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2007, Blackwell Companion to the History of the Book
11 pages
1 file
Political vitriol spilled over into violence recently with the assassination attempt on ex-President Donald Trump, prompting pundits and politicians to preach for unity. President Biden addressed the nation to call for national unity in response to the increasingly violent political atmosphere, asking everyone to tone down the negativity. In a nation increasingly divided, unity seems the only solution to avoid further disintegration of our nation. Unity, however, is a lot like peace. It’s sounds great to want peace, but what is its price?
University of Texas at Austin
In Xenophon’s Hellenica, or “Greek Affairs” from 404-362 BCE, both empire and its absence entail characteristic advantages and disadvantages. An international arrangement without empire is necessarily one of empire-seekers; and the quest for empire is, while impressive, also a risky and destabilizing enterprise. Xenophon illuminates these aspects of empire in the Hellenica by drawing our attention to the rise and fall of three empire-seekers, thereby revealing the considerable advantages that such human beings bring with them to political life. These advantages consist, above all, in dependable order, foresight regarding future contingencies, and the capacity on the part of rulers to anticipate such contingencies. By the same token, Xenophon reveals what political life lacks when empire is absent in the international sphere: A crucial cause of Greece’s confusion and disorder is the absence of any single man or city capable of imposing stable rule through empire. More specifically, however, Xenophon depicts surpassingly capable potential rulers—most notably, Alcibiades, Thrasybulus, and Jason of Pherai—coming to premature ruin. One of the core questions of the Hellenica, then, concerns why all of Greece’s empire-seekers fail in their ambitions, as well as how they achieve their successes initially. Is it by the “science of empire,” evinced most clearly by Cyrus the Great, the main character of Xenophon’s historical novel, The Education of Cyrus? Or do chance, or providential deities, play a greater role in the initial successes, as well as in the ultimate failures, of Xenophon’s failed imperialists than we might at first realize?
Pontificio Consiglio per i Laici - Città del Vaticano, 5 marzo 2005
Laicità e laicismo Un malinteso senso della "laicità" dello Stato talvolta ha portato alcuni a considerare l'esternazione della ragione di fede, quale la testimonianza cristiana nella cosa pubblica e l'esposizione dei simboli della fede, come delle mancanze di rispetto dei diritti di "tutti i cittadini" e del rispetto del dettame costituzionale dello Stato "laico", come quello italiano.
Journal of Environmental Management, 2017
Plastic plays an important role in our daily lives due to its versatility, light weight and low production cost. Plastics became essential in many sectors such as construction, medical, engineering applications, automotive, aerospace, etc. In addition, economic growth and development also increased our demand and dependency on plastics which leads to its accumulation in landfills imposing risk on human health, animals and cause environmental pollution problems such as ground water contamination, sanitary related issues, etc. Hence, a sustainable and an efficient plastic waste treatment is essential to avoid such issues. Pyrolysis is a thermo-chemical plastic waste treatment technique which can solve such pollution problems, as well as, recover valuable energy and products such as oil and gas. Pyrolysis of plastic solid waste (PSW) has gained importance due to having better advantages towards environmental pollution and reduction of carbon footprint of plastic products by minimizing the emissions of carbon monoxide and carbon dioxide compared to combustion and gasification. This paper presents the existing techniques of pyrolysis, the parameters which affect the products yield and selectivity and identify major research gaps in this technology. The influence of different catalysts on the process as well as review and comparative assessment of pyrolysis with other thermal and catalytic plastic treatment methods, is also presented.
Heute verzichten wir mal auf diesen Quatsch und kommen gleich zum Eigentlichen. … Mein lieber Claus, schrieben wir nicht gerade noch das Jahr 1977? Keineswegs in fernen Galaxien, sondern im ‚goldische Meenz' am Rhein da waren zwei Studenten, der eine müde der ewig in Afrika herumstöbernden Ethnologie, der andere überdrüssig einer allzu klassischen Klassischen Philologie. Genau das brauchte es, um mal so richtig fremd zu gehen … auf dem langen, schummrigen Korridor im dritten Stock des Philosophicums, ganz am Ende, kurz vorm Lift, der einen stets wieder auf den Boden der Realität zurückbrachte, eben da oben, hinter den geschlossenen Türen, strahlte ex oriente lux. Neben Temüdschin, seiner Börte, wilden Horden von Mongolen und Tataren und einem enthaupteten Khan trafen wir hier auch die für unsere weitere Karriere so bestimmende Persönlichkeit, Johannes Benzing, der uns mit seiner einnehmenden Art nicht nur in die Geheime Geschichte der Mongolen, sondern auch in die Geheimnisse der Welt der Türken, Mongolen, Tungusen in all ihren Facetten einführte und stets neue Horizonte sich auftun ließ. Schnell schon strandeten wir am Gestade der behäbigen Wolga, in Kazan und Astrahan… die Geburtsstunde des Wolga-Duos. Nun nahm alles seinen Lauf… Und heute wirst Du sechzig. Das behaupten jedenfalls die Herausgeber dieses Bandes steif und fest. Wie auch immer, feiere Deinen Geburtstag einfach so, wie Du Dich-jung-fühlst. Ich wünsch' Dir das Beste und, dass noch viele weitere unbeschwerte Geburtstage dazukommen. Als Festgabe anbei ein Pöttchen durchdrungen von āb-i ḥayāt, alias materia etymologica.
I Dialoghi della Comunità con le Comunità Carismatiche Cattoliche, Evangeliche e Non-denominazionali negli Sati Uniti.
In Tempi di Unità, Periodico della Comunità di Gesù, 3 maggio 2005.
Este artigo mapeia a atuação humanitária do Brasil desde a virada do milênio e sua relevância para um caso concreto: o conflito na Síria. Identificamos três principais áreas de atuação: participação em debates normativos e em tentativa de mediação por meio do Fórum de Diálogo IBAS (Índia, Brasil e África do Sul); doações financeiras e de alimentos e materiais emergenciais; e concessão de vistos humanitários a indivíduos afetados pela crise na Síria que buscam refúgio no Brasil. Além disso, a coo- peração para o desenvolvimento com outros países da região, so- bretudo os que vêm recebendo fluxos substantivos de refugiados, contribui para o peacebuilding no entorno da Síria. No entanto, o papel do Brasil como ator humanitário está fortemente sujeito a oscilações econômicas e reorientações políticas, e o engajamento da sociedade civil brasileira em assuntos e iniciativas humanitárias ainda é incipiente, o que também contribui para a institucionali- zação ainda relativamente baixa da ajuda humanitária brasileira. Palavras-chave: Brasil, Síria, ajuda humanitária, cooperação, con- flito, guerra. (in English) This chapter maps Brazil's humanitarian role since the turn of the millennium and its relevance to the conflict in Syria. We identify three main areas of action: participation in normative debates and in mediation attempts via the IBSA (India, Brazil and South Africa) Dialogue Forum; emergency donations; and the granting of humanitarian visas to individuals affected by the Syrian war that seek refugee status in Brazil. In addition, Brazil's development cooperation with other countries in the region, especially those that have received significant inflows of refugees, contributes towards peacebuilding efforts in Syria's neighbourhood. However, Brazil's role as a humanitarian actor is strongly subject to economic oscillations and political winds of change, and the engagement by Brazilian civil society is still at an incipient stage. All of this reflects a relatively low level of institutionalisation of Brazilian humanitarian assistance. Keywords: Brazil, Syria, humanitarian, conflict, mediation
American Journal of Applied Linguistics (AJAL), 2024
Published by American Journals Publishing Center, USA. Website: When teaching translation, it is important to prioritize translation competence to facilitate cultural communication. However, while promoting cultural nationality in communication can help maintain diversity and balance cultural ecosystems, it may also impede understanding between different peoples. Using effective translation strategies can improve both translation competence and communication. Chinese students who struggle with English and Chinese language skills face particularly challenging obstacles in this area. This paper explores these issues and presents innovative teaching methods, translation strategies, and approaches to preserving cultural nationality while sharing Chinese culture with the world. The paper is divided into three parts. Part I outlines the steps to enhance translation competence in Chinese-English and English-Chinese translation. Part II advocates for maintaining cultural nationality while using foreignization strategies to communicate Chinese culture worldwide. Part III offers case analyses of how ideology can be reflected and refracted through translated works that highlight cultural nationality. The author of the paper hopes these insights will be helpful for translators in training, as well as for preserving cultural nationality and promoting effective communication of Chinese culture.
Chemical engineering transactions, 2017
Progressive freeze concentration method using stainless steel coil crystallizer was performed to concentrate and purify water from lake in Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, UTM. The study focused on the effect of operation time in range of 5 to 25 min and coolant temperature in range of-5 to-17 °C with constant pump rotation (450 rpm), initial biological oxygen demand (16.83 mg/L), total suspended solid (566 mg/mL) and turbidity (300 NTU). In water treatment using this progressive freeze concentration setup, a layer of pure ice crystal is produced on the inner wall of the crystallizer, leaving behind concentrated mother liquor. In order to determine the efficiency of the process, values of parameters such as biological oxygen demand (BOD5), total suspended solids (TSS) and water turbidity were measured. High system efficiency was observed at coolant temperature of-11 °C and operation time of 10 min giving BOD: 2.23 and 2.47 mg/L TSS: 28 and 36 mg/L and turbidity 1.22 and 1.25 NTU, respectively. The current technology of crystallizer design was found to be relevant to reduce BOD5, TSS and turbidity of water lake.
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Journal of Contemporary Issues and Thought, 2017
Narrativas imagéticas, diversidades e tecnologias digitais
International scientific conference ”Man in the world of culture: problems of science and education”, 2020
Artificial Cells, Nanomedicine, and Biotechnology, 2017
Interações, 2010
Journal of Clinical Microbiology, 2011
THURSDAY, 14 JUNE 2018:, 2018
Medical Hypotheses, 2020
Education Sciences, 2025
J. Risk Financial Manag. 2024, 17(8), 376; , 2024