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10 pages
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Near-the-surface instability is examined for a finitely and homogeneously deformed hyperelastic semi-infinite body subject to the Bell constraint, by using surface (Rayleigh) waves. These inhomogeneous plane waves propagate in the direction of a principal axis of the finite homogeneous static deformation, and decay exponentially away from the free flat surface of the half-space, in the direction of another principal axis. The exact secular equation, giving the speed of propagation v, is found. Then by letting v tend to zero, the 'bifurcation criterion' or 'stability equation' is established; this equation delimits a surface in the stretch ratios space which separates a region where the deformed half-space is always stable with respect to perturbations from a region where the half-space might be unstable. Finally two specific examples of materials are treated: 'Bell's empirical model' and 'Bell simple hyperelastic material', and it is seen that in each case, the stability equation is universal to the whole subclass considered. CanCNSM 2002, Vancouver M. Destrade
An isotropic elastic half-space is prestrained so that two of the principal axes of strain lie in the bounding plane, which itself remains free of traction. The material is subject to an isotropic constraint of arbitrary nature. A surface wave is propagated sinusoidally along the bounding surface in the direction of a principal axis of strain and decays away from the surface. The exact secular equation is derived by a direct method for such a principal surface wave; it is cubic in a quantity whose square is linearly related to the squared wave speed. For the prestrained material, replacing the squared wave speed by zero gives an explicit bifurcation, or stability, criterion. Conditions on the existence and uniqueness of surface waves are given. The bifurcation criterion is derived for specific strain energies in the case of four isotropic constraints: those of incompressibility, Bell, constant area, and Ericksen. In each case investigated, the bifurcation criterion is found to be of a universal nature in that it depends only on the principal stretches, not on the material constants. Some results related to the surface stability of arterial wall mechanics are also presented.
Small amplitude inhomogeneous plane waves are studied as they propagate on the free surface of a predeformed semi-infinite body made of Bell constrained material. The predeformation corresponds to a finite static pure homogeneous strain. The surface wave propagates in a principal direction of strain and is attenuated in another principal direction, orthogonal to the free surface. For these waves, the secular equation giving the speed of propagation is established by the method of first integrals. This equation is not the same as the secular equation for incompressible half-spaces, even though the Bell constraint and the incompressibility constraint coincide in the isotropic infinitesimal limit.
The Quarterly Journal of Mechanics and Applied Mathematics, 2003
The stability of a Bell-constrained half-space in compression is studied. To this end, the propagation of Rayleigh waves on the surface of the material when it is maintained in a static state of triaxial prestrain is considered. The prestrain is such that the free surface of the halfspace is a principal plane of deformation. The exact secular equation is established for surface waves traveling in a principal direction of strain with attenuation along the principal direction normal to the free plane. As the half-space is put under increasing compressive loads, the speed of the wave eventually tends to zero and the bifurcation criterion, or stability equation, is reached. Then the analysis is specialized to specific forms of strain energy functions and prestrain, and comparisons are made with results previously obtained in the case of incompressible neo-Hookean or Mooney-Rivlin materials. It is found that these rubber-like incompressible materials may be compressed more than "Bell empirical model" materials, but not as much as "Bell simple hyperelastic" materials, before the critical stretches, solutions to the bifurcation criterion, are reached. In passing, some classes of incompressible materials which possess a relative-universal bifurcation criterion are presented.
Studies in Applied Mathematics, 2010
ABSTRACT This paper is concerned with nonlinear analysis for the propagation of Rayleigh surface waves on a homogeneous, elastic half-space of general anisotropy. We show how to derive an asymptotic equation for the displacement by applying the second-order elasticity theory. The evolution equation obtained is a nonlocal generalization of Burgers' equation, for which an explicit stability condition is exhibited. Finally, we investigate examples of interest, namely, isotropic materials, Ogden's materials, compressible Mooney–Rivlin materials, compressible neo-Hookean materials, Simpson–Spector materials, St Venant–Kirchhoff materials, and Hadamard–Green materials.
Journal of The Mechanics and Physics of Solids, 2008
If a body with a stiffer surface layer is loaded in compression, a surface wrinkling instability may be developed. A bifurcation analysis is presented for determining the critical load for the onset of wrinkling and the associated wavelength for materials in which the elastic modulus is an arbitrary function of depth. The analysis leads to an eigenvalue problem involving a pair of linear ordinary differential equations with variable coefficients which are discretized and solved using the finite element method. The method is validated by comparison with classical results for a uniform layer on a dissimilar substrate. Results are then given for materials with exponential and error-function gradation of elastic modulus and for a homogeneous body with thermoelastically-induced compressive stresses.
Mathematics and Mechanics of Solids, 2005
Two semi-infinite bodies made of prestressed, homogeneous, Bellconstrained, hyperelastic materials are perfectly bonded along a plane interface. The half-spaces have been subjected to finite pure homogeneous predeformations, with distinct stretch ratios but common principal axes, and such that the interface is a common principal plane of strain. Constant loads are applied at infinity to maintain the deformations and the influence of these loads on the propagation of smallamplitude interface (Stoneley) waves is examined. In particular, the secular equation is found and necessary and sufficient conditions to be satisfied by the stretch ratios to ensure the existence of such waves are given. As the loads vary, the Stoneley wave speed varies accordingly: the upper bound is the 'limiting speed' (given explicitly), beyond which the wave amplitude cannot decay away from the interface; the lower bound is zero, where the interface might become unstable. The treatment parallels the one followed for the incompressible case and the differences due to the Bell constraint are highlighted. Finally, the analysis is specialized to specific strain energy densities and to the case where the bimaterial is uniformly deformed (that is when the stretch ratios for the upper half-space are equal to those for the lower half-space.) Numerical results are given for 'simple hyperelastic Bell' materials and for 'Bell's empirical model' materials, and compared to the results for neo-Hookean incompressible materials.
International Journal of Engineering Science, 2006
The so-called Bell constraint has been used for several years in plasticity theory and has additionally been the subject to several investigations within an elastic context. In this paper the effects of the Bell constraint on the propagation of harmonic waves in a finitely deformed elastic plate are considered. Strong ellipticity conditions are first derived for the unbounded case, and are shown to be dependent on the scalar multiplier associated with the Bell constraint. The dispersion relation, associated with harmonic wave propagation in a plate composed of such a material with zero incremental surface traction, is derived in respect of an arbitrary strain energy function. Asymptotic expansions are then obtained for high and low wave number. These expansions, which give phase speed as a function of wave number, harmonic number and pre-stress, are shown to give excellent agreement with numerical solutions.
Archive of Applied Mechanics, 2013
Several constitutive inequalities have been proposed in the literature to quantify the notion that 'stress increases with strain' in an elastic material. Due to some inherent shortcomings in them, which we discuss, we propose a new tensorial criterion for isotropic materials. We also present necessary conditions in terms of elasticity tensors for the onset of elastic instabilities.
International Journal of Engineering Science, 2005
The Stroh formalism is applied to the analysis of infinitesimal surface wave propagation in a statically, finitely and homogeneously deformed isotropic half-space. The free surface is assumed to coincide with one of the principal planes of the primary strain, but a propagating surface wave is not restricted to a principal direction. A variant of Taziev's technique [Sov. Phys. Acoust. 35 (1989) 535] is used to obtain an explicit expression of the secular equation for the surface wave speed, which possesses no restrictions on the form of the strain energy function. Albeit powerful, this method does not produce a unique solution and additional checks are necessary. However, a class of materials is presented for which an exact secular equation for the surface wave speed can be formulated. This class includes the wellknown Mooney-Rivlin model. The main results are illustrated with several numerical examples. arXiv:1304.6235v1 [cond-mat.soft] 23 Apr 2013
Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids, 2002
Incompressibility is established for three-dimensional and two-dimensional deformations of an anisotropic linearly elastic material, as conditions to be satisfied by the elastic compliances. These conditions make it straightforward to derive results for incompressible materials from those established for the compressible materials. As an illustration, the explicit secular equation is obtained for surface waves in incompressible monoclinic materials with the symmetry plane at x 3 = 0. This equation also covers the case of incompressible orthotropic materials. The displacements and stresses for surface waves are often expressed in terms of the elastic stiffnesses, which can be unbounded in the incompressible limit. An alternative formalism in terms of the elastic compliances presented recently by Ting is employed so that surface wave solutions in the incompressible limit can be obtained. A different formalism, also by Ting, is employed to study the solutions to two-dimensional elastostatic problems. In the special case of incompressible monoclinic material with the symmetry plane at x 3 = 0, one of the three Barnett-Lothe tensors S vanishes while the other two tensors H and L are the inverse of each other. Moreover, H and L are diagonal with the first two diagonal elements being identical. An interesting physical phenomenon deduced from this property is that there is no interpenetration of the interface crack surface in an incompressible bimaterial. When only the inplane deformation is considered, it is shown that the image force due to a line dislocation in a half-space or in a bimaterial depends only on the magnitude, not on the direction, of the Burgers vector.
IOSR Journals
O governo dos povos, 2009
European Review, 2009
Built Heritage, 2024
Journal of Economics and Business Letters, 2024
فصلنامه دین و ارتباطات / Religion and Communication, 2017
Archives of Dermatological Research, 2008
Human Resources for Health, 2009
Physica E: Low-dimensional Systems and Nanostructures, 2014
Archives of Pediatrics & Adolescent Medicine, 2005
SSRN Electronic Journal, 2015
Arquivo Brasileiro De Medicina Veterinaria E Zootecnia, 2014
Agenda - A Journal of Policy Analysis and Reform, 2010
Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases
Humaniora: Journal of Linguistics, Literature, and Education
Psicologia: Teoria e Pesquisa
Occupational and Environmental Medicine, 2013