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1996, Chemical Geology
4 pages
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About 60 researchers, active in the field of silicate melt/glass research, mainly from Europe, met in La Petite Pierre, Alsace, France, from 4 to 8 April 1995, for the 5th Silicate Melt Workshop (SMW). This special issue of Chemical Geology contains a representative collection of 18 papers presented at this workshop.
Silicate glasses and melts have been of interest to mineralogists, geochemists and igneous petrologists for many decades. Silicate melts are essential components of igneous processes, participating actively in Earth differentiation, heat transfer and global geodynamics, and geochemical cycles. Melt viscosity can decrease some 20 orders of magnitude below that of corresponding solids, and timescales for transport properties are dramatically reduced in the presence of a liquid-phase. In addition, melts relevant to volcanological processes contain various amounts of volatiles, mainly H2O, CO2, and sulfur-bearing species. Models for Earth’s formation propose a period of substantial melting of the planet during the later stages of accretion, due to the extremely high energies involved in a probable Moon-forming “giant impact” event. As properties of deep magmas must be experimentally constrained, researchers studying melts and glasses participate actively in current experimental developm...
Journal of Geophysical Research, 1990
1. The Discovery of Silicate Melts. An Industrial and Geological Perspective. 2. Glass Versus Melt. 3. Glasses and Melts vs. Crystals. 4. Melt and Glass Structure - Basic Concepts. 5. Silica - A Deceitful Simplicity. 6. Binary Metal Oxide-Silica Systems I. Physical Properties. 7. Binary Metal Oxide-Silica Systems II. Structure. 8. Aluminosilicate Systems I. Physical Properties. 9. Aluminosilicate Systems II. Structure. 10. Iron-bearing Melts I. Physical Properties. 11. Iron-bearing Melts II. Structure. 12. The Titanium Anomalies. 13. Phosphorus. 14. Water - An Elusive Component. 15. Volatiles I. The System C-O-H-S. 16. Volatiles II. Noble Gases and Halogens. 17. Natural Melts. References. Subject Index.
Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 1992
Submarine volcanic glasses ranging in composition from basalts to dacites from a variety of tectonic settings have been studied for their total (Hz0 + OH-) and molecular water contents using combined high-temperature mass spectrometric and Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopic techniques. A molar absorptivity of 6 1 z!z 1 l/mol-cm was determined for the fundamental OH-stretch at 3550 cm-' for these glasses. It is found that the relative abund~c~ of molecular water and hydroxyl groups depend not only upon total dissolved water but also bulk silicate chemistry as well. For glasses with total Hz0 contents between 0.5 and 1 .O wt% the ratio of molecular to total water varies approximately tenfold from 0.03 to 0.30. Increasing silica content and/or decreasing the concentration of non-tetrahedral cations enhances the relative abundance of molecular water.
Applied Geochemistry, 2006
Development of Raman spectrometry for quantification of water content in natural glasses requires the assessment of the dependence of the technique on glass composition and thermal history. In the low frequency domain, Raman spectra topology varies due to glass depolymerization and substitution in the framework of (Si 4+ ) IV by alkali-balanced (Al 3+ ) IV and (Fe 3+ ) IV in calcalkaline (rhyolite to basaltic andesite) and alkaline (trachyte, phonolite to alkali basalt) glasses. These processes result in strong dependence of previous analytical procedure (internal calibration) on glass composition. Here, we show that an analytical procedure based on calibration to an external standard is only faintly composition-dependent for Si-rich alkaline glasses (trachytes-phonolites). For a given glass composition, thermal history also plays a fundamental role in the choice of Raman procedure for water analysis. Repeated cycles of thermal annealing induce microcrystallization of hydrous trachyte glasses and modify cation distribution in the glass structure. Application of these concepts to analysis of banded obsidians suggests that small-scale heterogeneities in glasses are not simply related to magma degassing, but could depend on thermal history and consequent relaxation paths in the melt.
Chemical Geology, 1996
Unpolarized Raman spectra of hydrous silica and quartzofeldspathic glasses containing 2.8 and 2.0 wt% H,O, respectively, have been recorded at 1 atm between room temperature and 700°C in order to investigate the effect of temperature (T) on the speciation of water. High-T spectra and room-T spectra were collected alternatively and compared together, allowing the determination of the temperature at which water started to diffuse out of the glasses. For both compositions this temperature was found to be > 480°C. In the temperature range 25-480°C (no loss of water), the low-frequency range spectra (500-1400 cm-') do not show important variations with T. In the silica glass, the integrated intensity of the 970-cm-' band is not affected by T. In contrast, important variations are observed in the high-frequency range (2800-3800 cm-') at temperatures as low as 160" and 120°C in silica and quartzofeldspathic glasses, respectively. In both samples the intensities of the bands in the range 3200-3500 cm-', attributed to molecular water, are decreasing with T. Concomitantly, an intensity increase is observed for the narrow band at 3597 cm-' m the silica glass and for a band centered at-3580 cm-' in the quartzofeldspathic glass. These variations are fully reversible (time scale of < 1 min) when T decreases. The observed changes can be interpreted to be due to a collapse of hydrogen bonding involving molecular water. In the silica glass, the' band, showing increasing intensities and frequencies with T, may be assigned to a symmetric mode involving at least two stretching vibrations from both hydroxyl group (SiO-H) and molecular water. This vibrational mode is enhanced by the reaction leading to the breaking of hydrogen bonds.
Reviews of Geophysics, 2007
1] Knowledge about the properties of silicate melts is needed by volcanologists and petrologists to evaluate the dynamics of volcanic eruptions and magmatic processes. These properties include the solubility and diffusivity of volatile components in silicate melts, silicate melt viscosity, and the fragmentation condition. Data and models of each property are reviewed and assessed. For rhyolitic melts many properties are sufficiently well known to allow realistic modeling of volcanic and magmatic processes. One interesting example is the role of speciation in the solubility and diffusivity of H 2 O and CO 2 . Even though both H 2 O and CO 2 are present in silicate melts as at least two species, the complexity in the solubility and diffusion behavior of H 2 O and the simplicity of CO 2 are due to differences in the speciation reaction: For the H 2 O component the stoichiometric coefficient is one for one hydrous species (molecular H 2 O) but is two for the other hydrous species (OH) in the species interconversion reaction, whereas for CO 2 the stoichiometric coefficients for all carbon species are one. The investigation of the species reaction not only helps in understanding the solubility and diffusion behavior, but the reaction among the hydrous species also serves as a geospeedometer (cooling rate indicator) for hydrous rhyolitic pyroclasts and glass and provides a method to infer viscosity. For melts other than rhyolite, a preliminary description of their properties is also available, but much more experimental and modeling work is necessary to quantify these properties more accurately.
Glasses and melts have unique physical and chemical properties, which vary as a function of temperature, pressure, and chemical composition. Understanding these properties requires an accurate structural description. The amorphous nature and complex chemical composition of glasses and melts do not allow the construction of a unique, crystal-like structural model. Nevertheless, despite the lack of periodicity and long-range order, glasses and melts retain a characteristic short-range order, which obeys basic crystal-chemical rules. However, only a limited amount of information exists about changes in a glass structure with temperature or pressure or both. Obtaining this information requires a combination of experimental and theoretical approaches. The connections between structural observations and melt properties are less well known, even at the qualitative level, although progress has been and continues to be made. Melt structure, properties, and dynamics were reviewed a decade ago and are discussed in detail in a recent book (Mysen and Richet 2005); we provide here only a few examples.
Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 1995
First measurements of water species in an aluminosilicate melt of haplogranitic composition at temperatures up to 800°C and at a pressure of 1500 bar determined by in situ near-infrared spectroscopy are presented. These measurements clearly show that both water molecules and hydroxyl groups are stable species in the melt. The concentration of hydroxyl groups in the melt varies strongly with temperature and is considerably higher than predicted by previous spectroscopic studies on glasses at room temperature. Changes of hydroxyl group concentration with temperature were also observed for the glassy state and are attributed to a local reaction between water molecules and bridging oxygens resulting in the formation of hydroxyl group pairs. For the studied composition with a total water content of 4.14 wt% we found contents of water present as hydroxyl groups of 1.46 wt% at 25°C, 1.61 wt% at 250°C (in the glass), and 3.23 wt% at 800°C (in the melt). Assuming an ideal behaviour of the oxygen-bearing species in the reaction, standard state enthalpies of 33.6 _ 2.0 kJ-molt (melt) and 1.52 +_ 0.20 kJ. mol-1 (glass), and standard state entropies of 29.8 _ 1.2 J.mol-~-K-~ (melt) and-18.6 +_ 0.4 J.mol-~-K-t (glass) were determined for the reaction (H20 + O = 2 OH).
Comptes Rendus. Géoscience
New Raman and NMR spectroscopy data on hydrous Ca aluminosilicate melts and glasses, with eutectic quartz-anorthite-wollastonite composition, are presented here. The glasses were obtained by rapid quench of melts equilibrated at high P and high T in a piston-cylinder apparatus. In situ Raman observations of the structure of the melts were also performed during hydrothermal diamond cell experiments. Using the intensities of the ∼860 cm −1 and ∼1630 cm −1 Raman signals, respectively assigned to vibrations of T-OH and H 2 O mol species, we determined the speciation of water in the glasses. T-OH and H 2 O mol values compare well with those determined from infrared (IR) spectra, except above ∼5 wt% total water where IR determinations actually underestimate the proportion of hydroxyl groups. The analysis of the polarized Raman spectra and of the 29 Si MAS NMR spectra of the hydrous glasses suggests limited changes in glass polymerization with variations in dissolved water content. However, at high temperatures, in situ Raman spectroscopy observations indicate that the hydrous melt structure differs very strongly from that of a glass containing a comparable concentration of dissolved water. Because of this, this study reinforces the fact that using glass data to try understanding high temperature processes in hydrous melts, like viscous flow or water diffusion toward bubbles during volcanic degassing, may not be very appropriate.
Dilemata, 2018
Hegel Jahrbuch, 2024
The Medici: Citizens and Mastersr, ed. R. Black and J. E. Law, Florence: Villa I Tatti, pp. 113-129, 2015
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What comes to mind when your hear mosaic? Conserving mosaics from ancient to modern, EDIFIR-Edizioni Firenze, 257-268, 2021
International Journal of Applied Evolutionary Computation, 2000
Journal of Rural and Community Development, 2024
International Journal of Antimicrobial Agents, 2019
Transactions of the Japanese Society for Artificial Intelligence, 2011
Tetrahedron Letters, 1998
Case reports in neurological medicine, 2016