Review and Restore for Case-Base Maintenance

2001, Computational Intelligence

Case-base maintenance is one of the most important issues for current research in case-based reasoning (CBR). In this article we propose an extended six-step CBR cycle and discuss its two additional steps as part of the maintenance phase of the CBR process. The review step covers assessment and monitoring of the knowledge containers, whereas the restore step actually modifies the contents of the containers according to recommendations resulting from the review step in order to keep the knowledge containers in a usable state. Here we focus our attention on the case base. For the review step, we define several quality measures based on different case and case-base properties that describe specific characteristics of the case base such as correctness, consistency, uniqueness, minimality, and incoherence. Then we use these measures to realize monitoring capabilities for the case-base container that indicate when the restore step is necessary. Finally, we also describe several methods for modifications of the case base in the restore step and their relation to the review step. An initial experimental evaluation shows the appropriateness of the proposed concepts and methods before we conclude the article with a discussion of related work and an outline of future directions to extend these aspects of maintenance in CBR.

Computational Intelligence, Volume 17, Number 2, 2001 REVIEW AND RESTORE FOR CASE-BASE MAINTENANCE Thomas Reinartz, Ioannis Iglezakis DaimlerChrysler AG, Research & Technology, Ulm, Germany and Thomas Roth–Berghofer tec:inno GmbH, Sauerwiesen 2, Kaiserslautern, Germany Case-base maintenance is one of the most important issues for current research in case-based reasoning (CBR). In this article we propose an extended six-step CBR cycle and discuss its two additional steps as part of the maintenance phase of the CBR process. The review step covers assessment and monitoring of the knowledge containers, whereas the restore step actually modifies the contents of the containers according to recommendations resulting from the review step in order to keep the knowledge containers in a usable state. Here we focus our attention on the case base. For the review step, we define several quality measures based on different case and case-base properties that describe specific characteristics of the case base such as correctness, consistency, uniqueness, minimality, and incoherence. Then we use these measures to realize monitoring capabilities for the case-base container that indicate when the restore step is necessary. Finally, we also describe several methods for modifications of the case base in the restore step and their relation to the review step. An initial experimental evaluation shows the appropriateness of the proposed concepts and methods before we conclude the article with a discussion of related work and an outline of future directions to extend these aspects of maintenance in CBR. Key words: six-step CBR cycle; case-base maintenance; quality measures; monitor operators; modify operators. 1. INTRODUCTION During the last decade, case-based reasoning (CBR) has evolved to a well established intelligent technology suitable to support various applications. One of the consequences is that the focus of current CBR research has moved from issues of case-base modeling and acquisition, retrieval and indexing tasks, and similar basic challenges more toward application-oriented goals. In particular, one of the crucial questions in CBR today deals with issues related to the life cycle of a CBR system. These issues include the central question of what to do with the contents of a case base over time. First articles on these issues called efforts along these lines case-base maintenance (CBM) (e.g., see Leake and Wilson 1998). Here we focus on CBM as the part of the overall maintenance problem in CBR that specifically deals with the maintenance of the case-base knowledge container. The overall concept of the maintenance problem in CBR also covers all tasks that occur during the lifetime of a CBR system and affect the permanent usability of the system over time. In practice, a CBR system and its contents change over time. For example, new cases are added, old or invalid cases are deleted, similar cases are combined to more general cases, conflicting cases are corrected, and so on. All these changes only happen if some kind of indicator invokes the respective mechanisms to change the CBR system. Therefore, we have to define means of quality control that enable specific realizations of such indicators. In this article we argue that quality measures based on basic properties of single cases and sets of cases are appropriate to realize strategies for quality control Address correspondence to Thomas Reinartz, DaimlerChrysler AG, Research and Technology, FT3/AD, P. O. Box 2360, 89013 Ulm, Germany. c 2001 Blackwell Publishers, 350 Main Street, Malden, MA 02148, USA, and 108 Cowley Road, Oxford, OX4 1JF, UK.  Review and Restore for Case-Base Maintenance 215 in CBR. Note that in CBR we distinguish between two different kinds of quality: The first type of quality concerns the quality of solutions represented within the cases of the case base, whereas the second type is about the reasoning quality of the CBR system and the relation among cases of the case base. Here we focus on the second type of quality. After we possibly detected quality deficiencies of the CBR system, we also have to decide which modifications to the system lead to an increased quality. Therefore, CBM needs modify operators that change the system state and return it to a usable state again. Here we define example operators to modify the case base. This article is organized as follows: In the next section we propose an extended six-step CBR cycle with two additional steps as part of the maintenance phase of the CBR process—these steps are the review and the restore step. Thereafter, we define the representation necessary to specify example operators for both steps. Then we describe various properties of single cases and sets of cases. These properties are then used to define quality measures, monitor operators, and modify operators for the review and restore steps in two separate sections. Before we close the article with concluding remarks and issues for future work, we present an initial experimental evaluation of the proposed concepts and methods in different application domains and a discussion of related work.1 2. THE SIX-STEP CBR CYCLE Although early definitions of the CBR process emphasized the application phase of CBR, it is now accepted that an additional maintenance phase is necessary to cope with all issues that arise when CBR is used in practical applications and especially when the CBR system state changes over time (Göker and Roth-Berghofer 1999). From our perspective, the first three steps in the standard four-step CBR cycle (Aamodt and Plaza 1994)—retrieve, reuse, revise—build the application phase, whereas the fourth step—retain—is the first step in the maintenance phase of CBR. The difference between application and maintenance originates from the following view on the separation of tasks in CBR. Application deals with finding previous experiences and reusing them for novel situations without changing the CBR system state. Maintenance tasks cover additional issues to update the CBR system and preserve or return to an appropriate system performance. The current four-step cycle only includes the retain step for such changes that update the case base only in a single direction by adding cases to the case base. Additional maintenance issues are not yet represented.2 Hence we propose to extend the four-step CBR cycle by two additional steps as part of the maintenance phase of the CBR process: review and restore. The review step covers tasks to judge and monitor the current state of the CBR system and its knowledge containers, whereas the restore step invokes mechanisms to change the system and its knowledge in order to return to a usable state in situations where CBR system performance does not meet desired requirements anymore. Figure 1 shows the resulting six-step CBR cycle.3 The first three steps form the application phase, whereas the last three build the maintenance phase in CBR. Note that it is not necessary to invoke the last three steps after each application of CBR to solve a new problem. 1 Some parts of this paper are based on descriptions by Reinartz, Iglezakis, and Roth-Berghofer (2000). See Section 8 for a discussion of existing approaches to cope with such issues. 3 The original four-step CBR cycle is also called the four REs according to the mnemonic nature of its steps. Hence we call the proposed new six-step process also the six REs. 2 216 Computational Intelligence Maintenance Phase Application Phase Restore Retrieve Knowledge Containers Review Retain Reuse Revise Figure 1. The Six-Step CBR Cycle. Knowledge Container Quality Measures Monitor Operators Review ok? Modify Operators n Restore y Figure 2. Additional Maintenance Steps in CBR. In Figure 2 we outline the review and restore steps along with the control flow between them and the inputs that are necessary to perform them. The two steps start with one of the knowledge containers as their input. This knowledge container is either the result of an initial knowledge-acquisition step at the beginning of a CBR project or the outcome of modifications to the CBR system at a certain stage after the system is already in use. The review step considers the current state of the knowledge container and assesses its quality. For this purpose, we have to define quality measures that allow the computation of values that indicate the current quality of the system. Additional monitor operators enable permanent control of these quality values, and specific indicators lead to the initiation of the restore step if the CBR system state is no longer appropriate. The restore step uses modify operators to change the contents of the CBR system. In an ideal setting, the review step already suggests specific changes to get back to the level of quality desired. If there is no need to go to the restore step because the quality values are still in good shape, we simply return to the knowledge container and keep it unchanged. In the following we focus our attention on maintenance activities that affect the case base rather than the vocabulary, similarity, or adaptation knowledge container (Richter 1995). We argue that it is important to start with the case base as the central knowledge container in CBR (Iglezakis and Roth-Berghofer 2000). For simplicity, we consider any case base as a set of cases. Review and Restore for Case-Base Maintenance 3. 217 CASE AND CASE-BASE REPRESENTATION In this section we define the representation of cases and sets of cases. These definitions are necessary to specify concrete quality measures for CBR later. For all notations, we aim at as general definitions as possible with maximum flexibility to cover cases and case bases in most CBR applications and systems. We start the representation with the basic components for building cases, namely, attributes, values, problems, and solutions (see Definitions 1 to 3). We choose an attribute-value representation because it ensures high flexibility and generality. We are able to transform other case representations into an attribute-value representation if necessary. Definition 1 (Attributes and Values). An attribute aj is a name accompanied by a set Vj := vj1 ,    , vjk ,    , vjNj  of values. We denote the set of attributes as A :=  a1 ,    , aj ,    , aN , and the set of values as V := N j=1 Vj . Each attribute consists of an identifier (the name) and a set of possible values. For simplicity, we assume for all attributes, especially for quantitative attributes, that the set of values contains only “occurring” values. This means by definition and the dynamic nature of CBR that sets of values are dynamic as well. Definition 2 (Problem). A problem is a set pi := pi1    pij ′    piNi  with ∀j ′ ∈ 1; Ni ∃aj ∈ A and ∃vjk ∈ Vj : pij ′ = vjk , and ∀j ∈ 1; N : | pi ∩ Vj  |≤ 1. We denote the set of problems as P := p1    pi    pM . We define problems as sets of attribute values and solutions as any form of information that contributes to the solution of a given problem. The first condition in Definition 2 ensures that for each element in the set of values of a problem, there exists a corresponding attribute and a respective value in its set of values. The second condition makes sure that for each attribute, a problem does not contain more than a single value. The latter assumption is simplifying from situations where it makes sense to allow more than a single value for specific attributes. However, this situation is either emulated by adding extra sets of single values to the set of values or by relaxing the second condition at a later stage of research. The set-oriented definition of problems enables easy implementation of the quality measures defined below. Note that we do not assume that a single problem specifies values for each available attribute. In contrast, a problem only contains those values for attributes which are relevant to describe the specific situation at hand. Definition 3 (Solution). A solution si is any item. We denote the (multi-) set of solutions as S := s1    si    sM . For a solution, we do not define any additional requirements in order to avoid restrictions for solutions in any way (see Definition 3). For example, a solution possibly contains any information which describes how to “solve” the problem. The more structured the domain is, the more structured information or definition we provide for a solution. For example, in classification domains, a solution is simply another attribute with a domain of values containing all occurring class labels. On the restrictive side of this flexibility, we are only able to reason about solutions in terms of match or mismatch but not in terms of any other more fine-grained meanings. 218 Computational Intelligence Table 1. An Example Case Base pi c1 c2 c3 c4 c5 c6 v12 v13 v13 v13 v13 v12 v23 v23 v23 v23 v23 v31 v32 v32 v31 v41 v45 si qi s1 s2 s3 s4 s5 s6 q1 q2 q3 q4 q5 q6 For both sets, the set of problems and the set of solutions, we assume that it contains M elements. Since we are aware of the fact that the same solution possibly solves different problems, we allow the set S of solutions to contain the same element more than once. Hence S in Definition 3 is possibly a multi-set. We further assume that the enumeration of problems and solutions in P and S corresponds to each other; i.e., the solution for a given problem has the same index in S as the problem has in P. For the moment, we also presume that P and S contain components of “real” cases, i.e., cases that (currently) exist in the case base and that make sense in terms of the application domain. If the contents of the case base change, both sets P and S change too. In addition to such real cases, we also have potential cases (i.e., cases that can occur by combining any possible combination of attribute values) and meaningful potential cases (i.e., potential cases that in fact lead to a case that corresponds to a possible case in the application domain that makes sense). Definition 4 (Case and Case Base). A case is a tuple ci := pi si qi  with a problem pi , a solution si , and additional information qi . A case base is a set of cases C := c1    ci    cM . We denote the set of all potential cases by C ∗ . Definition 4 states that a case is a tuple containing a problem component pi , a solution component si , and an additional information component qi . This additional information component comprises any extra information that is necessary for quality control and that is related to the life cycle of this specific case. For example, time stamps for the time the case is added to the case base and the time of its last access or the relative number of successful usages of the case are typical information items. In this article we do not consider this additional information but focus on the problem and solution components of cases. Example 1 (Set of Cases). Assume a domain with A := a1 , a2 , a3 , a4 , V1 := v11 , v12 , v13 , V2 := v21 , v22 , v23 , v24 , V3 := v31 , v32 , and V4 := v41 , v42 , v43 , v44 , v45 . G := c1 , c2 , c3 , c4 , c5 , c6  in Table 1 is a set of cases in this domain. 4. CASE AND CASE-BASE PROPERTIES In this section we present several case and case-base properties. Case properties describe characteristics of single cases, whereas case-base properties provide information about sets of cases, i.e., subsets of cases in the case base. We define case properties Review and Restore for Case-Base Maintenance 219 as the atomic concepts to specify case-base properties, which in turn form the basis for the definition of quality measures for CBR. In particular, atomic properties are independent from each other. For case properties, we further distinguish between isolated and comparative characteristics. Whereas isolated properties only consider characteristics of a single case, comparative properties also take into account information on other cases and compare them to the single case considered. Note that comparative case properties still define only characteristics of a single case, although they consider more than a single case. 4.1. Isolated Case Properties The most important isolated case property is correctness. We consider a case as correct if the given solution component really “solves” the problem specified by the problem component (see Definition 5). The crucial bit in this definition is the notion of “solves”. At this point, we basically use a place holder for any type of relation “solves” denoted by  . Thereby, the definition is open to all application domains. For example, in traditional classification domains, the solution of a case is a class label, and the relation  between problem and solution holds if this class label corresponds to the true class label of the problem. Note that as soon as we want to compute the correctness of a case, we have to define relation  precisely. However, since we aim at applicationindependent concepts, we are not able to specify  in more detail because this requires consideration of domain-specific aspects. Definition 5 (Correctness). Assume a binary relation  ⊆ P × S and a case ci ∈ C. ci correct :⇐⇒  pi si  For the moment, we do not define any other case properties that only consider characteristics of a single case, although we expect that the additional information component qi of a case naturally leads to more isolated case properties. For example, the information component qi enables control of time and usage aspects and then is able to indicate the necessity of maintenance based on these aspects. 4.2. Comparative Case Properties In this subsection we turn to comparative case properties that describe characteristics of single cases in relation to other cases. For all the following definitions in this subsection, we assume that each case is correct. Definition 6 (Consistency). Assume G ⊆ C and ci ∈ G. ci consistent within G :⇐⇒ ∄ci′ ∈ G : pi′ ⊆ pi ∧ si = si′ The first comparative case property describes consistency within a set of cases. A single case is consistent within a set of cases if and only if there does not exist any other case that solves the same or a more general problem differently. In general, this definition covers the issue of alternatives. We assume that for each possible problem there exists a “best” solution. Naturally, we want the case base to consist only of cases that have “best” solutions and hence do not allow alternative solutions, neither as an alternative mentioned in the same case nor as an extra case that has the same problem component but a different solution component. 220 Computational Intelligence However, we are aware that there possibly exist application domains where different, equally good solutions for the same problem make sense. In such domains, the consistency property indicates that such a situation of alternatives appears in the case base, and it is up to the CBR engineer to decide whether these alternatives are allowed in this specific context. Then we mark this decision within the information component qi of the respective cases and do not consider them as inconsistent anymore. In addition to alternative solutions, Definition 6 also covers situations where the subset relation between problem components with different solution components indicates that the more general problem definition possibly lacks some detailed information that is necessary to make the two cases distinctive. Definition 7 (Uniqueness). Assume G ⊆ C and ci ∈ G. ci unique within G :⇐⇒ ∄ci′ ∈ G ci′ = ci : pi′ = pi ∧ si = si′  Definition 7 declares a case as unique if and only if there does not exist another case within the considered set of cases that solves exactly the same problem in exactly the same way. Definition 8 (Minimality). Assume G ⊆ C and ci ∈ G. ci minimal within G :⇐⇒ ∄ci′ ∈ G : pi′  pi ∧ si = si′ A more general relation that covers a similar situation is subsumption (see Definition 8). A case subsumes another case if its problem component is a true subset of the problem component of the subsumed one and the solution component remains the same. The more specific problem characterization then possibly contains too many details unnecessary to specify the core problem. We call a case without any different case that subsumes it minimal. Definition 9 (Incoherence). Assume G ⊆ C, ci ∈ G, and 1 ≤  ∈ N. ci incoherent within G :⇐⇒ ∄ci′ ∈ G :| pi ∩ pi′ | + = Ni = Ni′ ∧ si = si′ The most complex comparative case property describes situations with two cases within a set of cases that coincide in most of its components except for a specific number  of values (see Definition 9). We call a case incoherent within a set of cases if and only if there does not exist any other case which overlaps with the case in too many components. We consider incoherent cases as positive because the more cases differ, the broader is the spectrum of problems that they cover. With parameter  we trigger the extent of overlapping information within coherent cases. For example, if  is 1, two cases are coherent if all their values are the same except for a single value (in each case). Note that this difference in a single component corresponds to a situation either with two different values for the same attribute or with different values for separate attributes. Example 2 (Case Properties). Assume G in Table 1 and  = 1. (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) c1 is consistent within G; c4 is not consistent within G except if s2 ≡ s3 ≡ s4 ≡ s5 . c1 is unique within G; c2 is not unique within G if s2 ≡ s3 . c1 is minimal within G; c5 is not minimal within G if s2 ≡ s5 or s3 ≡ s5 . c2 is incoherent within G; c6 is not incoherent within G if s1 ≡ s6 . Review and Restore for Case-Base Maintenance 221 4.3. Case-Base Properties In the previous two subsections we defined several case properties to reason about the quality of cases. Now we build on these characteristics and specify properties for sets of cases and hence for an entire case base that is simply a set of cases containing all cases in the case base. Definition 10 (Case-Base Properties). Assume G ⊆ C. (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (v) G G G G G is is is is is correct consistent unique minimal incoherent :⇐⇒ :⇐⇒ :⇐⇒ :⇐⇒ :⇐⇒ ∀ci ∀ci ∀ci ∀ci ∀ci ∈ G : ci ∈ G : ci ∈ G : ci ∈ G : ci ∈ G : ci correct. consistent within G. unique within G. minimal within G. incoherent within G. Since case properties started with a notion of correctness for single cases, we also define a notion of correctness for a set of cases (see Definition 10). This notion of correctness uses the correctness of single cases—a set of cases is correct if and only if all its cases are correct. In a similar vein, we also adopt the definition of consistent, unique, minimal, and incoherent. Definition 10 summarizes the extensions of these definitions for single cases to sets of cases in the same way as for correctness. 5. THE REVIEW STEP FOR CASE-BASE MAINTENANCE In this section we use the previously defined case and case-base properties to specify initial quality measures for the review step in CBR and describe example operators for monitoring the quality of a CBR system. The quality measures and their values have to reflect user requirements that usually ask for a small, comprehensive, and consistent case base. Second, these measures should be simple in the sense that their computation is possible in practice. Third, we also expect the measures to be application-independent and as system-independent as possible. Due to this requirement, we focus on more syntactical measures rather than semantic ones that additionaly use background knowledge from the specific application domain. 5.1. Degrees of Case-Base Properties We start the set of initial quality measures with several degrees of quality. Definition 11 summarizes degrees of correctness, consistency, uniqueness, minimality, and incoherence. Each of these degrees computes the number of “good” cases in terms of the defined case properties and divides this number by the total number of cases within the considered set of cases. Hence each degree counts the relative number of “good” cases within a given set of cases. Definition 11 (Degrees of Case-Base Properties). Assume C ⊆ is the set of all subsets of C. (i) D1 : C ⊆ → 0; 1 , D1 G := | ci ∈ G | ci correct | · | G |−1 (ii) D2 : C ⊆ → 0; 1 , D2 G := | ci ∈ G | ci consistent within G | · | G |−1 (iii) D3 : C ⊆ → 0; 1 , D3 G := | ci ∈ G | ci unique within G | · | G |−1 (iv) D4 : C ⊆ → 0; 1 , D4 G := | ci ∈ G | ci minimal within G | · | G |−1 (v) D5 : C ⊆ → 0; 1 , D5 G := | ci ∈ G | ci incoherent within G | · | G |−1 222 Computational Intelligence The purpose of the different degrees in terms of the maintenance steps in CBR is to get values that provide an indicator for the review step and the decision whether the case-base state is still good enough or not. In comparison with the case-base properties, these degrees enable a more fine-grained consideration of the characteristics of the case base. The previously defined case-base properties are essentially special cases for which each of the degrees yields value 1. 5.2. Case-Base Quality Measures Definition 12 shows three examples for quality measures in CBR that cumulate the various degrees specified above to a single overall value of case-base quality. The first variant considers the minimum value of degrees as the crucial number for quality control. For example, if we assume that we compare quality values with a given threshold to trigger the restore step, this means that quality control based on this measure invokes modify operators as soon as a single degree—regardless of which one—becomes inappropriate. The second example in Definition 12 does exactly the contrary. It starts to recommend changes to the case base only if all degrees depict the same bad quality. Definition 12 (Quality Measures). Assume C ⊆ is the set of all subsets of C, and w1 , w2 ,  w3 , w4 , w5 ∈ 0; 1 with x∈1 2 3 4 5 wx = 1. (i) Qmin : C ⊆ → 0; 1 , Qmin G := (ii) Qmax : C ⊆ → 0; 1 , Qmax G := (iii) Qw : C ⊆ → 0; 1 , Qw G := min Dx G max  Dx G x∈1 2 3 4 5 x∈1 2 3 4 5 x∈1 2 3 4 5 wx · Dx G The third measure is a compromise between these two extremes and considers the average degree value if we set all weights to the same value. On the other hand, this measure also allows the user to set preferences on specific aspects. For example, the user does not care about redundant cases at all and sets w3 to zero, but he or she does not want any inconsistencies within any subset of cases in the case base and consequently initializes w2 to a relatively high value. Example 3 (Quality Measures). Assume G in Table 1, G is correct, s1 ≡ s6 , s2 ≡ s3 ≡ s5 ,  = 1, and w1 := w2 := w3 := w4 := w5 := 1/5. Then, D1 G = 1, D2 G = 5/6, D3 G = 2/3, D4 G = 5/6, and D5 G = 2/3. Moreover, Qmin G = 2/3, Qmax G = 1, and Qw G = 4/5. We get more alternative quality measures if we allow the weights wx to be any function of G, or by adding aspects of time, or by taking into account measures of usage information, and so on. It is also possible to define quality measures that consider more than a single degree at a time. For example, we are able to compare two (or more) degree values and consider the absolute difference or their relation to each other. At this point, the concept of specifying quality-measures is sufficiently general to enable appropriate definitions of respective quality-control mechanisms in almost any domain. 5.3. Monitoring the Case-Base Quality As the second main activity in the review step of the maintenance phase in CBR, we have to monitor the different quality measures and decide when we must invoke the Review and Restore for Case-Base Maintenance 223 Dx 1 δ τ δD δt t t1 t2 t3 t4 t5 t6 t7 Figure 3. Example Monitor Operators. restore step according to the quality values. For this purpose, we define several example monitor operators below. Figure 3 presents an overview of three different strategies to monitor degrees Dx of different properties (or quality values Qx ). On the x axis we see different time stamps, and on the y axis we have the specific value for Dx (or Qx ) at a specific time stamp, respectively. Note that although Dx in Figure 3 is monotonically decreasing over time, this is not necessarily true in all occasions. If we only apply the first three steps in the CBR cycle, values of Dx (or Qx ) do not change at all. As soon as we start the maintenance phase with the retain step, the values for Dx (and Qx ) can either increase or decrease depending on the impact of the new cases. Since larger values of Dx refer to better case-base quality, it is the ultimate goal of the review and restore steps to increase values of Dx . Situations with increasing values of Dx are not shown in Figure 3; i.e., the curve in Figure 3 does not represent results of maintenance in CBR. Definition 13 (Monitor Operators). Assume C ⊆ is the set of all subsets of C, G ⊆ C, ′ Gt denotes G at time stamp t, x ∈ 1 2 3 4 5, t < t ′ ,  := D := Dx Gt  − Dx Gt , and t := t ′ − t.  0 if Dx Gt  > ⊆ t (i) M1 : C × 0; 1 → 0 1, M1 G  := 1 if Dx Gt  ≤  0 if  < ′ (ii) M2 : C ⊆ × C ⊆ × 0; 1 → 0 1, M2 Gt Gt  := 1 if  ≥  0 if D /t < ′ (iii) M3 : C ⊆ × C ⊆ × 0; ∞ → 0 1, M3 Gt Gt  := 1 if D /t ≥ Definition 13 specifies the three illustrated example monitor operators as indicator functions that return 0 if no restore step is necessary and 1 if the review step recommends performance of the restore step now. All definitions use a user-defined threshold that triggers the tolerances that are allowed for quality deficiencies. The first example monitor operator only considers a single value of one of the degrees Dx at a single time stamp t. If this value is above threshold , the relative frequency of positive cases with respect to one of the case properties within a set of cases G is still appropriate, and no actions to change the case base are necessitated. On the contrary, if the degree value is equal to or below , we assume that the quality of the case base is not suitable anymore. 224 Computational Intelligence The second and third monitor operators specify more fine-grained indicator functions because they consider two different states of the case base at two different time stamps; i.e., they judge the quality of the case base over time. M2 takes into account the absolute difference between two degree values regardless of the amount of time that lies between the two states, whereas M3 also considers the speed of decreasing quality. The faster the quality of the case base decreases, the sooner it is advisable to restore the case base. For t ′ − t → 0, M3 is the derivation of Dx . If we explicitly know the function Dx , we are able to directly compute the derivation at each time stamp. For both operators, it is generally useful to consider M1 in parallel because otherwise the quality possibly decreases to zero in small steps or slowly without any actions to increase the case-base quality at all. Note that as we have monitor operators M1 to M3 for Dx , we also have corresponding operators for Qx not shown in this article. For more advanced monitor operators, we expect to use more than a single curve of degree values in combination within the same operator definition. Thus we are able to unify information from different types of properties and to use their relations to each other. It is also possible to use visualization techniques as well as data mining methods. Both approaches can help to learn appropriate values for , or they enable strategies to predict future values of Dx in order to recognize problems in the case base even before they really occur. 6. THE RESTORE STEP FOR CBM If during the review step monitoring indicates problems with the case base, the restore step invokes specific modify operators to change the case base such that the quality of the case base increases to an acceptable level again. Usually, the restore step suggests modifications to the case base, but the final decision whether the suggested change is made or not is still the task of a human CBR engineer. We also imagine that the restore step suggests modifications plus an indication of the new quality value after the change is actually applied to the case base. Then it is easier to decide for the CBR engineer whether a specific modification actually leads to an improved case base or not. In this section we consider several classes of modify operators and analyze which case-or case base properties correspond to which operator. 6.1. Basic Modify Operators Basic modify operators work on single cases. They either add or remove a complete case or change (part of) one of the components of a single case. ∗ Definition 14 (Add Case). Assume C ⊆ is the set of all subsets of C, C ⊆ is the set of all subsets of C ∗ , G ⊆ C, and ci ∈ G. ∗ add : C ⊆ × C ∗ → C ⊆ add G ci  := G ∪ ci  The first simple modify operator adds a new case to a set of cases (see Definition 14). We assume that this new case is a meaningful potential case, i.e., a case that really makes sense in the application domain of the CBR system. We further assume—though not explicitly mentioned—that the case is correct. Review and Restore for Case-Base Maintenance 225 Definition 15 (Remove Case). Assume C ⊆ is the set of all subsets of C, G ⊆ C, and ci ∈ G. remove : C ⊆ × C → C ⊆ remove G ci  := G\ci  The second basic modify operator does exactly the opposite of the first one. It removes a single case from a set of cases (see Definition 15). Although we define this operator by set deletion, we expect that the remove operator is implemented by an additional flag within the information component qi of a case that indicates that this case is no longer available for solving novel problems. In this way, we are able to easily add this case by changing the flag value if for some reason this is valuable at a later stage of the CBR system. Modifications to the case base within the restore step are all realized by using the add and remove operators. If we apply one of the operators below that modifies a single case or combines two cases to a single new one, the modification of the case base refers to removing the old version of the case(s) and adding the new one. Definition 16 (Specialize Case). Assume ci = pi si qi , pi ∩ Vj = ∅, vjk ∈ Vj , and qi∗ is an adapted information component. specialize : C × V → C ∗ specialize ci vjk  := pi ∪ vjk  si qi∗  The third modify operator to support the restore step in CBM specializes a single case by adding a single value to the problem component for an attribute that is not yet represented in this case (see Definition 16). It is certainly also possible to specialize a single case by adding more than a single value. This operation simply refers to multiple applications of the specialize operator in Definition 16. As in Definition 14, we assume that the more specific problem component still results in a meaningful correct case. Definition 17 (Generalize Case). Assume ci = pi si qi , pi ∩ Vj = vjk , and qi∗ is an adapted information component. generalize : C × V → C ∗ generalize ci vjk  := pi \vjk  si qi∗  The next definition is again the inverse to the previous one. The generalize operator removes a single value from the problem component of a single case (see Definition 17). Again, it is also possible to apply this operator multiple times and hence remove more than a single value of a case. Definition 18 (Adjust Case). Assume ci = pi si qi , pi ∩ Vj = vjk , vjk = vjk′ ∈ Vj , and qi∗ is an adapted information component. adjust : C × V × V → C ∗ adjust ci vjk vjk′  := pi \vjk  ∪ vjk′  si qi∗  As an alternative to the previous two operators, we also define a modify operator that combines specialization and generalization. The adjust operator changes a single value in the problem component of a single case to a different value for the same attribute (see Definition 18). A more general change of attribute values is the modification of a single case by removing a specific value and adding another value but for a different attribute. This idea leads to the definition of an alter operator (see Definition 19). 226 Computational Intelligence Definition 19 (Alter Case). Assume ci = pi si qi , j = j ′ , pi ∩ Vj = vjk , pi ∩ Vj ′ = ∅, vj ′ k′ ∈ Vj ′ , and qi∗ is an adapted information component. alter : C × V × V → C ∗ alter ci vjk vj ′ k′  := pi \vjk  ∪ vj ′ k′  si qi∗  For all modify operators that change the problem component, we imagine similar operators that modify the solution component. However, in the current representation of solutions as any item, we are not able to specify such operators, and since we do not want to become application-dependent, we cannot specify the solution component in more detail across different domains. 6.2. More Complex Modify Operators In the previous subsection we specified various modify operators that add or remove complete cases or that change the problem component of a single case. Now we turn to more complex modify operators that work on more than a single case. For simplicity, we only define complex operators that have influence on two cases rather than on more than two cases. However, it is also possible to specify corresponding operators that manipulate three or even more cases in the same way. The idea of all operators below is to merge two (or more) cases to a new single one. The respective modification of the case base is then to remove the two (or more) original cases and to add the new case. In all situations, it is also necessary to generate an adapted information component qi∗ . Definition 20 (Cross Cases). Assume ci = pi si qi , ci′ = pi′ si′ qi′ , 1 ≤  ∈ N, | pi ∩ pi′ | + = Ni = Ni′ or pi  pi′ or pi′  pi , si = si′ , and qi∗ is an adapted information component. cross : C × C → C ∗ cross ci ci′  := pi ∩ pi′ si qi∗  The first two more complex modify operators deal with situations where two cases are coherent or one of them is not minimal. The cross operator suggests the intersection of the two problem components and hence the reduction of both cases to their common values (see Definition 20). In the case of incoherence, as in Definition 9, parameter  triggers the amount of overlapping information required. We also do not distinguish situations where the two cases have different values for the same attribute or have different values for different attributes. Definition 21 (Join Cases). Assume ci = pi si qi , ci′ = pi′ si′ qi′ , 1 ≤  ∈ N, | pi ∩ pi′ | + = Ni = Ni′ and ∀aj ∈ A :|  pi ∪ pi′ \ pi ∩ pi′  ∩ Vj |≤ 1 or pi  pi′ or pi′  pi , si = si′ , and qi∗ is an adapted information component. join : C × C → C ∗ join ci ci′  := pi ∪ pi′ si qi∗  The join operator is similar to the cross operator, but it brings together all the values of both problem components (see Definition 21). Moreover, we additionally require that the distinctive values in both cases refer to different attributes in order to avoid violation of the condition in Definition 2 that allows only a single value for an attribute. Review and Restore for Case-Base Maintenance 227 Definition 22 (Combine Cases). Assume ci = pi si qi , ci′ = pi′ si′ qi′ , | pi ∩ pi′ | +1 = Ni = Ni′ , ∃aj ∈ A ∃vjk vjk′ ∈ Vj : pi ∪ pi′ \ pi ∩ pi′  = vjk vjk′ , si = si′ , and qi∗ is an adapted information component. combine : C × C × V × V → C ∗ combine ci ci′ vjk vjk′  := pi ∩ pi′  ∪ vjk ∨ vjk′  si qi∗  The third way to merge two cases into a single new case is to combine two different values for the same attribute into a new value that consists of the disjunction of the two original values (see Definition 22). The new value then represents two alternative values for the same attribute that can both occur while still having the same solution. We only allow this type of combination if all other values of the two cases coincide and if both cases have the same solution component. Note that this modification requires changing the respective attribute domain, and the implementation of the retrieve step must be able to handle this representation of disjunctions properly. Definition 23 (Abstract Cases). Assume ci = pi si qi , ci′ = pi′ si′ qi′ , | pi ∩ pi′ | +1 = Ni = Ni′ , ∃aj ∈ A ∃vjk vjk′ ∈ Vj : pi ∪ pi′ \ pi ∩ pi′  = vjk vjk′ , a binary relation " ⊆ Vj × Vj , ∃vjk∗ ∈ Vj : vjk∗ " vjk ∧ vjk∗ " vjk′ , si = si′ , and qi∗ is an adapted information component. abstract : C × C × V × V → C ∗ abstract ci ci′ vjk vjk′  := pi ∩ pi′  ∪ vjk∗  si qi∗  The last way to merge cases requires the same assumptions as the combine operator plus a binary relation " on the attribute domain that is considered (see Definition 23). For example, such a relation corresponds to a hierarchy of values where the successor relation holds if the first value is more general (at a higher level in the hierarchy of values) than the second. If two cases are identical except for a single value within each problem component, and these two values have a common predecessor, we then can abstract both values to that predecessor and replace the two original values by the more abstract new value. 6.3. Relations Between Review and Restore for CBM In order to use the defined quality measures, monitor operators, and modify operators in a practical setting, it is important to know the relations between the review step and the restore step. The crucial question is which modify operator is useful to resolve Table 2. Relations Between Review and Restore for CBM Review Restore Not Not Not Not Not Remove, adjust, alter Remove, specialize, generalize, adjust, alter Remove Remove, specialize, generalize, adjust, alter, cross, join Remove, specialize, generalize, adjust, alter, combine, abstract, cross, join correct consistent unique minimal incoherent 228 Computational Intelligence which quality problem. Since the monitor operators point to cases with negative properties, we therefore have to consider the relation between the different case properties and the various modify operators. Table 2 shows initial examples of such relations between the five different case properties and the ten modify operators. We certainly never resolve a quality problem by adding additional cases because additional cases do not change the existing negative case properties; they possibly only result in new quality problems. Likewise, we are always able to improve the case-base quality by an application of the remove operator that deletes one of the cases with quality problems and hence yields an improvement of the overall case-base quality. However, it is also possible to optimize the case-base quality by changing or merging existing cases. For these situations, Table 2 suggests applicable and helpful modify operators for each case property. For example, if the review step detects an incorrect case, it is only possible to make the case correct by an application of adjust or alter. Other operators do not help here. Note that the relations shown in Table 2 assume that we do not want to resolve one quality problem by adding another. For example, if we apply specialize or generalize to make two redundant cases distinctive, we effectively construct a case that is not minimal. 7. INITIAL EVALUATION IN REAL-WORLD DOMAINS In this section we present several experimental results across various types of domains to test the appropriateness of the proposed concepts and methods for review and restore in CBM. 7.1. Three Types of Application Domains In order to back up the claim that the proposed concepts and methods for review and restore in CBM are suitable across different domains and applicable independent of the specific CBR system used, we selected three different types of application domains. The Siemens SIMATIC Knowledge Manager (Lenz et al. 1998) represents an application of textual CBR deploying tec:inno’s CBR system orenge. The central IT user help-desk at debis SH (Roth-Berghofer and Iglezakis 2000) is an example of conversational CBR and uses Inference’s k-Commerce Support Enterprise as the CBR system of choice. Finally, the selection of nine UCI data sets stands for structural CBR and applies basic nearest-neighbor methods as the representative of basic CBR techniques. The Siemens SIMATIC Knowledge Manager. The Siemens SIMATIC Knowledge Manager supports people within the customer support group of the department Automation and Drives. This knowledge manager uses textual CBR to answer questions posed by customers. The CBR approach reuses knowledge compiled in frequently asked questions as well as other types of documents. The current knowledge base that we assessed here contains about 25,000 documents. For the experiments, each document forms a case as a set of information entities constructed during the knowledgeacquisition process. Review and Restore for Case-Base Maintenance 229 The Central IT User HelpDesk at Debis SH. The central IT user help-desk at debis SH is one of the typical customer support sites where IT end users call the help-desk staff in case of any IT-related problem. Such problems cover all aspects of IT applications across hardware and software issues as well as other challenges that occur within that context. The current case base that we used for the experiments reported here contains approximately 1100 cases represented as dialogues of questions and answers. A Selection of UCI Data Sets. In addition to the two industrial domains, we also selected nine different data sets from the UCI machine-learning repository with different data characteristics. For simplicity, we preprocessed numeric attributes by a standard equal-width discretization approach. 7.2. Experimental Design In this article, we report on two classes of experiments. Within the first set of experiments with the two real-world domains at Siemens and debis SH, we took the case base as it is; computed the different degrees of consistency, uniqueness, minimality, and incoherence; and finally presented these values along with conflicting cases to domain experts. Note that we did not perform any experiments with correctness because correctness automatically leads to the question of solution quality, which we did not consider in this article. Within the second set of experiments using the UCI data sets, we conducted more complex tests simulating review and restore for CBM as part of classification tasks (Iglezakis and Anderson 2000). Therefore, we initially split the original data sets into five folds to perform five-fold cross-validation. In each run, four of the five folds form the case base, whereas the remaining one represents the test cases. As the classification algorithm, we applied a basic nearest-neighbor algorithm. The benchmark result was then the classification accuracy of the entire case base averaged with five-fold crossvalidation. In order to test the effects of the review and restore steps, we first computed the quality of the different case bases according to the specified degrees of case properties. Then we performed the following optimization process using the remove operator to restore the case base. We built a new case base for each property separately by starting with an empty case base, adding the first case to it without any concern, and then for each subsequent case we checked the entire current case base to see whether there exists any case in the case base that conflicts with the new case according to the concrete property. If there exist conflicting cases we removed them from the case base, whereas the new case was added to the case base. We decided to focus evaluation of the restore step on the modify operator restore because this operator is the only operator that is helpful in each situation of conflicting cases (see Table 2). In the end, the remaining optimized case base was used to classify the test set again, and we compared accuracies of the raw case base and the optimized one. 7.3. Experimental Results Table 3 summarizes experimental results of the different types of experiments. The columns show the case-base name (C), the values for the degrees of consistency (D2 C), uniqueness (D3 C), minimality (D4 C), and incoherence with  = 1 (D5 C), as well as the case-base size without (| C |) and with optimization (| Cx∗ |) and classification accuracies (A C and A Cx∗ , respectively) if applicable. 230 Computational Intelligence Table 3. C Experimental Results in different Real–World Domains D2 C D3 C D4 C D5 C Siemens 054 100 100 100 debis SH 082 099 099 059 Annealing 095 082 078 023 Audiology 100 083 098 077 Australian 099 099 100 083 099 099 099 083 Housing 099 098 100 093 Pima 100 099 100 086 Soybean 099 098 099 074 045 071 023 045 100 044 100 017 Credit scoring Voting records Zoo |C| | C2∗ | | C3∗ | | C4∗ | | C5∗ | A C A C2∗  A C3∗  A C4∗  A C5∗  25551 — — — — — 1129 — — — — — — — — — — — — — 6376 6252 5748 5512 3234 097 1600 070 5520 081 5520 079 4048 031 6144 065 2456 092 3480 093 808 095 097 1600 070 5506 081 5506 080 4042 031 6144 065 2444 092 2164 091 808 095 097 1452 069 5486 081 5490 079 4014 030 6120 065 2432 092 2806 093 504 095 097 1566 070 5520 081 5514 079 4048 031 6144 065 2450 092 1192 091 808 095 097 1382 071 5034 079 4988 079 3902 030 5698 065 2128 091 1912 092 304 092 Within the Siemens and debis SH domains, the degrees of consistency, uniqueness, minimality, and incoherence proved their purpose in that there are in fact cases that violate the desired properties. In both domains, it is interesting to see that the main quality problems in the case base result from conflicts according to consistency or incoherence. Moreover, when we presented these values along with the conflicting cases to the domain experts, they saw the responsible problems in the case base and agreed to the need for modifications to improve the quality of the case base. For example, in the debis SH domain, we detected several pairs of cases with very similar problem descriptions but with different solutions that normally resulted from identical cases for different customers in different parts of the case base. Only in a few exceptional situa- Review and Restore for Case-Base Maintenance 231 tions were such cases customer-dependent—in most of these situations it was posssible to define more general cases that abstract from the specific customer and that hold across all customers with this concrete problem. However, we identified potentials for improvement of the proposed concepts in case of textual CBR because we expect more appropriate results if the definitions of the case properties were less syntactic but more semantic and additionally took text analysis capabilities into account. In the specific Siemens domain presented here, we also encountered a specific challenge of how to set the solution component that results from the fact that the case base in this domain contains different document types. Therefore, we decided to take the solution identifier as a representation of the solution. Since all identifiers are unique, this means that for all pairs of cases, the solution components differ. This is the reason why D3 C, D4 C, and D5 C are all equal to 1.00. For all the nine UCI data sets, Table 3 again shows that the proposed quality measures are able to point to existing problems in the case base. Specific values vary across the different data characteristics but usually indicate quality deficiencies for at least two of the case properties. Usually, we observe minimum values for the incoherence property except for the Voting Records domain, where the minimality property results in the lowest degree. In this specific domain, we had to deal with many unknown or missing values. Hence it is likely that there exist many pairs of cases where one case subsumes the other according to some unspecified values in the case representation. For the restore step, we see that the optimization with operator remove usually results in smaller case bases while mostly preserving classification accuracies. On average, we also recognize that the higher the potential for optimization is (indicated by lower degree values), the smaller is the resulting case base after optimization. Hence the order of magnitude of the proposed quality measures is also appropriate to predict the number of cases that we can save without losing classification quality. In conclusion, the experiments and their results show that the proposed concepts and methods for CBM are able to point to quality problems in different types of realworld case bases independent of the CBR system used. Moreover, the experiments also indicate that the modify operators are an instrument to optimize the quality of case bases, again applicable in different types of domains and for varying sorts of CBR systems. 8. RELATED WORK The definition of the two additional steps review and restore in the maintenance phase of the CBR cycle presented in this article is the consequence of consolidating previous discussions and efforts to enhance the existing standard CBR process toward maintenance capabilities. All previous efforts recognize that the first three steps in the current CBR cycle sufficiently cover tasks for using a CBR system to solve problems in novel situations but that the retain step is not adequate to keep the CBR system in a usable state over time. For example, in terms of the framework for describing CBM policies (Leake and Wilson 1998), the two novel steps review and restore roughly refer to the triggering and execution component of the framework, respectively. The defined quality measures, along with the exemplified monitor operators, serve as instances of the timing dimension, whereas the described modify operators are specific examples of maintenance operations that are executed during the maintenance phase in CBR. 232 Computational Intelligence The conclusion of discussions in the workshop “Automating the Construction of Case-Based Reasoners” at IJCAI in 1999 (Watson 1999) also was to propose two new steps: review and reflect. Their review step is inserted before the retain step and covers tasks to assess the quality of a single case before adding the case to the case base. Thus this review step ensures that only interesting and valuable cases are stored. The second additional step in their proposal reflects on feature weights, similarity metrics, case coverage, etc. In comparison with our approach, their review step is much more restrictive because it only considers single cases without their relation to other cases in the case base, whereas their reflect step corresponds more to our review step. However, we are not aware of any research that follows up these ideas and develops methods to implement these two steps. Another example to extend the CBR cycle to deal with maintenance issues is presented by Göker and Roth-Berghofer (1999). They propose to add a second cycle to the existing four steps. They define an application cycle and a maintenance cycle similar to the two phases that we separate in this article. The application cycle contains the steps retrieve, reuse, revise, and recycle, whereas the maintenance cycle consists of the steps retain and refine. In their work, they argue that the retain task covers review activtities, but again only for single cases. Their refine step is similar to the reflect step above plus activities that we describe in the restore step. Again, measures to assess the case-base quality and operations to refine it are not specified in detail. Beyond related work on extensions of the standard four–step CBR cycle, there also exist approaches to come up with specific concepts to support the review and restore steps for CBM. Most of them rely on specific measures to evaluate characteristics of the case base and ad hoc methods to change the case-base contents if necessary. Racine and Yang (1996, 1997) define inconsistency and redundancy measures for maintenance of large and unstructured case bases. They distinguish intra-case and intercase measures that depend on the availability and use of background knowledge. In their 1997 article, they suggest several criteria such as revision effort, retrieval cost, relevancy, and abstractness to evaluate case bases. Focusing on redundancy and inconsistency detection, Racine and Yang (2000) extend their research to large and semistructured case bases. Aha (1991) uses performance measures to drive different case-addition strategies (CBL1–4). Furthermore, Aha and Breslow (1997) use guidelines from CBR software vendors to optimize conversational CBR systems. Smyth and Keane (1995) optimize the contents of the case base to preserve its competence by deleting cases based on the measures coverage and reachability. They define coverage of a case as the set of all problems in the problem space that can be solved by this case through adaptation and specify reachability of a case as the set of all cases that are used to solve this case through adaptation. Because coverage and reachability are not computable in general, they suggest to use heuristics based on the assumption that the problem distribution in the case base is representative. Smyth and McKenna (1998) suggest additional measures called case density and group density to support the modeling of competent CBR systems. They also describe a case-authoring system that provides visual feedback on the competence of individual cases and groups of cases. Another strategy of competence preserving is presented by Zhu and Yang (1999). The advantage of their algorithm is that they are able to place a lower bound on the competence of the resulting case base. Their strategy is a case-addition rather than a case-deletion policy as defined by Smyth and Keane. Review and Restore for Case-Base Maintenance 233 Finally, one of the few references that describe concrete operations to deal with the maintenance problem in CBR presents potential modify operators for the vocabulary knowledge container (Heister and Wilke 1998) rather than for the case-base knowledge container as proposed in this article. All in all, this related work on concepts for review and restore mainly aims at much more semantic approaches that involve use of background knowledge, whereas our approach attempts to define more syntactical and domain-independent measures and operations. In this respect, we view existing work toward review and restore for CBM as domain-dependent example specializations of the general concepts defined in this article, and we argue that the proposed six–step CBR cycle and its methods open a broader perspective for CBM in general. 9. CONCLUDING REMARKS In summary, we considered CBM as one of the most important issues in current CBR research and suggested two additional steps, review and restore, within the maintenance phase of the CBR process. For the review step, we proposed several quality measures based on case and case-base properties as well as a set of example monitor operators to control the quality of the case base. For the restore step, we defined different modify operators and discussed their relation to the review step. The initial experimental evaluation shows that the proposed concepts and methods are promising for different types of application domains using different sorts of CBR systems. Our suggestions for future work point in several directions. First, we plan to further analyze the specified mechanisms, their relation to each other, and how they relate to case-base characteristics. Second, we plan to enhance the current mechanisms for monitoring and modifying the case-base quality in several respects. For example, the current definition of quality measures considers local similarity only as a matching function—for this aspect we also plan to extend our definitions to other, more fine-grained local similarity measures. Another example are enhancements that specifically take into account the nature of textual CBR, for instance, and that define specialized concepts and methods for this purpose. Moreover, extensions to other knowledge containers beyond the case base are an important issue for future work, too. Here we also think of more general concepts using visualization and data-mining techniques. Finally, another important aspect is continuation of the evaluation and further analyses of the experimental results. In particular, we have to conduct more experiments to test the effectiveness of all modify operators not yet analyzed within the studies presented here. All these studies and analyses will help to make the proposed framework and its methods a powerful tool for CBR engineers in practice to maintain their case bases and to improve their performance daily. REFERENCES Aamodt, A., and E. Plaza. 1994. Case-based reasoning: Foundational issues, methodological variations, and system approaches. AI communications 7(1):39–59. Aha, D. W. 1991. Case-based learning algorithms. In Proceedings of the DARPA Case-Based Reasoning Workshop, Morgan Kaufmann, San Mateo, CA, pp. 147–158. Aha, D. W., and L. A. Breslow. 1997. Refining conversational case libraries. In Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Case-Based Reasoning. Springer-Verlag, Berlin, pp. 267–278. Göker, M., and T. Roth-Berghofer. 1999. The development and utilization of the case-based helpdesk support system HOMER, Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence, 12(6):665–680. 234 Computational Intelligence Heister, F., and W. Wilke. 1998. 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