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Since the beginning of the movement for quality management programs based on ISO 9000 or/and ISO/IEC 17025 that were adopted by many type of industries, calibration laboratories have been under pressure to increase productivity. This work is about a computational system to automate the entire instrument calibration process. The computer vision system proposed is to be used to read the display of both analogue as well as digital instruments that do not have communication interfaces to computers such as GPIB or RS-232. In order to figure out instrument indication, the system employs an optical character recognition technique in digital displays and Canny's method for edge detection and the Hough's transform method for line localization in analogue displays, accelerating the data acquisition process and makes it less prone to errors. Consequently, it contributes to improve calibration and reduce costs, increasing the number of instruments with quality assured measurements.
Journal of emerging technologies and innovative research, 2018
Abstract: The present paper views a system for checking and calibrating measuring instruments. The system is based on calibrating instruments and generates certificates. The system actually provides the required sensitivity, tractability and accuracy of the instrument of the operating platform. The system required different methods like mean value, variance, Standard uncertainty, and the standard deviation for finding false positive, false negative, true positive, true negative errors for finding calibration accuracy of a particular object. This system is use for improve the accuracy of the existing system. Calibration of your measuring instruments has two factors. It checks the accuracy of the instrument and it determines the traceability of the measurement instruments. The qualities of the system were confirmed by the results obtained from the experiments done. Result provides important information to give the instrument’s owner confidence that the device was calibrate correctly a...
In this paper a solution for metrological calibration of digital instruments without built-in communication interface (DIWIs) is presented. The solution is based on the conversion in numerical data of video camera images of DIWI display. The paper describes the vision algorithm used, illustrates the functionality of the realized software (in LabVIEW environment), and presents the results of an actual calibration experiment performed on a Fluke model 189 True RMS digital multimeter.
2008 4th International Conference on Information and Automation for Sustainability, 2008
Precision calibration of industrial sensors and instruments are usually performed manually in the calibration laboratory. In this paper, a computer controlled automated solution with a software prototype controlling the whole calibration process is proposed. This solution minimizes the human involvement and therefore reduces the chances of errors. Data acquiring, processing and calculation are simplified by instruments communication through General Purpose Interface Bus (GPIB). The automation has been practically conducted by a laboratory and calibration efficiency has been improved.
The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 2019
Optical coordinate measuring is a highly functional tool for application in metrology laboratories, in areas of quality control and reverse engineering due to its versatility in terms of non-contact measurements. However, with the increasing requirements for high accuracy results in these areas, it is necessary to guarantee the traceability of this type of equipment using standards with compatible uncertainty. In order to provide traceability to these measurement systems, this research shows a method for calibration of dimensional length standard in image metrology. In this way, two lasers are used to measure the displacement of xand y-axes simultaneously and the measurement values are applied in a mathematical model together with pixel positions from the images of a standard. The methodology shows advantages using high magnifications to visualize the standards, showing in each image just a small part of the area. The method provides uncertainties around 0.10 μm, showing that this method is capable of providing traceability for this kind of standard.
IFAC-PapersOnLine, 2017
Machine Vision applied in the area of Instrumentation and Measurement is known as Vision Based Measurement. Its application in industry is steadily increasing principally due to the recent developments in computer hardware and computer vision algorithms. In this article we discuss the possibilities of combining industrial local sensors with a camera and a computer, thus obtaining a new type of transmitter based in Machine Vision. The possibility of transforming visual information into digital data, which can be readily available in an industrial network, opens a variety of new applications. As a case study, we propose and implement a Vision Based Measurement system capable of measuring and transmitting the value indicated by a pointer-scale indicator. To verify the applicability of the proposed transmitter the following results are presented: (i) the associated standard uncertainty is evaluated; (ii) the influence of the image size in the transmitter's uncertainty is investigated; (iii) the proposed transmitter is compared with a regular electronic transmitter and, (iv) its processing time is evaluated. The results obtained in laboratory are promising and indicate that the use of the proposed Machine Vision system in industry is a real possibility., 2020
Indici di allerta a confronto con i criteri di qualificazione dei crediti deteriorati: una sincronia tutta da studiare e realizzare alla luce della rilevanza della funzione finanziaria di impresa. La grande novità della Direttiva Insolvency e del rinviato Codice della Crisi è il sistema di allerta. Riteniamo che esso abbia una risonanza più ampia di quella riferita al solo contesto della tempestiva emersione e gestione della crisi. L'allerta va valutata anche in rapporto alle grandi dinamiche che si muovono intorno al credito ed al valore che esso è in grado di generare. La scienza aziendalistica ha elaborato nel corso degli ultimi decenni-a fronte delle sempre più acute crisi cicliche proprie del supercapitalismo-indici di valutazione e di lettura delle poste di bilancio in grado di dare evidenza della situazione economico-finanziaria di una impresa e quindi della qualità del debitore finanziato. Nel sistema di allerta la volontà del legislatore è di recepire questo approccio aziendalistico, riorientando l'attenzione del management alla sussistenza delle condizioni per la continuità aziendale. Questo sistema non tiene però conto dei criteri di qualificazione dei crediti deteriorati, la cui operatività può essere anticipata rispetto all'emersione dei fattori di crisi. Lo studio affronta questo tema cercando di prospettare possibili soluzioni.
Wprowadzenie stanu wojennego w Polsce miało przynajmniej dwie konsekwencje w sferze dyplomatycznej, których nie spodziewała się ekipa gen. Wojciecha Jaruzelskiego. 19 grudnia 1981 r. o azyl polityczny w Stanach Zjednoczonych poprosił Romuald Spasowski, ambasador PRL w Waszyngtonie. Cztery dni później na podobny krok zdecydował się polski przedstawiciel w Tokio Zdzisław Rurarz, który został szybko przewieziony do USA. Obie ucieczki wywarły wielkie wrażenie na polskiej i światowej opinii publicznej. Dlaczego dyplomaci zdecydowali się na tak radykalne posunięcie? Dlaczego postanowili zerwać z systemem, któremu służyli przez kilkadziesiąt lat? Czy kluczowe okazały się nakaz sumienia i niezgoda na siłowe zdławienie „Solidarności”? Czy w grę wchodziły bardziej prozaiczne względy osobiste? A może istotną rolę odegrały zachodnie (i nie tylko) służby specjalne? Książka jest próbą odpowiedzi na te pytania. Tom drugi skupia się na konsekwencjach obu ucieczek oraz na opisie aktywności zbiegłych dyplomatów jako emigrantów.
Journal of Big History, 2019
10 Sri Lanka Economic Research Conference of the Sri Lanka Forum of University Economists, 2022
Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics, 2013
Revista Brasileira de Geociências, 1986
Potrzeba zmian w samorządzie terytorialnym, 2023
Il Ponte sullo Stretto nell'economia del debito - Sicilia Punto L, 2013
Exploring Geopolitics, 2013
ACM SIGOPS Operating Systems Review, 1979
Melo: Jurnal Studi Agama-agama, 2021
International Journal of Intelligent Systems and Applications, 2014
Journal of the American College of Cardiology, 2014
Advances in Social Work, 2010
Hojas Informativas del COPLP, 2004
Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery & Psychiatry, 1987