Belief Revision as Propositional Update
Belief Change as Propositional Update
Renée Elio
Francis Jeffry Pelletier
University of Alberta
Edmonton, Alberta
T6G 2H1
Belief Revision as Propositional Update
In this study, we examine the problem of belief revision, defined as deciding whic
h of several initially-accepted sentences to disbelieve, when new information presents a l
ogical inconsistency with the initial set. In the first three experiments, the initial sentence
set included a conditional sentence, a non-conditional sentence, and an inferred conclusi
on drawn from the first two. The new information contradicted the inferred conclusion.
Results indicated that the conditional sentences were more readily abandoned than non-c
onditional sentences, even when either choice would lead to a consistent belief state, and
that this preference was more pronounced when problems used natural language cover sto
ries rather than symbols. The pattern of belief revision choices differed depending on whe
ther the contradicted conclusion from the initial belief set had been a modus ponens or m
odus tollens inference. Two additional experiments examined alternative model-theoretic
definitions of minimal change to a belief state, using problems that contained multiple mo
dels of the initial belief state and of the new information that provided the contradiction.
The results indicated that people did not follow any of four formal definitions of minimal
change on these problems. The new information and the contradiction it offered was not,
for example, used to select a particular model of the initial belief state as a way of reconci
ling the contradiction. The preferred revision was to retain only those initial sentences th
at had the same, unambiguous truth value within and across both the initial and new info
rmation sets. The study and results are presented in the context of certain logic-based for
malizations of belief revision, syntactic and model-theoretic representations of belief stat
es, and performance models of human deduction. Principles by which some types of sent
ences might be more "entrenched" than others in the face of contradiction are also discuss
ed from the perspective of induction and theory revision.
Belief Revision as Propositional Update
Belief Change as Propositional Update
Suppose you need to send an express courier package to a colleague who is away
at a conference. You believe that whenever she is in New York City and the New York R
angers are playing a home game, she stays at the Westin Mid-Manhattan Hotel. You also
believe that she is in New York City this weekend and that the Rangers are playing this w
eekend as well. You call up the Westin Mid-Manhattan Hotel and you find out that she is
n't there. Something doesn't fit. What do you believe now? Well, assuming that you accep
t the hotel's word that she isn't there, there are various (logically consistent) ways to recon
cile the contradiction between what you used to believe and this new information. First, y
ou could believe that she is in New York City and that the Rangers are indeed playing, bu
t disbelieve the conditional that says whenever both of these are true, then she stays at the
Westin Mid-Manhattan Hotel. Alternatively, you could continue to believe the condition
al, but decide that either she isn't in New York this weekend or that the Rangers aren't pla
ying a home game (or possibly both). Which do you choose as your new set of beliefs?
Belief change—the process by which a rational agent makes the transition from one
belief state to another—is an important component for most intelligent activity done by e
pistemic agents, both human and artificial. When such agents learn new things about the
world, they sometimes come to recognize that new information extends or conflicts with t
heir existing belief state. In the latter case, rational reasoners would identify which of the
old and new beliefs clash to create the inconsistency, decide whether in fact to accept the
new information, and, if that is the choice, to eliminate certain old beliefs in favor of the
new information. Alternatively, new information may not create any inconsistency with o
ld information at all. In this case, the reasoner can simply add the new information to the
current set of beliefs, along with whatever additional consequences this might entail.
Although this is an intuitively attractive picture, the principles behind belief-state
change are neither well-understood nor agreed-upon. Belief revision has been studied fro
Belief Revision as Propositional Update
m a formal perspective in the artificial intelligence (AI) and philosophy literatures and fro
m an empirical perspective in the psychology and management-science literatures. One of
the practical motivations for AI's concern with belief revision, as portrayed in our openin
g scenario, is the development of knowledge bases as a kind of intelligent database: one e
nters information into the knowledge base and the knowledge base itself constructs and st
ores the consequences of this information—a process which is non-monotonic in nature (i
.e., accepted consequences of previously-believed information may be abandoned). More
generally, the current belief state of any artificial agent may be contradicted either when t
he world itself changes (an aspect of the so-called frame problem) or when an agent's kno
wledge about a static world simply increases. Katsuno and Mendelson (1991) distinguish
between these two cases, calling the former belief update and latter belief revision. Altho
ugh much of the AI belief revision work focuses on formalizing competence theories of u
pdate and revision, prescriptive principles for how artificial agents “should” resolve confl
ict in the belief revision case—where there is a need to contract the set of accepted propo
sitions in order to resolve a recognized contradiction—are far from settled. From the pers
pective of human reasoning, we see an important interplay between issues of belief revisi
on and deductive reasoning, particularly in terms of the kind of representational assumpti
ons made about how a belief state should be modeled. But while human performance on c
lassical deductive problems has been extensively studied, both Rips (1994, p. 299) and H
arman (1986, p. 7) have noted the need for descriptive data and theories on how people re
solve inconsistency when new information about a static world is presented. The studies
we present in this article are concerned exactly with this issue.
We make two simplifications in our portrayal of belief revision and the paradigm
we used to investigate it. The first concerns what we refer to as "beliefs." Here, beliefs ar
e sentences that people are told to accept as true, in the context of resolving some (subseq
uent) contradiction arising from new information that is provided. Being told to accept so
mething as true is not necessarily the same as believing it to be true. The contradictions w
Belief Revision as Propositional Update
e introduce in our paradigm are not probes into a person's pre-existing belief system (e.g.,
as in social cognition investigations of attitude change; see Petty, Priester, & Wegener, 1
994) or of a person's hypotheses that are acquired over time via direct interactions with th
e world. The second simplification we make is treating beliefs as propositions that are bel
ieved either to be true or to be false (or, sometimes, that have a belief status of "uncertain
"). This idealization characterizes the perspective of AI researchers who are interested in
showing how classical deductive reasoning is related to belief revision. We will call this
perspective "classical belief revision," to distinguish it from other frameworks, including
one direction in formal studies of defeasible reasoning, that map statistical or probabilisti
c information about a proposition into a degrees of belief in that proposition (Kyberg, 198
3, 1994; Bacchus, Grove, Halpern, and Koller, 1992; Pollock, 1990; Pearl, 1988). Both c
lassical belief revision and defeasible reasoning are concerned with non-monotonicity an
d it is possible to view belief revision as driving defeasible reasoning or vice versa (Gärd
enfors, 1990a; Makinson & Gärdenfors, 1991).
This alternative formalization of beliefs and belief change in terms of probabilisti
c or statistical information have analogies in certain empirical investigations as well. A pr
imary concern in the management-science literature, for example, is to understand what f
actors influence a shift in the degree of belief in a particular proposition of interest. These
factors include information framing (e.g., Ashton & Ashton, 1990; Shields, Solomon, &
Waller, 1987) and agreement with prior beliefs and expectations (e.g., Koehler, 1993). C
arlson and Dulany (1988) have proposed a model of belief revision about causal hypothes
es from circumstantial evidence, in which the level of certainty in a causal hypothesis dep
ends in part on the level of certainty the reasoner ascribes to circumstantial evidence supp
orting it. In Thagard's (1989) computer model of explanatory coherence, propositions hav
e levels of activation that roughly correspond to acceptance levels; such a model has been
applied to accounts of scientific reasoning and to belief revision as evidenced in protocol
s of subjects performing elementary physics (Ranney & Thagard, 1988).
Belief Revision as Propositional Update
Notwithstanding these alternative ways to conceptualize belief states, we believe t
hat the issues investigated under our simplifications are relevant to these other perspectiv
es. Belief revision as a deliberate act by an agent must be driven by something, and that d
riving force must include the detection of a conflict (defined logically or otherwise) withi
n the belief state. The problem of explicitly "expunging" or contracting of beliefs, after ha
ving noticed a conflict, has been acknowledged within some degree-of-belief frameworks
(e.g., Kyberg, 1983; 1994). As soon as one attempts to define notions like "acceptance" o
r "full commitment to" within a degrees-of-belief framework, for the purpose of making a
decision or taking an action, then new information can introduce conflict with existing ac
cepted information. Hence, the issue still remains as to which prior belief or assumption
an agent continues to believe (or to increase the degree of belief in) and which the agent d
ecides to abandon (or decrease the degree of belief in). 1
Belief revision has also been studied as something that does not occur when it “sh
ould.” That is, there is considerable evidence indicating that people are in general very rel
uctant to change their current belief sets in the face of evidence that indicates those belief
s are unjustified; and that they are much more likely to reject, ignore, or reinterpret the ne
w information which conflicts with their current beliefs rather than attempt to add it to th
eir beliefs and make the necessary adjustments (Edwards, 1968; Einhorn & Hogarth, 197
8; Ross & Lepper, 1980; Hoenkamp, 1988; Lepper, Ross, and Lau, 1986). Although it is t
rue that there are occasions in which people fail to revise their beliefs or refuse to accept
new information, and there are theories offered as accounts of that reluctance, our starting
point in these investigations assumes that any inertia against changing a belief set has be
en overcome.
Given our simplifications for the representation of belief states, the specific issue
that concerns us can be easily stated. It is the question of which belief(s) out of some initi
al set is (are) abandoned when new, contradictory information must be integrated. The m
atters we consider in this study relate to certain formal notions that have been central to (
Belief Revision as Propositional Update
what we have called) the classical AI belief revision perspective. These notions are episte
mic entrenchment (whether some forms or types of information are less readily abandone
d to resolve contradiction) and minimal change. It is not possible to consider these ideas
without considering the fundamental choice that theories make in modeling a belief state
either as a set of formulae or as a set of models. The implications of choosing one framew
ork or another are crucial to operationalizing ideas like epistemic entrenchment. We revie
w these two alternative positions on modeling belief states, and their relation to theories o
f human deduction, in the next section.
On Modeling Belief States and Deduction
Classical Models of Belief Revision
Alchourrón, Gärdenfors, & Makinson (1985; henceforth, “AGM”) proposed a set
of "rationality postulates" as a competence specification of what rational belief change sh
ould be. Many of these ideas are intrinsically important to thinking about human belief re
vision as we are studying it here, so we borrow some key distinctions from that literature
in setting the stage for our studies.
There are two predominant camps in how belief states are modeled within what w
e earlier defined as the classical belief revision community: “syntactic-based theories” v.
“model-based theories”. The majority of the work in either of these camps follow the idea
lizations we outlined above: that beliefs are propositional in nature, that the status of a bel
ief is "believed true", "believed false" or "uncertain", and that logical inconsistency is to b
e avoided within the agent's chosen belief state.
The difference between the syntactic and model approaches can be seen by exam
ple. Consider what might be in a belief state when an agent told: All of Kim’s cars are ma
de in the US; This (some particular) car is made in Germany. The syntax-based theories t
ake the position that what is stored in the agent’s belief state are the two formulas mentio
ned (plus whatever background information the agent already had…also stored as a set of
Belief Revision as Propositional Update
formulas). Since beliefs are just formulas, doing a logical inference amounts to performi
ng some further mental activity on these formulas. This further activity would generate a
different belief state from the initial one. And so there is no guarantee that the agent will
perform any logical inferencing to generate new beliefs. For instance, there is no guarante
e that this agent will use the background information it may have that Germany is a differ
ent country than the US and that cars made in the one are not made in the other to infer th
at this car is not made in the US. Even if it does perform this inference, there is no guaran
tee that it will make the further inference that the car is not owned by Kim. In this concep
tion, two beliefs are different when and only when they are expressed by two syntacticall
y distinct formulas.
In contrast to this, the model-based theories identify a belief state with a model—
an interpretation of the world which would make a group of beliefs be true. In the above e
xample of Kim’s cars, a model-based theory would identify the agent’s belief state with t
hose models of the world in which all of Kim’s cars are made in the US and where furthe
rmore some particular car is made in Germany. Assuming the agent’s background beliefs
include that Germany is a different country than the US and that cars made in the one are
not made in the other, the set of background models that can accommodate such situation
s in the world are merged with those describing the two stated beliefs and the output is a
model (or models) in which Kim’s cars are made in the US, and this car is made in Germ
any, and hence this car is not made in the US, and hence this car is not owned by Kim. Al
l this sort of "inferencing" is done already in the very description of the belief state. The f
act that the belief state is a model of the world described by the sentences guarantees that
all logical consequences of these sentences will be represented, for otherwise it couldn't b
e a model of those sentences.
One common way of putting the difference is to say that the syntax-based approac
h is committed only to explicit beliefs as defining a belief state, whereas a model-based a
pproach is committed to defining a belief state in terms not only of explicit beliefs but als
Belief Revision as Propositional Update
o of the implicit beliefs that are entailed by the explicit ones. Both approaches involve a c
ertain amount of theoretical idealization. Under the model-based view, the very definition
of an agent’s belief state already embodies finding the models that perfectly suit it, and t
his in effect means that all the logical conclusions of any explicit beliefs are included. Wi
thin the syntactic framework, there is an assumption that only "obvious" or "minimal" co
nclusions are drawn, but how these are recognized as such goes unspecified. Secondly, it
is not clear how syntactic-based theories detect arbitrary logical contradictions beyond on
es that can be immediately spotted by a syntactic pattern-match, such as "p and ~p", since
beliefs are represented as strings of symbols and not models of the world being described
A third conception of belief states—which could be seen as an intermediate stance
between the syntactic and the model-based approaches— might be called a “theory-base
d” theory of beliefs. Here a belief state is identified with a theory, which is taken to be a s
et of sentences, as the syntactic-based theories hold. However, this set is the infinite set of
all the logical consequences of the explicit beliefs. 4 This is the approach advocated in th
e original work done by AGM (1985). It too is obviously an idealization, for taken to the
extreme, it would require a person's mind (or an agent's memory) to be infinite in order to
hold a belief. Although theory-based theories are like syntax-based theories in containing
formulas (and unlike model-based theories in this regard), they differ from syntax-based
theories in obeying a principle called “The Irrelevance of Syntax”: if two formulas are lo
gically equivalent, then adding one of them to a belief state will yield the same result as a
dding the other, since the set of their logical consequences is the same. This principle is o
beyed by both the theory-based and the model-based theories, and has been vigorously de
fended (AGM, 1985; Dalal, 1986; Yates 1990; Katsuno & Mendelson, 1991) on the grou
nds that all that is relevant to belief change is how the world is, or would be, if the beliefs
were true.
Belief Revision as Propositional Update
Many of the concepts and distinctions mentioned above as characterizing classical
AI belief revision also apply to other belief revision frameworks. Computational framew
orks in which propositions are represented as nodes in some kind of belief network (e.g.,
Pearl, 1988; Thagard, 1989) are syntactic, insofar as any semantic contradiction between
two nodes must be reflected in the names of the links chosen to join the nodes in the netw
ork. Methods proposed by Halpern (1990) and Bacchus et al. (1992) for deriving degrees
of belief from statistical information are model-based approaches: the degree of belief in
a sentence stems from the probability of the set of worlds in which the sentence is true. K
yberg's theory of rational belief (1983;1994), in which levels of acceptance are also deriv
ed from probabilities, falls into what we have called the "theory theory" category. He mo
dels beliefs as a set of (first-order logic) sentences but then requires the set to obey the irr
elevance of syntax principle: if two sentences have the same truth value in belief set, then
their probabilities are also equivalent within that set. So we see that, although the classic
al belief revision approach comes from a milieu were performance criteria are not explicit
ly considered, the sorts of distinctions made within these classical belief revision framew
orks can elucidate the representational assumptions of other approaches as well.
Performance Theories of Human Deduction
Harman (1986) has argued that the principles guiding belief revision are not the r
ules of deductive logic. Certainly, any principles that can dictate which of several differe
nt belief-state changes to select are outside the scope of deductive inference rules. Any ch
aracterization of belief revision must first make some commitment to how a belief state is
represented; as the formal theories we outlined above illustrate, making (or not making) i
nferences is crucial to how the belief revision process is to be conceptualized. Certainly, t
he ability to recognize inconsistency is a necessary step towards deliberate belief revision
, and that step may involve some aspects of what has been studied and modeled in the lab
oratory as deductive reasoning. Hence, it seems that theories about how people draw infer
Belief Revision as Propositional Update
ences from propositional knowledge will be crucially related to the transition from one be
lief state to another, if only because those inferences may define the content of the belief
states themselves.
Generally speaking, the theories of human deductive reasoning have split along a
dimension that is similar to, but not identical with, the syntactic v. model-theoretic distinc
tion in AI. On the one hand, mental-model theories of the type proposed by Johnson-Lair
d and colleagues (Johnson-Laird, Byrne, & Schaeken, 1992; Johnson-Laird & Byrne, 199
1) hold that a person reasons from particular semantic interpretations (models) of sentenc
es such as p→q and either p or q. 3 In this framework, a reasoner identifies or validates a
particular conclusion by manipulating and comparing these models. On the other hand, pr
oof-theoretic approaches (Braine & O'Brian, 1991; Rips, 1983; 1994) propose that people
possess general inference rules and follow a kind of natural deduction strategy to derive
conclusions from a set of premises. Like the different kinds of belief revision theories in
AI, these different psychological accounts of human deduction offer distinct representatio
nal assumptions about the constituent parts that are said to define a belief state. But unlik
e the AI belief revision theories, psychological theories must make a commitment to a pla
usible process account of how a person generates and operates upon these different repres
Neither mental-model nor proof-theoretic accounts of deduction were initially dev
eloped for belief revision as we have portrayed it here; nor have there been, as yet, extens
ions designed to accommodate aspects of this phenomenon. However, we consider some
of their basic assumptions in the discussion of our tasks and results, and so here we briefl
y summarize the mental-models framework proposed by Johnson-Laird and colleagues an
d the proof-theoretic model proposed by Rips (1994).
If we apply a state-space abstraction to mental models frameworks and to proof-th
eoretic frameworks, the main distinction between proof theoretic and model-based theori
es of human deduction can be summarized as differences in what defines a state and what
Belief Revision as Propositional Update
constitutes the operators that make transitions from one state to another. In a proof-theor
etic system like the one proposed by Rips (1994), a state is a partial proof and the operato
rs are a set of inference rules (a subset of the classical logic inference rules). These operat
ors extend a proof (and hence move the system from one state to the next) by following a
natural deduction-like strategy, with heuristics that order their application within this gen
eral control strategy. The goal can be viewed as a state (or a path to a state) which include
s a given conclusion as an outcome of a proof (hence validating it) or includes a statemen
t not already specified in the problem's premises (drawing a new conclusion). In the ment
al-models theory, a state contains one or more interpretations of the sentence set, i.e., tok
ens with specific truth values that correspond to some situation in the world. Operators re
trieve models of sentences and move the system to new states that constitute candidate m
odels of the world. More specifically, the mental models framework assumes there are pa
rticular models that are initially associated with particular sentence forms (conditionals, d
isjuncts, and so forth), with other models of these forms sometimes held in abeyance until
there is a need to consider them. A conclusion is any truth condition that is not explicitly
stated in the sentence set, but which must hold given a consistent interpretation of the sen
tence set. Hence, the goal state can be seen as one in which such a truth condition is ident
ified. Thus, the proof-theoretic theory of human deduction can be seen as a search for alte
rnative inference rules to apply to a sentence set in order to extend a proof, whereas the m
ental models theory can be seen as a search for alternative interpretations of a sentence se
t, from which a novel truth condition can be identified or validated.
It is important to be clear not only about the similarities but also about the differen
ces between the classical, competence belief-revision theories and the psychological perf
ormance theories of human deduction. What the mental-models theory shares with the for
mal model-based belief revision theories is the essential idea that the states being operate
d upon are models. These models capture the meaning of the connectives as a function of
the possible truth values for individual atomic parts that the connectives combine. Howev
Belief Revision as Propositional Update
er, there are three key differences between these two types of model theories. First, althou
gh the irrelevance-of-syntax principle is a distinguishing feature of formal models of beli
ef revision in AI, it does not distinguish between mental-models and proof-theoretic mod
els of human deductive reasoning, which offer alternative accounts of the pervasive findi
ng that syntactic form does influence how people reason about problems that are otherwis
e logically equivalent. Second, in the mental-models theory, the models of p→q are gener
ated in a serial, as-needed basis, depending on whether a conclusion is revealed or validat
ed by the initial interpretation (and it is the order in which such models are generated that
plays in the mental-model's account of the effect of syntactic form on deductive reasonin
g). The AI model-based belief revision frameworks do not make any such process assum
ptions, except in their idealization that all models are available as the belief state. Third, t
he mental-models framework may be considered closer to what we have called the "theor
y theory" classical belief-revision framework, than to the pure model framework, because
separate models of each sentence are produced and operated upon. What a psychological
proof-theoretic framework of deduction shares with its formal AI syntactic-based counte
rparts is a commitment to apply deductively sound inference rules to sentences. But unlik
e the syntactic-based competence theories of belief revision, psychological proof-theoreti
c models of deduction do not presume that a person has a representation of every deducti
ve rule of inference and they may presume there is some heuristic ordering of the availabl
e rules; these differences are relevant to how a proof-theoretic perspective models the rela
tive difficulties that people have with certain forms of deductive problems. Further, some
of the undesirable aspects of syntactic competence models, such as uncontrolled deductiv
e closure, are avoided in proof-theoretic performance models (e.g., Rips, 1994) by explici
tly positing that the reasoner's current goals and subgoals directs and controls the applicat
ion of inference rules.
Minimal Change and Epistemic Entrenchment
Belief Revision as Propositional Update
A basic assumption behind most AI theories of belief revision (e.g., the AGM pos
tulates) and some philosophical accounts (e.g., Harman, 1986) is that an agent should mai
ntain as much as possible of the earlier belief state while nonetheless accommodating the
new information. But it is not completely clear what such a minimal change is. First, ther
e is the problem in defining a metric for computing amounts of change. Often, this relies
on counting the number of propositions whose truth value would change in one kind of re
vision versus another. The revision that leaves the belief state “closest” to the original on
e is to be preferred. But note that how such a definition of closeness works depends on w
hether one takes a syntactic or model-based approach.
As an example of the differences that can evolve, consider our earlier story about
your New York-visiting colleague. Let n stand for she-is-in-New-York, r stand for Range
rs-are-playing, and w stand for she-stays-at-the-Westin. Symbolically, your initial beli
efs were [n & r → w, n, r], from which you deduced w. But then you found out ~w. In a
model-based approach, the unique model describing your initial belief set (unique, at leas
t, if we attend only to n, r, and w) is: n is true, r is true, w is true. Then you discover that t
he model is incorrect because w is false. The minimal change you could make is merely t
o alter w's truth value, and so your resulting belief states is: n is true, r is true, w is false. I
n a syntax-based approach, you would instead keep track of the ways that as many as pos
sible of the three initial sentences remain true when you add ~w to them. There are three
such ways: S1= [n & r → w, n, ~r, ~w], S2=[n & r→w, ~n, r, ~w], S3=[~(n & r→w), n, r,
~w].5 Now consider what common sentences follow from each of S 1, S2, and S3, and t
he answer is that the consequences of [~w, n ∨ r] will describe them. Note that this is diff
erent from the version given as a model-theoretic solution. In the syntactic case, only one
of n and r need remain true, whereas in the model-based belief revision version, both nee
d to remain true.
The notion of "epistemic entrenchment" in the belief revision literature (Gärdenfo
rs, 1984, 1988; Gärdenfors & Makinson, 1988; Nebel, 1991; Willard & Yuan, 1990) has
Belief Revision as Propositional Update
been introduced as a way to impose a preference ordering on the possible changes. Forma
lly, epistemic entrenchment is a total pre-ordering relation on all the sentences of the lang
uage, and this ordering obeys certain postulates within the AGM framework. Less formal
ly, epistemic entrenchment can be viewed as deeming some sentences as “more useful” a
nd hence more entrenched against possible abandonment than other sentences; and in cas
es where there are multiple ways of minimizing a change to a new belief state, these prior
ity schemes will dictate which way is chosen. Now, the general issue of whether some ty
pes of knowledge (e.g., sensory observations v. reasoned conclusions) should be a priori
more epistemically privileged than other types of knowledge has occupied much of philos
ophy throughout its history. One particular, more modest, contrast is between what might
be called statements about data v. statements about higher-order regularities. From one pe
rspective, it can seem that conditional statements should enjoy a greater entrenchment in t
he face of conflicting evidence because of they express either semantic constraints about t
he world or express an important predictive regularity that might be the result of some lo
ng-standing and reliable inductive process. As an example of this sort of perspective, one
can point to scientific theorizing that is based on statistical analysis, were one rejects "out
lying" data as unimportant, if other regularities characterize most of the remaining data. I
n doing so, we give priority to the regularity over (some of) the data. Certain approaches
to database consistency (e.g., Elmasri & Navathe, 1994, pp. 143-151) and some syntactic
theories of belief revision (e.g., Willard & Yuan, 1990; Foo & Rao, 1988) advocate the e
ntrenchment of the conditional form p→ q over non-conditional forms. For database cons
istency, a relation like p→ q can be said to represent a semantic integrity constraint, as in
"If x is y's manager, then x's salary is higher than y's salary." For classical belief revision
theories, the intuition driving the idea of entrenching p→q over other types of sentences i
s not because material implication per se is important, but because "lawlike relations" are
often expressed in sentences of this form. For example, Foo and Rao (1988) assign the hi
ghest epistemic entrenchment to physical laws, which may be especially effective in reas
Belief Revision as Propositional Update
oning about how a dynamic world can change (e.g., the belief update, rather than revision
, problem).
But there is another perspective that would propose exactly the opposite intuition
s about entrenchment: what should have priority are observations, data, or direct evidence
. These are the types of statements which are fundamental and about which we can be mo
st certain. Any kind of semantic regularities expressed in conditional form are merely hyp
otheses or data-summarizing statements that should be abandoned (or at least suspected)
when inferences predicted from them are not upheld by direct evidence. This sentiment fo
r data priority seems entirely plausible in the context of hypothesis evaluation (e.g., Thag
ard, 1989) as it did to some involved in the "logical construction of the world" (e.g., Russ
ell, 1918; Wittgenstein, 1922).
In sum, we note that these alternative intuitions about entrenching conditionals v.
non-conditionals are more or less readily accommodated, depending on the representation
of belief states. It is easy to use the form of a sentence as a trigger for entrenchment princ
iples, if one has a syntactic stance; but if a reasoner works with models of the world, then
this sort of entrenchment is not as easily supported (unless sentences are individually mo
deled and knowledge of "form" is somehow retained). By first understanding the principl
es that actually guide belief revision in people, we are in a better position to formulate wh
at kinds of representations would support the execution of those principles in a cognitive
Overview of Experiments
So far, we have touched upon a number of broad theoretical issues that bear on be
lief revision, at least when this is characterized as a deliberate decision to remove some pr
oposition(s) that had been accepted as true, in order to resolve a contradiction noted in the
belief set. Although our longer-term interest is to better understand what plausible princi
ples might define epistemic entrenchment, our immediate interest in the present studies w
Belief Revision as Propositional Update
as first to acquire some baseline data on what belief revision choices people make in relat
ively content-free tasks and to tie these results to models of deduction. To do this, we con
sider the simple task of choosing to abandon a conditional proposition v. a non-condition
al proposition (what we will also call a "simple sentence") as a way to resolve a logical co
ntradiction. This decision corresponds to the example dilemma we presented at the start o
f this article. The initial belief state, defined by a conditional and a simple sentence, can b
e expanded by the application of a deductive inference rule. In our paradigm, it is this res
ulting inferred belief that is subsequently contradicted. Because we know that human ded
uction is influenced by the particular form of the inference rule used (cf. Evans, Newstea
d, & Bryne, 1993) we are secondarily interested in whether the inference rule used in defi
ning the initial belief set impact a subsequent belief revision rule. While these particular
experiments are not designed to discriminate between proof theoretic or mental-models th
eories of deduction, such evidence is relevant to expanding either of these performance m
odels of human reasoning to embrace aspects of resolving contradiction. The final two stu
dies examine more directly various of the alternative model-theoretic definitions of mini
mal change, and investigate whether minimal change—by any of these definitions—is a p
rinciple for human belief revision. This organization notwithstanding, we note that these i
ssues—the syntactic versus model-theoretic distinction, epistemic entrenchment, and min
imal change—are tightly interwoven and they bear on each experiment in some way.
Entrenchment of Conditionals
In the first three experiments we report, we used two problem types that differed i
n whether the initial belief state included a conclusion drawn by the application of a mod
us ponens inference rule or by the application of a modus tollens inference rule. Modus p
onens is the inference rule that from If p then q, and furthermore p, then infer q. The mod
us ponens belief set consisted of a conditional, the conditional's antecedent, and the deriv
Belief Revision as Propositional Update
ed consequent. Modus tollens is the rule that from If p then q, and furthermore ~q, infer ~
p. The initial modus tollens belief set consisted of a conditional, the negation of its conse
quent, and the derived negation of the antecedent. We introduced contradiction with the i
nitial belief state by providing new information—the expansion information—which cont
radicted whatever the derived conclusion was. In the modus ponens case, the expansion
was ~q. In the modus tollens case, the expansion was p.6
We defined belief-change problems using these well-studied problem types, both
to provide a baseline for understanding the role of syntactic form in belief-change proble
ms, and to make contact with existing data and theories about human performance on the
se classic deductive forms in a different problem context. If a conditional enjoys some ki
nd of entrenchment by virtue of its syntactic form, people should prefer a revision that ret
ained the conditional but reversed the truth status of the simple sentence that permitted th
e (subsequently contradicted) inferred sentence. A related question is whether this belief
revision choice is made differently, depending on whether the belief state consisted of a
modus ponens or modus tollens inference. From an AI model-theoretic viewpoint, modus
ponens and modus tollens are just two different sides of the same coin: they differ only i
n their syntactic expression. Classical AI model-theoretic approaches would consider a re
vision that denied the conditional to be a more minimal change. 7 From a psychological v
iewpoint, it is well documented (e.g., see the survey by Evans, Newstead, and Byrne, 199
3) that people find making a modus tollens inference more difficult than making a modus
ponens inference. In this work, we did not want this feature of reasoning to come into pla
y. Therefore, we provided the inferences explicitly in defining the initial belief set, and th
en asked whether the deductive rule used to derive them affects the belief revision choice.
The existing literature on human reasoning performance also indicates an influen
ce of domain-specific content on the kinds of inferences that people are able or likely to d
raw. To account for these effects, theories have proposed the use of abstract reasoning sc
hemas (Cheng & Holyoak, 1989; Cheng, Holyoak, Nisbett, & Oliver, 1993) and a reasoni
Belief Revision as Propositional Update
ng by analogy approach (Cox & Griggs, 1982). For these initial investigations of belief-re
vision choices, we were not interested in investigating the direct applicability of these the
oretical distinctions to the issue of belief-revision, but rather considered the general empir
ical findings that people reason differently with familiar topics than they sometimes do w
hen given problems involving abstract symbols and terms. If belief revision is viewed les
s as a decision task driven by notions like minimal change and more as a problem of creat
ing consistent explanations of past and current data, then we might expect the pattern of r
evision choices to be different when the problem content is more “real-worldly” than abst
ract. So, these experiments used both abstract problems (containing letters and nonsense s
yllables to stand for antecedents and consequents) and equivalent versions using natural l
anguage formats.
Experiment 1
Problem Set. Table 1 gives the schematic versions of the two problem types used i
n this experiment. Each problem consisted of an initial sentence set, expansion informatio
n and then three alternative revision choices. The initial sentence set was labeled "the wel
l-established knowledge at time 1." The expansion information was introduced with the p
hrase, "By time 2, knowledge had increased to include the following." 8 Each revision al
ternative was called a "theory" and consisted of statements labeled "Believe", "Disbelieve
" or "Undecided About." A theory could have statements of all these types, or of just som
e of these types. The task for subjects was to choose one of the alternative revision theori
es as their preferred belief state change.
-------------------------------Insert Table 1 about here
Belief Revision as Propositional Update
For the modus ponens and modus tollens problems, the original sentence set inclu
ded a conditional of the form p→q and either the antecedent p or the negated consequent
~q, respectively. In both cases, the derived inferences were included in the initial set (q fo
r modus ponens, ~p for modus tollens). The expansion information for both problems con
tradicted the derived inference and this was explicitly noted to subjects in the presentatio
n of the problem. Revision choices 1 and 3 offered two different logically consistent way
s to reconcile this: deny the conditional (choice 3) or retain the conditional but reverse the
truth status of the simple sentence that permitted the inference (choice 1). Revision choic
e 2 was included to provide a choice that was non-minimal by almost any standard: it incl
uded the expansion information, denied the conditional, and labeled the simple sentence t
hat permitted the inference to be made as “uncertain” (signified by a ? in Table 1). Note t
hat all revision alternatives indicated that the expansion information must be believed.
Problems had one of two presentation forms: a symbolic form, using letters and n
onsense syllables, and a science-fiction form. An "outer space exploration" cover story w
as used to introduce the science-fiction forms. Here is an example of how a modus tollens
problem appeared in the science fiction condition:
On Monday, you know the following are true:
If an ancient ruin has a protective force field, then it is inhabited by the aliens
called Pylons.
The tallest ancient ruin is not inhabited by Pylons.
Therefore, the tallest ancient ruin does not have a protective force field.
On Tuesday, you then learn:
The tallest ancient ruin does have a protective force field.
The Tuesday information conflicts with what was known to be true on Monda
y. Which of the following do you think should be believed at this point?
Belief Revision as Propositional Update
A corresponding symbol version of this problem was: If Lex's have a P, then they also ha
ve an R. Max is a Lex that has a P. Therefore, Max has an R. The expansion information
was Max does not have an R.
Design. All subjects solved both modus ponens and modus tollens problem types.
Presentation form (symbolic versus science-fiction) was a between-subjects factor. The s
cience-fiction cover stories used several different clauses to instantiate the problems. The
clauses used for each problem type are shown in Appendix A.
Subjects. One-hundred twenty subjects from the University of Alberta Psychology
Department subject pool participated in the study. Equal numbers of subjects were rando
mly assigned to the symbol and science fiction conditions.
Procedure. The modus ponens and modus tollens belief problems appeared as part
of a larger set of belief revision problems. The order of revision alternatives for each pro
blem was counterbalanced across subjects. Below are excerpts from the instructions, to cl
arify how we presented this task to our subjects:
....The first part of the problem gives an initial set of knowledge that was true and
well-established at time 1 (that is, some point in time). There were no mistakes at
that time. The second part of the problem presents additional knowledge about th
e world that has come to light at time 2 (some later time). This knowledge is also t
rue and well-established.... The world is still the same but what has happened is th
at knowledge about the world has increased....After the additional knowledge is pr
esented, the problem gives two or more possible "theories" that reconcile the initi
al knowledge and the additional knowledge....Your task is to consider the time 1 a
nd time 2 knowledge, and then select the theory that you think is the best way to r
econcile all the knowledge.
Belief Revision as Propositional Update
Each subject contributed one revision-type choice for each of the two problem ty
pes. This gives us frequency data for how often each revision choice was selected, as a f
unction of two variables: problem form (modus ponens v. modus tollens) and presentatio
n form (science-fiction v. symbolic). Table 2 presents this data as the percentages of subj
ects choosing a particular revision choice.
From the schematic versions of the problems in Table 1, it is clear that the three b
elief revision alternatives for the modus ponens (MP) and modus tollens (MT) problems
have a certain symmetry, even though the actual details of each revision are necessarily d
ifferent. In Table 2's presentation of the data, we re-label these revision alternatives in a
more general form that reflects this symmetry. For both problem types, revision choice 1
retains the conditional but reverses the truth status for the non-conditional that was the ot
her initial belief. (For the MP problem, the expansion was p, so q was the initial non-cond
itional. For the MT problem, the expansion mentioned q; so p was the initial non-conditio
nal.) In revision choice 2, the conditional is disbelieved and non-conditional is uncertain.
Under revision choice 3, the conditional is disbelieved and non-conditional retains whate
ver truth value it had initially.
-------------------------------Insert Table 2 about here
-------------------------------In general, subjects preferred revisions in which the p→q rule was disbelieved (rev
isions 2 and 3). Collapsing across presentation condition, the clearest difference between
the MP and MT belief-change problems concerned which of these two rule-denial revisio
ns subjects preferred: on MP problems, the preferred belief change saw subjects preferrin
g simply to disbelieve only the rule; on MT problems, the preferred revision was to disbel
ieve the rule and to regard the initial non-conditional, ~q, as uncertain.
To analyze this frequency data, one could create a set of two-way tables for each l
evel of each variable of interest to assess whether the distribution of frequencies is differe
Belief Revision as Propositional Update
nt, and compute a chi-square test of independence for each subtable; however, this does n
ot provide estimates of the effects of variables on each other. Loglinear models are usefu
l for uncovering the relationships between a dependent variable and multiple independent
variables for frequency data. A likelihood-ratio chi-square can be used to test how well a
particular model's prediction of cell frequencies matches the observed cell frequencies.
We can first ask whether the three revision alternatives were selected with equal pr
obability, when collapsed across all conditions. The observed percentages of 22.2%, 39.9
%, and 37.9% for revision choices 1, 2, and 3, respectively, were significantly different fr
om the expected percentages (χ2=13.27, df=2, p=.001). By examining the residuals, we c
an identify patterns of deviation from the model. The two deviations in this case were the
percentage of revision 1 and revision 2 choices.
To test whether revision choice is independent of problem type and presentation m
ode, we fit a model that included simple main effects for each factor, but no interaction te
rms. The chi-square value indicates that such an independence model does not fit the data
well (χ 2=15.33, p=.004, df=4). Models that included only one interaction term for revisi
on by problem type, or only one for revision by presentation mode, were also poor fits to
the observe data (χ 2=12.02 and 10.52, respectively, df's=4, p's < .05). The simplest mod
el whose predicted frequencies were not significantly different from observed frequencies
included both a revision by problem-type and a revision by presentation-mode interactio
n term (χ 2=3.18, df=2, p=.203).9
The means in Table 2 indicate that the pattern of difference between MP and MT
choices is primarily due to differences in responses on the science-fiction problems. 58%
of the science-fiction condition subjects chose to disbelieve p—>q on modus ponens beli
ef states, while only 29% did so in the modus tollens case. The most frequently-chosen re
vision (54%) for a science fiction MT belief-revision was a non-minimal change: disbelie
Belief Revision as Propositional Update
ving p—> q and changing q's initial truth status from false to uncertain. Only 29% of the
subjects choose this revision on the modus ponens belief state.
Experiment 2
In Experiment 1, subjects may have been evaluating merely whether each revision opt
ion was logically consistent, independently of what the initial sentence set and expansion
information was. Only two of the revisions alternatives offered minimal-changes to the in
itial sentence set, and this might have accounted for the close pattern of responses betwee
n symbolic-form MT and MP problems. Asking subjects to generate, rather than select, a
revision would most directly address this possibility, but for these studies, we decided to r
etain the selection paradigm and to increase the alternatives. For Experiment 2, we includ
ed an extra non-minimal change revision and a revision in which the sentences were logic
ally inconsistent.
Problem Set and Design. Table 3 presents the response alternatives for the modus
ponens and modus tollens problems used in Experiment 2. The first three response choice
s were the same as those used in Experiment 1. The fourth choice denies both the rule and
changes the original truth status of the initial non-conditional sentence. This is a non-min
imal change and results in an inconsistent set of sentences as well. The fifth revision choi
ce labels both the conditional and the non-conditional from the initial belief set as uncerta
in. These changes too are non-minimal, but the final belief set is logically consistent.
-------------------------------Insert Table 3 about here
Belief Revision as Propositional Update
Subjects and Procedure. Forty-three subjects participated as part of a course requir
ement for an introductory psychology course. All subjects solved both MP and MT probl
ems, as part of a larger set of belief-revision problems. Only symbolic forms of the proble
ms were used in this follow-up experiment. The instructions were the same as those used
for Experiment 1.
The percentage of subjects choosing each revision choice are also given in Table
3. There is some consistency in the patterns of responses across both Experiments 1 and 2
. The frequency of revisions in which the initial non-conditional's truth value was change
d (revision choice 1) was still relatively low (about 25%) on both problem types, as we ha
d found in Experiment 1. About 33% of the subjects opted simply to disbelieve the condit
ional (revision 3) on the MP problem (as they had in Experiment 1). However, on the MT
problem, changing both the conditional and the initial simple sentence to uncertain (revis
ion 5) accounted for most of the choices. A simple chi-square computed on the revisionchoice by problem-type frequency table confirmed there was a different pattern of revisio
n choices for these modus ponens and modus tollens problems ( χ2=15.33, df=4, p=.004)
Experiment 3
In the first experiments, we explicitly included the derived consequences in the m
odus ponens and modus tollens problems. In Experiment 3, we tested whether or not this
inclusion of consequences as explicit elements of the initial belief set (versus allowing th
e subjects to draw their own conclusions) would affect revision choice. Consider, for exa
mple, problem type 1 in Table 4. This problem's initial belief set supports a simple modus
ponens inference from a conditional m & d → g and the simple sentences m and d to gen
erate the conclusion g. As in the previous experiments, there were two logically consisten
t ways to reconcile the ~g expansion information: deny the conditional, or deny one or m
ore of the simple sentences that comprise the conditional's antecedent. The two revision c
Belief Revision as Propositional Update
hoices reflect these two choices. Alternative 1 disbelieves the conditional and retains beli
ef in the simple sentences; alternative 2 retains belief in the conditional and calls into que
stion one or both of the simple sentences.
------------------------Insert Table 4 here
Whether or not the initial sentence set includes derived consequences can have m
ore profound implications when the initial belief set supports a chain of inferences. Consi
der problem type 2 in Table 4, in which the initial belief state is {c→h, h→m, c} and the
expansion information is {~h}. One conclusion supported in the initial belief set is h. And
this is in conflict with the expansion information. There are two ways to resolve this conf
lict: deny the conditional c→h , arriving at the final belief set of {c, h→m, ~h}. Or deny c
and retain the conditional c→h, to obtain the revised belief set {c→h, h→m, ~c,~h}. Not
e that m cannot be inferred from either of these two revised belief states, but note also tha
t it was a consequence of the initial belief set. Should we continue to believe in m? We ca
n do that only if we believed in m in the first place, that is, if we drew m as a logical cons
equence of the first set of sentences. Otherwise, its status would be uncertain—neither bel
ieved nor disbelieved. Belief revision alternatives were provided for both these possibiliti
es and this was investigated both in the case where logical consequences of beliefs were e
xplicitly included in the initial belief set (as in Experiments 1 and 2) and also without exp
licit inclusion.
A second factor we considered in this follow-up was whether the conditional sent
ences in the initial belief set were propositional sentences or were universally-quantified s
entences. The belief revision problem hinges on the reconciliation of conflicting informat
ion, but how that reconciliation proceeds may depend on whether it contradicts what is be
lieved about a class (hence, is a factor relevant to predicate logic), versus what is believed
Belief Revision as Propositional Update
about an individual (and hence is a feature of propositional logic). Therefore, we manipu
lated whether the initial belief set was specified by universally quantified sentences or pr
opositional sentences for each of the problems studied in Experiment 3.
Problem Set and Design. The schematic versions of the two problem types given i
n Table 4 were used to create 8 different problems. Two factors were crossed for both pro
blem types 1 and 2. The first factor was whether the minimal logical consequences of the
initial sentence set were explicitly given as part of the initial belief set. In Table 4, the bra
cketed simple sentences were explicitly listed as part of the initial belief set in the conseq
uences-given condition or were omitted in the no-consequences given condition.
The second factor, sentence-form, was whether the belief set was based only on pr
opositional sentences, or concerned sentences about universally-quantified arguments. Th
us, one propositional form of a conditional was If Carol is in Chicago, then she stays at th
e Hilton Hotel, while the universally-quantified form was Whenever any manager from y
our company is in Chicago, s/he stays at the Hilton Hotel. The associated simple sentence
s in each case referenced a particular individual. For the propositional example, the sente
nce instantiating the antecedent was You know that Carol is in Chicago. For the universal
ly-quantified condition, it was You know that Carol, one of the company managers, is in
For problem type 1, the revision choices were either to disbelieve the conditional (
revision alternative 1) or to disbelieve one or both of the initial simple sentences (revision
alternative 2). The same distinction holds for problem type 2, which had four revision alt
ernatives: alternatives 1 and 3 involved denying the conditional c→h, while revision choi
ces 2 and 4 retained the conditional and instead changed c to ~c. The other key distinctio
n in problem type 2's revision alternatives concerned the status of m, which was the chain
Belief Revision as Propositional Update
ed inference that the initial belief set supports. Revision choices 1 and 2 labeled m as unc
ertain; revision alternatives choices 3 and 4 retained m as a belief.
All of the problems were presented in natural language formats. The following tex
t illustrates how Problem Type 1 appeared in the consequences given—propositional con
Suppose you are reviewing the procedures for the Photography Club at a nearby uni
versity, and you know that the following principle holds:
If the Photography Club receives funding from student fees and it also charges
membership dues, then it admits non-student members.
You further know that the Photography Club does receive funding from student fees
. It also charges membership dues. So you conclude it admits non-student members.
You ask the Photography Club for a copy of its by-laws and you discover
The Photography Club does not admit non-student members—all
members must be registered students.
Subjects and Procedure. Thirty-five University of Alberta students served as subje
cts, to fulfill a course requirement for experiment participation. Problems were presented
in booklet form, which included other belief-revision problems as fillers. All subjects sol
ved all four versions of both problem types 1 and 2: no consequence—propositional, cons
equences given—propositional, no consequences—quantified, consequences given—qua
ntified. There were six pseudo-random orders for the problems within the booklet; within
each order, the four versions of any given problem were separated by at least two other pr
oblems of a different type. The order of response alternatives for each problem was also r
Belief Revision as Propositional Update
For problem type 1, revision choice 1 (disbelieving the conditional; see Table 4) a
ccounted for 82% of the revision choices. This is consistent with the pattern of choices in
Experiment 1 results on science-fiction problems and this preference to disbelieve the con
ditional was not affected by whether or not the modus ponens inference was explicitly list
ed in the initial sentence set nor by the use of propositional v. universally-quantified sente
nces. In terms of the first factor, we note that people generally find modus ponens an eas
y inference to make, and these results confirm that the general preference to disbelieve th
e conditional does not rest on whether the contradicted inference is explicitly provided.
Concerning propositional v. universally-quantified sentences, we observe that it is difficu
lt to construct if p —>q sentences that are not, somehow, interpretable as universally-qua
ntified over time. Thus, even sentences like If Carol is in Chicago, then Carol is at the Hil
ton, may be interpreted as For all times when Carol is in Chicago, ..... There seems to be
little in the line of systematic, empirical study of the effect of propositional v. single quan
tifier v. multiple quantifier logic upon people's reasoning (although both Rips, 1994, Cha
pts. 6 and 7, and Johnson-Laird & Byrne, 1991, Chapts. 6 and 7, address this issue in thei
r respective computational frameworks). Nonetheless, it seems clearly to be an important
issue for studies that place an emphasis upon recognition of contradictions, since the imp
act of contradictory information upon "rules" is different in these different realms.
There was also no impact of either the consequences-given or the sentence-form f
actor on the patterns of revision choices for Problem Type 2, in which the initial belief set
contained an intermediate conclusion h and then a chained conclusion m, that depended
on h, and where expansion information contradicted h. The percentage of revision choice
1 (denying the conditional c—> h) accounted for 52% of the choices; choice 2 (denying t
he non-conditional sentence c) accounted for 29% of the choices. In both these cases, the
status m, the chained inference that depended on h, was labeled uncertain. Revision altern
atives 3 and 4, which were analogous to alternatives 1 and 2 except that they retained beli
ef in m, accounted for 14% and 5%, respectively, of the remaining choices. The preferen
Belief Revision as Propositional Update
ce to change m's truth status from true to uncertain rather than retain it as true is interestin
g: it is an additional change to the initial belief state beyond what is necessary to resolve t
he contradiction. Perhaps people's revision strategy is guided more by the recognition tha
t a belief depends on another than upon minimizing the number of truth values that chang
e from one state to the next.
In Experiments 1-3, we aimed to identify what kinds of revision choices subjects
would make in symbolic and non-symbolic types of problems, with the former providing
some kind of baseline for whether a conditional statement enjoys some level of entrench
ment merely as a function of its syntactic form. Our second concern was to assess whethe
r belief revision choices were affected by the composition of an initial belief set, i.e., whe
ther it was defined through the use of the conditional in a modus ponens or modus tollens
inference. This offers us a bridge between belief revision (as a task of making a deliberat
e change in what is to be "believed" in the face of contradictory information) and the data
and theories on deductive reasoning.
There was no evidence that people preferred to entrench the conditional on these
tasks. In the choices we gave subjects, there was one way to continue to believe the condi
tional and two ways to disbelieve it. If people were equally likely to retain the conditional
as they were to abandon it, we might expect 50% of the choices falling into the keep-theconditional revision, with the two ways to disbelieve it each garnering 25% of the choices
. On the symbolic problems in Experiments 1 and 2, the frequency of retaining the conditi
onal after the expansion information was only about 25% on both modus ponens and mod
us tollens problems; it was even lower on the natural language problems.
Although subjects' preference was to abandon belief in the conditional, the way i
n which this occurred on modus ponens and modus tollens problems was slightly differen
t. On modus ponens problems, subjects disbelieved the conditional but continued to belie
ve the non-conditional sentence as it was specified in the initial belief set. On modus tolle
Belief Revision as Propositional Update
ns problems, subjects tended towards more "uncertainty" in the new belief state: either de
nying the conditional and deciding the non-conditional was uncertain (Experiment 1), or l
abeling both as uncertain when that was an option (Experiment 2). These tendencies on m
odus tollens problems could be interpreted as conservative revision decisions, since neith
er the initial conditional nor the initial non-conditional sentence is explicitly denied; on th
e other hand, they correspond to maximal changes because the truth values of both initial
beliefs are altered. We leave further discussion of entrenchment issues to the General Dis
It is natural at this point to consider the relationship between this belief-change tas
k and standard deduction, and to ask whether this task and its results can be understood as
a deduction task in some other guise. There are two reasons we think it is not. First we c
onsider the task demands and results for the modus ponens and modus tollens belief revis
ion problems, and then briefly outline results we have obtained on belief expansion probl
ems that did not involve a contradiction.
The task demands of the modus ponens and modus tollens belief-revision problems
We can neutrally rephrase the modus ponens belief-change problem that subjects f
aced as "Make sense of [p→q, p, q] + [~q]," where the first sentence set represents the ini
tial belief set and the second signifies the expansion information. Since subjects had to ac
cept the expansion information, what we call the modus ponens problem thus becomes "
Make sense of [p→q, p, ~q], such that ~q is retained." Similarly, the modus tollens proble
m is "Make sense of [p→q, ~q, p], such that p is retained." Because these two problems a
re semantically equivalent, the forms in the set of propositions to be considered are the sa
me and the models of these sentence sets are the same. The difference lies only in the nat
ure of the derivation in the initial sentence set, and the corresponding constraint on what
must be retained after the revision.
What we have called the modus ponens belief revision problem could be construe
d as an modus tollens deduction problem, if subjects consider only the conditional in com
Belief Revision as Propositional Update
bination with the expansion information: "Given [p →q] + [~q], what can I derive?" The i
nvited modus tollens inference is ~p. If they derived this, they could at least consider reta
ining the conditional and changing p to ~p in their belief-state change. The trouble that m
odus tollens inferences present for people could in this way explain the observed prevalen
ce of disbelieving the conditional on modus ponens belief revision problems.
Applying this same perspective on the task to the modus tollens problem, we woul
d see the modus tollens belief revision problem becoming an modus ponens deduction pr
oblem, if only the conditional and the expansion information are considered: "Given [p→
q] + [p], what can I derive?" People have little difficulty with modus ponens and under th
is analysis, it would be an "easy inference" to conclude q, and so be led to reverse the trut
h status of ~q as the belief change. But the majority of subjects did not do this—on these
problems as well, they disbelieved the conditional. Therefore, it does not seem that our ge
neral pattern of disbelieving the conditional in belief revision can be reduced to, and acco
unted for by, the nature of the difficulties in making certain types of standard deductive in
It is possible that subjects did not accept the modus tollens belief set as consistent
in the first place. (People have difficulty both in generating modus tollens inferences and
in validating them when they are provided—cf. Evans, Newstead, & Byrne (1993), p.36).
So perhaps this could be used to account for why there was high percentage of "everythi
ng but the expansion information is uncertain" revisions on modus tollens problems in Ex
periment 2. However, this does not account for why, on these modus tollens problems, su
bjects would not simply focus on both the conditional and the expansion information, and
then draw an modus ponens inference—that would lead to changing the truth status of th
e initial simple sentence, as opposed to what they in fact did.
Deductive reasoning and belief-state expansions
Belief Revision as Propositional Update
The second reason we believe these tasks are not reducible to equivalent deductiv
e reasoning problem stems from results we obtained on other belief-state expansion probl
ems, in which the expansion information did not contradict the initial belief set (Elio & P
elletier, 1994). These problems used two different but logically equivalent forms of a bic
onditional: p if and only if q and ( (p & q) ∨ (~p & ~q) ). The expansion information was
sometimes p and at other times ~p. Unlike the belief revision problems, these problems h
ave a deductively "correct" answer: given p↔q (in either form) as an initial belief, with t
he sentence p as the expansion, it logically follows that q should be asserted and made pa
rt of the belief state. (And if ~q is the expansion, then ~p should be believed). If we view
the biconditional-plus-expansion information problems as biconditional modus ponens (o
r biconditional modus tollens) problems, then we would expect that subjects presented wi
th our biconditional and disjunctive belief expansion problems should behave like the sub
jects given biconditional and disjunctive deductive problems in other studies. Yet we fou
nd that subjects asserted q on the p↔q form of our biconditionals much less frequently (
about 72%) than typically reported for these problems presented as standard deduction tas
ks (e.g., 98% accuracy in Johnson-Laird et al., 1992). And fully 56% of subjects given th
e biconditional in disjunctive form followed by the belief expansion p did not augment th
eir belief set with q, when the problem was presented with a science-fiction cover story. I
nstead, they decided q was uncertain and that the biconditional itself was uncertain or unb
In sum, we believe that the task of belief revision, even in the relatively constraine
d way we have defined it here, does not simply unpack into deductive reasoning, particul
arly when natural-language formats are used for the problem. That is, subjects may not in
tegrate information arriving across time (e.g., learning “later” that p holds true) into a beli
ef set in the same way as information known to be true at the same time (“From If p is no
w true, then q is also true, and furthermore p is now true, what follows?”). It may be that t
he belief revision task invites the reasoner to make certain assumptions about evidence th
Belief Revision as Propositional Update
at is not explicitly included in the initial or subsequent information; it may also be that co
uching the task as changes in beliefs invites a more conservative strategy than what chara
cterizes people's choices on formal logic problems.
On models of belief states and deduction
The experiments we designed do not speak to whether belief states are best model
ed as sets of sentences or sets of models. However, we can observe the following. First, A
I competence models are typically not concerned with human performance, yet they some
times appeal to human rationality to justify their particular perspective. For example, a sy
ntax-based competence model proponent may point to the fact that a model-based perspe
ctive involves an infinite number of models, when taken to the extreme; and because that
is so clearly beyond the capability of human cognition, such modeling cannot be appropri
ate. A model-theoretic proponent might say that it is only via models of the actual world t
hat the meaning of the sentences has any reality. Even acknowledging that competence m
odels are not likely to be interested in belief revision decisions on modus ponens and mod
us tollens based belief states; we can nonetheless say that a model-theoretic competence f
ramework could never model any of these kinds of differences, since modus ponens and
modus tollens are indistinguishable from the perspective of formal model theories. Furthe
r, our finding that people seem to prefer to abandon the conditional is problematic for mo
del-theoretic frameworks, unless they retain some mapping between each sentence and th
e model which that sentence generates. But there are difficulties for a syntactic-based per
spective. It is unclear that the syntactic form of sentences per se should be a primary tag
for guiding belief revision decisions. Indeed, our finding that people were more willing t
o abandon the conditional on natural language problems than on symbolic problems sugg
ests that there are other, non-syntactic considerations at play that may serve as pragmatic
belief revision principles. We return to this issue in the General Discussion.
Belief Revision as Propositional Update
The belief revision results we obtained do not speak directly to performance theor
ies of human deduction, but there are some important observations we can make here as
well. First, the Johnson-Laird mental models framework could possibly accommodate the
general preference to deny the conditional, by the preference ordering it puts on models t
hat different types of sentences generate. The mental model of p→q is "[p q]..." where [p
q] represents the initial explicit model, in which both p and q are true, and the ellipsis “...
” represents that there are additional models of this sentence (corresponding to possible m
odels in which p is not true; Johnson-Laird, Byrne, and Schaeken, 1992). For our modus
ponens problem, the initial sentence set is p→q, p, and ∴ q. Let C indicate models of the
conditional, and S to indicate models of simple sentences in the initial belief set. Hence, t
he initial modus ponens model set would be C: [p q]..., S: [p], S:[q], respectively. Note th
at the models for the simple sentences are consistent with what the mental models theory
proposes as the initial explicit model for the conditional. The modus ponens expansion in
formation is ~q and we denote its model as E:[~q]. Suppose a subject compares the expan
sion model E:[~q], which must be retained in any revision, to each of the models from the
initial set. The expansion model would eliminate the model S:[q], be silent on the model
S:[p], and eliminate the model C:[p q] of the conditional. By this process, the preferred re
vision choice should be to deny this model of the conditional and the retain the non-condi
tional sentence p. In fact, this choice accounted for 75% of the modus ponens revisions in
Experiment 1 and about 60% in Experiment 2. By the same general reasoning, the menta
l-models approach would find itself predicting a preponderance of conditional denials for
modus tollens problems. While we did find this is true in general, there would have to be
some further account for people's greater tendency to decide the conditionals are uncertai
n (rather than false) on modus tollens problems than on modus ponens problems.
From a proof-theoretic perspective, Rips (1994, pp. 58-62) directly considers the
problem of belief revision as the issue of which of several premises to abandon in the fac
e of contradiction, acknowledging that deduction rules cannot alone "solve" the belief rev
Belief Revision as Propositional Update
ision problem. He discusses a multi-layer approach, in which the principles governing be
lief revision decisions are themselves "logic-based processing rules" that co-exist with th
e deduction rules that he proposes as components of reasoning and problem-solving. Thu
s, a proof-theoretic approach might be extended to deal with our belief revision results by
having an explicit higher-level rule that, when contradiction is recognized, indicates the
action of disbelieving a conditional form when it is one of the premises. But even withou
t an appeal to this approach, it is possible to consider a proof-theoretic account of our res
ults, as we did for the mental-models perspective, using Rips' (1994) framework. Recall a
gain the above perspective that portrayed the modus ponens belief-revision problem as bo
iling down to " Given [p—>q, p] + [~q] and the constraint that ~q must be retained as a b
elief, what can you prove?" One can imagine that a subject formulates two competing set
s of premises. One set is [p—>q, ~q]. There is no direct modus tollens rule in Rips' theor
y (the modus tollens inference is accomplished through the application of two other infer
ence rules), thus accounting for the notion that modus tollens proof for ~p is difficult and
may halt. On the other hand, there is a readily available inference rule ("and introduction"
) that can apply to the other combination of premises [p, ~q] to yield [~p and q]. From thi
s perspective, subjects might reach a state that they can more easily recognize as valid an
d that may be why they prefer a revision in which these sentences are retained and the co
nditional is disbelieved. On the modus tollens problem, we can characterize the belief re
vision dilemma as "Given [p—>q, ~q] + [p] and the constraint that p must be retained, w
hat can you prove?" The modus ponens rule is readily available according to Rips' theory,
and so the premise combination [p—>q, p] easily yields q. Just as easily, the other comb
ination of premises [~q, p] yields [p and ~q]. The greater tendency to prefer revisions that
label the conditional (and the non-conditional) "uncertain" in the modus tollens belief re
vision case relative to the modus ponens belief-revision case may reflect subjects' ability t
o prove something from both combinations of premises (as we have stated them) and thei
Belief Revision as Propositional Update
r appreciation that they have no reason to prefer the premises of one proof over the other
in these simple problems.
Our goal in considering how two contrasting perspectives of deductive reasoning
might accommodate our results was not to support one over the other; neither was it our
motivating intent. The accounts we sketched above are offered as speculations on how ea
ch perspective might be extended into the realm of belief revision, given their representati
on and processing assumptions about deductive reasoning. Such extensions are an import
ant component for an integrated theory of reasoning and required much more consideratio
n than we have briefly allowed here.
Models and Minimal Change
As we noted earlier, one of the desiderata of the classical AI belief revision perspe
ctive is that an agent should make a minimal change to its initial belief set, when resolvin
g any conflict that results from new information. Within a syntactic approach, the definiti
on of change is computed from the number of formulas retained from one belief state to a
nother; there are not many different ways to compute this number, since the formulas are
fixed. The primary issue is whether or not the set of formula is closed, i.e., includes all co
nsequences of the initially-specified set of sentences. When the set of formulae is not clo
sed, making a formula become part of the explicit belief set is regarded as more of a chan
ge than having it be in the implicit beliefs.
Within a model-theoretic approach, it turns out there is more than one way to com
pute what a minimal change might be, even for the simplest problems. In this section, we
present the gist of some alternative computational definitions of minimal change. None of
these approaches were devised as psychological models of how humans might manipulat
e alternative models in the face of conflicting information. And while the ways the algorit
hms that compute minimal change might not be psychologically plausible, the final chang
Belief Revision as Propositional Update
e that each one deems minimal often corresponds to an intuitively reasonable way of inte
grating both the old and new belief information. We provide simple algorithmic interpret
ations of each of these minimal change definitions in Table 5 and highlight the functional
effects of computing minimal change according to one algorithm or another.
A straightforward way to quantify the degree of change is to count the number of
propositions whose truth values change if one model (e.g., expansion information) is inte
grated with another model (e.g., the initial belief set). The tricky part comes when there is
more than one model of the initial belief set, or of the expansion information, or both. Cl
early, there will be more than one possible interpretation for a sentence set whenever ther
e is an explicit uncertainty. By explicit uncertainty, we mean a belief sentence that directl
y mentions that the truth status of some proposition is either true or false. Hence, in the se
ntence set (p, q ∨ ~q), q is explicitly uncertain, so there are two models of this sentence se
t: [p ~q], [p q]. Suppose, however, that the initial sentence set were "Either p and q are tru
e at the same time, or they are false at the same time" and that the expansion information
is "p is false, q is true, and furthermore r is true." The initial belief state has two models, [
p q], [~p ~q], and both p and q are explicitly uncertain. The proposition r was not in eithe
r of the initial models of the world. But clearly, its truth status (along with every other po
ssible sentence) in the initial belief set was, in hindsight, uncertain. This is what we call i
mplicit uncertainty, and all the algorithms in Table 5 construct different models of the init
ial belief set to accommodate the implicit uncertainty about r just as if it were explicitly u
ncertain in the first place. Thus, the computations for minimal change for this problem w
ould begin with these models of the initial belief set [pq~r], [pqr], [~p~q~r], and [~p~q~r]
. As we shall see in the first example below, this same approach of creating extra models
also applies when a sentence that is present in the initial belief set is not mentioned the ex
pansion information.
One approach to determining a minimal change is to chose a model of the expansi
on sentences that is the minimal distance from some model of the initial belief set. Suppo
Belief Revision as Propositional Update
se an initial belief is "Either p, q, r, s are all true at the same time, or they are all false at t
he same time." So there are two different models of this initial belief: [p q r s] and [~p ~q
~r ~s]. Expansion information such as "p is true, s is false, and r is false" contradicts this i
nitial belief state and furthermore does not mention anything about q. There are then two
models of the expansion, one in which q is true [p q ~r ~s] and one in which it is false [p
~q ~r ~s]. The latter model of the expansion is "close" to the second model (disjunct) of t
he initial belief set and is indeed "closer" than either expansion model is to the first model
of the initial belief set. By this reasoning, a new belief state that represents a minimal cha
nge on the initial state is [p ~q ~r ~s]). This is the gist of the minimal change approach pr
oposed by Dalal (1988) and summarized as Algorithm D in Table 5. More formally, Dala
l's revision of a belief set by an expansion sentence is a set of minimal models where (a) e
ach member of this set satisfies the expansion information, and (b) there is no other mode
l of the initial belief set that also satisfies the expansion information and differs from any
model of initial belief set by fewer atoms than the set of minimal models. The revision re
sults in the set of all these minimal models. Thus, Dalal's algorithm settles on one model
of the expansion information, if possible, and in doing so, can be viewed as retroactively
settling on one particular model of the initial belief set.
An alternative intuition would hold that: only informative (non-tautological) initia
l beliefs can be used to choose among multiple interpretations of the expansion informati
on, if they exist. This is one way to interpret an algorithm proposed by Weber (1986). Si
mply put, Weber's algorithm first identifies the initially-believed sentences that must take
on whatever truth values are specified for them in the expansion. For the same example i
n the preceding paragraph, this set would contain the sentences p, r, and s, because they e
ach have a specific value they are required to take, according to the new information. The
se sentences are then eliminated from the initial belief set to identify what (if any) inform
ative sentences propositions might be retained from the initial belief set. Subtracting p, r,
and s from the initial belief set {[p q r s], [~p ~q ~r ~s]}leaves [q ∨ ~q], which is a tautol
Belief Revision as Propositional Update
ogy, and by Weber's algorithm, leaves no (informative) proposition. (Had there been som
e other sentence which was in both of the initial models, it would have then been assigne
d to the revised belief state). The algorithm then conjoins these two components: the truth
values of p, r, and s as determined by the expansion information [p ~r ~s] and whatever c
an be retained with certainty from the initial belief set, which here is the empty model [ ].
Whereas Dalal's revision for this problem would be [p ~r ~s ~q], Weber's minimal revisio
n would be [p ~r ~s], with q implicitly uncertain by virtue of its absence from the model.
A simple algorithm that corresponds to this approach is given as Algorithm W in Table 5.
------------------------Insert Table 5 about here
------------------------Borgida (1985) proposes an algorithm that is similar to Dalal's, but produces what
might be considered a more conservative belief-state change. Essentially, each expansion
model is compared to each initial belief-set model: the expansion model that produces a
minimal change for a particular initial-belief interpretation is remembered. All these expa
nsions that are minimal with respect to some model of the initial belief set are then used t
o define the new belief set. An algorithm that captures this approach is given as Algorith
m B in Table 5. Consider a case where there is more than one interpretation of the initial
belief set. If [p q ~s] is the initial belief set, and [~p ~q r ~s] and [~p ~q ~r s] are two mod
els of the expansion information, then two models of the initial belief set are considered: t
he first contains r and second contains ~r. Both interpretations of the expansion informati
on define a minimal change with one of the interpretations of the initial belief set (the firs
t expansion disjunct with the first interpretation of the belief set, and the second expansio
n disjunct with the second interpretation of the belief set). Thus, both [~p~q r ~s] and [~p
~q ~r s] are on the stack after step B1.2. Since neither of these is minimal with respect to
the other, the final belief set consists of guaranteed truth values for those propositions on
which the interpretations agree and uncertain truth values for propositions on which they
Belief Revision as Propositional Update
disagree, yielding a final belief state of [ ~p~q {r~s ∨ ~rs}]. Algorithm B differs from Al
gorithm D in that each model of the initial belief set identifies, in Algorithm B, what mod
el of the expansion information would result in a minimal change (by number of propositi
ons changed). Once one of the expansion models is identified as minimal with respect to
a particular model of the initial belief set, there is no further check of whether one change
is more or less minimal than some other combination of initial-belief interpretation and e
xpansion-interpretation (as Algorithm D does on step D2). This can be viewed as a more
conservative belief-state change, because there isn't the possibility of settling on one parti
cular model of the initial belief state.
Satoh (1988) proposed belief revision operator that is a less-restricted version of
Borgida’s revision operator, when applied to the propositional case. The feature that mak
es it less restricted is illustrated in Algorithm S, which is identical to Algorithm B, except
that step B1.2 in Algorithm B occurs outside the first control loop as step S2 in Algorith
m S. Functionally, this difference means that there is no pruning of non-minimal changes
with respect to a particular belief-set model (as on Step 1.2 in Algorithm B). Instead, the
entire set is saved until step S2, which removes any change that subsumes another change
. After S2, all changes that remain are minimal. Step S3 then finds a model of the expansi
on that is consistent with the minimal set of necessary changes. Put more intuitively, this
algorithm crosses all interpretations of the initial belief set and all interpretations of the e
xpansion set to create the model set from which a minimal change is computed. The funct
ional effect is that, when there is just one model of the initial belief set, that model may "
choose" the closest interpretation of the expansion information; when there is just a single
version of the expansion information, that model may "choose" among alternative model
s of the initial information. Only the latter may occur under the Borgida algorithm.
We are not interested so much in the means by which these alternative model-base
d revision frameworks define minimal change, as we are in the way they capture alternati
ve intuitions about manipulating multiple models. In Algorithm D, the way that minimal
Belief Revision as Propositional Update
change is computed can have the effect of "selecting" one of multiple interpretations of th
e initial belief set. The effect of Algorithm B is to retain multiple models in the new belie
f set when there are multiple models of the expansion information. Algorithm S will com
pute a new belief state with multiple models, when multiple models exist in both the initi
al and expansion information; but it can use a single model of either to produce a single
model of the new belief set. Finally, Algorithm W uses the expansion information to defi
ne what can be believed with certainty; other belief-set sentences not mentioned in the ex
pansion information may decide between multiple interpretations of the expansion inform
ation, but only if their truth value was known with certainty in the first place (i.e., was tru
e in every model or false in every model of the initial belief state).
There are plausible elements in each of these approaches for principles that might
dictate how people deal with multiple interpretations of information when resolving inco
nsistencies. Our interest was whether which, if any of them, corresponded to how people
integrate multiple models in a belief revision task. As the reader might surmise, for any p
articular problem, some or all of the methods could yield the same final belief set. It is po
ssible, however, to define a set of problems for which a pattern of responses would distin
guish among these alternative approaches. We developed such a problem set to obtain dat
a on whether people follow a minimal change principle, as defined by any of these approa
ches. The revision problems were very simple: there were either one or two models of the
initial belief set and either one or two models of the expansion information. The problem
sets were designed to distinguish among the four model-based minimal change framewor
ks described above.
Experiment 4
Problem Set. Table 6 gives the problem set used for Experiments 4 and 5. The firs
Belief Revision as Propositional Update
t five problems in this table were used only in Experiment 4; problem 6 was added for Ex
periment 5. For economy of space, we write sentence letters adjacent to one another to m
ean ‘and’. Thus, the problem 1 notation (pqrs) ∨ (~p~q~r~s) means “Either p, q, r, and s a
re each true at the same time or else they are each false at the same time.”
-----------------------Insert Table 6 about here
-----------------------The subscripts for the revision choices in Table 6 correspond to the particular mod
el-theoretic definition of minimal change: D for Algorithm D, W for Algorithm W, and s
o forth. Experiment 4 offered subjects two revision choices for Problems 1-5 (of Table 6)
; these each corresponded to one or more of the four definitions of minimal change we ou
tlined in the previous section. It can be seen that each of the four algorithms selects a diff
erent set of answers across these five problems: Algorithm D selects answers <1,1,1,1,1>
for its five answers; Algorithm B selects answers <2,2,2,1,1>; Algorithm S selects answe
rs <2,2,1,1,2>; and Algorithm W selects answers <2,2,2,2,2>.
Design. Problem type was a within-subjects factor; all subjects solved all five pro
blems. As in Experiment 1, presentation form (symbolic v. science-fiction stories) was m
anipulated as a between-subjects factor. Appendix B shows how the initial-belief sentenc
es and the expansion sentences were phrased in the symbolic condition; the revision alter
natives were phrased in a similar manner. Different letters were used in each of the probl
ems that the subjects actually solved. The five different science-fiction cover stories were
paired with the problems in six different ways.
Subjects and Procedure. The same 120 subjects who participated in Experiment 1
provided the data presented here as Experiment 4. Sixty subjects were assigned to the sy
mbolic condition and sixty were assigned to the science-fiction condition. Equal numbers
of subjects received the six different assignments of science-fiction cover stories to probl
ems. No science-fiction cover story appeared more than once in any subject's problem bo
Belief Revision as Propositional Update
oklet. Other details about the procedure and instructions were as described for Experimen
t 1.
Unlike the modus ponens and modus tollens belief revision problems, there was n
o significant effect for the symbolic versus science-fiction manipulation on these problem
s. Table 6 presents the percentage of subjects choosing each possible revision choice, coll
apsed across presentation condition. The only planned comparisons concerning these data
were within-problem differences, i.e., whether one revision choice was preferred signific
antly more often than another. Within each problem, there is a clear preference for one re
vision over the other: subjects chose revisions that most closely matched the form of the e
xpansion information. We also tabulated the number of subjects whose response pattern a
cross problems matched the particular pattern associated with each revision algorithm des
cribed in Table 5. Virtually no subjects matched a particular response pattern for all five
Experiment 5
A concern about these data is that subjects were not following any particular mod
el of change at all, but simply using the expansion sentence to define the new belief set. T
his could mean that they viewed the problem as an update, rather than a revision, problem
(i.e., the world has moved to a new state defined by the expansion and there is no reason
to maintain anything from the initial belief state), or it could mean that they were simply
not engaged in the task. Since the same subjects generated distinct problem-specific patte
rns of responses in Experiment 1, we do not believe the latter possibility holds.
In Experiment 5, we included two additional response alternatives for each proble
m in order to test whether subjects continued just to adopt the expansion information (whi
ch might be the simplest interpretation of the results). Revision choice 3 was a non-mini
mal change model that was consistent with some interpretation of the expansion informati
Belief Revision as Propositional Update
on. Revision choice 4 included only those sentences whose truth values were not contradi
cted within the expansion information or between some model of the initial sentences and
the expansion. Basically, revision choice 4 offered the minimal number of sentences that
could be known with certainty and made all other conflicts between truth values become
We also added Problem 6, which was isomorphic in form to Problem 5, except tha
t the initial belief set consisted of all negated sentences rather than of all positive sentence
s. If subjects have a bias for models that consist primarily of non-negated sentences, then
they should prefer such "positive" models regardless of whether they are minimal change
models. Problems 5 and 6 differed only in whether the sentences in the initial set were all
true or all false. Note the symmetry between revision choices 1 and 3 for these problems:
the revision [~pqr], with one negated sentence, is a minimal change model for Problem 5
but a non-minimal change model for Problem 6. Conversely, [p~q~r] is the minimal chan
ge model for Problem 6 and a non-minimal change model for Problem 5. If subjects are b
iased towards revisions that maximize non-negated sentences, then there should be an int
eraction between the form of the initial belief set and the revision selected. Finally, we str
essed in the instructions that both the initial and subsequent information should be consid
ered before determining what should or should not be believed, just in case subjects belie
ved that the expansion information should replace the initial belief set.
Forty-three subjects solved problems 1-6 from Table 6 in random order. Since Ex
periment 4 had shown no effect for symbolic v. science-fiction presentation, the problems
were presented in symbolic form only and the response alternatives appeared in different
random orders for each subject.
Results and Discussion
Belief Revision as Propositional Update
The percentages of subjects choosing each revision choice in Experiment 5 are gi
ven in Table 6. As in Experiment 4, Experiment 5's subjects did not consistently obey any
particular pattern of minimal change. First, it is striking that revision choice 1 was never
the most preferred revision—it is the syntactically simplest way of specifying a model th
at accommodates the expansion sentence and corresponds to Algorithm D, which has an i
ntuitively simple notion of minimal change. The second feature of the results concerns th
e relative percentages of revision 2 (in which the new belief state is simply the adoption o
f the new information) and revision 4. While revision choice 2 was the clear preference i
n Experiment 4, it was no longer the clear favorite here. Generally speaking, if subjects w
ere given the option of tagging certain sentences as "uncertain" (revision 4), they gravitat
ed to this choice over a revision that more precisely (and more accurately) specifies the u
ncertainty as multiple models (revision 2). One conjecture is that subjects elect to use revi
sion 4 as short-hand way of expressing the uncertainty entailed in having multiple models
of the world. That is, they may see "p and q are both uncertain" as equivalent to (p~q) ∨
(~pq), although, of course, it is not. It is unclear whether subjects appreciate the 'loss of in
formation' inherent in such a specification.
Problems 5 and 6 were of particular interest, because they differed only in whethe
r the initial belief set consisted of positive or negated sentences; the expansion informatio
n was the same. The set of revision alternatives is also identical. As with the other proble
ms, the most preferred revision choice (about 40%) was to declare all sentences uncertain
, when their truth value differed in two different models of the expansion information (an
d they did not merely adopt the complex specification of the expansion information as a b
elief state, as they had in Experiment 4). However, if we restrict our attention just to the
percentage of revision 1 and revision 3 choices in these problems, we see that about the s
ame number of subjects (20%) chose the revision ~pqr when it served as minimal change
revision 1 for problem 5 and also when it was the non-minimal revision 2 for Problem 6.
Conversely, only 7% of the subjects chose p~q~r when it was the non-minimal revision
Belief Revision as Propositional Update
1 for Problem 5, but also only 7% chose it when it was (the minimal change) revision 3 f
or Problem 5. A simple chi-square computed on the response-choice by problem type (Pr
oblem 5 v. Problem 6) frequency table was marginally significant (χ2 =7.52, df=3, p =.05
7). These results suggest that there may be a bias against revisions that have more negate
d beliefs than non-negated beliefs in them. There is some suggestion of this in problem 2
as well, in which 35% of the subjects choose a non-minimal change revision (revision 3)
than either of the two minimal change revisions (revisions 1 and 2). Such a finding itself
is certainly consistent with body of evidence indicating that reasoning about negated sent
ences pose more difficulties for subjects (see, e.g., Evans, Nestead, Byrne, 1993, on "neg
ated conclusions"); hence, people may prefer to entertain models of situations that contai
n fewer negations, when possible. This possibility of a bias against models with negations
needs further, systematic study. In sum, Experiments 4 and 5 suggest that subjects are n
ot following any single model-based minimal change metric and do not integrate the expa
nsion information whole-heartedly. Despite the availability of choices that could be select
ed via simple matching procedure between disjuncts appearing in the initial and new info
rmation (revision 1 across all problems), our subjects seem to prefer belief states that con
sist of single models and models with non-negated beliefs, when possible.
General Discussion
We can summarize the main findings from this study as follows. First, to resolve t
he inconsistency that new information creates with an existing belief set that consists of si
mple sentences (p, q) and conditional sentences (p→q), the preferred revision was to disb
elieve the conditional rather than alter the truth status of one of the initial simple sentence
s. This preference was even stronger on problems using science-fiction or familiar topic c
over stories than it was using symbolic formulas. Second, there were some differences in
revision choices depending on whether the initial belief set was constructed by using a m
odus tollens or modus ponens inference. Subjects more often changed the truth status of t
Belief Revision as Propositional Update
he initial simple sentence (and the conditional, when there was that option) to "uncertain"
on the modus tollens problems than they did on the modus ponens problems. Third, we o
bserved that the patterns of revision choices on the simple problems we investigated does
not depend on whether or not the (modus ponens) inference was explicitly listed in the ini
tial belief set or whether subjects were left to perform the inference themselves. Fourth, w
e note that the patterns of revision did not change when the initial belief state was constru
cted from purely propositional reasoning or used universally-quantified inferences. Fifth,
we discovered that when an implied conclusion of the initial belief set itself gives rise to
yet another conclusion, and when the first of these conclusions is contradicted by the exp
ansion information, then the status of the second conclusion is regarded as "uncertain." Fi
nally, we investigated alternative model-theoretic definitions of minimal change. We fou
nd that subjects did not adhere to any of these particular prescriptions, some of which (e.g
., Algorithm D) can be construed as a fairly straightforward matching strategy between a
model in the initial information and a model of the expansion information. Even when th
e initial belief state had only one model, subjects did not use it to chose among alternative
models of (uncertain) expansion information; and even when there was only a single mo
del of expansion information, subjects did not use this to chose among alternative models
of an (uncertain) initial belief state. A disjunct of multiple models can specify how the tr
uth value of one sentence co-varies with another's; subjects did not prefer such multiplemodel specifications of a belief state as a way to represent uncertainty. They instead singl
e-model revisions that retained only sentences that had an unambiguous truth values acro
ss the initial and expansion information, and labeled all other sentences as uncertain (eve
n though this results in a loss of information). There is a possibility as well that people pr
efer revisions that contain positive rather than negated sentences; this requires further stu
dy. In the remainder of this section, we consider these results for notions of epistemic ent
renchment and minimal change.
Belief Revision as Propositional Update
On Epistemic Entrenchment
The rationale behind a notion like epistemic entrenchment is that, practically, an a
gent may need to choose among alternative ways to change its beliefs, and intuitively, the
re will be better reasons to chose one kind of change over another. These better reasons ar
e realized as a preference to retain or discard some types of knowledge over another; the i
ssue is what those epistemically-based principles of entrenchment are or ought to be. As
we noted in the introduction, some theorists have argued that conditional statements like
p→ q may warrant, a priori, a higher degree of entrenchment than some other sentence ty
pes, not because there is something to be preferred about material implications, but becau
se that form often signals "law-like" or predictive relations that have explanatory power.
And law-like relations, because of their explanatory power, should be retained over other
types of knowledge when computing a new belief state.
We did not find evidence for this kind of entrenchment as a descriptive principle
of human belief revision in the tasks we studied. In general, the frequency of continuing t
o believe the conditional was lower than what might be expected by chance, and lower sti
ll on natural language problems. Finding that belief-revision choices changed when the pr
oblems involved non-abstract topics is not surprising, for there are many results in the de
ductive problem solving literature indicating that real-world scenarios influence deductiv
e inferences, serving either to elicit, according to some theories, general pragmatic reason
ing schemas (e.g., Cheng & Holyoak, 1989) or, according to other interpretations, specifi
c analogous cases (Cox & Griggs, 1982). On the other hand, there was no domain-specifi
c knowledge subjects could bring to bear about a science-fiction world. Indeed, the clause
s used to make science-fiction sentences are not unlike those used by Cheng and Nisbett (
1993) as "arbitrary" stimuli to investigate causal interpretations of conditionals. Nonethel
ess it is clear that subjects revised and expanded non-symbolic belief sets differently than
they did symbolic belief sets.
Belief Revision as Propositional Update
Subjects may have interpreted the science-fiction conditional relations as predictiv
e, or possibly causal, relations. The instructions that set up the science-fiction problems e
njoined subject to imagine that information about an alien world was being relayed from
an scientific investigative team. This may have prompted a theory-formation perspective,
based on the assumption that even alien worlds are governed by regularities. The generati
on of, and belief in, these regularities depends on observations. The initial belief set had s
uch a regularity in it (the conditional), plus a “direct observation” sentence. When the exp
ansion information indicated that the inference from these two was contradicted, the "den
ial" of the conditional is one way of asserting that the regularity it expresses, as specified,
does not hold, in this particular case. Cheng and Nisbett (1993) found that a causal interp
retation of if p, then q invokes assumptions of contingency, namely that the probability of
q's occurrence is greater in the presence of p than in the absence of p. Subjects may have
viewed the (contradictory) expansion information in the modus ponens and modus tollens
problems as calling this contingency into question. Such a perspective only makes sense
when the problems are not manipulations of arbitrary symbols, and is consistent with our
finding a higher rate of rule denials on non-abstract problems than on symbolic problems
When simple statements of p and q are viewed as observations about some world,
p→q can be interpreted as a theory, or summarizing statement, about how the truth value
s of these observations are related. This is, essentially, a model-theoretic viewpoint: an e
xpression such as p→q is shorthand for how the truth values of p and q occur in the world
. Taking this understanding of conditionals, the preference of our subjects to deny the con
ditional as a way of resolving contradiction can be interpreted as a preference to retain th
e truth value of "data" (the non-conditional sentences) and deny the particular interdepen
dence that is asserted to hold between them. This seems straightforwardly rational from a
n empiricist viewpoint: the "regularities" are nothing more than a way of summarizing th
e data. So, for a through-and-through empiricist, it is not even consistent to uphold a "law
Belief Revision as Propositional Update
" in the face of recalcitrant data. Such a perspective puts a different light on the observati
on that people did not make the "easy" modus ponens inference from the expansion infor
mation combined with a modus tollens belief set: to have opted for this revision would ha
ve required changing the truth values of observational data. While doing so may be a plau
sible alternative when problems involve meaningless symbols, it may not seem rational al
ternative when working with information that is interpretable as observational data.
The idea that data enjoys a priority over regularities has been offered as a belief re
vision principle in other frameworks (Thagard, 1989; Harman, 1986) particularly when re
gularities are (merely) hypotheses under consideration to explain or systematize observed
facts. There is a natural role, then, for induction mechanisms in specifying the process o
f belief revision, once the conditional "regularity" is chosen by the agent as suspect. We n
ote that the classical AI belief revision community presents the belief revision problem as
denying previously believed sentences, including conditionals. But replacing p—>q with
(p & r )→ q or (p & ~s) —> q are equally good ways to deny p—>q. In such a case, the
conditional regularity can either be "patched" or demoted to the status of default rule ("M
ost of the time, p → q, except when r holds"). In our view, this method of denying a cond
itional as belief-revision choice seems to be preferable to merely lowering a degree of bel
ief in the conditional, for the latter leaves the agent is no wiser about when to apply such
a rule, only wiser that it should be less confident about the rule. This approach is being p
ursued in some classical approaches to belief revision (e.g., Ghose, Hadjinian, Sattar, Yo
u, and Goebel, 1993) and in explanation-based learning approaches to theory revision in t
he machine learning community, where the inability of a domain theory to explain some
data causes changes to the domain theory rules (Ourston & Mooney, 1990; Richards & M
ooney, 1995).
While some aspects of the belief revision process can be viewed as inductive proc
esses searching for a better account of some data, we note that the such a perspective itsel
f does provide principles for guiding such a process when there are alternative ways to re
Belief Revision as Propositional Update
concile a contradiction. Specifically, we don't always believe the data at the expense of a
regularity or contingency that we currently believe holds in the world. As we noted in th
e introduction, there are intuitions opposite to those that would deny or change a regularit
y to accommodate data: Kyberg's (1983) belief framework includes a place for both meas
urement error and the knowledge that some types of observations are more prone to error
than others. Thagard (1989) offers an explanatory coherence metric by which data can be
discounted, if they cohere with hypotheses which themselves are poor accounts of a large
r data set. Carlson & Dulany's (1988) model of reasoning with circumstantial evidence in
cludes parameters for degrees of subjective belief in the evidence. So the broader questio
ns for epistemic entrenchment might be to ask what kinds of data and what kinds of regul
arities are more differentially entrenched than others.
On our simple belief revision tasks, we found some baseline results that suggest a
tendency to abandon the conditional. But it has long been recognized by researchers in bo
th linguistics and human deduction that the if p then q form is used to express a broad ran
ge of different types of information, e.g., scientific laws, statistical relationships, causal re
lations, promises, and intentions ( "If it doesn't rain tomorrow, we will play golf"). More
recent studies using both the selection paradigm described here as well as one in which s
ubjects gave degrees-of-belief ratings to the initial belief sentences (Elio, 1996) have indi
cated that different types of knowledge expressed in this common syntactic form—causal
relations distinguished by different enabling and disabling conditions, promises, and defi
nitions—are differentially entrenched, when given new and contradictory evidence. For u
nderstanding the pragmatic principles of belief revision, these meta-knowledge distinctio
ns may be important in formulating entrenchment preferences in the face of contradiction
On Multiple Models and Minimal Change
Belief Revision as Propositional Update
One clear result we obtained is that people retain uncertainty in their revised belie
f states—they did not use single models of the new information to chose among alternativ
e interpretations of the initial information, or conversely, in the tasks we gave them (e.g.,
they did not follow Algorithm D). Further, they tended to select revisions that include mo
re uncertainty than is logically defensible, opting for "p is uncertain and so is q" as often
or more frequently than "p is true and q is false, or else p is false and q is true." It seems c
lear that people recognize that the former is less informative than the latter about possible
combinations of p and q's truth values, but our subjects chose it anyway. One way to vie
w the results we obtained is to say that many of our subjects preferred revisions which we
re not minimal with respect to what was changed, but were instead minimal with respect t
o what they believed to hold true without doubt when both the initial and expansion infor
mation were considered jointly. It certainly seems more difficult to work with a "world" s
pecification like {[~p~q r s] or [p ~q ~r ~s]} than it is with one that says "q is false and I'
m not sure about anything else," even though (from a logical point of view) the former sp
ecification contains much more information than the latter.
What we learned from our initial investigations on minimal change problems may
have less to do with the metrics of minimal change and more to do with issues of how pe
ople manipulate multiple models of the world. Rips' (1989) work on the knights-and-knav
es problem also highlights the difficulty that people have in exploring and keeping track o
f multiple models. In that task, the supposition that one character is a liar defines one mod
el, being a truth-teller defines another model, and each of these might in turn branch into
other models. Even working such a problem out on paper presented difficulties for subjec
ts, Rips reported. Yet in real life, we can certainly reason about vastly different hypotheti
cal worlds that could be viewed as being equivalent to disjunctions of complex sentence s
ets. Unlike the arbitrary problems give to our subjects or even the knights and knaves pro
blems, alternative hypothetical worlds about real-world topics may have some "explanato
ry glue" that holds together the particular contingencies, and no others, among the truth v
Belief Revision as Propositional Update
alues of the independent beliefs. The question is whether for more real world situations,
are people better able to retain and integrate the interdependencies among truth values in
multiple models?
Alternative Representations of Belief States
Representing a belief state as a set of sentences or even as a set of models is a sim
plification. We believe that number of important issues arise from this simple conceptuali
zation and this study offers data on some of those issues. We noted alternative approache
s to modeling belief states in the introduction, specifically those that use probabilistic info
rmation and degrees of belief. But there are two other perspectives that have long been co
nsidered from a philosophical viewpoint: the foundationalist view and the coherentist vie
w. The foundationalist view (Swain, 1979; Alston, 1993; Moser, 1985, 1989) distinguishe
s between beliefs that are accepted without justification and those that depend on the prio
r acceptance of others. Such a distinction is used in truth-maintenance systems (e.g., Doyl
e, 1979; deKleer, 1986) for keeping track of dependencies among beliefs and to prefer the
retraction of the latter ("assumptions") over the former ("premises") when contradictions
are caused by new information. Pollock's (1987) defeasible reasoning theory defines a wi
der class of distinctions (e.g., "warrants" and "undercutters") and such distinctions can als
o be used to define normative foundationalist models of belief revision. The coherentist v
iew (BonJour, 1985; Quine & Ullian, 1978; Harman, 1986) does not consider some belief
s as more fundamental than others, but rather emphasizes the extent to which an entire set
of beliefs "coheres". One set of beliefs can be preferable to another if it has a higher cohe
rence, however defined. Thagard's (1989) theory of explanatory coherence is an instance
of this perspective and operational definitions of coherence can, in such a framework, be
a means of implementing belief revision principles (Thagard, 1992). Pollock (1979) gives
a whole range of epistemological theories that span the spectrum between foundationalist
and coherentist.
Belief Revision as Propositional Update
It is widely believed (e.g., Harman, 1986; Gärdenfors, 1990b; Doyle, 1992; Nebel
, 1992) that the original AGM account of belief revision, as well as model-based versions
of it, are coherentist in nature. Harman (1986) and Gärdenfors go so far as to say that a f
oundationalist approach to belief revision (as advocated, e.g., by Doyle, 1979; Fuhrmann,
1991; Nebel 1991) is at odds with observed psychological behavior, particularly concern
ing people's ability to recall the initial justifications for their current beliefs. More marsha
ling of this and other experimental evidence (including the type we have reported in this a
rticle) could be a reasonable first step towards an experimentally-justified account of how
human belief structures are organized; and with this is perhaps an account of how belief
structures of non-human agents could best be constructed.
Finally, we note that it remains a difficult matter to examine "real beliefs" and the
ir revision in the laboratory (as opposed to the task of choosing among sentences to be ac
cepted as true); the paradigm of direct experimentation with some micro-world, which ha
s been used to study theory development, is one direction that can prove fruitful (e.g., Ra
nney & Thagard, 1988). However, conceptualizing a belief state merely as a set of beliefs
can still afford, we think, some insight into the pragmatic considerations people make in
resolving contradiction.
Future work
There are many issues raised in these investigations that warrant further study; we
have touched upon some of them throughout our discussions. The possibility of bias agai
nst changing negated beliefs to non-negated ones, or in preferring revisions with non-neg
ated sentences, needs systematic study. We used a selection paradigm throughout this stu
dy and it is important to establish whether similar results hold when subjects generate thei
r new belief state. A more difficult issue is whether there are different patterns of belief re
vision depending on whether the belief set is one a person induces themselves or whether
it is given to them. In the former case, one can speculate that a person has expended some
Belief Revision as Propositional Update
cognitive effort to derive a belief, and a by-product of that effort may create the kind of c
oherentist structure that is more resistant to the abandonment of some beliefs in the face o
f contradictory information. This kind of perspective can be applied to an early study by
Wason (1977) on self-contradiction. He found that subjects given the selection task were
quite reluctant to change their conclusions about how to validate a rule, even when they
were shown that such conclusions were contradicted by the facts of the task. Yet on the di
fferent sort of task, he found that subjects can recognize and correct invalid inferences ab
out the form of a rule they are actively trying to identify from a data set, when the data set
leads them to valid inferences that contradict the invalid ones they make. Whether reco
gnizing contradiction depends on the demands a task makes of a reasoner might elucidate
something about how premises are formulated and about how inferences are validated; in
the belief revision scenarios we used in this study, the contradiction occurs not because o
f the reasoner's inferencing process, but because additional information about the world i
ndicates that one of initially accepted premises must be suspect. The recognition and res
olution of contradiction is important to general theories of human reasoning that employ
deduction, induction, and belief revision. How general performance models of deductive
and inductive reasoning can embrace belief revision decisions is an important open issue.
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Belief Revision as Propositional Update
Author Notes
This research was supported by Canadian NSERC research grants #A0089 to R. E
lio and #OPG5525 to F. J. Pelletier. Portions of this work appeared in the Proceedings of
the 16th Conference of the Cognitive Science Society, Atlanta, 1994. We thank Sarah Ho
ffman and Sioban Neary for their assistance in conducting these experiments, the Depart
ment of Psychology at the University of Alberta for the use of their subject pool, and Dr.
Terry Taerem for discussions on statistical analyses. We are especially grateful to Aditya
Ghose, Randy Goebel, Philip Johnson-Laird, Gil Harman, and an anonymous reviewer, w
hose comments on an earlier version of this manuscript greatly improved the presentation
of this work. Correspondence concerning this manuscript can be sent to Renée Elio, Dep
artment of Computing Science, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada, T6G
2H1 or via email at
Belief Revision as Propositional Update
1 We note, however, that not all proponents of probabilistic frameworks concur th
at 'acceptance' is a required notion. Cheeseman (1988) and Doyle (1989), for example, ar
gue that “acceptance” is really a mixture of two distinct components: the theory of degree
of belief together with a theory of action. The latter theory uses degrees of belief plus a t
heory of utility to produce a notion of "deciding to act in a particular circumstance." Jeffr
ey (1965) also proposes a framework that avoids an acceptance-based account of belief.
2 Most syntax-based approaches put into their definitions of belief revision that th
e set of all logical consequences is computed for the original belief state in order to deter
mine the contradictions. But only changes to this original "base" belief set are considered
in constructing the new belief state. One intuition behind this variety of belief revision ca
n be that certain beliefs (the ones in the "base") are more fundamental than other beliefs,
and any change in belief states should be made to the implicit beliefs first and only to the
base if absolutely required. This view has relations to the foundationalist conception of be
lief states that we return to in our general discussion.
3 Some works, e.g., Fagin, Ullman, and Vardi (1986), use the term "theory" to inc
lude both what we call a syntax-based approach and what we call a theory-based approac
h. When they want to distinguish the two, they call the latter a "closed theory."
4 We aim to carefully distinguish our remarks about model-theoretic competence
frameworks, as proposed by what we have been calling the classical AI belief revision co
mmunity, from remarks concerning model-theoretic performance frameworks of human d
eduction, such as the mental-models theory. It is proper to talk of "models" in the context
of either framework. Context will normally convey which framework we intend, but we u
se the term "formal AI models" or "mental models" when it is necessary.
5 The explicit inclusion of ~r in S1 and ~n in S2 is, by some accounts, an extra inf
erence step beyond what is necessary to incorporate ~w, since they could be considered a
Belief Revision as Propositional Update
s implicit beliefs rather than explicit beliefs; this could be accommodated simply by drop
ping r and n from S1 and S2, respectively.
6 The actual problems used in these first experiments were really quantified versi
ons of modus ponens and modus tollens. Our modus ponens problem type is more accurat
ely paraphrased as: from For any x, if p holds of x, then q holds of x, and furthermore p h
olds of a we can infer q holds of a. Similar remarks can be made for our modus tollens.
7 The reason is this. In a model approach, the initial belief state is the model [p is
true, q is true]. When this is revised with ~q, thereby forcing the change from q's being tr
ue to q's being false in the model, we are left with the model [p is true, q is false]. Such a
model has zero changes, other than the one forced by the expansion information; and in t
his model p→q is false. In order to make this conditional be true, a change to the model t
hat was not otherwise forced by the revision information would be required, to make p be
false. (Similar remarks hold for the modus tollens case). Thus model theories of belief re
vision will deny the conditional in such problems.
8 We used the term "knowledge" rather than "belief" in instructions to subjects, be
cause we wanted them to accord full acceptance to them prior to considering how they mi
ght resolve subsequent contradiction. The use of "knowledge" here, as something that cou
ld subsequently change in truth value, is nonstandard from a philosophical perspective, al
though common in the AI community. Subsequent studies in which we called the initial b
elief set as "things believed to be true" have not impacted the type of results we report her
9 The loglinear model for this data is ln(Fijk) = µ + λr i + λpres j + λprob k + λ r ip
resj + λ r iprobk + λ pres jprobk, where Fijk is the observed frequency in the cell, λri is th
e effect of the ith response alternative, λpres j is the effect of the jth presentation-form cat
egory, λprobk is the effect of the kth problem type category, and the remaining terms are
two-way interactions among these. The equivalent "logit" model, in which response is id
entified as the dependent variable, has terms for response, response by presentation mode
Belief Revision as Propositional Update
, and response by problem type; it yields identical chi-square values. Loglinear and logit
procedures from SPSS version 5.0 were used for these analyses. Simple chi-squares comp
uted on several two-dimensional frequency tables are consistent with the loglinear analys
es and the conclusions presented in the text. The effect of symbol v. science-fiction prese
ntation approached significance on both MP and on MT problems, when simple chi-squar
es were computed for separate two-dimensional frequency tables (χ 2=5.65 and 4.87, p = .
059 and .087; df=2 in both cases).
Belief Revision as Propositional Update
Table 1
Definitions of Initial Belief States and Revision Alternatives for
Experiment 1's Problem Set
Problem Type
Revision Alternatives
Modus Ponens
Initial SS:
p—>q, p, q
1. p—>q, ~p, ~q
2. ~(p—>q), ~q ?p
3. ~(p—>q) p ~q
Modus Tollens
Initial SS:p —>q, ~p, ~q
1. p—>q, p, q
2. ~(p—>q), p, ?q
3. ~(p—>q), p, ~q
Note: SS means sentence set. Expansion means the expansion information. ? means uncertain.
Belief Revision as Propositional Update
Table 2
Percentage of subjects choosing each revision alternative, Experiment 1
Problem Type
Modus Ponens
Symbol SciFi
Modus Tollens
Symbol SciFi
Revision Alternative
1. disbelieve initial non-conditional
about non-conditional
3. disbelieve conditional
2. disbelieve conditional, uncertain
Belief Revision as Propositional Update
Table 3
Percentage of subjects choosing each response alternatives, Experiment 2
Modus Ponens
Modus Tollens
Revision Choice
1. disbelieve non-conditional
2. disbelieve conditional; non-conditional uncertain
3. disbelieve conditional
4. disbelieve both conditional and non-conditional
5 both conditional and non-conditional uncertain
Belief Revision as Propositional Update
Table 4
Experiment 3 problem types
Problem 1
Initial Sentence Set
m & d —> g, m, d
[Therefore, g]
Revision Alternatives
~[m & d —> g], m, d
m & d —> g, (~m & d) or (m & ~d) or (~m & ~d)
Problem 2
Initial Sentence Set c —> h, h —> m, c.
[Therefore, h and m]
Revision Alternatives
h —> m, ~[c —> h],
h —> m,
h —> m, ~[c —> h], c,
h —> m,
c —>h,
c —> h, ~c,
Note: Bracketed consequences appeared in the initial sentence set for "consequences giv
en" condition and were omitted in the "no consequences given" condition. All response c
hoices included the expansion sentence as part of the revision description. See text for per
centages of subjects choosing each option.
Belief Revision as Propositional Update
Table 5
Algorithms for Minimal Change
Algorithm D
D1 For each model of the expansion information do
D1.1 For each model of the initial belief set do
Find and save the differences.
D1.2 From the set of differences, identify the smallest change. Put
this smallest change and the expansion model responsible
for it on the candidate stack.
D2. From the candidate stack, chose as the new belief state the expansion model
that is responsible for the smallest of all the minimal changes saved from D1.2.
If there is more than one, use their disjunction
Algorithm W
For each model of the belief set do
W1.1 For each model of expansion do
Find and save the propositions that must change
W1.2 Retain just the minimal set of propositions that must change for this
pairing of an belief set model and an expansion model
Take the union of all proposition sets identified in 1.2 and remove them
from the initial belief set
Identify the set of remaining KB propositions with known (certain) truth values.
If this set is empty, then the new belief set is the expansion information.
Otherwise, the new belief set is the conjunction of the old KB propositions
with the expansion information
Table 5 continued next page
Belief Revision as Propositional Update
Table 5 continued
Algorithm B
For each model of the initial belief set do
B1.1 For each model of the expansion do
Find the differences and save them
B1.2 From the set of differences, identify the minimal change and put the
expansion model responsible for it on the candidate stack
Combine all models of expansion information on the candidate stack to
determine the new belief state.
Algorithm S
For each model of the initial belief set
S1.1 For each model of the expansion, stack the differences between them.
From the set of differences, eliminate non-minimal changes
Combine all models of expansion information on the candidate stack to
determine the new belief state.
Belief Revision as Propositional Update
Table 6
Problems and percentage of subjects choosing each
revision alternative, Experiments 4 and 5
Revision Alternative
(pqrs ) or (~p~q~r~s)
1. p ~q ~r ~s
2. p ~r ~s ?q B, S, W
3. p q ~r ~s
. 06
4. p ?q ?r ?s
(pqrs ) or (~p~q~r~s)
1. p ~q ~r ~s D
(~p~qrs) or (p~q~r~s)
2. (~p~qrs) or (p~q~r~s)
B, S, W
3. ~p ~q r s
4. ~q ?p ?r ?s
1. ~p ~q r ~s D, S, W
(~p~q) & [(r~s) or (~rs)]
2. (~p~q) & [(r~s) or (~rs)] B
3. ~p ~q ~r s
4. ~p ~q ?r ?s
1. p or q, not both
~p or ~q or (~p~q)
2. ~p or ~q or (~p~q) W
3. ~p ~q
4. ?p ?q
D, B, S
(Table 6 continued next page)
Belief Revision as Propositional Update
Table 6 continued
Revision Alternative
1. ~p q r
(~pqr) or (p~q~r)
2. (~p q r) or (p ~q ~r) S, W
D, B
3. p ~q ~r
4. ?p ?q ?r
1. p ~q ~r
(~pqr) or (p~q~r)
2. (~p q r) or (p ~q ~r)
D, B
3. ~p q r
4. ?p ?q ?r
Note: Initial means initial sentence set. Expansion means expansion information.
Belief Revision as Propositional Update
Appendix A
Clauses used for Science-Fiction Stimuli , Experiment 1
Subjects received one of the three possible science-fiction versions of the modus ponens and
modus tollens rules, given below. Each version was used equally often across subjects.
Modus Ponens Rules
If a Partiplod hibernates during the day, then it is a meat eater.
If a cave has a Pheek in it, then that cave has underground water.
If a ping burrows underground, then it has a hard protective shell.
Modus Tollens Rules
If Gargons live on the planet's moon, then Gargons favor interplanetary cooperation.
If an ancient ruin has a force field surrounding it, then it is inhabited by aliens called Pylons.
If a Gael has cambrian ears (sensitive to high-frequency sounds), then that Gael also has
Belief Revision as Propositional Update
Appendix B
Phrasing of Problems in the Symbolic
Condition for Experiments 4 and 5
Initial Belief Set
Either A, B, C, and D are all true,
or none of them are true.
A is true. C is true. D is false.
Either A, B, C, and D are all true,
or none of them are true.
B is false. Exactly one of these is true,
but no one knows for sure which one:
• A is true, and C and D are both false.
• A is false, and C and D are both true.
A is true. B is true. D is true.
is true, but not both of them.
A is false. B is false. Either C is true or D
A is true. B is true.
possibly both of them are.
At least one of A and B is false, and
A is true. B is true. C is true.
Either A is false and Band C are both true,
or A is true and B and C are both false. No
one knows for sure which it is.
A is false. B is false. C is false.
Either A is true and B and C are both false,
or A is false and B and C are both true.
No one knows for sure which it is.