The Islamic State of Indonesia (NII) KW 9 Movement

NII-KW 9 or Islamic State of Indonesia for Commandment area 9 is one of Indonesia’s fragment actions. According to the territory, this country is actually invisible because the term capital city and any other parts of the country are only a shadow or the one which they name themselves. The capital city of NII-KW 9 is presumed located in Mahad al-Zaytun, Indramayu. The difference of NII-KW 9 with other Islamic organizations in Indonesia is that NII-KW 9 not only roots in the university but also in usual society. This is because NII still has the basic of traditional and strong mass in several areas. This potency is not obtained by PKS, Hizbut Tahrir Indonesia or even Salafy which only gains some supports from some universities and cities.

1 The Face of NII-KW 9 (Structure of Organization, Recruitment and Doctrine) By: Fadh Ahmad Arifan, MA1 A. What is NII-KW 9 NII-KW 9 or Indonesia Islamic Country for Commandment area 9 is one of Indonesia‟s fragment actions. According to the territory, this country is actually invisible because the term capital city and any other parts of the country are only a shadow or the one which they name themselves.2 The capital city of NII-KW 9 is presumed located in Mahad al-Zaytun, Indramayu. The difference of NII-KW 9 with other Islamic organizations in Indonesia is that NII-KW 9 not only roots in the university but also in usual society. This is because NII still has the basic of traditional and strong mass in several areas. This potency is not obtained by PKS, Hizbut Tahrir Indonesia or even Salafy which only gains some supports from some universities and cities.3 Along its development, NII is considered as an illegal organization by the Indonesia government. But, they still silently exist, infiltrate to Political parties and become underground movement.4 In the NII-Crisis Center is purposed to help the NII victims, and this organization is mentioned legalizing any ways starting from robbery, stealing, cheating, even prostituting in order to meet their action‟s purposes. B. Structure of Organization and Doctrine Nowadays, NII-KW 9 is handled by Abu Toto or usually people call him Panji Gumilang. He is coming from Pesantren al-Zaytun which is 1200 hectares in large in Indramayu, West Java and Panji Gumilang is believed to be the one handling the Actions Indonesia Islamic Country.5 Hundreds of billion of Moslem‟s money in al-Zaytun has been handled fully by Panji Gumilang 1 Fadh Ahmad Arifan is Graduate from Islamic studies Faculty, State Islamic University of Malang, East Java, Indonesia 2 Hartono ahmad Jaiz, Rekayasa Pembusukan islam, (Jakarta: Pustaka nahi Munkar, 2009), p. 247 3 Solahudin, Menelusuri Kelompok Islam Sempalan (4) NII dan AMIN Made in Indonesia, ( 4 There are several parties associated with the NII, the Golkar Party, Democratic Party, PDIP and PKS. Exminister of NII, Imam Supriyanto also added that the artist DS (Dewi Sandra) and AS (Andi Soraya) had been a member of the NII-KW 9 (Source: 5 Tempo magazine, Jalan Berliku Memburu syekh Panji, edisi 20-26 Juni 2011 p 80 2 who demands the transparency to be vanished.6 The money will be centered to Abu Toto‟s or Abu Ma‟rij‟s or AS Panji Gumilang‟s private bank account (CIC/Century Bank).7 Due to Gus Dur, al-Zaytun used to be owned by Pak Harto who used to have an obsession for „At-Tin and Al-Zaytun.‟ Pak Harto exactly knew what Panji Gumilang did, the leader of Al Zaytun. “Abu Toto is the special person of Ali Moertopo. That is a very important project which does not have any benefit for the country. Pak Harto has a dream, but it cannot be reached.” Gus Dur said. According to him, Pak Harto has commanded Sa‟adilah Mursyid, the Minister of Governmental Cabinet Secretary at that time, to send tapos cow to Zaytun in 1999. Even, according to Gus Dur, before the reformation, those guarding Zaytun are the soldiers. ”Now it has been 10 years, what Zaytun has resulted? I heard that its santri (students) could do nothing, its graduates are unequivocal. People living there were worried and considered Zaytun meaningless,” explained Gus Dur.8 The controversy of Pesantren Zaytun is still very interesting to observe. Even Rais Aam Nahdlatul ulama, Kyai Sahal Mahfud, and Prof Din Syamsuddin, the leader of PP Muhammadiyah, are included into the people who criticize the actions of al Zaytun because several mysteries are covering the mysterious pesantren. Both suggest Moslems to be careful and rethink is they decide their children to enroll and study at that pesantren.9 The NII-KW 9 ex-members, Muhammad Idris confesses that teachers in pesantren al-Zaytun are 90% members of NII-KW 9 or those who are said to be the internal people and only 10% are coming outside “their” organization or outsiders. These teachers teach until late afternoon then directly guide santri to the dormitory until late at night.10 According to NII-KW ex-members, al-Chaidar, there was a research from Depag, MUI, to pesantren Al Zaytun that Panji Gumilang is protected by the government and its intelligence service. This intelligence service protects NII-KW 9 because of having money values compared to illegal drugs, as confessed by Imam Suproyanto (NII-KW 9 ex-minister) who is responsible for 6 Ibid. p 88 The biggest depositor of Century Bank in its early development was Panji Gumilang or Abu Ma‟arik, the leader of Pesantren al Zaytun. Until the time when Century bank is handled by LPS (Saving Guarantee Institution), Abu Ma‟arik is still written as the depositor in this bank. Lihat Bambang Soesatyo, Skandal Gila Bank Century, (Jakarta: Ufuk Press, 2010), p 89. See also “Minister inspects AlZaytun on NII-link allegations” 05/11/2011. 8 “Pesantren al-Zaytun dalam Sorotan” 16 May 2011 9 Ibid. 10 Muhammad Idris, Mereka Bilang Aku Kafir: Kisah Seorang Pelarian NII (Jakarta: Mizania, 2011), p 94 7 3 collecting Rp 10 billions money. Only 10% from all amount of money which is successfully collected from the followers of NII-KW 9 is used for al Zaytun and the rest 90% is used for intelligence service.11 The ex-minister of information provider Kodam Siliwangi Colonel Herman Ibrahim presumes that nowadays Panji is protected by non-structural intelligence agents. “There are some old intelligence people playing,” he said. ”They who are benefited by the network of Islamic Country.” This network has rooted since the era of Ali Moertopo, Benny Moerdani, until Hendropriyono.12 In front of Panji Gumilang, the board of pesantren and the official of BIN, Hendropriyono at that time said that BIN is the family of al Zaytun. Even, when a lot of accusation assumes al Zaytun as the center of NII, Hendropriyono is ready. He threatens them by saying that he will punish those who “act brutally” through that pesantren.13 Each of NII members does not need to know the highest leader of NII-KW 9. However, they still have to obey that leader. It must be like a follower following its leader during sholat berjamaah in a big mosque. For those who stand in the backside of the row still have the obligation to follow the leader even though they do not directly see or know the leader. NII-KW 9 has a country structure like the Republic of Indonesia from the president until the village chief. The country capital city is located in Ma‟had al Zaytun, Indramayu. This structure of organization is divided into two:   Structure of functional which appears in front Structure of territory which moves underground Each structure applies a code showing each cell, for example 932204 means sector 9 (Jakarta) area 3 (Jaksel) regency 2 (Cilandak) subdistrict 2 (Cilandak Barat) and village 04, read: the followers of villang 4 Cilandak Barat.14 Interview Al Chaidar with detikcom, “Al Chaidar: NII KW 9 Program Palsu agar NII Tak Berdiri” (27/4/2011) 12 Tempo, Jalan Berliku... Op. Cit. p 81 13 Ibid. 84 14 LPPI, Membedah Gerakan NII-KW 9 (Slide power point) 11 4 The basic cope of the study of NII-KW 9 actions are Islamic Pillars. Islamic Pillars are descended to become the post-program of the country (daulah), and then they are explained through an operational program or some aspects including: recruitment aspect (hujumah attabsyâriyyah or abbreviated into HT, and their target is smart scholars and students. They enter the community through bai‟ah or faithful vows. Before the bai‟ah, each member candidate must be through tilawah or “brainwash” until they come to the belief that establishing Islamic country is compulsory. The education (tarbiyah) is to hold an education appropriately, quickly, and meaningfully. 5 Funding aspect (Máliyah) including economy (Iqtishádiyah) realizes the various incomes and to make its usage effective. Running the people‟s economy/Iqti-sádiyyah and to direct it to the target of struggle and jihad. According to them, jihad in the era of Kartosoewirdjo used weapons while today is by funding.15 The other aspect is survival (difa‟) which is to survive any struggling activities and jihad in the form of either offensive or defensive; including maintaining people‟s health in the form of either preventive/wiqayah or medical therapist/mu’alajah. In the process of forming cadres, Indonesia Islamic Country (NII) actions ask its cadre candidates to leave its Indonesian nationality. After they agree to join together, they are being bai‟at by having their eyes closed and going to a place they do not know.16 Because getting together needs them to release themselves from Indonesia.17 According to Sofwan Ardyanto, the ex-staff of al-Zaytun, who once became the leader of sub district in the structure of NII, “to be bai’at in order to become the member of NII, you have to hand in Rp 20 million rupiahs.” It is not surprising anymore if the activists of NII-KW 9 are really eager to look for youths which are daydreamed by the Islamic country.18 The intern members of NII who belong to different level do not have to know each other. This thing is beneficial to the safety only. To anybody including the family, the NII members should make the activities of NII remain secret including the activities of tilawah, funding, teachers‟ names, the learning; even the address of malja must be kept secret. Each NII member does not have to listen to advice and al-Islam from people outside NII because according to them, listening to others‟ advices is the same as listening to kafir people. Because of this kind of behavior, many parents state that their children have been fighting against their own parents. If there are some 15 There are two models of jihad which are run inside NII. The first is wealth jihad. The second is jihad by recruiting as many people as possible. 16 The NII-KW 9 recruitment modus are: 1) inviting some people with the reason of meeting a friend who is just arriving from the middle east or a friend who just got an enlightenment from such seminar regarding Islam. 2) Inviting friends with the reason of looking for jobs. 3) Inviting friends to go to other friends‟ house. Each pilgrim has 10 targeted people to be attended in each month. Usually they are college friends, senior high school friends, junior high school friends, and elementary school firneds. For the recruitment without any target, usually the “hunting” happens in the campus, malls, and bookstores. All modus end in malja (office/center) and the doctrine process will be done in a closed room. The keynote speaker is usually a man, and they are usually the leader (mas‟ul) 17 “Inilah dua Model Jihad yang di Ajarkan di NII” 4 May 2011 18 Tempo magazine, Jalan Berliku... Op. Cit. p 88 6 parents get angry and even expel their own children because of NII, it cannot be fought but moreover, they have to be expelled but then gathered in their own friends in malja.19 Their recitation must be concealed, no outsiders is allowed to join. The security during the tilawah is really strict, even in the radius of 20 meters from the location of tilawah there are some internal intelligences who have the job to let them know whether there are suspicious things which threaten the security of NII tilawah. In NII, intelligence aspect is very much established. The aspect maintaining the security and intelligence is named raqab. Since the recruitment, each of NII member candidates must get through such special observation named taftâsy. NII does not want to accept a member candidate if he/she is known as the children of TNI (soldier) or policemen or having the family at those two professions. The books of NII tilawah are concealed, they cannot be distributed and they can threaten the secret of their lesson.20 The names of NII members are changed into Arabic names such as Deni becomes Abu Rido, Yusi becomes Siti Nafisah. Nickname for male members is Abi while for the female is Ummi. No usual nicknames such as, brother/sister, father/mother, ustadz, kyai, and so on so that people outside NII and even the NII members will never know their real names. According to them the nicknames Abi-Ummi is also one of the implementation of the al-musáwáh (equality) as the description of appreciating each other. The amount of NII members in Indonesia is estimated reaching the number 120-160 thousand people. They are at a place which used to be the NII actions in the past. “According to some info, there have been people at that amount. Generally, they live in West Java,” said the vice representative of Comission I DPR RI, TB Hasanuddin.21 The majority of NII-KW 9 members are college students. They work to seek for funding in turn, almost 24 hours. Students from pondok are also benefited for begging at gas stations, while other cadres are stealing laptops around campuses. They have to submit at least 14 billion rupiahs outside 8 other money centers. Everyday there are 60 new members, 40 males and 20 females. 19 The characteristics of Malja which becomes the place to gather the NII activists: either monthly lent house or yearly lent house. The place is usually closed and usually lesehan (people sit on the floor, commonly). People coming and getting out are scheduled. Confessed to be filled in by college students or used for a place for writing theses, courses, event organizer, publishing office, or MLM posts. People living there usually cannot socialize with others. It is always looked empty and the mobility is always 24 hours. 20 Asep Zaenal Ausop, “Gerakan NII Kartosoewirjo (KW-9)” on the Journal Sosioteknologi ITB Bandung, Edition: 16, April 2009, p 536 21 “Warga NII Diperkirakan 120-160 ribu” 28 April 2011 7 The members who have been bai‟at cannot get out of the organization because if they get out, they will be considered murtad and their blood is halal. This thing is considered threatening the existence of NII. Non-active members who plan to get out of the organization will always be contacted by the leader directly or by phone, and usually it is started from a persuasion, warning until the threat of killing. This phone usually lasts three times a day until 10 days. If it is failed, murabba will only say: “well, my obligation is only to give a warning, but the rest will be given to Allah.” Then this getting-out member is really getting out and is never coming back to NII. In this case, even though they who get out are considered murtad by being threatened to be killed, people never hear somebody getting out of NII and having been killed. The performance of the member is not quite specific and there are no special signs as we can find in Darul Arqam Malaysia which is obliged to wear gamis and sorban and to lengthen their beard. The outfit worn by NII member is free and they do not question beard and everything. The outfit having been emphasized in NII is good, neat, and appropriate.22  NII-KW 9 actions also has some deviated studies such as:  The NII followers only use Quran as the source of making decision  Tauhid Mulkiyah is aimed to Malik which means the king of people  They exclaim Al Quran only for the sake of organization      22 Shalat in Indonesia is not approved (tidak sah)23 There is no sholat for NII members24 Every person conveying Islam is considered Rasul To make people outside its organization including parents as kafir To do hajj is only at the country capital city in Indramayu25 They celebrate Ied three times a year.26 Asep Zaenal Op,Cit. hal 537 According to them, doing shalat in RI is useless and it is just like people clapping hands, because RI is still dirty just like a dustbin. If they want to be purified, they have to get out of RI dustbin and move to NII which is now called al Zaytun. See M. Amin djamaluddin, Bunker al-Zaytun: Fakta Kesesatan tafsir NII Panji Gumilang (Jakarta: Darul falah, 2003), p 21-22 24 The justification is that sholat is to prevent from the wicked activities. So, doing preventive actions has been considered as shalat. If NII-KW 9 activists are doing an assignment in order to maintain Kalimah Allah (NII-KW 9), they do not have to do the real shalat. See Muhammad Idris, Mereka Bilang Aku Kafir... Op, Cit. p 62 25 The peak of hajj in Islam is on 9 Zulhijah. But in the NII community, it happens on 1 Muharram. Doing hajj in NII is what is meant by the NII gathering from all over Indonesia. All highest boards are gathered in Indramayu. (Source: - Naik Haji Ala NII, Cukup ke Indramayu) 23 8    The alms according to their version is the alms that must be done by rich and poor people, the money for paying the alms can be obtained from any ways possible. The boards of NII-KW 9 obligate the members to pay such contribution to purify themselves from sins.27 They have to drink red wine, which is considered halal with the understanding that red wine is plenty in heaven.28 Their interpretation is based on their logic only and the studies of NII Panji Gumilang version is considered deviated from NII-Kartosuwirjo.29 There are many deviation happen in NII-KW 9 which are going too far from the khittah determined by the ancestors. This deviation has made the soul inside it only wordly-minded. A digression in the name of religion.30 It is not wrong if some people state that people in NII-KW 9 are those who search for money by selling the name of NII or those who go in the name of struggling the religion which has been designed by “such group.” Even many of them are issued to have been maintained by the intelligence to delegitimize Islam. The dream of NII nowadays is more on being a shield from an organized crime and even considered include the country intelligence. C. Difference between NII Kartosoewirjo and NII-KW 9 Historically, NII-KW 9 has nothing to do with NII Kartosoewirjo. Even in the characteristics of the actions and orientation, they have been completely different. Theologically, the religious doctrine of NII KW IX has been completely different from the religious doctrine of NII Kartosoewirjo. Many times media and book authors regarding NII cannot differentiate between the 26 Umar Abduh, Membongkar Gerakan Sesat NII di Balik Pesantren Mewah al-Zaytun (Jakarta: LPPI, 2001). p. 103-105. 27 Endang Turmudi dan Riza Sihbudi (ed), Islam dan Radikalisme di Indonesia (Jakarta: LIPI Press, 2005). p. 231-240. 28 “Mantan Menteri NII: Shalat 5 Waktu Tak Wajib, Minum Redwine Halal” Saturday, 30 April 2011 29 Now, NII movement are not only one. The actions which are usually named N eleven are now ruptured in more than eleven factions. There are at least 14 factions. They are Kyai Masduki faction, Tahmid faction (son of Kartosoewirjo), Abdul Fatah Wiranagapati faction, Abdullah Sungkar faction, Mahfud Sidik faction, Kadar Solihat faction, Aceh faction, Sulsel faction, Madura faction, KW-7 faction, KW-9 faction, Adah Zaelani faction, al-Chaidar faction and many more. 30 Muhammad Idris Op. Cit, p 61 9 original version of NII Kartosoewirjo and the fake NII which is now handled by Panji Gumilang and its intelligence services.31 Panji Gumilang and NII-KW 9 as the investigation of Tempo magazine are born for political needed. The Orde Baru government needs a figure like Panji to prevent th actions of Kartosoewirjo followers which also want to establish Islamic country, including creating a new network. The news about NII which appeared some time ago regarding the cases of kidnapping and brainwashing where the victims can completely forget everything including their parents is completely different from NII Kartosoewirjo version which has existed in the era of Soekarno. Suripto the intelligence observer wonders the issue about the appearance of NII some time ago. Suripto feels worried the the appearance of NII issue as a justification for building people‟s opinion that Intelligence Law needs some arrest and tapping.32 To make it clear and short, the writer explains the difference in the table below. Doctrine Action aims NII-Kartosoewirjo To build an Islamic country NII-KW 9 Not building an Islamic country, but to recruit a lot of mass by “brainwashing” and to search for funding. Characteristics of Actions based weapon, In the name of pesantren actions extroverted education and orphanage organization, introverted and secret 31 Form of country Jumhãriyyah or republic Nothing Constitution of the Islamic Law (Qanun Asasi NII The rules from the result of intern country Bab I pasal 2) the KUHP is fiqih ijtihad NII KW 9 with the salaf (whether it is Jinayat, qisas, reinterpretation which is kifarat, and zina, alcoholic completely new and completely drinks). In the war time, the different from the opinion of salaf Al Chaidar say that actually NII KW 9 is a fake program which has sacrificed a lot of humans. He also forces the government who is assumed having the agenda of NII KW 9 to stop it and to replace it with other programs. 32 “Suripto: NII itu Dakocan Buatan” Friday, 06/05/2011 22:06 10 applicable law is War Emergency ulama. Islamic law. Source of study Al Quran and Al Hadist. With To interpret al Quran according to istinbath law according to ulama the needs of the organization Salaf. Ritual pray They do shalat, because they No shalat for the members of NII- consider shalat as the main KW 9. To do hajj is only going to obligation. Even there is a Indramayu. punishment for those who do not do shalat. Marriage People can marry anyone as long They are only allowed to marry as they love each other. The the members of NII KW 9. the trustee is the parents from the trustee and witness of the bride and the witness can be marriage must be coming from anybody as long as they are their own organization. Moslems. D. The Effective Ways to Prevent NII-KW 9 Remembering that NII makes youths educated as a potential target, the struggle to fight against this organization and religion mafia must be based on an intellectual approach. Schools and universities need to have advanced system to prevent the conveyance of bid‟ah and the activities of that forbidden organization. In the level of high school, the ministry of national education and the ministry religion must move protecting their students so that they will not fall to NII-KW 9. the curriculum for the students must be maximized through the understanding and application about tolerance, the fighting through sharing, and the most important thing is to increase the feeling of patriotism. In the level of high education, the lecturers must service the oriented college students with the basic values of Islam continuously including the observation to the suspicious organization, not only inside but also outside campus. Brainstorming approach including critical thinking and philosophy 11 approach in understanding the Islamic messages becomes the key to fight against the trick of brainstorming done by NII members in expanding the youth basic.33 How the effective ways to handle the victims of NII-KW 9 “brainwashing” are:   Collect the proofs such as data or some witnesses from people who have been invited.  Decide the coordination between the victims and the organization   Report it to the victim‟s parents Give him/her such enlightenment by comparing the ideology or encounter them with people already getting out of NII.34 After confessing about them and their organization, convey them about the true Islamic  studies according to Allah and its Rasul  and close people.  The biggest role in returning back the awareness of the victims is coming from the parents Under pressured struggle by the actions of NII center raid (malja) To get rid of Panji Gumilang and to pull out the asset of al-Zaytun The success of NII to infiltrate many famous universities like UMM, UGM, or UII by targeting smart and rich students must move all unsure from people – the responsible person of the dormitory, local government, policemen, and the college students‟ family – for getting included in preventing NII. Each aspect must get together because all doers and supporters of NII are always searching for “prey” and to hold their activities in public areas such as dormitory, mall, and many other places which are not related to their religious activities. Their existence is a latent danger for NKRI. As a usual mafia organization, NII includes the Islamic faith in its actions. But this belief is built not more than just a mask for their commercial and exploitative operation. NII is an anomaly in the diversity of Islamic landscape.35 33 Donna Sofyan, NII dan Sindikat Keagamaan, Tempo newspaper 11 May 2011, p A 11 “Cara cepat tangkal Jaringan NII” Saturday, 7 May 2011, 08:15 35 Donna Sofyan, NII dan Sindikat... Op, Cit. p A 11 34