The Cosmic Learning Game: Meditations on Esoteric Truths

Aspects of a western esoteric approach to spirituality and spiritual growth are examined, including the Higher Self, spiritual evolution, and reincarnation. Based on the author's experience as a student and practitioner, some of the teachings of Djwhal Khul and Russell Schofield are presented.

International Review of Social Sciences and Humanities Vol. 10, No. 2 (2016), pp. 120-123 ISSN 2248-9010 (Online), ISSN 2250-0715 (Print) The Cosmic Learning Game: Meditations on Esoteric Truths Martin S. Fiebert Department of Psychology, California State University Long Beach, CA, United States-90840 E-mail: (Received: / Accepted:) Abstract Aspects of a western esoteric approach to spirituality and spiritual growth are examined, including the Higher Self, spiritual evolution, and reincarnation. Based on the author’s experience as a student and practitioner, some of the teachings of Djwhal Khul and Russell Schofield are presented. Keywords: Esoteric Psychology, Spiritual growth, Transpersonal Psychology. Introduction There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio, than are dreamt of in your philosophy. Hamlet (act 1, scene 5) From point of Light to brightening Star to radiant Sun of Manifestation (Russell Schofield) My spiritual journey (this lifetime) began at a Ram Dass (3) lecture in L.A. in 1970. I then made a conscious choice to pursue a yogic path and attended an intensive retreat with Swami Satchidananda (10) who founded the Integral Yoga Institute. Months later I had a significant encounter with a Tibetan teacher, Trumpa Rimpoche (12), a meeting which facilitated the integration of my spiritual practice with a western life style. In the spring of 1971 I met Ralph Metzner (7), invited him to present in my psychology class and began the study with him of Agni Yoga, techniques developed in the School of Actualism, established by Russell Schofield (11). I was a student and teacher of this western esoteric approach for thirteen years until Schofield’s passing in 1984. Shortly thereafter I began to seriously explore the teachings of Djwhal Khul (DK) contained in the writings of Alice Bailey (1). In the late 1980s I published a summary of spiritual insights based in part on my work in Actualism (4) and wrote a paper in 1987, recently published [5], that summarized some of the teachings of Russell Schofield. In 1985 at a presentation of the Tibetan Foundation I met Terri Newlon (8) a teacher and a channel for DK. Over the past thirty years I have studied and experienced DK’s teachings with Terri and other DK students at workshops and most extensively through group training on line and on the phone— essentially a virtual Sangha. What follows below is a distillation and integration of some of the wisdom teachings of Djwhal Khul and Russell Schofield. (Note references listed at the end of the paper are a sample of the writings of cited authors. Readers may wish to explore their additional publications.) Some Basic Truths Fundamentally there is ONENESS, One Consciousness, one Being, ALL THAT IS, BOTH Creator and Creation. (Creator=Creation=I Russell Schofield) Within the cosmos (multiverse) of ALL THAT IS there are three evolving universes: a universe of LOVE, a universe of WILL and a universe of LIGHT. A great feminine being, THREE STAR ONE, (in an ancient language she is known as NEK HOK NOL) oversees and harmonizes the three universes. On Earth there is a great chain of being, of consciousness and vibration flowing through all kingdoms of life: mineral, plant, animal, human and angelic/Devic. Correlated with planet Earth and throughout the multiverse there are seven inner planes of consciousness and within each plane are seven sub-planes. In Schofield’s teaching the seven planes beyond the physical are: 1) Perceptual (or lower Astral); 2) Emotional (upper Astral); 3) Mental; and four unobstructed spiritual planes: 4) Soul; 5) Angelic; 6) Archetypal; 7) Formless Form. ONENESS evolves, expands, and experiences throughout the human kingdom by means of individual immortal units called MONADS. Each human being is an extension of a single MONAD. Each MONAD in turn creates twelve extensions-- SOULS and each SOUL in turn creates 12 personality extensions. These personalities may exist as incarnations on planet Earth, on earth’s inner planes, on other planets, or other places in the multiverse. Within the universe(s) there are 12 great rays and each MONAD is associated with a particular ray. Each SOUL extension and the personality extensions of each SOUL are also associated with one of the 12 rays. The Twelve Rays, their color/vibration, and the enlightened beings (where known) who are the Chohan (Masters of these Rays on Earth) are underlined and indicated below: DIVINE WILL, Red, El Morya LOVE/WISDOM, Blue, Kuthumi, Djwhal Khul INTELLECT/TEACHING, Yellow Serapis Bey HARMONY, Pale Green, Paul the Venetian SCIENCE/TECHNOLOGY, Orange, Hilarion, Master Marcos SERVICE/DEVOTION, Indigo, Master Jesus SPIRITUAL TRANSFORMATION, Violet, St. Germaine CLEANSING, Green-Violet, JOY, Blue Green, Angel Alazaro INVOCATION OF HIGHER SELF, Pearl Essence ANCHOR HIGHER SELF, Pink Orange INNER WISDOM, Metallic Gold, Thoth, The Golden one. The twelve ray masters are an integral component of the Spiritual Hierarchy of Planet Earth. The Planetary Logos or Higher Self of Planet Earth is Sanat Kumara. Other core members of the spiritual hierarchy include the Buddha and the Christ, and a being, Maitreya Buddha, who occupies the office of the Christ. The loving goal of Sanat Kumara and the Spiritual Hierarchy is to guide and support the spiritual growth of Planet Earth, and all its kingdoms, evolving from density and darkness to increased vibration and sacred lightness. Within DK’s teaching every being including enlightened/ascended masters, planetary Logi, and even physical planets are ensouled with a Higher Self. For example, planet Earth, Mother Earth’s, (Gaia) Higher Self is Sanat Kumara, who in turn has a Higher Self known as Vywamus. Vywamus’s Higher Self is Lenduce. The being who ensouls our universe is Melchizedek and his Higher Self is Three Star One. In the DK spiritual group we often unify with the consciousness and vibration of these and other great beings of Light. In the Schofield work, Agni Yogi/Actualism while there was an awareness of exalted Lighted Beings (e.g., Brother A, Devas, Christ Consciousness) the focus for unification was on group consciousness, Russell’s Higher Self and our individual Higher Selves. Reincarnation is a complex and fascinating subject. As human beings, as personality extensions of our Soul and Monad we have experienced numerous lifetimes. (In the DK teaching there are a finite number of Monads and Souls who explore and experience the Cosmic learning game through incarnation of human personality extensions.) From an earthly perspective these incarnations are sequential and involve the assimilation of lessons learned (or not learned) in previous lives. Each incarnation involves a plan conceived before birth of what is to be learned/experienced and includes choices made with regard to such areas as physical body, family, culture, companions, friends, lovers, teachers, etc. After each lifetime there is a review of the successes, failures and challenges one faced and serves as preparation for the next lifetime. From a spiritual point of view, from the perspective of the Monad, time is an illusion, there is only an eternal now and all lifetimes are simultaneous. Seth, a teacher on a spiritual plane, channeled by Jane Roberts (9), presents a framework for multiple simultaneous lifetimes and their subtle interactions and mutual influences. To add to the intriguing complexity of incarnation Seth examines the issue of probable realities wherein at certain key choice points in an individual’s life another reality is created (a parallel universe) and as in other lifetimes, can influence the flow of one’s conscious and unconscious life. Thus in a Sethian framework we simultaneously exist in multiple times and in multiple realities. Implausible as the above may seem, aspects of Quantum Theoretical physics (e.g., uncertainty principle, multiverse perspectives) is compatible with the complexities of Seth’s reincarnation framework (e.g., 2, 6). Djwhal Khul teaches that earthly human incarnations are significant and unique in our universe, much sought after for the opportunity they provide for rapid spiritual growth toward enlightenment. A key feature of earthly incarnations involved the opportunity for personalities to utilize a body known as Adam Kadmon. The special properties of this physical vehicle, this human body, is that it can simultaneously experience and integrate physical, emotional, mental and spiritual levels. In DK’s teaching the spiritual evolution of humanity is embedded in the overall energetic evolution of planet Earth. The earth itself contains spiritual energy centers as well as an energy grid that interacts and responds to vibrational sources within the solar system, as well as the galaxy and beyond. In much of his teachings Djwhal Khul focuses on the unfolding of these esoteric astrological influences. The directions of the energy changes on Earth are designed to move the planet to an increasingly higher vibration until a “tipping point” of Sacred Planet status is reached. The process of humanity’s spiritual evolution is intimately related to the free will choices of individuals and the collective choices of small and large groups— e.g., family, ethnic, religious, national, gender, and humanity as a whole. These choices involve feelings and thoughts that fall on a spectrum of positive, neutral and negative (e.g., love—indifference—hate). Within one’s body thoughts and feelings can impede or accelerate energy flow impacting health, well-being and personal and spiritual growth. The collective thoughts and feelings of groups often crystallize on the inner planes (e.g., as thought forms on the mental plane) and subconsciously can profoundly influence the behavior of individuals and groups. The spiritual hierarchy monitors earth’s inner planes and is particularly concerned about low vibration crystallized feeling states (e.g., fear, rage, grief) and separative and destructive thought forms that impede humanity spiritual growth. To reduce the negative impact on humanity and on earth’s evolution the spiritual hierarchy works in focused group formation with the assistance of cosmic lighted beings and enlightened members of humanity to periodically clear the inner planes of these destructive thought and feeling forms. In the DK teachings the spiritual evolution of humanity flows as an upward spiral where each incarnated being “advances” as they discriminate between light and dark by consciously making choices, love rather than hate, unity rather separateness, and by synchronizing personal will with Higher Will. As lessons are completed, individually and collectively, within and across lifetimes, individuals move toward personal enlightenment, and planet Earth evolves toward a Sacred planet status. This in turn serves as preparation for the next threshold for experience in eternity’s joyful Cosmic Learning Game. Wondrous Truths We are ONE in a universe of LOVE. Time and space are illusions in the eternal NOW. Everything is unfolding in PERFECT order. As we choose to SYNCHRONIZE with the Unfolding cosmos, we experience HAPPINESS. (Martin Fiebert). References [1] A.A. Bailey, Esoteric Psychology, (1936), New York: Lucis Publishing. [2] P. Byrne, The many worlds of Hugh Everett, Scientific American, October 21 (2008). [3] R. Dass, Be Here Now, (1971), San Cristobal, NM: Lama Foundation. [4] M.S. Fiebert, An outline of transpersonal principles, New Humanity, 12(71) (1986), 11-13. [5] M.S. Fiebert, Humanity’s design as cosmic being of light: The teachings of Russell Schofield, International Review of Social Sciences and Humanities, 4(1) (2012), 12-23. [6] M. Kaku, Parallel Worlds: A Journey through Creation, Higher Dimensions and The Future of the Cosmos, (2006), New York: Anchor. [7] R. Metzner, Maps of Consciousness, (1976), New York: Collier. [8] T. Newlon, [9] J. Roberts, Seth Speaks: The Eternal Validity of the Soul, (1994), San Rafael, CA: Amber-Allen. [10] S. Satchidananda, The Golden Present: Daily Inspirational Readings by Sri Swami Satchidananda, (1987), Buckingham, VA: Integral Yoga. [11] R.P. Schofield, Imprint Unmistakable, (1970), Los Angeles: Schofield Publishing. [12] C. Trungpa, Cutting through Spiritual Materialism, (1973), Berkeley: Shambala. International Review of Social Sciences and Humanities, Vol. 10, No. 2 (2016), xx-xx Martin S. Fiebert