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2002, Fisheries Science
6 pages
1 file
The gut and gut contents of ayu Plecoglossus altivelis caught in the Ohta River in Hiroshima prefecture, Japan were examined. Relative intestine length (intestine length/body length) was almost constant. Except for relative intestine length, characteristics of the gut of wild ayu were not significantly different from those of cultured ayu. The height of intestinal folds increased and their width declined from stomach to anus. Cyanobacteria (Homoeathrix sp. and Calothrix sp.) and diatoms (Cymbella sp., Gomphonema sp., Melosira sp., Navicula sp., and Synedra sp.) were well digested during passage through the gut despite a lack of apparent destruction. In contrast, green algae (Dictyosphearium sp., Coelastrum sp., and Pediastrum sp.) exhibited little degradation. The pH of stomach contents ranged from 2.8 to 7.4 (mean ± SD = 4.1 ± 1.0), whereas that of the posterior intestine was 7.0-8.5 (7.9 ± 0.4). Gut contents of wild ayu increased with bodyweight, and were more than threefold greater than those of cultured ayu, suggesting that wild ayu compensate for low nutrient content of algae through the continuous ingestion of large quantities of feed organisms.
Marine ecology progress series. Oldendorf, 1988
Gut length, stomach pH and intestinal pH of the brown surgeonfish Acanthurus nigrofuscus change according to conditions of feeding or starvation, time of day, and presence or absence of intestinal protozoan symbionts. Relative gut length declines by 30 to 50 % during short periods of starvation (several hours to ca 2 d). Pyloric stomach pH exceeds that of the cardiac stomach during both daytime feeding periods and night-time resting periods. Fluids in the pyloric caecae are near-neutral (mean = pH 7.1), exhibit little variation in pH, and appear to buffer intestinal contents. Intestinal pH rises rapidly from the pyloric sphincter for approximately 35 % of total intestine length, after which pH drops almost a full pH unit. This decline in pH correlates with the presence of large numbers of protozoa, and disappears when the symbionts are eliminated by starvation. The pattern of local differences in pH within the anterior and middle intestine changes during the night, when symbionts retreat to a bolus of food retained in the posterior intestine. Local differences and short-term changes in stomach or intestinal pH of herbivorous surgeonfishes may be due to several causes, but they caution against using spot checks of pH in stomach or intestine as indicators of gut physiology and indicate that we lack in-depth understanding of digestive processes in an ecologically important group of fishes.
Marine Ecology-progress Series, 1995
The herbivore Aplodactylus punctatus (Valenciennes) is one of the most abundant fish species inhabiting the rocky subtidal coast of central Chile. To determine the mechanisms of algal digestion in this species, tve investigated the pH pattern along the digestive tract, and its relation to feeding frequency, the occurrence of enzymes capable of hydrolizing cellulose and other related polymers of the algal cell wall, and the distribution and activity of digestive enzymes. Specimens of A punctatus were collected In 1989 and 1992 from 2 local~t~es of the central Chilean coast Measurements of pH and enzymatic assays were carned out on samples of the contents of the stomach, and of the anterior, middle, and posterior portions of the intestine. Both the diet and the gastrointestinal pH pattern showed no differences between day and night. The stomach was highly acidic (pH 2.1 to 2.6), whereas the intestine was slightly alkaline (pH 6.6 to 7.8). No enzymatic activity was detected along the digestive tract for the assayed carragenans, agar, and alginates. Cellulase and amylase were found in the intestine but were not present in the stomach Both enzymes showed the greatest actlvity in the anterior intestine. Protease (probably pepsin) was mainly found in the stomach. The increased acidity of the stomach, and the cellulolytic activity of the intestine -likely due to microorganismsstrongly suggests that a combination of acid hydrolysis and enzymatic digestion of algal cell wall, followed by digestion of carbohydrates and proteins, would explain the high assimilation rates of plant material reported for this species.
Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part A: Molecular & Integrative Physiology, 2010
The present study reports aspects of GI tract physiology in the white-spotted bamboo shark, Chiloscyllium plagiosum, little skate, Leucoraja erinacea and the clear nose skate, Raja eglanteria. Plasma and stomach fluid osmolality and solute values were comparable between species, and stomach pH was low in all species (2.2 to 3.4) suggesting these elasmobranchs may maintain a consistently low stomach pH. Intestinal osmolality, pH and ion values were comparable between species, however, some differences in ion values were observed. In particular Ca 2+ (19.67 ± 3.65 mM) and Mg 2+ (43.99 ± 5.11 mM) were high in L. erinacea and Mg 2+ was high (130.0 ± 39.8 mM) in C. palgiosum which may be an indication of drinking. Furthermore, intestinal fluid HCO 3 − values were low (8.19 ± 2.42 and 8.63 ± 1.48 mM) in both skates but very high in C. plagiosum (73.3 ± 16.3 mM) suggesting ingested seawater may be processed by species-specific mechanisms. Urea values from the intestine to the colon dropped precipitously in all species, with the greatest decrease seen in C. plagiosum (426.0 ± 8.1 to 0 mM). This led to the examination of the molecular expression of both a urea transporter and a Rhesus like ammonia transporter in the intestine, rectal gland and kidney in L. erinacea. Both these transporters were expressed in all tissues; however, expression levels of the Rhesus like ammonia transporter were orders of magnitude higher than the urea transporter in the same tissue. Intestinal flux rates of solutes in L. erinacea were, for the most part, in an inward direction with the notable exception of urea. Colon flux rates of solutes in L. erinacea were all in an outward direction, although absolute rates were considerably lower than the intestine, suggestive of a much tighter epithelia. Results are discussed in the context of the potential role of the GI tract in salt and water, and nitrogen, homeostasis in elasmobranchs.
Scientific Reports, 2023
Sustainable farming of fish species depends on emerging new feed ingredients, which can alter the features of the digestive tract and influence animals' overall health. Recent research has shown that functional feeds hold great potential for enhancing fish robustness by evoking appropriate responses at the intestine level. However, there is a lack of extensive and accurate descriptions of the morphology of the gastrointestinal tract of most farmed fish. We have characterised the intestine of European seabass thoroughly, by targeting four segments − anterior, mid, posterior and rectum. Results indicated that the anterior segment is mostly associated with absorption-related features; this segment has the largest absorptive area, the longest villi, and the highest number of neutral goblet cells (GC). The posterior segment and rectum have distinct histomorphometric features, but both seem to be important for immunity, displaying the highest count of acid GC and the highest expression of immune-related genes. The strongest proliferating cell nuclear antigen (PCNA) signal was observed in the anterior intestine and rectum, with PCNA + cells appearing at the base of the villi and the corresponding villi branches. We have also evaluated the impact of a novel feed supplemented with a macro-and microalgae blend and found that there were no differences in terms of growth. However, the alterations observed in the mid intestine of fish fed the blend, such as thickening of the submucosa and lamina propria, an increased number of leucocytes, and higher expression of immuneand oxidative stress-related genes, suggest that algae may have an immunomodulatory effect. In the current article, we have described the morphology and expression patterns of the intestine segments of European seabass in detail and have presented a comprehensive report of the indices and methods used for the semi-quantitative and quantitative histomorphometric assessments, thereby providing useful information for future studies that aim to maintain intestinal health through dietary interventions. Intestinal health indices are important for monitoring the welfare of farmed fish because some of the emerging new feed ingredients can alter the features of the digestive tract and have an effect on the overall health of animals 1. The intestine is not only involved in the absorption of nutrients, but it concurrently acts as a physical and chemical barrier to prevent the passage of harmful compounds and microorganisms 2,3. Nevertheless, extensive and accurate descriptions of the morphology of the gastrointestinal tract of farmed fish are few and far between 4,5. European seabass (Dicentrarchus labrax) is a carnivorous teleost fish of high economic relevance to the Mediterranean region 6. However, intensification of its production associated with environmental stress factors and
Fisheries Science Fs, 1999
To find the adequate feeding condition in ayu Plecoglossus altivelis culture, fish averaging 5.1 g in body weight were reared on different feeding regimes. Group I and ‡V were satiated two and four times daily, respectively. Group ‡U was fed a diet equivalent to 60% of the diet fed to group ‡V with four daily feedings. The effects were assessed by growth, anatomical measurements, and biochemical parameters. Growth and feed conversion efficiency were not significantly different among the three groups.
Authorea (Authorea), 2022
This a preprint and has not been peer reviewed. Data may be preliminary.
Revista Brasileira de Zoologia, 2000
The digestive system of Tl'icholllyclel'us brasiliensis (Uitken, 1874), a small sized tropical Teleostean fish wide ly distributed in South America, was studied. Tissue samples were prepared for light and scanning electron microscopy (SEM). Tl'ichomyclems brasiliensis shows stratified esophagus epithelium with taste buds and gob let cells with neutral and acid mucus at the anterior region. The stomach is caecal, presenting a pyloric valve with neutral mucus cells. At the terminal pOltion it is surrounded by a thick muscular wall. The intestine shows two loops; the epithelium is si ngle columnar, with acid and neutralmllcus in gob let cells. Multicellular intest inal glands are absent. Granular cells are ollen seen in the mucosa, less in the submucosa but were not observed in the muscularis. After the intestine-rectal valve, the rectum shows lower mucosal folds, more goblet cells and a thicker muscularis. No lobes were observed at the liver. Small regions of pancreatic tissue may be identified within the hepatic ti ssue mainly surrounding vessels and ducts. A compact pancreas may also be observed ventrally to the stomach and covering the bile duct. The possible signiticance of the heterogeneous character of the digestive tube mucosubstances is discussed. The digestive system ofT brasiliensis presents stlUctural characteristics ofa predator fish. KEY WORDS. Teleostei, digestive tube, histology The gastrointestinal tract of fishes is well developed and structurally adapted to accommodate a wide variety of feeding habits, varying in gross structure and length (HOAR e/ af. 1979). The esophagus of teleost fishes, connects the pharynx with the stomach or with the intestine. Its only function secms to provide lubrication , and its physiological importance has been neglected (MEISTER et af. 1983). Recent histological and histochemical studies have suggested that th e posterior esophageal epithelium in some marine and freshwater teleost species may function in osmoregulation (HUM-BERT et al. 1984). The esophageal epithelium may be s imple or stratified (AL-Hus-SAINT I 949a; REIFEL & TRAVILL 1977; SIS et af. 1979; MARTIN & BLABER 1984; MURRA Yet af. 1994). Ciliated cells lining the esophagus of Barbus sarana (Hamilton, 1822) were detected by MOSHTN (1962). Nevertheless, according to D ZHUMA-L1YEV (1982), it seems that the esophagus epithelium is not related to the nature of food. The ab undance of mucous cells in the esophagus suggests an adaptation to a varied diet (GODINHO e/ af. 1970
The Scientific World Journal, 2012
This study investigated the morphohistology of the digestive tract and the mean intestinal coefficient of the damsel fishStegastes fuscuscaptured from the tidal pools of Northeastern Brazil. The wall of the digestive tract ofS. fuscusis composed of the tunica mucosa, tunica muscularis, and tunica serosa. The esophagus is short with sphincter and thick distensible wall with longitudinally folded mucosa. Mucous glands are predominant, and the muscular layer of the esophagus presented striated fibers all along its extension. The transition region close to the stomach shows plain and striated muscular fibers. Between the stomach and intestine, there are three pyloric caeca. The intestine is long and thin with four folds around the stomach. The anterior intestine presents folds similar to those of pyloric caeca. The estimated mean intestinal coefficient and characteristics of the digestive system ofS. fuscuspresent morphological adequacy for both herbivorous and omnivorous feeding habits.
Histomorphological studies of the digestive system of Alestes baremoze captured from Lake Albert, Uganda, were done using standard procedures. These revealed that A. baremoze has a fleshy-lipped terminal small mouth, large molar, short oesophagus, a three-lobed liver, pouch-like stomach, a nine-fingered caeca, and a long tubular intestine. A stratified squamous epithelium with numerous mucus-secreting cells lined the lips with no taste buds. Stratified squamous epithelia lined the oesophagus in the anterior portion which turned into a columnar epithelium towards the stomach. The lamina propria had numerous tubular glands throughout the entire oesophageal length. The stomach consisted of three distinct regions (cardiac, fundic, and pyloric) with distinguished lamina propria glands. The intestinal mucosa was thrown into villi of varying heights, with the tallest in the anterior part, lined with a simple columnar epithelium with numerous lymphocytes-like infiltrations. Numerous goblet cells appeared in the intestinal lamina epithelialis; these increased uniformly towards the anal opening. The liver was divided into lobules, with a central vein. Hepatocytes were visibly arranged closely, forming irregular cords, and the scattered tubular acinar glands formed the exocrine pancreas (hepatopancreas). Stomach content analysis indicated that the fish eats plankton, mollusks, crustaceans, and insects as the main proportion of its diet.
Journal of Fish Biology, 1981
Certain herbivorous fishes are well known for morphological specializations enabling trituration; such as scarids with a pharyngeal mill and mullets with a gizzard-like stomach. However, utilization of plant foods by fishes is limited by these animal's digestive capabilities, most notably the apparent lack of cellulose digesting enzymes. Fishes possessing a grinding mechanism are able to break open plant cells for digestion. But how fishes without grinding mechanisms make plant cell contents accessible to digestion is unknown. These fishes include many acanthurid and pomacentrid species which are among the most abundant on reefs. Another mechanism for rupturing plant cell walls has been recently proposed, namely lysis by gastric acidity. This study surveyed stomach and intestinal pH for 17 herbivorous species at Fanning Atoll, Central Pacific and two species from St Croix, Caribbean with additional data for seven selected carnivorous species. The herbivorous fishes included acanthurids (surgeonfishes), mugilids (mullets), pomacanthids (angelfishes), pomacentrids (damselfishes) and a scarid (parrotfish). The effect of different pH concentrations and trituration was examined experimentally for eight common Pacific marine algae including two reds, two blue-greens, two greens, one brown, and the algal mat complex from inside damsel fish territories. Fishes, possessing morphological adaptations for trituration, ingested quantities of calcium carbonate material and did not contain gastric acidity low enough to lyse algal cell wells. However, fishes without grinding mechanisms but with defined stomachs have gastric pH values from 2.4 to 4.25 which can be as effective as trituration in releasing algal cell contents of certain algae. These results are considered in a review of previous studies of herbivory in fishes. The trophic relationship between fishes and algae of specified morphologies are predicted by extrapolation from the experimental results on algae vulnerable to acid lysis or trituration.
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International Journal of Computer Science and Mobile Computing (IJCSMC), 2024
Journal of Environmental Studies and Sciences, 2015
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Anchorage Museum (Chatter Marks), 2020
Izvestiya Tomskogo Politekhnicheskogo Universiteta Inziniring Georesursov, 2021
Journal of Urban Health: Bulletin of the New York Academy of Medicine, 2001
O Almanaque do Paraná e a construção do Paranismo (1900-1930, 2022
Neonatology, 2017
The Annals of Thoracic Surgery, 2010
BMC Infectious Diseases
Proceedings of the 36th International Academic Conference, London, 2018
The Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 2009