Chapter 2
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Woody Biomass from Short Rotation Energy
R. S. Zalesny, Jr.,*,1 M. W. Cunningham,2 R. B. Hall,3 J. Mirck,4
D. L. Rockwood,5 J. A. Stanturf,6 and T. A. Volk7
Forest Service, Northern Research Station,
Institute for Applied Ecosystem Studies, 5985 Highway K,
Rhinelander, WI 54501, USA
2ArborGen, LLC, P.O. Box 180438, Tallahassee, FL 32318, USA
3Iowa State University, Department of Natural Resource Ecology and
Management, 339 Science II, Ames, IA 50011, USA
4Queen’s University, Geography Department, Mackintosh-Corry Hall,
Room D108, Kingston, Ontario, Canada K7L 3N6
5University of Florida, School of Forest Resources and Conservation,
118 Newins-Ziegler Hall, Room 2, Bldg. 182, Gainesville, FL 32611, USA
6U.S. Forest Service, Southern Research Station, Center for Forest
Disturbance Science, 320 Green Street, Athens, GA 30602, USA
7State University of New York, School of Environmental Science and
Forestry, 346 Illick Hall, Syracuse, NY 13210, USA
*Email:, Phone: (715) 362-1132
Short rotation woody crops (SRWCs) are ideal for woody
biomass production and management systems because they
are renewable energy feedstocks for biofuels, bioenergy, and
bioproducts that can be strategically placed in the landscape
to conserve soil and water, recycle nutrients, and sequester
carbon. This chapter is a synthesis of the regional implications
of producing four genera of short rotation energy crops as
feedstocks for fuels, chemicals, and ibers set in the rich history
of research and development of these purpose-grown trees in the
United States. The four genera include: Populus (cottonwoods,
poplars, aspens), Salix (willows), Pinus (southern pines),
and Eucalyptus (eucalypts). Key aspects of the production
systems are discussed, including tree biology, genetics and tree
improvement, and silvicultural management. The availability
© 2011 American Chemical Society
In Sustainable Production of Fuels, Chemicals, and Fibers from Forest Biomass; Zhu, J., et al.;
ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2011.
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Publication Date (Web): July 11, 2011 | doi: 10.1021/bk-2011-1067.ch002
of short rotation woody biomass is evaluated on the basis of
maintaining sustainability at multiple scales. Current efforts
to maximize production are described. Overall, sustainable
production of fuels, chemicals, and ibers from woody biomass
depends on a combination of feedstocks from both forests
and plantations; the importance of dedicated SRWC feedstock
production systems is highlighted.
Keywords: cottonwood; ecosystem services; energy security;
eucalypts; hybrid aspen; intensive forestry; poplar; southern
pine; sustainability; willow; woody feedstocks
General Introduction
Forest biomass constitutes ~30% of the total biomass that can be produced in
the United States (U.S.), making adequate woody feedstock availability necessary
for environmental and economic sustainability. Woody feedstock production is
vital for achieving our National goal of 16 billion gallons of cellulosic ethanol
by 2022 (1). Improved woody biomass production and management systems
are needed to: maintain healthy forests and ecosystems, create high paying
manufacturing jobs, and meet local/regional energy demands. Short rotation
woody crops (SRWCs) are ideal for such systems because they are renewable
energy feedstocks for biofuels, bioenergy, and bioproducts that can be strategically
placed in the landscape to conserve soil and water, recycle nutrients, and sequester
carbon (2). Also, these crops are ideal for genetic improvement because of their
ease of propagation, relatively short generation time, and broad range of genetic
variation. Such variability can, however, contribute to sub-optimal productivity if
genotypes are not properly matched to conditions at speciic sites of deployment
(3). Sustainable production of fuels, chemicals, and ibers from woody biomass
depends largely on understanding factors regulating genotype × environment
interactions, in addition to components such as nutrient management, retention of
biodiversity in the landscape, and proper weed and pest control.
The selection of species and the genetic improvement for use as a feedstock
will have to take different approaches to serve the two biofuel platforms: 1)
biochemical (sugar) and 2) thermochemical (pyrolysis). For the biochemical
platform of fuel production trees have been seen by some as a less desirable
feedstock because of their high lignin content and recalcitrance to digestion.
However, trees with naturally low levels of lignin and high cellulose have
been found, e.g. in the hybrid aspen clone ‘Crandon’ (4) and loblolly pine (5).
Transgenic aspens have been produced with lignin levels reduced by over 50%
(6). Furthermore, work conducted at the U.S. Forest Service, Forest Products
Laboratory has found that native aspens (Populus tremuloides Michx. and/or P.
grandidentata Michx., bulked feedstock) have very low recalcitrance and are
particularly easy for enzymatic conversion to glucose (7). Recent studies have
also shown that clone NE-222 (P. deltoides Bartr. ex Marsh × P. nigra L.) is
much more conducive to enzymatic conversion relative to clone NM6 (P. nigra
In Sustainable Production of Fuels, Chemicals, and Fibers from Forest Biomass; Zhu, J., et al.;
ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2011.
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× P. suaveolens Fischer subsp. maximowiczii A. Henry) (8). Moreover, wood
biomass is the preferred feedstock for the pyrolytic production of bio-oils because
high lignin, with its greater energy density, is a desired characteristic (9, 10).
“Lignin has less oxygen than carbohydrate (so there is less to remove) and higher
energy density, meaning more energy content per ton of biomass processed”
(11). Whether for fuels, chemicals, or ibers from woody biomass, it is necessary
to understand the biology, genetics and tree improvement, and silvicultural
management of candidate trees. Such factors are described below for four SRWC
genera: Populus (cottonwoods, poplars, aspens), Salix (willows), Pinus (southern
pines), and Eucalyptus (eucalypts) (Figure 1; Tables Ia−Ic.
Short Rotation Energy Crops
It has been projected that Populus SRWCs could be grown as an energy
crop on at least 24 million ha of U.S. land that currently supports marginal or
environmentally-risky agriculture (12), which is nearly 450 times that currently
deployed in North America (Table II). More SRWC research and practice has been
conducted with the genus Populus than any other taxa. In fact, the genome of the
Paciic Northwest cottonwood (P. trichocarpa Torr. & Gray) was the irst of any
woody species to be sequenced (13). Many excellent compendiums of Populus
work are available (14–16). However, most of that research and essentially all of
the practice has focused on the paper, and more recently, solid wood industries. It
is clear that bioenergy could be a third product derived from the larger trees now
being grown in Populus SRWC stands. Populus SRWCs are quite ready to it into
a multi-output bioreinery system (17, 18). However, if Populus is to be optimally
grown solely for conversion to bioenergy, it is likely that rotations shorter than
ive years, redesigned plantation structure, and the use of coppice regeneration
will be necessary. Commercial coppice systems for Populus are only in the early
stages of development. Obtaining woody biomass from these new systems is the
primary subject of this review.
The eastern cottonwood (P. deltoides) has been the backbone of biomass
production research in the North Central and Mississippi River Valley regions
(Table Ia). Populus deltoides is found in nature from North Dakota to Texas
to North Carolina, particularly along streams (19), but also in places where
disturbance has greatly reduced other plant competitors and there is ample
moisture for germination and early growth. In the northern U.S., P. deltoides
has been the female parent for most of the development of hybrid planting stock
(20, 21). The European (P. nigra), Asian (P. suaveolens subsp. maximowiczii),
or Paciic Northwest (P. trichocarpa) cottonwood have been used as the male
parent to achieve faster early growth and better rooting. However, in the eastern
U.S. from Madison, WI southward most of these interspeciic hybrids are too
susceptible to Septoria canker (Septoria musiva Peck) to be grown on rotations
much over ive years in length (22, 23). Clones with pure P. deltoides backgrounds
In Sustainable Production of Fuels, Chemicals, and Fibers from Forest Biomass; Zhu, J., et al.;
ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2011.
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are much safer to use if they can be readily established from cuttings. Populus
deltoides clones selected for good ield rooting of dormant cuttings have been
developed for use in the southern U.S. (24), but rooting of such genotypes has
been erratic at northern latitudes (25). In other cases, rooted cuttings can be
produced in standard tree nursery beds and then transplanted as rooted stock to
ield sites; the extra cost is more than offset under some environment conditions
by higher survival and establishment growth (26, 27).
Extensive native stands of quaking aspen (P. tremuloides) are only found in
the northern part of the Lake States and the Rocky Mountains (28), while bigtooth
aspen (P. grandidentata) is found in the Lake States and as scattered clumps from
Iowa to North Carolina (29). Early settlers brought the European white poplar (P.
alba L.) with them as a yard tree and it is now naturalized and/or hybridized with
bigtooth aspens in additional small groves scattered across the same area.
Figure 1. Plantations of Populus (A), Salix (B), Pinus (C), and Eucalyptus
(D). Midrotation hybrid poplars in Minnesota (A; photo by Ron Zalesny, U.S.
Forest Service); shrub willows in Upstate New York (B; photo by Tim Volk, State
University of New York); loblolly pine after irst thinning in Georgia (C; photo
by University of Georgia –Bugwood); eucalypts on phosphate mined lands in
Florida (D; photo by Don Rockwood, University of Florida). (see color insert)
In Sustainable Production of Fuels, Chemicals, and Fibers from Forest Biomass; Zhu, J., et al.;
ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2011.
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Table Ia. Species of potential short rotation energy crops that are most commonly used in different regions of the United States
--------------- Populus --------------Species
Lake States
Paciic Northwest
P. deltoides
P. nigra
In hybrids
P. suaveolens subsp.
In hybrids
Primary on
alluvial sites
species and hybrids
In hybrids
In hybrids
Some in
In hybrids
Some in hybrids
Some in
P. trichocarpa
East Central
Experimental as
Some and in
P. alba
In Michigan
Some in
Some in hybrids
Experimental as
P. grandidentata
Some in
Some in hybrids
Some in
Some in
Some in hybrids
Experimental as
P. tremula
Some in
Some in hybrids
Some in
In Sustainable Production of Fuels, Chemicals, and Fibers from Forest Biomass; Zhu, J., et al.;
ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2011.
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Table Ib. Species of potential short rotation energy crops that are most commonly used in different regions of the United States
--------------- Salix --------------Species / Parentage
Clone (currently recommended for SRWCs in the northeastern United States)
S. purpurea
Allegany, Fish Creek, Onondaga
S. sachalinensis × S. miyabeana
Canastota, Sherburne
S. purpurea × S. miyabeana
Millbrook, Oneida
S. viminalis × miyabeana
Otisco, Owasco, Tully Champion
Salix × dasyclados
S. sachalinensis
S. miyabeana
S. miyabeana
--------------- Pinus ---------------
Special note: There are numerous families of P. taeda that are used according to site, latitude and longitude ranging from Virginia to eastern Oklahoma
and Texas. Hybrids are not used.
In Sustainable Production of Fuels, Chemicals, and Fibers from Forest Biomass; Zhu, J., et al.;
ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2011.
---------------Eucalyptus --------------Species
Peninsular Florida / Hawaii
Lower Southeast
E. grandis
E. amplifolia
E. benthamii
E. macathurii
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Table Ic. Species of potential short rotation energy crops that are most commonly used in different regions of the United States
In Sustainable Production of Fuels, Chemicals, and Fibers from Forest Biomass; Zhu, J., et al.;
ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2011.
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Table II. Description of industrial Populus plantations being grown in North
America [adapted from Eaton (76)]
(Mg ha-1 yr-1)
North Central
10 to 12
6.7 to 13.5
Paciic Northwest
7 to 15
9.0 to 15.7
Solid Wood
Mississippi River Valley
8 to 10
4.5 to 6.7
12 to 18
2.2 to 9.0
Primary use
Besides their potential use for biofuels, bioproducts, and bioenergy,
the Populus species and hybrids have been extensively used for paper and
particle board production with some work in making construction lumber
(30–32). Populus genomic groups are also used in phytotechnologies to remove
contaminants from soils and water (33–35). Utilizing wastewaters such as landill
leachate as irrigation and fertilization of Populus SRWCs may also contribute to
the sustainability of growing the trees for energy-related applications (36, 37).
Key aspects of Populus SRWCs are summarized here, including tree biology,
genetics and tree improvement, and silviculture. Current efforts to maximize
bioenergy production of cottonwoods, poplars, and aspens are described, and the
opportunities afforded by Populus SRWCs are highlighted.
In North America, cottonwoods, poplars, and aspens occupy large
distributional ranges with abundant genetic variation (38). Such genetic diversity
is a hallmark of Populus, with variation present at the genus, sectional, species,
and clonal level (39–41). There are 29 recognized species of Populus worldwide
(40, 42), with twelve species native to North America. Species of Populus are
outcrossers with dioecious trees bearing either male or female pendant catkins
(38, 40, 43). The ratio of male to female trees is generally 1:1, but variations
exist at low altitudes with pistillate dominance and high altitudes with staminate
dominance (38, 44, 45). The fast growing, deciduous, single-trunked trees are
most notably researched and utilized for intensive management due to ease of
rooting and vegetative propagation, quick establishment and fast growth leading
to elevated rates of photosynthesis and transpiration, and the ability for some
species to resprout (e.g., coppice) following harvesting or other top-killing events.
Consequently, these three features make Populus genotypes particularly suitable
for biomasss production, as well.
First, ease of rooting and vegetative propagation are key traits of the
cottonwoods, particularly P. nigra, P. trichocarpa, and P. suaveolens subsp.
maximowiczii. Tree breeders, silviculturists, and horticulturists take advantage
of the propensity for these species to form adventitious roots by using unrooted
hardwood stem cuttings as a common and inexpensive propagule in managed
In Sustainable Production of Fuels, Chemicals, and Fibers from Forest Biomass; Zhu, J., et al.;
ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2011.
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systems (25). Short stem pieces, about 30 cm long from one-year-old dormant
material, quickly form shoots from dormant buds and roots from root primordia
distributed throughout the stem (27, 42, 46, 47). Additionally, adventitious roots
form from callus, a wound-induced parenchymous growth at the base of the
cutting. Riparian cottonwoods (i.e., P. deltoides) naturally reproduce asexually
by branch breakage and crown damage. Branch sprouting and adventitious root
formation facilitate tree survival (43). While some genotypes root well from
unrooted cuttings, one of the chief drawbacks with P. deltoides is that rooting
from unrooted, dormant hardwood cuttings is often erratic. In addition, a type
of planting stock that is commonly used for P. deltoides is rooted cuttings with
multiple lateral roots and some residual stems (usually not greater than one meter
in height), or rooted cuttings reared in a greenhouse or growth chamber (see
Second, the leaves have a lattened, or otherwise lexible, petiole that gives
them their characteristic quaking or luttering appreance with the slightest of
breezes. It has been postulated and to some extent proven that this helps the
trees maximize photosynthetic rates across layers of leaves that would otherwise
be shaded. Whatever the mechanisms, the Populus trees are usually the fastest
growing components of temperate deciduous forests (Figure 1).
Third, in the cottonwoods, the ability to resprout is conined primarily to the
stumps and it diminishes with age and frequent coppicing (27, 48). In one of the
few studies of repeated coppicing, cottonwoods planted on 0.6 × 1.2-m or 1.2 ×
1.2-m spacings and cut on two-year cycles had high sprout vigor after the irst cut,
diminishing vigor after each of the next two cuts, and substantial mortality and loss
of vigor beyond that (48). In most aspens, all or most of the sprouting comes from
the roots, with root suckering following disturbance being much more important
than seedling establishment. The sprouting potential is present in one-year-old
seedlings, but tends to increase with age until the trees decline in vigor (28, 29,
49). The European white poplar sprouts well from the stump at young age as well
as producing good root sprouts (50).
Genetics and Tree Improvement
The genus Populus is divided into six sections, based on speciic ecological
and morphological traits: Abaso, Turanga, Leucoides, Aigeiros, Tacamahaca,
and Populus (40). The most important species for short rotation culture are in
the sections Aigeiros, Tacamahaca, and Populus. Major barriers to hybridization
occur among sections, with the success of artiicial hybridization ranging from
complete compatibility to complete incompatibility (41). Intersectional hybrids
of economic signiicance occur between Aigeiros and Tacamahaca (51–54), with
greater success being obtained when species of Aigeiros are used as females with
Tacamahaca males (51, 52, 55). In addition, hybrids are common within and
among species of the sections Populus; however, hybrids between this section
and others are dificult to obtain (56, 57).
The genus Populus was one of the irst to undergo genetic improvement to
meet human use goals (14). Poplar breeding was started in the U.S. in 1934
In Sustainable Production of Fuels, Chemicals, and Fibers from Forest Biomass; Zhu, J., et al.;
ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2011.
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(20). In the 1990s there were active breeding and/or selection programs for the
Aigeiros and Tacamahaca sections in at least 21 states and 4 Canadian provinces.
Unfortunately, only two active breeding programs remain in the U.S. As interest in
biomass production grows, some programs may be restarted and new ones begun,
but valuable time and often important germplasm has been lost. A summary of
traits important to SRWCs of bioenergy has been developed (i.e., ideotype) (16).
In particular, emphasis will need to be placed on ease of rooting of dormant cuttings
and the retention of stump sprouting vigor over several rotations. It is possible that
P. nigra, P. suaveolens subsp. maximowiczii, and P. trichocarpa can contribute to
sprouting ability, just as they have to improved rooting. In current uses of SRWC
Populus, it is assumed that enough genetic improvement progress is made over
the course of a rotation to warrant replacement with new clones after each harvest.
New guidelines will likely be needed for shorter rotations focused on bioenergy.
Selection for biomass yield has usually focused on approximate stem volume
using some form of a D2H formula, often times with an initial selection based on
height and then for diameter. That priority order was reversed in the improvement
program at Iowa State University based on the hypothesis that the shade avoidance
response of pioneer species like those within the genus Populus naturally selects
for height growth at the expense of growth allocated to diameter (58, 59). A
signiicant amount of the improvement in corn (Zea mays L.) yield was achieved
by breeding out the shade avoidance (i.e., interplant competition) response (60).
The concept still needs rigorous scientiic testing, but the empirical results were
good (22). However, there was one drawback, a small but signiicant negative
correlation was found between diameter growth and speciic gravity. It is theorized
that selecting for faster growth tended to select for more vessel area to support
higher levels of photosynthesis and rapid supply of soil nutrients to developing
tissues. Selecting for optimal allocation of biomass will be even more important
with frequent coppicing. One of the biggest beneits in this area will be increased
understanding of the biology of wood formation and the ability to either down- or
up-regulate the production of constituents like lignin to it the needs of a particular
conversion technology (61).
The cottonwoods are subject to some serious pest problems. For about the
irst three years of plantation development the cottonwood leaf beetle (CLB)
(Chrysomela scripta Fabricius) can cause over 50% growth losses and deform
stem growth (62). No signiicant genetic resistance has been found in P. deltoides
clones and most hybrids. Fortunately, the insect can be controlled with careful
crop scouting and spraying with an appropriate Bt formulation as each generation
begins to emerge (63). Since bioenergy rotations may be entirely or mostly
within the three-year period of high susceptibility, a renewed focus on developing
transgenic insect resistance in Populus may be necessary (64).
A major leaf disease, poplar leaf rust (Melampsora medusa Thümen),
can reduce cottonwood growth by 40%. Breeding and selection for resistance
is possible and a single dominant resistance allele has been identiied (65).
As indicated earlier, the most serious disease of cottonwood-type hybrids in
the eastern U.S. is Septoria canker. Hybrids with P. trichocarpa succumb to
the disease after just a few years. Populus nigra and P. suaveolens subsp.
maximowiczii hybrids may survive long enough for use in bioenergy rotations of
In Sustainable Production of Fuels, Chemicals, and Fibers from Forest Biomass; Zhu, J., et al.;
ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2011.
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ive years or less (66). Pure P. deltoides clones are usually resistant to Septoria
canker disease.
Moreover, an extensive program on aspen genetics and improvement was
started by the Institute of Pulp and Paper Chemistry in Appleton, WI and later
transferred as the Aspen and Larch Cooperative to Grand Rapids, MN. Signiicant
progress was made on stem biomass production with the native aspens. In
particular, the selection in the wild and the production through breeding of triploid
aspens gave simultaneous and substantial increases in growth rate, iber length and
speciic gravity (67). Polypoidy can also be induced through colchicine treatment
and tissue culture techniques (68). A return to polyploidy research would likely
give rapid and signiicant results in the improvement of biomass production. A
program of interspeciic hybridization with P. alba was initiated by the Appleton
group with promising early results. However, a new disease called bronze leaf
[Apioplagiostoma populi (E.K. Cash & Waterman) M.E. Barr] began to be seen
in the hybrid clones (69, 70) and the hybrid work was curtailed in Wisconsin and
Minnesota; some improvement work with the native aspens continues.
Nature started its own interspeciic breeding program in places where P. alba
had been introduced into the vicinity of the bigtooth aspen. In the 1940s and 1950s
several distinctive hybrid clones were discovered in southeastern Iowa (71). The
most notable genotype is the ‘Crandon’ clone that has shown superior growth rates
over a very wide geographic area from southern Minnesota to northern Alabama
and east to West Virginia ((3, 72); unpublished industry plantation results). Bronze
leaf disease has not yet become a problem in Iowa and areas to the south and east.
With the success of the Crandon hybrid aspen and the apparent absence of most
insect and disease problems a modest breeding program was irst conducted in
1990 to 1991 by Patrick McGovern, a private breeder in Michigan using a variety
of P. alba, P. grandidentata, P. tremula, and F1 hybrid parents. Progeny tests were
established in Iowa and other nearby states under the U.S. Department of Energy’s
Biofuels Development Program. Clonal selections were made from one of those
trials and a clone test was established in 1996 (73) and harvested in 2008. Three
of the top ive clones in biomass production were pure P. alba selections, one was
a P. alba × P. tremula hybrid and the other was a P. alba × P. grandidentata hybrid.
Eleven of the new clones outperformed the Crandon clone. Speciic gravity ranged
from 0.28 to 0.43 g cm-3. The two best stump sprouters were sibling clones from
the P. alba × P. grandidentata cross. One P. alba family was produced with a
heterozygous fastigiate male parent (Bolleana cv.). The best biomass producer of
the family was a fastigiate clone that ranked seventh overall. However, the other
fastigiate clones were poor biomass producers, as were the two normally branched
clones (74).
Standard practices in traditional Populus SRWCs are well detailed in previous
reviews (27) and are similar for energy plantations (especially for site preparation
and vegetation management). Essentially all commercial cottonwood type SRWC
plantations are established with unrooted cuttings from 15 cm (north) to 45 cm
In Sustainable Production of Fuels, Chemicals, and Fibers from Forest Biomass; Zhu, J., et al.;
ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2011.
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Publication Date (Web): July 11, 2011 | doi: 10.1021/bk-2011-1067.ch002
(south) long. To start aspen plantations, rooted plants can be produced in the
nursery from segments 10 cm long and about 0.5 to 2 cm thick (75). A new
method of rooting 10 cm long by < 0.5 cm diameter dormant stem cuttings is under
Most cottonwood and aspen plantations have been planted on something close
to a 3 × 3 m spacing with intensive weed control for one to three years, and harvest
at 7 to 15 years (18 years in Canada) (Table II) (76). Yields for cottonwood and
hybrid poplar stands range from 2.2 to 15.7 Mg ha-1 yr-1 on these rotations (Table
II) (3, 27). In contrast, a series of Crandon hybrid aspen yield trials in Iowa
resulted in an average of 25 Mg ha-1 yr-1 on a 10-year rotation (72). However,
to really maximize SRWC yields for bioenergy, much more work needs to be
done in optimizing spacing and harvest age. For example, a Nelder spacing design
was used with the Crandon hybrid aspen clone to determine the age:spacing:yield
relationships for the irst rotation (77), and a similar approach was used to study
cottonwood yields as a function of spacing and number of coppice rotations (48).
A limited amount of work has been done with Populus in testing the double row
system of planting cuttings that has been used so successfully with willows (see
below) (78–80) and more is needed on this and other innovative planting designs.
Extensive research has been done on managing root sprouts in native
aspen stands (49). Unfortunately, research on SRWC root sprouts has only just
begun (81). First year re-sprouting can result in over 200,000 stems ha-1 from a
combination of stump and root sprouts with natural thinning starting during the
irst year. When the original plantations are harvested, a combination of both
stump sprouts and root sprouts is produced. Observations of such mixed sprout
origins suggest that stump sprouts have the fastest growth over the irst one to two
years, leading to signiicant mortality in adjacent root sprouts. After about two
years, the stump sprouts begin to decline in health, vertical stability, and survival
relative to the remaining root sprouts. Our results to date indicate that the yield
per unit area harvested in a thinning at the end of the irst year could be as much
as 5.5 Mg ha-1 (root sprouts 3.3 Mg ha-1, stump sprouts 2.2 Mg ha-1) with no new
establishment costs.
A new agroforestry study was initiated in 2009 by planting Crandon trees at
a 3.0 × 3.6 m spacing into a matrix of forage triticale (Triticale hexaploide Lart.)
established the previous fall. The triticale is harvested as a biomass crop in June
leaving stubble for soil protection and making more soil water available to the
trees. The triticale left unharvested next to the trees dies by early July, but remains
standing for most of the rest of the season. Triticale biomass cropping between
the tree rows can be repeated over the irst few years until the trees dominate the
site and go on to complete an 8- to 10-yr initial rotation. Alternatively, aspen
root spread is being monitored so we can determine if a irst-rotation stand can
be converted to coppice production cycles after a only few years of harvesting
triticale as the main biofuels feedstock. Lateral root spread of up to 2.4 m distal
from stems was documented in the irst year (82).
Not enough attention has been given to clonal deployment strategies with
the genus Populus (83). The recommended deployment of willow clones from
different diversity groups across the landscape is discussed below. The standard
approach to Populus plantations has been to plant a mixture of monoclonal
In Sustainable Production of Fuels, Chemicals, and Fibers from Forest Biomass; Zhu, J., et al.;
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blocks, with each block being many hectares in size. Essentially all cottonwood
type clones are planted this way, often wihout attention to diversity among
adjacent clones. Deployment strategies for aspen plantations should also be
further evaluated. The aspens may be more tolerant of interclonal competition
and within block mixtures may provide a way to reduce the costs of both time and
money during clonal testing (84). A mix of proven and promising clones can be
established in commercial plantations. The best clones for each particular site will
crowd out the less suited clones. When the irst rotation stands are harvested, the
majority of the sprouting should be from the most vigorous clones under the local
environmental conditions and these naturally selected clones should continue to
dominate in successive coppice rotations.
Shrub willow (Salix spp) has been developed as a perennial energy crop for
the production of biomass in North America and Europe during the past 40 years
(37, 85–87). Willow research in North America started in southeastern Canada at
the University of Toronto (88) and in Upstate New York in the mid 1980s (86).
Currently, yield trials have been carried out or are under way in 15 states in the
U.S. and in six provinces in Canada (Figure 1). Commercial nurseries have been
developed to supply willow planting stock and over 400 ha of commercial scale
plantings have been established in the U.S.
In addition to yield studies of different willow clones across sites, research in
North America focused on various components of the production cycle, including
nutrient amendments and cycling, alternative tillage practices, incorporating
cover crops into these systems, density studies, harvesting systems development,
and assessing pest impacts. A range of environmental characteristics of willow
biomass crops have been assessed as well, including use of willow plantations
by birds, changes in soil micro arthropod communities under willow, changes
in soil carbon, and life cycle assessments of the system. The economics of the
production system have been assessed and a cash low model to relect current
production methods has been recently developed (89). In addition, breeding
and selection programs for shrub willows have been developed in Canada and
the U.S. The Canadian program was terminated in the early 1990s and the U.S.
program that started in 1995 is still producing improved clones of willow for both
the biomass production and agroforestry markets (90).
Key aspects of Salix SRWCs are summarized here, including tree biology,
genetics and tree improvement, and silviculture. Current efforts to maximize
production of willows are described, and the opportunities afforded by Salix
SRWCs are highlighted.
In Sustainable Production of Fuels, Chemicals, and Fibers from Forest Biomass; Zhu, J., et al.;
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Species from the genus Salix are perennial, deciduous, shade intolerant
pioneer species that are typically found primarily on moist soils along water ways
in natural settings. Although willows inherently have a competitive advantage
over other plants in wet conditions, they grow well on uplands and well-drained
sites as long as competing vegetation is controlled during establishment and
there is adequate rainfall (91). Willows are dioecious plants that produce catkins
during the spring, typically before the leaves come out. The seeds contain silky
white hairs, which allow them to be dispersed by wind, but they are typically only
viable for a few weeks and require moist conditions to germinate and develop
(92). Most willows are native to the temperate, boreal, and tundra regions of the
northern hemisphere (93), with shrub willows being used for bioenergy crops
coming primarily from temperate regions. Shrub willows have the ability to
be propagated vegetatively and regrow after coppicing, which facilitates rapid
multiplication and allows repeated harvests from a single planting.
Although weed competition and drought are the greatest threats to the
establishment of a willow plantation, diseases and pests have the ability to impact
the productivity of a crop. The fungus Melampsora epitea Thüm, which causes
rust disease, has reduced yields in the United Kingdom and is being monitored
in the U.S. It attacks leaves, causing them to senesce and drop prematurely. Rust
is a concern for S. eriocephala Michx., but has limited impact on species and
hybrids being used for biomass production in North America right now. Diseases
that have less impact include anthracnose tip blight on S. eriocephala caused by
Colletotrichum spp. and willow scab caused by Physalospora miyabeana Fukushi
(94). Pests and insects documented in North America include Chrysomelid
beetles, which include Popollia japonica Newman (Japanese beetle) and
Plagiodera versicolora Laicharting (imported willow leaf beetle) in the U.S. (95).
These beetles feed on the leaves of the willow and in the U.K. have been shown to
decrease yields of susceptible willow clones (96, 97). Stem-sucking insects such
as Tuberolachnus salignus Gmelin (giant willow aphid) and Pterocomma salicis
L. (black willow aphid) have been documented in shrub willows as well (98).
To date none of these pests have had a measureable impact on yields of willow
biomass crops in North America, but with increasing acreage, pest and disease
pressures could create serious problems (94).
Genetics and Tree Improvement
Large genetic diversity and limited domestication of willow to date provide
great opportunities to improve yield and other characteristics. The genus Salix
comprises between 330 and 500 species (93, 99, 100) growing as trees, shrubs and
dwarf shrubs. Polyploidy is common and some species are known to hybridize
within the genus Salix. The species used for woody crop systems are primarily
from the subgenus Caprisalix (Vetrix), which has over 125 species (92). These
species share many characteristics, but differ in their resistance to pests and
diseases and their architecture. Breeding and selection can improve yields across
In Sustainable Production of Fuels, Chemicals, and Fibers from Forest Biomass; Zhu, J., et al.;
ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2011.
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a wide range of site conditions, identify clones that are tolerant to diseases and
pests, and identify growth forms that are more suitable for harvesting systems
used for SRWC. Once superior willow clones are identiied they can be multiplied
rapidly using vegetative propagation.
Willow breeding started in Sweden and the U.K. in the 1980s and early
1990s, but many of the European clones did not perform well in North America
due to damage caused by the potato leaf hopper (Empoasca fabae Harris). Willow
breeding in North America started at the University of Toronto (UofT) in the
1980s and focused on heritability and genetic variation of native species such
as S. eriocephala, S. exigua Nuttall., S. lucida Mühl., S. amygdaloides Anders.,
S. bebbiana Sarg., S. pellita Anders., S. petiolaris Smith, and S. discolor Mühl.
Early studies with S. eriocephala showed that limited gains would be possible
when breeding and selecting for height, diameter and yield (101, 102). Breeding
started in 1998 at SUNY-ESF with a variety of species including S. eriocephala,
S. sachalinensis F. Schmidt, S. purpurea L., or S. dasyclados Wimm. with S.
miyabeana Seemen and intraspeciic crosses of S. purpurea. In four plant plot
selection trials the highest yielding improved clone produced 77% more biomass
than the reference clone ‘SV1’ (S. dasyclados) in the second rotation (94). First
rotation yields of improved clones in small plot yield trials have been greater than
reference clones and have ranged from 10.2 to 13.6 Mg ha-1 yr-1. Previous studies
indicate that there are different strategies for obtaining high biomass production
among groups of willow species and clones (Table III) (103). These results
indicate that there is a large potential to make use of the wide genetic diversity of
shrub willows to improve yields with traditional breeding and selection.
Improving yields will make willow a more economically attractive crop for
marginal lands. Increasing yields by 17% (from 12 to 14 Mg ha-1 yr-1) improves
the internal rate of return (IRR) for willow biomass crops by 51% (from 5.5 to
8.3%) (89). First-year rotations of willow have produced yields of 8.4 to 11.6 Mg
ha-1 yr-1 (86, 104, 105) and second-year rotations yields are about 35% higher on
average (106).
Willow can be grown on marginal agricultural lands in temperate regions. It
should be planted in fully prepared open land, where weeds have been controlled.
Typically ield preparation starts the fall of the year before planting and includes
a combination of mechanical and chemical techniques. Planting takes place in
the spring between the end of April and the beginning of June. Erosion during
establishment year has been successfully reduced through the use of cover crops,
such as Secale cereale L. (winter rye) (107). Studies to evaluate conventional
tillage, no tillage and conservation tillage methods are under way as well.
In Sustainable Production of Fuels, Chemicals, and Fibers from Forest Biomass; Zhu, J., et al.;
ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2011.
Table III. Differences in morphological traits of Salix clones with high
biomass production in short rotation woody crop systems [adapted from
Tharakan et al. (103)]
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Species group
(variety name)
of stems
(g cm-3)
leaf area
(cm2 g-1)
(g kg-1)
S. purpurea,
S. dasyclados
S. sachalinensis
S. miyabeana
(SX64, SX67)
Willows are planted as unrooted dormant hardwood cuttings using tractor
drawn planters. The early planters were adapted from potato planters to plant 20
to 25 cm cuttings. Currently available planters from Sweden (Step Planter) and
Denmark (Egedal Energy Planter) use 2 to 3 m whips and cuts them into 15 to
20 cm long sections and inserts them into the ground. Shrub willows are typically
planted in a double row system at 15,000 plants ha-1, with 1.5 m between the double
rows, 0.76 m within the double-row and 0.61 m between the plants within the rows,
to allow clearance for harvesting and cultivation machinery. Trials are underway
to examine the potential of reducing planting density of new clones to decrease
establishment costs while maintaining yields. Single (108) and triple row systems
have also been used in some plantings. After the irst year the willows are cut at
about 5 cm above the soil after leaf drop. This process is called coppicing and
increases the number of stems from 1 to 3 up to 8 to 13 depending on the clone
(103). Coppicing facilitates future harvests, increases yields and helps to control
weed competition due to earlier canopy closure.
Typically willows are harvested every 3 to 4 years using forage harvesters
with a specially designed cutting head (109). Whole stem harvesters and modiied
bailers have also been developed. Following harvest the plants will re-sprout the
following spring when they are typically fertilized with about 100 kg nitrogen (N)
ha-1 of commercial fertilizer or organic sources like manure or biosolids (109).
Projections indicate that the crop can be maintained for seven rotations before the
rows of willow stools begin to expand to the point that they are no longer accessible
with harvesting equipment.
Southern pine species are an important component of the forest resources
of the U.S. South, which is one of the most important timber producing regions
In Sustainable Production of Fuels, Chemicals, and Fibers from Forest Biomass; Zhu, J., et al.;
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globally (110). Of the over 74 million ha total timberland in 11 southern states
(excludes Oklahoma and Kentucky), 27.5 million ha are classiied as softwood
types and another 8.5 million ha are oak-pine types (111). Pine plantations account
for 15 million ha, more than half of the area of softwood forest. The intensiication
of pine plantation silviculture is one of the remarkable stories of U.S. forestry (112)
and it sets the stage for discussing the potential role that short-rotation pine could
play in woody bioenergy development.
The historical development of intensive pine forestry has been described as
a process of crop domestication (112, 113). Several authors have described this
process from multiple perspectives (112–116). In broad outline, intensiication
has involved tree improvement, seedling quality and stocking control, site
preparation, management of competing vegetation, fertilization, and pest
management (114, 116–118). Research on soil-site and growth and yield have
ensured that the potential gain in productivity from these basic improvements
is realized by properly deploying improved planting stock and appropriate
silvicultural interventions (112). More than 95 percent of the seedlings planted in
the South are genetically improved loblolly and slash pines (Pinus taeda L. and
P. elliottii Engl., respectively) (118).
The distinguishing feature of timberland in the South is that private ownership
predominates. Fully 87% of all timberlands in the South and 95% of the pine
plantations were privately owned in 2007 (111). These numbers obscure structural
shifts in ownership that have already occurred and shifts in timberland location
projected to occur in the near term (119). The nearly 20% of timberland formerly
held by vertically integrated forest products companies (industrial land) is
now largely owned by real estate investment trusts (REIT), timber investment
and management organizations (TIMO), pension funds, and other inancial
institutions (120, 121). Although non-industrial private landowners own a small
percentage of the pine plantations, they account for a substantial area. The
demographics of these owners suggest that this land area will soon see further
ownership fragmentation through sales and generational transfers (120, 122).
Not all plantations will be managed at the same intensity so differing landowner
objectives will affect whether biomass production for bioenergy is feasible and if
so, which silvicultural system is adopted.
Rising population and increasing per capita wealth in the South will likely
drive changes in land use (119). This combination of factors suggests that the
center of intensive pine silviculture will shift westward as urbanization proceeds
on the coastal plain and in the Piedmont (121). Indeed, Zhang and Polyakov
(111) suggest that by 2027, plantation area will decline in Florida, Georgia, North
and South Carolina by 3.5% and increase in Alabama, Mississippi, Arkansas,
and Louisiana by 30%. While federal and state policy and market forces will
determine where and how much land will be available for developing pine
bioenergy plantations, these projected shifts into relatively drier areas will affect
how accurately we can predict potential yield from currently available genetic
material and silvicultural prescriptions. Possibilities for bioenergy production
are several (12), including continued use of harvesting residues from traditional
operations (see Skog et al. of this volume; (123)), possibly including more
complete removal from sites; integrating bioenergy with production of other
In Sustainable Production of Fuels, Chemicals, and Fibers from Forest Biomass; Zhu, J., et al.;
ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2011.
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products; and developing dedicated bioenergy plantations on marginal agricultural
land or cutover forestland. In all cases, current intensive management systems
will continue to be developed.
A recent report from the U.S. Departments of Agriculture and Energy provides
the best national estimate of how much biomass could be available for energy
production from cropland and forests (12). They projected that approximately 342
million dry tons of biomass annually could come from converting from 16 to 24
million ha of agricultural land to perennial crops. This would add an additional
2.4 to 5.8 quadrillion BTUs of renewable energy (as compared to the 2.9 quads
that came from biomass in 2003, which accounted for almost 3% of total energy
consumption in the U.S. in that year).
Key aspects of Pinus SRWCs are summarized here, including tree biology,
genetics and tree improvement, and silviculture. Current efforts to maximize
production of southern pines are described, and the opportunities afforded by
Pinus SRWCs are highlighted.
Of the four most common southern pine species, shortleaf pine (P. echinata
Mill.) is the most widespread but it is not planted and little has been done to
develop improved material, which probably disqualiies it from consideration for
SRWCs. Slash pine (P. elliottii) was the backbone of the naval stores industry
but its susceptibility to rust (Cronartium quercuum (Berk.) Miyabe ex Shirai f.
sp. fusiforme (Cumm.) Burds. & Snow) generally has limited planting to Florida
and south Georgia. Since this is the area projected to lose plantation area due to
land use change (111, 121), slash pine also is an unlikely candidate for widespread
SRWC planting. Longleaf pine (P. palustris Mill.) was once the most widespread
of the southern pines and restoration of longleaf is a popular topic. Nevertheless,
longleaf exhibits slow early growth; although the establishment problems once
experienced with longleaf have largely been overcome, the growth habit of initially
allocating most growth to belowground biomass limits its utility for short rotation
The rapid early growth and responsiveness to amendments of loblolly pine
(P. taeda) has made it the pine of choice for intensive silviculture in the South
(124–127) (Figure 1; Table Ib, and Table IV). The response to fertilization
may depend on whether signiicant competition from shrubs or hardwoods is
controlled (116, 126), and interactions among site and genetics have been shown
(128, 129). Because there is much installed capacity and knowledge of loblolly
pine intensive silviculture (112, 113, 116, 129), it is the most likely prospect for
bioenergy development. One drawback relative to hardwood species, however, is
that loblolly pine does not coppice.
Fast-growing, densely planted SRWC pine plantations will be challenged by
endemic organisms, including Nantucket pine tip moth (Rhyacionia frustrana
Comstock), fusiform rust, and southern pine beetle (Dendroctonus frontalis
Zimmerman). Tip moth affects rapidly growing material (130–132) and can
result in sustained growth loss (133, 134). Control of competing vegetation and
In Sustainable Production of Fuels, Chemicals, and Fibers from Forest Biomass; Zhu, J., et al.;
ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2011.
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Publication Date (Web): July 11, 2011 | doi: 10.1021/bk-2011-1067.ch002
use of insecticides that reduce levels of natural enemies may result in damage
from insects that otherwise do not reach economically damaging levels (131).
Fusiform rust has co-evolved with southern pines and will continue to challenge
tree breeders to develop rust resistant planting stock. Mortality from fusiform rust
is highest on young trees, and treatments to increase growth such as fertilization
increases rust incidence. Thus, resistance to fusiform rust will be of prime concern
in establishing SRWC pine plantations and recent advances in understanding the
fusiform rust-loblolly pine pathosystem promise better strategies for avoiding
losses (135). Southern pine beetle, another endemic disease, should present less
of a problem in SRWC pine plantations as it more typically attacks larger, older
trees. If there is an outbreak in the vicinity, however, even young pine stands can
be decimated.
Genetics and Tree Improvement
Most of the loblolly pine seedlings planted in the U.S. are of genetically
improved stock (118, 129). As of 2002, 59% of all loblolly pine plantations were
established as single, open-pollinated family blocks; on industry lands this was
80% (129). As material from advanced breeding programs becomes available for
operational planting, most large organizations deploy this material to their best
sites. In 2002, companies reported less than 1% of their material was planted as
full-sib families (118). Individual clones from rooted cuttings or tissue culture
have been planted in experimental plots and early results indicate that genotype
× environment interactions are relatively unimportant under current conditions
Biotechnology promises further advances in domesticating loblolly pine.
Opportunities exist to enhance growth rates and reduce rotation (harvesting) ages,
convey greater pest and disease resistance, and to produce trees with chemical
and structural characteristics optimized for chemical processing (i.e., designer
trees), as well as accelerating traditional breeding programs (136). Biotechnology
may be used to genetically engineer these and other traits, but will require parallel
efforts to overcome public misperceptions about the technology as transgenic
trees become available for operational deployment.
Intensive pine silviculture in the South includes a variety of site preparation
treatments appropriate to conditions, weed control, fertilization, and several
thinnings during a typical 25-year rotation (Table IV). Before mergers and land
divestitures in the 1990s (112, 120), some forest industry companies concentrated
on producing pulpwood-size material and experimented with shorter rotations
that eschewed thinning and included tip moth control, obtaining peak annual
growth increment of 3.1 to 3.6 Mg ha-1 yr-1 at ages 10 to 12 on some sites (112,
114). Mean annual increment of 2.1 to 2.7 Mg ha-1 yr-1 was routinely obtainable
on most sites (127, 137).
In Sustainable Production of Fuels, Chemicals, and Fibers from Forest Biomass; Zhu, J., et al.;
ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2011.
Table IV. Silvicultural prescriptions and potential yields from
intensively-managed Pinus plantations in the southern United States
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Aerially applied chemical, followed by
combination plowc
Improved 1-0 bareroot seedlings; Flexwood
system plants two levels of improved
weed control
Product and rate depend on site
Diammonium phosphate (DAP), 225 kg ha-1
1 to 3
Tip moth
Tip moth
As neededd
135 kg N ha-1; 17 kg P ha-1,e
135 kg N ha-1; 17 kg P ha-1
135 kg N ha-1; 17 kg P ha-1
135 kg N ha-1; 17 kg P ha-1
Thin and
135 kg N ha-1; 17 kg P ha-1
138 to 152 Mg ha-1 (pulpwoodf)
135 kg N ha-1; 17 kg P ha-1
135 kg N ha-1; 17 kg P ha-1
134 to 157 Mg ha-1 (pulpwood/
a Modeled silvicultural prescription from Allen et al. (114) b Modeled silvicultural
prescription from Borders and Bailey (127); fertilizer rates are taken from Allen et al.
(114) c Combination plow, usually pulled by a tractor with a V-blade to clear slash
on cutover sites; plow combines coulter wheel and subsoiler followed by two bedding
disks d Tip moth control is not generally operational but has been shown to provide
an economically signiicant response in intensively-managed plantations (112). e On
some loamy and sandy sites, studies have shown response to potassium and boron; some
companies include complete micronutrient application where response is suspected. f
Range is the average and optimistic level in Borders and Bailey (127). g Range is the
medium and high level in Allen et al. (114); total yield was 228 Mg ha-1 with 157 Mg ha-1
pulpwood/energywood at the medium level and 309 Mg ha-1 total yield with 228 Mg ha-1
pulpwood/energywood at the high level.
In Sustainable Production of Fuels, Chemicals, and Fibers from Forest Biomass; Zhu, J., et al.;
ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2011.
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There is little published information on loblolly pine SRWC but the
information from studies comparing species and genotypes in dense plantings
is illustrative, with loblolly generally out-performing slash and with a strong
interactive effect of density and genotype for loblolly pine. Burkes et al. (125)
compared four planting densities (740, 2220, 3700, and 4400 trees ha-1) and found
no signiicant difference in stemwood production after 4 years between the two
denser spacings. Stem biomass growth in the fourth growing season was 17.4 Mg
ha-1. Adegbidi et al. (138) reported biomass accumulation and partitioning in four
intensively managed loblolly pine stands planted at 1495 trees ha-1 with the same
improved family. Stemwood growth after four years was 10.1 Mg ha-1 yr-1, which
accounted for 34% of net primary production. Roth et al. (128) obtained total
aboveground biomass after ive years from intensive treatments of 55 Mg ha-1
with 2990 trees ha-1 as compared to 37 Mg ha-1 for operational management at
the same planting density. Varying the planting density also had an effect; under
the intensive treatment, average stem diameter was 13.1 vs. 10.9 cm for 1334 and
2990 trees ha-1, respectively (128). Most signiicantly, they identiied the need
for nutrient amendments on poor sites earlier in the rotation than is typical of
conventional intensive silviculture.
Modiications to integrate bioenergy into current intensive pine silviculture
have been proposed, including dual-cropping and intercropping. In dual-cropping,
the pine stand is established and managed to intentionally produce both biomass
for energy and crop trees for roundwood products (139). Direct-seeding pine
between the rows of a traditional pine plantation produced about 10.2 Mg ha-1
of biomass for energy after 5 years without adversely affecting the crop trees
(139). Another version of dual-cropping called FlexStand involves planting two
pine genotypes together, a very elite genotype for the crop tree and an improved
genotype for biomass (140). The advantage is that the lower value biomass is
also a lower cost seedling. In the intercropping system, an annual bioenergy crop
such as switchgrass is planted between the rows of the pine crop trees (141). The
full details of spacing, harvesting, and the economics of these systems are being
Bioenergy could be the highest contributor to global renewable energy in
the short to medium term, with SRWC Eucalyptus playing a major role (142).
Eucalyptus species can be widely planted to produce abundant biomass, but their
planting may require various incentives. Several biomass conversion technologies
are operational, and other biomass opportunities include bioreineries, carbon
sequestration, and small, distributed energy systems. Brazilian experience
suggests that Eucalyptus bioenergy can be produced eficiently and sustainably in
the U.S. (143). Biomass-derived electricity and liquid fuels may compete with
fossil fuels in the short-term, most likely by using integrated gasiier/gas turbines
to convert biomass to electricity (144).
In Sustainable Production of Fuels, Chemicals, and Fibers from Forest Biomass; Zhu, J., et al.;
ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2011.
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Bioenergy currently constitutes ~2.8% of the U.S. energy production, with
~60% of this due to the forest products industry (145); by 2030, forest bioenergy
could double. Eucalyptus SRWCs can provide renewable energy feedstocks
for biofuels, bioenergy, and bioproducts for tropical and subtropical regions of
the U.S., namely Florida and portions of other southeastern states, Hawaii, and
California (Table Ic). At present, ~50,000 ha of Eucalyptus SRWCs are planted
in California, Hawaii, and Florida.
Short rotation woody crop Eucalyptus could be grown for bioenergy on up
to 100,000 ha in Hawaii following guidelines from a research and development
program in the 1980s (146). Eucalyptus saligna Smith in 5- and 6-year rotations
and an 8-year Eucalyptus/Albizia mix produced 20.2, 18.6, and 26.9 or more
Mg ha-1 yr-1, respectively. Chipped Eucalyptus biomass was most expensive
for the 5-year rotation and least for the 6-year rotation. Short- and long-term
improvement programs were not implemented before program termination in
1988, but subsequent efforts by various agencies have identiied promising
genotypes in several species. About 9,000 ha of Eucalyptus plantations established
since 1996 are producing over 40 m3 ha-1 yr-1 in the most productive areas (147).
Due to Florida’s challenging climatic and edaphic conditions, much SRWCs
emphasis has been on Eucalyptus tree improvement for adaptability to infertile
soils and damaging freezes. Eucalyptus grandis Hill ex. Maiden is now grown
commercially in southern Florida for mulchwood and can be used in central Florida
(Figure 1) (148), while E. amplifolia Naudin is suitable from central Florida into
the lower Southeast. On suitable sites and/or with intensive culture, they may
reach harvestable size in as few as three years (149). Eucalyptus SRWCs are
promising for coiring in coal-based power plants in central Florida. By combining
superior clones (150), suitable culture (148), innovative harvesting (148), and
eficient conversion, these two species have considerable potential in Florida. As
in other SRWC development situations, research on genetics, spacing, fertilization,
planting, control of pests and diseases, forest management, etc., will be essential
for achieving high SRWC productivity.
Key aspects of promising Eucalyptus species are summarized here, including
biology, genetics and tree improvement, silviculture, and the opportunities they
afford as SRWCs.
Eucalypts are successful SRWCs because of their fast growth and
environmental tolerance due to attributes such as indeterminate growth, coppicing,
lignotubers, drought/ire/insect resistance, and/or tolerance of soil acidity and
low fertility, and many have desirable wood properties for bioenergy production.
While the biological traits of all currently promising Eucalyptus SRWCs are
somewhat common, E. grandis, E. amplifolia, E. benthamii Maiden et Cambage,
E. macarthurii Deane et Maiden, and Eucalyptus hybrids still differ in signiicant
ways (Table V)
In Sustainable Production of Fuels, Chemicals, and Fibers from Forest Biomass; Zhu, J., et al.;
ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2011.
Table V. Relative biological characterizations of Eucalyptus species with
high potential for bioenergy production in the southeastern United States.
See text for species’ authorities and additional descriptions
Max. growth
rate yr-1
Site tolerance
Age to seed
Quantity of
seed produced
Ease of
Cold tolerance
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Wood density
The indeterminate growth of eucalypts coupled with a range in inherent cold
tolerance puts many otherwise desirable species at risk in subtropical climates with
highly variable temperatures and freezes, such as the southeastern U.S. Species/
sources whose natural distributions include similar low temperatures, temperature
luctuations, and rainfall patterns tend to match exotic environments best.
As monoecious species with varying tendencies to inbreed, eucalypts often
produce non-uniform seedling populations. Thus, seedling-based plantations can
be less productive than clonal plantations due to poor growth of as much as 25%
of the trees.
Eucalypts that vegetatively propagate easily are ideal for combining superior
growth, pest resistance, cold tolerance, etc. Clonal plantations of highly selected
E. grandis and related hybrids, for example, are common across the world.
Genetics and Tree Improvement
Eucalyptus species are ideal for genetic improvement because many typically
propagate easily, have short generation intervals and broad genetic variability, and
may be genetically engineered. The species/cultivars/hybrids with documented
bioenergy potential in the Southeast are described below and in Table Ic and Table
V. A total of 79 accessions of 35 species are being evaluated in 2010 and 2011 at
13 sites from Texas in the west to North Carolina in the north and south through
Florida (151).
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E. grandis. Genetic improvement of E. grandis for Florida conditions started
in the 1960s. Substantial improvements in the species’ growth, form, and freeze
resilience were achieved, culminating in the release in 2009 of the commercial
cultivars E.nergy™ G1, G2, G3, and G4 (150). While G1, G2, G3, and G4
have exceptional growth rate, stem form, freeze tolerance, and coppicing ability
compared to 4th-generation E. grandis seedlings, the four cultivars have important
differences in these characteristics, their genetics, and wood properties. Planted
at ive locations throughout peninsular Florida in 2009, the cultivars survived
well, were up to 6.1 m tall in 8 months, and typically tolerated the exceptionally
cold weather of January and February 2010. Their deployment expanded in 2010,
and they will be widely available as commercial SRWCs in southern, central, and
even northern Florida. Research is developing even more superior E. grandis
cultivars with desirable wood properties and pest resistance.
E. amplifolia. Genetic improvement of E. amplifolia for Florida began
in the 1980s. Signiicant gains have been made in growth, form, and freeze
resistance, and 1st- and 2nd-generation seedling seed orchards are established.
Clonal selections have been made and are under evaluation. Improved trees were
generally undamaged by the January and February 2010 freezes. In an intensive
culture study near Sumterville, 7-year-old E. amplifolia yielded 42 green Mg ha-1
E. benthamii. The species has a limited range in Australia, but trees within
that range are abundant. The species is tolerant to freezing temperatures and is
planted in southern Brazil on high elevation sites. Eucalyptus benthamii was
irst tested in the southern U.S. in the early 1990s by Westvaco Corp. As in
Brazil, it shows very good tolerance to freezing temperatures and has survived
temperatures as low as -12 °C with minimal damage (ArborGen internal data).
Genetic improvement in the U.S. has been limited to open-pollinated mother tree
tests and within-family tree selection to establish seedling seed orchards. The
irst progeny tests of this material were planted by ArborGen and collaborating
companies in 2009. Seedlings from the top families have produced up to 34.8
green Mg ha-1 yr-1 at 6 years in a trial in South Carolina. Average yields are
predicted to be 27 to 36 Mg ha-1 yr-1 on a 7 year rotation based on ArborGen
and MeadWestvaco internal data. This species has demonstrated a wide site and
climate adaptability in Coastal Plain plantings from Texas to South Carolina.
E. macarthurii. Eucalyptus macarthurii has been widely tested and planted
in South Africa. It was also one of four species identiied as having the most
cold tolerance among several species tested by North Carolina State University
at multiple locations in Florida, Georgia, South Carolina, and Alabama. Great
improvements in forest productivity and frost tolerance have been attained since
the irst seedlots were planted in the U.S. Recently, new genetic trials of seedlings
from improved mother trees are providing encouraging results. Signiicant
improvements can be made in frost tolerance and growth rates by selecting the
best families for plantation establishment. In a 0.8-ha planting in South Carolina,
8-year-old E. macarthurii produced 22 green Mg ha-1 yr-1 of clean chips.
Eucalyptus hybrids. A genetically engineered hybrid of E. grandis × E.
urophylla S.T. Blake with genes for cold tolerance, lignin biosynthesis, and/or
fertility is currently in the U.S. regulatory approval process (152). In ield tests,
In Sustainable Production of Fuels, Chemicals, and Fibers from Forest Biomass; Zhu, J., et al.;
ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2011.
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these trees have survived temperatures as low as 6 °C, which allows them to be
planted south of Interstate-10. The variety is well known for its high quality
iber and also excels at biomass production. Furthermore, this Eucalyptus can be
planted on marginal lands. In traditional pulpwood management systems, this
hybrid is predicted to produce 34 to 43 green Mg ha-1 yr-1 on a seven year rotation.
Planted in a biomass management system, this productivity can potentially be
increased to 43 to 52 green Mg ha-1 yr-1. Further incorporation of growth genes
may result in a four year rotation.
Efforts to identify regions of the Eucalyptus genome that regulate biomass
growth and wood quality have been largely successful (143). As biotechnology
and genomics research have allowed for once inconceivable achievements,
genetic and genomics studies will likely discover most genes regulating signiicant
portions of the heritable variation of biomass productivity and wood property
traits. Ultra low sequencing reaction volumes suggest that a Eucalyptus genome
could be sequenced in less than a day for a few hundred dollars, making it
then possible to identify superior genotypes based on their genotype across
multiple critical loci. For example, cinnamoyl CoA-reductase is a signiicant
determinant of iber properties in Eucalyptus. Several current studies are
identifying genes of value for bioenergy, particularly those involved in the
lignin and carbohydrate/cellulose pathways. Once genotyping assay methods
are suficiently cost effective to permit rapid screening of progenies in breeding
programs, genotypes that combine the optimal alleles for bioenergy can be
reliably identiied.
Eucalyptus is promising for bioenergy production in the southern U.S. Cost
estimates for production and delivery range from $65 to $79 dry Mg-1 (153).
Since productivity greatly affects delivered cost, high productivity sites and
systems should be favored. Shorter rotation lengths, more freeze-tolerant trees,
and higher stand tree density combined with good silvicultural practices can
improve productivity.
The silviculture of all Eucalyptus SRWCs involves many common necessities
and considerations: site selection and preparation, propagule quality, weed
control, spacing, fertilization, rotation length/harvest time, and coppicing. Failure
in any one of these areas will severely impact productivity. For example, poor site
selection, inadequate site preparation, inferior propagules, lack of weed control,
improper spacing, infertility, or wrong season of harvest can, at worst, each lead
to failed plantations.
Site selection and preparation are the initial critical silvicultural choices.
Naturally fertile sites are ideal for Eucalyptus, with former and marginal
agricultural sites often being very suitable. Previously forested sites need to
be thoroughly cleared of debris and stumps. Poorly drained sites may require
bedding and/or subsoiling. Nutrient deiciencies, most notably phosphorus (P),
should be corrected. All these activities should be completed well before planting
In Sustainable Production of Fuels, Chemicals, and Fibers from Forest Biomass; Zhu, J., et al.;
ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2011.
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Once the appropriate species and/or genotype is chosen for the site, propagule
quality needs to be ensured. The ideal containerized propagule should have a
well developed, solid root ball with a irm, upright stem about 30 cm in length.
Underdeveloped or overdeveloped propagules are both undesirable for achieving
good survival and growth.
Control of competition within eucalypt plantations can be more dificult and
expensive than in pine plantations because of the sensitivity of seedlings to the
herbicides. Efforts are continuing at University of Florida and Louisiana State
University to either develop or recognize chemicals that are effective on weeds
and more tolerable to crop trees. In the meantime, attention to detail in applying
herbicides to eucalypt plantations is critical.
Herbicides for herbaceous weed control applied over the top of planted
seedlings should be applied very early in the growing season. Based on speciic
site characteristics, herbicides can be broadcast over an entire tract by hand,
helicopter, or rubber-tired equipment. Banded applications of herbicides, at least
two feet on each side of the seedlings, can be applied with rubber-tired equipment
or by hand.
Spacing inluences tree size, yield, and time to harvest. Conventional
densities of 1500 trees ha-1 produce larger trees over longer rotations, while
higher SRWC densities such as 3000 trees ha-1 maximize per ha productivities in
shorter rotations.
Fertilization can be critical to achieving high productivity. Eucalyptus
typically responds linearly to additions of N and P, which often limits growth on
poorer sites. Soil amendment with wastewaters and composted waste materials
can be successful. Many species are sensitive to micronutrient deiciencies,
particularly boron (B) and copper (Cu).
Rotation length/harvest time can be driven by tree size requirements and
harvesting equipment. Very short rotation SRWC systems may be dictated by
cost effective multirow harvesters with maximum stem diameter requirements
of 10 cm. Time of harvest is important with species, e.g., E. grandis, that have
seasonal windows for successful coppicing.
Coppicing success can also be inluenced by genotype and planting density.
Species such as E. amplifolia and E. benthamii coppice reliably and vigorously.
Multistem coppicing can be minimized by genetic selection and planting density;
however, in some instances thinning of coppice sprouts may be necessary.
Short rotation energy crops are one of the most sustainable sources of
biomass, provided they are strategically placed on the landscape and managed
with cultural practices that conserve soil and water, recycle nutrients, and maintain
genetic diversity (2). These woody biomass sources also provide beneits
such as carbon sequestration, wildlife habitat, and soil stabilization (154–156).
Plantations also provide opportunities to reduce pressure on native forests (157,
158). Overall, the sustainability of producing woody biomass from short rotation
In Sustainable Production of Fuels, Chemicals, and Fibers from Forest Biomass; Zhu, J., et al.;
ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2011.
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energy crops depends on a combination of integrated social issues (e.g., the
land use debate) and biological uncertainties (e.g., genotype × environment
interactions) associated with production potential of each group of species
described above (159). Economic barriers further complicate sustainability,
especially in the face of heightened consumption of non-renewable resources
Speciic sustainability criteria include protecting the resource base,
maintaining biodiversity, achieving carbon and climate neutrality, and attaining
a positive energy balance. Protecting the resource base requires attention
to maintaining productivity and avoiding off-site impacts from pesticide or
nutrient movement (161). In general, the conversion from cropland to forests
is a net environmental gain (162–164). Even short-rotation tree and shrub
crops result in less soil disturbance from plowing than annual crops. This will
decrease soil erosion and increase soil organic matter, which should maintain
or increase site productivity (165). Potential negative effects are very speciic
to management systems and the machinery used to harvest and gather material.
The main environmental concerns are whether high levels of removals and
more traficking by machinery would reduce future productivity by removing
too many nutrients, lowering levels of soil organic matter, compacting soil, and
increasing soil erosion. For example, such concerns have been addressed by
research on intensive pine silviculture and generally, we know how to avoid
signiicant impacts. Current voluntary forestry Best Management Practices could
be modiied for energy plantations (166). A further step short of government
regulation would be to require a form of third-party certiication for producing
biomass for energy from planted forests (167). The development of bioenergy
from food crops has escalated concerns for conversions of native forests and
engendered criticism for increasing food costs (168). Neither scenario applies
to the short rotation energy crops described here, with the possible exception of
oak-pine stands that resulted when harvested SRWC pine plantations in the South
were not re-planted and understory oaks on the site were released (12, 111, 169).
It is also likely that marginal farmland will be converted to SRWCs in preference
over cutover forestland because of lower establishment costs and social resistance
(e.g., in the upper Midwest) (170). The total effects on carbon balance and energy
eficiency depend on not only the production and harvesting of biomass but also
on the energy it produces, which depends on the eficiency of the conversion
technology and products that result. Overall, these sustainability criteria are
affected somewhat differently throughout respective regions of the U.S. where
speciic purpose-grown trees are produced (Tables Ia−Ic) (2), yet overarching
concerns are relevant irrespective of region. Although Salix is illustrated as a case
study below, most of the sustainability principles described are true for Populus,
Pinus, and Eucalyptus SRWCs, as well. The major differences are centered
around silvicultural prescriptions inherent to the genera.
Case Study: Salix
Willow biomass crops are being developed in the Northeast as sustainable
systems that simultaneously produce a suite of ecological, environmental and
In Sustainable Production of Fuels, Chemicals, and Fibers from Forest Biomass; Zhu, J., et al.;
ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2011.
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social beneits in addition to a renewable feedstock for bioproducts and bioenergy
(171, 172). The perennial nature and extensive ine-root system of willow
crops reduces soil erosion and non-point source pollution relative to annual
crops, promotes stable nutrient cycling and enhances soil carbon storage in roots
and the soil (173–176). Replacing fertilizers with biosolids or wastewater can
signiicantly lower both the costs of growing shrub willows (177) and the carbon
inputs into the system (178). Herbicide use is also signiicantly lower for willow
crops compared to a typical corn-alfalfa rotation, because its use is conined to
the irst year or two during establishment (109). Willow crops provide rural
development beneits by diversifying farm crops, creating an alternative source of
income for landowners, and circulating energy dollars through the local economy
The recommended planting scheme for willow biomass crops is designed to
maintain both genetic and structural diversity across a ield and the landscape.
Blocks of four or more willow clones from different diversity groups should be
planted in each ield so that the structural and functional diversity of the system
across the ield is improved and any potential impact associated with pests and
diseases in the future is reduced. At the landscape level willow biomass crops
will be in different stages of growth each year because they are managed on three
year coppice cycles that are staggered to provide a steady low of biomass to the
end users and will increase the structural diversity of the system (171). A study
of bird diversity over several years indicated that willow biomass crops provide
good foraging and nesting habitat for a diverse group of birds. Thirty-nine species
of birds visited the plantations and 21 used them for nesting (179). The number
of bird species was similar to those in early succession habitats and intact eastern
deciduous forests and increased compared to open agricultural land.
Life cycle analysis (LCA) of willows indicated that it is a low-carbon fuel,
because the amount of CO2 taken up by the plants during photosynthesis is almost
equal to the amount of CO2 released during production, harvest, transportation and
conversion of the biomass to bioenergy (178). The cycle is balanced, because only
the aboveground biomass is harvested and as such the carbon that is sequestered
within the roots stays in the ground. Overall greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions
from willow used for electicity generation are 95% lower than coal (180). Willow
biomass crops have a large, positive net energy ratio. Accounting for all the
energy inputs into the production system, results in a net energy ratio of 1:55 (178).
Replacing commercial N fertilizers with organic amendments, such as biosolids,
the net energy ratio can increase and range from 73 to 80 (178). Transporting the
woody biomass 40 km from the edge of the ield to a coal plant where it is co-ired
with coal to generate electricity results in a net energy ratio of 1:11. If a gasiication
conversion system is used, the net energy ratio is slightly higher (181).
Overall, intensively managed plantations representing a diverse set of short
rotation species are necessary to help achieve U.S. policy that mandates the
production of 16 billion gallons of cellulosic biofuels by 2022 (1). Paramount to
the success of this achievement is testing and identiication of woody biomass
In Sustainable Production of Fuels, Chemicals, and Fibers from Forest Biomass; Zhu, J., et al.;
ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2011.
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feedstocks that grow fast, accumulate substantial biomass, and break down
to sugars easily with energy eficient technologies. The four species groups
described above possess a multitude of such traits that make them attractive
candidates as dedicated energy crops. Decades of breeding and selection are
beginning to show signiicant yield and disease resistance improvements in all
groups, which has the potential to result in multiple socioeconomic, environmental
and ecological beneits concurrently.
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