Clin Transl Oncol (2010) 12:461-467
DOI 10.1007/s12094-010-0538-0
Blue Series
Breast cancer, neoadjuvant chemotherapy and residual disease
Mariana Chávez-MacGregor · Ana María González-Angulo
Received: 14 April 2010 / Accepted: 24 May 2010
Abstract Neoadjuvant systemic therapy (NST) has become
part of the standard treatment of patients with locally advanced breast cancer. Patients who achieve a pathologically
complete response (pCR) after NST have improved outcomes compared with patients with residual disease at the
primary tumor site or the lymph nodes. Achieving a pCR
after NST correlates with improved disease-free and overall survival; therefore the amount of residual disease is a
prognostic predictor, and it is an area of ongoing research.
In this article, we review the literature on NST to highlight
the importance of pCR as a prognostic indicator. We also
review the definition of pCR and describe the association
between different patient and tumor characteristics, including the breast cancer subtype classification, and its
response to chemotherapy. We expand on the clinical impact of residual disease and comment on the importance of
quantifying it and the current treatment recommendations
for patients with residual disease after NST.
Keywords Neoadjuvant chemotherapy · Residual disease ·
Residual cancer burden · Breast cancer
M. Chávez-MacGregor
Division of Cancer Medicine
The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center
Houston, USA
A.M. González-Angulo (쾷)
Departments of Breast Medical Oncology and Systems Biology
The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center
1515 Holcombe Boulevard Unit 1354
TX 77030-4009, Houston, USA
Breast cancer is the second most common cause of cancer death in the United States; in 2008, more than184,000
new cases were diagnosed [1]. According to data from
the Surveillance Epidemiology and End Results (SEER)
program, approximately 30% of invasive breast cancer
cases have nodal involvement at the time of diagnosis [2,
3]. Women with node involvement and particularly those
with locally advanced breast cancer (LABC) require multidisciplinary therapy to optimize patient care. Preoperative or neoadjuvant systemic chemotherapy (NST) is part
of the standard of care in patients with LABC. It has several advantages, including increased rates of conservation surgery and administration of chemotherapy through
an intact vascular system. Having a primary tumor during administration of systemic chemotherapy has the
advantage of response evaluation. Also, several clinical
trials have evaluated the impact of using additional chemotherapy in patients with residual disease and outcome.
Patients who achieve a pathologically complete response
(pCR) during NST have improved outcomes compared
with patients with residual disease at the primary tumor
site or the lymph nodes. With that in mind, several clinical trials have tried additional chemotherapy in patients
in the latter group in order to improve outcomes. However, no consistent improvement has been observed with
a midcourse chemotherapy switch based on the presence
or lack of response to NST. Therefore, treatment plan
should be devised at the outset and should not be altered
unless there is clear evidence of disease progression. In
this article, we review the literature on NST to highlight
the importance of pCR as a prognostic indicator. We
describe and analyze the association between different
tumor subtypes and their response to chemotherapy and
expand on the direction of ongoing research focusing on
residual disease.
Clin Transl Oncol (2010) 12:461-467
Fig. 1 Evidence of prognostic importance of axillary lymph node status after neoadjuvant chemotherapy.
Reprinted with permission. ©2008 American Society of Clinical Oncology. All rights reserved. Henessy BT, et al: J Clin Oncol 23 (36):9304-9311
Neoadjuvant chemotherapy: pathologically complete
response (pCR) and residual disease
NST is part of the standard treatment for patients with
LABC [4] and is increasingly being used in patients with
operable breast cancer. NST improves the rates of breast
conservation and allows clinical monitoring of in vivo tumor responses. It has the theoretical advantages of early
initiation of systemic therapy, delivery of drugs through
an intact vasculature, and the opportunity to study the
biological effects of chemotherapy in vivo. However, the
use of NST does result in the alteration of standard and
well-validated pathological prognostic markers, such as
tumor size and number of lymph nodes involved. Most
importantly, the survival rates of women treated with adjuvant and neoadjuvant chemotherapy are considered to be
equivalent [5].
Clinical tumor responses are observed in 70–90% of
patients who receive NST, with rates varying according to
the type of chemotherapy and number of cycles [6]. Tumor
responses obtained after NST correlate with outcome. The
correlation between pCR and long-term disease-free (DFS)
and overall (OS) survival has been confirmed in virtually
all clinical trials and is present regardless of tumor subtype
and initial clinical stage of disease [5, 7]. pCR, therefore,
has been adopted as a reliable intermediate marker of longterm prognosis and is used as an endpoint for neoadjuvant
trials. It is generally accepted that the definition of pCR
should include patients without residual disease in the
breast (pT0). However, the presence of nodal metastases,
minimal residual invasive cancer, and residual in situ carcinoma in not well defined. Our group at The University of
Texas, MD Anderson Cancer Center, defines pCR as no evidence of invasive carcinoma in the breast or lymph nodes.
Clin Transl Oncol (2010) 12:461-467
Fig. 2 Evidence of the prognostic effect of ductal carcinoma in situ (DCIS) in the residual pathological specimen after neoadjuvant chemotherapy.
Reprinted with permission. ©2008 American Society of Clinical Oncology. All rights reserved. Mazouni C, et al: J Clin Oncol 25(19):2650-2655
It has been described that when there is no residual invasive cancer in the breast, the number of involved axillary
lymph nodes is inversely related to survival. Conversely,
patients who convert to a node-negative status after NST
have excellent survival, even if there is residual disease in
the breast [7–9] (Fig. 1). Including patients with positive
lymph nodes in the definition of pCR weakens its prognostic value. Also, there is no evidence that residual in situ
carcinoma increases the risk of relapse or has any effect on
clinical outcome [10, 11] (Fig. 2). Therefore, patients with
residual carcinoma in situ should not be included in the
definition of pCR.
As discussed, pCR is associated with improved outcomes. However, when evaluating tumor response to chemotherapy, the dichotomization of responses as pCR or
residual disease is simplistic, because the patients categorized as having residual disease include a broad range of
actual responses to frank resistance [12]. Symmans et al.
[13] developed a new model to quantify residual disease.
They estimated the residual cancer burden (RCB) as a continuous variable derived from the primary tumor dimensions, tumor-bed cellularity, and axillary nodal burden. The
authors noted that patients had almost a twofold increase in
relapse risk for each unit of increase in the RCB index, and
when the RCB index was included in a model that included
clinical and treatment covariates, the overall predictive
power of the model improved. When RBC was categorized
(RCB-0, RCB-I, RCB-II, RCB-III) different risk groups
were identified, with women having RCB-0 and RCB-1
having excellent prognosis (Fig. 3). RCB is a new independent risk factor that improves the prediction of distant
relapse after NST. RCB is a new tool for pathologists and
is a novel method for reporting findings from posttreatment
specimens; it is important, as it represents a new method to
evaluate and understand residual disease.
Given the clinical relevance of residual disease, different trials have used response as a decision-making aid. The
first prospective randomized trial using this strategy was
the Aberdeen trial [14] in which 162 patients were treated
preoperatively with four cycles of an anthracycline-based
regimen. After 12 weeks of treatment, 68% of patients who
had a clinical response were randomly assigned to either
four more cycles of the same regimen or four cycles of
docetaxel. All patients who did not have a clinical response
were treated with docetaxel. The change to docetaxel in the
responders increased the clinical response rate after eight
cycles from 68% to 94% and the pCR rate from 16% to
34%. However, the pCR rate in nonresponders was only
2%, and these patients had statistically significantly worse
progression-free survival (PFS) at 2 years than did responders. Thomas et al. [15] evaluated the use of alternate,
non-cross-resistant adjuvant chemotherapy based on pCR
after the administration of three cycles of an anthracyclinebased chemotherapy. In this study, patients with <1 cm3 residual tumor at the time of surgery received five additional
cycles of the same regimen; those with residual tumors
>1 cm3 were randomized to the same or an alternate regimen. Among patients with residual tumors >1 cm3, those
receiving the alternate, non-cross-resistant regimen seemed
to have higher DFS and OS; however, this difference did
not achieve statistical significance. In the recently published GeparTrio trial [16], patients received two 3-week
Clin Transl Oncol (2010) 12:461-467
Fig. 3 Prognostic effect of different residual cancer burden (RCB) categories after neoadjuvant chemotherapy
Reprinted with permission. ©2008 American Society of Clinical Oncology. All rights reserved. Symmans WF, et al: J Clin Oncol 25(28):4414-4422
cycles of docetaxel (75 mg/m2), doxorubicin (50 mg/m2),
and cyclophosphamide (500 mg/m2) (TAC). Patients whose
tumors did not decrease in size by at least 50% were randomly assigned to receive four additional cycles of TAC
or four cycles of vinorelbine (25 mg/m2) and capecitabine
(2,000 mg/m2) (NX). Of the 2,090 patients enrolled, 622
(29.8%) were classified as nonresponders. Sonographic
response rate was 50.5% for patients in the TAC arm and
51.2% for patients in the NX arm. Similar rates of pCR
(5.3% vs. 6.0%) and breast-conserving surgery (57.3% vs.
59.8%) were seen. Based on the results of such clinical
trials, no consistent improvement in outcome has been observed with a midcourse chemotherapy switch based on the
presence or lack of response to NST. Therefore, treatment
plans should be devised at the outset and should not be altered unless there is clear evidence of disease progression.
In a recently published retrospective analysis aimed at
identifying progression predictors, Caudle et al. reported that
from 1,928 patients, 59 (3%) had evidence of progression
while receiving NST. Factors predictive of disease progression included African American race, advanced tumor stage,
high nuclear grade, high Ki-67, and estrogen/progesterone
receptor (ER/PR) negative status [17]. Patients with evidence
of disease progression during preoperative treatment should
be switched to an alternate regimen, offered local therapy, or
considered for investigational approaches. To date, no trial
has shown that additional chemotherapy given to patients
with residual disease improves outcome, and there is no role
for postoperative chemotherapy if a full course of standard
chemotherapy that includes a taxane and anthracycline regimen for 6 months was completed preoperatively [14, 16, 18]
unless it is administered as part of a clinical trial.
Tumor subtypes and response to treatment
It is known that several patient and tumor characteristics at
diagnosis correlate with tumor response to treatment and
with the probability of recurrence or death in patients with
breast cancer. Factors associated with adverse prognosis include the extent of disease and the involvement of regional
lymph nodes, high nuclear grade, and increased proliferative
fraction [19–21]. Differences also occur according to histological subtype. Invasive lobular carcinomas are more likely
to be hormone-receptor positive and have lower nuclear
grade than invasive ductal carcinomas. The pCR rate seems
to be significantly lower in patients with invasive lobular
carcinoma [22]. However, the overall outcome of these tumors after adjusting for patient and tumor characteristics is
better than the outcome for invasive ductal carcinomas [22].
Despite achieving a pCR, differences in outcome according to initial stage have been reported. After evaluating 489
patients with pCR, Dawood et al. [23] reported that clinical
stage at diagnosis was associated with improved RFS and
OS estimates. Overall, patients who achieved a pCR had a
low rate of recurrence; however, those with stage IIIB/IIIC
disease had worse outcomes than patients with stage I/II/II-
Clin Transl Oncol (2010) 12:461-467
IA despite all having achieved pCR after NST [23]. ER/PR
positivity correlates with prolonged DFS and OS, although
hormonal receptors are much better predictors of the utility
of endocrine therapies than prognosis. Human epidermal
growth factor receptor 2 (HER-2)/neu has emerged as an
important prognostic factor associated with lymph node involvement and relative resistance to hormonal therapy and
certain types of chemotherapy [24–26].
It is well known that breast cancer is a heterogeneous
collection of diseases with different biology. The use of
gene-expression profiling has led to the discovery of different molecular subtypes that have phenotypic diversity
with regard to multiple clinical outcomes [27, 28]. The molecular subtypes include at least two luminal subtypes (A
and B) characterized by a high expression of hormonereceptor-related genes; the basal-like subtype characterized
by a high expression of genes common to the breast myoepithelium, high expression of proliferation genes, and low
expression of hormone receptor and HER-2 signatures; and
the HER-2/neu-enriched type [29–31]. The basal-like and
the HER-2-enriched subtypes have shown the poorest prognosis, with decreased DFS and OS. Patients with luminal A
breast cancer have better prognosis compared with all other
groups, and the luminal B subtype seems to have an intermediate outcome. Luminal B tumors, although expressing
hormone-receptor–related gene signature, do so at a lower
level than luminal A tumors and have a variable expression
of the HER-2 signature; therefore, they are more proliferative than the luminal A subtype [28–32]. It is important to
mention that there is no standardized and uniformly accepted molecular assay to assign molecular class to breast cancer. The original intrinsic subtype predictor has undergone
important methodological changes in each subsequent publication. The genes used for classification, the prediction algorithm, and the reference or training population vary from
reference to reference. Because of the limited availability
of microarray expression analysis, immunohystochemical
(IHC) markers have been used as a surrogate. This simplification has the limitation that the prognostic power of the
different breast cancer subtypes is based on a complex gene
expression signature. The marker combinations that best
matched the molecular profiles segregate tumors into four
types: ER+ and/or PR+, HER-2/neu normal for luminal A;
ER+ and/or PR+, HER-2/neu+ or high Ki-67 for luminal
B; ER–, PR–, HER-2/neu normal, cytokeratin 5/6+, and/or
epidermal growth factor recetptor (EGFR)+ for basal-like
type and ER–, PR– and HER-2/neu+ for the HER-2/neuenriched subtype [33–35]. These subtypes overlap largely
with luminal A, B, basaloid and HER-2-like molecular subtypes, but the overlap is only about 70–80%.
Different groups have explored the effect of molecular subgroups or breast cancer subtypes and treatment
response. In a retrospective study evaluating the prognostic value of pCR in relation to hormone receptor status,
Guarneri et al. [36], observed that from 1,731 patients treated with NST, a pCR was observed in 24% of patietns with
hornone-receptor-negative status and only in 8% of those
with hormone-receptor-positive tumors (p<0.001). Patients
who achieve a pCR after NST have improved OS regardless
the tumor subtype [36–38]. However, it has been observed
that the rate of pCR differs considerably: the luminal A
subtype has low rates of pCR; in contrast, basal-like and
HER-2-enriched tumors have much higher rates of pCR
[33, 36, 39, 40]. The luminal B subtype was associated with
an intermediate response rate. The poor prognosis and inferior survival rates of patients with basal-like and HER-2/
neu-enriched tumors appears to contrast with the high pCR
rates observed in these patients [36, 37]. The unfavorable
outcomes seen in patients with basal-like and HER-2/neuenriched tumors are caused by a higher frequency of recurrence and death in those who did not achieve a pCR [37,
38]. It has been demonstrated that tumors with a high expression of proliferation-related genes are associated with
a high pCR rate after NST; however, this may also increase
the capacity of the tumors to metastasize [41].
There is variability between breast cancer subtypes and
the degree of chemotherapy sensitivity. Different groups
have developed various methods to estimate the probability
of treatment response. Predictive models have been developed using clinical variables, cell lines with known drug
sensitivities, and supervised analysis of gene expression
data of human cancers. Recently, Lee et al. [42] compared
the performance of different established models used to
predict pCR to NST. Using a cohort of 100 breast cancer
patients treated with anthracycline and taxane-based NST,
the authors observed that the optimized cell-line-derived
predictor [in vitro coexpression extrapolation (COXEN)]
[43] was not predictive and that a clinical normogram [44]
and a human-cancer-derived genomic predictor (DLDA30)
[45] had similar performances [area under the curve (AUC)
0.73]. The in vivo COXEN that used informative genes
from cell lines but was trained on a human data set also
had a predictive value (AUC 0.67). All predictors had lesser performance than seen in the original reports.
Intense research on gene expression, complementary
DNA (cDNA) microarrays, and proteomics might provide
predictive tools of greater value in the not too distant future. Results from ongoing research are promising; however, this technology is still investigational and its results
are not used routinely to determine clinical practice.
Molecular characterization of residual disease
There is a growing interest within the scientific community
in understanding the biology and characteristics of residual
disease. Guarneri et al. [46] evaluated the effect of NST
on tumor biomarker expression and the prognostic role
of treatment-induced variation of such biomarkers. After
evaluating tumor samples before and after treatment, the
authors observed that NST induced a significant reduction
in the expression of ER, PR, Ki-67, and apoptosis. Ki-67
15% and nodal positivity after treatment were predictors
of DFS. Patients with those two parameters had a 9.3- and
6.5-fold increase in risk of recurrence and death compared
with patients who had no lymph node positivity and had
Ki-67 <15. The previously described observation has been
confirmed by a different group. Jones et al. [47] also found
that after adjusting for patient and tumor characteristics,
Ki-67 expression after NST was significantly associated
with RFS and OS. These studies suggest that Ki-67 is
a strong predictor of outcome for patients with residual
disease after NST. Our group at MD Anderson evaluated
whether patients with HER-2 overexpressed tumors have
a change in HER-2/neu status in the residual disease after
receiving trastuzumab-based NST [48]. Despite the small
sample size, the authors observed that loss of HER-2 status was present in one third of the patients, and that this
change was associated with poor RFS [48]. Creighton et al.
[49] explored whether tumor cells surviving after conventional NST were enriched for cells that have high-initiating
potential or are capable of self-renewal. Using gene expression signature, the authors confirmed increased expression of mesenchymal markers. This suggests that residual
tumor cells that survive after conventional treatment may
be enriched for subpopulations of cells with both tumorinitiating and mesenchymal features.
It is possible that as we change our treatment modalities and include novel targeted agents in the standard NST
regimens we will also modify the biology and characteristics of the residual disease. We consider that it is fundamental to understand the determinants of residual disease.
Efforts at performing molecular determination of residual
disease will allow us to understand patters of resistance
and hopefully develop new targets and improve outcomes
in breast cancer patients. Important research is ongoing in
an attempt to determine the survival mechanisms of breast
cancer after NST.
Recommendations and future directions
According to recent guidelines [4], there is no role for
postoperative chemotherapy if a full course of standard
chemotherapy that includes a taxane and anthracycline
regimen for 6 months was completed preoperatively unless
it is administered as part of a clinical trial. There is no data
to confirm that a midcourse chemotherapy switch based on
the presence or lack of response to NST leads to improved
outcomes. Therefore, treatment plans should be devised at
the outset and should not be altered unless there is clear
evidence of disease progression.
Several clinical trials are randomizing patients with
residual disease to receive new therapeutic agents; recruiting is ongoing, and results are eagerly awaited, but this approach remains investigational. Our group at MD Anderson
is enrolling patients with HER-2-negative tumors on a randomized phase II study of ixabepilone (40 mg/m2 every 21
days for 6 cycles) versus observation (NCT00877500). Eli-
Clin Transl Oncol (2010) 12:461-467
gible patients must have received complete anthracyclineand taxane-based NST and have significant residual disease in the surgical specimen. The German Breast Group is
evaluating the use of zoledronic acid in the adjuvant setting
in a phase III clinical trial (NCT00512993). A total of 654
patients with stage II and III breast cancer with residual
disease in the breast and/or lymph nodes after NST are being randomized to receive zoledronic acid (4 mg every 4
weeks for six doses, followed by every 3 months for eight
doses, followed by every 6 months for five doses) versus
observation. The ABCDE trial (NCT00925652), a phase III
randomized study of adjuvant bevacizumab, metronomic
chemotherapy, diet, and exercise after NST in patients with
residual disease. The trial will randomize 660 patients into
four arms: diet; diet and exercise and bevacizumab (every
3 weeks for 12 months), in combination with metronomic
chemotherapy with cyclophosphamide (orally, once daily
for 6 months) and methotrexate (twice daily on the first
2 days of each week) with or without diet and exercise
intervention. The CIBOMA/2004-01 is another ongoing
trial. This study from the Grupo Espanol de Investigacion
en Cancer de Mama is a phase III randomized study that
will evaluate the use of capecitabine as maintenance versus
observation after chemotherapy in 876 patients with triplereceptor-negative tumors.
Despite significant improvements in breast cancer mortality, there are still large numbers of patients that relapse after
standard treatment. NST has become part of the standard
treatment of patients with locally advanced breast cancer
and provides an ideal clinical setting for predictive marker
research. It is now well established that selection of chemotherapy regimens should take into account tumor subtype,
and clinical trials are attempting to incorporate new drugs
to the standard regimens, which could provide improved
response rates. Achieving a pCR after NST correlates with
good outcome; therefore, the amount of residual disease
is a prognostic predictor and should also continue to be a
source of research. Identifying markers able to better discriminate different prognostic categories among patients
with residual disease will allow selecting candidates for
additional therapy. Understanding the biology and the
clinical implications of residual disease may help us better
tailor our management and improve outcomes. Also, understanding the mechanisms involved in invasion, metastasis,
survival, and resistance will help us identify and develop
specific targets for evaluation in clinical trials.
Conflict of interest The authors declare that they have no conflict of
interest relating to the publication of this manuscript
Acknowledgments This work was supported in part by NCI
1K23CA121994-01 and The Susan G. Komen Foundation KG090341
(to AMG)
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