Recent papers in Ego
Persecutory (paranoid) delusions are a frequently observed clinical phenomenon. In recent years, an increasing volume of research has attempted to explain these types of beliefs in terms of psychological mechanisms. Theories have... more
Although clinical theories suggest that people with Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD) experience a confused sense of self, little empirical research has directly examined the self in BPD (Heard & Linehan, 1993; Westen & Cohen, 1993).... more
One purpose of this work was to study the relationship of goal orientations and the perceived motivational climate created by the coach in relation to 219 competitive Spanish tennis players': a) perceived improvement in different... more
Behavioral compliance or adherence is a fundamental problem in health care, and diagnosis of dropout proneness represents a first step in adherence facilitation. A paper-and-pencil scale was developed to assess self-motivation,... more
This research examined the hypothesis that the concept of power is mentally associated with different goals for individuals with a communal versus an exchange relationship orientation (M. S. Clark & J. Mills, 1979). It was predicted that... more
Prior research (Bates 2005, 2007, et al.) has indicated that the rhetorical construction of identity not only exists online, but also that the rhetorical identities have combined to form associations with other identities. Those... more
about situated stories provide the backdrop for our major proposition, which is that situated stories are used to develop and maintain the self. We view self-development through situated stories as a lifespan process, beginning in early... more
The concept of mentalization seeks to understand the transformation processes of physical quantity into psychical quality through the emergence, development and organization of mental representations. Often discussed in relation to the... more
Delay of gratification, assessed in a series of experiments when the subjects were in preschool, was related to parental personality ratings obtained a decade later for 95 of these children in adolescence. Clear and consistent patterns of... more
Disorders of self-experience were emphasized in classic literature and in phenomenological psychiatry as essential clinical features of the schizophrenia spectrum disorders, but are neglected in the contemporary psychopathology due to... more
Achievement goal theory suggests that the motivational processes operating in achievement settings such as PE are dependent on the achievement goals manifested in that setting. In this paper, research is reviewed examining the... more
Inhibition is a major form of self-regulation. As such, it depends on self-awareness and comparing oneself to standards and is also susceptible to fluctuations in willpower resources. Ego depletion is the state of reduced willpower caused... more
The Ego Impairment Index (EII; Perry & Viglione, 1991) is a composite measure of psychological impairment and thought disturbance developed from the empirical and theoretical literature on the Rorschach. In this article, we summarize... more
The present study was designed to examine developmental patterns of identity status change during adolescence and young adulthood through meta-analysis. Some 124 studies appearing in PsycINFO, ERIC, Sociological Abstracts, and... more
The relationship between fantasy and reality in Freudian theory is a complementary yet paradoxical one. On the one hand, fantasy has been construed as a vehicle for self-deception, standing in contradistinction to the objective... more
Please cite this article as: L.TomovaB. von DawansM. HeinrichsG. SilaniC. Lamm Is stress affecting our ability to tune into others? Evidence for gender differences in the effects of stress on self-other distinction (2014), http://dx.
Research and tre; to anorexia nervosa are primarily based on behaviourist review summarizes some attempts " understand the causes and ~ ~ :tments of ~he condition from .e view~ints of psychoanalyl , family, existential and feminist... more
Objective: We propose that the experience of state authenticity-the subjective sense of being one's true self-ought to be considered separately from trait authenticity as well as from prescriptions regarding what should make people feel... more
Restrained and emotional eaters overeat in response to stress. To compare differential effects of cognitive demand and ego-threatening stressors on subsequent chocolate intake, 38 females completed a neutral (control), an ego threatening... more
Narcissistic individuals are prone to become aggressive when their egos are threatened. We report a randomized field experiment that tested whether a socialpsychological intervention designed to lessen the impact of ego threat reduces... more
Delay of gratification, assessed in a series of experiments when the subjects were in preschool, was related to parental personality ratings obtained a decade later for 95 of these children in adolescence. Clear and consistent patterns of... more
The concept of bracketed morality has received empirical support in several sport studies (e.g., Bredemeier & Shields, 1986a, 1986b). However, these studies have focused on moral reasoning. In this research, we examined bracketed morality... more
People enjoy acting extraverted, and this seems to apply equally across the dispositional introversionextraversion dimension . It follows that dispositional introverts might improve their happiness by acting more extraverted, yet little... more
Please cite this article as: L.TomovaB. von DawansM. HeinrichsG. SilaniC. Lamm Is stress affecting our ability to tune into others? Evidence for gender differences in the effects of stress on self-other distinction (2014), http://dx.
What kinds of purchases do the most to make us happy? Previous research (Carter & Gilovich, 2010; Van Boven & Gilovich, 2003) indicates that experiences, such as vacations and concerts, are more likely to do so than material possessions,... more
In his masterpiece -The Autumn of the Patriarch-G. G. Marquez describes the death and the life of a dictator having no name, living more than 200 years in an unknown island. Marquez's literary creation of such dictator whose power... more
- by Maryam Harati
- ID, Ego, Superego
Puzzled by the gap between academic attainment and academic possible selves (APSs) among lowincome and minority teens, the authors hypothesized that APSs alone are not enough unless linked with plausible strategies, made to feel like... more
Our journey to God really is one of being stripped down and approaching in our vulnerability and weakness, in our disgrace (lack of grace). The important thing to understand is that, when we feel “in control” we are inevitably putting up... more
The present study examined the extent to which cultural identity would be associated with adaptive and maladaptive psychosocial functioning, both directly and indirectly through a personal identity consolidation. A sample of 773 White,... more
Disorders of self-experience were emphasized in classic literature and in phenomenological psychiatry as essential clinical features of the schizophrenia spectrum disorders, but are neglected in the contemporary psychopathology due to... more
Personality types refer to common or typical configurations of the dispositional attributes that define the individual. Research over the last 20 years has identified a set of three replicable personality types: resilient, overcontrolled,... more
The author, following André Green, maintains that the two most original psychoanalytic thinkers since Freud were Donald Winnicott and Jacques Lacan. Winnicott, it has been said, introduced the comic tradition into psychoanalysis, while... more
בשני המאמרים "פעולות כפייתיות וטקסים דתיים" ו"אבל ומלנכוליה" באה לידי ביטוי המגמה שהלכה והתגברה בעבודתו התיאורטית של פרויד במרוצת השנים בניתוח פסיכולוגי-חברתי של מערכות תרבותיות, כגון דת וריטואל. הצמדתם של שני הטקסטים בכרך שלפנינו נועדה... more
This research examined self-compassion and self-esteem as they relate to various aspects of psychological functioning. Selfcompassion entails treating oneself with kindness, recognizing one's shared humanity, and being mindful when... more
The 'interpsychic' is an extended psychic dimension, regarding the joint functioning and reciprocal in uences of two minds. The concepts of 'subjectivity' and 'person' can be included in the 'interpsychic'. They can also overlap with each... more
Identity formation is a dynamic process of person-context interactions, and part of this context are parents, even in late adolescence. Several theories on parent-adolescent relationships share the idea that parents influence the process... more