Five Open Astrophysical Questions (abstract)

As a generalization of the Pure Gravitational Field, is it possible to have a Pure Magnetic Field, or Pure Electric Field, or Pure Electromagnetic Field, etc. without matter in its proximity?

Abstract Submitted for the SES15 Meeting of The American Physical Society Five Open Astrophysical Questions FLORENTIN SMARANDACHE, University of New Mexico — 1. As a generalization of the Pure Gravitational Field, is it possible to have a Pure Magnetic Field, or Pure Electric Field, or Pure Electromagnetic Field, etc. without matter in its proximity? 2. If a star explodes or is destroyed or dies, what happens to the planets that orbit it? Will they continue to orbit by inertia the point where the star used to be? For how long time? 3. Is there a beginning and ending of time? Or is the time an entity without ending or beginning? We dough the Big Bang Theory that asserts a creatio ex nihilo of the Universe. If it was a point in the Big Bang that exploded, where did this point come from? What was before that point? 4. Massive cosmic bodies create gravity. Is there a bound for such cosmic bodies (depending on mass, volume, density, and may be position) starting from which cosmic bodies create gravity, while below that bound they don’t create gravity? 5. We do not agree with the Lorentz Relativity and the Lorentz Ether Relativity that support superluminal speeds up to a limit of 2c, although the absolute velocities are added using normal arithmetic in these two Relativities. We think there can be constructed speeds that overpass 2c as well. Florentin Smarandache University of New Mexico Date submitted: 26 Jun 2015 Electronic form version 1.4