What counts as “engineering”: Toward a redefinition

Women's low representation in engineering is a research topic with rich theoretical and practical potential for engineering studies scholars, engineering educators, and women's studies scholars alike. However, the area remains theoretically impoverished, with engineering education researchers focusing on "fixing the problem" of women's disproportionality in traditional engineering disciplines and professions using undertheorized pipeline and chilly climate metaphors to simply increase the number of women in engineering. This paper, by contrast, frames women's underrepresentation in engineering as an issue of social justice, arguing that the boundaries of the content of engineering in educational contexts have been systematically drawn to exclude problems experienced in domestic or unpaid work contexts, by women and people in poverty, and that could be solved through "low tech" solutions. I organize faculty members' language into an initial framework for understanding how faculty describe and reinforce engineering as a gendered discipline; the framework explicitly articulates how the boundaries of "engineering" itself can be understood as differentiating gendered disciplinary space. By describing how these dimensions function to gender traditional engineering in academic contexts, we can also use them in authentic yet subversive ways to reconceptualize what engineering educators could consider engineering to be: a more socially just profession.

What Counts as “Engineering”: Towards a Redefinition Abstract Women’s low representation in engineering is a research topic with rich theoretical and practical potential for engineering studies scholars, engineering educators, and women’s studies scholars alike. However, the area remains theoretically impoverished, with engineering education researchers focusing on “fixing the problem” of women’s disproportionality in traditional engineering disciplines and professions using undertheorized pipeline and chilly climate metaphors to simply increase the number of women in engineering. This paper, by contrast, frames women’s underrepresentation in engineering as an issue of social justice, arguing that the boundaries of the content of engineering in educational contexts have been systematically drawn to exclude problems experienced in domestic or unpaid work contexts, by women and people in poverty, and that could be solved through “low tech” solutions. I organize faculty members’ language into an initial framework for understanding how faculty describe and reinforce engineering as a gendered discipline; the framework explicitly articulates how the boundaries of “engineering” itself can be understood as differentiating gendered disciplinary space. By describing how these dimensions function to gender traditional engineering in academic contexts, we can also use them in authentic yet subversive ways to reconceptualize what engineering educators could consider engineering to be: a more socially just profession. Keywords: boundary work; discourse analysis; engineering epistemology; engineering faculty members Introduction Women’s persisting underrepresentation in engineering disciplines, at all academic and professional levels, is determined to be a considerable problem for engineering education. Alarmingly, still relatively recent data indicate that the rate at which women are increasingly going into engineering undergraduate degree programs is decreasing, suggesting that we may be far from understanding its cause. Much of the existing research on gender in engineering within the engineering literature focuses on this “underrepresentation of women” problem through the analytic lenses of pipeline models and chilly climate models, although a few other models have been proposed, such as a transmission line, or, outside engineering, the glass ceiling and labyrinth. ; These models tend to frame the issue of women’s participation in engineering as a problem of insufficient numbers. The frequent use of pipeline and chilly climate models implies certain conditions and conceptualizations about the problem we think we are trying to solve. Pipelines imply that the reason women aren’t in engineering professions is because they leak out at certain critical transition points, particularly from high school and college, and between degree programs. While there is evidence to support this model, some scholars have argued that this does not accurately map women’s experiences; for example, there is no room in this model for women to “leak” back in to the pipeline (and associated metaphors of contamination are brought with them). In addition, the metaphor allows us to overlook the question of fault: pipes leak, and we need not concern ourselves with the faulty or otherwise problematic infrastructure that permits the leaks, but instead patch up any holes and move on. In contrast to pipelines, chilly climates imply that there is something environmentally hostile about a workplace or learning place which either a) a given population is ill-equipped to survive and needs special equipment to do so, or b) is experienced only by a given population and which requires them to have additional tools to survive. Despite their limitations, the two models work well together, as pipeline models focus on the results of leaks, while the chilly climate focuses on the cause of the leaks. However, each of these is also an imperfect metaphor, and while together they have proven somewhat effective until now, the disturbing downward trend of women’s participation rates in college-level education programs in engineering suggests the metaphors are also not sufficient. To develop a new theory that might help us differently understand women’s participation in engineering, I have used as an analytical lens the metaphor of borders and boundaries. Through the use of this metaphor, I evaluate the actual language of engineering faculty members, gathered through interviews, to argue how that language may exhibit certain kinds of boundary work [reported elsewhere], resulting in the perpetuation of a gendered discipline of engineering. A “boundary” in this context is a theoretical tool to help us understand people’s experiences. In people’s talk about their disciplines, they often invoke metaphors (sometimes geographical ones) to represent what counts as their discipline and what does not. A boundary is not a defined “line” but, rather, is determined by the margin of a clump of accepted practices; different people may determine this edge differently. Words like “outside” and “within” are markers of such a metaphorical boundary; the margins of what is acceptably considered “within” are delimited by a conceptual “boundary.” Boundaries in this sense are “real” in the sense that people make decisions about their behavior based on where they perceive the boundary to be. [additional references obscured] , Elsewhere I have used the faculty interview data to make visible engineering faculty members’ universalized narratives of “applying science and mathematics,” “solving problems,” and “building things”. [reference obscured] I have then argued that we (being either researchers or faculty themselves) can use the tools of a boundary work frame—recognition, definition, reproduction and resistance of boundaries—to see alternative ways to reinforce or resist these narratives. [reference obscured] Together, these frameworks allow us to see what is reported in this paper: that the narratives that are described as though they are applicable to all contexts and all people actually seem only to apply to certain contexts and certain people. Boundaries can be a useful tool to help us see what marks “acceptable” from “unacceptable” in terms of knowledge and ways of being. These normative concerns have been the subject of much feminist critique; indeed, bell hooks has argued that only by understanding the “margin” (a boundary concept) can we hope to understand the “center,” and in fact that the margin provides definition of the center. Thinking about boundaries of a concept or process or way of being prompts us to ask both sides of the following questions: Where is the boundary set? What is included, and what is excluded? Who set the boundary here? Who is excluded from participation of this setting? Who benefits from the boundary being here? Who is punished? Specificially in this paper, I describe two “localizing” ways that engineers implicitly define engineering. These localizing mechanisms make use of ideas of space (or the where? question) and actors (or the “who” question) to make visible holes in the “swiss cheese” of engineering; in other words, by taking a universalized narrative and applying a localizing lens of space or actors, we begin to see how the contributions and work of women have been systematically marginalized in the definition of the discipline of engineering. These additional dimensions will let engineering educators begin to see for themselves that which feminist scholars have been arguing for decades: that much of engineering has historically focused on the problems defined by men and for men operating in paid work or military environments, and overlooked the work environments historically populated by women, such as in domestic or service environments. Consideration of these additional dimensions in the definition of engineering allows us to then see that a localized picture of engineering appears “gendered,” that the discipline is constructed in such a way that the consequences of the discipline’s definition weigh differentially on women than men. This gendered construction allows us to draw the underrepresentation of women away from the discourse of “equal representation” and instead into the realm of social justice, where the profession of engineering begins to argue to rectify its historical focus on “solving problems” in paid work arenas, high tech products and First World contexts by expanding its explicit focus to include the historical and continuing problems experienced by women and people in Third World contexts. Ruth Simmons, former president of Smith College when Smith developed the first ABET-accredited engineering program at a women’s university in the country, described it thusly, saying, ““A whole generation after the women's movement, five out of every six engineering students and nine out of ten engineering professors are male. Engineers literally design and build much of the human environment. Women must not accept so marginal a role in so important a field.” By helping engineers see the gendered asymmetry built into their own definitions, in combination with their identification with rationality and logical thinking, this framework helps convince the social project of engineering to be more socially just before simply trying to recruit more women into the existing system. Background There seems to be a revival of interest in explicitly connecting engineering in the United States with the aims of social justice. Organizations such as Engineers Without Borders are growing, and undergraduate programs in “humanitarian engineering” such as that at Colorado School of Mines or Penn State University are being institutionalized. Modern pioneers in the engineering education literature include Caroline Baillie, George Catalano and Donna Riley who have each strongly articulated a reconceptualization of engineering practice and engineering education away from their close historical relationship with the military, and closer to meeting the global needs of environmental sustainability, human rights, and peace. In her 2008 publication on “Engineering and Social Justice,” Riley argues that it is part of the nature of “social justice” that it be difficult to define: “Its mutability and multiplicity are, in fact, key characteristics of social justice.” In the same way, its definition is inherently social in that it is based on groups’ definitions of what is right and wrong, what is and what should be. Instead of encompassing a set of specific and fixed ideals, Riley encourages us to think of social justice as “a continuing process and an ongoing struggle.” , p. 1 That being said, Riley readily acknowledges the shared history of social justice movements in the US as “the struggle to end different kinds of oppression, to create economic equality, to uphold human rights and dignity, and to restore right relationships among all people and the environment” (p. 5) – to wit, the collective action for workers’ rights and economic justice, the environmental movement, and the civil rights movements for women, people of color, and LGBT people, among others. The women’s rights movement helped birth a literature of feminist critiques of science and technology, and it is this literature that prompts the subject of this paper. Indeed, while we may only now be regularly hearing “engineering” in the same breath as “social justice”, feminist critiques of engineers and engineering hearken back to studies in the early 1980s by Sally Hacker and Cynthia Cockburn. In this section, I outline a particular literature drawn from STS and women’s studies that focuses on understanding the definition of “engineering” as explicitly avoiding the work or concerns of specific oppressed groups. Engineering’s epistemological definition is intertwined with the history of engineering’s professionalization, which, some argue, occurred as a function of gendered notions of status and work. In particular, this link is discussed in Oldenziel’s histories of American women engineers and the historical masculinization of technology, Bix’s work on women’s technical education in both engineering and home economics, and Frehill’s work on the gendered construction of engineering disciplines through their historical professionalization. ; These three historians also are explicit about the role of academic engineers in the construction of disciplinary boundaries that preserve class and gender privilege. In particular, Oldenziel argues that engineers who were scientifically trained in the universities embodied a classed and gendered threat to shop- and field-trained engineers because they attained their occupational positions through the use of: … [a] form of engineering knowledge [which] was not linked to the patriarchal and class authority of the workplace, but was based on the new cultural authority of science and math. Not only were academic engineers often accused of failing to prepare their students to face the reality of the production floor, but academic ideals threatened to become associated with gentility and femininity. (p. 21, 2000) Frehill echoes Oldenziel’s argument in her study of engineering publications from 1893-1920: The increasing significance of engineering education and the use of engineering colleges to screen out those people who were not considered fit to be engineers is one important mechanism by which middle-class men maintained control of the engineering profession. (p. 400) Frehill goes on to argue that, not only was the profession of engineering constructing itself to exclude women’s participation and contributions in the first part of the 20th century, but that: the advocates of engineering education carefully crafted discussions of engineering work to appeal to adventurous young boys, emphasizing the manly qualities needed by engineers and the manly outdoors training engineering students received. Indeed, one could become a man by enduring the hardships associated with becoming an engineer. (p. 400) Thus, although the establishment of engineering departments in coeducational universities ostensibly opened up the possibility of acquiring qualifications as engineers to women, engineering education’s origins in male-dominated apprenticeships (and later its close ties with an exclusively male military) marked the field as essentially masculine, effectively excluding women without the need to resort to formal and overt boundaries. As engineering became more integrated with science through its introduction into higher educational systems in the second half of the 19th century, engineers became increasingly concerned with protecting the scientific status of their field from the “diluting” effects that they feared women would introduce (including a decrease in things like salary). Additional research relevant to the study of academic engineering practice is situated in the arena of home economics. Histories of the development of the discipline “home economics” let us view the construction of a discipline and profession that also constructed itself around the uses of science and technology but was differently gendered than engineering. Emerging from the Progressive Era, the founders of home economics wanted women apply the logic of scientific management in order to learn better, more effective, and more efficient ways of operating the home. Improved health, hygiene and sanitation, improved knowledge of nutrition, more efficient technologies for lighting, heating, and cleaning, and management techniques for supervising servants and raising children, all organized around the home, constituted the realm of a new, science-oriented understanding of the domestic sphere, created and maintained by women. What is crucial about this history with respect to the construction of engineering is the realization that the actual tasks awarded to home economics could easily have been considered “science” or “engineering” tasks had they been in a different context. Nutrition can be characterized as a combination of chemistry, biology, and food engineering, except when in the context of feeding a family. Sanitation engineering forms a large portion of civil engineering and is often considered its own discipline, but in the home it is morphed into basic hygiene and cleanliness. The characteristics of “hygiene” have been adopted by medicine and biomedical engineering, except in the context of women’s health and menstruation. Developing lighting systems in industry is considered electrical engineering—and, indeed, is largely the reason for electrical engineering’s initial existence—but is characterized as home economics in the context of electrifying (especially rural) private homes. Bix has done important work on the history of women’s technical education which, even after the time when they were admitted into colleges of engineering as engineering students (as opposed to “special” students who completed coursework but who were never granted degrees), developed through the lens of consumerism in home economics departments. That women trained in home economics’ technology majors also found employment in such non-traditional areas as “testing radio transmitters, receivers, and airplane motors…[or] testing components of a new US Navy automatic pilot” (p. 741) is intriguing, and strongly suggests the gendered categorization of disciplines. Bix’s work illustrates how the construction of a discipline—in this case, home economics—was intensely bound to how people thought about the impact of gender on abilities, interests, and work. What is critical about this example, however, is that home economics was being constructed as different from engineering specifically, and that the populations of home economics programs are so polar to populations of engineering programs. A starker example of the impact of gender on the differentiation of disciplines would be difficult to find. It is this explicit exclusion of the work and conditions of entire groups of people from the definition of engineering that makes the epistemology of engineering a social justice subject of concern. It is also this exclusion that I will argue we engineers can remedy by learning to recognize the boundary work we are engaged in while we are engaged in it – in other words, developing our capacity of “reflection-in-action” and our facility to embody different content or ways of being as engineering. Methods The research here is qualitative in nature in order to investigate a set of faculty experiences in depth. Participants were 10 tenure-track or tenured faculty members who had their main tenure appointment in an engineering department at a school of engineering in a large research-extensive university in the United States. Participants were invited to participate based on their membership on various standing school-level committees, and such that a variety of engineering disciplines, academic positions (assistant, associate, full professors, administrators) were represented in the final pool. Four women and 6 men participated from 7 different departments of engineering; participant characteristics are not identified more individually in order to protect their anonymity. With each participant, I conducted two semi-structured interviews on different topics, including their definitions of engineering, and their research, teaching, and service work. Interviews were designed to take 90 minutes, but ranged from 68 minutes to 2 hours and 8 minutes. Each participant spoke with me for between 2.25 and 4.5 hours in total. Upon the conclusion of each interview, I completed an interview summary form that asked: “1) What were main issues in interview? 2) Summarize the information you got, or failed to get on each target question. 3) Anything else interesting, salient, illuminating, or important in this interview? 4) What new (or remaining) target questions do you have in considering the next interview?” Completion of this form after each first interview helped identify questions to follow-up on in the second interview; returning to the summary forms for both interviews per participant during coding helped triangulate research findings. Each interview was digitally recorded and transcribed using a style sheet to keep the transcript conventions consistent. The recordings were transcribed verbatim except for most crutches of speech, were proofread by two research team members, and were sent to the participant for verification and confirmation. The verified transcripts were coded in two main passes: the first pass categorized big chunks of transcripts (across all interview participants) into coarse-grained categories determined in advance from the literature (boundaries, defining engineering, gender, identity, and pressure agents), and the second pass took each coarse-grained coded text and broke the text down into ad-hoc subcodes. After 45% of the text had been finely coded, a repetition of ideas was clear and I started rearranging the subcodes into patterns and categories. The categories that describe the different kinds of boundary work are reported in a paper in preparation [reference obscured]; the patterns that categorize the localization of engineering definitions are reported in this paper. Results and discussion: making the universal local Elsewhere, but with the same data set, I have developed categories of universalized narratives of engineering—of engineering as applied science and mathematics, as solving problems, and as making things. Here, I argue we must make these narratives more honest by making use of two ontological questions. These questions are framed as “where?” and “who?” and represent dimensions of space and actors. As mentioned above, the boundary metaphor is useful in these questions in its definition based on inclusion and exclusion: where we ask questions about “who” defines problems in engineering, we then must remember to ask “who does not” define the problems. The subsections that follow explore the dimensions of space and actors in consideration of “where not” and “who not,” which highlight how these constructs are gendered in the context of engineering. For each, there is a set of relations that require our attention: the relationship between legitimate work as paid work and work in industrial, commercial and military contexts, historically completed by men, and the relationship between unrecognized work, unpaid work, and work in domestic contexts, historically completed by women. These relationships compel us to question the implicit power relationship then between engineering focusing its institutional gaze on legitimate work (that accomplished by men in privileged workspaces) and failing to consider the value of improving the process of doing devalued work accomplished by women and people of color. Jennifer Schneider, personal communication, 8/6/09 Where? Engineering and space In their boundary work of differentiating engineering from science, business or other disciplines, participants used various notions of space and spatial dimensions to provide arguments for disciplines’ similarities as well as differences. Several such spatial characterizations are discussed here: engineering in relation to industrial spheres; how those industrial contexts limit engineering to certain commercial environments and to itself consisting of paid work; the connection of engineering to the military sphere; engineering and large scales of production; and the notion of disciplinary identity through institutional location. Engineering and industrial spheres One way that engineering’s connection to industrial contexts was highlighted was in contrast to science. An assistant professor struggled to rationalize a self-identification as an engineer with a belief that there was little that rationally separated science from engineering: I don't know, I hesitate to say it because I feel like engineer—I think it's all about the culture, and how we're trained, and the sequence of courses that we take, and what's emphasized in the courses. The end goal is all the same. We're working on the same problems—the limnologists and I, and the environmental engineering students. Theirs is a lake, ours is a tank in the lab or in the wastewater treatment plant. The physics, chemistry, biology... the math—it's all the same. Even the problem solving structures start to converge. This participant makes use of the disciplinary narrative of problem-solving to describe the work of engineers, but recognizes that scientists also solve problems, and in some cases “the same problems.” The participant also makes use of science disciplines, including math, to indicate the content of both areas being the same. Yet it is the context of where the problems are situated that seem to differentiate engineers from scientists: “[t]heirs is a lake, ours is a tank in the lab or in the wastewater treatment plant.” And perhaps the scale of that location; for more, see [reference obscured]. This consideration for industrial contexts also permeated throughout participants’ broader conceptualizations of engineering, as suggested through the perception that the products of engineering must be “close” to an application, or that they “matter” in ways that science does not. One associate professor described students in relation to industrial contexts: Well, I would say that, is there something that's an engineer that we supply as a product to industry, it's our undergraduates who are people who are capable of doing problem solving in given—given lots of information they can formulate a question and an answer to that and tell you why it's going to work or not work. They can pull it all together and solve the problem. [...] This fairly common metaphor amongst engineering faculty, that students are “products” for industry, reflects not only a belief about the career path of students, but also demonstrates how language stems from engineering epistemology. In the same way that engineering educators hope to provide students authentic engineering experiences through their education, their educational process itself is conceived of as a procedure by which a product for industry (students as newly minted engineers) is generated. Yet they seem not to be concerned about the power relations they are using to model their students’ growth (such as the inherent connection with capitalistic modes of production), nor questioning whether likening human beings unto objects with little agency does injustice to their students both individually and collectively. The following extensive quote allows us to see how a full professor believes that engineering’s presumed career path for undergraduates results in solving the wrong kinds of problems. The faculty member begins with describing the magnitude of the basic problem of clean water access still experienced by a staggering number of people on the planet: [... W]e have to increase water supplies by 300,000 people every day until that time. That is a huge number. And obviously not likely to occur. But if, what have we done if we don't start beginning at least on that. And so I'm not worried about, my problems at the moment, I don't, I think I face are not problems of "What's the right nut to put on this bolt," or whatever. That's an engineering problem, no question. These problems to me are villages of 100,000 people kinds of problems and... Interviewer: So do you think there's a, I mean, so you've distinguished that as different from classic engineering. So do you think classically, engineering, that hasn't been what engineers do? Participant: I don't think so. Interviewer: So why is that? Participant: Because I don't think engineers have been given the consciousness to some extent for that. No one's really challenged them on anything. I mean, we're happy to go to work for the GMs and the Fords and the GEs (General Electric), and these companies have been able to live with boundaries. They have not grown into, some have grown into international firms, but they haven't necessarily thought about the international nature of their business. This participant’s argument is clearly that problems defined in industrial contexts tend to not be the “right” problems to solve in consideration of a global context. Instead, engineers should focus on the basic quality of life issues for people in poverty, in this example. However, this same participant reported being punished – “disciplined” in a different sense of the word – by being denied a promotion because of the focus of the participant’s research on social justice concerns and engineering. We will revisit this same participant again in discussing “do-gooder engineering,” later in the last section of this paper. A full professor also problematized both the narrative of engineering as problem-solving and the setting of engineering in industrial contexts through some explicit boundary language related to the concept of physical space: Well, we can, we can do—it is a problem for engineering to figure out an optimum solution to a assembly line balancing problem or a, it is a problem for engineering to think about what's the most efficient way to solicit individual preferences for some kind of a utility function. But what I—so that's one level of problems: here is a challenge that is unsolved and must be solved. But the application area problems come from industries, and more and more come from lifestyle issues that at one time we thought of as being shaped by industry but are not solely industrial concerns: of living at home, managing music at home. You could go to hear a symphony or you could have a CD in their living room. Well, where is the industrial boundary when the CD is in your living room? It's in your living room. So the idea that there are environments and markets that create problems that have to be, that have unusual challenges that have to be solved is where I think engineering problems come from. While again making use of the engineering as problem-solving narrative, the participant both recognized the tendency to orient those problems around industrial contexts, and the problems with so doing. In linking engineering to modes of production in a market-based economy where individuals lack the skills of production to meet all their functional needs, this participant admits the fact that modes of consumption operate in both work-related and home-related contexts, and that engineers? must therefore engage with questions of work that occur in those home-related contexts. This participant went on to link in the industrial/domestic dualism to the way engineering work is defined around paid-work: And actually, what's a little bit frustrating about it is that the major reason why I believe you can extend engineering techniques into the home has less to do with the consumer electronics model that I gave you a few minutes ago, and much more to do with the fact that the healthcare industry, perhaps not with deliberate action, but largely through a conscious set of steps has increasingly shifted work that used to be paid work onto unpaid work. And so that doesn't really change the fact that it's still work. And so if you think about engineering as a way of optimizing work then wherever work is done engineering should be present. In this quote, the participant involves a new industry model, that of the healthcare system, and notes how political decisions have functioned to “shift” work from the paid domain to the unpaid domain. As healthcare work has moved across this paid/unpaid work boundary, women are again impacted more than men via a combination of systematically lower salaries, cultural expectations related to care-giving, and historical work of healthcare in domestic contexts. These two quotes lead easily into a discussion of the relationship between engineering and paid work, along with the gendered implications of such a definition. Engineering and the commercial sphere As suggested by the quotes in the previous subsection, engineering’s focus on industrial contexts leads engineering to be defined through and around notions of paid work. One participant discussed this connection in two ways: that engineering itself constituted work that gets paid for; and that it tends to focus on improving paid work. In this quote, the participant suggests that unpaid work is beginning to be focused on by engineers, but only as far as it supports paid work: Well, I think there's, I think engineering costs money. And I think that there hasn't been a way to capture the cost. But now that there's a better understanding of the consequence to the paid environment of the activities in the nonpaid environment, then it's worth engineering the nonpaid environment, so it better supports the paid environment. Doesn't tax the paid environment. This quote connects with a familiar and well-worn gender argument—that unpaid labor done in domestic contexts (in the US and elsewhere) is undervalued, not considered “work”, and even now still done more often by women than men. However, it also presumes that, when women enter certain areas of the paid workforce, they become subjects of engineering, where work processes and anthropometry are considered. But in fact, paid domestic work does not get to benefit either from the resources or attention of engineers who expect to be paid for their work. This proves more insidious as women still constitute the majority of paid domestic labor in the US and therefore still do not constitute appropriate subjects for engineering. The argument that engineering “solves problems” by improving the quality of working life then is only true when that work is paid labor done in industrial or commercial work contexts, thereby excluding the labor of poor and disenfranchised populations of workers, including women and people of color. This argument continues with the participant arguing for the study of “home engineering” because, as paid work is increasingly situated in the at home, the boundary between home and work is becoming harder to distinguish: The answer is, yes, I, that we should be studying home engineering as a contrast to industrial engineering, because the home is becoming a nexus of work and citizenship and health management and leisure, and that there are aspects of that enterprise that are not aesthetic, but in fact are responsive to engineering concepts. Could be done better, safer. The artist who works at home without ventilation needs an air quality engineer to help work with them. The family who's got a person who needs to be lifted in and out of bed needs an ergonomics person to help them understand how to... [...] I'm saying you need to know the bed can't go that close to the window or else you're going to dump Dad out the window. Key to this quote is that the participant does not seem to think that “home work” was engineering in the old days—only when it is changing, now “becoming a nexus of work and citizenship,” (where the home was arguably not so in the past) does it become worthy of counting as engineering. At the end of the quote, this professor also provides some definition to what engineering is—focusing on doing things better and more safely, and not looking at aesthetics. The values of economy and practicality come through clearly, in contrast to a more recent connection of engineering to creativity. In some rather explicit boundary language, this participant argued that the boundary was changing between home and work, and between paid and unpaid work: Because society is shifting, and society used to have a cleaner division between paid and unpaid work. [...] Now, with the blurring of paid and unpaid work, and the large amount of societal goals being met through unpaid work, like education or health care, we need to be bringing engineering talents into those people's, to assist them in accomplishing purposeful goals. These are particularly illustrative examples, not only because of the boundary language being used (“becoming the nexus”, “shifting”, and “blurring”) but also because the argument calls for a redefinition of where “work” worthy of engineers’ attention occurs. Domestic work in the United States and across much of the globe continues to be done more often by women than men. These quotes suggest that, as women have entered certain areas of the paid workforce, they have become the subjects of engineers’ attention. However, it is still questionable whether work that remains unpaid and is situated in domestic contexts should count as engineering—the latter quote suggests that it should do so when it supports paid work. One concerned with issues of social justice might inquire as to the fairness of this division: is it right or fair that engineering has as its focus a context of problems when a sex-segregated group of individuals are the beneficiaries? One must also remember to ask who benefits from the inclusion of one kind of work or another under the umbrella definition of “engineering.” One might argue that, because engineers historically were so concerned about the status of their profession (as outlined by such scholars at Noble and Layton), engineering focused on high-status occupations and work in order to gain status itself. In other words, engineering could not focus on the concerns of those who worked in the domestic and unpaid labor spheres because it was low status, undervalued and completed by women and people of color. Indeed, scholars have argued that domestic and unpaid labor itself is undervalued because it is completed by women and people of color. Engineering and military sphere The rhetoric of engineering around solving problems and serving society allows engineers and engineering students to gloss over the role played by a major contributor in the American engineering profession’s history and present: the military. While military applications may be played down in modern curricula of many disciplines, it clearly plays a significant role in funding engineering research and engineering education. As an example, according to the American Society for Engineering Education (ASEE) 2006 Annual Report, 93% of ASEE’s federal support comes from the Department of Defense. One full professor quipped: Engineering has historically been involved with military activities. The old joke that mechanical engineers build weapons and civil engineers build targets.[...] And it's true; it is very definitely connected with that. An assistant professor felt that engineering education was strongly oriented around preparing students for certain industries, including military ones: Participant: Just go to Career Day here and see who's hiring. It's all John Deere and heavy machinery. Maybe that's [name of state] agriculture. [...] Halliburton, yeah. Talk to the students about where they're getting jobs. That's what they're doing. Interviewer: So how would you... It's in heavy machinery...? Participant: Defense is another big one—weaponry, armor, yeah. I think it's pretty macho male-oriented stuff. Interviewer: Do you think that that influences what, who decides to become an engineer? Participant: Yeah, definitely. I know that more—I feel like I know, anyway, that by talking with... I teach a freshman class, I taught it in the fall semester. I asked them what they want to study. Most of the class is saying Biomedical Engineering. A couple of them are saying Mechanical Engineering, and I don't know if that's because they know I'm in Mechanical Engineering and I'm doing other stuff in Mechanical than what they would think. But no one says I want to work on defense products or oil industry. But in reality, that's where most of the jobs are. This full professor explicitly argued a link between engineering’s focus on military contexts with women’s underrepresentation in engineering: It's not like all of engineering is that way; in fact, parts of engineering that are least connected to that are the ones that are most attractive to women—biomedical, chemical, and industrial. But very clearly, mechanical and nuclear and these other things are still very heavily involved—and electrical—are very heavily involved with military. Sixty percent of all electrical engineers somehow work for the defense industry. Sixty percent! [...] This connection of engineering with military contexts has also formed the basis of a feminist critique of engineering and technology. Barton and Sally Hacker have described the gendered division of labor constructed within and around military institutions; Sally Hacker has also made arguments about the saliency of the continued relationship between engineering education and the military, arguing that “[m]ilitary institutions are the central patriarchal institutions of civilized societies, and depend on the subordination of women” (p. 58) and further that “[o]ne way capital and military state [sic] worked together to accomplish social hierarchy was through control of engineering and technical education.” (p. 59) Connell has argued that “[v]iolence on the largest possible scale is the purpose of the military; and no arena has been more important for the definition of hegemonic masculinity in European/American culture” (p. 213). Judy Wajcman has identified “the identification of men and masculinity with the technology of destruction” (p. 96) as a prevalent research stream in feminist scholarship, and has explored the interaction of military concepts of combat, technology and masculinity. From the point of view connecting gender and engineering with the problem of women’s underrepresentation, scholars have argued that women’s underrepresentation in engineering and the sciences could be explained by many women’s motivation to “help people,” and that engineering’s connection with the military seems to do the opposite. Amy Slaton, in perhaps the most direct connection with this research, has argued that “university tenure and promotion structures, professional journals, and funding agencies have deemed the address of non-military or non-industrial problems (such as pollution, housing, or mass transit) to be unproductive, or intellectually diluted technical activity.” (forthcoming) Engineering and large scale regimes Notions of scale also may impact the determination of appropriate contexts for engineers and engineering. As suggested earlier, participants described the production of consumer goods, and industrial contexts for the development of objects and systems. One participant felt that what differentiated domestic contexts from industrial ones and allowed engineers to do work on the latter but not the former had to do with the kinds of assumptions they could make about these different contexts: I also think that we in engineering use models a lot. The models bring with them some expectations of a worldview, some presumptive worldview. In—part of that presumptive worldview is that there can be a single decision-maker, and a single source or point where one looks at profits and losses. And when you have something like a family or a household you lose that. So that's the absence of the same structural equivalent that I think would make it a problem. This quote suggests that domestic contexts disrupt the set of simple assumptions engineers have developed about work environments. According to this participant, it is a scale of simplicity-complexity that impacts what contexts engineers investigate. Engineering and institutional location Approaching the space dimension from another direction, one way participants differentiated engineering from other ideas or disciplines was through the use of their institutional location and marking (making use of the space metaphor as a “field”). In trying to explain the versatility and broad disciplinary coverage present at the study university, a full professor also indicated that “engineering” in a discipline name tends to mark it as engineering: Participant: I'll give you an example that's very old fashioned, is that the Textiles Department, in the School of Human Ecology, I could go to [a comparable university], maybe [another comparable university], I don't know where, and that might be in the department of Engineering. It'll be called textiles engineering. That's an old fashioned example, but that's what my point is. Interviewer: Why is that an old fashioned example? Participant: Because now people would go, "Phh, come on." [...] Why would that even be using the word "engineering" on that? In some schools, long ago, that was an engineering field. [...] It has to do with the history of the culture of the university. This seemingly coincidental selection of textiles as an example of how history determined where disciplines should be administratively situated within a university is particularly interesting from a gender perspective. “Human Ecology” is becoming the new names of schools that had previously been known as “home economics.” At this university, the participant argued, the topic of textiles is located in a school overwhelmingly populated by women, as compared to other universities, where it is located in a school overwhelmingly populated by men. The reason for this institutional difference, according to this participant, is apparently, “simply the history of the culture of the university,” both of which are somewhat disembodied. This professor indicates that the name of the topic also locates it in different university cultures—where textiles is in a school of engineering, it is given the marker of engineering in its name. The marker “engineering” of course also directed men where they should apply for their education. This reasoning may seem most unlikely, particularly in the context of the second part of the quote and how the participant casts the case as “old fashioned.” Implicit in the participant’s “phh” are a wealth of assumptions about what others consider engineering to be or not be. Engineering is not home economics, and the juxtaposition is perceived as ridiculous. But scholars working on the history of home economics have argued that the discipline was developed as a way to educate scientifically-minded women, and other scholars have argued that the study and working of certain textiles has also historically been cast as women’s work both in and out of schools of home economics. To understand why the connection between textiles and engineering is so ridiculous to contemporary faculty, we must consider that engineering and home economics developed historically with different relationships to the notion of gender, when practitioners used different social markers and rules to differentiate men’s work from women’s work, and to systematically devalue women’s work. Another full professor also recognized the power that comes with institutional naming in the context of material being included in part of a course. The participant had argued that: [...] the idea that you would apply engineering techniques to the home, in non-industrial settings is probably the one that [...] would probably evoke the most controversy among engineers. The interviewer followed this comment with a question: So why do you think your colleagues might think that bringing engineering into the home or applying engineering techniques to the home might be marginal or somehow problematic or however? The participant responded: Well, I think there's probably a level of, "it's just not what I learned." It's not central to the course. We have a course in manufacturing engineering in [a department’s] curriculum. We don't have a course in home engineering. Ideas take on meaning and value when they're afforded some status like having a course named after them. In this short interchange, a chicken-and-egg quandary is presented. Do courses get constructed around important ideas and material, or are the ideas and material important because they are in a course? How do they inform each other? However, the fact that these are combined in the participant’s mind does not diminish the value that the name of “engineering” has for marking course content as appropriately belonging within the bounds of engineering at this institution. Note also the explanatory power that one’s own experience (in this case, the participant conjecturing about colleagues’ experiences, all of whom might be considered privileged elites in the context of the next section) seems to have for valuing certain kinds of knowledge or disciplinary divisions. Who? Engineering and actors: constructors and beneficiaries Considering the construction of this research around the Problem of women’s underrepresentation in engineering, the most direct (and well-worn) way of considering who is engaged in engineering could be to ask what is the gender of people who call themselves engineers. However, this research suggests three more ways of considering “who” that are based on some of the universalized disciplinary narratives of the first part of this chapter: namely, who defines engineering problems; who benefits from engineering solutions, and who actually makes the “things”? It is critical here also to look at how these answers may be gendered, but they also allow us to take an intersectional approach and see how engineering’s boundaries are raced and classed. Who defines engineering problems? In most cases, participants’ definitions of engineering as problem-solving tended to take the problem as a given, as something which had itself already been defined. One full professor said that “society” defined problems, and engineers simply solved them; however, it seemed from this response (as across the interviews) that engineers were somehow different and separate from “society,” and that this society spoke with a singular and definite voice, clearly articulating its problems. When asked specifically where engineering problems came from, an assistant professor mused: I like solving problems, so to me it's just like they're there, and I see them and I find them, I just... I think it's interesting, so maybe I make up problems because I like the solving part of them. But that's a good question, I don't know if they need to be solved. In this quote, the participant suggests how problems seem pre-constructed—“it’s just like they’re there,”—and it is simply the engineer’s job to pick them up and solve them. The participant’s comment about not knowing whether the problems chosen by engineers to solve needed to be solved was also interesting considering that the question that precipitated the comment was more on where problems come from, and not implying that the problems were not worthy of solving. The subtleties of problem solving, such as how problems are characterized, seemed sometimes to change over participants’ careers. A full professor contrasted an early career definition of engineering from a later one: Yeah, I think when I was just a fresh out of the box engineer, I think I thought technology could kind of carry the day just on its own. I mean I was pretty proficient with calculation and with computing and with, oh, design as done by, in a fairly elegant fashion, and the like. But, and so that proficiency I thought could carry the day, and I thought most of the problems in this world were ones that could pass through my calculator and there would be the answer. And as I get older I think I begin to realize that the problems that we're facing are not ones of, typically anyway, that are going to be done by better and quicker and faster computers. They're going to be ones that involve perhaps some of that, but much more a discussion of how we together as society can move forward. I mean, the solution to the energy crisis that we're sensing is coming along is not going to be a better computer, typically. It's going to be a dialogue with each other. In this quote, this participant contrasted an elegant, calculator-oriented and technologically-deterministic form of problem-solving with a more negotiated and qualitative version, one emanating from a societal-wide “dialogue” and “discussion.” There was a sense, in this response, that there are multiple perspectives in “society,” and that disagreement amongst different societal participants required a discussion about how problems should be defined, or what problems require solving. Furthermore, this participant regularly expressed concern throughout the interviews that engineers were focusing on the wrong problems, developing solutions that benefitted the same privileged people, while continuing to fail to meet the needs of those in poverty, under oppression, or neglected by the state and economy. Who benefits from engineering solutions? While most participants spoke easily about engineering being about problem-solving, and several linked engineering to solving the problems of society, only a few spoke about who in “society” benefited from specific solutions. One could argue that men benefit more than women from solutions that engineers develop. For example, an assistant professor’s research is on bone implants, and to situate the research, it is put in the context of the problem of osteoporosis in American populations: Participant: Yeah, right. Oh no, first it's like, "So many Americans have osteoporosis." I have to justify... [...] Interviewer: So does that mean that the majority of people who will receive bone implants are women? Participant: That's really interesting. No, you would think so, but statistically, most people that receive—it's super interesting—the most people that receive implants are rich white males. Even around a problem that ostensibly afflicts women more often than men , this participant believes the solutions are used by men rather than women. This can be understood as gendered via two arguments familiar to feminist science scholars: firstly, that health conditions experienced more often by women tend to have less research done on them (examples being things like breast cancer and menopause); and secondly, that the technological solutions to problems have androcentric biases on them. For example, the widespread health advice that one should take aspirin in the event of a heart attack is based on research conducted on a population of men, not women. Women’s symptoms for heart attacks are often different from those of men, and require different medical responses. Indeed, it was not until 1993 that the National Institutes of Health required scientific drug trials investigating treatments for conditions experienced by both women and men to be conducted on a population that consisted of both men and women. In a separate instance of looking at the beneficiaries of engineering’s solutions, a participant argues that engineers tend to solve problems relevant to certain geographic locations, and certain populations associated with those areas. In this quote, the participant argued for the development and inclusion in the curriculum an engineering course that would be focused on the “bottom of the pyramid:” You can draw a pyramid with the thicker part at the bottom, just like a pyramid in Giza, and what you see is that the bottom of that pyramid is filled with many people that don't make much money, and the upper part of the pyramid is filled with fewer people that make a lot of money. And it seems to me the classic engineering is designed at this point within our world for the upper part of that pyramid, primarily, pushing the envelope of better technology, no question, better and perhaps even better technologies to serve the environment, or to serve the economy, or to serve—but it's generally for a fewer number of people I would argue. At least over here, the research being done on the First World, or the Developed World. [...] So in essence, again, I'm interested in doing—and I think I can defend it, that there's a need for looking at engineering for the bottom of that pyramid. Not the very bottom necessarily, but the bottom two-thirds of it, for example. Which is a profound number of people—four billion people, two thirds of the people on the planet need someone to pay more attention to their technological needs because it involves the very basics of their lives. And so it feels to me that I can work in areas that aren't the necessarily highest technologies, but they're areas that are profoundly going to impact a huge number of people. This participant argued that, even though “classic engineering” solved worthy technological problems and improved such socially valuable areas as “the environment,” it nevertheless focused on the problems of the relatively fewer people at “the top” of the pyramid, those people who made a lot of money compared to the much larger proportion of much poorer people at the bottom of the pyramid. In this participant’s mind, engineering tended to focus on the problems of the First World, the developed world, despite the critical and entirely solvable problems of the third world, things like (in the case of this participant’s research) getting enough clean water to drink. From this participant’s perspective, engineering benefits the rich and powerful in a global sense. How does this result in a gendering of engineering, apart from the obvious fact that the rich and powerful in a global sense are most often men? Consider this participant’s research on water quality and filtration. Across the globe, when there is no local clean water to drink, it is more often girls who are pulled out of school and sent to carry water all day, not boys, whose education is considered more valuable. The consequences of engineering focusing on highly technologized solutions for wealthy beneficiaries can be argued to weigh more heavily on women across the globe. There are indeed many engineers who work for underserved global and local populations, but what is critical about these examples is that they exhibit the perception of faculty of their own work. This participant was particularly vocal about how he did not recommend his junior colleagues to engage in what he called “do-gooder engineering,” despite how he valued it, because he believed the university did not do so: There's no way that I would, I don't even urge my junior colleagues to get involved in [...] any of these sort of oddball—I'll call them that—courses. They should do the classic stuff because that classic stuff is what tenure is all about. That tells me there's a disconnect here. It should speak to a disconnect. But they're not, a junior colleague should not fight the disconnect. That's the job for a senior faculty person like myself or whatever. They shouldn't be in the, they have to live with the rules right now, within those rules. And unstated, to some extent, but nevertheless, they would be sinking their own ship and they would never get this opportunity to do this kind of stuff if they didn't live by sort of this kind of tenure pursuit, classic tenure pursuit that we've talked about. So, yeah, that's a, anyway, so I'm very realistic and pragmatic about that. I mean, it's just the way it is. This excerpt demonstrates a powerful case of boundary reproduction, even while it yearns for the pushing out of the boundaries of engineering. Who makes the “things”? The conceptualization of engineering as “making things” was also integrated throughout other participants’ indirect responses. Engineers were posed as people who “made things,” whereas non-engineers did not. An associate professor recognized the skill of “making things” was one that graduate students who had engineering backgrounds had, compared to those with science backgrounds: Probably the difference that shows up in the graduate students is that my engineering graduate students can actually make things! Not all of them, but most of them can make stuff. [...] If you need a jig to do a test, then I can say, oh yeah, you know, rough out a sketch on a piece of paper of a design, and they can look at it and nod and go off and make it. [...] Go to the shop... not even necessarily if they went to the shop and physically did it themselves, but at least they could have an interaction with the people in the shop and get it made. What is subtly different in this description of engineering as “making things,” however, is that engineering students were not expected to necessarily have the manual skill themselves. Instead, the proxy skills of sketching out details for an object, and then the cultural and organizational knowledge that comes with visiting a machine shop and commissioning an object to be physically made by someone else could also be sufficient. While managerial positions are frequently a career stop for engineers, they seem to exhibit multiply gendered sides. On one side, the connection of engineering to managerial duties has been argued to “feminize” certain engineering disciplines (namely industrial engineering) because of its connection to working with people and the hegemonically feminine characteristic of working well in and having the ability to facilitate groups. Foor and Walden have argued how industrial engineering’s perceived link to business simultaneously marks industrial engineering as a peripheral engineering discipline (industrial engineering’s name is even parodied by students as “imaginary engineering”) and as a naturalized place for women to be: “female students’ aptitude for certain jobs are constructed as consistent with appropriate female behavior rather than with any ability to learn and perform skill sets which have historically been associated with males.” On the other side, managers have class privilege over engineers that, as Connell has argued, describes “[a] polarity ... within hegemonic masculinity between [managerial] dominance and technical expertise” (p. 194, my emphasis). One must, therefore, ask the question of who actually “makes things” that engineers design? In the context of the rest of the paper, it is those who are commissioned through managerial work relationships to produce objects for the market economy. This manual labor, accomplished by others who have fewer working rights and protections from the state than the managerial engineers make “things” that can be sold for profit. Engineering still does not include manual labor that produces on the small scale of a household “things” like childrens’ clothes or meals. Therefore, again, engineering does not legitimate domestic work historically and still done disproportionately by women and people of color in lower status occupations. Conclusions When localizing constructs of space and actors are applied to understanding participants’ definitions and descriptions of engineering, a more gendered vision of engineering comes into view than that described by participants’ more explicit universalized narratives. Thinking about space helps articulate the fact that engineering contexts are largely large-scale, oriented around industrial, commercial, or military domains. Thinking about time demonstrates how engineering relies on how it was done in the past to point the direction for its future. Thinking about actors encourages us to look at who is excluded from these universalized narratives in terms of the people who construct problems worthy of engineers’ attention, the people who benefit from engineers’ solutions, and the people who actually make the “things” in the “engineering as making things” narrative, let alone the engineers themselves. Admittedly, while this vision of engineering is more localized and specific in some ways, it is very coarse-grained in others, and arguably still constitutes a vision that may exist in contrast to some more “real” practice. However, no “more correct” definition exists “in the real world.” Rather, there is a complicated and social negotiation between how academic engineers talk about what they do, and how their practice is impacted by how they talk about it. Each person contributes to and is impacted by different disciplinary narratives, whether the universalized ones or the more local ones, and passes on some kind of articulation/experience to others whether they decide they are (or want to be) engineers or not. At any point, a different narrative, a different possibility, may be articulated and experienced. In their interviews, some study and pilot participants seemed on the verge of embracing a different vision of engineering. One participant described thinking that engineering and nursing were not that different conceptually, and pointed out the patterns shared by the engineering work largely done by men with the nursing work largely done by women. Why don’t we think of nursing as engineering? Do we further devalue the historical work of women by continuing to exclude it from the umbrella definition of “engineering?” Another participant described a set of research focused on wastewater treatment systems at the municipal level, and I asked why similar research was not done on the context of rural domestic systems. The participant expressed some surprise, and admitted that there wasn’t a good reason why not, providing another opportunity to broaden the conceptualization of engineering to encompass environments where women still do the majority of work. A pilot study participant described focusing research on HVAC systems in commercial buildings; when asked why that context and not domestic contexts, the participant mused that it stemmed from a desire to have some kind of “larger” impact. However, another argument easily could be made that domestic contexts could have more impact than commercial ones because of how American residential areas are relatively low density, and more people of more varying ages spend more time in them than commercial contexts. Integrating domestic contexts into this research not only could increase the reach and complexity of the research but also improve the living and working environments of more varied people, particularly of women, children, and the elderly. In each of these examples, the universalized narratives are present, but the localizing dimensions of space and actors are less exclusive. Arguably, engineering continues to be a powerful discipline because of the exclusion of the interests and concerns of the disenfranchised in society. As a privileged profession, we must decide whether we want to continue to accept that definition, and whether we agree to place at risk some of our disciplinary stature in order to become an inclusive and egalitarian, and a more socially just discipline. If we so choose, then, the main task for engineering lies in the development of a more complete implementation of its self-definition. If engineering wants to define itself around universalized narratives of “applying science,” “solving problems” and “making things,” then let these narratives also work to undo the precedent of the systematic exclusion of people and ideas. When viewed with a gender lens, the consequences of how the universalized narratives of engineering exist in the “real world” lie more heavily on women as a group than they do on men. Disproportionately, women are not considered engineers, their work is not worth engineers’ attention nor constitutes engineering, their knowledge does not constitute engineering knowledge, their bodies are not considered in designing engineering solutions, and their problems are not considered engineering problems. There are other slices of a global “society” who are also systematically excluded from these same parameters—the poor, the uneducated, the “foreign”— but unfortunately, women often constitute the majority of those groups as well. Overall, more authentically applying the universalized narratives to problems beyond those constructed around paid work and for-profit contexts by people with wealth and power will go far to making engineering a more equitable discipline. Ultimately, the act of recognizing and making explicit the metaphors that engineering educators use—often unconsciously—can help determine about how both engineering "problems" and "solutions" are constructed. Built into the metaphor of a boundary are ideas of inclusion and exclusion; understanding and harnessing this metaphor can help show how engineering educators use language to exclude or include ideas, types of problems and perhaps people. Then we can begin to see alternative metaphors and constructions that resist these exclusionary borders in order to develop engineering into a profession that is more socially just, reflexive, equitable, and democratic. [Acknowledgements excluded for anonymity.] References PAGE 1