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mTOR and the control of whole body metabolism
Pazit Polak and Michael N Hall
Mammalian Target of Rapamycin (mTOR) is a highly conserved
protein kinase that functions as part of two distinct multiprotein
complexes to regulate growth and metabolism. This review
describes the most important recent advances in the mTOR
signaling field. In addition, we provide an overview on the
functions of mTOR in different organs, with a special focus on
the role of mTOR in whole body energy metabolism.
Biozentrum, University of Basel, Basel CH-4056, Switzerland
Corresponding author: Hall, Michael N (m.hall@unibas.ch)
activates the TSC complex. mTORC2 is activated by
growth factors via an unknown mechanism. mTORC1 has
two well characterized substrates, the translation inhibitor
4E-BP and the AGC kinase and translation activator
S6K. It regulates cellular processes such as translation,
transcription, ribosome biogenesis, and autophagy.
mTORC1, via S6K, also negatively feeds back on insulin
receptor substrate 1 (IRS1) in the PI3K-Akt pathway
upstream of mTORC1 to decrease insulin sensitivity
(Figure 1). mTORC2 phosphorylates the AGC kinase
Akt. The reader is referred to other reviews for more
detailed descriptions of earlier accounts of mTOR signaling and TOR signaling in model organisms [1–5].
Current Opinion in Cell Biology 2009, 21:209–218
This review comes from a themed issue on
Cell regulation
Edited by Brian Hemmings and Nikolas Tonks
Available online 2nd March 2009
0955-0674/$ – see front matter
# 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
DOI 10.1016/j.ceb.2009.01.024
Target of Rapamycin (TOR) is a highly conserved Ser/Thr
kinase that is found in two structurally and functionally
distinct complexes to regulate growth and metabolism. In
mammals, mTOR complex 1 (mTORC1) contains mTOR,
mLST8, and raptor, and is sensitive to the immunosuppressive and anti-cancer drug rapamycin. Rapamycin, in
complex with the immunophilin FKBP12 (FKBP12-rapamycin), binds directly to mTORC1. mTORC2 contains
mTOR, mLST8, rictor, mSIN1, and PRR5, and is insensitive to FKBP12-rapamycin. The two complexes signal
via different effector pathways to control distinct cellular
This review summarizes the major findings in the mTOR
field within the past two years. But, first we briefly
describe the status of the mTOR signaling network as
it was two years ago. Two years ago, it was known that
mTORC1 is positively regulated by amino acids, via an
unknown mechanism, and by growth factors via the PI3KAkt signaling pathway (Figure 1). Akt (also known as
PKB) inactivates the Tuberous Sclerosis Complex (TSC,
composed of the proteins TSC1 and TSC2), which acts as
a GAP to inactivate signaling by the small GTPase ras
homolog enriched in brain (Rheb). Rheb is a direct
activator of mTORC1. mTORC1 is negatively regulated
by low cellular energy via AMPK that phosphorylates and
Upstream and downstream of mTOR
In the past couple of years, many important advances
have been made in identifying new components of the
mTOR network and in further elucidating connections
between known components. As throughout the history
of mTOR signaling, most breakthroughs have been with
regard to mTORC1 rather than mTORC2, due to the
availability of the specific mTORC1 inhibitor rapamycin.
Some of the new mTOR interactors are found both
upstream and downstream of the mTORCs, revealing a
complex signaling network with many feedback loops and
cell type-specific interactions.
Upstream regulators of mTORC1
Amino acids activate mTORC1. Independent studies
from the Guan and Neufeld [6] and Sabatini [7]
groups provided important insight on the molecular
mechanism by which amino acids activate mTORC1.
Using complementary approaches, they identified the
Rag GTPases as regulators of mTORC1 in response to
amino acids. Amino acids induce GTP loading of the Rag
proteins that then bind raptor and transport mTORC1 to
an ill-defined endomembrane. At this new site, mTORC1
interacts with its activator Rheb [7] that is independently activated by growth factors. The amino acids–Rag
GTPases–mTORC1 axis, at least in flies, participates in
regulation of cellular processes such as autophagy and cell
growth [6]. This model is appealing because it addresses
the long-standing question of why growth factors cannot
stimulate mTORC1 activity in the absence of amino
acids. Full activation of mTORC1 is achieved only via
a combination of amino acids localizing mTORC1 to a
Rheb-containing compartment and growth factors activating Rheb.
But, how does Rheb activate mTORC1? FKBP38 is a
protein with structural similarity to FKBP12. FKBP38
binds and inhibits mTORC1 via a mechanism presumably
Current Opinion in Cell Biology 2009, 21:209–218
210 Cell regulation
Figure 1
The mTOR signaling network. mTOR is found in two structurally and functionally distinct complexes that together regulate growth and metabolism.
Amino acids (purple) positively regulate the rapamycin-sensitive mTORC1 via the Rag GTPases. Growth factors (green) positively regulate mTORC1
via the Akt-PI3K pathway. Growth factors also positively regulate mTORC2 via an unknown pathway that involves the TSC complex. Low energy status
(yellow) negatively regulates mTORC1 via AMPK. Substrates of the mTORCs are depicted in gray. For simplicity, not all known members of the
signaling pathway are illustrated. Further members are discussed in the text.
similar to that of the FKBP12-rapamycin complex [8,9]. Bai
et al. [9] reported that GTP-Rheb binds FKBP38 and
releases it from mTORC1. However, the Proud group
showed that while FKBP38 indeed binds Rheb and
mTORC1, this binding is not altered by amino acids or
insulin, and FKBP38 does not affect mTORC1 activity
[10]. The mechanism by which Rheb activates mTORC1
remains to be clarified.
Current Opinion in Cell Biology 2009, 21:209–218
Other possible mediators of amino acids signaling to
mTOR are the Ste20-related kinase MAP4K3 [11], and
the class III PI3K mVps34 [12,13]. While the mechanism
by which MAP4K3 regulates mTORC1 is unknown, a
mechanism for mVPS34 was recently proposed. According to this proposed mechanism, amino acids induce an
extracellular calcium influx that activates calmodulin,
which in turn binds and activates mVps34 [14]. mVps34
mTOR and the control of whole body metabolism Polak and Hall 211
then produces phosphatidylinositol-3-phosphate that
somehow activates mTORC1. The mechanism also
involves the formation of a calmodulin-mVps34mTORC1 supercomplex. However, the regulation of
mTORC1 by mVps34 may be unique to mammals
because in flies Vps34 does not regulate TORC1 [15].
This is surprising because regulation of TORC1 by
amino acids is conserved from yeast to human, and
the mechanism might also be expected to be conserved,
as is the involvement of the Rag GTPases. Also interesting is the fact that while TORC1 is a negative regulator of autophagy, Vps34 positively regulates
autophagy [16–18]. Furthermore, in mammalian
C2C12 cells, amino acids appear to inhibit rather than
activate mVps34 [17]. mVps34 may also control
mTORC1 in response to energy status, as mVps34 is
inhibited by the AMPK activator AICAR [12]. Another
link between mTORC1 and mVps34 is that both
mVps34 [19,20] and mTORC1 [21] are activated by
resistance exercise, and amino acids have a much stronger effect on mTORC1 activation following exercise
[22]. These findings suggest that mVps34 might be
involved in the activation of mTORC1 in response to
exercise. However, mTORC1 activation following exercise occurs only in fast-twitch muscles [21], whereas
mVps34 is mainly expressed in slow-twitch muscles
[20]. In addition, activation of mTORC1 is maintained
for up to 18 h after exercise, whereas mVps34 is active
only for up to 6 h and Akt for only 30 min [20], suggesting
that other mechanisms are involved in activation of
mTORC1 following exercise. Thus, mVPS34 may have
diverse and context-specific roles in the regulation of
mTORC1 that require further elucidation.
In summary, many interesting advances have been made
toward elucidating the mechanism by which amino acids
activate mTORC1. The Rag GTPases, FKBP38,
MAPK4K3, and mVPS34 have been implicated in this
process, but further studies are needed to confirm many
observations and to elucidate possible interactions
between these proteins.
from phosphorylating and activating TSC2. Thus, Wnt
is an upstream activator of mTORC1. The crosstalk
between the Wnt and mTORC1 pathways may be bidirectional as suggested by the observation that the TSC
complex negatively regulates the stability of b-catenin,
the main transcription factor activated by Wnt signaling
Another newly discovered regulator of TSC is the IkB
kinase b (IKKb) [26], a key activator of the proinflammatory NF-kB signaling pathway. IKKb phosphorylates
and destabilizes TSC1, thus activating mTORC1 in
response to inflammatory cytokines (but not growth factors) to stimulate angiogenesis in tumors. In what might
be a positive feedback loop, mTORC1 can activate IKK
toward NF-kB [27], although this effect is stronger for
IKKa than IKKb. This is another mechanism by which
mTORC1 promotes cancer development [2].
Growth factors also control mTORC1 independently of
the TSC complex. The proline-rich Akt substrate 40 kDa
(PRAS40) binds raptor and thereby inactivates mTORC1
[28,29–31,32,33]. Thus, PRAS40 is a direct inhibitor of
mTORC1. In response to growth factors, Akt phosphorylates and inhibits PRAS40. Akt phosphorylates Thr246
in PRAS40 that promotes binding of inhibitory 14-3-3
proteins. mTORC1 also phosphorylates PRAS40, on
Ser183, but the role of this phosphorylation is unclear
Cellular energy status was also shown recently to control
mTORC1 independently of the TSC complex. In
addition to inhibiting mTORC1 indirectly by phosphorylating and activating the TSC complex, AMPK phosphorylates and inhibits mTORC1 directly [34]. AMPK
phosphorylates raptor in mTORC1 thereby promoting
binding of 14-3-3 proteins. These findings underscore the
importance of downregulating mTORC1 in response to
energy stress.
The TSC complex, a GAP for Rheb and thus a negative
regulator of mTORC1, integrates many mTORC1 inputs.
Most notably, Akt, ERK, and RSK phosphorylate and
inhibit TSC2 in response to growth factors. TSC2 phosphorylated by these kinases is inhibited via the direct
binding of 14-3-3 to phospho-serines in TSC2. Conversely, AMPK phosphorylates different sites in TSC2 and
thereby activates the TSC complex in response to energy
depletion. The homologous REDD1 and 2 proteins also
activate TSC, in response to hypoxia, by releasing 14-3-3
proteins from TSC2 [23].
p53 is also a negative regulator of the mTORC1 pathway
in response to stress [35]. p53 inhibits the mTOR pathway by at least two different mechanisms, in response to
DNA damage. In insulin-sensitive tissues, p53 directly
activates transcription of AMPKb1, TSC2, IGF-BP3, and
PTEN, each of which negatively regulate mTORC1
signaling [36]. In mouse liver and fibroblasts and in
several human cancer cell lines, p53 stimulates expression
of sestrin1 and sestrin2 that directly activate AMPK
toward TSC2 [37]. It should be mentioned that p53
can also be negatively [38] or positively [39] regulated
downstream of mTORC1, thus possibly forming another
feedback loop.
Wnt signaling regulates development in embryos and
cell growth and proliferation in adults. Inoki et al. [24]
showed that the canonical Wnt pathway prevents GSK3
Hsu et al. [40] presented genetic and biochemical evidence that the translationally controlled tumor protein
(TCTP) is a GEF for Rheb and thereby an activator of
Current Opinion in Cell Biology 2009, 21:209–218
212 Cell regulation
mTORC1. However, immediately following the report
by Hsu et al. [40], three studies appeared suggesting that
TCTP is not a GEF for Rheb. Chen et al. [41] showed that
S6K phosphorylation is unaffected in TCTP knockout
mice. Wang et al. [10] showed that TCTP cannot be
co-immunoprecipitated with Rheb, mTOR, or raptor, and
that knockdown or overexpression of TCTP has no effect
on the phosphorylation of 4E-BP or S6. Rehmann et al.
[42] showed that TCTP cannot function as a Rheb GEF
in vitro. Unpublished results suggest that the TCTP
homolog in S. cerevisiae is unrelated to the TOR pathway
(unpublished observation). The reason for the contradictory findings reported by Hsu et al. [40] and the other
groups is not clear. Rehmann et al. [42] suggest that TSC
and TCTP may control similar targets, such as cyclin E,
but via unrelated mechanisms.
TOR is the founding member of a conserved family of
Ser/Thr kinases known as phosphatidylinositol kinaserelated protein kinases (PIKKs). Tel2, a conserved
protein that in yeast controls telomere length, but in
mammals is of unknown function, interacts with the
non-catalytic region of all six mammalian PIKKs including mTOR [43]. This interaction stabilizes the
PIKKs. Knockout of Tel2 in mouse embryonic fibroblasts results in a reduction of mTOR half-life from 18 h
to 2 h and reduces mTORC1 signaling. It remains to be
determined whether Tel2 is upstream of mTORC2.
Another newly discovered regulator of mTOR stability
is the tumor suppressor FBXW7 [44]. FBXW7 binds
mTOR and targets it for ubiquitination and degradation. Depletion of FBXW7 increases the amount of
mTOR and enhances phosphorylation of the mTORC1
substrate S6K, indicating that FBXW7 is upstream of
mTORC1. Depletion of FBXW7 has no effect on
phosphorylation of the mTORC2 substrate Akt,
suggesting that FBXW7 is not upstream of mTORC2.
The physiological significance of these observations
remains to be determined, but they might be related
to tumor suppression.
Downstream of mTORC1
Increased mTORC1 signaling leads to increased translation, including the synthesis of secreted proteins. This
causes ER stress and activation of the unfolded protein
response (UPR) [45]. UPR involves stimulation of JNK
that phosphorylates and inhibits the IRS1 in the PI3K
pathway upstream of mTORC1, thereby creating another
negative feedback loop and insulin resistance. The ER
stress induced by mTORC1 hyperactivation also leads to
increased apoptosis.
The presence of introns within transcripts enhances their
translation efficiency. A recent report by Ma et al. [46]
demonstrates that mTORC1 plays a role in this phenomenon. S6K1-Aly/REF-like substrate (SKAR) is a cell
growth regulator that associates with mRNAs in a spliCurrent Opinion in Cell Biology 2009, 21:209–218
cing-dependent manner. SKAR recruits activated S6K1,
and thereby preferentially enhances translation of spliced
Upstream regulators of mTORC2
Growth factors (but not amino acids) activate mTORC2.
Do growth factors signal to mTORC2 via the TSC
complex? This is a difficult question to answer owing
to the negative feedback loop from mTORC1 to IRS1
(Figure 1). The best-characterized substrate of
mTORC2 is Akt that is also subject to the negative
feedback loop. Loss of TSC can lead to loss of Akt
phosphorylation because of the negative feedback loop
preventing PIP3 synthesis and PIP3-dependent recruitment of Akt to the plasma membrane, or because loss of
TSC affects intrinsic mTORC2 activity [47]. Surprisingly, Huang et al. [48] have proposed that TSC binds and
activates mTORC2 directly, and this effect of TSC is
independent of its GAP activity toward Rheb. How
growth factors might activate TSC toward mTORC2
yet inhibit TSC toward mTORC1 remains to be determined.
Proline rich protein 5 (PRR5) [49,50] and its close homolog PRR5-like (PRR5L) [31] (also known as protor1 and
2) are two newly discovered mTORC2 interactors of
unknown function. These proteins bind mTORC2 via
rictor or mSIN1, but do not affect the assembly of the
complex nor its in vitro kinase activity. In cell culture,
knockdown of PRR5 reduces Akt phosphorylation, as
well as S6K and 4E-BP phosphorylation, and results in
attenuation of proliferation [50]. Knockdown of PRR5L
does not affect Akt or S6K phosphorylation but results in
increased apoptosis [31].
Downstream of mTORC2
AGC kinases are a large family of conserved kinases
represented by cAMP-dependent protein kinase (PKA),
protein kinase G (PKG), and protein kinase C (PKC), but
this family also includes Akt, S6K, SGK and other kinases.
AGC kinases are activated by phosphorylation of their
activation loop by PDK1 and, in some cases, of their
hydrophobic motif by a kinase historically termed
‘PDK2’. mTORC1 functions as PDK2 toward S6K
(Thr389) and mTORC2 is PDK2 for Akt (Ser473)
[51,52]. mTORC2 was recently shown to be PDK2 also
for all conventional PKCs and novel PKCe [53,54].
mTOR is the hydrophobic motif kinase for SGK1
(Ser422). However, Hong et al. [55] showed that
mTORC1 is the PDK2 for SGK1 whereas Garcia-Martinez et al. [56] demonstrated that the PDK2 for SGK1 is
mTORC2 rather than mTORC1. In fission and budding
yeast, the SGK1 homologs Gad8 and Ypk2, respectively,
are phosphorylated by TORC2, supporting mTORC2 as
the PDK2 for SGK1. In summary, mTOR (usually
mTORC2) is PDK2 for most, if not all, AGC kinases
mTOR and the control of whole body metabolism Polak and Hall 213
Figure 2
Metabolic phenotypes of mice with tissue-specific loss of mTORC1 signaling. Phenotypes include both whole body and tissue-specific phenotypes.
See text for details.
The so-called turn motif in Akt (Thr450) and PKC are
also phosphorylated in an mTORC2-dependent manner
[53,54]. Turn motif phosphorylation stabilizes Akt
and PKC. In the absence of growth factor stimulation
of mTORC2, Akt is stabilized by Hsp90. The turn motif
of PKC is constitutively phosphorylated, suggesting that
another kinase can phosphorylate PKC in the absence of
growth factors. Conflicting results have been presented
on whether mTORC2 phosphorylates the Akt and PKC
turn motifs directly [53,54].
Roles of mTOR in whole animal metabolism
A full body knockout of any component of mTORC1 or
mTORC2 is embryonic lethal [57–62]. Thus, rapamycin
treatment or tissue-specific knockout of mTORC components has been used to study mTOR function in
animals. To date, these studies have focused on metabolic organs such as adipose tissue, muscle, pancreas, and
liver (Figure 2).
Mice with adipose-specific knockout of raptor are lean
and resistant to diet-induced obesity, owing to an increase
in mitochondrial uncoupling in white adipose tissue
[63]. Furthermore, these mice have better metabolic
parameters, including improved glucose tolerance and
insulin sensitivity and resistance to diet-induced
hypercholesterolemia. The higher insulin sensitivity is
attributable to the leanness and to loss of the S6K to IRS1
negative feedback loop in adipose tissue. This phenotype
is similar to that of mice lacking the mTORC1 positive
effector S6K1 [64], and opposite to that of mice lacking
the mTORC1 negative effectors 4E-BP1 and 2 [65].
Thus, mTORC1 signaling in adipose tissue controls
whole body energy metabolism. Interestingly, similar
to the adipose-specific raptor knockout mice, rapamycin
treatment causes weight loss in gerbils [66] and prevents
weight gain in rats and humans [67].
Ciliary neurotrophic factor (CNTF) and the adiposesecreted hormone leptin exert their anorexic effect
through upregulation of the mTORC1 pathway in the
hypothalamus [68,69]. Furthermore, hypothalamusspecific expression of dominant-negative S6K results in
increased food intake, whereas expression of constitutively active S6K results in decreased food intake [70].
Thus, hypothalamic mTORC1 signaling negatively
regulates appetite. In the central nervous system,
mTORC1 also positively regulates axon formation,
growth, and polarization [71]. Hyperactivation of
mTORC1 via knockout of the TSC complex increases
Current Opinion in Cell Biology 2009, 21:209–218
214 Cell regulation
the synthesis of SAD-A and SAD-B, kinases that regulate
axon polarity. In addition, mTORC1 induces axon regeneration after CNS injury [72]. Thus, mTORC1 has several roles in the nervous system.
Adiponectin, another important adipose-secreted hormone, enhances peripheral insulin sensitivity. This effect
of adiponectin has been attributed to activation of AMPK
that in turn inhibits mTORC1 signaling and the inhibitory phosphorylation of IRS1 by S6K, thus enhancing
insulin sensitivity in tissue culture models [73]. Metformin is a widely prescribed anti-diabetic drug that
enhances insulin sensitivity through a mechanism similar
to that of adiponectin. It activates AMPK that inhibits
mTORC1and the negative feedback loop, at least in liver
[34,74–77]. In agreement with this mode of action for
metformin, overexpression of dominant-negative raptor
in liver reduces the negative feedback loop and improves
insulin sensitivity [78].
Inhibition of TORC1 signaling also extends lifespan in
yeast, flies, and worms. As TORC1 is a nutrient sensor,
this effect on lifespan is probably equivalent to dietary
restriction and its panoply of metabolic effects. It is still
under investigation whether mTORC1 controls lifespan
also in mammals, but expectations are that it does.
In contrast to the improved glucose tolerance in adiposespecific mTORC1 knockout mice, rapamycin-treated
mice [79,80] or gerbils [66] are diabetic and hyperlipidemic. This effect is due to smaller pancreatic islets and a
decrease in glucose-stimulated insulin synthesis and
secretion, resulting in a 90% reduction in serum insulin
levels [66]. In agreement with these results, rapamycin
impairs the proliferation of murine b-cells in vivo [81], of
isolated porcine islets [80], and of pancreatic cancer cell
lines [82]. Mice deficient for S6K1 [83], or for its direct
substrate S6 [84], also show reduced islet size and low
serum insulin levels. By contrast, b-cell-specific knockout
of TSC2 results in increased b-cell number and size and
hyperinsulinemia, which are reversible by rapamycin
treatment [85,86]. The hypoinsulinemia in rapamycintreated animals is accompanied by slight peripheral insulin resistance, possibly due to a so far ill-defined hormonal
effect that cannot be offset by inhibition of the negative
feedback loop in the peripheral tissues. Thus, pancreatic
mTORC1 regulates insulin production and glucose
Mice with a muscle-specific knockout of raptor display
downregulation of proteins involved in mitochondrial
biogenesis (such as PGC1a) and hyperactivation of Akt
(due to loss of negative feedback) in muscle. This results
in lower oxidative capacity and increased glycogen storage accompanied by muscle dystrophy [87]. Surprisingly, although the negative feedback loop from S6K to
IRS1 in muscle of the raptor knockout mice is absent,
Current Opinion in Cell Biology 2009, 21:209–218
glucose tolerance is slightly reduced. The observation
that absence of the negative feedback loop does not
increase glucose tolerance may be an indirect effect of
the reduced oxidative capacity and/or increased glycogen
accumulation in the muscle, or an unknown hormonal
effect on other tissues.
A major effect of both the muscle-specific and the adipose-specific raptor knockout is on mitochondrial activity.
However, in adipose tissue mTORC1 knockout enhances
respiration whereas in muscle the knockout inhibits
mitochondrial biogenesis. While adipose-specific raptor
knockout mice are similar to S6K1 knockout mice,
muscle-specific raptor knockout mice are not. Muscle
of S6K1 knockout mice has more mitochondria and
increased expression of PGC1a [64,88]. Another recent
study found that rapamycin treatment or knockdown of
mTOR or raptor in muscle cells in vitro decreases mitochondrial gene expression and oxygen consumption [79].
This effect is via downregulation of PGC1a and the
transcription factor YY1, and does not involve S6K1 or
Akt [79,89]. Furthermore, many aspects of the phenotype of mice with a muscle-specific raptor knockout are
similar to mice with a muscle-specific PGC1a knockout
[90]. These findings suggest that mTORC1 controls
mitochondrial respiration either negatively via S6K (adipose), or positively via PGC1a (muscle), depending on
the mTORC1 downstream effectors that might be found
in a particular tissue. PGC1a is only very weakly
expressed in white adipose tissue.
Muscle-specific rictor (mTORC2) knockout confers littleto-no phenotype [87,91]. The only reported phenotype
is reduced Akt Ser473 phosphorylation and slight glucose
intolerance. The slight glucose intolerance is probably
due to decreased insulin signaling via the Akt pathway.
Interestingly, double knockout of raptor and rictor in
muscle results in a phenotype identical to knockout of
raptor alone, including increased Akt phosphorylation at
Ser473 and stable expression and phosphorylation of PKC
[87]. This suggests that a kinase other than mTORC2 is
able to phosphorylate Akt and PKC under conditions
where mTORC1 is also inactive. Further support for this
notion comes from mTOR knockout MEFs that show only
a very slight reduction in Akt Ser473 phosphorylation
[92]. A similar phenomenon is observed when kinase
dead mTOR is overexpressed in cardiac muscle [93].
What might this other kinase be? Akt can be phosphorylated by DNA-PK in response to DNA damage [94].
Other candidates have been proposed, such as MAPKAP
kinase-2, PKC, integrin-linked kinase, ATM, PDK1, and
Akt itself [52].
The recent findings in the mTOR field include new
upstream regulators (e.g. PRAS40, Rag GTPases, the
Wnt and NF-kB pathways, p53 and Tel2) and downwww.sciencedirect.com
mTOR and the control of whole body metabolism Polak and Hall 215
stream targets (e.g., UPR, AGC kinases, and SKAR) of the
mTORCs. Notably, mechanisms for how amino acids
regulate mTORC1 have been proposed. An important
new area in mTOR research has been the study of tissuespecific mTOR functions and how these impinge on
whole body growth and metabolism.
We apologize to colleagues whose work we could not describe owing to
space limitations. MNH acknowledges support from the Swiss National
Science Foundation and the Canton of Basel.
References and recommended reading
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J Biol Chem 2005, 280:33076-33082.
13. Nobukuni T, Joaquin M, Roccio M, Dann SG, Kim SY, Gulati P,
Byfield MP, Backer JM, Natt F, Bos JL et al.: Amino acids mediate
mTOR/raptor signaling through activation of class 3
phosphatidylinositol 3OH-kinase. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A
2005, 102:14238-14243.
20. MacKenzie MG, Hamilton DL, Murray JT, Baar K: mVps34 is
activated by an acute bout of resistance exercise. Biochem
Soc Trans 2007, 35:1314-1316.
23. DeYoung MP, Horak P, Sofer A, Sgroi D, Ellisen LW: Hypoxia
regulates TSC1/2 mTOR signaling and tumor suppression
through REDD1-mediated 14 3 3 shuttling. Genes Dev 2008,
24. Inoki K, Ouyang H, Zhu T, Lindvall C, Wang Y, Zhang X, Yang Q,
Bennett C, Harada Y, Stankunas K et al.: TSC2 integrates wnt
and energy signals via a coordinated phosphorylation by
AMPK and GSK3 to regulate cell growth. Cell 2006,
This study showed that the Wnt signaling pathway positively regulates
translation and cell growth via mTORC1.
25. Mak BC, Takemaru K-I, Kenerson HL, Moon RT, Yeung RS: The
tuberin-hamartin complex negatively regulates beta -catenin
signaling activity. J Biol Chem 2003, 278:5947-5951.
26. Lee D-F, Kuo H-P, Chen C-T, Hsu J-M, Chou C-K, Wei Y, Sun H-L,
Li L-Y, Ping B, Huang W-C et al.: IKK[beta] suppression of TSC1
links inflammation and tumor angiogenesis via the mTOR
pathway. Cell 2007, 130:440-455.
This study showed that the proinflammatory signals TNFa, IL-1b, and
LPS positively regulate mTORC1 to induce angiogenesis around tumors.
The mechanism involves activation of IKKb, which phosphorylates and
destabilizes TSC1 and thereby activates mTORC1.
27. Dan HC, Cooper MJ, Cogswell PC, Duncan JA, Ting JPY,
Baldwin AS: Akt-dependent regulation of NF-{kappa}B is
controlled by mTOR and Raptor in association with IKK. Genes
Dev 2008, 22:1490-1500.
28. Vander Haar E, Lee S-i, Bandhakavi S, Griffin TJ, Kim D-H: Insulin
signalling to mTOR mediated by the Akt/PKB substrate
PRAS40. Nat Cell Biol 2007, 9:316-323.
This study, together with reference [32], were the first of several studies
that identified the Akt substrate PRAS40 as a new interactor and negative
regulator of mTORC1 (references [31,32,33,34,35,36]).
29. Fonseca BD, Smith EM, Lee VHY, MacKintosh C, Proud CG:
PRAS40 is a target for mammalian target of rapamycin
complex 1 and is required for signaling downstream of this
complex. J Biol Chem 2007, 282:24514-24524.
Current Opinion in Cell Biology 2009, 21:209–218
216 Cell regulation
30. Oshiro N, Takahashi R, Yoshino K-i, Tanimura K, Nakashima A,
Eguchi S, Miyamoto T, Hara K, Takehana K, Avruch J et al.: The
proline-rich akt substrate of 40 kDa (PRAS40) is a
physiological substrate of mammalian target of rapamycin
complex 1. J Biol Chem 2007, 282:20329-20339.
cooperates with pten in tumor suppression. Science 2008,
This study, together with reference [43], revealed that mTOR is regulated
at the level of protein stability. Mao et al. showed that FBXW7 binds
mTOR and targets it for ubiquitination and degradation.
31. Thedieck K, Polak P, Kim ML, Molle KD, Cohen A, Jenö P,
Arrieumerlou C, Hall MN: PRAS40 and PRR5-like protein are
new mTOR interactors that regulate apoptosis. PLoS ONE
2007, 2:e1217.
45. Ozcan U, Ozcan L, Yilmaz E, Duvel K, Sahin M, Manning BD,
Hotamisligil GS: Loss of the tuberous sclerosis complex tumor
suppressors triggers the unfolded protein response to
regulate insulin signaling and apoptosis. Mol Cell 2008,
32. Sancak Y, Thoreen CC, Peterson TR, Lindquist RA, Kang SA,
Spooner E, Carr SA, Sabatini DM: PRAS40 is an insulinregulated inhibitor of the mTORC1 protein kinase. Mol Cell
2007, 25:903-915.
This study, together with reference [28], were the first of several studies
that identified the Akt substrate PRAS40 as a new interactor and negative
regulator of mTORC1 (references [28,29,30,31,32,33]).
33. Wang L, Harris TE, Roth RA, Lawrence JC Jr: PRAS40 regulates
mTORC1 kinase activity by functioning as a direct inhibitor of
substrate binding. J Biol Chem 2007, 282:20036-20044.
34. Gwinn DM, Shackelford DB, Egan DF, Mihaylova MM, Mery A,
Vasquez DS, Turk BE, Shaw RJ: AMPK phosphorylation of
raptor mediates a metabolic checkpoint. Mol Cell 2008,
This study elucidated an additional, TSC-independent mechanism via
which AMPK negatively regulates mTORC1. AMPK directly phosphorylates raptor, thereby inducing raptor binding to 14-3-3 proteins and
inhibition of mTORC1.
35. Feng Z, Zhang H, Levine AJ, Jin S: The coordinate regulation of
the p53 and mTOR pathways in cells. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A
2005, 102:8204-8209.
36. Feng Z, Hu W, de Stanchina E, Teresky AK, Jin S, Lowe S,
Levine AJ: The regulation of AMPK {beta}1, TSC2, and PTEN
expression by p53: stress, cell and tissue specificity, and the
role of these gene products in modulating the IGF-1-AKTmTOR pathways. Cancer Res 2007, 67:3043-3053.
37. Budanov AV, Karin M: p53 target genes Sestrin1 and Sestrin2
connect genotoxic stress and mTOR signaling. Cell 2008,
This study elucidated a mechanism via which genotoxic stress inhibits
mTORC1. Genotoxic stress activates p53, which upregulates transcription of sestrin1 and sestrin2. Sestrin activates AMPK, which negatively
regulates mTORC1.
38. Kong M, Fox CJ, Mu J, Solt L, Xu A, Cinalli RM, Birnbaum MJ,
Lindsten T, Thompson CB: The PP2A-associated protein
{alpha}4 is an essential inhibitor of apoptosis. Science 2004,
39. Lee CH, Inoki K, Karbowniczek M, Petroulakis E, Sonenberg N,
Henske EP, Guan KL: Constitutive mTOR activation in TSC
mutants sensitizes cells to energy starvation and genomic
damage via p53. EMBO J 2007, 26:4812-4823.
46. Ma XM, Yoon S-O, Richardson CJ, Jülich K, Blenis J: SKAR links
pre-mRNA splicing to mTOR/S6K1-mediated enhanced
translation efficiency of spliced mRNAs. Cell 2008,
47. Yang Q, Inoki K, Kim E, Guan KL: TSC1/TSC2 and Rheb have
different effects on TORC1 and TORC2 activity. Proc Natl Acad
Sci U S A 2006, 103:6811-6816.
48. Huang J, Dibble CC, Matsuzaki M, Manning BD: The TSC1-TSC2
complex is required for proper activation of mTOR complex 2.
Mol Cell Biol 2008, 28:4104-4115.
49. Pearce LR, Huang X, Boudeau J, Pawlowski R, Wullschleger S,
Deak M, Ibrahim AF, Gourlay R, Magnuson MA, Alessi DR:
Identification of protor as a novel rictor-binding component of
mTOR complex-2. Biochem J 2007, 405:513-522.
50. Woo S-Y, Kim D-H, Jun C-B, Kim Y-M, Haar EV, Lee S-i, Hegg JW,
Bandhakavi S, Griffin TJ, Kim D-H: PRR5, a novel component of
mTOR complex 2, regulates platelet-derived growth factor
receptor beta expression and signaling. J Biol Chem 2007,
51. Sarbassov DD, Guertin DA, Ali SM, Sabatini DM: Phosphorylation
and regulation of Akt/PKB by the Rictor-mTOR complex.
Science 2005, 307:1098-1101.
52. Jacinto E, Lorberg A: TOR regulation of AGC kinases in yeast
and mammals. Biochem J 2008, 410:19-37.
This is an excellent review on TOR regulation of AGC kinases.
53. Facchinetti V, Ouyang W, Wei H, Soto N, Lazorchak A, Gould C,
Lowry C, Newton AC, Mao Y, Miao RQ et al.: The mammalian
target of rapamycin complex 2 controls folding and stability of
Akt and protein kinase C. EMBO J 2008, 27:1932-1943.
This study, together with reference [54], showed that mTORC2 is
responsible for phosphorylation of the turn motif sites in Akt and PKC,
and that this phosphorylation stabilizes PKC.
54. Ikenoue T, Inoki K, Yang Q, Zhou X, Guan KL: Essential function
of TORC2 in PKC and Akt turn motif phosphorylation,
maturation and signalling. EMBO J 2008, 27:2270.
This study, together with reference [53], showed that mTORC2 is
responsible for phosphorylation of the turn motif sites in Akt and PKC,
and that this phosphorylation stabilizes PKC.
40. Hsu Y-C, Chern JJ, Cai Y, Liu M, Choi K-W: Drosophila TCTP is
essential for growth and proliferation through regulation of
dRheb GTPase. Nature 2007, 445:785-788.
55. Hong F, Larrea MD, Doughty C, Kwiatkowski DJ, Squillace R,
Slingerland JM: mTOR-Raptor binds and activates
SGK1 to regulate p27 phosphorylation. Mol Cell 2008,
41. Chen SH, Wu PS, Chou CH, Yan YT, Liu H, Weng SY, YangYen HF: A knockout mouse approach reveals that TCTP
functions as an essential factor for cell proliferation and
survival in a tissue- or cell type-specific manner. Mol Biol Cell
2007, 18:2525-2532.
56. Garcia-Martinez JM, Alessi DR: mTOR complex-2 (mTORC2)
controls hydrophobic motif phosphorylation and activation of
serum and glucocorticoid induced protein kinase-1 (SGK1).
Biochem J 2008, 416(3):375-385.
42. Rehmann H, Bruning M, Berghaus C, Schwarten M, Kohler K,
Stocker H, Stoll R, Zwartkruis FJ, Wittinghofer A: Biochemical
characterisation of TCTP questions its function as a guanine
nucleotide exchange factor for Rheb. FEBS Lett 2008,
57. Gangloff YG, Mueller M, Dann SG, Svoboda P, Sticker M,
Spetz JF, Um SH, Brown EJ, Cereghini S, Thomas G et al.:
Disruption of the mouse mTOR gene leads to early
postimplantation lethality and prohibits embryonic stem cell
development. Mol Cell Biol 2004, 24:9508-9516.
43. Takai H, Wang RC, Takai KK, Yang H, de Lange T: Tel2 regulates
the stability of PI3K-related protein kinases. Cell 2007,
This study, together with reference [44], revealed that mTOR is regulated
at the level of protein stability. Takai et al. showed that Tel2 binds mTOR
and substantially stabilizes it. Tel2 regulates the stability of all mammalian
PIKK family members.
58. Murakami M, Ichisaka T, Maeda M, Oshiro N, Hara K, Edenhofer F,
Kiyama H, Yonezawa K, Yamanaka S: mTOR is essential for
growth and proliferation in early mouse embryos and
embryonic stem cells. Mol Cell Biol 2004, 24:6710-6718.
44. Mao J-H, Kim I-J, Wu D, Climent J, Kang HC, DelRosario R,
Balmain A: FBXW7 targets mTOR for degradation and
Current Opinion in Cell Biology 2009, 21:209–218
59. Guertin DA, Stevens DM, Thoreen CC, Burds AA, Kalaany NY,
Moffat J, Brown M, Fitzgerald KJ, Sabatini DM: Ablation in mice
of the mTORC components raptor, rictor, or mLST8 reveals
that mTORC2 is required for signaling to Akt-FOXO and
PKC[alpha], but not S6K1. Dev Cell 2006, 11:859-871.
mTOR and the control of whole body metabolism Polak and Hall 217
60. Jacinto E, Facchinetti V, Liu D, Soto N, Wei S, Jung SY, Huang Q,
Qin J, Su B: SIN1/MIP1 maintains rictor-mTOR complex
integrity and regulates Akt phosphorylation and substrate
specificity. Cell 2006, 127:125-137.
77. Tzatsos A, Kandror KV: Nutrients suppress phosphatidylinositol
3-kinase/Akt signaling via raptor-dependent mTOR-mediated
insulin receptor substrate 1 phosphorylation. Mol Cell Biol
2006, 26:63-76.
61. Shiota C, Woo J-T, Lindner J, Shelton KD, Magnuson MA:
Multiallelic disruption of the rictor gene in mice reveals that
mTOR complex 2 is essential for fetal growth and viability.
Dev Cell 2006, 11:583-589.
78. Koketsu Y, Sakoda H, Fujishiro M, Kushiyama A, Fukushima Y,
Ono H, Anai M, Kikuchi T, Fukuda T, Kamata H et al.: Hepatic
overexpression of a dominant negative form of raptor
enhances Akt phosphorylation and restores insulin sensitivity
in K/KAy mice. Am J Endocrinol Metab 2008, 294:E719-E725.
62. Yang Q, Inoki K, Ikenoue T, Guan K-L: Identification of Sin1 as an
essential TORC2 component required for complex formation
and kinase activity. Genes Dev 2006, 20:2820-2832.
63. Polak P, Cybulski N, Feige JN, Auwerx J, Ruegg MA, Hall MN:
Adipose-specific knockout of raptor results in lean mice
with enhanced mitochondrial respiration. Cell Metab 2008,
This study, together with reference [87], reported the first tissue-specific
knockout of an mTORC1 component in mice. Polak et al. demonstrated
that adipose-specific knockout of raptor results in lean and healthy mice.
The phenotype was attributed to partial transdifferentiation of white to
brown adipose tissue, resulting in enhanced mitochondrial uncoupling.
64. Um SH, Frigerio F, Watanabe M, Picard F, Joaquin M, Sticker M,
Fumagalli S, Allegrini PR, Kozma SC, Auwerx J et al.: Absence of
S6K1 protects against age- and diet-induced obesity while
enhancing insulin sensitivity. Nature 2004, 431:200-205.
65. Le Bacquer O, Petroulakis E, Paglialunga S, Poulin F, Richard D,
Cianflone K, Sonenberg N: Elevated sensitivity to diet-induced
obesity and insulin resistance in mice lacking 4E-BP1 and 4EBP2. J Clin Invest 2007, 117:387-396.
66. Fraenkel M, Ketzinel-Gilad M, Ariav Y, Pappo O, Karaca M,
Castel J, Berthault M-F, Magnan C, Cerasi E, Kaiser N et al.: mTOR
inhibition by rapamycin prevents {beta}-cell adaptation to
hyperglycemia and exacerbates the metabolic state in type 2
diabetes. Diabetes 2008, 57:945-957.
79. Cunningham JT, Rodgers JT, Arlow DH, Vazquez F, Mootha VK,
Puigserver P: mTOR controls mitochondrial oxidative function
through a YY1-PGC-1[alpha] transcriptional complex. Nature
2007, 450:736-740.
This study reported a novel function of mTORC1, as a transcription
coactivator. mTORC1 directly interacts with the transcription factor
YY1 and the coactivator PGC1 to positively regulate transcription of
mitochondrial genes.
80. Bussiere CT, Lakey JR, Shapiro AM, Korbutt GS: The impact of
the mTOR inhibitor sirolimus on the proliferation and function
of pancreatic islets and ductal cells. Diabetologia 2006,
81. Zahr E, Molano RD, Pileggi A, Ichii H, San Jose S, Bocca N, An W,
Gonzalez-Quintana J, Fraker C, Ricordi C et al.: Rapamycin
impairs [beta]-cell proliferation in vivo. Transplant Proc 2008,
82. Azzariti A, Porcelli L, Gatti G, Nicolin A, Paradiso A: Synergic
antiproliferative and antiangiogenic effects of EGFR and mTor
inhibitors on pancreatic cancer cells. Biochem Pharmacol 2008,
83. Pende M, Kozma SC, Jaquet M, Oorschot V, Burcelin R, Le
Marchand-Brustel Y, Klumperman J, Thorens B, Thomas G:
Hypoinsulinaemia, glucose intolerance and diminished betacell size in S6K1-deficient mice. Nature 2000, 408:994-997.
67. Rovira J, Arellano EM, Burke JT, Brault Y, Moya-Rull D, BanonManeus E, Ramirez-Bajo MJ, Gutierrez-Dalmau A, Revuelta I,
Quintana LF et al.: Effect of mTOR inhibitor on body weight:
from an experimental rat model to human transplant patients.
Transpl Int 2008, 21:992-998.
84. Ruvinsky I, Sharon N, Lerer T, Cohen H, Stolovich-Rain M, Nir T,
Dor Y, Zisman P, Meyuhas O: Ribosomal protein S6
phosphorylation is a determinant of cell size and glucose
homeostasis. Genes Dev 2005, 19:2199-2211.
68. Cota D, Proulx K, Smith KAB, Kozma SC, Thomas G, Woods SC,
Seeley RJ: Hypothalamic mTOR signaling regulates food
intake. Science 2006, 312:927-930.
85. Rachdi L, Balcazar N, Osorio-Duque F, Elghazi L, Weiss A, Gould A,
Chang-Chen KJ, Gambello MJ, Bernal-Mizrachi E: Disruption of
Tsc2 in pancreatic beta cells induces beta cell mass expansion
and improved glucose tolerance in a TORC1-dependent
manner. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 2008, 105:9250-9255.
69. Cota D, Matter EK, Woods SC, Seeley RJ: The role of
hypothalamic mammalian target of rapamycin complex 1
signaling in diet-induced obesity. J Neurosci 2008, 28:7202-7208.
70. Blouet C, Ono H, Schwartz GJ: Mediobasal hypothalamic p70 S6
kinase 1 modulates the control of energy homeostasis. Cell
Metab 2008, 8:459-467.
71. Choi Y-J, Di Nardo A, Kramvis I, Meikle L, Kwiatkowski DJ,
Sahin M, He X: Tuberous sclerosis complex proteins control
axon formation. Genes Dev 2008, 22:2485-2495.
72. Park KK, Liu K, Hu Y, Smith PD, Wang C, Cai B, Xu B, Connolly L,
Kramvis I, Sahin M et al.: Promoting axon regeneration in the
adult CNS by modulation of the PTEN/mTOR pathway. Science
2008, 322:963-966.
73. Wang C, Mao X, Wang L, Liu M, Wetzel MD, Guan K-L, Dong LQ,
Liu F: Adiponectin sensitizes insulin signaling by reducing p70
S6 kinase-mediated serine phosphorylation of IRS-1. J Biol
Chem 2007, 282:7991-7996.
74. Dowling RJO, Zakikhani M, Fantus IG, Pollak M, Sonenberg N:
Metformin inhibits mammalian target of rapamycin dependent
translation initiation in breast cancer cells. Cancer Res 2007,
75. Mordier S, Iynedjian PB: Activation of mammalian target of
rapamycin complex 1 and insulin resistance induced by
palmitate in hepatocytes. Biochem Biophys Res Commun 2007,
76. Shaw RJ, Lamia KA, Vasquez D, Koo S-H, Bardeesy N,
DePinho RA, Montminy M, Cantley LC: The kinase LKB1
mediates glucose homeostasis in liver and therapeutic effects
of metformin. Science 2005, 310:1642-1646.
86. Shigeyama Y, Kobayashi T, Kido Y, Hashimoto N, Asahara S,
Matsuda T, Takeda A, Inoue T, Shibutani Y, Koyanagi M et al.:
Biphasic response of pancreatic beta-cell mass to ablation of
tuberous sclerosis complex 2 in mice. Mol Cell Biol 2008,
87. Bentzinger CF, Romanino K, Cloetta D, Lin S, Mascarenhas JB,
Oliveri F, Xia J, Casanova E, Costa CF, Brink M et al.: Skeletal
muscle-specific ablation of raptor, but not of rictor, causes
metabolic changes and results in muscle dystrophy. Cell
Metab 2008, 8:411-424.
This study, together with reference [63], reported the first tissue-specific
knockout of an mTORC1 component in mice. Bentzinger et al. showed
that muscles of mice with muscle-specific knockout of raptor have
impaired oxidative capacity and elevated glycogen levels, and become
progressively dystrophic.
88. Aguilar V, Alliouachene S, Sotiropoulos A, Sobering A, Athea Y,
Djouadi F, Miraux S, Thiaudiere E, Foretz M, Viollet B et al.: S6
kinase deletion suppresses muscle growth adaptations to
nutrient availability by activating AMP kinase. Cell Metab 2007,
89. Schieke SM, Phillips D, McCoy JP Jr, Aponte AM, Shen R-F,
Balaban RS, Finkel T: The mammalian target of rapamycin
(mTOR) pathway regulates mitochondrial oxygen
consumption and oxidative capacity. J Biol Chem 2006,
90. Handschin C, Chin S, Li P, Liu F, Maratos-Flier E, LeBrasseur NK,
Yan Z, Spiegelman BM: Skeletal muscle fiber-type switching,
exercise intolerance, and myopathy in PGC-1{alpha}
muscle-specific knock-out animals. J Biol Chem 2007,
Current Opinion in Cell Biology 2009, 21:209–218
218 Cell regulation
91. Kumar A, Harris TE, Keller SR, Choi KM, Magnuson MA, Lawrence
JC Jr: Muscle-specific deletion of rictor impairs insulinstimulated glucose transport and enhances Basal glycogen
synthase activity. Mol Cell Biol 2008, 28:61-70.
92. Carracedo A, Ma L, Teruya-Feldstein J, Rojo F, Salmena L,
Alimonti A, Egia A, Sasaki AT, Thomas G, Kozma SC et al.:
Inhibition of mTORC1 leads to MAPK pathway activation
through a PI3K-dependent feedback loop in human cancer.
J Clin Invest 2008, 118(9):3065-3074.
Current Opinion in Cell Biology 2009, 21:209–218
93. Shen W-H, Chen Z, Shi S, Chen H, Zhu W, Penner A, Bu G, Li W,
Boyle DW, Rubart M et al.: Cardiac restricted overexpression of
kinase-dead mammalian target of rapamycin (mTOR) mutant
impairs the mTOR-mediated signaling and cardiac function.
J Biol Chem 2008, 283:13842-13849.
94. Bozulic L, Surucu B, Hynx D, Hemmings BA: PKB[alpha]/Akt1
acts downstream of DNA-PK in the DNA double-strand
break response and promotes survival. Mol Cell 2008,