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-- demonstration of logographic feature of the writing system -- inscriptions are composed in Deśībhāṣā ‘guild speech-- Meluhha’ words -- Meluhha graphemes rendered rebus-- सांगड sāṅgaḍa A body formed of two or more (fruits, animals, men) linked or joined together; जांगड jāṅgaḍa Linking together (of beasts): joining or attaching . and sā̃gāḍā m. 'frame of a building', °ḍī f. 'lathe’ (Tulu); sãghāṛɔ m. 'lathe’ (Gujarati) -- rebus 1 सांगड sāṅgaḍa ’double-canoe’; rebus 2 jangaḍ invoicing on approval basis: जांगड jāṅgaḍa Without definitive settlement of purchase—goods taken from a shop; rebus 3 જંગડિયો jangaḍiyo 'military guard who accompanies treasure into the treasury’ – e.g., M-7, M-98 (lathe joined to churning container) M-300 (human face, tusks, hand joined); M-298, H-96 (animal parts joined including cobrahood as tail); M-1919 (woman joined to thigh of bovine), H-417 six protomes joined to a ladder) ṭaṁka -- m., °kā -- ʻlegʼ (Pkt.) Rebus: ṭaṅka- a stamped (gold) coin (Skt.); ṭaṅka m.n. ʻspade, hoe, chiselʼ(R.) ṭaksāl, ṭaksār ’mint’ (Hindi) + krammara ‘(tiger) looks back’ rebus: kamar ‘blacksmith’ dhokra ‘decrepit woman’ rebus: dhokra kamar ‘cireperdue metalcasters’
RLM Drugstore, using manual system according to our interview to the owner of the drugstore, they cannot specify the exact amount of sales and item sold, they have complications on sales and Inventory due to human errors and also laboriousness and time consuming when it comes to generating sales and inventory reports, for obvious reasons that it is done manually.
The Living Commons Collective Magazine, 2023
In this article I revisit Oswald de Andrade's 'Technicized Barbarian' in "A crise da filosofia messiânica" in view of marxist and critical race theory.
鄧紹光, 2024
The Unknowability and Knowability of God: Kant and Barth 刊於 CGST Recources 2024.05.17
Maǧallaẗ ǧāmiʻaẗ kirkūk, 2019
The study included, the collection of (250) swabs which involve (180) samples from general children's Hospital environment and various isolation sources, In addition to (70) smear from the hands and noses of medical staffs and workers, Using sterile cotton swabs and then planted on the Cultuer media (MacConkey's agar and Blood agar). The results showed that (126) smears and in a ratio of (50.4%) was positive for the bacterial isolations which contribute the followings:-Staphylococcus aureus, Staphylococcus epidermidis, Escherichia coli , Enterobacter cloacae, Proteus mirabilis, Klebsiella pneumonia, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, with variant isolation ratios. It high rate of contamination (73.33%), was from Hospitals environment compared to (71%) of contamination from the hands of medical staffs. Resistany agaings antibiotic was praceddon (12) antibiotics and the results showed that most of the isolates are resistant For anti-beta-lactam groups the rate was (81.74%), the followings antibiotics vancomycin, imipenem, amikacin reveal high efficucy against the isolated Staph.aureus , Staph.epidermidis , Esch.col, Prot.mirabilis , pathogens Ps.aeruginosa with reduction resistany reach to (23.80), (24.60), (36.50) respectively. The Minmam inhibitory concentration was detected using virkon, Opizil, Strillium, and bleach, ethyl alcohol, Optisal ® N was found to passing a better inhibition effect on the elected isolates, followed by an Virkon, compared with the disinfectant of sodium hyper chlorate (minor), The
أوراق لسانيّة, 2022
The Poetics of the Dominant Function in Arif Al-Saadi’s Poems and the Impact of the Communicative Mediator on it Asst. Prof. Dr. Haider Ghadban Mohsen Al-Jubouri College of Arts/ University of Babylon Abstract: This article seeks to explore the aspects of the communicative mediator that we theoretically established in our previous article, entitled (Elements and Functions of Jakobson's Theory of Linguistic Communication: A Discussion and A Proposal for a Wider Scope). The data used in this article to empirically investigate the manifestations of the communicative mediator and show its impact in achieving the poetic function are the poems of Arif Al-Saadi (issued during 1995-2015) and his poems collection labelled (The Last Adam). The data analysis will rely the concept of macrostructure, as used in text linguistics, in elucidating the major dominant function in Arif Al-Saadi’s poems. This article, thus, falls within the interlinguistics studies both theoretically and empirically which is suitable for different written and spoken genres of discourse. Accordingly, the article consists of three parts: the first deals with the macrostructures and the major dominant function in the selected data; the second deals with the poems’ titles and the major dominant functions; and the third presents the communicative mediator and its impact on the major dominant function in Arif Al-Saadi’s poetry. key words: Linguistics - Prague School - Elements of linguistic communication - poetic function - communicative mediator يسعى هذا البحث إلى استكشاف مظاهر الوسيط التواصلي الذي أسسنا له نظريا في بحثنا الموسوم بـ(عناصر التواصل اللغوي ووظائفها مناقشة لخطاطة جاكوبسون واقتراح نموذج موسّع)، باتخاذ الـ(الأعمال الشعرية 1995-2015) للشاعر العراقي عارف الساعدي، ومجموعته الشعرية (آدم الأخير)، ميدانا إجرائيا لاستجلاء مظاهر الوسيط التواصلي فيها وإظهار أثره في تحقق الوظيفة الشعرية، وسنستند في هذا البحث إضافة إلى بحثنا السابق- على مقولة (الأبنية الكبرى) الشائعة في لسانيات النص وتسخيرها في استجلاء الوظيفة المهيمنة الكبرى في نصوص عارف الساعدي، ليندرج بحثنا هذا ضمن الدراسات (بين-اللسانية) من حيث إن فضاء التنظير اللساني ميدان يصلح إجراؤه على النصوص المختلفة والخطابات المتنوعة؛ الأدبية والعادية...إلخ. وبناء عليه تشكل البحث على ثلاث فقرات؛ تناولتُ في الأولى الأبنية الكبرى والوظيفة المهيمنة في نصوص عارف الساعدي الشعرية، وتناولتُ في الثانية عتبة العنوان والوظيفة المهيمنة، وخصصتُ الثالثة بالوسيط التواصلي وأثره في شعرية الوظيفة المهيمنة في شعر عارف الساعدي، ثم ختمنا البحث بخاتمة بينتُ فيها نتائج البحث، فقائمة بالمصادر. الكلمات المفتاحية: اللسانيات-مدرسة براغ-عناصر التواصل اللغوي-الوظيفة الشعرية- الوسيط التواصلي رابط تنزيل البحث من موقع المجلات الأكاديمية
Questa volta trovo l'irresistibile impulso a ripetermi. Riprendo cose già scritte e ne trascuro altre, inedite. Mi va così.
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