Geophysical Prospecting, 2007, 55, 1–19
Migration methods for imaging different-order multiples
Zhiyong Jiang1∗ , Jianming Sheng1 , Jianhua Yu2 , Gerard T. Schuster1
and Brian E. Hornby2
1 University
of Utah, Department of Geology and Geophysics, 135S 1460 E, Salt Lake City, UT 84112, USA; 2 BP America E&P Technology
Group, 501 Westlake Park Boulevard, Houston, TX 77079, USA
Received July 2005, revision accepted July 2006
Multiples contain valuable information about the subsurface, and if properly migrated
can provide a wider illumination of the subsurface compared to imaging with VSP
primary reflections. In this paper we review three different methods for migrating
multiples. The first method is model-based, and it is more sensitive to velocity errors
than primary migration; the second method uses a semi-natural Green’s function
for migrating multiples, where part of the traveltimes are computed from the velocity
model, and part of the traveltimes (i.e., natural traveltimes) are picked from the data to
construct the imaging condition for multiples; the third method uses cross-correlation
of traces. The last two methods are preferred in the sense that they are significantly less
sensitive to velocity errors and statics because they use “natural data” to construct
part of the migration imaging conditions. Compared with the interferometric (i.e.,
crosscorrelation) imaging method the semi-natural Green’s function method is more
computationally efficient and is sometimes less prone to migration artifacts.
Numerical tests with 2-D and 3-D VSP data show that a wider subsurface coverage,
higher-fold and more balanced illumination of the subsurface can be achieved with
multiple migration compared with migration of primary reflections only. However,
there can be strong interference from multiples with different orders or primaries
when multiples of high order are migrated. One possible solution is to filter primaries
and different orders of multiples before migration, and another possible solution is
least squares migration of all events. A limitation of multiple migration is encountered
for subsalt imaging. Here, the multiples must pass through the salt body more than
twice, which amplifies the distortion of the image.
In the typical migration strategy, only primary reflections are
considered as signal and are therefore migrated. Other events,
including multiples, are attenuated as much as possible before
migration. However, multiples contain valuable information
about the subsurface, and if properly migrated, they can provide wider illumination, higher fold, and better vertical res-
2007 European Association of Geoscientists & Engineers
olution of the subsurface than primaries, as shown in Fig. 1
(Schuster 2003). In recent years, there has been some effort in
the fields of multiple migration and various methods have been
explored (Reiter et al. 1991; Berkhout and Vershuur 1994;
Yu and Schuster 2001; Schuster 2003; Yu and Schuster 2004;
Sheng 2001; Brown and Guitton 2005; Jiang et al. 2005).
A strategy for multiple migration is to use the velocity model
to compute the trajectory of multiple reflection rays and their
associated traveltimes. The raypaths for the multiples are typically much longer than those for the primary reflections so
the multiple migration image will be more sensitive to velocity
2 Z. Jiang et al.
Figure 1 Multiples can provide wider illumination, higher fold, and
better vertical resolution of the subsurface than primaries. The raypaths shown are for the multiple (solid) and primary (dashed) reflections.
errors than the primary migration image. Moreover, the longer
raypaths promote lower signal-to-noise ratios in the recorded
multiples because of greater geometrical spreading and attenuation losses. How can these problems be overcome so we can
benefit from the merits of multiple migration described above?
To overcome the increased sensitivity to velocity errors,
Claerbout (1968), and Rickett and Claerbout (1996, 1999)
proposed a strategy for transforming “daylight” seismic data
to CMP-like (common midpoint) data. In their formulation,
the “daylight” data are assumed to be generated by a random distribution of buried sources with unknown excitation
times. The strategy is to crosscorrelate a master trace with the
surrounding traces to get a virtual CDP shot gather, and to
sum these shot gather traces for every subsurface shot. The
master trace position is also the virtual shot location. In this
way the ghost reflections from the free surface are kinematically transformed to reflections for virtual sources at the surface; in general the Nth-order ghost is transformed into the N
− 1th-order ghost. They demonstrated the feasibility of their
approach with helioseismic data and synthetic seismic data.
The important merit of this daylight imaging approach is that
the velocity of the subsurface medium does not need to be
known so that the migration of these virtual CMP data has
the same sensitivity to velocity errors as the real CMP data.
This greatly mitigates the velocity sensitivity problem that afflicts standard migration of ghost reflections.
Later, Schuster and Rickett (2000) and Schuster (2001) extended the daylight imaging strategy to the more general procedure they denoted as interferometric imaging. Here, the restriction to random distributions of sources was eliminated, imaging of reflectors in arbitrary 3-D media was allowed and new
imaging conditions were formulated to image source distribu-
tions (Schuster et al. 2004), and interface geometry from transmitted arrivals (Sheng et al. 2003), converted arrivals (Sheng
et al. 2003), VSP (Vertical Seismic Profile) multiples (Yu and
Schuster 2001; Yu and Schuster 2002; Yu and Schuster 2004)
and primaries and multiples in CDP (Common Depth Point)
data (Sheng 2001; Zhou et al. 2005). For VSP data (Yu and
Schuster 2004), the additional benefit is that the well statics
are eliminated by interferometric imaging. An important development was the proof by Wapenaar (2003) and Wapenaar
et al. (2004) that the daylight imaging concept introduced by
Claerbout could be mathematically justified for 3-D media
using Green’s theorem.
A problem with interferometric imaging is that it can be
computationally expensive. The traces must be crosscorrelated
with one another and, since each trace acts as a secondary
source, the interferometric migration can be more costly than
standard migration (Yu and Schuster 2004). Moreover, crosscorrelation of traces can broaden the source wavelet and introduce spurious artifacts denoted as virtual multiples (Schuster
et al. 2004). To mitigate these problems, Schuster (2002 and
2003) proposed the use of semi-natural Green’s functions to
migrate seismic data. The idea is to construct the Kirchhoff
imaging condition for multiples by a combination of traveltimes τ model computed from the model, and traveltimes τ̃ data
picked from the data. Using Fermat’s principle, the calculation
+ τ̃xg
) yields the Kirchhoff imaging condiτsxg = min(τsx
tion for multiples, where s is the source position, x is a trial
image point, g is the geophone, and τ xx′ is the traveltime for
waves to propagate from x to x′ . The advantage of this method
over crosscorrelation migration (i.e., interferometric imaging)
is that the traces do not need to be correlated, the computational expense is reduced, and migration artifacts are reduced.
The disadvantages are that primary traveltimes of the strong
multiple generator needs to be picked and the full Fresnel zone
along the free-surface is not fully utilized to migrate the ghost
energy; but wavepath migration can be used to mitigate this
last problem (Sun and Schuster 1999).
This paper provides the theory and numerical examples
for migrating multiples of any order using standard modelbased migration as well as the semi-natural methods that
use semi-natural Green’s functions (also designated as specular interferometric imaging) and interferometric imaging. For
semi-natural methods the key requirement (and potential disadvantage) is that the traveltimes of a lower-order event must
be picked (or windowed in the prestack data) in order to image
a higher-order event. Based on the numerical results shown
in this paper, we conclude that migration of multiples can
sometimes provide increased structural resolution, higher fold
2007 European Association of Geoscientists & Engineers, Geophysical Prospecting, 55, 1–19
Migration methods for imaging different-order multiples 3
and wider subsurface illumination compared with migration
of primary reflections only. However, this benefit will not be
practical if the multiples are much weaker than the primaries.
The first part of this paper presents the theory, and the next
part presents numerical examples for both synthetic and field
data. The final part summarizes the conclusions of this paper.
There will be three parts to the theory section: model-based
multiple migration, multiple migration by a semi-natural
Green’s function and multiple imaging by interferometry. The
latter two methods are semi-natural imaging methods in the
sense that part of the imaging condition is obtained from the
data and the other part calculated from the assumed velocity model. We will use the standard diffraction stack imaging
formula in the frequency domain, but it will be understood
that more sophisticated imaging formulas can be used as well
such as Kirchhoff migration or wave equation migration. The
example we will use below is mainly that of a 1st-order freesurface ghost, but any order free-surface ghost and pegleg multiples (provided they can be identified) are amenable to the migration methods described below. The free surface is denoted
as the B 0 interface and the underlying multiple generating interface will be denoted as the B 1 surface (e.g., see Fig. 2). This
multiple generating layer will often be referred to as the water
layer in this paper.
Model-Based Multiple Imaging
We will first present the imaging formulas for migrating ghostrelated multiples in VSP data, and then for CDP data. These
formulas use traveltimes computed entirely from the assumed
velocity model.
VSP Data. The general imaging formula in the frequency
domain for a VSP ghost reflection (Fig. 2a) is
Specular Refl.
m(x, ω) =
A(s, g, x)d(s, g)e
−iω(τsx +τxg ′
+ τg0′ g )
where d(s, g) represents a trace for a source at s and a receiver
in the well at g; τ sx is the time for energy to propagate from
the surface source to the trial image point at x; τ xg′0 is the
time for energy to propagate from the trial image point at x
to the free surface specular reflection point g′0 ; and τ g0′ g is the
time energy takes to propagate back down to the VSP geophone at g from the free-surface reflection point at g′0 . Here
Figure 2 Rays for (a) a source-side VSP ghost reflection and (b) a
receiver-side CDP ghost reflection. In both cases xo is the subsurface
specular reflection point, and the position go is the specular reflection
point on the free surface corresponding to xo; x is the trial image point,
and g′o is the specular reflection point corresponding to x. When x →
x o we will have g′o → g o . g′ is a point on the free surface. See the
theory section for details.
A(s, g, x) is a function that determines the type of imaging
method to be used; e.g., if A(s, g, x) consists of the Beylkin
determinant (along with the obliquity factor) and the source
and geometric spreading terms (Bleistein et al. 2001) then this
is known as the Born asymptotic inversion formula. Without
loss of generality, we will conveniently set A(s, g, x) = 1 so
the imaging method described in this paper is diffraction stack
migration. Coefficients such as powers of the frequency ω are
absorbed into the d(s, g) function for notational tidiness. A
ray is specular in the sense that the xg′0 g portion of the ray
honors Snell’s law everywhere in the medium, including the
bounce point g′0 at the free surface. The times τxg0′ and τ g0′ g
without tildes are computed by a raytracing method using an
assumed velocity model, unlike the semi-natural methods that
use the picked traveltime τ̃g0′ g with a tilde. If the free surface is
horizontal then a convenient way to compute the VSP traveltime for τxg0′ + τg0′ g is to mirror both the buried geophone at g
2007 European Association of Geoscientists & Engineers, Geophysical Prospecting, 55, 1–19
4 Z. Jiang et al.
leg. Here x is the trial image point, x′B is the specular reflection
point at the B 1 interface of the first leg and g′0 is the specular
reflection point along the free surface B 0 for the trial image
point x.
If the reflector geometry is known, then ray tracing can
be used to compute the specular primary reflection times
τ (0)
sg′ = τ sxB + τ xB g′ for all positions of the sources and receivers
(otherwise known as a zeroth-order receiver-side ghost). This
specular primary reflection time can be used with Fermat’s
principle to compute the ghost migration imaging condition
in equation 3:
τsx′B + τx′B g0′ + τg0′ x + τxg = min
′ + τg ′ x + τ xg .
g ǫ B0
Figure 3 The geometry for the mirror imaging method when the surface is flat. gmirror is the mirror location of g. Note that the mirror
imaging method is a special case of the model-based multiple imaging
and the subsurface velocity model across the free surface (Fig.
3). Then, trace a specular ray from the mirrored geophone at
gmirror to the trial image point x.
If the free surface along B 0 is irregular, then a simple application of Fermat’s principle will determine the specular
τxg0′ + τg0′ g time, rather than using a mirror velocity model:
(τxg′ + τg′ g ),
τxg0′ + τg0′ g = min
g ǫ B0
where g′ ranges over all the positions on the irregular free
surface, and each specular reflection point location g′0 depends
on the trial image point x for fixed source s and receiver g
positions (Fig. 2). If there is more than one local minima then
multi-arrival Kirchhoff migration should be used. The merit
of this Fermat minimization approach is that it is simple and
inexpensive to implement; but the problem is that the modelbased raypaths can be considerably longer than those for a
primary reflection, hence the multiple migration image is more
sensitive to migration velocity errors.
CDP Data. For CDP data with 1st-order receiver-side ghosts
(see Fig. 2b), the migration imaging formula is
Specular Refl.
m(x, ω) =
d(s, g)e
+ τx′B g0′ +τg′ x +τxg )
Migration with Semi-Natural Green’s Functions
To avoid some of the errors in calculating the specular reflection times in either equations 2 or 4 we replace some of the
model-based traveltimes by their natural traveltimes (denoted
by a tilde in τ̃xx′ ), where the natural traveltimes are picked
from the data (Schuster 2002; Schuster 2003). That is, the VSP
multiple migration equation takes a form similar to equation
Semi−natural Refl.
m(x, ω) =
d(s, g)e
−iω(τsx + τxg ′
+ τ̃g0′ g )
except that the semi-natural reflection traveltime τxg0′ + τ̃g0′ g
is partly obtained from the data (picked direct arrival times
τ̃g0′ g ) and partly from the model (calculated τxg0′ times) using
Fermat’s principle (Matsuoka and Ezaka 1992; Asakawa and
Matsuoka 2002):
where τsx′B + τx′B g0′ is the specular traveltime for the first leg of
the multiple and τg0′ x + τxg represents the traveltime of the last
We notice that for given s and g locations, the position of g′o
depends on the location of x. When x → x0 we will have g′0 →
g0 , so that the left-hand side of equation 4 becomes τsxB +
τxB g0 + τg0 x0 + τx0 g , which is the traveltime of the specular ray
from s to g (see Fig. 2b).
Again, the problem with equation 3 is that the reflection
traveltimes must be computed from the assumed velocity
model, which always has errors; and so the migration image
accuracy will be more sensitive to the associated timing errors
than the primary reflection image. To overcome this problem,
we now introduce migration of multiples with semi-natural
Green’s functions.
+ τ̃
g0′ g
Model Direct
= min
g ǫ B0
Picked Direct Traveltime
τ̃g′′ g
2007 European Association of Geoscientists & Engineers, Geophysical Prospecting, 55, 1–19
Migration methods for imaging different-order multiples 5
The natural direct traveltimes τ̃g′′ g are picked from the direct arrivals in the VSP data for all receiver positions g in
the well and source positions g′′ on the surface. These natural traveltimes overcome two problems with the model-based
migration in equation 1: they eliminate the well statics and
partly reduce timing errors for a downgoing leg of the multiple raypath. The well statics are eliminated because the picked
direct arrival traveltime in the VSP data contains, naturally,
time shifts due to delayed source excitation times or statics
in the well. In equation 5 the exponential is denoted as the
semi-natural asymptotic Green’s function (neglecting the geometrical spreading term), because it is constructed from both
the natural and model-based traveltimes. Imaging data with
a semi-natural Green’s function will be denoted as specular
interferometric imaging, and the first successful application of
it to VSP field data was by Luo (2005).
Similarly, the CDP multiple migration equation becomes
m(x, ω) =
d(s, g)e
−iω(τ̃ ′ +τg ′ x +τxg )
where τ̃sg
′ = τ̃sx′ + τ̃ x′ g ′ is the natural traveltime (picked from
B 0
the data) for the primary reflection from the B 1 interface for
all source and receiver positions on B 0 . It is straightforward
to include an obliquity term cos θ based on the ray angles
from the source and specular reflection point at the surface.
To use this imaging condition with wave equation migration
we backward extrapolate the data using the, e.g., phase-shift
migration method, and correlate these data with the shifted
iω(τ̃ ′ +τg ′ x )
source wavelet W(ω)e
, where W(ω) is spectrum of
the source wavelet.
The extension of this multiple migration to any order multiple reflection is easily extended to the Nth-order ghost by
m(x, ω) =
d(s, g)e
−iω(τ̃ ′
+τg ′ x +τxg )
where τ̃sg
is the natural traveltime for the N − 1th-order
reflection in the water-layer, which can be picked from the
data or estimated from lower-order water-layer reflections.
For example, if the 0th-order multiple reflections in the water
Figure 4 (a) VSP upgoing first-order multiple; (b) VSP downgoing
second-order multiple. x 0 and g 0 are specular reflection points.
layer are picked then the 1st-order water layer reflection can
be estimated by Asakawa and Matsuoka (2002)
= min
g ǫ B0
m(x, ω) =
d(s, g)e
′′ g
and these 1st-order and 0th-order natural reflections can be
used to estimate any higher-order water layer reflection using
Fermat’s principle. Similar to the above analysis, equation 5
can be extended to semi-naturally migrate any order of VSP
multiples related to the free surface (e.g., see Fig. 4).
The above migration formula migrates data to the last
bounce of the multiple. In fact, the reflection energy can be naturally migrated to any of the bounce points (Schuster 2003).
For example, if the multiple consists of both receiver-side and
source-side ghosts then the obvious CDP migration formula is
Natural Receiver−Side Primary
Natural Source−Side Primary
0th−order Refl.
0th−order Refl.
+τg ′ x +τxg ′′ +
′′ g
where τ̃sg
′ + τg ′ x = ming′ ǫ B0 (τ̃sg ′ + τg ′ x ), and τ xg ′′ + τ̃g ′′ g =
ming′′ ǫ B0 (τxg′′ + τ̃g(0)
′′ g ).
2007 European Association of Geoscientists & Engineers, Geophysical Prospecting, 55, 1–19
6 Z. Jiang et al.
sitivity to migration velocity errors (due to longer raypaths).
To alleviate both of these problems we multiply d(g, g′ )direct∗
with d(g, s)ghost to get:
If the migration formula above is summed over all frequencies then the diffraction stack migration formula in the spacetime domain is
Natural Receiver−Side Primary
Natural Source−Side Primary
M(x) =
m(x, ω)dω =
d(s, g)e
′′ g
+τg ′ x +τxg ′′ +
d s, g, τ̃sg
′ + τg ′ x + τ xg ′′ + τ̃g ′′ g ,
where d(s, g, t) represents the weighted trace at position g, for a
source at s and recording time t. Migration of pegleg multiples
can be accomplished by a straightforward application of the
above principles.
Migration of Multiples by Interferometric Imaging
The theory of interferometric imaging of multiples (Schuster
2001) was previously described for CDP (Sheng 2001) and
VSP multiples (Yu and Schuster 2001; Yu and Schuster 2004).
Interferometric imaging of multiples differs from the previous approach using semi-natural Green’s functions in that the
traces are crosscorrelated prior to migration, and reflections
do not need to be picked from the data. These crosscorrelations shift the multiple reflections so that they become kinematically equivalent to primary reflections (Schuster 2003),
which can then be migrated by a standard Kirchhoff imaging
method. It will be shown that, asymptotically, the stationaryphase approximation to the interferometric imaging formula
will yield migration kernels equivalent to those used for seminatural migration.
We now present the interferometric principle for imaging
downgoing first-order multiples (Fig. 2a). Assume that the
downgoing direct wave arrival d(g, g′ )direct (for a surface source
at g′ and VSP receiver at g) and ghost arrival d(g, s)ghost are
recorded in the well and expressed as:
d(g, g′ )direct = W(ω)eiω(τ̃gg′ +τ̃
static )
d(g, s)ghost = m(xo, ω)W(ω)eiω(τ̃sxo +τ̃xo go +τ̃go g +τ̃
static )
where W(ω) is the spectrum of the source wavelet, τ̃xx′ is the
natural traveltime for waves to propagate from x to x′ , τ̃ static
is the receiver-related static error for a VSP geometry (note,
τ̃ static is the source-related static error for an RVSP geometry),
geometrical spreading is ignored, and m(x o , ω) is the reflection coefficient-like term at x o . The position g o is the specular
reflection point on the free surface for the ghost reflection.
Two problems with VSP imaging of ghosts that lead to
smeared images are well receiver statics and increased sen-
(g, g′ , s) = d(g, g′ )direct d(g, s)ghost
= m(xo, ω)|W(ω)|2 eiω(τ̃sxo +τ̃xo go +τ̃go g −τ̃gg′ ) ,
which becomes the correlated data in the time domain after
a temporal Fourier transform. Note, the well receiver static
errors τ̃ static are eliminated, and the traveltime τ̃go g for most of
the downgoing ghost wave is largely eliminated by the direct
wave time −τ̃gg′ if g′ is selected to be near g o .1 It is shown in
the appendix that stationary-phase integration automatically
selects g′ → g o .
These correlated data can be migrated by diffraction-stack
M(x) =
m(x, ω),
(g, g′ , s)e−iω(τg′ x +τxs ) ,
γ (s, g′ )e−iω(τg′ x +τxs ) ,
where for convenience we assume a wideband source wavelet
so |W(ω)| = 1. Here x is the trial image point and γ (s, g′ ) =
g (g, g , s) represents the data extrapolated to the surface
with the virtual geophone position at g′ and source at s (Jiang
et al. 2005). In other words the VSP data have been kinematically transformed to be (approximately) virtual CDP data with
the potential for much greater subsurface illumination compared to standard VSP data with primary reflections. Note, the
τ ’s without tildes denote traveltimes computed by a ray tracing code. A stationary-phase justification that equation (14)
will image the reflector at x o is given in the appendix.
Numerical tests are carried out on both synthetic and field data
to illustrate the benefits and limitations of imaging multiples.
1 The statics due to the weathering zone along the free surface are
still present.
2007 European Association of Geoscientists & Engineers, Geophysical Prospecting, 55, 1–19
Migration methods for imaging different-order multiples 7
Figure 5 The dipping layer velocity model for the 2-D synthetic test.
The eight interfaces are numbered 1 to 8, with 1 the shallowest interface and 8 the deepest.
Six data sets are used: one set of 2-D VSP synthetic data, three
VSP field data sets, one 3-D VSP synthetic data set and one
2-D CDP synthetic data example.
2-D Synthetic Data Test
This VSP data set is simulated by computing a finite-difference
approximation to the solution of the 2-D acoustic wave equation. The horizontal length of the model is 925 meters and
the vertical distance is 1300 meters. There are nine layers with
nine different velocities in the model (Fig. 5), and the minimum
and maximum velocities are 1900 m/s and 4000 m/s, respectively. Ninety-two sources are evenly deployed along the free
surface with a spacing of 10 meters. The first source is located
at (10m, 0m) and the last source at (920m, 0m); the origin
(0m, 0m) is located at the upper left corner of the model. One
vertical well is located at the left boundary of the model. There
are 91 receivers deployed in the well with an even spacing of
10 meters, and the position of the first receiver is (0m, 50m)
and that of the deepest receiver is (0m, 950m). The wavefield
recorded at the geophones in the well consists of upgoing and
downgoing components. The two wavefields can be separated
by F-K filtering, and then they can be migrated separately with
different imaging conditions.
Migration of First-order Multiples with Interferometric Imaging. This data set consists of 91 receiver gathers. But due to
the expense of VSP experiments in practice, a small number of
receivers are usually deployed in a well, especially in the case
of offshore environments. Fig. 6(a) shows the primary migration image, and Fig. 6(b) shows the interferometric migration
image of downgoing first-order multiples with only eight receiver gathers. These eight receivers are evenly deployed in the
deep portion of the well, with depths ranging from 510 to 650
meters. In interferometric migration, the traces were shifted by
the observed direct arrival time and migrated. This served as
an inexpensive proxy for correlation.
Figs 6(a) and 6(b) show that the multiples provide a wider
subsurface coverage than given by the primaries. Also, the
primaries are only able to illuminate below the receivers,
while the multiples are able to see structures both above and
below the receivers. Our test shows that even with only 8 receivers the multiples provide an image that is comparable to
the primary image obtained with 91 receivers (which is not
shown here). However, coherent artifacts are stronger in the
multiple image, which include interference from higher-order
multiples, interbed multiples, etc.
Migration of First-order Multiples with Semi-natural Green’s
Functions. The downgoing first-order multiples are also migrated with semi-natural Green’s functions (i.e., specular interferometry), and the migration image is shown in Fig. 6(c).
There are no obvious differences between the images obtained
with interferometry (Fig. 6b) and specular interferometry
(Fig. 6c), except that the specular interferometric migration
image shows slightly higher resulotion. The reason might
be that in specular interferometry only the energy from the
specular points along the free surface is imaged (see equation
5). In comparison, interferometric migration images the energy from all the scattering points on the free surface (see equation 14), which can have a smoothing effect in the final migration image.
Entire Trace Crosscorrelation Migration. The theory was
presented for migration of first-order multiples by interferometric imaging, where only the direct wave is used to crosscorrelate with the trace (see equation 13). In contrast, entire trace crosscorrelation migration correlates an entire trace
with another trace (Yu and Schuster 2006). In theory, entire
trace crosscorrelation migration has the potential advantage
of migrating many different types/orders of multiples at the
same time (as illustrated in Fig. 7), which can lead to better
Fig. 6(b) shows the migration image obtained by interferometric migration of downgoing first-order multiples, and
2007 European Association of Geoscientists & Engineers, Geophysical Prospecting, 55, 1–19
8 Z. Jiang et al.
X (m)
Z (m)
Z (m)
(a) Migration of Primary Reflections
X (m)
(c) Specular Interferometric Mig. of 1st-order Ghost
X (m)
(b) Interferometric Migration of 1st-order Ghost
Z (m)
Z (m)
X (m)
(d) Entire Trace Crosscorrelation Migratio n
Figure 6 (a) Migration image of primary, (b) interferometric migration image of downgoing first-order multiples, (c) migration image of
downgoing first-order multiples with semi-natural Green’s functions (i.e., specular interferometry), and (d) entire trace crosscorrelation migration
image. All these images are obtained with data recorded by only 8 receivers. See the numerical tests section for details.
Fig. 6(d) shows the entire trace crosscorrelation migration image. It can be seen that there is no significant difference between the two images. One reason might be that in VSP data,
the downgoing first-order multiples are the dominant events
compared to other types/orders of multiples, so that imaging
of other types/orders of multiples is negligible. That is, the
downgoing first-order multiples have the main contribution
to the entire trace crosscorrelation migration image.
To facilitate comparison, the migration images corresponding to a subset of the image are plotted in Fig. 8, which includes
the primary migration image (Fig. 8a), multiple migration image with interferometric imaging (Fig. 8b), multiple migration
image with semi-natural Green’s functions (Fig. 8c), and en-
tire trace crosscorrelation migration image (Fig. 8d). As expected, the entire trace crosscorrelation migration image contains moderately more noise than the other images. This is
largely due to coherent cross-talk noise. However, correlating
traces with additive random noise has the desirable property
of noise reduction. So there is a tradeoff in entire trace crosscorrelation migration between reduction of additive random
noise and increased coherent noise from cross-talk.
Statics. Besides the illumination range and coverage, interferometric migration of multiples has the advantage over primary
migration of being insensitive to well statics. Fig. 9 shows an
example when there are statics associated with receivers. It is
2007 European Association of Geoscientists & Engineers, Geophysical Prospecting, 55, 1–19
Migration methods for imaging different-order multiples 9
Figure 7 Ray diagrams for three different upgoing rays from a reverse VSP experiment. Correlating the entire trace at A with that at B yields
a trace at B that is kinematically equivalent to a primary reflection with a source at A and receiver at B. This assumes that the trace at A only
contains the above upgoing events and the trace at B only contains the free-surface reflections shown above.
Figure 8 Similar to Fig. 6, but plotted in wiggles for a subset of the model to facilitate comparison. Migration images of (a) primary, (b)
downgoing first-order multiples with interferometric imaging, and (c) downgoing first-order multiples with semi-natural Green’s functions (i.e.,
specular interferometry); (d) Entire trace crosscorrelation migration image.
2007 European Association of Geoscientists & Engineers, Geophysical Prospecting, 55, 1–19
10 Z. Jiang et al.
X (m)
Z (m)
Z (m)
X (m)
Z (m)
Z (m)
X (m)
X (m)
Figure 9 Migration images of the primary reflections in the presence of a random receiver static error, the maximum value of which is
(a) 2.5 ms, (b) 6.25 ms, and (c) 12.5 ms. (d) Interferometric migration image of the downgoing first-order multiple.
shown that when the static reaches a certain magnitude the
primary image is affected (Fig. 9b,c), while the interferometric
migration image is unaffected (Fig. 9d).
Migration of Higher-Order Multiples. Fig. 10 shows the images obtained by migrating upgoing first-order multiples and
downgoing second-order multiples (see Fig. 4) with the seminatural Green’s functions (see Equation 5). Fig. 10(a) shows
the migration images obtained from upgoing first-order multiples reflecting from interface 8 in the model. Interface 1 refers
to the shallowest interface and interface 8 is the deepest inter-
face in our model. By saying the multiple is from some interface
we mean that the bounce point A in Fig. 4 is located at that interface. Fig. 10(b) shows the migration images obtained from
downgoing second-order multiples reflecting from interface 7
in the model.
If we denote the primary as an upgoing 0th-order multiple, we can see that in both images there is interference from
lower-order multiples and inter-bed multiples, and the images are consequently blurred. Thus the lower-order multiples
should be filtered out before the higher-order multiples are
2007 European Association of Geoscientists & Engineers, Geophysical Prospecting, 55, 1–19
Migration methods for imaging different-order multiples 11
X (m)
Depth (m)
Depth (m)
X (m)
(a) Upgoing 1st Multiple, interface8
(b) Downgoing 2nd Ghost, interface7
Figure 10 (a) Migration of upgoing first-order multiples from interface 8. See Fig. 4(a) for the raypath. (b) Migration of downgoing second-order
multiples from interface 7. For the raypath refer to Fig. 4(b). The solid dark lines show the locations of the interfaces in the actual model. The
images are blurred due to interference from low-order multiples and inter-bed multiples.
An Inverse Vertical Seismic Profiling While Drilling (IVSPWD)
data set donated by Union Pacific Resources Corporation
(UPRC) is processed with the crosscorrelation migration algorithm. The UPRC data are recorded on the earth’s free surface
while a tri-cone drill bit and down-hole motor were used to
drill along a horizontal trajectory at the depth of around 2800
m in the Austin Chalk formation. The schematic of the acquisition survey is shown in Fig. 11. The traces in any “shot” gather
have a recording length of 20 seconds with a sample interval
of 2 ms. Each “shot” record is acquired by ten 3-component
receivers on the surface with offsets ranging from about 821
m to 1915 m relative to the drill-rig position. The drill bit and
the receiver line approximately lie in the same vertical plane.
The detailed description of the UPRC data and the processing
procedure are given in Yu and Schuster (2001 and 2002).
Fig. 12 shows the crosscorrelograms with correlation window lengths of 8 s, 12 s and 16 s. The window overlap length
is 10% of the correlation window length and the master trace
is selected to be at the location of the 6th trace.
A prestack time-migration algorithm with the ghost imaging
condition is applied to the crosscorrelograms with an antialiasing migration operator (Lumley et al. 1994) and a wavelet
deconvolution. The final surface-related ghost images by ghost
crosscorrelogram migration with different window lengths are
Figure 11 The map view of the IVSPWD acquisition survey. The circles denotes the receivers deployed on the surface. Each shot gather
is recorded by ten 3-component receivers on the surface with offsets
ranging from about 821 m to 1915 m relative to the drill-rig position. The drill bit is along the depth of 2800 m while recording these
data. Drill bit and receiver line approximately lay in the same vertical
2007 European Association of Geoscientists & Engineers, Geophysical Prospecting, 55, 1–19
12 Z. Jiang et al.
Time (s)
Time (s)
Time (s)
Figure 12 Crosscorrelograms with different correlation window lengths: (a) 8s, (b) 12s, and (c) 16s. The window overlap length is 10 percent
of the correlation window length. The master trace is at position 6.
obtained. The final migration image is displayed with a trace
interval of 3 m. Fig. 13 shows the comparisons of the crosscorrelogram migration images (inserted) with the near-by surfaceCDP section of Line AC4. The reflectors in the crosscorrelogram migration image roughly correlate with the main
reflectors in the surface-CDP section, but some parts of the
ghost image are polluted by extra events in the crosscorrelogram migration results. This may be caused by the unintended
imaging of primary reflections, virtual multiples or the fact
that surface CDP line is about a half-mile away from the location of the IVSPWD image. This example illustrates one of the
key advantages of crosscorrelation migration. Namely, if first
arrivals can not be easily identified (such as in the IVSPWD
data example) then semi-natural migration is not a straightforward possibility.
2-D VSP Marine Data
This VSP marine data set was recorded using 12 receivers between the depths of 4568 meters and 4736 meters. Each trace
has a recording length of 14 seconds with a sample interval
of 2 ms. The velocity model is shown in Fig. 14, where the
positions of the well and the receiver array are also shown.
The first-order downgoing multiple (Fig. 2a) is migrated
using three methods: model-based imaging, migration with
semi-natural Green’s functions (i.e., specular interferometry),
and interferometric imaging. In the interferometric imaging,
the traces were shifted by the observed direct arrival time and
migrated. This served as a proxy for correlation. The corresponding migration images are shown in Figs 15(a) to 15(c). It
can be seen that there is little difference between the images of
2007 European Association of Geoscientists & Engineers, Geophysical Prospecting, 55, 1–19
Migration methods for imaging different-order multiples 13
Distance (m)
x10 4
Depth (m)
x10 4
Figure 13 Comparison of ghost crosscorrelogram image with surface
stacked section of Line AC4. The correlation window length is 12 s,
and the gray solid arrow indicates an approximate projection of the
drill-bit trajectory on Line AC4.
model-based imaging and semi-natural Green’s functions (i.e.,
specular interferometry), which means that the velocity errors
and the receiver statics are small. Comparing the images of
interferometry and specular interferometry, the former shows
lower frequencies in the image. The reason might be that the
energy from all the scattering points along the free surface is
used in interferometric imaging (see equation 14), which has
a smoothing effect in the final migration image. In comparison, specular interferometry only images the energy from the
specular point on the free surface (see equation 5). To facilitate comparison, the migration images obtained with the three
methods are plotted in wiggles for a subset of the model, which
are shown in Fig. 16(a) to 16(c).
3-D VSP Marine Data
A 3D VSP marine data set was recorded using 12 receivers
between the depths of 4.69 km and 4.86 km. Data along one
radial line of shots were used to migrate the ghost reflections
to give the image at the top of Fig. 17. A section obtained by
migrating primary reflections in the CDP data collected over
Vel (m/s)
Figure 14 The velocity model for the 2-D VSP marine example. The
thin vertical line at the distance of 5.4 km shows the position of the
well, and the thick vertical bar at the depth of about 4.6 km denotes
the receiver array.
the same area is shown at the bottom of Fig. 17. Both images
show a similar reflectivity distribution, but the VSP image has
about 1.5 times the temporal resolution of the CDP data. The
ghost image was computed by ghost migration with a mirror
imaging condition rather than interferometric migration. Nevertheless, this image compared well with the CDP image and
appeared to be of higher frequency than the CDP data. The
receivers were mostly below the image area so the reflectivity
shown in Fig. 17 is unseen by traditional migration of VSP
primary reflections.
3-D Synthetic VSP Data Test
A 3-D VSP data set was generated by solving the acoustic
wave-equation using a finite-difference method. The dimension of the 3-D velocity model used is 2 km by 2 km by 2 km.
Altogether 1089 sources are evenly deployed on the surface,
with 111 receivers evenly distributed between the depths of
100 meters and 1200 meters along a vertical well, whose position is in the center of the model. The recording length for
the seismic traces is 6.0 seconds, with a temporal sampling
interval of 0.001 second.
2007 European Association of Geoscientists & Engineers, Geophysical Prospecting, 55, 1–19
14 Z. Jiang et al.
Distance (m)
Depth (m)
Depth (m)
Distance (m)
(a) Model-Based Migration
Distance (m)
(b) Migration with Specular Interferometry
Depth (m)
(c) Interferometric Imaging
Figure 15 Multiple migration images with (a) model-based imaging (the mirror imaging condition is used here), (b) semi-natural Green’s
functions (i.e., specular interferometry), and (c) interferometric imaging. Similar to Fig. 14, the thin vertical line and the thick vertical bar denote
the positions of the well and the receiver array, respectively.
Primaries and downgoing first-order multiples are migrated
from this 3-D data set. The mirror imaging method is used to
migrate the downgoing first-order multiples because the surface is perfectly flat in this case. The direct waves are muted,
and upgoing and downgoing wavefields have been separated
using f-k filtering before migration. Migration results for slices
in the Y and X directions are shown in Figs 18 and 19. From
Figs 18 and 19, we can see that the salt boundaries are better imaged with the downgoing first-order multiples than with
the primary reflections. The primary reflections do not clearly
illuminate the structures above the salt, which are clearly imaged with the multiple reflections. This example illustrates a
greater subsurface coverage enjoyed by ghost imaging compared to imaging of primaries in VSP data.
2-D CDP Data Test
Synthetic 2-D acoustic data are generated for the surface
sources and receivers in the SEG/EAGE salt model. The freesurface multiples were migrated by the crosscorrelation migration method (Sheng 2001; Schuster 2001). Now, we test
the effectiveness of migration ghost-reflections with the seminatural Green’s function (Schuster 2002; Schuster 2003). The
model is modified by increasing the depth to the ocean bottom
by 366 meters (see Fig. 20) such that the water-layer primary
reflections can be easily identified and picked. A 4th-order
finite-difference solution to the 2-D acoustic wave equation
(Levander 1988), with perfectly matched layer (PML) boundary conditions (Festa and Nielsen 2003), is used to compute
2007 European Association of Geoscientists & Engineers, Geophysical Prospecting, 55, 1–19
Migration methods for imaging different-order multiples 15
Distance (m)
Depth (m)
Depth (m)
Distance (m)
Depth (m)
Distance (m)
Figure 16 Similar to Fig. 15, but plotted in wiggles for a subset of the model to facilitate comparison. Multiple migration images with (a)
model-based imaging, (b) semi-natural Green’s functions (i.e., specular interferometry), and (c) interferometric imaging.
Figure 17 Migration images obtained by migrating (top) downgoing
first-order multiple in 3D VSP marine data and (bottom) primary
reflections in 3D CDP data over the same area. The VSP image has
higher resolution than the CDP image.
of the primary reflections in which some artifacts (indicated
by the white arrows) due to the water-bottom multiples appear at about 2 km at the left side, and at 1 and 3 km to the
right side. Migration with the semi-natural Green’s functions
(equation 11) for both source- and receiver-side ghosts gives
the image shown in Fig. 21(b), in which ghost reflections are
migrated to their correct position while primary reflections are
not correctly migrated and result in the artifacts. In Figs 21(a)
and 21(b), it can be seen that the reflectors are correctly imaged and the distribution and pattern of the artifacts in the
two images are quite different. This means that, at the actual reflector positions, the two images are quite consistent
while elsewhere they typically disagree. Thus, the artifacts can
be suppressed by weighting the primary migration image with
the local coherence (coherency window is about 10 traces wide
and several wavelengths tall) between the primary and ghost
migration images (Sheng et al. 2003), and the merged image
is shown in Fig. 21(c) which shows fewer artifacts compared
to the primary image.
the seismograms with a 8 Hz peak frequency Ricker wavelet
as the source wavelet. A total of 325 shots (54 m shot spacing) and 176 traces per shot (27 m trace spacing) are migrated
and Fig. 21(a) shows the Kirchhoff depth migration image
Three methods for migrating different-order multiples in the
VSP and CDP cases are presented. The first method is to use
the velocity model to predict the traveltimes of the multiples. Due to the longer raypaths of the multiples, the multiple
2007 European Association of Geoscientists & Engineers, Geophysical Prospecting, 55, 1–19
16 Z. Jiang et al.
Figure 18 (a) A vertical slice of the velocity model at X=1000 meters
for the 3-D synthetic VSP example. The vertical line shows the location
of the well; the circles denote the receivers in the well; (b) Primary
migration image for the same slice as shown in (a); (c) Downgoing
first-order multiple migration image for the same slice. The white
lines in the migration images show the locations of the reflectors in
the velocity model.
migration image obtained with this method will be more sensitive to the velocity errors than the primary migration image.
The second method of multiple migration uses semi-natural
Green’s functions and Fermat’s principle to compute the traveltimes for low-order specular reflections. Practical applications of CDP multiple migration with semi-natural Green’s
functions will be mostly limited to CDP data containing reflections from strongly reflecting multiple generators, e.g., sea
Figure 19 (a) A vertical slice of the velocity model at Y=1000 meters.
The vertical line shows the location of the well; the circles denote the
receivers in the well; (b) Primary migration image for the same slice
as shown in (a); (c) Downgoing first-order multiple migration image
for the same slice. The white lines in the migration images show the
locations of the reflectors in the velocity model.
floor or salt bodies. In these cases the primary reflections can
be identified in the common shot gathers and windowed, and
the crosscorrelation of these windowed events can be used
to estimate τ̃sg0′ (e.g., see equation 7). This procedure can be
automated without time picking, just as time shifts are estimated for estimating residual static shifts from common shot
gathers. These estimated traveltimes can then be used to estimate the specular traveltimes by Fermat’s principle for use in
multiple migration with semi-natural Green’s functions. For
2007 European Association of Geoscientists & Engineers, Geophysical Prospecting, 55, 1–19
Migration methods for imaging different-order multiples 17
Distance (km)
Distance (km)
Depth (km)
Depth (km)
(a) Kirchhoff Depth Migration (Primary)
SEG/EAGE Salt Model
Figure 20 The 2-D SEG/EAGE salt model.
Distance (km)
Depth (km)
(b) Semi-Natural Depth Migration (Ghost)
Distance (km)
Depth (km)
VSP data, the direct arrivals can be estimated by a similar
procedure. The third method images multiples by migrating
crosscorrelograms. With the latter two methods multiple migration will have the same sensitivity to the velocity errors as
primary migration, and in the VSP case, the well statics are
eliminated. Compared with interferometric imaging, migration with a semi-natural Green’s function reduces the computational cost and migration artifacts because now the traces
do not need to be crosscorrelated before migration. However,
the key advantage of interferometric imaging over migration
with semi-natural Green’s functions is when first arrivals can
not be identified (such as in the IVSPWD data example) then
semi-natural migration is not possible, while interferometric
imaging is still applicable. Another potential advantage is the
reduction of additive random noise by correlation of traces.
Table 1 shows a comparison among the multiple and primary
imaging methods. In VSP case, if there are ns shots on the
surface and ng receivers in the well, for each common shot
gather there are ng traces. In interferometric imaging the well
receivers are redatumed to be at surface shot positions (see
equation 14), and now each shot gather has ns traces. The increase in trace number is on the order of ns/ng, which is also
approximately the increase in cost for interferometric imaging
compared with primary migration (Table 1), if we neglect the
cost in crosscorrelating traces. Note here we assume a dense
distribution of sources on the free surface. If the source distribution is sparse, we will need to interpolate the ns sources to
ns′ sources; thus the increase in cost for interferometric imaging compared with primary migration is on the order of ns′ /ng,
instead of ns/ng.
Migration results with VSP multiples show that, for our
examples, a wider subsurface coverage and more balanced
illumination can be achieved by migrating downgoing first-
(c) Kirchhoff Depth Migration (Primary+Ghost)
Figure 21 (a) The Kirchhoff depth migration image for the primary
reflections. The white arrows indicate the artifacts due to the waterbottom caused ghost-reflections. (b) The Kirchhoff depth migration
image for the source- and receiver-side ghost reflections using seminatural Green’s function. (c) The coherence-weighted migration image
obtained by weighting the primary image with the local coherence
between the primary and ghost migration images.
order ghosts. Even wider subsurface coverage and greater
fold from the many bounce points can be achieved by migrating upgoing first-order multiples and downgoing secondorder ghosts. However, the problem with migration of upgoing
2007 European Association of Geoscientists & Engineers, Geophysical Prospecting, 55, 1–19
18 Z. Jiang et al.
Table 1 Imaging and computational properties of migration methods: primary migration, model-based multiple migration, migration with
semi-natural Green’s function and interferometric imaging. (ns is the number of shots on the surface and ng is the number of receivers in the
well for VSP case.)
Migration methods
CPU cost
CPU cost
Sensitivity Receiver statics Receiver geometry Applicable Coverage
for 2-D w.r.t. for 3-D w.r.t. to velocity in VSP case
needs to be known to
in VSP
primary mig. primary mig. errors
in VSP case?
IVSPWD? case
Model-based multiple migration (eq. 1)
Semi-natural Green’s functions (eq. 5)
Interferometric imaging (eq. 14)
Primary migration
first-order multiples (Fig. 4a) and downgoing second-order
ghosts (Fig. 4b) is that the interference from the primary and
downgoing first-order ghosts (Fig. 2a) seriously blurs the images. One possible solution is to filter different order multiples
and then migrate a specific order of multiple. Other possible
solutions include least squares migration of all events (Brown
and Guitton 2005), least squares migration filtering (Nemeth
et al. 2000; Yu and Wang 1999) or deconvolution (Calvert
et al. 2004). A limitation with migration of the downgoing
first-order multiple (ghost) below salt is defocusing by a double passage through the salt when a large salt body exists in
the model. A possible solution is to migrate multiples from
salt boundaries.
In the case of VSP first-order ghost migration in marine environment, for a deep water bottom (two-way traveltime greater
than 1 second) the first-order ghosts are often well separated
from primary reflections and higher-order free-surface related
multiples; thus, there is not a strong need to eliminate the primary reflections or higher-order multiples prior to first-order
ghost migration. On the other hand, these events should be
eliminated if there is a shallow water bottom (less than approximately 0.5 second two-way traveltime in the water column).
We thank the members of the University of Utah Tomography and Modeling/Migration (UTAM) Consortium
( for their financial support of this research. We also thank the Center for High Performance Computing at University of Utah for the use of their facilities. Discussions with Yi Luo were very helpful, especially in coining
the term semi-natural migration. Panos Kelamis and Helmut
Jacubowicz were instrumental in suggesting the importance of
using natural data for redatuming and superresolution.
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By plugging equations (13) into 14 we will get:
M(x) =
Specular Ghost Reflection
m(xo, ω)e
+ τ̃xo go + τ̃go g ) − (τ̃gg′ + τg′ x + τxs )) ,
where the diffraction time is always greater than or equal to
the specular reflection time when x → x o . Stationary-phase
integration says that the dominant contribution to the g′ summation is when the exponential argument is stationary, that is
when x → x o and the diffraction point g′ coincides with g o . In
this case the exponential argument in equation (A1) becomes
zero so summation over s, g, and ω will be in phase and give
perfect migration focusing at x o .
In other words, the stationary-phase approximation (for
large ω) to equation (A1) is
M(x) =
Specular Ghost Refl.
× m(xo, ω)
iω((τ̃sxo + τ̃xo go + τ̃go g ) − (τ̃gg ′ + τg ′ x + τxs ))
Semi−natural Green′ s Fcn.
Ghost Refl.
−iω(τ̃gg ′ +τg ′ x +τxs )
iω(τ̃sxo +τ̃xo go +τ̃go g )
Cm(xo, ω) e
where C is an asymptotic coefficient and the far right exponential is identical to the semi-natural Green’s function in equation (5) for semi-natural migration of VSP ghosts. As mentioned before, when x → x o the argument of the exponential
becomes zero, leading to coherent summation over the s, g and
ω indices.
2007 European Association of Geoscientists & Engineers, Geophysical Prospecting, 55, 1–19