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2005, Journal of Veterinary Diagnostic Investigation
3 pages
1 file
Cryptococcus albidus is a saprophytic, encapsulated yeast usually found in air, both outdoor and indoor, and sometimes on human skin. It is not usually considered to be a primary pathogen. Most cryptococcal infections of humans and animals are caused by Cryptococcus neoformans. Several cases of C. albidus infection have been reported in humans over the past 20 years. In the veterinary literature, 2 equine cases have been described: genital infection and mycotic keratitis. The present report is the first documented case of C. albidus systemic infection in a dog. Veterinarians and diagnosticians should be aware that C. albidus may be a potential canine pathogen.
Comparative Clinical Pathology, 2020
This report describes a rare case of primary cutaneous cryptococcosis in equines. A young gelding horse was presented with facial masses showing ulcerations and yellowish discharge. Histopathological examination of biopsy specimens showed a dermal granulomatous reaction containing neutrophils, macrophages, and giant cells. In addition, numerous spherical yeast-like organisms were clearly observed within the granulomatous reaction. We suspected that the observed organisms belong to the Cryptococcus spp., which was indeed by its shape on Sabouraud dextrose agar, Gram-stained smear suggestive C. neoformans, and confirmed on PCR. Our report is one of the worldwide rare reports linking cryptococcosis to cutaneous granuloma in equines and the first to provide a molecular confirmation of the cryptococcal involvement. The report highlights the importance of considering cryptococcosis in differential diagnosis of infectious cutaneous masses in equines.
Cryptococcus is a type of fungus that is found in soil usually in association with bird droppings. The major species of Cryptococcus that causes illness in human is Cryptococcus neoformans. Another species that may also cause disease in human is Cryptococcus gattii. Cryptococcosis is believed to be acquired by inhalation of the infectious propagule from the environment. Cryptococcosis is an opportunistic infection for AIDS and it is second most common AIDS illness in Africa.
Mycopathologia, 2015
Cryptococcus gattii-induced cryptococcosis is an emerging infectious disease of humans and animals worldwide, with rare descriptions of this infection in domestic animals from Brazil. This study presents the findings associated with C. gattii in dogs from Londrina, Paraná, Southern Brazil. Two dogs, a 3-year-old, female German shepherd and a 6-year-old, male Boxer, were evaluated by a combination of pathological, mycological, and molecular diagnostic techniques. Significant pathological alterations included cryptococcal lymphadenitis, meningoencephalitis, tonsillitis, and rhinitis with nasal cryptococcomas in the German shepherd dog, while cryptococcal lymphadenitis and pneumonia were observed in the Boxer; both dogs had pseudocystic cryptococcosis. The mucicarmine histochemical stain readily identified the intralesional cryptococcal budding organisms in all affected tissues. Mycological culture and isolation confirmed the yeasts as C. gattii due to positive reaction with the L-cana...
Mycoses, 2009
Cryptococcus neoformans was isolated on sunflower medium at 28' C from the cutaneous lesions of a 4-year-old female Indian cat. The encapsulated, budding yeasts were also demonstrated in the skin material. The animal had a chronic ulcerated wound on the left tibiotarsal joint and had a history of prolonged treatment with broad spectrum antibiotics and corticosteroids. The yeast isolate proved pathogenic to Swiss mice. Epidemiological investigation revealed the source of infection in the environment of the cat.
Mycopathologia, 2016
Cryptococcosis is a mycosis caused by yeasts of genus Cryptococcus, mainly the species C. neoformans and C. gattii that can affect humans and animals. These yeasts are widely distributed in the environment and are typically associated with avian droppings and decaying wood. Most infections are related to the respiratory tract, but the central nervous system and cutaneous lesions are also reported in the literature. The present report is a case of cryptococcosis in an 18-month-old unspayed female English Bulldog with the main complaint of weight loss and diarrhea. The presence of two large masses observed in an ultrasound examination leads us to perform an exploratory laparotomy. Considering the size of the lesion and the impossibility of owner to provide intensive care, the consent for euthanasia was requested. The postmortem diagnosis of cryptococcosis was revealed by cytological evaluation, and the involvement of C. gattii VGII was confirmed by isolation and identification tests a...
Medical …, 2005
Since 1999, Cryptococcus gattii has emerged as an important pathogen of humans and animals in British Columbia, Canada. Nasal swabs and serum samples were collected from dogs and cats residing within the Coastal Douglas Fir biogeoclimatic zone on Vancouver Island, where clinical cases have been reported. Deep and superficial nasal fungal cultures of 280 dogs and 94 cats identified four (4.3%) cats and three (1.1%) dogs with C. gattii serotype B in their nasal cavity. Serum samples collected from 266 dogs and 84 cats identified six (7.1%) cats and two (0.8%) dogs with a positive cryptococcal antigen titer. Overall cats were 4.4 times more likely than dogs to be positive on one or both tests. Identification of sub-clinical infection and nasal colonization is an important step in the characterization of the outbreak of clinical cryptococcosis on Vancouver Island.
Clinical Infectious Diseases, 2003
In this article, I deal with the phenomenon, known to today's philosophers, as the split between analytic and continental philosophy. I provide a historical-institutional explanation for this split and then a propose a type of doing philosophy beyond the divide, which I call "synthetic philosophy." Synthetic philosophy should take and synthesize the best of both traditions into a new form of philosophy, which I recommend for the future.
Los cursos fluviales en Hispania. Vías e comercio cerámico
Resumen: En los últimos años estamos asistiendo al auténtico despertar de la arqueología romana en las áreas septentrionales de Hispania. Uno de los puntos de mayor trascendencia es el estudio del comercio y el intercambio de productos en época romana a través de los medios de transporte marítimo, que contribuye considerablemente a la transferencia de nuevos patrones culturales de raigambre romana en esta área. Teniendo en cuenta las características geográficas de las áreas septentrionales de Hispania, rías, estuarios y bahías, espacios acuáticos protegidos de vientos y corrientes, constituyen escenarios privilegiados para el transporte, carga y descarga de productos de todo tipo, entre los que los recipientes cerámicos son uno de los principales testimonios. Buena parte de ellos permanecen ocultos debido a los cambios de la topografía costera. En estas costas se dispone un importante conjunto de puertos, fondeaderos, muelles y otros enclaves marítimos. En época romana, con la apertura de la costa atlántica y cantábrica a la navegación romana, estos lugares funcionaron como puntos de apoyo para navegación de altura y de corto radio, así como para la navegación segmentada, que combinó ambas. Estos asentamientos costeros funcionan además como verdaderos centros de redistribución y ruptura de carga, canalizando la circulación de productos hacia las áreas interiores siguiendo los cursos de los ríos e interconectando con las rutas terrestres más importantes.
Anuario CEIPAZ, 2007
El presente artículo analiza el desarrollo reciente de diversas iniciativas de integración regional, los componentes conceptuales e ideológicos que caracterizan a cada uno de ellos y el contrapunto actual, en el ámbito de América Latina y el Caribe, entre la Unión de Naciones Sudamericanas (UNA-SUR) y la Alternativa Bolivariana para las Américas (ALBA). El ALBA está concebida como una vía alternativa de integración sobre la base de la solidaridad, la cooperación y la complementariedad entre naciones y es fuertemente crítica con los presupuestos neoliberales que han guiado, hasta muy recientemente, tanto los procesos de liberalización comercial e integración regional en América Latina y el Caribe, como la globalización en curso. En este contexto, se analizan asimismo los actores más relevantes en el desarrollo de estos procesos, con especial énfasis en la participación de los movimientos sociales y de las redes y organizaciones ciudadanas, y en los mecanismos actualmente existentes en el marco de estas iniciativas de integración para impulsar esta participación. Desde esta perspectiva, la actual dinámica de la integración regional revela, por un lado, un complejo entramado de procesos, actores y mecanismos institucionales que despliegan nuevas propuestas y paradigmas para la integración regional y, por otro, la persistencia de un evidente "déficit democrático" en su implementación.
Vicino Oriente XXIV, 2020
Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society, Vol. 31, No. 4, October 2021. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Jurnal Mirai Management, 2024
Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports, 2023
Granada, 24 y 25 de marzo , 2022
Journal de physique, 1994
Neurobehavioral Disorders of Childhood, 2009
Journal of the American Society for Mass Spectrometry, 2005
Revista Venezolana de Gerencia, 2019
BU Academic review, 2024
Journal of Invertebrate Pathology, 2020