Humanistic Psychology
Final Exams
Raisa Karina Putri – 111211133014
Kelas A
Experience Life
Self-actualization is a need for people to be able to do things the best that
he could. The term self-actualization are used in a wide range of psychological
theories such as the theory of Kurt Goldstein, Abraham Maslow (1962) and Carl
Rogers (1961). Kurt Goldstein is an expert seoarang the first to see that a man
needs is the primary motivation for Manusa, while other needs are needs
manifestation. Abraham Maslow's hierarchy of needs provides an explanation of
that as the highest level of psychological development can be achieved when all
the basic needs have been met and self-actualization can do. Meanwhile,
according to Carl Rogers, self-actualization is a process in humans to be
themselves and develop properties that are owned and unique psychological
In the self-actualization are two peaks (peak) ie peak performance and
peak experience. Peak performance or the performance of the peak at which time
the mind and movement come together in the happiest circumstances within
(Schneider, Bugental, & Pierson, 2001). Personal experience seems to be the most
highly prized for an individual or humans because they can appreciate all the
experience gained and a significant construction in humanistic psychology. For
example, when I fail at something, I make such failures sebauh personal
experience I could learn for a better future. In addition to personal experiences
that exist at peak performance, skills in artistic expression, and physical strength,
intellectual prowess, moral courage, or excellence in any activity. For example, in
moral courage, I took all of the skills that I have for instance moral courage like a
say politely to the older ones. In artistic expression, when I'm stressed or tense
circumstances I prefer to sing at full speed in my room because it can make me
feel more calm and relaxed to face any or minimize the tension I felt. Experience
the joy is an expression of the perceptual and cognitive basis of experiences with
each other experiences. Personality characteristics possessed by an individual
where there is a sense of superiority and a joy to be identified in personality of an
individual. It is in the self-actualization of Abraham Maslow used as consideration
Humanistic Psychology | Experience Life
of the occurrence of peak performance and peak experience as an operational
definition of partial self-actualization. Personal experience is the most sensible
and important of these personality rather than individual behavior. It is the stuff of
human life and the basis of personal identity. Peak performance and peak
experience more emphasis on positive experience, integrative and special than the
behavior or attitudes, pathologic reductionistic, and normative. According to
Rogers (196), in May (1953), and Maslow (1962) positive experience in their
unique human characteristics which constitute a significant or very important to
be ignored or underestimated by the method of reductionism. There are three main
approaches to the positive aspects of the personality, behavior and human
Abraham Maslow's theory of self-actualization
Maslow has levels for human needs. There are five levels, namely physical
needs (physiological needs), safety needs (safety needs), social needs (social
needs), needs recognition (esteem needs), and self-actualization needs (selfactualization needs).
Eat, water, security and love is a basic need of every human being and are
essential for survival and good health. According to Maslow's basic needs is a
theory that can be used by a person who wants to have a relationship between
human needs and care. There are five tingkatakan priority of human needs. Depth
most fundamental or most first is physiological needs such as the need air, water,
food sleep, clothing, etc .. physical needs (physiological needs) must be met in
order to proceed to the next stage. The second level is the need safety and security
involving physical and psychological security. At this stage of the needs of
security (safety needs), their security, order and stability. The third level includes
social needs, love and belonging, including friendships, social relationships and
sexual love. Social needs (social needs) where there is affection, relationships
with people around, and families. The fourth level of recognition needs (esteem
needs) covers the needs of a sense of worth and self-esteem, which involves self-
Humanistic Psychology | Experience Life
confident, to feel useful, acceptance and self-satisfaction. The last resort, and the
actualization needs) is a self-development, fulfillment ideology. According to
Maslow's theory someone who all his needs are met is a healthy person, and
someone with one or more unmet needs are people at risk for illness or may not be
healthy at one or more human dimension. Characteristics contained in selfactualization that is able to see reality more efficiently. In this character, the
sharpness of the reality of life will produce brilliant mindset far away look ahead
without being influenced interests or short-term profit. The second characteristic
is the acceptance of self and others is, for individuals who can see yourself then
will see other people like seeing himself full of shortcomings and advantages
without the complaints. Can accept what happened. Such an attitude can lead to
high tolerance among human beings and have patience in accepting oneself and
others. These characteristics are also able to accept criticism, suggestions, or
advice from others for his own good. The third characteristic is their spontaneity,
simplicity and fairness. If someone can actualize himself then that person will
carry out actions, behaviors, and ideas spontaneously and reasonable is. These
characteristics will have an impact on an individual that is an attitude that
gracefully. Characteristics to four is focused on the issue, people who are able to
actualize themselves all thoughts, behaviors and ideas not according to his own
good alone, but based on the interest and the good of others. The fifth
characteristic is in need of solitude, this characteristic is self-actualization when
someone wanted to secede and get the atmosphere of peace and quiet solitude.
These characteristics are based on perceptions mengeai something that people
deem it is true. Someone who has this kind of attitude will have characteristics
that are responsible with what he chose. There are characteristics of freshness and
sustainable appreciation, someone who has always respected actualized through
certain experiences, however often the experience was repeated, with a fresh sense
of pleasure, fascination and awe.
Humanistic Psychology | Experience Life
Further characteristics are the social consciousness, where one can feel
empathy and a strong affection towards fellow human beings. In addition there is
a characteristic of self-actualization that interpersonal relationships are strong,
democratic, can distinguish between means and ends, between good and bad, have
a sense of humor that's meaningful and ethical, their creativity, indnpedensi, and
their peak experiences. There are factors that hinder self-actualization that
obstacle comes from within the individual's own dair. As their doubts and even
fears of individuals to express their potential. The second obstacle is the resistance
that came from outside the individual or the surrounding community in the form
of a tendency perpresesian traits, talents or potentials. This obstacle may come
from the community, their family and their culture. Barriers latter is the resistance
that comes from negative influences, It refers to the fears and doubts about the
ability possessed by an individual, at the same time people are also scared and
daunted by the possibilities of the highest that will happen, but in all it fears is the
main cause.
Humanistic Psychology | Experience Life
aktualisasi diri
pengakuan (esteem
Kebutuhan sosial (social
Kebutuhan rasa aman (safety needs)
Kebutuhan fisik (physiological needs)
The lowest level is the physical needs such as the need to eat, drink,
clothing, and others. Physical needs must be prioritized so that an individual will
be able to meet the needs of others higher. For example, I always took for
breakfast in the morning, according to me when my stomach is already filled then
I can follow and concentration in a lecture that day. Regarding the clothes, I was
the one who really pay attention to what my clothes, because clothes can reflect
our attitude or mood that day. Furthermore, the highest level is self actualization.
Actualization or self actualization of Maslow is a requirement relating to the
distribution in terms of abilities, interests, potential in the form of real life squad is
the highest requirement. It is marked with the wishes or desires of individuals to
be the one desired. I have an interest in communicating with others in a kind and
courteous because my parents say that I lack modesty in communicating with
older ones. Maslow actualization from self is an important lesson in personality.
Experience is of less global than komprehensid personality and behavior.
Humanistic Psychology | Experience Life
Humanistic studies to build experience that can be accessed more positive and
self-report that can be trusted.
There is Sid Jourard, Ted Landsman, and David Lane, Landsman has a
phenomenological perspective that individuals or human can be beautiful and self
mulia.Aktualisasi is prototypic healthy personality, peak performance and peak
experiences are prototypic of experience positif.kinerja, peak experiences, misery
and failure as a feeling of extreme performance and a wide array of events
encountered. Peak performance focus on the long term.
Stable experience can be characterized by their inner processes. Peak or
peak performance performancedapat found in personal experience as a depiction
of peak performance. In addition to personal experience, peak performance too
can be found in the personal stories of each human being. peak performance is
something that is done with heart and depth so as to do a job that you like is
remarkable and fused with soul. I do what I love from the heart, when I can do
something I love with my heart will be satisfied with the results that would get.
Even if the results are not too good but I was happy and felt no pressure to do so.
When I participated in a committee in 2013 and is in the division that I really like.
Being in the division for more than 3 years in a row. I worked in the division
obligation with excited and happy because I do it with heart and passion I feel in
that divison.Peak performance can happen in any business and any time. That is, it
can function more efficiently, more creative, more productive, and in some ways
better than the human behavior in general. Moments of peak performance proves
our intuitive belief in the extraordinary power. There is a conventional
of positive
(Privette, 1964, 1965, 1968; Privette & Landsman, 1983), namely that the process
of forming a personality can be recognized from the peak performance with clear
focus. In the case of the arts, especially music that I have the experience of
learning to play a musical instrument. Initially I was attracted by the instrument,
but over time I felt that I was no interest and can not blend with the music
instrument. I would enjoy and feel the music by listening to music, singing with
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my tone, and swaying to the music. I become one with the music and enjoyed it
immensely. I feel it when I in high school, I can just as lovers and lovers of music
is not the music player. I love music since childhood, because my family likes to
listen to songs while traveling and always singing in a tone that they make
themselves although it sounds bad but I can always entertained with such
circumstances. In the field of self-actualization sport I have ever tasted when I
was dibangku school. I've never won sports competitions but I feel satisfied and
put out my strength when I can finish running sports because sports are conducted
every morning. Besides running, I've been trying to swim properly. I can not swim
but I want to learn to swim.
From junior high school I learned to swim, but always failed to do so.
Probably, because I'm from a small pool not familiar with the routine and I forgot
how to swim properly. Oalahraga is a rare thing I do lately. The second of peak
performanceyaitu different type described by law enforcement officials. When
one considers that other people at the scene of traffic accidents was fatal. I have
never experienced a traffic incident because my parents did not allow me to drive
a private vehicle. However, I had never seen a hit and run incident in which the
victim bleeds are so swift. I felt a chill and confused as to what should help. I also
feel an objective when looking at the incident. There is a close relative of one of
the victims who came and the victim was immediately taken to a nearby hospital
to get immediate help. Victims need pertolong physically and psychologically.
For a moment I felt a shiver and want to throw up, but I ventured to hold the
victim to be added to the car. Fortunately, the survivors and the affection of the
people closest to the victim shortly after visiting kejadian.Peak other performance
that is in a crisis described by hunters. reflexive responses, although very different
from the law enforcement, clearly focussed. In other words, the more power to
self-actualization. When I opened the fence very hard, I had to bend over
backwards to push and lock it. I do not want my parents to help, so my parents
can see my efforts were earnest and from the inside. The inner process of peak
performance that does not like the process at a typical rate of participants in group
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activities parallel discrete (Privette, 198 1a; Privette & Bundrick, 1 9 87).
Identifying the full process, a clear focus on the object and self, which is
important in all performances are optimal. A clear focus can initiate a response
and accommodate the interactive process. In addition there is the outside label in
human beings, focusing on the situation, the values, ideas but also requires
identification. To discuss a clear focus as comprehensive as possible, there are
many elements to check each one by one and, then, bringing each back to
keseluruhan.Fokus obvious is able to place and see what is there without a hitch.
In terms of perception, a clear focus to bring ketahap more serious and bold. To
expand the gestalt theory are phenomenological and soil interaction and the
numbers have been the subject of a theoretical and experimental (Combs &
Snygg, 1959). Perception of the highest incidents creative vision with a focus on
the object of caricature integrated, independent, and relationships that can bring
performanceatau peak peak performance. At peak performance, goal directed
absorption seem to "click" together spontaneously with clarity about yourself in
situation. Explication and sharpness of focus that is essential for efficient
performance. There is research that the most negative score on a focus is found
not in failure, but a regular event, and it is unclear and incomplete (Schneider,
Bugental, & Pierson, 2001). The study participants previously described the
performance of solo music, sports teams, and traumatic crisis. their task, or object
focus, different, but they concentration can be absorbed look similar. In the show
peaks, sharp figures; the value of the task, or goal stands out clearly. Everyone is
not immersed in the object but rather a strong focus and realize its unique identity.
Both self and others is really necessary. When leaving unobstructed, most are free
to come together in a meaningful relationship. (1970) Buber deep thinking about
the relationship "I you" speaks to the performance core aspects. A separate self
and others have not significantly related to one another. Because people react to
everything that has existential reality for them, bring an object into focus full full
response command. A clear focus process be distributed between the other and it
seems easy and graceful. peak performance is often described with words such as
"spontaneous" and comments like "it just comes naturally." The process is like a
Humanistic Psychology | Experience Life
river that flows channeled towards the sea. Suitable its course should not be in a
straight line but without doubt ragu. Otherwise, swamp water can not flow, not
channeled, and does not move forward. When the focus is clearly happening,
myself and others had come together as a subject to subject or me to you.
Someone must be fully committed to the other, and equally important, the man
was not lost on the other, but have a strong sense of identity. such a clear focus on
the object and self are prerequisites peak performance and consists of two
numbers peak performance. When I was given the responsibility as a public
relations division I feel I have an identity and commitment as well as a great
responsibility. Other research on peak performance, namely construction and
methods that have been used in order to study the performance based activities
(Schneider, Bugental, & Pierson, 2001). The most dominant of these studies is to
exercise. Peak performance has also been studied with a variety of samples.
Atkins (1990), for example, studying the peak performanceaktor, and Fobes
(1986) conducted a similar study for the military. Irizarry (1988); Quinn,
Spreitzer, and Fletcher (19 9 1); and Thornton, Privette, and Bundrick (1999)
conducted a study about the business.
After discussing peak performance, that peak experience. According to
Abraham Maslow peak experience or often called a mystical experience is a
condition when a person both mentally feel out of itself, freed from the confines
of the body ballpark. In 1971 a tender Maslow that the peak of the peak
experience only when humans experience the highest level of happiness. Maslow
questions about how to cope berbabagai questions about human life in a way to
challenge these scientists to answer that. Leach (1962) defines a peak experience
as an invaluable experience that is characterized by its intensity as perception,
depth of feeling, or a sense of deep meaning to cause it to stand out in the mind of
the subject. Laski (1962) describes the transcendent ecstasy that is as fun, while,
unexpected, rare, valued, and extraordinary as if it came from a source
reasonable. Peak experience to clarify peak performance and differentiate the two
Humanistic Psychology | Experience Life
konstruksi.Hal often associated with some degree of positive performance and
feeling. To explain the phenomenological, many peak experience was good and
there were a few moments of peak performance as a picture of the highest peak of
happiness and have the most superior performance. However, we were able to
tease out the independent process of peak experiences, unless one considers the
perception of superior and openness as the peak performance, as Schachtel (1959)
suggest (Privette, 1983, 1984; Privette & Bundrick, 1991; Privette & Sherry,
1986) For instance, when I keterima at Airlangga University in Surabaya, initially
I keterima in one of the best private universities in Surabaya. When I enrolled at
the University of Airlangga, I pasrahkan everything to God the most important
thing is I have tried as much as possible to get the school Negri and be aligned
with my brothers who also attend school in Negri. Finally, I keterima at Airlangga
University, when it was my feeling jumbled and still can not believe that I was a
student at the University of Airlangga. In addition to the experience no other
experience on the peak experience, when I pray tahajud at night. At the time of the
last prostration I prayed and closed my eyes, I did it long enough. I told him
anything with God, and the earth come to listen to everything. I just close my eyes
I told him sauce, I feel calm and can see the events that I have done for this world.
Without realizing my tears dripping. For me the most beautiful and calming is
when I can tell anything to my god not with humans. I believe that God will
answer everything at the right time and beautiful. In addition to this, the
experience of another peak experience is when I listen to music. Listening to
music is one thing that could make me forget for a moment the burden of thought.
While at a music concert I have been more pleased with their eyes closed or saw
the singer sing the song. It made me feel one with the music and can enjoy the
music. Unwittingly, I joined my body shaking. I feel comfortable and be able to
forget for a moment things are a burden on the mind. In addition, being in the
outdoors I can find peace. I can smell the soil, leaves, and nature. Nature teaches
us to be thankful and not to be greedy. Maslow suggested that music and sex are
the most frequent context of peak experience. Laski and Leach studies, peak
experience described in the relationship included sexual love and art and creative
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work, an appreciation of nature, religious experience, sports, and other assorted
Landsman (1961) describes the capacity of the experience that a human
relationship to become larger. The relationship between mother and child is the
relationships that are most closely and most close. I am very close with my
mother. With my father too close. I can tell anything to my parents. I felt cared
when I told my parents listened to my story and give good advice. In my family,
taught to democracy. Whatever may be expressed properly and decently and in
accordance with its portion. Each go and return to college or wherever the three of
us always talking. My mother instincts or strong feelings towards their children.
My mother always scolded me when I say disrespectful to him or an older person.
From junior high school, I always make my mother sad. I do not mean to make
him like it. In line with the same time, I learned to be able to change the attitude is
lacking in me. Not infrequently, too, both my older brother advised me to be
patient and understanding.
My mother is a person who likes to travel. My mother decided to go out on
the town together without a father. On the first day my mother and there are
always problems that come starting from small things. For a few days outside the
city, I began to understand and comprehend the character of my mother. Since that
time I feel closer to the mother and the mother understands what I want. Now, my
mother used to tell me anything. I can only listen and say "I love you, mom" every
mother I finished the story. For the problem of music, my mother was not too
interested in it. I once did karaoke in the car with my dad and made me excited
and happy to do so. Quality of peak ecperience ie fulfillment, significance, and
spirituality. Among the humanistic psychologists and educators, literature about
peak experiences has grown since the early work of Maslow, Laski, and Leach.
Leach (1962) found that most mentioned is "a sense of being fortunate, blessed, or
by it" and
bukandengan determine personality
characteristics, describe the "desires, expectations, willingness to plain amazing
views of life". Peak experience is seen as significant, personally meaningful,
Humanistic Psychology | Experience Life
valuable, and expressive. Not all so-called peak experiences of their own a turning
point in life. The idea of Maslow transcendence of boundaries with the quality of
spirituality. Maslow self-transcendence is a movement that goes beyond what has
been achieved. A movement from the less can be good and from good to be much
better than before.
Many people just say that their experience is indescribable or beyond
words. It is an interesting exception to predictions based on Maslow's ideas is the
support of the participants of a sense of self and self-denial of the loss. Is that the
diuji.Banyak said the death, illness, and end the relationship as a context for their
suffering, along with peak experiences, they are regarded as the most significant
moment of them. Misery characterized as intense, extraordinary senses and mind,
not to socialize but painful interpersonal. The contrast between identity confusion
in misery characterized by feelings of self that is in peak performance. When
getting smallpox that I never had. Initially I thought I was getting dengue fever
because of the characteristics of the illness that I naturally lead towards the
disease. Face and my whole body red spots. I find it strange that time, because
every person who met me, always questioned what was wrong with me. I was
taught not to rely doctor. From childhood when I was sick, parents do not
immediately brought to the hospital yet seen for 2-3 days. Whether the disease has
been lost or has not been as vulnerable time can identify how severe the disease
that I can. Further, it is a failure.
Failure is negative in performance. I felt a failure when I can not go to
college at the university of my dreams. I feel that what I do has a maximum,
maybe God has other plans. When I was in elementary school I also had worst
score. When taking the learning outcomes of my mother who saw her son the
value of the ugliest, immediately sent me home with holding my hand. Not only
when the primary school only. In college, my first semester getting bad grades. I
underwent two courses at the same time the beginning of the semester. I keep my
old study here and stay in college at my new university. Why I attended two of the
Humanistic Psychology | Experience Life
greatest challenges given for my father. After I passed both at the beginning of the
semester, I feel less than the maximum and get a very minimal value in every
subject. Finally I decided to study at my new university. Initially I was
disappointed with myself because I was not able to successfully complete the
challenge that my father gave and felt kalua not deserve to be proud again because
I am no better than my older brother. However, my mom and dad always
motivates me to continue to do much better.
For perspective, we added the sport as a base because although there is no
specific gradient, it is performance based and is usually due to a variety of
feelings. Assessing the impact of psychological processes on sports performance
is a challenge for athletes and sports researchers. McInman and Grove (1991), in
their overview of current peaks in the sport with a picture of a bond between
exercise behavior and psychological processes. In sports, there is a strong
relationship between the focus and processes; focus on tasks for extended game
behavior. Optimal performance is that the focus of the summit with a strong sense
of self. The process of the focus of the summit with the fragmented and limited.
The feeling was linearly related to the performance of self-assessment. Better
performance can be felt and increasingly meet penglaman, while the performance
is judged to be worse, the less fulfilling experience.
Peak performance is set apart by ecstasy, the average performance with
pleasure or neutrality, and failure to boredom or worry. Consistent with
Csikszentmihalyi (1975, 1992) studies, sports, an activity of leisure flow fun and
friendly when such performance reaches an average or puncak.Olahraga can be
fun with or without the superior performance. Failed in the sport, however, is not
pleasant. Cross-cultural studies, Maslow on peak experience in general stands as a
challenge to explore the dimensions of experience between people with different
cultural influences. There are some very visible differences between individuals
satau with the others, namely the sample, age, or gender. Cross-cultural stability
and sensitivity of the two positive peak performance and peak performance
experience interesting. As I was with my friends has a cultural background
Humanistic Psychology | Experience Life
different and peak performance and peak experience different too. I come from a
family minang, I come from a family friend solo. Minang famous people how to
trade and loud. While the solo, it has a soft voice and calm. In both these cultures
are negative events differ in the magnitude of the existing pattern. The influence
of culture in sports is recorded. At this stage of the process there is a process of
experiential discovered which also exhibited stability and cultural sensitivities.
The process of particular interest focused, independent, and significance. The
focus is similar in each sample-full focus on peak performance, tunnel vision in
misery and failure, and blurred vision in ordinary events. There are dimensions of
performance and feeling, there are some of the most significant events are defined
based on experience or the inner processes. Conventionally, determined by the
behavior of human affairs, the environment, or activities.
Work activities, relations, crisis, spiritual and exercise process can be
influenced but can not identify the main aspects of the incident. Peak experience
is a unit that has meaning for human life and that inner process such as behavior,
environment, or activities are aspects that can determine the events that occurred
(Privette & Bundrick, 1989). Operational event meet the definition of an activity
(the context in which the experience occurs) such as playing sports, making
dinner, participate in staff meetings, mow the lawn, or doing an orchestra, in
addition to the definitions lainny was operational event is a performance level
ranging from the peak performance , mediocre, failure, the level of feelings
ranging from a peak experience, neutrality, suffering, and many are correlated, or
catalysts, such as the following: personality, the development of (timeless quality;
for example,
middle age,
industry, ego strength,
sociopathy, need for approval, self-actualization); neurophysiological (eg, heart
rate, beta activity, adrenaline, genetic determinants, anxiety); behavior (eg,
walking, painting, talking, laughing, blinking eyes); environmental (eg, social,
cultural, geographic and context, urban smog, comfortable chairs, a hostile crowd,
blizzards, forest stream, stress, calm); experiential (inner process; for example,
Humanistic Psychology | Experience Life
interpreting other correlations). Operational event I have ever experienced as how
I walk upright and always looked down because I do not really like to look ahead
and say hello to a lot of people. I think the things I did poorly and cause me not
too confident. Once or twice I tried to walk facing forward and say hello to the
people I passed. Communication, I am trying to improve my way of
communicating with anyone. My mother often rebuked when I was less polite
words according to him. I continue to learn how to communicate properly and
decently. In addition, in terms of decision-making, I still feel less able to do that
because I always think of many considerations in terms of the impact that I would
receive. Sometimes when my dad asks me to take a decision I always still and
think calmly although occasionally can not be quiet because my father needs the
assurance that quickly and clearly. The basic concept dalah the experience of
relationship to behavior and personality patterns.
Figure 14.1. Model of Experience
SOURCE: Reprinted with permission from Psychological Reports, 1
985, Vol. 56, p. 264.
feelings and
negative performance characterized by extreme focus on psychopathology and
This quadrant includes defeats in all aspects of life. Poor
Humanistic Psychology | Experience Life
performance and the disappointment of missing the game is a regular occurrence
and it is not clear. More seriously, this quadrant graph of failure and misery
disability, substantive losses, cumulative traumatic stress burnout and mental
illnesses of all types and severity. An extreme experience of suffering and failure,
behavior and
suicidal killers and
personality decompensation are a
manifestation of the fusion of their long unyielding. Performance feeling of
interaction found in this quadrant have achieved much personal and social
consequences. Negative performance with a positive feeling in the sport, the team
that lost to capture the hearts and bring joy to the fans and themselves. More
often, fans experience the winning team or player. There is no question that
Michael Jordan and Tiger Woods have prompted various moments of awe.
spectator activities seek to maximize positive feelings with little effort. Channel
surfing definitely qualify. Interaction pleasure failure is exemplified in a non
instrumental response aimed at disguising or denying the pain of failure such as
the abuse of mind-altering substances or activities run from reality. Waller (1988)
used a questionnaire to compare our consciousness changed in the sport following
ingest mind altering drug, Ecstasy. Mogar (1967) defines alcoholism as a disease
of boredom that leads to a comprehensive failure. He treats alcoholism by
inducing a peak experience to give a meaning as an antidote to boredom. This
study shows the exciting possibilities for ameliorating a serious failure or chronic.
High performance coupled with negative feelings is found in the lower right
quadrant. Just as I was feeling very negative when trying to obtain a university
city, Surabaya. Atkins says that for a man who felt it, may have the effect of
motivation that align with external motivation for others, including the existing
environment in the family. Both my sister enrolled at the university country.
Turning point. Fuerst (1965) dissertation on the turning point of the experience.
interrelation of negative feelings and positive performance. I was getting sick with
marked red spots all over the body. I feel that I was exposed to dengue fever or
illness that I had never thought of before. I try to be calm and positive thinking
will my illness. Doctors also suggest not too concerned with things that I
experienced, less than about a week illness that I experienced was lost and I tried
Humanistic Psychology | Experience Life
to keep my body from various diseases. Yalom (1980) concluded that when
people are faced with death or a decrease in the body's performance is likely to
live in an authentic way. The next is to get a personality. Sheehy (1986) explain
and introduce the dimension of personality is exciting and parallel to the quadrant
experience. Sheehy writes about his adopted son, Mohm, who as a young child
suffered the atrocities of Pol Pot in Cambodia.
Mohm not only survived but, with careful nurturing, then developed,
which encourages Sheehy to write about the "spirit of life" which is driven by the
gain personality. Sheehy describes the personality as the core for some people that
is the courage, a sense of meaning, and vitality that energizes life activities and
relationships. Beethoven Symphony symbolize winning personality emerge from
isolation and misery. It has been suggested that the end of the phenomenal
achievements of Beethoven may be associated with a focus intens.Aktualisasi
themselves, of course, is the parallel dimension of personality. Maslow (1971)
says of peak experience and optimal function with self-actualization and related
experiences with one another for example, Maslow thought that optimal
performance is triggered by a peak experience and, thus, the peak experience can
optimal performance.
possibility of self-
actualization to function optimally recorded in some aspects of life. Many, but not
all, considered to have a peak experience. Performance of peak experience and
peak performance as an operational definition of partial self-actualization provides
an opportunity to expand our understanding of personality oprimal for more
specific and measurable experience of personality attributes. Strength and
happiness linking threat reduction of force and negligence. In his warning about
our tendency to patronize the best in ourselves and others. Merger transpersonal
and humanistic approaches in this quadrant may be positive mutative, change us
to a higher level in both the business inside and out. Makes me more optimistic in
any case, especially in schools. Events perimeteratau performance and feeling at
the positive and negative, which in some ways the opposite. For example,
compliance is linearly related to the performance and feeling. The process focus
Humanistic Psychology | Experience Life
of both of these can be attributed to the result of the crisis. At peak performance,
actions or thoughts seem to appear spontaneously. Intense focus can be decreased
when their sense of helplessness and confusion on himself.
There are many applications of the experience. Human relations were I
describe earlier and became the center of attention for humanistic psychology and
counseling is one of the professional relationship. There are several implications
such as sports, business performance par excellence. Some aspects of peak
performance complements the comprehensive humanistic model of counseling
and personality possessed by the counselor. Peak performance to support a clear
focus on the feelings and meanings therapist client. Focusing on clients as people
experience allows clients, in turn, to focus on the personal meaning and value in
the situation (Baggett, 1967; Gendlin, 1981). Strong sense of self and confidence
liberate a counselor from disturbing the need to convince, domination, or
overidentification. This sense of strong self promote full, clear focus on clients
who become what Rogers (19 6 1) call as if it is a quality of empathy. Spontaneity
in counseling is not impulsive but use the knowledge and skills previously
acquired exempt from undue attention to engineering detail, the behavior is
fragmented, and the thought of foreign (see model for counseling of homeless
men, the population living with the stress of every day, in Sumerlin & Privette ,
1994). Counselors can be allowed to feel the painful experience of what is
perceived client and validate them. Counselors validation means to communicate
an understanding of the inner view and acceptance of legitimate views. Only after
validation belonging dank lien may be receptive to efforts counselor helps to
repeat these experiences. Not denying the negative, but in addition to painful
experiences and destructive, it may indicate a genuine creative possibilities of
living together for heroic response. Through this order, the counselor can call the
kernel inside of personality wins. In the personal growth and relationship therapy,
a synergistic effect of the power and joy may become a positive spiral and
increase a person's movements in the process of self-actualization.
Humanistic Psychology | Experience Life
Humanistic psychology emphasis on issues that are important to sports
psychology. Many other humanistic psychologist, insists that the experience is not
just a "warm fuzzy feeling", but also a complex process in which significantly
linked to performance, and their approval for the organization. Integrative and
positive special orientation is more complicated with sports than negative
orientation or incorrectly routed norm. targets sports superior performance and
ecstasy of victory while, at the same time, acknowledging the suffering defeat.
The lesson of self-actualization people are more relevant than for the elite and
nonelite psychopathology. This link shows that sports humanistic psychology,
more than any other approach, is a natural fit to address the issue of sports. Global
humanistic psychology single suitable for global psychology as a unique
perspective and methodology. Pioneer Fromm (1961), Jung (1958) and Watts
(1961) emphasizes the cross-cultural perspective bridging Western psychology
and Eastern thought, and we found that self-reports and inference techniques, as
well as our experience of the subject matter, accommodated Asian cultures. And
other humanistic methods, including qualitative research, directed not predict the
behavior of a single culture or superimposing constructions. Instead, they are
intended to improve understanding of the ways that open up possibilities to
develop the potential and engage in meaningful relationships.
In the experience of others can be operationally defined by the dimensions
such as performance and feeling the dimensions used. We can ask the question in
every culture. What an experience to feel the ultimate happiness? What mode
processes focus on optimal function? In failing? What is the significance attached
to failure? How happiness at the highest levels? How self-perceived in the highest
happiness, optimal functioning, and failure? How the process affect the sensitivity
of the usual perimeter incident it? Humanistic preference for the privileged rather
than normative support decentered concepts that are important to global
humanistic emphasis on integration and holism not
reductionistic method.
Humanistic Psychology | Experience Life
Schneider, K. J., Bugental, J. F., & Pierson, J. F. (2001). The Handbook of
Humanistic Psychology: Leading Edges in Theory, Research, and Practice. United
States of America: Sage Publications, Inc.
Humanistic Psychology | Experience Life