commentaries on the papers that have been most influential in
the development of research at the hydrology/geomorphology interface. Thirty-seven papers are reprinted in full or in part, the majority
published pre-1970, including early contributions by Fisher (1866),
Davison (1889) and Gilbert (1909), and seminal papers by Hack,
Strahler, Wolman & Miller, and Melton, among others.
Hardback, 640 + x pp.
Sediment Dynamics for a Changing Future
Sediment Dynamics in Changing Environments
D. E. Walling
Progresses understanding of erosion and sedimentation in relation
to sediment dynamics and river water quality. Human Impact on
Sediment Budgets concerns the influence of land-use change on
sediment yields and/or fluxes. Structure, Functioning and
Management of Fluvial Sediment Systems addresses the dynamics
of sedimentation, temporal variation of sediment parameters and
influence of sediment on aquatic ecosystems. Experiment-based
and Modelling Approaches to Sediment Research highlights the role
of monitoring and modelling studies in advancing understanding.
Tim Davies & Les Basher
Schmidt et al. have compiled contributions that advance knowledge
of how sedimentary systems react to change. Four themes are
Scaling issues in sedimentary environments – from points to
Dating and source tracing technologies
Global change and erosion
Linking erosion with environmental and societal impacts
Editors Jochen Schmidt, Tom Cochrane, Chris Phillips, Sandy Elliott,
Editors K. Banasik, A. J. Horowitz, P. N. Owens, M. Stone &
Publ. 337
376 + viii pp.
Publ. 325
626 + xiv pp.
Calibration and Reliability in Groundwater
Modelling: Managing Groundwater and the
Mary P. Anderson
Editors Yanxin Wang, Shemin Ge, Mary C. Hill & Chunmiao Zheng
A collection of papers selected from the seventh conference in the
ModelCARE series on Calibration and Reliability in Groundwater
Modelling. These important contributions deal with:
• New advances and innovations in model calibration, model
prediction, sensitivity analysis, and uncertainty assessment
• Parameterizing groundwater models
• Construction, calibration, reliability and use of models designed
to address resources and environmental concerns
• Modelling of CO2 sequestration and other groundwater model
This Benchmark Series volume details the development of
groundwater hydrology. The fundamentals are covered with a
translation of Darcy’s experimental results that led to Darcy’s law,
as well as classic papers by Meinzer, Theis and Hubbert, among
others. The development of pumping test theory and practice,
approaches to estimating aquifer parameters in the field, and flow
system analysis are dealt with. Papers reflecting early concerns
regarding quantification of uncertainty, how recognition of
groundwater interaction with surface water grew, and research on
contaminant occurrence and transport, are included. Slichter’s
(1905) seminal contribution that identified dispersion in the field,
and Skibitzke & Robinson’s (1963) laboratory findings, are linked
with more recent attempts to represent dispersion with models.
Hardback, 626 pp.
Publ. 341
274 + x pp.
Special Issue of
Hydrological Sciences Journal (HSJ)
Groundwater and Climate in Africa
Guest Editors Richard G. Taylor, Antonis D. Koussis & Callist Tindimugaya
HSJ 54(4) (2009) Available from Taylor & Francis
Conceptual and Modelling Studies of
Integrated Groundwater, Surface Water, and
Ecological Systems
Groundwater and Climate in Africa
Editors Corinna Abesser, Gunnar Nützmann, Mary C. Hill,
Editors Richard Taylor, Callist Tindimugaya, Michael Owor &
Günter Blöschl & Elango Lakshmanan
Mohammad Shamsudduha
Current assessments of the impacts of
climate variability and change on water
resources commonly exclude groundwater, an omission of concern in Africa
where current water usage and future
adaptations in response to climate
variability and change, together with
population growth, place considerable
reliance upon groundwater to meet
domestic, agricultural and industrial
water needs. This collection of papers
includes the Kampala Statement, and addresses: Impact of climate
variability and change on groundwater and groundwater-fed
ecosystems; Monitoring and modelling groundwater use and
replenishment; Estimation of resources and demand under a
changing climate, and Groundwater management in Africa
Interactions between groundwater
and surface water are critical to
ecological communities and to
resource management. Recent research has succeeded in identifying
and understanding many underlying
processes and factors, such as the
dynamics of flow, sediment
contaminant transport and chemical
reactions in river beds and how
processes at different spatial scales
interact. The themes addressed are:
• Improved process
understanding at different
scales and in different regions
• Advanced modelling methods
and applications
• Sensitivity analysis and
uncertainty evaluation
• Ecohydrological studies: from
process to management
• Case studies and large-scale applications
Publ. 345
978-1-907161-20-9 274 + xii pp.
Publ. 334
512 + xvi pp.
Maurizio Polemio & Elango Lakshmanan
Population growth, urbanization and global climate change have
increased urban and agricultural water demands, stressing aquifer
systems where groundwater is a source of water supply. The
availability and utility of groundwater may be further threatened by
factors stressing the quality of groundwater, such as industrial and
domestic wastes and agricultural intensification. This proceedings
volume details problematic aquifer conditions, and solutions to
them, around the world.
Groundwater is a vital resource and a conveyor
belt for dissolved and particulate matter. It is a
crucial component of local, regional and global
water cycles, and the quality of groundwater is
inextricably linked with global environmental and
social viability. The GQ10 conference focused
on the need to manage, sustain, repair and
protect groundwater quality under rapidly
changing climatic and global conditions. The aim
was to build a bridge between contaminant hydro(geo)logy and other
scientific disciplines and to society. The 115 contributions in this
volume address the issues.
276 + xii pp.
Editors Makoto Taniguchi, Alyssa Dausman, Ken Howard,
Editors Mario Schirmer, Eduard Hoehn & Tobias Vogt
Trends and Sustainability of Groundwater in
Highly Stressed Aquifers
GQ10: Groundwater Management in a Rapidly
Changing World
Publ. 342
Publ. 329
978-1-907161-00-1 318 + x pp.
Groundwater Quality: Securing Groundwater
Quality in Urban and Industrial Environments
Editor Michael G. Trefry
Compiles selected papers from GQ2007, the sixth of the
Groundwater Quality conference series. The themes are: Policy
and controls on groundwater quality
• Innovative remediation and clean-up technologies
• Emerging chemicals of concern; and Groundwater ecosystems.
Publ. 324
566 + x pp.
Groundwater–Surface water Interactions:
Process Understanding, Conceptualization and
Forthcom ing
Editors Corinna Abesser, Thorsten Wagener & Gunnar Nüetzmann
A collection of physical, chemical, biological and ecological contributions focusing on groundwater–surface water interactions and
using innovative field, conceptual and simulation techniques.
Publ. 321
214 + x pp.
Calibration and Reliability in Groundwater
Modelling: Models – Repositories of Knowledge
Publ. 355
remote sensing
Weather Radar and Hydrology
GRACE, Remote Sensing and Ground-based
Methods in Multi-Scale Hydrology
Editors Robert J. Moore, Steven J. Cole & Anthony J. Illingworth
Mohsin Hafeez
Co-Editors Nick van de Giesen, Earl Bardsley, Frederique Seyler,
Weather Radar and Hydrology
concerns the monitoring and
forecasting of rainfall over space
and time, and how the pattern of
rainfall is transformed by a
varied landscape into surface
water runoff and river flow
across a city, region or country.
It has significant practical
application across water
resource functions, including
flood forecasting and warning,
flood design, urban drainage
management, water supply and
environmental services.
Over 100 peer-reviewed
papers from the International
Symposium on “Weather Radar
and Hydrology” (WRaH 2011,
Exeter, UK), a valuable record of
current activity, address:
Weather radar theory, technology and systems
Rainfall estimation and quality control
Rainfall forecasting (nowcasting and numerical weather prediction)
Uncertainty estimation
Hydrological impact and design studies
Hydrological modelling and flood forecasting
Urban hydrology and water management applications
Publ. 351
978-1-907161-26-1 672 + xvi pp.
Remote Sensing and Hydrology
Roland Pail & Makoto Taniguchi
Recent advances in measuring
hydrological variability by means of
the Gravity Recovery and Climate
Experiment (GRACE) mission, and
other remote sensing platforms
(TRMM, Landsat and MODIS) offer
great potential for estimating
spatio-temporal surface water
balances, spatially-averaged water
budgets, hydrodynamics, hydrological processes, and characterization of groundwater systems in
gauged and ungauged basins, at
regional and global scales. In
parallel, advances in ground-based
measurement techniques, such as
distributed temperature sensing
and geological-weighing
lysimeters, are being incorporated
into research and practice for
determining hydrological
parameters. Collectively, the 30
peer-reviewed papers provide an overview of these techniques and
their use with hydrological models for understanding multi-scale
hydrological processes.
Publ. 343
978-1-907161-27-8 482+ xvi pp.
Publ. 331
978-1-907161-02-5 528 + viii pp.
Editors Manfred Owe & Christopher Neale
Publ. 316
978-1-907161-24-4 288 + viii pp.
Editors Daqing Yang, Philip Marsh & Alexander Gelfan
In cold regions, changes in hydrology related to changing climate,
such as in frozen soils, snowfall/rainfall ratio, snow cover, river and
lake ice, glacier cover and vegetation, are not well understood. The
contributions here report new research results based on field
observations, modelling and remote sensing in geographical
regions ranging from Chile to the Arctic. Collectively, they highlight
recent progress in cold regions hydrology research and its linkage
with climate change at various space and time scales, but also
identify gaps and needs for future research. They cover a broad
domain, including snow cover, glaciers, permafrost, streamflow,
temperature, precipitation, groundwater and ecosystems.
208 + x pp.
Remote Sensing for Environmental Monitoring
and Change Detection
Cold Regions Hydrology in a Changing Climate
Lenny Konikow, Arthur Mynett, Siegfried Demuth &
Dragan A. Savic
Hydroinformatics is a reflection of the intense development that has
occurred in the application of information technology in the areas of
Hydrology, Hydraulics and Water Resources. The 60 contributions
focus on topics ranging from Whole System Modelling and
Uncertainty, to Hydrological Applications of Hydroinformatics, to
Hydrogeological Applications and to Modelling of Large Systems.
snow, ice, mountain hydrology
Publ. 346
196 + x pp.
Editors Ian D. Cluckie, Yangbo Chen, Vladan Babovic,
Remote sensing continues to
expand the ability of scientists to
study hydrological processes.
With each new technological development, more of the
hydrological cycle is revealed.
This impacts both the scientific
understanding of hydrological
processes and the models used
for forecasting, and so the ability
to improve decision-making
processes and other applications
is increasing. This compendium
of more than 100 papers, an
outcome of the latest ICRS
International Symposium on
Remote Sensing and Hydrology
(Jackson Hole, Wyoming, USA,
Sept 2010), reviews the status of
technologies and highlights new
directions and opportunities for
hydrological remote sensing.
Hydroinformatics in Hydrology, Hydrogeology
and Water Resources
Editors Christopher M. U. Neale & Michael H. Cosh
Publ. 352
Hydrology in Mountain Regions: Observations,
Processes and Dynamics
hydrology, how streamflow and ecosystems will be affected, and
how these changes will translate into impacts on water supply
Editors Danny Marks, Regine Hock, Michael Lehning, Masaki Hayashi
Publ. 326
& Robert Gurney
Around the globe, mountainous regions, ranging from arctic to
tropical, provide a source of water from orographic-induced rain
and snow that can sustain ecosystems, agriculture and
populations in areas that might otherwise be quite arid. Climate
warming will alter patterns of mountain precipitation, changing
seasonal snow cover and hydrology. It is critical that we
understand how climate interacts with snow and mountain
184 + viii pp.
Glacier Mass Balance Changes and Meltwater
Editors Patrick Ginot & Jean-Emmanuel Sicart
Publ. 318
216 + viii pp.
surface water/predictions in ungauged basins (PUB)
Revisiting Experimental Catchment
Studies in Forest Hydrology
These papers reflect differing aspects of, and approaches to, the
problem and are grouped accordingly:
• Hydrological modelling in poorly gauged and ungauged basins
• Hydrometeorology and climate change assessment
• Remote sensing applications in hydrology
• Characterizing rainfall variability and its impacts on hydrological
Editors A. A. Webb, M. Bonell, L. Bren, P. N. J. Lane, D. McGuire,
D. G. Neary, J. Nettles, D. F. Scott, J. D. Stednick & Y. Wang
Publ. 333
240 + viii pp.
344 + x pp.
Hydrological Research in China
Most of what we know about the
hydrological role of forests is based
on paired catchment experiments
whereby two neighbouring forested
catchments are jointly monitored
during a calibration period of several
years, after which one catchment is
kept untouched as a reference
(control), while the second is
submitted to a forest treatment
(impact). This volume, generated
from a workshop that gathered
forest hydrologists from around the
world, is divided into four sections.
1 Addressing new questions using
historical data sets
2 Impacts of fires
3 Water quality and sediment loads
4 Ecosystem services
Publ. 353
Editors Dawen Yang, Fuqiang Tian & Lihua Tang
Publ. 322
262 + x pp.
David R. DeWalle
Forest Hydrology emphasizes the influence of forests and their
management on the regime, quantity and quality of water. The volume
provides an overview of the development of the discipline, with the
early review by Zon (1927), and seminal contributions such as the
Wagon Wheel Gap paired catchment study (Bates & Henry, 1928),
and Kiltredge (1948) on interception and stem flow, among the 29
Benchmark papers.
Status and Perspectives of Hydrology in Small
Editors A. Herrmann & S. Schumann; Co-editors: L. Holko,
Hardback, 474 + x pp.
I. Littlewood, L. Pfister, P. Warmerdam & U. Schröder
Only in well-defined small basins with high-quality measurements
can the complexities of combined physical, chemical and biological
processes be adequately investigated. This volume, an outcome of
the Workshop held at Goslar-Hahnenklee, Germany, focuses on:
• Operational small research basins
• Fundamental hydrological research results from small basins
• Hydrological processes
• Importance of small basin data and results for modelling
and includes the Braunschweig Declaration on: The need for a
global network of long-term small hydrological research basins.
Keith Loague
This volume reprints 30 papers that exemplify the best in rainfall–
runoff modelling. It charts developments from Mulvany’s (1851)
rational method for estimating peak flow, probably the first rainfall–
runoff model, up to 1989. Benchmark papers on other empirical
approaches, such as Sherman (1932) and Mockus (1949), are
reprinted, as are Richards (1931) and Smith & Parlange (1978), the
innovative contributions of Alan Freeze, and later Keith Beven, and the
seminal papers of Moore & Clarke (1981) and Abbott et al. (1986).
Publ. 336 2010
316 + xii pp.
Hydrological Modelling and Integrated Water
Resources Management in Ungauged
Mountainous Watersheds
310 + x pp.
Hardback, 506 + vi pp.
John H. C. Gash & W. James Shuttleworth
The development of evaporation measurement techniques are
documented first, commencing with the Wagon Wheel Gap catchment
water balance (1921), through mass budget to water transfer methods,
and use of scintillometry. Dalton’s seminal essay On Evaporation
(1802) starts the selection of papers on evaporation estimation, which
then covers atmospheric controls on the evaporation process (the
original Penman and Thornthwaite papers are reprinted), vegetation
controls via transpiration and interception, and finally evaporation as a
component of the global climate system. The Commentaries explain
the context and significance of each paper.
Some 40 contributions address:
• Modelling and predictive uncertainty
• New observation techniques and hydrological processes
• Integrated water resources management
• Eco-environmental protection
These were selected for publication after the Second IAHS-PUB
International Symposium in China.
Editors Wei-Lin Xu, Tian-Qi Ao & Xin-Hua Zhang
Publ. 335
Softback, 526 pp.
New Approaches to Hydrological Prediction in
Data-sparse Regions
Keith J. Beven
Keith Beven’s selection of 31 papers to reprint on the theme of
Streamflow Generation Processes, spans the period from 1933 to
1984, commencing with Horton’s early papers on infiltration and on
maximum groundwater levels. With the aid of the Introduction and
Commentaries, they provide a stimulating insight to how this part of
the field of hydrology developed.
Editors K. K. Yilmaz, I. Yucel, H. V. Gupta, T. Wagener, D. Yang,
H. Savenije, .C. Neale, H. Kunstmann & J. Pomeroy
When data are scarce, hydrological predictions become unreliable,
mainly due to the inability to specify model components and
parameter values that consistently represent the dominant
hydrological processes in a particular basin, and also due to the lack
of high quality model forcing. This is a problem in developed and
developing countries, and the focus of much research worldwide.
Softback, 432 pp.
GRACE, Remote Sensing and Ground-based
Methods in Multi-Scale Hydrology
Forthcom ing
Floods: From Risk to Opportunity
Editors Mohsin Hafeez et al. See page 5 (remote sensing)
Publ. 357
Publ. 343
Water Quality: Current
Editors Corinna Abesser et al. See page 4 (groundwater)
Weather Radar and Hydrology
Publ. 321
Editors R. J. Moore. See page 5 (remote sensing)
978-1-907161-18-6 196 + x pp.
Groundwater–Surface water Interactions:
Process Understanding, Conceptualization and
Publ. 351
978-1-907161-26-1 672 + xvi pp.
214 + x pp.
Changes in Flood Risk in Europe
Zbigniew W. Kundzewicz See page 4 (groundwater)
Conceptual and Modelling Studies of Integrated
Groundwater, Surface Water, and Ecological
Special Publ. 10
516 + xvi pp.
Editors Corinna Abesser et al. See page 4 (groundwater)
Publ. 345
978-1-907161-20-9 274 + xii pp.
water quality
Water Quality: Current Trends and
Expected Climate Change Impacts
Water Quality and Sediment Behaviour of the
Future: Predictions for the 21st Century
Editors Norman E. Peters, Valentina Krysanova, Ahti Lepistö,
Editors Bruce W. Webb & Dirk De Boer
Rajendra Prasad, Martin Thoms, & Sarantuyaa Zandaryaa
The contributions provide an overview of the broad spectrum of water
quality issues and deal with:
• Seasonality and extreme event effects on water quality
• Effects on groundwater quality
• Climate change and water quality assessment
• Climate change and water temperature, and
• Climate change and water quality modelling.
This volume is a contribution to the International Hydrological
Programme (IHP) of UNESCO.
Publ. 348
186 + xipp.
Publ. 314
322 + xi pp.
Wildfire and Water Quality: Processes, Impacts
and Challenges
Editors Mike Stone, Adrian Collins & Martin Thoms . See page 3 (erosion
and sediment)
Publ. 354
124 + viii pp.
water resources & management
Risk in Water Resources Management
time and space through mutual exchange of data, knowledge and
Editors Günter Blöschl, Kuni Takeuchi, Sharad Jain,
Publ. 340
Andreas Farnleitner & Andreas Schumann
704 + xiv pp.
Hydrological Modelling and Integrated Water
Resources Management in Ungauged
Mountainous Watersheds
Editors Wei-Lin Xu et al. See page 4
Publ. 335
276 + x pp.
310 + x pp.
Improving Integrated Surface and Groundwater
Resources Management in a Vulnerable and
Changing World
Water resources management has to deal with incomplete knowledge
of the current dynamics and the future evolution of water resource
systems. Risk is a concept that helps in making management decisions
under incomplete and/or incorrect knowledge by relating water-related
hazards and their consequences. Risks related to floods and droughts,
to the environment and to health, as well as economic and financial risk
are encompassed by water resources management. It is not possible to
completely eliminate uncertainty, but better understanding of the
sources and magnitude of the uncertainties involved in a particular
project will clearly lead to improved decisions: this volume aims towards
that end.
Publ. 347
Editors Günter Blöschl, Nick Van De Giesen, D. Muralidharan,
Liliang Ren, Frédérique Seyler, Uttam Sharma & Jaroslav Vrba
With the increasing difficulties of meeting human demands on water
resource quantity and quality, new concepts in water management
need to be explored, with a move away from centralised command
and control approaches to more participatory multi-stakeholder
approaches that have the potential to be flexible and responsive. This
volume tackles:
• Water resources availability
• Water for food
• Water quality
• Floods and droughts
• Change assessment and management
• Monitoring and optimisation
• Integrating water resources management
Global Change: Facing Risks and Threats
to Water Resources
E. Servat, S. Demuth, A. Dezetter & T. Daniell;
Co-editors E. Ferrari, M. Ijjaali, R. Jabrane, H. Van Lanen &
Publ. 330
Y. Huang
Contributions from the 6th
World FRIEND Conference
address: Hydro-hazards,
Adaptation Strategies, Human
Pressure on Limited
Resources, Environmental Information and Monitoring Systems, and
Large Scale Hydroclimatic Variability and Impact. FRIEND (Flow
Regimes from International Experimental and Network Data) aims to
improve understanding of hydrological variability and similarity across
382 + x pp.
The Role of Hydrology in Water Resources
Editors Hans-Jürgen Liebscher, Robin Clarke, John Rodda,
Gert Schultz, Andreas Schumann, Lucio Ubertini &
Gordon Young
How can hydrologists contribute most effectively to the planning and
management of freshwater projects, including the efficient operation of
Hydrological Sciences for Managing Water
Resources in the Asian Developing World
existing systems faced with new socio-political situations? And how
can water resource managers capitalise on the hydrological expertise
available to them? The contributions discuss these topics and consider
the need to include more environmental, social and economic aspects
in the planning and management of projects, while keeping in mind the
sustainability of water resource systems:
• Integrated water resources management
• Hydrology and dams
• Hydrology for flood protection
• Hydrology and water supply systems
• Hydrology for groundwater management
• Hydrology for the protection of ecosystems
Publ. 327
332 + xii pp.
Editors Xiaohong Chen, Yongqin David Chen, Jun Xia & Hailun Zhang
Many regions in Asia are experiencing unprecedented rapid
development resulting in great pressures on environmental quality and
sustainable management of natural resources. China has traditionally
emphasised water shortages in the Yellow River basin and flooding by
the Yangtze River, but water problems in South China, and especially
the Pearl River (Zhujiang) basin are now attracting attention. Provides
an insight to the on-going innovative work.
Publ. 319
422 + x pp.
Publications in the Proceedings and Reports Series (ISSN 0144-7815)
IAHS Publications 291–355 (2005–2012) are detailed here. Earlier IAHS Publications 1–290 (1922–2004) are free to
view as pdfs at www.iahs.info (click on Publications). All published before 2005 are £15, and there is a 50% discount
on books published in 2006/2007.
291 (2005) Sediment Budgets 1 ed. by D. E. Walling & A. J. Horowitz. 372 + xii pp.
292 (2005)
293 (2005)
294 (2005)
295 (2005)
296 (2005)
297 (2005)
298 (2005)
299 (2005)
300 (2006)
301 (2005)
302 (2006)
303 (2006)
304 (2006)
305 (2006)
306 (2006)
307 (2006)
308 (2006)
309 (2007)
310 (2007)
312 (2007)
313 (2007)
314 (2007)
315 (2007)
316 (2007)
317 (2007)
318 (2007)
319 (2008) Hydrological Sciences for Managing Water Resources in the Asian
£15. 978-1-901502-87-9
Sediment Budgets 2 ed. by A. J. Horowitz & D. E. Walling. 358 + xii pp.
£15. 978-1-901502-92-3
Sustainable Water Management Solutions for Large Cities ed. by
D. A. Savic et al. 302 + x pp. £15. 978-1-901502-97-8
Dynamics and Biogeochemistry of River Corridors and Wetlands ed.
by L. Heathwaite et al. 192 + viii pp. £15. 978-1-901502-03-9
Regional Hydrological Impacts of Climatic Change—Impact
Assessment and Decision Making ed. by T. Wagener et al. 356 + x pp.
£15. 978-1-901502-08-4
Regional Hydrological Impacts of Climatic Change—Hydroclimatic
Variability ed. by S. Franks et al. 300 + x pp. £15. 978-1-901502-13-8
Bringing Groundwater Quality Research to the Watershed Scale. ed.
by N. R. Thomson. 576 + xiv pp. £15. 978-1-901502-18-3
Permeable Reactive Barriers ed. by G. A. Boshoff & B. D. Bone. 176 +
viii pp. £15. 978-1-901502-23-7
Geomorphological Processes and Human Impacts in River Basins.
ed. by R. J. Batalla & C. Garcia. 244 + xii pp. £15. 978-1-901502-28-2
Hydrology 2020 ed. by T. Oki et al. 190 + xxxii pp. £15. 978-1-901502-33-6
Prediction in Ungauged Basins: International Perspectives on the
State of the Art and Pathways Forward. ed. by S. Franks et al. 348 +
xii pp. £15. 978-1-901502-38-1
Sustainability of Groundwater Resources and its Indicators ed. by
B. Webb. 220 + xii pp. £45 £22.50. 978-1-901502-43-0
Prediction in Ungauged Basins: Promises and Progress ed. by
M. Sivapalan et al. 520 + viii pp. £84 £42. 978-1-901502-48-0
Calibration and Reliability in Groundwater Modelling: From
Uncertainty to Decision Making ed. by M. F. P. Bierkens. 316 + xii pp.
£59 £29.50. 978-1-901502-58-9
Frontiers in Flood Research ed. by I. Tchiguirinskaia. 212 + xii pp. £47
£23.50. 978-1-901502-63-3
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ed. by J. S. Rowan. 630 + viii pp. £96 £48. 978-1-901502-68-8
Large Sample Basin Experiments for Hydrological Model
Parameterization: Results of the Model Parameter
Experiment — MOPEX ed. by V. Andréassian et al. 348 + iv pp. £70
£35. 978-1-901502-73-2
Climate Variability and Change – Hydrological Impacts ed. by
S. Demuth et al. 708 + xii pp. £115 £57.50. 978-1-90150278-7
Predictions in Ungauged Basins: PUB Kick-off ed. by D. Schertzer et
al. Online only. FREE. 978-1-901502-83-1
Water in Celtic Countries: Quantity, Quality and Climate Variability
ed. by J. P. Lobo Ferreira & J. M. P. Viera. 358 + viii pp. £66 £33.
Methodology in Hydrology ed. by L. Ren et al. 654 + xii pp. £110 £55.
A New Focus on Groundwater–Seawater Interactions ed. by
W. Sanford et al. 344 + x pp. £64 £32. 978-1-901502-04-6
Quantification and Reduction of Predictive Uncertainty for
Sustainable Water Resources Management ed. by E. Boegh et al.
508 + iv pp. £87 £43.50. 978-1-901502-09-1
Water Quality and Sediment Behaviour of the Future: Predictions for
the 21st Century ed. by B. W. Webb & D. de Boer. 322 + x pp. £62 £31.
Changes in Water Resources Systems: Methodologies to Maintain
Water Security and Ensure Integrated Management ed. by N. Van De
Giesen et al. 330 + viii pp. £62 £31. 978-1-901502-19-0
Remote Sensing for Environmental Monitoring and Change
Detection ed. by M. Owe & C. Neale. 288 + viii pp. £55 £27.50.
Reducing the Vulnerability of Societies to Water Related Risks at the
Basin Scale ed. by A. Schumann & M. Pahlow. 450 + xiv pp. £78 £39.
Glacier Mass Balance Changes and Meltwater Discharge ed. by
P. Ginot & J.-E. Sicart. 216 + viii pp. £46 £23. 978-1-901502-39-8
320 (2008)
321 (2008)
322 (2008)
323 (2008)
324 (2008)
325 (2008)
326 (2009)
327 (2009)
328 (2009)
329 (2009)
330 (2009)
331 (2009)
332 (2009)
333 (2009)
334 (2009)
Developing World ed. by X. Chen et al. 422 + x pp. £72.
Calibration and Reliability in Groundwater Modelling: Credibility of
Modelling ed. by J. C. Refsgaard et al. 358 + x pp. £67.
Groundwater–Surface Water Interaction: Process Understanding,
Conceptualization and Modelling ed. by C. Abesser et al. 214 + x pp.
£48. 978-1-901502-59-6
Flood Forecasting and Water Resources Assessment ed. by
D. Yang et al. 262 + x pp. £55. 978-1-901502-64-0
River Basins – from Hydrological Science to Water Management
ed. by I. Tchiguirinskaia et al. 154 + xii pp. £40. 978-1-901502-69-5
GQ07: Securing Groundwater Quality in Urban and Industrial
Environments ed. by M. G. Trefry. 566 + x pp. £90. 978-1-901502-79-4
Sediment Dynamics in Changing Environments ed. by J. Schmidt et
al. 626 + xiv pp. £105. 978-1-901502-84-8
Hydrology in Mountain Regions: Observations, Processes and
Dynamics ed. by D. Marks et al. 184 + viii pp. £45. 978-1-901502-89-3
The Role of Hydrology in Water Resources Management ed. by
H.-J. Liebscher et al. 332 + xii pp. £67. 978-1-901502-94-7
Ecohydrology of Surface and Groundwater Dependent Systems:
Concepts, Methods and Recent Developments ed. by M. Thoms
et al. 240 + viii pp. £51. 978-1-901502-99-2
Trends and Sustainability of Groundwater in Highly Stressed
Aquifers ed. by M. Taniguchi et al. 318 + x pp. £62.50
Improving Integrated Surface and Groundwater Resources
Management in a Vulnerable and Changing World ed. by G. Blöschl
et al. 382 + x pp. £71.50 978-1-907161-01-8
Hydro informatics in Hydrology, Hydrogeology and Water Resources
ed. by I. D. Cluckie et al. 528 + viii pp. £92. 978-1-907161-02-5
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New Approaches to Hydrological Prediction in Data-sparse Regions
ed. by K. K. Yilmaz et al. 344 + x pp. £66. 978-1-907161-04-9
Groundwater and Climate in Africa ed. by Richard Taylor et al.
276 + xii pp. £65. 978-1-907161-05-6
335 (2009) Hydrological Modelling and Integrated Water Resources
Management in Ungauged Mountainous Watersheds ed. by Wei-Lin
Xu et al. 310 + x pp. £65. 978-1-907161-07-0
336 (2010) Status and Perspectives of Hydrology in Small Basins ed. by Andreas
Herrmann et al. 314 + xii pp. £65. 978-1-907161-08-7
337 (2010) Sediment Dynamics for a Changing Future ed. by Kazimierz Banasik
et al. 376 + viii pp. £74. 978-1-907161-10-0
338 (2010) Hydrocomplexity: New Tools (Kovacs) ed. by S. Khan et al. 272 + x pp.
£55. 978-1-907161-11-7
339 (2010) Land Subsidence Associated Hazards ed. by D. Carreon-Freyre et al.
522 + xiv pp. £97. 978-1-907161-12-4
340 (2010) Global Change: Facing Risks and Threats to Water Resources ed. by
E. Servat et al. 704 + xiv pp. £115.00. 978-1-907161-13-1
341 (2011) ModelCARE 2009, Calibration & Reliability ed. by Y. X. Yang et al. 274
+10 pp. £60. 978-1-907161-15-5
342 (2011) GQ2010 Groundwater Quality Management ed. by Mario Schirmer et
al. 512 + xvi pp. £97. 978-1-907161-16-2
343 (2011) GRACE, Remote Sensing and Ground-based Methods in Multi-Scale
Hydrology ed. by Mohsin Hafeez et al. 198 + x pp. £50.
344 (2011) Hydro-Climatology: Variability and Change ed. by Stewart W. Franks
254 + x pp. £58. 978-1-907161-19-3
345 (2011) Conceptual and Modelling Studies of Integrated Groundwater,
Surface Water, and Ecological Systems ed. by Corinna Abesser et al.
276 + xii. £62. 978-1-907161-20-9
346 (2011) Cold Regions Hydrology in a Changing Climate ed. by Daqing Yang et
SP 6
347 (2011) Risk in Water Resources Management ed. by Günter Blöschl et al.
SP 7
348 (2011) WATER QUALITY: Current Trends and Expected Climate Change
al. 214 + x pp. £52. 978-1-907161-21-6
278 + x pp. £62. 978-1-907161-22-3
Impacts ed. by Norman E. Peters et al. 190 + x pp. £50
349 (2011) Sediment Problems & Sediment Management ed. by Des E . Walling
350 (2011) Hydrological Cycle and Water Resources Sustainability in Changing
SP 10
978-1-907161-24-7 £52.00
Environments ed. by Liliang Ren 772 + xii pp. £129.00
Benchmark Papers in Hydrology
351 (2012) Weather Radar and Hydrology ed. by R. J. Moore et al. 672 + xvi pp.
£125.00 978-1-907161-26-1
ISSN 1993-4572
352 (2012) Remote Sensing and Hydrology ed. by Chris Neale & Michael Cosh
482 + xvi pp. £97.00 978-1-907161-27-8
353 (2012) Revisiting Experimental Catchment Studies in Forest Hydrology ed.
by A. A. Webb 240 + viii pp. £56.00 978-1-907161-31-5
354 (2012) Wildfire and Water Quality: Processes, Impacts and Challenges ed.
by Mike Stone et al. 124 + viii pp 978-1-907161-32-2 £40.00
355 (2012) Models – Repositories of Knowledge 978-1-907161-34-6
356 (2012) Erosion and Sediment Yields in the Changing Environment ed. by
Adrian L. Collins et al. 452 + x pp 978-1-907161-33-9
Publications in the Special Publication
Series ISSN 1024-4891
SP 5
The Ecohydrology of South American Rivers and Wetlands ed. by
M. E. McClain. 210 + xiv pp. £39.50. 978-1-901502-02-2.
Hydrology: A Question of Balance by J. V. Sutcliffe. 200 + viii pp. £30.
Climate and the Hydrological Cycle by M. Bierkens et al. 344 + xvi pp.
£50. 978-1-901502-54-1.
Leonardo Da Vinci’s Water Theory: On the origin and fate of water
by L. Pfister et al. 92 + xx. £25. 978-1-901502-34-3.
Changes in Flood Risk in Europe by Zbigniew W. Kundzewicz 978-1907161-28-5 £85
The Hydrology of the Nile by J. V. Sutcliffe & Y. P. Parks. 180 + xii pp.
£34. 978-1-901502-75-6.
Streamflow Generation Processes Keith J. Beven. BM1. 432 + x pp. £40.
Evaporation John H. C. Gash & W. James Shuttleworth. BM2. 526 + x pp.
£40. 978-1-901502-98-5
Groundwater Mary P. Anderson. BM3 626 + x pp. £55.
Rainfall–Runoff Modelling Keith Loague. BM4 512 + vi pp. £65.
Riparian Zone Hydrology and Biogeochemistry T. P. Burt, G. Pinay &
S. Sabater. BM5. 490 + x pp. £65. 978-1-907161-09-4
Hydro-Geomorphology, Erosion and Sedimentation Michael J. Kirkby.
BM6. 640 + x pp. £70. 978-1-907161-14-8
Forest Hydrology David R. DeWalle. BM7. 474 + x pp. £65.
Isotope Hydrology P. K. Aggarwal, K. O. Fröhlich, J. R. Gat &
R. Gonfiantini BM8. 486 + x pp. £70. 978-1-907161-29-2.
Changes in Flood Risk in
Edited by
Zbigniew W. Kundzewicz
Institute for Agricultural and Forest Environment, Polish Academy of Sciences,
Poznań, Poland, and
Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research (PIK), Potsdam, Germany
Floods are the most prevalent natural hazard in Europe. But, has flood
risk increased in the continent? How, where, and why? Are climate
change impacts apparent? How do socio- economic trends and
associated land-use change impact flood risk?
This interdisciplinary book, authored by an international team,
A comprehensive overview of flood risk in Europe, past and present, and future
National/regional chapters covering Central Europe, Western Europe, Southern Europe and
Northern Europe, the Alpine region and the Iberian Peninsula.
A focus on detection and attribution of change with respect to climate change and its impacts,
water resources and flood risk, the re-insurer’s view point, and future projections of flood risk
Rectification of common-place judgements, e.g. “climate is warming so floods should
become more frequent and intense”; observations do not always confirm this expectation
The book will be of interest to those interested in floods and flood risk, including research
scientists and educators, students, engineers, planners, risk reduction specialists, staff of
specialized national and international agencies, and the media.
IAHS Special Publication 10 (April 2012) ISBN 978-1-907161-28-5 (Paperback); 516 + xvi pp. Price £85.00
Catalogue 2015
Titles in Water, Wastewater
and the Environment
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improved water supply and sanitation technologies.
Although limited in scope to the process of costing
safe water supply and sanitation technologies,
a proper use of this material lies within a larger
setting considering the cultural, environmental,
institutional, political and social conditions that
should be used by policy decision makers in
developing countries to promote sustainable
development strategies.
Costing Improved Water Supply Systems for Lowincome Communities provides practical guidance
to facilitate and standardize the implementation
of social life-cycle costing to improved drinkingwater supply technologies. These technologies
have been defined by the WHO/UNICEF Joint
Monitoring Programme for Water Supply and
Sanitation, as those that, by the nature of its
construction, adequately protect the source of
water from outside contamination, in particular with
faecal matter. The conceptual framework used
applies to practical sanitation technologies.
To facilitate the application of the costing method
to actual projects, a basic tool was developed
using Microsoft Excel, which is called a water
supply costing processor. It enables a user-friendly
implementation of all the tasks involved in a social
life-cycle costing process and provides both the
detailed and the consolidated cost figures that are
needed by decision-makers.
The scope and the limits of the costing method
in a real setting was assessed through field tests
designed and performed by local practitioners in
selected countries. These tests were carried out
in Peru and in six countries in the WHO regions
of South-East Asia and the Western Pacific. They
identified practical issues in using the manual and
the water supply costing processor and provided
practical recommendations.
• Background and Objectives, Water and Health,
Social Valuation of Water Supply Projects,
Costing Method, Target Audience
• Conceptual Framework, Identifying locally
Appropriate Technologies, Costing a DrinkingWater Supply Technology
• Improved Drinking-Water Supply Technologies for
Low-Income Communities, Drinking-Water Supply
Systems, Objectives of Drinking-Water Supply,
Improved Drinking-Water Supply Technologies
• Locally Appropriate Technologies, Concept of
Locally Appropriate Technology, Criteria for
the Identification of Constraints and Risks,
Assessment of Water Supply Needs, Selection of
Locally Appropriate Water Supply Technologies
• Costing Method, Rationale and Issues, Typology
of Costs, Sources of Data on Costs, Costing
Questionnaires, Social Costing of Water Supply
• Costing Implementation, The Process of Costing
a Water Supply Project, The Water Supply
Costing Processor, An Introduction to the Use of
the Water Supply Costing Processor (WSCP)
• Drinking-Water Supply Technologies
• Project Questionnaires
• Inputs of Improved Water Supply Technologies
• Costing Questionnaires
• Time Profiles of a Beta Distribution Function
• Costing Case Studies in Peru
August 2015 • 248 pages • Paperback
ISBN: 9781780407210
Ebook ISBN: 9781780407227
IWA Members Price: £74.25/US$133.65/€100.24
Non Members Price: £99.00/US$178.20/€133.65
Developing Countries
Manual on the Human Rights to Safe
Drinking Water and Sanitation for Water
and Sanitation Practitioners
Author: Robert Bos
The Manual on the Human
Rights to Safe Drinking Water
and Sanitation for Water and
Sanitation Practitioners aims:
• to introduce the principles and
concepts contained in the United
Nations resolutions recognizing
the Human Right to Safe
Drinking Water and Sanitation
• to clarify the language and
terminology used in the promotion of human rights,
• to provide guidance on the roles and
responsibilities for everyone who contributes to the
progressive realization of the HRWS, and on how
the human rights principles and actions can be
incorporated into their essential functions.
The book focuses on the implications of new
legislation and new components for existing
legislation that address the human rights principles
of equality, non-discrimination, accountability,
participation, access to information and
This manual promotes informed decision-making
by operators, managers and regulators in their
daily routine, as well as to encourage them to
engage actively in the national debates that are
taking place in many countries where the HRWS is
being translated into national and local legislation,
policy and regulation. In most countries, creating
such an enabling environment will, in fact, be
the first critical step in the process towards the
realization of the rights, followed by the allocation
of roles and responsibilities to the various actors at
national and local levels.
• Introduction
ain Operational Principles
etting the Scene – Context and Contents of
the Human Rights to Safe Drinking Water and
ranslating the Human Rights to Safe Drinking
Water and Sanitation into Operational Terms
reating the Enabling Environment
• Incorporating HRWS into the Essential Functions
of Service Providers
ddressing Sensitive Practices
ealing with Challenges and Avoiding Pitfalls
September 2015 • 110 pages • Paperback
ISBN: 9781780407432
Ebook ISBN: 9781780407449
IWA Members Price: £51.75 / US$93.15 / €69.86
Non Members Price: £69.00/ US$124.20 / €93.15
2 0 1 5
Developing Countries
How to Design Wastewater Systems for
Local Conditions in Developing Countries
Authors: David M. Robbins and Grant C. Ligon
This is a practical handbook
providing a step-by-step approach
to the techniques used for
characterizing wastewater sources
and investigating sites where
collection, treatment and reuse/
disposal technologies will be
installed. It is intended to help
enable local implementation of
on-site and decentralized
wastewater treatment systems
(DEWATS) for wide scale use in development settings.
How to Design Wastewater Systems for Local Conditions
in Developing Countries helps local service providers
and regulatory officials make informed decisions through
the use of tools, checklists and case studies. It includes
will include a link to a web based community of on-site
and decentralized wastewater professionals, which
contains related tools and case studies. This handbook
serves as a reference for training classes, certification
programs, and higher education programs in civil and
sanitary engineering.
There is an increasing interest on the part of local
government officials and private sector service providers
to implement wastewater treatment systems to solve
sanitation problems. The model presented in this
handbook promotes activities that first generate data
related to source and site conditions that represent
critical inputs, and then applies this information to
the technology selection process. Matching the most
appropriate technologies to the specific needs of the
wastewater project is the key that leads to long term
How to Design Wastewater Systems for Local
Conditions in Developing Countries is an invaluable
resource for public sector decision makers and private
sector service providers in developing countries. It is
also a useful text for students at engineering colleges
in developing countries interested in taking a class that
teaches the methods of DEWATS development.
• Introduction to on-site and decentralized wastewater
treatment and typical components of DEWATS
systems. Discusses pre-treatment, primary treatment,
secondary treatment, disinfection, reuse and recycling.
• The DEWATS decision model – critical inputs (source
and site) and the DEWATS decision-making process.
• Characterizing the Source by determining hydraulic
and organic loading; Identifying fluctuations in flow, and
identifying other source factors that might impact upon
the technology decisions.
• Evaluating the site:
rawing the site plan. Includes checklists, setbacks
and examples.
etermining available area for wastewater
- Testing the soils for depth, bearing capacity and
iscusses percolation testing and soils evaluation as
methods for determining permeability.
hecking the slope and drawing topography.
valuating water resources – groundwater and
surface water , and methods for collecting anecdotal
information to determine flood plain elevations.
nderstanding the local land-use issues.
valuating social issues related to the site.
• Using Collected Data for DEWATS Decision-making;
Case studies, practical exercises, interfacing with other
March 2014 • 156 pages • Paperback
ISBN: 9781780404769
Ebook ISBN: 9781780404776
IWA Members Price: £52.25/US$94.05/€70.54
Non Members Price: £69.00/US$124.20/€93.15
* For Ebook Prices please see page 2
Developing Countries
Developing Countries
Community Based Water Management
and Social Capital
Low Cost Emergency Water Purification
Authors: Kiyoshi Kobayashi, Ibnu Syabri,
Ismu Rini Dwi Ari and Hayeong Jeong
Authors: Chittaranjan Ray and Ravi Jain
Community Based Water
Management and Social Capital
provides scientific understanding of
community based water
management and how to secure
responsible management to satisfy
quality and quantity requirements. It
shows how community based water
management can be synchronized
with public water service, by
introducing the most recent field
experiments and theoretical studies in economics, social
science, engineering, and regional planning which
include game theory, microeconomics, econometric,
statistics, social network analysis, social choice, and
micro finance.
Community Based Water Management and Social
Capital presents field experiments and theoretical
studies in economics, social science, engineering, and
regional planning to investigate important questions:
• what motivates people in voluntary water management
• what is the effect of participatory approach in water
• how does social capital work in the voluntary actions
• what are key factors for effective governance for
water management with diverse actors - local people,
enterprise, and government;
• what is necessary for proper water allocation; vi) how
to synchronize public water service with community
based water management.
The book provides students, researchers, practitioners
and governments with a comprehensive account of the
current situation and perspectives on voluntary water
management. It delivers a new scientific understanding
on sustainable water management schemes and
appropriate institutional social structures to secure
inalienable rights to access to water.
• Introduction
• Why People Collaborate?
• Small Scale Water Supply System: Strategy and
Framework for Action
• Collective Action and Legitimated Social Capital
• Water Choice Model and Social Capital
• Water Governance and Participatory Approaches
• Governance for Efficient Water Management
• Trust
• Water Right, Vulnerability of Poverty, Conflict
Management, and Participatory Approaches
• Water Governance in Indonesia
• Social Institutions/Engineering Views/Management
• Water Allocation and Institutional Arrangement
• Comprehensive Social Participatory Model for Water
Springs Conservation Management in Indonesia
• Network Analysis of Community Based Water
• Cognitive Analysis of Resident to Community Based
Water Management
• Case Study of Adaptive Planning and Conflict
Resolution in Indonesia
• How to Synchronize PDAM and HIPPAM
February 2014 • 272 pages • Paperback
ISBN: 9781780405452
Ebook ISBN: 9781780405469
IWA Members Price: £71.25/US$128.25/€96.19
Non Members Price: £95.00/US$171.00/€128.25
Natural disasters, such as floods,
tsunamis, hurricanes, and
earthquakes, affect over 226 million
people every year. The occurrence
of these natural disasters has been
increasing every year due to the
effect of extreme weather events
and higher populations living in
areas vulnerable to natural hazards.
Developing a guideline for
emergency water treatment
becomes even more important as the number of natural
events continues to increase. Simple and low cost
technologies have been developed to provide ways to
treat water, ranging from point of use (POU) treatment
to small scale (SS) community treatment. During times
of natural disasters, POU and SS technologies offer
applicable ways for providing clean and safe water.
This guide to emergency water treatment has been
developed based on current research, products, and
field studies to create an expeditious and easy process
for choosing which technology is most appropriate in
each emergency situation.
Initial, rapid response for water treatment should have
the following characteristics:
• Portable
• Low cost
• Light weight
• Ease to use or requiring minimal training
• Requiring minimal or no external power
A solution for long term response should have the
following characteristics:
• Ability to support a community or large population
• Able to purify large volume of water
• Parts that do not require frequent replacements
• Does not require complex training to operate
• Uses easily available power sources
This is a valuable resource for Environmental Engineers,
Civil Engineers, Environmental Engineering Technicians
and Civil Engineering Technicians
This title is co-published with Elsevier
June 2014 • 179 pages • Paperback
ISBN: 9781780406428
IWA Members Price: £27.74/US$49.93/€37.45
Non Members Price: £36.99/US$66.58/€49.94
Drinking Water Quality
Best Practice Guide on Managing Metals
and Related Substances in Small Water
Authors: Matthew Bower and Colin Hayes
The management of small water
supplies presents a unique
challenge globally, in countries at all
stages of development. A
combination of lack of resources,
limited understanding of the risks
and poor expertise means that
individuals and communities may
face serious health risks from these
supplies. This is not only due to
microbiological contamination, but
also from contamination by metals, either due to natural
or man-made contamination of the source water or
through leaching from plumbing materials due to
inadequate conditioning and corrosion inhibition and use
of inappropriate materials.
This Best Practice Guide aims to share best practice and
experience from around the world on a practical level.
2 0 1 5
It looks at general issues relating to small supplies and
ways of managing these, adopting a Water Safety Plan
approach to deliver sound and lasting improvements to
quality. Management techniques and treatment relating
to specific metals will be covered, from a theoretical and
practical perspective, to deliver a publication that will
act as an authoritative guide for all those faced with the
problem of ensuring the quality of a small water supply.
Varied case-studies will help to illustrate issues and
ways in which they have been resolved.
This title belongs to Best Practice Guides on Metals and
Related Substances in Drinking Water Series
October 2015 • 125 pages • Paperback
ISBN: 9781780406398
Ebook ISBN: 9781780406404
IWA Members Price: £52.50/US$94.50/€70.88
Non Members Price: £70.00/US$126.00/€94.50
Drinking Water Quality
Taste and Odour in Source and Drinking
Causes, Controls, and Consequences
Authors: Tsair-Fuh Lin, Sue Watson and Mel Suffet
This book provides an updated
evaluation of the
characterization and
management of taste and odour
(T&O) in source and drinking
waters. Authored by international
experts from the IWA Specialist
Group on Off-flavours in the
Aquatic Environment, the book
represents an important
resource that synthesizes
current knowledge on the origins, mitigation, and
management of aquatic T&O problems. The
material provides new knowledge for an increasing
widespread degradation of source waters and
global demand for high quality potable water. Key
topics include early warning, detection and sourcetracking, chemical, sensory and molecular
diagnosis, treatment options for common odorants
and minerals, source management, modelling and
risk assessment, and future research directions.
Taste and Odour in Source and Drinking Water is
directed towards a wide readership of scientists,
engineers, technical operators and managers, and
presents both practical and theoretical material,
including an updated version of the benchmark
Drinking Water Taste and Odour Wheel and a
new biological wheel to provide a practical and
informative tool for the initial diagnosis of the
chemical and biological sources of aquatic T&O.
• Introduction
• Off-Flavours in Water Update of the Drinking Water
• Biological Production of Taste and Odour Compounds Molecular Biology and Taxonomy
• Advances in Sensory Measurement Determinations
• Advances in Analytical and Monitoring Methods
• Monitoring Methods for Biological Sources
• Management of Taste and Odour in Source Water
• Characterization and Removal of Minerals That Cause
• Removal of Odourants from Drinking Water
• Regulations and Standards of Taste and Odour
• Risk Management of Public Perception
• Challenges and Future Research Directions
September 2015 • 250 pages • Paperback
ISBN: 9781780406657
Ebook ISBN: 9781780406664
IWA Members Price: £71.25/US$128.25/€96.19
Non Members Price: £95.00/US$171.00/€128.25
* For Ebook Prices please see page 2
Drinking Water Quality
Drinking Water Quality
Guidance Manual for the Minimisation of
Nitrosamines in Drinking and Recycled
Generic Management Plan for
Nitrosamines in Drinking Water
Authors: Gayle Newcombe, Jim Morran,
Julie Culbert and Con Kapralos
The purpose of the Generic
Management Plan for Nitrosamines
in Drinking Water is to provide
background information on the
group of organic contaminants
known as nitrosamines, as well as
help water quality managers and
treatment plant managers and
operators in three main aspects of
nitrosamine management, namely:
• To identify the risks associated with their systems
regarding potential nitrosamine contamination
• To implement monitoring procedures to quantify the risk
• To implement operational measures to offset the risks.
This is a companion document to the Guidance manual
for the minimisation of nitrosamines in drinking and
recycled water. The latest edition of the guidelines has
been published and a guideline value of 100 ng/L for
NDMA has since been promulgated. A comprehensive
survey of drinking water systems in Australia undertaken
as part of project 1018 showed that the majority have
levels of NDMA well below the guideline value. It also
helped clarify and validate the risks and supported the
suggested mitigation measures outlined in this document
that can be applied for the production of drinking water
that continuously complies with the guidelines.
This book is co-published with WaterRA
February 2014 • 15 pages • Ebook only
Ebook ISBN: 9781780406244
IWA Members Price: £15.00/US$27.00/€20.25
Non Members Price: £20.00/US$36.00/€27.00
Drinking Water Quality
Public Perception of Drinking Water
Source Protection
Who Wants What?
Authors: Blair E Nancarrow and Geoffrey J Syme
Climate change is reducing water
resources in many parts of Australia.
Increasingly, higher risk sources are
either being developed or being
considered for development as
public drinking water sources. There
is a rising demand from the
community for additional recreation
facilities and subsequent access to
drinking water catchments, as they
are predominantly close to urban
areas. These competing factors place substantial
pressure on public water utilities to ensure the provision
of safe drinking water. As the health risk profile
increases, there is a need for additional barriers which
may include new or upgraded water treatment facilities.
This report covers the methodological development
in the WaterRA project Public Perception of Source
Protection and its Relationship to Recreation and Water
Treatment. It aims to develop a nationally applicable
methodology to assist in the formulation of defensible
policy which provides for drinking water source
protection while accounting for recreational needs in
surface water catchments in Australia.
This book is co-published with WaterRA
February 2014 • 140 pages • Paperback
ISBN: 9781780406183
Ebook ISBN: 9781780406190
IWA Members Price: £63.75/US$114.75/€86.06
Non Members Price: £85.00/US$153.00/€114.75
Authors: Gayle Newcombe, Julie Culbert and
Jim Morran
N-nitrosodimethylamine (NDMA) is
a nitrogen-containing organic
compound that has known
carcinogenic properties. NDMA has
been a health concern for some
industries for a number of years as
it is used in rubber formulations, as
a fire retardant, antioxidant, additive
for lubricants and softener of
copolymers; it is also a degradation
product of dimethylhydrazine, an
additive to rocket fuel. Most people are exposed to
NDMA via a number of diverse routes including cigarette
smoke (actively or passively) and processed foods, for
example smoked meat products. However, it has only
come to the attention of the international water industry
since it was recognised as a disinfection by-product
(DBP) of chloramination or chlorination in the presence
of ammonia.
The aim of this guidance manual is to answer commonly
asked questions about this emerging issue, such as:
• how do they come to be in drinking water and recycled
water and what
• concentrations are “normal”?
• what regulatory/guidance levels have been imposed in
Australia and elsewhere?
• how are they formed? What are the risk factors for the
occurrence of nitrosamines in my system?
• what can we do to control them?
• what are the implications for the drinking and recycled
water industry, and in particular for public health?
This Guidance Manual has a companion document,
Generic Management Plan for Nitrosamines in Drinking
Water, which provides provide background information
on the group of organic contaminants, nitrosamines.
This title is co-published with WaterRA
February 2014 • 27 pages • Paperback
ISBN: 9781780406220
Ebook ISBN: 9781780406237
IWA Members Price: £37.50/US$67.50/€50.63
Non Members Price: £49.99/US$89.98/€67.49
Drinking Water Quality
The Application of Toxicogenomics for
(Drinking) Water Quality Assessment
Authors: Merijn Schriks, Corine Houtman and
Ron van der Oost
The evolution of new technologies
and the recent advances in the
knowledge on DNA sequences and
organisation (i.e. genomics) have
enabled the development of new
holistic tools, such as DNA
This report provides an overview
of innovative omic methods and
the mechanisms behind certain
genomics technologies are
explained. The main focus is on the potential application
of DNA microarrays that are able to measure the
impact of toxic substances on gene expression, i.e.
transcription of DNA to mRNA (transcriptomics). Practical
information on this method, such as sensitivity, analysis
time, responsiveness, specificity, etc. is discussed. An
overview is presented of the potential applications of this
technology with regard to water quality assessment. In
addition, the limitations and challenges that need to be
2 0 1 5
overcome are discussed.
The following potential applications for genomics in
water quality assessment are foreseen:
• Prediction of the toxicity of compounds that are newly
detected in aquatic samples and of which possible
toxic properties and MOA are unknown.
• Environmental monitoring of toxic pressure at locations
relevant for the water sector, such as drinking water
intake locations. For this purpose, the No Observed
Transcriptional Level (NOTEL) concept is a helpful
concept to mutually compare different sites.
• Pre-screening of chemicals or locations for relevant
toxicological effects, which can be investigated in more
depth with specific bioassays.
• Introduction
• Technical Background
• Biology
• Toxicology
• Genomics
• Transcriptomics with DNA Microarrays
• Sensitivity
• Analysis Time
• Responsiveness
• Specificity
• Cross Species Extrapolation
• Toxicogenomics
• Application of Toxicogenomics
• No Observable Transcriptional Effect Level (NOTEL)
• Mode of Action (MOA) Approaches
• Environmental Monitoring
• Risk Assessment
• Investigation of Biological Processes Controlled by
Gene Networks
• Challenges for Toxicogenomics
• Model System Complexity
• Confounding Factors
• Mixtures
• Limited Sequence Data
• Bioinformatics
• Costs
• Research Needs for Regulatory Implementation
• Discussion on Toxicogenomics for Water Quality
• Mechanisms of Toxicity and Predictive Toxicology
• Environmental Monitoring
• Genomics as a Tool for Monitoring in Relation to in
Vitro Bioassays
• Conclusions and Outlook
This title belongs to KWR Watercycle Research Institute
May 2015 • 27 pages • Ebook only
Ebook ISBN: 9781780406671
IWA Members Price: £53.10/US$95.58/€71.69
Non Members Price: £70.80/US$127.44/€95.58
* For Ebook Prices please see page 2
Impacts of Shallow Geothermal Energy
on Groundwater Quality
Author: Matthijs Bonte
The use of shallow geothermal
energy (SGE) systems to
acclimatize buildings has increased
exponentially in the Netherlands and
worldwide. In certain areas, SGE
systems are constructed in aquifers
also used for drinking water supply
raising the question of potential
groundwater quality impact.
Impacts of Shallow Geothermal
Energy on Groundwater Quality
provides a hydrochemical and geomicrobial overview
of the effects of ground source heat pumps and aquifer
thermal energy storage. The area is investigated
with field and laboratory experiments, and reactive
transport models, showing that shallow geothermal
energy systems can influence groundwater quality in
a number of ways. Most prominent in open ground
source heating systems operating at low temperature
(<20C) is the physical mixing of deep and shallow
groundwater of different quality distorting the natural
water quality stratification in aquifers. At temperature of
25C and beyond certain trace elements were observed
to mobilize in laboratory experiments, and beyond 40C
redox conditions change significantly while the microbial
community shift towards a thermophilic community.
Based on the results of this research, guidelines are
presented for monitoring and permitting of SGE systems.
The book is a useful resource for regulators of these
systems, water companies and installers of the SGE
This title belongs to KWR Watercycle Research Institute
January 2015 • 144 pages • Paperback
ISBN: 9781780406817
Ebook ISBN: 9781780406817
IWA Members Price: £66.75/US$120.15/€90.11
Non Members Price: £89.00/US$160.20/€120.15
Climate Change, Water Supply and
Risk Assessment, Management,
Mitigation and Reduction
Editors: Adriana Hulsmann, Gesche Grützmacher,
Gerard van den Berg, Wolfgang Rauch,
Anders Lynggaard Jensen, Victor Popovych,
Mario Rosario Mazzola, Lydia S. VamvakeridouLyroudia, and Dragan A. Savic
Climate Change, Water Supply and
Sanitation: Risk Assessment,
Management, Mitigation and
Reduction pulls together the final
outcomes and recommendations
from the PREPARED project that
originated from the WSSTP (Water
Supply and Sanitation Technology
Platform) thematic working group
Sustainable Water Management in
Urban areas. The PREPARED
project confirms and demonstrates the technological
preparedness of water supply and sanitation systems of
ten cities in Europe and also Melbourne and Seattle to
adapt to the expected impacts of climate change. It
shows that the water supply and sanitation systems of
cities and their catchments can adapt and be resilient to
the challenges of climate change; and that the
technological, managerial and policy adaptation of these
PREPARED cities can be cost effective, carbon efficient
and exportable to other urban areas within Europe and
the rest of the world.
The book:
• addresses issues related to the management of water,
waste water and storm water that are impacted by
climate change both in quantitative and qualitative
• addresses many of the Pan-European problems and
optimises, tests and implements adaptive solutions
that contribute towards an integrated and coordinated
• develops adaptation strategies, considering and
weighting the mitigation side of solutions to minimise
our carbon- and water footprint.
• improves resilience to deal with the impact of climate
• contributes to the development of the knowledge base
where it concerns the water supply and sanitation
• Introduction
• Integrated Water Resource Management and
Investigation of New Water Resources
• Adaptation of Water Supply Systems
• Storm Water Management
• Adaptation of Sanitation Systems
• Adaptation of Operation and Management
July 2015 • 500 pages • Paperback
ISBN: 9781780404998
Ebook ISBN: 9781780405001
IWA Members Price: £96.75/US$174.15/€130.61
Non Members Price: £129.00/US$232.20/€174.15
2 0 1 5
and many other challenges is to change our perception
from a disciplinary and defensive one to a progressive
(or transcendental) and transdiciplinary, i.e., the one that
turns challenges into the possibilities that can re-shape
our future.
The book is structured in eight chapters. Chapter 1
provides exposure to the complexity of flood-related
issues and illustrates diversity of multiple points of view.
Chapter 2 elaborates on the history of holistic thinking
with connection to the flood resilience process. Chapter
3 discusses the holistic risk governance approach
which progresses beyond the integrated urban flood
management. Chapter 4 describes the Green Cities
Initiative, an initiative which is essentially holistic in its
nature as it aims to improve transport, energy efficiency,
and industrial metabolism including water supply and
distribution as well as drainage and sewerage services
through the holistic lens of interactions between different
sectors. Chapter 5 discusses various risk assessment
practices and it concludes that any practice that omits
social, ethical and wider ecological points of view will be
severely restricted in its scope and its reach. Chapter 6
describes the root causes of floods in the Pasig-Marikina
River Basin in Metro Manila, Philippines. Chapter 7
reflects upon the key issues and challenges from 2011
Thailand floods. Finally, Chapter 8 presents some of the
key aspects concerning urban stormwater management
practice in Beijing, China.
This title belongs to Urban Hydroinformatics Series
May 2015 • 296 pages • Hardback
ISBN: 9781780405322
Ebook ISBN: 9781780405339
IWA Members Price: £74.25/US$133.65/€100.24
Non Members Price: £99.00/US$178.20/€133.65
Flood Risk: The Holistic Perspective
From Integrated to Interactive Planning
for Flood Resilience
Author: Zoran Vojinovic
According to the International
Disaster Database (EM-DAT), over
the last seventy years, floods have
shown the fastest rate of increase
relative to any other type of
disasters. Devastation due to these
events occurs almost daily. Even
though our technological capabilities
for dealing with floods have
advanced rapidly over the same
period, and while global economic
growth per capita has doubled, flood events have
become ever more disastrous. Does this mean that our
technological developments have advanced
independently from the social and wider ecological
needs? Flood Risk: The Holistic Perspective is a direct
response to this question and it argues that this
paradoxical situation is a result from our narrow and
fragmented perception of reality which has been
characteristic of our academic disciplines and
government agencies. It suggests that the way forward
can be found only if we broaden our view and learn how
the natural or social phenomena can provoke a
response in a society, or a social group, which in turn
can trigger the technical developments, and so on, again
and again, in what has the potential to become a
network of interactions and relationships through positive
feedback (or coevolving) cycles.
The holistic perspective however may raise the following
question: If everything is connected to everything else,
how can we ever hope to understand anything? Our
response draws from the understandings brought by
complexity theory where individual elements coevolve
together both in development and application. This
recognition opens a new analysis which goes beyond
the direct objects or actors of concern (risk forecasting,
early warning, land-use planning technology and
systems for example), and into the relationships between
them. The book suggests that our initial response to this
Coastal Lagoons in Europe
Integrated Water Resource Strategies
Authors: Ana Lillebo, Per Stalnacke and
Geoffrey D. Gooch
Lagoons represent nearly 13% of
the shoreline globally and around
5% in Europe. Coastal lagoons are
shallow water bodies separated
from the ocean by a barrier (e.g.,
narrow spit), connected at least
intermittently to the ocean by one or
more restricted inlets, and usually
geographically oriented parallel to
the shore-line. Coastal lagoons are
flexible and usually able to cope
with environmental change, yet nowadays they are
under threat. This is partly due to climate change
impacts (for example, sea-level rise and hydrometeorological extreme events) but also due to more
direct human activities and pressures.
The book focuses on addressing these challenges
through integrated management strategies seen in a
land-sea and science-stakeholder-policy perspective.
Pan-European management challenges are seen from
the context of the perspectives of Policy, Environment
and Modelling. Four case study lagoons in different
geographical locations in Europe provide examples of
some of the practical experiences and results around
these challenges. Possible impacts on drainage basins
and lagoons are introduced through integrated scenarios
which were developed through a multi-science and landlagoon science perspective combined with interactions
and contributions from stakeholders and citizens.
Issues around climate change impacts on environmental
conditions in both drainage basins and lagoons are also
The book derives from a collaborative EC-funded project
entitled Integrated Water Resources and Coastal Zone
Management in European Lagoons in the Context of
Climate Change comprising nine partner institutes with a
wide diversity in the scientific disciplines covered.
* For Ebook Prices please see page 2
• Challenges in the Policy-Environment-Modelling
Management Context
• The LAGOONS Project in a Management Challenge
• The challenges in Context of Science-Policy Interface
• The Use of Modelling Tools to Assess River Basin
Environmental Impacts
• The challenges to Improve Integrated Catchment-toCoast Modelling in the Context of Climate Change
• Socio-Economical and Environmental Scenarios for
• Engagement of Local Communities and Integrated
• Catchment-to-Coast Integrated Scenarios
• Lagoons Impact Integrated Scenarios
• Integrated Scenarios
• The Scenarios Under the Context of Climate Change
(2030 and beyond)
• Lagoons Response Using Key Bio-Indicators &
Implications on Ecological Status
• Catchment-to-Coast Climate-Change Impact Scenarios
• Coastal Areas Management Perspective
• Marine Ecosystem Services
• Recommendations & Strategies
• pan-European View for Coastal Lagoons
• Case Studies
• Facts and Figures: Ria de Aveiro (Portugal), Mar Menor
(Spain), Vistula Lagoon (Poland/Russia) and Tyligulskyi
lagoon (Ukraine)
This title belongs to the Water Research Series
June 2015 • 250 pages • Hardback
ISBN: 9781780406282
Ebook ISBN: 9781780406299
IWA Members Price: £71.25/US$128.25/€96.19
Non Members Price: £95.00/US$171.00/€128.25
Water and Energy
Threats and Opportunities Second
Author: Gustaf Olsson
Rapid and important developments
in the area of energy - water nexus
over the last two to three years
have been significant. This new
edition of Water and Energy:
Threats and Opportunities is timely
and continues to highlight the
inextricable link between water and
energy, providing an up-to-date
overview of the subject with helpful
detailed summaries of the technical
Water and Energy has been up-dated throughout and
major changes are:
• new chapters on global warming and fossil fuels,
including shale gas and fracking.
• the consequences of the Deepwater Horizon accident
in the Mexican Gulf and the Niger Delta oil spills.
• new developments in hydropower
• continued competition between food, water and energy
Water and Energy Threats and Opportunities, second
edition creates an awareness of the important couplings
between water and energy. It shows how energy is
used in all the various water cycle operations and
demonstrates how water is used and misused in all
kinds of energy production and generation. Population
increase, climate change and an increasing competition
between food and fuel production create enormous
pressures on both water and energy availability. Since
there is no replacement for water, water security looks
more crucial than energy security. This is true not only
in developing countries but also in the most advanced
countries. For example, the western parts of the USA
suffer from water scarcity that provides a real security
Part One of the book describes the water-energy
nexus, the conflicts and competitions and the couplings
between water security, energy security, and food
Part Two captures how climate change, population
increase and the growing food demand will have major
impact on water availability in many countries in the
Part Three describes water for energy and how energy
production and conversion depend on water availability.
As a consequence, all planning has to take both water
and energy into consideration. The environmental
(including water) consequences of oil and coal
exploration and refining are huge, in North America as
well as in the rest of the world. Furthermore, oil leak
accidents have hit America, Africa, Europe as well as
Asia. The consequences of hydropower are discussed
and the competition between hydropower generation,
flood control and water storage is illustrated. The
importance of water for cooling thermal power plants is
described, as this was so tragically demonstrated at the
Fukushima nuclear plants in 2011. Climate change will
further emphasize the strong coupling between water
availability and the operation of power plants.
Part Four analyses energy for water - how water
production and treatment depend on energy. The book
shows that a lot can be done to improve equipment,
develop processes and apply advanced monitoring and
control to save energy for water operations. Significant
amounts of energy can be saved by better pumping, the
reduction of leakages, controlled aeration in biological
wastewater treatment, more efficient biogas production,
and by improved desalination processes.
Reviews & Endorsements
“Professor Olssons book, Water and Energy Threats
and Opportunities, the result of a meticulous multi-year
effort, meets an important and growing need: to define
and illuminate the critical linkage between water and
energy. He explores the water-energy nexus in detail,
and carefully discusses its many implications, including
for food production and its connection to global climate
change. He properly and repeatedly emphasizes the
important message that water and energy issues
must be addressed together if society is to make wise
and efficient use of these critical resources. Given its
comprehensive scope and careful scholarship, the
book will serve as a valuable addition to the libraries of
students, researchers, practitioners, and government
officials at all levels.”
DR. ALLAN R. HOFFMAN, Senior Analyst, Office
of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy, U.S.
Department of Energy, Washington, DC
“Water and Energy - Threats and Opportunities by
Emeritus Professor Gustaf Olson is a milestone book
in the efficient use of two important resources: water
and energy. It is remarkable that due to increasing
specialization among professionals in the different
fields, water and energy are not optimized jointly. The
production of energy requires water, while the supply of
water services demands energy. Water and energy are
the drivers for almost all economic activities, and are of
such importance that they are at the origin of conflicts
throughout the world.”
autonoma de Mexico
“Gustaf Olsson illustrates the inextricable linkage
between water and energy, and demonstrates that an
integrated and holistic approach as well as a change
of attitude is necessary to solve the complex water and
energy challenges we are facing. This book is full of
JINING CHEN, President and Professor, Tsinghua
University, Beijing
“Our most sincere congratulations for this excellent piece
of work. It is impressive; the amount of up-dated data,
facts, statistics, ideas, relations among them, thoughts,
examples, and case studies... everything fully integrated
and justified, where you can not only find theory and
technical aspects about the water-energy binomial, but
2 0 1 5
also Gustaf Olssons openly expressed and sincere
vision of the threats and opportunities to water and
energy. The book provides a complete and integral view
of the water and energy related problems, and moreover
in a very pedagogical and intuitive way. Only somebody
like Gustaf Olsson with his long experience and
knowledge in this field, at local and global scale, and
unquestionable prestige, could write such an interesting
DR. MANEL POCH and DR. IGNASI RODRIGUEZRODA, ICRA, Catalan Institute for Water Research,
Girona; DR. QUIM COMAS, University of Girona,
June 2015 • 350 pages • Hardback
ISBN: 9781780406930
Ebook ISBN: 9781 780406947
IWA Members Price: £59.25/US$106.65/€79.99
Non Members Price: £79.00/US$142.20/€106.65
Student Paperback Price: £45.00/US$81.00/€60.75
ISBN 9781780407326
Greenhouse Gas Emission and Mitigation
in Municipal Wastewater Treatment
Authors: Xinmin Zhan, Zhenhu Hu and Guangxue Wu
The wide adoption of wastewater
treatment processes and use of
novel technologies for improvement
of nitrogen and phosphorus
removals from wastewater have
been introduced to meet stringent
discharge standards. Municipal
wastewater treatment plants
(MWWTPs) are one of major
contributors to the increase in the
global GHG emissions and therefore
it is necessary to carry out intensive studies on
quantification, assessment and characterization of GHG
emissions in wastewater treatment plants, on the life
cycle assessment from GHG emission prospective, and
on the GHG mitigation strategies.
Greenhouse Gas Emission and Mitigation in Municipal
Wastewater Treatment Plants summarizes the recent
development in studies of greenhouse gas emissions
(N2O, CH4 and CO2) in MWWTPs. It also summarizes
the development in life cycle assessment on GHG
emissions in consideration of the energy usage in
MWWTPs. The strategies in mitigating GHG emissions
are discussed and the book provides an overview for
researchers, students, water professionals and policy
makers on GHG emission and mitigation in MWWTPs
and industrial wastewater treatment processes.
The book is a valuable resource; for undergraduate and
postgraduate students in the water, climate, and energy
areas; research in the relevant areas; professional
reference by water professionals, government policy
makers, and research institutes.
January 2016 • 150 pages • Paperback
ISBN: 9781780406305
Ebook ISBN: 9781780406312
IWA Members Price: £66.75/US$120.15/€90.11
Non Members Price: £89.00/US$160.20/€120.15
* For Ebook Prices please see page 2
Groundwater Arsenic Remediation
Treatment Technology and Scale UP
Author: Parimal Pal
Arsenic abatement from
groundwater in locations with a
central water distribution system is
relatively simple. The real challenge
is selecting the most effective and
affordable treatment and scale up
option for locations which lack the
appropriate infrastructure.
Groundwater Arsenic Remediation:
Treatment Technology and Scale
UP provides the latest breakthrough
groundwater treatment technologies and modelling and
simulation methods for project scale up and eventually
field deployment in locations which lack the proper
central water distribution system to ensure arsenic free
• Covers the different removal methods such as:
chemical, adsorption, separation by membranes, and
membrane distillation
• Includes the state-of-the-art modelling & simulation
methods for optimization and field deployment
• Provides economic and comparative analysis of each
arsenic treatment technology
Groundwater Arsenic Remediation is a valuable
resource for Environmental Engineers, Civil Engineers,
Environmental Engineering Technicians and Civil
Engineering Technicians
• Introduction
• Occurrence,
• Causes and Effects of Arsenic Contamination
• Arsenic Removal by Chemical Methods
• Arsenic Removal by Adsorption
• Arsenic Separation by Membranes
• Arsenic Removal by Membrane Distillation
• Sustainable Management Issues in Arsenic Abatement
This title is co-published with Elsevier/Butterworth
August 2015 • 368 pages • Hardback
ISBN: 9781780406725
IWA Members Price: £54.00/US$97.20/€72.90
Non Members Price: £72.00/US$129.60/€97.20
Water Auditing and Water Conservation
2nd Edition
Authors: Goen Ho, Martin Anda and John Brennan
Water auditing is a method of
quantifying water flows and quality
in simple or complex systems, with
a view to reducing water usage and
often saving money on otherwise
unnecessary water use. There is an
increasing awareness around the
globe of the centrality of water to
our lives. This awareness crosses
political and social boundaries. In
many places people have difficult
access to drinking water. Often it is polluted. Water
auditing is a mechanism for conserving water, which will
grow in significance in the future as demand for water
There is a strong emphasis on principles, and on the
relationship of water auditing with associated activities
like environmental auditing, environmental management
systems, resource conservation, flow measurement,
water quality and legal frameworks.
Field experience from professionals is integrated with the
theoretical material and the book outlines the processes
and issues at stake in a variety of typical applications
(arenas) in which water auditing are conducted. These
include buildings (interior and exterior), landscape,
external commercial applications requiring irrigation,
aquatic centres, material transport by water, cooling
systems and non-metal manufacturing (e.g. paper
This new edition is updated with recent information and
particularly examines the impact of climate change and
revises material throughout on environmental auditing.
The relationship between water accounting and financial
accounting is introduced and advances in ultrasonic
measurement, smart meters, wireless data transmission
and remote monitoring are added. Changes and trends
in legislation for water conservation and water reuse are
included and also the use of smart meters to interpret
water consumption data including leak detection. Three
of the chapters are being re-organised and integrated
under a wider umbrella of water conservation in mining
and mineral processing; Gold mining is now included as
an arena.
There are brand new chapters on water conservation in
oil refining and on fertiliser manufacture.
Water Auditing and Water Conservation, 2nd Edition is
an invaluable resource for the prospective water auditor
providing knowledge of water auditing to apply to many
situations and to make recommendations for water
conservation measures. It is aimed at undergraduate
and graduate students in environmental engineering and
science programs, water auditors and professionals in
the water field, especially those motivated by quantitative
water conservation needs.
• Introduction to Water Conservation and Auditing
• The Relationship Between Water Auditing and
Environmental Auditing
• Process: Audit Preparation and Conducting the Audit
• Process: the Water Management Strategy
• Process: the Water Audit Report
• Water Auditing and Environmental Auditing Revisited
• Instrumentation and Flow Measurement
• Water Quality
• Environmental Legislation: Impact on Water
• Arena: Commercial Water use Inside Buildings
• Arena: External Commercial Water Use
• Resources: Domestic and Small Commercial
Wastewater Reuse
• Arena: Municipal and Non-Aquatic Recreational Water
• Arena: Aquatic Centres
• Water Conservation in Isolated Communities
• Groundwater Balance in Mines
• Contaminated Water Systems
• Arena: Material Transport - Water Use
• Arena: Water Use in Cooling Systems
• Arena: Water in Non-Metal Industries
• Arena: Water in the Food Industry
• Conservation in Oil Refining
• Conservation in Fertiliser Manufacture
• Resources: Environmental Water Use and Water
Resources Management
December 2015 • 336 pages • Paperback
ISBN: 9781780405193
Ebook ISBN: 9781780405209
IWA Members Price: £74.25/US$133.65/€100.24
Non Members Price: £99.00/US$178.20/€133.65
Student Price: £50.00/US$90.00/€67.50
2 0 1 5
Improving Water Quality through
Contaminant Source Trackdown Studies
An Environmental Approach
Author: Laurel J. Standley
Improving Water Quality through
Contaminant Source Trackdown
Studies provides an in-depth
examination of problems that can be
approached using contaminant
source trackdown studies. Readers
will learn about methods for
identifying and tracking critical point
and nonpoint sources of
contaminants to surface and ground
water resources, such as
wastewater treatment plants, agricultural and urban
runoff, and contaminated sediments.
The book provides: provides:
• Contaminant tracking techniques that reduce
misidentification of contaminant sources, and time and
• Powerful information that can moderate resistance to
contaminant source clean-up.
• Examples and case studies that provide scientists and
regulators with practice in conducting a contaminant
trackdown study.
The methods presented in this book provide scientists
and regulators with the tools to determine contributions
from different contaminant sources by developing unique
chemical fingerprints for each. Tools described range
from low-technology methods for real-time tracking of
contaminants to higher-technology analytical methods
for more quantitative assessments. They are useful for
assessing and guiding improvements in quality of critical
water resources in both industrialized countries and
emerging economies.
Key contaminants covered in the book include nutrients,
pathogens and toxins. These tools are applicable for
use in watersheds, municipal distribution systems, and
industrial manufacturing and supply chains. In addition,
readers will take away practical and realistic tools for
saving time and money by using contaminant source
trackdown studies to tackle impaired water scenarios
ranging from small-scale systems, such as lakes, to
complex watersheds and municipal distribution systems.
Resources that provide high quality water for
consumption, agriculture, and recreation are vulnerable
to contamination by many sources. At times it is difficult
to determine which sources contribute the most to
problems such as pathogen outbreaks, eutrophication,
and contaminated fisheries. The methods in this book
teach scientists and regulators how to determine
the contribution from each source to the problem by
developing chemical fingerprints unique to each type.
With the help of these tools, water contamination can be
cleaned up in a more timely and cost-effective manner.
Although many of the methods require higher technology
analyses, many are low-tech and accessible for water
quality improvement efforts in emerging economies.
December 2015 • 300 pages • Paperback
ISBN: 9781780407081
Ebook ISBN: 9781780407098
IWA Members Price: £74.25/US$133.65/€100.24
Non Members Price: £99.00/US$178.20/€133.65
* For Ebook Prices please see page 2
Water and Climate Change Adaptation
Policies to Navigate Uncharted Water
Author: Organisation for Economic Co-Operation and
Development (OECD)
This publication sets out the
challenge for freshwater in a
changing climate and provides
policy guidance on how to navigate
this new “waterscape”. It examines
the range and complexity of
possible changes in the water cycle
and the challenges of making
practical, on-site adaptation
decisions for water. It offers
policymakers a risk-based
framework and guidance to “know”, “cap” and “manage”
water risks in order to provide flexibility and improve
decisions despite the lack of reliable predictions. It draws
insights from a stock take of current policy efforts to
adapt water systems across all 34 member countries
and the European Union, including water-related aspects
of National Adaptation Plans and Strategies, specific
policy measures, and financing programmes. Finally, the
report examines the use of economic instruments to
promote adaptation (e.g. insurance schemes, water
markets and banks, water pricing), incentives for ‘green’
infrastructure and ecosystem-based approaches, and
financing issues.
• A changing and uncertain future for freshwater
• A risk-based approach to adapting water systems to
climate change
• Climate change adaptation for water systems in OECD
• Improving flexibility: Adaptive governance, policy
options and financing approaches
• Using hindsight to guide the future: Concluding
This title belongs to OECD Report Series
January 2014 • 102 pages • Paperback
ISBN: 9781780405742
Ebook ISBN: 9781780405759
IWA Members Price: £20.25/US$36.45/€27.34
Non Members Price: £27.00/US$48.60/€36.45
Climate Change and Water Resources
Authors: Sangam Shrestha, Mukand S. Babel and
Vishnu Prasad Pandey
Climate Change and Water
Resources is written by expert
authors from around the world and
examines the full scope of climate
change science, the impacts on the
water sector, and all available
mitigation and adaptation strategies.
Each chapter provides an analysis
of the issues raised and is
supported by appropriate examples
and case studies.
• Provides modelling tools for climate change projections
and the impact on the water sector
• Covers fundamental issues in water resources
• Examines current policies, laws, and international
debate on climate change, with regard to water
• Balances theoretical background with numerous
practical examples and case studies from around the
• Includes leading experts from around the world
limate Change Science and Climate Information Tools
limate System and Hydrological Cycle
limate Variability and Climate Change
limate Information Tools and their Application for
Climate Change Impact and Vulnerability Assessment
limate Change Impacts
• Impact of Climate Change on Water Resources Sector
nvironmental Implications of Climate Change
conomics and Social Implications of Climate Change
• Adaptation to Climate Change
anaging Water Under Current Climatic Variability
limate Change Adaptation and Mitigation Options and
• Trans-Boundary River Systems, International Water
Laws, Water Conventions, Water Treaties and Climate
lobal, Regional and State Efforts to Address Climate
Change Relating to Water Resources
ase Studies
This title is co-published with CRC Press.
May 2014 • 376 pages • Hardback
ISBN: 9781780405902
IWA Members Price: £54.75/US$98.55/€73.91
Non Members Price: £72.99/US$131.38/€98.54
Climate Change, Water and Agriculture:
Towards Resilient Systems
Author: Organisation for Economic Co-Operation and
Development (OECD)
This report analyses the adaptive
capacity in agricultural water
management, adaptation in
agriculture to water variability and
extreme events, (floods and
droughts), mitigation, (water and
energy) and uncertainty about
further climate change.
• Foreword
• Executive summary
• Impact of climate change on the water cycle and
implications for agriculture
• Climate change adaptation and mitigation strategies for
agricultural water management
• Conclusion and key policy implications
• Glossary
• Annexes
This title belongs to OECD Report Series
September 2014 • 95 pages • Paperback
ISBN: 9781780406602
Ebook ISBN: 9781780406619
IWA Members Price: £22.50/US$40.50/€30.38
Non Members Price: £29.95/US$53.91/€40.43
2 0 1 5
Alternative Water Supply Systems
Editors: Fayyaz Ali Memon and Sarah Ward
Owing to climate change related
uncertainties and anticipated
population growth, different parts of
the developing and the developed
world (particularly urban areas) are
experiencing water shortages or
flooding and security of fit-forpurpose supplies is becoming a
major issue. The emphasis on
decentralized alternative water
supply systems has increased
considerably. Most of the information on such systems is
either scattered or focuses on large scale reuse with little
consideration given to decentralized small to medium
scale systems. Alternative Water Supply Systems brings
together recent research into the available and
innovative options and additionally shares experiences
from a wide range of contexts from both developed and
developing countries.
Alternative Water Supply Systems covers technical,
social, financial and institutional aspects associated
with decentralized alternative water supply systems.
These include systems for greywater recycling, rainwater
harvesting, recovery of water through condensation
and sewer mining. A number of case studies from the
UK, the USA, Australia and the developing world are
presented to discuss associated environmental and
health implications.
The book provides insights into a range of aspects
associated with alternative water supply systems and an
evidence base (through case studies) on potential water
savings and trade-offs. The information organized in
the book is aimed at facilitating wider uptake of context
specific alternatives at a decentralized scale mainly in
urban areas.
This book is a key reference for postgraduate level
students and researchers interested in environmental
engineering, water resources management, urban
planning and resource efficiency, water demand
management, building service engineering and
sustainable architecture. It provides practical insights
for water professionals such as systems designers,
operators, and decision makers responsible for planning
and delivering sustainable water management in urban
areas through the implementation of decentralized water
• Rainwater Harvesting
• Performance and Economics of Internally Plumbed
Rainwater Tanks in Australia
• Evaluating Rain Tank Pump Performance at a Microcomponent Level
• Rainwater Harvesting for Stormwater Management
• International Charging and Incentive Schemes for
Rainwater Harvesting Systems
• Socio-Technical Aspects of Decentralised Rainwater
Harvesting Systems
• The value of Linking Behaviour Change at Home with
Rainwater Harvesting in Schools
• The Potential of Self Supply in Uganda’s Rakai District:
Assessing Domestic Rainwater Harvesting Storage
Cost and Geographic Availability
• Greywater Treatment and Reuse
• Membrane Processes for Greywater Recycling
• Extensive Treatment of Greywater
• Domestic Rainwater Harvesting, Greywater Reuse and
• Greywater Reuse: Risk Identification, Quantification
and Management
• Greywater Recycling: Guidelines for Safe Adoption
• Condensate Recovery and Sewer Mining for NonPotable Applications
• Air Conditioning Condensate Recovery and Reuse for
Non-Potable Applications –
* For Ebook Prices please see page 2
- I: Background, Quantity, Feasibility and Sustainability
• Conditioning Condensate Recovery and Reuse for
Non-Potable Applications –
- II: Quality, Recovery and Case Studies
• Introduction to Sewer Mining: Technology & Health
• Getting Sewer Mining off the Ground: Financial
• Implications of Wastewater Treatment and Reuse
• Fugitive Gas Emissions and Ecological Footprint of
Decentralised Wastewater Treatment Plants
• Risk Mitigation for Wastewater Irrigation Systems in
Low-Income Countries: Opportunities and Limitations of
the WHO Guidelines
• The Growing Burden of Poor Quality Irrigation Water –
Can it Qualify as an Alternative Water System?
• Large Scale Wastewater Reuse Systems and Energy
• Decision Making and Case Studies on Alternative
Water Supply Systems
• The Socio-Technology of Potable and Non-Potable
Water Reuse
• Designing Co-Governance Processes for Alternative
Water Systems
• Decision Support Systems for Smart Building Water
Cycle Management
• Moving from Building-Scale to District-Scale – San
Francisco’s Non-Potable Water Program
• The Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park Water Recycling
October 2014 • 496 pages • Hardback
ISBN: 9781780405506
Ebook ISBN: 9781780405513
IWA Members Price: £108.75/US$195.75/€146.81
Non Members Price: £145.00/US$261.00/€195.75
Unflooding Asia the Green Cities Way
Authors: Zoran Vojinovic and Jingmin Huang
A continuing increase in disasters
triggered by floods occurs almost
daily even though our technological
capabilities have grown rapidly and
global economic growth per capita
has doubled. This paradoxical
situation proves that our earlier
ways of thinking are inadequate and
that we must shift our way of
thinking and working. It has become
obvious that most flood-related
disasters, although commonly referred to as natural
disasters, are not the result of nature-related processes
alone. Some of the early efforts in dealing with floods
and flood-related disasters were only concerned with the
construction of engineering structures (e.g., levees,
floodwalls, dams, embankments, storage basins,
diversions, etc.) without significant consideration of
aspects which are nowadays regarded as equally
important, if not more important. There is a great deal of
natural, social and technological interactions that shape
the vulnerability to floods. Realizing that flood risk can
hardly ever be completely eliminated, the traditional
‘flood defence’ culture has been replaced with the culture
of learning how to live under flood risk and how to better
respond to it. This renders purely engineering solutions
Can the threats of more flood-related disasters provide
an impetus to shift our mind-set towards an approach
that favours not only sound technological innovations but
one that also addresses the social, cultural, and wider
ecological aspects of dealing with floods?
In this illustrated book, the Asian Development
Bank (ADB) seeks to introduce a holistic thinking in
dealing with urban floods by adopting the green cities
development approach. Green cities development is
a holistic approach which promotes multipurpose (or
multifunctional) solutions that are not only technologically
and economically efficient, but which are also
ecologically sustainable and socially just.
October 2014 • 72 pages • Hardback
ISBN: 9781780406152
Ebook ISBN: 9781780406169
IWA Members Price: £51.75/US$93.15/€69.86
Non Members Price: £69.00/US$124.20/€93.15
Reservoir Eutrophication: Preventive
An applied example of Integrated Basin
Management Interdisciplinary Research
Authors: Charles Carneiro, Cleverson Vitorio
Andreoli, Cynara de Lourdes da Nobrega Cunha and
Eduardo F Gobbi
The overall objective of Reservoir
Eutrophication: Preventive
Management is to present the
environmental and anthropogenic
factors associated with the process
of eutrophication and algal blooms
in the Rio Verde reservoir and
propose lake use and management
technologies in order to minimize
the problem. Eutrophication process
in Rio Verde reservoir with the
occurrence of intense algal blooms is a consequence of
the interconnection of different climatological,
hydrological, morphological, physico-chemical and
biological factors, which occur not only in the watershed
but also in the reservoir. Reservoir Eutrophication:
Preventive Management compiles the information
gathered from the development of a broad research
program in Rio Verde watershed, from 2008 until 2010.
Rio Verde reservoir, which was built in 1976, is located
in the Metropolitan Region of Curitiba, capital of the state
of Paran in South Brazil. This reservoir is mainly used
for supplying water to one of PETROBRAS Refinery.
However, the reservoir is to be used for supplying
drinking water to the population and that is why better
understanding this system dynamics is a great concern.
The book is the result of an interdisciplinary research
program, which has involved more than 150 researchers,
with the aim of defining a watershed management
preventive system in order to prevent eutrophication
processes. This way, the book combines academic
rigor with practical applicability and is of interest
for both researchers and technologists working in
watershed management. Reservoir Eutrophication:
Preventive Management is of interest to researchers
and technologists that wish to examine specific
characteristics of tropical climates. It is of specific
interest to developing countries and for researchers
interested in knowing the developed methodology
adapted for temperate conditions.
• Eutrophication and Structure of Studies
• Watershed General Description
• Database for Appraisal and Environmental Analysis of
Rio Verde Watershed - the Environment Digital Model
• Geology, Pedology and Use Aptitude of Land
• Natural Plant Cover and Land Use - Mapping,
Description and Appraisal
• Land Potential and Emerging Fragility
• Rio Verde Reservoir Water Supply Capacity
• Reservoir Ionic and Particulate Systems Description
• Artificial Reservoirs Basins Pollutant Potential
Assessment - Concentrations and Loads
• Sediment Analysis
• Hydrodynamic and Transport in Rio Verde Reservoir
• Phytoplankton Ecology in Rio Verde Reservoir
2 0 1 5
• Zooplankton
• Ichthyofauna
• Participatory Methodologies Applied in Rio Verde
Watershed, Paran
• Watershed Socioeconomic Aspects
• Fishing Appraisal
• Agricultural Activities
• Rural Sanitation
• The Voice of the Population of Cristina Colony: Study
on Risk Perception
• Environmental Education
• Advanced Oxidation Processes
• Environmental Zoning of Rio Verde Environmental
Protection Area
• Rio Verde Watershed Preventive Action Plan
October 2014 • 515 pages • Paperback
ISBN: 9781780406473
Ebook ISBN: 9781780406480
IWA Members Price: £112.50/US$202.50/€151.88
Non Members Price: £150.00/US$270.00/€202.50
Health Related Water Issues
Arsenic in Groundwater: Poisoning and
Risk Assessment
Authors: M. Manzurul Hassan, and Peter J. Atkins
The main focus of Arsenic in
Groundwater: Poisoning and Risk
Assessment is to explore the untold
stories of groundwater arsenic in
view of its poisonous nature for
human health, social implications,
exposure and risk assessment,
worldwide concentrations with
space-time dimension, micro level
GIS application in spatial arsenic
concentration, policy response and
mitigation options, and water right and legal issues of
safe drinking water. There are very few books on arsenic
issues and almost all the books are mainly based on
geology, geochemistry and health issues. There is a gap
in spatial, social and legal issues of arsenic toxicity, and
the lack of literature on GIS-based modeling for spatial
risk of arsenic contamination is a serious methodological
limitation. Therefore, this book is a departure for health
geography with a social science and legal context.
The book deals with the arsenic issue within a social
science point framework, with the context being set
by environmental and legal considerations. Due
consideration is given to the methodological issues
of spatial, quantitative and qualitative enquiries on
arsenic poisoning, for instance using GIS to investigate
the distribution of arsenic-laced water in space-time
to uncover the pattern of variations over scales from
metres to kilometres. The production of spatial risk maps
provides an indication to researchers, policy makers, and
politicians of possible long-term strategies of mitigation.
Qualitative methodological approaches uncover the
hidden issues of arsenic poisoning on human health and
their social implications as well as their coping strategies
and adaptation in the face of community and in-family
• Introduction
• Worldwide Distribution of Groundwater Arsenic
• Spatial Arsenic Concentrations and Mapping
• Arsenic and Health Impact: People’s Experience and
Adapting Strategy
• Arsenic and Risk Assessment: Spatial Investigation and
Dose-Response Analysis
• Social Implications of Arsenic Poisoning: A Qualitative
• Policy Response and Arsenic Mitigation
• Environmental Justice and Legal Issues of Drinking
* For Ebook Prices please see page 2
• Summary and Conclusion
This title is co-published with CRC Press
Health Related Water Issues
February 2016 • 304 pages • Hardback
ISBN: 9781780400204
IWA Members Price: £51.00/US$91.80/€68.85
Non Members Price: £67.75/US$121.95/€91.46
Health Related Water Issues
Best Practice Guide on the Control of
Arsenic in Drinking Water
Editors: Prosun Bhattacharya, Dragana Jovanovic
and David Polya
This Best Practice Guide on the
Control of Arsenic in Drinking Water
arises from the knowledge collected
by the European Research Network
COST Action 637 involving 27
European countries and the USA.
Besides the large number of
important papers, reports and
reviews already available on various
aspects of arsenic occurrence in
environment, water and food and
related human exposure, this book fills a gap in the field
concerning assessment of risks, implications,
challenges, and actions required by public health
It focuses only on the key aspects of risk assessment,
management and communication relevant to higher
levels of arsenic in drinking water, which are geological
factors, the extent of arsenic occurrence, total exposure
of arsenic and the role of drinking water, including
regulatory aspects as well as technical (treatment)
The Best Practice Guide on the Control of Arsenic in
Drinking Water tries to raise public awareness on this
subject, which seems to be low and risks are being
underestimated in a number of regions. This is especially
valid for Europe although less for other regions which
are typically more contaminated with arsenic.
The referred practices conform to the recommendations
of the World Health Organisation (WHO), the
European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) and the
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). It is a
useful guide for drinking water suppliers, experts of
municipalities, public health authorities, drinking water
regulators and non-governmental organisations.
This title belongs to Best Practice Guides on Metals and
Related Substances in Drinking Water Series
September 2015 • 120 pages • Paperback
ISBN: 9781843393856
Ebook ISBN: 9781780404929
IWA Members Price: £45.00/US$81.00/€60.75
Non IWA Members Price: £60.00/US$108.00/€81.00
Student Price: £37.50/US$67.50/€50.63
Sustainable Water Management
Programs for the Built Environment
Author: William F. McCoy
Water management programs for
the built environment must be
comprehensive and sustainable.
The demand to be better stewards
of water and energy is intensifying.
However, gains are not sustainable
unless they are safely achieved.
Water safety in buildings is not
practical unless the operational
efficiency of building water systems
is also well managed. Presently,
water sustainability efforts are rarely integrated or even
cross-referenced with safety programs for managing
building water systems.
Disease and injury associated with building water
systems have harmed millions of people. Every year,
hundreds of thousands of people are newly afflicted and
many thousands of people are killed. The public are
generally unaware and their concern is not proportional
to the terrible cost. The microbial, chemical and physical
hazards to which people are exposed from water in
the built environment can be prevented from causing
harm by applying scientifically proven principles in
hazard analysis and control. Tried and true process
management applied to water systems in buildings has
been proven to prevent disease and injury.
Sustainable Water Management Programs for the Built
Environment gives a framework for comprehensive,
sustainable water management in the built environment.
Case studies of scientifically defensible applications
are given throughout the book to illustrate principles
and provide examples. The aim of the book is to
facilitate implementation of effective, sustainable water
management programs for buildings.
• Principles
• Sustainability
• Describing Water Systems in the Built Environment
• Hazards and Hazardous Conditions Analysis
• Hazards Control
• Control Limits
• Monitoring and Corrective Actions
• Validation and Verification
• Definitions
• Education and Training
November 2015 • 192 pages • Paperback
ISBN: 9781780407265
Ebook ISBN: 9781780407272
IWA Members Price: £66.75/US$120.15/€90.11
Non IWA Members Price: £89.00/US$160.20/€120.15
2 0 1 5
Health Related Water Issues
In-Situ Remediation of ArsenicContaminated Sites
Authors: Jochen Bundschuh, Hartmut Hollander and
Lena Ma
This textbook provides an
introduction, the scientific
background, case studies and future
perspectives of in-situ arsenic
remediation technologies for soils,
soil water and groundwater at
geogenic and anthropogenic
contaminated sites.
The case studies present in-situ
technologies about natural arsenic,
specifically arsenate and arsenite,
but also about organic arsenic compounds. The book
covers geochemical, microbiological and plant ecological
solutions for arsenic remediation and:
• provides information to fulfil the increasing need for
in-situ arsenic removal in the subsurface
• combines discussion of theoretical background,
commercial case studies, recent research results and
future perspective
In-Situ Remediation of Arsenic-Contaminated Sites
is a textbook for (post-)graduate students and
researchers in the field of Environmental Sciences and
Hydrogeochemistry and also researchers, engineers,
environmental scientists and chemists, toxicologists, and
medical scientists.
• Introduction to In-Situ Remediation
• Fundamentals and Background
• Background of In-Situ Remediation
• Remediation Rechnologies
• Case Studies
• Soils (Unsaturated Zone)
• Geogenic Contaminated Sites
• Mining-Related Contaminated Sites
• Anthropogenic Contaminated Sites
• Technical Sustainability of In-Situ Remediation
• Ecological Sustainability of In-Situ Remediation
• Economical Sustainability of In-Situ Remediation
• Modeling of In-Situ Remediation Methods and
This title is co-published with CRC Press
November 2014 • 250 pages • Hardback
ISBN: 9781780406343
IWA Members Price: £45.75/US$82.35/€61.76
Non Members Price: £61.00/US$109.80/€82.35
Health Related Water Issues
Cryptosporidium Literature Review
Author: Una Ryan
This report provides a review of the
literature on Cryptosporidium and
helps to identify the findings and
formulates the key research
questions. It covers these central
• What are the sources/carriers of
human pathogenic strains and
what are the key species for a
range of catchments?
• What is the contribution of pre and post weaned cattle
and sheep to catchment contamination?
• What data on animal management practices (including
vegetation management of riparian zones) is available?
* For Ebook Prices please see page 2
• What are the different climatic zones across
catchments and how will this impact on the survival
and transmission of Cryptosporidium?
• Introduction
• Background and Relevance
• Objectives
• Final Report
• What are the Sources/Carriers of Human Pathogenic
Strains and What are the Key Species for a Range of
• What is the Contribution of Pre and Post Weaned
Cattle and Sheep to Catchment Contamination?
• What Data on Animal Management Practices (Including
Vegetation Management of Riparian Zones) is
• What are the Different Climatic Zones Across
Catchments and How will this Impact on the Survival
and Transmission of Cryptosporidium?
• What are the Key Research Gaps?
• Conclusions and Perspectives
This title is co-published with WaterRA
February 2014 • 54 pages • Paperback
ISBN: 9781780406206
Ebook ISBN: 9781780406213
IWA Members Price: £52.50/US$94.50/€70.88
Non Members Price: £69.99/US$125.98/€94.49
History of Water & Wastewater
Evolution of Sanitation and Wastewater
Technologies through the Centuries
Editors: Andreas N. Angelakis and Joan B. Rose
Most of the technological
developments relevant to water
supply and wastewater date back to
more than to five thousand years
ago. These developments were
driven by the necessity to make
efficient use of natural resources, to
make civilizations more resistant to
destructive natural elements, and to
improve the standards of life, both
at public and private level.
Rapid technological progress in the 20th century
created a disregard for past sanitation and wastewater
and stormwater technologies that were considered
to be far behind the present ones. A great deal of
unresolved problems in the developing world related
to the wastewater management principles, such as the
decentralization of the processes, the durability of the
water projects, the cost effectiveness, and sustainability
issues, such as protection from floods and droughts
were intensified to an unprecedented degree.
New problems have arisen such as the contamination
of surface and groundwater. Naturally, intensification
of unresolved problems has led to the reconsideration
of successful past achievements. This retrospective
view, based on archaeological, historical, and technical
evidence, has shown two things: the similarity of
physicochemical and biological principles with the
present ones and the advanced level of wastewater
engineering and management practices.
Evolution of Sanitation and Wastewater Technologies
through the Centuries presents and discusses the major
achievements in the scientific fields of sanitation and
hygienic water use systems throughout the millennia,
and compares the water technological developments
in several civilizations. It provides valuable insights
into ancient wastewater and stormwater management
technologies with their apparent characteristics
of durability, adaptability to the environment, and
sustainability. These technologies are the underpinning
of modern achievements in sanitary engineering and
wastewater management practices. It is the best proof
that “the past is the key for the future”.
Evolution of Sanitation and Wastewater Technologies
through the Centuries is a textbook for undergraduate
and graduate courses of Water Resources, Civil
Engineering, Hydraulics, Ancient History, Archaeology,
Environmental Management and is also a valuable
resource for all researchers in the these fields.
• The Very Early (Pre Historian) Sanitary Sewers
and Drainage Systems, e. g. in Babylonia and
Mesopotamian Empires, in Bronze Ages, in Ancient
South Asia and especially in Indus (Harappan)
civilizations, and in Ancient Egypt.
• The sanitation and Wastewater and Stormwater
Management in Historical Times, e. g. Drainage and
Sewage Management in Ancient Greece
• Sanitation in Ancient Athens, Greece
• Water Borne Diseases and Hippocrates
• Drainage and Sewage Management in Roman times
• Evolution of Sanitation Services in Rome city’s
Between Urban Development and Environmental
• Water Supply and Sewerage System of Diocletian’s
Palace in Split
• The Evolution of Sanitation in the Rural Area of
Southwest China: with Case of Dai Villages of Jing
Hong, Yunnan Province
• The History of Sanitation and Wastewater Management
in Cyprus
• The History of Sanitation and Wastewater Management
in Portugal
• History of Sanitation in Tunisia since the Roman Times
• History of the Sewerage System in Barcelona, Spain:
From its Origins to the Cerdà Plan
• Sanitation and Health in Ancient civilizations
• Influence of the Roman and Muslim Cultures on the
Evolution of Wastewater and Stormwater Systems in
the south Mediterranean
• Revisiting Technical and Social aspects of wastewater
management in Ancient Korea
• Sanitation and Wastewater Management in Modern
Times, e.g. the Prague Sewerage System: A Short
History and the Importance of Role of William Heerlein
• Evolution of Soil Treatment Practice for the
Management of Wastewaters
• The History of Hydroponic Systems for Waste Water
Treatment and Reuse
• “Progress through revolutions”: the Historical
Development of Sanitation from Latrine to Centralized
and Decentralized Wastewater Treatment Plants
• The Evolution of Sanitation and Wastewater
Management Throughout the Centuries: A Short
Overview and Comparisons
September 2014 • 500 pages • Paperback
ISBN: 9781780404844
Ebook ISBN: 9781780404851
IWA Members Price: £96.75/US$174.15/€130.61
Non Members Price: £129.00/US$232.20/€174.15
2 0 1 5
Membrane Technology
Efficient Desalination by Reverse
A Best Practice Guide to RO
Authors: Stewart Burn and Stephen Gray
Efficient Desalination by Reverse
Osmosis provides a complete guide
to best practice from pre-treatment
through to project delivery. It is
written for utility managers &
• The Process of RO
• How it Operates
• Need for Pre-treatment
• General Fouling Considerations
• Appropriate Use
• Pre-treatment Technologies for Reverse Osmosis
• Groundwater
• Wastewater
• Seawater
• Industrial Water
• Reverse Osmosis - Process, Design and Applications
• Design Flux
• RO Process Design Recirculation
• Stages
• Split Permeates
• Groundwaters
• Seawater
• Wastewater
• Industrial
• Fouling Issues in Reverse Osmosis Scale
• Biofouling
• Organic Fouling
• Disposal
• The Energy Efficiency of Reverse Osmosis
• Energy Recovery Systems (High and Low Pressure)
• Seawater
• Other Waters
• Role of Renewable Energy
• Reverse Osmosis Beneficiation
• Improving RO by the Addition of Membrane Distillation,
Pervaporation and Forward Osmosis)
• Reverse Osmosis by-products
• Brine Management a Value Added Product
• Higher Water Recovery
• MD, Seeded Precipitation etc
• Impacts of Reverse Osmosis on the Environment
• Marine Waters
• Wastewaters
• Reverse Osmosis Economics and Financing
• Project Delivery
• The Future of Reverse Osmosis
• Small Scale Systems
• Process Control (Scaling Control)
• Large Scale Designs
• SeaHero
• Reduced Chemical Use
August 2015 • 256 pages • Paperback
ISBN: 9781780405056
Ebook ISBN: 9781780405049
IWA Members Price: £66.75/US$120.15/€90.11
Non Members Price: £89.00/US$160.20/€120.15
* For Ebook Prices please see page 2
Modelling & Statistics
Membrane Technology
Development of Predictive Tools for
Membrane Ageing
Computational Hydraulics
Author: Pierre LeClech
Author: Ioana Popescu
This study increases our current
understanding on the degradation/
ageing mechanisms occurring on
porous membranes used in the
water and wastewater industries.
Accelerated membrane degradation
was obtained through both static
and consecutive ageing protocols
on the pilot-scale, and a range of
carefully selected characterisation
and analytical techniques was used
to characterise the nascent changes faced by the
membrane material.
The report covers four interrelated sections:
• critical assessment of characterisation techniques,
• static accelerated ageing
• consecutive accelerated ageing
• consecutive ageing of industrially-aged membranes.
This final report summarises the aims, objectives,
outcomes and limitations of the individual work
packages, along with some recommendations for future
This title is co-published with WaterRA
March 2014 • 196 pages • Paperback
ISBN: 9781780406251
Ebook ISBN: 9781780406558
IWA Members Price: £66.75/US$120.00/€90.00
Non Members Price: £89.00/US$160.00/€120.00
Membrane Technology
Industrial MBRs
Membrane Bioreactors for Industrial
Wastewater Treatment
Author: Simon Judd
Industrial MBRs’ is a concise guide
to the design, operation and general
implementation of membrane
bioreactor (MBR) technology in the
treatment of industrial effluents.
Industrial sectors considered include
food and beverage, petroleum,
pharmaceutical, landfill, textile and
ships. The book provides a brief
summary of each of these sectors,
along with the characteristics of the
various biologically-treatable effluents generated. Key
facets of the MBR technology are described: the
principal components of the design along with those
aspects of operation which determine the process
operability and running costs are discussed, along with
operational challenges. The book lists key commercial
membrane technologies and their characteristics,
including materials, dimensions and general areas of
application. Over 50 case studies are presented, in
which the efficacy of the technology is demonstrated for
a number of key industrial wastewater treatment
applications. Keywords: Industrial effluents, water,
wastewater, membrane bioreactors, MBRs, membranes.
Membrane technologies, biological treatment, membrane
applications, case studies. Food and beverage,
petroleum, pharmaceutical, landfill leachate, textile.
This is co-published with Judd and Judd Ltd
October 2014 • 160 pages • Paperback
ISBN: 9781780407036
Ebook ISBN: 9781780407036
IWA Members Price: £52.50/US$94.50/€70.88
Non Members Price: £70.00/US$126.00/€94.50
Numerical Methods and Modelling
Computational Hydraulics
introduces the concept of modelling
and the contribution of numerical
methods and numerical analysis to
modelling. It provides a concise and
comprehensive description of the
basic hydraulic principles, and the
problems addressed by these
principles in the aquatic
environment. Flow equations,
numerical and analytical solutions
are included.
The necessary steps for building and applying numerical
methods in hydraulics comprise the core of the book
and this is followed by a report of different example
applications of computational hydraulics: river training
effects on flood propagation, water quality modelling of
lakes and coastal applications.
The theory and exercises included in the book promote
learning of concepts within academic environments.
Sample codes are made available online for purchasers
of the book.
Computational Hydraulics is intended for under-graduate
and graduate students, researchers, members of
governmental and non-governmental agencies and
professionals involved in management of the water
related problems.
• Modelling Theory and its Application
• Numerical Methods Introduction
• Modelling of Water Related Problems
• Discretisation of the Fluid Flow Domain
• Time Discretisation
• Finite Difference Methods
• Finite Volume Methods
• Properties of Numerical Methods
• River Training Effects on Flood Propagation
• Water Quality Modelling of Lakes
• Coastal Related Applications
August 2014 • Pages: 160 • Paperback
ISBN: 9781780400440
Ebook ISBN: 9781780400457
IWA Members Price: £66.75/US$120.15/€90.11
Non Members Price: £89.00/US$160.20/€120.15
Student Price: £48.99/US$88.18/€66.14
Utility Management
Sewage Treatment Plants
Economic Evaluation of Innovative
Technologies for Energy Efficiency
Editors: Konstantinos P. Tsagarakis and
Katerina Stamatelatou
Sewage Treatment Plants:
Economic Evaluation of Innovative
Technologies for Energy Efficiency
aims to show how cost saving can
be achieved in sewage treatment
plants through implementation of
novel, energy efficient technologies
or modification of the conventional,
energy demanding treatment
facilities towards the concept of
energy streamlining.
The book brings together knowledge from Engineering,
Economics, Utility Management and Practice and helps
to provide a better understanding of the real economic
2 0 1 5
value with methodologies and practices about innovative
energy technologies and policies in sewage treatment
• The principles of Economic Evaluation and Cost Benefit
Analysis Implemented in Sewage Treatment Plants
• Economic Evaluation of Innovative Technologies
Aiming to Increase the Energy Efficiency of the
Sewage Treatment Plants
• Instrumentation, Monitoring and Real-Time Control
Strategies for Efficient Sewage Treatment Plant
• Process Integration to Improve Carbon, Nitrogen and
Phosphorus Removal with Less Aeration Requirements
and Less Sludge Production
• Bioreactor Development with Less Aeration
• Improvement of Anaerobic Digestion of Sewage
Wastewater and Sludge
• Development of Microbial Fuel Cells for Electricity
Production from Sewage
• Nutrient Recovery from Sewage
• Cost Saving Management Strategies or Policies
• Economic Evaluation of Innovative Technologies
Aiming to Increase the Energy Efficiency of the
Sewage Treatment Plants: Case studies
This title belongs to Integrated Environmental
Technology Series
May 2015 • 376 pages • Hardback
ISBN: 9781780405018
Ebook ISBN: 9781780405025
IWA Members Price: £86.25/US$155.25/€116.44
Non Members Price: £115.00/US$207.00/€155.25
Utility Management
An International Standard for Assessing
Water and Wastewater Services
Authors: Matthias Krause, Enrique Cabrera Jr.,
Francisco Cubillo, Carlos Díaz and Jorge Ducci
The Inter-American Development
Bank (IDB), in cooperation with the
International Water Association
(IWA), has developed a rating
system that assesses the
performance of water and sanitation
(WS) service providers in a
comprehensive way.
AquaRating: An International
Standard for Assessing Water
and Wastewater Services aims to
provide an industry standard for Water utilities. It is an
assessment tool for wastewater that develops a rating
system that assesses the performance of water and
sanitation (WS) service providers in a comprehensive
way. Apart from an overall rating of the utility, the
system offers detailed assessments of its various
rating areas (Access to Service, Quality of Service,
Operating Efficiency, Planning and Investment Execution
Efficiency, Business Management Efficiency, Financial
Sustainability, Environmental Sustainability, and
Corporate Governance), an assessment of the reliability
of the information provided by the utility, as well as
guidance to improve management practices.
The expected benefits of the system are manifold:
• Utilities - Obtain an external and credible performance
rating, which contributes to foster reputation,
accountability and acceptance by key stakeholders,
gain access to new markets and finance, and attract
qualified staff.
• Identify areas of improvement and receive guidance.
• Get access to a knowledge and assessment framework
that fosters continuous learning.
• Governments, regulators and development agencies
* For Ebook Prices please see page 2
• Use the system to stimulate utilities to maintain or
improve their performance and to target technical
assistance, incentives and finance according to
• Consumers
• Obtain better services in terms of access, quality,
efficiency, sustainability and transparency.
• Introduction
• Service Quality Area
• Efficiency in the Planning and Execution of Investments
• Operating Efficiency Area
• Business Management Efficiency Area
• Financial Sustainability Area
• Access to Service Area
• Corporate Governance Area
• Environmental Sustainability Area
• Annexes
Spanish Edition:
July 2015 • 402 pages • Paperback
ISBN: 9781780407371
Ebook ISBN: 9781780407388
English Edition:
September 2015 • 402 pages • Paperback
ISBN: 9781780407395
Ebook ISBN: 9781780407401
IWA Members Price: £96.75/US$174.15/€130.61
Non Members Price: £129.00/US$232.20/€174.15
Utility Management
Performance-Based Contracts (PCB) for
Improving Utilities Efficiency
Experiences and Perspectives
Authors: Philippe Marin, Tom Williams and Jan
Performance-Based Contracts
(PBC) for Improving Utilities
Efficiency: Experiences and
Perspectives is a compendium of
articles written by members of the
PBC taskforce. It focuses on new
approaches without delegated
management to private operator i.e.
service contracts, consulting
contracts, alliance approach, publicprivate partnership. It also mentions
new design and generation of more traditional PPPs,
(MC, lease, concession), where a larger proportion of
performance-based design is being applied.
This title belongs to Scientific and Technical Report
August 2015 • 180 pages • Paperback
ISBN: 9781780405957
Ebook ISBN: 9781780405964
IWA Members Price: £66.75/US$120.15/€90.11
Non Members Price: £89.00/US$160.20/€120.15
2 0 1 5
Utility Management
Water Management and Water Loss
Authors: Stuart Hamilton and Ronnie McKenzie
Utility Management
The Regulation of Water and Waste
An Integrated Approach (Rita-Ersar)
Water Management and Water Loss
contains a selection of papers and
articles written by various
internationally recognised specialists
in the field of water loss reduction.
The articles have been drawn
together from IWA conferences
during the past 5 years and provide
details of how water losses from
Municipal distribution systems can
be reduced. The book provides
useful background information and reference materials
to help explain the different approaches and
interventions that are used to reduce water losses.
Numerous real case studies are provided that highlight
the processes and methodologies employed around the
world to reduce water losses.
Water Management and Water Loss covers many
aspects of water loss control including, pressure
management, leak detection and repair, Internal
plumbing losses and retrofitting, community involvement
and education/awareness, schools education and leak
repair projects.
• Introduction
• Leak Detection Technologies
• Principles of Pressure Management
• The Repair or Replace Dilemma
• Community Awareness and Education
• Meter Logging and Recording
• Large Consumer Meter Consolidation and
Improvements: Planning, Implementation and Benefits
• Software Tools to Assist with Water Loss Reduction in
Municipal Systems
• International Case Studies from Around the World
• Application in Water Loss Reduction Project in Bosnia
and Herzegovina
• Large Scale Water Loss Management Improvement
Programme in Zagreb (Croatia) Water Distribution
• Analysis of the Water Losses from the Aspect of
Central Water Meters in Objects of Collective Housing
• Water Loss Management in Novi Sad Water Utility,
• Continuous Acoustic Monitoring – Evolution of an
Innovation in the USA
• Establishing the First Validated Dataset of North
American Water Utility Water Audit Data
October 2014 • 250 pages • Paperback
ISBN: 9781780406350
Ebook ISBN: 9781780406367
IWA Members Price: £71.25/US$128.25/€96.19
Non Members Price: £95.00/US$171.00/€128.25
Authors: J. M. Baptista
The public water supply, urban
wastewater and urban waste
management services are essential
to the well-being of citizens, public
health and economic activities.
These are generally provided under
natural or legal monopoly, so there
is no incentive for utilities to search
for greater efficiency and
effectiveness and as such there is
an increasing prevalence of such
risks for users. For these reasons, society can
significantly benefit from the existence of regulatory
intervention capable of introducing greater balance in the
relationship between utilities and their users.
The Regulation of Water and Waste Services: An
Integrated Approach (Rita-Ersar) presents a practical
integrated regulatory approach to these water and waste
services. This approach is called the ARIT-ERSAR
model and it is capable of contributing to the promotion
of access by citizens to these services that is tending
towards the universal. These services are provided with
suitable quality by utilities at socially acceptable prices
and with an acceptable level of risk.
This approach consists of a regulation model with two
major areas of intervention: structural regulation of the
sector and regulation of the performance of the utilities.
The components of structural regulation are contributions
to organisation, legislation, information and sectoral
capacity building. The performance regulation of utilities
consists of legal and contractual regulation, economic
regulation, quality of service regulation, drinking water
quality regulation and user interface regulation.
• Introduction
• Water and Waste Services
• Public Policies for Water and Waste Services
• Setting up a Regulatory Authority
• Integrated Regulatory Approach
• Regulatory Contribution to Sectoral Organisation
• Regulatory Contribution to Sectoral Legislation
• Regulatory Contribution to Sectoral Information
• Regulatory Contribution to Sectoral Capacity Building
• Legal And Contractual Regulation
• Economic Regulation
• Quality of Service Regulation
• Drinking Water Quality Regulation
• User Interface Regulation
• Articulation with Third Party Entities
• Conclusions
October 2014 • 237 pages • Hardback
ISBN: 9781780406527
Ebook ISBN: 9781780406534
IWA Members Price: £74.25/US$133.65/€100.24
Non Members Price: £99.00/US$178.20/€133.65
* For Ebook Prices please see page 2
Utility Management
Preparing Urban Water Use Efficiency
A Best Practice Guide
Authors: Lisa Maddaus, William Maddaus and
Michelle Maddaus, Maddaus Water Management Inc.
Many communities are facing water
scarcity in developing and
developed countries alike. There are
numerous publications and on-going
research studies documenting the
changes in our climate and potential
for worsening shortages in our
future. Meeting future potable water
demands as communities continue
to grow will rely heavily on using our
existing water resources more
Preparing Urban Water Use Efficiency Plans provides
detailed approaches to developing and implementing
a water conservation plan. This book covers the
broad spectrum of conservation planning for urban
communities including achieving more efficiency from:
• Residential domestic uses
• Commercial and governmental facilities use
• Industrial uses
• Pricing
• Water Loss Control Programs
The steps in the Guide clearly outline and provide
sample calculations to aid determining which water use
efficiency activities are financially justifiable to undertake.
The end result is a plan that policy decision makers
can adopt and fund, and that water service provider
staff can implement to help increase their community’s
water reliability. It includes numerous case studies and
a Microsoft Excel based software tool to allow planners
to evaluate the business case for implementing various
water conservation activities.
This book is an essential resource for professionals
in water and wastewater resources, particularly for
planners and engineers. It is also a useful guide for Post
Graduate and Undergraduate students.
November 2013 • 252 pages • Paperback
ISBN: 9781780405230
Ebook ISBN: 9781780405247
IWA Members Price: £63.75/US$114.75/€86.06
Non Members Price: £85.00/US$153.00/€114.75
Water & Wastewater Reuse
Greywater Reuse
Authors: Amit Gross, Adi Maimon, Yuval Alfiya and
Eran Friedler
Greywater Reuse examines the
features and implications of
greywater reuse scientifically,
quantitatively, and thoroughly.
Based on the authors’ extensive
studies of treatment facilities in
urban and rural environments,
development of greywater treatment
systems, and research of potential
environmental and health risks
posed by greywater at different
treatment levels, this authoritative text:
• Describes the chemical, physical, and microbial
properties of greywater
• Covers the treatment and removal of greywater
pollutants, providing case studies of common methods
• Identifies the risks involved in greywater use and
proposes regulatory measures to help reduce these
• Reviews the greywater management strategies,
policies, and legislation of several different countries
• Discusses the prevailing public perception and
willingness to adopt various uses of greywater
• Analyzes the economic impact of greywater reuse from
both the consumer and national perspectives
Greywater Reuse addresses all major aspects related
to greywater reuse, making it a valuable resource for a
variety of applications.
• Greywater Characteristics
• Greywater Treatment
• Greywater Usages and Management
• Policy and Legislation
• Perceptions and Attitudes toward Greywater Recycling:
A Review
• Technoeconomic Aspects of Greywater Reuse
• Summary
This title is co-published with CRC Press
April 2015 • 301 pages • Hardback
ISBN: 9781780407357
IWA Members Price: £49.50/US$89.10/€66.82
Non Members Price: £66.00/US$118.80/€89.10
Water & Wastewater Reuse
Urban Water Reuse Handbook
Editor: Saeid Eslamian
Rapid population growth, along with
drought, water-intensive energy
development, climate change
conditions, and a number of other
factors are all stressors on world
water supplies. In many countries
throughout the world, water reuse
has proved to be an effective and
safe means to help satisfy growing
water demands and offset scarcity.
This book provides the latest
information on water reuse applications with a focus on
urban areas. It examines numerous new and alternative
methods for sustainable water supplies.
This title is co-published with CRC Press
November 2015 • 1184 pages • Hardback
ISBN: 9781780407364
IWA Members Price: £66.75/ US$120.15/€90.11
Non Members Price: £89.00/ US$160.20/€120.15
Water & Wastewater Treatment
The Perfect Slime
Microbial Extracellular Polymeric
Substances (EPS)
Editors: Hans-Curt Flemming, Dr Thomas R. Neu,
and Dr Jost Wingender
The Perfect Slime presents the
latest state of knowledge and all
aspects of the Extracellular
Polymeric Substances, (EPS) matrix
– from the ecological and health to
the antifouling perspectives. The
book brings together all the current
material in order to expand our
understanding of the functions,
properties and characteristics of the
matrix as well as the possibilities to
strengthen or weaken it.
The EPS matrix represents the immediate environment
in which biofilm organisms live. From their point of view,
this matrix has paramount advantages. It allows them to
stay together for extended periods and form synergistic
microconsortia, it retains extracellular enzymes and
turns the matrix into an external digestion system and
it is a universal recycling yard, it protects them against
2 0 1 5
desiccation, it allows for intense communication and
represents a huge genetic archive. They can remodel
their matrix, break free and eventually, they can use it
as a nutrient source. The EPS matrix can be considered
as one of the emergent properties of biofilms and are a
major reason for the success of this form of life.
Nevertheless, they have been termed the “black
matter of biofilms” for good reasons. First of all: the
isolation methods define the results. In most cases,
only water soluble EPS components are investigated;
insoluble ones such as cellulose or amyloids are much
less included. In particular in environmental biofilms
with many species, it is difficult to impossible isolate,
separate the various EPS molecules they are encased in
and to define which species produced which EPS. The
regulation and the factors which trigger or inhibit EPS
production are still very poorly understood.
Furthermore: bacteria are not the only microorganisms to
produce EPS. Archaea, Fungi and algae can also form
EPS. This book investigates the questions, what is their
composition, function, dynamics and regulation? What
do they all have in common?
• EPS – A Complex Mixture
• The Biofilm Matrix - Issues
• In Situ Analysis
• Function
• Amyloids – Important Components of EPS
• Extracellular Enzymes in the EPS Matrix
• Extracellular DNA
• Extracellular Factors Involved in Biofilm Matrix
Formation by Rhizobium Leguminosarum
• Mechanical Properties of Biofilms
• Viscoelasticity and Composition of Biofilms
• Travelling Through Slime – Bacterial Movement in the
EPS Matrix
• Hydrodynamic Resistance of Biofilms on Membranes
• Genetics and Regulation of EPS Formation in
Pseudomonas Aeruginosa
• Unique and Baffling Aspects of Matrix: EPS In Situ
• Do EPS Mediate Bioleaching?
• Biotechnological and Medical Use of EPS from
Unusual Sources
• Transparent Exopolymeric Particles: An Important EPS
Component in Seawater
• Biofilms X-Treme – EPS Composition and
Exopolysaccharide Synthesis in the Thermoacidophilic
Archaeon Sulfolobus Acidocaldarius
• Fungal EPS
• The Perfect Slime
February 2016 • 320 pages • Hardback
ISBN: 9781780407418
Ebook ISBN: 9781780407425
IWA Members Price: £74.25/ US$133.65/ €100.23
Non Members Price: £ 99.00/ US$178.20/ €133.65
Water & Wastewater Treatment
Nanotechnology in Industrial Wastewater
Authors: Dr. Arup Roy and Professor Jayanta
Nanotechnology in Industrial
Wastewater Treatment is a state of
the art reference book. The book is
particularly useful for wastewater
technology development
laboratories and organizations. All
professional and academic areas
connected with environmental
engineering, nanotechnology based
wastewater treatment and related
product design is incorporated and
provides an essential resource.
* For Ebook Prices please see page 2
The book describes the application and synthesis
of Ca-based and magnetic nano-materials and their
potential application for removal/treatment of heavy
metals from wastewater.
Nanotechnology in Industrial Wastewater Treatment
discusses the rapid wastewater treatment methods using
Ca-based nanomaterials and magnetic nanomaterials.
This is an emerging area of new science and technology
in wastewater treatment.
The main audiences for the book are water industry
professionals, research scholars and students in the
area of Environmental Engineering and Nanotechnology.
January 2015 • 220 pages • Paperback
ISBN: 9781780406879
Ebook ISBN: 9781780406886
IWA Members Price: £71.25/US$128.25/€96.19
Non Members Price: £95.00/US$171.00/€128.25
Water & Wastewater Treatment
Applications of Activated Sludge Models
Editors: D. Brdjanovic, S.C.F Meijer, C.M. LopezVazquez, C.M. Hooijmans, and M.C.M. van
In 1982 the International Association
on Water Pollution Research and
Control (IAWPRC), as it was then
called, established a Task Group on
Mathematical Modelling for Design
and Operation of Activated Sludge
Processes. The aim of the Task
Group was to create a common
platform that could be used for the
future development of models for
COD and N removal with a
minimum of complexity. As the collaborative result of the
work of several modelling groups, the Activated Sludge
Model No. 1 (ASM1) was published in 1987, exactly 25
years ago. The ASM1 can be considered as the
reference model, since this model triggered the general
acceptance of wastewater treatment modelling, first in
the research community and later on also in practice.
ASM1 has become a reference for many scientific and
practical projects, and has been implemented (in some
cases with modifications) in most of the commercial
software available for modelling and simulation of plants
for N removal. The models have grown more complex
over the years, from ASM1, including N removal
processes, to ASM2 (and its variations) including P
removal processes, and ASM3 that corrects the
deficiencies of ASM1 and is based on a metabolic
approach to modelling. So far, ASM1 is the most widely
Applications of Activated Sludge Models has been
prepared in celebration of 25 years of ASM1 and in
tribute to the activated sludge modelling pioneer, the
late Professor G.v.R. Marrais. It consists of a dozen
of practical applications for ASM models to model
development, plant optimization, extension, upgrade,
retrofit and troubleshooting, carried out by the members
of the Delft modelling group over the last two decades.
February 2015 • 480 pages • Hardback
ISBN: 9781780404639
Ebook ISBN: 9781780404660
IWA Members Price: £96.75/US$174.15/€130.61
Non Members Price: £129.00/US$232.20/€174.15
Water & Wastewater Treatment
Immobilised Biocatalysts for
Bioremediation of Groundwater and
Editors: Rita Hochstrat, Thomas Wintgens and
Philippe Corvini
The European project
MINOTAURUS explored innovative
bio-processes to eliminate emerging
and classic organic pollutants.
These bio-processes are all based
on the concept of immobilization of
biocatalysts (microorganisms and
enzymes) and encompass
bioaugmentation, enzyme
technology, rhizoremediation with
halophytes, and a
bioelectrochemical remediation process.
The immobilization-based technologies are applied as
engineered ex situ treatment systems as well as natural
systems in situ for the bioremediation of groundwater,
wastewater and soil. The selection and application
of tailored physico-chemical, molecularbiological and
ecotoxicological monitoring tools combined with a
rational understanding of engineering, enzymology and
microbial physiology is a pertinent approach to open
the black-box of the selected technologies. Reliable
process monitoring constitutes the basis for developing
and refining biodegradation kinetics models, which in
turn improve the predictability of performances to be
achieved with technologies.
Immobilised Biocatalysts for Bioremediation of
Groundwater and Wastewater delivers insight into the
concepts and performance of a series of remediation
approaches. A key strength of this book is to deliver
results from lab-scale through to piloting at different
European reference sites. It further suggests frameworks
for structuring and making evidence-based decisions for
the most appropriate bioremediation measures.
• Introduction Motivation for the Project
• Micropollutants
• Environmental Biotechnology Options
• Methods
• Analytical Methods/Performance Assessment
• Chemical Methods
• Immobilisation Techniques
• Technologies
• Wastewater Treatment
• Groundwater Remediation
• Assessment Tools for Feasibility of Technologies
This title belongs to European Water Research Series
February 2015 • 200 pages • Paperback
ISBN: 9781780406459
Ebook ISBN: 9781780406466
IWA Members Price: £66.75/US$120.15/€90.11
Non Members Price: £89.00/US$160.20/€120.15
2 0 1 5
Water & Wastewater Treatment
N2O and CH4 Emission from Wastewater
Collection and Treatment Systems State
of the Science Report and Technical
Authors: Foley, Yuan, Keller, Senante, Chandran,
Willis, Shah, van Loosdrecht and van Voorthuizen
In a world where there is a growing
awareness of the possible effects of
human activities on climate change,
there is a need to identify the
emission of greenhouse gases
(GHG) from wastewater treatment
plants (WWTPs). As a result of this
growing awareness, governments
started to implement regulations that
require water authorities to report
their GHG emissions. With these
developments there exists a strong need for adequate
insight into the emissions of N2O and CH4. With this
insight water authorities would be able to estimate and
finally reduce their emissions.
The overall objectives of the different research programs
performed by partners of the GWRC members WERF
(United States of America), WSAA (Australia), CIRSEESuez (France) and STOWA (the Netherlands) were:
• to define the origin of N2O emission
• to understand the formation processes of N2O
• to identify the level of CH4 emissions from wastewater
collection and treatment systems
• to evaluate the use of generic emission factors to
estimate the emission of N2O from individual plants.
This title belongs to GWRC Report Series
May 2015 • 288 pages • Paperback
ISBN: 9781780407333
Ebook ISBN: 9781780407340
IWA Members Price: £74.25/US$133.65/€100.24
Non Members Price: £99.00/US$178.20/€133.65
Water & Wastewater Treatment
Handbook for Identification and
Counting of Parasitic Helminth Eggs in
Urban Wastewater
Authors: Carlos Lardin Mifsut and Silveria Pacheco
Helminths: Handbook for
Identification and Counting of
ParasiticHelminth Eggs in Urban
Wastewater is the result of several
studies that the public entity for
sanitation and wastewater treatment
in Murcia Region (ESAMUR), has
undertaken regarding the presence
of helminth eggs in both urban
wastewater and reclaimed water,
and their behavior in the Waste
Water Treatment Plant (WWTP) processes.
The handbook is a useful tool for anyone who is
involved in preserving water quality. The identification of
parasitic helminth eggs has been simplified with an easy
identification key and specific identifying sheets in order
to achieve the highest standards within this indicative
parameter in water quality.
The treatment and disinfection of urban waste water,
before its release into the river system or re-use for
agricultural or industrial purposes, has been one of the
greatest advances within the field of health.
The control and study of possible pathogenic parasites
that exist in water is an important aspect of the work
undertaken at the Waste Water Treatment Plant
(WWTP), to guarantee water quality and its safety
* For Ebook Prices please see page 2
for release into the river system or for re-use as
regenerated water.
This handbook has been produced as a result of the
information gathered by ESAMUR (Regional Entity for
Sanitation and Wastewater Treatment in Murcia Region)
and can be used for teaching and as a useful reference
source when preserving water quality
Helminths: Handbook for Identification and Counting
of Parasitic Helminth Eggs in Urban Wastewater is
a valuable handbook for managers of Wastewater
Treatment Plants (WWTP), university teachers,
laboratory managers, qualified operators, responsible for
the reuse of reclaimed water, and general staff involved
in related wastewater treatment processes
December 2014 • 115 pages • Paperback
ISBN: 9781780407142
Ebook ISBN: 9781780407159
IWA Members Price: £66.75/US$120.15/€90.11
Non Members Price: £89.00/US$160.20/€120.15
Water & Wastewater Treatment
Experimental Methods in Wastewater
Editors: M.C.M. van Loosdrecht, P.H. Nielsen, C.M.
Lopez-Vazquez, and D. Brdjanovic
Over the past twenty years, the
knowledge and understanding of
wastewater treatment has advanced
extensively and moved away from
empirically based approaches to a
fundamentally-based first principles
approach embracing chemistry,
microbiology, and physical and
bioprocess engineering, often
involving experimental laboratory
work and techniques. Many of these
experimental methods and techniques have matured to
the degree that they have been accepted as reliable
tools in wastewater treatment research and practice. For
sector professionals, especially a new generation of
young scientists and engineers entering the wastewater
treatment profession, the quantity, complexity and
diversity of these new developments can be
overwhelming, particularly in developing countries where
access to advanced level laboratory courses in
wastewater treatment is not readily available. In addition,
information on innovative experimental methods is
scattered across scientific literature and only partially
available in the form of textbooks or guidelines. This
book seeks to address these deficiencies. It assembles
and integrates the innovative experimental methods
developed by research groups and practitioners around
the world.
Experimental Methods in Wastewater Treatment forms
part of the internet-based curriculum in wastewater
treatment at UNESCO-IHE and, as such, may also
be used together with video records of experimental
methods performed and narrated by the authors
including guidelines on what to do and what not to do.
The book is written for undergraduate and postgraduate
students, researchers, laboratory staff, plant operators,
consultants, and other sector professionals.
June 2015 • 300 pages • Hardback
ISBN: 9781780404745
Ebook ISBN: 9781780404752
IWA Members Price: £74.25/US$133.65/€100.24
Non Members Price: £99.00/US$178.20/€133.65
Water & Wastewater Treatment
Principles of Membrane Bioreactors for
Wastewater Treatment
Authors: Hee-Deung Park, In-Soung Chang,
Kwang-Jin Lee
Principles of Membrane Bioreactors
for Wastewater Treatment describes
the state-of-the-art of MBR
technology, principles of MBR and
design and operation of plants.
Membrane bioreactor (MBR)
technology is a wastewater
treatment method combining
biological pollutant treatment with
physical membrane separation. It
has gained increasing commercial
significance over the last decade, with applications in
municipal and industrial wastewater treatment.
Principles of Membrane Bioreactors for Wastewater
• Is a practical handbook for Membrane Bioreactor
design and operation
• Provides an understanding of how membrane fouling
and channel cleaning can impact plant operation and
how to optimize operating parameter values.
• Facilitates step-by-step learning by users with
numerous case studies, worked examples and
MBR technology is mostly taught as part of Biological
Wastewater Treatment and Membrane Technology
courses for senior undergraduates or graduates. This
book can be used on these courses and also as a useful
handbook for designers and operators.
• Overview of Membrane Bioreactor Technology
• Advent of MBR Technology
• Features of MBR
• Application of MBR
• State-of-the-art of MBR Technology
• Market Potential
• Problems
• Biological Wastewater Treatment
• Wastewater Microbiology
• Microbial Stoichiometry
• Microbial Kinetics
• Activated Sludge
• Wastewater Treatment Processes
• Problems
• Membranes, Modules, and Cassettes
• Membrane Separation Theories
• Membrane Materials
• Membrane Modules
• Membrane cassettes
• Problems
• Membrane Fouling
• Fouling Phenomena
• Types of Foulants
• Factors Affecting Membrane Fouling
• Effects of Membrane Fouling
• Fouling Control
• Problems
• MBR Operation
• Operation Parameters
• TMP Control
• Aeration for Bio-Treatment and Membrane Aeration
• Membrane Cleaning: Physical cleaning, chemical
• Biological Treatment
• Operational Cost
2 0 1 5
• Problems
• MBR Design
• Process Configurations
• Design Parameters: Pretreatment, Organic Loading,
F/M Ratio, HRT, SRT.
• Bioreactor Design: Reactor Size, Tank Geometry,
Aeration Amount
• Membrane System Design: Number of Modules,
Cleaning, Operating Flux
• Problems
• Case Studies
• Commercial MBR Modules
• Case Studies for Municipal Wastewater Treatment
• Case Studies for Industrial Wastewater Treatment
This title is co-published with CRC Press.
June 2015 • 360 pages • Hardback
ISBN: 9781780407029
IWA Members Price: £54.14/US$97.45/€73.09
Non Members Price: £72.19/US$129.94/€97.46
Water & Wastewater Treatment
Natural Water Treatment Systems for
Safe and Sustainable Water Supply in
the Indian Context: Saph Pani
Editors: Thomas Wintgens, Anders Nattorp, Elango
Lakshmanan and Shyam R. Asolekar
Natural Water Treatment Systems
for Safe and Sustainable Water
Supply in the Indian Context is
based on the work from the Saph
Pani project (Hindi word meaning
potable water).
The book aims to study and improve
natural water treatment systems,
such as River Bank Filtration (RBF),
Managed Aquifer Recharge (MAR),
and wetlands in India, building
local and European expertise in this field. The project
aims to enhance water resources and water supply,
particularly in water stressed urban and peri urban
areas in different parts of the Indian sub-continent. This
project is co-funded by the European Union under the
Seventh Framework (FP7) scheme of small or medium
scale focused research projects for specific cooperation
actions (SICA) dedicated to international cooperation
partner countries.
Natural Water Treatment Systems for Safe and
Sustainable Water Supply in the Indian Context
• an introduction to the concepts of MAR at national and
international level
• knowledge of the basics of artificial recharge by MAR,
methods, hydrogeological characterisation
• an insight into case studies in India and abroad.
This book is a useful resource for teaching at Post
Graduate level, for research, professional reference.
August 2015 • 400 pages • Paperback
ISBN: 9781780407104
Ebook ISBN: 9781780407111
IWA Members Price: £86.25/US$155.25/€116.44
Non Members Price: £115.00/US$207.00/€155.25
* For Ebook Prices please see page 2
Water & Wastewater Treatment
Water & Wastewater Treatment
Advanced Oxidation Processes for Water
Natural Wastewater Treatment Systems
Fundamentals and Applications
Authors: Ronald W. Crites; E. Joe Middlebrooks;
Robert K. Bastian
Editor: Mihaela I. Stefan
Advanced Oxidation Processes
(AOPs)that rely on the efficient
generation of reactive radical
species increasingly attract greater
interest with respect to their
application to water remediation
from a wide variety of organic
micropollutants concerning human
health or the environment.
Advanced Oxidation Processes for
Water Treatment: Fundamentals
and Applications covers the key advanced oxidation
processes developed for chemical contaminant
destruction in polluted water sources, some of which
have been implemented successfully at water treatment
plants around the globe.
The book is structured in two sections; the first part
is dedicated to the most relevant AOPs, and the
second section addresses specific topics, such as the
photochemistry of chemical contaminants in the aquatic
environment, advanced water treatment for water reuse,
implementation of advanced treatment processes for
drinking water production at a state-of-the art water
treatment plant in Europe, and advanced treatment of
industrial wastewater.
Advanced oxidation processes discussed in the book
address important aspects such as:
• Process principles including the most recent scientific
findings and their interpretation
• Classes of compounds suitable to treatment and
examples of reaction mechanisms
• Kinetic aspects, reaction modelling, quantitative
structure-activity relationship (QSAR)
• Water quality impact on process performance, practical
considerations on process parameter selection criteria
• Process limitations and by-product formation; strategies
to mitigate the adverse effects on the treated water
• Reactor/equipment design and economic
considerations, figures-of-merit
• Case studies relevant to process implementation to
water treatment
• Drinking water regulations driving the process
• Commercial applications
• Future research needs
• Reference list
Advanced Oxidation Processes for Water Treatment:
Fundamentals and Applications reflects the most
advanced knowledge and process understanding and
the authors of the book chapters are renowned, highly
respected experts in the field. It has a high scientific
content that is clearly presented to be easily understood
by university students, researchers, consulting
engineers, water industry professionals.
November 2015 • 450 pages • Paperback
ISBN: 9781780407180
Ebook ISBN: 9781780407197
IWA Members Price: £96.75/US$174.15/€130.61
Non Members Price: £129.00/US$232.20/€174.15
Second Edition
This new edition examines all
changes and advancements that
have taken place since the previous
edition published in 2005. It outlines
the planning, feasibility assessment,
and site selection processes unique
to natural processes as well as the
basic process responses and
interactions governing natural
systems. It examines the systems in
detail, discussing wastewater pond
systems, free water surface constructed wetlands,
subsurface and vertical flow constructed wetlands, land
treatment, sludge management, and onsite wastewater
systems. They illustrate the practical aspects through
numerous examples and data tables.
Fully revised and updated to reflect the advancements in
the field since the publication of the first edition:
• Presents detailed coverage of all natural wastewater
treatment systems
• Covers flow rate, overland flow, and soil aquifer
treatment systems of land treatment and reuse
• Discusses dewatering, disposal, conditioning, and
reuse methods of sludge management
• Provides performance data on the removal of
constituents such as nutrients, metals, pathogens,
trace organics, and endocrine-disrupting chemicals
This title is co-published with CRC Press
April 2014 • 380 pages • Hardback
ISBN: 9781780405896
IWA Members Price: £85.50/US$153.90/€115.43
Non Members Price: £114.00/US$205.20/€153.90
Water & Wastewater Treatment
Progress in Slow Sand and Alternative
Biofiltration Processes
Further Developments and Applications
Authors: Nobutada Nakamoto, Nigel Graham, M.
Robin Collins and Rolf Gimbel
This book provides a state-of-the-art
assessment on a variety of
biofiltration water treatment systems
from studies conducted around the
world. The authors collectively
represent a perspective from 23
countries and include academics/
researchers, biofiltration system
users, designers, and
Progress in Slow Sand and
Alternative Biofiltration Processes: Further Developments
and Applications offers technical information and
discussion to provide perspective on the biological and
physical factors affecting the performance of slow sand
filtration and biological filtration processes. Chapters
have been submitted from the 5th International Slow
Sand and Alternative Biological Filtration Conference,
Nagoya, Japan in June 2014.
• Preface
• Conference programme advisory panel
• Part I General Overview
• Part II Slow Sand Filtration – Process Behaviour
• Part III Slow Sand Filtration – Treatment Performance
• Part IV Slow Sand Filtration – Process Developments
2 0 1 5
• Part V Biosand Filters
• Part VI Alternative Biofiltration – Process Behaviour
• Part VII Alternative Biofiltration – Treatment
• Part VIII Alternative Biofiltration – Process
• Part IX River Bank Filtration and Groundwater
• Author Index
• Keyword Index
May 2014 • 584 pages • Paperback
ISBN: 9781780406374
Ebook ISBN: 9781780406381
IWA Members Price: £96.75/US$174.15/€130.61
Non Members Price: £129.00/US$232.20/€174.15
Water & Wastewater Treatment
Activated Sludge: 100 Years and Counting
Editors: David Jenkins and Jiri Wanner
Activated Sludge: 100 Years and
Counting covers the current status
of all aspects of the activated sludge
process and looks forward to its
further development in the future. It
celebrates 100 years of the
Activated Sludge process, from the
time that the early developers
presented the seminal works that
lead to its eventual worldwide
The book assembles contributions from renowned world
leaders in activated sludge research, development,
technology and application. The objective of the book
is to summarise the knowledge of all aspects of the
activated sludge process and to present and discuss
anticipated future developments.
The book comprises invited papers to be delivered at the
conference Activated Sludge…100 Years and Counting!
held in Essen, Germany, June 12th to 14th, 2014.
Activated Sludge: 100 Years and Counting is of interest
to researchers, engineers, designers, operations
specialists, and governmental agencies from a wide
range of disciplines associated with all aspects of the
activated sludge process.
• Ardern and Lockett Remembrance, Glen Daigger
• Wastewater Treatment Requirements through the
Years, Herman Hahn
• Process Development, David Stensel, Jacek Makinia
• Process Microbiology/Ecology, Per Halkjær Nielsen,
Katherine D. McMahon
• Macro-nutrient Removal (Nitrogen), Charles Bott, Paul
Pitt, Kartik Chandran
• Macro-nutrient Removal (Phosphorus), James L.
Barnard, Yves Comeau
• Micro-constituent Removal, Hansruedi Siegrist, Adriano
Joss, Thomas A. Ternes
• Aeration and Mixing, Martin Wagner, Michael
• Air Emission, Jay Witherspoon, Michael D. Short , Kate
Simmonds, Ben van den Akker, E.Maddon, Richard M.
• Solids Separation, Jiri Wanner, Andrea Jobbagy
• Secondary Clarifiers, Denny Parker, Wolfgang
Günthert, Britt-Marie Wilén
• Energy Considerations, Helmut Kroiss, Cao Ye Shi
• Automation and Control, Gustaf Olsson, Zhiguo Yuan,
Changwon Kim
• Modeling, George Ekama, Imre Takacs
• Hybrid Systems, Hallvard Odegaard, Kim Helleshoj
Sorensen, Magnus Christensson
* For Ebook Prices please see page 2
• Membrane Systems, Simon Judd, Tamas Zsirai,
George Crawford
• Industrial Wastewater Treatment, K.-H. Rosenwinkel,
Peter Cornel, Willy Verstraete, Siegfried E. Vlaeminck
• Planning and Design, Burkhard Teichgräber
• Economics of Activated Sludge Process, Norbert
Jardin, Julian Sandino
• The Next 100 Years, Mark van Loosdrecht, Cao Ye Shi,
Yuen Long Wah, Harry Seah
June 2014 • 464 pages • Hardback
ISBN: 9781780404936
Ebook ISBN: 9781780404943
IWA Members Price: £101.25/US$182.25/€136.69
Non Members Price: £135.00/US$243.00/€182.25
Water & Wastewater Treatment
Faecal Sludge Management
Systems Approach for Implementation
and Operation
Editors: Linda Strande, Mariska Ronteltap and
Damir Brdjanovic
It is estimated that literally billions of
residents in urban and peri-urban
areas of Africa, Asia, and Latin
America are served by onsite
sanitation systems (e.g. various
types of latrines and septic tanks).
Until recently, the management of
faecal sludge from these onsite
systems has been grossly
neglected, partially as a result of
them being considered temporary
solutions until sewer-based systems could be
implemented. However, the perception of onsite or
decentralized sanitation technologies for urban areas is
gradually changing, and is increasingly being considered
as long-term, sustainable options in urban areas,
especially in low- and middle-income countries that lack
sewer infrastructures. This is the first book dedicated to
faecal sludge management. It compiles the current state
of knowledge of the rapidly evolving field of faecal
sludge management, and presents an integrated
approach that includes technology, management, and
planning based on Sandec’s 20 years of experience in
the field.
Faecal Sludge Management: Systems Approach
for Implementation and Operation addresses the
organization of the entire faecal sludge management
service chain, from the collection and transport of
sludge, and the current state of knowledge of treatment
options, to the final end use or disposal of treated
sludge. The book also presents important factors to
consider when evaluating and upscaling new treatment
technology options.
The book is designed for undergraduate and graduate
students, and engineers and practitioners in the field
who have some basic knowledge of environmental and/
or wastewater engineering.
Water & Wastewater Treatment
2 0 1 5
Water & Wastewater Treatment
Benchmarking of Control Strategies for
Wastewater Treatment Plants
Natural Organic Matter in Water
Editors: Krist V Gernaey, Ulf Jeppsson,
Peter A Vanrolleghem and John B Copp
Author: Mika Sillanpaa
Wastewater treatment plants are
large non-linear systems subject to
large perturbations in wastewater
flow rate, load and composition.
Nevertheless these plants have to
be operated continuously, meeting
stricter and stricter regulations.
Many control strategies have
been proposed in the literature
for improved and more efficient
operation of wastewater treatment
plants. Unfortunately, their evaluation and comparison
– either practical or based on simulation – is difficult.
This is partly due to the variability of the influent, to the
complexity of the biological and biochemical phenomena
and to the large range of time constants (from a
few minutes to several days). The lack of standard
evaluation criteria is also a tremendous disadvantage.
To really enhance the acceptance of innovative control
strategies, such an evaluation needs to be based on a
rigorous methodology including a simulation model, plant
layout, controllers, sensors, performance criteria and test
procedures, i.e. a complete benchmarking protocol.
This book is a Scientific and Technical Report produced
by the IWA Task Group on Benchmarking of Control
Strategies for Wastewater Treatment Plants. The
goal of the Task Group includes developing models
and simulation tools that encompass the most typical
unit processes within a wastewater treatment system
(primary treatment, activated sludge, sludge treatment,
etc.), as well as tools that will enable the evaluation of
long-term control strategies and monitoring tasks (i.e.
automatic detection of sensor and process faults).
Work on these extensions has been carried out by the
Task Group during the past five years, and the main
results are summarized in Benchmarking of Control
Strategies for Wastewater Treatment Plants. Besides
a description of the final version of the already wellknown Benchmark Simulation Model no. 1 (BSM1), the
book includes the Benchmark Simulation Model no. 1
Long-Term (BSM1_LT) – with focus on benchmarking
of process monitoring tasks – and the plant-wide
Benchmark Simulation Model no. 2 (BSM2). A CD-ROM
Appendix containing benchmarking software developed
by the Task Group, simulation results and detailed
technical reports describing all aspects of the benchmark
systems is also included.
This title belongs to Scientific and Technical Report
September 2014 • 120 pages • Paperback
ISBN: 9781843391463
Ebook ISBN: 9781780401171
IWA Members Price: £66.75/US$120.15/€90.11
Non Members Price: £89.00/US$160.20/€120.15
August 2014 • 432 pages • Hardback
ISBN: 9781780404721
Ebook ISBN: 9781780404738
IWA Members Price: £93.75/US$168.75/€126.56
Non Members Price: £125.00/US$225.00/€168.75
Characterization and Treatment Methods
An essential resource containing the
latest breakthroughs in the
characterization, treatment and
removal of Natural Organic Matter
(NOM) from drinking water, Natural
Organic Matter in Waters:
Characterization and Treatment
Methods focuses on advance
filtration and treatment options, and
processes for reducing disinfection
Based on the author’s years of research and field
experience, this book begins with the characterization
of NOM including: general parameters, isolation
and concentration, fractionation, composition and
structural analysis and biological testing. This is
followed by removal methods such as inorganic
coagulants, polyelectrolytes and composite coagulants.
Electrochemical and membranes removal methods
such as: electrocoagulation, electrochemical oxidation,
microfiltration and ultrafiltration, nanofiltration and
membrane fouling.
• Covers conventional as well as advanced NOM
removal methods
• Includes characterization methods of NOM
• Explains removal methods such as: removal by
coagulation, electrochemical, advanced oxidation, and
integrated methods
The book provides researchers with a discussion
of NOM removal by advanced oxidation processes,
adsorption and ion exchange. In addition, engineers
and researchers will find Natural Organic Matter in
Waters: Characterization and Treatment Methods a
valuable guide for integrating methods, processes and
technologies to achieve the desired effect.
This is co-published with Elsevier/Butterworth
December 2014 • 448 pages • Paperback
ISBN: 9781780406985
IWA Members Price: £74.49/US$134.08/€100.56
Non Members Price: £99.32/US$178.78/€134.08
Water Policy/Management/Finance/Governance
Guidance for Professional Development in
Drinking Water and Wastewater Industry
Author: Archis Ambulkar
Guidance for Professional
Development in Drinking Water and
Wastewater Industry recognises the
water practitioners’ journey from the
novice student phase all the way to
an established expert position, both
on technological and professional
fronts. This book reviews various
career phases and helps realise
purpose, motivation, responsibilities
and milestones for each
professional stage. Since professional journeys are
significantly different for individuals and designations,
titles vary widely from organization to organization;
general terminologies are used for describing career
phases, mainly Student Phase, Entry-Level Professional,
Mid-Level Professional and Established Practitioner.
This guide helps the reader to understand a step-bystep professional development process in the industry
and at the same time receive key inputs to minimise or
avoid common mistakes related to the drinking water or
wastewater occupations.
The book provides an overview of common educational
* For Ebook Prices please see page 2
options available for students including short-term
courses, diploma and certificates, associate degrees,
bachelor degree, master’s degree, doctorate degree,
post-doctoral fellowship and continued education.
With respect to job profiles, the guide covers different
professional avenues such as consultant, engineer,
designer, researcher, academic faculty member, sales
and marketing, permitting authority staff, laboratory
professionals, system operators, construction
management staff, manufacturing and industry staff. In
terms of technological knowledge, both drinking water
and wastewater infrastructure systems are reviewed
in the book. Discussions on drinking water systems
mainly include intake structures, treatment systems,
distributions network components whereas wastewater
systems include collection and conveyance systems,
treatment options and sludge management systems.
Guidance for Professional Development in Drinking
Water and Wastewater Industry is useful for every
professional in the industry and particularly prospective
students. It can be used by mentors and established
practitioners as a guidance tool for training newcomers.
• Introduction
• Publication Objectives
• Scope and Goals
• Educational Options
• Career Avenues
• Professional Development Overview
• Student Phase
• Internship Phase
• Entry-Level Professional
• Mid-Level Professional
• Established Practitioner
• Knowing Water Systems
• Knowing Wastewater Systems
• Understanding Drinking Water and Wastewater
• Realizing Exceptional Achievements
operators in the management of the water cycle.
Information relative to the principles used to fix drinking
water prices is presented with an assessment of access
to public water services.
• Part I: Water Consumption and Sanitation Status
ater Abstraction
ater Delivered
ater Consumption
astewater Connection
• Part II: Water Tariffs
- The Importance of Fixed and Variable Charge
harges in Drinking Water
harges in Drinking Water Per Continent
harges in Wastewater
• Part III: Water Regulation
- The Importance of Private Operators in Water Cycle
rinciples Used for Fixing Drinking Water Prices
- Access to Public Water Services
February 2015 • 226 pages • Paperback
ISBN: 9781780406961
Ebook ISBN: 9781780406978
IWA Members Price: £66.75/US$120.15/€90.11
Non Members Price: £89.00/US$160.20/€120.15
The IWA Performance Indicator
System for water services is now
recognized as a worldwide
reference. Since it first appearance
in 2000, the system has been widely
quoted, adapted and used in a large
number of projects both for internal
performance assessment and metric
benchmarking. Water professionals
have benefited from a coherent and
flexible system, with precise and
detailed definitions that in many cases have become a
standard. The system has proven to be adaptable and it
has been used in very different contexts for diverse
purposes. The Performance Indicators System can be
used in any organization regardless of its size, nature
(public, private, etc.) or degree of complexity and
The third edition of Performance Indicators for Water
Supply Services represents a further improvement of the
original manual. It contains a reviewed and consolidated
version of the indicators, resulting from the real needs
of water companies worldwide that were expressed
during the extensive field testing of the original system.
The indicators now properly cover bulk distribution and
the needs of developing countries, and all definitions
have been thoroughly revised. The confidence grading
scheme has been simplified and the procedure to
assess the results - uncertainty has been significantly
In addition to the updated contents of the original edition,
a large part of the manual is now devoted to the practical
application of the system. Complete with simplified stepby-step implementation procedures and case studies,
the manual provides guidelines on how to adapt the
IWA concepts and indicators to specific contexts and
This new edition of Performance Indicators for Water
Supply Services is an invaluable reference source for
all those concerned with managing the performance of
the water supply industry, including those in the water
utilities as well as regulators, policy-makers and financial
Water Policy/Management/Finance/Governance
Water Consumption, Tariffs and
Editors: Francesc Hernandez-Sancho and
Maria Molinos-Senante
Water Consumption, Tariffs and
Regulation aims to provide a
statistical overview about water
abstraction, consumption, tariffs and
data on sewage and wastewater
treatment at an international level. It
is mainly based on the statistical
information provided by IWA
Specialist Group on Statistics and
The book is structured in three main
parts. Part I presents tables and figures relative to water
consumption and sanitation status and focuses on water
abstraction, water delivered, water consumption and the
evolution of sewer connection and wastewater treatment.
Part II focuses on the analysis of water tariffs by
investigating the structure of water tariffs by analysing
the importance of the variable and fixed charge. It
presents drinking water tariffs and illustrates the
relationship between tariffs and GDP and also the size
of the cities. Finally charges in wastewater are dealt with
country by country.
Part III analyses the main aspects relative to water
regulation and describes the importance of private
July 2015 • 200 pages • Paperback
ISBN: 9781780404677
Ebook ISBN: 9781780404684
IWA Members Price: £63.75/US$114.75/€86.06
Non Members Price: £85.00/US$153.00/€114.75
Water Policy/Management/Finance/Governance
Performance Indicators for Water Supply
Third Edition
Authors: H Alegre, JM Baptista, E Cabrera Jr, F
Cubillo, P Duarte, W Hirner, W Merkel, and R Parena
2 0 1 5
This title belongs to Manual of Best Practice Series
August 2015 • 312 pages • Hardback
ISBN: 9781780406329
Ebook ISBN: 9781780406336
IWA Members Price: £85.50/US$153.90/€115.43
Non Members Price: £114.00/US$205.20/€153.90
Water Policy/Management/Finance/Governance
Federal Rivers
Managing Water in Multi-Layered
Political Systems
Authors: Dustin E. Garrick, George R.M. Anderson,
Daniel Connell, and Jamie Pittock
This ground-breaking book provides
a comparative perspective on water
and federalism across multiple
countries. Through a collection of
case studies, this book explores the
water management experiences and
lessons learned in ten federal
countries and China. The territorial
division of power in federations, plus
the interconnected politics at the
national and regional levels, present
a classic governance test for waters shared across
multiple political jurisdictions. This is increasingly
important as democratic transitions have introduced or
invigorated federalism across diverse contexts affecting
more than 300 major river basins, including over half of
the world’s international rivers.
Federal Rivers provides a critical analysis of the impact
of borders and divided governance on large rivers in
federal political systems. The OECD has identified the
global water crisis as one of governance and policy
fragmentation. Population and economic growth, climatic
variability and change, and the diffusion of political
power have intensified competition across sectors and
regions over water. This is particularly pronounced
upstream and downstream jurisdictions at the local,
state, national and international levels. Federal Rivers
explores this issue by examining both the successes
and failures of federal regimes in resolving water
conflicts and achieving sustainable water management,
particularly within river basins.
This book appeals not only to scholars of resource
management and of federalism, but also to practitioners
in government, the private sector and international
networks with interests in water policy and federalism.
• Introduction
• Federal Rivers: A Critical Overview
• Climate Adaptation in River Management in a Poststationary World
• Federalism and US Water Policy
• Water Scarcity
• Conflict Resolution, and Adaptive Governance in
Federal Transboundary River Basin
• Managing Water in a Federal State: The Canadian
Experience; Resilience of River Basin Governance
Institutions in the Saskatchewan River Basin of
Western Canada
• Water Management and Ecosystems: A New
Framework in Mexico
• Main Challenges and Responses to Federalism and
Water Security in Brazil
• River Basin Governance and Water Policies in Spain
• Between a Rock and a Hard Place: Re-defining Water
Security, Decentralisation and the Elusive
• Water Pact in Spain
• Allocating Power and Functions in a Federal Design:
The Experience of South Africa
• Meeting the Challenges of Equity and Sustainability
in Complex and Uncertain Worlds: The Emergence
of Integrated Water Resources Management in the
Eastern Rivers of South Africa
* For Ebook Prices please see page 2
• Managing Water in Indias Federal Framework
• The Hydro-institutional Challenge of Managing Water
Economies of Federal Rivers: A Case Study of
Narmada River Basin, India
• Inter-jurisdictional Water Management in Pakistan’s
Indus Basin
• China’s Political System, Economic Reform and the
Governance of Water Quality in the Pearl River Basin
• Legislative Responses to Water Crises: Administrative
Regimes and Institutional Arrangements of Watershed
Management in Tai Lake Basin in China
• China’s Federal River Management: An Example of
Han River
• The Murray Darling Basin
• Water Security in Cross-Border Regions: What
Relevance for Federal Human Security Regimes?
• Water Resources Management in Federal Systems
This title is co-published with Edward Elgar
February 2014 • 384 pages • Hardback
ISBN: 9781780405995
IWA Members Price: £67.50/US$121.50/€91.13
Non Members Price: £90.00/US$162.00/€121.50
ater Messengers
• Targeting Water: from Information to Communication
and Mediation
here are the Users or ... Who are the Users?
xamples of Communication Campaigns
• Recommendations
April 2014 • 232 pages • Paperback
ISBN: 9781780405216
Ebook ISBN: 9781780405223
IWA Members Price: £66.75/US$120.15/€90.11
Non Members Price: £89.00/US$160.20/€120.15
Student Price: £50.00/US$90.00/€67.50
Water Policy/Management/Finance/Governance
Management of Change in Water
Case Studies of Moving Fast from Bad
to Good to Great
Author: Joaquim Pocas Martins
Water Policy/Management/Finance/Governance
Water Communication
Introduction and Analysis of
Communicating Water Management
Editor: Céline Hervé-Bazin
Water Communication aims at
setting a first general outlook at
what communication on water
means, who communicates and on
what topics. Through different
examples and based on different
research and contributions, this
book presents an original first
overview of “water communication”.
It sets its academic value as one
distinct scientific domain and
provides tips and practical tools to professionals. The
book contributes to avoid mixing messages, targets and
discourses when setting communication related to water
The book facilitates coordination within the water
sector and its organizations as water is a wide field of
applications where inadequate words and language
understanding between its stakeholders is one of the
main obstacles today.
Water Communication provides and describes:
• a general outlook and retrospective of the history of the
water sector in terms of communication
• the landscape of organizations communicating on
water and classification of topics
• the differences between communication, information,
mediation, raising awareness
• examples of communication campaigns on water
Water Communication is a vital resource for
communication managers, utility managers, policy
makers involved in water management and students in
water sciences and environment.
• Introduction
• Overview of Water Management from a Communication
• History of the Water Discourse
• From Sustainable Development to Local Water
• Words with Water
• What is Water Communication?
• Who?
Management of Change in Water
Companies tells real stories of real
water companies that went through
processes of change and achieved
their best results ever in just a few
years. It reflects the personal
experience of the author from
leading processes of change in five
different water supply/sewage
companies, between 10 and 120
years old and serving from 200,000
to 4,000,000 people.
This practical and effective book shows:
• how to change, modernize and make profitable oldfashioned organizations,
• how to reduce water loss and promote efficiency in
water companies,
• how to use the savings to rehabilitate and expand
infrastructure without increasing tariffs,
• how to deal with overstaffing,
• how to plan, finance, build and maintain infrastructure,
• how to introduce innovation,
• how to motivate people,
• how to deal with clients, regulators, unions,
shareholders, politicians and the press
• how to achieve sustainability.
The case studies provide for instance, how to bring
water losses from over 50% to below 20%, how to
connect 100,000 existing buildings to a new sewage
system in 4 years and how to get millions of people
walking along the banks of rehabilitated urban creeks,
rivers and beaches.
The book presents case studies, management theory,
comparative analysis of situations reported in the
literature and the personal experience of an author who
has lead a number of successful processes of change in
different water companies.
Extremely useful and specific software is made
available, free of charge, for book purchasers by
contacting publications@iwap.co.uk, and providing
details of the book’s purchase. Management of Change
in Water Companies is essential reading for water utility
managers, national and local governments responsible
for water policy as well as those concerned with the
management of change and risk management. It is also
useful to readers interested in the areas of pollution
control, energy savings and water losses, and stream/
beach/river restoration.
September 2014 • 256 pages • Paperback
ISBN: 9781843391951
Ebook ISBN: 9781780406510
IWA Members Price: £71.25/US$128.25/€96.19
Non Members Price: £95.00/US$171.00/€128.25
2 0 1 5
Water Policy/Management/Finance/Governance
The Foreseeable Future for Water
Time to Change
Authors: Andrew James Segrave
People and societies conceptualise
and experience time in
fundamentally different ways. This
basic aspect of perception
significantly influences the way we
frame problems and conceive
solutions. This book shows how
time perspectives differ across
national cultures and across
professional roles. It shows how
these differences generate
ambiguity when it comes to defining problems and
devising solutions in the water sector.
This is especially important when dealing with problems
such as Sustainable Water Resources Management
and Climate Change that involve (culturally and
professionally) diverse stakeholders. Response
strategies to such problems inherently require concerted
action because of the large spatial and temporal
scale on which they take place and to minimise the
occurrence of conflicting interventions. This disparity
between diverse problem perceptions and the need for
collective understanding and united action is increasingly
recognised as an important concern in the field of water
resource management.
The conclusions are important because the time
horizons considered in planning and setting research
agendas influence what problems are perceived,
what questions are asked, and what solutions are
sought. In general, more time needs to be invested
in framing problems. This is particularly important for
participatory planning and transdisciplinary research
where the diversity in Motivational Space is greatest. It
is recommended that Motivational Space be collectively
and explicitly framed from the outset of all planning
projects, especially in terms of Temporal Extent. When
it comes to setting research agendas it is important to
match the Motivational Space of those who prioritize the
questions with the goal of the research programme.
This title belongs to KWR Watercycle Research Institute
September 2014 • 144 pages • Paperback
ISBN: 9781780406121
Ebook ISBN: 9781780406138
IWA Members Price: £63.75/US$114.75/€86.06
Non Members Price: £85.00/US$153.00/€114.75
Water Policy/Management/Finance/Governance
Water and Wastewater Finance and
Pricing: The Changing Landscape
Fourth Edition
Author: George A. Raftelis
This new edition of Water and
Wastewater Finance and Pricing:
The Changing Landscape analyses
the process for developing an
effective financial plan, focusing on
components such as public and
private sector financing, credit
facilities, system development
charges, interest rates, cost of debt
issuance, and market conditions.
• Fully revised throughout, with new coverage of water
reuse pricing, stormwater pricing, computer modelling
of financial systems, risk management, and more
• Provides case studies of utilities that have adopted
effective finance and pricing approaches and systems
* For Ebook Prices please see page 2
• Discusses delivery methods for design, construction,
and operation of facilities as well as legal, labour, and
regulatory issues
• Provides technical and policy insights to utility
governing boards
• The Changing Landscape of Water and Wastewater
Finance and Pricing
• Part One: Financing Water and Wastewater Services
• The First Step: Establishing a Strong Management
• Developing The Utilitys Strategic Financial Plan
• Public Sector Financing Options - Long-Term
Financing, Short-Term Financing, and Credit
• The Role of Public Private Partnerships and Alternative
Delivery Methods
• System Development Charges
• Part Two: Water and Wastewater Pricing
• Water and Wastewater Pricing Process
• Identification of Revenue Requirements
• Determination of Cost of Service
• Designing a Water and Wasterwater Rate Structure
• Emerging Pricing Approaches: An Alternative to
Traditional Rate Structures
• Designing an Effective Computer Model and Rate
• Managing Risks in Rate Design
• Wholesale and Wheeling Rates
• Water Reuse Rates
• Part Three: Selecting the Appropriate Financial and
Rate Approach and Gaining Stakeholder Commitment
• Selecting the Appropriate Financial Plan and Rate
• Balancing Community Sustainability and Financial
• Public Outreach and Gaining Stakeholder Commitment
• Part Four: Selected Topics
• Benchmarking Water and Wastewater Rates and
• Valuation of Water and Wastewater Utility Assets
• Affordability
• Stormwater Management, Financial Planning and
• Appendices
This title is co-published with CRC Press
December 2014 • 480 pages • Hardback
ISBN: 9781780405919
IWA Members Price: £74.25/US$133.65/€100.24
Non Members Price: £99.00/US$178.20/€133.65
Water Resources
Water Security for Better Lives
Author: Organisation for Economic Co-Operation and
Development (OECD)
This publication examines the
critical issues surrounding water
security (water shortage, water
excess, inadequate water quality,
the resilience of freshwater
systems), providing a rationale for a
risk-based approach and the
management of trade-offs between
water and other (sectorial and
environmental) policies.
The report sets out a three-step
process to “know”, “target” and “manage” water risks:
(1) appraising the risks, (2) judging the tolerability and
acceptability of risks and weighing risk-risk trade-offs,
and (3) calibrating appropriate responses.
The publication provides policy analysis and guidance on
the use of market-based instruments and the complex
links between water security and other policy objectives,
such as food security, energy security, climate mitigation
and biodiversity protection.
This title belongs to OECD Report Series
January 2014 • 178 pages • Paperback
ISBN: 9781780405766
Ebook ISBN: 9781780405773
IWA Members Price: £40.46/US$72.83/€54.62
Non Members Price: £53.94/US$97.09/€72.82
Water Resources
Water Conservation in Urban Households
Roles of Prices, Policies and
Author: Sonia Ferdous Hoque
Conservation of water resources is
one of the important aspects of
ensuring sustainable development
of cities and should incorporate
environmental, social and economic
dimensions. This book highlights the
importance of using water efficiently
in urban households, in both
developed and developing cities.
Specifically, the book focuses on:
• the determinants of water conservation behaviour,
including psychological factors such as values, beliefs
and attitudes, socio-economic factors such as income,
water pricing and policies, environmental factors such
as seasonal variations and demographic factors such
as household size and age;
• the role of policies such as mandatory water
restrictions, labelling of water saving devices and
promotion of public awareness;
• the role of water and wastewater tariff structures in
achieving the goals of revenue generation, affordability,
demand management and equity and the design of
conservation oriented rate structures; and
• the role of water saving devices in providing
technological solutions to household water
conservation. In relation to the above issues, the
book provides several detailed case studies of cities
to understand the effectiveness of such demand
management tools and the lessons learnt. Overall, the
book aims to provide a comprehensive overview of the
various price and non-price tools that can be used to
manage domestic water consumption.
Water Conservation in Urban Households is a one-stop
repository of information on water conservation for
academics, practitioners and policy makers. The text
can be used for teaching and research on water demand
management as well as for professional reference by
water utility officials. In addition, the appendix of the
book contains a database of the current domestic water
and wastewater tariffs and monthly bills of selected
cities, which will be helpful for those willing to conduct
research in this field.
• Water conservation – The Answer to Water Shortage in
the 21st Century
• Determinants of Domestic Water Consumption –
Theories and Observations
• Role of Prices – Water Tariffs
• Role of Policy - Regulations and Conservation
• Role of Technology – Water Saving Devices
• Demand Side Management Tools – Comparing Price
and Non-Price Approaches
April 2014 • 224 pages • Paperback
ISBN: 9781780405476
Ebook ISBN: 9781780405483
IWA Members Price: £63.75/US$114.75/€86.06
2 0 1 5
Non Members Price: £85.00/US$153.00/€114.75
Student Price: £46.75/US$84.15/€63.11
Water Resources
Integrated Water Resource Management
in Brazil
Editor: Carsten Lorz, Franz Makeschin, and
Holger Weiss
The complex interactions between
water resources, land-use change
and water technologies are a major
issue in many emerging countries of
Southern America. Usable water
resources are affected by natural
conditions, such as, strong seasonal
contrasts and high climatic
variability, and rapid changes of
land use and cover that is caused
by the dramatic expansion of
agricultural land and urbanization processes.
So far, the effects of the changing climate have had
minor effects on water resources. Although regional
data is rather scarce, global climate models predict
substantial changes in climatic conditions. A further
pressure is that demand for water supply and waste
water, both in terms of amount and spatial expansion,
is increasing rapidly in some regions due to higher
population densities caused by natural population growth
and migration as well as higher per capita consumption.
Integrated Water Resource Management in Brazil aims
to present the results of the joint project IWAS/AGUA
DF which deals with problems, causes and solutions
in water supply in scope of integrated water resource
management in western Central Brazil. The basic idea
of the IWRM approach to be presented is to show
how natural conditions and human interference are
interacting and how technologies as well as concepts
might help to manage such water resource systems in a
sustainable way.
• Introduction and Overview
• Climate, Land Use and Water Resources
• Regional Climate Change in Central Brazil
• Protection and Exploitation of Groundwater Resources
in western Central Brazil
• Effects of Land Use/Cover Change on Water
Resources in Mesoscale River Basins in western
Central Brazil
• Urban Structures and Water Resources in the Federal
• Sediment Sources in the Lago Paranoá Catchment,
Western Central Brazil
• River Basins Management by Using Web Based
Information Technology
• Water Quality, Concepts and Technologies
• Water quality of Tropical Reservoirs in a Changing
World the Case of Lake Paranoá, Brasilia, Brazil
• Bridging the Gap: Current and Future Drinking Water
Treatment for a Fast-growing Megacity, Brasilia
• Developing the Urban Water System Towards Using
the Paranoá Lake in Brasilia as Receptor and Water
• Capacity Development as Base Element of IWRM in
Central Brazil
• Conclusions and Consequences Transfer of Scientific
Results into Practice
October 2014 • 152 pages • Hardback
ISBN: 9781780404899
Ebook ISBN: 9781780404905
IWA Members Price: £71.25/US$128.25/€96.19
Non Members Price: £95.00/US$171.00/€128.25
* For Ebook Prices please see page 2
Water Supply & Distribution
Rainwater Tank Systems for Urban Water
Design, Yield, Energy, Health Risks,
Economics and Social Perceptions
Editors: Ashok K Sharma, Donald Begbie and
Ted Gardner
Rainwater tank systems have been
widely adopted across the world to
provide a safe local source of water
in underdeveloped rural areas, a
substitution for mains water for nonpotable end uses in water stressed
urban areas, as well as providing
flooding control in monsoonal
climates such as Korea, or
combined sewer systems such as
Germany. The importance of these
systems in cities has grown, as water managers seek to
provide a range of decentralised solutions to supply
constraints of current water supply systems, whilst
reducing the impact of urban development on the natural
environment, and increasing resilience to the impacts of
climate change. Rainwater tank systems are now often
implemented under integrated urban water management
(IUWM) and water sensitive urban design (WSUD)
philosophies, which take a holistic view of the urban
water cycle.
Rainwater Tank Systems for Urban Water Supply is
based on a comprehensive, multi-million dollar research
program that was undertaken in South East Queensland
(SEQ) Australia in response to the Millennium drought
when the water supply level in the regions drinking
water dams dropped to 17% in July 2007 and the area
came close to running out of water. In particular, the
book provides insights and detailed analysis of design,
modelling, implementation, operation, energy usage,
economics, management, health risk, social perceptions
and implications for water quality/quantity of roof water
The approaches and methodologies included in
Rainwater Tank Systems for Urban Water Supply inform
and validate research programs, and provide insights on
the expected performance and potential pitfalls of the
adoption of rainwater tanks systems including:
• actual harvested yield and resulting mains water
• optimal sizing for rainwater storages and roof collection
• expected water quality and implications for managing
public health risks,
• odelling tools available for decision support,
• operation and management approaches of a
decentralised asset at the household scale and
community acceptance.
The book is suitable for use at undergraduate and post
graduate levels and is of particular interest to water
professionals across the globe, who are involved in the
strategic water planning for a town, city or a region. It is
a valuable resource for developers, civil designers, water
planners, architects and plumbers seeking to implement
sustainable water servicing approaches for residential,
industrial and commercial developments.
• Status of Rainwater Tanks Globally and in Australia
• Modelling of Rainwater Tank Yields at Household and
Regional Scales
• Quantifying Mains Water Savings in Detached Homes
with Internally Plumbed Rainwater Tanks
• Monitoring Rainwater uses in Households
• Verification of Installation Compliance with Design
Specifications and Regulation
• Factors Affecting Energy Usage by Rainwater Tank
• Management and Regulatory Needs for Rainwater
• Social Attitudes of Rainwater Tank Owners
hemical Quality of Water in Rainwater Tanks and
Health Implications
icrobiological Quality of Water in Rainwater Tanks
and Health Implications
ommunal Tanks - an Alternative to Individual
Household Tanks?
conomics and Cost-Effectiveness of Individual and
Communal Rainwater Tank Systems
ainwater Tank Impact on Urban Hydrology and
Stormwater Quality
olicy Aspects of Rainwater Tank Implementation
June 2015 • 300 pages • Paperback
ISBN: 9781780405353
Ebook ISBN: 9781780405360
IWA Members Price: £71.25/US$128.25/€96.19
Non Members Price: £95.00/US$171.00/€128.25
WERF Reports for 2014 and 2015
Can TMDL Models Reproduce the Nutrient
Loading-Hypoxia Relationship?
WERF Report U4R09
January 2015 • 60 pages
ISBN: 9781780406497
IWA Members Price: Pay Per View Only
Non Members Price: Pay Per View Only
A Practitioner’s Guide to Economic Decision
Making in Asset Management Background
and Guidance
WERF Report SAM1R06b1
February 2015 • 200 pages
ISBN: 9781780405285
IWA Members Price: Pay Per View Only
Non Members Price: Pay Per View Only
Guidance Document on Anaerobic Digester
Foaming Prevention and Control Methods
2 0 1 5
Compendium of Sensors and Monitors and
Their Use in the Global Water Industry
WERF Report SENC1C11
March 2015 • 250 pages
ISBN: 9781780406695
IWA Members Price: Pay Per View Only
Non Members Price: Pay Per View Only
Evaluating the Impact of Cold Weather Events
on Biological Nutrient Removal in Wastewater
Treatment Facilities
WERF Report NUTR1R06s
March 2015 • 120 pages
ISBN: 9781780406701
IWA Members Price: Pay Per View Only
Non Members Price: Pay Per View Only
Algal Nutrient Removal During Wastewater
WERF Report U4R10
April 2015 • 70 pages
ISBN: 9781780406749
IWA Members Price: Pay Per View Only
Non Members Price: Pay Per View Only
Case Study Application of Determining End
of Asset Physical Life Using Survival Analysis
Cincinnati and Milwaukee
WERF Report INFR2R11a
April 2015 • 40 pages
ISBN: 9781780406770
IWA Members Price: Pay Per View Only
Non Members Price: Pay Per View Only
WERF Report INFR1SG10a
February 2014 • 70 pages
ISBN: 9781780406596
IWA Members Price: Pay Per View Only
Non Members Price: Pay Per View Only
Membrane Bioreactor Design Guide for
Achieving Low Effluent Nutrient Concentrations
WERF Report
April 2015 • 100 pages
ISBN: 9781780406756
IWA Members Price: Pay Per View Only
Non Members Price: Pay Per View Only
Framework for Energy Neutral Treatment for
the 21st Century through Energy Efficient
WERF Report INFR2R12
April 2015 • 80 pages
ISBN: 9781780406794
IWA Members Price: Pay Per View Only
Non Members Price: Pay Per View Only
* For Ebook Prices please see page 2
2 0 1 5
Development of Sustainable Approaches for
Achieving Low Phosphorus Effluents
Renewal Engineering for Wastewater:
Synthesis Report
Co-Digestion of Organic Waste Products with
Wastewater Solids (Interim Report)
WERF Report NUTR1R06v
WERF Report INFR9SG09reww
WERF Report OWSO5R07b
June 2015 • 150 pages
ISBN: 9781780406923
IWA Members Price: Pay Per View Only
Non Members Price: Pay Per View Only
September 2015 • 100 pages
ISBN: 9781780405704
IWA Members Price: Pay Per View Only
Non Members Price: Pay Per View Only
Bioavailability and Characteristics of Dissolved
Organic Nutrients in Wastewater Effluents
WERF Report NUTR1R06o
Research Digest: Decision Analysis/
Implementation Guidance Asset Management
Tools Development
WERF Report SAM1R06e
Full-Plant Deammonification for Energy
Positive Nitrogen Removal
WERF Report INFR6R11
October 2015
ISBN: 9781780405117
IWA Members Price: Pay Per View Only
Non Members Price: Pay Per View Only
July 2015 • 80 pages
ISBN: 9781780400495
IWA Members Price: Pay Per View Only
Non Members Price: Pay Per View Only
How Water/Wastewater Utilities Responded
to Extreme Climate and Weather Events: Case
Studies on Community Response, Lessons
Learned, and Adaptation Needs
WERF Report CEC7C11
August 2015
ISBN: 9781780405100
IWA Members Price: Pay Per View Only
Non Members Price: Pay Per View Only
Adapting Leading Practices and Associated
WERF Report SAM1R06l
November 2015 • 100 pages
ISBN: 9781780405377
IWA Members Price: Pay Per View Only
Non Members Price: Pay Per View Only
Institutional Issues for Integrated One Water
Product Qualification for Water Utilities:
Synthesis Report
WERF Report INFR9SG09pqwu
September 2015 • 100 pages
ISBN: 9781780405674
IWA Members Price: Pay Per View Only
Non Members Price: Pay Per View Only
WERF Report SIWM2T12
December 2015 • 200 pages
ISBN: 9781780407258
IWA Members Price: Pay Per View Only
Non Members Price: Pay Per View Only
Utility Benchmarking for Drinking Water:
Synthesis Report
Renewal Engineering for Drinking Water:
Synthesis Report
September 2015 • 100 pages
ISBN: 9781780405667
IWA Members Price: Pay Per View Only
Non Members Price: Pay Per View Only
WERF Report
October 2015 • 100 pages
ISBN: 9781780407050
IWA Members Price: Pay Per View Only
Non Members Price: Pay Per View Only
July 2015 • 120 pages
ISBN: 9781780405568
IWA Members Price: Pay Per View Only
Non Members Price: Pay Per View Only
WERF Report INFR9SG09redw
Mass Transfer Characteristics of Floating
Media in MBBR and IFAS Fixed-Film Systems
WERF Report INFR9SG09ubdw
February 2014 • 100 pages
ISBN: 9781780405698
IWA Members Price: Pay Per View Only
Non Members Price: Pay Per View Only
April 2014 • 60 pages
ISBN: 9781780405384
IWA Members Price: Pay Per View Only
Non Members Price: Pay Per View Only
Green Energy Life Cycle Assessment Tool
(GELCAT) User Manual and Software
WERF Report OWSO6R07c
July 2014 • 58 pages
ISBN: 9781780406718
IWA Members Price: Pay Per View Only
Non Members Price: Pay Per View Only
Demonstration and Evaluation of
Innovative Wastewater Main Rehabilitation
WERF Report INFR4R11
September 2014 • 80 pages
ISBN: 9781780405933
IWA Members Price: Pay Per View Only
Non Members Price: Pay Per View Only
Leading Practices and Key Performance
Indicators for Asset Management
WERF Report SAM1R06k
September 2014 • 180 pages
ISBN: 9781780405926
IWA Members Price: Pay Per View Only
Non Members Price: Pay Per View Only
Pilot Testing of Membrane Zero Liquid
Discharge for Drinking Water Systems
WERF Report WERF5T10
September 2014 • 200 pages
ISBN: 9781780406688
IWA Members Price: Pay Per View Only
Non Members Price: Pay Per View Only
Surface Complexation Modelling and
Aluminum Mediated Phosphorus: White Paper
WERF Report NUTR1R06r
September 2014 • 20 pages
ISBN: 9781780406848
IWA Members Price: Pay Per View Only
Non Members Price: Pay Per View Only
Utility Benchmarking for Wastewater
Synthesis Report
WERF Report INFR9SG09ubww
February 2014 • 100 pages
ISBN: 9781780405681
Members Price: Pay Per View Only
Non Members Price: Pay Per View Only
Evaluation of the Efficiency of Biogas
Treatment for the Removal of Siloxanes
WERF Report OWSO10C10
November 2014 • 100 pages
ISBN: 9781780405490
IWA Members Price: Pay Per View Only
Non Members Price: Pay Per View Only
Developing a Standardized Protocol for
Assessing the Biodegradability of Trace
Organic Contaminants
WERF Report U3R10
Holistic Assessment of Trace Organic
Compounds (TOrC) in Wastewater Treatment
WERF Report U3R11
October 2014
ISBN: 9781780405162
IWA Members Price: Pay Per View Only
Non Members Price: Pay Per View Only
November 2014 • 120 pages
ISBN: 9781780405179
IWA Members Price: Pay Per View Only
Non Members Price: Pay Per View Only
21st Century Water Asset Accounting: Case
Studies Report
WERF Report INFR6R12a
November 2014 • 80 pages
ISBN: 9781780405124
IWA Members Price: Pay Per View Only
Non Members Price: Pay Per View Only
Phosphorus Fractionation and Removal in
Wastewater Treatment: Implications for
Minimizing Effluent Phosphorus
WERF Report NUTR1R06l
21st Century Water Asset Accounting:
Implications Report
WERF Report INFR6R12b
November 2014 • 40 pages
ISBN: 9781780405131
IWA Members Price: Pay Per View Only
Non Members Price: Pay Per View Only
November 2014 • 120 pages
ISBN: 9781780406893
IWA Members Price: Pay Per View Only
Non Members Price: Pay Per View Only
Resource Recovery from Wastewater: A
Research Agenda for Australia
WERF Report NTRY2C13
Automatic Vacuum Flushing Technology for
Combined Sewer Solids
November 2014 • 60 pages
ISBN: 9781780400471
IWA Members Price: Pay Per View Only
Non Members Price: Pay Per View Only
November 2014 • 80 pages
ISBN: 9781780406640
IWA Members Price: Pay Per View Only
Non Members Price: Pay Per View Only
2 0 1 5
Underground Utility Locating Technology:
Synthesis Report
WERF Report INFR9SG09uult
November 2014 • 100 pages
ISBN: 9781780405711
IWA Members Price: Pay Per View Only
Non Members Price: Pay Per View Only
Water Infrastructure Asset Management
WERF Report INFR9SG09b
November 2014 • 100 pages
ISBN: 9781780406145
IWA Members Price: Pay Per View Only
Non Members Price: Pay Per View Only
Demonstrating Advanced Oxidation/
Biofiltration for Pharmaceutical Removal in
WERF Report U2R11
November 2014
ISBN: 9781780405155
IWA Members Price: Pay Per View Only
Non Members Price: Pay Per View Only
Research Digest: Decision Analysis/
Implementation Guidance: Asset Management
Tools Development, Phase 3
WERF Report SAM1R06i
December 2014 • 70 pages
ISBN: 9781780405032
IWA Members Price: Pay Per View Only
Non Members Price: Pay Per View Only
Solids Role in Tertiary Chemical Phosphorus
Removal by Alum
WERF Report NUTR1R06t
Condition Assessment for Wastewater
Pipelines: Synthesis Report
WERF Report INFR9SG09caww
Fate of Engineered Nanomaterials in
Wastewater Biosolids, Land Application, and
WERF Report U1R10
September 2014 • 160 pages
ISBN: 9781780406008
IWA Members Price: Pay Per View Only
Non Members Price: Pay Per View Only
November 2014 • 100 pages
ISBN: 9781780405612
IWA Members Price: Pay Per View Only
Non Members Price: Pay Per View Only
November 2014 • 60 pages
ISBN: 9781780406763
IWA Members Price: Pay Per View Only
Non Members Price: Pay Per View Only
Utilities of the Future Energy Findings
WERF Report ENER6C13
November 2014 • 80 pages
ISBN: 9781780406800
IWA Members Price: Pay Per View Only
Non Members Price: Pay Per View Only
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AWWA mAnuAls
of water supply practices
In the day-to-day operation, maintenance, and management of water supply systems, operators and managers
alike depend on fast access to technical data and recommended practices offered by AWWA Manuals of Water Supply Practices .
Consensus Reviewed
AWWA Manuals of Water Supply Practices are consensus documents,
written, reviewed, and approved by members of AWWA volunteer
committees . AWWA manuals are also regularly updated . You can be
assured that AWWA manuals provide current industry best practices .
AWWA manuals are downloadable at www .techstreet .com .
Tables of Contents Available
The Table of Contents for each manual is available in the
Manuals of Water Supply Practices section of the AWWA
online bookstore, www .awwa .org/store .
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Order the complete set of AWWA Manuals of Water Supply
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The price of the AWWA Manuals Library Set is subject to change
due to regularly added new manuals and revised editions .
Heavy-duty cardboard case for AWWA Manuals
of Water Supply Practices, holds approximately
eight manuals .
No. 30039 / Member $6.95 / Nonmember $9.95
No. MANSET / Member $2,920 / Nonmember $4,599
AWWAstore Catalog / w w w.aw wa.org / 1.800.926.7337
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Titleof water supply practices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Member
NEW! 30001-6E
M1 Principles of Water Rates, Fees, and Charges, sixth edition
M3 Safety Practices for Water Utilities, sixth edition
M5 Water Utility Management, second edition
M19 Emergency Planning for Water Utilities, fourth edition
NEW! 30019-SPE
M19 Planificacion Para Emergencias En Empressas De Servicios De Agua
M21 Groundwater, third edition
M29 Fundamentals of Water Utility Capital Financing, third edition
M47 Capital Project Delivery, second edition
M50 Water Resources Planning, second edition
M52 Water Conservation Programs: A Planning Manual
M54 Developing Rates for Small Systems
M60 Drought Preparedness and Response
M2 Instrumentation & Control, third edition
M4 Water Fluoridation Principles and Practices, fifth edition
M7 Problem Organisms in Water: Identification & Treatment, third edition
M12 Simplified Procedures for Water Examination, fifth edition
M20 Water Chlorination & Chloramination Practices & Principles, second edition
M30 Precoat Filtration, second edition
M37 Operational Control of Coagulation and Filtration Processes, third edition
M38 Electrodialysis and Electrodialysis Reversal
M46 Reverse Osmosis and Nanofiltration, second edition
M48 Waterborne Pathogens, second edition
M53 Microfiltration and Ultrafiltration Membranes for Drinking Water, second edition
M56 Fundamentals & Control of Nitrification in Chloraminated Drinking Distribution Systems
M57 Algae: Source to Treatment
M61 Desalination of Seawater
NEW! 30006-5E
M6 Water Meters: Selection, Installation, Testing & Maintenance, fifth edition
M9 Concrete Pressure Pipe, third edition
M11 Steel Pipe: A Guide for Design and Installation, fourth edition
M14 Recommended Practice for Backflow Prevention and Cross-Connection Control
M17 Installation, Field Testing, & Maintenance of Fire Hydrants, fourth edition
M22 Sizing Water Service Lines and Meters, second edition
M23 PVC Pipe Design and Installation, second edition
M24 Planning for the Distribution of Reclaimed Water, third edition
M25 Flexible Membrane Covers and Linings for Potable-Water Reservoirs, third edition
M27 External Corrosion: Introduction to Chemistry and Control, second edition
M28 Rehabilitation of Water Mains, second edition
M31 Distribution System Requirements for Fire Protection, fourth edition
NEW! 30032-3E
M32 Computer Modeling of Water Distribution Systems, third edition
M33 Flowmeters in Water Supply, second edition
M36 Water Audits and Loss Control Programs, third edition
M41 Ductile-Iron Pipe and Fittings, third edition
M42 Steel Water-Storage Tanks
M44 Distribution Valves: Selection, Installation, Field Testing & Maintenance, second edition
M45 Fiberglass Pipe Design, second edition
NEW! 30049-2E
M49 Butterfly Valves: Torque, Headloss and Cavitation Analysis, second edition
M51 Air-Release, Air/Vacuum & Combination Air Valves
M55 PE Pipe Design and Installation
M58 Internal Corrosion Control in Water Distribution Systems
Complete set of AWWA Manuals
SAVE 20%!
Prices subject to change without notice.
12 AWWAstore Catalog / w w w.aw wa.org / 1.800.926.7337
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . AWWA mAnuAls of water supply practices
New edition!
Principles of Water Rates, Fees,
and Charges (M1)
Instrumentation & Control (M2)
Safety Practices for Water Utilities (M3)
Third Edition
Sixth Edition
Sixth Edition
Here is the water-rate information you need in
one convenient reference . It clearly explains all
the issues associated with developing water rates,
special fees, and other types of charges for your
customer classes . The manual describes the
advantages and disadvantages of various rate
structures and provides guidance in determining
water rates and charges that are most relevant
to your particular utility and community .
Understand the basic principles of automation,
instrumentation, and electric power distribution
of municipal water treatment, distribution, and
storage systems . The manual explains how to
examine an item of equipment and understand
what it does, how it works, and the functions of its
associated devices . Chapters cover hydraulic and
electrical principles, motor controls, measurement
instruments, visual displays, pumps, valves, and
digital controls .
This essential manual addresses safety issues
for each of the main safety concerns commonly
encountered in water utilities: hazardous materials,
vehicles, hazardous energy, confined spaces,
tools, facilities, personal protective equipment,
construction sites, and respiratory equipment .
Includes sample safety forms and safety signs .
Published by AWWA, 2012, softcover, 360 pp.
ISBN 978-1-58321-863-1
Published by AWWA, 2001, softcover, 225 pp.
ISBN 978-1-58321-125-0
No. 30001-6E / Member $92 / Nonmember $146
No. 30002 / Member $82 / Nonmember $129
Water Fluoridation Principles
and Practices (M4)
Water Utility Management (M5)
Fifth Edition
This practical manual is ideal for new utility
managers and managers of small water systems .
It covers all areas of water utility management:
types of utility governance, regulatory framework,
stewardship/ethics, organizational structure,
financial management, customer service,
communications, operations and engineering,
maintenance, environmental health and safety,
security and emergency planning, human resources,
information systems, and support services .
Fifth Edition
Fluoridation treatment of drinking water is the
addition or removal of fluoride to maintain an
optimum level to reduce tooth decay . Since
fluoridation treatment became common practice
in the US over 50 years ago, tooth decay has been
reduced 40 to 65 percent . This practical manual
provides all the information needed for designing, installing, testing, and operating fluoridation
systems in drinking water treatment plants .
Published by AWWA, 2004, softcover, 89 pp.
ISBN 978-1-58321-311-7
Published by AWWA, 2005, softcover, 134 pp.
ISBN 978-1-58321-361-2
No. 30006-5E / Member $72 / Nonmember $108
No. 30004 / Member $72 / Nonmember $108
No. 30005 / Member $74 / Nonmember $118
Second Edition
Published by AWWA, 2002, softcover, 151 pp.
ISBN 978-1-58321-190-8
No. 30003 / Member $74 / Nonmember $118
Water Meters—Selection, Installation,
Testing, and Maintenance (M6)
Operators will gain understanding for all aspects
of water meters: types, specification, installation,
testing, maintenance, and repair . The manual
provides a history of water use measurement and
explores the development of modern water meters .
M6 is illustrated with photos, diagrams, and
performance specs .
Published by AWWA, 2012, softcover, 125 pp.
ISBN 978-1-58321-862-4
French language version available: Go to
www .reseau-environnement .com/publications .
AWWAstore Catalog / w w w.aw wa.org / 1.800.926.7337
AWWA manuals of water supply practices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Problem Organisms in Water:
Identification and Treatment (M7)
Concrete Pressure Pipe (M9)
Third Edition
Designed for engineers, designers, contractors, and
utility operators, this comprehensive operations
manual explains the design, selection, specification,
installation, and testing of concrete pressure pipe
for potable water service. It covers all aspects of
the design and use of concrete water pipe: types,
construction, engineering, hydraulics, surge pressure, external loads, fittings and appurtenances,
bedding, backfilling, pressure testing, and more.
Installation guidelines and safety practices for
transporting concrete pipe are also covered.
Fourth Edition
Published by AWWA, 2008, softcover, 262 pp.
ISBN 978-1-58321-549-4
Published by AWWA, 2004, softcover, 241 pp.
ISBN 978-1-58321-274-5
No. 30009 / Member $82 / Nonmember $129
No. 30011 / Member $82 / Nonmember $129
Recommended Practice for Backflow
Prevention and Cross-Connection
Control (M14)
Installation, Field Testing, and
Maintenance of Fire Hydrants (M17)
Reliable water-quality tests form the basis for
regulatory compliance and ensure the best possible
quality drinking water for the community. This practice manual provides lab technicians with simplified
versions of the most common lab tests used in process control of drinking water production. All tests
in this manual are based upon Standard Methods
for the Examination of Water & Wastewater. These
tested lab procedures will enable plant operators
to evaluate and optimize treatment processes to
produce the highest-quality drinking water.
Third Edition
Proper installation, testing, and maintenance are
critical for every fire hydrant in your city. This
manual provides detailed instructions for installing,
testing, and maintaining both wet-barrel and
dry-barrel types of fire hydrants. Cutaway
drawings, photos, step-by-step procedures,
equipment lists, specification charts, maintenance
schedules, and ready-to-use forms provide all the
information you need to keep your fire hydrants
working perfectly at all times.
Published by AWWA, 2002, softcover, 222 pp.
ISBN 978-1-58321-182-3
No. 30014 / Member $74 / Nonmember $118
Nearly 90% of water utilities must deal with algae,
mussels, or other nuisance organisms. Take control
with this essential AWWA manual. You’ll find basic
information and valuable resources to help troubleshoot and resolve problems caused by these organisms. Each section opens with a brief description of
an organism, the problems the organism can cause,
control strategies, and relevant references.
Published by AWWA, 2004, softcover, 145 pp.
ISBN 978-1-5832-1-292-9
No. 30007 / Member $82 / Nonmember $129
Simplified Procedures for Water
Examination (M12)
Fifth Edition
Third Edition
Eliminate the threat of backflow and crossconnections in your distribution system. This
manual describes currently accepted practices
for initiating and managing an effective crossconnection control program and establishing
uniform procedures and practices. Coverage
includes backflow device selection and the latest
techniques for inspection and maintenance.
Published by AWWA, 2004, softcover, 133 pp.
ISBN 978-1-58321-288-2
No. 30012 / Member $82 / Nonmember $129
14 AWWAstore Catalog / w w w.aw wa.org / 1.800.926.7337
Steel Pipe—A Guide for Design
and Installation (M11)
This comprehensive practice manual is a handy
operations and design reference for the selection,
installation, and maintenance of steel water pipe
for potable water transmission and distribution. Its
thorough coverage includes a history of steel pipe,
uses, physical characteristics, manufacture, testing,
hydraulics, determination of pipe wall thickness,
water hammer and pressure surge, external loads,
supports, pipe joints, fittings and appurtenances,
installation, and maintenance.
Fourth Edition
Published by AWWA, 2006, softcover, 123 pp.
ISBN 978-1-58321-414-5
No. 30017 / Member $74 / Nonmember $118
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . AWWA mAnuAls of water supply practices
New Spanish
Emergency Planning for Water Utilities
Water Chlorination/Chloramination
Practices and Principles (M20)
Groundwater (M21)
Fourth Edition
Second Edition
All the information you need to develop complete
contingency plans for a variety of emergencies,
from natural disasters to human-caused
accidents, is in this practice manual . You’ll learn
how to identify the most vulnerable portions of
your system, depending on type of disaster, and
how to determine in what ways a disruption
would likely affect service .
This manual is a complete information resource
on the uses of chlorine and chloramines in water
treatment . Beginning with a brief history of these
important chemicals, the manual focuses on their
chemical properties and disinfection mechanisms;
proper handling, storage, and safety techniques;
feed equipment types and ancillary equipment;
chlorine and chloramine disinfection strategies;
and techniques to minimize the formation of disinfection by-products while maintaining adequate
disinfection and distribution system residual .
This manual covers the practical aspects of using
groundwater as a potable water supply and
provides a general overview of groundwater
hydrology, geophysical evaluation, development,
well water production, and treatment .
Published by AWWA, 2001, softcover, 109 pp.
ISBN 978-1-58321-135-9
No. 30019 / Member $74 / Nonmember $118
Spanish Edition: No. 30019-SPE
Member $74 / Nonmember $118
No. 30021 / Member $82 / Nonmember $129
No. 30020 / Member $74 / Nonmember $118
PVC Pipe—Design and Installation (M23)
Second Edition
This manual explains the selection, installation,
and maintenance of polyvinyl chloride (PVC) pipe
for drinking water systems . Whether your utility is
currently using PVC pipe or is considering its use for
the first time, this manual provides everything you
need to know about this type of pipe and fittings
for potable water use . It covers PVC chemical and
abrasion resistance properties, flow friction loss,
external load factors, internal pressure capacities,
flexibility ratings, and much more .
Published by AWWA, 2004, softcover, 113 pp.
ISBN 978-1-58321-279-0
Published by AWWA, 2003, softcover, 207 pp.
ISBN 978-1-58321-188-5
Published by AWWA, 2006, softcover, 173 pp.
ISBN 978-1-58321-408-4
Sizing Water Service Lines and Meters
Accurately size customer water service lines and
water meters with the guidance provided by this
practical manual . Coverage includes estimating
consumer water flows, peak water demands,
demand profiling, metering equipment, and procedures for calculating service lines and meters for
optimum water revenue and lowest service cost .
Numerous tables and examples are included .
French Language version available at
www .reseau-environnement .com/publications .
Third Edition
Second Edition
Published by AWWA, 2002, softcover, 167 pp.
ISBN 978-1-58321-171-7
No. 30023 / Member $82 / Nonmember $129
Planning for the Distribution of Reclaimed
Water (M24)
Third Edition
M24 provides guidance on planning and designing
dual distribution systems for treated reclaimed
(nonpotable) water to be used in applications that
do not require potable-quality water, such as public
park irrigation . M24 covers planning, engineering
design for reclaimed water treatment and
distribution systems, and management and
operation of dual systems .
Published by AWWA, 2009, softcover, 106 pp.
ISBN 978-1-58321-726-9
No. 30024 / Member $72 / Nonmember $108
No. 30022 / Member $72 / Nonmember $108
French language version available: Go to
www .reseau-environnement .com/publications .
AWWAstore Catalog / w w w.aw wa.org / 1.800.926.7337
AWWA mAnuAls of water supply practices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Flexible-Membrane Covers and Linings
for Potable-Water Reservoirs (M25)
External Corrosion: Introduction
to Chemistry and Control (M27)
Rehabilitation of Water Mains (M28)
Third Edition
Second Edition
This is a complete technical guide for the design,
installation, operation, and maintenance of flexiblemembrane covers and linings for potable water
reservoirs . It includes comparative information
about different types of membranes to help you
evaluate each and choose the right type for
your use .
Gain an understanding of external pipe corrosion
and learn how to institute a corrosion-control
program in this practical operations manual . It
explains the chemistry of corrosion and how to
evaluate a pipeline’s corrosion potential by studying
soil content, pipe material, and other variables .
The manual also provides information on corrosion
protection devices for distribution system pipe and
storage tanks .
Get the guidance you need to decide which
rehabilitation method is right for your specific
situation—cleaning, lining, or trenchless
rehabilitation . This manual provides step-by-step
procedures for all techniques, including flushing,
cable-attached devices, pigs and other fluidpropelled cleaning devices, power-boring devices,
cement–mortar lining, epoxy lining, conventional
slip-lining, close-fit slip-lining, cured-in-place lining,
and pipe-bursting technologies .
Published by AWWA, 2004, softcover, 85 pp.
ISBN 978-1-58321-300-1
Published by AWWA, 2001, softcover, 65 pp.
ISBN 978-1-58321-026-0
No. 30027 / Member $62 / Nonmember $98
No. 30028 / Member $62 / Nonmember $98
Fundamentals of Water Utility Capital
Financing (M29)
Precoat Filtration (M30)
Distribution System Requirements
for Fire Protection (M31)
Third Edition
This practical manual provides complete
information on precoat filtration systems,
including guidelines on their design, installation,
and operation . Cost considerations, filter media,
waste handling, auxiliary equipment, and
instrumentation are explained .
Published by AWWA, 2000, softcover, 39 pp.
ISBN 978-1-58321-070-3
No. 30025 / Member $50 / Nonmember $81
Adequate financing for infrastructure no longer
means looking primarily to federal or state grant
funding sources . An effective financial program may
encompass a variety of financing approaches . Written for both public- and investor-owned utilities, the
manual discusses traditional and innovative utility
financing alternatives to meet both short- and longterm capital requirements . Inflation, growth-related
demands, the impacts of public pressure to keep
rates low, and new financing options are addressed .
Second Edition
Reviewed and reaffirmed June 2009.
Published by AWWA, 1995, softcover, 52 pp.
ISBN 978-0-89867-787-4
No. 30030 / Member $50 / Nonmember $81
Published by AWWA, 2008, softcover, 98 pp.
ISBN 978-1-58321-545-6
No. 30029 / Member $72 / Nonmember $108
16 AWWAstore Catalog / w w w.aw wa.org / 1.800.926.7337
Second Edition
Fourth Edition
This manual provides specific guidance on the
design, operation, and maintenance of water
distribution systems as they relate to fire protection
and suppression . Fire-flow requirements, criteria
for system design, demand, and storage are
covered . The manual includes information on
materials standards, fire protection organizations
and their roles, and fire insurance ratings .
Published by AWWA, 2008, softcover, 60 pp.
ISBN 978-1-58321-580-7
No. 30031 / Member $62 / Nonmember $98
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . AWWA manuals of water supply practices
Computer Modeling of Water Distribution
Systems (M32)
Flowmeters in Water Supply (M33)
Third Edition
This manual provides an excellent explanation
of the types, design, installation, operation, and
maintenance of flowmeters. Coverage includes
electronic meters, venturi, modified venturi, orifice
plate, turbine and propeller, sonic, vortex, and
averaging Pitot flowmeters. Pipeline fluid flow
characteristics are also provided with tips on
achieving maximum effectiveness.
Modeling lets designers predict the performance
of the system to solve a wide variety of design,
operational, and water quality problems. Newly
revised M32 take the reader from an introduction
to modeling through data collection, model design,
calibration, and applications. New in the third
edition: hydraulic calibration, transient analysis,
and storage-tank mixing and water age.
Published by AWWA, 2012, softcover, 283 pp.
ISBN 978-1-58321-864-8
Second Edition
Published by AWWA, 2006, softcover, 56 pp.
ISBN 978-1-58321-452-7
No. 30033 / Member $62 / Nonmember $98
No. 30032-3E / Member $74 / Nonmember $118
Water Audits and Loss Control
Programs (M36)
Third Edition
By introducing a major advance in water-auditing
methodology, this manual has the latest information
on identifying and controlling both real and
apparent water loss in municipal distribution
systems. M36 presents specific techniques to
identify, measure, and verify all water consumed
and lost; reveal apparent losses from incorrect
metering and billing; recover lost revenue;
and implement a leakage and pressure
management program.
Published by AWWA, 2009, softcover, 285 pp.
ISBN 978-1-58321-631-6
No. 30036 / Member $82 / Nonmember $129
French language version available: Go to
Operational Control of Coagulation and
Filtration Processes (M37)
Electrodialysis and Electrodialysis
Reversal (M38)
Ductile-Iron Pipe and Fittings (M41)
Third Edition
This manual explains the design, selection,
installation, operation, and maintenance of
electrodialysis and electrodialysis reversal
systems in water treatment. Text explains process
principles, equipment information, electrodialysis
technology, and system design. It is an excellent
resource for engineers and operators who need
to know more about these technologies.
An indispensable reference for water distribution
system designers and operators, M41 provides
the most current engineering and operating
specifications for ductile-iron pipe and fittings.
M41 describes best practices in the manufacture,
design, applications, installation, corrosion
protection, fittings, and maintenance of this
versatile and durable pipe material.
Reviewed and reaffirmed, June 25, 2007.
Published by AWWA, 1995, softcover, 62 pp.
ISBN 978-0-89867-768-3
Published by AWWA, 2009, softcover, 260 pp.
ISBN 978-1-58321-632-3
Keep your coagulation and filtration processes
operating at optimum efficiency. AWWA Manual
M37 is greatly expanded with the best practices
and procedures for jar testing, particle counting,
coagulation monitoring and control, filtration,
flocculation, clarification, and pilot testing.
A new chapter on removing particles and natural
organic matter explains the influence of NOM
on coagulation.
Published by AWWA, 2011, softcover, 242 pp.
ISBN 978-1-58321-801-3
No. 30038 / Member $62 / Nonmember $98
Third Edition
No. 30041 / Member $82 / Nonmember $129
No. 30037 / Member $72 / Nonmember $108
French language version available: Go to
AWWAstore Catalog / w w w.aw wa.org / 1.800.926.7337
AWWA manuals of water supply practices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Steel Water-Storage Tanks (M42)
You will find detailed information on the selection,
design, construction, and maintenance of steel
tanks for potable water storage in this manual. M42
comprehensively covers tank sizing, configuration,
site selection, design, operation, and maintenance.
Published by AWWA, 1998, softcover, 145 pp.
ISBN 978-0-89867-977-9
No. 30042 / Member $82 / Nonmember $129
Distribution Valves: Selection,
Installation, Field Testing, and
Maintenance (M44)
Second Edition
M44 describes the selection and application of all
types of valves used in water service, including on/
off operation valves, flow control and on/off control
valves, special-purpose valves, actuators, and
valve-end connections. Unloading, inspection,
storage, installation, testing, maintenance, and
record keeping are described in detail.
Published by AWWA, 2006, softcover, 62 pp.
ISBN 978-1-58321-430-5
Fiberglass Pipe Design (M45)
Second Edition
Fiberglass water pipe is notable for its durability,
strength, and resistance to corrosion. This manual
describes fiberglass pipe materials, properties,
characteristics, manufacturing, hydraulics, buried
pipe design and installation, aboveground pipe
design and installation, thrust restraints, joining
systems, fittings, specials, shipping, handling,
storage, and repair.
Published by AWWA, 2005, softcover, 159 pp.
ISBN 978-1-58321-358-2
No. 30045 / Member $82 / Nonmember $129
No. 30044 / Member $62 / Nonmember $98
Reverse Osmosis and Nanofiltration
Capital Project Delivery (M47)
Waterborne Pathogens (M48)
Second Edition
Second Edition
Second Edition
M47 helps you get the best value for any capital
project investment. The manual describes
conventional, as well as alternative, project delivery
methods, including design–bid–build, design–
build–maintain, turnkey, owner construction management, and others. It explains the advantages
and disadvantages of each, provides advice on
bidding and selecting contractors and vendors, and
discusses budgets, warranties, dispute settlement,
and much more.
This comprehensive manual provides the
information you need to detect and eliminate
waterborne pathogens in drinking water. It covers
everything water utility managers, lab workers, and
operators need to know about waterborne microbial
pathogens, including types, diseases, regulation,
detection, and treatment. Color plates for dozens
of common pathogens are included.
Published by AWWA, 2010, softcover, 170 pp.
ISBN 978-1-58321-756-6
No. 30048 / Member $92 / Nonmember $146
This manual provides a thorough overview of
reverse osmosis and nanofiltration technologies for
operators, engineers, educators, or anyone seeking
an introduction to membrane water treatment.
Chapter topics encompass theory and applications,
design, equipment, costs, concentrate disposal,
pretreatment, equipment installation, operations,
safety, and maintenance.
Published by AWWA, 2007, softcover, 226 pp.
ISBN 978-1-58321-491-6
No. 30046 / Member $92 / Nonmember $146
No. 30047 / Member $74 / Nonmember $118
18 AWWAstore Catalog / w w w.aw wa.org / 1.800.926.7337
Published by AWWA, 2006, softcover, 324 pp.
ISBN 978-1-58321-403-9
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . AWWA manuals of water supply practices
New edition!
Butterfly Valves: Torque, Head Loss, and
Cavitation Analysis (M49)
Water Resources Planning (M50)
Second Edition
This manual provides best utility practices for
developing a cost-effective and environmentally
sound integrated resources plan (IRP). M50 gives
you step-by-step guidance through the whole IRP
process, from forecasting demand and identifying
your water supply options, through getting public
input and analyzing economic feasibility and
environmental impacts.
This manual provides guidance for using the
versatile butterfly valve in waterworks service.
Coverage includes procedures for calculating operating torque, head loss, and cavitation. The manual
includes recommended methods for choosing actuator sizes, avoiding valve failure caused by internal
forces produced by water flow and pressure, reducing noise, and preventing damaging vibrations.
Published by AWWA, 2001, softcover, 48 pp.
ISBN 978-1-58321-041-3
No. 30049-2E / Member $62 / Nonmember $98
Second Edition
Published by AWWA, 2007, softcover, 392 pp.
ISBN 978-1-58321-471-8
No. 30050 / Member $92 / Nonmember $146
Air-Release, Air/Vacuum & Combination
Air Valves (M51)
Here’s a total engineering and operations guidebook
for selecting, sizing, locating, and installing air
valves in drinking water supply applications.
Coverage includes valve types, installation
locations along a pipeline, selecting the correct
valve orifice size, water hammer conditions,
installation considerations, operation and safety
issues, and maintenance.
Published by AWWA, 2001, softcover, 37 pp.
ISBN 978-1-58321-152-6
No. 30051 / Member $50 / Nonmember $81
Water Conservation Programs—
A Planning Manual (M52)
Microfiltration and Ultrafiltration
Membranes for Drinking Water (M53)
Developing Rates for Small Systems
M52 is a planning guide for developing a water
conservation program for your utility’s service area.
It takes you through all the elements of a formal
water conservation program with step-by-step
guidance and instruction in conservation
techniques, conservation rates, cost–benefit
analysis, gaining support and overcoming
obstacles, program implementation, staffing,
and monitoring effectiveness.
This manual explains all aspects of microfiltration
and ultrafiltration for drinking water treatment.
M53 covers MF/UF theory, materials and
construction, manufacturers, system design,
applications, operations, costs, maintenance, and
integration with conventional treatment processes.
Case studies are included.
Published by AWWA, 2006, softcover, 149 pp.
ISBN 978-1-58321-391-9
No. 30053 / Member $92 / Nonmember $146
Limited data or resources don’t have to keep your
small utility from developing a rate structure that
recovers all your costs and is fair to your customers.
This manual gives you the step-by-step guidance
you need to determine your revenue requirements,
analyze your rates, develop a financial plan, and
design a better rate structure. M54 is perfect for
water systems serving populations of up to
10,000 because it focuses on the unique attributes
of small systems in relation to financial planning
and rate design.
No. 30052 / Member $74 / Nonmember $118
Published by AWWA, 2005, softcover, 257 pp.
ISBN 978-1-58321-360-5
Published by AWWA, 2004, softcover, 59 pp.
ISBN 978-1-58321-308-7
No. 30054 / Member $50 / Nonmember $81
AWWAstore Catalog / w w w.aw wa.org / 1.800.926.7337
AWWA mAnuAls of water supply practices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
PE Pipe—Design and Installation (M55)
This manual provides users of polyethylene (PE)
pipe and fittings in potable water systems with both
technical and general information on PE design,
specification, procurement, and installation . M55
covers engineering properties of polyethylene;
manufacturing, testing, and inspection; hydraulics
of PE pipe; working pressure rating; external load
design; joining and fitting; transportation, handling,
and storage; installation; hydro testing and
commissioning; and maintenance and repairs .
Published by AWWA, 2005, softcover, 151 pp.
ISBN 978-1-58321-387-2
No. 30055 / Member $74 / Nonmember $118
Fundamentals and Control of Nitrification
in Chloraminated Drinking Water
Distribution Systems (M56)
M56 is a complete reference on the prevention and
control of nitrification in water distribution systems .
You’ll find all the information needed to prevent,
treat, monitor, and control nitrification . The
manual identifies the causes of nitrification in
chloraminated systems; health impacts, growth,
and inactivation of bacteria; operational response
to an episode; and system improvements to
prevent nitrification .
Published by AWWA, 2006, softcover, 270 pp.
ISBN 978-1-58321-419-0
Algae: Source to Treatment (M57)
Algae cause tough water quality problems for
drinking water treatment professionals . M57
tells you how to solve your worst algae-related
problems . It will help you identify algal species,
detect cyanotoxins, design an algae monitoring
program, control algae at the source, and remove
algae in the treatment plant . M57 includes more
than 450 color and black-and-white photos and
illustrations . Purchase includes a free Algae
Divisions wall poster .
Published by AWWA, 2010, softcover, 464 pp.,
Full-color throughout. ISBN 978-1-58321-787-0
No. 30057 / Member $170 / Nonmember $258
No. 30056 / Member $92 / Nonmember $146
Internal Corrosion Control in Water
Distribution Systems (M58)
Drought Preparedness and
Response (M60)
Much is known about the factors that influence
internal corrosion in water distribution pipelines .
However, there is little practical guidance available
to public water systems regarding the design,
implementation, and maintenance of an effective
corrosion control program . M58 has complete information on factors influencing internal corrosion of
metal components, techniques for assessing corrosion and monitoring its impact on water quality, and
techniques for implementing an effective corrosion
control program in your distribution system .
What can a municipal water supplier do to ease
water shortages caused by drought? You have
many options, and the new AWW manual M60 tells
you what they are . M60 provides tried-and-true
strategies and tactics and introduces new tools and
methods that will minimize the effects of short- to
long-term drought on your water supply, your utility,
and your customers . You will know your options
and be able to make informed, defensible decisions
about how best to manage water shortages .
Manual M61 is specifically designed to help water
utility managers and design engineers understand
desalination technologies, infrastructure, and costs
to make informed decisions from planning through
treatment plant construction . You will understand
desalination technologies, effectiveness, and
costs; environmental and ecological impacts of
desalination plants; seawater intakes, disposal of
concentrate discharges, treatment approaches;
and benefits of building desalination plants next to
power plants .
Published by AWWA, 2011, softcover, 72 pp.
ISBN 978-1-58321-854-9
Published by AWWA, 2011, softcover, 110 pp.
ISBN 978-1-58321-833-4
No. 30060 / Member $62 / Nonmember $98
No. 30061 / Member $82 / Nonmember $129
Published by AWWA, 2011, softcover, 198 pp.
ISBN 1-978-58321-790-0
No. 30058 / Member $92 / Nonmember $146
20 AWWAstore Catalog / w w w.aw wa.org / 1.800.926.7337
Desalination of Seawater (M61)
1. Web Publications
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1.2. Compendium of Desalination and Water Resources (DESWARE), for details visit
2. EOLSS e-books and their full color print versions in subject categories
2.1. Prices of e-Books and their full color print versions
2.2. Fees for permission to reproduce/reprint parts from EOLSS e-books/print versions
Outlines of Component Encyclopedias of the EOLSS in terms of e-books and their full
color print versions
The Hydrological Cycle (Vols. 1-4)
Editor: Igor Alekseevich Shiklomanov, State Hydrological Institute (SHI), Russia
eISBN: 978-1-84826-024-5, 978-1-84826-025-2, 978-1-84826-026-9, 978-1-84826-193-8
ISBN: 978-1-84826-474-8, 978-1-84826-475-5, 978-1-84826-476-2, 978-1-84826-643-8
Types and Properties of Water (Vols. 1-2)
Editor: Martin Gaikovich Khublaryan, Water Problems Institute, Russian Academy of Science, Russia
eISBN: 978-1-90583-922-3, 978-1-90583-923-0
ISBN: 978-1-84826-922-4, 978-1-84826-923-1
Fresh Surface Water (Vols. 1-3)
Editor: James C.I. Dooge, University College Dublin, Ireland
eISBN: 978-1-84826-011-5, 978-1-84826-012-2, 978-1-84826-013-9
ISBN: 978-1-84826-461-8, 978-1-84826-462-5, 978-1-84826-463-2
Groundwater (Vols. 1-3)
Editors: Luis Silveira, Eduardo J. Usunoff, Uruguay Instituto de Hidrologia de Llanuras, Argentina
eISBN: 978-1-84826-027-6, 978-1-84826-028-3, 978-1-84826-029-0
ISBN: 978-1-84826-477-9, 978-1-84826-478-6, 978-1-84826-479-3
Water Storage, Transport, and Distribution (Vols. 1-2)
Editor: Yutaka Takahasi, University of Tokyo, Japan
eISBN: 978-1-84826-176-1
ISBN: 978-1-84826-626-1
Wastewater Recycling, Reuse, and Reclamation (Vols. 1-2)
Editor: Saravanamuthu (Vigi) Vigneswaran, University of Technology, Sydney, Australia
eISBN: 978-1-90583-924-7, 978-1-90583-925-4
ISBN: 978-1-84826-924-8, 978-1-84826-925-5
Hydraulic Structures, Equipment and Water Data Acquisition Systems (Vols. 1-4)
Editors: Jan Malan Jordaan, University of Pretoria, South Africa
Alexander Bell, Bell & Associates, South Africa
eISBN: 978-1-84826-049-8, 978-1-84826-050-4, 978-1-84826-051-1, 978-1-84826-192-1
ISBN: 978-1-84826-499-1, 978-1-84826-500-4, 978-1-84826-501-1, 978-1-84826-642-1
Water Resources Management (Vols. 1-2)
Editors: Hubert H.G. Savenije and Arjen Y. Hoekstra, International Institute for Infrastructural, Hydraulic and
Environmental Engineering (IHE - Delft), The Netherlands
eISBN: 978-1-84826-177-8, 978-1-84826-224-9
ISBN: 978-1-84826-627-8, 978-1-84826-674-2
Water Quality and Standards (Vols. 1-2)
Editors: Shoji Kubota, Kyushyu University, Japan
Yoshiteru Tsuchiya, Kogakuin University, Tokyo, Japan
eISBN: 978-1-84826-030-6, 978-1-84826-031-3
ISBN: 978-1-84826-480-9, 978-1-84826-481-6
Environmental and Health Aspects of Water Treatment and Supply
Editors: Shoji Kubota, Kyushyu University, Japan
Yasumoto Magara, Hokkaido University, Japan
eISBN: 978-1-84826-178-5
ISBN: 978-1-84826-628-5
Water-Related Education, Training and Technology Transfer
Editor: Andre van der Beken, Vrije Universitiet Brussel (VUB), Belgium
eISBN: 978-1-84826-015-3
ISBN: 978-1-84826-465-6
Water Interactions with Energy, Environment and Food & Agriculture (Vols. 1-2)
Editor: Maria Concepcion Donoso, Water Center for the Humid Tropics of Latin America and the Caribbean (CATHALAC),
eISBN: 978-1-84826-172-3, 978-1-84826-196-9
ISBN: 978-1-84826-622-3, 978-1-84826-646-9
Water and Development (Vols. 1-2)
Editor: Catherine M. Marquette, Christian Michelsen Institute, Development Studies and Human Rights, Norway
eISBN: 978-1-84826-173-0, 978-1-84826-197-6
ISBN: 978-1-84826-623-0, 978-1-84826-647-6
Future Challenges of Providing High-Quality Water (Vols. 1-2)
Editors: Jo-Ansie van Wyk, University of South Africa (UNISA), South Africa
Richard Meissner, University of Pretoria, South Africa
Hannatjie Jacobs, Independent Research Consultant, South Africa
eISBN: 978-1-84826-209-6, 978-1-84826-230-0
ISBN: 978-1-84826-659-9, 978-1-84826-680-3
Hydrological Systems Modeling (Vols. 1-2)
Editors: Lev S. Kuchment, Water Problems Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia
Vijay P. Singh, Texas A & M University
eISBN: 978-1-84826-198-3, 978-1-84826-187-7
ISBN: 978-1-84826-648-3, 978-1-84826-637-7
Wastewater Treatment Technologies (Vols. 1-3)
Editor: Saravanamuthu (Vigi) Vigneswaran, University of Technology, Sydney, Australia
eISBN: 978-1-84826-188-4, 978-1-84826-194-5, 978-1-84826-250-8
ISBN: 978-1-84826-638-4, 978-1-84826-644-5, 978-1-84826-700-8
History, Development and Management of Water Resources (Vols. 1-2)
eISBN: 978-1-84826-419-9, 978-1-84826-420-5
ISBN: 978-1-84826-869-2, 978-1-84826-870-8
Common Fundamentals and Unit Operations in Thermal Desalination Systems (Vols. 1-3)
eISBN: 978-1-84826-421-2, 978-1-84826-422-9, 978-1-84826-423-6
ISBN: 978-1-84826-871-5, 978-1-84826-872-2, 978-1-84826-873-9
Physical, Chemical and Biological Aspects of Water
eISBN: 978-1-84826-424-3
ISBN: 978-1-84826-874-6
Thermal Desalination Processes (Vols. 1-2)
eISBN: 978-1-84826-425-0, 978-1-84826-426-7
ISBN: 978-1-84826-875-3, 978-1-84826-876-0
Membrane Processes (Vols. 1-2)
eISBN: 978-1-84826-427-4, 978-1-84826-428-1
ISBN: 978-1-84826-877-7, 978-1-84826-878-4
Renewable Energy Systems and Desalination (Vols. 1-4)
eISBN: 978-1-84826-429-8, 978-1-84826-430-4, 978-1-84826-431-1, 978-1-84826-432-8
ISBN: 978-1-84826-879-1, 978-1-84826-880-7, 978-1-84826-881-4, 978-1-84826-882-1
Material Selection and Corrosion
eISBN: 978-1-84826-433-5
ISBN: 978-1-84826-883-8
Plant Operation, Maintenance and Management
eISBN: 978-1-84826-434-2
ISBN: 978-1-84826-884-5
Ancillary Equipment and Electrical Equipment
eISBN: 978-1-84826-435-9
ISBN: 978-1-84826-885-2
Process Instrumentation, Control and Automation
eISBN: 978-1-84826-436-6
ISBN: 978-1-84826-886-9
The Desalination Site and Civil Works
eISBN: 978-1-84826-437-3
ISBN: 978-1-84826-887-6
Thermal Power Plant and Co-generation Planning (Vols. 1-3)
eISBN: 978-1-84826-438-0, 978-1-84826-439-7, 978-1-84826-440-3
ISBN: 978-1-84826-888-3, 978-1-84826-889-0, 978-1-84826-890-6
Water and Wastewater Treatment Technologies (Vols. 1-3)
eISBN: 978-1-84826-441-0, 978-1-84826-442-7, 978-1-84826-443-4
ISBN: 978-1-84826-891-3, 978-1-84826-892-0, 978-1-84826-893-7
Water Health (Vols. 1-2)
eISBN: 978-1-84826-444-1, 978-1-84826-445-8
ISBN: 978-1-84826-894-4, 978-1-84826-895-1
Environmental and Health Aspects of Water Treatment and Supply
eISBN: 978-1-84826-446-5
ISBN: 978-1-84826-896-8
Water Quality and Standards (Vols. 1-3)
eISBN: 978-1-84826-447-2, 978-1-84826-448-9, 978-1-84826-449-6
ISBN: 978-1-84826-897-5, 978-1-84826-898-2, 978-1-84826-899-9
Coal, Oil Shale, Natural Bitumen, Heavy Oil and Peat (Vols. 1-2)
Editor: Gao Jinsheng, East China University of Science and Technology(ECUST), China
eISBN: 978-1-84826-017-7, 978-1-84826-018-4
ISBN: 978-1-84826-467-0, 978-1-84826-468-7
Nuclear Energy Materials and Reactors (Vols. 1-2)
Editors: Yassin A. Hassan, Texas A&M University, USA
Robin A. Chaplin, University of New Brunswick, Canada
eISBN: 978-1-84826-311-6, 978-1-84826-761-9
ISBN:978-1-84826-312-3, 978-1-84826-762-6
Renewable Energy Sources Charged with Energy from the Sun and Originated from Earth-Moon Interaction (Vols.
Editor: Evald Emilievich Shpilrain, IVTAN Institute for High Temperatures, Russian Academy of Sciences, Russia
eISBN: 978-1-84826-019-1, 978-1-84826-020-7
ISBN: 978-1-84826-469-4, 978-1-84826-470-0
Thermal Power Plants (Vols. 1-3)
Editor: Robin A. Chaplin, University of New Brunswick, Canada
eISBN: 978-1-905839-26-1, 978-1-905839-27-8, 978-1-905839-28-5
ISBN: 978-1-84826-926-2, 978-1-84826-927-9, 978-1-84826-928-6
Thermal to Mechanical Energy Conversion(Vols. 1-3)
Editor: Oleg N. Favorsky, Department of Physical and Technical Problems of Energetics, Russian Academy of Sciences,
eISBN: 978-1-84826-021-4, 978-1-84826-022-1, 978-1-84826-023-8
ISBN: 978-1-84826-471-7, 978-1-84826-472-4, 978-1-84826-473-1
Energy Carriers and Conversion Systems with Emphasis on Hydrogen (Vols. 1-2)
Editor: Tokio Ohta, Yokohama National University and Chairman of Frontier Information and Learning Organization
(FILO), Japan
eISBN: 978-1-905839-29-2, 978-1-905839-30-8
ISBN: 978-1-84826-929-3, 978-1-84826-930-9
Natural Sciences
Catalogue of Publications
Natural Sciences Publications catalogue
Table of Contents
Water Sciences ................................................................................................1
World Water Assessment Programme ...............................................................3
Marines Sciences ..............................................................................................5
Ecological and Earth Sciences ..............................................................................6
Disaster Risk Reduction ......................................................................................7
0TSmall islands and Indigenous knowledge .................................................................8
Basic Sciences and Engineering ............................................................................9
Science Policy, Technology and Innovation ............................................................. 10
Natural Sciences Publications catalogue
Water Sciences
Science diplomacy and transboundary water management: The Orontes
River case
ISBN: 978-92-3-000017-2
Published in 2015 by UNESCO, Paris and BRESCE, Venice
224 p., illus., maps, ENG and ARB
The Orontes River is a transboundary river shared between Lebanon, Syria and
Turkey. It is a sensitive resource for the future water security of the three riparian
countries sharing its waters, especially given the current critical situation. This book
analyzes the concept of an integrated and sustainable management of the waters
of the Orontes River through contributions of the experts in the fields of hydrodiplomacy, negotiation, water law, water policy, GIS and water resources. The
publication intends to raise awareness, show the importance of an integrated approach for a sustainable
water resource management and propose tools and methodologies to foster discussion and improve
diplomacy in this sensitive field.
Water Education and Capacity-building
41 p., illus., ENG
Published in 2015 by UNESCO-IHP and UNW-DPC
Proceedings on Water Education and Capacity-building: Key for Water Security
and Sustainable Development, 7 World Water Forum, Daegu-Gyeongju, Korea.
Водопользование в Узбекистане: традиции и современность
(Uzbekistan: traditional and modern practices of water use and management)
In Russian and Uzbek
Coming soon
Page 1
Natural Sciences Publications catalogue
Celebrating 50 years of Water Leadership in Asia and the Pacific
Success Stories from the Field
ISBN: 978-602-9416-12-1
77 p., illus., ENG
Published in 2015 by UNESCO, Jakarta
2015 is a special year for the UNESCO Water Family as it marks the 50th
anniversary of the water programmes in UNESCO. The Asia-Pacific region, with
its numerous water security challenges, has played a significant role in
implementing programmes initiated by UNESCO through the International
Hydrology Decade (IHD) (1965–1974) and, most of all, through the International
Hydrology Programmes (IHP) (since 1975). This document provides an overview
of the previous and present achievements, discusses future challenges, and highlights efficient and
effective ways to address these matters within the scope of UNESCO’s Water Programmes.
Page 2
Natural Sciences Publications catalogue
World Water Assessment Programme
Water and Energy
The United Nations World Water Development Report-2014 (Set of 2 volumes)
ISBN: 978-92-3-104259-1
Published in 2014 by UNESCO
Water and energy are closely interconnected and highly interdependent. Trade-offs
need to be managed to limit negative impacts and foster opportunities for synergy.
Water and energy have crucial impacts on poverty alleviation both directly, as a
number of the Millennium Development Goals depend on major improvements in
access to water, sanitation, power and energy sources, and indirectly, as water
and energy can be binding constraints on economic growth – the ultimate hope for
widespread poverty reduction. This fifth edition of the United Nations World Water Development Report
(WWDR 2014) seeks to inform decision-makers (inside and outside the water and energy domains),
stakeholders and practitioners about the interlinkages, potential synergies and tradeoffs, and to highlight
the need for appropriate responses and regulatory frameworks that account for both water and energy
To order a printed copy: http://publishing.unesco.org/details.aspx?=&Code_Livre=5024&change=E
To download: http://unesdoc.unesco.org/images/0022/002257/225741e.pdf
Executive summary in French http://unesdoc.unesco.org/images/0022/002269/226962f.pdf
Executive summary in Spanish http://unesdoc.unesco.org/images/0022/002269/226962s.pdf
Water for a Sustainable World
The United Nations World Water Development Report-2015 (Set of 2 volumes)
ISBN: 978-92-3-100080-5 (set); 978-92-3-100071-3
Published in 2015 by UNESCO
122 p., illus., maps, ENG
The WWDR 2015 demonstrates how water resources and services are essential
to achieving global sustainability. Taking account of economic growth, social
equity and environmental sustainability, the report’s forward-looking narrative
describes how major challenges and change factors in the modern world will
affect – and can be affected by – water resources, services and related benefits.
The report provides a comprehensive overview of major and emerging trends
from around the world, with examples of how some of the trend‐related challenges have been addressed,
their implications for policy‐makers, and further actions that can be taken by stakeholders and the
international community.
To order a printed copy: http://publishing.unesco.org/details.aspx?&Code_Livre=5076&change=E
To download: Report http://unesdoc.unesco.org/images/0023/002318/231823E.pdf
Case studies http://unesdoc.unesco.org/images/0023/002321/232179E.pdf
Executive summary in French http://unesdoc.unesco.org/images/0023/002322/232272f.pdf
Executive summary in Spanish http://unesdoc.unesco.org/images/0023/002322/232272s.pdf
Executive summary in Chinese http://unesdoc.unesco.org/images/0023/002322/232272c.pdf
Executive summary in Russian http://unesdoc.unesco.org/images/0023/002322/232272r.pdf
Executive summary in Arabic http://unesdoc.unesco.org/images/0023/002322/232272a.pdf
Page 3
Natural Sciences Publications catalogue
Sex-disaggregated indicators for water assessment, monitoring and
ISBN: 978-92-3-100119-2
Published in 2015 by UNESCO
In this technical paper WWAP provides a priority set of gender-sensitive
indicators and related methodology, which, together with a guideline on how to
collect sex-disaggregated data and a questionnaire for field inquiry, form the
complete toolkit produced under the project ‘Gender Sensitive Water Monitoring
Assessment and Reporting’.
Guidelines on how to collect sex-disaggregated water data
Questionnaire for collecting sex-disaggregated water data
Page 4
Natural Sciences
Catalogue of Publications
Natural Sciences Publications catalogue
Table of Contents
Water Sciences ................................................................................................1
World Water Assessment Programme ..................................................................3
World Water Development Report ....................................................................3
WWDR Side Publications ...............................................................................4
World Water Scenarios..................................................................................6
Oceanography .................................................................................................7
Ecological and Earth Sciences ............................................................................ 11
Local and Indigenous knowledge ......................................................................... 13
Science Policy, Technology and Innovation ............................................................. 15
Periodical ..................................................................................................... 16
Natural Sciences Publications catalogue
Water Sciences
Urban Water Conflicts
Edited by Bernard Barraqué
ISBN: 978-92-3-104121-1
Published in 2012 by UNESCO and Taylor & Francis
346 p., illus., ENG
Urban Water Conflicts – the output of a project by UNESCO’s International
Hydrological Programme on “Socioeconomic and Institutional Aspects in Urban
Water Management” – presents a collection of essays on socioeconomic and
institutional aspects of urban water management, focusing on water and
sanitation services. The book examines interdisciplinary approaches to
understanding and analyzing conflicts that arise from inadequate urban water
management. Conflict analysis is addressed in some essays by taking into
account economic, environmental and social dimensions of sustainability. The issue of institutional
conflicts between different levels of government is also discussed in some case studies.
The book is the 8 volume in the UNESCO-IHP Urban Water Series.
To order: http://publishing.unesco.org/details.aspx?Code_Livre=4889
Water, Cultural Diversity, and Global Environmental Change
Emerging Trends, Sustainable Futures?
Edited by Rose Johnston
ISBN: 978-602-98372-4-7
Published by Springer, 2012
560 p., 195 illus., ENG
A product of the UNESCO-IHP project on Water and Cultural Diversity, this book
represents an effort to examine the complex role water plays as a force in
sustaining, maintaining, and threatening the viability of culturally diverse
peoples. It is argued that water is a fundamental human need, a human right,
and a core sustaining element in biodiversity and cultural diversity. The core
concepts utilized in this book draw upon a larger trend in sustainability science, a
recognition of the synergism and analytical potential in utilizing a coupled biological and social systems
analysis, as the functioning viability of nature is both sustained and threatened by humans.
To order: http://www.springer.com/environment/aquatic+sciences/book/978-94-007-1773-2
Climate Change Impacts and Adaptation Strategies in the Yellow River
ISBN: 978-7-110-07579-1
Published by Popular Science Press, Beijing
308 p., illus., ENG
Under all six scenario studied by this project, there will be water shortages along
the Yellow River by 2050. The project received funding from the MDG
Achievement Fund.
Page 1
Natural Sciences Publications catalogue
International Glossary of Hydrology
ISBN: 978-92-3-001154-3
Published by UNESCO and WMO, 2012
461 p., MLT
This is the 3rd edition of the multilingual (English, French, Russian and Spanish)
UNESCO-WMO International Glossary of Hydrology.
River basin planning: principles, procedures and approaches for strategic
basin planning
ISBN: 978-92-3-001152-9
Published by UNESCO, Asian Development Bank, GIWP and WWF-UK, 2013
181 p., illus., maps, ENG
Growing competition for scarce water resources has driven major changes in the
way river basin planning is undertaken. This has resulted in a shift away from
‘technical’ approaches designed to maximise water availability and led to more
strategic approaches to basin planning. These approaches aim to optimise
outcomes by reconciling the competing demands of different sectors of the
economy, the natural environment, and society as a whole.
Drawing on experiences from around the world, this book distils best practice approaches to basin
planning in large and complex basins and provides an overview of the emerging good practice. Part A
includes discussion of the evolution of basin planning and provides a framework for strategic basin
planning, including environmental planning. Part B describes some of the techniques involved in basin
planning, including conducting a situation assessment, addressing uncertainty, techniques for identifying
objectives and balancing trade-offs, and developing thematic plans.
Free Flow: reaching water security through cooperation
ISBN: 978-92-3-104256-0
Published by UNESCO and Tudor Rose, 2013
335 p., illus., maps, ENG
Water is an essential resource for mankind and our ecosystems. Free Flow is a
fully illustrated book with over 100 authors’ work on water management and
cooperation at international, regional, national, municipal and local levels. Their
commentaries draw upon experiences around the world, reflecting how people
are changing their interaction with water to improve sustainable development.
The publication reflects progresses and challenges in these fields, highlighting
good practices in a wide variety of societies and disciplines. The book strives to
project experiences into future actions and encourages further institutional commitments to better
understanding of and more effective management of water cooperation in order to achieve sustainable
To order: http://publishing.unesco.org/details.aspx?=&Code_Livre=4999&change=E
Page 2
Natural Sciences Publications catalogue
World Water Assessment Programme
World Water Development Report
Managing Water under Uncertainty and Risk
The United Nations World Water Development Report 4 (Set of 3 volumes)
ISBN: 978-92-3-104235-5
Published in 2012 by UNESCO
904 p., illus., photos, tables, maps, glossary and index, ENG
This flagship report is a comprehensive review that gives an overall picture of
the world’s freshwater resources. It analyses pressures from decisions that drive
demand for water and affect its availability. It offers tools and response options
to help leaders in government, the private sector and civil society address
current and future challenges. It suggests ways in which institutions can be
reformed and their behaviour modified, and explores possible sources of
financing for the urgently needed investment in water.
The WWDR4 is a milestone within the WWDR series, introducing a thematic approach – ‘Managing
Water under Uncertainty and Risk’ – in the context of a world which is changing faster than ever in often
unforeseeable ways, with increasing uncertainties and risks. It highlights that historical experience will no
longer be sufficient to approximate the relationship between the quantities of available water and shifting
future demands. Like the earlier editions, the WWDR4 also contains country-level case studies describing
the progress made in meeting water-related objectives.
The WWDR4 also seeks to show that water has a central role in all aspects of economic development
and social welfare, and that concerted action via a collective approach of the water-using sectors is
needed to ensure water’s many benefits are maximized and shared equitably and that water-related
development goals are achieved.
To order: http://publishing.unesco.org/details.aspx?&Code_Livre=4898&change=E
Managing Water under Uncertainty and Risk: Executive Summary
The United Nations World Water Development Report 4 Executive Summary
Published in 2012 by UNESCO
68, illus., maps, ENG
This Executive Summary is an encapsulated view of the key issues from the
WWDR4, presented in the same chapter structure as for Volume 1 to assist
orientation. It provides readers with a preview to the in-depth discussion and
supporting material around these issues they can anticipate in the parent report,
which can be viewed as a reference work.
Page 3
Natural Sciences Publications catalogue
WWDR Side Publications
Groundwater and global change: trends, opportunities and challenges
WWDR-4 Side Publications Series, 1
Author: Van der Gun, Jac
ISBN: 978-92-3-001049-2
Published by UNESCO, 2012
38 p., illus., incl. bibl., ENG
Groundwater and Global Change calls attention to groundwater, a resource
poorly understood by the general public and most water opinion-leaders and
decision-makers. It aims to enhance awareness of this resource and increase
knowledge on how to better use and protect it, including taking optimal
advantage of groundwater’s unique buffer capacity, which may mitigate
problems resulting from increasing demographic, economic, environmental and
climate change pressures. The publication highlights the groundwater issues
that deserve to be taken into account in the international water agenda, and hopes to contribute to the
correct understanding of these issues in order to improve decisions on programming and financing global
water resources initiatives.
Groundwater and Global Change is an updated, extended and more extensively documented revisit of
the Groundwater chapter that is presented as a special report in the United Nations World Water
Development Report 4 (WWDR4).
Green Accounting and Data Improvement for Water Resources
WWDR-4 Side Publications Series, 2
Author: Winpenny, James
ISBN: 978-92-3-001088-1
Published by UNESCO, 2012
8 p., illus., incl. bibl., ENG
Green Accounting and Data Improvement for Water Resources refers back to
the United Nations World Water Development Report 4 (WWDR4) and its
messages, offering a more substantial exploration of the green accounting
theme. It outlines and discusses key initiatives by organizations such as the UN
(SEEAW), Eurostat, the OECD and the EEA to incorporate water-related
indicators into wider systems of environmental accounting as a step towards
raising the profile of water’s role in economic and environmental policy-making. This report finally aims to
inform the decision-making process for sustainable development and highlight to governments,
development agents, civil society and the statistics community the crucial importance of
hydrometeorological data collection, processing and dissemination.
Water and Sustainability: A Review of Targets, Tools and Regional Cases
WWDR-4 Side Publications Series, 3
Authors: Mejía, Abel; Nucete Hubner, Miguel; Ron Sánchez, Enrique; Doria,
ISBN: 978-92-3-001094-2
Published by UNESCO, 2012
48 p., incl. bibl., ENG
Water and Sustainability provides an overview of water sustainability targets and
selected tools and approaches to assist decision-makers improve performance
and achieve results, with a view to ultimately meeting development targets.
Water and Sustainability focuses on three widely known systems of water
sustainability targets: those set under the umbrella of the Millennium
Page 4
Natural Sciences Publications catalogue
Development Goals; those established as part of the European Union Water Framework Directive; and
the target-setting process for the 6th World Water Forum. The report also presents five cases to highlight
some of the current practices being followed to set water sustainability targets.
Carbon and Water Footprints: Concepts, Methodologies and Policy
WWDR-4 Side Publications Series, 4
Authros : A. Ertug Ercin and Arjen Y. Hoekstra
ISBN: 978-92-3-001095-9
Published by UNESCO, 2012
25 p., illus., incl. bibl., ENG
Carbon and Water Footprints first analyses the origins of the carbon and water
footprints. It makes a detailed exploration of the similarities and differences of
aspects such as definition, methods of measurement, spatiotemporal
dimensions, components, and entities for which the footprints can be calculated.
Carbon and Water Footprints then discusses the two in terms of accounting and
response strategies, investigating for example the setting of sustainable caps and targets for reduction,
and the problematic rebound effect encountered with increasing efficiencies.
The aim of Carbon and Water Footprints is to draw lessons from each footprint which can help society as
a whole build on the two concepts. It also seeks to help decision-makers recognize the need to fully
evaluate the effectiveness of a ‘solution’ to one footprint before applying it to another and potentially
creating unnecessary challenges in successfully tackling environmental problems.
Page 5
Natural Sciences Publications catalogue
World Water Scenarios
The Dynamics of Global Water Futures: Five Stylized Scenarios
Author: Gilberto C. Galopin
Published by UNESCO, 2012
16 p., illus., ENG
ISBN: 978-92-3-001038-6
This report provides an initial exploration of long-range global water scenarios as
a contribution to the fourth World Water Development Report (WWDR4). It is an
original work based on research and surveys conducted among dozens of
experts in water-related fields in 2010-2011. Rather than detailed descriptions, it
offers qualitative summaries of possible futures as input to the deliberations of
the Scenario Focus Group (SFG), the WWDR-4’s collective of decision-makers,
modelers, and scenario and sectoral experts.
The Dynamics of Global Water Futures: Driving Forces 2011-2050
Authors: Cosgrove, Catherine E.; Cosgrove, William J.
Published by UNESCO, 2012
94 p., illus., incl. bibl., ENG
ISBN: 978-92-3-001035-5
The report presents a summary of the findings of the first phase of the Scenarios
process: an analysis of the evolution of 10 major external forces (drivers) that
have direct and indirect consequences on water resources. A framework for the
causal linkages between these driving forces and their impact on human wellbeing, equity and degree of poverty is presented. These findings show the
possible range of future outcomes and the magnitude of the challenges we are
facing in each driver’s domain.
Page 6