TRENDS in Neurosciences Vol.26 No.12 December 2003
Brain, conscious experience and the
observing self
Bernard J. Baars1, Thomas Z. Ramsøy2 and Steven Laureys3
The Neurosciences Institute, San Diego, CA 92121, USA
Danish Research Centre for Magnetic Resonance, Copenhagen University Hospital, DK-2650 Hvidovre, Denmark
Cyclotron Research Centre, University of Liège, 4000 Liège, Belgium
Conscious perception, like the sight of a coffee cup,
seems to involve the brain identifying a stimulus. But
conscious input activates more brain regions than are
needed to identify coffee cups and faces. It spreads
beyond sensory cortex to frontoparietal association
areas, which do not serve stimulus identification as
such. What is the role of those regions? Parietal cortex
support the ‘first person perspective’ on the visual
world, unconsciously framing the visual object stream.
Some prefrontal areas select and interpret conscious
events for executive control. Such functions can be
viewed as properties of the subject, rather than the
object, of experience – the ‘observing self’ that appears
to be needed to maintain the conscious state.
Humans seem to have a common intuition of an observing
self that has access to conscious sensations, inner speech,
images and thoughts. Philosophers such as Gilbert Ryle [1]
denounced this idea as fallacious, but current evidence
seems broadly supportive. This issue has become more
pressing in the past decade as scientists have begun to
revisit the basic topic of conscious experience. In brief, one
can ask, does normal conscious experience involve an
observing self?
Visual consciousness as a test case
Visual consciousness has been studied in depth and it is
well established that visual features are identified in the
ventral stream of posterior cortex. There, feature-sensitive
cells support visual experiences of light, color, contrast,
motion, retinal size, location and object identity; small
lesions can selectively abolish those conscious properties
[2]. However, to recall the experience of a human face, we
need the hippocampal system1. To respond to it emotionally, neurons in amygdala can be activated. But hippocampus and amygdala do not seem to support conscious
contents directly. Thus, the ventral visual stream, which is
Corresponding author: Bernard J. Baars (baars@nsi.edu).
The hippocampal system evidently reflects conscious visual events with
considerable fidelity. In a classic study of episodic memory (i.e. memory for
conscious events), subjects were asked simply to pay attention to 10 000 distinct
pictures over several days, with only five seconds of exposure per picture. On the
following, day they showed 96% recognition accuracy. No such memory feats are
known for subliminal learning, suggesting that visual stimuli must be conscious in
order to evoke spontaneous, highly efficient, episodic learning mediated by the
hippocampal system [2,21].
needed for specific conscious contents, seems to influence
regions that are not (Box 1).
The direction of influence also goes the other way. When
we step from a tossing sailboat onto solid ground, the
horizon can be seen to wobble. On an airplane flight at
night, passengers can see the cabin tilting on approach to
landing, although they are receiving no optical cues about
the direction of the plane. In those cases, unconscious
vestibular signals (originating in the inner ear) shape
conscious vision. In sum, conscious visual brain activities
can influence unconscious ones, and vice versa.
Studying consciousness ‘as such’
How do we know that conscious activity ‘as such’ evokes
widespread regional interactions? After all, similar unconscious processes might do the same. Fortunately, a growing literature now compares the brain effects of conscious
and unconscious stimulation. Precise experimental comparisons allow us to ask what conscious access does per se.
Many techniques permit comparisons between conscious and unconscious stimulation. In visual backward
masking, a target picture is immediately followed by a
scrambled image that does not block the optical input
physically, but renders it unconscious. Binocular rivalry
has been used for the same reason: it shows that when two
competing optical streams enter the two eyes, only one
consistent stream can be consciously perceived at any
given moment. Most recently, several studies have demonstrated inattentional blindness, in which paying attention
to one visual flow (e.g. a bouncing basketball) blocks conscious access to another activity at the very center of visual
gaze (e.g. a man walking by in a gorilla suit). These studies
generally show that unconscious stimuli still evoke local
feature activity in sensory cortex2 [3].
But what is the use of making something conscious if
even unconscious stimuli are identified by the brain?
Dehaene and colleagues have shown that although unconscious visual words activate known word-processing
regions of visual cortex, the same stimuli, when conscious,
trigger widespread additional activity in frontoparietal
It is inherently difficult to prove the complete absence of consciousness in state
studies. Sleep can vary in arousability from moment to moment, much like vegetative
states and even general anesthesia. Some mentation is reported even from slow-wave
sleep, and some waking-like functions can be preserved in rare brain damage patients
who seem behaviorally unconscious. For most purposes, however, an absolute, stable
zero point of consciousness is not needed. There is no question that deep sleep is much
less conscious than full, responsive waking.
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TRENDS in Neurosciences Vol.26 No.12 December 2003
Box 1. Theoretical definitions
Conscious events can be defined in practice as those brain activities
that subjects can report with high accuracy under optimal conditions,
including minimal distraction and time delay. Unconscious events
are those that are known to exist without the ability report them
accurately, such as subliminal activation of cortical color cells.
Indeed, the word ‘accurately reportable’ could be used instead of
‘conscious’. However, that would miss out something essential –
namely, the fact that accurate reports are about experiences that all
intact humans claim to have.
Global workspace theory is a cognitive architecture with an explicit
role for consciousness [3,8,9]. Global workspace architectures have
been studied in cognitive science, and have practical applications in
organizing large, parallel collections of specialized processors, broadly
comparable to the brain. In recent years, global workspace theory has
been found increasingly useful by neuroscientists [3,4].
It makes minimal assumptions:
† That the brain can be viewed as a collection of distributed specialized
networks, most of which do not directly support conscious
† That potentially conscious brain activities can compete for access to a
neuronal global workspace capacity – a fleeting memory whose focal
contents integrate multiple sources into a single, coherent brain
representation, which is then widely distributed to many unconscious specialized networks. The transfer of information from
conscious visual episodes to the (unconscious) hippocampal system
regions [4,5]. This general result has now been replicated
many times, using vision, touch, pain perception, and
conscious versus automatic skills [3]. Together, these
findings suggest that conscious access to a stimulus
involves frontward spread of activation beyond the sensory
regions of the posterior cerebrum.
Complementary findings come from studies of unconscious states. In deep sleep, auditory stimulation activates
only primary auditory cortex [6]. In vegetative states
following brain injury, stimuli that are ordinarily loud or
painful activate only the primary sensory cortices [7,8].
Waking consciousness is apparently needed for forward
spread of sensory activation to occur.
Global workspace theory and the brain
Global workspace theory emphasizes a two-way flow between
conscious and unconscious brain activities [3,9 – 11]. The
theory has been implemented in large-scale computational
and neural net models [9– 11] and bears a close resemblance to Neural Darwinist models [12]. However, it is
helpful to think metaphorically of a theater of mind. In the
conscious spotlight on stage – the global workspace – an
actor speaks, and his words and gestures are distributed to
many unconscious audience members, sitting in the
darkened hall. Different listeners understand the performance in different ways. But as the audience claps or
boos in response, the actor can change his words, or walk
off to yield to the next performer. Finally, behind the
scenes, an invisible (unconscious) director and playwright
try to exercise executive control over the actor and the
Less metaphorically, information appears to flow into a
neuronal global workspace to be widely distributed. Such a
structure must combine converging inputs – the actors
competing for access to the spotlight – followed by
momentary dominance of one coherent input, and then
is a clear example of such distribution of conscious information in the
Prefrontal cortex has been suggested as one possible neuronal
global workspace [4] but posterior sensory cortices also appears to
integrate, briefly retain, and distribute coherent neuronal events that
are reportable as conscious [9].
That some unconscious networks, called contexts, are needed to
shape conscious contents. Thus, contextual parietal maps of the
visual field, which do not support conscious features, modulate
visual feature cells that directly contribute to conscious aspects of
seen objects.
That such contexts can jointly constrain conscious events.
That intentions and emotions can be viewed as ‘goal contexts’,
shaping consciously reportable actions without themselves becoming conscious at the time.
That hierarchies of goal contexts can act as executive networks to
interpret and act upon conscious events without entering consciousness directly. Areas of prefrontal cortex appear to support such
Franklin and colleagues have implemented global workspace theory
in large-scale computer models, to make explicit predictions and test
functionality in practical tasks (http://csrg.cs.memphic.edu/). Dehaene
and colleagues have recently published a neural net model of
dorsolateral prefrontal cortex in these terms [4].
wide distribution of output, in a wave of activity sent to
other regions. In the brain, sensory projection areas could
function much like a global workspace [3,9,10]. Some
prefrontal regions play a role in selecting what enters
consciousness (selective attention) and interpreting it to
control voluntary action. This simple viewpoint helps to
organize the evidence and generates testable hypotheses.
Context and the first-person perspective
Global workspace theory calls unconscious influences that
shape conscious experiences ‘contexts’. Parietal cortex
does not recognize coffee cups; it has no feature cells for
visual objects. But it does have unconscious egocentric
(body-centered) and allocentric (object-centered) cellular
maps, which shape our experience of coffee cups, paintings
and our own bodies. Damage to right parietal cortex can
cause contralateral neglect, a condition in which the left
half of the visual field disappears from consciousness.
Neglect patients cannot see the left side of a building they
are looking at, and will only eat from the right half of a
plate in front of their eyes. Thus the parietal region, which
supports no reportable conscious activity in itself, can still
profoundly shape conscious vision [13].
Neglect patients can also have disturbing alien experiences of their own bodies, especially of the left arm and leg.
Such patients sometimes believe that their left leg belongs
to someone else, often a relative, and can desperately try to
throw it out of bed. Thus, parietal regions seem to shape
contextually both the experience of the visual world and of
one’s own body. Notice that neglect patients still experience their alien limbs as conscious visual objects (a ventral
stream function); they are just alien to oneself.
Vogeley and Fink [14] suggest that parietal cortex
is involved in the first-person perspective, the viewpoint
of the observing self. When subjects are asked to adopt
the visual perspective of another person, functional
TRENDS in Neurosciences Vol.26 No.12 December 2003
Table 1. Major properties of four types of unconscious state compared with conscious rest
Conscious resting state
Deep sleep [22]
General anesthesia
Vegetative state or
coma [25]
Epileptic loss of
consciousness [23]
Neuromodulation of the
cortex by the brainstem,
instructions to avoid
deliberate tasks [26]
neuromodulation of
the forebrain by the
Pharmacological: a
variety of chemical
intoxication, anoxia,
Pathological: slow,
neuronal firing
driven by brain
foci [23]
Behavioral signs
Accurate reportability of
attended stimuli;
orientation to space, time,
and self; visual images,
inner speech, abstract
thoughts; control of
voluntary muscles
No reportability
No reportability
No reportability.
Lower brainstem
reflexes retained
intact [25]
No reportability
High in frontoparietal
Low in
cortex [27]
Low in
cortex [28]
Low in
Low in
EEG voltages
Low-amplitude, irregular
high-frequency waves
(8 –100 Hz), or lowamplitude, regular alpha
waves (8 –12 Hz)
regular, lowfrequency waves
(, 4 Hz)
regular, lowfrequency waves
regular, lowfrequency waves
spike-wave form,
regular, lowfrequency waves
mechanism (in
cortical and
thalamic neurons)
Firing irregularly at an
average base rate of
, 10 Hz
Slow, synchronized
pausing of base-rate
firing [22]
Slow, synchronous
pausing of base-rate
Slow, synchronous
pausing of base-rate
Slow, synchronous
pausing of baserate firing?
High and variable
Low between
cortical regions, and
between thalamus
and cortex [22]
Low between
cortical regions, and
between thalamus
and cortex
Low or absent
between cortical
regions, and
between thalamus
and cortex [29,30]
Low between
cortical regions,
and between
thalamus and
cortex [23]
Abbreviations: EEG, electroencephalogram.
magnetic-resonance imaging (fMRI) activity peaks in medial
parietal, inferior lateral parietal and prefrontal cortex.
Prefrontal self systems
Parts of prefrontal cortex are believed to support other self
functions. Damage there can change lifelong personality
traits, such as the ability to inhibit antisocial impulses.
The case of Phineas Gage is classical, and similar neurological patients are not uncommon [15]. Such personality
functions seem contextual in that they rarely become
conscious, and then only in passing. Yet they underlie the
selection and interpretation of conscious thoughts, speech,
emotion and social perception. They could constitute the
point of view from which ‘we’ experience the world.
It is telling that patients with identity disorders such as
fugue (a rapid change in personal identity lasting weeks or
months) often show amnesia for the eclipsed self. When the
patient returns to normal, he or she might report time loss
– a period of weeks from which no conscious experiences
can be recalled [16]. It is as if each personality serves to
organize and interpret conscious events during its time of
dominance. While parietal cortex appears to put visual
scenes into context, prefrontal regions appear to do the
same for more abstract aspects of experience, such as
social, emotional and self evaluation.
Indeed, conscious experience in general can be viewed
as information presented to prefrontal executive regions
for interpretation, decision-making and voluntary control.
Crick and Koch note that ‘it is useful to think of the front or
higher/executive part of the cortex as looking at and
interacting with the back, or sensory part.’ [17] In splitbrain patients, a great deal of executive control seems to
require the ‘narrative interpreter’ of the speaking hemisphere. One reason is the pervasive role of inner and outer
speech in daily life, to remind ourselves of things to do, to
focus on current concerns, and to maintain verbally supported plans and beliefs.
These points suggest a new way to understand conscious and unconscious states.
Is the ‘observing self’ needed to sustain the conscious
waking state?
Conscious waking shows fast oscillatory activity throughout the thalamocortical core, and functional connectivity
that can change rapidly as a function of task, content and
context [18] (Table 1). Despite this great neuronal
variability, recent evidence suggests the existence of a
conscious ‘baseline state’, a resting wakeful state in which
no external tasks are required [19,20]. Surprisingly, when
subjects are asked simply to rest, their frontoparietal
metabolism is consistently higher than in standard
cognitive tasks. This might be due to the flow of thoughts
that subjects report in the resting state [20]. Spontaneous
thoughts seem more self-relevant than standard cognitive
tasks, which typically compel subjects to direct their
attention away from their personal concerns.
TRENDS in Neurosciences Vol.26 No.12 December 2003
TRENDS in Neurosciences
Figure 1. Metabolic activity in four types of unconsciousness, subtracted from
conscious controls. Positron emission tomography (PET) scans showing regional
decreases in metabolism or blood flow when unconscious states are compared
with resting consciousness. Coma, persistent vegetative state, sleep and general
anesthesia all show regional decreases in frontoparietal association cortices. Column 1 shows the right lateral aspect of the brain, column 2 the left lateral aspect,
and column 3 a medial view of the left hemisphere. Abbreviations: F, prefrontal;
MF, mesiofrontal; P, posterior parietal cortex; Pr, posterior cingulate/precuneus.
Metabolic activity in the conscious resting state is not
uniformly distributed. Raichle et al. write that medial
parietal regions, including ‘posterior cingulate cortex and
adjacent precuneus can be posited as a tonically active
region of the brain that may continuously gather information about the world around, and possibly within, us. It
would appear to be a default activity of the brain…’ [19].
Mazoyer et al. also found high prefrontal metabolism
during rest [20]. Notice that these are the same general
areas that show additional activity when conscious
sensory stimulation is compared with matched unconscious input. We will see that these regions also show
markedly lower metabolism in unconscious states.
Four unconscious states: eclipsing the self?
Table 1 shows the conscious resting state compared with
four unconscious states that are causally very different
from each other: deep sleep3, coma/vegetative states,
epileptic loss of consciousness4, and general anesthesia
under six different anesthetic agents5.
At the level of cortical neurons, bursting rates do not change in deep sleep. Rather,
neurons pause together at , 4 Hz between bursts [22]. Synchronous pausing could
disrupt the cumulative high-frequency interactions needed for waking functions such
as perceptual continuity, immediate memory, sentence planning, motor control and
self-monitoring. It is conceivable that other unconscious states display similar
neuronal mechanisms.
Although the spike-wave electroencephalogram (EEG) of epileptic seizures looks
different from the delta waves of deep sleep and general anesthesia, it is also slow,
synchronized and high in amplitude. The source and distribution of spike-wave
activity varies in different seizure types. However, the more widespread the spikewave pattern, the more consciousness is likely to be impaired [23]. This is again
marked in frontoparietal regions.
Controversy exists over fast EEG oscillations under the influence of ketamine,
and whether its effects should be viewed as primarily dissociative or anesthetic.
Ketamine might be an exception to the slow-wave EEG found with other anesthetics.
Surprisingly, despite their very different mechanisms
the four states share major common features. These
include: (i) widely synchronized slow waveforms that
take the place of the fast and flexible interactions needed
for conscious functions5; (ii) frontoparietal regions becoming hypometabolic; (iii) widely blocked functional connectivity, both corticocortical and thalamocortical; and (iv)
behavioral unconsciousness, including unresponsiveness
to normally conscious stimuli. The first three of these
features lower the probability of waking-type interactions
among brain regions.
Figure 1 shows marked hypometabolism in the four
unconscious states compared with conscious controls,
precisely where we might expect: in frontoparietal regions.
Could it be that brain regions that underlie the ‘observing
self ’ are thereby disabled?
Summary and future directions
Frontoparietal association areas have many functions
beyond those touched on here. However, several lines of
evidence suggest that they could have a special relationship with consciousness, even though they do not support
the contents of sensory experience. (i) Conscious stimulation in the waking state leads to frontoparietal activation, but unconscious input does not; (ii) in unconscious
states, sensory stimulation activates only sensory cortex,
but not frontoparietal regions; (iii) the conscious resting
state shows high frontoparietal metabolism compared
with outward-directed cognitive tasks; and (iv) four
causally very different unconscious states show marked
metabolic decrements in the same areas.
Although alternative hypotheses must be considered, it
seems reasonable to suggest that ‘self ’ systems supported
by these regions could be disabled in unconscious states.
From the viewpoint of the observing self, this would be
experienced as subjective loss of access to the conscious
world. Unconscious states might not necessarily block the
objects of consciousness; rather, the observing subject
might not be at home.
B.J.B gratefully acknowledges support from the Neurosciences Institute
and the Neurosciences Research Foundation (10640 John Jay Hopkins
Drive, San Diego, CA 94549, USA; www.nsi.edu). S.L. is a research
associate supported by the Belgian National Fund for Scientific Research
(FNRS). We thank Björn Merker, Anil Seth, Douglas Nitz and E. Roy John
for helpful discussions.
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