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PCEPlant, Cell and Environment0016-8025Blackwell Science Ltd 2001
2410October 2001
Data analysis in plant physiology
G. N. Amzallag
Original ArticleBEES SGML
Plant, Cell and Environment (2001) 24, 881–890
Data analysis in plant physiology:
are we missing the reality?
The Judea Centre for Research and Development, Carmel 90404, Israel
In plant physiology, data analysis is based on the comparison of mean values. In this perspective, variability around
the mean value has no significance per se, but only for estimating statistical significance of the difference between two
mean values. Another approach to variability is proposed
here, derived from the difference between redundant and
deterministic patterns of regulation in their capacity to
buffer noise. From this point of view, analysis of variability
enables the investigation of the level of redundancy of a
regulation pattern, and even allows us to study its modifications. As an example, this method is used to investigate
the effect of brassinosteroids (BSs) during vegetative
growth in Sorghum bicolor. It is shown that, at physiological concentrations, BSs modulate the network of regulation without affecting the mean value. Thus, it is concluded
that the physiological effect of BSs cannot be revealed by
comparison of mean values. This example illustrates how a
part of the reality (in this case, the most relevant one) is hidden by the classical methods of comparison between mean
values. The proposed tools of analysis open new perspectives in understanding plant development and the nonlinear processes involved in its regulation. They also ask for
a redefinition of fundamental concepts in physiology, such
as growth regulator, optimality, stress and adaptation.
Key-words: adaptation; brassinosteroid; connectance;
networks; noise; redundancy; stress and optimality;
Abbreviations: BS, brassinosteroid; PGR, plant growth
regulator; PDR, plant development regulator; CV, coefficient of variation; DUCE, deterministic unidimensional
cause–effect; NELI, network-like.
‘The popularity of averaging and other statistical
approaches is used (unconsciously) to imply that
mechanisms are not only much simpler than they really are,
but even to directly mislead as to the truer state of affairs.’
A. J. Trewavas
The transformation of data to mean value and standard
deviation is generally performed even before analysis. By
Correspondence: G. N. Amzallag. Fax: + 972 2 9960061;
© 2001 Blackwell Science Ltd
this mode of treatment, it is generally assumed that variation around the mean has no biological significance. However, this assumption is not always justified. Variability in
leaf morphogenesis fluctuates according to the phase of
development in Nicotiana (Paxman 1956; Sakai & Shimamoto 1965) and Clarkia tembloriensis (Sherry & Lord
1996), suggesting an endogenous control of variation. This
is confirmed by genotype differences observed in amplitude
of variability in development (Roy 1963; Thomas 1969).
Exposure to suboptimal conditions is known to modify
variability, but this effect varies considerably, both in direction and in amplitude, according to the stage of development (Heslop-Harrison 1959; Amzallag, Seligmann &
Lerner 1995). DNA transactions (such as changes in repetitive DNA and activation of transposable elements) occur
during specific phases of development (Fedoroff 1989;
Bassi 1990). Influencing the genome expression, these
changes include a stochastic component (Rogers & Bendich 1987; Amzallag 1999a) generating variability in the
phenotype. This is considered to be one of many causes of
variability in development (Conrad 1990). Biological significance of noise is also suggested in physiology. For example,
measuring intra-individual variability in the concentration
of glucose and insulin in human blood, Kroll (1999) concluded: ‘In the past, it was thought that the source of variation was external to the internal workings of the organism,
that the environment, such as temperature, food ingestion,
immobilization, veinous occlusion were responsible of
short-term changes . . . [but] . . . The source of biological
variation for glucose and insulin comes from within the
organism itself; it is endogenous.’. An endogenous source of
variability is also observed for osmoregulation of shoot of
salt-treated Sorghum plants (Amzallag 1999b). All these
examples suggest that variability may be a parameter of
biological importance.
Inadequacy of the classical mode of analysis
In the classical approach, it is assumed that modification of
the mean value of A aims for an effect of the tested factor,
X. The lack of significant change in the mean value of A following modification of X does not mean that X has no influence at all, but rather that its influence (if really existing) on
A is covered by noise, the isotropic effect of uncontrolled
factors. This mode of investigation is appropriated in the
882 G. N. Amzallag
case of a direct influence of X on A (Fig. 1a), even if X is
included in a long chain of factors (Fig. 1b). It is even true
for multiple pathways of influence on A (Fig. 1c). In the latter case, the influence of X on mean value of A is observed
only in the case of uniformity of the Y parameter, whereas
uncontrolled fluctuations on Z influence only variation
around the mean value. All these modes of regulation of A
are considered as cases of deterministic unidimensional
cause–effect linkage (abbreviated as DUCE). However,
these cases are not the exclusive modes of influence on a
variable. For example, homeostatic regulations (Fig. 1d)
induce a buffering capacity face to variations affecting the
pathway (Fig. 1d). However, even in this case, the process
may be investigated as DUCE-type after experimentally
blocking the retroaction pathway (R).
The method of comparison of mean values is appropriated for investigating processes fitting one of the DUCEtype pathways (or even a combination of them), but not for
the case of redundancy in regulation of the variable A.
The simplest case of redundancy is that of multiple
homeostatic pathways of processes leading (or regulating)
the variable A, autonomy (Fig. 2a) or mutually interfering
(Fig. 2b). In both cases, no modification in the mean value
of A is consecutive to experimental fluctuations of one of
the X or Y variables. Another case of redundancy is that of
the interrelations between different pathways, generating a
network of processes leading to the variable A (Fig. 3). In
this case, redundancy is determined by the structure of the
network itself. For example, three levels of influence on the
variable A may be found from the network illustrated in
Fig. 3. Fluctuations of the X1-to-Xi or Y1-to-Yj variables has
no influence at all on the mean value of A. Modulation of
the Xi+1-to-Xm as well as Yj+1-to-Yn variables have a moderate influence on A. Only modulations of the Z1-to-Zk variables have a direct and proportional effect on the mean
value of A. In this scheme, the influence of a variable is not
proportional to its involvement in the pathway of regulation/formation, but rather to the position on the network.
Thus, concerning networks, the involvement of a factor cannot be investigated by its influence on the mean value of the
Figure 1. Examples of deterministic unidimensional cause–effect
(DUCE) linkages in control of a character. (a) Simple
determinism; (b) linear chain of regulation; (c) multiple
determinism; (d) homeostatic regulation. The width of the arrows
in (c) symbolizes the contribution of each pathway to the global
control. Continuous line: positive regulation. Dashed line: negative
Figure 2. Redundancy in homeostatic regulation. (a) Autonomous
pathways; (b) interfering pathways.
measured parameter. These considerations lead to a paradox: comparison of mean values enables the study of only
the DUCE-type systems or linear parts of redundant regulatory processes, but not networks and multiple homeostasis pathways (both termed network-like systems, or NELI).
In the case of significant influence on mean value, the
process may always be related to the DUCE system. However, the situation is confused when a lack of significant difference is observed in the mean value of A. Indeed, it
remains impossible to decide whether the variable X is or is
not involved in the process of regulation in the absence of
appropriate tools distinguishing between DUCE and NELI
pathways. Thus, it is not surprising that the DUCE type of
regulation is so frequently invoked in physiology. Such a situation does not reflect its importance but rather the fact
that it is the single mode of regulation analysable by classical methods.
The reality of redundancy
In spite of direct measurements, the importance of redundancy in regulations has been observed at all levels of biological organization. A network of regulation of gene
expression is observed in Escherichia coli (Thieffry et al.
1998), and a similar mode of regulation is probably inherent
to gene expression in the eucaryote cell (Thieffry &
Romero 1999). The emergence of the phenotype is understood as the result of a long series of transduction networks,
in which simple cause–effect relationships are not the rule
(Green 1996).
Metabolic pathways are far from being regulated linearly; this characteristic appears to be fundamental for the
stability of the whole system (Fell 1997). The network struc-
Figure 3. Schematic representation of network pattern of
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Data analysis in plant physiology 883
relationship between tissues and differentiated organs
(Chauvet 1993; Amzallag 1999c).
Stability in flower development has been related to the
level of correlation between flower characters (Berg 1959,
1960). This measurement of interconnectedness may be
considered globally as an estimation of the level of redundancy. A similar correspondence between networkness and
stability was also observed, at the ecological level, for food
webs (Law & Blackford 1992). Such stability-characterizing
regulatory networks may explain the relative autonomy of
development from genotypic variability (Cock 1966;
Alberch 1980; Barton & Turelli 1989; Wagner & Schwenk
2000) but also its adaptive plasticity (Sultan 1992, 1995).
All these considerations lead to a paradoxical situation:
the NELI structure is a central property of biological systems, at all levels of organization, but it cannot be investigated before it is transformed into a DUCE structure. The
current methods enable us to investigate only part of the
biological reality. Worse, there are no means to estimate
what is missed by such an approach.
One-dimension analysis
Figure 4. Example of networkness in metabolism: Biosynthetic
pathways of digoxigenin from cholesterol in Digitalis. (a), (b) and
(c) are three parallel biosynthetic pathways, starting with the
formation of progesterone (A1), pregnen-3b,21-diol-20-one (B1),
23-nor-4,20(22)E-choladienic acid-3-one (C1), respectively
(redrawn from Gershenzon & Kreis 1999).
ture of biosynthesis is especially complex for many secondary metabolites. The synthesis of digoxigenin, a cardiac
glycoside from Digitalis, provides an illustration of such
complexity (Fig. 4). Moreover, simultaneous expression of
isozymes (itself due to redundancy in genetic information)
confers network properties to metabolic pathways – even
those identified as linear (Igamberdiev 1999).
Redundancy also exists at the subcellular level of organization. Modulation of the cytoskeleton appears as network-regulated (Pfaffmann & Conrad 2000). In plant cells,
the secondary signal transduction pathways from hormone
receptors also show a large redundancy (Trewavas & Malho
1997). Even cellular perception of the hormonal signal displays dual modes in plant cells, involving both dose–
response and change in sensitivity (Guern 1987; Trewavas
1991). Weyers et al. (1995) propose that ‘it should always be
assumed, in the absence of contrary evidence, that combined control might exist.’ This provides clear evidence
towards functional redundancy in the perception of hormonal information. Redundancy also characterizes the
© 2001 Blackwell Science Ltd, Plant, Cell and Environment, 24, 881–890
As revealed by the increase in stability of network structures, parasitic noise is buffered by redundancy. As a consequence, the level of variability in a measured parameter
A may serve as an estimation of the level of redundancy in
its regulation. Through this perspective, the observed variability becomes a transformation of the noise inherent to
every experimental system. By its fluctuations, it is able to
reveal changes in the level of redundancy in the regulation
of the parameter studied. This effect may be analysed independently of changes in mean value when variability is normalized as a coefficient of variation (CV):
CV(Y) = 100 ¥ SD(Y)/avg(Y).
The comparison of CV values aims for changes in the network, but it cannot provide any detail about the nature of
these changes. For this reason, it may be considered as a
one-dimension mode of analysis of variability.
Two-dimension analysis
Covariance is calculated frequently in order to test the significance of the relationship between two variables, X and
Y. The variation of one variable may be represented by a
simple function of the second for significant correlation (P
< 0·05), but nothing may be concluded about the link
between X and Y for non-significant ones. As for the statistical comparison of mean values, this dichotomic method
of analysis was developed in order to determine the relevant variable(s) of a DUCE-type model of regulation.
However, the absolute value of a coefficient of correlation
(quantifying the strength of the correlation) should not be
considered only for testing significance of a correlation, but
884 G. N. Amzallag
also as a measurement of the strength of the relationship
between two variables. Beyond the question of the significance of the correlation, this parameter may provide information about the individual pathways of the network.
Correlation coefficients (r-values) are not distributed
normally. Thus, calculations cannot be performed before
transforming them in z-values (normally distributed). This
z-value is defined as connectance, and calculated according
to Sokal & Rohlf (1981):
z = 0·5.Lm[(1 + |r|)/(1 - |r|)].
Connectance may be considered for a pair of variables, but
also for a parameter A in its relationship with the
(X1, . . . ,Xm) other measured variables. In this case, connectance is the mean of the z-values for the relationships:
C(A) = 1/m.[(z(A,X1) + . . . + z(A,Xm)].
Connectance may be also calculated for the biological system as a whole, as a mean of the z-values for all the possible
relationships between the measured parameters. Although
resulting from mathematical transformations, connectance
reflects biological phenomena. Changes in connectance
were observed during specific phases of development in
Sorghum, and they were related to the adaptive phenotypic
plasticity of the plant (Amzallag & Seligmann 1998; Amzallag 1999d). Connectance is also affected by hormonal
treatments (CK and GA) even before any significant effect
on growth (Amzallag 1999c, 2001a).
The star-like pattern
Connectance does not obligatorily reveal a direct linkage
between two variables. For example, connectance between
characters A and B may be due to their control in parallel
by a third variable, C, generating a star-like mode of regulation (Fig. 5). In this case, a combination of analysis of connectance and CV may help to distinguish between networklike and star-like modes of regulation. All the variables
depend on fluctuations of a single factor in a star-like structure. Consequently, all the characters are modified in parallel and proportionally to fluctuations in the regulation of
C. In contrast, variability is not modified in parallel for all
the characters linked through a network-like pattern.
Through analysis of n populations (n replicates of the same
treatment, for example), a series of n coefficients of varia-
Figure 5. Schematic representation of a star-like pattern of
tion [CV(X1), . . . ,CV(Xn)] is determined for each character X. Thus, the linkage in variation of CV of the studied
characters enables us to distinguish between star-like and
NELI structures. Beyond the determination of the structure (star-like or NELI), this analysis provides some other
information: in star-like systems, the highest correlated
variable for comparison between CV values may be considered as the closest to the centre of the star-like structure.
Brassinosteroids (BSs) are found at very low concentrations in the vegetative tissues of plants. Analysis of BS-deficient mutants in Arabidopsis reveals their essential role in
plant development (Clouse, Langford & McMorris 1996;
Kauschmann et al. 1996). However, being produced by all
tissues and modulating a very large range of processes, BSs
differ from all other identified plant growth regulators
(PGRs) (Clouse & Sasse 1998). Sasse (1991) even concluded that ‘ . . . brassinolide cannot be classified as belonging to any of the known groups of plant hormones . . . it
could be considered to belong to all of them!’.
This obscure situation is confirmed by the paradoxical
effect of BSs. For example, root elongation is inhibited by
an exogenous supply of BS in Arabidopsis thaliana (Clouse
et al. 1996), mungbean (Guan & Roddick 1988a), tomato
(Guan & Roddick 1988b), maize and wheat (Roddick &
Ikekawa 1992). In cuttings of Phaseolus vulgaris, steroids
also inhibit the emergence of adventitious roots (Hewitt &
Hillman 1979). In all these cases, no response is observed at
low concentrations, followed by an inhibiting effect after
exposure to high concentrations. From these observations,
it may be concluded that BS inhibits root formation and
elongation. However, root elongation in Raphanus sativus
is reduced in seedlings treated with inhibitors of BS biosynthesis (Bach 1985). Consequently, BS should not be considered as a simple inhibitor of root elongation. Thus, it is
even quite surprising that a positive effect on root elongation was not reported following the addition of low concentrations of BS. This contradiction may be solved by
assuming that BS is always present at the optimum concentration in tissues, so that an exogenous supply may have
only neutral or detrimental effects. However, the ‘informative power’ of such a mode of regulation completely disappears. Rather, it may be suggested that the physiological
effect of BS is not detected by the comparison of mean values. This point is tested through analysis of variability performed on an extremely simple experimental system: the
response of 8-d-old seedlings of Sorghum bicolor (genotype
MP610) to the addition of BS to the root medium (halfstrength Hoagland solution, see Amzallag 1999c for details
about the experimental procedures). The plants were harvested on day 18, after 10 d of treatment with BS. Shoot,
adventitious and seminal roots were weighed [fresh weight
(FW)] separately for each of the 12 individuals exposed to
the same treatment.
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Data analysis in plant physiology 885
clear influence of BS is observed, even for treatments as
low as 0·1 nM (Table 2). In contrast, a significant effect on
the mean value of developmental ratios is observed only for
treatment with 10 nM BS (Table 2). These very simple
observations reveal that the threshold of sensitivity to
BS is about 100 times lower for CV than for mean values.
This is especially interesting when one remembers that
10 nM is not a physiological concentration whereas 0·1 nM is
compatible with the range of endogenous concentrations of
BS in vegetative tissues (between 0·01 and 0·3 nM; see
Adam & Marquardt 1986; Takatsuto 1994).
The one-dimensional analysis of variability suggests a
BS-induced change in the structure of the network. This
point may be verified by quantification of the global connectance between the parameters measured. A specific
drop in connectance is observed after treatment with 0·1 nM
BS, whereas exposure to higher concentrations increased
connectance (Table 3). The seminal root is especially
affected in its relationships with shoot and adventitious
roots for plants treated with 0·1 nM BS (Table 3), confirming the specific increase in CV for developmental ratios
including the seminal root (Table 2).
A very high connectance is calculated for plants exposed
to 10 nM BS (Table 3). The linkage is so strong that anatomically unlinked characters (such as seminal and adventitious roots) became highly connected. Thus, it seems that
this high connectance does not reflect an increase in redundancy but rather a transition towards a star-like pathway of
regulation. This transition is confirmed by further analyses,
revealing discontinuity between evolution of the regulation
pattern for BS concentration between treatments with 1
and 10 nM BS (see below). Interestingly, the inhibition of
growth does not occur at the stage of partial dislocation of
the network (0·1 nM BS), but rather after its transformation
towards a star-like system (10 nM BS).
Table 1. Effect of brassinosteroids on mean (g) and coefficient of
variation of vegetative organs in S. bicolor. Plants (grown
hydroponically in optimal conditions: natural light intensity and
photoperiod in July, aerated half-strenght Hoagland solution from
day 6 following imbibition, root medium solution replaced on day
13, see Amzallag 1999c for details) were harvested 18 d after
imbibition. Brassinosteroid (BS; 24-epibrassinolide purchased
from Sigma Chemical Co., St Louis, USA) was added to the root
solution between days 8 and 18. Twelve plants were measured for
each treatment. Mean values of BS-treated plants are compared
with those of control plants by a two-tailed t-test
(no BS)
0·1 nM BS
1·0 nM BS
10 nM BS
Sh, shoot FW; AR, adventitious root FW; SR, seminal root FW; NS,
not significant (P > 0·05); *, significant difference at P < 0·05, ***,
significant difference at P < 0·005.
Shoot–root relationship
The comparison of mean values of shoot, adventitious and
seminal root weight by two-tailed t-tests do not reveal any
significant effect for plants treated with 0·1 and 1 nM
(except for shoot weight at 1 nM BS). A significant difference in mean value is observed only at 10 nM BS (Table 1).
Furthermore, no clear effect of BS is observed on variability (Table 1). The coefficient of variation (CV) is a normalized value, so it may be compared for different parameters
measured on the same population. Accordingly, even minor
variations in CV may reveal something about the system. In
the case analysed here, it is interesting to observe that
at 0·1 nM BS, the CV for whole-plant weight is reduced in
comparison with that of separated organs (Table 1).
The above-calculated CVs are strongly dependent on
variability in the rate of growth. Comparing the CV of
developmental ratios may eliminate this influence. Thus, a
(no BS)
0·1 nM BS
1 nM BS
10 nM BS
Control of leaf elongation
The fifth leaf was the last completely unfolded one at the
harvest. This is an opportunity to study the effect of BS on
leaf elongation and its relation with growth of the whole
plant. Mean values of sheath and blade length are modified
significantly only following exposure to 10 nM BS (Table 4).
However, the effect of 0·1 nM BS on the sheath : blade ratio
Sh : (AR + SR)
AR : Sh
SR : Sh
Sh, shoot FW; AR, adventitious root FW; SR, seminal root FW; NS, not significant (P > 0·05);
*, significant difference at P < 0·05, **, significant difference at P < 0·01.
© 2001 Blackwell Science Ltd, Plant, Cell and Environment, 24, 881–890
Table 2. Influence of brassinosteroid
treatments on mean and CV value of
developmental parameters. Same plants and
treatments as in Table 1.
886 G. N. Amzallag
r coefficient for relationship between
X axis
Y axis
0·1 nM BS
1 nM BS
10 nM BS
(AR + SR)
Table 3. Global connectance between
shoot, adventitious and seminal roots in S.
bicolor exposed to brassinosteroid (BS)
treatments. Same plants as in Table 1. The r
coefficients are also presented for the four
relationships used in the calculation of
connectance [a significant correlation (P <
0·05) is observed for absolute values of r
higher than 0·632]
Sh, shoot FW; AR, adventitious root FW; SR, seminal root FW.
(Table 4) suggests that the effect of BS focuses on development, as previously indicated for the analysis of shoot–root
The mean value of organ weight and sheath length is not
modified by treatments lower than 10 nM (Tables 1 & 4).
However, the connectance of sheath length with growth
parameters is modified by BS treatments as low as 0·1 nM.
A progressive decrease in connectance is observed at 0·1
and 1 nM BS, whereas a considerable increase occurs at
10 nM. This suggests a discontinuity in the pattern of regulation towards 10 nM BS (Table 5).
During leaf development in Sorghum, the sheath elongated after the blade. A high r-value for correlation
between sheath and blade is observed in the absence of BS
treatment (Table 5). Blade length should be considered as
the first-ranked factor conditioning sheath length. Obviously, blade length is a complex factor, but it should be considered as representative of a series of regulatory processes
controlling length during the unfolding of the blade. Thus,
the residual value of the sheath from its correlation with the
blade may be compared with other characters in order to
determine the second-ranked factor of this network. In the
absence of BS treatment, the seminal root (especially its
ratio with shoot) appears as the second factor related to
sheath length (Table 6). After treatment with 0·1 nM BS,
the second determining factor is not the seminal but the
adventitious root (especially its ratio with shoot) (Table 6).
The lack of relationship observed for treatment with 1 nM
BS may be because of the existence of another, unmeasured, secondary factor, or the fact that adventitious roots
became the main factor. The latter assumption is justified
Table 4. Effect of brassinosteroid (BS) treatment on mean and CV
value for length (cm) of the sheath and blade of the fifth leaf. Same
plants and treatments as in Table 1
0·1 nM BS
1 nM BS
10 nM BS
Sheath : blade
NS, not significant (P > 0·05); *, significant difference at P < 0·05.
by the observation of a higher correlation between sheath
and adventitious roots than between sheath and blade
length (Table 5). This correlation is even strengthened (r =
- 0·652) when sheath length is correlated with the adventitious root : shoot ratio. Therefore, it seems that the linkage
with adventitious roots becomes the main factor controlling
sheath elongation for plants treated with 1 nM BS. This
point is verified by the significant correlation observed (r =
0·635) between residual value of sheath length (calculated
from the correlation with the adventitious root : shoot
ratio) and blade length. Therefore, in the presence of 1 nM
BS, blade length becomes the second factor in control of
sheath length after adventitious roots. Again, all these
changes occurred before any significant modification in the
mean values (Table 4).
From the example of S. bicolor, the effect of BS on the regulation pathways without any consequence on mean value
is a confirmation of redundancy in regulation. Analysis of
variability reveals the involvement of BSs in the process of
replacement of the seminal by adventitious root during vegetative development in Sorghum. However, all these
changes remain completely cryptic in the classical comparative analysis of mean values.
Two conditions are required for modification of the
mean value in redundant pathways of regulation: the first is
the breaking of redundancy (inducing a hierarchy in the different pathways of regulation, see Fig. 1c), and the second is
the modification of the pathways in their influence on the
measured variable. Thus, a modification of mean value
implies a modification of all the pathways of regulation by
the variable. In other words, modification of the mean value
implies a transformation of the redundant structure
towards a star-like pattern. This proposition indicates that
the comparison of mean values enables an analysis of the
biological system only after their transformation towards
star-like systems. It confirms that the comparative analysis
of mean values does not enable us to conclude whether the
star-like system is native or an experimentally induced
modification. At least two questions emerge from these
1. What does a change in mean value observed at high
concentration signify?
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Data analysis in plant physiology 887
0·1 nM BS
1 nM BS
10 nM BS
Blade length
AR, adventitious root FW; SR, seminal root FW.
2. What is the biological importance of a change in the
regulatory network if it does not provoke any significant
effect on growth?
Towards a new definition of optimality
Definitions are not only conventions enabling the communication of ideas. They represent the framework from which
our scientific questions emerge. On the other hand, our definitions are also conditioned by the mode of investigation.
This point is clearly illustrated by the definition of stress in
plant physiology. Stress is considered as a condition inducing a decrease in growth. As a corollary, optimality is
defined as the environmental conditions enabling maximal
rate of growth. However, these definitions are problematic,
because meta-optimal conditions (such as high concentration of CO2) may induce an increase in growth accompanied by a physiological perturbation. Moreover, the
response to environmental changes frequently includes
developmental modifications. In the latter case, it remains
impossible to determine whether changes in growth are
directly caused by the stressing factor, or if they are consecutive to a change in rate of growth because of ‘developmental plasticity’. Furthermore, this definition of stress
does not enable us to distinguish between tolerance (resistance to deformation), accommodation (plasticity in the
modes of regulation ensuring stability of the end product),
and physiological adaptation (resetting of the regulations
according to the environmental modification). In many
cases, the physiological adaptation to environmental modifications is revealed by an increase in tolerance rather than
Table 6. The search for a secondary factor of control of sheath
length and how it is influenced by brassinosteroid (BS). The
residual value of the correlation between blade length (X axis) and
sheath length (Y axis) is correlated with growth (adventitious and
seminal root) or developmental parameters (ratio between
adventitious or seminal root and shoot). Same populations of
plants as in Table 5
r value for the correlation with
0·1 nM BS
1 nM BS
10 nM BS
SR : Sh
AR : Sh
Sh, shoot FW; AR, adventitious root FW; SR, seminal root FW.
© 2001 Blackwell Science Ltd, Plant, Cell and Environment, 24, 881–890
Table 5. Effect of brassinosteroid (BS) on
the relationship between sheath length of
the fifth leaf and shoot, root weight or length
of the corresponding blade. The r coefficient
for each relationship with sheath length is
determined, and connectance is calculated
on the basis of these four r coefficients. Same
plants as in Table 1
a recovery of the initial rate of growth (Amzallag & Lerner
1995; Amzallag 1999a,1999b). In S. bicolor exposed to salinity, it was observed that optimality (measured by developmental or physiological parameters) is even modified
towards the new saline conditions as a consequence of
physiological adaptation (Amzallag, Seligmann & Lerner
1997; Amzallag 2000). These examples show that the estimation of stress from measurements of growth is not only
imprecise, but also frequently incorrect.
Stress is consequent to the emergence of a limiting factor
in growth and/or development. This constraining effect may
be reformulated as the transformation of a redundant pattern towards a star-like pattern of regulation. Thus, optimality for the expression of a developmental character may be
redefined as the conditions of redundancy in its regulation.
For a specific environmental condition, redundancy may be
estimated easily by the comparison of mean values, CV and
connectance following variation of a secondary factor or a
hormonal treatment. In these conditions, redundancy exists
if a change in the patterns of regulation (revealed by
changes in CV or connectance) may be observed in the
absence of any significant modifications in the mean values
(before the secondary factor or hormonal concentration
becomes too disturbing for inducing by itself a reorganization of the regulation towards a star-like pattern). This definition of stress remains specific to each character.
However, a measurement of whole-plant characters (such
as rate of growth) enables a global estimation of optimality.
Network regulations and adaptive plasticity
Networks are not fixed structures. Developmental events
(senescence or emergence of a new organ, change from
vegetative to reproductive development) involves temporary drops in connectance during specific phases of development, also termed critical periods. For example, a
reduced connectance has been observed during the
replacement of the seminal root by the adventitious root
during the early vegetative development of Sorghum
(Amzallag 1999d). This drop in global connectance is the
expression of a temporary decrease in influence of the
whole-plant regulations on growth of an organ. This may
be interpreted as a change in the sensitivity of the cells to
informative molecules (Amzallag 2001a). By redefining
sensitivity of the cell itself, this process enables (during
critical periods) the re-emergence of redundancy in regulation. Such a process does not significantly affect the rate of
growth but it holds a new significance in the context of the
proposed definition of stress: the critical period enables
888 G. N. Amzallag
the recovery of optimality according to the direct effect on
each cell (for which sensitivity may be redefined) of environmental and/or developmental changes. This process
was clearly observed during normal development (Amzallag 1999d, 2001b). As shown in S. bicolor, physiological
adaptation to salinity (expressed exclusively during a
developmental window, see Amzallag, Seligmann &
Lerner 1993) is also clearly related to the decrease in
organ connectance during the early vegetative critical
period (Amzallag 1999d). It is likely that the adaptive
properties inherent to developmental plasticity (Sultan
1995) are an expression of this phenomenon. Thus,
although ignored in optimal conditions, it seems that
changes in the regulation networks are especially important for expression of developmental plasticity and especially its adaptive dimension.
The dual mode of action of informative
From the above considerations, it appears that the influence
of informative molecules on the structure of the network
remains cryptic in the case of optimal conditions because of
the inherent redundancy characterizing optimality. However, this influence becomes fundamental in suboptimal
conditions, by conditioning the opportunity to recover a
functional, network-like regulatory system.
According to the above analysis, the main physiological
effect of BS on vegetative organs appears as a modulation
of the network of relationships between various growing
organs. For this reason, BS should not be considered as a
regulator of growth, but rather as a factor of readjustment
of cellular sensitivity to PGRs connecting various meristems and/or differentiating tissues. This assumption is
compatible with the capacity of cells to adjust their sensitivity to a hormone (Trewavas 1991; Csaba 1994, 2000;
Amzallag 2001a). Accordingly, two distinct functions may
coexist for informative molecules released by the cells: (i) a
role as modulators of the regulatory network; because of
the importance of the network structure to development,
these informative molecules should be termed plant developmental regulators (PDRs); (ii) a role as PGRs that is
measured by an influence on mean value.
The distinction between PGRs and PDGs is not very
simple because both types of activity coexist eventually at
different ranges of concentrations. In the example detailed
here, BS acts as a PDR at low concentrations (0·1 and 1
nM), whereas it is a PGR when applied at high concentration (10 nM). This PGR effect is probably not always artifactual because very high concentrations of BS are found in
specific organs, such as pollen (Adam & Marquardt 1986).
This PGR activity of brassinosteroids is not surprising when
it is considered that in unicellular organisms, steroid hormones are involved in the regulation of the cell cycle (Dahl,
Biemann & Dahl 1987; Argawal 1993).
A transformation from PGR to PDR activity may be
observed during development without change in the range
of concentrations. In S. bicolor, for example, gibberellins
act as PGRs during stable periods of growth (defined as
phenophases), but they show a PDR activity during critical
periods of modification of the network (Amzallag 2001a). It
is likely that other well-known PGRs also display a PDR
activity at low concentrations or during specific phases of
development. Moreover, some compounds from the socalled ‘secondary metabolism’ probably show a PDR-like
activity, as suggested by their effect on sensitivity to wellknown growth regulators (Green & Corcoran 1975; Ray &
Laloraya 1983; Yoshikawa et al. 1986).
Before being interpreted, data are organized, treated by
mathematical functions and analysed by statistical methods. Through these transformations, we make many
choices. Some of them are conditioned by our own hypothesis or by the tools we are using, but others issue from the
general paradigms or definitions. The latter factors are
completely ignored because they are accepted so universally. One of them is the postulate of separation between
real effects and noise that defines not only the field of
investigation, the questions that are asked, but also
restricts considerably the type of responses potentially
acceptable. For this reason, there is no room for redundancy in physiological investigation, and especially in the
field of analysis of regulation processes. As detailed here,
this situation is extremely problematic because: (i) redundant regulatory pathways are basic patterns in biology; (ii)
the transition from network-like to star-like regulation is a
fundamental event in differentiation and the response to
stressing conditions, and (iii) adaptation to a disturbing
environment is probably related to the recovery of a redundant pattern of regulation. Thus, it is the global mode of
analysis leading to deterministic interpretations that has to
be modified. In the new approach proposed, variability is
not considered an undesirable experimental artifact.
Rather, it is the transformation of the inherent noise by the
biological system that provides information about its pattern of regulation. This reconsideration of variability in
experimental data reveals a reality that cannot be investigated by another approach.
Professor Tsvi Sachs is thanked here for his critical
comments and opinions, which helped me to clarify some of
the points discussed in this paper.
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