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The deterioration of global security caught many global organizations in 2014 unprepared. It is obvious that this situation will begin to cause hard times in terms of international security. By the movement of globalized environmental factors and the phenomenon of migration that will occur with the famine situation can create chaos in thirst. I think we should take a look at the historical background to keep it under control.
These occasional policy briefs are non-papers. They were produced primarily for internal circulation and serve as a basis for promoting further discussion and policy analysis in their respective areas. They do not necessarily represent the official views of OCHA. They are available online on under "policy and issues."
d7, General Michael Flynn asks why we don't win wars anymore. i Director of National Intelligence James Clapper claims we cannot fix the problems in the Middle East where so many of our troops and related forces have been deployed for so long. ii This essay attempts to explain why.
Northwestern Journal of International Human Rights, 2007
We live in a huge world which is changing day by day in the 21st cen-tury. There are a lot of parameters of this big change which are directly connected. Most of us could realize these changes in our daily life but the most important part of this awareness is about perceiving their conse-quences. We cannot ignore that these alterations have some positive ef-fects (developments) on human beings. On the other hand, most of these effects can lead to the end of earth or/and human beings. Definitively all these effects are pointing out a term called globalization. We cannot deal with global challenges without defining globalization. At least we know that globalization is a process that has been taking place for a hundred years. Actually, globalization is a natural condition for human beings. People benefit from the advantages offered by the world. Nevertheless, this kind of pragmatic activities may cause some problems for mankind. At that point, it is more important to regard negative effects of globalization than considering positive effects of it. Today’s world is more chaotic and unpredictable than at any other pe-riod in history. Apprehensions about the future determine our present. If we want to live in a safe world at present, we should get ready for the future problems. Only if we do that, we can make this world better in the future and at present. From this point of view, we should find global solutions for global challenges not state centric solutions which are nominative solutions connected with different kinds of state. Since we should not forget that pri-marily we are the citizens of the world.
Iris Journal of Scholarship, 2019
Background Food is one of fundamental aspects of human existence. However, not every country is food-secured. A definition from the Food and Agriculture Organization stated that food security is achieved when people, at all times, have physical, social and economic access to sufficient, safe, and nutritious food and its form is always composed of four dimensions: food availability, access to food, food utilization and stability over time (FAO, 1996; FAO, IFAD, & WFP, 2013). Thus, it important for every country in the world to be able to be food-secured. Providing access to food for a country's citizens will bring positive long-term impacts raging from economic growth and job creation, poverty reduction, trade opportunities, increasing global security and stability, and improved health and healthcare (USDA, n.d.). According to United Nations World Food Programme (WFP, n.d.), people are considered to be food secure when they have availability and adequate access at all times to sufficient, safe, nutritious food to maintain a healthy and active life. WORLD POLICY ANALYSIS ! 38 However, according to the FAO, IFAD and WFP (2013), globally there are 842 million people-12 percent of the global population-who are unable to meet their dietary energy requirements and lived undernourished between 2011 and 2013. This is down from 868 million reported for the 2010-2012 period in last year's report. The vast majority of hungry people-827 million-live in developing regions, where the prevalence of undernourishment is now estimated at 14.3 percent in 2011-2013. Besides, the concept of food insecurity is not a simple concept of the inability of a country providing foods for its people. There are a lot of other factors involved. According to Premanandh (2011), the global food situation is redefined by many driving forces such as population growth, availability of arable lands, water resources, and climate change. Additionally, food availability, food accessibility, and food loss, combined with the effect of aforementioned factors, has undeniably impacted global food production and security. The Harvest Help (2012) added that severe food insecurity and crises are the combination of several complex factors. Some of the most common causes of food insecurity in Africa and other developing countries were: 1) Drought and other extreme weather events; 2) Pests, livestock diseases, and other agricultural problems; 3) Climate change; 4) Military conflicts; 5) Lack of emergency plans; 6) Corruption and political instability; 7) Cash crops dependence; 8) AIDS as it reduces the available workforce in agriculture and puts an additional burden on poor households; and 9) Rapid population growth. By looking at all of the factors contributing to food insecurity, it can be said that it is both caused by external factors (agricultural and geographical factors) and internal factors within countries (political stability and war as well as the local policies applied). Certainly, food insecurity has a strong link with poverty and famine within countries, especially in the developing ones. Statistically speaking, every 3.6 seconds one person dies of starvation, and usually it is a child under the age of 5, making food insecurity is one of the major causes of the high rate of maternal and infant mortality across the globe (UNICEF, 2018).
Hunger Crisis Overview, 2023
Food Security has always dealt with as a critical national security worldwide and one of the most important files that has always been on the top of any UN world summit/conference. But Hunger was never by itself the problem, it was always a consequential symptom of other deeper ill practices among the world's empirical power holders! Global Unrest, COVID, The Climate Crisis and Rising Living-Costs fueled by the
Scientific Journal "Regional Studies"
In the article, the author comprehensively examines the main factors affecting the geopolitical situation in the world, the state of economic development and existing security guarantees, as well as ways to unite international efforts to face today's challenges. The purpose of the study is the analysis of current trends in global politics, the economy and the security system in order to identify opportunities for ensuring security and stability in the world. The author analyzes the work of the Ukrainian scientific community regarding the development trends of the modern global world, on the basis of which he identifies urgent problems related to: the decline in the importance of some regions and the strengthening of the role of other international players with their own private interests; resolution of armed conflicts affecting the level of security in the world; digitization; the spread of destructive pandemics. At the same time, the author offers opportunities for solving the outlined problems through the identification of priority directions for multilateral cooperation of states, in particular in the aspect of reforming the activities of institutions responsible for regulating international relations and maintaining peace. Thus, the trend of increasing influence of China and other countries of the Asia-Pacific region, as well as the Middle East on global decision-making, was investigated. At the same time, both the internal problems of the European geopolitical space and the external threats facing the EU are defined. The author also draws attention to the strengthening of the confrontation between China and the USA, the conflict of interests with modern transnational corporations, and the challenges of the information development of society. In addition, the author draws attention to the perspective of cooperation in order to prevent the spread of new strains of pandemics and avoid their negative impact on the global economy. In the future, the author considers it relevant to continue scientific research on the search for new effective tools for ensuring political stability, security, as well as sustainable economic development.
Éditions La Dondaine,, 2024
Human Systems Management, 2020
Measurement, 2021
Shoulder & Elbow, 2019
Człowiek i Społeczeństwo, 2024
Proceedings. Eleventh International Conference on Computer Communications and Networks
Lepra Tuberculoide, dos casos en Venezuela, 2018
2014 6th International Workshop on Reliable Networks Design and Modeling (RNDM), 2014