Principle of Locality and Analysis
of Radio Occultation Data
Alexander G. Pavelyev, Kefei Zhang, Yuei-An Liou, Senior Member, IEEE, Alexey A. Pavelyev,
Chuan-Sheng Wang, Jens Wickert, Torsten Schmidt, and Yuriy Kuleshov
Abstract—A fundamental principle of local interaction of radio waves with a refractive spherical medium is formulated and
illustrated using the radio occultation (RO) method of remote
sensing of the atmosphere and the ionosphere of the Earth and the
planets. In accordance with this principle, the main contribution
to variations of the amplitude and the phase of radio waves propagating through a medium makes a neighborhood of a tangential
point, where the gradient of the refractive index is perpendicular
to the radio wave trajectory. A necessary and sufficient condition
(a criterion) is established to detect the displacement of the tangential point from the radio ray perigee using analysis of the RO
experimental data. This criterion is applied to the identification
and the location of layers in the atmosphere and the ionosphere
by the use of Global Positioning System RO data. RO data from
the CHAllenge Minisatellite Payload (CHAMP) are used to validate the criterion introduced when significant variations of the
amplitude and the phase of the RO signals are observed at the RO
ray perigee altitudes below 80 km. The detected criterion opens
a new avenue in terms of measuring the altitude and the slope of
the atmospheric and ionospheric layers. This is important for the
location determination of the wind shear and the direction of internal wave propagation in the lower ionosphere and possibly in the
atmosphere. The new criterion provides an improved estimation
of the altitude and the location of the ionospheric plasma layers
compared with the backpropagation radio-holographic method
previously used.
Index Terms—Bistatic remote sensing, geophysical signal processing, global positioning system, occultations, radio wave propagation, terrestrial and planetary atmospheres and ionospheres.
Manuscript received October 28, 2011; revised May 24, 2012 and October 3,
2012; accepted October 7, 2012. Date of publication January 21, 2013; date
of current version May 16, 2013. This work was supported in part by the
National Science Council and the National Space Organization of Taiwan,
under Grants NSC 101-2111-M-008-018 and 101-2221-E-008-019, by the
Russian Fund of Basic Research under Grant 10-02-01015-a, by Program 22
of the Russian Academy of Sciences, by Australian Research Council Project
ARC-LP0883288, by the Department of Industry, Innovation, Science, and
Research of Australia International Science Linkage under Project DIISR/ISLCG130127, and by the Australia Space Research Program Project endorsed
to research consortiums led by the Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology
A. G. Pavelyev and A. A. Pavelyev are with the Kotelnikov Institute of Radio
Engineering and Electronics, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow 141120,
Russia (e-mail: alxndr38@mail.ru).
K. Zhang is with the School of Mathematical and Geospatial Sciences, Royal
Melbourne Institute of Technology University, Melbourne, Vic 3001, Australia.
Y.-A. Liou is with the Center for Space and Remote Sensing Research,
National Central University, Chung-Li 320, Taiwan.
C.-S. Wang is with the National Taipei University, New Taipei City 23741,
J. Wickert and T. Schmidt are with the GeoForschungsZentrum (GFZ),
Potsdam 14473, Germany.
Y. Kuleshov is with the National Climate Centre, Bureau of Meteorology,
Melbourne, Vic 3001, Australia.
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TGRS.2012.2225629
HE radio occultation (RO) method employs the highly
stable radio waves transmitted at two GPS frequencies
f1 = 1575.42 MHz and f2 = 1227.60 MHz by the GPS satellites and recorded at a GPS receiver onboard a low Earth orbiting (LEO) satellite to remotely sense the Earth’s ionosphere
and neutral atmosphere [1]–[26]. When applied to ionospheric
investigations, the RO method may be considered as a global
tool and can be compared with the global Earth- and spacebased radio tomography [26], [27]. The RO method delivers
a great amount of data on the electron density distribution in
the upper and lower ionospheres that are important sources
for modernizing the current information over the morphology
of the ionospheric processes [28], [29]. The RO method has
been actively used to study the global distribution of sporadic
E-layers in the dependence of latitude, longitude, altitude, and
local time [6], [12], [15]–[17], [23]–[25], [30]–[32]. These
investigations have produced useful data on climatology and the
formation process of sporadic E-layers, which mainly depend
on the Earth’s magnetic field and meteor impact according
to the theory of the wind shear mechanism of plasma concentration [13], [33]–[35]. The thermospheric wind and the
atmospheric tides seem to be the main energy sources for this
mechanism [25].
Therefore, the spatial distributions of sporadic E-layers are
important for investigating the connections of natural processes
in the neutral and ionized components of the ionosphere. The
location and the intensity of sporadic E-layers play a critical
role for the quality of radio communications in the highfrequency band. The RO measurements in the atmosphere can
be significantly affected by ionospheric contributions since
the RO signals propagate through two different parts of the
ionosphere. Usually, the ionospheric influence in the RO measurements may be described through a relatively slow change
in the excess phase without noticeable variations in the amplitude of RO signals. This effect can be essentially reduced
by a number of different methods of ionospheric correction
However, the disturbed ionosphere may significantly change
not only the phase but also the amplitude of the RO signals.
Strong amplitude and phase frequency-dependent variations
in the RO signals are often surprisingly observed within the
altitudes of the RO ray perigee h(T ) between 30 and 80 km
above the main part of the neutral atmosphere and below
the E-layer of the ionosphere. The effects of strong phase
and amplitude variations of the RO signals at a low altitude
0196-2892/$31.00 © 2013 IEEE
Fig. 1.
Geometrical parameters of the RO experiment.
provide a good source of information for the remote sensing
of the atmosphere and the ionosphere including detecting and
studying the internal gravity waves (GWs) propagating in the
atmosphere and the ionosphere [40]. Accurate knowledge of
spatial location, height, and inclination of the sporadic E-layers
is important for the estimation of the off-equatorial heightintegrated conductivity [28], [29]. The RO low-altitude amplitude variations have been interpreted as contribution from
the inclined ionospheric layers displaced relative to the RO ray
perigee and equations have been developed for the determination of the height and the slope of inclined plasma layers from
their displacement [6].
The altitudes of sporadic E-layers have been evaluated as
the height of the RO radio ray perigee in recent times [12],
[23]–[25]. The relationship between the eikonal (phase path)
and amplitude variations in the GPS Meteorology (GPS/MET)
RO data has been analyzed, and the following conclusions have
been made: 1) The amplitude variations in distinction to the
phase of RO signal have a strong dependence on the distance
from observation point to the location of an ionospheric irregularity. 2) The location of the irregularities in the low ionosphere
may be determined by measuring the distance between the
observation point up to a phase screen, which should be perpendicularly located to the RO ray trajectory at its perigee [41].
A radio-holographic backpropagation method has been suggested and applied for the location of the irregularities in Eand F-layers of the ionosphere [38], [42].
A relationship between the derivatives of the phase, eikonal,
and Doppler frequency on time and intensity of radio waves
propagating through the near Earth’s space has been detected
[43] and then validated using both theoretical considerations
and experimental analysis of the RO radio holograms. The
introduced eikonal acceleration technique can be applied for
locating layers in the ionosphere and the atmosphere [15], [16],
[21], [22], [30]–[32].
The main aim of this paper is to introduce a locality principle
and to demonstrate the possibility of identifying the contributions and measuring parameters of the inclined plasma layers.
This paper is structured as follows. In Section II, a locality
principle and a criterion rule to detect a layer’s contribution to
the RO signals are presented, and a method for identification
and location of plasma layers is described. In Section III, a test
of a suggested method is provided by the use of CHAMP RO
data. Conclusions are given in Section IV.
after propagation through the ionosphere and the atmosphere
along the radio ray GTL arrived to a receiver onboard the LEO
satellite L. The amplitudes and phase variations of the RO
signals are recorded as functions of time, sent to the ground
stations with orbital data and analyzed with an aim to find the
physical parameters of the neutral atmosphere and ionosphere
along the trajectory of the RO radio ray perigee point T (see
Fig. 1). The receiver onboard LEO records amplitudes A1 (t)
and A2 (t), and the excess phase paths Φ1 (t) and Φ2 (t) of
the GPS transmitted radio wave signals as a function of time
t at two GPS frequencies. The global spherical symmetry of
the ionosphere and the atmosphere with a common center of
symmetry is the cornerstone assumption of the RO method.
Under this assumption, a small area centered at a tangent
point T (see Fig. 1), where the RO ray is perpendicular to
the gradient of refractivity, makes a significant contribution to
the amplitude and phase variations of RO signals despite the
prolonged path GTL (see Fig. 1). Under the global spherical
symmetry condition, the tangent point coincides with the RO
ray perigee T . The size of this area along the ray GTL is
equal to the horizontal resolution of the RO method ∆h =
2(2lf ρe )1/2 , where lf = (λd2 )1/2 is the size of the Fresnel
zone, λ is the wavelength, ρe is the distance T O, d2 is distance
T L, which is nearly equal to DL (see Fig. 1). The magnitude
of ∆h corresponds to the minimal horizontal length of a layer
estimated by the RO method.
The quiet ionosphere introduces regular trends in the excess
phases at two GPS frequencies, which can be removed by the
ionospheric correction procedure [39]. The contributions in the
phase and amplitude variations of RO signals of the intensive
sporadic E-layers at the altitude interval of 90–120 km is
significantly greater than the impact of the F-layer turbulent
structures [3]. The impact of a regular layer on the RO signal
depends on the position relative to the RO ray perigee. Length
lcε of the coherent interaction of the RO signal with a layer
having the vertical width l depends on the elevation angle ε
between the local horizontal direction and ray trajectory, i.e.,
lcε ≈ l/ sin ε. For the RO ray perigee, the elevation angle ε
is zero, and the corresponding value lc is described by the
following relationship:
lc = 2(2lρe )1/2 .
Ratio G of lengths lc and lcε is equal to
The scheme of RO experiments is shown in Fig. 1. A navigational satellite G emitted highly stable radio waves, which,
sin ε.
Under the spherical symmetry condition sin ε is about 0.25
at the altitude of ionospheric F-layer at 250 km, and one can
obtain from (2) the following:
0.57 · 102
G ≈ 0.5
When the total absorption is absent, it follows from (4) and
(6), if the center of symmetry is located at point O, i.e.,
1 − Xp (t) ≡ 1 − Xa (t) = ma.
where R1 and R2 are distances OG and OL, respectively (see
Fig. 1). Condition (5) holds for the RO studies of atmospheres
and ionospheres of the Earth and the planets because the module of difference p − ps is always well below the magnitudes of
p and ps . If absorption is absent, magnitude Xp (t) describes the
refractive attenuation determined from the amplitude data, i.e.,
Relationship (9) establishes the equivalence of values Xp (t)
and Xa (t) in the case of the spherical symmetry with center
O. Identity (9) is a necessary and sufficient condition to ensure
that the tangential point coincides with the radio ray perigee.
This condition is valid when the total absorption is absent under
the requirement of global spherical symmetry. In this case, the
locality principle claims that the tangential point coincides with
the radio ray perigee if and only if the changes of the refractive
attenuations found from the phase and amplitude variations of
the RO signal are the same at any time, and that these variations
can be attributed to the interaction of the radio wave only with a
local small area near the ray perigee. Therefore, the RO method
is based on an implicit locality principle, and the RO technology
results correspond to the trajectory of motion of the RO ray
perigee in the case of a spherically symmetric medium.
The locality principle has a general meaning for the RO
technique as applied to the investigation of the planetary ionospheres and atmospheres.
By the use of the locality principle, the theory of the RO
method can be extended to develop an appropriate technique
for finding locations of the tangent points on the RO ray. This
is an aim of the last part of this section.
In some cases, the centers of spherical symmetry in the two
parts of the ionosphere located on path GTL (see Fig. 1) do
not coincide with that of the neutral atmosphere [16], [17],
[30]–[32], [43]. This effect can be caused by the displacement
of the center of spherical symmetry O′ of the ionospheric part
of ray GTL from point O (see Fig. 1). In this case, according to
the derivation previously made [21], inequality (5) is also valid
and impact parameters
after changing distances R1,2 to R1,2
′ ′
p, ps to p , ps because of the smallness of difference p′ −p′s as
compared with any of values p′ and p′s . Therefore, identity (6)
is valid also in the new coordinate system with center at point
O′ (see Fig. 1), i.e.,
Xp (t) ≡ Xa (t)
Xa (t) = I/I0
Xp′ (t) ≡ Xa (t)
If the vertical width l is about 1 km, the contribution to the
phase variations of a layer disposed in the RO ray perigee differs by about a hundred times on the impact of the similar layer
located in the F-region. Therefore, as a rule, the RO method is
an effective tool for layer detection and measurements of their
parameters with high vertical resolution and accuracy along the
trajectory of the RO ray perigee.
The next connection between the excess phase path
(eikonal) Φ(t) acceleration a and the refractive attenuation of
electromagnetic waves Xp (t) has been detected and validated
[15], [16], [21], [43]
1 − Xp (t) = ma, a =
d2 Φ(t)
, m = d2 (1 − d2 /R0 )/(dps /dt)2
where d2 and R0 are the distances along the straight lines
DL and GL, respectively, p and ps are the impact parameters
corresponding to ray GTL and the line of sight GL (see Fig. 1).
Note that distance d2 is nearly equal to distance T L within an
accuracy corresponding to the horizontal resolution of the RO
method (about 100–300 km). Parameters m and dps /dt may
be evaluated from the orbital data. The first formula (4) has
been derived under the following condition [21]:
(p − ps ) dR1,2 ≪ ps dps
where I0 and I are the intensities of the RO signals measured
before and after the immersion of the RO ray in the atmosphere,
respectively. It should be noted that the total absorption in the
atmosphere can be determined by excluding the refractive attenuation found from measurements of the eikonal acceleration
at the same frequency by the use of the first equation (4)
Γ = 1 − Xa (t)/Xp (t).
Equations (4) and (8) are the basis of the proposed method
for determining the total absorption by measuring the time
dependence of the intensity and the eikonal of the RO signal
at one frequency [16]. This method is much simpler than
the previously used method based on the estimation of the
refractive attenuation on the first derivative of the bending angle
on the impact parameter.
where Xp′ (t) is the new value of the refractive attenuation
relevant to a new center of spherical symmetry, i.e.,
1 − Xp′ (t) = m′ a,
d2 φ(t)
m′ = d′2 (1 − d′2 /R0 ) / (dp′s /dt)
where m′ is a value of parameter m corresponding to center O′ ,
and d′2 is distance D′ L (see Fig. 1). As compared with formula
(4), the first equation (11) is different with new values of the
refractive attenuation Xp′ (t) and parameter m′ . The refractive
attenuation Xa (t) found from the amplitude data (7) and the
eikonal acceleration a does not depend on the location of the
spherical symmetry center.
Identity (10) extends criterion (6) to the general case in which
the center of spherical symmetry is shifted to an arbitrary point.
This allows one to generalize the locality principle for the
remote sensing of the stratified spherical medium in the absence
of absorption; a certain point of the radio ray is tangential if
and only if the refractive attenuations found from the eikonal
respective to this point and intensity variations of the radio
waves passed through the medium are equal. In this case, both
the intensity and the eikonal variations are mainly influenced
by a small neighborhood of the tangential point.
The locality principle allows one to determine the location
of a tangential point and to find the displacement and then the
altitude, and the slope of a layer from the radio ray perigee.
According to (4) and (11), it follows
1 − Xa (t) ≡
(1 − Xp )
where the refractive attenuation Xp is determined from (4)
using the measured value a; coefficients m′ and m correspond
to centers O′ and O, respectively . It follows from (4), (11), and
(12) that
−1 (1−Xp )
Xp −Xa (t) =
d2 (1−d′2 /R0 )(dps /dt)2
(1−Xp ). (13)
d2 (1−d2 /R0 ) (dp′s /dt)2
If the displacement of the center of spherical symmetry
satisfies the following conditions:
d2 /R0 ,
d′2 /R0 ≪ 1;
≈ s
After substitution (16) in (12), one can obtain
Aa (t)Re [exp jχa (t)] ≡
Equation (18) establishes a rule: the location of a tangent
point on the ray trajectory can be fulfilled using the analytical amplitudes of the refractive attenuation variations Aa,p ;
displacement d is positive or negative depending on the sign
of difference Aa − Ap , and the tangent point T ′ is located on
parts GT or T L, respectively. Phases χp (t) and χa (t) should
be equal within some accuracy determined by a quality of
measurements. Note that (18) is valid when the distance of one
of the satellites from the ray perigee T is many times greater
than the corresponding value for the second one. This condition
is fulfilled for the planetary RO experiments provided by the
use of the communication radio link spacecraft–Earth and GPS
occultations [16].
The correction to the layer height ∆h and its inclination δ
with respect to the local horizontal direction can be obtained
using displacement d [6], i.e.,
δ = d/ρe
where d is distance DD′ (see Fig. 1). In the case of the small
refraction effect, distance d is approximately equal to the length
of arc T T ′ . Relationship (15) establishes a connection between
the displacement of the tangential point from the radio ray
perigee d and variations of the refractive attenuations Xa (t) and
Xp (t).
Let us consider the refractive attenuation variations as the
analytical signals in the following form:
1 − Xp (t) = ma = Ap (t)Re [exp jχp (t)]
1 − Xa (t) = Aa (t)Re [exp jχa (t)]
where Ap (t) and Aa (t), and χp (t) and χa (t) are correspondingly the amplitudes and the phases of the analytical signals,
relevant to functions 1 − Xp (t) and 1 − Xa (t). Amplitudes and
phases Ap (t) and Aa (t), χp (t) and χa (t) describe the atmospheric (ionospheric) modulations of the refractive attenuation
variations 1 − Xp (t) and 1 − Xa (t). Phases χp (t) and χa (t)
differ from the excess phase path (eikonal) Φ(t). In the case
when variations 1 − Xp (t) and 1 − Xa (t) can be described by
a narrow-band process, functions Ap,a (t) and χp,a (t) can be
found by the numerical Hilbert transform or by other methods
of the digital data analysis.
Ratio m′ /m is supposed to be nearly constant during an
RO event. For fulfilling (17), phases χp (t) and χa (t) should
be equal, but amplitudes Aa (t) and Ap (t) are different. In
this case, one can obtain from (17) under conditions (14) an
alternative relationship for displacement d, i.e.,
Aa − Ap
; d2 = R22 − p2s ; m′ =
d = d′2 − d2 = d2
then one can find from (13)
d′ − d 2
Xp − Xa (t) = 2
(1 − Xp ) = (1 − Xp )
Ap (t)Re [exp jχp (t)] .
∆h = 0.5dδ
where ρe is distance T O (see Fig. 1).
The condition of the spherical symmetry with new center O′
justifies the application of the Abel transform for the solution
of the inverse problem. For the Abel transform, the following
formula is used [44]:
N (p0 ) = −
ln ⎣ +
− 1⎦
dN (p0 )
1 + N (p0 )
dN (p0 )
dN (p0 )
1 − dp0 (re + h)
where p0 is the magnitude of the impact parameter p corresponding to ray GTL in the initial instant of time t0 , and N (p0 )
and dN (p0 )/dh are the refractivity and its vertical gradient.
The derivative of the bending angle ξ(p) on the impact parameter p (dξ(p)/dp) can be found from the refractive attenuation
X using an equation previously obtained [45], i.e.,
√ 2 2 √ 2 2
R1 −p
R2 −p dξ
ps 1 −
≈ 1−
R12 − p2 R22 − p2
Fig. 2. (Left plot) Refractive attenuations Xa and Xp found from the intensity and eikonal RO data at frequency f1 (curves 1 and 2, respectively). (Right plot)
Amplitudes Aa and Ap of analytical signals corresponding to the variations of the refractive attenuations Xa and Xp (curves 1 and 2).
where R0 is distance GL (see Fig. 1). From (4), (20), and
(21), one can obtain a modernized formula for the Abel
inversion, i.e.,
ln ⎣
− 1⎦
N (p0 ) =
m′ a
p2 (t)
Factor m′ in (22) can be estimated from the last equation
(18). Magnitude m′ a in (22) may be changed by value 1 − Xa
to directly use the RO amplitude data for the Abel inversion.
Note that (22) provides the Abel transform in the time domain
t0 and tx , where a layer contribution does exist. The linear part
of the regular trend due to the influence of the upper ionosphere
is removed because the eikonal acceleration a in (22) contains
the second derivative on time. However, the influence of the
upper ionosphere is existing because it contributes in the impact
parameter p(t). Also, the nonlinear contribution of the upper
ionosphere remains in the eikonal acceleration a. Therefore,
(22) approximately gives that part of the refractivity altitude
distribution, which is connected with the influence of a sharp
plasma layer. The electron density vertical distribution in the
Earth’s ionosphere Ne (h) is connected at GPS frequencies with
the refractivity N (h) via the following relationship:
Ne (h) = −
N (h)f 2
where f is the carrier frequency [Hz], Ne (h) is the electron
content [el/m3 ].
To consider a possibility to locate the plasma layers, we will
use a CHAMP RO event 005 (November 19, 2003, 0 h 50 m
UT, 17.3 S, 197.3 W) with strong quasi-regular amplitude and
phase variations. The refractive attenuations of the CHAMP
RO signals Xa and Xp found from the intensity and eikonal
data are shown in Fig. 2 (left panel) as functions of the RO
ray perigee altitude h. The eikonal acceleration a has been
estimated by the double differentiation of a second-power leastsquare polynomial over a sliding time interval ∆t = 0.5 s. This
time interval approximately corresponds to the vertical size
of the Fresnel zone of ∼1 km since the vertical component
of the radio ray was ∼2.1 km/s. The refractive attenuation
Xp is derived from the evaluated magnitude a using (4), and
the m value is obtained from the orbital data. The refractive
attenuation Xa is derived from the RO amplitude data by a
sliding least-square polynomial having the same power with
averaging in the same time interval of 0.5 s. In the altitude
ranges of 42–46 and 98–106 km, the refractive attenuations
variations Xa and Xp are strongly connected and may be
considered as coherent oscillations caused by sporadic layers
(see left panel of Fig. 2). Using the Hilbert numerical transform,
amplitudes Aa and Ap of analytical signals related to Xa − 1
and Xp − 1 have been computed and are shown in Fig. 2 (right
panel). In the altitude range of 42–46 km, amplitudes Aa and
Ap are nearly identical, but the magnitude of Aa is about
1.5 times greater than that of Ap . Accordingly, a plasma layer is
displaced from the RO ray perigee T in the direction to satellite
G (see Fig. 1). A similar form of variations of the refractive
attenuations Xa − 1 and Xp − 1 allows locating the detected
ionospheric layer. Displacement d corresponding to a plasma
layer recorded at the 44-km altitude of the RO ray perigee is
shown in Fig. 3 (left). Curves 1 and 2 in Fig. 3 (left) correspond
to amplitudes Aa and Ap . Curve 3 describes displacement d
found from amplitudes Aa and Ap using (18). The changes in
d are concentrated in the altitude range of 750–1150 km when
functions Aa and Ap vary near their maximal values of 0.46 and
0.69 in the ranges of 0.4 ≤ Ap ≤ 0.46 and 0.5 ≤ Aa ≤ 0.69,
respectively. The statistical error in the determination of ratio
Aa − Ap /Ap in (18) is minimal when Ap is maximal. Point a
in Fig. 3 (left panel) marks the maximum value of Ap , and
points b and c denote the corresponding values Aa = 0.67
and d = 940 km, respectively; the plasma layer is displaced
from the RO ray perigee T in the direction of the navigational
Fig. 3. (Left) Evaluation of the plasma layer displacement d from the RO perigee. (Right) Results of the restoration of the vertical gradients of the electron
satellite G (see Fig. 1). If the relative error in the measurements
of Ap is 5%, then, according to Fig. 3 (left), the accuracy in the
estimation of d is about ±120 km. The inclination of a plasma
layer to a local horizontal direction calculated using (19) is
approximately equal to δ = 10.4◦ ± 0.2◦ . The vertical gradient
dNe /dh of the electron density distribution Ne (h) for the given
RO event is shown in Fig. 3 (right). Curves 1 and 2 correspond
to the vertical gradient dNe /dh retrieved using (20) and (22),
respectively. Curve 3 is related to the vertical gradient dNe /dh
retrieved using the refractive attenuation Xa and formula (22).
The real altitude of the ionospheric layers is indicated on the
horizontal axis in Fig. 3 (right). Two ionospheric layers are seen
(curves 1, 2, and 3 in Fig. 3, right). The first layer is located
on line GT at the 120- to 130-km altitudes at a distance of
∼950 km from point T . The second layer is located near the
RO perigee at the 98- to 108-km altitudes [see Figs. 2 and
3 (right)]. From the comparison of the refractive variations
Xa and Xp (see left of Fig. 2) and the vertical gradients of
the electron content (see right of Fig. 3), the width of the
sporadic E-layers is nearly equal to the altitude interval of
the amplitude variations of RO signals. From Fig. 3 (right), the
variations of the vertical gradient of the electron density are
concentrated in interval −1.1 · 106 el/cm3 km < dN (h)/dh <
1.1 · 106 el/cm3 km. These magnitudes of N (h) are typical for
intensified sporadic E-layers [29]. The height interval of the
amplitude variations is nearly equal to the height interval of the
variations in the electron density and its gradient.
The second example of the identification and the location of
the sporadic plasma layer in the lower ionosphere is shown
in Fig. 4 for CHAMP RO event 211 (July 04, 2003, 10 h
54 m LT, 2.1 N, 145.6 W) with intensive sporadic E-layers.
The refractive attenuations Xa and Xp of the CHAMP RO
signals at f1 obtained from the intensity and eikonal data are
shown in Fig. 4(a) as functions of the RO ray perigee altitude h.
The refractive attenuations variations Xa and Xp are strongly
correlated and can be considered as coherent oscillations caused
by a single sporadic E-layer. As shown in Fig. 4(b), magnitude Aa is about 1.3 times greater than Ap . This means that
a corresponding plasma layer is displaced from the RO ray
perigee T in the direction to satellite G (see Fig. 1). Curves 1,
2, and 3 in Fig. 4(c) are displacement d (its values are marked at
the left vertical axis), the layer slope δ (in degrees; right vertical
axis), and correction ∆h, respectively. Curves 1, 2, and 3 in
Fig. 4(d) are amplitudes Aa and Ap and the corrected height h′
of the plasma layer maximum on the RO ray perigee altitude
h, respectively. The changes in d, ∆h, and δ are concentrated
in the ranges of 240–400 and 5–15 km, and 2.2◦ . . . 3.2◦ when
the altitude of the RO ray perigee changes in the range of
109.6–110.4 km. From these changes, the average values of d,
∆h, and δ are determined, i.e., d = 350 km ± 50 km; ∆h =
10 km ± 5 km, and δ = 3.1◦ ± 0.3◦ . It is concluded that the
detected sporadic layer is displaced from the RO ray perigee by
350 km in the direction to the GPS satellite and the altitude
of which is 10 km greater than the height of point T . The
height distribution of the electron density Ne (h′ ) and its altitude
gradient dNe (h′ )/dh′ recalculated from the modernized Abel
inversion (22) are shown in Fig. 4(e) and (f). Note that function Ne (h′ ) represents the sporadic E-layer contribution with
approximation N (tx , p0 ) = 0. This suggests that the aforementioned calculation reflects the high-frequency part Ne (h′ ) and
with the magnitude of the vertical spatial periods below 10
km. The maximal value of the electron density is located at
the height of 119.2 km [see Fig. 4(e)]. The maximal gradient
of the electron content ∼1.4 · 106 [el/cm3 km] is observed at the
altitude of 119.0 km [see Fig. 4(f)]. The altitude dependent
quantity Ne (h′ ) demonstrates the wavelike structure that is
possibly related to the wind shears in the vertical distribution
of horizontal wind in the neutral gas [46].
The introduced method appears to have a considerable potential to resolve the uncertainty between parts GT and LT of
the ray trajectory and determine the location of inclined layers.
This method accurately indicates the locations of the maximal
values and the direction of the gradient of the electron density
including the distance, the altitude, and the slope. According
to the existing theory, the maximum of the electron content
in sporadic E-layers is usually connected with the influence
Fig. 4. (a)–(d) Identification and location of a layer in the lower ionosphere. (e) Distribution of the electron density in the identified sporadic Es layer.
(f) Distribution of the gradient of electron density.
of the wind shear [29]. Therefore, the RO method is capable of locating the wind shear in the lower ionosphere. The
gradient of the electron content can correspond to the wave
fronts of different kinds of wave influencing on the ionospheric
plasma distribution [46]. In the case of the internal GWs, the
inclination of the wave vector to the vertical direction can be
used to find the angular frequency of the GW [40]. Therefore,
the introduced criterion and technique extended the applicable
domain of the RO method. The additional validation of this
method through analyzing the CHAMP data and comparison
with ground-based ionosonde information is the task for the
future work.
The analytic technique is a new method for locating the
inclined layered structures (including sporadic Es layers) in
the ionosphere. The location of the ionospheric layers including
their altitude, displacement from the RO ray perigee, and slope
relative to the horizontal direction can be determined using the
introduced criterion that compares the refractive attenuations
found from the RO amplitude and phase data for both theoretical and experimental analyses of the RO signals. Depending
on the sign of the refractive attenuations, the displacement
of a plasma layer from the RO ray perigee should be positive (in the direction to a GPS satellite and vice versa). The
magnitude of the displacement can be found from a ratio of
the refractive attenuation’s difference to the magnitude of the
refractive attenuation from the RO phase data. The altitude
and the slope of a plasma layer can be found from the known
value of its displacement. Therefore, the standard estimation of
a layer’s altitude as a height of the RO ray perigee should be
revised due to the underestimation of the altitude of inclined
plasma structures in the lower ionosphere. The accuracy of the
current radio-holographic backpropagation method depends on
the form of the Green function used for the backpropagation.
If the Green function corresponding to the propagation in the
free space is used, then the inaccuracy of the backpropagation
method is proportional to the bending angle. The analytic
technique based on the locality principle is simpler and more
precise than the backpropagation method. By the use of the
introduced criterion, the RO method is capable of locating and
determining the direction and the magnitude of the gradient of
the electron density in the lower ionosphere.
The gradient of the electron content indicates the direction
of the different kinds of wave fronts in the ionosphere. In
the particular case of the internal GWs, the inclination of the
wave vector to the vertical direction can be used to find the
angular frequency and the parameters of the GW. Therefore,
the introduced criterion and technique extended the applicable
domain of the RO method to remote sensing internal waves in
the lower ionosphere. This conclusion has a general importance
for the planetary and terrestrial RO experiments in a broad
range of frequencies.
The authors would like to thank GeoForschungsZentrum
(GFZ) Potsdam for access to the CHAllenge Minisatellite Payload (CHAMP) radio occultation data.
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Alexander G. Pavelyev received the B.Sc. and
M.Sc. degrees from Gorky State University, Gorky,
Russia, and the Ph.D. degree in radio physics from
the Academy of Sciences of the U.S.S.R., Moscow,
Russia, in 1969.
He was a Senior Researcher (Assistant Professor)
in 1977 and a Leading Researcher in early 1987.
He was Senior Scientist granted by Telecommunication Advanced Organization (TAO) of Japan in
late 1999/early 2000 and Senior Research Scientist granted by the Science and Technology Agency
(STA) Fellowship Program in late 2000 with Communication Research Laboratory (CRL), Japan. Since June 2000, he has been the Head of the Laboratory of
Radio Wave Propagation in Space, Kotelnikov Institute of Radio Engineering
and Electronics (Fryazino branch), Russian Academy of Sciences (FIRE RAS).
In early 2001, he was a Visiting Professor with Radio Science Center for Space
and Atmosphere (RASC) Kyoto University, Kyoto, Japan. He was a Visiting
Professor with the Centre for Space and Remote Sensing Research National
Central University, Taoyuan, Taiwan (2002–2006 and 2009). From April to
May 2010, He was also a Visiting Professor with the Satellite Positioning
for Atmosphere, Climate and Environment Research Centre, Royal Melbourne
Institute of Technology, Melbourne, Australia.
Kefei Zhang received the B.Sc. and M.Sc. degrees
in Geodesy from Wuhan University (former Wuhan
Technical University of Surveying and Mapping)
and a Ph.D. in Geodesy from Curtin University of
Technology, Australia.
Since late 1999, he has been with the Royal
Melbourne Institute of Technology University,
Melbourne, Australia, where he is currently a Professor, the Founder, and the Director of the Satellite
Positioning for Atmosphere, Climate and Environment Research Centre. He is a coholder of eight
international patents. He has authored over 250 peer-reviewed papers in
these fields since 1990 and has attracted in excess of 12 million dollars in
funding from the Australian Research Council, government, research, and
industry sectors. He is a regular reviewer of various national and international
funding agencies and journals, a member of journal editorial boards, and
a frequent speaker/guest at various international events. He is currently the
Chief Scientist of the multimillion-dollar prestigious Australia Space Research
Program Platform Technologies project and leads an international team that
comprises a number of international leading scientists in the areas of satellite positioning, space tracking, atmosphere, and climate-change research to
develop innovation solutions using cutting-edge space technologies. His main
areas of expertise are in satellite positioning, navigation, and geodesy. His
current research is primarily involved in algorithm development and innovative
applications of Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS)/Global Positioning
System technologies for high-accuracy positioning, atmospheric studies (e.g.,
for space weather, space debris surveillance and collision warning, Square
Kilometer Array project (SKA), climate change, weather and environment, and
ionosphere), space tracking, satellite orbit determination, and people mobility
and object tracking.
Yuei-An Liou (S’91–M’96–SM’01) received the
B.Sc. degree in electrical engineering (EE) from
the National Sun Yat-sen University, Kaohsiung,
Taiwan, in 1987 and the M.Eng. degree in EE, the
M.Sc. degree in atmospheric and space sciences, and
the Ph.D. degree in EE and atmospheric, oceanic, and
space sciences from the University of Michigan, Ann
Arbor, in 1992, 1994, and 1996, respectively.
He is currently with the Center for Space and Remote Sensing Research, National Central University,
Chung-Li, Taiwan. He is a Principal Investigator on
many research projects sponsored by the National Science Council (NSC), the
Council of Agriculture, the National Space Organization (NSPO), the Civil
Aeronautics Administration, the Minister of Interior, the Water Conservancy
Agency of Taiwan, and the Office of Naval Research of USA. He has authored
over 60 journal and 130 international conference papers.
Dr. Liou serves as a leading Guest Editor for the IEEE T RANSACTIONS ON
G EOSCIENCE AND R EMOTE S ENSING special issue “Meteorology, Climate,
Ionosphere, Geodesy, and Reflections from the Ocean Surfaces: Studies by
Radio Occultation Methods.” He was a recipient of the Annual Research
Awards from the NSC in 1998, 1999, and 2000; the First Class Research Awards
from the NSC in 2004, 2005, and 2006; and the National Central University
(NCU) Outstanding Research Awards in 2004 and 2006, respectively. He was
awarded the “Contribution Award to FORMOSAT-3 National Space Mission”
by NSPO in 2006. He is a member of the American Geophysical Union,
the American Meteorological Society, and the International Association of
Hydrological Sciences. He is an Honorary Life Member of the Korean Society
of Remote Sensing.
Alexey A. Pavelyev was born in Russia in 1986. He
received the B.S. and M.S. degrees from Moscow
Chemical Technology University, Moscow, Russia.
He is currently a Junior Scientist with the Kotelnikov Institute of Radio Engineering and Electronics,
Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow. He is interested in developing automatic processing systems for
radio occultation data and the application of radio
occultation data in atmospheric and climate research.
Chuan-Sheng Wang received the B.Sc. and M.Sc.
degrees from the National Chiao Tung University,
Hsinchu, Taiwan, in 1998 and 2000, respectively, and
the Ph.D. degree in space sciences from the National
Central University, Taoyuan, Taiwan, in 2009.
He is currently a Research Fellow with the
School of Mathematical and Geospatial Sciences,
Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology University,
Melbourne, Australia. He is also currently with the
National Taipei University, Taipei, Taiwan. His research interests include precise Global Positioning
System positioning and meteorology.
Jens Wickert was born in 1963. He received the
Ph.D. degree in geophysics/meteorology from KarlFranzens-University Graz, Graz, Austria, in 2002.
He worked for several years in atmospheric research for the German Weather Service, AlfredWegener-Institute for Polar and Marine Research,
and German Aerospace Center. Since 1999, he has
been with GeoForschungsZentrum Potsdam, Potsdam, Germany, and he is currently the Acting Head
of Section 1.1 GPS/Galileo Earth Observation. He
is responsible for various GNSS-related research
projects. He is the author and coauthor of numerous papers related to GNSS
remote sensing in peer-reviewed journals.
Torsten Schmidt received the M.S. degree in meteorology from Humboldt University of Berlin, Berlin,
Germany, in 1989 and the Ph.D. degree in atmospheric physics from the University of Bremen,
Bremen, Germany, in 1999.
Since 1999, he has been with the section “GPS/
Galileo Earth Observation,” GeoForschungsZentrum
(GFZ), Potsdam, Germany. He has authored or reviewed several leading scientific journals. He is interested in developing automatic processing systems
for radio occultation data and the application of radio
occultation data in atmospheric and climate research.
Yuriy Kuleshov received the B.Sc. degree in electronic engineering from the Institute of Radio Engineering, Kharkov, Ukraine, in 1981 and the Ph.D.
degree in physics and mathematics from the Institute
of Radio Physics and Electronics (IRPE), Academy
of Sciences, Kharkov, Ukraine, in 1991.
From 1981 to 1994, he worked with IRPE as a
Researcher on the design of the satellite and aircraft
microwave remote sensing systems for obtaining
environmental information, including the first Soviet
space radar of the “Cosmos/Ocean” satellite series,
and the aircraft-laboratory multifrequency microwave remote sensing system.
He also worked on the development of new methods of deriving, processing,
and interpreting environmental information for marine environment (sea ice
and iceberg observations, oil spill detection, near-surface wind speed retrieval,
and investigations of tropical cyclones) and terrestrial environment (freshwater ice, glaciers, and vegetation monitoring). Since 1995, he has been the
Project Leader at the Australian Bureau of Meteorology (BoM) for the international initiative on “Climate change and tropical cyclones in the Southern
Hemisphere: Development of the tropical cyclone archive, climatology and
seasonal prediction for the region.” He also works on the development of
new methods of satellite remote sensing (GPS radio occultation and GPS
reflectometry) for applications to climatology and oceanography. He is currently the Australian Team Leader on the Seasonal Climate Prediction Project,
Pacific Adaptation Strategy Assistance Program (PASAP) at BoM and an
Adjunct Professor with the School of Mathematical and Geospatial Sciences,
Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology University, Melbourne, Australia.
Dr. Kuleshov is the Australian representative of the World Meteorological
Organization Commission for Climatology Open Panels of Experts on Climate
Monitoring and Assessment. He also represents the BoM for the Standards
Australia, providing advice and expert opinion on climate science relevant to
the committees “Lightning protection” and “Wind actions” activities.