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Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mengetahui perbedaan hasil belajar statistik II pada materi statistik nonparametrik menggunakan metode pembelajaran konvensional dan metode small group discussion. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah eksperimen. Sampel dalam penelitian adalah kelas B dengan jumlah mahasiswa 44 orang sebagai kelas eksperimen dan kelas C dengan jumlah mahasiswa 42 orang sebagaikelas kontrol. Instrumen yang digunakan adalah soal tes berbentuk uraian. Hasil analisis data penelitian menunjukkan bahwa uji kesamaan dua rata-rata tes akhir menggunakan uji-U diperoleh p = 0,745 dan α = 0,05 berarti p > α, maka kemampuan akhir mahasiswa yang diajarkan dengan metode pembelajaran small group discussion dengan mahasiswa yang diajarkan dengan metode pembelajaran konvensional terhadap materi statistik II nonparametrik adalah berbeda. Dari perbandingan kedua sampel, disimpulkan bahwa hasil belajar statistik II mahasiswa yang diajar dengan metode pembelajaran small group discussion lebih tinggi daripada hasil belajar statistik II mahasiswa yang diajar dengan metode pembelajaran konvensional dan terdapat perbedaan pada tingkat kepercayaan 95%.
Ntongai, D; Senaji, T. A & King’oriah, G. K. (2019). Relationship between Organizational Culture and Organizational Performance. Journal of African Interdisciplinary Studies. 3(7), 41 – 60., 2019
The purpose of this study was to examine the relationship between organization culture and organization performance. We used Trompenaars typology as organisational culture lens and measured performance using the balanced scorecard framework in a survey of 129 respondents from 43 commercial banks. Questionnaires were used to collect data which were analyzed using both descriptive and inferential statistics. A significant relationship existed between organization culture and performance. Cultures that are formal and task oriented, namely Guided missile and Eiffel tower were more significantly related with better performance, compared to those that are person oriented, which are incubator and family cultures. Further, flexible cultures (family cultures) are more strongly related to organization performance compared to inflexible cultures (Eiffel tower cultures). This research is among the first attempts to use Trompenaars culture topologies to study the relationship between organization culture and organization performance. These findings have important implications for managers with regard to what cultures to promote in the banks in order to improve performance
TRELIÇAS São estruturas formadas por barras, ligadas entre si através de nós. Consideramos para efeito de cálculo os esforços aplicados nos nós. Existem alguns tipos de calculo para determinação dos esforços nas barras, como o Método dos Nós, Método Ritter ou Métodos das seções. Nesta apostila, serão resolvidos apenas exercícios de treliças pelo Método dos Nós. Para determinar os esforços internos nas barras das treliças plana, devemos verificar a condição de Isostática da Treliça, sendo o primeiro passo. Depois calculamos as reações de apoio e os esforços normais axiais nos nós. Tais esforços serão denominados de N. 1º Condição de Treliça Isostática: 2. n = b + Sendo 2º Calcular as Reações de Apoio (Vertical e Horizontal): ΣFx = 0 ΣFy = 0 ΣM = 0 (Momento fletor) Por convenção usaremos: no sentido horário no sentido anti-horário +-3º Métodos dos Nós Quando calculamos os esforços, admitimos que as forças saem dos nós e nos próximos nós usamos os resultados das forças do nó anterior fazendo a troca de sinais. Importante lembrar que somente o jogo de sinais deverão ser feitos na equação dos nós, pois as forças das reações horizontais e verticais devem ser inseridos na equação considerando-se exclusivamente os sinais que possuem, ou seja, não fazer jogo de sinais para tais reações. Calma, nos exercicios verá que é fácil. n = nº de nós b = quantidade de barras = nº de reações (Verticais e
International Journal of …, 2007
Evaluation of aeroponics for clonal propagation of Caralluma edulis, Leptadenia reticulata and Tylophora indica – three threatened medicinal Asclepiads, 2014
Abstract The present study explores the potential of aeroponic system for clonal propagation of Caralluma edulis (Paimpa) a rare, threatened and endemic edible species, Leptadenia reticulata (Jeewanti), a threatened liana used as promoter of health and Tylophora indica (Burm.f.) Merill, a valuable medicinal climber. Experiments were conducted to asses the effect of exogenous auxin (naphthalene acetic acid, indole-3-butyric acid,indole-3-acetic acid) and auxin concentrations (0.0, 0.5, 1, 2, 3, 4 or 5gl−1) on various root morphological traits of cuttings in the aeroponic chamber. Amongst all the auxins tested, significant effects on the length, number and percentage of rooting was observed in IBA treated nodal cuttings.Centper centofthe stemcuttingsofC.edulisrooted if pre-treated with 2.0 gl−1 of IBA for 5 min while 97.7 % of thestemcuttingsofL.reticulata and93.33%ofstemcuttings of Tylophora indica rooted with pre-treatment of 3.0 gl−1 of IBA for 5 min. Presence of at least two leaves on the nodal cuttings of L. reticulata and T. indica was found to be a prerequisite for root induction. In all the species, the number ofadventitiousrootspercuttingandthepercentageofcuttings rooted aeroponically were significantly higher than the soil grown stem cuttings. Shoot growth measured in terms of shoot length was significantly higher in cuttings rooted aeroponically as compared to the cuttings rooted under soil conditions. All the plants sprouted and rooted aeroponically survived on transfer to soil. This is the first report of clonal propagation in an aeroponic system for these plants. This study suggests aeroponics as an economic method for rapid root induction and clonal propagation of these three endangeredandmedicinallyimportantplantswhichrequirefocused efforts on conservation and sustainable utilization.
Les pintures murals del claustre franciscà de Sant Bonaventura de Llucmajor. Mallorca, 2019
L’activitat missional del franciscà mallorquí Antoni Llinàs en terres americanes durant les dècades finals del segle XVII, juntament amb la implicació d’altres frares franciscans mallorquins, esdevé el punt de partida per tal d’interpretar el programa simbòlic de les pintures murals del convent de Sant Bonaventura de Llucmajor. En aquest estudi i a efectes analítics, es valoraran les dades de la restauració material, les tècniques pictòriques utilitzades, la configuració dels espais conventuals i l’ús aplicat dels registres iconogràfics localitzats. Cal advertir que la recuperació material, l’extensió i la diversitat del conjunt pictòric de Llucmajor han generat una font documental que supera amb escreix l’anàlisi historicoartística exclusivament d’interès local, ja que el seu examen i interpretació requereix d’una topografia internacional que haurà d’abastar un ampli i divers registre de fonts consultades.
Project Penelitian Bab1 dan bab2_2023, 2023
Estudos Econômicos (São Paulo), 2015
Journal of Symbolic Logic, 2021
Взгляд чужеземца / Vzgliad chuzhezemtsa (Moscow and St. Petersburg), pp. 81-100 (in Russian), 2020
Croatica Christiana Periodica XIX, 35 (1995) 55-62 [in Croatian, with English summary]
Circulation: Arrhythmia and Electrophysiology, 2018
Research, Society and Development, 2020
The Journal of Immunology
GIS - Gesto, Imagem e Som - Revista de Antropologia, 2017
Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2015
European Journal of Chemistry, 2010