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Enhancing Thai students' learning of chemical
Article in Research in Science and Technological Education · April 2009
DOI: 10.1080/02635140802658933 · Source: OAI
3 authors, including:
Sanoe Chairam
Ekasith Somsook
Ubon Ratchathani University
Mahidol University
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Research in Science & Technological Education
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Enhancing Thai students' learning of chemical kinetics
Sanoe Chairama; Ekasith Somsookb; Richard K. Collc
Institute for Innovation and Development of Learning Process, Mahidol University, Bangkok,
Thailand b Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Science, Mahidol University, Bangkok, Thailand c
Centre for Science and Technology Education Research, University of Waikato, Hamilton, New
To cite this Article Chairam, Sanoe , Somsook, Ekasith and Coll, Richard K.(2009) 'Enhancing Thai students' learning of
chemical kinetics', Research in Science & Technological Education, 27: 1, 95 — 115
To link to this Article: DOI: 10.1080/02635140802658933
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Research in Science & Technological Education
Vol. 27, No. 1, April 2009, 95–115
Enhancing Thai students’ learning of chemical kinetics
Sanoe Chairama, Ekasith Somsookb and Richard K. Collc*
for Innovation and Development of Learning Process, Mahidol University,
Rachathewi, Bangkok, Thailand; bDepartment of Chemistry, Faculty of Science, Mahidol
University, Rachathewi, Bangkok, Thailand; cCentre for Science and Technology Education
Research, University of Waikato, Hamilton, New Zealand
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2009 & Technological
(online) Education
Chemical kinetics is an extremely important concept for introductory chemistry
courses. The literature suggests that instruction in chemical kinetics is often
teacher-dominated at both the secondary school and tertiary levels, and this is the
case in Thailand – the educational context for this inquiry. The work reported here
seeks to shift students from passive learning to more active, student-centred
learning and involved some 413 first year undergraduate science students in
Thailand. Drawing on inquiry-based learning, the participants were asked to
design an experiment investigating the reaction of acids and bases. The research
findings suggest that participants were able to explain the changes of the rate of a
chemical reaction, and developed good conceptual understanding of chemical
kinetics both qualitatively and quantitatively. It also showed this more active
teaching approach, which is radically different from normal teaching in Thailand,
was an enjoyable experience for the students.
Keywords: chemical kinetics; inquiry-based practical chemistry; tertiary level
Teaching and learning chemical kinetics
Chemical kinetics is an extremely important concept for introductory chemistry
courses. However, rather surprisingly Justi and Gilbert (1999a) commented that there
is a paucity of research about chemical kinetics teaching and learning at both the
secondary and higher educational levels. Chemical kinetics essentially seeks to
provide insights into questions such as: how fast do chemical reactions go and what
factors influence the rate of a chemical reaction? The science education literature
suggests the teaching and learning of much physical chemistry – including chemical
kinetics – is teacher-dominated in approach at both the secondary school and tertiary
levels (see Choi and Wong 2004; Justi 2003; Parkash and Kumar 1999). In general,
the teaching of chemical kinetics at the secondary school level emphasizes qualitative
aspects. So science teachers typically introduce students to an understanding of the
rate of reaction for different examples, and discuss how to investigate the influence of
variables such as temperature, concentration, and a catalyst on the rate of a reaction.
At this level, the concepts of rate determining step, rate equation and order of reaction
are first introduced. Parkash and Kumar (1999) reported on experiments about
chemical kinetics involving gaseous carbon dioxide formed from the reaction between
ethanoic acid and sodium hydrogen carbonate at different time intervals. Such
*Corresponding author. Email:
ISSN 0263-5143 print/ISSN 1470-1138 online
© 2009 Taylor & Francis
DOI: 10.1080/02635140802658933
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S. Chairam et al.
experiments are used to illustrate to students the dependence of the rate of a reaction
on the concentration of the reactants, and how to determine the order of a reaction with
respect to each reactant, the overall order of a reaction, the rate constant of a reaction,
and the half-life. Recently, Choi and Wong (2004) investigated student understanding
of experiments demonstrating first-order kinetics involving the application of a datalogger (a computer interfaced to one or more sensors). The major advantage of the
use of a datalogger, they argued, is that students can in real time monitor a number of
variables simultaneously (e.g. temperature, electric current, electric potential, pressure, and pH), helping them see how such variables influence the rate of a reaction,
and leading to better understanding of qualitative aspects of kinetics. However, such
experiments are expensive to set up, and so are not always suitable for educational
contexts for which there is limited access to sophisticated electronic instruments.
At the university level, as might be expected, the kinetics concepts taught are more
complex than at the secondary school level. Chemical kinetics is reported to be difficult for university students to comprehend; mostly because at this level it generally
involves more complex mathematics as well as qualitative explanations for both rate
equations and variables that affect the rate of a reaction (Justi 2003). Here, the
researchers propose that knowledge active learning which involves students doing
practical experiments in the laboratory, rather than relying purely on classroom teaching, may help them to understand complex chemistry concepts, including chemical
The importance of practical work in learning chemistry
A review of educational research suggests that the laboratory has been given a central
and distinctive role in science education, and many science educators claim rich learning benefits accrue when using laboratory activities as part of pedagogy. Laboratory
activities can be seen as a means of allowing learners to pursue learning, having a variety of multisensory experiences (see Lazarowitz and Tamir 1994).
Practical work is nowadays an important part of the science curriculum in many
countries, including the USA, and in Europe, particularly the UK, at both the secondary and tertiary levels (Hegarty-Hazel 1990; Wellington 1998; Woolnough 1991).
Science education and the practical teaching of science within universities were
argued for in the mid-nineteenth century. In the 1960s, the teaching in laboratory
classes was much criticized, and eventually practical work began to be taught to
students using scientific problems. This signalled the beginning of practical work in
school science (Wellington 1998; Woolnough 1991).
A number of activities come under the umbrella term ‘practical work’ in science
education. Woolnough (1991) referred to practical work as ‘typical laboratory work’
where students encounter ideas and principles at first hand, i.e. they engage in ‘handson’ science. Similarly, Hegarty-Hazel (1990) defined student laboratory work as a
form of practical work taking place in a purposely assigned environment where
students engage in planned learning experiences, and interact with materials to
observe and understand the phenomena. However, based on these sorts of definitions,
the typical school laboratory is not a laboratory at all, because according to Ogborn
(1977), students may attend practical classes, but instead of actually being engaged in
hands-on work, they may instead watch teacher demonstrations.
In summary, overall, in spite of some reservations, laboratory work is now accepted
by many authors as a key part of science education, and the science laboratory is
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thought to take a central role in the teaching and learning of science (Nakhleh, Polles,
and Malina 2002). This enhancement of learning may be by way of encouragement of
students’ interest, engaging them with experiences of concepts and developing their
practical science abilities (Hofstein and Lunetta 1982, 2004). However, Nakhleh,
Polles, and Malina (2002) suggested that an enabling factor is for teachers and students
to have a clear understanding of the aims and purposes of chemistry practical classes.
Aims and purposes of chemistry practical classes
Although laboratory classes are more popular with students than lectures at both
school and university; probably because students are introduced to new apparatus and
scientific equipment (Hofstein and Lunetta 1982, 2004; Hofstein, Shore, and Kipnis
2004; Wellington 1998; Woolnough 1991), the value of the laboratory classroom as a
learning environment is heavily dependent on the purpose of the classes and the
curriculum materials used (Hegarty-Hazel 1990).
Hart et al. (2000) suggested that there are clear differences between the terms
‘purpose’ and ‘aim’ with respect to laboratory work. In their view, the purpose refers
to the teachers’ pedagogical intentions, i.e. the teachers’ reasons for using a particular laboratory activity when the teachers decide to use it, with a particular class, and
at a particular time. In contrast, the aim refers to the specific science learning
outcomes intended for the activity. For example, the aim might reasonably be something that determines what is done in the activity itself, but the purpose is about how
this activity is intended to result in learning, and how and why the activity links with
the whole science experience. Tamir (1991) said that there are five reasons used to
rationalize using the laboratory in science teaching. First, science involves complex
and abstract subject matters. As a consequence, many students may fail to understand the concepts without the assistance and opportunities for carrying out activities
in the laboratory. Second, student perceptions of actual investigations are an essential component of learning science as inquiry. Practical work allows students opportunities to act like a real scientist, to develop scientific attitudes such as honesty and
critical assessment of results. Third, practical work experiences are essential for the
development of specific student skills and strategies. Fourth, practical work is
important for the identification, diagnosis and remediation of student alternative
conceptions. Finally, practical work helps students enjoy activities and become interested in science.
Chemistry practical classes in higher education
As might be expected, the literature suggests that science learning in the laboratory at
the undergraduate level is more difficult than at secondary school. Practical classes
seldom make much connection between the laboratory work and lecture (Laws 1996),
with practical classes often being treated as a ‘separate component’ of the whole learning experince.
There are three main aims of laboratory classes in higher education. First, that
students can learn the basic practical skills of laboratory work – either from teacher
demonstrations or by engaging in practical experiments (Ogborn 1977). Second, the
practical class is used as a way of demonstrating to students concepts dealt with in the
lectures, and indeed according to some authors this is the most valuable benefit of
practical work (see Millar 1998). Finally, arguably the most important rationale for
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laboratory courses is that students are provided with opportunities to do science as
scientists do (Wellington 1998; Woolnough 1991), helping them to develop into
scientists as a result of their higher educational training.
Some authors suggest that students can learn much more than just practical science
skills in the laboratory, and they come to understand science and how science works
by being engaged in doing science themselves, in hypothesizing, planning, designing,
carrying out and interpreting their own experiments in the laboratory (Wellington
1998; Woolnough 1991). However, Hegarty-Hazel (1990) argued that undergraduate
laboratory classes sometimes provide good learning situations – but that all too often
they do not. She speculated that much difficulty in learning from laboratory work is
due to a lack of ‘coping skills’ on the part of the teacher. She suggested that the many
hours science undergraduates spend in the laboratory could be differentiated into
learning skills and science concepts. In order for students to learn practical skills,
different experimental approaches are needed, practical activities that are authentic in
nature (i.e. like real science), in which students do things in a way more like that of
scientists. A key part of this is for the laboratory to be a place where students can
develop problem-solving skills (Gabel and Bunce 1994).
The nature of chemistry practical classes
The literature suggests that many science practical classes, at the school and higher
educational levels, follow a ‘cookbook’ style, in which students are presented with
aims, hypotheses, and detailed steps for carrying out the experiment. In laboratory
instruction manuals, the cookbook approach is one of using the laboratory simply,
with students following a detailed, pre-set laboratory procedure when conducting
experiments. Students may, or may not, learn something about the way scientists do
things in such circumstances. It is argued that this approach is not only an ineffective
means of developing student understanding of science concepts, but also presents a
misleading way of how scientists develop scientific knowledge (Lazarowitz and
Tamir 1994).
Inquiry-based approaches to chemistry learning
Many authors now believe that for practical work at school or in higher education to
be of real value it needs to involve inquiry-based learning. The literature suggests that
students are able to understand the nature of scientific inquiry well only by engaging
in inquiry themselves (see, for example, Hegarty-Hazel 1990; Klopfer 1990). The
National science education standards (National Research Council [NRC] 1996)
suggest that students can develop their understanding of scientific knowledge when
they learn about the nature of science via inquiry-based practical classes in the laboratory (McComas, Clough, and Almazroa 1998).
The standards produced by the NRC (1996) define inquiry as:
A multifaceted activity that involves making observations, posing questions, examining
books and other sources of information to see what is already known, planning investigations, reviewing what is already known in the light of experimental evidence, using
tools to gather, analyze and interpret data, proposing answers, explanations and predictions, and communicating the results. Inquiry requires the identification of assumptions, use of critical and logical thinking, and consideration of alternative explanations.
(p. 23)
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Students’ knowledge about scientific inquiry and the nature of science does not occur
automatically once they are placed in a laboratory. Students do not develop an understanding simply through experiencing inquiry, so students need to learn from their
experiences in the laboratory (Schwartz, Lederman, and Crawford 2004). Hofstein
and Walberg (1995) argued that in inquiry-based practical classes, students should be
involved in the process of scientific inquiry – seeking an understanding of science
phenomena, and that this process should be integrated with other complementary
activities, such as the development of scientific concepts, related scientific skills and
experiences. Hofstein and Lunetta (2004) likewise suggested that laboratory activities
offer important experiences in science teaching and learning; further commenting that
teachers should provide students with experiences in methods of scientific inquiry and
reasoning, and in the application of scientific knowledge related to everyday life.
Nowadays, many authors in the science education field believe that inquiry lies at the
heart of good science teaching. Inquiry is seen as the way that students can learn about
their environment, since the world is constantly being influenced by scientific and
technological advances (NRC 2000).
Theoretical basis for the inquiry: social constructivism
The purpose of this study was to find ways to shift students from passive learning to
active learning, and to develop more student-centred pedagogies. Probably the most
common current theoretical approach to student-centred learning is based on constructivist views of learning, and a constructivist perspective has some implications for teaching and learning in school science laboratories. The key idea of constructivism that sets
it apart from other theories of cognition is that knowledge cannot be transmitted directly
from one knower to another, but learners have to actively construct their own knowledge
rather than receive preformed information transmitted by others (Driver et al. 1994).
Hence, under constructivism, teaching becomes a matter of creating situations in which
students can actively participate in activities that enable them to make their own individual constructions (Duit and Treagust 1995; Tobin and Tippins 1993). Teaching can
stimulate learners to find explanations for events and give them an insight into the nature
of scientific inquiry and their own investigative work. A further key element of constructivism is the importance of prior knowledge and experiences on students’ construction
of knowledge. Because of the influence of direct everyday experiences, learners may
explain events in different ways in different situations (e.g. between school and ‘real
life’) and social settings. Knowledge then is not only personally constructed for learners
through their own experiences, but also socially mediated (Tobin and Tippins 1993).
This is usually termed social constructivism, and holds that personal constructivism is
limited since humans are social beings, and any knowledge creation is influenced by
the prior experiences and the social environment of the learners (Duit and Treagust
1998). Tobin and Tippins (1993) commented that ‘the individual and social components
[are] parts of a dialectical relationship where knowing is always seen dualistically as
both individual and social, never one alone, but always both’ (p. 20). Social constructivists thus believe that an important part of construction is the social interaction through
which learners come to a common understanding of knowledge, including scientific
concepts (Hodson and Hodson 1998). Language is a key tool in learning and one that
facilitates communication between learners in society. It is important in science education to appreciate that, in nature, scientific knowledge is both symbolic and also socially
negotiated (see Vygotsky 1978).
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Research objective and research questions for the inquiry
In this study, the researchers developed an inquiry-based experiment for chemical
kinetics, that incorporated the use of the prediction–observation–explanation (POE)
sequence. We sought first to investigate what actually happened on this chemistry
laboratory course at one Thai university involving first year undergraduate chemistry
students. The general purpose of the practical class reported in this work is to enhance
student understanding of kinetics by means of inquiry-based practical classes.
The research questions for this inquiry were as follows:
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(1) Can an inquiry-based chemistry practical class enhance Thai students’ learning of chemical kinetics?
(2) If so, how does an inquiry-based approach to chemistry practical classes
enhance Thai students’ conceptual understanding of chemical kinetics?
(3) Do Thai students enjoy an inquiry-based practical class more than their normal
practical classes?
Background of Thai education: moving towards learner-centred education
Education has always been regarded as an important means for national development
in Thailand, and it has been controlled by the government through a number of planning instruments (Office of National Education 1997). In Thailand, the Ministry of
Education (MOE) is responsible for the provision of basic education nationwide
(Office of the Prime Minister 2000), and the importance of science and technology is
widely accepted nationally. Based on the 1960 National Curricula in Thailand,
emphasis is placed on programmes which facilitate further advancement in scientific
and technological fields and encourage various socio-economic changes with the
country’s transition from an agricultural to an agricultural-industrialized nation state
(Rivera 2003).
In past decades, a teacher-centred approach played an important role in the educational system in Thailand. Science teachers in Thai education often concentrated on
teaching theories rather than developing practical skills. Similarly, most chemistry
practical classes in Thai universities are traditional in teaching approach, meaning they
are teacher-dominated and that practical classes follow a cookbook style. In an effort
to change from a teacher-centred approach to learning, there is currently discussion in
Thailand as how to change the teaching and learning approaches and strategies in order
to facilitate the acquisition of the new types of knowledge. So, the national curriculum,
which is now regarded as the educational standard, states that at any level of education,
teaching–learning activities must emphasize ‘learning to think, to do and to solve problems’ (Pravalpruk 1999, 76). The Institute for the Promotion of Teaching Science and
Technology (IPST) plays an important role in the teaching of science in Thailand.
Nowadays, the IPST has incorporated the inquiry approach in science curricula, and
emphasizes an inquiry-based teaching and learning process (MOE 1996).
Methods and design
Research design
The research reported here is a case study conducted within an interpretive paradigm
as described by Merriam (1988). Consistent with a case study approach, the inquiry
Research in Science & Technological Education
employed a variety of data collection tools, including quantitative and qualitative
instruments of inquiry as described below.
(1) Development of student-centred laboratory experiments based on the use of a
framework presented by Hofstein and Walberg (1995).
(2) Investigation of the pedagogies employed in the laboratory class through
observation of the experiment used in the teaching laboratory.
(3) Evaluation of student views about this new experiment through a purpose
designed questionnaire, face-to-face interviews, and content analysis of relevant documentation.
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Before describing the above instruments, we first outline the nature of the new practical classes developed in this inquiry.
Development of an inquiry-based, student-centred, chemistry practical class
A new experimental design was developed for this inquiry, and this sought to develop
student-centred learning processes based on inquiry-based learning. A key feature was
a need to move students from passive to active learning. White and Gunstone (1992)
proposed that the POE technique is a strongly learner-centred strategy that arouses
student curiosity, and this was adopted as part of this inquiry. The practical classes
focused on the concept of chemical kinetics in practical chemistry classes using four
POE tasks. In a whole-class setting, students were asked to predict the results of some
events and justify the reasons used to support their prediction. Next, students were
asked to describe what they observed when a reaction occurs while doing the experiment – students were asked to write down their observations. Lastly, they were
required to explain any conflict between what they predicted and observed. Here we
used the POE activities to develop and practice a student-centred approach in this
laboratory class in combination with other techniques, such as small-group learning
(Billson 1986; Brown 1989; Johnson and Johnson 2005; Webb 1982) and negotiation
involving argumentation (Pinnell 1984) (see Figure 1).
Figure 1. POE Activity for chemical kinetics as used in the study.
Figure 1. POE activity for chemical kinetics as used in the study.
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This sort of experiment tends to be more ‘open’ in nature, and the intention was
that the students would be doing things in a way more like scientists. That is, the
students had to design the experimental procedure themselves, and this was intended
to help them gain an understanding of the process of scientific inquiry.
In summary, in these practical chemistry classes the learning consisted of students
developing the methodology to investigate the influence of some variables on rates of
reaction, and specifically to use the POE strategy in small groups to predict and think
about the expected results and write them down on answer sheets. Their ideas were
discussed in small groups. During classes they completed four POE tasks in the form
of paper-based drawings on sheets provided. Finally, students in each group reported
their prediction, observations and explanations about the chemical kinetics in a wholeclass setting.
Sample description
This study involved 413 first year undergraduate science students (age range 18–19
years) from the Faculty of Science, Mahidol University, Bangkok, Thailand. These
students enrolled in a general chemistry laboratory course in the first semester. The
course comprises 12 practical classes in which the chemical kinetics of acid–base
reactions is one session. In general, the laboratory classes consist of practical experiments that complement the lecture material and the lectures are delivered before the
related experiment. The practical classes overall try to teach basic practical chemistry
techniques, including the use of pipette and burette, preparation of solutions, and
redox chemistry. All of the students in classes here were familiar with cooperative
group work and POE tasks, and completed the experiment in a three hour period.
Here, for the student interactions small groups of four to five students were used, as
recommended in the literature (Kaartinen and Kumpulainen 2002).
Data collection
The researchers began by collecting and conducting an in-depth analysis of materials
produced in the laboratory when the students engaged in the POE inquiry-based learning practical classes mentioned above. Most of the groups of students completed their
laboratory documentation in Thai, but some completed their documentation in English
(many Thai students are bilingual in Thai and English). These reports, along with
notes from observations of the practical classes, formed the data corpus used to judge
students’ conceptual understanding of chemical kinetics, and of inquiry. It is important to note that such teaching is radically different for undergraduate science students
in Thailand. The students then completed a questionnaire that sought their views on
their experiences of doing these new practical classes. Of the class of 413 students
(age range 18–19 years), some 389 students, 129 male and 260 female, completed the
questionnaire. Students’ responses about their enjoyment of the experiment used a
Likert scale (SD = strongly disagree, D = disagree, N = neutral, A = agree and SA =
strongly agree) (Merriam 1988). A selection of students were interviewed in pairs in
order to ascertain their views on the ‘new’ practical classes in more depth. Interviews
were audiotaped and transcribed. Any translations were checked for veracity by independent bilingual advisors. Claims also supported the findings from interviews after
completing the experiment.
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Research findings
The students were required to conduct an experiment in which they tried to examine
aspects of reaction kinetics for the reaction between eggshells (mostly calcium
carbonate) and two acids (hydrochloric acid and vinegar). The research findings for
this inquiry are summarized under themes that emerged from the data: student laboratory activities; student conceptual understanding of chemical kinetics; and the role of
the teacher. These themes are now described in turn.
Student understanding of scientific inquiry
Scientists generally follow a number of logical steps when they attempt to solve problems such as that posed to the participants in this inquiry; in what is often termed ‘the
scientific method’ (see Carin, Bass, and Contant 2005; Hassard 2004). The researchers here intended that the students be given an opportunity to think of steps or ways
to approach the problems presented to them. That is, here we had an expectation that
they should approach the experiment in a logical and systematic manner, like scientists. The data presented here thus provide insights into student understanding of
scientific inquiry.
The findings suggest that the students in these groups adhered to a fairly traditional
‘scientific method’ approach that involved ‘fair testing’ (Hume and Coll 2008). Their
approach resulted in them forming hypotheses to be tested by collecting data, and
conducting ‘scientific’ experiments, in which they controlled all but one variable.
However, a key difference here was the use of the POE activities, in which these
students also sought to predict the outcome of their results in advance, and explain the
expected results.
Many students provided logical steps in their experimental design in order to test
their hypotheses. The experimental procedure was clear and simple and the students
identified three groups of variables (i.e. independent variable, dependent variable and
controlled variable) for investigation in the experiment, as seen in the following
excerpt from one group report of the practical class.
Problem – Influence of surface of eggshells on the rate of a reaction
Hypothesis – The different surface of eggshells gives a different rate of reaction
Independent variable – Influence of surface of eggshells
Dependent variable – The rate of reaction
Controlled variable – Size of Erlenmeyer flask, type of acid used, concentration of acid,
reaction temperature, source of eggshells, laboratory environment
In this study, the experiment was different to what they usually encountered, mostly
in that students were expected to design their own experimental procedure after they
identified the variables and the problem (as above). The students reported their experimental procedure in their laboratory documentation, as seen in the following excerpt
from one group report of the practical class:
Weigh eggshells 0.1 g and then pour them into the flask. … Pour HCl (aq) 4.0 ml into
the vial and then place it into the Erlenmeyer flask (be careful not to mix HCl with
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egg-shells) … fill the water into the 25.0 ml burette. … Connect the burette and the flask
with the U-tube and the rubber stopper. … Shake gently the flask, mixing HCl and
eggshells together. … Observe the volume of CO2 in the burette and record the results
over time. … Change the type of acid used from HCl to vinegar and then repeat the
experimental procedure.
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Next, the students had to conduct the experiment. The starting point here was sample
preparation. The sample preparation in this experiment involved eggshells and solutions of acids. In this experiment, there is no single method of sample preparation for
the solid reactant (i.e. the eggshells), meaning students had to decide how to prepare
the solid sample themselves. The eggshells were collected and their surfaces mechanically cleaned. From analysis of students’ laboratory documents it seems they felt the
particle size of eggshells should be consistent, and thus they ground the shells to
obtain a fine powder with a uniform, homogeneous, particle size (Figure 2). It seems
that many students had learned how to conduct some aspects of this experiment when
they engaged in previous practical classes at school. For example, many students
readily understood the preparation of the solid sample and the acids before doing the
experiment and they thus provided detailed instructions of how this should be done,
as seen in the excerpt below.
Sample preparation of eggshells – In this part, the particle sizes of the solid reactant
should be made at least into three sizes: big, medium and small (like sand) size. The
white layer which covers the eggshells should be removed before grinding.
Preparation of the concentration of acid – The concentration of acid used in this experiment is 0.5, 1.0, 1.5 and 2.0 M HCl. These concentrations were made by diluting 2.0 M
Here in Figure 2 we see evidence of clear planning in the three samples of varying
particle size, and the diagram which illustrates the experimental set-up to be used to
measure the amount of gases produced over time (collection by downward displacement of water).
Interestingly, for the dilution of the solutions, students showed a good understanding of the preparation of chemical solutions, and they were able to solve problems,
albeit algorithmically. The formula C1V1 = C2V2 was generally used to calculate the
Figure 2. Students’ experimental design for the preparation of egg shells and the collection of carbon dioxide.
Figure 2. Students’ experimental design for the preparation of eggshells and the collection
of carbon dioxide.
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acquired concentration of hydrochloric acid or vinegar. However, some students did
not give any units of concentration when doing their calculations.
Student conceptual understanding of chemical kinetics concepts
One common issue in the teaching and learning of chemical kinetics is that students
need to be able to explain the basic concept of rates of reaction, i.e. how variables (e.g.
surface of the solid reactant, concentration, temperature and type of acid used) affect
the rate of a chemical reaction. It is important not only to find out the students’
conceptual understanding of chemical kinetics, but also to investigate their alternative
conceptions of these ideas. The findings of this part of the study come from analysis
of participants’ laboratory documentation with respect to their understanding of chemical kinetics.
In this study, the students were introduced to the rates of reaction for different
examples, and investigated the influence of different variables (i.e. surface of solid
reactant, concentration of acid, temperature of a reaction and type of acid) on the rate
of a reaction. The concept here then is first-order chemical kinetics, and the experiment involves students measuring the amount of gaseous carbon dioxide formed from
the reaction of an acid with calcium carbonate (i.e. hydrochloric acid or vinegar and
calcium carbonate in the form of an everyday material, eggshells) at different time
intervals. The first stage of reporting the experiment is to present data using graphs or
tables. In this way, when a variable is changed in an experiment, the data presented
include the changes in the independent and dependent variables.
In general, here the students carried out the investigation of the influence of the
surface area of eggshells for two different particle sizes (there is no standard particle
size needed in the preparation of the solid sample – see above). Students in each group
varied the particle size of eggshells themselves, and to explain the influence of surface
area of the solid reactant and the rate of reaction, the students commonly reasoned that
the change of the rate of a reaction is due to changes in physical dimensions of the
solid reactant (Figure 3). A typical student response, reproduced here from a report,
was that they concluded that:
The rate of a reaction is dependent on the surface of the solid reactant (eggshells). If the
size of eggshells is big, the rate of a reaction is slow. On the other hand, if the size of
eggshells is small, the rate of a reaction is fast.
Interestingly, some students drew upon the analogy of a cube to explain the
increase in the surface area of solid reactants. This was perhaps because it was simple
for students to understand in their mind, an important feature of student-generated
analogy (see Coll, France, and Taylor 2005): ‘If we put four cubes together, the
surface area is only 16 cm2. However, if we separate all four cubes away from each
other, the surface area is 24 cm2.’
In a given experiment, the students generally carried out the reaction at four different concentrations of acid. In general, the students prepared the concentrations of both
hydrochloric acid and vinegar at 0.5 M, 1.0 M, 1.5 M, and 2.0 M. To explain the
increase in the rate of a reaction at higher concentrations, most said the effect of
concentration of acid used was due to the number of particles in the solution. For
example, some students carried out the experiment between 400 mg of eggshells, and
5 ml acid at a fixed temperature of 303K, and explained their observations thus: ‘If
Figure 3. Students’ laboratory data – the surface of the solid reactant (egg shells) and the volume of gaseous carbon dioxide formed.
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Figure 3. Students’ laboratory data – the surface of the solid reactant (eggshells) and the
volume of gaseous carbon dioxide formed.
the acid used is higher concentrations, the rate of a reaction increases, because higher
concentrations have many molecules that can react more than low concentrations’.
To investigate the influence of temperature, the students carried out the reaction at
least at two different temperatures (Figure 4). They started doing a reaction at a low
temperature and then moved on to higher temperatures, although some started at
higher temperatures and moved to lower temperatures. The students that changed
from room temperature to higher temperature reasoned pragmatically that it was
easier to increase the temperature using a water bath. To explain the influence of
different temperatures on the rate of a reaction, students observed that ‘the rate of a
reaction increases at higher temperatures’. This they reasoned was due to increased
kinetic energy of the reacting particles, in accord with the scientific view. For
instance, some students carried out an experiment with 100 mg large surface area
eggshells and 1.0 M HCl at three different temperatures:
From the experiment, when increasing the temperature for a reaction, the kinetic energy
of reactant molecules increases. So, molecules move faster and more collision. The rate
of a reaction increases and then the reaction occurs quickly.
It is somewhat surprising that some students provided considerable detail in their
descriptions, as seen in an excerpt from a student report reproduced below.
Figure 4. Students’ laboratory data – the temperature of the reaction and the volume of gaseous carbon dioxide formed (Note: the reaction has not at this early stage of the reaction gone to completion, at completion the reaction produces the same amount of gas).
The rate of a reaction is dependent on the temperature. So, when you also give the
temperature, if the reaction is endothermic, the rate of a reaction increases. In contrast, if
the reaction is exothermic, the rate of a reaction decreases.
Finally, the students investigated the influence of different types of acid – hydrochloric acid and vinegar – on rates of reaction. Here, the students retained the same
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Figure 4. Students’ laboratory data – the temperature of the reaction and the volume of
gaseous carbon dioxide formed.
Note: the reaction has not at this early stage of the reaction gone to completion, at completion
the reaction produces the same amount of gas.
conditions, other than the acid. To explain changes in the rate of a reaction as a result
of the different acid used, most students explained it in terms of the ‘strength’ of the
acids; again in accordance with the scientific view. For instance, some students carried
out an experiment between 100 mg large surface of eggshells and 0.5 M HCl, and
replaced the HCl with vinegar (acetic acid). Students again provided quite detailed
responses, and concluded that:
The rate of a reaction increases when using the strong acid [i.e. HCl]. On the other hand,
the rate of a reaction decreases when using the weak acid. HCl is more active than vinegar. Hydrochloric, a strong acid, dissociates more completely when it dissolves in water
and it is a good H+ donor. On the other hand, vinegar, a weak acid, dissociates only
slightly when it dissolves in water and it is also a poor H+ donor.
After completing the experiment, in whole-class discussions, the experimental data
from student investigations of chemical kinetics were analysed by the class to
compare the rates of reaction by plotting the relationships between the amount of
carbon dioxide produced and the variables over time using commonly available software (i.e. Solver Parameters in Microsoft Excel). Students typically explained their
findings thus:
At the beginning, the slope of graphs is very sharp, because the rate of a reaction is large.
As the reaction progresses, the reaction becomes slower. The rate of a reaction decreases,
eventually to zero when the reaction is completed.
Students were able to perform the calculation of the rate of a reaction correctly.
However, a few students still had problems with the calculations, perhaps because it
was the first time that they had done such calculations by themselves.
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Findings from the survey
In this study, all first year undergraduate science students were familiar with the
teaching and learning of chemical kinetics on a general chemistry laboratory course.
Before allowing students to do the experiment, students (n = 129) in groups were
randomly selected to perform a pre-test survey about variables which affect the rate
of a reaction. After completing the experiment, students (n = 103) were then selected
to complete a post-test survey. These tests, available from the authors, were similar
in nature and contained questions deemed by a panel of experts to be suitable for this
educational level. Students were provided with a balanced equation for the reaction
of acid with carbonate and asked questions such as how particle size, temperature or
other variables affect the rate of reaction. They were also asked to provide explanations for their answers. A comparison of the pre-test and post-test surveys is
provided in Figure 5. The findings from the pre-test survey showed that 99 (76.7%),
55 (42.6%), 60 (46.5%) and 97 (75.2%) of the participating students provided a
correct answer with respect to surface area of the solid reactant, concentration of
acid, temperature of reaction and type of acid, respectively. Of the four variables, it
was noted that students held a poor conceptual understanding of the effect of
concentration and temperature on reaction rate. In order to investigate student understanding, the participating students again completed a post-test survey in groups after
doing the experiment. From the post-test survey, scores of 95 (92.2%), 76 (73.8%),
91 (88.3%) and 89 (86.4%) correct responses were obtained for the surface area of
the solid reactant, concentration of acid, temperature of reaction and type of acid,
Figure 5. Comparison of pre-test and post-test survey of students’ responses on the chemical kinetics laboratory before and after doing an inquiry-base practical chemistry class.
Pre-test (n=129)
Percentage of responses
Post-test (n=103)
Type of acid
of a reaction
of acid used
Surface of
solid reactant
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Figure 5. Comparison of pre-test and post-test survey of students’ responses on the chemical
kinetics laboratory before and after doing an inquiry-based practical chemistry class.
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Student perceptions of the role of the teacher
The Thailand National science education standards (NRC 1996) state that active
engagement of students in learning science is an importance aspect of effective
science teaching. In this study, the role of the teacher was manifestly different to the
norm, and it was of interest to see how this was perceived by the students. Here it was
intended that the teachers would act as a facilitator of learning – consistent with social
constructivism (see above). Hence, they had to pose problems to their students in the
experiment, and to encourage useful discussion between students about the issues. In
order to understand the role of teachers, students also provided their reflections on the
role of the teacher in practical classes (see Table 1).
The students’ responses to items 3, 4 and 5 are interesting in that the majority of
students showed that the teachers in classes were friendly and attempted to help
students when they found difficulties in class. This suggests the students enjoyed a
different role of the teacher than they were used to. This is somewhat at odds with the
normal situation in Thai classrooms (MOE 1996). However, some caution is needed
in interpretation of this finding. As well as the fact that here the activities were likely
perceived as more interesting and more exciting for teachers and students alike, the
positive response noted in Table 1 also may be a result of the low ratio of teachers,
including teaching assistants, to students of around 1:20 in classes – much less than is
normal in Thai schools. Such a ratio would obviously allow for more student–teacher
interaction and probably less stress on the part of the teachers, and thus more enjoyment on the part of the teachers and students alike.
Student perceptions of the POE technique
White and Gunstone (1992) proposed that the POE technique is a good teaching strategy in science education. In support of this proposition, the POE strategy has been
reported as successful in a number of studies (see, for example, Kearney et al. 2001;
Kearney 2004). Here, in a given experiment about chemical kinetics of acid–base
reactions (i.e. hydrochloric acid or vinegar and calcium carbonate in eggshells),
students were first asked to discuss their ideas and make predictions of the actual
outcome, and to give their reasons. Then, they performed the observations and explanations of the evolution of carbon dioxide gas (CO2) produced in the experiment, and
finally sought reconciliation of any discrepancies between their predictions and observations after completing the task. Students’ responses showed that the students
enjoyed using the POE technique during the experiment sessions (see Table 2).
Table 1. Students’ responses to questionnaire items relating to the role of the teacher (n =
389) in the inquiry-based experiment.
In this experiment, the teacher was friendly to me
In this experiment, the teacher was interested in
answering my questions
In this experiment, the teacher helped me when I
had trouble in the class
In this experiment, the teacher encouraged me to
discuss my ideas with other students
Note: SD = strongly disagree; D = disagree; N = neither agree nor disagree; A = agree; SA = strongly agree.
S. Chairam et al.
Table 2. Students’ views of the value of the four POE tasks used in the inquiry-based
experiment (n = 389).
In this experiment, I felt that the POE was a useful way to predict
In this experiment, I felt that the POE is a useful way to explain
In this experiment, I learned how to use data to support my
conclusion for chemical kinetics
In this experiment, I felt that I learned to do things in a way more
like scientists do
2 13 112 211 51
2 9 106 211 61
1 11 105 228 44
0 41
84 193 93
Note: SD = strongly disagree; D = disagree; N = neither agree nor disagree; A = agree; SA = strongly agree.
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Student responses to items 13 and 14 suggest that the students felt that the POE
was a useful strategy to predict the actual outcome. The responses to the other items
suggest that the participants felt the POE approach helped them to make connections
between what they predicted and observed in the experiment of chemical kinetics, and
that it helped them understand the basic concepts of chemical kinetics (item 17), and
how to do things in the ways scientists do (item 20).
Group learning
The science education literature suggests group learning can be an important component of modern teaching approaches. A fundamental outcome of effective group learning is for students to be able to communicate, explain, and justify their understanding,
argue from data, and defend their conclusions within their group (NRC 2000). Here,
the rationale of implementing group learning in the laboratory was so that students
could come to understand more about the nature of science, and how scientists actually worked, i.e. the fact that scientists seldom work alone, and that they socially
negotiate knowledge. Students’ responses about working in groups are provided in
Table 3.
The responses suggest that the majority of students enjoyed learning in groups
(item 21). The working in group situations seem to provide ways of helping students
to understand the social and procedural rules in the experiment. It seemed that
students appreciated this new way of working in their practical classes, and that the
majority of students attempted to share their ideas with group members (items 23, 25
and 28). Group activities can be used to engage students in communicating and negotiating in class. Finally, most students believed that the group discussions among
Table 3. Students’ views about learning in groups for the inquiry-based experiment (n = 389).
I worked cooperatively in this experiment
I shared ideas with other students while doing this experiment
I felt that working in a group stimulated my thinking
I learned ideas from other students in my group
I felt that the group discussion helped me to understand the
concept of chemical kinetics
191 157
196 115
207 118
224 88
219 71
Note: SD = strongly disagree; D = disagree; N = neither agree nor disagree; A = agree; SA = strongly agree.
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group members helped them a lot in understanding the basic concepts of chemical
kinetics (item 30).
The research findings of this study suggest that engaging students in inquiry-based
practical chemistry classes produces sound learning outcomes in terms of conceptual
understanding of chemical kinetics, the ability to design and conduct experiments in
chemical kinetics, and the nature of scientific inquiry. The students were also able to
explain the changes in the rate of a chemical reaction based on kinetic theory and drew
upon energy and particle theory to explain changes in rates of reaction. They seemed
to be quite clear on how to conduct experiments, and the notion of investigating variables by changing each separately, while maintaining the others constant. Hence,
overall analysis of students’ laboratory documentation suggests that most students had
a better conceptual understanding of chemical kinetics.
As noted above, inquiry-based practical classes in Thailand represent a very different teaching approach. However, in addition to sound conceptual understanding of
chemical kinetics evidenced in their laboratory reports, the students’ responses to the
survey instrument suggests that they enjoyed this ‘new’ way of learning, they were
comfortable about the very different role the teacher assumed, and they enjoyed working in groups. The new experiment here was conducted in order to allow science
students to develop student-centred learning processes based on inquiry-based learning. Students had done things in the way that scientists do. As noted in the findings,
they designed the experimental procedure themselves, and this seemed to help them
gain a better understanding of the process of scientific inquiry. This can be seen from
an analysis of their procedures, which consisted of the following steps for experimental design: state the problem, make hypotheses, make predictions, make observations,
provide an explanation, and construct their own understanding from group discussions
after completing the experiment. This is in marked contrast to the ‘normal’ situation
for teaching chemical kinetics in Thailand, which more often simply involves following laboratory instruction or teacher demonstrations.
Consistent with a case study approach, the data interpretation of this research was
conducted within the interpretive paradigm described by Merriam (1988) and so the
transferability of our findings is best judged by the reader. Here we attempt to interpret our findings in relation to other reports of research in the literature. The authors
here have attempted to provide insights into the learning of chemical kinetics by first
year science students in Thailand when using inquiry-based learning incorporating a
series of POE activities. A number of themes have emerged from this research. The
research findings reported here have some similarities to work by Hofstein and
Lunetta, (2004), Wellington (1998), and Woolnough (1991), all of whom investigated
laboratory science education at the tertiary level. The new experiment here placed a
high value on ‘hands-on’ activities, and students were deeply engaged in the experiment in the form of student-centred learning as suggested in these reports (see also
Tamir 1991).
The new experiment developed in this work was similar in nature to that of Choi
and Wong (2004), who focused on acid–base reactions which demonstrated first-order
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kinetics, but involving the application of a datalogger (i.e. a computer interfaced to
one or more sensors, see above). However, datalogger experiments are expensive to
set up, and are not generally suitable in the Thailand educational context, where teachers typically do not have access to such electronic instruments. One intention of this
new experiment was to relate the laboratory class to daily life, since the chemicals
used in the experiments were, sometimes, not purchased from a chemical company.
This also introduced an element of student choice, with respect to research design and
the conduct of the experiment – in a way that might not have been the case if they were
given, say, a laboratory sample of calcium carbonate of uniform particle size. Another
factor was that the solid reactant, calcium carbonate, was in a form (i.e. eggshells) that
could be easily changed by grinding to different particle sizes. Moreover, students
were also provided with opportunities to investigate other factors that might influence
the rate of reaction, such as concentration of the acid used, temperature and the type
of acid used.
As noted in the research findings, most of these Thai students seemed to have a
better conceptual understanding of chemical kinetics after doing the experiments. A
key feature was the move from passive to active learning, since the new experimental
design was developed to enhance student-centred learning processes based on inquirybased learning. Interestingly, one of the differences from other reported work is that,
in these practical chemistry classes, the learning also comprised the development of
the methodology to investigate the influence of some variables on rates of reaction,
and specifically to use the POE strategy in small groups. The authors found that the
POE tasks in the form of paper-based drawings on sheets seemed to help enhance
student learning of chemical kinetics.
Finally, the research findings reported here suggest the students developed an
understanding of inquiry that went beyond simply ‘fair testing’. Hume and Coll
(2007, 2008) noted that many so-called inquiry-based experiments are not much
different in principle from conventional ‘cookbook’ style experiments, in that the
former are also often rather formulaic in nature. However, the inquiry-based experiment as used here did provide these Thai students with some insights into how
scientists conduct research. The students had to identify the problem, design an
appropriate method, decide how to collect and record data, and perhaps most importantly, by drawing on the POE activities, predict the results and offer explanations.
The use of interactive groups and whole-class discussions also sought to reinforce
the socially-negotiated nature of scientific knowledge; more consistent with more
holistic views of the nature of science and genuine inquiry-based learning (Hume
and Coll 2007, 2008).
Conclusions and implications
Chemical kinetics is an important concept in introductory chemistry courses. From
other reported work, instruction in chemical kinetics is typically teacher-dominated at
both the secondary school and tertiary levels, and this also is the case in Thailand –
the context for this inquiry. The research reported here seeks to shift undergraduate
science students from passive learning to active learning, and involved some 413 first
year students at Mahidol University in Thailand, of whom 389, consisting of 129
males and 260 females, completed a questionnaire about the experiment. A key
feature needed to move students from passive to active learning was the use of the
POE strategy, along with small group and whole-class discussions. Students who
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participated were asked to design the experimental procedure themselves, in order to
investigate the reaction of acids and bases. A number of variables were here investigated by changing each separately, while maintaining all others constant, including
solid surface area, concentration, temperature and type of acid. Overall, the research
findings suggest that most students had a better understanding of chemical kinetics,
were able to explain the changes in the rate of a chemical reaction, and also developed a better conceptual understanding of chemical kinetics both qualitatively and
Hence, the authors suggest here that science teachers may wish to consider
teaching chemical kinetics using simple chemical reactions and materials related to
everyday processes, and based on inquiry learning. An additional advantage of the
experiment used here is that it is not particularly hazardous, and so is convenient for
science teachers to apply in class.
One feature of teaching chemical kinetics is that the calculations, particularly at
the university level, and the concepts are more complex, and complex equations are
often used to describe the kinetics of a reaction, such as differential equations. The
authors observed that some of the first year students in this work did not know how
the equations are derived, or how to use the equations for calculating the rate of a reaction. Therefore, in this research, the authors recommend the use of computers, and, as
for example here, the experimental data from the experiments was easily analysed
using Solver Parameters in the tool function of Microsoft Excel, which enable
students to plot the relationship between the production of carbon dioxide and time.
As shown in the findings, the students were able to see how the rate of a reaction
changed for different experiments, and how to investigate the influence of variables
(e.g. solid surface area, concentration, temperature and type of acid) on the rate of
Finally, the authors suggest that science teachers modify the experiments to suit
their own needs and circumstances using, say, other variables, such as catalysts or the
size of the reaction flask, for students to investigate how the rate of a reaction differs
from others. Students here did not investigate the influence of catalysts because of
limited time to carry out the experiments.
This work was supported by the Thailand Research Fund (TRF), the Postgraduate Education
Research Program in Chemistry (PERCH), and the Department of Chemistry, Faculty of
Science, Mahidol University, Bangkok, Thailand.
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