International Security

The deterioration of global security caught many global organizations in 2014 unprepared. It is obvious that this situation will begin to cause hard times in terms of international security. By the movement of globalized environmental factors and the phenomenon of migration that will occur with the famine situation can create chaos in thirst. I think we should take a look at the historical background to keep it under control.

INTERNATIONAL SECURITY The deterioration of global security caught many global organizations in 2014 unprepared. It is obvious that this situation will begin to cause hard times in terms of international security. By the movement of globalized environmental factors and the phenomenon of migration that will occur with the famine situation can create chaos in thirst. I think we should take a look at the historical background to keep it under control. From the end of the 18th century until the beginning of the 19th century with the industrialization, the need for the human power has increased already. The increase triggered the phenomenon of migration. Rural to urban migration process has increased. Some countries foresaw this situation and have made preparations. In this way, the squatters, health, education and economic conditions did not make any trouble. Individuals who have only formal skills have been recognized to their country. Also, the biggest factor that would be used as a stand for the phenomenon of capitalism, are women. At the capitalism across the Western Europe, women are considered as cheap labor, at the same time, women cannot work like men do but in the long run women considered as working more than men. Many problem showed up for taking a shortsightedly migration in same countries. Turkey is the best example to be given to this. Immigrants from Syria are working cheaper (less costly) than normal workers and that has a negative impact in the field of economics. Also a lot more questions followed that increase squatters, lack of health and education. Immigrants who have no hope for the future and immigrants who want to protect their families play the role of action in from of terrorist identities. We will point of attribute to international security as for that any country will encounter negative situations in the global area of migration was uncontrolled and they will be entered under a threat to security. Also, as I have mentioned in the introduction, with the arrival of the agenda the formation of the industry and increasing industrial cities have been causing not a single country, on a global scale of problems. In 5th of June, 1971 at Sweden – Stockholm collected United Nation Environmental Conference revealed that would cause major problems in the following stages and the global dimension environmental problems. Climate change and desertification as consequences of global warming have begun to cause drought by the perpetrators of those problems. Even at the documents prepared by researchers, humanity that 900 million of them are in starvation line, 2 billion of them suffer from malnutrition as opposed to 1.5 billion of them are over consumer; was warned in case of remaining this lifestyle would cause water and food problem around 2050. In case these situations occur, many people will be inadequate in respect to the international security. People who are unable to meet the physiological needs which is the first step of Mesbur’s Pyramid, can be found in actions that will threaten the safety. Recently, this situation triggers on of the factors is collection and work to collection in certain category of the population. If we continue through affirmation, economic cooperation between countries can be evaluated of peaceful qualification. Ultimately the Word that should be used in the same sentence of international security is strategy. These strategies let us clarifying the situation with two global scopes. We can describe; first is cooperative, second is compelling. Let us consider the economy as a cooperative strategy. Economy is the most comfortable peaceful and profitable strategy. It looks like true everything on here. The gain is obtained and can follow peaceful path to obtain more earnings. This situation is easier for the countries that are chaiming to be on the same stage of history. From a historical perspective, can be traced to the policy of peace. We look at forced migration from the occupation may be under the name of "bringing democracy". Let’s make certain logical analogy here , I wonder , the invasion of Iraq was really aimed to bring democracy? Or do you want to have all resources in there. These are actually tragic issues. These are inevitable situations in perspective of international security. In later times, these are tactics the nature of certainly will win that will be made for avoid disease, hunger, thirst, lack of resources and drought. Assuming that prevent expression of a true etymological sense of the word; I use prevention rather than defer to the more accurate word. If we look at the return migration and industrialization in general framework, pollution disrupt the environmental balance; thirst, famine, chaos, deviance and crime, such as terrorism cases reveals extractor nature cannibals outside. Western Europe the last state to rise after feudalism, primitive look that follow a peaceful policy with countries to exploit them, are strategy in mind that whether exploited to control the name of democracy who do not follow the peaceful path. Naming developing countries are swap of resources and technology in the act of winsomen for exploit another countries by the developed countries. According to researches , upcoming thirst and famine situations threatens the nationality of the a lot of state that together perspective of international security , to start different strategy of development methods. A relevant condition for the prediction that this would happen . For countries who couldn’t have expected it can create with famine is armament that the result of fail to take care of themselves and their family. It slowly increased the events of the suicide bomber is only the beginning. As an undesirable reality to the present day : established civilization in founded area, it can lead to the destruction of civilization when it runs out and fighting for that is water , due to the fact is a scarce resources nowadays , has become a strategic matter. Turkey is a part of the middle East , located in the center of the water issue experienced due to it have the Euphrates and Tigris Rivers So , we as a country , need to predict some situations and accordingly we must develop a many strategies.