CV with publications and talks

Curriculum Vitae TASSOS PAPACOSTAS _______________________________________________________________________________________________ Department of Classics, King’s College London, Strand, London WC2R 2LS, U.K. / _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ CURRENT / PREVIOUS POSITIONS KING’S COLLEGE LONDON 2023- Reader in Byzantine and Medieval culture Department of Classics 2011-23 Lecturer / Senior Lecturer in Byzantine material culture Centre for Hellenic Studies / Department of Classics 2006-2011 RCUK Fellow in Byzantine material culture Department of Byzantine & Modern Greek Studies 2001-2006 Research Associate at the Prosopography of the Byzantine World (PBW), a British Academy project funded by the Arts and Humanities Research Council 2001-2004 Visiting Research Fellow, Department of Byzantine & Modern Greek Studies INSTITUTE OF HISTORICAL RESEARCH, UNIVERSITY OF LONDON 1999-2000 Past and Present Postdoctoral Research Fellow in History EDUCATION UNIVERSITY OF OXFORD, EXETER COLLEGE 1995-2000 D.Phil. in Classical Archaeology: Byzantine Cyprus: the testimony of its churches examined by Prof. Slobodan Ćurčić (Princeton) and Prof. John Martindale (Oxford) 1993-1995 M.Phil. in Classical Archaeology: Medieval Byzantine urban churches in Cyprus KING’S COLLEGE LONDON 1992-1993 Master of Arts in Late Antique and Byzantine Studies, with distinction 1991-1992 Diploma in Byzantine Studies, First Class ECOLE D’ARCHITECTURE PARIS-LA-SEINE (UP 9), PARIS 1987-1991 Diplôme d'Architecte DPLG, 'à l'unanimité et avec les félicitations du jury' 1985-1987 Diplôme d'Études Fondamentales en Architecture (DEFA) RESEARCH INTERESTS Archaeology, architecture and economic history of Byzantium and the Levant from Late Antiquity to the late medieval period; Cyprus from Late Antiquity to the Renaissance; the impact and manifestations of Venetian (and all’antica) architecture in the Eastern Mediterranean; the evolution of settlement patterns and urban development. Papacostas CV 2 AWARDS __________________________________________________________________________________ • Princeton University: Stanley J. Seeger Visiting Fellowship in Hellenic Studies (JanuaryMay 2020) • A.G. Leventis Foundation (Cyprus): project CI for Articulating Greek Visual Identity in the ‘Long’ Middle Ages: An Ecclesiastical, Social and Architectural History of the Bedestan in Nicosia (PI Michalis Olympios, University of Cyprus 2017-19) • A.G. Leventis Foundation (Cyprus): project CI for The Church of the Transfiguration at Sotera (Famagusta District) in Context: History – Architecture – Murals (PI Maria Parani, University of Cyprus 2015-17) • European Commission: Byzantine seals in a digital age (King’s College London, 2015-17) • A.G. Leventis Foundation (Cyprus): project grant for Digital Gazetteer of Medieval Cyprus (King’s College London, 2013-15) • Fondazione Giorgio Cini (Venice): Research fellowship (January-March 2015) • Gladys Krieble Delmas Foundation (New York): grants for study in Venice (2007, 2015) • Dumbarton Oaks, Washington D. C.: Summer Program in Byzantine coins & seals (2002), Summer Fellowship in Byzantine Studies (2004) • The Hellenic Foundation Award for the best doctoral thesis in the United Kingdom in the medieval history category (2002) CONFERENCE ORGANIZATION __________________________________________________________________________________ • New perspectives on late medieval and Renaissance Cyprus, organized with Thomas Kaffenberger (King’s College London, 28.2.2014) • Bizans: New perspectives from Turkey in Byzantine studies, seminar series organized with Ioanna Rapti (King’s College London, 8.10.2013-10.12.2013) • Cyprus and Cilicia, 12th-14th centuries: material aspects of the world of the Crusades, Joint Newton Fellowship and Annual ICS Byzantine Colloquium, organized with Ioanna Rapti (Institute of Classical Studies, London 10-11.6.2013) • Chypre entre l’orient et l’occident, Round table at the XXII International Byzantine Congress, organized with Svetlana Bliznyuk (Sofia 25.8.2011) • Identity and identities in late medieval Cyprus, Joint Newton Fellowship and Annual ICS Byzantine Colloquium, organized with Guillaume Saint-Guillain (Institute of Classical Studies, London 13-14.6.2011) • Thyrathen: Secular splendours of Byzantium: workshop organized with Dionysios Stathakopoulos (King’s College London 6.12.2008) • Words inscribed: panel session examining the uses of inscriptions in medieval Byzantium, for the XXIst International Byzantine Congress (London, 22.8.2006) • Continuity and change in a medieval society: the transition of Cyprus from Byzantine province to Crusader kingdom: workshop organized with Ioanna Christoforaki in honour of A.H.S. Megaw with the support of the A.G. Leventis Foundation under the auspices of the Centre for Hellenic Studies (King’s College London, 8.12.2001) Papacostas CV 3 PAPERS READ __________________________________________________________________________________ 1996 1. Medieval Byzantine urban churches in Cyprus, Late Antique and Byzantine seminar (Oxford 26.2.1996) 1997 2. Medieval Byzantine monastic foundations in Cyprus, Late Antique and Byzantine Archaeology seminar (Oxford 27.5.1997) 1998 3. Venetians in 12th-century Cyprus, 32nd Spring Symposium of Byzantine Studies (Brighton 27.3.1998) 4. The Polis Archaeological Project, Late Antique and Byzantine Archaeology seminar (Oxford 10.11.1998) 1999 5. The economy of late antique Cyprus, Economy and exchange in the east Mediterranean conference (Oxford 29.5.1999) 6. Cyprus in the medieval Mediterranean, Medieval Mediterranean seminar (Oxford 2.12.1999) 2000 7. Byzantine Nicosia, Late Antique and Byzantine Archaeology seminar (Oxford 7.3.2000) 8. Rural communities in late medieval Cyprus: the evidence of manuscript notes, Byzantine & medieval world seminar (Cambridge 17.11.2000) 2001 9. The Black Death in Cyprus, Late Antique and Byzantine seminar (Oxford 30.1.2001) 10. Early medieval Nicosia, Early Medieval seminar, Institute of Historical Research (London 7.3.2001) 11. Le massif du Troodos en Chypre au moyen âge, XXth International Byzantine Congress (Paris 24.8.2001) 12. Rural settlements in 12th/13th-century Cyprus: the architectural evidence, Continuity and Change conference (London 8.12.2001) 2002 13. The Bryennioi: prosopography and seals, Dumbarton Oaks Summer program in Byzantine coins & seals (Washington D.C. 22.7.2002) 2003 14. Architectural historiography and the Crusades, Centre for Hellenic Studies Seminar, KCL (London 3.11.2003) 2004 15. Architecture et communautés étrangères aux XIème et XIIème siècles, Identités croisées en un milieu méditerranéen: Le cas de Chypre (Rouen 12.3.2004) 16. Michael Psellos and his son-in-law, Prosopography Workshop, British Academy (London 14.5.2004) 2005 17. Aspects of 11th-century architecture, Late Antique and Byzantine Archaeology Seminar (Oxford 20.5.2005) 18. Lead seals in an electronic prosopography: the PBW way, Numistatic, sphragistic and epigraphic contributions to the history of the Black Sea coast conference (Varna 17.9.2005) 19. In search of a lost Byzantine monument: Saint Sophia of Nicosia, Byzantine, Ottoman & Modern Greek Seminar (Birmingham 8.12.2005) 2006 20. Late antique basilica, Crusader cathedral, Ottoman bazaar: Saint Sophia(s?) in Nicosia, Late Antique and Byzantine Seminar (Oxford 10.2.2006) 21. The dividends of piety and fear: patronage at a rural Orthodox monastery in the Lusignan era, 41st International Congress in Medieval Studies (Kalamazoo 5.5.2006) 2007 22. The Crusader States and Cyprus in a thirteenth-century prosopography, British Academy colloquium on the Eastern Mediterranean in the thirteenth century (London 31.3.2007) Papacostas CV 4 23. “Built in the worst Gothic taste”: Late medieval architecture on Cyprus, Glasgow Hellenic Society (Glasgow 25.4.2007) 24. A re-appraisal of Franco-Byzantine architecture on Cyprus, Late Antique and Byzantine Seminar (Oxford 16.5.2007) 25. Byzantine, Gothic or Franco-Byzantine? BSA Conference (Toronto 14.10.2007) 2008 26. The building activity and material culture of Venetian Cyprus: a reassessment of the evidence, International Congress of Cypriot Studies (Nicosia 1.5.2008) 27. The monastery of Saint John Chrysostomos at Koutsovendis and its Syro-Palestinian roots, Late Antique and Byzantine Seminar (Oxford 28.5.2008) 28. Byzantine, Gothic, or ‘franco-byzantine’? Some aspects of late medieval architecture on Cyprus, Towards rewriting? New approaches to Byzantine art and archaeology, Jagiellonian University (Krakow 9.9.2008) 29. Byzantium and Venice in the architecture of 16th-c. Cyprus, Encounters between East and West in the Byzantine World, Finnish Society for Byzantine Studies (Helsinki 3.10.2008) 30. Byzantine Famagusta: an oxymoron? and Echoes of the Renaissance: building activity in Venetian Famagusta, Medieval Famagusta workshop, University of Cyprus (Nicosia 2526.10.2008) 2010 31. Identifying Venetian sources in the architectural production of 16th-century Cyprus: the neglected case of religious buildings, Cyprus and Venice in the era of Caterina Cornaro, German Centre for Venetian Studies / University of Münster (Venice 15-18.9.2010) 32. Pilgrimage, architecture, and the cult of the Holy Cross in medieval Cyprus, Forschungskolloquium, University of Münster (Münster 10.11.2010) 33. The cult of the True Cross and the architectural setting of pilgrimage in Byzantine Cyprus, Late Antique and Byzantine art and archaeology seminar, University of Oxford (Oxford 2.12.2010) 34. Renaissance architecture in Venetian Cyprus: how much was there? Late Antique and Byzantine Studies seminar, King’s College London (London 7.12.2010) 2011 35. Problems of classification and interpretation: a group of late medieval churches on Cyprus, Medieval Visual Culture seminar, University of Oxford (Oxford 11.2.2011) 36. Decoding Cyprus, from Byzantium to the Renaissance: Discordant visions – sacred topography, keynote lecture at Dumbarton Oaks workshop on medieval Cyprus (Washington D.C. 1.4.2011) 37. Oppression and exploitation or prosperity and growth? Views on Venetian Cyprus, Stato da mar: art, antiquities and cultural exchange in the Venetian maritime empire conference, Università Ca’ Foscari (Venice 6.7.2011) 38. Patronage in Venetian Cyprus: The case of Zegno Singlitico and his family, XXII International Byzantine Congress (Sofia 25.8.2011) 39. L’architecture médio-byzantine de Chypre, Ecole du Louvre seminar (Paris 22.11.2011) 2012 40. The Troodos Mountains: “un des no man’s lands les plus caractéristiques de Méditerranée, refuge des pauvres, des bandits, des hors-la-loi”?, The archaeology of Late Antique and Byzantine Cyprus conference, University of Cyprus (Nicosia 20.10.2012) 41. Architectures de pèlerinage à Chypre, Chypre byzantine colloquium, Louvre Museum (Paris 21.11.2012) 2013 42. Mountain valleys and settlement in medieval Cyprus: the Troodos massif in the Byzantine period, Annual lecture of the SPBS and the British School at Athens (London 21.5.2013) Papacostas CV 5 43. Cyprus and Cilicia: introductory remarks, Cyprus and Cilicia, 12th-14th c.: material aspects of the world of the Crusades colloquium, Senate House (London 10.6.2013) 44. The evolution of highland settlement in Byzantine Cyprus, Late Antique and Byzantine Seminar (Oxford 16.10.2013) 45. L’énigme de l’église de Saint-Mamas à Saint-Sozomène/Potamia, Journée d’étude: Histoire et archéologie de l’architecture franque à Chypre (Aix-en-Provence 4.11.2013) 2014 46. ‘...for holy and very great works are also in need of great expenditure’. Monasteries, landownership and church building on Byzantine Cyprus, Othello’s Island 2014 conference, Cornaro Institute, Cyprus College of Art (Larnaca 11.4.2014) 47. Antiquité classique et architecture byzantine, Ecole du Louvre seminar (Paris 21.10.2014) 48. Renaissance portrait medals for eminent Cypriots: an untold yet telling tale, International conference on The art and archaeology of Lusignan and Venetian Cyprus (1192-1571): Recent research and new discoveries, University of Cyprus (Nicosia 13.12.2014) 2015 49. Inconsequential oddity or established practice? evidence about musical life on Venetian Cyprus, Round Table at the 61st annual meeting of the Renaissance Society of America conference (Berlin 26.3.2015) 50. Where Byzantine, Gothic and Renaissance traditions crossed paths, 48th Spring Byzantine Symposium, The Open University (Milton Keynes 29.3.2015) 51. The Byzantine tradition in late medieval Cyprus and the urban / rural divide, Medieval art history seminar, Université de Fribourg (Fribourg 19.5.2015) 52. Music loving magnates in Venetian Cyprus: The evidence of the Terzo libro di madrigali a quattro voci by Giandomenico Martoretta, International workshop in honour of Prof. Benjamin Arbel: Venetian rule in the Eastern Mediterranean 1400 – 1700. Empires, connectivities and environments, Venice International University (San Servolo) and Archivio di Stato di Venezia (Venice 10-11.7.2015) 2016 53. The Byzantine tradition in late medieval architecture on Cyprus, Bristol Anglo-Hellenic Society (Bristol 18.5.2016) 54. The use of sacred space by a society in motion, XXIII International Byzantine Congress (Belgrade 22.8.2016) 2017 55. Shifting naming patterns in late medieval rural Cyprus: Choices and interpretations, First annual conference of Byzantine and medieval Studies, The Byzantinist Society of Cyprus (Nicosia 13-15.1.2017) 56. Chypre aux alentours de l’an 1300: architecture et espace urbain, École Pratique des Hautes Études seminar (Paris 15.3.2017) 57. Suspended in time and space: A carved heraldic panel from Nicosia, conference in honour of Annemarie Weyl Carr (Nicosia 19-21.5.2017) 58. From Late Antiquity to the Middle Ages, once more: making sense of a multi-period rural church in Cyprus, Late Antique and Byzantine archaeology and art seminar (Oxford 8.6.2017) 2018 59. Did the Byzantines build roads? the picture from Cyprus, Second annual conference of Byzantine and medieval Studies, The Byzantinist Society of Cyprus (Nicosia 12.1.2018) 60. A monastic community, its patrons and their world: Manuscript notes as primary sources for the mountainous hinterland of Paphos in the Lusignan period, Lecture series of the Byzantine and Medieval Studies workshop, University of Cyprus (Nicosia 10.10.2018) 2019 61. Patronage and Music in Venetian Cyprus: Aspects of a rarefied aristocratic lifestyle, Public lecture at the Centre of Visual Arts and Research / CVAR of the Costas and Rita Severis Foundation, Cyprus (Nicosia 10.1.2019) Papacostas CV 6 62. Blood and kinship after Byzantium: Cypriot patrons of the 16th century, 52nd Spring Symposium of Byzantine Studies, University of Cambridge (Cambridge 31.3.2019) 2020 63. Renaissance heraldry in Venetian Cyprus and the Greek cathedral of Nicosia, Seeger Center of Hellenic Studies workshop, Princeton University (Princeton 24.4.2020) 64. Chypre vers la fin du moyen-âge: Architecture et espace urbain, Journée d’étude: Histoire et archéologie (Aix-en-Provence 14.12.2020 – on zoom) 2021 65. Urban and rural responses to perennial devotional needs: Two Cypriot sites through the ages, Religious buildings ‘Made in Byzantium’: New perspectives on their architecture, decoration and function, Koç University workshop (Istanbul 28.5.2021 – on zoom) 66. The Singlitico as patrons and paragons of aristocratic culture in Venetian Cyprus, Colloque international: Le destin d’un manuscrit. ‘Du vice et de la Vertu’ de Constantinople à Tours via Chypre, Bibliothèque municipale de Tours (Tours 14.10.2021) 67. Paphos in the 16th c. AD: desolate backwater or dyamic provincial centre? Convivium. An international conference in honour of Prof. emeritus Demetrios Michaelides, University of Cyprus (Nicosia 28.10.2021 – on zoom) 2022 68. Book presentation: Les monastères grecs sous domination latine (XIIIe-XVIe siècles) by Ludivine Voisin, École Française d’Athènes (Athens 9.3.2022 – on zoom) 69. Beyond the Crusader states, after the Byzantine Empire, within the Venetian world: some thoughts on sixteenth-century Cyprus, church buildings and monastic foundations, ICS Byzantine colloquium: The late Byzantine Mediterranean: Connectivities, experiences and identities in a fragmented world, Senate House (London 8.6.2022 – on zoom) 70. Heralrdy in Venetian Cyprus: an overview of uses and identification problems, Centre of natural and cultural heritage autumn seminar, Nicosia (Nicosia 13.12.2022 – on zoom) 2023 71. Book presentation: Negotiating power and identities. Latin, Greek and Syrian élites in fifteenth-century Cyprus by Miriam Salzmann, École Française d’Athènes (Athens 21.6.2023 – on zoom) 72. Relief carving in Venetian Cyprus: ‘Made in Venice’ or ‘Made in Cyprus’? At the turn of an era: Greek East contexts of Italian art and material culture, 14th-16th centuries, hybrid international conference at the Istituto Ellenico di Studi bizantini e postbizantini (Venice 25.11.2023). 2024 73. Camille Enlart and Saint Mamas at Morphou: the earliest photographic documentation of a key monument and pilgrimage shrine, Conference on Camille Enlart at the Centre of Visual Arts and Research / CVAR of the Costas and Rita Severis Foundation, Cyprus (Nicosia 24.2.2024). PUBLICATIONS I. ONLINE ___________________________________________________________________________ 1. PBW Prosopography of the Byzantine World (2006 ed., with Michael Jeffreys): a searchable online database of 11th/12th-century prosopographical material from the major textual and sigillographic sources of the Crusader period, pertaining to the Byzantine empire and its wider area of influence: 2016 ed. available at 2. iBCC Inventory of Byzantine churches on Cyprus: Materials for an architectural study (London 2015): a database of mid-7th to late 12th-century monuments, available at Papacostas CV 7 II. EDITED VOLUMES ___________________________________________________________________________ 3. (with Guillaume Saint-Guillain) Identity/identities in late medieval Cyprus. Papers given at the ICS Byzantine colloquium, London 13-14 June 2011 (Nicosia: Cyprus Research Centre, 2014). 4. (with Maria Parani) Discipuli dona ferentes. Glimpses of Byzantium in honour of Marlia Mundell Mango, BYZANTIOς - Studies in Byzantine History and Civilization 11 (Turnhout: Brepols, 2017). III. JOURNAL ARTICLES / BOOK CHAPTERS ___________________________________________________________________________ 5. ‘Secular landholdings and Venetians in 12th-century Cyprus’, Byzantinische Zeitschrift 92.2 (1999) 479-501. 6. ‘The economy of Late Antique Cyprus’, in S. Kingsley and M. Decker (eds), Economy and exchange in the East Mediterranean during Late Antiquity. Proceedings of a one-day conference at Somerville College, Oxford, 29th May 1999 (Oxford: Oxbow, 2001) 107128. 7. ‘A tenth-century inscription from Syngrasis, Cyprus’, Byzantine & Modern Greek Studies 26 (2002) 42-64. 8. ‘In search of a lost Byzantine monument: Saint Sophia of Nicosia’, Επετηρίδα Κέντρου Επιστηµονικών Ερευνών 31 (2005) 11-37. 9. ‘Architecture et communautés étrangères à Chypre aux XIème et XIIème siècles’, in S. Fourrier and G. Grivaud (eds), Actes du colloque ‘Identités croisées en un milieu méditerranéen: Le cas de Chypre’ (Antiquité – Moyen Âge) (Rouen: Publications des Universités de Rouen et du Havre, 2006) 223-240. 10. ‘Gothic in the East: Western architecture in Byzantine lands’, in C. Rudolph (ed.), A companion to medieval art: Romanesque and Gothic in Northern Europe, Blackwell Companions to Art History (Malden MA – Oxford: Blackwell, 2006) 510-530. 11. ‘Μια ξεχασµένη κληρονοµία. Η γοτθική αρχιτεκτονική της Κύπρου’, in G. Giorgis, A. Marangou, K. Staikos et al. (eds), Κύπρος, από την αρχαιότητα µέχρι σήµερα (Athens: Kotinos, 2007) 332-347. 12. ‘The history and architecture of the monastery of Saint John Chrysostomos at Koutsovendis, Cyprus’, Dumbarton Oaks Papers 61 (2007) 25-155. 13. ‘Echoes of the Renaissance in the eastern confines of the stato da mar: Architectural evidence from Venetian Cyprus’, Acta Byzantina Fennica 3 (2010) 136-172. 14. ‘Byzantine rite in a Gothic setting: Aspects of cultural appropriation in late medieval Cyprus’, in P. Grotowski and S. Skrzyniarz (eds), Towards rewriting? New approaches to Byzantine archaeology and art. Proceedings of the symposium on Byzantine art and archaeology, Cracow, September 8-10, 2008, Series Byzantina 8 (Warsaw: Jagiellonian University, 2010) 117-132. 15. ‘The medieval progeny of the Holy Apostles: trails of architectural imitation across the Mediterranean’, in P. Stephenson (ed.), The Byzantine World (Oxford: Routledge, 2010) 386-405. 16. ‘The Crusader states and Cyprus in a thirteenth-century prosopography’, in J. Herrin and Papacostas CV 8 G. Saint-Guillain (eds), Identities and allegiances in the Eastern Mediterranean after 1204 (Farnham: Ashgate, 2011) 215-241. 17. ‘Byzantine Nicosia’, in D. Michaelides (ed.), Historic Nicosia (Nicosia: Rimal, 2012) 77109. 18. ‘L’architecture byzantine de Chypre’, in J. Durand and D. Giovannoni (eds), Chypre entre Byzance et l’Occident IVe-XVIe siècle (Paris: Louvre éditions, 2012) 103-111. 19. ‘An exceptional structure in a conventional setting: preliminary observations about the katholikon of Saint Neophytos (Paphos, Cyprus)’, in S. Rogge and C. Syndikus (eds), Caterina Cornaro – Last Queen of Cyprus and Daughter of Venice / Ultima regina di Cipro e figlia di Venezia, Schriften des Instituts für Interdisziplinäre Zypern-Studien 9 (Münster: Waxmann, 2013) 293-310. 20. ‘Decoding Cyprus from Late Antiquity to the Renaissance: Discordant visions, saints and sacred topography’, in C. A. Stewart, T. W. Davis and A. Weyl Carr (eds), Cyprus and the balance of empires. Art and archaeology from Justinian I to the Coeur de Lion, CAARI Monograph Series 5, ASOR Archaeological Reports 20 (Boston: American Schools of Oriental Research, 2014) 187-201. 21. ‘The Troodos mountains of Cyprus in the Byzantine period: Archaeology, settlement, economy’, in D. Michaelides and M. Parani (eds), The archaeology of late antique and Byzantine Cyprus (4th-12th centuries): Recent research and new discoveries [Cahiers du Centre d’Etudes Chypriotes 43] (Paris: De Boccard, 2014) 175-200. 22. ‘Byzantine Famagusta: an oxymoron?’, in A. Weyl Carr (ed.), Famagusta: Art and architecture, Mediterranean Nexus 1100-1700 (Turnhout: Brepols, 2014) 25-61. 23. ‘A Gothic basilica in the Renaissance: Saint George of the Greeks at Famagusta’, in A. Weyl Carr (ed.), Famagusta: Art and architecture, Mediterranean Nexus 1100-1700 (Turnhout: Brepols, 2014) 339-366. 24. ‘Neapolis – Nemesos – Limassol: The rise of a Byzantine settlement from Late Antiquity to the time of the Crusades’, in A. Nicolaou-Konnari and C. Schabel (eds), Lemesos: A history of Limassol in Cyprus from Antiquity to the Ottoman conquest (Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars, 2015) 96-188. 25. ‘Monastic estates in the middle Byzantine period: Evidence from Cyprus for local and overseas landowners’, in M. Grünbart and S. Rogge (eds), Cyprus in medieval times. A place of cultural encounter. Proceedings of the conference held at Münster, 6-8 December 2012, Schriften des Instituts für Interdisziplinäre Zypern-Studien 10 (Münster: Waxmann, 2015) 121-146. 26. ‘Building activity and material culture in Venetian Cyprus: an evaluation of the evidence’, Επετηρίδα Κέντρου Επιστηµονικών Ερευνών 38 (2016) 191-207. 27. ‘Reconstructing the road network of the Byzantine periphery: Medieval Cyprus as paradigm’, in T. Papacostas and M. Parani (eds), Discipuli dona ferentes. Glimpses of Byzantium in honour of Marlia Mundell Mango, BYZANTIOς - Studies in Byzantine History and Civilization 11 (Turnhout: Brepols, 2017) 69-97. 28. ‘The Byzantine tradition in late medieval Cyprus: Selective continuity and creative diversification’, in A. Lymberopoulou (ed.), Cross-cultural interaction between Byzantium and the West, 1204-1669. Whose Mediterranean is it anyway? Proceedings of the 48th Spring Symposium of Byzantine Studies, Open University, Milton Keynes 28-30 March 2015 (London: Routledge, 2018) 107-131. Papacostas CV 9 29. ‘Manuscript notes and the Black Death in rural Cyprus’, in T. Shawcross and I. Toth (eds), Reading in the Byzantine empire and beyond (Cambridge: CUP, 2018) 133-155. 30. ‘Renaissance portrait medals for eminent Cypriots: an untold yet telling tale’, in M. Olympios and M. Parani (eds), The art and archaeology of Lusignan and Venetian Cyprus (1192-1571): Recent research and new discoveries, Studies in the Visual Cultures of the Middle Ages 12 (Turnhout: Brepols, 2019) 321-350. 31. ‘Music as aristocratic pastime in the Stato da Mar: The Cypriot madrigals of Giandomenico Martoretta’, in G. Christ and F.-J. Morche (eds), Cultures of Empire: Rethinking Venetian rule, 1400-1700. Essays in honour of Benjamin Arbel (Leiden: Brill, 2020) 219-55. 32. ‘«Σ’ενα κοντινό Βασίλειο, παραπλήσιο της Βενετίας». Η κυπριακή ελιτ στη Λευκωσία της Αναγέννησης’, in D. Papanikola-Bakirtzi (ed.), Μεσαιωνική Λευκωσία. Πρωτεύουσα ώσµωσης Ανατολής και Δύσης (Nicosia: Leventis Municipal Museum, 2020) 184-99. 33. ‘Suspended in time and space: A carved heraldic panel from Nicosia. Family histories and marital strategies in Venetian Cyprus’, Frankokratia 3 (2022) 169-206. 34. ‘The architectural setting of pilgrimage in the Byzantine world: Learning from Cyprus’, in R. A. Etlin (ed.), The Cambridge guide to the architecture of Christianity, 2 vols (Cambridge: CUP, 2023) 1:192-201. 35. ‘The building phases and architecture of the church of the Transfiguration, Sotera, Cyprus’, in M. Parani (ed.), The church of the Transfiguration, Sotera (Famagusta) in context: History, architecture, murals (in preparation). 36. ‘A heraldic puzzle from Venetian Cyprus: The sixteenth-century patrons of the Greek cathedral of Nicosia’, in M. Olympios (ed.), Articulating Greek visual identity in the ‘long’ Middle Ages: An ecclesiastical, social and architectural history of the Bedestan in Nicosia (in preparation). IV. REVIEWS ___________________________________________________________________________ 37. W. E. Kleinbauer, A. White and H. Matthews, Hagia Sophia (London: Scala Publishers, 2004), in Bulletin of British Byzantine Studies 31 (2005) 118-119. 38. S. W. Manning, The Late Roman church at Maroni Petrera, (Nicosia: A. G. Leventis Foundation, 2002), in American Journal of Archaeology 110.1 (January 2006). 39. M. Campagnolo and M. Martiniani-Reber (eds), From Aphrodite to Melusine. Reflections on the archaeology and history of Cyprus (Geneva 2007), in Byzantine & Modern Greek Studies 33.2 (2009) 219-220. 40. J. Petre, Crusader Castles of Cyprus. The Fortifications of Cyprus under the Lusignans: 1191-1489 (Nicosia: Cyprus Research Centre, 2012), in Medieval Archaeology 57 (2013) 377. 41. L. Zavagno, Cyprus between Late Antiquity and the Early Middle Ages (ca. 600-800): An Island in Transition (London: Routledge, 2017), in The English Historical Review 133/565 (2018) 1573-1575. Tassos Papacostas, February 2024