Normal values for esophageal manometry in the sitting position

2001, Amer J Gastroenterol

Purpose: BE is a premalignant lesion associated with adenocarcinoma of the esophagus. Several small endoscopic case studies have suggested a gender and ethnic predominance for BE. Currently no firm recommendations exist for determining endoscopic screening. Aim: To determine the demographic features of patients with dysplasia in BE.

AJG – September, Suppl., 2001 Abstracts Purpose: BE is a premalignant lesion associated with adenocarcinoma of the esophagus. Several small endoscopic case studies have suggested a gender and ethnic predominance for BE. Currently no firm recommendations exist for determining endoscopic screening. Aim: To determine the demographic features of patients with dysplasia in BE. Methods: The CORI database and archival biopsy reports for patients undergoing EGD and esophageal biopsy at University Medical Center, Tucson, AZ from 1/95-2/01 were reviewed. Suspected SSBE was defined as 3cm of columnar appearing mucosa at endoscopy. Suspected EGJ-IM was defined as an irregular SCJ. Analysis was performed using Chi squared and student t-test. Results: Of the 288 unique patients with suspected BE visualized on EGD, 25.7% (74) were found to have biopsy confirmed IM. Of patients with confirmed IM, 92% (68) had a length recorded for suspected BE. Patients with confirmed BE were more likely to be male(70% vs 30%) and Caucasian (82%) (p  0.05). LSBE was found most frequently (50%) followed by SSBE (32.4%) and EGJ-IM (9.5%) (p  0.05). 12 patients had low grade dysplasia (7 LSBE, 3 SSBE, 1 EGJ-IM, 1 unknown length; 10 male, 2 female; 10 Caucasian, 2 Hispanic). 4 patients had high grade dysplasia (all with LSBE; 3 male, 1 female; all Caucasian). Patients with dysplasia were older (67.1 vs 59.5 years), more likely to be male (81% vs 70%) (p  0.05), and more likely Caucasian (87% vs 82%)(NS)than patients with IM without dysplasia. LSBE was more likely to contain dysplasia than SSBE, EGJ-IM or unknown length (69%, 19%, 6% and 6% respectively)(p  0.05). Conclusions: Patients with dysplasia regardless of grade are older and more likely to be Caucasian and male than patients without dysplasia. Furthermore, LSBE is more likely to contain dysplasia than SSBE or EGJ-IM. Utilization of clinical and demographic risk factors may enable more efficient screening for BE. 125 Normal values for esophageal manometry in the sitting position Radu I Tutuian1, Philip O Katz1, Matthew Gideon1 and Donald O Castell1*. 1Medicine, Graduate Hospital, Philadelphia, PA, United States. Purpose: Standard normal values for esophageal manometry were previously established in supine position using water-perfused systems. Solidstate catheters allow manometric measurements in upright position. Aim: Establish normal values for upright esophageal body manometry and compare these with established supine normal values. Methods: 80 healthy volunteers (37F, 43M, mean age 44) were enrolled. Solid-state sensors were placed at 3, 8, 13 cm above LES. Subjects given 20 swallows (10  5cc water, 10  5cc pudding) to assess esophageal body contractions. Results: Interpretation of upright esophageal manometry based on supine values: 51 (63%) subjects normal, 27 (34%) ineffective esophageal manometry, 2 (3%) “nutcracker”. Numbers of aberrant responses (simultaneous and triple peaked) were similar to those previously reported for supine manometry. Amplitude (mmHg) @ 13 cm Amplitude (mmHg) @ 8 cm Amplitude (mmHg) @ 3 cm DEA (3/8) Duration (sec) @ 13 cm Duration (sec) @ 8 cm Duration (sec) @ 3 cm Velocity (cm/sec) supine water* upright water upright pudding 70  32 90  41 109  45 99  40 3.5  0.7 3.9  0.9 4.0  1.1 3.5  0.9 44  23 69  36 90  45 80  37 3.6  0.7 3.5  0.8 4.1  1.1 3.8  1.4 53  26 78  39 91  43 85  37 4.0  0.9 4.0  0.9 4.1  1.1 2.9  1.2 *prev. published (Richter JE et Al.: Dig Dis 1987) Summary: Normal values for upright manometry are lower compared to supine manometry. If normal supine values are used to interpret upright S41 manometry one third of healthy volunteers meet criteria of ineffective esophageal motility (IEM). Semi-solid (pudding) swallows show similar amplitude but decreased velocity. Conclusions: Supine normal values should not be used to interpret upright manometry as over-diagnosis of ineffective esophageal motility will result. 126 Gastroesophageal reflux worsens sleep fragmentation in obstructive sleep apnea Nalini M Guda M.D., JW Jacobson M.A., Nimish Vakil M.D., FACG. University of Wisconsin Medical School, Milwaukee Clinical Campus, Milwaukee. Introduction: Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) is prevalent in patients with Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA). Sleep fragmentation due to frequent arousals caused by apneic episodes (respiratory arousals) is associated with poor sleep quality and excessive daytime sleepiness. Aim: To determine if untreated GERD worsened sleep fragmentation by causing spontaneous arousals during sleep. Methods: 101 consecutive patients underwent standard polysomnography. GERD symptoms were measured using the Gastrointestinal Symptom Rating Scale (GSRS). A polysomnographer blinded to the results of the questionnaire analyzed the sleep study. Total respiratory arousals and spontaneous arousals were recorded along with the Apnea/Hpopnea index (AHI). Results: Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) showed that the total respiratory arousals/hour for patients with OSA was 34.1 (SE  8.7, 95% CI 25.4 – 42.7) compared to 6.01 (SE 2.3, 95% CI 3.73– 8.28; p  0.003) for those without sleep apnea. The number of spontaneous arousals/hour in those with GERD and not on any acid suppressive therapy was 3.5 (SE 2.2, 95% CI 1.4 – 5.7) and in those receiving acid suppressive therapy was 1.6 (SE 1.2, 95% CI 0.4 –2.9; P  0.007). All patients on acid suppressive therapy with single dose proton pump inhibitors or histamine receptor blockers were still symptomatic for GERD. Discussion: 1. OSA is associated with increased respiratory arousals. 2. GERD causes spontaneous arousals independent of the presence of OSA. 3. GERD worsens sleep fragmentation in patients with OSA. 4. Acid suppression in patients with GERD and OSA decrease spontaneous arousals thus improving the sleep fragmentation. 127 A prospective blinded comparison of CT, endoscopic ultrasound (EUS) and EUS-guided fine needle aspiration biopsy (EUS-FNA) in preoperative esophageal cancer (EC) staging with measurement of impact on therapy Enrique Vazquez-Sequeiros, MD1, Jonathan E. Clain, MD, FACG1, Ian D. Norton, MD1, Michael J. Levy, MD1, Elizabeth Rajan, MD1, Yvonne Romero, MD1, Diva R. Salomao, MD2, Mary L. Jondal, LPN1, Ross A. Dierkhising3, Alan R. Zinsmeister, PhD3 and Maurits J. Wiersema, MD, FACG1*. 1Developmental Endoscopy Unit, Mayo Clinic, Rochester, MN, United States; 2Pathology, Mayo Clinic, Rochester, MN, United States; and 3Biostatistics, Mayo Clinic, Rochester, MN, United States. Purpose: Detection of lymph node (LN) metastases in EC may influence treatment decisions. Whether EUS-FNA of LN in EC improves staging accuracy of CT and EUS and thereby impacts therapy is unknown. Aims: 1) Prospectively determine the accuracy of CT, EUS and EUS-FNA for preoperative LN staging of EC. 2) Assess the impact of CT, EUS and EUS-FNA have on therapy of EC. Methods: From 1/2000 to 4/2001 100 consecutive patients (PT) with histologically proven EC who were considered for surgical resection (no distant metastases on CT) and who underwent further staging with EUS and EUS-FNA were enrolled in the study. CT, EUS and EUS-FNA LN staging accuracy was compared in a prospective blinded fashion. EUS LN stage was determined prior to EUS-FNA by using conventional EUS criteria.