Hansard of Sarawak State Legislative Assembly on 2014.11.11

The debate on how the Dewan Undangan Negeri (Composition of Membership) Ordinance 2014 was passed. Pages 20-49.

BELUM DISUNTING 11 NOVEMBER 2014 (Mesyuarat dimulakan pada jam 9.15 pagi) [Tuan Speaker mempengerusikan Mesyuarat] DOA PERTANYAAN-PERTANYAAN BAGI JAWAPAN LISAN ROYALTI MINYAK 20% (1) Y.B. Dr Haji Abdul Rahman Junaidi bertanya kepada Ketua Menteri: Apakah status perundingan royalti minyak 20% di antara Kerajaan Negeri Sarawak dan Kerajaan Persekutuan? Tuan Speaker: You press the button. Menteri Muda Pembangunan Luar Bandar dan Menteri Muda Pembangunan Perindustrian (Pelaburan dan Promosi) (Y.B. Datuk Haji Julaihi bin Haji Narawi): Tuan Speaker, oleh kerana soalan pertama daripada Ahli Yang Berhormat bagi Pantai Damai bertanya tentang perkara yang sama dengan soalan-soalan bagi soalan nombor 18 daripada Ahli Yang Berhormat bagi Dudong, soalan 25 daripada Ahli Yang Berhormat Batu Lintang dan soalan nombor 54 daripada Ahli Yang Berhormat Batu Kawa yang bertanya mengenai perkara yang sama. Saya, dengan ini memohon izin Tuan Speaker untuk menjawab keempat-empat soalan tersebut secara serentak. Izinkan saya Tuan Speaker. As for questions number 1, 18, 25 and 54 raised by Ahli-Ahli Yang Berhormat for Pantai Damai, Dudong, Batu Lintang and Batu Kawa respectively, which are all on similar subject on the progress of petroleum royalty negotiation and on related matters, I wish to inform this august House that the questions will be addressed by the right Honourable Chief Minister of Sarawak in his winding up speech. Thank you. Tuan Speaker: The answers to these questions will be very lengthy and it may take the entire Q&A time. So please allow these questions to be addressed by the Chief Minister in his Chief Ministerial winding up. Okay. Yang Berhormat Tuan Haji Razaili Gapor, Beting Maro. IPTA/IPTS DAN PUSAT LATIHAN TEKNIKAL/VOKASIONAL (2) Y.B. Tuan Haji Razaili Bin Haji Gapor bertanya kepada Ketua Menteri: Berapakah bilangan pelajar Sarawak dan dari DUN Beting Maro yang berjaya masuk IPTA/IPTS dan Pusat Latihan Teknikal/Vokasional bagi tahun 2013 dan 2014? Berapa peratuskah bilangan mereka yang berjaya mendapat pekerjaan selepas enam bulan atau setahun tamat pengajian mereka? Menteri Muda di Pejabat Ketua Menteri (Promosi Pendidikan Teknikal) dan Menteri Muda Alam Sekitar (Y.B. Datu Haji Len Talif Saleh): Terima kasih Tuan Speaker. Untuk makluman Ahli Yang Berhormat dari Beting Maro, pada tahun 2013, bilangan pelajar Sarawak termasuk DUN Beting Maro yang berjaya melanjutkan pelajaran di Institusi Pengajian Tinggi pada tahun 2013 di Sarawak adalah seperti berikut:(a) Di IPTA adalah seramai 26,743 orang; dan (b) IPTS seramai 17,388 orang. 1 BELUM DISUNTING 11 NOVEMBER 2014 (c) Manakala di Pusat Latihan dan Vokasional ataupun juga dikenali sebagai Institusi TVET Swasta dan Awam adalah 21,219 orang. Untuk tahun 2014, bilangan pelajar Sarawak termasuk DUN Beting Maro yang berjaya melanjutkan pelajaran di institusi pengajian ini adalah seperti berikut:(a) IPTA 30,443 orang; (b) IPTS seramai 19,946; (c) Institusi TVET Swasta dan Awam adalah 22,905 orang. Kita tidak mempunyai data khusus untuk DUN Beting Maro. Untuk melihat peratusan bilangan graduan yang telah berjaya mendapat pekerjaan selepas enam bulan ataupun setahun tamat pengajian berikut adalah merupakan hasil tracer study yang telah dilaksanakan oleh beberapa buah pusat latihan di Sarawak. (a) Politeknik Kuching sebanyak 79.6%; (b) Institusi Latihan Perindustrian Kota Samarahan (ILP) 77.1%; (c) Institusi Kemahiran Mara Kuching sebanyak 44.4%; dan (d) College of Advanced Technology Sarawak (ICATS) sebanyak 65.64%. Sekian terima kasih. Y.B. Tuan Haji Razaili Bin Haji Gapor: (Soalan Tambahan) Tuan Speaker, saya ada dua soalan tambahan. (1) Berapakah jumlah dan jenis institusi pendidikan dan latihan yang sedia ada di Sarawak pada masa ini? (2) Berapakah jumlah enrolmen dan peratusan pengisian kapasiti yang sedia ada? Menteri Muda di Pejabat Ketua Menteri (Promosi Pendidikan Teknikal) dan Menteri Muda Alam Sekitar (Y.B. Datu Haji Len Talif Saleh): Terima kasih Tuan Speaker. Terima kasih Yang Berhormat Beting Maro. Untuk makluman Ahli Yang Berhormat bagi Beting Maro, jumlah keseluruhan institusi pendidikan tinggi dan latihan kemahiran pada tahun 2013 adalah sebanyak 194 buah dengan jumlah kapasiti 60,190 tempat institusi pengajian tinggi dan 27,780 tempat di institusi latihan kemahiran dan jenis institusi ini ialah : (a) Institusi Pengajian Tinggi Awam – 15 (b) Institusi Pengajian Tinggi Swasta – 45 (c) Institusi Latihan Awam TVET – 56 (d) Institusi Latihan Awam Bukan TVET – 6 (e) Institusi Latihan Swasta TVET – 33 (f) Institusi Latihan Swasta Bukan TVET – 20 Jumlah = 195 2 BELUM DISUNTING 11 NOVEMBER 2014 Untuk menjawab soalan kedua, jumlah enrolmen keseluruhannya untuk mengisi jumlah yang sedia ada pada tahun 2013 adalah seperti berikut: (a) Institusi Pengajian Tinggi - Jumlah enrolmen ialah 44,131 orang dengan peratusan pengisiannya 72.8%; (b) Institusi Latihan Teknikal dan Kemahiran – Jumlah enrolmen 21,219 orang dengan peratusan pengisiannya 76.4%. Sekian, terima kasih. JALAN RAYA STUGA/EMPELEN/BRAYAN, SRI AMAN (3) Y.B. Encik Johnical Rayong Anak Ngipa bertanya kepada Menteri Pembangunan Infrastruktur dan Perhubungan: Bilakah jalan raya Stuga/Empelen/Brayan, Sri Aman di DUN Engkelili akan mula dibina? Tuan Speaker: Can you press the button? Menteri Muda Sukan Dan Menteri Muda Perhubungan (Y.B. Datuk Lee Kim Shin): Tuan Speaker, saya ingin memaklumkan Ahli Yang Berhormat bagi Engkelili bahawa kerja pembinaan jalan raya Stuga, Empelen, Brayan Fasa 1 iaitu Brayun ke Kampung Longkang, Batang Lupar sepanjang 2.1 kilometer termasuk pembinaan sebuah jambatan konkrit sebenarnya telah bermula pada 23 haribulan Mac 2013. Projek ini dijangka siap pada suku pertama tahun 2015. Y.B. Encik Johnical Rayong Anak Ngipa: (Soalan Tambahan) Tuan Speaker, saya ada dua soalan tambahan: (1) Berapakah kos pembinaan jalan tersebut sepanjang 22.5 kilometer? (2) Berapakah jumlah jambatan yang akan dibina di sepanjang jalan tersebut? Sekian, terima kasih. Menteri Muda Sukan Dan Menteri Muda Perhubungan (Y.B. Datuk Lee Kim Shin): Tuan Speaker, sepertimana saya telah menjawab bahawa Fasa 1, panjang jalannya 2.1 kilometer telahpun bermula dan apa yang ditanya oleh Ahli Yang Berhormat bagi Engkilili ialah mungkin berhubung dengan baki jalan. Baki jalan sepanjang 22.5 kilometer belum lagi diluluskan tetapi akan dikemukakan dalam cadangan Rancangan Malaysia untuk pertimbangan dan projek yang baki ini merangkumi pembinaan lima buah jambatan dan ongkos ataupun kos projek ini anggarannya ialah RM113 juta. PROJEK NEW SERVICE CENTRE (4) Y.B. Encik Mohammad Razi Bin Sitam bertanya kepada Menteri Perancangan Sumber dan Alam Sekitar: Bagaimanakah perkembangan terkini pelaksanaan projek New Service Centre Kampung Supa-Tuie-Mangut dan Kampung Belingan-Sebemban-Tg Assam? Menteri Muda Perancangan Sumber (Y.B. Datuk Haji Mohd. Naroden Haji Majais): Terima kasih Tuan Speaker. Untuk makluman Ahli Yang Berhormat bagi Saribas, tapak dan pelan susun atur bagi projek Supa-Tuie-Mangut Service Centre yang merangkumi kawasan seluas 104 hektar telah diluluskan oleh Majlis Perancangan Negeri pada 19 Mei 2011. Kos keseluruhan bagi projek ini dianggarkan sejumlah RM34.4 juta. Dalam Rancangan Malaysia ke-10 ini, siling peruntukan yang diluluskan ialah RM5 juta bagi pengambilan tanah, balik 3 BELUM DISUNTING 11 NOVEMBER 2014 tanah, kerja ukur, reka bentuk dan pembinaan jalan gravel sepanjang 2 kilometer. Pembinaan jalan dan prasarana lain telah siap pada 26 Februari tahun ini. Bagi service centre Tanjung Assam, Sebemban, Kampung Belingan pula, tapak seluas 179 hektar serta pelan susun aturnya telah dilulus pada 19 Mei 2011 juga. Dalam Rancangan Malaysia ke-10, peruntukan sebanyak RM5.5 juta telah diluluskan untuk pampasan tanah, jalan dan sistem perparitan. Proses pengambilan tanah bagi sebahagian daripada tapak tersebut iaitu 25 hektar telah siap dilaksanakan dengan pampasan setengah juta ringgit. Kerja-kerja pembinaan jalan-jalan dan perparitan akan dilaksanakan pada tahun hadapan. Terima kasih. Y.B. Encik Mohammad Razi Bin Sitam: (Soalan Tambahan). Terima kasih Yang Berhormat Menteri Muda di atas penjelasan tadi. Soalan tambahan saya: (1) Apakah kemudahan yang akan disediakan di dalam projek Supa-Tuie-Mangut Service Centre ini? (2) Apa pula termasuk kemudahan yang disediakan dalam projek Tg AssamSebemban-Belingan Service Centre dan sekiranya ada isu-isu dalam pelaksanaannya. Terima kasih. Menteri Muda Pembangunan Usahawan Bumiputra dan Menteri Muda Perancangan Sumber (Y.B. Datuk Haji Mohd. Naroden Bin Haji Majais): Terima kasih, saudara Ahli Yang Berhormat bagi Saribas. Tuan Speaker, setiap New Service Centre, selain daripada penyediaan sistem jalan raya, perparitan, talian komunikasi, kedua-dua Service Centre ini akan menyediakan tapak-tapak bagi kawasan kediaman, kawasan bagi bangunan Kerajaan, tapak bagi komersial, dewan masyarakat, gelanggang sukan dan sebagainya. Untuk maklumat Ahli Yang Berhormat Saribas, bagi New Service Centre Tg AssamSebemban-Belingan, Kerajaan akan memberikan keutamaan untuk membina jalan berturap yang menghubungi jeti baru di Sungai Batang Lupar dengan jalan utama di kawasan tersebut. Terima kasih. NAIK TARAF KLINIK KESIHATAN NANGA MEDAMIT (5) Y.B. Encik Paulus Palu Gumbang bertanya kepada Menteri Kerajaan Tempatan dan Pembangunan Komuniti: Adakah Kerajaan mempunyai cadangan untuk menaik taraf Klinik Kesihatan Nanga Medamit yang sudah tidak dapat menampung keperluan yang sedia ada? Menteri Muda Kesihatan Awam (Y.B. Datuk Jerip Anak Susil): Tuan Speaker, untuk maklumat Ahli Yang Berhormat bagi Batu Danau, Klinik Kesihatan Nanga Medamit mampu menampung serta menyediakan perkhidmatan kesihatan yang komprehensif untuk seramai 4,620 penduduk di kawasan operasinya dengan purata kedatangan harian seramai 35 orang pesakit setiap hari. Jabatan Kesihatan Negeri Sarawak telah membuat cadangan untuk menaik taraf Klinik Kesihatan Nanga Medamit dan telah dimasukkan di dalam Rancangan Malaysia Ke-10 iaitu untuk tahun 2015. Sementara itu, kerja-kerja penyelenggaraan Klinik Kesihatan Medamit juga telah dibuat dengan melibatkan kos sebanyak RM350,058.00 dalam tahun 2013. BANTUAN PENTERNAK KERBAU (6) Y.B. Dr. Haji Abdul Rahman Bin Haji Ismail bertanya kepada Menteri Pemodenan Pertanian: Apakah usaha yang dibuat oleh Kerajaan untuk membantu penternak kerbau, khususnya untuk menambah bilangan kerbau di Daerah Limbang? Menteri Muda Kemudahan Awam (Bekalan Air) dan Menteri Muda Pertanian (Pertubuhan Peladang) (Y.B. Datuk Sylvester Entri Anak Muran): Tuan Speaker, untuk 4 BELUM DISUNTING 11 NOVEMBER 2014 makluman Ahli Yang Berhormat bagi Bukit Kota, bilangan kerbau di Negeri Sarawak pada masa kini dianggarkan sebanyak 7,059 ekor. Bagi membantu penternak kerbau untuk meningkatkan pengeluaran kerbau, Jabatan Pertanian Sarawak telah dan sedang melaksanakan program dan projek seperti yang berikut: (a) Pembangunan stesen ternakan kerbau di Meragang untuk pembiakan dan latihan. (b) Unit ternakan komersial untuk membantu usahawan kerbau. (c) Unit ladang ternakan untuk meningkatkan prasarana di peringkat ladang. (d) Skim Jualan Ternakan untuk membekalkan baka kerbau berkualiti dengan harga subsidi. Jabatan Pertanian Sarawak juga telah mencadangkan program pembangunan ternakan kerbau di Sarawak bagi meningkatkan bilangan kerbau. Cadangan ini akan dikemukakan dalam Rancangan Malaysia ke-11. Y.B. Dr. Haji Abdul Rahman Bin Haji Ismail: (Soalan Tambahan) Terima kasih kepada Yang Berhormat Menteri Muda. Memang kalau bercakap berkenaan kerbau tidak dapat lari daripada Limbang. Jadi, siapa yang ingin merasa keenakan daging kerbau, silalah datang ke Limbang. Ini untuk menambah bilangan pelancong ke Limbang. Jadi, soalan saya kepada Yang Berhormat Menteri Muda: (1) Berapakah jumlah keluarga tani yang telah mendapat projek Skim Pembangunan Ternakan daripada tahun 2011 – 2014 dan nyatakan kosnya? (2) Adakah Kerajaan memberi latihan kepada para penternak kerbau dan berapakah jumlah keluarga tani yang mendapat manfaat daripada latihan tersebut? Terima kasih. Menteri Muda Kemudahan Awam (Bekalan Air) dan Menteri Muda Pertanian (Pertubuhan Peladang) (Y.B. Datuk Sylvester Entri Anak Muran): Tuan Speaker, Kerajaan memang mempunyai hasrat untuk meningkatkan jumlah kerbau di Daerah Limbang. Nanti kita boleh jemput Yang Berhormat bagi Bukit Kota untuk makan tengahari kerbau di Dewan. Walau bagaimanapun, Jabatan Pertanian telahpun membantu sebanyak 44 orang keluarga tani dari tahun 2011 hingga 2014 yang telah melibatkan 31 projek, dan kos yang telah dibantu untuk latihan tersebut ialah RM185,000.00. Bagi soalan yang kedua iaitu untuk penternak kerbau di Daerah Limbang, usaha Jabatan Pertanian akan terus memberikan latihan separa intensif kepada para penternak. Dan bagi tahun 2011 hingga 2014 seramai 121 keluarga tani yang menternak kerbau telahpun diberi kursus sebanyak enam kali. Sekian, terima kasih. PEMBINAAN RUMAH KOS RENDAH DI SARATOK (7) Y.B. Encik Ali Biju bertanya kepada Menteri Perumahan: Adakah Kerajaan mempunyai rancangan untuk membina lebih banyak rumah kos rendah di Saratok memandangkan banyak permintaan daripda penduduk tempatan? Menteri Perumahan (Y.B. Datuk Haji Abdul Karim Rahman Hamzah): Terima kasih, Tuan Speaker. Untuk menjawab soalan daripada Ahli Yang Berhormat dari Krian, untuk 5 BELUM DISUNTING 11 NOVEMBER 2014 makluman Ahli Yang Berhormat, sehingga kini Kerajaan Barisan Nasional telah membina sebanyak 621 buah rumah kos rendah di Saratok. Untuk makluman Ahli Yang Berhormat, seterusnya Kerajaan akan membina sebanyak 68 unit rumah mampu milik di bawah Program Perumahan Rakyak (PPR) pada tahun hadapan. Pihak Kementerian juga telah mengarahkan pihak Housing Development Corporation (HDC) untuk membuat kajian lanjut tentang permintaan perumahan dalam kawasan Saratok untuk perancangan perumahan baru di masa-masa akan datang. Sekian, terima kasih. Y.B. Encik Ali Biju: (Soalan Tambahan). Saya ada satu soalan tambahan. Apakah syarat-syarat dan kelayakan untuk rakyat memohon rumah tersebut? Sebab di Saratok kebanyakannya adalah penduduk kampung, ia berlainan sedikit daripada kawasan bandar yang besar. Menteri Perumahan (Y.B. Datuk Haji Abdul Karim Rahman Hamzah): Mudah sahaja. Kalau dia banyak sokong BN, makin banyak dapatlah. Mudah dapat. Just a joke. Untuk menjawab soalan tambahan daripada Yang Berhormat Krian, kelayakan untuk pemohonpemohon rumah PPR ataupun Program Perumahan Rakyat: (a) Mereka mestilah warganegara Malaysia yang bermastautin di Sarawak. (b) Pendapatan kasar seisi rumah adalah daripada RM650 sehingga RM3,000. That’s mean below RM3,000 pendapatan isi rumah. (c) Pemohon mestilah sudah berumahtangga dan termasuk janda, duda dan juga ibu tunggal ataupun bapa tunggal. Kelonggaran diberi kepada pemohonpemohon bujang. Mereka yang tidak kahwin tetapi umur sudah lanjut juga diberi kelonggaran boleh memohon. (d) Selain daripada itu, pemohon mestilah tidak mempunyai rumah ataupun tanah dalam kawasan yang dipohon. (e) Seterusnya, mereka mestilah berumur di antara 18 sehingga ke 65 tahun. Untuk pemohon-pemohon Rumah Mesra Rakyat, this is another programme di bawah Kerajaan Barisan Nasional. Syarat-syarat kelayakannya adalah: (a) Mereka mestilah berumur antara 18 sehingga 65 tahun. (b) Pemohon yang berumur di antara 45 tahun dan 65 tahun memerlukan pemohon yang kedua. Ada sebab tertentu kerana tanah tersebut perlu dicagar ataupun ia ada guarantee sekiranya hanya seorang, kemungkinan yang seorang lagi pemohon (joint applicant) akan dapat menyambut bayaran di masa akan datang sekiranya seorang yang lagi telah tiada. (c) Pendapatan kasar isi rumah tidak melebihi RM3,000 sebulan. (d) Mereka mestilah berkahwin ataupun ibu atau bapa tunggal yang mempunyai tanggungan. Istilah tanggungan di sini termasuklah anak, ibu, bapa dan ada extended lagi kepada mertua kalau pemohon itu menampung kehidupan mertua, ipar ataupun saudara-mara yang terdekat yang tinggal bersamasama dengan pemohon. Mereka boleh memohon untuk Rumah Mesra Rakyat. 6 BELUM DISUNTING 11 NOVEMBER 2014 (e) Mereka tidak mempunyai rumah mereka sendiri ataupun mempunyai rumah yang agak usang ataupun tidak sempurna. (f) Mereka mestilah mempunyai tanah yang bersesuaian yang tiada cagaran di atasnya sebagai security geran asal perlu dicagarkan kepada pihak HDC. Untuk makluman Ahli Yang Berhormat bagi Krian, tanah tersebut mestilah ada ataupun sekurang-kurangnya tanah TOL. Tanah TOL pun kita terima juga untuk dijadikan Rumah Mesra. (g) Tanah tersebut mestilah milik sendiri ataupun milik saudara mara yang setuju untuk tanah tersebut digunakan ataupun dicagarkan kepada pihak HDC. Sekian, terima kasih. TRANSFORMASI BELIA (8) Y.B. Dr. Hazland Bin Abang Hipni bertanya kepada Menteri Pembangunan Sosial: Apakah Pelan Tindakan Kerajaan untuk mentansformasikan para belia demi untuk menempuh masa depan yang semakin mencabar? Menteri Muda Pembangunan Belia (Luar Bandar) (Y.B. Datuk Dr Stephen Rundi anak Utom): Terima kasih Tuan Speaker. Memandangkan perkara yang dibangkitkan oleh ahli Y.B. Demak Laut adalah lebih kurang sama dengan ahli Y.B. Pantai Damai, izinkan saya untuk menjawab soalan 8 bersama soalan 53 serentak. Untuk makluman ahli-ahli Y.B. dari Demak Laut dan juga daripada Pantai Damai, antara program-program yang telah diperkenalkan oleh kerajaan negeri untuk memperkasakan jenis belia bagai memenuhi keperluan pembangunan modal insan menjelang tahun 2030 dan mentransfomasikan para belia ialah dengan penubuhan berbagai, iaitu sebanyak 24 buah pusat latihan di seluruh negeri Sarawak. Pusat-pusat latihan ini ditubuhkan untuk menyediakan kursus teknikal agar melahirkan modal insan yang terlatih dan bersedia menceburi diri daripada berbagai peluang pekerjaan kursusnya dalam projek SCORE. Pembinaan pusat-pusat latihan tersebut akan ditambahkan dari semasa ke semasa mengikut kehendak tenaga kerja yang perlukan untuk pekerjaan yang untuk pelatih itu diberikan pekerjaan. Setakat ini bilangan pelatih yang sudah tamat latihan dengan jayanya berjumlah lebih kurang 12,349 peserta sehingga Jun 2014. Sasaran pengambilan para graduan pada 2014 hingga 2020 dijangkakan lebih kurang 20,000 orang, dan kita mengharapkan dapat melatih sebanyak 35,000 sehingga menjelang tahun 2030. Usaha-usaha yang lain juga adalah untuk menggalakkan para belia menceburkan diri dalam bidang usahawan turut dilaksanakan oleh kerajaan negeri oleh program tabung usahawan belia TUBE. Program ini adalah kerjasama di antara kerajaan negeri dengan Small Medium Enterprise (SME) Corporation Cawangan Sarawak. Tujuanya ialah, untuk memperkasakan golongan belia menjadi usahawan yang berjaya. Pihak Kementerian juga akan mempergiatkan pelaksanaan pelbagai program agar dapat melahirkan belia yang bertanggungjawab dan berdikari dan juga berwibawa. Program-program yang dilaksanakan adalah seperti memperkasa golongan belia melalui program pembentukan sahsiah belia, program kepimpinan (leadership) belia, program pembangunan inovasi dan kemahiran belia, program usahawan belia, program transformasi belia dan program kecemerlangan dan sukan. Adalah diharapkan program-program ini dapat melahirkan para belia dengan pengetahuan yang lebih menyeluruh dan seterusnya memenuhi pembangunan modal insan menjelang tahun 2030. 7 BELUM DISUNTING 11 NOVEMBER 2014 Y.B. Dr Hazland Bin Abang Hipni: (Soalan Tambahan) Terima kasih Y.B. Menteri Muda. Syabas dan Tahniah kepada Kementerian Pembangunan Belia dan Sosial kerana telah dapat menjalankan banyak program-program dan latihan untuk mentransfomasikan para belia di negeri Sarawak. Namun begitu, apakah bentuk-bentuk latihan tersebut? Dan yang kedua ialah, dimanakah letaknya lokasi pusat-pusat latihan tersebut? Dan adakah ianya cukup untuk melatih para belia supaya dapat menjalani transformasi kehidupan. Terima kasih. Menteri Muda Pembangunan Belia (Luar Bandar) (Y.B. Datuk Dr Stephen Rundi anak Utom): Terima kasih pada ahli Y.B. untuk Demak Laut. Memanglah harapan kita untuk memenuhi kehendak-kehendak, keperluan-keperluan semasa dan juga masa hadapan untuk negeri Sarawak terus maju dalam pembangunan belia untuk mengisi pekerjaanpekerjaan yang relevan dan juga menjayakan usaha-usaha kerajaan untuk membangunkan negeri ini kepada negeri yang maju 2030. Antara bentuk latihan yang telah diberikan adalah almost semuanya ada relevan kepada keperluan masa kini dan juga pada masa hadapan dan saya mempunyai list yang panjang jadi ini termasuklah Civil/Kejuruteraan, Teknologi Maklumat, Kejururawatan dan juga Tourism dan juga, apa nama, dari segi Teknikal, Automasi, Juruteknik Automasi, Pembantu Tadbir Sistem Maklumat dan kita banyak yang lain-lain dan saya akan beri list sepanjang-panjang ini kepada Y.B. daripada Demak Laut untuk makluman beliau. Dan ratarata ini, ianya diletakkan, terletak di seluruh negeri Sarawak dan kita ada Politkenik di Mukah, Betong dan di Kuching. Kita ada Institut Kemahiran Mara di Kuching, kita ada Pusat Perhubungan Kemahiran Sarawak di Kuching, Kolej Komuniti ada tiga, Kuching, Mas Gading dan di Betong. Kita juga ada Kolej Antarabangsa Teknologi Lanjutan Sarawak, iCATS di Kuching, GIATMARA ada tiga, Sibu, di Betong dan juga Sekolah Menengah Teknik Sejingkat, Kolej Kesihatan Awam di Kuching, Institut Kemahiran Belia Negara di Miri, Vokasional juga di Kuching, Betong dan Sibu, kejururawatan di Serian, dan juga Institut Latihan Perindustrian di Kota Samarahan, Kolej Kesihatan Bersekutu di Padawan, Institut Pertanian Sarawak di Kuching dan juga Universiti Putra Malaysia di Bintulu. Y.B. Dr Haji Abdul Rahman Haji Junaidi: (Soalan Tambahan) Terima kasih Tuan Speaker. Saya pun ada dua soalan tambahan untuk disampaikan kepada Y.B. Menteri Muda. Saya turut mengucapkan tahniah kepada Kementerian Pembangunan Sosial di atas usaha yang gigih membangunkan kemahiran dan kemampuan belia Sarawak untuk menghadapi masa hadapan. Soalan saya, setakat manakah kemampuan program-program yang dilaksanakan Kementerian dapat mengatasi masalah peluang-peluang pekerjaan iaitu ketidakseimbangan peluang pekerjaan kepada belia-belia kita pada masa akan datang iaitu apa yang mereka hadapi pada hari ini. Latih hari ini, mampu memberi peluang pekerjaan kepada mereka pada masa hadapan. Soalan kedua, berapakah jumlah yang telah dilatih oleh pihak kementerian melalui pusat-pusat kemahiran yang banyak disebut oleh Y.B. Menteri Muda tadi mengikut jantina setakat ini? Terima kasih. Menteri Muda Pembangunan Belia (Luar Bandar) (Y.B. Datuk Dr Stephen Rundi anak Utom): Tuan Speaker, terima kasih kepada ahli Y.B. bagi Pantai Damai, jadi saya jawab soalan yang kedua dahulu, dari segi jantina kita telahpun melatih iaitu lebih ramailah kaum lelaki iaitu sebanyak 7,902 orang dan juga 5,2011 bagi kaum wanita. Kita memang membuat perancangan supaya semua bidang-bidang dan kursus yang kita adakan adalah bersesuaian mengikut kehendak market dan juga kerja yang diperlukan, tenaga kerja yang diperlukan untuk semua sektor yang sedia ada di Sarawak pada ketika ini. Walau bagaimanapun, kita sedang merancangkan untuk melihat masa hadapan dalam five years down the road, ten years down the road untuk mengadakan bidang-bidang yang baru yang diperlukan terutama teknologi-teknologi baru untuk memperkasakan belia-belia ini agar mereka dapat memenuhi kehendak market kerja yang ada pada masa hadapan. 8 BELUM DISUNTING 11 NOVEMBER 2014 PERIMETER CANAL BUND (9) Y.B. Ir Aidel bin Lariwoo bertanya kepada Menteri Pembangunan Luar Bandar: Perimeter Canal Bund di Blok I,II, II & IV Asajaya/Sadong Jaya tidak diselenggara dengan sempurna dan menimbulkan masalah banjir. Adakah Kerajaan mempunyai peruntukan khusus untuk menggali/menyelenggara parit Perimeter Canal ini? Menteri Muda Pembangunan Luar Bandar dan Menteri Muda Perumahan (Y.B. Datuk Francis Harden Anak Hollis): Terima kasih Tuan Speaker. Kerajaan Negeri telah menyediakan peruntukkan kepada Jabatan Pengaliran dan Saliran Sarawak untuk menyelenggara semua skim pengaliran dan skim saliran di Sarawak termasuk skim saliran di Sarawak. Jumlah peruntukkan diterima bagi menyelenggarakan skim saliran di seluruh Sarawak pada tahun 2014 ada RM4.33 juta bagi menyelenggara 38 buah skim saliran dengan keluasan 58,395 hektar. Jadi kerja-kerja penyelenggaraan merupakan kerja-kerja rutin yang dilakukan bagi memastikan sistem saliran dan struktur-struktur yang sedia ada berfungsi dengan efesyen dan sempurna. Bagi masalah banjir yang kerap berlaku di kawasan Blok IV, Kementerian Pertanian dan Industri Asas Tani telah meluluskan RM2.5 juta untuk kerja-kerja pemeliharaan skim saliran Asajaya, Blok IV di bawah Rolling Plan Keempat tahun 2014 dan 2015. Jadi sejumlah RM0.5 juta telah diperuntukkan pada tahun 2015 untuk menjalankan kerja-kerja survei di kawasan Sadong Jaya bagi menilai dan mengkaji sistem saliran dan kapasiti hidrolik bagi pintu kawalan air (pressure lock gate). Manakala kerja-kerja pembinaan hanya akan bermula pada tahun 2015. Y.B. Ir Aidel bin Lariwoo: (Soalan Tambahan) Terima kasih Yang Berhormat Menteri Muda. Saya ada dua soalan tambahan. 1) Adakah kerajaan bajet khas untuk menyelenggara parit Perimeter Canal ini di kawasan Sadong Jaya, Skim Saliran Asajaya/Sadong Jaya didalam Rancangan Malaysia Ke-11 (RMK11). 2) Semenjak Skim Saliran Asajaya/Sadong Jaya dibuat di sekitar tahun 1980an, sekarang ini adakah kerajaan ada menjalankan kajian mengenai keberkesanan pintu air ataupun tidal lock gate dan juga pertambahan keluasan water run off ataupun discharge run off yang semakin banyak di kawasan ini. Sekian. Menteri Muda Pembangunan Luar Bandar dan Menteri Muda Perumahan (Y.B. Datuk Francis Harden Anak Hollis): Terima kasih. Dalam Rancangan Malaysia Ke-11 (RMK11), Kementerian Pembangunan Luar Bandar Sarawak telah mencadangkan 153 projek dengan anggaran kos berjumlah RM46,447,000.00 untuk menaiktaraf sistem saliran di luar bandar. Kementerian Luar Bandar melalui Jabatan Pengaliran dan Saliran Sarawak sedang melaksanakan beberapa kajian dan juga beberapa projek seperti menaiktarafkan jalan ban dan grass cutting work clearing and desalting of internal drain dalam kawasan skim saliran Asajaya/Sadong Jaya pada tahun 2014 ini dengan anggaran RM480,000. Jadi ada projek yang telah siap dan ada juga masih dalam perlaksanaan. Mengenai soalan yang kedua, Jabatan Pengaliran dan Saliran Negeri Sarawak sedang membuat kajian untuk menaiktarafkan dan untuk meningkatkan efficiency projek di Skim Asajaya tersebut. Terima kasih. PERUSAHAAN INDUSTRI KECIL DAN SEDERHANA (10) Y.B. Datuk Joseph Mauh Anak Ikeh bertanya kepada Menteri Pembangunan Perindustrian: Apakah perancangan Kerajaan membantu penduduk luar Bandar dalam membangunkan perusahaan industri kecil dan sederhana di Sarawak termasuk DUN Tamin? 9 BELUM DISUNTING 11 NOVEMBER 2014 Menteri Muda Pembangunan Luar Bandar, Menteri Muda Pembangunan Perindustrian (Pelaburan dan Promosi)(Y.B. Datuk Haji Julaihi Bin Haji Narawi): Tuan Speaker, untuk makluman Ahli Yang Berhormat bagi Tamin, kerajaan telah mengambil pelbagai inisiatif dan program untuk menyokong pembangunan perusahaan kecil dan sederhana ringkasnya, PKS di kawasan luar Bandar di negeri Sarawak termasuklah di kawasan Tamin. Antaranya ialah menawarkan bantuan dalam bentuk kewangan dan bukan kewangan. Mengenai bantuan kewangan ianya diberikan dalam bentuk geran manakala pinjaman mudah ditawarkan melalui institusi kewangan diantaranya ialah melalui: (a) SME Bank yang menawarkan Skim Pembangunan Ekonomi Desa (SPED), Skim Pembangunan PKS, Dana Usahawan Muda dan Dana Pembangunan Halal. (b) Melalui MIDF yang menawarkan Skim Pinjaman Muda untuk PKS, Skim Pinjaman Muda untuk sektor perkhidmatan dan Skim Pinjaman Mudah untuk pembangunan kapasiti perkhidmatan. Skim lain yang ditawarkan oleh agensi Kerajaan termasuklah, pertama Skim Pinjaman Industri Kecil dan Sederhana (SPIKS) yang dikendalikan oleh Kementerian Pembangunan Perindustrian Sarawak; kedua Business Accelerator Program and Enrichment and Enhancement Program oleh SMB Corp; ketiga Gran Pembangunan Pasaran MDG oleh MATRADE; keempat Skim Pembiayaan Pinjaman Ikhtiar oleh Amanah Ikhtiar Malaysia (AIM); kelima Skim Pembiayaan Jaminan Usahawan MARA oleh MARA; dan seterusnya Tabung Ekonomi Kumpulan Usahaniaga (TEKUN). Untuk makluman Yang Berhormat bagi Tamin, dari tempoh bulan Januari hingga Oktober Tahun 2014, seramai 266 orang dari daerah Selangau telah menerima pinjaman dari AIM yang berjumlah RM570 ribu, manakala bagi pinjaman TEKUN seramai tujuh orang telah menerima pinjaman tersebut yang berjumlah RM31,000. Selain daripada bantuan kewangan yang tersenarai di atas, terdapat juga bantuan lain yang disediakan oleh agensi dan institusi kewangan termasuk bank komersial dari semasa ke semasa. Tuan Speaker, untuk makluman juga bahawa bermula pada tahun 2012, Kementerian Pembangunan Perindustrian telah mengambil inisiatif baharu iaitu dengan memperkenalkan Program Peneroka Peluang Dalam Sektor Perdagangan dan Perindustrian di mana Kementerian Pembangunan Perindustrian bersama-sama dengan agensi Kerajaan lain seperti Unit Perancangan Negeri, SPU, MITI, MIDA, MIDF, MATRADE, SME Corp, SMB Bank, Jabatan Kesihatan, KPDNKK dan lain-lain telah turun padang untuk menyebarkan maklumat berhubung bantuan kewangan dan bukan kewangan yang ditawarkan oleh agensi Kerajaan dan Kerajaan sendiri dalam bentuk seminar dan pameran. Program ini telah mendapat sambutan yang menggalakkan di seluruh Negeri Sarawak dan di semua peringkat bahagian di Negeri Sarawak. Sejak dimulakan pada tahun 2012 sehingga Jun 2014, seramai 7,593 PKS Sarawak telah menyertai program tersebut. Untuk makluman Ahli Yang Berhormat bagi Tamin, program ini telah diadakan di Sibu pada bulan Jun yang lepas dengan penyertaan seramai 611 orang. Kerajaan akan meneruskan program ini dari semasa ke semasa khususnya di peringkat daerah di seluruh Negeri Sarawak termasuk di kawasan luar Bandar. Y.B. Datuk Joseph Maluh Anak Ikeh: Terima kasih Tuan Speaker, saya ada dua soalan. Pertama, berapa jumlahkah Skim Pinjaman Industri Kecil dan Sederhana di daerah Selangau bagi DUN Tamin. Yang kedua, berapakah jumlah pinjaman di bawah Skim Pinjaman Industri Kecil dan Sederhana yang dikendali oleh Kementerian Pembangunan Perindustrian, MID di seluruh Sarawak. 10 BELUM DISUNTING 11 NOVEMBER 2014 Menteri Muda Pembangunan Luar Bandar, Menteri Muda Pembangunan Perindustrian (Pelaburan dan Promosi)(Y.B. Datuk Haji Julaihi Bin Haji Narawi): Untuk menjawab soalan kedua tadi, jumlah Skim Pinjaman Industri Kecil dan Sederhana, berjumlah di antara RM10,000.00 hingga RM250,000.00 dan boleh dibayar dalam jangkamasa lima hingga tujuh tahun. Soalan kedua ialah mengenai pendaftaran, jumlah PKS yang didaftarkan di Selangau. Yang Berhormat, kalau saya tidak silap tadi, jumlah kecil sederhana yang didaftarkan di kawasan Selangau ialah sebanyak 527 bagi kawasan Tamin. Terima kasih. KESTABILAN HARGA BUAH SAWIT (FRESH FRUIT BUNCH) (11) Y.B. Encik Ripin bin Lamat, Lambir bertanya kepada Menteri Kemajuan Tanah: Apakah tindakan Kerajaan dalam menangani manipulasi oleh pemborong (collection centre dan mengawal harga buah sawit (fresh fruit bunch) supaya harganya tetap stabil bagi memberikan keuntungan kepada pekebun-pekebun kecil? Menteri Muda Kemajuan Tanah (Y.B. Datuk Haji Abdul Wahab Bin Aziz):Datuk Amar Speaker, untuk makluman Ahli Yang Berhormat bagi Lambir, pihak Lembaga Minyak Sawit Malaysia (MPOB) telah mengesan beberapa jenis manipulasi yang dilakukan oleh pemborong manipulasi-manipulasi yang sering dikesan adalah: (a) Pihak pemborong mengubah lot sale pada alat penimbang buah sawit yang digunakan. (b) Pihak pemborong membeli gred buah sawit yang rendah daripada yang sepatutnya. Pihak MPOB telah menjalankan beberapa operasi penguatkuasaan ke premis pemborong-pemborong bersama Kementerian Perdagangan Dalam Negeri Koperasi Dan Kepenggunaan (KPDNKK). Lima peniaga buah sawit telah dikesan melakukan kesalahan pada alat timbang dan kes ini telah dirujuk kepada KPDNKK yang seterusnya menyita peralatan timbang di premis peniaga buah terbabit. MPOB juga telah mengeluarkan sebanyak 49 kompaun kepada peniaga buah sawit yang melakukan kesalahan pengredan, manakala 3 lesen telah dibatalkan pendaftaran dan 9 peniaga buah sawit lagi telah digantung operasinya selama 3 bulan. Di samping itu, 15 lagi diberikan surat tunjuk sebab. MPOB telah dan akan sentiasa menjalankan penguatkuasaan untuk menghapuskan penipuan pengredan oleh peniaga buah sawit. Pada masa yang sama MPOB juga akan meneruskan kerjasama dengan KPDNKK untuk menangani penipuan berat buah sawit. Datuk Speaker, bagi Buah Tandan Segar (BTS) ia bergantung kepada harga minyak sawit mentah CPO di pasaran dunia. Harga minyak mentah pula dipengaruhi oleh permintaan dan penawaran di pasaran antarabangsa dan stok tempatan minyak sawit. Permintaan dan penawaran CPO di luar kawalan Kerajaan. Oleh itu Kerajaan tidak dapat mempengaruhi harga CPO dan BTS. Walau bagaimanapun, untuk memastikan pekebunpekebun kecil mendapat pulangan yang setimpal, MPOB akan mensyaratkan pemborong yang dilesen mematuhi piawaian premium, quality premium price (PKPP) di bawah PKPP. Pemborong dikehendaki membuat pengredan mengikut manual yang telah ditetapkan oleh MPOB dan akan dipantau oleh pegawai penguatkuasa MPOB dari semasa ke semasa. Y.B. Encik Ripin Bin Lamat: (Soalan Tambahan). Datuk Speaker, saya ada 2 soalan tambahan. (1) Berapakah jumlah pekebun kecil dan estet dan keluasannya dan berapakah bilangan pemborong atau peniaga buah kelapa sawit di dalam kawasan DUN Lambir? 11 BELUM DISUNTING 11 NOVEMBER 2014 (2) Adakah kementerian ataupun Kerajaan memberikan syarat ataupun guideline kepada collection centre tentang kadar perbezaan ataupun keuntungan maksima yang dibenarkan semasa membeli fresh fruit bunch daripada pekebun-pekebun kecil berbanding dengan harga pasaran semasa, yang mana pekebun-pekebun kecil telah mengadu perbezaan itu terlampau jauh. Ada yang RM120.00, RM150.00, RM180.00 pertan daripada harga pasaran semasa? Menteri Muda Kemajuan Tanah (Y.B. Datuk Haji Abdul Wahab Bin Aziz): Datuk Speaker, bagi menjawab soalan tambahan pertama jumlah pekebun kecil dalam kawasan DUN 62 Lambir ialah 1623 pekebut kecil dan luas kawasan ialah 5405.3 hektar dan ada 6 estet yang mempunyai keluasan 14,239.5 hektar dan bagi jumlah pemborong di kawasan N.62 Lambir sehingga September 2014 sebanyak 14 pemborong peniaga buah sawit di kawasan tersebut. Syarat-syarat kelulusan lesen pemborong ialah: (a) Entiti perniagaan yang sah; Syarikat Berhad, Sendirian Berhad, Perkongsian, Perseorangan, Koperasi; (b) Modal minima RM50,000.00, RM25,000.00 bagi agensi Kerajaan dan Koperasi dan bukti modal dinyatakan dalam penyata bank simpanan pelaburan perkongsian dan koperasi dan harus dihantarkan juga Borang 24 berkaitan dengan Sendirian Berhad dan Berhad. Bagi menjawab soalan yang kedua, Yang Berhormat Datuk Speaker. Oleh kerana harga jual beli mengikut harga pasaran, maka harga pembelian di Collection Centre tidak ditetapkan oleh pihak Kerajaan mahupun MPOB tetapi sekiranya harga pembelian terlalu rendah, maka pihak penjual, iaitu pekebun-pekebun kecil, boleh pergi ke pemborongpemborong yang lain di mana ada 14 pemborong di N62 Lambir. Namun demikian pihak MPOB akan membantu pekebun-pekebun kecil untuk mendapat harga pasaran yang baik bagi hasil buah kelapa sawit mereka dan dari pemborong-pemborong yang membeli pada harga yang berpatutan dalam kawasan DUN Lambir. Terima kasih. KEKURANGAN KUARTERS GURU DAN KEUSANGAN BILIK KELAS (12) Y.B. Encik Dennis Ngau bertanya kepada Menteri Kebajikan, Wanita dan Pembangunan Keluarga: Bilakah kesengsaraan atau penderitaan murid dan guru di sekolah pedalaman di DUN Telang Usan akan berakhir kerana masalah kekurangan kuarters guru dan bilik kelas yang usang dan kurang fasiliti? Terima kasih Datuk Speaker. Menteri Kebajikan, Wanita dan Pembangunan Keluarga (Y.B. Puan Rosey Binti Haji Yunus): Datuk Speaker, terima kasih. Untuk makluman Ahli Yang Berhormat N.67 Telang Usan. Kerajaan melalui Kementerian Pendidikan Malaysia (KPM) sentiasa mengambil berat berhubung masalah kuarters, bilik kelas dan kekurangan fasiliti di kawasan Telang Usan. Oleh itu, dalam Rancangan Malaysia Ke-10 ini, sebanyak 21 projek di kawasan Telang Usan telah siap dilaksanakan dengan kos berjumlah RM56.1 juta. Namun terdapat sebanyak 8 buah projek dengan kos RM5.7 juta masih lagi dalam proses pembinaan. Sekolah-sekolah tersebut ialah S.K. Long Moh, S.K. Long Bedian. S.K. Long Jegitan, S.K. Long Laput, S.K. Long Anap, S.K. Long Seridan. S.K. Long Jeh dan S.K. Long Makabar. Kelewatan menyiapkan projek ini mengikut jadual disebabkan oleh masalah kontraktor. Namun bagi menangani maslah ini, kementerian telahpun menamatkan perkhidmatan kontraktor semasa dan akan melantik kontraktor penyiap. Selain daripada itu Kerajaan juga mengagihkan peruntukan penyelenggaraan dan pembaikan kecil berjumlah RM150,000.00 untuk 8 buah sekolah dan juga kuarters di kawasan Telang Usan. Sekolah-sekolah tersebut adalah S.K. Long Panai, S.K. Long Bedian, S.K. Liamatu, S.K. Long Bangak, S.K Kuala Tutuh, S.K. Benawa, S.K. Long Tungan dan S.K. Long Makabar. Terima kasih. 12 BELUM DISUNTING 11 NOVEMBER 2014 Y.B. Encik Dennis Ngau: (Soalan Tambahan) Tuan Speaker, mungkin nak minta penjelasan lanjut. (1) Apakah usaha kerajaan bagi meringankan bebanan yang dihadapi oleh guru yang berada di pedalaman? (2) Bagaimana pula untuk murid-murid? Sekian, terima kasih. Menteri Muda Pendidikan Awal Kanak-kanak dan Pembangunan Keluarga (Y.B. Puan Rosey binti Haji Yunus): Terima kasih, Tuan Speaker dan terima kasih juga kepada Yang Berhormat N.67, Telang Usan. Seperti yang saya katakan tadi, kerajaan sentiasa berusaha untuk mengambil berat mengenai khasnya masalah-masalah yang dihadapi oleh yang disebutkan Ahli Yang Berhormat tadi. Jadi bagi membantu meringankan bebanan yang dialami oleh guru dan juga staf di kawasan pedalaman, mereka menikmati Elaun Khas Mengikut Lokasi dan juga Tahap Kesusahan iaitu EKMLTK ataupun juga ada bayaran insentif pedalaman bagi menampung kekurangan fasiliti dan prasarana di pedalaman. Elaun Khas Mengikut Lokasi dan Tahap Kesusahan (EKMLTK) pada masa ini dibayar mengikut lokasi sekolah iaitu lokasi Sekolah Pedalaman Satu dengan RM500.00 sebulan, Sekolah Pedalaman Dua, RM1000.00 sebulan dan Sekolah Pedalaman Tiga, RM1500.00 sebulan. Bagi Bayaran Insentif Pedalaman pula adalah 10% daripada gaji pokok hakiki pegawai. Bagi pegawai yang diperuntukkan rumah yang tidak menepati kriteria rumah kerajaan di pedalaman, mereka diberikan Imbuhan Tetap Perumahan (ITP). Bagi murid-murid pula, Tuan Speaker antara bantuan kemudahan yang diberi adalah Bantuan Khas Awal Persekolahan sebanyak RM100.00 setiap murid diberi pada awal tahun, Bantuan Makanan Asrama atau juga ada tempatnya diberikan Rancangan Makanan Tambahan (RMT), Program Susu 1 Malaysia bagi sekolah rendah, Bantuan Kumpulan Wang Amanah Pelajar Miskin (KWAM) yang dibahagikan kepada dasar sedia ada berjumlah RM200.00 untuk sekolah rendah, RM300.00 untuk sekolah menengah dan Bantuan E-Kasih sebanyak RM700.00 untuk sekolah rendah dan RM900.00 untuk sekolah menengah. Kesimpulannya Tuan Speaker dan juga untuk makluman Ahli Yang Berhormat bagi Telang Usan. Kerajaan sentiasa berusaha mengimbangi cabaran, kesukaran melalui kemudahan-kemudahan yang telah disediakan untuk guru-guru dan juga staf serta murid-murid. Penambahbaikan, pembaikpulihan prasarana serta kemudahan di sekolah adalah merupakan usaha yang berterusan pihak kementerian dan juga pihak kerajaan kita agar proses pengajaran dan pembelajaran serta kebajikan guru dan staf dan murid terpelihara. Terima kasih. BA'KELALAN BORDER ENFORCEMENT (13) Y.B. Encik Baru Bian asked the Chief Minister: (a) What steps are being taken to stop the smuggling of cars and drugs across the border at Ba’Kelalan? (b) Are there any plans to post new enforcement officers to the area to replace the current ineffective officers? Timbalan Ketua Menteri, Menteri Pembangunan Luar Bandar dan Menteri Pemodenan Pertanian (Y.B. Datuk Patinggi Tan Sri (Dr) Alfred Jabu Anak Numpang): Tuan Speaker, for the information of the Ahli Yang Berhormat for Ba’Kelalan, based on current statistic received from PDRM, Polis Diraja Malaysia Lawas, for period between January 2014 to Oktober 2014, there is no report of smuggling of vehicles as alleged by Ahli Yang Berhormat. However, PDRM Lawas managed to retrieve 5 stolen vehicles which were reported missing in Sabah and abundant at the roadside in Lawas. The Police managed to confiscated all 13 BELUM DISUNTING 11 NOVEMBER 2014 these vehicles and returned them to their counterpart in Sabah. As preventive measures, PDRM Lawas and Royal Custom Department will intensify the join operation and patrol to address this issue. Collection of crime intelligent pertaining to smuggling activities will also be enhanced to assist in the detection and investigation. Perhaps, in future the Royal Custom Department may station their officers there on regular basis as part of their Anti Smuggling Campaign. With regards to the second questions that is raised by Ahli Yang Berhormat for Ba’Kelalan, at the moment there is no necessity to post new enforcement to the area. However, the State Government is willing to review the current deployment if the situation warrants it, the Government is monitoring whether there is incidence or increase incidence whichever the case may be, so that the Government can take necessary action. Y.B. Encik Baru Bian: (Additional Question). Thank you the Honourable Minister. I have two additional question. It’s the statistic that have been informed and told that have not been very impressive but the actual facts in the ground has been really serious. My first question, additional question is, has there been any prosecution so far on this smuggling of cars and drugs on our side, at the Sarawak side. I know Indonesia, few had been arrested and prosecuted in Indonesia but on our side has there been any prosecution related to this smuggling of cars and drugs? Second question, I believe Tuan Speaker, that one of the ways of how to resolve this is the completion of the Custom and Immigration post, I know it had been approved. My question is when would that be completed? Thank you. Timbalan Ketua Menteri, Menteri Pembangunan Luar Bandar dan Menteri Pemodenan Pertanian (Y.B. Datuk Patinggi Tan Sri (Dr) Alfred Jabu Anak Numpang): Thank you very much Ahli Yang Berhormat for Ba’kelalan. The police must have reports from public or from person regarding any case of smuggling and so far base on the report, as I have said there has been no report of smuggling of vehicles but if Ahli Yang Berhormat knew of cases, please let the authority knows and we from the Government give full cooperation to ensure that the culprit will not go scot-free. And as I have said, the department may station the officers there on regular basis as part of their anti smuggling campaign and the State Government will be monitoring the situation because as we develop rural areas there are more traffic going over to the rural areas. If there is such needs my Ministry in charge of rural development, we do not want to see our rural people to be affected and then I will be supporting such more, to get all the necessary facilities in this areas to curb up smuggling or any other forms of vice including drugs. Tuan Speaker: Ahli-Ahli Yang Berhormat, the question time is up. RANG UNDANG-UNDANG KERAJAAN – BACAAN KALI YANG KEDUA LAND CODE (AMENDMENT) BILL, 2014 Tuan Speaker: Ahli Yang Berhormat, in pursuance of the approval by the Dewan on the motion moved by Honourable Deputy Chief Minister and seconded by Honourable Minister of Land for a stand down of the winding up by the Honourable Deputy Chief Minister from yesterday to today under Standing Order 59, I shall now call upon Honourable Deputy Chief Minister, Minister for Rural Development and Minister for Modernization of Agriculture to wind up on the Land Code (Amendment) Bill, 2014. Timbalan Ketua Menteri, Menteri Pembangunan Luar Bandar dan Menteri Pemodenan Pertanian (Y.B. Datuk Patinggi Tan Sri (Dr) Alfred Jabu Anak Numpang): Terima kasih, Tuan Speaker. First of all, I would like to thank all Ahli-Ahli Yang Berhormat for participating in the debate of Sarawak Land Code (Amendment) Bill, 2014 especially Yang Berhormat14 BELUM DISUNTING 11 NOVEMBER 2014 Yang Berhormat who support the Bill. I promise to give proper reply to those Ahli-Ahli Yang Berhormat who refuse to support this very important Bill. I would like to response on behalf of the Government to the point raised by Ahli-Ahli Yang Berhormat during the debate on the Land Code (Amendment) Bill, 2014. Tuan Speaker, I ought to reiterate that the amendment to allow for the transferability or dealing of land held under Native Customary Right is to provide opportunities for those NCR’s owners who have by force of circumstances, such as moving away from villagers or longhouses to look for job elsewhere, to transfer or temporary lease their land for valuable or monetary consideration and also to enhance the value of such lands whether the NCR owners wish to sell their land or not. The amendment is never intended to cause the native people to become landless or to be exploited by those who want to acquire the land for speculative reasons or to deprive the NCR owners of land. When opportunities are provided, there would be those who want to take advantage of those opportunities for personal selfish games. Therefore, the Government in the implementation of the amendment would take into consideration the various suggestion made by Ahli-Ahli Yang Berhormat such as limitation on the size of the amount of NCR land, that a native may acquire or on. If considered a propriate and proper, the Government could subsequently make rule to regulate the transfer or dealing in NCR land. Tuan Speaker, all dealings and transactions consequential upon this amendment are conducted on a willing seller and willing buyer basis. Although the Government advice to NCR land owners is to keep or hold on to their land, such dealings or transactions do not involve the State Government at all. There is no question of the Government deviation of fiduciary duties as alleged by Honourable Member for Ba’kelalan. Therefore, the Government ought not to be held liable for any loss already liable for such private dealings. The propose new section 197A like section 101 and 200 of the land code is to protect the Government from exposer to liabilty in regard to dealings on matters in respect to which the State Government is either not or party for which the State Government and if officers are not capable or blame worthy. The Honourable Member for Ba’kelalan also mentioned that land has sentimental value to natives and monetary payment would not be adequate to compensate them for the lost of their NCR land. Sarawak is a developing State and fast developing especially yesterday we heard Yang Amat Berhormat Ketua Menteri is very dedicated to see the rural areas developed, he is very dedicated to see that the rural areas are not left behind. Therefore, in his budget speech yesterday to this august House had stated categorically that 2015 Budget is focus on rural development or rural bis. Therefore in developing rural Sarawak where nearly all NCR land are located, NCR land would invariable be needed for the implementation of the development projects. The Government would in the case of large scale schemes like hydro electric projects consult the affected NCR land owners in accordance with international knowns similar to those laid down in the international hydro association protocols. Tuan Speaker, the Ahli Yang Berhormat for Pending express her concern that the amendments relating to the caveat system would prejudice someone who had lodged a caveat against the parent title because he disagrees or object to the development of the land. As a legally qualified person the Ahli Yang Berhormat for Pending ought to know that a private caveat could only be lodged under Section 173 of Land Code if caveator has beneficial interest in the land is proven. A caveat lodged by an objector to the development of the land, but has no beneficial interest in the land cannot be sustained and should be removed. The Ahli Yang Berhormat concern for the objector is obviously misplaced. He should be more concerned for the bona fide purchasers for the sub-divided lot who want the process of issuance of new titles for their sub-divided lots to be expeditious. That is what the amendment in Clause 7 of the Bill 6 to achieve for the bona fide purchaser of the land developed upon sub-division. 15 BELUM DISUNTING 11 NOVEMBER 2014 Tuan Speaker, the panel constituted by the State Planning Authority (SPA) when the amendment in Clause 10 of the Bill is passed by this august House would be performing the same function and exercising same powers as those vested in SPA by the Land Code. The panel would be formed for the purpose of assisting the SPA in the consideration and approval of application for development and sub-division of land. As such, there is no necessity for any delegation of powers by SPA to any of the panels as suggested by Ahli Yang Berhormat for Pending. The SPA who has statutory powers to regulate its own proceedings and procedure would determine or define the function and scope of duties of each panel. Tuan Speaker, several Ahli Yang Berhormat from the opposition had insinuated that the amendment to allow the dealing of NCR land is to benefit those with financial resources to buy up large amount of NCR land from the an uneducated and financially vulnerable NCR land owners. This accusation is completely unfounded and is firmly rejected by the Government. In reply to Ahli Yang Berhormat for Ba’ Kelalan about the gazette notification which is posted at District Office and actually this gazette notification is also posted in prominent parts into the rural areas including schools and including some parts of kampongs. And I believe when Ahli Yang Berhormat visit Lawas and notice there is such notification, it is duty bound on Ahli-Ahli Yang Berhormat for any constituencies to bring to the notice of his people in his constituency. Ahli Yang Berhormat for Semop, I would to thank Ahli Yang Berhormat for Semop for standing up for the right and also for the privilege of the native and thank you very much to Ahli Yang Berhormat for Semop. Ahli Yang Berhormat for Kota Sentosa reads excerpt of a speech delivered in this Dewan in November last year by Yang Amat Berhormat Ketua Menteri when he was Minister for Special Function to justify his objection to the amendment to Section 5(2) of the Land Code. I noticed that Ahli Yang Berhormat for Kota Sentosa is absent from his seat this morning. I would like to mention here, very specifically at this august House, prior to the drafting of this Bill, Yang Amat Berhormat Ketua Menteri and other Government ministers and senior officials have thoroughly discussed and deliberated and consulted various bumiputera organisations and NGOs. Among those many bumiputera organisations and NGOs was the recommendation of Iban Cultural Symposium Seminar held in Sibu 2013, as part of Sarawak Cultural Symposium celebrating Sarawak Golden Jubilee 50th Independence in Malaysia and also the recommendation of Aum Tuai Tuai Masyarakat Iban held in Kapit in October 2013 and also from the Dayak Chamber of Commerce and Industry among the many organisations being consulted. I must point out that the resolution also from all the communities in Sarawak which have conducted their individual cultural seminars throughout the year 2013 were also carefully presented over to the Government. This provides the guidelines for this bill to be presented and to be tabled in the sitting. The proposed amendment on this transferability of NCR land is presented when Yang Amat Berhormat Ketua Menteri have heard and duly considered the views expressed as I mentioned by many of this organisation representing bumiputera communities, taking note of their aspiration to keep Native Customary Laws on dealings an NCR land abreast with the rapidly changing social economic conditions, Government transformation programme and also on the need to enhance the value of an achieved optimal return from 16 BELUM DISUNTING 11 NOVEMBER 2014 NCR land. The Government therefore has the mandate from the bumiputera communities to make this change to the law. But the opposition has not shown that they have the mandate from the bumiputera communities to oppose the amendment. Tuan Speaker, yesterday in my speech I mentioned while introducing Sarawak Land Code Amendment Bill 2014, I fully explained the noble intention of our Sarawak State Barisan National Government through its poverty eradication programme to improve the livelihood of the native people and to get better values from their NCR land. I have clearly explained that under the NCR joint venture supervised by Government agency LCDA, the NCR landowner’s participants will benefit as their idle NCR land will be developed into commercial and profitable oil palm estate. The NCR land owners are no longer under the yolk of poverty. I have also pointed out that the NCR landowner’s participants at the expiry of 60 years NCR joint venture development agreement, our Sarawak BN Government through the provision of this land code amendment ordinance which will take effect after it has approved, will affect all the NCR land involve in NCR joint venture will revert back to the original landowners. I repeat, will revert back to the original landowners and be issued with Section 18 titles, free of charge, on Government expenses for a term grant in perpetuity. You see, the beauty of NCR joint venture allows the Government to implement its poverty eradication programme and benefit the landowners participating in it and guaranteed the land that is owned by those who participated, that at the end of expiry period the land will be revert back to the original landowner and guaranteed by the Government be given Section 18 title grant in perpetuity. So that is the benefit. I find it very strange and very very selfish on the part of members of opposition DAP especially DAP leader Ahli Yang Berhormat for Kota Sentosa who refuse to support this Land Code Amendment Bill 2014 despite the many advantages and benefit that the NCR landowners can derived from this very noble Barisan Nasional poverty eradication programme. All of these very negative attitude of DAP has been perpetuated by DAP throughout since 1996. For the past 18 years, they said you admit it. Ya. Starting from that famous incidence at Kanowit Dewan Masyarakat when some 20-30 members of party DAP stormed the stage of Dewan Masyarakat Kanowit. The infamous that DAP policy has started to suppress and oppress the opportunity of NCR landowners from participation in Barisan Nasional poverty eradication programme through this very negative attitude of DAP, the Government approved of being step down, the people now, the right thinking. They stop Government poverty eradication programme. I have not finished. My way, my way Tuan Speaker. It is very clear without doubt that all the right thinking of NCR landowners from entire natives communities will regard DAP as very selfish political party having very little concern for the participation in Government programme for poverty eradication programme to improve the livelihood in NCR in the rural areas of Sarawak. I can assure whatever DAP guise or disguise to penetrate into the rural areas DAP will automatically be rejected by those NCR landowners. Tuan Speaker, I would like to also comment (interruption). Tuan Speaker, no form of denial from DAP because they come from DAP symbol, they come with DAP coming over to the stage ... (interruption). Tuan Speaker, Tuan Speaker. Tuan Speaker: Proceed, proceed. Timbalan Ketua Menteri, Menteri Pemodenan Pertanian dan Menteri Pembangunan Luar Bandar (Y.B. Datuk Patinggi Tan Sri (Dr) Alfred Jabu Anak Numpang: Tuan Speaker, my condition is, DAP if they try to convince the rural people you must come and 17 BELUM DISUNTING 11 NOVEMBER 2014 pick number to Dewan Masyarakat Kanowit and condemn your own members for doing that in 1996 because that caused more people to be poor. I am not misleading. Y.B. Encik Chong Chieng Jen: You are misleading the Dewan. Tuan Speaker: Order, Order, Order Timbalan Ketua Menteri, Menteri Pemodenan Pertanian dan Menteri Pembangunan Luar Bandar (Y.B. Datuk Patinggi Tan Sri (Dr) Alfred Jabu Anak Numpang: Tuan Speaker, you must be disciplined, you must be disciplined Ahli Yang Berhormat from Kota Sentosa. Tuan Speaker can you restore order in this Dewan? Tuan Speaker: Please sit down, sit down, sit down. Timbalan Ketua Menteri, Menteri Pemodenan Pertanian dan Menteri Pembangunan Luar Bandar (Y.B. Datuk Patinggi Tan Sri (Dr) Alfred Jabu Anak Numpang): Tuan Speaker, can you discipline people who cannot conduct their behaviour well in this Dewan ... (Interruption) Tuan Speaker: Silence, silence, silence. Timbalan Ketua Menteri, Menteri Pemodenan Pertanian dan Menteri Pembangunan Luar Bandar (Y.B. Datuk Patinggi Tan Sri (Dr) Alfred Jabu Anak Numpang): Tuan Speaker, Yang Berhormat for Baleh was there as witness, Yang Berhormat for Machan was there for witness ... (Interruption) Tuan Speaker : Proceed, proceed. Timbalan Ketua Menteri, Menteri Pemodenan Pertanian dan Menteri Pembangunan Luar Bandar (Y.B. Datuk Patinggi Tan Sri (Dr) Alfred Jabu Anak Numpang): Tuan Speaker, I would also like to comment on Ahli Yang Berhormat for Batu Lintang ... (Interruption) Tuan Speaker: Members of the opposition don’t resort to unparliamentarily language. No matter how much you disagree. Because, the Minister is responding to what you said yesterday. If you don’t want any lecture on suppression and operation then don’t raised the question. Proceed. Order. Silence. Proceed. Timbalan Ketua Menteri, Menteri Pemodenan Pertanian dan Menteri Pembangunan Luar Bandar (Y.B. Datuk Patinggi Tan Sri (Dr) Alfred Jabu Anak Numpang): I would also like to comment on Ahli Yang Berhormat for Batu Lintang for recognizing that the native are the original inhabitant of this country. But I totally abhor and object. To Ahli Yang Berhormat for Batu Lintang statement inferring that the native are part of the land as other trees, the mountain, the hills, animal, fishes and rivers. This is degrading and shows his negative attitude towards the native, inferring that the native do not have the power to think like the trees, the mountain, the hills and the animals. Let me make it very clear to you that we considere ourselves as masters of the land and that is on it and how to utilize them for the advancement of our livehood. It is in this context and spirit of masters of the land that we introduce this Bill in order to further enhance the opportunities and return from our land for continued prosperity in line with the aspiration of Yang Amat Berhormat Ketua Menteri, in line with the aspiration of Yang Amat Berhormat Perdana Menteri. Tuan Speaker, the Government will always have the interest of the native issuing that the Amendment is implemented fairly and equitably this Dewan can be raise assured that the Amendment will not be taken advantage by the rich or inflict hardship on the poor. The Amendment are to provide opportunities for those who have to dispose of their land and 18 BELUM DISUNTING 11 NOVEMBER 2014 those who want to develop size land because they have the resources to do so, how the balance of the interest can be achieve will be carefully considered by the Government. With this I would like once again to thank Ahli-Ahli Yang Berhormat for participating on the debates. I would like now respectfully call the all members of this House, August House to support this Bill. Thank you. RANG UNDANG-UNDANG KERAJAAN – BACAAN KALI YANG KEDUA LAND CODE (AMENDMENT) BILL, 2014 Tuan Speaker: Ahli-ahli Yang Berhormat the question before the Dewan is that the Motion standing in the Order Paper in the name of Honourable Deputy Chief Minister, Minister for Rural Development and Minister for Mordenization of Agriculture be referred to the Committee of the Whole House. Question put and agreed to Motion is agreed Tuan Speaker: The Dewan shall now resolve to the Committe of the whole House to consider the Bill which stands committed to the Committee. COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE HOUSE [Tuan Pengerusi mempengerusikan Mesyuarat] Tuan Pengerusi: We shall now consider Land Code (Amendment) Bill, 2014. Clauses 1 to 10 Tuan Pengerusi: The question is that Clauses 1 to 10 be ordered to stand part of the bill. Question put and agreed to Clauses 1 to 10 are ordered to stand part of the Bill Enacting Clause and Title Tuan Pengerusi: The question is that the Schedule be ordered to stand part of the bill. Question put and agreed to The Schedule is ordered to stand part of the Bill Enacting Clause and Title Tuan Pengerusi: The Dewan shall now resume. HOUSE RESUMED [Tuan Speaker mempengerusikan Mesyuarat] Tuan Speaker: Honourable Deputy Chief Minister. Timbalan Ketua Menteri, Menteri Pemodenan Pertanian dan Menteri Pembangunan Luar Bandar (Y.B. Datuk Patinggi Tan Sri (Dr) Alfred Jabu Anak Numpang): Tuan 19 BELUM DISUNTING 11 NOVEMBER 2014 Speaker, I wish to report that the Land Code (Amendment) Bill, 2014 has been considered by the Committe of the whole House and agreed to without amendment. RANG UNDANG-UNDANG KERAJAAN – BACAAN KALI YANG KETIGA LAND CODE (AMENDMENT) BILL, 2014 Timbalan Ketua Menteri, Menteri Pemodenan Pertanian dan Menteri Pembangunan Luar Bandar (Y.B. Datuk Patinggi Tan Sri (Dr) Alfred Jabu Anak Numpang): Tuan Speaker, I beg to move that the Land Code (Amendment) Bill, 2014 be now read a third time and do pass. Tuan Speaker: Ahli-ahli Yang Berhormat, the question before the Dewan is that the Land Code (Amendment) Bill, 2014 be read a third time and do pass. Question put and agreed to Bill is read a third time and passed LAND CODE (AMENDMENT) BILL, 2014 RANG UNDANG-UNDANG KERAJAAN – BACAAN KALI YANG KEDUA DEWAN UNDANGAN NEGERI (COMPOSITION OF MEMBERSHIP) BILL, 2014 Tuan Speaker: Ahli-ahli Yang Berhormat, we have a short break. Dewan resume at 11:20 a.m. (Mesyuarat ditangguhkan pada jam 10:53 pagi) (Mesyuarat dimulakan pada jam 11.46 pagi) [Tuan Speaker mempengerusikan Mesyuarat] RANG UNDANG-UNDANG KERAJAAN – BACAAN KALI KEDUA DEWAN UNDANGAN NEGERI (COMPOSITION OF MEMBERSHIP) BILL, 2014 Tuan Speaker: Dengan hormatnya saya menjemput Menteri Perumahan dan Menteri Pelancongan Sarawak. Menteri Perumahan dan Menteri Pelancongan (Y.B. Datuk Amar Abang Haji Abdul Rahman Zohari bin Tun Abang Haji Openg): Terima kasih, Tuan Speaker, I beg to move that the Dewan Undangan Negeri (Composition of Membership) Bill, 2014 be read a second time. Tuan Speaker, Article 14(1)(b) of the State Constitution provides inter-alia that the Dewan Undangan Negeri shall consist such number of elected members as the legislature may by law prescribed. By virtue of Article 14(2) read with the Dewan Undangan Negeri (Composition of Membership) Ordinance, 2005, the current number of elected members is 71. 20 BELUM DISUNTING 11 NOVEMBER 2014 Tuan Speaker, this Bill proposes to increase the number of elected members of the Dewan Undangan Negeri Sarawak from the current 71 to 82. This increase is principally due to the growing number of voting population consequent upon the accelerating pace of development and expansion of economic activities in the State since the last review of electoral constituencies which was undertaken in 2005. Constitutionally, electoral constituencies are reviewed at intervals of not less than eight years. The increase in number of State constituencies to 82 from the current 71 is a fair reflection of the rate of increase in electors in the State and it is reasonable number in terms of providing adequate and effective democratic representation for our people in this august House. Tuan Speaker, when the first ballot election to the Council Negeri was held in 19691970, the number of State Assemblymen was 48. This number was increased to 56 in 1985 to 62 in 1995 and to the current number of 71 in 2005. Having regard to the physical size of the State and the vast areas that some Assemblymen from the rural constituencies have to serve, the proposed increase in the number of elected representatives for the Dewan Undangan Negeri is justified and necessary to provide effective representation of the people and to enable the elected representatives to serve the rakyat better. Tuan Speaker, when passed, the new Ordinance will be enforced on the date to be fixed by the Yang di-Pertua Negeri in time for the next State Election. In other words, the new composition of this House will take effect at the next State Election when the voters will elect 82 Assemblymen to this Dewan. Tuan Speaker, I would now ask all the Honourable Members to give their support to this Bill. I beg to move. Menteri Pembangunan Infrastruktur dan Perhubungan (Y.B. Dato Sri Michael Manyin anak Jawong): I beg to second. Tuan Speaker: Ahli-Ahli Yang Berhormat, I shall now call upon the Honourable Members of this august House to debate on the second reading of the Dewan Undangan Negeri (Composition of Membership) Bill, 2014. Member for Pantai Damai. Y.B. Dr Haji Abdul Rahman Haji Junaidi: Terima kasih, Tuan Speaker. Saya menyokong Rang Undang-Undang Kerajaan, Dewan Undangan Negeri (Composition of Membership) Bill, 2014 untuk menambah bilangan Ahli-Ahli Yang Berhormat di Dewan yang mulia ini daripada 71 orang kepada 82 orang. Tuan Speaker, dengan pertambahan sebanyak 11 kawasan DUN yang baru, sudah pasti proses pembangunan akan dapat dilaksanakan dengan lebih meluas di setiap pelusuk Negeri ini. Pada masa yang sama petambahan bilangan ADUN juga akan memudahkan rakyat mendapat bantuan dan perkhidmatan yang lebih berkesan dari wakil rakyat-wakil rakyat masing-masing. Saya ingin nak sampaikan tiga pandangan dalam sokongan saya kepada Rang Undang-Undang Kerajaan ini. (a) Sarawak sebagai sebuah Negeri yang paling besar dan paling luas muka buminya di Malaysia dengan keluasan 124,450km persegi perlu melakukan anjakan paradigma untuk mempercepatkan proses pembangunan fizikal secara mampan. Dalam beberapa aspek kita masih sedikit agak ketinggalan dari segi kemudahan dan infrastrukur asas berbanding dengan negeri-negeri yang lain. Antara faktor utama yang menyebabkan kelewatan penyediaan infrastruktur seperti lebuh raya, jalan raya, bekalan air dan elektrik ialah akibat daripada keadaan muka bumi yang payah diterokai sehingga mendatangkan kesukaran kepada pelaksanaan pembangunan terutama di kawasan pedalaman. Maka di sinilah perlunya peranan seorang wakil rakyat yang 21 BELUM DISUNTING 11 NOVEMBER 2014 mampu membawa perubahan kepada kehidupan rakyat di kawasan luar bandar dan pedalaman. (b) Kali terakhir petambahan bilangan ADUN di Dewan yang mulia ini ialah pada tahun 2005 seperti yang telah dinyatakan oleh Yang Berhormat Menteri tadi. Banyak perkara yang telah berlaku dalam tempoh sembilan tahun ini. Mengikut Jabatan Statistik, bilangan penduduk Sarawak pada tahun 2005 yang lalu ialah sebanyak 2.31 juta orang dan telah bertambah melalui unjuran 2015, tahun depan, kepada 3.19 juta orang. Begitu juga dengan bilangan pengundi. Yang layak mengundi dalam Pilihanraya Negeri 2006 yang lalu ialah seramai 892,537 orang. Manakala mengikut data Suruhanjaya Pilhanraya Negeri setakat 24 September 2014, bilangan pengundi di Negeri ini ialah seramai 1,108,627 orang. Pertambahan yang besar ini amatlah signifikan dalam konteks bilangan kawasan Pilihanraya Negeri yang baru yang perlu diwujudkan pada satu masa nanti. Maka usul yang dibawa oleh Yang Berhormat Menteri untuk menambah bilangan ahli di Dewan Undangan Negeri ini pada persidangan kali ini amatlah tepat dan wajar sekali. Maka secara logiknya apabila bilangan wakil rakyat bertambah, tahap perkhidmatan kepada rakyat dan proses penyaluran projek-projek pembangunan akan dapat dilaksanakan dengan lebih berkesan dan yang akan mendapat manfaatnya nanti ialah rakyat di seluruh Negeri Sarawak. (c) Sepanjang kewujudan Dewan Undangan Negeri kita ini, bilangan Ahli-Ahli Yang Berhormat memang bertambah secara berkala mengikut keperluan masa. Perkara ini memang termaktub dalam Perlembagaan Persekutuan. Melalui Artikel 113(2) Perlembagaan Persekutuan, selepas tempoh 8 tahun, Kerajaan Negeri boleh memohon kepada pihak Suruhanjaya Pilihanraya untuk menambah bilangan kawasan Pilihanraya Negeri. Pada tahun 1985, bilangan ini bertambah daripada 48 kepada 52 kerusi. Pada tahun 1995, bilangan ini bertambah kepada 62 orang dan kali terakhir petambahan bilangan Ahli Dewan Undangan Negeri di Dewan ini ialah pada tahun 2005, iaitu petambahan kepada 71 orang seperti yang ada sekarang. Sekarang tahun 2014, sembilan tahun telah berlalu, maka wajarlah pertambahan bilangan ADUN ini dilakukan. Jika tidak dilakukan sekarang pun, ia akan dilakukan juga pada suatu hari nanti. Maka, Tuan Speaker, kita rasa agak pelik kenapa pihak pembangkang berkeraskeras menyatakan bantahan kepada perkara ini. Dalam berita dalam akhbar yang kita baca baru-baru ini, DAP kata ia tidak perlu. Sebab apa, kerana ia dikatakan tidak akan memihak kepada mereka dan mereka masih menegakkan slogan satu orang satu undi. Ini hanya andaian mereka. Mungkin mereka juga lupa apa yang telah berlaku pada tahun 2005 selepas petambahan sembilan kerusi baru di Dewan ini. Selepas 2005 iaitu selepas Pilihanraya Negeri 2006, mereka turut menerima habuannya dan sebahagian daripada mereka kekal menjadi wakil rakyat hingga ke hari ini seperti contohnya kawasan baru Kota Sentosa iaitu kawasan baru yang telah diwujudkan ketika itu. Jadi wajarlah Kota Sentosa mengucapkan terima kasih kepada Kerajaan Negeri yang membuka peluang kepada beliau untuk menjadi salah seorang Ahli di Dewan yang mulia ini. Tuan Speaker, di sini kita bercakap mengenai keperluan untuk membawa perkembangan … (interuption) … okay silakan. Y.B. Chong Chieng Jen: Thank you for giving me this opportunity to raise clarification. Just now Yang Berhormat from Pantai Damai was saying that I should thank the Government for giving me this opportunity to be here. But I’d rather; I think I should thank my voters for electing me, not the Government of Sarawak. I should thank my voters for electing me into this House. 22 BELUM DISUNTING 11 NOVEMBER 2014 Y.B. Dr Haji Abdul Rahman Haji Junaidi: Mengucap terima kasih kepada pengundi perkara kedua. Yang pertamanya kewujudan kawasan itu adalah hasil usaha Kerajaan yang ada pada hari ini. Tuan Speaker, saya ingin menyambung. Di sini kita bercakap mengenai keperluan untuk membawa pembangunan secara seimbang di seluruh pelusuk negeri ini. Rata-rata kawasan bandar telah menikmati proses pembangunan yang sangat hebat sehingga penduduk bandar pun rasanya tidak memerlukan lagi kemudahan asas seperti jalanraya, bekalan api dan elektrik dan sebagainya. Hampir kesemuanya sudah ada di kawasan bandar di negeri ini. Untuk itu, saya ingin mencadangkan supaya pihak kerajaan menumpukan perhatian kepada usaha membangunkan kawasan luar bandar dan kawasan pedalaman secara bersungguh-sungguh. Banyak lagi keperluan asas yang dinanti oleh rakyat kita di kawasan luar bandar dan pedalaman. Ini termasuklah keperluan mereka kepada khidmat seorang wakil rakyat yang dedikasi dan prihatin untuk menjaga kawasan mereka. Seorang wakil rakyat yang akan bekerja bersungguh-sungguh untuk memastikan setiap keperluan asas masyarakat dan pembangunan fizikal kawasan di luar bandar dapat disalurkan dengan lancar dan efektif. Maka di kawasan luar bandar dan kawasan pedalamanlah kita memerlukan lebih ramai wakil-wakil rakyat yang benar-benar berjiwa rakyat untuk memenuhi amanah dan tanggungjawab ini. Jadi tidaklah keterlaluan seandainya saya pada sidang ini mencadangkan supaya kawasan-kawasan baru yang bakal diwujudkan nanti ditumpukan di kawasan luar bandar dan pedalaman Negeri Sarawak. Ini diharapkan akan mempercepatkan proses pembangunan negeri dan dan sekaligus membawa seluruh rakyat mengecap kemakmuran dan kekayaan negeri ini secara adil dan saksama. Tuan Speaker, dengan pandangan dan cadangan ini, saya menyokong rang undangundang Dewan Undangan Negeri (Composition of Membership) Bill, 2014. Terima kasih. Tuan Speaker: Ahli Yang Berhormat bagi Lingga. Y.B. Puan Hajah Simoi Binti Haji Peri: Terima kasih Tuan Speaker kerana memberi peluang kepada saya untuk turut serta dalam perbahasan bagi menyokong Dewan Undangan Negeri (Composition of Membership) Bill, 2014. PERSEMPADANAN SEMULA Tuan Speaker, mengikut Artikel 113(2) Perlembagaan Persekutuan, persempadanan semula bahagian-bahagian pilihanraya akan dibuat dalam tempoh tidak kurang daripada 8 tahun dan tidak lebih daripada 10 tahun daripada selesainya urusan persempadanan terdahulu. Bagi Negeri Sarawak, kali terakhir persempadanan semula dilakukan ialah pada tahun 2003 dan sepatutnya dikaji semula pada tahun 2011. Walau bagaimanapun, disebabkan Pilihanraya Umum Ke-13, kajian persempadanan semula ini ditangguhkan bagi memberi fokus kepada Pilihanraya Umum Ke-13. Bagi usul persempadanan semula, perkara-perkara yang diberi perhatian dan diambil kira sewajarnya mengapa usul persempadan ini penting adalah seperti berikut: KEADAAN GEOGRAFI SARAWAK Tuan Speaker, seperti yang kita sedia maklum, Sarawak yang merupakan negeri terbesar di Malaysia dengan keluasan 124,450km². Keadaan geografi ini penting untuk meringankan bebanan wakil-wakil rakyat, terutamanya bagi kawasan-kawasan di mana kemudahan-kemudahan perhubungan dan pengangkutan sangat terhad atau langsung tidak wujud. Selain itu, keadaan yang cukup luas ini memerlukan pembahagian atau persempadanan yang terkini bagi memastikan khidmat dan perhatian terhadap penduduk dapat diberi dengan lebih berkesan dengan sebaiknya. Terdapat kawasan-kawasan yang 23 BELUM DISUNTING 11 NOVEMBER 2014 diwakili oleh wakil-wakil rakyat yang sedia ada sekarang, kawasannya sebesar Negeri Pahang. Dengan persempadanan ini, ia akan mengurangkan keluasan sebuah kawasan pilihanraya tanpa banyak menjejaskan jumlah pemilih supaya tidak jauh daripada angka purata pemilih yang telah ditetapkan dan juga dapat memastikan wakil-wakil rakyat dapat memberi khidmat yang terbaik kepada masyarakat di setiap ceruk Negeri Sarawak. JUMLAH PENDUDUK NEGERI SARAWAK Tuan Speaker, peningkatan jumlah penduduk Negeri Sarawak yang semakin pesat pada masa kini juga merupakan faktor penting dalam menentukan persempadan ini. Berdasarkan Sumber Statistik Jabatan Perangkaan Malaysia 2013, kita dapat melihat kadar peningkatan jumlah penduduk di Negeri Sarawak dari tahun 2010 sehingga 2013 cukup pesat. Anggaran jumlah penduduk pada tahun 2010 ialah 2.50 juta, tahun 2011 ialah 2.53 juta, tahun 2012 ialah 2.57 juta dan tahun 2013 ialah 2.61 juta. Melihat kepada pertumbuhan jumlah penduduk kini, persempadanan semula kawasan ini cukup penting untuk mengurangkan perbezaan skala jumlah penduduk dengan wakil-wakil rakyat yang memastikan khidmat-khidmat wakil rakyat yang dipilih nanti akan menjadi lebih efisien. KOMPOSISI PENGUNDI Tuan Speaker, jumlah peningkatan komposisi pengundi di Negeri Sarawak juga merupakan salah satu faktor mengapa persempadanan ini perlu dilakukan. Jika kita lihat jumlah pengundi pada tahun 2013 ialah 1,063,740 berbanding pada tahun 2008 yang mana jumlahnya pada masa itu hanya 912,454 orang pengundi. Usul persempadanan kawasan ini penting bagi memastikan persempadanan ini selari dengan peningkatan komposisi pengundi yang saya jelaskan tadi. Oleh yang demikian, adalah penting untuk persempadanan ini dilakukan bagi memastikan wakil-wakil rakyat dapat berkhidmat dengan sebaiknya. Kita ketepikan fahaman politik kita kerana persempadanan semula iaitu menambah wakil-wakil rakyat adalah termaktub dalam Perlembagaan Persekutuan yang telah saya nyatakan tadi dan Artikel 14(2) Perlembagaan Negeri Sarawak, malah menjadi tanggungjawab kita untuk melaksanakannya demi kepentingan rakyat di negeri ini. Dengan ini Tuan Speaker, saya menyokong persempadanan semula ini iaitu Dewan Undangan Negeri (Composition of Membership) Bill, 2014 bagi menambahkan wakil-wakil rakyat yang dipilih daripada 71 kepada 82 orang. Sekian, terima kasih. Tuan Speaker: Ahli Yang Berhormat bagi Telang Usan. Y.B. Encik Dennis Ngau: Terima kasih Tuan Speaker. I stand in joining my other Barisan Nasional colleague in the august House to support the Bill (Composition of Membership) Bill 2014, as I feel and believe that it is timely and appropriate now the bill to be introduced. Tuan Speaker, I do not know exactly where the new DUN is going to be but I pray and hope that the Government and Suruhanjaya Pilihanraya Malaysia (SPR) will focus on creating new seats at rural areas including an additional one for P220 Parlimen Baram. I have faith in implementing bodies to come up with a rakyat based answer to my hope. As a serving peoples representative for a very rural constituency Telang Usan, like some members of this august House from the Barisan Nasional party. In my earnest pursuit to provide the best and effective service and attending to all requests from my peoples, I feel the pains in discharging my responsibility and part of it I believe is due to the huge size of my 24 BELUM DISUNTING 11 NOVEMBER 2014 constituency where settlements are scattered all over. instead up my energy to soldier on. However, I do not complain but Many formula have been tried to meet the people requests, but at the end of the day it is still their wakil rakyat presence that the people prefer at their locality, and also as often as possible. Just like a married couple, being together is a must to keep the love affair and to continue blossom. I’m off the belief that a wakil rakyat need to do the same to enable him or her to understand the need and most important to able to provide hope to the people he or she serve as wakil rakyat. This is a heavy task if one is serving a constituency of a huge size. Thus the creating of new DUN is of paramount important in order to be fair to all our rakyats. Tuan Speaker, the oppositions, being who they are will try to cast doubt to the good intention by the Barisan Nasional Government, the ruling party and try all means and way as always vigorously to put stop to a good proposal like this not because of what they claim to be but out of their fear the rakyat will continue to reject them due to effective and efficient service provided by the wakil rakyat or Government agency we have. I therefore urge this bill to be passed without delay. Barisan Nasional wakil rakyat try their ways to solve the problems brought to them, besides making short, middle and long term planning for their constituency and the State. Tuan Speaker, I’m happy to mention that, I was fortunate to having great and consistent support from our YAB Chief Minister current and previous, YB Deputy Chief Minister and the Ministers both Federal and State and all the Government agencies in providing services and develop to my constituency, but it will not be fair to them and I should not expect more from them as they too have their own commitments. In short, I have to ensure that my rakyat continues to receive the best attention and service. That is a daunting task having to service a huge constituency. By having a smaller in size constituency, one should put concentrated effort and able to focus more without wasting too much time on travelling within the constituency. Needless to say, the constituent will definitely benefited when their wakil rakyat will be allocated more fund to develop the areas. The other aspect warrants this exercise to be implemented is the ability of the State Government to allocate fund to all the 82 constituencies later due to availability of the State Government having enough fund due to good governance and healthy finance, lead by our The Right Honourable Chief Minister of Sarawak and the strong support receive from our Federal Government. And maybe, with more wakil rakyat on duty, the Right Honourable Chief Minister might have vision to create new portfolio or new Ministry in order to fasten up our service to the people of Sarawak. Tuan Speaker, therefore, once again, I support the Bill. Thank you Tuan Speaker. Tuan Speaker: Honourable Member for Tamin. Y.B. Datuk Joseph Mauh Anak Ikeh: Terima kasih Tuan Speaker kerana memberi saya peluang untuk membahas bersama-sama dengan rakan seperjuangan tentang bill Dewan Undangan Negeri (Composition of Membership) Bill, 2014. Perbahasan saya mengenai bill ini hanya ringkas sahaja kerana nak menambahkan bilangan ahli Dewan Undangan Negeri bagi Negeri Sarawak daripada 71 orang kepada tambahan 11 orang dan semuanya supaya dapat jumlah 82 orang. 25 BELUM DISUNTING 11 NOVEMBER 2014 Tuan Speaker, penambahan ini kerana mengikut undang-undang sebab bilangan pengundi telah semakin bertambah banyak pada tahun 2015 hingga sekarang. Tuan Speaker, sudah tibanya masa bagi Suruhanjaya Pilahanraya untuk menambahkan bilangan Ahli-Ahli Yang Berhormat di Dewan ini kepada 82 orang atau lebih memandangkan Negeri Sarawak, Negeri yang terbesar dalam Malaysia kerana bilangan penduduk yang berada di merata-rata tempat telah bertambah di Sarawak. Tuan Speaker, banyak kawasan Parlimen atau kawasan DUN di kawasan terutamanya di luar bandar patut ditambah. Contohnya saya beri, seperti kawasan Hulu Rajang patut ditambahkan sekurang-kurang satu ADUN dan juga satu kawasan Parlimen Selangau, Parlimen Baram, Parlimen Bintulu dan juga kawasan Parlimen Sri Aman, kawasan tempat-tempat yang lain di kawasan luar bandar. Misalnya contoh, di kawasan Selangau, di Mukah patut ditambahkan bilangannya kepada sekurang-kurangnya satu lagi iaitu kawasan Sungai Bauh, Sebakong, Kenyana, Sikat, Sungai Bawan kerana kawasan ini seperti di dalam kawasan ADUN Dalat dan separuh daripadanya dari kawasan KAKUS. Saya sekali lagi ingin bahawa kawasan ADUN di negeri Sarawak akan ditambah sebab kawasannya besar, susah bagi Ahli-Ahli Yang Berhormat di kawasan itu untuk melawat ke tempat-tempat yang begitu jauh di kawasan luar bandar dan juga kebanyakkan pengundipengundi kita di luar bandar iaitu jauh tempat datang ke tempat mengundi. Jika bilangan ini di tambah samada 11 lagi atau lebih yang senang bagi penduduk-penduduk kita datang ke tempat yang mengundi kerana infrastruktur kemudahan dan sebagainya, kita sedang maklum bahawa negeri Sarawak itu hubungan dengan jalanraya dan sebagainya agak susah. Kebanyakan juga di kawasan luar bandar para pengundi kita pergi tempat mengundi memakai bot dan sebagainya. Dan saya, dengan kata-kata demikian menyokong UndangUndang Tambahan Bilangan Ahli Dewan Undangan Negeri (Composition of Membership) 2014. Sekian, terima kasih. Tuan Speaker: Ahli Yang Berhormat Bagi Engkilili. Y.B. Encik Johnichal Rayong Anak Ngipa: Tuan Speaker, thank you for giving me the opportunity to participate in debating this Bill. As provided by Article 14(1)(b) of the Constituent of the State of Sarawak, the Dewan Undangan Negeri shall consist of such number of elected members as the Legislature may by law prescribe. Pursuant to Article 14(2) of the Constitution of the State of Sarawak and the Dewan Undangan Negeri (Composition of Membership), it is provided the number of elected members of the Dewan Undangan Negeri shall be 71. The increase in the number of DUN members was provided for under the Sarawak Constitution for every eight years interval under the Article 113(2)(11) of the Federal constitution, after an interval of eight years, the State can ask the Election Commission for a review and to add the number of seats and this will require the amendment to DUN (Composition of Members) 2014 Bill whereby it will be increased from 71 to 82 to accommodate increase of population and so forth. Under the 9th Schedule, Article 74 and 77, the state machinery, the increase of parliamentary seats and the increase of State seats is a federal matter; therefore, it has got to be carried out in Parliament, and not just in the State. But the amendment of the State constitution to increase the seat is a State matter. Because the constitution provides under 113(2)(11), after an interval of eight years, we can review. The last exercise was 2005 and now is 2014, so there is justification, with the increase in the number of population and so forth, for us to do a delimitation exercise. So this Bill is necessary to path the way for the national Parliament to exercise and to pass the report under the 13th Schedule. 26 BELUM DISUNTING 11 NOVEMBER 2014 The delimitation of the 11 new seats being proposed, though have not been identified, will be done by the Election Commission which is an independent body. I welcome this Bill. The timing is appropriate and comes at the right time when the next stage election is due in 2016. The increase in our state’s population where the number of voters also increases, the vastness of some constituencies, some of which, because of rugged terrains, are hard to travel by. The constituency of Belaga, for instance, is bigger than Singapore, but the region is hilly and mountainous and the people are scattered about. Hence, there is an urgent need for more Legislative Assembly members to look after the affairs of the people. The delimitation of new constituencies and the increase of the membership of Dewan Undangan Negeri Sarawak will pave the way for better service for the government. It will make our Assembly more representative, more effective, more transparent and aggressive in our effort to develop Sarawak to be at par with other developed states in Malaysia. Besides, Sarawak is a unique, Malaysia’s largest state, comprising 124,450 sq kilometres, and is as large as the entire Malay Peninsula, Semenanjung Malaysia, but yet maintaining its own unique political identity, shaped by history, geography and demography. Since its independence in 1963, Sarawak has held a total of 9 state elections, that is 1970, 1974, 1979, 1983, 1987, 1991, 1996, 2001 with the timing of the parliamentary and the state elections following different trajectories and the BN securing a decisive victory in every election. From 1970 – 1997, our DUN membership was 48. This was increase to 62 from 1998 – 2001, and increased to 71 till now. Every 8 years, Malaysia undergoes a “delimitation” exercise, redrawing constituency boundaries. Since Sarawak has followed a different timeline in elections, it has also followed a different timeline for delimitation, with the last delimitation occurring in 2005, a year before the state election. Hence, delimitation would be the answer by increasing the State Legislative membership from 71 to 82. Let number 11 be the nombor keramat for Barisan Nasional. It will certainly bring back good luck to BN and the State. I therefore move to support this Bill. Thank you, Tuan Speaker. Tuan Speaker: Ahli-ahli Yang Berhormat, the Article relevant is Article 113 (2) (ii) of the Federal Constitution. So I shall direct the Secretary to correct the exact reference under Standing Order 7 (1) (2). Member for Pelawan. Y.B. Encik David Wong Kee Woan: Tuan Speaker, thank you for giving me this opportunity to participate in the debate for the Dewan Undangan Negeri Composition of Membership Bill 2014. Tuan Speaker, if we look at the explanatory statement on this proposed Bill, Article 14(1)(b) of the State Constitution of Sarawak provides that the DUN shall consist of such number of elected members as the legislature may by law prescribe. It is deemed necessary and appropriate having regards to the increase of the number of the electors and the accelerating pace of development of the state since 2005 and the overall need to provide effective representation for the people in the legislature to increase the membership to 82. Tuan Speaker, so there are 3 essential elements in order for us to pass the Bill. The first is whether it is necessary and appropriate. The second is the increase of electors and 27 BELUM DISUNTING 11 NOVEMBER 2014 the pace of development in the State of Sarawak. Number 3, would be effective representation. Tuan Speaker, the definition of the word necessary is essential, it has to be done and desirable means aspiring, hopeful, craving, desire for a sport car. So the question Tuan Speaker, is to whom it is necessary and desirable to increase the membership to 82. Is it to the people of Sarawak or is it to political parties or the state government. The feedback I received from the ordinary people on the street is that there is a hidden agenda for this increment of membership (interruption) ... listen to me, listen to me. Tuan Speaker, we all know the legislature like wakil rakyat play a critical role in examining and challenging the work of the government in passing legislation. They are not to dig the drain, they are not to patch up a pot hole in the road, and all these things. The work is inside this Dewan. So, the people is asking would the increase in the numbers of wakil rakyat, Yang Amat Berhormat, Yang Berhormat in this House addressed the issues that they faced the most, “Bread and Butter” issues? Would the increase in the membership reduce the price of petrol? Will the start implementation of GST by the government, will put more money inside the pocket? Those are the concern of the people. We are for the people, not for the government, not for the political parties Tuan Speaker. They are asking, would the increase of member in this House take more money to the local council to provide better services? Would the increase in the membership of this House give them a better living standard? These are the concern of the people. So, in this sense Tuan Speaker, I know the Barisan Nasional, there is an internal strife amongst the political parties especially among the SUPP and UPP and between SPDP and TERAS. The state government, the leadership of state government is ... (interruption) Tuan Speaker: Order, order. Y.B. Encik David Wong Kee Woan: They have to do something to pacify this political parties before the next State Election like our Minister just said, before the next State Election. This will be have to be passed. That is the perception of the people on the street Tuan Speaker. Tuan Speaker: Order, order. Y.B. Encik David Wong Kee Woan: So, in this case, it is necessary and desirable for Barisan Nasional to increase the membership and not for the rakyat to increase membership. So Tuan Speaker, if this is like the minister has say, the Minister said for people then this element does not pass the threshold. It doesn’t pass the hereto. That is first element. the the the the Tuan Speaker, the second element of this is the increase on the number of electors and the accelerating pace of development. Y.B. Encik David Wong Kee Woan: Tuan Speaker, on the surface it is true, yes, there is an increase of the number of voters and there is accelerating pace of the development in Sarawak but Tuan Speaker, the question is within Sarawak where are the area that we have the most number increase numbers of voters and the fastest pace of the development? Is this in the urban area isn’t it, Tuan Speaker, like Kuching, Miri, Sibu and Bintulu? So I believe grabbing extra membership that the Minister proposed, tabled, is not for the urban area. Just like what Yang Berhormat from the Barisan say for the rural kawasan because the area is wide, because it is difficult to serve. Tuan Speaker: Order, order. Let the member be heard. 28 BELUM DISUNTING 11 NOVEMBER 2014 Y.B. Encik David Wong Kee Woan: Tuan Speaker, I believe the State Government knows where this 11 new Constituencies will be? In what area, but they are not coming clean, they are not telling the House where they want to increase it? They are not being transparent, Tuan Speaker, they are the Government asking us this House to sign and check to them for them to do anything they want. Or else the Minister there, can you clarify where are the 11 Constituencies will be added? Let us know. Tuan Speaker, this House cannot pass the Bill when we don’t know the details of the Bill. We don’t sign buta, we don’t sign buta, not like Barisan Nasional maybe they sign buta. But this House they should not sign buta. We should know what we signed, we should know what we passed. This is what the people expected of us and we should honor that. Tuan Speaker, the signing of this Bill, if we sign buta we will be cursed by the people on the street. If I go out of this Dewan, they will curse me and you people want to be cursed or not? It is very fair for the Government to come clean, to show transparency; tell us, where are the 11 state Constituency to be added? Is it not fair? Tuan Speaker, the third elements Tuan Speaker, is effective representation of the people, Tuan Speaker. That is very true. Tuan Speaker, the Government must tell us which area of Sarawak, or in particular which Constituency that we don’t have effective representation. Mana? Barisan Nasional? Tuan Speaker, the Government must tell us which Constituency. Mana tempat there is no effective representation, I think most of them are in Barisan Nasional, isn’t it? Tuan Speaker, if effective representation is far seen to what are we talking about, are we talking about democracy saying of effective representation, one person one vote or equal value or are we saying because this is a stronghold of Barisan Nasional we give them more? That is the question I want to ask and the people have right to ask also. Tuan Speaker, out of the current 71 Constituency that we have only seven of them have more than 25,000 voters. 26 of them are less than 10,000 voters, 22 of them are less than 15,000 voters. Pending, has 29,488 voters whereas Satok 10,431 and Ba’Kelalan 6,958. Tuan Speaker: Order, order. Y.B. Encik David Wong Kee Woan: Tuan Speaker, if we are talking about effective representation, then do the above figure tell us anything? It is only effective representation for the Barisan Nasional, not for all the rakyat. Tuan Speaker, I had in the last meeting in May, put forward a motion to increase the number of meeting per session of the DUN from two to three and to increase the number of sitting per meeting to fourteen days, it was not put to the House for debate, for the reason that it will incur extra expenditure for the Government. Tuan Speaker, my reason for moving the motion, let's say motion in May was mainly because appraising there is insufficient time for the Honourable Members to debate and deliberate on the issue of the people. Many oral questions were not answered due to the time constraint and many motion are rejected maybe because of the time constraint as well and thus many issues of the people are not being resolved and addressed, Tuan Speaker. Tuan Speaker, with the implement of 11 new members to this House with the pass of this Bill, if it is pass, then there will be waste of time for us to debate to represent the people who would be telling us that this is less effective representation, Tuan Speaker? To sum up Tuan Speaker, the three essentials elements that we have to address before the pass of this Bill all shows that years after years we can review but whether is it 29 BELUM DISUNTING 11 NOVEMBER 2014 necessary? Whether it is desirable? Not for the Barisan Nasional but for the people. That is the question I put forward. Tuan Speaker, I regret that I cannot support the Bill because I cannot sign buta and people do not want me to sign buta and I think the people of Sarawak do not want to see the wakil rakyat to sign buta. Thank you Tuan Speaker. Tuan Speaker: Honourable Member for Padungan. Y.B. Encik Wong King Wei: Thank you Tuan Speaker for allowing me this time to debate in the DUN (Composition of Membership) Bill 2014. The Bill proposed the amendment to alter the composition of membership of this august House increasing the number from 71 to 82, increment of 11 seats. This amount to delimination or delineation exercise. One must be noted that delineation exercise must not be done simply. There must be strict adherent to the Federal Constitution. Article 117 (Federal Constitution) provides that: For the election of members to the Legislative Assembly of a State, the State shall be divided into as many Constituencies as there are elected members so that one member shall be elected for each Constituency, and the division shall be made in accordance with the provision content in the 13 Schedule. That means that the delineation exercise must be made in accordance with the 13 Schedule of the Federal Constitution. What are stated in the 13 Schedule? 13 Schedule provides that the principle relating to the delineation. There are actually in fact Constitutional Principle for the delineation exercise. As a member of this august House, we must not simply allow any delineation without keeping our observation on the Federal Constitution particularly 13 Schedule. In Part 1, Clause 2 of the 13 Schedule, it provides that: The following principles shall be as far as possible be taken into account in dividing any unit of review into Constituency pursuant to provision of Article 116 and 117. 116 is about the Parliamentary or Constituency and 117 is a State. (a) Part of the principles: there are four principles content in 13 Schedule: (i) While having regard the desirability of giving all electors reasonably convenient opportunity of going to the polls, Constituencies ought to be delimited so that they do not cross State boundaries and regard ought to be had to the inconvenience of the State Constituency crossing the boundaries of the Federal Constitution. That’s no. 1. This means give the convenience to the electors to vote. (ii) Regard ought to be had to the administrative facilities available within the Constituencies for the establishment of the necessary registration and polling machineries. That is to the administrative purpose, administrative convenience. (iii) The number of the electors within each Constituency in the State or to be approximately equal except that, having regard to the greater difficulty of reaching electors in the country districts and other disadvantages facing rural Constituency, a measure of weightage for area ought to be given to such Constituencies. I will come to that later. I will elaborate that. (iv) Regard all to be had to the inconveniences attendant on alterations of the Constituencies and to the maintenance of the local ties, so it is regard to the culture and the local ties. 30 BELUM DISUNTING 11 NOVEMBER 2014 Allright, having knowing that there are four consideration, we must know that this is the constitutional of principles as stated in the Federal Constitution. So, the 13 Schedule clearly stated that one of the principles in dividing the Constituencies is the number of electors. That is number three that I mentioned just now. Number of electors within each Constituency must be equal unless the area is too big causing difficulties in reaching the electors. So, we cannot compare. It is very unfair just straight away the numbers of voters between the urban and the rural seat. But, I have an example here It is not a comparison between urban and rural Constituencies, but it is a comparison between both urban seats. i.e. my Constituency and my neighbouring Constituency. i.e. Satok. It’s my neighbour, Satok. Very near, it is an urban seat. 2011 State Election, Satok having the registered voters of 10,431 voters. My area, Padungan 2011 State Election, 23,576 voters. That means I am representing double the people of Satok. So, if Satok have one vote, I should have two votes. So, when Satok raise one hand to vote, I should be allowed to raise two hands to vote. It must be fair. So, not only that, the total turn-out, the total turn-out of my Constituency is even more than the total voters of Satok. My total turn-out is 16,000plus. That is unfair. I have another neighbour, Pending, 29,488 total voters. If Honourable Member for Satok has one vote in this House, Pending shall be given three votes each time. Not only two hands, kaki pun boleh angkat sekarang … (laughter). We must be fair, look at the numbers of the electors. It is triple. Pending is triple the number of Satok. The delineation exercise must be done with duel care and justifiable reason, pursuant to, not pursuant to your own wish but pursuant to Federal Constitution. In the recital of the Bill, the third recital stated that: And whereas it is deemed desirable and necessary that the number of elected members of the Dewan Undangan Negeri be increased. What do you mean by desirable and necessary? It is not a consideration under the Federal Constitution. It is not. It is not according to your wish. It is not according to your desirability or desirable of the Government. "Desirable and necessary" is not one of the principles of the delineation. The Members of this august House are only given a very simple sentence for amendment i.e. Section 2 of this Bill. Upon the date of coming into force of this Ordinance, the Dewan Undangan Negeri Sarawak shall consists of 82 elected members. That’s it. The proposed amendment fails to inform where the additional seats are and why the delineation of seats are to be done. If we just pass this Bill, just with one simple sentence without any due consideration of the principles relating to the delineation, this august House is put to a great risk of amending the state constitution in violation of Federal Constitution. This is something very serious and may render Ordinance be declared invalid by the Court of Law. Therefore, I am reserving my support to this Bill until and unless the 11 new seats and the reason for delineation are disclosed to this august House. As a responsible legislator, we can’t just blindly allowed a piece of legislation to be passed without knowing what it is about. With that, I conclude. Tuan Speaker: Honourable Member for Ba’Kelalan. Y.B. Encik Baru Bian: Thank you Mr. Speaker, for giving me the space to comment a little bit on this Bill and my stand on the matter. Honestly, I am in a dilemma to support or not to support this Bill. I hope Tuan Speaker, at the end of my comment one will understand why, and therefore reason the stand I make on this Bill today. This explanatory to the said Bill states that “It is deemed necessary and appropriate having regard to the increase in the number of electors, the accelerating pace of development of the state since 2005 (when the Dewan’s current membership was fixed) and 31 BELUM DISUNTING 11 NOVEMBER 2014 the overall need to provide effective representation for the people in the Legislature, that the membership of the Dewan be increased to 82”. That’s all we have for the explanatory notes Tuan Speaker for this Bill. There is not a clue from the Bill where these new seats would be created or increased by virtue of this Bill. Through the years many comments and criticisms had been hurled at the Election Commission in their re-delineation exercises that many are of the opinion that they are not done in accordance with the fundamental principle of equal-size constituencies. Cautioned were made that in any delineation exercise it must not result in the debasement of urban votes to that of the rural votes or an advantage of one race over the other. In the context of Sarawak Tuan Speaker, I do recognize and appreciate the vastness of certain constituencies over the others and that there is the greater difficulty of contacting voters in these rural constituencies or in some cases there is a real need to reduce the size of large rural constituencies, which may be necessary to lighten the burden on elected representatives in areas with poor communications and transport facilities thereof. So, it was argued that a measure of weightage should be given to rural constituencies to that of the urban constituencies. To this I absolutely agree. But caution must be made that the weightage should not be so skewed that in some places the value of rural vote is more than double or triple the value of an urban vote or that the said exercise should not be carried out to the extent of nullifying the “one man, one vote, one value” principle. Or that it may not be an exercise in gerrymandering of electoral constituencies to ensure victories for certain political parties or political leaders. Tuan Speaker, without identifying the possible constituencies to be affected by this exercise through the passing of this Bill, I am afraid we are unable to gauge and judge whether all these legitimate concerns I referred to above would be an issue. Or why would the increment of the seats for example be increased by 11 or why not 7 or why not 17? Or how many would be rural or how many would be urban? The Bill as it is now, is completely silent. In conclusion Tuan Speaker, I echo here the words of Mackenzie, a researcher who commented on our Malaysian electoral system calling it a ‘manufacturing’ or ‘making’ elections through ‘electoral management’ as quoted by Lim Hong Hai another writer as a caution and not allegation who said: “The manufacture of elections is not technically a difficult operation; at practically every point, officials can intervene to bias the system in favour of one set of candidates and against others. Elections made skilfully are made by minor interventions at a large number of points, not by brutal imposition at a few. The officials do not block all the oppositions by sabotaging the nomination of all candidates; they merely twist matters a little in delineating constituencies, dealing with nominations, giving facilities for the campaign, conducting the poll, enquiring into disputed cases. The sum of these things should be enough to keep the government in power, unless it has involved the nation in disaster, and they do not incur the odium of dictatorship.” In the circumstances Tuan Speaker, I am afraid I cannot support this Bill in its present form, as it is too vague. Thank you, Tuan Speaker. Tuan Speaker: Honourable Member for Nangka Y.B. Dr Haji Annuar Bin Rapaee: Terima kasih Tuan Speaker kerana memberi peluang sekali lagi kepada saya untuk membahaskan usul untuk menambahkan bilangan kerusi bagi Dewan Undangan Negeri Sarawak. Tuan Speaker, maksud saya bil, Tuan Speaker, 32 BELUM DISUNTING 11 NOVEMBER 2014 Padungan membuat perbandingan di antara Satok dan juga Pending dan Padungan sendiri. Tetapi, beliau gagal membuat perbandingan di antara Ba’kelalan dengan Padungan dan juga Ba’Kelalan dan juga Pending. Saya akan membuat perbandingan tersebut. Perbandingan di antara Ba’Kelalan dan juga Padungan, mengapa kita harus mewujudkan kerusi Ba’kelalan yang hanya 6,000 atau 8,000 pengundi disebabkan kita mahu a proper representation of all races di Sarawak. Misalannya, wakil daripada Ba’Kelalan adalah daripada Orang Ulu, kalau kita tidak mewujudkan kerusi sebegitu rupa, maka tidak adillah bagi golongan minoriti di negeri Sarawak tidak dapat bersuara di Dewan Undangan Negeri ini. Inilah faktor utama perbezaan tersebut bukan hanya wujud di Dewan Undangan Negeri Sarawak. Misalnya saya ambil contoh di Lok Sabha, Parlimen India, di suatu consituency parlimennya yang dinamakan Auto Delhi, pengundinya 3 juta. Selepas itu ada lagi satu kerusi yang dinamakan saya nak sebut pun susah Lashkar-e pengundinya hanya 39,000. Perbezaanya 1,000 kali bukannya dua bukannya tiga, atas sebab yang serupa juga untuk memberi ruang kepada golongan minoriti mempunyai suara di Parlimen mereka. Inilah yang dikatakan satu bentuk keadilan yang harus diwujudkan di dalam bentuk demokrasi yang kita amal. Memang betul di House of Commons yang terdiri daripada 640 orang wakil rakya dari Great Britain di mana kerusinya hampir serupa, almost even, 70,000 pengundi di setiap constituency di United Kingdom. Tetapi kalau kita perhatikan secara terperinci di mana di England, 500 lebih kerusi sedangkan di Scotland hanya 40 kerusi. Begitu jauh perbezaannya sehingga masyarakat di Scotland menuntut untuk mengadakan referendum supaya keluar daripada Great Britain. Walaupun referendum tersebut gagal untuk mengeluarkan Scotland daripada Great Britain. Jadi kalau begitu, apa yang dicadangkan oleh pihak pembangkang iaitu One Vote, One Men, One Vote, One Value saya hendak beri peringatan, i would like to caution our opposition especially DAP to follow this formula what has been formulated by the master from Semenanjung Malaysia. One Vote, One Man, One Vote, One Value. Pada permulaan pembentukan Malaysia, kita ada 144 kerusi, daripada 144 kerusi tersebut 24 daripada Sarawak. Ini menunjukkan kita ada 17% ahli parlimen di Dewan Rakyat. Tetapi sekarang, kita hanya ada 31 kerusi penambahan tetapi kerusi parlimen bertambah kepada 222. Ini menunjukkan kita hanya 10% suara sahaja sekarang daripada 17% pada permulaanya. Sekarang kita hanya tingga 10% suara kita di Dewan Rakyat. Ini kalau lebih teruk lagi kalau kita menggunakan formula yang dicadangkan oleh DAP, One Man, One Vote, One Value, kita akan terus turun disebabkan oleh penduduk kita tidak begitu ramai hanya 2.8 juta jika dibandingkan di Semenanjung yang lebih daripada 25 juta dan saya ingin memberi peringatan kepada DAP, jika formula ini digunakan bukan hanya untuk menambah suara rakyat Sarawak di Dewan tetapi sebenarnya menurunkan kadar suara rakyat di Dewan Parlimen kita. Jadi, jangan sewenang-wenangnya mengikut formula tanpa mengetahui kesan dan implikasi formula tesebut kepada negeri Sarawak. Just now you said we signal, I like to advice, jangan sokong secara buta. You have talk lah Padungan... (Interupption). Tuan Speaker: Proceed, proceed, proceed, proceed. Y.B. Dr Haji Annuar Bin Rapaee: Tuan Speaker, saya pun hairan, seluruh Barisan Nasional pun hairan, mengapa DAP takut kita mewujudkan kerusi di rural? In fact, they have start the programs go to rural before this bill been introduced. In other word, they already prepared go to rural. Let’s prove sebagaimana yang telah diperkatakan oleh Kota Sentosa dalam Dewan yang lepas. Jangan bubarkan Dewan Undangan Negeri Sarawak dalam masa dua tahun ini. Kita hendak buktikan, our go rural berjaya, dan sekarang kita tambah kerusi rural buktikan bahawa go rural itu berjaya ataupun tidak. Why worried? Kalau berani bertandinglah. Kota Sentosa pergi ke kawasan rural. Your go rural project will prove whether it is true or not true by creating and contesting in the rural sit. 33 BELUM DISUNTING 11 NOVEMBER 2014 Tuan Speaker, di Malaysia sebenarnya penambahan bilangan pengundi bukan semestinya penambahan bilangan penduduk di kawasan tersebut. Umum mengetahui, bahawa bilangan undi terbesar di Malaysia ialah Gelang Patah ataupun Karpar. Gelang Patah diwakili oleh Pengerusi DAP. Siapa? Advice me, penasihat DAP? Tuan Speaker: Penasihat, penasihat. Are you taking? Y.B. Dr Haji Annuar Bin Rapaee: No, Tuan Speaker. Tuan Speaker: Let me correct it, its Advisor, penasihat ... (interruption) Y.B. Encik Chong Chieng Jen: Just simple, Lim Kit Siang, he is one of our Central Executive Committee, he is neither the Advisor of DAP nor the Chairman of DAP. Advisor of DAP is Dr Chen Man Hin, we only have one Advisor, Life Advisor, he is CEC Member, DAP Parliamentary leader in Dewan Rakyat. Y.B. Dr Haji Annuar bin Rapaee: Thank you to Member for Kota Sentosa to inform me but in fact I don’t bother to know who is DAP Ketua lah. Tuan Speaker, Gelang Patah ada lebih 100,000 pengundi sedangkan Parlimen Putra Jaya hanya 15,000 orang pengundi tetapi, bagaimanakah pergerakan pengundi ini? Adakah betul pengundi ini menginap ataupun menghuni ataupun mempunyai rumah di kawasan tersebut. Itu harus difikirkan juga. Disebabkan itulah pergerakan pengundi ini begitu berleluasa sehingga commercial lot pun digunakan sebagai alamat perumahan mereka semata-mata untuk meningkatkan pengundi. Sekarang apabila dari segi penambahan kerusi mereka cuba nak alihkan tempat ke lain pula sedangkan mereka sudah mendapat hak mengundi di kawasan tersebut. Jadi, inilah dilema pihak pembangkang pada masa ini, tetapi, saya nasihatlah kepada pihak pembangkang prosidur untuk kita menambahkan kerusi yang kita hendak bentangkan pada hari ini ialah untuk menambahkan kerusi bukannya untuk mengetahui di mana kerusi tersebut. You agree first, then you can disagree with the Election Commission where is the seat. Unless you cannot disagree before you agree. So, Tuan Speaker, dalam pembentangan semalam yang telah dibuatkan oleh Yang Amat Berhormat Ketua Menteri lebih daripada 50% belanjawan pembangunan akan ditumpukan keluar bandar. Maka sudah berpatutanlah penambahan kerusi ditumpukan juga di luar bandar agar proses pembangunan ini dapat dipercepatkan disebabkan begitu luas kawasannya misalannya Ulu Rejang, sebesar Negeri Pahang, parlimen konstituensi tersebut. Sebab itulah dengan menyokong Bil ini juga saya ingin hendak menyarankan kepada pihak Kerajaan supaya penumpuan yang lebih kepada kawasan luar bandar. Dan yang kedua, supaya suara-suara minoriti misalannya Bisaya, Kenyah, Murut, Kelabit dapat ditambahkan di Dewan Undangan Negeri ini. Sekian, terima kasih. Tuan Speaker: Honourable Members, can I have a show of hands how many intend to speak? How many? I limit the speeches to seven minutes, seven minutes. Honourable Member for Kota Sentosa. Y.B. Encik Chong Chieng Jen: Thank you, Tuan Speaker for giving me this opportunity to debate on this Dewan Undangan Negeri Composition of Membership Ordinance Bill. It is quite interesting that the Honourable Member from Satok was chosen to table this Bill. I don’t know why but all these while gerrymandering has been the trade of the Barisan Nasional and Honourable Member for Satok, his area is a clear case of gerrymandering. It’s a clear case of gerrymandering. If you talk about rural area, the area is big therefore the voter is less, a lot less than the urban area because the time taken to travel in the area, they spent a lot of time travelling 34 BELUM DISUNTING 11 NOVEMBER 2014 in the area. That okay, alright, you know. So, certain extend at least there is some justification about it. But, Satok is the smallest constituency in terms of area, surface area in Sarawak. It is smaller than Padungan, smaller than Pending, smaller than Kota Sentosa. But yet, it has only a total voters of approximately 10,000 voters and other urban areas has voters of 25,000; 30,000. So, therefore, this is a clear cut case of gerrymandering. And I hope the delineation exercise will go through, I think we should rectify this irregularity in the delineation in respect of Satok and also other areas. Before I proceed further, I just like to ask whether UPP is it supporting, UPP President or Chairman, is he supporting this Bill or not? Is he supporting this Bill? I don’t know because his UPP Youth is talking two nights ago, they were having in Sibu, they were having a dinner, they were saying that you know, these ADUNs view, these ADUNs salary were, is too high, very high, RM20,000 all this … (interruption). Tuan Speaker: Are you taking? Y.B. Encik Chong Chieng Jen: Ya, take, take, take. Menteri Kewangan II dan Menteri Kerajaan Tempatan dan Pembangunan Komuniti (Y.B. Dato Sri Wong Soon Koh): Datuk Amar Speaker, we are debating on the increase of the number seats from 71 to 82. What he says is totally irrelevant, waste of time, waste of time, infect this is totally waste of time. Tuan Speaker: Keep to the, debate to the bill. Keep the debate to the bill. Y.B. Encik Chong Chieng Jen: What I say is relevant. But UPP is irrelevant. Tuan Speaker: This is not UPP. This about the ... (interruption) Y.B. Encik Chong Chieng Jen: I know. I know. Ya, you see Tuan Speaker, with the increment of this ADUN by 11, you incur a lot extra expenses. We had. Our salary, allowances and all those end up about RM20,000.00 per person a month. In a year about RM300,000.00. With the increment to by 11, you are incur the State coffer at least by RM3.6 million a year. At least by RM3.6 million. That is the official allowances of the ADUN. But if you talk about Barisan ADUN they have other side income. Directorship from this Lembaga, from all the Government link company. These are extra expenditure. Tuan Speaker: Are you taking from Asajaya? Y.B. Encik Chong Chieng Jen: No lah. Not taking. chancelah. Okaylah. Okaylah, I give you Menteri Muda Pembangunan Belia (Bandar) dan Menteri Muda Perumahan (Y.B. Datuk Haji Abdul Karim Rahman Hamzah): Terima kasih Ahli Yang Berhormat daripada Kota Sentosa. Terima kasih kepada Tuan Speaker. I wish to raise point of Order 31(1) and Order 32(6). I will start with (6). Just now there is an allegation of gerrymandering. This is an allegation of gerrymandering which should not be uttered at all. Because SPR or election commission is not here to answer. They are the one that are doing the delineation and that is this allegation of this gerrymandering. You should know. Try to come up with the definition of what is gerrymandering. Which in somewhere make it look as if SPR is not doing the right thing. That is the allegation on. The second objection is to get Yang Berhormat for Kota Sentosa to confine himself to the subject matter. Not to transgress into allowance and things which are not related at all with the subject matter in question. Yes, thank you. 35 BELUM DISUNTING 11 NOVEMBER 2014 Tuan Speaker: Member for Kota Sentosa. You are mentioning about gerrymandering then you talking about member for Satok. Are you indicating that he is involve? Y.B. Encik Chong Chieng Jen: No, Tuan Speaker. Tuan Speaker, you hear me wrongly ... (interruption) Tuan Speaker: No, since this has been raised. Y.B. Encik Chong Chieng Jen: Yes, you hear me wrongly. Tuan Speaker: Are you?Do you now say he is not involved? Y.B. Encik Chong Chieng Jen: I never say that he is involved. I never say that he is involved. But his area is the clear cut case of gerrymandering. His area. But he was not involve in doing that. But SPR was involved. Tuan Speaker: But the Government is not involved. Y.B. Encik Chong Chieng Jen: Ha? Tuan Speaker: The Barisan is not involved. Y.B. Encik Chong Chieng Jen: SPR is under the instruction of the Barisan Nasional Government. What do mean the Barisan Nasional is not involved? Tuan Speaker: So you are allergy. You are alleging the Barisan now? Y.B. Encik Chong Chieng Jen: That why I’m. Tuan Speaker: Are you alleging Satok? Y.B. Encik Chong Chieng Jen: I’m not alleging Satok. Tuan Speaker: Okay. Y.B. Encik Chong Chieng Jen: I’m not alleging Satok. But he is what, you call it victim of circumstances, beneficiary of circumstances. I think beneficiary of circumstances. I was on the expenses. Expenditure for the increase ADUN and if they were. If this increase number were from BN it will be more than the official the allowances that the DUN pay. Because a lot BN member were appointed to the Board of Lembaga, Board of Authority. Tuan Speaker: Oh! No. Y.B. Encik Chong Chieng Jen: All this ... (interruption) Tuan Speaker: This is irrrelevant. Y.B. Encik Chong Chieng Jen: And all this are the Government link company. They were incur further expenses from the people. And so much so that Tuan Speaker, when I post the question about, to state all the respective position in statutory bodies, Government agencies and Government link company that are currently held by honourable members of Sarawak State Assembly and what are their respective remuneration paid to them since year 2009. The administration refuse to give answer. Why is there to hide? Tuan Speaker: This is irrelevant. Y.B. Encik Chong Chieng Jen: It is relevant. 36 BELUM DISUNTING 11 NOVEMBER 2014 Tuan Speaker: This is irrelevant. Y.B. Encik Chong Chieng Jen: It is relevant. Because you are talking about people’s money. Tuan Speaker: You debate on increase of seat. Y.B. Encik Chong Chieng Jen: People’s money paid to this ADUN and Tuan Speaker. You know what is so relevant? Because UPP has been complaining about the pay of ADUN. That why if you are complaining about the pay of the ADUN why do you want to increase some more the number of the ADUN? Do you increase the further pay...(interruption) Menteri Kewangan II dan Menteri Kerajaan Tempatan dan Pembangunan Komuniti (Y.B. Dato Sri Wong Soon Koh): Jangan takut. Y.B. Encik Chong Chieng Jen: I’m not taking question. I’m not giving you the opportunity. Menteri Kewangan II dan Menteri Kerajaan Tempatan dan Pembangunan Komuniti (Y.B. Dato Sri Wong Soon Koh): DAP will become irrelevant. Y.B. Encik Chong Chieng Jen: You ask irrelevant question. Menteri Kewangan II dan Menteri Kerajaan Tempatan dan Pembangunan Komuniti (Y.B. Dato Sri Wong Soon Koh): DAP will become irrelevant. Y.B. Encik Chong Chieng Jen: That why Tuan Speaker. Westminster democracy. Tuan Speaker, we practice Tuan Speaker: Member for Kota Sentosa, your time is up. Y.B. Encik Chong Chieng Jen: Hey, Tuan Speaker? When you can’t argue with me, you say my time is up. How can man? ... (interruption) Tuan Speaker: Because you on dwell on irrelevancies. Y.B. Encik Chong Chieng Jen: When you can’t win me on argument you cut of my...(interruption) Tuan Speaker: If you dwell on irrelevancies. I’ll terminate your speech. No. Next. Okay. Honourable Member for Batu Kawa. Y.B. Puan Christina Chiew Wang See: Thank you Tuan Speaker for giving me the chance in this debate. Tuan Speaker, the delineation of constituency has long been considered unfair because of two practices. They are generally regarded as electorate abuses. Tuan Speaker: The what? The what you said? Y.B. Puan Christina Chiew Wang See: Electorate abuses. Tuan Speaker: No. Y.B. Puan Christina Chiew Wang See: Abuses. Tuan Speaker: No. The delineation. Y.B. Puan Christina Chiew Wang See: Ya, delineation of ... (interruption) 37 BELUM DISUNTING 11 NOVEMBER 2014 Tuan Speaker: That is delineation. That is delimitation. Y.B. Puan Christina Chiew Wang See: Okay. It’s the same lah. Delimitation okay. Let me apportionment and gerrymandering. The principle of one man, one vote, one value has slowly eroded through electorate mile apportionment and gerrymandering which have long been criticise for being unfair and undemocratic, which has resulted in the commonly bias representation of the electorate in our State Assembly and the Parliament...(interruption) Tuan Speaker: No. I have to do this. This allegation of gerrymandering article schedule part 1, principle relating to delimitation. Part 2, procedure is in Parliament, not here. Here is just increasing the seat. You are making the allegation of gerrymandering which should be voiced in Parliament of which Kota Sentosa is a member. Y.B. Puan Christina Chiew Wang See: It is related. Delineation and delimitation is related. Tuan Speaker: We are just increasing the seat. Allegation of gerrymandering should be brought in National Parliament because it is in the National Parliament that Article 113, 116, 117, 13 schedule part 1, part 2 are being debated. The Prime Minister, the report by Election Commission, no, you listen, the report by the Election Commission will be given to the National Speaker, Speaker of National Parliament that will be given to the Prime Minister and then debated, given to Kebawah Duli Yang di-Pertuan Agong so I don’t know, you want to hear any allegation of gerrymandering is not in this house ... (Interruption) Tuan Speaker: No, you proceed. No allegation of gerrymandering Y.B. Puan Christina Chiew Wang See: Okay, I proceed, I proceed to another point. So the objective of the delimitation exercise is to achieve what our federal constitution stated in the 13th schedule there is the number of electors within each constituency in the State ought to be approximately equal. Except that having regard to the greater difficulty of reaching electors in the country district and the other disadvantages facing rural constituencies. A measure of weightage for area ought to be given to such constituencies what this means is that … Tuan Speaker: Member for Batu Kawa, I don’t wish to interrupt but this has been said by Padungan. This is under 13th schedule … Y.B. Puan Christina Chiew Wang See: This one is regarding delimitation. Tuan Speaker: Clause 2 (c). He had said this so you move to another point which is not repetitious. Y.B. Puan Christina Chiew Wang See: The proposed 11 seats increased to 82 seats however seems like another hidden agenda. As stated by Honourable Member of Kota Sentosa we believe that the plan to create additional 11 State seats is tailor made to accommodate 9 State Assemblymen from SUPP and SPDP who had quit from their respective parties. Another two proposed State seats is just a camouflage all of these State Assemblymen who lost their tickets to contest in the next State election which will be due in 2016, as they are facing resistance from their former component parties in BN. It seems like our YAB Chief Minister is caught in the middle and the only viable solution, so as to stop the internal struggle in the BN component parties is to create additional seats. If this is the real reason behind the proposed delineation exercise or delimitation exercise such intention is truly irresponsible, selfish and wrong. As usual the ruling Government is doing all it can to remain in power. Tuan Speaker, even though all members in this Dewan are given the 38 BELUM DISUNTING 11 NOVEMBER 2014 chance to take part in that I believe that the bill will pass eventually as our number is small, so if the exercise is going to take place it must be done properly not to just cater for internal BN squabbles. Tuan Speaker, I wish to quote the Honourable Member of Bawang Assan few days ago, who said that UPP is eyeing the proposed new State seats and is leaving it to the BN leader to decide if he means .. Menteri Kewangan II, Menteri Kerajaan Tempatan dan Pembangunan Komuniti (Y.B. Dato Sri Wong Soon Koh): Point of order Y.B. Puan Christina Chiew Wang See: Minta penjelasan. I am not giving him way. Menteri Kewangan II, Menteri Kerajaan Tempatan dan Pembangunan Komuniti (Y.B. Dato Sri Wong Soon Koh): When I have said such a thing that I am eyeing new seats? Y.B. Puan Christina Chiew Wang See: If he means it as a mockery Bawang Assan certainly knows how to mock the State BN especially SUPP. Menteri Kewangan II, Menteri Kerajaan Tempatan dan Pembangunan Komuniti (Y.B. Dato Sri Wong Soon Koh): When? When did I say that. Don’t put words in my mouth. Y.B. Puan Christina Chiew Wang See: (inaudible) Menteri Kewangan II, Menteri Kerajaan Tempatan dan Pembangunan Komuniti (Y.B. Dato Sri Wong Soon Koh): Do not put words in my mouth. I never said this. Y.B. Puan Christina Chiew Wang See: In the newspaper. Menteri Kewangan II, Menteri Kerajaan Tempatan dan Pembangunan Komuniti (Y.B. Dato Sri Wong Soon Koh): I never said it. Y.B. Puan Christina Chiew Wang See: In the news paper few days ago. Menteri Kewangan II, Menteri Kerajaan Tempatan dan Pembangunan Komuniti (Y.B. Dato Sri Wong Soon Koh): I never said it. I deny. Tuan Speaker: He deny. Y.B. Puan Christina Chiew Wang See: That one I can provide the proof to him. Yah, it is reported in the newspaper. Menteri Kewangan II, Menteri Kerajaan Tempatan dan Pembangunan Komuniti (Y.B. Dato Sri Wong Soon Koh): You don’t put words into my mouth. I never said that. Y.B. Puan Christina Chiew Wang See: That one is true. Tuan Speaker: He is denying it. You cannot proceed. He is denying it. He didn’t say it. Y.B. Puan Christina Chiew Wang See: No, it is in the newspaper. Menteri Kewangan II, Menteri Kerajaan Tempatan dan Pembangunan Komuniti (Y.B. Dato Sri Wong Soon Koh): No, I never say it, I never say it. Which paper? I never say it. Y.B. Puan Christina Chiew Wang See: Or else I can provide him the evidence later on. Menteri Kewangan II, Menteri Kerajaan Tempatan dan Pembangunan Komuniti (Y.B. Dato Sri Wong Soon Koh): This is an allegation which is totally untrue. 39 BELUM DISUNTING 11 NOVEMBER 2014 Y.B. Puan Christina Chiew Wang See: It is true, everyone knows about that. Menteri Kewangan II, Menteri Kerajaan Tempatan dan Pembangunan Komuniti (Y.B. Dato Sri Wong Soon Koh): This is typical of DAP YBs. You know typical of them. Y.B. Puan Christina Chiew Wang See: He thinks his Bawang Assan seat ... Bengoh ... Engkilili. Tuan Speaker: You don’t see it, he denies. What date? What paper? Y.B. Puan Christina Chiew Wang See: That one I need to check. Tuan Speaker: What page? Y.B. Puan Christina Chiew Wang See: That one I need to check. Menteri Kewangan II, Menteri Kerajaan Tempatan dan Pembangunan Komuniti (Y.B. Dato Sri Wong Soon Koh): No, she has to substantiate now. Tuan Speaker: You substantiate. What is the date? When? Y.B. Puan Christina Chiew Wang See: That I cannot remember, because I need to search back. Tuan Speaker: Okay next point. Y.B. Puan Christina Chiew Wang See: Okay next point. So he thinks, maybe he thinks that his Bawang Assan seat, Bengoh, Engkilili and Opar will only remain with BN through them, not through SUPP. Tuan Speaker: Honourable Member this is not an increase of seat of Bawang Assan, State seats for Sarawak. Y.B. Puan Christina Chiew Wang See: So without addressing. Ok, I continue. Tuan Speaker: Don’t be obsessed with Bawang Assan, an increase for Sarawak. Under the constitution Bawang Assan can only occupy one seat. Puan Christina Chiew Wang See: Member of Bawang Assan. Honourable Member of Bawang Assan, Honarable Tuan speaker: Next point. I give you two minutes. Y.B. Puan Christina Chiew Wang See: Okay, okay. Tuan Speaker: I give you two minutes. Next point. Y.B. Puan Christina Chiew Wang See: Tuan Speaker, so without addressing the malapportionment or inequality among constituent electorates its unfair for EC to exercise the limitation. So several things have to be done before any delimitation process is exercised. Firstly, Election commission has to be independent. We all know that in order to play an effective role the commissioners must truly be independent and impartial. They must not be affiliated with any political parties to ensure that those who execute their duties without fear or favour. So in order to ensure a truly independent commission there must be put into effect article 114 (2) where election commissioners appointed enjoys public confidence. Besides that, the EC should be given power to appoint its administrative officials rather than 40 BELUM DISUNTING 11 NOVEMBER 2014 relying ultimately on federal civil servants. In addition, the process of appointing commission members should be improved. Secondly, restore the clear numerical limits to mile apportionment that has been removed from the federal constitution to safeguard the fundamental principal of approximately equal electorates among constituencies. Differences in constituency electorates were remade to 15 % above or below the average constituency electorate at the time of Merdeka. The numerical limit was removed in 1973. So with the removal, rural weightage has been liberally applied by the EC even though communication and other disadvantages of rural areas that from the justification for rural weightage have undoubtedly and significantly declined since Merdeka. Indeed constituency electorate are now so unequal as to make one wonder whether the fundamental requirement of approximate equality is still being complied with. Elimination of the limit when coupled with the provision allowing for increase weight to be given to rural district have allowed for gross discrepancies in constituency population. In fact it is reasonable to restore the limit which allows the largest constituency to have twice the number of electorates as the smallest constituency. In other words the EC must come up with a better equitable distribution of weightage of voters among DUN seats in Sarawak than they are currently bias delimitation. Thirdly, the EC should be more responsive and responsible to complains even before GE 13 the commission has proven unwilling to answer grievances against delimitation plans brought by political parties or other groups. With that I conclude. Thank you. Tuan Speaker: Member for Semop Y.B. Encik Abdullah Bin Haji Saidol: Terima kasih, Datuk Amar Speake,r kerana beri peluang untuk saya berdebat dan kali ini saya berjanji tidak akan meninggikan suara saya. Distinguished Yang Berhormat, saya menyokong penuh mewakili warga pedalaman saya menyokong penuh rang undang-undang ini untuk menambah ahli Dewan Undangan Negeri dan harapan kami ialah supaya kawasan-kawasan baru nanti mewakilli kawasan luar bandar. Now, kita terpaksa menghantar Yang Berhormat Nangka ke India untuk membuat sedikit penyelidikan tentang ini. He has raised a very good point there so allow me to provide you a perception of a YB who represents rural area. Now my area probably kawasan Telang Usan is the biggest of all, almost as big as Pahang and mine is almost as big as Perlis. As much as we want to go to all those corners of our areas to serve the people but sometimes we feel a bit frustrated because the logistic wise is quite difficult and sometimes for the whole day from morning till evening sometimes until midnight we try our best menggunakan perahu, motosikal dan kadang-kadang berjalan kaki hanya dapat pergi dua tiga kampung atau dua, tiga, empat rumah panjang sahaja. We are not complaining, cuma kita merasa kadangkadang bila sampai di rumah, kita rasa kecewa sebab kadang-kadang ada warga daripada kawasan-kawasan tertentu bertanya “kenapa tidak singah YB?” So, saya rasa penambahan semula wakil rakyat di Dewan ini baik supaya kawasan-kawasan terutama sekali di pedalaman dapat diwakili dengan baik dan terutama sekali melihat daripada bajet yang ada yang diumumkan yesterday more to the rural areas. So, saya rasa jika warga pedalaman bumiputera terutama sekali majoriti di kawasan tersebut diwakili oleh wakil rakyat yang lebih rajin, cergas dan walaupun dalam komuniti yang kecil, saya rasa pembangunan ini akan cepat datang ke kawasan mereka. Saya rasa dari falsafah tujuan mengapa rang undangundang baru ini digubal ialah supaya kawasan-kawasan di pedalaman jauh di pedalaman dapat diwakili. Saya rasa bahagian ini pihak pembangkang terumata sekali DAP tidak faham senario ini sebab mereka tidak pernah merasa cabaran untuk mewakili warga pedalaman yang kita mahu setiap kawasan di sana mendapat bangunan, bukan bangunan yang tinggi-tinggi kadang-kadang hanya basic infrastructure water, road and electricity. Sebab daripada nada ayat yang digunakan oleh pihak DAP tadi, contohnya daripada Pelawan, dia kata “perception from the street feedback, from the street is then this is the feedback from the street, this is the perception from the street." So, this is how we see this new law, why this enactment is being made. From the street, dia bertuah kerana wakil-wakil rakyat di sana mendapat persepsi dan feedback from the street manakala kami wakil rakyat daripada pedalaman tidak ada streetnya. Ada setengah street kita pun tak ada. So, it’s 41 BELUM DISUNTING 11 NOVEMBER 2014 sometime from the river, so we want our kawasan pedalaman ini diwakili dengan baik. Saya rasa tidak penting sama ada kawasan itu ramai penduduk sebab kita semua tahu negeri ini negeri besar. Saya rasa mereka tidak pernah merasa naik turun perahu dan naik motosikal ini semua sebab mereka di sana mewakili empat Bandar yang besar di Negeri Sarawak: Kuching, Sibu, Miri dan Bintulu. Bandar yang besar, urban. So, I describe these four areas urban. Perlu saya ingatkan mereka bahawa bandar-bandar Kuching, Sibu, Miri dan Bintulu ini dibangun oleh hasil daripada kawasan pedalaman, hasil daripada tanah-tanah Bumiputera. Bandar ini dibangunkan sebagai pusat pentadbiran, pusat perniagaan dan pusat kewangan dan juga di sinilah pusat pendidikan universiti-universiti didirikan. Ingin saya ulang balik bahawa bandar-bandar ini kemewahan yang mereka alami di bandar ini, jalan yang baik, api yang baik, pejabat yang selesa semuanya hasil daripada tanah orang Bumiputera, hasil daripada kawasan kami di pedalaman. Kami bersedia, nenek-moyang saya dan juga mungkin rakan-rakan daripada Orang Ulu dan orang Iban dan juga daripada Belaga, semasa saya melawat ke sana mereka kata, orang Belaga kata kebanyakan daripada ekonomi negeri datang daripada kawasan kami, daripada balak kami, daripada kelapa sawit di kawasan kami, kami mengorbankan tanah kami supaya hasil-hasil daripada ini dapat membangunkan negeri ini. Sekali lagi, we compromise, kami bertolak-ansur, kami percaya bahawa jika tanah kami orang Bumiputera dibangunkan hasilnya akan dikongsikan bersama dengan semua rakyat Sarawak tanpa mengira bangsa, kaum dan agama, dan kita tahu di mana-mana pun civilization of any cities in the world bermula daripada sebuah bandar. Kita bangunkan sebuah bandar kerana di situlah pusat pentadbiran, perniagaan, persekolahan, pendidikan dan kewangan ini bermula. Kita bangun, kita faham, malah saya sendiri daripada anak kampung terpaksa ke bandar untuk mencari pengalaman, bekerja dengan syarikat yang besar - tidak ada syarikat yang besar di kampung saya, saya pun merantau ke bandar dan bandar ini sekali lagi buat kali ketiga saya ulang, bandar-bandar ini dibangun oleh hasil-hasil daripada tanah kami di pedalaman orang Bumiputera. Maka, saya rasa eloklah kami di pedalaman Bumiputera ini diwakili dengan baik. Kami mahu wakil rakyat yang tidak menjanjikan bulan dan bintang. Kami tidak mahu seperti PKR yang dapat mencari kapal terbang dalam masa satu minit, kami tidak mahu menjanjikan seperti DAP - kesempurnaan. Kita tidak mahu yang kesempurnaan sampai keajaiban dalam banyak pekerjaan. Saya rasa kami YB wakil-wakil rakyat semua di Barisan Nasional berani berjanji, ini saya berani bercakap bagi pihak semua, kami berani berjanji sebagai wakil rakyat kami berani menjanjikan keberanian dalam suara kami, kami berani menjanjikan kesungguhan dalam kerja kami dan kami berjanji dengan kerajinan dalam mewakili setiap keresahan, kegelisahan dan kesusahan warga terutama sekali di kawasan pedalaman. Saya juga mengambil kesempatan ini untuk berterima kasih kepada Yang Amat Berhormat Ketua Menteri kerana peruntukan yang telah diumumkan kelmarin menjurus ke arah menjaga kebajikan kami di kawasan pedalaman. Saya rasa tibalah masanya kerana saya rasa warga-warga bandar… Tuan Speaker: You’ve to conclude.. Y.B. Encik Abdullah Bin Haji Saidol: …saya conclude..yang banyak menyokong Parti DAP ini memang duduknya di bandar, selesa… Tuan Speaker: You’ve to conclude… 42 BELUM DISUNTING 11 NOVEMBER 2014 Y.B. Encik Abdullah Bin Haji Saidol: Saya rasa mereka tidak pandai bersyukur dan saya rasa eloklah untuk masa akan datang Rancangan Malaysia Ke-Sebelas dan sebagainya, berilah kami ini warga desa peluang untuk melibati atau menjarakkan jurang perbezaan antara keselesaan bandar dan keselesaan desa. Dengan itu, saya bagi mewakili warga Semop dan juga rakan-rakan backbenchers saya di sini menyokong sepenuh tanpa berbelahbagi Rang Undang-Undang baru Composition of Membership Bill, 2014. Terima kasih. Tuan Speaker: Ahli Yang Berhormat bagi Bukit Kota Y.B. Dr Haji Abdul Rahman Bin Ismail: Tuan Speaker, I raise to participate in the debate for the Dewan Undangan Negeri composition of Membership Bill, 2014 as tabled by the Ahli Yang Berhormat Housing Minister and Tourism Minister who is also Ahli Yang Berhormat for N8 Satok. I would like to record my fullest support for the Bill to be passed as also pointed out by my fellow Barisan Nasional members for the following reasons : (a) (b) (c) It is in accordance with the Federal Constitution, Article 113(2)(ii) which stated that after an interval of over eight years the State can request the election commission for a review and to add a number of seats at Dewan Undangan Negeri. The last exercise done for Sarawak was in 2005 that is about nine years ago; There is an increase of the number of new voters in Sarawak over the last nine years and in certain areas the number increases many holes. Therefore, there are needs to create new seats for these areas for better service to the constituents; We also have a number of State Constituency which are as big as the areas of all the states in Semenanjung Malaysia, and also the focus of the current State government is to reduce the development gap between the rural and urban areas. Therefore, there is an urgency to divide these seats to several seats for the above purpose that is development of rural areas. Based on the above reasons I do not see why any Ahli Yang Berhormat in this august House should oppose to the Bill tabled. We have to move forward to make sure that our beloved State will develop at least at par with our counterpart in Peninsular Malaysia and the increase in the number of Dewan Undangan Negeri seat is one of the important factor in the quest of more development especially so to attain the status of develop State by the year 2020 which is about six years away. And also the focus of the current state government is to reduce the development gap between the rural and urban areas, therefore, there is urgency to divide these seats to several seats for the purpose that is development of rural areas. Base on the above reasons, I do not see why any Honourable Member of this august House should oppose to the Bill table. We have to move forward to make sure that our beloved state will develop at least at par with our counterpart in Peninsular Malaysia and the increase in the number of Dewan Undangan Negeri seats is one of the important factor in the quest for more development. Especially so to attend the status of develop state by the year 2020 which is about 6 years away. Therefore, I urge all the Honourable Members of this august House to ominously support this important Bill. It is then up to the wisdom of election commission to determine the location of this new seats. May I humbly suggest and request here that the majority of the seats be located at the rural areas. These is because as I have said earliear that some of the seats in the rural areas as big as some state in Peninsular Malaysia, for example Telang Usan, maybe as big as Pahang and Ba’Kelalan seat or even Batu Danau seats. 43 BELUM DISUNTING 11 NOVEMBER 2014 Furthermore, as mentioned earlier the policy of the current state government is to give more focus in development in the rural areas. That is to narrow the development gap between the rural and urban areas. Therefore, with more seats allocated to rural areas these aspiration can be realise sooner rather than later. Tuan Speaker, I cannot help but amuse that most of the opposition members seem to always have negative perception of whatever policies formulated by the government. This is one of the manifest of paranoid, another symptom of what Member for Nangka mentioned, symptom of schizophrenia. My second opponion, I will agree to what Nangka has said. I do not concur with their negative oppinion which in this bill accuse or claim that the limitation exercise is a hidden agenda by the government to clean impower or to solve the conflict between the state Barisan Nasional etc. Their accusation is all with malicous intention. My advice to the Honourable Member of the opposition, please give support for any good policies of the government. Give credit where residue and do not oppose for the sake of opposing. Tuan Speaker: Member for Bukit Kota, that part a wording schizophrenia to the members of opposition, you withdraw. Y.B. Dr Haji Abdul Rahman Bin Haji Ismail: Yes, I withdraw it. So with those observation, Tuan Speaker, once again I state my support for the Bill to be passed. Thank you. Tuan Speaker: Member, no don't mention about symptom of withdrawal symptom. Honourable Member for Pending. Y.B. Puan Violet Yong Wui Wui: Tuan Speaker, thank you for allowing me to participate in the debate at Dewan Undangan Negeri Composition of Memberships Bill, 2014. This Bill seeks to increase the membership of this dewan from 71 to 82. Tuan Speaker, though my colleague has said but I still has to repeat here the tabling of this bill to have additional 11 seats from the current 71 is perceive as the possible solution to solve the seat and location problem pertaining to TERAS and UPP (United People Party). Of course the BN leader including yourself Tuan Spekar are denying this. In my bill it is I am justifiable to have 11 seats increase just for the purpose of pacifying the Parti Rakyat Tenaga Sarawak and United People Party which are run by a bunch of unhappy people. I guess Honourable Member for Baleh would strongly agree with me on this. Such move is not proper and internal conflict within Barisan Nasional should be dealt internally instead busing the system, in creating more seats, more state seats to accommodate the unhappy party. Tuan Speaker: Are you taking? Y.B. Puan Violet Yong Wui Wui: No, I only have 7 minutes. Some even told me UPP stand for Unhappy People Party but I told then so its not. It’s United People Party. If problem were to solve through such means we would have dillimination of party after an interval of 8 years should some Y.B. from the BN side quit their parties and decided to form a new party due to internal fighting and claim to be BN friendly. By then our state..(interruption) Tuan Speaker: Honourable Member for Pending Menteri Kewangan II, Menteri Kerajaan Tempatan dan Pembangunan Komuniti (Y.B. Dato Sri Wong Soon Koh): Tuan Speaker, 32(6), 32(6) Y.B. Puan Violet Yong Wui Wui: No, I am not giving way. By then...(interruption) 44 BELUM DISUNTING 11 NOVEMBER 2014 Tuan Speaker: No, no. He is quote Standing Order 32(6) Menteri Kewangan II, Menteri Kerajaan Tempatan dan Pembangunan Komuniti (Y.B. Dato Sri Wong Soon Koh): You have to, you have to. Tuan Speaker, no Member should impute improper motives to any other Member or make any statement or allegation which the said Member is not prepare to substantiate. Can you substantiate your allegation? Y.B. Puan Violet Yong Wui Wui: Tuan Speaker, if you have heard me correctly. I did not said Bawang Assan is an unhappy person. What I am saying, what I was saying is UPP and TERAS because they break away from Barisan Nasional. They are not happy with Barisan Nasional, that is why they come out with their own party, so I am not imputing any improper motive on Bawang Assan. Menteri Kewangan II, Menteri Kerajaan Tempatan dan Pembangunan Komuniti (Y.B. Dato Sri Wong Soon Koh): You commit an offence. Y.B. Puan Violet Yong Wui Wui: I dont. Menteri Kewangan II, Menteri Kerajaan Tempatan dan Pembangunan Komuniti (Y.B. Dato Sri Wong Soon Koh): Under 32(6) Y.B. Puan Violet Yong Wui Wui: No, let Tuan Speaker make the ruling and Speaker has heard me clearly that I am not imputing any improper motive on you. Menteri Kewangan II, Menteri Kerajaan Tempatan dan Pembangunan Komuniti (Y.B. Dato Sri Wong Soon Koh): 32(6), you commit an offence. Y.B. Puan Violet Yong Wui Wui: Tuan Speaker, the other possible reason why Barisan Nasional is so keen in increasing the number of seat is that the Barisan Nasional is trying to use this seat increase exercise as the back door solution to cling to power. Why I said so? Knowing and acknowledging the fact there is very slim chance for Barisan Nasional to win the urban seats. Tuan Speaker: Order, order, order. Y.B. Puan Violet Yong Wui Wui: And it is very difficult for the opposition to reach the rural voters. The likelihood is very high and most of the new seats will be created in the rural areas as what have been lobbied by many Barisan Nasional ADUN on the other side of the bench just now because rural seat are winnable seat for BN. Tuan Speaker: Order, Order. No, let her proceed. Proceed, proceed. Honorable Member for Pending, proceed. Y.B. Puan Violet Yong Wui Wui: Because rural seat are winnable seat. The likelihood is very high that most of the new seat will be created in the rural areas because rural areas are winnable seat for Barisan Nasional and of course Barisan Nasional crave for those seat so that it can continue to cling to power. Tuan Speaker, it is sad to note that our Barisan Nasional Government always have the tendency and habit of keeping most things under wraps. The delimitations exercise is done without making known the exact place of these eleven new seats. Where exactly is the exercise going to be carried out? May I know why Barisan Nasional and elections commission are so secretive in letting the public knows where these eleven new seats are? What is there to hide? 45 BELUM DISUNTING 11 NOVEMBER 2014 Tuan Speaker, if the Barisan Nasional Government thinks that by having a bigger state legislative more people problem could be heard then there is something very wrong. With a bloated State Assembly means there will be less time for each to speak and be heard like what we have today, now which I am experiencing it now that I am giving seven minutes only. I really believe all of us here in this august House had personal experience on this problem whereby Tuan Speaker limits our speech to fifteen minutes only due to time constraint for each sitting on the last two days of Sitting. Only three days are allocated for members to take part in the debate on royal address of TYT as well as for the annual supply Bill. Now we have seventy one members in this august House and the time limits imposed by the Tuan Speaker for the last two days for debate is usually fifteen minutes. So, in the event the number of this Dewan is increase to 82 and taking into consideration that the days of the Dewan sitting are not likely to be increased. I am very sure that the time given for each and every one of us to speak would be further reduced. Perhaps by then we are only given ten minutes or less for each of us to speak by which definitely will affect the quality of speeches delivered by Honourable Members. Tuan Speaker, do you know that many countries in the world kept the numbers of law makers despite the population growth? In the United States from year 1911 to 2014, the population of the United State has triple but the number of representative members of the lower House of the US Congress remains at 435 as it was 113 years ago. In Malaysia we have one Member of Parliament for every sixty thousand vote. Going by the same ratio looking at country like India, like just as Nangka was just mentioned about the number of the voters, but he did not tell you that India has kept its number of the elected representative. So going by the same ratio looking at the country like India with 714 million voters India should have the parliament of 11,900 members. But India look Sabah Lower House which was mentioned by Nangka has kept it size to 562 members. This clearly shows that a country need not increase law makers match the increase election or electorate. I strongly of the view that the same spirit should apply to our state. To have a king size Dewan is not only expensive but incurring extra financial expenditure and thus wasting public funds but also weaken the Honourable Members role and space in the legislative process. And therefore under my parliamentary democracy I variably believe Tuan Speaker is fully aware that for year 2015 it would take up a total estimate of RM16.7 million from our state budget to pay the emolument and operating expenditure of this Dewan and RM16.7 million is not a small amount and this RM16.7 million is not inclusive of the emolument amount of RM4.9 million payable to you and your Deputy Speakers of this Dewan for next year. Tuan speaker in conclusion, I opined that unless and until three conditions are fulfilled; (a) An in depth study is carried out to justify the increase of eleven new seats in Sarawak; (b) The areas or exact boundaries for the eleven new seats are to be made known; and (c) The necessary adjustment of boundary to be carried out to correct the current excessive amount of apportionment and jerry-meandering problem, the number of membership of this Dewan should be maintained at seventy one. Thank you. Tuan Speaker: Ahli Yang Berhormat for Kidurong. 46 BELUM DISUNTING 11 NOVEMBER 2014 Y.B. Encik Chiew Chiu Sing: Tuan Speaker, thank you very much for giving me the opportunity to participate in debate of Dewan Undangan Negeri the Composition of Membership Bill 2014. Tuan Speaker election is not just about which party win or which one loses but more importantly also the people voted whether they can really choose the party and candidates of their choice freely and equally, believing that the one vote, he or she casted truly matters and that the vote would determined the kind of future for them and for the children future but unfortunately our elections are not like that. So many of us are so disappointed that our vote have actually been manipulated and neutralised. And that in reality the value of our vote have actually been pre-determined by the size of the constituencies and how the electoral boundary are drawn. It is known to well to the urban folks. That one vote in the urban is actually worth less than those in the rural. For example P.207 Igan has 17, 771 voters while P.196 Stampin has 84,732 voters. Stampin has 4.8 times more voters than that of Igan, meaning that the value of votes in Stampin is much less than that of Igan and people are not happy about this in Sarawak and in Malaysia and they want to change because it is not fair. But how can that be? How can we let it happen again and again letting the people who draw the constituency play with the voters putting them to vote here and there, to the extent of 84,732 voters vote for the MP in Stampin but only 17,771 voters for MP in Igan. Voting is a right and it is holistic and until we respect that right and treat it with dignity our election cannot be fair and it is not free thus rendering how democracy meaningless. So Tuan Speaker, for the election to be fair and free, first of all the number of voters in constituency must be about the same, it must be about equal. So the guiding principle in election should actually be one person one vote and one value. Another point is local ties that while the delimitation of constituency, we ought to take it to consideration also homogeneity and similar interests. For example like the Bintulu Parliament Constituency. How homogenous or similar interest are there between the people of the more industrialised petrol chemical industry in the major part of the Kidurong constituency with the sea diving fishermen of the Kuala Tatau in the Jepak constituency. Two very different interest group indeed. For the several groups that are significantly different in terms of social economic status and are placed together in the same constituency and the elected representative may have the dilemma of which communities interest he or she speak up for especially when the interests are in conflict Now, how could there be better ties than following the local Government administrative boundaries.? In fact the boundaries of the constituencies in the past are very much adhered to the local Government boundaries but now more and more constituencies are having more than one local Government in their constituency. Like in Bintulu, parliament constituency in the western end and it is the Mukah District Council, the Bintulu Development Authority in the middle and the Subis District Council towards the east. Three local Government jurisdiction in one parliamentary constituency. Now how local ties is this? So it is high time therefore that we get back to the base, to the spirit of our constitution where the delimitation of our constituency that the number of voters within each constituentcy in any seat ought to be approximately equal and that the local ties must be maintained. I would say that, we do just that to our present constituencies. There is no need to add more . We should also make it uniform and maintain that one Parliament seat have only two State seats not like in Bintulu, one Parliamentary seat three State seats. Today we are debating on the delimitation of the constituency but we don’t even know where the constituencies are. This is putting the cart before the horse, arguing in the air and cannot be accepted. Tuan Speaker, thank you very much. 47 BELUM DISUNTING 11 NOVEMBER 2014 Tuan Speaker: I shall now call upon the Honourable Minister to wind up. Menteri Perumahan dan Menteri Pelancongan (Yang Berhormat Datuk Amar Abang Haji Abdul Rahman Zohari Bin Tun Abang Haji Openg): Tuan Speaker, I would like to thank all the Ahli Yang Berhormat who have spoken on the bill. Ahli Yang Berhormat for Pantai Damai, Lingga, Telang Usan, Tamin, Engkelili, Palawan, Padungan, Ba Kelalan, Nangka, Kota Sentosa, Batu Kawah, Semop, Bukit Kota, Pending and Kidurong. Before I proceed Tuan Speaker allow me to quote certain provision of our Constitution. Article 113. (2) (ii) it says “there shall be an interval of not less than eight years between the date of completion of one review and the date of commencement of the next review” under this Clause. So the last review was in 2005 and this year is 2014 so it is within the stipulated period in the constitution as provided for by article 113.(6) “ there shall be separate review under Clause 2 for the State of Malaya and for each of the State of Sabah and Sarawak”. And for the purposes of this part the unit of review shall mean further constituencies the area under review and for state constituencies the state and the expression state of Malaya shall include the further territories of Kuala Lumpur, Labuan and Putra Jaya. Meaning there are three entities here. Also Tuan Speaker, I would like to quote the Thirteenth Schedule. The subject of Thirteenth the schedule is provision relating to the delimitation of constituencies part 1 and part 2. Within the framework of our Constitution, delimitation is the work of Election Commission. We are not involved in the process of establishing or delimitation of constituency. We are just want to increase the number of State Constituencies from 71 to 82. Tuan Speaker, I do not want to dwell on the delimitation exercise because it is not our duty. We have trust in the Election Commission. It is their duty to establish the delimitation of constituencies. But if I may based on the previous review, normally in a matured democracy including us in Commonwealth countries they will consider perhaps two issues: (1) Population and demography and (2) Fair representation based on area. I think in this exercise, we leave it to Election Commission to do their job. Tuan Speaker, before I conclude, may I respond on this bill. This is not mandatory but this is just to respond. They are very attracted to Satok. Satok yes, it is a very small constituency but the number of voters are quoted by opposition but there is a proverb some people say “tiny is beautiful”. Opposition have placed their candidate in Satok but there are trounced, 8 times they were defeated in Satok. And the other one is, this Bill, to the Opposition, may be because of trouble in Barisan Nasional. I also heard something about, if I may use the word divorce in the process now, between DAP and PAS because of Hudud. They got problem also. Number two is, they may not want to have a number of constituencies increase to 82. What happened is, now they are quarrelling between PKR and DAP on the number of constituencies amongst themselves. Kalau constituencies ini banyak, I think the problem may be bigger for them. But for us, we are okay. So with that, Tuan Speaker, thank you very much for those who support this Bill. Thank you. Tuan Speaker: Ahli-Ahli Yang Berhormat, the question before the Dewan is that the motion standing in the Order Paper in the name of the Honourable Minister for Housing and Minister for Tourism be referred to the Committee of the Whole House. Question put and agreed to Tuan Speaker: The Dewan will now resolve into the Committee of the Whole House to consider the Bill which stands committed to the Committee. 48 BELUM DISUNTING 11 NOVEMBER 2014 COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE HOUSE [Tuan Pengerusi mempengerusikan Mesyuarat] Tuan Pengerusi: The Dewan shall now consider the Dewan Undangan Negeri (Composition of Membership) Bill, 2014. Clauses 1 to 3 to stand part of the Bill Tuan Pengerusi: The question is that Clauses 1 to 3 be ordered to stand part of the Bill. Clauses 1 to 3 are ordered to stand part of the Bill Enacting Clause and Title Tuan Pengerusi: The Dewan shall now resume. HOUSE RESUMED [Tuan Speaker mempengerusikan Mesyuarat] Menteri Perumahan dan Menteri Pelancongan (Y.B. Datuk Amar Abang Haji Abdul Rahman Zohari bin Tun Abang Haji Openg): Tuan Speaker, I wish to report that the Dewan Undangan Negeri (Composition of Membership) Bill, 2014 has been considered by the Committee of the Whole House and agreed to without amendment. RANG UNDANG-UNDANG KERAJAAN – BACAAN KALI YANG KETIGA DEWAN UNDANGAN NEGERI (COMPOSITION OF MEMBERSHIP) BILL, 2014 Menteri Perumahan dan Menteri Pelancongan (Y.B. Datuk Amar Abang Haji Abdul Rahman Zohari bin Tun Abang Haji Openg): Tuan Speaker, I beg to move that the Dewan Undangan Negeri (Composition of Membership) Bill, 2014 be now read a third time and do pass. Tuan Speaker: Ahli-Ahli Yang Berhormat, the question before the Dewan is that the Dewan Undangan Negeri (Composition of Membership) Bill, 2014 be read a third time and do pass. Question put and agreed to Bill is read a third time and passed Tuan Speaker: Ahli-Ahli Yang Berhormat, the Dewan is adjourned until 3.00 p.m. and this afternoon we have Election of a Senator. (Mesyuarat ditangguhkan pada jam 2.04 petang) (Mesyuarat dimulakan pada jam 3.24 petang) [Tuan Speaker mempengerusikan Mesyuarat] USUL PEMILIHAN SENATOR Tuan Speaker: Ahli-ahli Yang Berhormat, there will be one vacancy for Senator upon the expiry of the term of Y.B. Senator Datuk Lihan Jok with effect from 07th December 2014. 49 BELUM DISUNTING 11 NOVEMBER 2014 The vacancy is to be filled by way of election by this Dewan. The Dewan had been dully directed by Tuan Yang Terutama Gabenor Negeri Sarawak to hold the election to fill the vacancy for Senator that will be vacant on 07th December 2014. Setiausaha Dewan Undangaan Negeri: Suratcara untuk pemilihan sorang senator diperbuat di bawah Seksyen 1(2), Jadual Ketujuh, Perlembagaan Persekutuan daripada Tuan Yang Terutama Yang di-Pertua Negeri Sarawak kepada Speaker Dewan Undangan Negeri Sarawak: BAHAWASANYA menurut Perenggan (a) Fasal (1) dalam Perkara 45 Perlembagaan Persekutuan, Y.B. Datuk Lihan Jok telah dipilih sebagai seorang Senator mulai 07 Disember 2011 untuk satu tempoh berakhir pada 06 Disember 2014. DAN LAGI BAHAWASANYA pada menjalankan kuasa di bawah seksyen kecil (2) Seksyen 1, Jadual Ketujuh Perlembagaan Persekutuan. Seri Paduka Baginda Yang diPertuan Agong telah berkenan memaklumkan kepada Tuan Yang Terutama Yang di-Pertua Negeri Sarawak bahawa mulai 07 Disember 2014 terdapat satu kekosongan di kalangan Ahli-Ahli Dewan Negara disebabkan tempoh jawatan Y.B. Senator Datuk Lihan Jok akan berakhir pada tempoh tersebut dan, oleh sebab itu, satu pemilihan untuk seorang Senator adalah diperlukan. MAKA OLEH YANG DEMIKIAN, saya, Tun Pehin Seri Haji Abdul Taib Mahmud, Seri Maharaja Mangku Negara, Satria Bintang Sarawak, Darjah Kerabat Johor Yang Amat Dihormati Pangkat Pertama, Darjah Kerabat Laila Utama Yang Amat Dihormati (Brunei), Darjah Kerabat Sri Indera Mahkota Pahang Yang Amat Dihormati, Seri Panglima Darjah Kinabalu, Seri Utama Mahkota Wilayah, Darjah Seri Setia Diraja Kedah, Darjah Gemilang Sri Melaka, Darjah Panglima Pangkuan Negeri (Pulau Pinang), Seri Sultan Salahuddin Aziz (Selangor), Darjah Seri Paduka Mahkota Terengganu Kelas Pertama, Thai Royal Decoration of Knight Grant Cross (First Class), Kartika Eka Paksi Naraya (Indonesia), Korean Order of Unificiation, Honorary Officer of the Order of Australia, Pengasas Pejuang Kemerdekaan, Yang di-Pertua Negeri Sarawak, pada menjalankan kuasa-kuasa yang diberi kepada saya oleh seksyen kecil (2) dalam Seksyen 1, Jadual Ketujuh Perlembagaan Persekutuan. DENGAN INI menyatakan hasrat saya supaya seorang Senator harus dipilih mengikut peruntukan-peruntukan dalam Jadual Ketujuh Perlembagaan Malaysia dalam mesyuarat Dewan Undangan Negeri yang akan datang, iaitu Mesyuarat Kedua bagi Penggal Keempat, Dewan Undangaan Negeri Yang Ketujuh Belas. Diperbuat di Astana Kuching pada 10 haribulan November 2014. Tuan Speaker: Ahli-ahli Yang Berhormat, before the Dewan proceeds with the election, I would like to explain the procedure as provided in the Seventh Schedule of the Federal Constitution. Any of the Honourable Member of this House may propose a candidate if he or she so wishes and must be seconded by another Member. Either the Proposer of the Seconder must submit a statement in writing, signed by the person nominated, stating that he or she is willing to serve as a Senator if elected. When all the nominations have been received, I shall announce the names of the persons nominated in alphabetical order and then shall put their names to votes in that order. Each Member present shall be entitled to vote for as many candidates as there is a vacancy to be filled, and the names of the Members voting for each candidate shall be recorded; and if any Member cast a vote in addition to those allowed, that vote shall be void. I shall ask the Secretary to call the Members one by one and upon his or her name being called, the Member, if he or she so wished, may cast his or her vote for the candidate 50 BELUM DISUNTING 11 NOVEMBER 2014 by saying “YES” or “NO”. If a Member wishes to abstain, he or she shall remain silent and I shall call his or her name a second time if he or she still remain silent an abstention shall be recorded against such Member. I shall declare the candidate who received the largest number of votes as being elected to the office of Senator, but if two or three candidates have an equal number of votes the election of those candidates shall be determined by lot. If there is only one candidate nominated for each vacancy, the above mentioned procedure shall not apply, and I shall declare the candidate to be an elected candidate. Tuan Speaker: I shall now call for the nominations for the vacancy. Honourable Deputy Chief Minister, Minister for Rural Development and Minister for Modernization of Agriculture. Timbalan Ketua Menteri dan Menteri Pemodenan Pertanian dan Menteri Pembangunan Luar Bandar (Y.B. Datuk Patinggi Tan Sri (Dr) Alfred Jabu Anak Numpang): Tuan Speaker, I wish to nominate Datuk Lihan Jok to fill in the vacancy of Senator which this august House is required to elect. Permit me to briefly to give the resume of Datuk Lihan Jok. Datuk Lihan Jok is a Kayan, from Long Bidian, Baram Sarawak. He was born on 27th June, 1957. He is 57 years old who is well qualified with Bachelor of Education-Second Class Upper Degree from University Sains Malaysia. He is married and has children. He speaks very fluent Bahasa Malaysia, Bahasa Inggeris, Bahasa Iban, Bahasa Kayan and Bahasa Kenyah. He has wide experience having served as a Teacher, Headmaster, Principal of Secondary School, Lecturer at Sarawak Teachers Training College and as Ahli Yang Berhormat member of this Dewan. He is a Board Member of Sarawak Higher Learning. He was awarded Tokoh Belia Negeri Sarawak by YAB Chief Minister in 2004. He was awarded Panglima Jasa Negara by Seri Paduka Baginda Yang Di-Pertuan Agong which carries a title of ‘Datuk’ in 2014. Datuk Lihan Jok has served as Ahli Dewan Negara for the first term starting in 2012 until now and he has done very well as Senator and is well respected by the rakyat. This nomination is a reflection of rakyat’s confidence on Datuk Lihan Jok’s performance whom I now nominate for the second term to continue as Senator to represent Sarawak. I understand that Datuk Lihan Jok has indicated to Yang Berhormat Datuk Amar Speaker that he consented it nominated to serve as Senator for the second term. Terima kasih. Tuan Speaker: Seconded by? Member for Baleh. Minister for Land Development. Y.B. Tan Sri Datuk Amar Dr. James Jemut Anak Masing: Ya. Tuan Speaker: Honourable Member for Kota Sentosa. Y.B. Encik Chong Chieng Jen: Thank you Tuan Speaker. Tuan Speaker, I would like to nominate Thomas Sixtus Tegong Laka as the candidate for election of Senator by this august House today. Let me briefly introduce Thomas to the Honourable members in this House. Thomas Sixtus Tegong Laka was born on 7th July, 1954 in Penyana, Mukah. He is married to Catherine Ak Nyambong and has three children. Thomas had his primary education in Central Upper Primary School, Suai, and completed his secondary education in Bintulu in 1972. Thereafter, he joined the government service with Radio Malaysia, Sarawak in 1973 till he retired on 7th July, 2014. 51 BELUM DISUNTING 11 NOVEMBER 2014 While in government service, he obtained his Diploma in Public Administration from Pitman’s College, London after completing a three year study in 1984. He then obtained another Diploma in Mass Communication from UiTM in 1993. During his 41 years in Radio Malaysia, Sarawak, he has served in Kuching, Sri Aman, Sibu, Miri and Limbang. He worked his way up Radio Malaysia Sarawak from a Programme Assistant to the Head of WAIfm, Iban Service and has produced several radio programs, namely Pengingat Tuai, Nemu Kita and Program Ulih Begiga which mainly focused on the Iban Culture, histories, traditions, mythology and other issues affecting the daily lives of the Iban. Between 1993 to 1996, Thomas has also been called to assist the Courts in Miri on cases involving the Iban culture and traditions. In 2000 to 2001, while in Sibu, he has also produced and co-directed two Iban telemovies, called Batu Ilau and Pengerindu. As a commentator in his Iban radio programs, Thomas has spoken up issues that touched the hearts of the Dayak population. They love to listen to his commentaries in radio. The name Thomas Tegong Laka or TTL as he is more fondly referred to has become a household name amongst the Dayak population. His knowledge of the Dayak and Iban culture and tradition is not only confined to Sarawak, but also covers the Iban communities in Kalimantan Barat, Indonesia, at places like Lanja, Kanyau, Sg. Ulo, Palin (predominantly inhibited by the Memaloh race), Putussibau, The Batang Mandai, Sintang, Kantu, Sanggau and Pontianak where he has travelled and learned from the local communities. The respect and love by Thomas’ friends and acquaintances of him can be shown by the turnout of his birthday cum farewell party held on 6th July, 2014 where about 300 guests turned out. Even Yang Berhormat from Baleh has put aside his programs to attend his farewell dinner. Tuan Speaker, for 51 years since we Sarawak together with Sabah and Federation of Malaya formed Malaysia, the largest race of Sarawak, the Dayak, is still regarded as the ‘dan lain-lain’ by our counterparts in West Malaysia. It is time that we send someone to the Senate to impart on our fellow Malaysians from the West, some knowledge of the Dayak and the issues affecting the Dayak. It is undisputable that Thomas has great knowledge of the Dayak culture and tradition and the issues affecting the daily lives of the Dayak community. He is also very vocal on these issues, more so than many of the elected representatives in this House. In the Past, Tuan Speaker, the senatorship has been used to appease those unhappy BN candidates rejected by the people or dropped by the party, or even worse, sometimes for the family of a minister. It is time that we have someone who is close to the ground, close to the people, who understand the plights of the people and dares speak up for Sarawakian to be appointed or elected as a Senator. I am sure, if Thomas Sixtus Tegong Laka is elected as the Senator by this House, he will speak out on the Dayak issues in the Senate without fear or favour. He will fly the Sarawak flag high in the Senate and that he will make us all proud as Sarawakians. I am also very sure that if he were elected, the general Dayak community will be most pleased with his election. Tuan Speaker, Thomas is with us today, sitting at the gallery, I would like to appeal, appeal to Tuan Speaker to in vote Order 83(1) to allow him to say a few words to the Dewan, to this august House, to address to this august House. I mean this is only say; all those candidates are standing for election. Should be given a chance, to address the voters or the persons whom to be elected so not just over radio, I’m sure many of us here have listen to him. And loves to hear him in radio. How about listening to him in person? Can I have your permission, Tuan Speaker to involved Standing Order 83(1) to invite him to address the 52 BELUM DISUNTING 11 NOVEMBER 2014 House. (Interruption) Senator..senator..Tuan Speaker, another second point before you make any decision. I would appeal to the members here that well, let this election, this voting be voted in accordance with your personal preference. I appeal to Yang Amat Berhormat, the Chief Minister, to waive the whip system for this voting, for this election for the Senator so that the members here can vote in accordance to their personal preference. Tuan Speaker: You just speak on the candidate. Just speak on the candidate. Y.B. Encik Chong Chieng Jen: I am making this request that we vote by secret voting and that we vote according to our personal preference instead of by order of the whip. With that, I hereby nominate Thomas Sixtus Tegong Laka to be a candidate to be elected as a Senator of this House. Tuan Speaker: Seconded by? Member for Padungan? Y.B. Encik Wong King Wei: Yes. Tuan Speaker: Ok. Tuan Speaker: Ahli Yang Berhormat, any other nominations? Any other nominations? I repeat, any other nominations? If not, I shall now asked the secretary to call the Honourable Members by name and record the votes. The first candidate is Yang Berhormat Datuk Lihan Jok. The second candidate is Encik Thomas Sixtus Tegong Anak Laka. Ahli Yang Berhormat Y.A.B. Datuk Patinggi Tan Sri (Dr) Haji Adenan Bin Haji Satem Y.B. Datuk Patinggi Tan Sri (Dr) Alfred Jabu Anak Numpang Candidate Candidate Two One (Thomas Sixtus Absent (Datuk Tegong Anak Lihan Jok) Laka Yes Yes Y.B. Tan Sri Datuk Amar Dr James Jemut Masing Yes Y.B. Dato Sri Wong Soon Koh Yes Y.B. Tan Sri William Mawan Anak Ikom Yes Y.B. Datuk Amar Abang Haji Abdul Rahman Zohari Bin Tun Abang Haji Openg Yes Y. B. Dato Sri Michael Manyin Anak Jawong Yes Y. B. Datuk Amar Haji Awang Tengah Bin Ali Hasan Yes Y. B. Datuk Hajah Fatimah Abdullah Absent Y.B. Datuk Gramong Juna Yes Y.B. Datuk Francis Harden Anak Hollis Yes 53 BELUM DISUNTING 11 NOVEMBER 2014 Y.B. Datuk Haji Daud bin Abdul Rahman Yes Y.B. Datuk Lee Kim Shin Yes Y.B. Datuk Haji Mohd Naroden Bin Haji Majais Yes Y.B. Datuk Sylvester Entri Anak Muran Yes Y.B. Datuk John Sikie Anak Tayai Yes Y.B. Datuk Haji Abdul Wahab Bin Aziz Yes Y.B. Datuk Haji Talib Bin Zulpilip Absent Y.B. Datuk Peter Nansian Ngusie Yes Y.B. Datuk Mong Anak Dagang Yes Y.B. Datuk Dr Stephen Rundi Anak Utom Yes Y.B. Datuk Haji Abdul Karim Rahman Hamzah Yes Y.B. Datuk Haji Julaihi Bin Haji Narawi Yes Y.B. Datuk Dr Jerip Anak Susil Yes Y.B. Encik Liwan Lagang Yes Y.B. Puan Rosey Binti Haji Yunus Yes Y.B. Encik Robert Lawson Chuat Yes Y.B. Datu Haji Len Talif Saleh Yes Y.B. Datuk Roland Sagah Wee Inn Yes Y.B. Datuk Ambrose Blikau Anak Enturan Yes Y.B. Dato Sri Haji Mohammad Ali Mahmud Yes Y.B. Encik Ranum Anak Mina Yes Y.B. Dr. Haji Abdul Rahman Haji Junaidi Yes Y.B. Datuk Joseph Mauh Anak Ikeh Yes Y.B. Encik Abdullah Bin Haji Saidol Yes 54 BELUM DISUNTING 11 NOVEMBER 2014 Y.B. Puan Hajah Sharifah Hasidah Binti Sayeed Aman Ghazali Yes Y.B. Puan Hajah Simoi Binti Haji Peri Yes Y.B. Encik Paulus Palu Gumbang Yes Y.B. Encik Abu Seman Bin Jahwie Yes Y.B. Encik Snowdan Lawan Yes Y.B. Encik Murni bin Suhaili Yes Y.B. Dr. Haji Abdul Rahman Bin Ismail Yes Y.B. Encik Malcolm Mussen Anak Lamoh Yes Y.B. Encik Johnichal Rayong Anak Ngipa Yes Y.B. Encik Alexander Anak Vincent Yes Y.B. Dr Haji Annuar Bin Rapaee Yes Y.B. Dr Hazland Bin Abang Hipni Yes Y.B. Encik Chong Chieng Jen Yes Y.B. Encik Chiew Chiu Sing Yes Y.B. Puan Violet Yong Wui Wui Yes Y.B. Cik Ting Tze Fui Yes Y.B. Encik Baru Bian Yes Y.B. Dr Wong Hua Seh Yes Y.B. Encik Martin Ben Yes Y.B. Ir Aidel Bin Lariwoo Yes Y.B. Encik Mohammad Razi Bin Sitam Yes Y.B. Encik Ripin Bin Lamat Yes Y.B. Encik Dennis Ngau Yes 55 BELUM DISUNTING 11 NOVEMBER 2014 Y.B. Tuan Haji Razaili Bin Haji Gapor Yes Y.B. Encik Yussibnosh Balo Yes Y.B. Puan Christina Chiew Wang See Yes Y.B. Encik See Chee How Yes Y.B. Encik Yap Hoi Liong Yes Y.B. Encik Fong Pau Teck Yes Y.B. Encik Ali Anak Biju Yes Y.B. Encik Wong King Wei Yes Y.B. Encik David Wong Kee Woan Yes Y.B. Encik Alan Ling Sie Kiong Yes Y.B. Encik George Anak Lagong Yes Y.B. Encik Wong Anak Judat Absent TOTAL 53 14 Tuan Speaker: Ahli-Ahli Yang Berhormat, I hereby announced the number of votes obtained by both candidates. The first candidate, Yang Berhormat Datuk Lihan Jok obtained 53 votes (Applause). The second candidate, Encik Thomas Sixtus Tegong Anak Laka, 14 votes. With this result, I hereby declared that Yang Berhormat Datuk Lihan Jok is duly elected as a senator (Applause). Congratulations. Setiausaha Dewan Undangan Negeri: Tuan Speaker, I have received a letter from Datuk Lihan Jok dated 3rd November, 2014 to confirm his willingness to serve as a senator if elected. Tuan Speaker: Okay. USUL-USUL DARIPADA AHLI DEWAN BIASA Tuan Speaker: Ahli-Ahli Yang Berhormat, I have received a motion dated 21st October 2014 from the Honorable Member for Batu Lintang. I shall now, call upon the Honorable Member to read out his motion. Y.B. Encik See Chee How: Thank you Tuan Speaker. Tuan Speaker, as my motion directly or indirectly involves grant charge expenditures release remission of compensation, I am 56 BELUM DISUNTING 11 NOVEMBER 2014 grateful that the Honorable Minister of Finance II has kindly granted, has kindly consented giving his consent to the proposed motion. Tuan Speaker, my motion read as follows. Whereas public research studies carried out and evidence gathered regarding the impact of public space CCTV on crimes have generally shown that CCTV is most effective in deterring shoplifting and vehicle theft, functional for smaller and less complex areas, positive deterrence effect on anti-social behaviour, but no significant decrease in recorded crime observed for city centres and offenders of serious crimes generally do not perceive the cameras as threatening, no effect in situation fuelled with alcohol. The studies attributed the effectiveness of CCTV in deterring crimes in ‘City Outskirts’ and ‘Hawkeye’ car park where crimes decreased by as much as 73% to the smaller and less complex areas, that such crimes as house breakings and car thefts involve forward planning, and that this level of involved rationality makes such crime more likely to be deterred by the presence of CCTV cameras. The highest crime index in Sarawak is house-breaking. The request by our local authorities for installation of CCTV at strategic locations in city centres were sent to the federal Government 4 years ago. To date, federal grants have been approved to install CCTV at 43 locations in Kuching city. Wherefore this Dewan is moved and resolved that: (a) This august House is concerned with the rampancy of crimes committed in residential estates and hereby takes cognisance that public space CCTV will help deter such crimes. (b) That the state Government grants and allocates for local authorities, through a concerted effort with the police and residential groups, to install public space CCTV in major residential estates throughout Sarawak. Thank you. Tuan Speaker: Seconded by? Y.B. Encik Wong King Wei: I beg to second. Tuan Speaker: Member for Padungan. Ahli-ahli Yang Berhormat, I had also received a notice of motion from the Honorable Member from Nangka dated 11th November 2014 under Standing Order 27(1) and Standing Order 27(5) with a view to amend the original motion in the name of Honorable Member for Batu Lintang. I shall now call upon the Honorable Member for Nangka to read out his motion. Y.B. Dr Haji Annuar Bin Rapaee: Thank you Tuan Speaker. I wish to amend a private motion under Standing Order 27(1) and Standing Order 27(5) which read crime is everyone’s concern and its ramification affect almost the entire aspect of our life, be it culture, socio-economic, emotion and societal implication. As such, the war against crime need a holistic and comprehensive approach. Crime can happen in any place not just in public locations such as schools, parking space or shopping mall but also in private perimeter. Lately, cyber-crime has become rampant which is equally menacing and damaging to the society. Cyber-crime is not just about pinching or pilfering one’s bank account or other cyber fraud but also the distribution of misleading information, spreading hate messages, insult, hatred, questioning the enshrined 57 BELUM DISUNTING 11 NOVEMBER 2014 constitution and established institutions that create multi-racial society. racial tension and animosity among Fourth, in view of the grotty of the menace we need a strong, efficient and effective crime prevention or reduction strategy. We must also have state of art facilities and advance equipment such as high resolution, CCTV besides good intelligent network and crime data collection. Therefore, Tuan Speaker, to substitute the propose resolution sought under the said motion be amended as follows:This honourable august House to support continuous effort by the Barisan Nasional government to reduce crime rate through bigger crime prevention forth and personnel, increase allocation of the funds to enhance the anti crime facilities and technologies, organizing more crime prevention awareness campaign among the public and establishing close corporation between public and police in combating crimes. Thank you. Tuan Speaker: Seconded by. Y.B. Encik Malcolm Mussen Anak Lamoh: Tuan Speaker, I beg to second. Tuan Speaker: Ahli-Ahli Yang Berhormat, I have received in writing signification or consent by the Minister of Finance for the motion to proceed. I have two motions, one, by the Honourable Member for Batu Lintang, second one, to amend motion by Honourable Member for Nangka. I shall direct the secretary to count the votes which motion is to be debated by raising your hands. Those, all those who are in favour of the original motion in the name of the Honourable Member for Batu Lintang please raise your hands. All those in favour of amended motion in the name of Honourable Member for Nangka, please raise your hands. Those in favour of the original motion in the name of Honourable Member for Batu Lintang, 13 votes. Those in favour of the amended motion in the name of Honourable Member for Nangka, 53 votes. So we shall debate on the amended motion in the name of Honourable Member for Nangka. Now let me set down the ground rules for the debate. The proposal that is Honourable Member for Nangka of the amended motion shall be allocated 30 minutes and the seconder that is Honourable Member for Batang Ai shall be allocated 15 minutes equally I shall give the same to the Honourable Member for Batu Lintang and as a proposer and Honourable Member for Padungan the same, 30, 15 minutes respectively. Thereafter, the proposer of the amended motion will be given 15 minutes for a winding up. I shall now call the Honourable Member for Nangka to move his motion. Y.B. Dr Annuar Rapaee: Terima kasih Tuan Speaker, saya bangun di Dewan yang mulia ini untuk membawa satu usul peribadi yang saya namakan “Crime Reduction in Sarawak.” Usul ini amat penting bagi kita semua yang prihatin terhadap tahap keamanan serta gangguan keselamatan daripada jenayah. Ini kerana, walaupun kita mendapati statistik atau data yang diumumkan oleh agensi penguatkuasaan keselamatan semakin menurun, misalnya di negeri Sarawak pada lapan bulan yang pertama ini, menunjukkan kadar jenayah yang menurun sebanyak 19.6%. Kita masih berasa kurang selamat atau bebas daripada menjadi mangsa kepada penjenayah. Ada beberapa sebab sedemikian apa yang kita panggil perception of the crime index. Salah satu daripada sebabnya yang tidak dapat dinafikan adalah disebabkan oleh pihak pembangkang sendiri. Mereka sentiasa menghebohkan ataupun sengaja menakutnakutkan rakyat tentang perception crime index ini. Sedangkan pada hakikatnya daripada globalities of index dari part yang dikeluarkan menunjukkan bahawa Malaysia adalah merupakan negara yang paling selamat di Asia Tenggara dan yang keempat selamat di Asia. 58 BELUM DISUNTING 11 NOVEMBER 2014 The high crime rate is everyone’s concern. In fact it is the second largest area of concern after economy. Over the years as our state and the country continue to progress and develop into a higher level, so has crime index. From simple theft and at times to snatch theft or house burglary, to now a very serious and complex criminal action involving millions of ringgit committed by people including those with high academic background or people with high social position. Even our villages or rural locations which were at one time almost free of crimes, are not spared. And from police reports, the trend is quite mind-boggling. The number of drug addicts are increasing and they contribute to increase crime rate in these areas. This concern has prompted the government to prioritize the social issue by incorporating it into National Key Result Areas (NKRA) under the Government’s Transformation Programme (GTP). The purpose is to identify implementable initiatives that would work to reduce street and index crime, thereby creating a safer Malaysia for all. Like elsewhere, Sarawak is not spared of crime phenomenon. While the menace is manageable and can be further reduced due to intensive crime prevention effort and initiatives, the trend is still very worrying and the impact is a matter of concern to all of us. Its ramification affect almost the entire aspect of our life, be it culture, socio-economic, emotion or even the psychology, behaviour and as well as societal implication and many others. As such, the war against crime need a holistic and comprehensive approach to prevent or reduce its existence to the minimum so that we can live in peace and without any fear of losing our belongings, properties or lives to criminals. As I stated in my notice of motion, the nightmare to our fear is that crime is ubiquitous in nature. It can happen in any place, not just in public location, such as school and parking space, recreational facilities, shopping or commercial mall and residential areas but also in our private perimeter. But understanding the pattern, it would be easy, for the relevant authorities or parties to conduct prevention effort. It is inaugural year in crime fighting, the Reducing Crime NKRA framework had introduced programmes such as identifying crime hotspots, strategic deployment of police personnel into this hotspots, installing closed circuit television Cameras (CCTV) in high risk areas and implementation various initiative such as Omnipresence Programme, the setting up central intelligence unit and the mobilization of police unit at high risk areas. With such well focus programmes, there is a mark decrease in crime rates over the years. However, the perception on fear and the risk of being victims to criminal is still high. No doubt crime cases and its wide publicity over the media have given credence to this perception. As such, Tuan Speaker, we have to do something about it. We, the state government must complement the crime combating effort by our anti-crime forces in order to bring further down the crime index. We want our state not only to achieve low crime rate but also the people really feel that crime is suppressed to the minimal. In other word, the public perception of low crime rate is matched by the comfort of being safe and secured wherever they go. Indeed, we need a strong, efficient and effective crime prevention or reduction strategy and approach. We should not only having a bigger force but also state-of-the art facilities and advance equipment such as high-solution CCTV besides good intelligence network and crime data collections to embolden our anti-crime effort. However, in our attempt to help the anti-crime force, we must not be overboard by forming our own security or crime-prevention team by taking the law into our hands like what happen in Pulau Pinang. To avoid legal implication, the business of crime prevention and 59 BELUM DISUNTING 11 NOVEMBER 2014 reduction should be left to the government of government sanctioned agencies and not any private or individual entity acting like extra-judicial body to manage their own security. Tuan Speaker, with the present sophistication of ICT, crimes come in different form. We have the cybercrime which is equally menacing and damaging to the society. In certain aspect it is even worse as it can destroy or disrupt the harmony, peace and public order of the country. Cyber-crime is not just pinching or pilfering one’s bank account or other cyber fraud but also the distribution of misleading information, spreading of hate messages, insult, hatred, questioning the enshrined Constitution, making fun of Negaraku and established institutions that create racial tension and animosity among people of various religions. This is scary indeed. We need to do something about it and we must have a wellcrafted initiative and programmes to educate our people respect and accommodate each other and to abide by the laws that binds us together. The people must be made to accept the fact of our multi-racial and multi-cultural backgrounds with their own unique historical and social backdrop. While the enforcement agencies have been very active in their effort to nab the culprits who took to the cyberspace to spread their sentiment of hatred and suspicion towards each other, we as citizen must play our role in helping to nurture good values and respect for each other. We need to increase social interaction and mingling through various programmes and drives. We must also understand that the occurrence of crime is also related to the poor economy of the people. While few are habitual criminal offenders, others do it due to economic hardship. As such, we must recognize these factors so that we can device our strategy and programmes that are well targeted. To conclude Tuan Speaker, may I suggest that the relevant authorities to beef up the present crime prevention force and personnel, besides enhancing the anti-crime facilities and technologies. The State government should consider allocates more funds and other financial support to be allotted not just the police, but also local authorities to equip them with appropriate facilities and gadget. Such fund will also enable the relevant authorities and agencies or even the NGOs to organize awareness programme, establishing close cooperation between public and the police in combating crimes. Tuan Speaker, I beg to move this motion. Tuan Speaker: Honourable Member for Batang Ai. Y.B. Encik Malcolm Mussen anak Lamoh: Thank you, Tuan Speaker. As moved by my very wise friend, Honourable Member for Nangka, I rise to second the amended motion on the crime reduction in Sarawak by affirming the need to undertake more holistic and comprehensive approach to mitigate or discourage the commitment of those crimes in public places including popular tourist spots, public utility areas (hospitals, shopping complexes, streets and pedestrian walkways), apart from the installation of CCTV in major residential areas or city centres. Tuan Speaker, suddenly I realised why I should be inspired to speak because I cannot ‘sign buta’ due to my long hair. I think Member for Asajaya can concur with me it is not what is on top or outside your head that counts. It is what is inside your head that matter a lot more. Just to refresh this Dewan, crime is basically divided into two (2) categories; the ‘index crime’ and ‘non-index crime’. The statistics given by the police only indicate those crime cases which come under the ‘index crime’ category. It is defined as crime reported with sufficient regularity which has sufficient significance to be meaningful as an index that 60 BELUM DISUNTING 11 NOVEMBER 2014 provides yardstick to gauge the crime situation of a given place (be it a district, State or country). Index crime consists of two categories; violent crime (murder, rape, armed robbery) and the last one is term property crime (that involved theft, snatching, burglary). Tuan Speaker, nonetheless, with specific targets in our Government Transformation Programs (GTP) under NKRA Crime, 35 initiatives had already been implemented all throughout the country. Our Yang Amat Berhormat Perdana Menteri had gladly announced that our national crime rate had gone down by 27% for the period between 2009 and 2012, where Malaysia recorded far lower crime rate than other countries in the world. Statistics shows that Malaysia recorded 550 crime cases for every 100,000 residents as compared with 6,500 in UK and 4,000 in USA. It infers that there are about 8-10 times more frequent incidences of crimes in those two developed countries. Recently, NKRA PDRM Secretariat, Datuk Ayub Yaakup said the 2nd wave of GTP would focus towards the community or civil and private participation in mitigating crimes, covering 5 major elements of NKRA 2.0 which include reducing crime index by 5% annually and reducing house breaking case by 5-10% every year. Those increasing crime prevention initiatives include omnipresence programme of police personnel and auxiliary police, and increase patrol in residential areas to prevent housebreaking as printed in Utusan dated 26 March 2013. Other initiatives include improving voluntary patrol scheme (SRS), setting up of Crime Awareness Team (CAT) and formation of dedicated burglary control team. It was also reported that the consequential 30% drop in violent crime rate after the implementation of ‘Ops Cantas Khas’ had been facilitated by the recent Amendments to the prevention of Crime Act 1953 which give the Police more power to combat organised crime and violent crime. For Sarawak, as I mentioned earlier there is 19.6% drop from 6,198 to 1,508 crime cases for the first 8 month of this year as compared to the same period last year as reported in Bernama dated October 11, 2014. Tuan Speaker, in problem solving techniques, what the British called TOPS, series of problem solving and in Russian in called TRIZ. If you allow me to speak in Russian or Spain, I don’t mind but I don’t have time to explain. We need to look at what are the major factors, the root causes that promote crime? Any criminologist will stipulate that crime is simply the product of socio-economic factors, driven by personal greed and fast monetary gains by selling those stolen goods. Tuan Speaker, it is propounded in the Universal Law of Cause and Effect that ‘for every cause, there is an effect’. As such, Charles F. Hannel in his book of The Master Key suggested, “if you wish to secure the effect, we must ascertain the cause, or idea or thought by which the effect is created”. Alongside that, Stephen Covey said, “all things are created twice, first mentally and then physically”, even in the creation of personal wealth or acquisition of property whether legal or illegal, moral or immoral it may be. Hence, it all starts from the mind, only then the physical body will act to attain the desired objective or to fulfil the main intention. Therefore, physical tools such as CCTV, home security systems, alarm etc though necessary would not be as effective to deter offenders of such crimes, as compared with a structured educational programmes for character building or mental development form childhoods, proper upbringing plus cultural and religious influences in our multi-ethnics society. For example, in Japan where Buddhist teachings emphasized that you don’t take what is not yours, the theft cases are very seldom in city centres or public utility areas. Tuan Speaker, we also need reliable statistics or crime information system through crime date collections to identify who are those regular offenders that commit those index 61 BELUM DISUNTING 11 NOVEMBER 2014 crimes in the whole of Sarawak. Are they really unemployed locals especially the youth or foreigners and illegal immigrants from our neighbouring countries? Then, we can be more focused and vigilant in tackling them separately with different strategies and programmes with the involvement of various Government departments and other Government controlled agencies. If those crime offenders are local citizens, we as parents and teachers must take some responsibility in moulding the strength of characters of our children and the younger generations of our modern society. From the onset, we can inculcate good moral values and acceptable universal principles in their life through leadership by example, not by edict. Otherwise, the imperfections in our character as parents or leaders would empower the imperfections of those we nurture or lead. It follows that if we ourselves are irresponsible, that would give permissions for them to be irresponsible towards property rights and the safety of others. On the same note, ‘Kalau pemimpin mereka ada menunjukkan ciri-ciri orang gila, pengikutnya akan mungkin jadi orang gila juga akhirnya’, not clinically insane but ‘gila kuasa’ can also become the root cause of mental insanity. Probably my friend from Nangka can justify this. But at any case,the end of the day, the quality of leadership is defined by people around the leader. If the leader is craze-headed coxcomb the rest will be worst of than that. Hence, pepatah Melayu ada menyatakan ‘siapa yang memakan cili, dialah yang merasa pedas’ Tuan Speaker, recently, our Home Minister Datuk Seri Hishamuddin Tun Hussein had rebutted the unsubstantiated murmurs on the social media that crime is on the rise in the country as public interest or concern become more intense. Such negative public perception on crime is exacerbated by misleading and conflicting information in social media, where in reality our ranking by the Global Peace Index had placed Malaysia as the safest country in Southest Asia region as mention by friend from Nangka earlier. Hence, misleading others by spreading malicious lies and indoctrinating people with unfounded ideologies and distorted perceptions as advocated by some members of the Oppositions are grossly more damaging than some of those cyber crime committed through multi-media and internet networks, where it can give adverse effects on our tourism industry. With the exponential speed in the flow of information in this ICT era, the ability to use them becomes not only challenging but more important than face to face communication we used to have beforehand. Albert Mehrabian had studied how people signal and decode the message to be delivered, is 55% by gesture (body language), 38% by the tone of the voice (like what Honourable Member for Semop did yesterday), and only 7% by the content of words we used. In most cases, we tent to make judgements or decisions based on ‘Inference to the best explanation’ where constant suggestions could force us to believe without the time and ability to test them with critical assessment, and in-depth analysis, exclusive of argument. Whatever knowledge or information we got from others through the media does contain some elements of uncertainties, which makes it not necessarily depicting the actual truth or reality. We should be mindful of what Thomas Edison said, “No one can know everything about a single subject more than one millionth of one percent (0.000001%) about anything. How small you know about one particular subject. Remember he failed more than a million times before he could successfully produce that electric bulb than can brighten up our dark world, full realists, rationalists, idealist, socialist and of course the masses that have been supporting the democratic Barisan Nasional to govern this country peacefully. 62 BELUM DISUNTING 11 NOVEMBER 2014 Tuan Speaker, I’m most grateful that in appreciation of their unwavering support to Barisan Nasional, the State Government under the very caring leadership of our Y.A.B. Chief Minister has budgeted for increase of 11,757 police personnel in 2015, in order to further reduce crime rate and safeguard public safety in Sarawak as reported in Bernama dated 11 October 2014. With our total commitment to look after the wellbeing of our rural constituents, more efforts should be taken to improve the perception of public on the safety of their properties, be in lands, crops or burial sites we called “pendam” that are being constantly exposed to deliberate intrusions or encroachments or even burglarised by unscrupulous people. Orang yang mati pun kena kacau, macam mana kerja ini tidak gilakah? Therefore, I urge that the Government must continue to contain illegal activities such as smuggling, gambling, illegal logging and other organised crime in sub-urban and rural areas of Sarawak. Tuan Speaker, if the recent survey by TNS Research Institute Malaysia is something to go by, it revealed that rural communities constituting (50.9%) are more fearful of being victims to those prevalent crimes as compared with their peers in urban areas constituting (48.7%) overall. Definitely, I have to endorse the humble request by my friend from Nangka, that we must improve on these security and safety issues as the country moves toward high income economy by the year 2020 and beyond. Tuan Speaker, with that concluding statement, I would like to second the amended motion on crime reduction presented by the Honourable Member for Nangka with great confidence and optimism for better safety and security of our peace-loving citizens, without regards to those who have been diagnosed with distorted medulla oblongata a glaring symptoms is where he is supposed to be serious, he manages to carve a cynical smile. It could lead to chronic mental disorder. Thank you very much. Tuan Speaker: Honourable Member for Batu Lintang. Y.B. Encik See Chee How: Thank you, Tuan Speaker for giving me this opportunity to debate on this motion on public interests and bear witness to the fact that this august House is concern and determine to support effort to combat crime in the state. I’ll confined my speech on the rampancy of crimes committed in residential estates throughout the state and pray that we do resolve to play our parts to ensure the safety and security of our Sarawakian homes through the use of public space CCTV. Tuan Speaker, the use of public space CCTV has grown from initially to deter anti social behaviors such as littering in public to now plays a more important role in deterring serious crimes and to assist police in their investigations. Reportedly, Britain is currently the leading nation in implementing CCTV. Most British houses and cities are moving to CCTV surveillance in public areas, housing estates, car parks and public facilities. Other countries are quickly following. North America, Australia and some European countries are installing the cameras in urban environments which a few years ago would most likely have rejected the technology. In Singapore, it is claimed that the island country has an extensive round-the-clock CCTV surveillance system covers majority of the highways and roads island wide, providing 24 hours visual surveillance on traffic situations. With the system, authorities are able to response faster to traffic situations. In recent years, there is a vast increase in demand for CCTV applications. Thousands of cameras are installed island wide. They can be found in various places such as shopping malls, boutiques, bus terminals, MRT stations, underpasses, Automatic Teller Machines ATM, sensitive Government buildings, private estates and even extending its application to red-light districts, in an attempt to monitor and deter illegal activities. 63 BELUM DISUNTING 11 NOVEMBER 2014 Earlier this year, the Inspector General of Police Tan Sri Khalid bin Abu Bakar disclosed that 666 public space CCTV cameras have been installed in Selangor since 2011 and 1000 more will be installed at hotspots in the state under the Safe Camera or SafeCam Partnership project by the Royal Malaysia Police. In fact, as part of the effort of the Government to reduce crime rates under the National Key Result Area, the Malaysian police has recommended and installed huge number of public space CCTV in Johor, Selangor, Penang and Kuala Lumpur, and now expanding to Perak and Kedah. Hence, public space CCTV is fast becoming an integral plan for crime control policies and social behavior control theory in an effort to maintain ethnical public behavior and public order. Tuan Speaker, in the process of my preparation on this issue of deterring crime through the installation and use of public space CCTV, I have found copious scientific studies conducted in the United States and Europe but none in Malaysia, though I must admit that it could probably be due to my own limitations. I have, in the process, chosen Scotland as a country for case studies and perused the many public research studies carried out regarding the impact of public space CCTV on crime in the country. These studies include: Griffiths (2002), Mazzerolle, Hurley and Chamlin (2002), Gill and Spriggs (2005), Gill et al (2006). In summary, these public research studies carried out and evidence gathered regarding the impact of public space CCTV on crimes have generally shown that CCTV is most effective in deterring shoplifting and vehicle theft, functional for smaller and less complex areas, positive deterrence effect on anti-social behavior, but not significant decrease in recorded crime observed for city centres and offenders of serious crimes generally do not perceive the cameras as threatening, no effect in situations fuelled with alcohol. The studies attributed the effectiveness of CCTV in deterring crimes in “City Outskirts” and “Hawkeye” car park where crimes decreased by as much as 73% to the smaller and less complex areas, that such crimes as house-breaking and car thefts involve forward planning, and that this level of involved rationality makes such crime more likely to be deterred by the presence of CCTV cameras. Tuan Speaker, last month, our State police chief, Dato Wira Muhammad Sabtu Osman has revealed that the highest crime index figure in the state is house breaking. His able deputy, the State Deputy Police Commissioner Datuk Dr Chai Khin Chung when responding to the press during his visit to the residential estate at Jalan Urat Mata last month said that he is in favour of installing more CCTV to deter and combat crime. He encouraged residents in housing estates to join the police “Safe Cam Programme” to monitor areas covered by the programme. We must urge that the Royal Malaysian Police to step up its effort to promote the “Safe Cam Partnership Programme” which until today is very much unheard of in Sarawak. And, it appears that Sarawak has been very much left out in the national effort of the Government to reduce crime rate under the National Key Result Area. Tuan Speaker, the requests by our local authorities for installation of CCTV at strategic locations in city centres were sent to the federal Government four years ago. To date, federal grants have been approved but only to install public space CCTV at 43 locations in Kuching city, starting from this month, as revealed. 64 BELUM DISUNTING 11 NOVEMBER 2014 I was informed that many local authorities have submitted their requests for installation of public space CCTV as well but their requests have not been approved. It is evidenced that the federal Government has been slow in reacting to the requests by our local authorities for installation of CCTV at strategic locations in city centres. It took four years for their grant to install a mere 43 public space CCTV, and only in and around Kuching city. Taking cognizance of the scientific studies conducted overseas, it appears that it is more practicable to install public space CCTV in smaller and less complicated areas, to deter such crimes as house-breakings and car thefts which involve forward planning and a level of involved rationality making such crime more likely to be deterred by the presence of CCTV cameras. With that Tuan Speaker, I would therefore humbly support the motion in the name of the Honourable Member for Nangka, albeit with a little amendment, that this august House do resolved that: (a) To support continuous efforts by the Government to reduce crime rate through bigger crime prevention force and personnel, increase allocation of funds to enhance the anti-crime facilities and technologies, organise more crime prevention awareness campaign among the public and establishing close cooperation between the public and police in combating crime; (b) This august House is concerned with the rampancy of crimes committed in residential estates and takes cognizance that public space CCTV will help to deter such crimes. (c) That the State Government grants and allocates for local authorities, through a concerted effort with the police and residential groups, to install public space CCTV in major residential estates throughout Sarawak, or make necessary grants and allocations for specified local authorities to carry out pilot projects in designated residential estates to examine and determine the effectiveness of these public space CCTV in deterring such crimes in our homes. Thank you. Tuan Speaker: Honourable Member for Padungan. Y.B. Encik Wong King Wei: Thank you Tuan Speaker for allowing me to participate in this debate. The motion presented by honourable member from Nangka. I would like to highlight of the part of a resolution. I ease to increase the allocation time to enhance. Sorry, who increase the police force to a bigger crime prevention post and personal proposed by honourable member from Nangka. I would like to talk about this. I have a statistic here given by this august House to me about the statistic of the police personnel in Sarawak. In Sarawak we have a grand total of 6396 police personnel throughout the whole Sarawak including IPK in Kuching. In Kuching itself is 1226. This, Speaker, does not include the general operation post which comprise of three battalions and the brigade of 2024 officers. So, technically we have eight thousand plus police personnel in Sarawak. I want to ask “where are they?” We do not see them patrolling on the street, we do not see them patrolling at the residential area. If you have a chance to visit other country like South Korea, Hong Kong and in some of the cities like New York, we can see the policemen on the street and they are doing patrolling. During day time they are going to the ground at the crowded place at the commercial area. They just stand there, just do the patrolling and during night time they show their presence at residential area but in Kuching and many part and all the parts in Sarawak we do not see them. We only see the policemen hiding under the tree try to issue summons on the traffic offence, the traffic, traffic offence but when comes to in-house breaking they are helpless. 65 BELUM DISUNTING 11 NOVEMBER 2014 That’s why I can’t do any investigation because you have sell to provide sufficient information or the house who is broken into has not installed any CCTV and or the CCTV image is ok enough for them to identify the culprit. And they are so passive. I urged the policemen should be more proactive and recently the police have reviewed a statistic showing that the crime rate in Sarawak many parts of Sarawak has reduced including in Kuching. The crime rate has reduced by 17.5%. The crime rate reduced by 17.5%, I think only the policemen believe it. Not even the criminal believe this. The honourable member from Nangka said the statistic showing the decrease and yet he said he feel unsafe. Yes, yes yes. Even the Deputy Home Minister, Sarawakian Deputy Home Minister house has been broken into. He is the person in-charge of police force and yet his house was broken into. In Kuching whose house can be safe safer than his house in Kuching. I doubt that. Ya, the police force have to be aware that they take chance, they have on hang. i.e: The crime rate have reduce. Does not mean that the crime rate has actually in fact reduce but it only show that the reporting on crime has gone down. The reduce in public of reporting in crime is mainly due to the citizens’ lack of trust in the police thinking that reporting the crime would not bring any effect. Also the lack of efficiency in the police force has resulted in a long reporting process, wasting up to two to three hours at least. Moreover the lack of officers who are fluent in other languages which is other than Bahasa Melayu stationed at the front desk also make citizens reluctant to report the crime at the police station. My colleague from Dudong always have to help some of the old ladies, old men to the police station to do translation for them to help them to make a police report. This has actually made the citizens reluctant to report the crime at the police station. So the crime rate, the so called crime rate has gone down by 17.5 per cent, is the rate of reporting on crime has gone down. In Kuching particularly, there is no area, no residential area, no single residential area that has been immune to house breaking. Whether house breaking, robberies, as many of the commercial areas you can see from the list of the newspaper reports that snatch theft is rampant and it has caused the residents to fear being victimized by the robbers even while strolling in their areas. So robbery cases are now a threat to life, even harming people at hospitals we can see also, at General Hospital in Kuching has happened, a robbery case. So if we walk around, go around to some of the residential houses in Kuching particularly we can see that many guard houses has been set up. The residents are now rendered to self help. They have to do their own safety measures. And they set up wechat group, neighborhood watch, just to protect themselves from house breaking. And I want to ask where are the police. And another thing is about the illegal cyber gambling centers, illegal cyber gambling centres, the flourish of illegal cyber gambling centers is a serious matter and also contribute to the house breaking and robbery cases, snatch theft as well. So just recently the police has announced that particularly the KPD of Kuching has announced that Kuching now is zero, is having zero cyber gambling centres. But we must note that just one week before that on 28th October 2014, just one week before that, before the announcement, the police has actually widely announced that they are going to enforce and they are going to wipe off to raid all the cyber gambling centres before the operasi. Before the operation, they made announcement first, one week before, a few days before then one week after they go and raid and they say oh now zero gambling centres. They are not raided or they are not arrested, nothing to raid, they are actually hiding after this round, after the operation, they come again. So it is a continuous, repetitious process, everybody knows that, it is impossible for police not to know that. So we want to see the policemen actually stand on the side of the people not stand on the side of criminals. It looks like that to everybody. So, do not leave the people to self help. Do not leave the people to take care of themselves. 66 BELUM DISUNTING 11 NOVEMBER 2014 When anything happens or crime rate has increased or robbery cases has rampantly happened, police will say, we need the cooperation from the people. Do not leave or assign the duties to the people. They are not trained, well trained to fight the criminals with their bear hands, they have no weapons at all. Its for the police to go to the ground to do prevention work. I think prevention is more important than investigation. Do more patrolling. I just have only one request for the police force. Do more patrolling. Day time at the commercial centers and crowded place. Night time show your presence nearby our houses so that we feel safe and the presence of a policeman will actually scare off criminals. So police must work hard go to the ground and stand on the side, stand by the people, do patrolling and if the police is still impassive, is still passive of inaction, I urge the State Government to learn from Penang Government to set up, hold on, hold on, let me do some analysis of the legal thing because I am a qualified lawyer, hold on, to set up a voluntary patrol unit, we can do that. We have the resources to do that. Even Penang Government has the resources to do that. Why, State Government should do that. I urge the police if the police is still not listening to this Dewan, because we are passing this motion, set up the voluntary patrol unit, help the people, we have to hear the cry out there from the people. The illegality of the so called illegality of the voluntary patrol unit in Penang is not because of illegality its because of jealousy. Police is not doing their job. That is why Penang Pakatan Rakyat Government forced to do the job on behalf of the police because policemen is not performing. Yah, policemen makan gaji buta. Tuan Speaker: Order, Order. Y.B. Encik Wong King Wei: So set up the voluntary patrol unit if the police is not taking any action. So I think most of us in this House and outside, we all feel unsafe. No one will be immuned from this robbery if police is continuing acting passive sitting in the Police Station doing nothing. When we call up they are so slowly coming to us so this is the situation on the ground. We all understand this and I urge the policemen to buck up and hereby, I support the motion by my Ahli Yang Berhormat Nangka. Thank you. Tuan Speaker: Ahli Yang Berhormat for Nangka Y.B. Dr Haji Annuar bin Rapaee: Terima kasih Tuan Speaker. Terlebih dahulu sebelum saya membuat penggulungan ringkas saya ingin memperbetulkan apa yang telah dikatakan oleh Ahli Yang Berhormat Padungan tadi. Ahli Yang Berhormat Padungan mengatakan bahawa apa yang terdapat di Pulau Pinang yang dipanggil Pasukan Peronda Sukarela (PPS) sepatutnya diwujudkan juga di negeri Sarawak dan beliau mengatakan juga polis ini makan gaji buta, tadi dia kata SAINS makan gaji buta sebenarnya merekalah yang buta sebab di bawah Jabatan Perpaduan adanya satu skim yang dinamakan Skim Rondaan Sukarela (SRS) di bawah KRT, malah kebanyakan kampung-kampung menubuhkan SRS ini. Jadi tidak perlu wujudkan PPS ini yang haram. Kita tidak mahu benda yang haram ini dibawa ke negeri Sarawak sebab kita ada benda yang halal di negeri ini. Kita ada RELA, merupakan satu pasukan yang diiktiraf yang juga sukarela jadi pewujudan PPS di Pulau Pinang bukan atas sebab keperluan tapi atas sebab politik DAP di Pulau Pinang. Itu hakikatnya, jadi, jangan menuduh orang yang makan gaji buta kalau diri sendiri itu buta. Ini penggulungan. Tuan Speaker, tujuan kita memperbetulkan usul ini disebabkan usul yang dibawa yang dikemukakan oleh Batu Lintang terlalu fokus kepada CCTV. Saya tak tahulah kalau dia ada ‘company’ CCTV tetapi hakikatnya saya hendak bercakap tentang prevention. Prevention mengikut perubatan, saya tidak mahu diagnose siapa-siapalah selepas ini tetapi mengikut perubatan ada tiga peringkat. Kita panggil primary prevention. Primary prevention ini sebelum adanya simptom penyakit tersebut terjadi. 67 BELUM DISUNTING 11 NOVEMBER 2014 Yang kedua, kita panggil secondary prevention. Maksudnya penyakit tersebut sudah terjadi kita tidak mahu dia merebak. Yang ketiga kita panggil tertiary prevention. Penyakit itu sudah merebak, kita hendak selamatkan dia sebelum dia cepat drawn itu tertiary prevention. Tetapi dalam hal criminal ini dalam crime ini yang pentingnya ialah prevention ialah primary prevention. Sebagaimana yang kita ketahui prevention is better than cure. CCTV ini bukannya primary prevention tetapinya secondary atau tertiary prevention dan dari segi perubatannya penyelidikan telah menunjukkan secondary prevention dengan tertiary prevention ini lebih mahal daripada primary prevention. Sebab itulah kita perlu ubah usul ini menekankan primary prevention. Di antara primary prevention yang harus kita lakukan ialah untuk menggalakkan penduduk-penduduk kita bekerjasama dengan pihak polis dan juga adanya ‘awareness campaign’ tentang pentingnya pencegahan penjenayah ataupun jenayah-jenayah ini. So the prevention of crime is not so much about we don’t have enough CCTV or not so much about we don’t have enough good laws and so forth but we need to educate members of our community so that they may be aware by the implications of the crime of any fault. Y.B. Dr Haji Annuar Bin Rapaee: So for to start with we should inculcate awareness among our younger generation that is the best way to start practically in the school. I was given to understand that The Yayasan Pencegah Jenayah Negeri Sarawak or Malaysian Crime Prevention Foundation Sarawak I don’t know whether DAP know about this headed by our Honourable Member of Simunjan is embarking effort to encourage every school to set up Kelab Pencegah Jenayah ataupun KPJ. And every member of KPJ be registered as Rakan Cop. KPJ and Rakan Cop members shall be the eyes, the ears and the mouth of the enforcement agencies and be empowered to report any crime they witness. Inilah di antara langkah-langkah Primary Prevention yang harus kita laksanakan bermula dari peringkat sekolah lagi. Walaupun memang perlu juga ada CCTV di tempat hotspot tetapi saya rasa untuk memastikan mendapat hasil jangka panjang yang lebih baik Primary Prevention ini haruslah kita tekankan kepada masyarakat kita. I have be annoyed just now when Padungan said that the low rate of reporting salah satu sebabnya ialah susah nak report sebab translation dia tak reti nak cakap nak buat report. Maka memerlukan ada sesetengah memerlukan Yang Berhormat. Janganlah isu ini dijadikan perkara besar. There should be no problem in making a report based on someone's translation. I have been working for so long and lot of my patients are Chinese when they report whatever symptom with me are in Chinese and I need somebody to translate. I don’t make fuss of it. So don’t make fuss very lame excuses to say that the report is low because there is a problem in reporting or in communication. It does not make sense in this world you know where you can always ask help from others. It just an excuse, it's just a ridiculous excuse just we can always ask someone's help to translate whatever we want to report to the police. As a multiracial country, Malaysia, I am also very sad that still many of you cannot speak Bahasa very well after 51 years of merdeka. That is, should shamed on you rather than reporting that you cannot speak Bahasa. Tuan Speaker, saya ingin mencadangkan agar usul ini diterima oleh Dewan yang mulia ini. Sekian, terima kasih. Tuan Speaker: Ahli-Ahli Yang Berhormat that concludes the debate. For those in favour of the amended motion in the name of Honourable Member for Nangka please raise your hand. Unanimous. Its unanimous. I hereby declare that the amended motion in the name of Honourable Member for Nangka is approved. Tuan Speaker: Ahli-Ahli Yang Berhormat, I had received a motion dated 23 October 2014 from Honourable Member for Kota Sentosa. I shall now call upon Honourable Member for Kota Sentosa to read out his motion. 68 BELUM DISUNTING 11 NOVEMBER 2014 Y.B. Encik Chong Chieng Jen: Thank you, Tuan Speaker. My motion read as follow: Whereas over the decades, many of the awards of Government contracts, approval of projects, alienation of State lands and issuance of logging licenses had been done in a very opiate manner and the public is kept in the dark about this processes and whereas this has resulted in massive transfer of State wealth to the few connected one in the State. And further entranced the public perception of rampant cronyism and corruption in the Sarawak State Government administration and whereas the new Chief Minister has on many occasion make clear that he wishes to establish transparent, fair and clean governance in the State administration. And whereas public access to information were enhanced public scrutiny of the process of governance and health reduce cronyism and corruption, an essential element for transparent, fair and clean governance, where for, for better protection of public interest and rights and the way towards a truly transparent, fair and clean governance. It is here by move that, leave be granted by this House to the Honourable Member for Kota Sentosa to introduce the bill intrigue: “An ordinance to enhance this crucial of information for the public interest to provide to every individual a very reasonable right of access to information made by every department of the State Government and to promote transparency and accountability for each department of the State Government.” The short title of bill shall be Sarawak Freedom of Information Ordinance, 2014. Just for the record I have also prepared, drafted and prepared the bill, the whole bill of this ordinance, the Sarawak Freedom of Information Ordinance. I believe I have also forwarded a copy to your office. Tuan Speaker: Yes. Ahli-Ahli Yang Berhormat, because this motion seeks leave to table appeal, my ruling will be slightly lamely, I seek your indulgence because a bill is involves. The bill seeks: (a) To enhance disclosure of information for the public interests. (b) To provide to every individual a reason of access to information made by every department in State department. (c) To promote transparency and accountability for each department in the State. Towards this purpose, the proposed Bill appoints by way of Gazette Information Officer in every department of the State Government. The proposed bill appoints and establishes as State Information Board with Chairman, Deputy Chairman and not less than 6 members. The Chairman and Deputy Chairman are preferably ex-judges or advocates of solicitors of the High Court. The summonses and documentations in dispensing the duties and responsibilities of the Information Officers and the State Information Board incur expenditure yet to be estimated. At the footnote of the proposed Bill under the caption of “Financial Implication” it is stated: “This Bill will involve the Government extra financial expenditure the amount of which cannot at present be ascertained.” Before seeking leave from the Dewan under Standing Order 45 (1), approval in writing has to be obtained or given by the Minister of Finance as required under Standing Order 23 (5) which states: “A motion which, directly or indirectly, involves any such grant, charge, expenditure, release, remission or compensation as mentioned in paragraph (4)(a) to (d) 69 BELUM DISUNTING 11 NOVEMBER 2014 shall be treated as seeking grant, charge, expenditure, release, remission or compensation, unless the said Minister signifies in writing that it does not go beyond what is incidental only and not of a substantial nature having regard to the purposes of the motion.” Standing Order 45 reads: “Any private member desiring to introduce a Bill may, subject to Article 24 (7) of the Constitution of the State of Sarawak, apply to the Dewan for leave to do so.” Article 24 (7) of the State Constitution provides: “No Bill or amendment involving expenditure from the Consolidated Fund may be introduced or moved in the Dewan Undangan Negeri except by a Member of the Majlis Mesyuarat Kerajaan Negeri.” Since the Honourable Member seeks leave for him to introduce the Bill, this contravenes Article 24 (7). The proposed motion relates to a subject matter which is under the Federal List and pursuant to Standing Order 23 (6), ‘no motion relating to a matter contained in the Federal Legislative List shall be in order’. The Bill relates to official secrets and corrupt practices which are provided in item 4(f), List I of the 9th Schedule to the Federal Constitution. Official Secrets Act 1972 provides inter alia for Cabinet papers as official secrets. The Bill therefore cannot take away what has already been provided for under the OSA. The words, phraseologies and clauses of this proposed Bill are at variance with and at times contravene the provisions of the Official Secrets Act 1972. The proposed Bill does not define documents, but defines “Information” as “any information in whatever form including any documents made, amended modified transformed obtained received held or kept in the custody or control of any department or to which any department has reasonable access” under Clause 2 of the Proposed Bill. This is diametrically opposed to Section 2 of the Official Secrets Act which does not define “Information” but defines “document” and defined “official secret” as “any document specified in the schedule and any information and material relating thereto and includes any other official document, information and material as may be classified as “Top Secret”, “Secret”, “Confidential” or “Restricted”, as the case may be, by a Minister, the Menteri Besar or Chief Minister of a State or such public officer appointed under Section 2B. Section 2B of the Official Secrets Act states: “A Minister may, from time to time, by order published in the Gazette, add to, delete from, or amend any of the provisions of the Schedule hereto.” While the public officer can classify any departmental documents as classified, these information or document remain to be so classified unless the said documents or declassified under Section 2C of the act. Under Clause 15 of the Proposed Bill with the heading of “Exceptions to exemptions”, it is stipulated that: 15. (1) Notwithstanding section 14 – 70 BELUM DISUNTING 11 NOVEMBER 2014 (2) (a) a department shall grant access to exempted information to an applicant if public interest in disclosure outweighs the harm of disclosure; (b) the State Government shall have the power to disclose or allow the disclosure of the exempted information or to remove the classification of confidentiality assigned to any information or document and to disclose or allow access to the same at its discretion; (c) the Information Officer may grant access to the exempted information if the information is required for an investigation of an offence or misconduct. Clause 14 shall not apply to information relating to any matter or event which occurred more than twenty years prior to the application made under applicant pursuant to clause 6. This clause contravenes Section 2A, 2B and Schedule of the Official Secrets Act:Section 2A. The Minister may, from time to time, by order published in the Gazette, add to, delete from, or amend any of the provisions of the Schedule hereto. Section 2B. A Minister, the Menteri Besar or the Chief Minister of a State may appoint any public officer by a certificate under his hand to classify any official document, information or material as “Top Secret”, “Secret”, “Confidential” or “Restricted”, as the case may be. Schedule [Section 2A] – Cabinet documents, records of decisions and deliberations including those of Cabinet committees; State Executive Council documents, records of decisions and deliberations including those of the State Executive Council committees; Documents relating national security, defence and international relations. Under Clause 21 of the Proposed Bill with the heading of “Protection”, it is stipulated that: Under Clause 21 of the Proposed Bill with the heading of “Protection”, it is stipulated that: No prosecution, penalty, sanctions, suit or proceeding of any kind shall or can be brought, instituted or continued in any court against: (a) an Information Officer; or (b) other relevant officer of a department or the State Information Board, In relation to any disclosure of information made by such officers in good faith in the exercise or performance of any power, duty or responsibility under this Ordinance or any regulations made in relation to this Ordinance. Whereas under Section 7A(1)(d)(e) of the Official Secrets Act: (1) Any person who is in any manner whatsoever approached by any another person whether directly or indirectly to obtain for or supply that other person any official secret or any secret official code word, countersign or password which has been entrusted in confidence to him by any public officer; or 71 BELUM DISUNTING 11 NOVEMBER 2014 otherwise than in the course of his duty, shall immediately report such communication to a police officer of the rank of Inspector or above, and if he is a public officer it shall be sufficient for him to report in writing to the head of the department of such public office.” Clause 5 (2) Part III of the Proposed Bill states: “If the information sought to be accessed by any person is contained in a document disclosure of which is subject to any written law, access to such information shall be subject to such written law.” It is therefore germane for Ahli Yang Berhormat for Kota Sentosa who is an Honourable Member of Parliament to propose a bill to amend the Official Secrets Act 1972. When such bill is approved by Parliament only then it is appropriate for this august House to consider the proposed Bill. Under Article 75 of the Federal Constitution quote: “If any State law is inconsistent with a federal law, the federal law shall prevail and the State law shall, to the extent of the inconsistency, be void.” But this inconsistency strikes at the heart of the proposed Bill thus making the entire proposed bill void. The same principle is echoed under Article 4 (1) of the Federal Constitution which states quote: “This Constitution is the supreme law of the Federation and any law passed after Merdeka Day which is inconsistent with this Constitution shall, to the extent of the inconsistency, be void.” Now I shall put the question to the Dewan. Those in favour of the motion by the Ahli Yang Berhormat for Kota Sentosa for leave to introduce this bill. Those in favour say (Intteruption). Y.B. En. Chong Chieng Jen: I think I am the proposer of the motion for leave and after your argument; I should have a last say just a two sentence. After all your lengthy arguments … (interruption) Tuan Speaker: No, no ... (interruption). Y.B. En. Chong Chieng Jen: Ya,ya before you put to vote, let me clarify some point ... (interruption) Tuan Speaker: You wait, you wait. I even refer to the Bill in detail ... (interruption) Y.B. En. Chong Chieng Jen: (interruption)… I know, but let me have one, just one word of reply Tuan Speaker: That will be the second reading; once leave is given we go to second. If leave is given, that will be first reading. I put it to the vote. Y.B. En. Chong Chieng Jen: I am not going into it. Tuan Speaker, Tuan Speaker don’t shut my mic. Tuan Speaker: Those in favour of granting leave for the bill to be introduce please put up your hand. Those who are not in favour, those who do not want leave to be given to Ahli Yang berhormat for Kota Sentosa. It’s leave of the Dewan, not the Speaker. 72 BELUM DISUNTING 11 NOVEMBER 2014 Ahli-Ahli Yang Berhormat, those in favour of granting leave in the name of Ahli Yang Berhormat for Kota Sentosa for leave to be granted for the bill to be introduced, 13 votes. Those who are against, not granting leave for the bill to be introduced, 54. With that, I hereby declare that leave is denied and the motion is dismissed. You can appeal. You can state your appeal. Just the ruling. I shall move to the third motion. Ahli Ahli Yang Berhormat I have received a motion dated 24 October 2014 from Ahli Yang Berhormat for Ba Kelalan. I shall now call upon Ahli Yang Berhormat for Ba Kelalan to read his motion. Y.B. Encik Baru Bian: Thank you Tuan Speaker. Standing Order 23 reads; Whereas; A private member’s motion under (1) Mandatory public participation in the EIA process is imperative for the promotion of greater consultative practice and transparency in governance; (2) The United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) states that participants to this process should include scientists, economists, engineers, policymakers and representatives of interested and affected groups; (3) The Sarawak EIA process under the Natural Resources and Environment Ordinance 1993 (NREO 1993 )excludes provisions to enforce mandatory public participation unlike the Federal EIA process under the Environment Quality Act 1974 (EQA 1974); (4) There is poor compliance with Article 6 of the Natural Resources and Environment (Prescribed Activities) Order 1994 which requires submission of a report and approval of the Board before prescribed activities can commence; (5) This situation has prevented the Sarawak EIA process from functioning at an optimal level of transparency and is detrimental to community and public interest. The Dewan hereby resolves that the State Government takes the appropriate steps to propose amendments to the Sarawak Natural Resources and Environment Ordinance 1993 in order to ensure: (a) That the EIA process in Sarawak follows the exact standards and procedures as those established at the Federal Level under EQA 1974. (b) That public participation in the EIA process is made mandatory and not subject to the project proponents’ discretion. (c) That the penalty for non-compliance with Article 6 of the Natural Resources and Environment (Prescribed Activities) Order 1994 be increased to RM100,000.00 or 5 years’ imprisonment. (d) That the EIA process provides for sufficient time and other relevant considerations to deliver a mandatory consultative practice, allowing affected communities and the public to have their views considered. Thank you Tuan Speaker. Y.B. Encik See Chee How: I second. Tuan Speaker: Ahli Ahli Yang Berhormat. The motion seeks to advance a cause whereby: 73 BELUM DISUNTING 11 NOVEMBER 2014 (a) Public participation in the EIA process ought to be mandatory and not subject to the project proponents discretion; (b) Then must be greater consultative practice; (c) There must be transparency in governance towards this and emphasized on the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) on the definition of “Participants”. The motion highlighted on the shortcomings of Natural Resources and Environment Ordinance 1993 and praised the exemplary Federal EIA process under the Environment Quality Act 1974. The motion lamented on the poor compliance of Article 6 of the Natural Resources and Environment (Prescribed Activities) Order 1994. The motion seeks to amend the Natural Resources and Environment Ordinance in order to accommodate what is spelt out in the preamble and the imposition of a penalty of RM100,000.00 for non-compliances. The proposed amendments cast a wide not in changing the existing Sarawak Natural Resources and Environment Ordinance 1993. This motion fails because: (a) It does not specifically state which words or clauses of the said ordinance are to struck out and which words or clauses are to be inserted. (b) It does not specifically state which words or clauses are to be substituted. Because of the broad changes and amendments a Private Member’s Bill is more appropriate rather than a motion for amendment which does not condescend into details. According to Erskine May Parliamentary Practice, 24th Edition, Page 340, Para 3, lines 14-16: “It is a general rule applicable to all substantive motions for the adjournment that the subject to be discussed must not involve legislation, except incidentally, though the rule is now enforced less rigidly than hitherto (particularly during adjournment debates in Westminster Hall), on the grounds that the private Members now have few opportunities to move substantive motions.” To allow this motion to proceed, tantamount to circumventing Standing Order 45(1): “Any private member desiring to introduce a Bill may, subject to Article 24(7) of the Constitution of the State of Sarawak, apply to the Dewan for leave to do so, stating at the same time the object and leading features of such Bill.” The Standing Order provides opportunities for the Honourable Member for Ba’Kelalan to raise the subject matter in the form of a question under Standing Order 19 and/or raise the subject matter in the course of his speech during the debate on the Budget. The proposed amendment in the motion on “mandatory participation” contradicts and is inconsistent with Section 11A of Natural Resources and Environment Ordinance 1993 which states that: “The Board may, subject to such rules as may be made under section 18, by Order published in the Gazette, require any person undertaking the following activities--” The section listed out the requirements from (a) to (j). 74 BELUM DISUNTING 11 NOVEMBER 2014 Section 18 of the Ordinance: “The Yang di-Pertua Negeri in Council may make rules generally for the purpose of carrying out the provisions of this Ordinance and, in particular, such rules may provide for--“ And the section listed out such rules from (a) to (z) and capital (A) to capital (D). The motion has to be specific when it comes to proposing amendments, i.e. which clauses in the current law are to be struck off, what to insert, what to substitute, failing which, the original Ordinance if amended may end up in self contradictions and inconsistencies. The 4th resolution of the motion “That the EIA process provides for sufficient time and other relevant considerations to deliver a mandatory consultative practice – allowing affected communities and the public to have their views considered.” requires an amendment to Section 11(A) and Section 18 of the Natural Resources Ordinance 1993. The Natural Resources and Environment Board in a letter dated 8th November 2014 responded and rebutted the issues raised by the Honourable Member point by point. The Natural Resources and Environment Board in a letter dated 8th November 2014 responded and rebutted the issues raised by the Honourable Member point by point. No. (1) Issues On the issue of – Mandatory public participation in EIA process is imperative for the promotion of greater consultative practice and transparency in governance. (2) On the issue of – The United Nation Environment Programme (UNEP) states that participants to this process should include scientist, economists, engineers, policymakers and representatives of interested or affected groups. (3) On the third issue by the Motion The Sarawak EIA process under the Natural Resources and Environment Ordinance 1993 Response & Rebuttal by NREB  The EIA processes in Sarawak are governed by internationally recognised guidelines and procedures, and encompassing the basic principles of EIA requirement in general. These guidelines and procedures adopt relevant articles that are enshrined in the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples (UNDRIP) and the Equator principle, the latter of which is adopted by the World Bank and IMF.  The provision in the existing DOE’s EQA and NREB’s procedure has incorporated public review (to allow for promotion of greater consultative practices and transparency in governance. This consultation is done within a period of 45 days (verbal and/or written) before the process proceeded to the next stage, that is, the Panel Review meeting.  The preparation of EIA report in Sarawak is being carried out by competent consultants from various disciplines all of which must be registered with the NREB. The EIA reports that they prepared are assessed and evaluated by a Review Panel, comprising competent officials of relevant government agencies, representative from local institutions of higher learning and competent NGOs, which includes scientists, economists, engineers, policymakers and others.  The EIA process under the NREO 1993 and EQA 1974 do provide for public participation and consultation within a period of 45 days as mentioned just now. 75 BELUM DISUNTING 11 NOVEMBER 2014 (4) (NREO 1993) excludes provision to enforce mandatory public participation unlike the Federal EIA process under the Environmental Quality Act 1974 (EQA 1974). On the fourth issue by the Motion  The State has adhered strictly to the Article 6 - There is poor compliance with of the Order that no major activities which Article 6 of the Natural form parts of the main components of the Resources and Environment projects shall be allowed to commence on the (Prescribed Activities) Order ground before approval is granted by the 1994 which requires submission NREB. Section 11A(4) of the principal of a report and approval of the Ordinance states “Where the Board, after Board before prescribed activities examining the contents of the report, can commence considers it reasonable and where the decision is not expected to have any significant adverse effects on the environment, the Board may decide that specified preparatory works relating to the activity or specified part of the activity may be carried out or commenced before the approval of the report”, e.g. preparatory works, such as establishment of site and so forth. The motion must condescend into details to particularise which of the offending parts of the law are to be struck out and its substitution thereof to enable the proposed amendments to flow and to quote the Honourable Member for Ba’Kelalan, “roll on like a river, righteousness like a never failing stream”. The motion is therefore dismissed. Tuan Speaker: I have received a fourth Motion dated 30th October 2014 from the Honourable Member for Piasau. I shall now call upon the Honourable Member for Piasau to read out his Motion. Y.B. Encik Alan Ling Sie Kiong: Thank you, Tuan Speaker. Good evening to Tuan Speaker. You are very energetic, you chair the meeting from morning to evening, very energetic. Tuan Speaker: Sorry, I don’t hear you. Y.B. Encik Alan Ling Sie Kiong: You are very energetic. You chair the meeting from morning until 5.30pm. Ya, boleh tahan. So, Tuan Speaker, before I read out my Motion under Standing Order 23, may I have the honour to invite Honourable Member for Senadin to second my Motion, because this Motion concerns the interest of Mirians..(interruption) Tuan Speaker: No, you read the motion first. How can you ask him to second if you don’t read You read first. Y.B. Encik Alan Ling Sie Kiong: I give notification first...(interruption) Tuan Speaker: So, you indicate for the Member for Senadin .(interruption). served on the Honourable Member for Senadin to second. Proceed. Notice is Y.B. Encik Alan Ling Sie Kiong: Okay, thank you very much, Tuan Speaker. So, it was worth my praise to you. 76 BELUM DISUNTING 11 NOVEMBER 2014 Tuan Speaker: Now, Member for Piasau, can I get a commitment from you? You are committed to get the Member of Senadin to second? Y.B. Encik Alan Ling Sie Kiong: Yes, it’s my honour. This is a Miri issue. I want an Assistant Minister for Miri to support me. Tuan Speaker: So the strength of your Motion hinges on him agreeing to be the seconder, okay? Y.B. Encik Alan Ling Sie Kiong: No, he has to second it. Otherwise I will have the others to second. I have a seconder...(interruption) Tuan Speaker: Can we agree on that? Y.B. Encik Alan Ling Sie Kiong: I give priority to Senadin first. Tuan Speaker: You have so many colleagues. You choose to cross the floor and nominate him. So, can I get a commitment from you? In the event... Y.B. Encik Alan Ling Sie Kiong: He refuses... Tuan Speaker: No, no. This is your Motion. Y.B. Encik Alan Ling Sie Kiong: Tuan Speaker, I commit. Tuan Speaker: Silence, silence No. Order, order. Y.B. Encik Alan Ling Sie Kiong: Creating a new culture. Both sides can support. Tuan Speaker: Now, Member for Piasau, I want it to be very clear. You choose not to get your colleagues, you cross the floor. Y.B. Encik Alan Ling Sie Kiong: Yes. Tuan Speaker: Now, you agree the strength of your Motion hinges on the consent of the Member for Senadin to agree to second failing which the Motion has no leg to stand on. Agreed? Y.B. Encik Alan Ling Sie Kiong: Okay, okay, no problem, I agree. Tuan Speaker: Okay, proceed. Y.B. Encik Alan Ling Sie Kiong: I save your job also because before 6.00 pm you can finish maybe. Tuan Speaker: Proceed. Y.B. Encik Alan Ling Sie Kiong: For the record, all of us consented. Tuan Speaker: You read Y.B. Encik Alan Ling Sie Kiong: Okay, I read it out, thank you. (a) There are private bus service companies in Miri, namely Miri Transport Company Sdn. Bhd. has been suffering from escalating cost in the operation and have to shut down many routes which used to service the public regularly. 77 BELUM DISUNTING 11 NOVEMBER 2014 (b) As such the people of Miri especially those relying on public transport services are severely affected and they faced hardship due to certain important routes like those going through the city and Miri Hospital was suspended. Therefore is moved, Tuan Speaker. (i) The State government is to engage the company with the aim of increasing the subsidy provided to all bus operators in Miri to help reduce operation cost and loses as an interim measure to immediately resume all routes which were previously suspended. (ii) The State government is to acquire the bus company and thereafter to improve on its regularity and services with the aim of encouraging better use of buses. It is recommended that free bus services be provided to the public for the first five years as an incentive which will help reduce traffic jams and uplift the living standard of the people as providing affordable and good public transport system is the duty of the government. Thank you, Tuan Speaker. Tuan Speaker: Honourable Member for Senadin. You had been graciously appointed as an Honourable Member to second the Motion in the name of the Honourable Member for Piasau. Do you agree to second the Motion? Menteri Muda Sukan, Menteri Muda Perhubungan (Y.B. Datuk Lee Kim Shin): Tuan Speaker, I observed that the Motion from the Member for Piasau will involve financial allocation and that’s not complied with the requirement as stipulated under Standing Order 23(5). Therefore, the motion cannot proceed. And the question of seconding it does not arise. It is not proper to second the Motion that is irregular. Let me quote Standing Order 23(5), it says here, “A Motion which directly or indirectly involves any such grant, charge, expenditure, release, remission or compensation as mention in paragraph 4A(2d) shall be treated as seeking grant, charge, expenditure, release, remission or composition unless the said Minister signifies in writing that is does not go beyond what is incidental only and not of a substantial nature having regard to the purposes of the Motion. Tuan Speaker, I wish also to place on record here that I have brought up the subject of subsidized public bus services for Miri at a recent meeting with the relevant officials. And I wish also to state here that I am equally concerned, if not more than the Member for Piasau on the need of having better bus services not only in Miri but also Kuching and other towns in Sarawak. Tuan Speaker: Now, do you want to second the Motion? Menteri Muda Sukan, Menteri Muda Perhubungan (Y.B. Datuk Lee Kim Shin): Sorry, it is not proper to second an irregular Motion. Tuan Speaker: The answer is no. Ahli-Ahli Yang Berhormat, on the ground that the Motion in the name of the Honourable Member for Piasau fails to obtain a person to second the motion, the Chair is left with no choice but to dismiss the Motion. Motion is dismissed. I shall move to the last and fifth Motion. I have received a Motion dated 30th October from the Honourable Member for Kidurong. I shall now call upon the Honourable Member for Kidurong to read out his Motion. Y.B. Encik Chiew Chiu Sing: Thank you, Tuan Speaker. There is an amendment to my Motion without my knowledge, that is the subject matter of the Motion, as laid on the table. The subject matter of my Motion is not on the Motion that is laid on the table, has 78 BELUM DISUNTING 11 NOVEMBER 2014 disappeared, thus the identity of the Minister concerned, the Minister for N.47 Bawang Assan, the Honourable Dato Sri Wong Soon Koh, the Minister for Local Government and Community Development has also disappeared. Because the subject matter of the Motion has been taken off from the Motion that is laid on the table. Therefore, in the section under where for, it is moved that, it should add in the identity of the Honourable Minister, it should read the Honourable Minister for Local Government and Community Development, that should be added in to the Motion because that was left out. Tuan Speaker: Honourable Member, are you amending your Motion? Y.B. Encik Chiew Chiu Sing: No, I am not. It’s just that the subject matter of my Motion has been omitted in here and it is to be added on to the Motion otherwise the Honourable Minister has no identity in the Motion that is laid on the table. Shall I go ahead? Tuan Speaker: Okay. Y.B. Encik Chiew Chiu Sing: Tuan Speaker, (a) Many of the roadside drains in Bintulu have remained not cleared for months and months; (b) Many of the drains at the back alley of the houses in housing estates have not been cleared for months and months and some for years; (c) Grass along road sides especially along the non-protocol roads especially in the housing estates and in kampung have not been cut for the months of July, August and September 2014; (d) Garbage in the housing estates, kampung, long houses were not collected for up to 10 days for almost a year until recently. (d) Improper approval of engineering plans with regards to drainage at housing estates and kampung, resulting a serious flooding even in high land. Especially like the flood in December 2013. Therefore it is move that the Honourable Minister for Local Government and Community Development from Bawang Assan should be cut by RM100 for the rest of the term for failing to discharge his duty. That the Honourable Minister for Local Government and Community Development, Honourable Member for Bawang Assan, do spend more time and stay focus on the affair of local government. Making sure that the above mentioned matters does not happen again and that function of the local government is always well taken care off. Failing which he should relinquish his post. That the people in Bintulu should be rebated the assessment rate paid to the Bintulu Development Authority for the services not rendered during the period. Thank you Tuan Speaker. Y.B. Encik Alan Ling Sie Kiong: Tuan Speaker, I beg to second. Thank you. Tuan Speaker: Ahli-ahli Yang Berhormat, the Honourable Member for Kidurong wants it to be mentioned specifically quote motion concerning the member for N.47 Bawang Assan, the Honourable Dato Sri Wong Soon Koh, Minister of Local Government and Community Development for failing to carry out his duties in Bintulu. Right? You want this. Because you 79 BELUM DISUNTING 11 NOVEMBER 2014 are not happy what is distributed around excluding this. So I put it in. Because this is your original motion. Y.B. Encik Chiew Chiu Sing: Yes, Tuan Speaker. It was quite absurd you know to cut the salary of the Minister without identity ... (interruption) Tuan Speaker: No, I received the original motion. This is the motion. It is stated quite clearly. Y.B. Encik Chiew Chiu Sing: Yes. The Minister in charge of Local Government Committee Development whom has failed and his gaji should be cut. Ya. Tuan Speaker: Ahli-ahli Yang Berhormat, the motion in its preamble complained of uncleared road side drains, drains at the back alley of houses in the housing estate, long grass at protocol roads, uncollected garbage, and improper approval of engineering plans. Because of such dereliction of duties and responsibilities, the salary of Honourable Member for Bawang Assan as Minister of Local Government and Community Development be cut by RM100 for the rest of the term. This motion is in breach of Standing Order 32 (5) which states: “No member shall refer to any other member by name.” So this is a breach of Standing Order 32(5). This motion specifically stated the geographical area complained of is in Bintulu. By virtue of Section 8 (1) of the Lembaga Kemajuan Bintulu (Bintulu Development Authority) 1978, “The Yang di-Pertua Negeri may by notification in the Gazette declare any area of land in the Bintulu District to be a designated area within which the Authority may perform its functions and exercise its powers under this ordinance. Section 8 (2): “The Yang di-Pertua Negeri may at any time by notification of the Gazette alter, replace or extend any designated area.” “The Authority” here means the Bintulu Development Authority defined under Section 2. Section 3 establishes a body corporate known as the Bintulu Development Authority Ordinance 1978. The Authority i.e. Bintulu Development Authority in exercising its duties and functions in place of local authority are explicitly expressed under Section 4 and Section 5 of the Bintulu Development Authority. Section 4 of the BDA – 4 (1) Notwithstanding the provisions of anything to the contrary contained in the Local Authority Ordinance, the Authority shall be the local authority for any area which has been declared to be a designated area for the purposes of this Ordinance. (2) All persons within the designated area shall be subjected to the jurisdiction of the Authority and shall be bound to comply with the bylaws, orders and regulations made by the Authority under the powers conferred on it by subsection (3). (3) The Authority shall in respect of the area declared to be a designated area exercise all the powers conferred on a local authority by the Local Authority Ordinance other than the powers specified in the Second Schedule; and the provisions of the Local Authority Ordinance relating to duties and responsibilities of local authorities shall apply to the Authority accordingly. 80 BELUM DISUNTING 11 NOVEMBER 2014 (4) All by-laws and regulations made by the Bintulu District Council under the Local Authority Ordinance or other written laws and in force immediately before the commencement of this Ordinance shall apply to the designated area and shall effect as if such by-laws and regulations had been made by the Authority pursuant to subsection (3). Section 5 of the Bintulu Development Authority – 5. “Notwithstanding the provisions of any other written law regulating the powers and duties of a local council, the powers and functions of local council under any written law relating to – (a) road traffic; and (b) public health; shall be exercisable, within the designated area, by the Authority; and accordingly references to “local council” in the written law aforementioned shall be construed as including the Authority. to (j). The functions of Bintulu Development Authority is stipulated under Section 6 from (a) The powers of the Authority is stated under Section 7 (1) from (a) to (s); Section 7 (2) from (a) to (i). This is further reinforced by Section 7 (2) and Section 7 (3). Because of these provisions the functions and responsibilities of the previous local authority in Bintulu is taken over by the Bintulu Development Authority. This motion in its third Resolution admitted the assessment rates were paid to the Bintulu Development Authority and that “people of Bintulu should be rebated the assessment rates paid to the Bintulu Development Authority for the services not rendered during this period. This confirms that there is now no local authority in Bintulu. The Bintulu Development Authority by virtue of Bintulu Development Authority Ordinance 1978 is the authority in Bintulu. Under the Sarawak Government Gazette Part II dated 21st April 2014 on page 67, the Honorable Member for Bawang Assan as Minister of Local Government and Community Development was not assigned the task and responsibilities to exercise the powers and functions of Bintulu Development Authority. The Bintulu Development Authority is therefore not within the portfolio and purview of the Honourable Member for Bawang Assan as State Minister for Local Government and Community Development. This motion is misconceive and is therefore dismiss. No, you can appeal. If you are not satisfied with my ruling, you can appeal. Because this will go on infinite term. No, no, you can appeal. Ahli-ahli Yang Berhormat, the sitting is now adjourned and the House shall resume its sitting at 9:00 a.m. tomorrow. (Mesyuarat ditangguhkan pada jam 5:54 petang) 81