International Forestry Review Vol.8 (4), 2006
Beer-bottle tops: a simple forest management game
Southern Cross University, PO Box 157, Lismore NSW 2480, Australia.
University of Melbourne, Water Street, Creswick Victoria 3363, Australia
Bureau of Rural Sciences, Australian Government Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry
Email: jvanclay@scu.edu.au
Forest planning and management concepts can sometimes be dificult to grasp. Games provide an effective way to demonstrate different
concepts and facilitate deeper understanding of approaches and practices to sustainable forest management. In this paper we describe a game
devised to demonstrate alternative ways to set allowable harvest levels in large (>10,000 ha) native forest planning units. The game requires
minimal materials (photocopies of relevant maps and a few hundred beer bottle tops), and can be played and debriefed in 2-3 hours. The game
focuses on the principles underlying area control and volume control of timber harvesting, and provides a basis for discussion of inventory
and monitoring needs. The game has been popular and effective in courses for forestry professionals in developing countries, and for students
in an undergraduate forestry course.
Keywords: sustained yield, forest management, area control, teaching and learning, simulation games
Capsules de bouteilles de bière: un jeu de gestion simple de forêt
un jeu avec des capsules de bouteilles de bière est un moyen eficace d’enseigner, et de renforcer les concepts de base qui soutiennent la
gestion durable des forêts originelles. Le jeu requiert un minimum de préparation ( photocopies des cartes et plusieurs centaines de capsules
de bouteilles de bière), et peut se jouer et être résolu en 2-3 heures. Le jeu se concentre sur les principes à la base du contrôle du volume et
de la surface de la récolte du bois, et conduit à une discussion sur les besoins d’inventaire et de gestion. Le jeu a été apprécié, et eficace,
dans les stages professionnels pour les agents forestiers, ainsi qu’auprès des étudiants de licence en sylviculture.
Tapas de botellas de cerveza: un juego de gerencia simple de bosque
un juego basado en el uso de tapas de botellas de cerveza resulta ser un método eicaz para enseñar y reforzar los conceptos básicos que
sustentan el manejo sostenible de bosques nativos. El juego requiere poco material (fotocopias de mapas relevantes y unos cientos de tapas
de botellas de cerveza), y el juego y su análisis y retroalimentación se pueden realizar en dos o tres horas. El juego se centra en los principios
que sostienen el control de área y volumen en la cosecha de madera, y conduce a una discusión sobre las necesidades en cuanto al inventario
y monitoreo. El juego ha tenido mucho éxito y se ha mostrado eicaz en cursos de actualización para profesionales de manejo forestal y para
los estudiantes de un curso universitario de silvicultura.
Games are effective at imparting concepts in a memorable
way and facilitating deeper understanding of principles and
practices (Ryan 2000). For example, John Sterman’s (1984,
1989) Beer game and Denis Meadow’s (1992) FishBanks
game have both been effective at communicating the need
for feedback in business and in natural resource management
systems, respectively. Sustainable forest management has
some concepts that many students ind dificult to grasp, but
there are few games that allow demonstration of the concept
of annual allowable cut in the management of native forests
and the practical implications of approaches such as area
control, volume control, and other alternatives. We created
such a game during the development of training workshops to
improve capacity for forest inventory and forest management
in Papua New Guinea (PNG). We have found it to be effective
and popular amongst foresters and students alike and hope
that others will ind it useful in improving understanding of
forest management concepts and practices.
A game to assist forest management for sustained yield
One of the goals of sustainable timber harvest management
is to remove wood at a rate consistent with growth in a given
forest area. The concept of setting an annual allowable cut for
a forest estate is well established in forestry (e.g., Buongiorno
and Gilless 2003, Vanclay 1996a), and was recorded as early
as 1662 in Evelyn’s Silva: “… divide the Woods, and Forests,
into eighty partitions; every year felling one of the divisions;
so as no Wood is fell’d in less then fourscore years …”
(Evelyn 1662). Thus the annual allowable cut is the harvest
that can be taken each and every year of an n-year cutting
cycle, so that the resource is harvested in exactly n years.
In theory, the rotation length or cutting cycle (80 years in
Evelyn’s case, and n years in general) should be chosen so
that the growth in the forest is suficient for another harvest,
thus providing a non-declining harvest in perpetuity.
The basic concept is relatively simple, but the devil is
in the detail and the estimation of an appropriate harvest
remains challenging (e.g., Howard 2001, Preston and
Vanclay 1988, Vanclay 1996b). Setting the rotation length
(or cutting cycle in uneven-aged forests) requires knowledge
of growth following harvesting and will often depend on
other management objectives such as the need to maintain
a particular stand structure for habitat or conservation.
The simplest option is area control, in which an equal area
is harvested each year. This is (at least in theory) easy to
monitor, but in practice leads to a luctuating harvest,
because few divisions carry the same merchantable volume,
or regrow at the same rate. Attempting to overcome this
dificulty by creating divisions of unequal area (note that
Evelyn did not state that the areas should be equal), simply
creates a new dificulty of devising how to allocate the total
area into n divisions of equal production potential, especially
when the resource is not well known. Nor does it provide the
lexibility that is sometimes needed for operational practice.
For example, foresters may wish to vary the annual harvest
to meet market demands or to take advantage of other
situations (e.g., effective use of existing infrastructure, or
salvaging wood after storms and other disasters).
A more lexible approach commonly adopted in modern
polycyclic forest management systems is to relax Evelyn’s
requirement for speciic divisions, and to control the volume
harvested, allowing a given level of timber removal from
speciied locations in the estate in any one year. While this
approach provides a better basis for industry development
and lexibility in harvest distribution it does require careful
estimation and monitoring of the volumes involved. If the
initial estimates of the volumes per hectare or total standing
volume are too high then the whole area will be cut over
before the planned cycle time. If the estimated volumes
are too low then the area will be utilized below its full
While these considerations may seem self-evident to those
with experience in timber harvest planning and management,
we have found that they are often confusing to newcomers
to the ield. Various authors have offered analytical studies
(Buongiorno and Gilless 2003), analogies (Vanclay 1996b),
computer packages (Alder et al. 2002) and case studies
(Vanclay 1994), all of which offer helpful insights, but none
of which seem to convey the “eureka” moment that enables
a reader to grasp a full understanding of the implications
of alternative harvest management approaches. It was the
frustration experienced in trying to convey a thorough
understanding of the allowable cut concept that led us to
develop the game described here. We have found that the
‘beer-bottle top’ game is helpful in allowing participants to
experience irst-hand the strength and limitations of each
approach, and in initiating a discussion about how harvesting
in native forests can be regulated most effectively.
The game as described here is designed to represent
proposed management of a mature native forest estate
that has not previously been subject to signiicant harvest
and where there considerable variation in merchantable
volume across the area and relatively little current growth in
merchantable timber volume. This situation still applies in
some tropical and temperate forest areas. Modiications are
required to represent previously harvested native forest or a
plantation estate where current growth needs to be taken into
account in estimating future yields.
The game involves teams of people laying out tokens of
different colours on a map, representing the distribution of
forest with varying density of merchantable timber. Teams
‘harvest’ a number of tokens for a simulated year using
strategies representing area control and volume control.
We have found beer-bottle tops to be suitable tokens that
are easily obtainable, and culturally appropriate for many
forestry audiences, but seeds, pebbles or other tokens
could be equally suitable. One useful attribute of ‘crownseal’ bottle-tops (as used on beer bottles) is that they are
distinctive when turned right-side up (because of different
colours and brands), but look the same when upside-down.
This characteristic adds realism to the game by creating a
forest that appears homogeneous from above but has varying
values according to the colour of the bottle top when turned
over (harvested).
A large number of tokens is needed: ideally, a multiple
of the rotation length, for each team (we do not advocate
that participants or instructors acquire beer-bottle tops
through personal consumption, and have found that local bar
tenders are happy – if intrigued – to provide the necessary
materials). In many of our games, preliminary discussions
with participants have indicated that they were thinking of
a 40-year rotation, so we have used 160 tokens per team,
allowing an average of 4 tokens for each year of the 40year cycle. This choice of round numbers simpliies the
mathematics, allowing participants to focus on the principles
rather than the mechanics of the game.
The tokens could be laid out on a board, but realism is
added to the game if the tokens are placed on a map. One of
our workshops focused on a proposed forest management
area along the Ramu River (near Madang, on the north
J. Vanclay et al.
coast of the PNG mainland), with an area of about 160 000
hectares. This contributed to our decision to use 160 tokens.
When placed on a 1:100 000 scale map, a beer-bottle top
covers an area of about 700 ha. However, circular bottle tops
do not pack tightly (like tiles on a loor), so when arranged
on a map, the tops tend to occupy an area approaching 1000
ha. Thus 160 tops neatly covered our project area, covering
part of a single 1:100 000 map sheet (Figure 1).
FIGuRE 1 Bottle tops placed upside down over the project
area on a photocopy of a 1:100 000 map. (From left: Rod
Keenan, Hartmut Holzknecht and Eileen Kolokol. Photo by
Jerry Vanclay).
We have found it advantageous to arrange for the ‘beerbottle top’ game to be played in teams of about 4 players,
to foster discussion within teams and competition between
teams. Thus our equipment comprised one copy of the
relevant 1:100 000 map sheet and 160 tokens (beer bottle
tops) for each team. There is no necessity to use this scale or
the 160 tokens, but using round numbers and an appropriate
map scale helps to simplify calculations.
The tokens are intended to represent notional logging
coupes, or ‘set-ups’ in our PNG example, each about 1000
ha in area. Individual logging units are rarely this large and
participants need to understand that in reality this area will
be distributed among a number of smaller units. In natural
forest, such coupes generally differ greatly in volume (or
value), according to the number, size and species of tree
present. So it is with our beer-bottle tops. The bag of beer
bottle tops that we obtained from helpful bar tenders usually
contained 4 or 5 different kind of tops. Often about half
were of one popular brand (in Madang, these were “Winim
ute”, a promotion in which the prize was a car), and a small
number were a deluxe variety (in Madang, about 2% were
white “Export” brand). The labels and colours associated
with these tokens was a matter of chance, according to
the tops available at the local bar. The volumes that they
represent were based on local experience: in Ramu, it was
expected that much of the area harvested would yield around
10 m3/ha, with smaller areas containing higher densities of
merchantable timber. While the exact numbers attached to
each kind of token is immaterial, it adds realism if appropriate
values are used.
Because we wanted to foster competition and discussion,
we prepared several identical sets of bottle tops, one for
each team (this was the most time-consuming part of game
preparation). The exact number of each kind of token varied
on each occasion, but was typically 50% low value (‘Winim’,
10 m3/ha), 30% medium (‘SP’, 20 m3/ha), 18% high (‘Ice’,
30 m3/ha), and 2% very high (‘Export’, 50 m3/ha).
After an introduction to the game, participants are instructed
to simulate one rotation of harvesting under area control,
a second under volume control, and a third under volume
control with feedback. In each case, the game is initialized
by turning all the tokens upside down to hide their value, and
by placing them on the map covering the harvestable area
(Figure 1). Some participants may wish to arrange the tokens
in a logical pattern (e.g., with high-volume tokens in valleys
and low-volume tokens on ridges); this is not necessary, and
will not affect the outcome of the game.
Area control: Participants are asked to harvest an equal
area of the resource (take an equal number of tokens from
the map) for each of the n time-steps representing an n-year
cutting cycle. In our Madang workshop, participants each
took 4 tokens, for each of the 40 time-steps representing
the years of the cutting cycle (Figure 2). Participants should
record the corresponding volume of wood that they harvested
FIGuRE 2 Participants simulating area control. Notice the
selected tops in the background arranged in columns year by
year, with four tops taken each year. (From left: Vitus Ambia
and Sobbie Giok. Photo by Jerry Vanclay).
A game to assist forest management for sustained yield
in each step. In our Madang workshop, the volume harvested
in any time step ranged from 40,000 (4 ‘Winim’) to 160,000
m3 (2 ‘Ice’ plus 2 ‘Export’). We have found it useful to
encourage participants to arrange the ‘harvested’ tokens as
a bar chart (Figure 2). With area control, this arrangement
will not vary in number of tokens (e.g., 4 per time step), but
will vary in colour (and in the volume that they represent).
Participants can also graph their annual harvest over time
by hand or, if a computer is available, enter results into a
It is not necessary to complete all the time steps of the
cutting cycle; it may be desirable to interrupt the simulation
before participants have completed the harvest, so that they do
not have a complete census before attempting volume control
(see below). When they have gained an understanding of the
procedure and of the progress of the harvest, participants can
be asked to address a few key questions:
• Did the harvest last for the full cutting cycle, or was it
exhausted prematurely?
• Was the harvest an even-low, amenable to a stable
industry, or did it vary greatly from year to year?
• If the latter, is it desirable to try to smooth the
luctuations in volume harvested? If so, how?
• Some participants may have been seen to ‘cheat’
by trying to take note of the colours evident on the
edges of the bottle tops: is this akin to reconnaissance
inventory, and did it help contribute to better forest
After a discussion of these and any other issues that may
arise, participants should progress to a simulation of volume
Volume control: With volume control, an initial estimate
is made of the total standing volume, and harvesting
attempts to harvest 1/nth of this total each year of the nyear cutting cycle (given the assumption that the forest is
a mature forest in a steady-state situation in which there is
no net volume growth). This phase of the game commences
with an inventory to assess the total standing volume, which
is why it is important that participants have not computed
the total volume during the area control exercise (This can
be achieved by stopping the simulation before it reaches the
inal year, by collecting their worksheets, by swapping the
bags of tokens if there are more than one group to give the
impression that the totals may be different or by insisting
that they base their estimates on their inventory estimate,
irrespective of other knowledge they may have gained about
the resource). As always, it is helpful to emulate local ield
procedures. In our irst Madang workshop, participants
were asked to carry out a 1% inventory, as required by PNG
forest legislation, and to select two tokens on which to base
their estimate (i.e., 2 tokens out of 160, slightly more than
1%). In other exercises, participants have protested that this
sampling intensity is too low, and up to ive tokens have been
selected to sample the resource. Some participants adopt a
random sample, some adopt a systematic sample, and some
have adopted some form of stratiied sampling, but because
the tokens themselves are usually placed haphazardly, the
sampling strategy rarely affects the outcome.
Having selected a sample of tokens, participants proceed
to calculate the total standing volume and the allowable
cut. In the irst Madang workshop, these calculations were
easy: the sample of 2 tokens was multiplied by 80,000 to
estimate the total volume, and divided by the 40 year cutting
cycle to estimate the allowable cut. Thus, for this fortuitous
combination, the annual allowable cut could be calculated
simply by doubling the value of the two-token sample, and
adding three zeroes. In other circumstances, it is convenient
to have a calculator handy for this step. Estimates of total
standing volume in our example could therefore range from
1.6 to 8 million cubic metres (with the upper igure resulting
if participants made the highly unlikely selection of two of
the rare, highest value tokens in the sample) compared to
the true igure of 2.81 million cubic metres. Corresponding
allowable cut estimates would range from 40,000 to 200,000
m3 per year for a 40 year cycle.
Once the allowable cut has been determined, participants
proceed to simulate the chosen harvesting cycle, attempting
to take this volume each year. Achieving the exact allowable
cut is not always possible, as participants may unwittingly
select a token with a higher unit value than required and
surpass the required volume, or they may pause short of
the target to avoid the risk of an overcut. This is a realistic
outcome in practice and participants are told that once a
token is selected, it must be removed (“You cannot stand
the trees back up”), to prevent too much “ine-tuning” of
their harvests. In this situation, participants need to decide
an appropriate strategy to adopt when the desired allowable
cut is not attained in any year (e.g., if the value of the tokens
selected one year exceeds the allowable cut, should there
be a carry-over to the next year?). We have found it helpful
to leave this decision entirely to the participants, as it often
leads to an instructive discussion. To add further realism,
participants may also be urged to simulate their harvesting in
a logical sequence across the landscape, mindful of the need
to construct and maintain roads and other infrastructure. As
in the previous phase, it is instructive for the participants to
line up the harvested tokens as a bar graph, to illustrate the
volumes and areas harvested each year (e.g., Figure 3) or
graph the results by hand or computer.
When teams have exhausted the resource, or completed
their simulation for a complete cutting cycle, it is time to
revisit the questions from the previous step:
• Was the harvest volume an even-low, and did it vary
more or less than in the area control method or did it
vary greatly from year to year?
• If the latter, what could be done to help smooth the
luctuations in volume harvested?
• How much did the harvested area vary from year to year,
and can this be accommodated operationally?
• Did the harvest last for the full cutting cycle, or was it
exhausted prematurely?
• If the latter, why? Was the inventory adequate? What
could be done to make sure that the harvest can be
J. Vanclay et al.
sustained for the full cutting cycle?
• Did any participants continue to ‘cheat’ by trying to take
note of the colours evident on the edges of the bottle
tops, and if so, did it help to attain a better outcome?
Workshop leaders may need to guide the discussion
to ensure that participants realize that the harvest is very
similar to the inventory, and that the running average of
the harvested volume can offer a helpful supplement to the
initial inventory, and can be used to update estimates of the
remaining volume and the allowable cut necessary to eke out
the resource to the end of the cutting cycle.
Volume control with feedback: The third and inal phase
is to repeat the previous step, but with periodic adjustments
to the allowable cut based on monitoring of past harvests
(Figure 3). Participants should themselves decide an
appropriate interval for such adjustments. The process
FIGuRE 3 Participants near the end of a rotation simulating
volume control with feedback, revising the allowable cut at
mid-rotation. Note the tops already selected (harvested) laid
out year by year, illustrating the different area harvested
each year as each token represent approximately 1,000 ha.
The map of the forest is obscured by the laptop computer.
(From left: Eileen Kolokol and Barnabas Wilmot. Photo by
Jerry Vanclay).
areas at pre-deined intervals (e.g., when ¼, ½ and ¾ of the
bottle tops have been selected), or whenever they begin to
suspect an inadequate estimate. At each review participants
should recalculate the estimated residual standing volume
and compare it with the time to complete the cutting cycle
and make adjustments to the target harvest to maintain the
desired harvesting cycle.
This is the stage when most participants fully grasp the
concepts of checking both the area and volume harvested
during the rotation and begin to understand the importance
of a periodic review and adjustment. By now, they should be
able to work through the simulation quickly, should achieve
a harvest that can be sustained until the end of the cutting
cycle, and can anticipate the questions posed for discussion
in this section can include:
• Did harvesting last for the full planned cycle in this
• How did the annual harvest vary over time? How was
the pattern different to area control or simple volume
• What situations might continue to lead to
overexploitation and early depletion of the resource
or large changes in the allowable cut between
monitoring cycles? What might the implications of
this be for industry?
Other variations: The simulation can be enriched by
a careful choice of maps, and of the volumes represented
by bottle tops, to make the simulation realistic. It can be
extended by spending some time at the outset deining the
area of forest available for harvesting, with some tokens
being removed to simulate the reduction in area available
for harvesting associated with conservation or community
reserves, stream buffers, steep slopes and other impediments
to harvesting.
Alternative approaches can also canvas the issue of net
versus gross area within a harvest unit. In practice in native
forest, the planned harvest area is often not achieved because
of local topographic restrictions, protection of special habitat
areas identiied at a local scale or other reasons. One way
of demonstrating this is to make the tokens represent their
actual area (in our case 700 ha), rather than the proportion
of the land area they occupy on the map (1,000 ha). This
difference will depend on the placement to tokens on the
map (hexagonal or rectangular packing). Participants can
discuss the magnitude of this type of reduction that should
be accounted for and how it affects the allowable cut.
involves observing the areas and volumes harvested, and
calculating the harvested volume per hectare during the
monitoring period (say 5 or 10 years). This estimate can
inform a revision of allowable cut, based on the residual
standing volume divided by the remaining years in the cutting
cycle. Participants may choose to review the volumes and
The three phases of the ‘bottle top’ game lead very naturally
to an insightful discussion about the merits of a smooth
harvest (both in terms of timber harvested and area workedover), of the need for reliable inventory, and of the need for
on-going monitoring to compare inventory estimates and
planned harvests with the actual outcome. If several teams
A game to assist forest management for sustained yield
are playing with identical sets of tokens, the discussion
may also encompass sampling theory (e.g., the variance of
inventory estimates).
Finally, there is an important question that should be put
tactfully: Given what you have now learned about inventory
and forest management, do you think that allowable cut
estimates and operational procedures in your district are
adequate? Often groups will say that they need more intensive
inventory at the outset – or even a complete enumeration,
which is usually impractical. One of the important points
to draw out of discussions is that with periodic review and
feedback, there is potential to learn from the operations as
they progress and make adjustments to ensure the harvests
can be maintained to the end of the rotation. Some groups
do not realize that the data they are collecting in the actual
harvests can be used in this way especially if this data is
handled by separate parts of the organization (e.g., the sales,
inance or marketing division rather than the inventory or
planning part of the organization).
The ‘beer-bottle top’ game is easy to create with minimal
materials, but is effective at communicating the concepts
underpinning the notion of an allowable cut and at exposing
the strengths and weaknesses of its several variants. We
have used this game in diverse situations ranging from
undergraduate to professional development situations. In
all cases, evaluations indicated that participants enjoyed
the experience, and gained new insights into the nature of
sustained yield, the requirements for planning a sustained
timber harvest and the implications for forest management.
This game was developed by team members of the ACIAR
Project FST98-118 in Madang (PNG) in 2003. Feedback by
participants in that and subsequent ACIAR workshops, and
by forestry students at Southern Cross university, has helped
to improve the game.
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PRESTON, R.A. and J.K. VANCLAY, 1988. Calculation
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RYAN, T., 2000. The role of simulation gaming in policymaking. Systems Research and Behavioral Science
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Queensland. Forest Ecology and Management 69:299320.
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of timber harvests from natural forests: Limitations
of indices based on successive harvests. Journal of
Sustainable Forestry 3:47-58.
J. Vanclay et al.
Forest planning game instructions
Requirements: for each team of 3-4 players
Matching or similar sets of 100-200 beer-bottle tops (or
similar tokens) of 4-5 different colours, preferably the
same colour underneath. Try to get many (about half)
of one colour and fewer of the other colours. Assign
a realistic timber volume to each type of token, for
example, 10, 20, 30 and 50 m3/ha, with higher values for
the rarer types.
Map of the forest area. A 1:100,000 scale map means
that each bottle top represents an area of about 1,000 ha.
Ideally, this would have the area of forest available for
harvesting marked on the map.
intensity (e.g., 2.5% or 4 out of 160), choose tops according to a
sampling design of your choice (random; systematic; stratiied),
and estimate the total standing volume. Replace these tops before
Step 7. Divide the estimated total standing volume by the cutting
cycle (from Step 2) to arrive at an annual allowable cut.
Step 7
Simulate the harvest again, trying to achieve the target volume
each year by varying the area harvested (i.e., the number of tops
selected). Take tops in a realistic fashion (clustered together),
bearing in mind that the need for road construction and practical
issues may prevent patchwork harvests. Arrange the harvested tops
in columns to form a bar chart of the area harvested, and record the
area cut (luctuating) and volume harvested (relatively constant).
Step 8
There are three stages to the game: area control, volume control
and volume control with feedback.
Area control
Step 1
Distribute bottle tops over the forest area available for harvesting.
Turn tops over (coloured side down), and arrange on the map so
they cover the management area.
Step 2
Ask participants to estimate the cutting cycle (e.g., 40 years)
required to provide suficient volume growth for the subsequent
harvest. Divide the net area by this cycle length to estimate the
annual harvest area.
Step 3
Participants then simulate harvesting by taking this number of
tops each year. Arrange the harvested tops in columns to form a
bar chart of the area harvested, and record the area cut (constant)
and volume harvested (computed from the value of the tops;
Observe and discuss the area cut and volume harvested each year,
and whether the resource can be sustained to the end of the cutting
cycle. How does this compare with area control? How good was
your inventory? (Overestimates lead to a shortfall; underestimate
leave some volume at the end of the cycle). What could be done to
improve this system?
Volume control with feedback
By now, most participants will realize that the harvest is analogous
with inventory, and that records from harvesting can be combined
with prior inventory to make sure that the resource is managed to
provide a harvest throughout the full cutting cycle.
Step 9
Spread the tops out again and take another inventory (as in
steps 6 & 7).
Step 10
Simulate a harvest as in Step 7, but periodically (say every 5-10
years) review the volume and area harvested, and if necessary
revise the annual allowable cut using new estimates of the
remaining area and volume.
Step 4
Step 11
Discuss the outcome. Can the harvest be maintained to the end of
the cutting cycle? (in the absence of arithmetic errors, yes). How
does the volume of the harvest vary?
Observe what happens to annual harvest after each review and in
the long term.
Volume control
Step 12
Step 5
For the inal wrap-up, compare the strengths and weaknesses of
each approach. Encourage teams to compare indings, as each
team will get a different result. Most participants can clearly see
the beneits of:
• using volume control with feedback,
• having good inventory,
• getting (and using) reliable data on the harvest....
Spread the tops out again (as in Step 1).
Step 6
Complete an ‘inventory’. Decide on an appropriate sampling