2011, Vol. 11, No. 4, 776 –785
© 2011 American Psychological Association
1528-3542/11/$12.00 DOI: 10.1037/a0022591
The Role of Overt Attention in Emotion-Modulated Memory
Lily Riggs
Douglas A. McQuiggan
Rotman Research Institute, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, and
University of Toronto
Rotman Research Institute, Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Norman Farb
Adam K. Anderson
University of Toronto
Rotman Research Institute, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, and
University of Toronto
Jennifer D. Ryan
Rotman Research Institute, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, and University of Toronto
The presence of emotional stimuli results in a central/peripheral tradeoff effect in memory: memory for
central details is enhanced at the cost of peripheral items. It has been assumed that emotion-modulated
differences in memory are the result of differences in attention, but this has not been tested directly. The
present experiment used eye movement monitoring as an index of overt attention allocation and
mediation analysis to determine whether differences in attention were related to subsequent memory.
Participants viewed negative and neutral scenes surrounded by three neutral objects and were then given
a recognition memory test. The results revealed evidence in support of a central/peripheral tradeoff in
both attention and memory. However, contrary with previous assumptions, whereas attention partially
mediated emotion-enhanced memory for central pictures, it did not explain the entire relationship.
Further, although centrally presented emotional stimuli led to decreased number of eye fixations toward
the periphery, these differences in viewing did not contribute to emotion-impaired memory for specific
details pertaining to the periphery. These findings suggest that the differential influence of negative
emotion on central versus peripheral memory may result from other cognitive influences in addition to
overt visual attention or on postencoding processes.
Keywords: emotion, memory, attention, eye movement monitoring
chanan, 2005; Reisberg & Heuer, 2004; Loftus, 1979; Loftus,
Loftus, & Messo, 1987; Brown, 2003). It is argued that the
process underlying this tradeoff effect in memory is attentional
narrowing (e.g., Kensinger, Piguet, Krendl, & Corkin, 2005;
Kensinger, Gutchess, & Schacter, 2007; Wessel & Merckelbach, 1997) such that when an emotionally arousing stimulus,
specifically a negative stimulus, is present (Derryberry &
Tucker, 1994; see also Gable & Harmon-Jones, 2008; HarmonJones & Gable, 2009), attention will “narrow” like a spotlight
and be focused primarily on it (Posner, 1980; Easterbrook,
1959), resulting in better encoding and subsequent memory
(e.g., Craik, Govoni, Naveh-Benjamin, & Anderson, 1996) for
the central emotional object and impaired encoding and subsequent memory for the neutral objects in the periphery. In
support of this, there is an abundance of literature showing that
when emotionally arousing and neutral stimuli are simultaneously presented, arousing stimuli preferentially capture and
sustain attention (e.g., Loftus et al., 1987; Bradley, 1994; Stormark, Nordby, & Hugdahl, 1995; Anderson & Phelps, 2001;
Armony & Dolan, 2002; Calvo & Lang, 2005; Anderson, 2005;
Nummenmaa, Hyönä, & Calvo, 2006; Öhman, Flykt, & Esteves, 2001; Öhman & Mineka, 2001). However, whereas there is
evidence showing that highly arousing and negatively valenced
emotions lead to attention narrowing and that a central/
It is well-noted that presence of an emotional element may
result in a central/peripheral tradeoff effect in memory: memory
for central, emotional aspects of an event is enhanced, and
memory for peripheral, nonemotional aspects of an event is
impaired (e.g., Christianson, 1992; Adolphs, Tranel, & Bu-
This article was published Online First April 25, 2011.
Lily Riggs and Adam K. Anderson, Rotman Research Institute, Toronto,
Ontario, Canada, and Department of Psychology, University of Toronto,
Toronto, Ontario, Canada; Douglas A. McQuiggan, Rotman Research
Institute, Toronto, Ontario, Canada; Norman Farb, Department of Psychology, University of Toronto, Toronto, Ontario, Canada; and Jennifer D.
Ryan, Rotman Research Institute, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, and Departments of Psychology and Psychiatry, University of Toronto, Toronto,
Ontario, Canada.
Norman Farb is now at the Rotman Research Institute, Toronto, Ontario,
We thank Ella Pan for her assistance. This work was supported by
funding to JDR from Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council
of Canada (NSERC), Canada Research Chairs Program, and Canadian
Foundation for Innovation (CRC/CFI), to AKA from NSERC, and a
postgraduate scholarship to LR from NSERC.
Correspondence concerning this article should be addressed to Lily
Riggs, Rotman Research Institute, Baycrest, 3560 Bathurst Street, Toronto,
ON M6A2E1, Canada. E-mail: lriggs@rotman-baycrest.on.ca
peripheral tradeoff effect occurs in memory, the co-occurrence
of both effects does not necessarily imply that the former
mediates the latter.
Only two studies have examined the relationship between
emotion-modulated attention and the central/peripheral tradeoff
effect in memory within the same experiment (Wessel, van der
Kooy, & Merckelbach, 2000; Christianson, Loftus, Hoffmann,
& Loftus, 1991). In both studies, researchers used eye movement behavior as a measure of overt attention during encoding
and found evidence in support of attention narrowing, specifically, participants spent longer looking at the central details of
the critical slide if it was negatively arousing than if it was
neutral and less time looking at the peripheral details of the
slide when it appeared in a negative context than when it
appeared in a neutral context. In a subsequent test phase, both
studies reported higher recall and recognition accuracy for
central negative versus neutral details, but contrary to the
notion that more attention results in better memory, Christianson and colleagues (1991) found that those who directed more
viewing to the central aspects of the scene did not have higher
recognition memory scores than those who directed less viewing. Wessel and colleagues (2000) did not directly examine the
relationship between eye movement measures recorded during
the encoding phase and recall memory at the test phase. Because neither study found a difference in memory for peripheral
details, it is not known whether attention narrowing results in a
central/peripheral tradeoff in memory per se. As such, it is
possible that the relationship between attention narrowing and
the central/peripheral tradeoff in memory is not a unitary phenomenon, that is, differences in attention may mediate differences in memory for peripheral details but not central details or
vice versa.
To address the extent to which the central/peripheral tradeoff effect
in memory is caused by attention narrowing, we performed a mediation analysis (Baron & Kenny, 1986; MacKinnon, Fairchild, &
Fritz, 2007) to examine the relationship between overt attention, as measured by eye movement monitoring (EMM), and
subsequent memory performance in a paradigm that elicited
both emotion-enhanced memory for central negative pictures
and emotion-impaired memory for peripheral items. A mediation analysis allowed us to examine the observed relationship
between an independent (emotion) and dependent (measure of
memory) variable via the inclusion of a third or mediator
variable (measure of attention). The use of EMM can reveal
differences in overt attention allocation and scanning patterns
during encoding which reveals not only what was attended, but
also how extensively it was attended.
In the present experiment, participants’ eye movements were
monitored while they studied a central picture that was either
neutral or negatively arousing, surrounded by three neutral
everyday objects in the periphery. It is important to note that the
central picture and the peripheral objects did not overlap in
space or meaning (see Reisberg & Heuer, 2004). After a brief
delay, memory for central pictures and peripheral objects was
assessed separately in the test phase in which previously viewed
and novel central pictures and previously viewed, manipulated
and novel peripheral objects were presented. To the extent that
the emotion-modulated central/peripheral tradeoff effect in
memory is related to differences in overt attention allocation,
measures of attention should mediate the relationship between
emotion and memory. On the other hand, if differences in
attention do not mediate the relationship between emotion and
memory, then this would suggest that emotion affects memory
via mechanisms other than attention. This may include direct
modulation as well as indirect modulation via mechanisms such
as differences in postencoding influences on memory formation.
Twenty-four undergraduate students (mean age ⫽ 19.17 years,
3 males; 1 left-handed) from the University of Toronto participated
for course credit. All participants had normal neurological histories
and had normal or corrected-to-normal vision.
Stimuli and Design
The materials used to create the experimental displays consisted
of 48 pictures taken from the International Affective Picture System (IAPS), of which 24 had a negative valence and 24 were of
neutral valence (Lang, Bradley, & Cuthbert, 1999) and 192 neutral
objects (Hemera Photo Objects). Each display consisted of one
picture in the center and three objects randomly placed in the
periphery. The everyday objects were judged by the authors (LR
and DM) and two independent raters to be neutral and nonarousing. All pictures chosen from the IAPS set included people. The
negative pictures had a more negative valence (t ⫽ ⫺17.03, p ⬍
.001) and were more arousing (t ⫽ 14.02, p ⬍ .0001) than the
neutral pictures. The complexity of the pictures was assessed in
terms of the number of bytes of the image files in JPEG format,
that is, more complex images should have a larger file size (Boudo,
Sarlo, & Palomba, 2002; Nummenmaa, Hyönä, & Calvo, 2006).
We found that there were no differences between the negative and
neutral set of pictures used, t(46) ⫽ .63, p ⬎ .1. Each display was
divided equally into a 3 ⫻ 3 grid (not presented to the participants), and the central picture was always placed in the center cell
with the three objects randomly placed in the periphery. The three
objects in the periphery did not overlap in physical space or
semantic meaning with the central element but were always distinct and not relevant to the meaning of the central scene (Burke,
Heuer, & Reisberg, 1992; Reisberg & Heuer, 2004). A manipulated version was constructed for each display in which one of the
three peripheral objects was replaced with a novel object. In the
test blocks, the central pictures and peripheral objects were presented separately. Central pictures were either previously presented (repeated) or entirely new (novel). Peripheral objects contained the same three objects presented during the study phase
(repeated), two previously studied objects, and one novel object
(manipulated) or three novel objects that were not presented during
the study phase (novel). Peripheral objects in the repeated and
manipulated displays were presented in the same spatial location
as seen during the study phase. For all displays of peripheral
objects in test block, a black box was placed in the location
previously occupied by the central picture so that judgments of
repetition/manipulation/novelty could only be based on the peripheral objects rather than the central picture. Counterbalancing of the
display occurred such that each version of the display appeared
equally often in each experimental condition (repeated/novel for
central pictures; repeated/manipulated/novel for peripheral objects) and paired with each emotion (negative, neutral) across
Eye movements were measured throughout the study and test
phases with a SR Research Ltd. Eyelink 1000 eye-tracking
desktop monocular system and sampled at a rate of 1000 Hz
with a spatial resolution 0.1°. A chin rest was used to limit head
movements. A 9-point calibration was performed at the start of
the experiment followed by a 9-point calibration accuracy test.
Calibration was repeated if the error at any point was more than
1°. Participants studied 32 randomly presented displays (16
negative, 16 neutral) once in each of two study blocks.1 The
displays were 1024 ⫻ 768 pixels in size and subtended approximately 33.4 degrees of visual angle when seated 25⬙ from the
monitor. Consistent with previous procedures in which a central/peripheral tradeoff was observed (e.g., Kensinger et al.,
2005; Kensinger et al., 2007), each display was presented for
2 s followed by a 3-s interstimulus interval. Participants were
instructed to freely view the scene, and they were not told that
there would be a subsequent memory test. After a 10-min delay
(approximately) in which participants completed a background
information form, participants’ memory for the peripheral objects and central pictures was assessed separately across four
test blocks. The first two test blocks involved passively viewing
16 previously studied, 16 manipulated and 16 novel peripheral
object displays, and 32 previously studied and 16 novel pictures. Eye movement data from this test phase is not presented
in the present paper but is discussed elsewhere (Riggs, McQuiggan,
Anderson, & Ryan, 2010). In the final two test blocks, the same
materials were presented again following procedures as in our
previous work (e.g., Ryan, Althoff, Whitlow, & Cohen, 2000).
Participants were informed that they would be seeing the last two
blocks of pictures again but now they had to indicate whether a set
of peripheral objects was exactly the same as during the study
sessions (“repeated”), had changed in some way (“manipulated”),
or had not been viewed during the study session (“novel”). In the
last test block, participants had to indicate whether a central picture
was the same (“repeated”) or different (“novel”) from what they
had seen during the study blocks.
(e.g., pupil is missing for three or more samples) activity. Each
fixation is separated by a saccade. Analysis of eye movements was
performed with respect to the experimenter-drawn interest areas
corresponding to the location of central picture and peripheral
objects. During the test phase, evidence of memory was obtained
via verbal reports of recognition. Recognition accuracy was measured as the proportion of correct responses to novel and repeated
central pictures and novel, repeated, and manipulated peripheral
objects. Reported hits for central pictures were corrected for false
alarms. Reported hits to repeated and manipulated peripheral objects are presented uncorrected for false alarm rates, because we
were interested in how processing and memory of peripheral
objects are modulated by emotion, and novel peripheral objects
were never paired with either emotional or neutral pictures.
To address the question of whether the central/peripheral
tradeoff effect is related to the amount of overt attention at study,
we performed a mediation analysis (Baron & Kenny, 1986) using
a bias-corrected bootstrap method (standard Monte-Carlo algorithm) for assessment of indirect effects built into AMOS
(Preacher & Hayes, 2004; MacKinnon, Lockwood, & Williams,
2004). Specifically, viewing as indexed by the number of fixations
during study blocks 1 and 2 was included in the mediation analysis
as a measure of overt attention. Viewing during both study blocks
was included in the analysis because subsequent memory performance cannot be attributed to a single study block only. Emotion
and memory for each trial were entered as binary variables with 1
representing negative pictures and 0 representing neutral pictures
and with 1 representing a correct response and 0 representing an
incorrect response, respectively. The degrees of freedom for the
regression analysis were 24. This allowed us to determine whether
the relationship between emotion and memory was (1) indirectly
mediated by attention either fully or partially or (2) direct and not
mediated by attention. By “direct” we mean that the path between
emotion and memory remained statistically significant even after
controlling for attention. A significant direct effect may be the
result of the influence of emotion on memory via mechanisms
other than overt attention, including direct modulation as well as
other unquantified third variable factors.
To examine the role of attention on subsequent memory, measures derived from EMM were used to quantify the amount of
overt attention allocated to the central and the peripheral objects in
each display. Previous research shows that during the encoding
phase, it is the number of eye fixations, rather than duration of
viewing, that predicts subsequent memory performance (e.g., Loftus, 1972). In the present experiment, the number of fixations was
used to characterize eye movement behavior and provide an index
of the amount of viewing/overt attention directed within a particular region during the study phase. A fixation was defined as the
absence of any saccade (e.g., the velocity of two successive eye
movement samples exceeds 22°/s over a distance of 0.1°) or blink
In designing the present experiment, we had two aims: to explore the
relationship between emotion-modulated attention and memory (current
paper) and to examine whether a tradeoff in memory performance can be
observed and the retrieval process outlined using eye movement monitoring (Riggs et al., 2010). Previous eye movement studies of memory have
reported significant differences in viewing novel versus repeated stimuli
only after multiple exposures (e.g., Althoff et al., 1998; Ryan et al., 2007).
Therefore, since we planned to measure memory using both eye movement
monitoring and verbal reports, we presented all of the stimuli twice across
two study blocks and assessed memory first indirectly by eye movement
monitoring and then directly via verbal reports. Indirect assessment of
memory via eye movement monitoring always occurred before the direct
measure of memory via verbal reports because previous eye movement
studies of memory have reported memory effects in eye movement behavior during free viewing of the stimuli when participants were not explicitly
instructed to perform a memory task (e.g., Ryan et al., 2000).
Study Blocks
The extent to which participants directed more viewing to the
central picture (and, as a consequence, less viewing to the peripheral objects) when it was negative versus when it was neutral was
considered to provide evidence for emotion-modulated attention
Analyses of variance (ANOVA) were conducted on the number
of fixations2 directed to particular regions of interest using emotion (negative, neutral), region type (central, peripheral), and block
(block 1, block 2) as within-subject factors. All possible interactions were evaluated. Differences in viewing were evident in
significant main effects for region type such that participants
directed more fixations to the central pictures versus peripheral
objects, F(1, 23) ⫽ 29.28, p ⬍ .0001, d ⫽ .56. The main effect of
emotion was also significant; participants sampled the entire display with more fixations when the central picture was negative
compared with when it was neutral, F(1, 23) ⫽ 6.64, p ⬍ .05, d ⫽
.22. A significant main effect of block was also observed F(1,
23) ⫽ 10.10, p ⬍ .01, d ⫽ .31); there was in a decrease in the
number of fixations across study blocks. A significant three-way
interaction was found between emotion, region type, and block
(F(1, 23) ⫽ 31.99, p ⬍ .0001, d ⫽ .58) (Figure 1), and follow-up
t tests were used to explore this interaction.
Consistent with the attention-narrowing hypothesis, in the first
study block, participants directed significantly more fixations to
negative relative to neutral central pictures, t(23) ⫽ 5.54, p ⬍
.0001, and significantly fewer fixations to peripheral objects that
were paired with negative than neutral pictures, t(23) ⫽ ⫺7.61,
p ⬍ .0001. During the second study block, there were no signif-
icant differences in the number of fixations directed to negative
versus neutral central pictures, t(23) ⫽ .89, p ⬎ .1. This change of
viewing across study blocks was the result of decreased fixations
to negative central pictures, t(23) ⫽ 4.03, p ⬍ .01. There were no
significant changes in the number of fixations to neutral central
pictures across study blocks, t(23) ⫽ .32, p ⬎ .1. For peripheral
objects, participants continued to direct more fixations to peripheral objects that were paired with neutral versus negative central
pictures, t(23) ⫽ ⫺2.28, p ⬍ .05.
In summary, the presence of an emotional central stimulus led to
an initial tradeoff in attention, such that more overt attention was
allocated to a negative versus a neutral central picture and less
attention was allocated to peripheral objects when they were paired
with negative versus a neutral central picture. Further, although
this attention-narrowing effect was significantly attenuated in the
second study block, there was still evidence of emotion-modulated
tradeoff in attention allocation for peripheral objects. Below, we
examine whether emotion also led to a tradeoff in memory as
measured by verbal report.
Test Blocks
Verbal recognition reports. Consistent with the notion that
emotion enhances memory for central details, participants were
more accurate (hits minus false alarms) in identifying repeated
central pictures when they were negative compared to when
they were neutral, t(23) ⫽ 2.86, p ⬍ .01. Accuracy for repeated
peripheral objects did not differ by emotionality, but participants were less accurate in identifying manipulated peripheral
objects if they were previously paired with a negative central
picture versus a neutral central picture, t(23) ⫽ ⫺2.19, p ⬍ .05.
All relevant means and standard errors are presented in Table 1.
Mediation Analysis
Study: Viewing to Central and Peripheral Elements
Number of Fixations
Block 1
Block 2
Study Block
Central - Negative
Central - Neutral
Peripheral - Negative
Peripheral - Neutral
Figure 1. Participants initially directed more fixations to central scenes
when they were negative compared to when they were neutral and fewer
fixations to peripheral objects when they were paired with negative versus
neutral central pictures. In the second study block, viewing to negative
central pictures decreased, which likely resulted in a corresponding increase in viewing the associated peripheral objects.
In the current study, emotion-modulated tradeoffs in overt attention to central and peripheral elements as measured by EMM
and tradeoffs in recognition memory for central pictures and
manipulated peripheral objects were observed. However, it is not
known whether the tradeoffs in memory performance were a result
of the tradeoffs in the allocation of attention. The number of
fixations to central and peripheral elements was used as an index
of overt attention in the mediation analysis. This allowed us to
examine whether the amount of fixations to central pictures was
predictive of subsequent memory for central pictures and whether
the amount of fixations to peripheral objects was predictive of
subsequent memory for peripheral objects.
In examining the total relationship between emotion and accuracy, a regression analysis revealed that negative emotion contributed significantly to higher accuracy for central pictures ( ⫽ .24,
p ⬍ .01) and lower accuracy for manipulated peripheral objects
( ⫽ ⫺.09, p ⬍ .05). Consistent with the behavioral results,
emotion did not contribute significantly to accuracy for repeated
The same pattern of results was obtained when we examined eye
movement measures of duration of viewing and proportion of fixations,
that is, the number of fixations directed to a particular region of interest
relative to the total number of fixations directed to the entire visual
Table 1
Mean Responses and Standard Errors for Peripheral Objects and Central Pictures
Peripheral objects
Response type
.43 (.05)
.26 (.03)
.31 (.04)
.17 (.03)
.28 (.03)
.55 (.04)
.15 (.03)
.22 (.03)
.63 (.04)
.23 (.04)
.20 (.03)
.57 (.05)
.19 (.04)
.19 (.03)
.62 (.05)
Central pictures
.64 (.07)
.36 (.07)
.26 (.04)
.74 (.04)
.56 (.03)
.54 (.08)
.46 (.08)
.08 (.02)
.92 (.02)
.69 (.04)
Accuracy for central pictures was calculated as hits minus false alarms.
peripheral objects ( ⫽ .004, p ⬎ .1); therefore, we did not
examine this relationship further. In examining the relationship
between emotion and attention, it was found that emotion was
associated with enhanced sampling, that is, more fixations of
central pictures ( ⫽ .14, p ⬍ .05) and decreased sampling of
manipulated peripheral objects ( ⫽ ⫺.09, p ⬍ .05).
Having established a significant relationship between emotion
and memory performance, it was critical to ascertain whether this
relationship was fully, partially, or not at all mediated by attention.
To do this, we conducted mediation analyses separately for central
pictures and manipulated peripheral objects. For central pictures,
the indirect path between emotion and memory, with attention as
a mediator, was significant (path a ⴱ path b:  ⫽ .02, p ⬍ .05)
(Figure 2), suggesting that attention may mediate the relationship
between emotion and memory. However, it was also found that
even when attention was fixed, the direct path (path c) between
emotion and accuracy remained significant ( ⫽ .23, p ⬍ .05). In
other words, attention only partially mediated emotion-enhanced
recognition memory for central pictures. For manipulated peripheral objects, the indirect path was not statistically significant ( ⫽
⫺.0004, p ⬎ .1), and the direct path between emotion and accuracy for manipulated peripheral objects remained significant even
when the variable of attention was fixed ( ⫽ ⫺.09, p ⬍ .05).3
Thus, the results suggest that although emotion led to decreased
viewing of peripheral objects, these changes did not play a significant role in reducing one’s ability to identify changes in the
In summary, emotion led to tradeoffs in attention. Participants
directed more overt attention to negative versus neutral central
pictures and less attention to peripheral objects paired with negative versus neutral central pictures. Emotion also led to a central/
peripheral tradeoff effect in memory. Recognition was more accurate for negative versus neutral central pictures and less accurate
for manipulated peripheral objects previously paired with negative
versus neutral central pictures. However, the mediation analysis
revealed that differences in emotion-modulated memory, especially memories of the details in the periphery, cannot fully be
explained by differences in attention allocation during the encoding phase. Rather, the current analysis suggests that factors other
than overt attention may mediate the relationship between emotion
and the central/peripheral tradeoff effect.
The presence of emotional stimuli has typically resulted in a
central/peripheral tradeoff effect in memory. It has been suggested
that these memory differences are the result of attention narrowing
during encoding (e.g., Kensinger et al., 2005, 2007; Wessel &
Merckelbach, 1997). However, the relationship between attention
narrowing and the central/peripheral tradeoff effect in memory has
not been directly examined in a study where emotion was found to
modulate memory for both central and peripheral items. In the
current study, it was found that consistent with previous research,
emotion enhanced attention toward, and memory for, centrally
placed pictures. Specifically, participants directed more attention
to, and were more accurate in identifying, repeated negative versus
neutral central pictures. Emotion also led to decreased attention to
objects in the periphery and less accurate memory for identifying
manipulations in the periphery that were both spatially and conceptually distinct from the central picture. The present work addressed whether attention narrowing was related to the central/
peripheral tradeoff in memory through mediation analysis. The
results here revealed that differences in overt attention during the
study phase cannot fully account for subsequent memory performance. Specifically, although attention mediated some of emotion’s effects on memory, it did not mediate the entire relationship.
A potential concern with using the raw number of fixations as an overt
measure of attention is that there may be significant between-subjects
variance in the total of fixations directed. One way to control for these
individual differences is to use the measure of proportion of fixations.
When we performed the mediation analysis using the proportion of fixations as the measure of overt attention, the same pattern emerged as was
found using number of fixations.
A: Central Pictures
B: Manipulated Peripheral Objects
Attention (EMM)
Path A: β=.14, p<.05
Attention (EMM)
Path B: β =.11, p<.05
Path C: β =.23, p<.05
Path A: β =-.09, p<.05
Path B: β=.004, p>.1
Path C: β =-.09, p<.05
Figure 2. A mediation model with emotion, attention (number of fixations), and memory. The left hand panel
(A) shows the relationship between the three variables for central pictures, and the right panel (B) shows the
relationship for manipulated peripheral objects. Solid lines represent significant relationships, whereas dashed
lines represent nonsignificant relationships. Attention was a significant mediating factor between emotion and
memory for central pictures only. Emotion and/or other unquantified variables modulated memory for both
central pictures and manipulated peripheral objects.
This suggests that cognitive mechanisms other than attention are
involved in modulating the relationship between emotion and the
central/peripheral tradeoff effect in memory. In the next sections,
we discuss our results in light of previous findings regarding the
central peripheral tradeoff in attention and memory and how the
current work may inform theories regarding the influence of emotion on attention and memory.
Attention Narrowing
The preferential allocation of attention toward emotional stimuli
is typically regarded as an adaptive function allowing one to
prioritize the detection and processing of potentially threatening
and/or important information (Whalen et al., 1998). Consistent
with this notion, here, participants directed more viewing to the
central picture and less viewing to the surrounding peripheral
objects when the central picture was negative compared to when it
was neutral. This attention-narrowing effect occurred despite the
fact that participants were instructed to freely view the presented
displays. This supports the hypothesis that emotional pictures
engage more attention (e.g., Calvo & Lang, 2005; Nummenmaa et
al., 2006) and leads to attention narrowing (Easterbrook, 1959), in
particular for negatively valenced events (Schmitz, De Rosa, &
Anderson, 2009). These findings are also consistent with previous
studies showing that when emotional and neutral stimuli are presented simultaneously, attention is biased toward the emotional
stimuli (e.g., Nummenmaa et al., 2006; Calvo & Lang, 2004;
Wessel et al., 2000; Christianson et al., 1991). In the present study,
this attention-narrowing effect was present during the first study
block but was mitigated in the second study block. This suggests
that whereas negatively arousing pictures may attract increased
amounts of overt attention initially, this response may habituate
upon subsequent presentations, leaving participants more time and
resources for the processing of peripheral objects (Nummenmaa et
al., 2006; Harris & Pashler, 2004). Further, it has also been shown
that participants direct less viewing to repeated versus novel stimuli (e.g., Althoff, Cohen, McConkie, Wasserman, Maciukenas,
Azen, & Romine, 1998; Althoff & Cohen, 1999; Ryan et al., 2000;
Ryan, Hannula, & Cohen, 2007). Thus, the decrease in viewing to
negative, but not neutral, central scenes across the study blocks
may reflect the influence of more detailed and/or stable memory
representations on viewing behavior. In other words, the results
may suggest more efficient memory encoding of negative pictures
during initial presentation. All together, a significant emotionmodulated attention-narrowing effect was observed that dissipated
after the first presentation of the displays, suggesting rapid formation of stable memory representations and thus rapid habituation of
emotional capture of overt attention.
Central/Peripheral Tradeoff in Memory and Attention
Consistent with the eye movement data from the study phase,
recognition accuracy from the test phase showed that memory for
central negative pictures was more accurate than memory for
central neutral pictures, and memory for manipulated peripheral
objects was less accurate for those that were previously paired with
negative versus neutral pictures (e.g., Kensinger et al., 2005;
Brown, 2003; Wessel & Merckelbach, 1997; Pickel, French, &
Betts, 2003). However, compared to previous studies (e.g., Kensinger et al., 2005, 2007), we observed that accuracy for recognizing novel central pictures was relatively lower than expected. This
is likely a result of the fact that when participants had to make an
explicit judgment regarding whether the central pictures were
novel or previously presented, all of the test stimuli had already
been presented during the eye movement test phase. Therefore,
participants had to make relative novelty judgments. Further, contrary to previous studies (e.g., Kensinger et al., 2005, 2007), no
emotion-modulated effects were observed for recognition of repeated peripheral objects. One important methodological difference is that whereas previous studies have presented the stimuli
once during the encoding phase (e.g., Kensinger et al., 2007;
Christianson, 1992; Loftus, Loftus, & Messo, 1987), we presented
the stimuli twice over two study blocks. Thus, it is possible that by
repeating the stimuli, the central/peripheral tradeoff effect in memory was not as robust as it would have been had the stimuli only
been presented once. Therefore, an emotion-modulated effect in
the repeated peripheral objects did not manifest. There is some
indication in the literature that the central/peripheral tradeoff effect
in memory is sensitive to methodological parameters such as the
duration of exposure to the stimuli, specificity of the information
interrogated during the test phase, and the length of time between
encoding and retrieval (e.g., Burke, Heuer, & Reisberg, 1992;
Steblay, 1992; Christianson, 1992). However, despite having presented the stimuli twice during the study blocks, we still observed
an influence of emotion on the memory for the manipulated
peripheral objects. The correct identification of manipulated peripheral objects may require a more detailed memory representation than the correct identification of repeated objects. This increase in difficulty was reflected in the lower accuracy of the
verbal report data. Thus, the current results suggest that emotion
may predominantly impact memory for the specific details in the
periphery (Adolphs, Denberg, & Tranel, 2001; Adolphs et al.,
2005; Denburg, Buchanan, Tranel, & Adolphs, 2003).
Contrary to the attention-narrowing hypothesis (e.g., Easterbrook, 1959; Kensinger et al., 2005, 2007; Wessel & Merckelbach,
1997), the amount of overt attention (i.e., eye movements) directed
to central pictures versus peripheral objects did not fully account
for the subsequent central/peripheral tradeoff seen in memory.
Specifically, through mediation analysis, it was found that even
when differences in overt attention to central pictures were fixed,
the relationship between emotion and recognition memory remained significant. Further, even though the presence of negative
central pictures led to decreased attention directed to peripheral
objects, this change in attention allocation was not significantly
related to the memory impairment observed. One possibility is that
because very little attention was directed toward the peripheral
objects during the encoding phase, emotion-modulated differences
in attention were not large enough to affect subsequent memory
performance. Another possibility is that because participants
viewed all stimuli twice across two study blocks, this may have
attenuated the effects of emotion-modulated attention on subsequent memory. However, despite viewing the stimuli twice, participants continued to direct fewer fixations to objects paired with
negative central pictures than those paired with neutral pictures.
Taken together, the current results suggest that the presence of
emotion enhanced memory for central emotional information via
overt attention and additional mechanisms. Further, it was also
found that emotion impaired memory for neutral information in the
periphery via mechanisms other than overt attention. Given that
the attention-narrowing account does not fully explain the central/
peripheral tradeoff observed, below, we consider some alternate
Mechanisms Underlying Emotion-Enhanced Memory
One factor that has often been invoked to explain emotionmodulated memory is the factor of distinctiveness. It has been
shown that when an item is relatively distinct from its surroundings (e.g., unique features, location, color, etc.), memory for that
item is enhanced, likely at the expense of memory for other items
(Schmidt, 1991; Talmi, Schimmack, Paterson, & Moscovitch,
2007). However, previous studies that controlled for distinctiveness still found a significant effect of emotion above and beyond
distinctiveness (Anderson, 2005; Anderson, Wais, & Gabrieli,
2006). In other studies, it has been shown that memory for central
and peripheral details of unusual pictures did not differ and resembled that of neutral pictures (Christianson et al., 1991; Wessel
et al., 2000). Here, distinctiveness is unlikely to account for the
emotion-modulated differences in recognition of peripheral objects
because those were counterbalanced across emotional conditions.
However, because the central pictures were not counterbalanced
across emotional conditions, it is possible that differences in the
distinctiveness of negative versus neutral pictures contributed to
not only memory for central pictures but also the peripheral objects
with which they were presented.
In addition to distinctiveness, another mechanism that may
underlie the emotion-modulated central/peripheral tradeoff effect
is the amount of covert attention allocated, which can be decoupled
from overt attention as measured by EMM (e.g., Posner, 1980;
Rowe, Hirsch, & Anderson, 2007). However, although eye fixations and attention can be dissociated under explicit instructions,
they are closely related in real world situations, because a covert
shift of visual attention is reliably and quickly followed by an overt
gaze shift to the attended spatial location (Reichle, Pollatsek,
Fisher, & Rayner, 1998; Findlay & Gilchrist, 2003; Hoffman,
1998). Despite this, it is unknown whether emotion would impact
the correlation between overt and covert attention, and any contributions from the covert allocation of attention cannot be ruled
out as a factor underlying the emotion-modulated central/
peripheral tradeoff in memory.
Another possible mechanism underlying the central/peripheral
tradeoff may be the direct modulation of memory processes
through emotional arousal. Hadley and MacKay (2004; Hadley &
MacKay, 2006) have proposed that emotional arousal may act as
a “glue” that preferentially binds features within an emotional
item, as well as between the emotional item and its experimental
context (e.g., information regarding when and where the experiment occurred), thereby facilitating the subsequent retrieval of the
emotional item. At the same time, this binding of the emotional
item interrupts the encoding of surrounding nonemotional items,
making the nonemotional items more difficult to retrieve later
(Most, Chun, Widders, & Zald, 2005; Miu, Heilman, Opre, &
Miclea, 2005). On this view, the central/peripheral tradeoff effect
occurs because participants preferentially encode elements within
the central negative picture that interfere with the encoding of the
surrounding peripheral objects. Although the theory by Hadley and
MacKay refers specifically to rapidly presented stimuli (⬍200
ms), there is some evidence to suggest that even at longer presentation times, there are qualitative differences between the encoding
of negative versus neutral stimuli (e.g., Kensinger, Garoff-Eaton,
& Schacter, 2006; Takahashi, Itsukushima, & Okabe, 2006). In the
present experiment, central negative pictures may have received
prioritized processing, increased perceptual processing (Anderson
& Phelps, 2001; Lim, Padmala, & Pessoa, 2009), deeper semantic
processing, and/or poststimulus elaboration, leading to the disruption of the processing of the peripheral objects. In other words,
when it comes to memory, it is not necessarily how long one
spends viewing an item, but rather how one processes it (e.g.,
Craik, 2002). Thus, even when participants were attending to the
peripheral objects, they may have still been elaborating and/or
rehearsing information associated with the negative central picture.
This may also explain why overt attention during the study phase
was not a significant mediating factor for memory of manipulated
peripheral objects.
Consistent with the idea that there are qualitative differences in
encoding emotional and neutral information, research shows that
special neural and hormonal processes exist to enhance emotional,
but not neutral, memories. For example, results from human and
nonhuman animal studies (Cahill & McGaugh, 1998) reveal
amygdala activation is significantly correlated with subsequent
memory performance (e.g., Packard & Cahill, 2001; Dolcos &
Cabeza, 2002; Talmi et al., 2008; Kensinger & Corkin, 2003;
Anderson et al., 2006). Critically, the amygdala may mediate
enhanced processing of emotional information that is separate
from any increases in attention (Anderson & Phelps, 2001). In
addition, given the amygdala’s critical role in post encoding modulation of memory consolidation (Cahill & McGaugh, 1998;
McGaugh, 2000; Adolphs, Tranel, & Denburg, 2000), and in
mediating the central-peripheral tradeoff (Adolphs et al., 2001;
2005), it is possible that amygdalar modulatory influences during
consolidation may also play a role. Further, consistent with the
notion that the central/peripheral tradeoff effect in memory cannot
be fully explained by emotion-modulated differences in attention
during encoding, Payne and colleagues (2008) found that after a
12-hr sleep period, the central/peripheral tradeoff effect was even
more pronounced than it was when memory was tested immediately or after a 12-hr wake period, because sleep led to a preservation of central emotional details within a scene and decay of
peripheral details within a negative scene and all aspects of neutral
scenes. In view of this, it is possible that results from the current
study would have been even more robust after a 12-hr sleep period
than they were at immediate testing.
Taken together, the present results suggest that, contrary to
some previous assumptions, the central/peripheral tradeoff effect
in memory is not entirely a result of differences in overt attention
allocation. Rather, this memory effect may be related to altered
covert attention, and/or may be the result of the direct influence of
emotion on memory processes through cognitive mechanisms such
as depth of processing, and/or specialized neuromodulatory mechanisms such as the direct modulation of the amygdala on medial
temporal regions, leading to enhanced processing of emotionally
arousing items at the cost of impaired processing of surrounding
peripheral objects; these accounts remain to be tested in future
research. Attention and memory may be independent processes to
the extent that the amount of overt attention directed to an item
may not predict subsequent memory performance. This may allow
emotion to enhance memory for significant stimuli even when
there is limited time or attentional resources to devote to the
encoding of such stimuli.
Limitations and Future Directions
In addition to examining how emotion may modulate memory
via cognitive and specialized neuromodulatory mechanisms, it
may also be important to examine the relationship between emotion, attention, and memory under more “real-life” circumstances.
The stimuli used in the present experiment delineated between
central and peripheral details both spatially and conceptually.
However, this may be less ecologically valid than previous studies
that have examined central and peripheral details within one cohesive scene. Although it is possible that the central/peripheral
tradeoff effect in attention and memory reported in the current
study was more exaggerated than in previous studies given that the
peripheral details were clearly irrelevant for the understanding of
the central details, this is unlikely because we did not find evidence
of emotion-impaired memory for repeated peripheral objects as
reported in previous work (e.g., Kensinger et al., 2005, 2007).
Thus, although the findings here suggest that differences in overt
attention during the encoding phase do not fully explain emotionimpaired memory for specific details in the periphery that are
spatially distinct and conceptually unrelated to the central details,
future studies could explore whether this is also true for central and
peripheral details within a cohesive and more ecologically valid
In the present study, IAPS pictures were used to elicit negative
emotion. However, rather than depicting the range of negative
emotions (e.g., anger, fear, disgust), the negative pictures from
IAPS are mostly associated with fear and disgust. Studies show
that not only may different negative emotions result in different
degrees of memory impairment for peripheral details (Talarico et
al., 2009), but there are different viewing patterns and perhaps
different cognitive processes engaged when viewing faces depicting anger, fear, and disgust (e.g., Susskind, Lee, Cusi, Feiman,
Grabski, & Anderson, 2008; Aviezer et al., 2008; Lerner, Gonzales, Small, & Fischhoff, 2003). In a similar vein, there may be
differences in viewing patterns to stimuli that elicit different emotions (e.g., fear, disgust, anger) in the viewer. For example, although disgust is associated with sensory rejection, fear is associated with enhanced sensory acquisition (Susskind et al., 2008).
Thus, fear may result in a stronger central/peripheral tradeoff
effect in attention and/or memory than disgust. Thus, it would be
important for future studies to explore how these discrete negative
emotions may differentially affect attention, memory, and the
relationship between attention and memory.
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Received March 26, 2010
Revision received September 8, 2010
Accepted September 10, 2010 䡲