V. Demarin
et al.: 2008; 47:181-191
Clin Croat
Recommendations for neuropathic pain treatment
Ad hoc Committee of the Croatian Society for Neurovascular Disorders,
Croatian Medical Association
Vida Demarin1, Vanja Baiæ-Kes1, Iris Zavoreo1, Marijana Bosnar-Puretiæ1, Kreimir Rotim2, Velimir Lupret2,
Mladen Periæ3, eljko Ivanec3, Lidija Fumiæ3, Ivo Luiæ4, Anka Aleksiæ-Shihabi5, Biserka Kovaè6, Mira
Ivankoviæ7, Helena kobiæ8, Boris Maslov9, Natan Bornstein10, Kurt Niederkorn11, Osman Sinanoviæ12,
Tanja Rundek13
University Department of Neurology, Sestre milosrdnice University Hospital, Zagreb, Croatia
University Department of Neurosurgery, Sestre milosrdnice University Hospital, Zagreb, Croatia
University Department of Anesthesiology, Sestre milosrdnice University Hospital, Zagreb, Croatia
University Department of Neurology, Split University Hospital Center, Split, Croatia
ibenik General Hospital, ibenik, Croatia
Vukovar General Hospital, Vukovar, Croatia
Dubrovnik General Hospital, Dubrovnik, Croatia
University Department of Neurology, Mostar University Hospital, Mostar, Bosnia and Herzegovina
University Department of Psychiatry, Mostar University Hospital, Mostar, Bosnia and Herzegovina
University Department of Neurology, Tel Aviv University Hospital, Tel Aviv, Izrael
University Department of Neurology, Graz University Hospital, Graz, Austria
University Department of Neurology, Tuzla University Hospital, Tuzla, Bosnia and Herzegovina
Department of Neurology, Miller School of Medicine, Miami, FL, USA
SUMMARY Damage to the somatosensory nervous system poses a risk for the development of
neuropathic pain. Such an injury to the nervous system results in a series of neurobiological events
resulting in sensitization of both the peripheral and central nervous system. The symptoms include
continuous background pain (often burning or crushing in nature) and spasmodic pain (shooting, stabbing
or electrical). The diagnosis of neuropathic pain is based primarily on the history and physical examination
finding. Although monotherapy is the ideal approach, rational polypharmacy is often pragmatically used.
Several classes of drugs are moderately effective, but complete or near-complete relief is unlikely.
Antidepressants and anticonvulsants are most commonly used. Opioid analgesics can provide some relief
but are less effective than for nociceptive pain; adverse effects may prevent adequate analgesia. Topical
drugs and a lidocaine-containing patch may be effective for peripheral syndromes. Sympathetic blockade
is usually ineffective except for some patients with complex regional pain syndrome.
Key words: Neuralgia etiology; Neuralgia physiopathology; Neuralgia therapy; Pain therapy; Guideline ; Practice
The International Association for the Study of Pain
(IASP) defines neuropathic pain as pain initiated or
caused by a primary lesion or dysfunction of the peripheral or central nervous system1. Damage to the somatosensory nervous system represents a risk for the de-
velopment of neuropathic pain. The consequences of
such an injury to the nervous system include a series of
neurobiological events resulting in sensitization of both
the peripheral and central nervous system.
Acta Clin Croat, Vol. 47, No. 3, 2008
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V. Demarin et al.:
Recommendations for neuropathic pain treatment
The symptoms include continuous background pain
(often burning, tight or crushing in nature) and spasmodic pain (shooting, stabbing or sometimes electrical). Recently, therapeutic strategies aiming at selecting treatments by targeting the putative mechanisms
of pain (mechanisms based strategies) have been proposed, yet this approach remains difficult to apply in
clinical practice due to heterogeneity of the etiologies,
symptoms and signs1-3.
Table 1. The most common causes of neuropathic pain
1. Metabolic:
Diabetes mellitus
Vitamin B deficiency
2. Toxic:
Chemotherapy agents,
especially vincristine,
cisplatin, taxanes
Glue sniffing
Other drugs including
hydralazine, isoniazid,
nitrofurantoin, pheny
toin, thalidomide
3. Traumatic:
Carpal tunnel syndrome
Cervical or lumbar
Complex regional pain
Spinal cord injury
Stump pain
(phantom limb pain)
4. Infections
Herpes zoster
Epstein Barr virus
6. Genetic:
Fabry disease
HMSN (hereditary motor
and sensory neuropathy)
7. Vascular:
Cerebrovascular disease
(ischemic and
hemorrhagic stroke)
(cryoglobulinemia, lupus
polyarteritis nodosa)
8. Carcinomatous:
Paraneoplastic syndrome
9. Diverse:
10. Head and face neuralgia
Any condition that damages neural tissue or impairs
its function can be a source of neuropathic pain. Injury,
inflammation, ischemia, metabolic derangement, toxins, tumor and primary neurological disease may lead to
neuropathic pain4-8. Neuropathic pain that is associated
with disorders such as diabetes mellitus and herpes
zoster is most frequently described and studied. However, these disorders are certainly not the exclusive causes of neuropathic pain8-15.
Radiculopathy, which may be an underlying cause in
many cases involving lower back pain, is probably the
most frequent peripheral nerve pain generator.
The pathophysiology of neuropathic pain is very complex and includes both peripheral and central mechanisms (Table 1). Usually, a combination of peripheral
and central mechanisms accounts for the clinical presentation of neuropathic pain. The mechanisms involved
in causing different clinical phenomena of neuropathic
pain include: 1) pathological activity in sensitized or
awakened silent nociceptors; 2) ectopic activity along
damaged axons and in dorsal root ganglion cells; 3) facilitated transmitter release due to upregulation of calcium channels; 4) central sensitization of dorsal horn
neurons from increased afferent input; and 5) central
sensitization from the loss of central inhibition/increased
central facilitation. The complexity of neuropathic pain
is emphasized by the fact that there is no known direct
relationship between the mechanisms and symptoms
or signs caused by such a mechanism8-12.
The generator of pain can be located in the peripheral or central nervous system, or both. One of the characteristics of neuropathic pain is that pain continues in
the absence of ongoing non-neurological tissue damage.
It may be the result of damage or pathological changes
in the nervous system, which are responsible for the
peripheral and central mechanism of neuropathic pain.
Clinical features
Neuropathic pain can be stimulus-independent and
Stimulus-independent pain
Stimulus-independent pain is spontaneous pain.
Spontaneous pain (continuous or intermittent) is commonly described as burning, shooting or shock-like. Paresthesias and dysesthesias can originate peripherally via
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5. Immune:
Guillain-Barre syndrome
Multiple sclerosis
Monoclonal gammopathies
Etiology of neuropathic pain
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V. Demarin et al.:
Recommendations for neuropathic pain treatment
ectopic impulses along the Aβ, Aδ, and C fibers, arising
as spontaneous activity due to the processes such as
damaged sodium channels that accumulate along affected nerves, causing a drift towards threshold potential.
Paroxysmal shooting or electrical pain as well as continuous burning pain most likely occur from ectopic or ephaptic discharges arising in any type of fiber. Stimulusindependent pain may also occur as the result of reduced
inhibitory input from the brain or spinal cord4-8.
Stimulus-evoked pain
Stimulus-evoked pain includes allodynia (pain
evoked by a non-painful touch) and hyperalgesia (increased pain evoked by a painful stimulus). Allodynia
can be caused by the lightest stimulation such as skin
contact with clothing. Hyperalgesia is an exaggerated
pain response produced by a normally painful stimulus,
while allodynia is pain produced by a stimulus that is
not usually painful.
An essential part of neuropathic pain is the loss (partial or complete) of afferent sensory function and the
paradoxical presence of certain hyperphenomena in the
painful area.
In peripheral neuropathic pain, the sensory loss involves either all or selected sensory modalities. In central neuropathic pain, there is a partial or complete loss
of spino-thalamo-cortical functions4-8.
The distribution of sensory loss represents an important step for pain assessment and identification of
the nervous system damage, and can be transferred to a
phantom map. Combined with pain location, the distribution of sensory loss can determine whether this loss
is confined to one or several nerves, to a group of fascicles, to nerve roots, to dermatomes, to the somatosensory map of damaged brain structures, or whether the
sensory loss is part of a somatization disorder4.
In neuropathic pain, the sensory loss is confined to
the innervation territory corresponding to the damaged
part of the nervous system, be it peripheral or central.
Examples of neuropathic pain include diabetic neuropathy, trigeminal neuralgia, radiculopathies, phantom
limb pain, and complex regional pain syndrome4-7,11.
Neuropathic pain assessment
The diagnosis of neuropathic pain is based primarily
on the history and physical examination finding. A detailed history, physical examination and diagnostic procedures are necessary to properly and fully define the
putative mechanisms involved in a given neuropathic
pain syndrome.
On physical examination, it is important to identify
the location, quality, intensity and pattern of pain.
Neurological examination uses simple bedside tests to
assess the patient for the presence or absence of specific stimulus-evoked signs. Testing of reflexes, a comprehensive motor examination, and autonomic examination
are all essential to the understanding of neuropathies.
The motor, sensory and autonomic systems may be tested by electromyoneurography, microneurography, quantitative sensory testing, and quantitative sudomotor axon
reflex test.
Regardless of the cause, neuropathic pain affects
multiple aspects of the patients life. The management
of neuropathic pain involves a multidisciplinary approach.
Therapy for neuropathic pain includes the use of both
non-interventional (pharmacological, psychological and
physical therapy) and interventional therapies15-30.
Without due consideration of the diagnosis, rehabilitation and psychosocial issues, treatment has a limited
chance of success. For peripheral nerve lesions, mobilization is needed to prevent trophic changes, disuse atrophy, and joint ankylosis. Surgery may be needed to alleviate compression. Psychological factors must be constantly considered from the start of treatment. Anxiety and
depression must be treated appropriately. When dysfunction is entrenched, patients may benefit from the comprehensive approach provided by a pain clinic9-13.
The best clinical approach to applied pharmacology
currently incorporates empiric observation and identification of the possible mechanisms of the neuropathic
lesion31-55. Then the clinician should use the best pharmacological therapy available that matches the putative
drug mechanisms. Although monotherapy is the ideal
approach, rational polypharmacy is often pragmatically
used. Several classes of drugs are moderately effective,
but complete or near-complete relief is unlikely. Antidepressants and anticonvulsants are most commonly
used. Evidence of efficacy is strong for several antidepressants and anticonvulsants31-55.
Opioid analgesics can provide some relief but are less
effective than for nociceptive pain; adverse effects may
prevent adequate analgesia. Topical drugs and a lido-
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Recommendations for neuropathic pain treatment
caine containing patch may be effective for peripheral
syndromes. Sympathetic blockade is usually ineffective
except for some patients with complex regional pain
suicide. They can cause cognitive impairment and gait
disturbances in elderly patients. SSNRIs (duloxetine,
venlafaxine) are safer to use than TCAs and are a better
option in patients with cardiac disease15,16,31-35.
Antidepressants have a well-established beneficial
effect in various neuropathic pain states. Antidepressants used in neuropathic pain treatment include tricyclic antidepressants (TCAs) and selective serotonin
norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors (SSNRIs) (duloxetine and venlafaxine), while the effect of selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) is lower15,16.
TCAs have been widely used to treat various types
of neuropathic pain including central post-stroke pain,
post-herpetic neuralgia, painful diabetic and nondiabetic
polyneuropathy, but not spinal cord injury pain, phantom limb pain, or pain in HIV-neuropathy15,66.
Antihyperalgesic effects of tricyclic antidepressants
may be related to enhancement of the noradrenergic
descending inhibitory pathways and partial sodium channel blockade, the mechanisms that are independent of
their antidepressant effects16. Starting doses of TCAs
should be low and dosage should be titrated slowly until pain is adequately controlled or side effects limit continued titration.
Some of the third generation antidepressants, especially
venlafaxine and duloxetine, have shown comparable efficacy to TCAs, but with a better side effect profile.
Duloxetine is an SSNRI that inhibits the reuptake
of both serotonin and norepinephrine. It has demonstrated significantly greater pain relief compared with placebo in few trials in patients with diabetic polyneuropathy. The optimal dosage of duloxetine is 60 mg/day33.
Venlafaxine is an SSNRI that inhibits serotonin reuptake at lower dosages and both serotonin and norepinephrine reuptake at higher dosages. The efficacy
dosage of venlafaxine is 150-225 mg/day. Two-to-four
weeks are often required to titrate to an effective dosage31,32,51.
The anticonvulsant compounds are some of the
best-studied drugs for neuropathic pain, and there is
substantial evidence for their efficacy based on metaanalyses and randomized clinical trials17,19. They have
several pharmacological actions that can interfere with
the processes involved in neuronal hyperexcitability,
either by decreasing excitatory or increasing inhibitory transmission, thereby exerting a net neuronal depressant effect.
Perhaps the most extensively studied agent is pregabalin, which has shown, in a large number of multicenter clinical studies, clear efficacy in reducing pain
and improving sleep in patients with postherpetic neuralgia and diabetic polyneuropathy. The effective dosage is 300-600 mg/day, administered in two to three divided doses. Improvement can be seen within
Pregabalin is believed to exert its analgesic effect
by binding to the α2 delta subunit of voltage-gated calcium channels on primary afferent nerves and reducing
the release of neurotransmitters from their central terminals. Multicenter clinical trials have shown the efficacy of gabapentin at a dosage of 900-3600 mg/day in
the treatment of postherpetic neuralgia and diabetic
polyneuropathy. Gabapentin is a GABA receptor agonist.
The ability of the drug to block L-type voltage-dependent Ca2+ channels is the probable reason for its antiepileptic and analgesic properties17,46-48,71,75,76.
Gabapentin has also shown efficacy in other forms of
neuropathic pain such as HIV-associated painful
polyneuropathy, pain in Guillain-Barre syndrome, phantom limb pain, cancer-related neuropathic pain, but only
on the basis of single or limited numbers of studies. The
most common side effects of gabapentin and pregabalin
include dizziness, somnolence, peripheral edema and
dry mouth.
There is also evidence for the efficacy of topiramate, lamotrigine, carbamazepine and oxcarbamazepine
in the treatment of different neuropathic pain conditions41,42.
Carbamazepine and perhaps oxcarbamazepine are
used as first-line therapy for trigeminal neuralgia. Both
Side effects of TCAs
TCAs have many side effects which include dry
mouth, constipation, sweating, dizziness, disturbed vision, drowsiness, palpitation, orthostatic hypotension,
sedation and urinary hesitation38,54,70,73,74. An electrocardiogram is mandatory before the initiation of treatment.
TCAs should be used with caution in patients at risk of
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Recommendations for neuropathic pain treatment
drugs should be initiated at low dosages and slowly increased up to the efficacy or side effects. The effective
dosages of carbamazepine are in the range of 200-1200
mg/day and of oxcarbamazepine 600-1800 mg/day18.
Side effects of anticonvulsants
The most common side effects of anticonvulsants
include sedation, dizziness and gait abnormalities. Liver enzymes, blood cells, platelets and sodium levels
must be monitored for at least one year because of the
possible risk of hepatitis-anaplastic effects or hyponatremia39-51.
Lamotrigine is generally well tolerated. Side effects
include dizziness, nausea, headache and fatigue40,43-45,63.
Opioids may be useful, especially in acute stage, but
their use for chronic pain management remains somewhat controversial55-61,90-96. Opioids inhibit pain transmission mainly via presynaptic and postsynaptic receptors in the dorsal horn. Although neuropathic pain does
not respond reliably to opioids, randomized trials have
shown an effect of opioids (oxycodone, morphine and
methadone) in painful polyneuropathy, postherpetic
neuralgia, phantom limb pain, and mixed neuropathic
Opioid analgesics and tramadol have shown efficacy
in many trials in patients with different kinds of neuropathic pains, and when patients do not have good response to first-line medications, opioid agonists can be
used as a second-line treatment alone or in combination
with the first-line medications. In some specific cases,
opioid analgesics and tramadol can be used as first-line
medications. Circumstances in which opioid analgesics
and tramadol can be used as first-line medications are
during titration of a first-line medication to an efficacious dosage, episodic exacerbation of severe pain, acute
neuropathic pain, and neuropathic cancer pain.
Opioids exert their analgesic effect through at least
four groups of receptors. The distribution of these receptors throughout the body, along with their tissue densities within numerous organ systems, accounts for the
global and varied effects of these drugs55-60. Opioids are
available in a variety of preparations. In addition to common ways of administration, they may be given transdermally (fentanyl or buprenorphin patch), transmucosally
(fentanyl oral) and intraspinally83,88-91.
Side effects
Opioids have many side effects including constipation, sedation, nausea, dizziness and vomiting. In elderly patients, opioids can cause cognitive impairment and
gait disturbances. Physical dependence develops in all
patients chronically treated with opioid analgesics, and
patients must be advised that they should not discontinue these medications on their own.
Tramadol is a weak µ-opioid agonist and a mixed serotonin-norepinephrine reuptake inhibitor. Tramadol at
an average dose of around 200 mg/day for 6 weeks was
shown to produce a statistically significant reduction in
the mean pain intensity in patients with painful diabetic neuropathy compared with those receiving placebo87,88.
Topical treatments
Lidocaine patches are increasingly used in the treatment of postherpetic neuralgia and focal peripheral neuropathic pain. Side effects of lidocaine are mild skin reactions (erythema and localized rash). Lidocaine patch
5% should be avoided in patients receiving antiarrhythmic medications and in patients with severe hepatic
dysfunction80-85. Topically applied capscain has shown
significant effect in diabetic neuropathy and postherpetic neuralgia.
Non-pharmacological treatment for neuropathic
Acupuncture is a complementary and alternative
medical modality. Since 1998, a considerable number of
acupuncture studies have been reported. It has been
integrated into palliative care medicine. Most of controlled clinical trials (23/27) have shown results favoring acupuncture use for the conditions such as headache or pain. They also have shown that acupuncture is
safe and clinically cost-effective for the management of
common symptoms in palliative care and hospice patients. There is a risk of skin irritation or an allergic reaction from the application of needles to the skin, but
these problems are relatively rare and easily managed
by shifting the needle position. There are not yet enough
evidence-based treatment recommendations20-22,65.
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Recommendations for neuropathic pain treatment
TENS seems to be better than placebo in the treatment of painful diabetic neuropathy23-26.
Laser therapy, mechanotherapy (massage), electrotherapy (galvanization, iontophoresis), ultrasound therapy, thermotherapy (cold and warm), hydro/balneotherapy, and behavioral therapy (relaxation, biofeedback)
have been reported. As yet, there are no evidence based
treatment recommendations due to the lack of controlled studies in this field.
Painful Polyneuropathy
According to many guidelines, established efficacy
in painful polyneuropathy (PPN) has been reported for
tricyclic antidepressants (TCAs), duloxetine, venlafaxine, gabapentin (GBP), pregabalin, opioids and tramadol9,12,15. The best approach is to start therapy with TCA
or GBP/pregabalin. The serotonin-noradrenaline reuptake inhibitors (SNRIs) duloxetine and venlafaxine
are considered second choice because of moderate efficacy, but are safer and have less contraindications than
TCAs and should be preferred to TCA, particularly in
patients with cardiovascular risk factors9,15. Second/thirdline therapy includes opioids and lamotrigine (LTG)15.
Treatments with weaker/lack of efficacy include capsaicin, topical lidocaine, mexiletine, oxcarbazepine (OXC),
selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs), and
HIV-associated neuropathy and chemotherapy-induced
HIV-associated polyneuropathy has been found refractory to most currently assessed drugs. This may be
due to the particular mechanisms of pain in this often
progressive condition and/or to a high placebo response,
observed in many trials62-69.
Postherpetic Neuralgia
In postherpetic neuralgia (PHN), drugs with established efficacy include TCAs, GBP, pregabalin, topical
lidocaine and opioids. Less effective drugs are capsaicin, tramadol and valproate79-82,84-87. Many guidelines
Table 2. Classification of evidence for the main categories of neuropathic pain drug treatment*
Pain condition
Recommendations for first line
(1200-3600 mg/day)
(150-600 mg/day)
SNRI(venlafaxine:150-225 mg/day;
duloxetine: 60-120mg/day)
TCA (amitriptyline: 10-60 mg/day)
(1200-3600 mg/day)
(150-600 mg/day)
5% Lidocaine patches
CBZ (200-1200 mg/day)
OXC (600-1800 mg/day)
TCA (amitriptyline: 10-60 mg/day)
Gabapentin up to 3600 mg/day
Pregabalin up to 460 mg/day
Recommendations for second or third line
Tramadol (275-400 mg/day)
*Modified according to EFNS Guidelines on Pharmacological Treatment of Neuropathic Pain 2006
PPN = painful polyneuropathies; PHN = postherpetic neuralgia; TN = trigeminal neuralgia; CP = central pain
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Recommendations for neuropathic pain treatment
recommend TCAs, GBP/pregabalin and lidocaine patches as first-line therapy. Opioids are second choice although they are very effective in treating PHN92-94. Topical capsaicin may also provide relief, although it is often poorly tolerated. Owing to excellent tolerability, topical lidocaine may be preferred in the elderly, particularly in patients with allodynia and small area of pain.
Intrathecal corticosteroid injection can be considered for
patients that continue to have intractable pain despite
the above measures. These injections do not work for
trigeminal nerve-related pain.
The effectiveness of therapies such as TENS and
acupuncture has not been proven.
Trigeminal Neuralgia
The most widely used drug in idiopathic trigeminal
neuralgia (TN) is CBZ (200 to 1200 mg/day). The drug
is highly effective and side effects are generally manageable, particularly if low doses are prescribed initially
with gradual titration. Patients with symptoms that are
refractory to CBZ monotherapy may benefit from combination therapy with gabapentin, lamotrigine, topiramate, baclofen or tizanidine95,96,102-111. Patients with TN
that are unresponsive or suffer intolerable adverse effects with medical therapy are candidates for surgery.
The two major types of procedures are microvascular
decompression and ablative procedures such as radiofrequency rhizotomy and gamma knife. Ablative procedures are less invasive and are generally associated with
a high initial response rate, but recurrence is common
and the incidence of facial numbness is higher than with
microvascular decompression109.
Central Pain
Considering the small number of randomized controlled trials in central pain and the generally small sample sizes, the treatment may be based on the general
principles for peripheral neuropathic pain treatment and
for side effect profile. There is level B evidence for the
use of LTG, GBP, pregabalin or tricyclic antidepressants
for post-stroke or spinal cord injury pain. In central pain
associated with multiple sclerosis, cannabinoids have
shown significant efficacy (level A), but may raise safety concerns112-122.
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Oteæenje somatosenzornog sustava predstavlja rizik za nastanak neuropatske boli. Rezultat takvog oteæenja su promjene
koje dovode do senzitizacije perifernog i sredinjeg ivèanog sustava. Simptomi ukljuèuju kontinuiranu bol (koja se opisuje
kao areæa, paleæa) ili sporadiènu bol (najèeæe se opisuje kao probadajuæa, trgajuæa, poput strujnog udara). Dijagnoza se
temelji na anamnezi i nalazu fizikalnog pregleda. Prvu liniju u lijeèenju neuropatske boli predstavljaju antidepresivi i
antiepileptici. Opioidi ponekad mogu dovesti do analgezije, iako puno slabije nego kod nociceptivne boli. iru uporabu
sprjeèavaju nuspojave. U perifernim bolnim sindromima uèinkovitim su se pokazali flasteri lidokaina. Simpatièki blokovi su
uglavnom neuèinkoviti osim u sluèaju kompleksnog regionalnog bolnog sindroma.
Kljuène rijeèi: Neuralgija etiologija; Neuralgija fiziopatologija; Neuralgija terapija; Bol terapija; Smjernice; Praksa smjernice
Acta Clin Croat, Vol. 47, No. 3, 2008
11 Demarin.p65
30. 11. 08, 18:33
V. Demarin et al.:
Recommendations for neuropathic pain treatment
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30. 11. 08, 18:33