A Dual Band Slotted Patch Antenna on Dielectric Material Substrate

2014, International Journal of Antennas and Propagation

Hindawi Publishing Corporation International Journal of Antennas and Propagation Volume 2014, Article ID 258682, 7 pages Research Article A Dual Band Slotted Patch Antenna on Dielectric Material Substrate M. Habib Ullah,1,2 M. T. Islam,2 M. R. Ahsan,1,2 J. S. Mandeep,2 and N. Misran2 1 Department of Electrical, Electronic and System Engineering, Faculty of Engineering and Built Environment, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM), 43600 Bangi, Selangor, Malaysia 2 Institute of Space Science (ANGKASA), Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM), 43600 Bangi, Selangor, Malaysia Correspondence should be addressed to M. Habib Ullah; habib Received 4 October 2013; Accepted 2 November 2013; Published 28 January 2014 Academic Editor: Rezaul Azim Copyright © 2014 M. Habib Ullah et al. his is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited. A low proile, compact dual band slotted patch antenna has been designed using inite element method-based high frequency fullwave electromagnetic simulator. he proposed antenna fabricated using LPKF printed circuit board (PCB) fabrication machine on iberglass reinforced epoxy polymer resin material substrate and the performance of the prototype has been measured in a standard far-ield anechoic measurement chamber. he measured impedance bandwidths of (relection coeicient < −10 dB) 12.26% (14.3– 16.2 GHZ), 8.24% (17.4–18.9 GHz), and 3.08% (19.2–19.8) have been achieved through the proposed antenna prototype. 5.9 dBi, 3.37 dBi, and 3.32 dBi peak gains have been measured and simulated radiation eiciencies of 80.3%, 81.9%, and 82.5% have been achieved at three resonant frequencies of 15.15 GHz, 18.2 GHz, and 19.5 GHz, respectively. Minimum gain variation, symmetric, and almost steady measured radiation pattern shows that the proposed antenna is suitable for Ku and K band satellite applications. 1. Introduction In response to the fast growing microwave technology, there is increasing demand of compact, low proile, low cost, and light weight wireless communication module. In order for the communication terminal to be small, the antennas are needed to be low proile and compact in size [1–3]. Further demand of the planar patch antennas is intensiied due to the attractive properties like simple geometric structure, compact, low proile, ease of integration, and fabrication characteristics with wide bandwidth. Nowadays, there is increasing demand of portable wireless communication devices and it is necessary to be dual/multiband compatible to use in diferent areas or countries. Due to the scarcity of bandwidth in the lower band, Ku/K band antenna design receives signiicant research attention recently [4, 5]. As a result, the demand of satellite-based portable communication devices is increasing remarkably, especially vehicle tracking, portable satellite station, weather forecasting, and so forth. Numerous types of patch antennas have been studied and examined by several researchers due to their excellent properties. hese antennas use the monopole coniguration, such as ring, elliptical, circular disc, annual ring, triangle, pentagon, and hexagonal antennas, and the dipole coniguration like bow-tie antennas [6–11]. In order to design small and compact wireless device, it is obligatory to miniaturize the antenna size accordingly. here are numbers of requirements such as wide bandwidth, less expensive, miniature size, steady radiation patterns, and consistent gain for multiband antennas [5, 12]. Several studies have reported applications and technologies of the multiband antenna design, including dipole antenna loaded with single-cell metamaterial [13], slot-ring antenna with singleand dual-capacitive coupled patch [14], metamaterial-based planar antenna [15, 16], dual-patch elements [6], E-shape fractal antenna [17], and electromagnetic band gap (EBG) structure-based antenna [10]. A numerous concentration has given by several researchers that cutting the printed slot at the edge of radiating patch to create the desired antenna shape with targeted resonant frequency can be obtained [18, 19]. Although the resonance of the antenna not only depends on 2 International Journal of Antennas and Propagation Table 1: Coniguration of the proposed patch antenna. Parameter �0 �1 �2 �3 �4 �5 Value 15 mm 2 mm 4 mm 4 mm 2 mm 1 mm W1 L2 Value 20 mm 4 mm 2 mm 2 mm 4 mm 5 mm L1 Parameter �0 �1 �2 �3 �4 �5 W0 W2 2. Antenna Design and Configurations he proposed antenna is designed and analyzed by using inite element method-based high frequency electromagnetic ield simulator [12, 23]. he design coniguration starts with 20 mm (1.01 �) long and 15 mm (0.75 �) planar slotted 2S shape radiating patch. In the proposed antenna design, � is corresponding to the wavelength at the fundamental frequency 15.15 GHz. he 2S shape is obtained by cutting 4 slots perpendicular to each other from rectangular shape. he size of the radiating patch has a major efect on the antenna performance. he overall size of the proposed antenna has been determined by using widely used mathematical formulation L4 W3 W4 L5 the slot but also depends on the size of the radiating element, feed line characteristics, ground plane, and so forth. Furthermore, a signiicant amount of research attention has been given into microstrip patch antennas since decades. A 79 mm × 38 mm EE-H shaped L probe microstrip patch antenna has been introduced and achieved bandwidth 440 MHz with peak gain 9.5 dBi [20]. A 58 mm × 58 mm wideband dual polarized patch antenna has been proposed and obtained 1.03 GHz bandwidth with 9.3 dBi gain [21]. A 12 mm × 16 mm ultrawideband antenna with dual notched band characteristics has been ofered and achieved 8.3 GHz bandwidth and 3.8 dBi maximum gain [22]. However, the reported antennas are either narrower in bandwidth, lower in gain, or larger in size compared to the proposed antenna. Nonetheless, more research concentration needs to be given to improve gain, eiciency, and bandwidth alongside the miniaturization of overall antenna size. herefore, a 20 mm × 15 mm compact, low proile dual band slotted patch antenna has been designed and prototyped on epoxy polymer resin-based printed circuit board (PCB). he performance of the proposed antenna prototype has been measured in a standard far-ield anechoic measurement chamber. he impedance bandwidths (relection coeicient < −10 dB) ranging from 14.3 GHz to 16.2 GHz (1.9 GHz), from 17.4 GHz to 18.9 GHz (1.5 GHz), and from 19.2 GHz to 19.8 GHz (0.6 GHz) have been measured from the proposed antenna prototype. he gains of 5.9 dBi, 3.37 dBi, and 3.32 dBi have measured and radiation eiciencies of 80.3%, 81.9%, and 82.5% have been simulated at three resonant frequencies of 15.15 GHz, 18.2 GHz, and 19.5 GHz, respectively. Radiation characteristics and surface current distribution along the radiating patch are also analyzed in this paper. L3 L0 W5 Figure 1: Design schematic of the radiating patch of the proposed antenna. for patch antennas [24]. he available mathematical modeling of patch antennas is based on rectangular patch. Although due to the four cutting slots in radiating patch the overall size calculation is not straightforward as simple rectangular patch antenna, it has been optimized using HFSS optimetrics [16, 25–27]. he electromagnetic wave propagates toward the endire direction headed by the parasitic director element on the top while acting as an impedance matching element simultaneously. he design of the microstrip radiating patch element involves the estimation of its dimensions. he patch width (�) has a minor efect on the resonance and it has been determined by using the mathematical modeling as shown below [24]: �= � √ �� + 1 , 2�� 2 (1) where � is the speed of light in free space and �� is the relative permittivity of the substrate material of the proposed antenna. he microstrip patch lies between air and International Journal of Antennas and Propagation 3 Figure 2: Photograph of the proposed antenna prototype top view and rear view, respectively. he efective patch length � � can be written as [20] Proposed antenna in measurement � � = l + 2Δ�. Reference antenna Absorbers Turn table Figure 3: Illustration of the anechoic measurement chamber. the dielectric material, and, thus, the electromagnetic wave sees an efective permittivity (�ref ) given by [24]: �ref = [ �� + 1 � −1 10ℎ ]+[ � ] √ [1 + ]. 2 2 � (2) he length of the radiating patch (�) is responsible for the resonant frequency and is a critical parameter in design because of the inherent narrow bandwidth of the patch. he design value for � can be determined by using the following formula [24]: � − 2Δ�, �= 2�� √�ref (3) (� + 0.3) �/ℎ + 0.264 Δ� ][ = 0.412 [ ref ]. ℎ �/ℎ + 0.8 (�ref + 0.3) (4) where �ref is the efective permittivity of the substrate material of the proposed antenna. he additional line length on Δ� both ends of the patch length, due to the efect of fringing ields, is given by [3] (5) he proposed antenna fed by 2 mm long 1 mm wide widely used microstrip feed line to achieve impedance characteristics of 50 ohm. An SMA connector is connected at the end of the microstrip feed line. he design geometry of the proposed antenna has shown in Figure 1. he length of the radiating patch dominates bandwidth and resonance, whereas the width has minor efect. he microstrip feed line with 5 mm × 1 mm dimension is placed at the center of �-axis to achieve 50 ohm impedance characteristics. he details of the proposed antenna coniguration are tabulated in Table 1. he schematic of the radiating patch of the proposed antenna has been shown in Figure 1 and the detail coniguration. he proposed antenna is printed on more available, low cost, durable epoxy polymer resin material substrate with thickness of 1.6 mm, relative permittivity of 4.6, dielectric loss tangent of 0.02, using in-house S63 PCB prototyping machine from LPKF, Garbsen, Germany. At the end of the microstrip feed line, SMA connector is connected. he fabricated prototype of the proposed antenna is illustrated in Figure 2. 3. Measurement Environment he prototype of the proposed antenna has been measured in a standard far-ield testing environment [18, 28]. A rectangular shape 5.5 × 4.5 m2 and a 4 m height anechoic measurement chamber were used to measure the result parameter of the proposed antenna prototype. A double ridge guide horn antenna has been used as reference antenna. Pyramidal shape electrically thick foam absorber with less than −60 dB relectivity at normal incidence has been used on the wall, celling and loor. A turn table of 1.2 m diameter has been used International Journal of Antennas and Propagation 0 7 −5 6 K band Ku band −10 Gain (dBi) Relection coefficient (dB) 4 −15 5.9 dBi at 15.15 GHz 5 4 −20 3.37 dBi at 19.5 GHz 3.37 dBi at 18.2 GHz 3 −25 14 14 15 16 17 18 19 15 16 20 Frequency (GHz) 18 19 20 Measured Simulated Measured Simulated Figure 4: Simulated and measured relection coeicients of the proposed antenna prototype. 17 Frequency (GHz) Figure 5: Simulated and measured gains of the proposed antenna. 100 4. Performance Result and Discussion he performance results of the proposed antenna prototype are deliberated in this section. he measured and simulated relection coeicients are shown in Figure 4. It can be clearly seen that the impedance bandwidth (relection coeicient < −10 dB) ranging from 14.3 GHz to 16.2 GHz (1.9 GHz), from 17.4 GHz to 18.9 GHz (1.5 GHz), and from 19.3 GHz to 19.8 GHz (0.6 GHz) was measured from the proposed antenna prototype. he slight inconsistency observed between simulated and measured relection coeicients could be due to SMA soldering efect or the loss introduced by the cable between antenna under test and the controller. However, the measurement setup has been calibrated using Agilent automatic calibration tools. he simulated and measured gain of the proposed antenna has been shown in Figure 5. Average gains of 5.6 dBi, 3.5 dBi, and 3.1 dBi have been measured for irst, second, and third bands correspondingly. For the gain measurement of the proposed antenna, three antenna measurement systems have been used with two identical horn antennas [29, 30]. he radiation eiciency of the proposed antenna is shown in Figure 6. It exhibits 80.3%, 81.9%, and 82.5% at three resonant frequencies of 15.15 GHz, 18.2 GHz, and 19.5 GHz, respectively, with minimum variation. he measured almost steady radiation pattern of the proposed antenna prototype is shown in Figure 7. he cross polarization efects of both 95 Radiation efficiency (%) to rotate the measuring antenna with speciication, 1 rpm rotation speed; 360∘ rotation angle connected with 10 meter cable between controllers. An Agilent PNA-series vector network analyzer (Agilent E8362C) ranging up to 20 GHz has been used for measurement procedure. Figure 3 shows the photograph of the anechoic antenna measurement chamber. 90 85 80.3% at 15.15 GHz 82.5% at 19.5 GHz 81.9% at 18.2 GHz 80 75 70 65 60 14 15 16 17 18 Frequency (GHz) 19 20 Figure 6: Radiation eiciency of the proposed antenna. E and H planes are lower than copolarization. Figure 8 shows the Smith chart of the proposed antenna. he VSWR and impedance (Rx) characteristics can be validated from the Smith chart. It can be clearly observed that the three resonant frequencies are in the VSWR 2 : 1 circle. 5. Conclusion A 20 mm × 15 mm slotted patch antenna was designed and fabricated on the epoxy polymer resin composite material substrate for dual band applications. he measured performance results of the proposed antenna exhibit the impedance bandwidth (relection coeicient < −10 dB) ranging from 14.3 GHz to 16.2 GHz (12.26%), from 17.4 GHz to 18.9 GHz (8.24%), and from 19.3 GHz to 19.8 GHz (3.08%). International Journal of Antennas and Propagation 5 E Plane H Plane 10 10 0 0 −10 0 0 (dB) (dB) −10 0 −20 −20 −30 −30 −40 −180 −40 −90 0 𝜃 (deg) 90 −50 −180 180 0 −90 90 180 𝜃 (deg) 10 10 0 0 −10 −10 (dB) (dB) (a) −20 −20 −30 −30 −40 −40 −50 −180 −90 0 𝜃 (deg) 90 −50 −180 180 0 −90 90 180 90 180 𝜃 (deg) 10 10 0 0 −10 −10 (dB) (dB) (b) −20 −20 −30 −30 −40 −40 −50 −180 −90 0 𝜃 (deg) 90 −50 −180 180 0 −90 𝜃 (deg) Copolarization Cross polarization Copolarization Cross polarization (c) Figure 7: Measured radiation pattern of the proposed antenna at (a) 15.15 GHz, (b) 18.2 GHz, and (c) 19.5 GHz. 6 International Journal of Antennas and Propagation 100 110 90 80 70 1.00 60 120 130 50 0.50 2.00 40 140 30 150 0.20 160 5.00 VSWR = 2 : 1 170 0.00 0.00 180 20 0.50 0.20 1.00 2.00 5.00 0 M1 −10 −170 −160 10 M3 M2 −0.20 −5.00 −20 −30 −150 −40 −140 −130 −0.50 −2.00 −120 −1.00 −110 −100 Mark −50 −60 Freq. −90 −80 −70 Rx VSWR (GHz) M1 15.15 0.985 − 0.781i 1.65 M2 18.2 1.042 − 0.892i 1.892 M3 19.5 1.245 − 0.967i 1.901 Figure 8: he Smith chart of the proposed antenna. Average gains of 5.6 dBi, 3.5 dBi, and 3.1 dBi have been measured at irst, second, and third bands, respectively. Radiation eiciencies of 80.3%, 81.9%, and 82.5% have been simulated at three resonant frequencies of 15.15 GHz, 18.2 GHz, and 19.5 GHz correspondingly. he measured almost steady omnidirectional radiation pattern shows that the proposed antenna is suitable for Ku and K band applications. Conflict of Interests he authors declare that there is no conlict of interests regarding the publication of this paper. References [3] M. Habib Ullah, M. T. Islam, J. S. Mandeep, N. Misran, and N. Nikabdullah, “A compact wideband antenna on dielectric material substrate for K band,” Electronics and Electrical Engineering, vol. 123, no. 7, pp. 75–79, 2012. [4] M. H. Ullah, M. T. Islam, and J. S. Mandeep, “Printed prototype of a wideband S-shape microstrip patch antenna for Ku/K band applications,” Applied Computational Electromagnetics Society Journal, vol. 28, no. 4, pp. 307–313, 2013. 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