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Silicate glasses and melts have been of interest to mineralogists, geochemists and igneous petrologists for many decades. Silicate melts are essential components of igneous processes, participating actively in Earth differentiation, heat transfer and global geodynamics, and geochemical cycles. Melt viscosity can decrease some 20 orders of magnitude below that of corresponding solids, and timescales for transport properties are dramatically reduced in the presence of a liquid-phase. In addition, melts relevant to volcanological processes contain various amounts of volatiles, mainly H2O, CO2, and sulfur-bearing species. Models for Earth’s formation propose a period of substantial melting of the planet during the later stages of accretion, due to the extremely high energies involved in a probable Moon-forming “giant impact” event. As properties of deep magmas must be experimentally constrained, researchers studying melts and glasses participate actively in current experimental developm...
Reviews of Geophysics, 2007
1] Knowledge about the properties of silicate melts is needed by volcanologists and petrologists to evaluate the dynamics of volcanic eruptions and magmatic processes. These properties include the solubility and diffusivity of volatile components in silicate melts, silicate melt viscosity, and the fragmentation condition. Data and models of each property are reviewed and assessed. For rhyolitic melts many properties are sufficiently well known to allow realistic modeling of volcanic and magmatic processes. One interesting example is the role of speciation in the solubility and diffusivity of H 2 O and CO 2 . Even though both H 2 O and CO 2 are present in silicate melts as at least two species, the complexity in the solubility and diffusion behavior of H 2 O and the simplicity of CO 2 are due to differences in the speciation reaction: For the H 2 O component the stoichiometric coefficient is one for one hydrous species (molecular H 2 O) but is two for the other hydrous species (OH) in the species interconversion reaction, whereas for CO 2 the stoichiometric coefficients for all carbon species are one. The investigation of the species reaction not only helps in understanding the solubility and diffusion behavior, but the reaction among the hydrous species also serves as a geospeedometer (cooling rate indicator) for hydrous rhyolitic pyroclasts and glass and provides a method to infer viscosity. For melts other than rhyolite, a preliminary description of their properties is also available, but much more experimental and modeling work is necessary to quantify these properties more accurately.
The thermodynamic and physical properties of magmas have been extensively investigated as a function of T, P, fO 2 and composition allowing the development of accurate phase stability, viscosity, and diffusion models. However, how the silicate melt properties are influenced by kinetic effects is still an open question. The most important transformation of a magma is its solidification due to cooling, i.e. the transition from a silicate melt to a rock. Solidified magmas may be crystalline, vitreous, or a mixture of glass and crystals. If the cooling rate is larger enough to prevent crystallization, a magma can encompass the supercooling region without crystallisation. The smallest cooling rate that suppresses or strongly limited the nucleation of crystals is the critical cooling rate Rc. Melts with low Rc persist in a metastable liquid state and have a good glass forming ability (GFA). GFA and Rc of melts can be quantitatively estimated using (1) the reduced glass transition parameter Trg = Tg/Tm (Tg, temperature of glass transition; Tm, temperature of melting), and (2) the viscosity fragility concept. As stated by the theory, strong liquids with high Trg values have good GFA and low Rc, whereas fragile liquids with low Trg have a poor GFA and high Rc. Using available experimental data and theoretical models, we analyze the kinetic effects in dry magmas of different composition. The obtained results are relevant for the formation of lava flows and domes. In sub-alkaline magmas, Trg linearly increases and Rc decreases as the Si and Al content increases. Rc of basalts range between 10 1 and 10 3 K/s. In dacitic and rhyolitic melts, Rc is between 10 -3 and 10 -5 K/s. Alkaline melts have Trg values lower than those of subalkaline compositions. Results are consistent with the available experimental data. The sluggish kinetics of nucleation determined by using the relation Rc vs Trg is also in 128 agreement with the experimental and theoretical data for synthetic silicate melts. The outlined solidification behaviour of magmatic melts has a profound influence on the viscosity paths of magmas. Depending on the Trg and Rc values, less evolved magmas may have a viscosity larger than that of more evolved magmas due to the rapid crystallization induced by the cooling during their flowing on the Earth. The glassy portion of poorly evolved magmas is indicative of rapid cooling, whereas the glassy fraction of evolved magmas is not unequivocally indicative of rapid cooling being their typical Rc values low. Basaltic lavas may flow on the Earth surface for long times only if they have a temperature close to T m , whereas more evolved lavas can flow for longer periods with temperatures well below T m . Fully glassy lavas like obsidians have invariably rhyolitic or trachytic compositions.
Chemical Geology, 1996
About 60 researchers, active in the field of silicate melt/glass research, mainly from Europe, met in La Petite Pierre, Alsace, France, from 4 to 8 April 1995, for the 5th Silicate Melt Workshop (SMW). This special issue of Chemical Geology contains a representative collection of 18 papers presented at this workshop.
European Journal of Mineralogy, 2007
CO 2 can play an important role in eruptive processes; in particular, it has the potential to reach saturation at lower concentrations than H 2 O and initiate degassing. The effect of such CO 2 loss on magma viscosity is not well constrained, especially compared to the established effects of H 2 O loss. In terms of understanding the CO 2 solubility mechanism, recent spectroscopic studies have shown that CO 2 speciation is strongly temperature dependent and that CO 2 speciation preserved in quenched glasses below T g is different from the true CO 2 speciation observed in the melts. However, the effect of CO 2 on the glass transition temperature, and by inference the viscosity, has not been previously established.
Iron is present in magmas at concentrations ranging from less than 1 wt% to more than 10 wt% in two valence state. In general, Fe 2+ is a network modifier in the melt structure while Fe 3+ is a weak network former. The ratio Fe 3+ /(Fe 3+ +Fe 2+) depends on temperature, pressure, oxygen fugacity and melt composition. Parametric models allow its calculation, but the complex links between melt composition, iron oxidation state and coordination can be further rationalized using a ionic-polymeric model. Constraining concentration and oxidation state of iron is critical for determining magma density and viscosity, which drive exchanges of matter and heat in the Earth. At high pressures, changes in the coordination of elements, including iron, yield a stiffening and densification of magmas, potentially influencing dynamic and geochemical processes. Near surface, crystallization of Fe-bearing phases changes the residual melt composition, including iron content and oxidation state as well as volatile concentration, ultimately driving large changes in density and viscosity of magmas, and, hence, in the dynamic of fluid flow in volcanic systems. The complex interplay between magma iron content and oxidation state, major element chemistry, crystal and volatile content thus can play a large role on the dynamic of volcanic systems.
Chemical Geology, 2013
The effects of increasing quantities of iron on the viscosity, heat capacity and density of a haplobasaltic base composition (anorthite-diopside 1 atm eutectic) were determined. Super-liquidus viscosity and density were measured in air using the concentric cylinder method and double-bob Archimedean method, respectively. Low-temperature viscosities were measured using the micropenetration method for the melts that could be quenched to glasses. The effect of iron oxidation state on viscosity was investigated above the liquidus under reduced fO 2 and at the glass transition temperature from quenched samples of varying redox state. Iron significantly decreases the melt viscosity, especially near the glass transition and lowers the activation energy at low temperature. Density increases with addition of iron and the experimental measurements are in good agreement with predictions of existing models. The reduction of Fe 3+ to Fe 2+ produces a slight viscosity decrease at high temperature but affects properties near the glass transition more strongly. Thus, for iron-rich compositions, the redox state must be taken into account to obtain accurate estimates of the physical and thermodynamic properties, especially at low temperatures. As a result, the iron-bearing anorthite-diopside system approaches the viscous behaviour of terrestrial and extraterrestrial basaltic compositions and then appears to be good analogue for basaltic systems. At magmatic temperatures, the viscosity difference between common terrestrial basalt and lunar or Martian basalt is estimated to be 0.5 to 1 order of magnitude. Although these results are consistent with inferences drawn from planetary observations on the fluidity of lunar and Martian lava flows, the crystallisation sequence of such systems will need to be investigated to improve interpretation of lava flow morphologies.
Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology, 2001
29 Si nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR), electron spin resonance (ESR) and MoÈ ssbauer spectroscopy reveal some in¯uences of magma dynamics on the structure of natural volcanic glasses. Our study concerns three carefully selected pumice samples collected from the Cretaio Tephra, deposited during a small-volume eruption that occurred in Roman times at the Island of Ischia, in the Phlegraean Volcanic District. We analysed glass separated from fragments of these pumice samples, which represent three dierent stratigraphic members of the Cretaio pyroclastic succession. Erupted during distinct phases of the eruption, these sampled members formed by either magmatic fragmentation or phreatomagmatic processes. Previous geochemical studies showed a homogeneous trachytic composition throughout the Cretaio sequence and a slight variation of the Sr-isotope ratio. The results of microprobe analyses con®rm the homogeneous trachytic composition of the glass at the 20 lm scale. The curve-®ttings of the 29 Si MAS NMR spectra show variable relative proportions of Q 4 and Q 3 species in the glass structure. The glass/melt extruded during the ®rst phase of the eruption contains a larger amount of Q 4 than glass from the later phase, and it has negligible quantities of Q 2 species. This ®nding could indicate that disproportionation reactions such as 2Q 3 (A Q 2 Q 4 might not be applied to describe the Q-speciation in highly polymerized natural trachytic melts, and the ®rst erupted glass with the highest amount of Q 4 is interpreted as representative of a more polymerized melt, even if chemically indistinguishable from the others. Also MoÈ ssbauer spectra show that this glass diers from those extruded during the later phases of the eruption because it contains Fe 3+ in network-forming tetrahedral coordination. 29 Si cross-polarization±magic angle spinning (CP±MAS) experiments do not reveal a signi®cant contribution of water speciation to silicon depolymerization in glass from surge deposits indicating that the magma probably interacted with water after the melt±glass transition temperature interval was crossed. We suggest that the detected structural variations re¯ect variable time± temperature paths during rise of dierent melt batches possibly caused by ascension in a segmented dyke prior to or during the Cretaio eruption. tetrahedrally coordinated network-forming cation (T).
Monash University Law Review, 2015
Since 1904, Australia has sought to protect shippers by prohibiting parties to contracts such as bills of lading from contracting out of Australian law and jurisdiction. Today, this protection lives on in s 11 of the Carriage of Goods by Sea Act 1991 (Cth). This section has recently been in the spotlight following a divergence of authority relating to its scope. This article argues that legislative revision of s 11 is necessary in order to clarify its scope and to ensure that its operation is consistent with the underlying policies justifying its existence, as expressed by the legislature.
HAU Journal of Anthropological Theory, 2019
Revue québécoise de science politique, 1994
John Sabo and Card Mindszenty 1957–71, 2021
Alazet, 19, 2007, págs. 27-54.
D-fest; programska knjižica, 2019
Advances in logistics, operations, and management science book series, 2017
Revista Científica del Centro de Investigaciones y Desarrollo Científico de la Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas, 2023
Netbiblo eBooks, 2008
Texila International Journal of Academic Research, 2025
Cancer research, 1993
Geoderma, 2020
Journal of Cystic Fibrosis, 2009
Research Square (Research Square), 2020