Mike S. Lee and Edward H. Kerns
Milestone Development Services, Pennington, New Jersey 08534-0813
Received 28 January 1999; revised 22 July 1999; accepted 24 July 1999
I. Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
A. Emerging Analytical Needs . . . . . . . . . . . . .
B. Integration of LC/MS into Drug Development
C. Partnerships and Acceptance . . . . . . . . . . . .
D. Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
III. Accelerated Development . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
A. Accelerated Development Strategies . . . . . . . . . . . .
B. Quantitative and Qualitative Process Elements . . . . .
C. Quantitative Process Pipeline . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
D. Qualitative Process Pipeline . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
E. Motivating Factors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
F. Analysis Opportunities for Accelerated Development
1. Full-Time Equivalent . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
2. Sample Throughput Model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
3. Elimination Model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
4. Rate-Determining Event Model . . . . . . . . . . . . .
G. Accelerated Development Perspectives . . . . . . . . . .
IV. Development of LC/MS . . . . . . . . . . . .
A. The Elements of LC/MS Application
1. HPLC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
2. Mass Spectrometry . . . . . . . . . . .
3. LC/MS Interface . . . . . . . . . . . .
B. Growth of LC/MS . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
II. Drug Development Overview . . . . . . . . .
A. Analysis Perspectives . . . . . . . . . . . .
B. The Four Stages of Drug Development
1. Drug Discovery . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
2. Preclinical Development . . . . . . . .
3. Clinical Development . . . . . . . . . .
4. Manufacturing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
V. Strategies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
A. Standard Methods . . . . . . . . . . .
B. Template Structure Identi®cation
C. Databases . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
D. Screening . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
E. Integration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
F. Miniaturization . . . . . . . . . . . . .
G. Parallel Processing . . . . . . . . . .
H. Visualization . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
I. Automation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
J. Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Correspondence to: Mike S. Lee.
Dedicated to the memory of Jerry R. Allison.
Mass Spectrometry Reviews, 1999, 18, 187± 279
# 1999 by John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
CCC 0277-7037/99/030187-93
VI. LC/MS Applications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
A. Drug Discovery . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
1. Peptide Mapping . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
2. Glycoprotein Mapping . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
3. Natural Products Dereplication . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
4. Bioaf®nity Screening . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
5. Open-Access LC/MS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
6. In Vivo Drug Screening . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
7. Metabolic Stability Screening . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
B. Preclinical Development . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
1. Metabolite Identi®cation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
2. Impurity Identi®cation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
3. Degradant Identi®cation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
C. Clinical Development . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
1. Quantitative BioanalysisÐSelected Ion Monitoring . . . . . . .
2. Quantitative BioanalysisÐSelected Reaction Monitoring . . .
3. Quantitative BioanalysisÐAutomated Solid-Phase Extraction
4. Quantitative BioanalysisÐAutomated On-Line Extraction . . .
5. Metabolite Identi®cation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
6. Degradant Identi®cation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
D. Manufacturing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
1. Impurity Identi®cation Using Data-Dependent Analysis . . . .
2. Peptide Mapping in Quality Control . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
VIII. Perspectives on the Future Growth of LC/MS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
IX. Conclusions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
X. Glossary of Terms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
VII. Future Applications and Prospects
A. Workstations . . . . . . . . . . . .
B. Multidimensional Analysis . .
C. Miniaturization . . . . . . . . . . .
D. Information Management . . .
E. Strategic Outsourcing . . . . . .
F. Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
The combination of high-performance liquid chromatography
and mass spectrometry (LC/MS) has had a signi®cant impact on
drug development over the past decade. Continual improvements in LC/MS interface technologies combined with powerful
features for structure analysis, qualitative and quantitative,
have resulted in a widened scope of application. These
improvements coincided with breakthroughs in combinatorial
chemistry, molecular biology, and an overall industry trend of
accelerated development. New technologies have created a
situation where the rate of sample generation far exceeds the
rate of sample analysis. As a result, new paradigms for the
analysis of drugs and related substances have been developed.
The growth in LC/MS applications has been extensive, with
retention time and molecular weight emerging as essential
analytical features from drug target to product. LC/MS-based
methodologies that involve automation, predictive or surrogate
models, and open access systems have become a permanent
®xture in the drug development landscape. An iterative cycle of
``what is it?'' and ``how much is there?'' continues to fuel the
tremendous growth of LC/MS in the pharmaceutical industry.
During this time, LC/MS has become widely accepted as an
integral part of the drug development process. This review
describes the utility of LC/MS techniques for accelerated drug
development and provides a perspective on the signi®cant
changes in strategies for pharmaceutical analysis. Future applications of LC/MS technologies for accelerated drug development and emerging industry trends are also discussed. # 1999
John Wiley & Sons, Inc., Mass Spec Rev 18: 187±279, 1999
Current trends in drug development emphasize highvolume approaches to accelerate lead candidate generation and evaluation. Drug discovery-based technologies
that involve biomolecular screening and combinatorial
chemistry paved the way, resulting in shortened timelines
and the generation of more information for more drug
candidates. The impact on the overall drug development
cycle has been signi®cant, creating unprecedented opportunities for growth and focus, particularly in the analytical
A. Emerging Analytical Needs
Perhaps a major cause of these opportunities is the
fact that the rate of sample generation far exceeded the
rate of sample analysis. To put this factor in perspective,
consider the following example that deals with combinatorial chemistry. Prior to the advent of combinatorial
chemistry technologies, a single bench chemist was
capable of synthesizing ca. 50 ®nal compounds per year,
depending on the synthesis. Today, chemists are capable
of generating well over 2,000 compounds per year, using a
variety of automated synthesis technologies. If traditional
approaches to analytical support were maintained, then
analysts would outnumber chemists by nearly 40 to 1!
The reality of the situation has become evident:
without analytical tools that could keep pace with new
benchmarks for sample generation, the advantages would
not be fully realized. Thus, the relationship between
sample generation and analysis is a major issue in the
pharmaceutical industry. Clearly, traditional approaches
for analysis are not capable of meeting specialized needs
created by dramatic improvements in sample generation.
New technologies ®gure prominently in the success of
drug development and directly impact pharmaceutical
analysis activities. The recent integration of sample
generation technologies such as combinatorial chemistry
workstations, for example, created distinctly new requisites for analysis. Rapid, high throughput, sensitive, and
selective methods are now a requisite for pharmaceutical
analysis. Also, the ability to analyze trace-mixtures, using
an instrumental con®guration compatible with screening
approaches, emerged as an important feature.
As requirements for analysis rapidly adapted to
breakthroughs in sample generation, a new scienti®c and
business culture aimed at decreasing costs and accelerating development became entrenched in the pharmaceutical industry. These factors combined to produce more
frequent, and perhaps, new demands on analysis. In
particular, these demands underscored the importance of
analytical instrumentation and the creation of novel
analysis strategies. For example, to keep pace with
emerging needs, the timely evaluation of new tools and
applications appropriate for pharmaceutical analysis is
essential. Once evaluated, the effective integration of
these analysis tools represents an equally signi®cant
hurdle. Here, the development of novel strategies for
analysis has been an effective approach for introducing
new technologies and for creating opportunities for
streamlined drug development.
These recent trends have been complemented by the
need to determine or predict molecular and physicochemical properties of an unprecedented number of structurally
diverse molecules faster than previously required and at
earlier stages in the drug development cycle. Prospective
methods for investigating pharmaceutical properties were
born, along with data-mining techniques to search large
databases. Furthermore, new experimental approaches
typically generated samples that contain small quantities
of analyte in complex mixtures. This combination placed
a tremendous burden on the existing methods for
pharmaceutical analysis.
Many recent industry initiatives feature the integration of sample generating and analysis activities, resulting
in new paradigms for the discovery, evaluation, and
development of pharmaceuticals. The basic idea of these
initiatives is to ``do more with less''. Invariably, more
resources tend to be awarded to activities involved with
sample generation, whereas less is received for analysis.
As a result, a wide variety of analysis-based applications
have been implemented. These applications emphasize
ef®ciency and throughput. Three common themes arose
from these activities:
An earlier availability of information leads to faster
decision making.
Integration of instrumentation with information networks is a popular approach for combining high
throughput analytical information generation with
drug-candidate screening.
Software is a powerful resource for the coordination of
analysis events and the management and visualization
of data.
A considerable growth in analysis methods resulted,
with the primary focus being on the acceleration of drug
development. New tools and strategies for analysis combined with technologies such as biomolecular screening,
combinatorial chemistry, and genomics have positioned
the pharmaceutical industry to harvest discovery and
manufacture development opportunities.
B. Integration of LC/MS into Drug Development
Liquid chromatography/mass spectrometry (LC/MS)based techniques provide unique capabilities for pharma189
ceutical analysis. LC/MS methods are applicable to a wide
range of compounds of pharmaceutical interest, and they
feature powerful analytical ®gures of merit (sensitivity,
selectivity, speed of analysis, and cost effectiveness).
These analytical features have continually improved,
resulting in easier to use and more reliable instruments.
These improvements were timely and coincided with
the aforementioned developments in the pharmaceutical
An important perspective of these events, improvements in LC/MS technology and industry change, is how
LC/MS techniques became so widely accepted within
every stage of drug development. It can be argued that the
proliferation of LC/MS occurred not by choice but by
need. For example, if a nuclear magnetic resonance
(NMR)-based approach existed for the quick, sensitive,
and ef®cient analysis of combinatorially derived mixtures
in the early 1990's, then LC/MS would certainly have had
a limited role in this area of drug development. However,
at the time LC/MS provided the best performance without
any rival or complement.
The signi®cance of this fact is two-fold. First, LC/MS
has, indeed, become the method of choice for many
pharmaceutical analyses. Because the utilization of
analysis technology in the pharmaceutical industry is
highly dependent on perception, the breakthroughs and
barriers that LC/MS has overcome provided opportunity
for acceptance and a widened scope of application.
Currently, LC/MS is widely perceived in the pharmaceutical industry to be a viable choice, as opposed to
a necessary alternative, for analysis. Second, these
events led to an increased understanding of LC/MS in
such a way that practitioners and collaborators have
become more diverse. The result of this diversity is a
mutually shared sense of purpose within the industry,
inspiring creativity and generating new perspectives on
Along with timing and perception issues, there are
four technical elements that have been critical for the
recent acceptance of LC/MS-based techniques in the
pharmaceutical industry. The ®rst is separation sciences.
Simply put, the chromatographic method de®nes the
pharmaceutical analysis. Chromatography provides analytical criteria to compare, re®ne, develop, and control the
critical aspects of developing and manufacturing highquality drug products. Thus, it is common in industry to
see LC/MS methods distinguished by the chromatographic technology and features rather than by mass
spectrometry performance and capabilities. Indeed, the
effective combination of a wide variety of HPLC
technologies and formats with mass spectrometry played
a vital role in the acceptance of LC/MS. This achievement
is signi®cant because HPLC-based methods are a
universally recognized analysis ``currency'', and perhaps,
the ®rst to be utilized throughout every stage of drug
The second element that allows for industry acceptance of LC/MS techniques is mass spectrometry. The
analytical ®gures of merit dealing with sensitivity and
selectivity provide a powerful platform for analysis.
However, it was not until these analytical attributes could
be harnessed into a reliable, reproducible, rugged, and
high throughput instrument that mass spectrometry
techniques could be taken seriously as an integral tool
for drug development. Though perhaps indirect, the
pioneering work performed with LC/MS interfaces that
use moving-belt (Smith & Johnson, 1981; Hayes et al.,
1983; Games et al., 1984), direct liquid introduction (DLI)
(Yinon & Hwang, 1985; Lee & Henion, 1985; Lant et al.,
1985), thermospray ionization (TSI) (Blakely & Vestal,
1983; Irabarne et al., 1983), and electrospray ionization
(ESI) (Whitehouse et al., 1985; Bruins et al., 1987; Fenn
et al., 1989) approaches certainly played a signi®cant role
in the acceptance of mass spectrometry as a routine tool
for pharmaceutical analysis. Furthermore, added dimensions of mass analysis provide enhanced limits of
detection for the analysis of complex mixtures and unique
capabilities for structure identi®cation.
The third element is information. The rate of analysis
and subsequent distribution of results has grown tremendously due to the increased utilization of LC/MS and other
information-rich technologies. From strictly an analysis
perspective, LC/MS has demonstrated a unique capability
for maintaining high quality performance and a rapid turnaround of samples. Yet, it is the accurate and ef®cient
processing of information that has been essential for LC/
MS use and acceptance. As a result, LC/MS has developed
unique partnerships with tools responsible for sample
tracking, interpretation, and data storage. Consequently,
LC/MS has become an information-rich, informationdependent technology in the pharmaceutical industry. It is
highly dependent on software to integrate key analysis
elements that deal with sample preparation, real-time
analysis decisions, and the distribution of results. The
pharmaceutical industry has bene®ted from this trend and,
as a result, the derived information has been easily
translated into a form that many professionals can
understand, interpret, and base their decisions on.
Finally, the fourth element is a widened scope of
application. The fact that LC/MS is now routinely used
during every stage of drug development is a powerful
benchmark for acceptance. The increased performance of
applications that incorporate LC/MS have, in turn,
stimulated new performance levels for sample preparation, high speed separations, automated analysis, information databases, and software tools, to name a few. It is the
drive for new applications, motivated by unmet industry
needs, which has stimulated tremendous growth in
pharmaceutical analysis marked by invention and creativity.
C. Partnerships and Acceptance
What has happened in the pharmaceutical industry
during this relatively short time span is truly remarkable.
With the advent of advanced technologies responsible for
increasing the rate of sample generation, there is strong
motivation to respond with LC/MS-based analysis
techniques. The understanding of principles, fundamentals, operation, and maintenance enabled researchers to
improve analytical performance. Here, the power of
``seeing is believing'' led to lower barriers of acceptance
as well as to a new breed of practitioners.
Chemists, biologists, and other industry professionals
are becoming more familiar and comfortable with LC/MS
and its corresponding data as an everyday tool for
analysis. The vast technical advances with LC/MS, along
with a renewed emphasis on sharing, collaboration, and
mutual understanding amongst disciplines, have helped
researchers increase ef®ciency and overall productivity.
At the same time, highly trained, highly skilled analysts
are continually challenged with learning new principles in
chemistry, molecular biology, and pharmaceutical development.
Of course, all of the above-mentioned successes
would not have been possible without basic research and
the ultimate design and manufacture of analytical
instrumentation. Basic research and the manufacture of
high performance instruments have each played a
signi®cant role in the drug development process. Continued relationship and partnership with universities and
instrument manufacturers help to increase awareness,
better understanding, and bridge the gaps among research,
discovery, and the development of high quality pharmaceutical products.
The seven ages of an analytical method ®rst described
by Laitinen (Laitinen, 1973) can be used to depict the
important partnerships among academia, instrument
manufacturers, and the pharmaceutical industry. These
partnerships are responsible for the widened scope of
application and acceptance of LC/MS that are experienced
in the pharmaceutical industry today. Here, the ages of an
analytical method are translated into stages of LC/MS
events that lead to its routine use in the pharmaceutical
industry [Table 1]. The various stages represent a
continuum for LC/MS advancement, beginning with basic
research performed in universities, followed by the design
and manufacture of instruments, and concluding with
industry benchmarks for acceptance.
The ®rst and second stages involve the conception of
the fundamental principles and experimental validation of
the analytical potential, respectively. The conception stage
of LC/MS methods was emphasized during the 1970's±
80's via basic research conducted in universities. For
example, the fundamentals of interfacing an HPLC with a
mass spectrometer were studied (Arpino et al., 1974;
Carroll et al., 1975; Arpino, 1982) and mechanisms of
ionization were characterized (Thomson & Iribarne, 1979;
Blakely et al., 1980; Whitehouse et al., 1985). The
validation stage of the analytical method represents the
convergence of interest among research, instrumentation,
and potential application. The results and interest
generated from the basic research that deal with LC/MS
led to signi®cant investments in technology from instrument manufacturers. Applications dealing with pharmacokinetic (Covey et al., 1986) and biomolecular (Wong
et al., 1988) analysis showed signi®cant promise, insight,
and direction. The market potential of an LC/MS
instrument, providing expanded capabilities over gas
chromatography/mass spectrometry (GC/MS) and HPLC
methods for pharmaceutical analysis, was realized. The
availability of commercial instruments provided the
TABLE 1. The seven stages of the LC/MS analytical method that result from partnership within academia, instrument manufacturers, and
Fundamental principles outlined
Analytical potential experimentally validated
Instruments developed/manufactured
A platform of performance established
A widened scope of application
Used as a routine, standard method
Replaced by newer methods
Basic research
Basic research; applied research; technology investments;
product development; targeted pharmaceutical applications
Commercial instruments solid; method development;
applied research
Method development/re®nement; analysis benchmarks; quantitative
bioanalysis methods established; new product development
Unique methods developed to address sample generating
technologies and traditional analyses for the identi®cation
of biomolecules, metabolites and natural products
Development of fully automated methods for high throughput
analysis; open-access instruments; standard methods; outsourcing
Decline in applications, utility and popularity?
pharmaceutical industry with LC/MS capabilities plus
training, service, and technical support. Applied research
directed towards meeting current industry needs ensued,
with active participation and collaboration from university; manufacturing, and pharmaceutical-led research
groups (Covey et al., 1991; Weintraub et al., 1991;
Aebersold et al., 1992; Weidolf & Covey, 1992). The
ability to reliably develop and re®ne LC/MS-based
methods helped to establish a solid fundamental
foundation of this technique. Here, the utility of LC/MS
methods for quantitative bioanalysis was benchmarked
as the industry standard in the early 1990's for
performance and ef®ciency (Fouda et al., 1991; WangIverson et al., 1992). New products were designed and
developed exclusively for LC/MS performance. A
widened scope of application occurred with the development of unique LC/MS-based methods for the analysis of
novel pharmaceuticals. Analysis methods were easily
developed and re®ned in the pursuit of opportunities
created by the use of traditional, time-consuming
procedures. Applications that deal with biomolecule
analysis, drug metabolism and pharmacokinetics, natural
products research, and combinatorial chemistry represent
some important areas of LC/MS diversi®cation and will
be discussed in the following sections of the review.
Perhaps the most signi®cant benchmarks for industry
acceptance of LC/MS appeared when fully automated
methods were developed for high throughput analysis
and when collaborators (i.e., sample generators) themselves became analysts via the purchase of instruments
or routine use of open access instruments (Taylor et al.,
1995; Pullen et al., 1995). These methods and approaches were developed primarily in response to samplegenerating technologies. And this step represents the
present stage of LC/MS methods in the pharmaceutical
Although the scope of application continues to grow,
the routine use of LC/MS is now embraced by pharmaceutical researchers. Standard methods that incorporate
highly specialized features are routinely developed for a
variety of novel applications. Furthermore, many LC/MS
applications that deal with quantitative bioanalysis (i.e.,
pharmacokinetic studies) are frequently outsourced to
contract analytical laboratories. Thus, the routine use of
LC/MS is a benchmarked commodity for drug development.
The ®nal stage, senescence, does not appear to be a
prospect in the near future, but a decline in popularity and
application will likely occur sometime. Perhaps the onset
of this stage will be triggered by the divergence of
academic, instrument manufacture, and industry interests.
However, the current industry trends highlight the
tremendous challenge of drug development and an
expanding need for tools that provide for fast, sensitive,
and selective analysis of drugs and drug related compounds.
D. Overview
This review focuses on LC/MS applications in drug
development. The role of LC/MS in the pharmaceutical
industry during the past decade is examined, and key
elements for recent success are illustrated to include
signi®cant advances in instrumentation, methodology, and
application. The applications are highlighted with reference to the analysis opportunity and analysis strategy
implemented. Examples that depict unique advantages of
LC/MS during speci®c stages of drug development are
selected to capture the signi®cant events and/or initiatives
that occurred in the pharmaceutical industry during this
time. In many instances, an analysis is provided to
illustrate the result or development situation if LC/MS
was not utilized. In these cases, the impact (number of
samples) and value (cost) on drug development is
highlighted independent of the technical features of LC/
MS analysis. We hope that these unique industry
perspectives will offer a ``currency'' and assist in understanding the events that resulted in the proliferation of LC/
MS throughout the drug development cycle.
The review concludes with perspectives on future
trends and some thoughts on the future direction of LC/
MS applications in the pharmaceutical industry. New
standards of analytical performance are discussed with
regard to throughput and capacity. A prospective look at
how higher standards of analytical performance in the
pharmaceutical industry will affect relationships with
academia and instrument manufacturers is featured. These
sections extend the initial thesis of accelerated development to include new analysis bottlenecks and perspectives
on analysis issues and industry needs.
Drug development may be de®ned as a series of
specialized events performed to satisfy criteria, internal
(i.e., competitive industry benchmarks) and external (i.e.,
regulatory compliance), to yield a novel drug. Much
attention has so far been given to the various activities in
drug development. These accounts primarily have a
sample-generating perspective. For example, the timely
review of innovations in automated synthesis stimulated
new paradigms for drug discovery (Gallop et al., 1994;
Gordon et al., 1994; Desai et al., 1994). The combined
vision and depth of knowledge has had a profound effect
on the pharmaceutical industry, helping to promote a
greater understanding of technology and the development
of new strategies for discovering novel lead candidates.
A. Analysis Perspectives
Traditionally, the role of analytical technologies is to
respond to a pharmaceutical event, rather than to lead one.
A complementary perspective from an analytical point of
view can provide substantial insight into relevant drug
development issues. This insight may not be intuitively
obvious from a sample-generating (i.e., chemistry,
biology) approach. And, when sample analysis activities
are taken into consideration as an equal partner with
sample-generating activities, global, and perhaps integrated, strategies for drug development may be derived.
The view here is that analysis insights provide unique
perspectives and opportunities to contribute to the design,
development, and manufacture of high-quality drug
products. This statement does not intend to imply that
this process does not occur in the pharmaceutical industry,
only that there is opportunity for more such interaction
and collaboration. With that said, sample analysis can be
viewed as a dependent partner with sample generation.
Without analysis, sample generation yields no information
for satisfying drug development criteria, and vice versa.
Therefore, no matter how quickly or ef®ciently samples
are generated, the bene®ts are not realized unless they are
analyzed in an equally ef®cient manner. Identical, or
perhaps, matched criteria for performance (i.e., speed,
throughput, compatibility) is, therefore, required for
sample-generating and sample-analysis responsibilities.
B. The Four Stages of Drug Development
In recent years, the drug development process has
become more complex and highly competitive while the
sample analysis contributions have become increasingly
important. This perspective recognizes the impact of
sample analysis activities and the corresponding information that must be accumulated throughout the various
stages of development.
At present, drug development consists of four distinct
stages: (1) drug discovery; (2) preclinical development;
(3) clinical development; and (4) manufacturing [Table 2].
Each development stage is geared toward the swift
accomplishment of goals and objectives. Each stage
culminates in a speci®c corresponding milestone: lead
candidate; investigational new drug (IND)/clinical trial
application (CTA); new drug application (NDA)/marketing authorization application (MAA); and sales. The IND
and NDA are the required regulatory documents ®led in
the United States; the CTA and MAA are required in
For the successful completion of each milestone, a
diverse array of analyses is required. The focus is
generally unique to the speci®c stage of development
and is a determining factor for criteria for analysis. For
example, drug discovery approaches typically require
rapid, high-throughput screening methods with the
purpose of selecting a lead candidate from a large number
of diverse compounds. Analyses that emphasize quick
turn-around of results are desirable. As the discovery of
lead candidate moves forward through the drug development cycle, the analysis requirements become more
focused. In preclinical development, the main goal is
directed towards the swift ®ling of the IND/CTA. Thus,
analyses are aimed at providing more speci®c and detailed
information that evaluate drug properties. This stage of
drug development is also the ®rst point at which
regulatory issues are addressed; therefore, the use of
validated analytical methods and the compliance with
Food and Drug Administration (FDA) guidelines are
critical. For example, pharmaceutical scientists interact
with regulatory agencies to establish impurity limits so
that development and approval phases can proceed in a
predictable fashion. Thus, the generation and analysis of
drug products are conducted in accordance with FDA
good manufacturing practice (GMP) and good laboratory
practice (GLP) regulations, respectively. During the
clinical development stage, the lead candidate (now an
IND or CTA) is fully characterized in humans. Subsequent
analyses continue to be performed under strict protocol
and regulatory compliance to register the drug for NDA/
MAA. Once the NDA/MAA is approved, analyses are
focused on speci®cations to provide regulatory compliance and to assure quality during the manufacturing stage.
Below is a brief summary of the four stages of drug
development. Signi®cant events are highlighted with
respect to their relationship to analysis requirements.
TABLE 2. The four stages of drug development and their corresponding milestone and analysis emphasis.
Development Stage
Analysis emphasis
Drug discovery
Lead candidate
Preclinical development
Clinical development
IND/CTA ®ling
NDA/MAA ®ling
LC/MS analysis activities
Protein identi®cation; natural products identi®cation;
metabolic stability pro®les; molecular weight determination
for combinatorial/medicinal chemistry support
Impurity, degradant, and metabolite identi®cation
Quantitative bioanalysis; structure identi®cation
Impurity and degradant identi®cation
1. Drug Discovery
The goal of the drug discovery stage is to generate a
novel lead candidate with suitable pharmaceutical properties (i.e., ef®cacy, bioavailability, toxicity) for preclinical
evaluation. The drug discovery process is often initiated
with a decision to begin research on a new biological
target. Studies are performed to characterize and de®ne
the target to establish the biological rationale. Highthroughput screening assays are developed in conjunction
with a formal medicinal chemistry program. Potential lead
compounds contained in natural product sources or from
the extensive database of a synthetic compound library are
screened for activity. Lead compounds identi®ed from
screening efforts are optimized in close collaboration with
exploratory metabolism programs and drug safety evaluations.
In 1997, it was estimated that the synthesis and
screening of ca. 100,000 compounds is typically required
for the discovery a single quality lead compound (Baxter,
1997). The process of identifying a lead compound can
take up to 2±4 years. Optimization of the resulting lead
may take an additional 1±2 years. The drug discovery
stage culminates with a decision to advance a lead
candidate for preclinical development studies and more
extensive evaluation. Thus, the drug discovery stage
involves three primary analysis activities: target identi®cation; lead identi®cation; and lead optimization.
A recent survey forecasted the impact of new
technologies on drug discovery and preclinical development activities (Banerjee & Rosofsky, 1997). Figure 1
illustrates the maximum and minimum development times
in 1996 and projections for the year 2000. The results
suggest that lead identi®cation activities would decrease
from an average of 15 months in 1996 to just over 6
months in 2000. Generally, a shorter and more predictable time-scale is projected for drug discovery-related
2. Preclinical Development
The preclinical stage of drug development focuses on
activities that are necessary for ®ling an IND/CTA. The
completed IND/CTA contains information that details the
drug's composition and the synthetic processes utilized
for its production. The IND/CTA also contains animal
toxicity data, protocols for early phase clinical trials, and
an outline of speci®c details and plans for evaluation.
Process research, formulation, metabolism, and toxicity
are the major areas of responsibility in this development
stage. Analysis activities that feature LC/MS primarily
focus on the identi®cation of impurities, degradants, and
Generally, preclinical development activities are
completed in 10±15 months; however, shorter timelines
are predicted (Banerjee & Rosofsky, 1997). Preliminary
data from early animal toxicology and pharmacokinetic
studies are obtained to determine the optimal doses and
dosage form for the initial phase I clinical trials (see next
Section on clinical development). These early studies also
provide insight into the extent of safety monitoring
necessary during phase I. These data support the IND/
CTA submissions and clinical development for all
indications. All issues that are expected to attract the
attention of regulatory agencies are identi®ed at this time,
and are addressed in the clinical plan.
During preclinical development, the structure, physical, and chemical characteristics, and stereochemical
identity of the IND/CTA candidate are fully characterized.
This information, for example, is required for the
FIGURE 1. The maximum and minimum development times for a drug in 1996 and projections for the year
2000 (Banerjee & Rosofsky, 1997).
Chemical Manufacture and Control (CMC) section of the
IND. Appropriate bioanalytical methods are developed for
the evaluation of pharmacokinetics, typically a series of
studies focusing on absorption, distribution, metabolism,
and excretion (ADME) in toxicology species, as well as
systemic exposure and metabolism in toxicological and
clinical studies.
Characterization of the new drug substance is then
initiated, which includes preliminary information on
stability, preparation, and control for manufacturing
purposes. Preliminary information on the composition,
manufacture and packaging, and control of the investigational drug product are obtained. Registration dossiers
require a full description of the manufacture and control of
the new drug substance. Stability of the new drug
substance and drug products for at least 6 months is
required. Appropriate data con®rming the stereochemical
homogeneity of the drug substance during stability
studies, validation of analytical methods, and manufacture
of the drug products are also required.
3. Clinical Development
The clinical development stage is comprised of three
distinct components or phases (I±III), and culminates in
the ®ling of the NDA/MAA. Each phase involves process
scale-up, pharmacokinetics, drug delivery, and drug safety
activities. During phase I clinical development, the
compound's safety and pharmacokinetic pro®le is de®ned.
The determination of Cmax, AUC, elimination half-life,
volume of distribution, clearance and excretion, and
potential for drug accumulation is made in addition to
studies that provide estimates of ef®cacious doses. Dose
levels typically range from 10 to 2000 mg, with half the
patients on placebo. Patients are carefully observed,
monitored, and questioned about side effects. Plasma
samples are obtained at appropriate time-points following
administration of the drug, from which plasma-time
concentration curves are determined. Urine is collected
just prior to drug administration and at subsequent time
points to provide an estimate of the rate of urinary
excretion of drug and/or metabolites. Urine is also
collected during the study to provide insight into
metabolic stability. Typical pharmacodynamic evaluations
include blood glucose monitoring and blood pressure.
Safety evaluations include physical examinations and
clinical laboratory tests (i.e., liver function tests)
performed before dosing and before discharge.
After acceptable safety and pharmacokinetic data are
observed in phase I trials, phase II studies are initiated
with the goal of establishing ef®cacy, determining the
effective dose range, and obtaining safety and tolerability
data. In phase II, the dose and dosing interval to be used in
the patient population are de®ned as well as the estimated
no-effect dose. Phase II studies may require 1±1.5 years to
The goal of phase III is to complete the human safety
and ef®cacy programs and to secure approval. Programs
are designed to demonstrate clinical ef®cacy superior to a
placebo. Placebo-controlled, double-blind, randomized
trials are typically performed on 150±200 patients that
last up to six months. Additional studies with comparative
agents may be performed to satisfy registration requirements and to help to determine marketing and pricing
4. Manufacturing
As with earlier stages of drug development, the
transition to the manufacturing stage begins while the
previous clinical development activities are moving
toward its milestone (NDA/MAA). Plans begin well in
advance to ensure manufacturing capability for the
production of large quantities of synthesized drug
substance and drug product. Once formulated, the drug
is packaged and readied for distribution to pharmacies.
Manufacturing processes and facilities undergo a preapproval regulatory review and periodic inspections once
production is in progress. Analytical procedures and
information databases are formalized into standard
operating procedures (SOPs) and product speci®cations.
This information and technology are formally transferred
for routine monitoring and release by quality control (QC)
scientists in manufacturing groups.
Several other events occur simultaneously with these
activities. Some events focus on extending therapeutic
applications and formulations. Clinical studies are conducted to extend the diseases (indications) for which
the drug is proven ef®cacious and safe. For example,
TAXOL1 was initially approved for the treatment of
ovarian cancer, and was later extended for the treatment of
breast cancer after follow-on clinical studies demonstrated
ef®cacy for the new indication. In addition, new product
formulations are investigated to extend the routes of
administration for patient convenience, increased bioavailability, and new disease therapies. For example, a drug
that was initially developed as an injectable product may
be formulated as a tablet for oral administration.
Some manufacturing events are triggered by business
considerations. Changes in processes, such as the
synthetic production of a drug previously isolated from
natural sources, can ensure the expanded supply and a
more economical production. During the manufacturing
stage, comparisons are made to other drug products in the
same category, including stability, bioavailability, and
purity. With the direct advertising of pharmaceuticals and
more wide-spread information on drugs, patients are
taking a more active role in therapy decision-making.
Thus, comparative information is of interest during
the transition from exclusive patent-protected drugs
to the open generic market. Also, companies monitor
for the infringement of process patents by other
Other events that occur during the manufacturing
stage indicate an immediate need for analytical troubleshooting. Long-term stability studies (LTSS) may reveal
new degradants in retained lots, such as particulates in an
injectable. Adverse patient events are reported and
investigated, and consumer complaints about off-taste or
odor are immediately addressed. Manufacturing interruptions occur due to contamination by packaging materials
or unexpected impurities that exceed product speci®cations. Also, with the growing use of outsourced services
for the product manufacturing of intermediates, drug
substance and drug product, out-of-speci®cation results
must be immediately addressed.
Accelerated drug development strategies focus on
producing drug candidates and accomplishing goals in
less time than with traditional development approaches.
The key elements of accelerated development strategies
involve the early identi®cation of the most promising drug
candidates. Opportunity exists to expose weaknesses early
in the drug development cycle and to make decisions on
how to address (i.e., re®ne) or drop from further
development. The premise of this approach focuses on
maximizing the return on investment via the cost-effective
application of resources. The return on investment is
captured by bringing a pro®table drug to market faster and
by utilizing resources more ef®ciently.
A. Accelerated Development Strategies
From large-scale sample-generating efforts, two
accelerated development strategies involving analysis
have emerged [Table 3]. The ®rst involves quantitative
process approaches aimed at achieving high throughput
analysis. The focus is on sample volume with the primary
objective of accommodating increases in sample generation. This approach is typically accomplished with the
addition of more resources and/or improved methods for
analysis, and is highly effective when a ``go'' decision is
made for lead candidate development. The activities
associated with faster analysis are generally independent
of sample-generating approaches. The incorporation of an
automated task into an existing method for analysis is the
example of a quantitative process approach.
The second strategy involves the use of qualitative
process approaches which are supposed to eliminate
candidates that have unsuitable characteristics weak from
the drug development pipeline. Here, analyses that focus
on pharmaceutical properties are preformed during the
earlier stages of drug development. This approach usually
requires the development of a new application that is
highly integrated with the sample-generating responsibilities that lead to faster decisions to ``stop'' development
activities. Predictive in vivo and in vitro models of
metabolic stability are examples of a qualitative process
Accelerated development exploits the relationship
between quantitative and qualitative process approaches.
TABLE 3. The characteristics of quantitative and qualitative process approaches for accelerated drug development, featuring analysis
Accelerated development
Quantitative process approach High throughput analysis
Sample volume
Qualitative process approach
Pharmaceutical properties
Elimination of week candidates
Analysis features
Provide increased support when a ``go''
decision is made for development
Increased resources and/or improved
methods of analysis
Independent of sample generation
Intra-laboratory integration (i.e.
Generate information of ``stop''
Development of a new application and
implemented during early stages of
Integrated with sample generation
Inter-laboratory integration (i.e.,
predictive models)
Often, it is the balance between the two approaches that
creates new opportunities for development success as well
as signi®cant challenges for analysis. Typically, one
approach is developed in response to the other, followed
by re®nement and integration.
B. Quantitative and Qualitative Process Elements
To help illustrate the dynamics of quantitative and
qualitative process approaches to accelerated drug development, a hypothetical pipeline is constructed in Fig. 2.
This pipeline represents a ``snap-shot'' of drug development activities during a 12-month period. Here, the focus
is on the drug discovery, preclinical, and clinical
development stages. Quantitative process elements are
de®ned as the actual number of compounds (i.e., lead
compounds, lead candidates, IND/CTA's, NDA/MAA's)
in each development stage. Qualitative process elements
are de®ned as the development activity (i.e., metabolism,
pharmacokinetics, toxicity) utilized to evaluate and select
compounds for advancement to the next stage.
Quantitative process approaches are typically benchmarked by productivity, derived from the number of
compounds (or samples) in each development stage,
whereas qualitative approaches are benchmarked by
ef®ciency, corresponding to the rate at which drug
candidates (or samples) ¯ow through the various stages
in the pipeline. The relationship of these accelerated
development elements provide a useful tool to highlight
the features of quantitative and qualitative process
approaches, and are important factors in identifying
strategic analysis opportunities for increased productivity
and ef®ciency.
The application of these approaches to accelerated
drug development has become more essential due to
aggressive sample-generating technologies such as combinatorial chemistry. The ability to reach higher levels of
performance (i.e., high throughput) without sacri®cing
the quality of data (i.e., accuracy) is desirable. These
approaches typically involve the re®nement of an existing
activity or the creation of an entirely new one.
Re®nement approaches lead to a decreased cycle time
via the faster and more ef®cient analysis of samples. Here,
automation is an obvious and desirable goal to speed up
the analysis, to optimize the measurement, and to
coordinate diverse tasks. A tremendous emphasis is
placed on certain aspects of analysis such as sample
preparation and data processing, and data management.
Once considered to be peripheral to the actual analysis,
these activities have become important elements of high
throughput analysis.
The creation of new analysis approaches is a strategic
complement to re®nement. Here, the object is not
necessarily focused on replacing an existing method, but
rather supporting it by providing an opportunity to screen
and/or predict the likelihood of success. This approach is
effective to generate useful information while simultaneously providing a measure of relative order or ranking.
Though qualitative process approaches to accelerated
development actually add a step to the drug development
cycle, they provide a highly ef®cient method to make
decisions on a compound or a series of compounds to
move forward for further analysis.
The re®nement or creation of new approaches may
result in the elimination of existing activities. For
example, con®rmation of the structure of newly synthesized lead compounds traditionally involved an extensive
use of NMR. Once reliable LC/MS methodologies
became available and their performance was benchmarked, they were soon accepted as an exclusive method
for rapid structure con®rmation of lead compounds at an
earlier stage of the lead identi®cation process.
The likelihood of success, or failure, is an important
strategic factor in drug development. Generally, drug
development proceeds with a multitude of events and
demands that superimpose onto organizational sequence,
regulatory compliance, and diverse analysis needs. Thus,
faster development timelines typically occur when out-
FIGURE 2. Hypothetical drug development pipeline, illustrating activities during a 12-month period. Three
stages of drug development are indicated at the bottom of the ®gure. The corresponding milestones for each
stage are indicated at the top of the ®gure.
comes are predictable. Drug development is often slowed
by the unpredictable. In either case, opportunities exist for
new methodologies to address the unpredictable needs.
Great skill, or perhaps fortunate circumstance, is required
to anticipate needs and to devise effective plans.
So what happens when the pipeline is ®lled? Two
examples serve to illustrate the features of quantitative
and qualitative process approaches, and the corresponding
models for accelerated drug development are described
below. Each model focuses on the dynamics of quantitative and qualitative approaches, and emphasizes opportunities that impact analysis and the overall accelerated drug
development situation.
C. Quantitative Process Pipeline
Figure 3 (top) shows a quantitative drug development
pipeline that contains 100,000 lead compounds. In this
hypothetical model, ten lead candidates are generated in
the drug discovery stage. In the subsequent preclinical
development activities, 80% of the lead candidates are
successfully transferred to clinical development. The
resulting eight IND/CTA candidates are presented to the
clinical development stage, which involves three phases of
evaluation. During this stage, 50% successfully pass
through to phase II, and 50% of the phase II are
successfully transferred to phase III. A single NDA/MAA
results at the end of the pipeline, corresponding to a 50%
success rate from phase III. In this model, every 100,000
lead compounds generated in drug discovery results in a
single NDA/MAA.
The overall process can be analogously viewed as a
multi-step synthesis. Each step involves the critical
evaluation of candidate properties for conversion to the
next development stage. Each development stage has a
corresponding yield, which is indicative of productivity.
Each process has a corresponding rate, which is indicative
of ef®ciency. The yield and rate are dependent on the
``starting material'' (i.e., volume and quality of the lead
compound) as well as on the analysis tools and strategy
used to generate the information that is necessary to
``convert'' candidates to the next development stage.
To illustrate the effects of a purely quantitative
process approach to accelerated drug development, the
pipeline is ®lled with more discovery leads while the
qualitative process elements (i.e., rates of conversion)
remain the same for each stage (bottom, Fig. 3). In the ®rst
example, the number of lead compounds in drug discovery
is doubled totaling 200,000. The results are arithmetic as
each quantitative benchmark is doubled, resulting in the
production of two NDA/MAA compounds. This model is
extended further to illustrate the effects when 300,000 and
400,000 lead compounds are introduced into the drug
development pipeline to generate three and four NDA/
MAA compounds, respectively.
This approach to accelerated development emphasizes high throughput activities, and thus, sample volume
is typically high. The approach targets speci®c end-points
and benchmarks that aim at increasing productivity. The
strategy is based on introducing more lead compounds
into the pipeline to obtain more NDA/MAA ®lings. The
logic is highly intuitive; if the number of compounds
entering the pipeline is doubled, then the number of
compounds leaving are doubled as well. Thus, a
quantitative process pipeline is volume-enhancing, and
is driven by ``thermodynamic'' properties. An assumption
is made that ef®ciency will be maintained as the sample
volume is increased. For this relationship to occur,
improvements in analysis throughput are required. Without these improvements, quantitative process approaches
FIGURE 3. A quantitative process pipeline model, illustrating the transfer of successful drug candidates from
one stage to the next. Quantitative increases in drug candidate sample-generation volume are complemented by
proportional increases in resources for sample analysis.
to accelerated drug development require proportional
increases in resources (i.e., personnel, instrumentation,
space) for analysis.
D. Qualitative Process Pipeline
Qualitative process approaches to accelerated development target the activities involved with converting (or
eliminating) the drug candidate through the various
development stages within the pipeline. Using the same
12-month model as described for a quantitative process, a
pipeline that contains 100,000 lead compounds is shown
in Fig. 4. In this approach, identical benchmarks for
performance may be obtained; however, the potential of
improving the overall ef®ciency via the elimination of
weak drug candidates exists by producing one NDA/MAA
in less than 12 months.
This approach is extended to target improvements
with the rate of conversion between speci®c development
stages. For example, Fig. 4 illustrates the effect on overall
productivity if the number of lead candidates transferred
to the IND/CTA stage are reduced to six, corresponding to
a 60% conversion rate. With two less compounds to
support during the clinical development stage, a signi®cant amount of resources can be saved. Figure 4 also
illustrates the effect of qualitative process enhancements
throughout the drug development pipeline without
increasing the number of preclinical leads.
A qualitative process approach to accelerated development emphasizes the elimination of drug candidates
from the pipeline. This approach targets the advanced
evaluation of speci®c pharmaceutical properties. The
reward is not necessarily intuitive; introduce a qualitative
process change earlier in the drug development pipeline,
resulting in the proactive identi®cation of promising lead
compounds and the utilization of fewer resources during
the costly clinical development phases. This approach is
driven by ``kinetic'' properties with an acute focus on
ef®ciency (i.e., time is money!). A key element of a
qualitative process approach is the incorporation of new
applications for drug candidate evaluation at early stages
of drug development. This action provides a mechanism to
regulate the ¯ow of drug candidates through the development pipeline. In this way, rational decisions are made,
resulting in the selection of speci®c drug candidates for
accelerated (or delayed) development. Without this
approach, traditional methods of sample analysis would
be left to deal with the bulk of drug candidates and their
corresponding samples.
E. Motivating Factors
The motivation to implement quantitative and/or
qualitative process approaches in drug development is
understandable. Consider the fact that a $1 billion drug
(annual) generates approximately $3 million sales per day.
Therefore, the addition of an equivalent drug from a
revenue standpoint is quite lucrative. This ®gure is derived
from a pure quantitative process approach. When applied
throughout an entire drug development pipeline, a
qualitative process approach is equally profound. For
example, within the framework of an organization
operating with a $1 billion research and development
budget and producing two NCE's per year, the cost of
developing a single NCE per year is ca. $500 million per
year. Therefore, development costs would equal $2
FIGURE 4. A qualitative process pipeline model, illustrating the elimination of unsuccessful drug candidates at
earlier stages. Qualitative improvements in ef®ciency and the rate at which drug candidates ¯ow through the
pipeline result from the incorporation of new applications for drug candidate evaluation at earlier stages of drug
million per day per NCE. This ®gure is consistent with
recent cost estimates of bringing an NCE to market
(Drews & Ryser, 1997). The notion of accelerating the
development of a $1 billion drug is powerfully motivating,
and can result in a signi®cant source of revenue.
Furthermore, the bene®t from the early elimination of
drug candidates for further development may result in
considerable savings.
This analysis suggests that future accelerated drug
development activities require quantitative and qualitative
process considerations. Experience suggests that there
exists an iterative relationship, if not balance, between the
two approaches. Whatever the case may be, future
approaches to accelerated drug development is likely to
continue to focus on the number of compounds/candidates
in each development stage, and on the rate at which they
¯ow through the pipeline. These features are likely to
combine elements of quantitative and qualitative process
approaches. An extension of the previously described
hypothetical pipeline is shown in Fig. 5 to illustrate the
dynamics of a combined quantitative and qualitative
process approach. Combined approaches provide a synergistic mechanism to focus on goals for productivity and
benchmarks for ef®ciency. Finally, these models indicate
that combined quantitative and qualitative process
approaches to accelerated development require strategic
changes (affecting sample-generating and sample-analysis activities) with only moderate increases in resources.
F. Analysis Opportunities for Accelerated
So what opportunities exist for accelerated development? Are these opportunities predictable? And what role
can analysis techniques such as LC/MS play? Perhaps a
straight-forward approach involves the determination of
analysis costs.
1. Full-Time Equivalent
The ®rst step in calculating the cost of analysis in
the pharmaceutical industry is to determine the yearly cost
of the analyst. This cost is referred to as a full-time
equivalent (FTE). A typical FTE calculation is shown in
Table 4. The cost per year can be estimated as about
$250,000. This cost would include factors for salary,
bene®ts, space (laboratory, of®ce, common rooms),
management, support staff, capital equipment, and
operating supplies, which increase or decrease the FTE
cost. The time available to a researcher for sample
analysis is estimated at ca. 200 days per year. This number
takes into consideration the allotment of time for holidays,
vacation, training, conferences, company business meetings, and maintenance and repair of laboratory equipment.
This analysis provides a cost of about $1,250 per day for
each productive researcher.
2. Sample Throughput Model
Once the ®gures for an FTE are established, the cost
corresponding to the number of samples that can be
analyzed per day is calculated. In Fig. 6, a cost pro®le is
illustrated for LC/MS analyses of up to 100 samples per
day. This model indicates analysis throughput from a
quantitative process approach, and provides a ®scal
illustration of the impact the analysis may have on drug
development. For example, LC/MS-based strategies,
which have been demonstrated to increase the rate of
FIGURE 5. A combined process pipeline model, incorporating quantitative and qualitative elements.
Combined approaches for drug development result in increased ef®ciency and rate with only moderate
increases in resources due to strategic process changes.
TABLE 4. A calculation of the costs associated with a full-time equivalent (FTE) analyst.
Productivity days/yr
Support staff & management
Capital equipment
Operating supplies
Working days
Company meetings
200 days/yr $1,250/day
FIGURE 6. Fiscal illustration of the impact of analysis ef®ciency on drug development costs, based on the FTE
costs indicated in Table 4. An LC/MS application that increases the rate of sample analysis from 10 sample/day
to 50 samples/day would reduce the cost of analysis from $125/sample to $25/sample.
TABLE 5. A model that projects the yearly costs associated with the ®rst three stages of drug development.
Drug discovery
Number of drug candidates
Estimated cost of developmenta
Cost per drug candidate
Preclinical development
$150 million
$50 million
$5 million
Clinical development
$300 million
$40 million
Assuming that the cost to develop a single new drug equals $500 million/yr.
sample analysis by two- to ten-fold in the pharmaceutical
industry, can be expected to reduce the cost per analysis
by a corresponding ratio.
3. Elimination Model
A second model, which can be used to illustrate the
cost advantages of LC/MS in drug development, highlights the ®scal bene®t of qualitative process approaches
used to eliminate candidates from the drug development
pipeline. In this example, the number of compounds in
various stages of drug development is represented, using
the previously described drug development pipeline
models [Figs. 3±5]. From this model, the costs associated
with each stage of drug development is estimated
[Table 5]. Assuming that the cost to develop a single
drug candidate equals $500 million per year, a ®gure for
the cost per candidate is calculated for the three stages that
lead up to NCE/MAA approval. For example, the cost of
preclinical and clinical development is estimated at $5
million and $40 million, respectively.
From this information, the ®scal impact of qualitative
process approaches is evaluated. For example, the amount
of savings that result from the early elimination of a
FIGURE 7. Cost saving associated with the early elimination of drug candidates that would have failed in
clinical development. Early elimination of two drug candidates that would have failed in clinical development
would save approximately $80 million within a year.
single drug candidate that would have failed in clinical
development is illustrated in Fig. 7. Clearly, there are
strategic opportunities to select or eliminate candidates at
earlier stages of drug development. This analysis reveals
the savings that result from the elimination of two
compounds from the clinical development stage, totaling
$80 million.
4. Rate-Determining Event Model
Recent trends in accelerated drug development
illustrate the important role of LC/MS technology. As
prospective LC/MS analysis approaches continue to be
accepted, more activities that are identi®ed as ratedetermining can be investigated. In recent years, these
FIGURE 8. Additional sales associated with an earlier introduction of a new drug due to saving days of work
from rate-determining activities during the drug development process. Two days saved for each of ten ratedetermining activities would allow the introduction of the drug 20 days earlier, and would result in $60 million
additional sale for a drug with $1 billion/year sales.
rate-determining events correspond to proteomics for drug
target identi®cation, combinatorial chemistry, and pharmacokinetics, to name a few. These areas continue to
undergo quantitative and qualitative process re®nement
for additional gains in productivity and ef®ciency. Future
approaches to accelerated drug development may focus on
activities that do not routinely utilize LC/MS. These
activities may include screening, solubility, absorption,
formulation screening, stability, process research, toxic
mechanisms, and direct patient monitoring, for example.
As these rate-determining activities are accelerated with
the application of LC/MS techniques, the cost savings can
be highly signi®cant.
For example, if a hypothetical drug development
pipeline contains a total of 20 rate-determining activities,
then the application of LC/MS for accelerated development can be measured [Fig. 8]. Using the same model of a
drug with $1 billion in annual sales ($3 million per
business day), the additional income associated with
earlier introduction of the drug is calculated. In this
model, the application of LC/MS on ten rate-determining
activities that result in two days of accelerated development per activity allows the launch of the drug to proceed
20 days earlier, for additional sales that total $60 million.
techniques (Snyder, 1995; Covey, 1995; Thomson, 1998)
and the mechanistic aspects of ionization (Bruins, 1998)
have been recently reviewed. Efforts to develop and re®ne
an interface for introducing a ¯owing liquid HPLC system
into a high vacuum mass spectrometry environment
were fueled by a strong notion that the combination
would be unique and would provide powerful advantages
for analysis (Arpino et al., 1979; Arpino, 1982). The
combined efforts and vision from a diverse group of
pioneering researchers helped to create a unique combination for pharmaceutical analysis.
A. The Elements of LC/MS Application
From an applications standpoint, the partnership of
HPLC and mass spectrometry bene®ted greatly from the
tradition of HPLC within the pharmaceutical industry, and
from the growing trend to obtain structural information
during earlier stages of drug development. Ultimately, it
has been the power of HPLC to resolve and the ability of
mass spectrometry to identify that enabled LC/MS to
integrate effectively with drug development and to solve
G. Accelerated Development Perspectives
The risk in drug development is tremendously high.
Thousands of lead compounds are synthesized and tested.
Perhaps only one in 100,000 lead compounds is
introduced into clinical trials. Only one in ten lead
candidates is registered and marketed. Such a high degree
of failure is further exacerbated when one realizes that
only one in three marketed drugs returns their R and D
investment. Therefore, there exists a great deal of
motivation to constantly evaluate drug development
activities and to integrate new approaches that provide
advantages for faster development and economical
research. This motivation has led the pharmaceutical
industry to search for new opportunities that deal with
analysis and accelerated development.
The successful application of new technologies to
drug development is noteworthy. Although the end result
cannot be reliably predicted, each application has its
origin with some speci®c development crisis. Crisis
creates a poignant stoppage in work ¯ow and a bottleneck
in drug development. Bottlenecks demand a search for
something new.
The signi®cant events and overcome obstacles that
led to the development and application of LC/MS-based
HPLC-based techniques have long been a traditional
mainstay of the pharmaceutical industry. It is a powerful
technology that allows complex mixtures to be transformed into separated components. It is highly sensitive,
reproducible, accessible, and well-understood from an
operator's standpoint. Perhaps the output from the HPLC
is its unique characteristic that distinguishes it from all
other analytical techniques. The output from an HPLC,
the chromatogram, is de®ned and simple. Each peak is
characteristic of a component; each chromatogram is
diagnostic of an event or experiment associated with a
drug development activity. When combined with the fact
that nearly all compounds of pharmaceutical interest are
amenable to HPLC methodologies and conditions, and
that critical information on nearly all events in the drug
development cycle can be derived from HPLC chromatograms, it becomes evident why HPLC is a universally
accepted analysis tool in the pharmaceutical industry.
2. Mass Spectrometry
Until the widespread commercial introduction of
electrospray ionization (ESI)±LC/MS instruments in the
early 1990's, mass spectrometry-based techniques had a
functional yet limited role in drug development. Primarily
geared toward a medicinal chemistry environment, mass
spectrometry was a fairly routine tool for molecular
weight determination and a specialty tool for complex
structure identi®cation problems. Applications and methods were typically de®ned by the ionization method of
choice. Fast atom bombardment (FAB), desorption
chemical ionization (DCI), chemical ionization (CI), and
electron ionization (EI) were the predominant choices,
with varying degrees of applicability. Once a molecule
is ionized, the mass spectrometer provided separation of
the resulting molecular ions and dissociation products,
according to weight. These masses were assigned to
corresponding substructures of the molecule. These
approaches were primarily limited to the characterization
of low molecular weight compounds (<500 Da) with
varying degrees of polarity and thermal lability. Detailed
analysis was de®ned by the depth of spectral interpretation
for structure identi®cation purposes or by the resolving
power of the instrument for exact mass, molecular
formula, and purity assessment.
3. LC/MS Interface
The LC/MS interface provides the connection
between the HPLC and mass spectrometer. It is responsible for the reliable and ef®cient transfer of analytes from
the solution phase to the gas phase. It is also responsible
for a critical element of mass spectrometry analysis:
ionization. For most pharmaceutical analyses, the ideal
ionization technique would generate a single ion that
corresponds to the molecular weight of the drug
compound, with little or no fragment ions. The con®rmation of structure would be facile, and quantitation would
proceed with a high degree of sensitivity. Elements of
selectivity would be provided by the HPLC separation
(i.e., drug components, biological matrix) and/or MS/MS
(i.e., structure elucidation, enhanced quantitation).
In the late 1980's, thermospray ionization (TSI)
techniques offered what would be the precursor to a
universal and reliable LC/MS interface for compounds of
pharmaceutical interest. Conventional HPLC ¯ow-rates
(1±2 mL/min) were accommodated by this interface,
using volatile buffers that contain ammonium acetate.
New applications were realized, and higher standards of
analytical performance were established for pharmaceutical analysis (Voyksner et al., 1985; Beattie & Blake,
1989; Oxford & Lant, 1989; Malcolm et al., 1990).
However, TSI±LC/MS applications did not completely capture the imagination of chemists and biologists in
the pharmaceutical industry. TSI±LC/MS was overshadowed by its unpredictable performance and questionable
ruggedness when compared to LC/UV. This perception
was the case, in part, because the industry was ready for a
universal LC/MS system, but with very few limits. Simple
methods to handle small and large molecules, combined
with a gentle technique for ionization, were needed.
Researchers were not content with the unique capabilities
of TSI±LC/MS. They wanted a few limits and boundaries
for applicability with familiar levels of analytical
performance (i.e., similar to LC/UV). This requirement
was not necessarily derived from an analytical perspective, but rather an industry perspective, which ultimately
forms the basis of acceptance. Whether this requirement
was fair or unfair is perhaps another topic for discussion;
however, the developments associated with the TSI±LC/
MS interface were indeed quite signi®cant and made clear
two signi®cant aspects of LC/MS technologies during the
late 1980's: (1) the pharmaceutical industry was ready for
LC/MS applications, and (2) clear performance benchmarks for acceptance were established for future instruments.
From a medicinal chemist's perspective, NMR was
still the analytical tool of choice, whereas mass spectrometry, IR, and elemental analyses completed the necessary ensemble of analytical structure con®rmation.
Synthesis routines were capable of generating several
milligrams of product, which is more than adequate for
proton and carbon NMR experiments. For analyses that
involved natural products, metabolites, or synthetic
impurities, time-consuming and often painstaking isolation methods were necessary, followed by expensive
scale-up procedures, to obtain the necessary amount of
material for an NMR experiment. In situations that
involved trace mixture analysis, radiolabelling approaches
were often utilized in conjunction with various formats of
chromatographic separation.
The original work of Bruins (Bruins et al., 1987) and
Fenn (Fenn et al., 1989) revealed the promise of an LC/
MS interface that satis®ed the industry requirements of
applicability and performance. Examples ranged from the
atmospheric pressure chemical ionization (APCI)±LC/
MS analysis of small drug molecules (Bruins, 1991;
Baillie, 1992) to the ESI±LC/MS analysis of biomolecules (Hunt et al., 1992; Yates et al., 1993) and receptor±
ligand interactions (Ganem et al., 1991; Ganguly et al.,
1992; Smith & Light-Wahl, 1993). These applications
demonstrated a widened scope of LC/MS utility for
pharmaceutical analysis and set new standards for
performance. Perhaps equally important, these early
applications of APCI±LC/MS and ESI±LC/MS captured
the imagination of pharmaceutical researchers, and
created a powerful perception that MS-based techniques
could have an expanded role as a versatile tool for drug
B. Growth of LC/MS
Once designed, tested, manufactured, and championed, an explosion in pharmaceutical applications
involving LC/MS soon began. This growth is illustrated
by the number of papers that feature LC/MS (Fig. 9) and
FIGURE 9. The growth in presentations at the annual conference of the American Society for Mass
Spectrometry featuring: all LC/MS applications (LC/MS); and LC/MS applications in drug development (LC/
MS Pharma).
that are presented at the American Society for Mass
Spectrometry (ASMS) conference during the past ten
years. The total number of papers has steadily increased
during this time, which was marked by signi®cant
increases in LC/MS papers. In 1998, LC/MS presentations
at the ASMS conference in Orlando, Florida comprised
nearly 30% of the total papers. Pharmaceutical applications of LC/MS exhibited a similar growth, and represented nearly 15% of the total papers presented in 1998.
The rapid growth of LC/MS experienced in the
pharmaceutical industry was in many ways, fortuitous.
Development of the LC/MS interface coincided with
industry initiatives that made it imperative to understand,
acquire, and integrate this technology into the drug
development cycle. There did not exist an alternative
method or approach to obtain LC/MS-derived information
that had the same impact on drug development. The faster
rate of sample generation combined with cost-saving
initiatives that emphasized ef®ciency helped to make LC/
MS-based solutions an easily justi®able approach.
The LC/MS instrument has become a highly productive analysis platform for drug development activities due
to: (1) technological advances in the LC/MS interface, (2)
improved HPLC and mass spectrometer performance, and
(3) an increased need for rapid, high-throughput analysis
of trace mixtures. During the past decade, we have
witnessed the successful introduction of a variety of LC/
MS instruments into drug development that feature single
quadrupole, tandem quadrupole, magnetic sector, time-of¯ight (TOF), and ion trap mass analyzers. From dedicated
instruments for highly specialized analyses (i.e., high
throughput quantitation) to instruments residing on the
laboratory bench (i.e., open access, reaction-monitoring
stations) are now a signi®cant part of the modern drug
development landscape. Negative perceptions that mass
spectrometry-based techniques were time-consuming,
limited in application, and dif®cult to operate and
maintain became a memory of the past.
In a relatively short time, LC/MS has truly come a
long way. Furthermore, its growth has helped set the stage
for parallel analysis opportunities with matrix-assisted
laser desorption/ionization (MALDI) (Stoeckli et al.,
1999), capillary electrophoresis (CE) (Chakel et al.,
1997; Figeys & Aebersold, 1998), LC/NMR (Ehlhardt et
al., 1998; Vogler et al., 1998), and in general, simpler, less
expensive instruments. Certainly, ``carry-over'' perceptions in the pharmaceutical industry still exist; but, if
instrument sales are a good indicator, then there seems to
be a growing population of believers in LC/MS-based
tools for analysis.
Today, LC/MS technologies continue to experience
an expanding role in drug development. High premiums
on fast analysis times and the rapid turn-around of results
have generated immense challenges and opportunity. New
standards for throughput and capacity continue to be
established. The early and quick evaluation of drug
candidates has now become the norm throughout the
pharmaceutical industry. Everything seems faster.
To reach the required level of analysis performance
with LC/MS techniques, new strategies for analysis are
required. The challenge of coordinating this activity
cannot be underestimated because these strategies often
determine the ultimate success of the analysis method and
provide a mechanism for an entire organization to interact
with the information generated. Without an appropriate
strategy, the results are useful to only those who generated
the data. Thus, the creation and selection of effective
strategies for analysis have become critical factors in drug
An exciting element of LC/MS growth has been the
development of effective strategies for analysis. Unprecedented needs in drug development stimulated new ways
of providing information. Shorter timelines and a greater
number of drug candidates resulted in a tremendous focus
on streamlined approaches that generate information for
decision-making. This approach allows decision makers
to readily obtain, or even request, the necessary information that leads to accelerated development. Thus, the
recent emphasis in LC/MS strategies in drug development
is on producing information appropriate for decision.
Accelerated drug development applications incorporate key strategies that serve to de®ne the attributes of the
resulting method. Selection and incorporation of these
strategies into the LC/MS method is highly dependent on
the speci®c need or task. As a result, the strategies that are
ultimately incorporated into a method may seem obvious,
and may not be often enumerated. However, a fundamental understanding of these strategies can assist with
the development of highly effective methods for analysis.
There are nine strategies that consistently appear in
LC/MS-based methods for accelerated development.
These strategies form a powerful set of tools to devise,
construct, and re®ne pharmaceutical analysis methods.
The proactive use of a single strategy, or the combination
of several, produces unique information and inspires new
perspectives on analysis. In this way, analysis methods
create new mechanisms for information gathering, rather
than passively waiting for a sample to be generated. And it
is in this way that LC/MS analysis capabilities recently
partnered with sample-generating disciplines for the
creation of new accelerated development opportunities.
Described below are the nine analysis strategies,
along with brief examples of how they are typically used
to accelerate drug development. Selected references are
listed in Table 6 to illustrate participation with speci®c
drug development stages. Many of the examples referenced here are described in the applications section. Each
strategy represents a signi®cant process change that
affects the number of samples analyzed and the rate of
compounds that ¯ow through the development pipeline.
A. Standard Methods
Method development and validation are two of the
most time-consuming aspects of analysis-related activities. Furthermore, if a system is used for more than one
analysis, then the time required for changeover from one
set of conditions to another can actually be more time-
TABLE 6. The nine analysis strategies that consistently appear in LC/MS-based methods for accelerated drug development.
Analysis strategy
Drug development application
Standard methods
Pharmacokinetics, screening
Metabolite identi®cation
CYP450 metabolism
Natural products
Library searching
Natural products dereplication
Impurity identi®cation
Substructure nomenclature
Glycoprotein mapping
Phosphorylated peptides
Target screening
Drug-protein binding
Template structure identi®cation
Development stage
Selected references
Taylor et al., 1995; Pullen et al., 1995
Olah et al., 1997
Kerns et al., 1997
Ayrton et al., 1998a
Lee et al., 1996
Qin et al., 1994; Volk et al., 1996;
Volk et al., 1997
Nicolas and Scholz, 1998;
Williamson et al., 1998
Dear et al., 1998
Chang et al., 1997
Henzel et al., 1993; Eng et al., 1994;
Arnott et al., 1995; McCormack
et al., 1997; Kleintop et al., 1998
Gilbert and Lewer, 1998; Janota and
Carter, 1998
Kerns et al., 1994
Kerns et al., 1995
Carr et al., 1993
Ding et al., 1994
Hsieh et al., 1997
Tiller et al., 1995
TABLE 6. (Continued)
Analysis strategy
Parallel processing
Drug development application
Development stage
Caco-2 models
Metabolic stability
In vitro metabolites
Bioaf®nity screening
Predictive models
Peptide mapping
Multidimensional chromatography
Drug discovery metabolism
Metabolic stability
In vivo microdialysis sampling
Direct analysis of plasma
Chiral analysis/on-line Desalting
Organic extractables
Peptide mapping
Glycoprotein mapping
Cellular uptake
In vitro hydrolysis
In vitro biotransformation
Chiral separations
96-Well SPE
Protein analysis
Predictive models/degradants
Off-line SPE
Natural products
Combinatorial chemistry
Peptide mapping/base
Peak pro®les
Protein analysis
Metabolite identi®cation
SPE extraction
Toxic leachables
Selected references
Olah et al., 1997; Bryant et al., 1997;
Hop et al., 1998; Beaudry et al.,
1998; Allen et al., 1998
Caldwell et al., 1998
Ackermann et al., 1998; Davis and
Lee, 1998
Poon et al., 1996
Davis et al., in press
Rourick et al., 1996; 1998
Stevens et al., 1997
Maurer et al., 1997
Bean and Henion, 1997
Heath and Giordani, 1993
Apffel et al., 1995; 1996
Li et al., 1995
Herron et al., 1995; Wood et al., 1996;
Heath et al., 1997;
Manini et al., 1998
Covey et al., 1986; Fouda et al., 1991;
Wang-Iverson et al., 1992;
Kaye et al., 1992
Scott and Heath, 1998;
Wong et al., 1999
Chen et al., 1991
Ayrton et al., 1997;
Needham et al., 1998
Cai and Henion, 1997
Kanazawa et al., 1998;
Joyce et al., 1998
Wu et al., 1997
Liu et al., 1998
Liu et al., 1996
Kerns et al., 1998
Van Breeman et al., 1991
Tiller et al., 1998
Beattie and Blake, 1989
Liu et al., 1997
Ackermann et al., 1996b
Zavitsanos and Alebic-Kolbah, 1998
Kaye et al., 1996
Houthaeve et al., 1995
Rourick et al., 1996
Allanson et al., 1996;
Simpson et al., 1998
Ackermann et al., 1996a
Takach et al., 1998; Tong et al., 1998
Arnott et al., 1995
Houthaeve et al., 1997
Lopez et al., 1998
Josephs, 1996
Allanson et al., 1996; Janiszewski
et al., 1997; Simpson et al., 1998
Tiller et al., 1997a
consuming than the analysis! Increasingly, the desire for
customized methods has yielded to the demands of
increased sample generation. This demand resulted in
the introduction of standard methods, sometimes referred
to as ``generic methods'' (Ayrton et al., 1998b; Dear et al.,
1998), to accommodate a wide range of compound
classes. This strategy allows the same set of conditions
to be used on diverse samples and reduces the time
required for method development, validation, and experimental setup. Some reduction in chromatographic resolution may be experienced compared to a customized
method; however, the separations are often suf®cient to
provide the appropriate information for decision making.
Generally, this approach does not replace existing
methods; however, it provides for the necessary throughput plus new options for accelerated drug development.
Also, methods are ``locked-in'' during early development
stages for faster project start-up. This strategy eliminates
iterative cycles of method development and re®nement.
This approach has been recently demonstrated for lead
optimization in the drug discovery stage (Olah et al.,
1997) and in situations where a drug candidate enters a
new stage of evaluation (Kerns et al., 1997; Bansal &
Liang, 1998).
One standard method approach that appears to have
wide application in the pharmaceutical industry is the use
of reversed-phase HPLC with a wide solvent gradient
program. For example, a linear gradient from 95%
aqueous/5% organic to 5% aqueous/95% organic at near
neutral pH (i.e., 6±7) is typical. Often, a fast gradient (5
and 20 min) is utilized to provide rapid analysis.
An important element of this strategy is the application of the ``80/20 Rule'', also known as Pareto's Law
(Heller and Hindle, 1998), for method development and
performance (Lee et al., 1995a; 1997). This approach
basically targets a practical benchmark for performance
where the method is applicable to about 80% of the
samples analyzed. Analysis is initiated with minimal time
spent on development and re®nement activities. The
strategy is to spend 20% of analysis time on 80% of the
samples, whereas the majority of time (i.e., collaboration,
method development, interpretation) can be spent on more
challenging analyses that represent 20% of the samples.
The strategy can be re®ned and the scale set to the desired
level of performance, such as 90/10 or 95/5. For the
samples that are not successfully analyzed using this
method, a backup 80/20 method is utilized (Lee et al.,
1995a). Using this method-ensemble approach, maximum
information is generated in the shortest amount of time
and with minimal resources.
A standard method allows information to be collected
in a consistent manner. Thus, information generated on
one day is reliably compared to information generated on
another. This consistency is an important consideration,
particularly for those compounds that enter late stages of
drug development, because useful information acquired
1±3 years earlier is used to accelerate development.
Therefore, this strategy also results in a signi®cant
reduction of re-analyses. An example that involves a
series of process research experiments performed by a
chemist over several weeks serves to illustrate this
strategy. If, in the ®rst sample, a drug impurity is
identi®ed using LC/MS and LC/MS/MS studies, then it
may only be necessary in subsequent samples to con®rm
the molecular weight of an impurity at the same retention
time, using a single LC/MS or LC/UV analysis (Kerns
et al., 1994). This approach has been successfully implemented for metabolite identi®cation during the preclinical
development stage (Kerns et al., 1997) and for patent
infringement issues during the manufacturing stage.
B. Template Structure Identi®cation
The identi®cation of unknown structures can often
seem daunting, particularly when an authentic standard is
not available. As a result, impurities, degradants, and
metabolites have often been prospectively synthesized. To
support accelerated development, where 40-times as many
samples can be generated, a more streamlined approach
for structure identi®cation must often be implemented.
One strategy involves the use of the parent drug itself
as a template for the interpretation of unknown structures
(Perchalski et al., 1982; Covey et al., 1991). This approach
often provides suf®cient information for early decision
making in drug discovery. Con®rmation for registration
purposes (i.e., NDA/MAA) is performed, using a
synthesized standard, as a project enters the later stages
of drug development.
Template structure identi®cation is readily performed
with LC/MS/MS using a consistent protocol. First, the
parent drug is analyzed with LC/MS. Retention time and
molecular weight information are obtained. Using LC/
MS/MS, a product-ion analysis of the parent drug is
obtained, and speci®c product ions and neutral losses are
assigned to substructures of the molecule. Thus, the
unique fragment ions contained in the product-ion mass
spectrum of the parent drug serves as the template for
identi®cation. An example that illustrates this template
structure identi®cation strategy is shown in Fig. 10 for
paclitaxel (Volk et al., 1997). Subsequent analysis of
samples via LC/MS and LC/MS/MS yields comparable
information for the unknown compound(s).
Further information is obtained, by the observation of
sequential neutral losses, to determine the sequence of
substructures or ``molecular connectivity'' within the
analyte (Lee et al., 1996). This procedure is analogous to
two-dimensional NMR techniques used to sequentially
connect substructures. A familiar example of molecular
FIGURE 10. Template structure identi®cation of a base-induced degradant of paclitaxel. (A) Product-ion
spectrum of the ion at m/z 829 (H NH4) of a base-induced degradant of paxlitaxel. (B) Product-ion spectrum
of the m/z 871 (H NH4) ion of paclitaxel used as a template. The product ions and neutral losses that
correspond to speci®c substructures are indicated. Diagnostic product ions at m/z 286, 268, and 240 indicate the
presence of the paclitaxel sidechain. The m/z 509 ion in the degradant is indicative of the deacetylated paclitaxel
core ring structure. The presence of the m/z 527 ion instead of the m/z 569 ion of paclitaxel indicates the loss of
an acetyl substructure from the core ring structure. This result is consistent with the MW difference of 42 Da of
the degradant, which is indicative of an acetyl substructure (Volk et al., 1997).
connectivity is the determination of the amino acid
sequence of a peptide. Speci®c neutral losses are
diagnostic of speci®c amino acids, and the sequence of
these losses identi®es the peptide (Roepstorff & Fohlman,
The MS/MS identi®cation strategy is based on the
premise that much of the parent drug structure will be
retained in the metabolites, impurities, or degradants
(Perchalski et al., 1982; Lee et al., 1986; Straub et al.,
1987; Lee & Yost, 1988). In addition, the product ions
associated with unique substructures are also expected to
be retained. Direct comparison of molecular weight and
product ions reveal substructural differences, and lead to
an interpreted or proposed structure.
This strategy is highly successful for impurity
identi®cation (Kerns et al., 1994) during preclinical
development. When information is stored within a
comparative database, this approach is also highly
effective for protein identi®cation (Arnott et al., 1995).
In these applications, the characteristic fragmentation
corresponding to amino acid residues provide the searchable template for identi®cation. This approach is particularly useful when identi®cation studies are required for
vast numbers of compounds or for samples that contain
many analytes of interest.
C. Databases
One strategy for taking advantage of (leveraging)
processed information is to categorize it into databases.
Although a modest amount of time and resources is
required to implement this strategy, databases have two
important bene®ts. First, it provides a reference-friendly
format to search data. This feature is essential for the rapid
identi®cation of known compounds. For example, the
identi®cation of a metabolite may require only retention
time and molecular weight information via LC/MS
analysis when compared to the metabolite structure
database compiled from previous LC/MS/MS studies
(Kerns et al., 1997). The process of identifying a natural
product in a plant extract, when the natural product has
been previously identi®ed and recorded in the database, is
often referred to as ``dereplication''. This approach has
been recently described by Gilbert and Lewer (Gilbert &
Lewer, 1998) and Janota and Carter (Janota & Carter,
1998). Databases are also used to search for known
proteins (Eng et al., 1994). These databases are utilized
extensively for the rapid identi®cation (dereplication) of
proteins in studies involved with proteomics (Arnott et al.,
1998; Kleintop et al., 1998).
A second bene®t of databases is the ef®cient
extraction of information. The database may be ``mined''
to detect trends that may not be otherwise noticed. This
approach is used to reveal trends such as the metabolically
active sites of a molecule and/or substructures labile to
degradative conditions (Kerns et al., 1997). This information is useful for candidate selection and development
planning activities.
Once established, a database is transferred to other
laboratories that are participating in the speci®c drug
development activity. The resulting databases are readily
accessed via information intra-nets. Information is
coordinated within the database, and a variety of scientists
``pool'' their information. When implemented early
within the drug development cycle (i.e., drug discovery),
valuable information for late stages of drug development
are available (Kerns et al., 1994; 1997). Therefore, this
approach provides a comprehensive method for information gathering whereby future projects are planned,
coordinated, and ef®ciently supported.
It should also be noted that database creation,
modi®cation, and use are greatly bene®ted by the standard
methods approach described previously. This approach
produces reliable data that lend themselves to a highly
consistent database format throughout a project lifetime.
D. Screening
The recent acceptance of standard methods for
analysis, template structure identi®cation, and databases
has allowed increased amounts of information to be
generated in shorter periods of time. As researchers
embraced approaches calling for the earlier collection of
information on pharmaceutical properties, LC/MS
emerged as an advantageous technique for screening.
For example, to maintain adequate sample throughput and
turn around, a variety of screening-based approaches is
utilized. Results are either geared toward categories of
performance (i.e., high, low) or absolute criteria such as a
speci®c structure or targeted level of quantitation.
Corresponding limits are pre-set during method development, and the LC/MS-based analysis merely sorts the
information in a high volume fashion. Important elements
of LC/MS screening feature quantitative and qualitative
process approaches.
Screening-based strategies are incorporated into
quantitative bioanalytical assays to provide a highly
selective approach for high throughput analysis. Highly
automated methods featuring fast chromatographic
separations in combination with either one or two
dimensions of mass spectrometry analysis provide powerful methods for quantitative analysis. The two approaches
are referred to as selected ion monitoring (SIM) and
selected reaction monitoring (SRM). In experiments that
use SIM, the mass spectrometer is set to detect a selected
ion mass that corresponds to the drug molecule.
Sensitivity is enhanced by using this selected ion drug
screening approach as opposed to sampling a range of ions
via a conventional mass spectrum (Fouda et al., 1991;
Wang-Iverson et al., 1992). To provide higher selectivity
and to enhance the limits of detection (LOD), SRM is used
to screen for a compound by monitoring the ion current
between a speci®c precursor±product ion relationship
(Covey et al., 1986). A speci®c product ion resulting from
unimolecular decomposition or a collisionally induced
dissociation (CID) of the protonated molecule ion,
(M H) , is detected (Kaye et al., 1992).
Recently, high throughput methods for metabolic
stability assessment have been introduced early in the
drug discovery stage in close proximity to compound
synthesis activities (Cole et al., 1998; Ackermann et al.,
1998). Analyses often incorporate a screening motif
associated with the method of analysis, collection of
information, and the subsequent interpretation of results.
Similar approaches to rapidly generate and identify large
numbers of related compounds (i.e., impurities, degradants, metabolites) employ ``predictive models'' (Rourick
et al., 1996). Typically, these methods involve the
incubation of the drug candidate in an in vitro model that
is indicative of a condition encountered during drug
development. For example, some methods incorporate
metabolizing microsomes, acidic/basic/oxidizing chemical degradation conditions, or light/heat/humidity environmental conditions. Another LC/MS-based screening
approach features the use of HPLC columns that contain
an immobilized protein to determine relative binding.
Tiller et al. demonstrated the use of this LC/MS method-
ology for the determination of drug-protein (serum
albumins) binding (Tiller et al., 1995) [Table 7].
These screening approaches require minimum information for the evaluation of pharmaceutically relevant
properties. Compounds that do not meet a predetermined
criterion are eliminated from further consideration.
Guidance is obtained for further structure optimization
via synthetic modi®cation. Thus, pharmaceutical properties are assessed on the time-scale of compound synthesis,
resulting in an optimization while programs are still
active. Therefore, unfavorable candidates are eliminated
early and resources are focused on more promising drug
Two-dimensional mass spectrometry screening
approaches have also been demonstrated for qualitative
analysis. The various MS/MS scan modes of the mass
spectrometer (Yost & Boyd, 1990) provide powerful
methods of analysis and unique capabilities for information gathering. For example, the product-ion scan mode
for substructure analysis provides information useful for
structure identi®cation, as described earlier for template
structure identi®cation strategies. The precursor-ion scan
mode offers a highly speci®c approach to screen for
targeted component due to the presence of a diagnostic
substructure. Carr et al. demonstrated the use of precursorion experiments to identify N- and O-linked glycoproteins
(Carr et al., 1993). The neutral loss scan mode is used as a
class identi®er to also screen components that contain a
common substructure. Barbuch et al. demonstrated this
TABLE 7. Results from an LC/MS-based drug-protein binding screen using HPLC columns containing immobilized human serum
albumin to determine the relative binding of drugs (Tiller et al., 1995).
Molecular weight
% Binding
k 0 /(k 0 l)
Clinical Pharmacokinetics. 1988. 15:254±282.
Clarke's Isolation and Identi®cation of Drugs, The Pharmaceutical Press, 1986.
Data obtained in-house.
approach for the class identi®cation of phytoestrogens
(Barbuch et al., 1989), using TSI±LC/MS/MS. Brownsill
et al. used a similar ESI±LC/MS/MS approach for the
analysis of metabolites in rat liver slices (Brownsill et al.,
As new LC/MS-based technology improved the
analytical ®gures of merit (i.e., sensitivity, selectivity,
speed, cost effectiveness), these advantages approached
performance benchmarks that are necessary for the
routine generation of screening information. The application of LC/MS-based technologies as a screening tool is a
powerful analysis strategy for quantitative and qualitative
structure analysis.
E. Integration
Integration strategies often encompass separate
events that involve instrumentation, methodology, and
process. When viewed as integrated stages of analysis,
similar to the examples described by Cooks and Busch
(Cooks & Busch, 1982), increased selectivity is attained.
For example, LC/MS/MS represents the integration of
three powerful instruments: the HPLC and two mass
spectrometers. Retention time information is obtained
from the HPLC, and the mass spectrometer provides
molecular weight information. A second stage of mass
spectrometry yields structure information. The on-line
nature of LC/MS/MS provides a high degree of selectivity
and an ef®cient on-line analysis. In addition, integration
affords unique opportunities for new experiments.
Traditional methods of pharmaceutical analysis
involve a series of multiple steps. For example, the
identi®cation of natural products traditionally involves the
scale-up of fermentation broths, solvent extraction, liquid/
liquid or column fractionation, chromatographic fraction
collection, and spectroscopic analysis (usually NMR) of
the individual components. Figure 11 illustrates the
integration of these bench-scale steps into a dedicated
LC/MS/MS system (Lee et al., 1997). Integration provides
unique and powerful advantages for the on-line identi®cation of natural products (Kerns et al., 1994; Ackermann
et al., 1996). Experiments that once required two weeks to
perform with traditional approaches are now performed in
half a day with LC/MS/MS (Gilbert & Lewer, 1998).
Similar LC/MS integration approaches are described for
bioaf®nity-based screening applications (Davis et al., in
press) and automated sample preparation for in vivo
pharmacokinetics screening (Beaudry et al., 1998). A
recent review that describes multidimensional approaches
for protein characterization highlights the important
features of integration (Anderegg et al., 1997). Multidimensional applications that feature LC/MS instrumentation are also used to integrate sample preparation for online extraction via column switching (i.e., LC/LC) with
quantitative bioanalysis (Needham et al., 1998), and
detailed structure analysis of metabolites that use MSn
approaches on an ion trap mass spectrometer (Lopez et al.,
Often, integration strategies involve the addition of a
step into an existing analysis protocol, which at ®rst would
seem less ef®cient. However, the additional step is
strategically placed to provide signi®cant bene®ts in
productivity. For example, the assessment of metabolic
stability for large numbers of drug candidates during the
drug discovery stage (Ackermann et al., 1998) incorporates an additional step, but provides unique and timely
information that results in better decisions on which lead
compounds are rejected, optimized, or selected for further
development. This qualitative process change results in
faster lead optimization. In the same manner, the creation
of structure databases for lead candidates in the early
preclinical development stage (Rourick et al., 1996)
provides a faster approach for the identi®cation of
impurities, degradants, and metabolites during preclinical
development, clinical development, and manufacturing
F. Miniaturization
As accelerated drug development approaches become
more widespread, there is recognition that a single
qualitative process change can have a pronounced effect
FIGURE 11. The integration of high performance liquid chromatography and two mass spectrometers to form
the LC/MS/MS instrument. The integrated bench-scale steps are shown at the top.
in reducing the size or scale of analysis. Traditional
protocols operate at the milliliter to liter volumes and
micromole to millimole quantities. As analysis systems
have become more sensitive and techniques for manipulating small volumes of liquid samples have become
more reliable, experimental procedures have emerged that
use smaller amounts of sample. The same is true from the
opposite perspective, indicating that smaller sample sizes
have resulted in miniaturized systems and formats for
analysis. As a result, it is less time-consuming and less
expensive to generate smaller sample sizes. Thus, analysis
protocols that feature nanoliter to microliter volumes and
picomole to nanomole quantities emerged.
One example of a miniaturized LC/MS strategy is the
use of 96-well sample plates (Kaye et al., 1996) for
extraction. This sample extraction procedure combines
batch sample processing within a miniaturized format.
Increased sensitivity and decreased volume advances have
fostered a new wave of ``scale-down'' models. Here,
experiments that were formerly performed at the bench
are, instead, performed at the microliter scale in the batch
mode. For example, synthetic process research was
traditionally performed manually with apparatus at the
milliliter level. This approach involves the testing of a
range of synthetic conditions for optimum yield and
minimum impurity production. Now, process research
conditions are tested in microliter levels to produce
information on purity and structure (Rourick et al., 1996).
This strategy requires less reagent and accelerates the
evaluation of a wider range of conditions in a shorter time.
Another example includes the direct analysis of samples
from cell culture experiments (Kerns et al., 1997).
Instrumental developments facilitate the miniaturization opportunity. Advances in chromatography led to the
use of capillary HPLC techniques (Liu et al., 1993; Kassel
et al. 1994; Arnott et al., 1996) for the powerful
separations of increasingly smaller samples. For mass
spectrometry, developments with the LC/MS interface
that resulted in increased ion transmission and ion
sampling helped to provide improved sensitivity. The
development of micro- and nano-spray electrospray
sources allows the production of intense ion current from
nanoliter ¯ows (Emmett & Caprioli, 1994; Andren et al.,
1995; Wilm & Mann, 1996; Davis & Lee, 1998).
G. Parallel Processing
Analysis methods often involve a sequential strategy
in which individual compounds are analyzed either
separately or in series. The data are evaluated, and the
results are compared. This ``serial'' analysis approach
consistently generates useful information for drug development. However, when a single analysis step is ratelimiting to the overall ef®ciency of the method, parallel
processing strategies are employed. Once identi®ed, the
rate-limiting step is removed from the on-line approach
and performed in a batch processing mode off-line. As the
task is completed, the samples are re-introduced to the
analysis procedure. Recent studies performed by Pleasance and coworkers (Allanson et al., 1996) and Wu and
coworkers (Simpson et al., 1998) illustrate a highly
effective parallel processing approach, using solid-phase
extraction (SPE) techniques. This strategy for analysis is
analogous to parallel-compound synthesis approaches for
high volume lead optimization (Selway & Terrett, 1996).
Alternatively, drug candidates may be combined for
coanalysis in the same sample. Although this ``combinatorial analysis'' approach may have previously resulted in
impossible analysis complexity, the capabilities of LC/MS
and LC/MS/MS for providing detailed information from
highly complex samples is an excellent ®t with ``combinatorial parallel processing''.
An example of parallel processing using a ``combinatorial'' approach involves lipophilicity screening of a
series of synthetic analogs (Lee & Kerns, 1998). Lipophilicity, as indicated by retention behavior (k 0 ) on an
octadecylsilane (C18) bonded phase HPLC column, is
often used as a predictor of pharmaceutical characteristics
such as membrane transport and protein binding. In the
past, k 0 studies have been conducted sequentially; using a
60 min isocratic LC/UV method; thus, ten compounds
would require 10 h for analysis. A comparable parallel
experiment would be to mix all ten compounds into a
single ``combinatorial mixture'' and analyze them in a
single 1 h analysis with LC/MS. The mass spectrometer is
able to distinguish the compounds according to their
molecular weight. Thus, LC/MS reduces the qualitative
process enhancement from 10 h to 1 h.
Similar applications (Volk et al., 1996) combine
parallel processing strategies with binary screening (i.e.,
yes/no results) to rapidly analyze combined mixtures of
drug candidates. In these studies, the combinatorial
mixture is exposed to a chemical, physical, or physiological environment in vitro, and the resulting degradants/
metabolites are identi®ed and quantitated with LC/MS
and LC/MS/MS techniques [Fig. 12].
H. Visualization
The rapid growth in LC/MS productivity resulted in
the production of massive amounts of data. Thus, with the
increased productivity experienced with modern analysis
systems, the bottleneck quickly shifted to data interpretation and management. Approaches that feature the
visualization of data help to provide meaningful information for decision.
One simple example of a visualization tool is the
extracted ion current pro®le (EICP) or mass chromato213
applications. For example, methods for the analysis of
combinatorial chemistry-derived samples provide visual
representations of the 96-well plate [Fig. 13] (Takach
et al., 1998). Following the LC/MS analysis, an automated
analysis is performed, according to pre-established
thresholds to search for the protonated molecule ion of
the analyte. If the ion is found, then the visual
representation of the corresponding well is marked with
a distinguishing color scheme. In this way, the scientist
quickly inspects the visual representation to make
Diagrams provide another form of visualization that
rapidly communicates pharmaceutical properties of a drug
candidate. For example, the labile sites of a molecule can
be diagrammed in simple format superimposed on the
structure [Fig. 14] to rapidly communicate the labile sites
or ``soft spots'' of the candidate structure (Lee & Kerns,
1998). This information can facilitate decisions for the
further optimization of the candidate structure series and
can result in molecules with superior pharmaceutical
FIGURE 12. The analysis of three compounds with a serial strategy and a
parallel ``combinatorial'' analysis strategy (Volk et al., 1996).
I. Automation
gram. These plots provide meaningful information from
complex LC/MS data, such as the EICP for the protonated
molecule ion of the drug candidate during quantitative
bioanalysis experiments. Also, methods for the rapid
assessment of drug metabolites often include the plotting
of EICP's that represent common metabolic transformations, such as [MH 16] , which corresponds to monohydroxyl metabolite structures.
Other approaches for presenting information to
facilitate the visualization of meaningful patterns for
rapid decision involve combinatorial chemistry-related
Many examples exist for the integration of robotic
mechanisms with analysis instruments. Automation is
quite successful for sample preparation stages, such as
SPE applications for pharmacokinetic studies, as well as
for the queuing of samples for instrument analysis. In
many cases, signi®cant savings are realized in human
labor expense and the reduction of routine operations.
Furthermore, consistent robotic operations afford
increased precision via reproducibility of operations from
sample-to-sample compared to manual operations.
Often, the robotic process takes longer than the
manual process; however, signi®cant savings and acceleration of the process is realized by overnight or around-
FIGURE 13. Visual representation of the results from LC/MS (TOF) analysis of compounds from a 96-well
plate for combinatorial chemistry. Visualization of the information in terms of the presence of a compound and
the mass accuracy of the analysis allows for rapid visual inspection of data (Takach et al., 1998).
FIGURE 14. Structure of buspirone with areas susceptible to metabolic or chemical degradation highlighted
for rapid visualization of the ``soft spots'' of the structure (Lee & Kerns, 1998).
the-clock operation. In these cases, the routine operations
can be performed by the automated system, leaving the
highly trained scientist to perform the more detailed
aspects of the analysis that require experience and realtime decisions. Clearly, standard methods provide a
necessary step toward the implementation of automated
methods via their focus on routine process steps. The
automated approach is implemented and validated by
careful inspection and observation of performance.
Typically, automated procedures are locked-in after they
are performed manually. This approach allows for the
application of validation procedures to ensure adherence
to the desired performance speci®cations.
Automation provides signi®cant support for those
quantitative process approaches that are aimed at accelerating drug development. Automated analysis strategies
are invaluable tools for keeping pace with automated
sample generation methods. With automation, the opportunity exists to incorporate qualitative process changes
for accelerated development. For example, automated
approaches that feature standard methods, databases, and
screening are locked-in early in drug development; that
automation sets the stage for qualitative process changes
to facilitate structure identi®cation and the visualization of
data. It is important to note that signi®cant bene®ts are
obtained from simple and widely available automation
systems. For example, the HPLC autosampler is widely
applied for tremendous advantages with LC/MS analysis.
This system provides consistent operations, the queuing of
large numbers of samples, unattended operation, and
integration with analysis.
Automated LC/MS techniques produce a wealth of
data. The subsequent interpretation of data provides
unique insight for decision. When LC/MS data are
accumulated in a matrix format, separation is indexed
by time and structural information is indexed by mass.
Thus, the task of interpretation becomes systematic and
relatively simple. The key for advances in automated
interpretation appears to lie in the development of
algorithms that embody the ``rules'' for discerning
patterns and making reliable assignments, typically
performed by highly trained analysts. Translation of these
rules into software allows these bene®ts to be transferred
to a wider group of LC/MS users via automated search
routines as described for database strategies as well as for
real-time decision during the analysis.
Data-dependent software programs allow real-time
decisions to be made during an analysis. These
approaches feature pre-established thresholds for the
detection of a peak during full-scan mass spectrometry
and MS/MS scan modes. If a peak of interest is detected in
real-time, then the mass spectrometer is switched from
full-scan mode to another scan mode to obtain more
information from the same analysis. For example, the
system may be automatically switched to the product-ion
mode during the analysis of a chromatographic peak to
obtain substructural information. Thus, more detailed
information is obtained in fewer analyses. This powerful
feature was recently demonstrated for the identi®cation of
leachables during the manufacturing stage of drug
development (Tiller et al., 1997a).
Analysis strategies that feature automation signi®cantly impact daily routines in the laboratory. For realtime analysis, this approach is referred to as ``in-process''
analyses. Open access analysis strategies make a highly
effective approach for maintaining adequate support for
high volume sample-generating activities such as medicinal and combinatorial chemistry. Another approach
features a batch-mode of analysis. A 24-hour analysis is
strategically viewed in three parts: morning, afternoon,
and evening. The morning hours are used to review results
and communicate with collaborators; meaning is derived
and new experiments are devised. Afternoons are spent
developing and setting up the actual experiment. Evenings
are dedicated to high volume analysis, using automated
features for sample preparation, analysis, data reduction,
and reporting. This iterative cycle maximizes the use of
automation for highly ef®cient analysis schemes (evening)
while creating optimum approaches for collaboration and
method development (day).
J. Summary
The diverse applications of LC/MS in the pharmaceutical industry led to the development of novel
strategies and new methods for analysis. The nine analysis
strategies described are consistently used throughout the
drug development cycle. Many applications focus on
structure characterization activities for the quick con®rmation of synthesis products and for the identi®cation
(quantitative and qualitative) of drugs and related
compounds that are contained in complex mixtures such
as metabolites in physiological ¯uids. Recent applications
of LC/MS-based techniques in the pharmaceutical
industry highlight the need for novel analysis strategies
to keep pace with sample generation and provide unique
It is important to emphasize the importance of
chromatography for separating biological interferents
from analytes of interest (Snyder & Kirkland, 1979).
The valuable role of on-line puri®cation and separation in
conjunction with mass spectrometry was recognized early
by Johnson & Yost (1985) and Henion & Covey (1986),
and are still emphasized in the LC/MS methods used
today. Many of these important chromatography features
are described in the following section.
Interestingly, many of the current LC/MS approaches
for pharmaceutical analysis are extensions of GC/MS
(Foltz, 1978), mass spectrometry (Garland & Powell,
1981), and MS/MS (McLafferty, 1983)-based methods.
With the introduction and utilization of LC/MS-based
methods, these fundamental approaches for quantitative
and qualitative structure analysis became more routinely
applicable to a wider scope of pharmaceuticals.
The LC/MS applications described in this section are
organized into the respective drug development stages;
drug discovery, preclinical development, clinical development, and manufacturing [Fig. 15]. A sequential
illustration of pharmaceutical analysis activities provides
a unique perspective on the contributions of LC/MS
techniques in drug development. The speci®c selected
examples help to illustrate the successful incorporation of
effective LC/MS-based analysis strategies in the pharmaceutical industry, and to highlight their impact on
accelerated drug development. Thus, the literature
references highlight the application and strategic impact
of LC/MS on drug development and are not intended to
be comprehensive. Recent and earlier reviews deal with
sample preparation (Henion et al., 1998), ionization
(Bruins, 1998), mass spectrometry (Burlingame et al.,
1998), LC/MS instrumentation (Niessen, 1998), MS/MS
scan modes (Yost & Boyd, 1990), and the application of
mass spectrometry techniques in the biological sciences
(Burlingame & Carr, 1996).
A. Drug Discovery
In recent years, a signi®cant shift in the focus of drug
discovery activities has been made from a detailed
knowledge-gathering science to incorporate high volume
events. Surely, approaches that emphasize detail still
remain as a critical element of drug discovery; however,
they have been overwhelmed by a vast array of screening
events aimed at identifying target and lead compounds.
As a result, drug discovery researchers are becoming
increasingly more dependent on technologies that
FIGURE 15. The stages of drug development and associated pharmaceutical analysis activities.
enhance their ability to quickly generate, test, and validate
a discovery.
a. Analysis requirements. Due to the use of highvolume approaches to discover new lead compounds,
analysis requirements focus on sensitive, high throughput,
and robust methods. These analysis methods provide an
excellent complement to rapid sample-generating methods. The functional requirement is to provide analysis
information that keeps up with the rate of sample
generation. In this way, the timely evaluation is made of
chemical and biological parameters that in¯uence decisions for lead candidate selection. Thus, this stage of drug
development is made extremely challenging by the
performance required on a diverse range of compounds.
b. Analysis perspectives. The drug development
cycle is initiated by activities that deal with the discovery
of new medicinal lead structures. Historically, these
structures have originated from the isolation of natural
products from microbiological fermentation, plant
extracts, and animal sources. Other discoveries can be
traced to the screening of the vast compound libraries of
pharmaceutical and chemical companies. The application
of mechanism-based, structure-based approaches to
rational drug design (Hirschman, 1991; Patchett, 1993;
Terrett et al., 1996) and screening approaches (Dower
et al., 1991; Moos et al., 1993) led to three distinct
activities that impact pharmaceutical analysis: (1) target
identi®cation; (2) lead identi®cation; and (3) lead
optimization. These activities have been the primary
responsibility of drug discovery with the goal of
identifying a novel lead candidate for preclinical development.
c. LC/MS contributions. The use of LC/MS-based
approaches have expanded rapidly in drug discovery
during the past several years. Applications that range from
the quick molecular weight con®rmation of synthetic lead
compounds (Taylor et al., 1995; Pullen et al., 1995) to
novel and highly selective methods for structure identi®cation (Carr et al., 1993) have been demonstrated.
Analysis strategies typically emphasize rapid turnaround
of results with an applicability to a diverse range of
compounds. This emphasis generated unique demands
and criteria for performance associated with the LC/MS
analysis, namely, sample preparation and data management. As a result, LC/MS applications in the drug
discovery stage use highly automated methods, many of
which feature the integration of sample generation and
analysis activities.
d. Overview. In this section, recent applications
dealing with peptide mapping, glycoprotein mapping,
natural products dereplication, bioaf®nity screening, open
access combinatorial chemistry/medicinal chemistry support, pharmacokinetic screening, and metabolic stability
are described [Table 8]. The features of each LC/MSbased analysis are highlighted with regard to the unique
generation of information and the contributions to
accelerated drug development.
1. Peptide Mapping
Protein analysis represents a signi®cant challenge
in the pharmaceutical industry. The identi®cation of
proteins is essential for understanding biological process
and the function of the protein during native and disease
states. The resulting insights lead to the development of
therapies for intervention, and ultimately, the cure of
disease. The information and knowledge derived from this
type of study are extremely valuable for activities
involved with target identi®cation activities during drug
TABLE 8. Applications of LC/MS in drug discovery.
Drug discovery activity
LC/MS application
Target identi®cation
Protein identi®cation
Glycoprotein identi®cation
Peptide mapping
Glycoprotein mapping
Lead identi®cation
Natural products identi®cation
Combinatorial/medicinal chemistry support
Natural products dereplication
Bioaf®nity screening
Pharmacokinetic screening
In vivo drug screening
Metabolic stability
High throughput metabolic
Automated metabolite
Lead optimization
Selected references
Arnott et al., 1995
Carr et al., 1993;
Liu et al., 1996
Ackermann et al., 1995a
Davis et al., in press
Taylor et al., 1995;
Pullen et al., 1995
Olah et al., 1997;
Allen et al., 1998;
Beaudry et al., 1998
Ackermann et al., 1998
Lopez et al., 1998
Two-dimensional gel electrophoresis (2-DGE) is the
primary analysis tool used in the pharmaceutical industry
to characterize the expression of proteins. Large numbers
of proteins, mostly protein variants, are identi®ed with
these methods, and highly expressed proteins are easily
located. The resulting differences in protein expression
due to treatment with various stimulating factors are the
basis for comparative 2-DGE maps (Celis, 1991).
Traditional approaches for protein identi®cation of 2DGE spots use automated Edman degradation, amino acid
analysis, and immunostaining techniques.
Mass spectrometry-based methods are emerging as an
important partner with 2-DGE for correlating proteins to
their function (Yates, 1998a). Identi®cation schemes that
involve LC/MS and MALDI±TOF techniques have made
signi®cant contributions to understanding a broad range of
events that involve proteins such as covalent modi®cation,
proteolytic cleavage, and binding. The use of LC/MS
approaches for protein identi®cation in conjunction with
2-DGE offers distinct advantages such as the ability to
handle low picomole (miniaturized) level samples,
enhanced separation, detection, the amenability to Nterminally blocked proteins, and fast analysis. Usually, the
focus of LC/MS methods for protein characterization is on
four distinct goals: (1) con®rmation of putative sequence;
(2) identi®cation of amino acid modi®cations; (3)
identi®cation of known proteins; (4) sequence determination of unknown proteins.
Approaches for identifying proteins separated by 2DGE use in situ digestion methods. Arnott et al. described
an ESI±LC/MS-based approach where the proteins from
normal neonatal rat cardiac myocytes are electroblotted to
a membrane and identi®ed by staining (Arnott et al.,
1995). Protein spots are cut from the blot, destained,
reduced, alkylated, and digested with endoproteinase LysC (Henzel et al. 1993). Small diameter, packed capillary
HPLC columns (<100 mm) are used to enhance performance by minimizing sample handling and maximizing
sensitivity (Moseley et al., 1991; Kassel et al., 1994). The
resulting capillary LC/MS and LC/MS/MS experiments
performed on a triple quadrupole mass spectrometer are
used to determine the identities of each protein in
combination with a database searching routine. In this
study, the differences in protein expression levels between
normal and enlarged (hypertrophic) heart cells were
pro®led as part of a study to determine factors that are
involved with congestive heart failure.
The capillary HPLC separation from a selected
protein spot provides a base peak pro®le shown in Fig.
16A. The base-peak pro®le is similar to a total ion current
(TIC) pro®le, but it contains only the most abundant mass
spectral peak in each scan. The chromatogram is
simpli®ed and the contributions from background ion
abundances are eliminated, resulting in an enhanced
signal-to-ion ratio for an improved visualization of data.
The molecular mass for each component is labeled along
with corresponding amino acid residues. This format
provides a comprehensive approach for peak selection and
peptide identi®cation.
Figure 16B shows the mass spectrum of the second
major chromatographic peak (residue 60±70 peptide),
which contains the triply charged (m/z 451.3) and doubly
charged (m/z 676.7) molecular ions. Thus, a molecular
weight of 1351 is assigned. The next step involves the
selection of either one of the molecular ions (m/z 451.3,
676.7) to obtain amino acid sequence information via
MS/MS. The resulting product-ion spectrum of m/z 451.3
is shown in Fig. 16C. This analysis features a reduced
resolution on both mass analyzers (Q1 and Q3) to obtain
maximum sensitivity. The corresponding amino acid
residues are assigned by using a template structure
identi®cation approach on the basis of mass differences
between peaks. The partial sequence FQ[I,L]F is determined directly from the product-ion spectrum and entered
into an in-house database searching program, FRAGFIT.
Because leucine and isoleucine cannot be distinguished
with low-energy collisions in a triple quadrupole mass
spectrometer, FQIF and FQLF were both searched. The
protein that corresponds to myosin light chain was
matched by using this partial sequence information,
peptide masses, and search parameters [Table 9].
The development and use of various protein sequence
databases for automated search routines (Eng et al., 1994;
Clauser & Baker, 1997) are an essential component of
protein analysis that uses mass spectrometry techniques.
These programs require only a few peptides for matching;
therefore, the absence of a match for a particular peptide
does not affect the search performance. The use of protein
database searches provide an ef®cient way of con®rming a
putative sequence from corresponding full-scan mass
spectrometry and MS/MS data.
The capillary LC/MS-based approach for peptide
mapping performed by Arnott et al. (1995) features
miniaturized sample-loading procedures, which are routinely amenable to small quantities of peptides. The
reliable characterization of protein/peptide mixtures in
conjunction with the widely used 2-DGE methods offers a
powerful ®ngerprinting approach in the pharmaceutical
industry. Low femtomole detection limits (typically <50
femtomole) with a mass accuracy of 0.5 Da provide
unique advantages for protein identi®cation. Liberal
parameters for mass range and unmatched masses are
used for the initial protein search, whereas more
conservative parameters are used to reduce the number
of matches and to improve the con®dence in the search.
The use of HPLC on-line or off-line is an essential
feature for peptide mapping to integrate the removal of
buffers and salts (puri®cation) and the separation of
FIGURE 16. Identi®cation of proteins separated by 2-DGE. (A) ``Base peak pro®le'' from the capillary HPLC
separation from a selected protein spot. (B) Mass spectrum of the second major chromatographic peak (residue
60±70). (C) LC/MS/MS product-ion spectrum of m/z 451.3 (Arnott et al., 1995).
analytes (preconcentration) with mass spectrometry. With
on-line LC/MS approaches, low ¯ow rates (<100 mL/min)
have been demonstrated to provide maximum sensitivity
with ESI techniques for the analysis of proteins. In the
work performed by Arnott et al. (1998), a pre-column split
of the mobile phase (200 mL/min) was used to obtain a
¯ow rate of 0.2±0.5 mL/min. This microcolumn HPLC
method minimizes the column elution volume and
maximizes the concentration of peptide that enters the
ESI interface of the mass spectrometer (Kennedy &
Jorgenson, 1989). Other examples of low-¯ow approaches
include ``peak parking'' techniques, where the solvent
¯ow and gradient are stopped and the sample continues to
¯ow into the mass spectrometer (Davis et al., 1995). This
procedure provides longer sampling times and an
improved signal-to-noise ratio because the signal can be
averaged for a greater length of time.
On-line LC/MS approaches for peptide mapping are
also used with ESI±TOF mass spectrometers. Banks and
Gulcicek recently described the analysis of peptide
mixtures with separations in less than 35 sec, using a
nonporous silica support (Banks & Gulcicek, 1997). The
TABLE 9. FRAGFIT results for spot #6 from 2-DGE of normal neonatal rat cardiac myocytes, indicating a match with myosin light chain
(Arnott et al., 1995).
Data Summary
5 major peaks with [M H] 1783.8, 1352.1, 1751.8, 2017.6, 1992.6
4 smaller peaks with [M H] 2164.1, 1510.1, 3285.1, 3171.1
MS/MS data yields partial sequences for 1352.1 : FQ[I,L]F and 1783.8 : APE
FRAGFIT parameters (chosen for all searches)
Lys-C speci®city
Oxidized Met allowed
Partial digestion allowed
One unmatched mass allowed
Carboxymethyl Cys assumed
A. Input: Masses of the 5 major peaks and mass tolerance of 0.5 Da.,
Output: 4 database hits:
Myosin light chain 1, slow-twitch muscle b/ventricular isoform (22025.01 Da)
Reticulocyte-binding protein 1, PvRBP-1 transmembrane-anchored (325851.41 Da)
Reticulocyte binding protein 1 precursor--Plasmodium vivax (330217.57 Da)
Titin--rabbit (fragment) (751113.32 Da)
[4 specified mol wts matched. not found: 2017.60]
B. Input: Masses of all peaks, mass tolerance of 0.5 Da, and partial sequences,
Output: 1 database hit:
Myosin light chain 1, slow-twitch muscle b/ventricular isoform (22025.01 Da)
3284.80 0.30
2017.38 0.22 112: MMDFETFLPMLQHISK
1992.15 0.45 130: DTGTYEDFVEGLRVFDK
C. Input: A single mass plus partial sequence: 1352.1 FQ[I,L]F,
Output: 1 database hit:
Myosin light chain 1, slow-twitch muscle b/ventricular isoform (22025.01 Da)
resulting chromatographic peak widths are less than 1 sec
wide. The unique nature of the TOF mass spectrometry
allows for the complete analysis of these narrow peaks.
Off-line approaches also feature sample clean-up, preconcentration, and the batch elution of peptides. This offline feature is commonly used with MALDI±TOF
techniques for the simultaneous analysis of peptide
mixtures. Because these methods are decoupled from
the actual analysis, highly automated procedures can be
used to prepare and manipulate samples (Houthaeve et al.,
1995; Stevenson et al., 1998).
2. Glycoprotein Mapping
Similar analysis strategies can be applied for the
peptide mapping of glycoproteins (Medzihradszky et al.,
1994; Reinhold et al., 1995; Hancock et al., 1996). Carr
et al. combined in-source collisionally induced dissociation (CID) with LC/MS/MS to identify sites of N- and
O-linked glycosylation (Carr et al., 1993). This novel
approach uses a series of LC/MS and LC/MS/MS
experiments to generate peptide maps and to selectively
screen for glycoproteins.
The method is based on the characteristic fragmentation of glycoproteins to form a N-acetylhexosamine
(HexNAc ) fragment ion at m/z 204. This fragment ion
serves as a diagnostic marker for N- and O-linked
glycopeptides. A precursor-ion experiment is performed
on complex mixtures to detect precursor ions that
fragment to produce the m/z 204 (HexNAc ). The
resulting precursor ions correspond to the [M H] ions
of glycopeptides.
This LC/MS/MS-based strategy for mapping glycoproteins and proteins is shown in Fig. 17. A mixture of
peptides and glycopeptides is generated when the
glycoprotein (>75 pmol) is reduced, alkylated, and
enzymatically digested. A series of three separate
experiments, requiring ca. 25 pmol of digest per experi-
FIGURE 17. LC/MS/MS strategy for mapping glycoproteins and proteins via reduction, alkylation, and
enzymatic digestion, followed by three LC/MS and LC/MS/MS experiments (Carr et al., 1993).
ment, is used to identify the N- and O-linked glycopeptides. The ®rst experiment uses LC/MS to provide a map
of the peptide portion of the protein and to indicate the
presence of glycopeptides. The second experiment
involves the use of LC/MS/MS to screen the mixture for
compounds that fragment to yield the diagnostic m/z 204
(HexNAc ). N- and O-linked glycopeptides are both
identi®ed. A ®nal experiment is performed on a sample
treated with peptide N:glycosidase F (PNGase F) to
release the N-linked oligosaccharides and to identify the
O-linked glycopeptides exclusively.
The utility of this procedure was demonstrated on a
digest of bovine fetuin, a 42 kDa glycoprotein. The TIC
chromatogram and a reconstructed ion current (RIC) trace
for m/z 204 from a trypsin/Asp-N digest of bovine fetuin
are shown in Fig. 18A and B, respectively. In this
experiment, the ori®ce voltage is ramped linearly from
120 to 65 V to enhance the production of the diagnostic
m/z 204 (HexNAc ). The TIC chromatogram, corres-
ponding to the precursor-ion scan of m/z 204 (HexNAc ),
is shown in Fig. 18C. This TIC trace indicates the
presence of at least 12 glycopeptides (N- or O-linked) that
generate the m/z 204 product ion. The resulting spectra
typically contain multiple charge states that correspond to
triply and doubly protonated molecules. From the
observed masses, the average molecular weight of the
glycopeptide is calculated. Further treatment with
PNGase F results in the selective removal of N-linked
carbohydrates, and in the identi®cation of N- or O-linked
Liu et al. described a glycoprotein analysis strategy
that features micro-LC/MS techniques for the highresolution chromatographic separations of complex peptide mixtures (Liu et al., 1993). By digesting biological
samples with appropriate enzymes such as trypsin and
PNGase F, comparative maps are generated and used for
locating glycosylated peptide fragments. This example
highlights the application of chromatography to achieve
FIGURE 18. Application of the LC/MS/MS strategy for mapping glycoproteins to bovine fetuin (42 kDa). A
trypsin/Asp±N digest of bovine fetuin was analyzed using the strategy shown in Fig. 17. (A) Total ion
chromatogram (TIC), scanning m/z 150±2000. (B) Reconstructed ion chromatogram (RIC) trace for m/z 204
(HexNAc ), scanning m/z 150±2000. (C) TIC screening precursors of m/z 204 (Carr et al., 1993).
the necessary selectivity for identi®cation by mass
This procedure for glycoprotein characterization
involves the generation of a full-scan mass spectrum of
the intact glycoprotein without pretreatment. From this
spectrum, a pattern of glycosylation microheterogeneity is
determined. Next, a full-scan mass spectrum of the sample
is obtained after pretreatment with PNGase F. Most
glycosylated peaks disappear, and the molecular mass of
the deglycosylated protein is identi®ed.
The possible glycoforms observed from this type of
LC/MS experiment performed on bovine ribonuclease B
are listed in Table 10. Diagnostic increments of Mr 162
and Mr 203 are observed, which correspond to hexose and
N-acetylhexosamine residues, respectively. By comparing
peptide maps prior to, and after enzymatic cleavage,
peptide fragments attached to oligosaccharides may be
located and distinguished from non-glycosylated peptides.
The comparative map of enzymatic digests obtained for
bovine ribonuclease B is shown in Fig. 19. In this
particular case, abundant signals are exhibited and
assigned to the majority of expected peptide fragments.
The bene®t of this comparative mapping scheme is the
rapid visual survey of unique peaks indicative of
glycosylation. This comparative map indicates a unique
broad peak between 16 and 17.5 min. Based on the
protocols for enzymatic treatment, this peak is related to
the heterogeneity of glycoforms that are attached to a
speci®c tryptic peptide. The tryptic fragments of bovine
ribonuclease B are further reacted with PNGase F and
analyzed with LC/MS and LC/MS/MS standard methods
to establish the identity and attachment of the carbohydrate substructure. This micro-LC/MS approach provides
a valuable method for the rapid microheterogeneity
TABLE 10. Heterogeneity of ribonuclease B glycoforms observed by electrospray LC/MS analysis (Liu et al., 1993).
Native protein
Polypeptide chain
Polypeptide adduct (phosphate)
Hex5-(HexNAc)2-(polypeptide phosphate
Hex6-(HexNAc)2-(polypeptide phosphate
Hex7-(HexNAc)2-(polypeptide phosphate
Hex8-(HexNAc)2-(polypeptide phosphate
PNGase F-treated protein
Polypeptide chain
Polypeptide adduct (phosphate)
HexNAc-(polypeptide phosphate adduct)
FIGURE 19. Comparative peptide map of enzymatic digests of bovine ribonuclease B. (A) TIC trace of
digested RCM-glycoprotein with trypsin. (B) TIC trace of digested RCM-glycoprotein with trypsin and PNGase
F (Liu et al., 1993).
screening of oligosaccharide substructures and the determination of carbohydrate content.
Additional structural analysis of glycoproteins generally requires fragmentation by chemical or enzymatic
cleavage and by separation or isolation. On-line LC/MS
methods provide an integrated approach for this type of
analysis. This approach is consistent with the early
analyses of glycoproteins that were described by Covey
et al. (1991) and Ling et al. (1991). Comparative maps of
enzyme digests allow for a quick survey of the expected
peptide fragments. Various LC/MS schemes may be used
to indicate unique peaks related to the heterogeneity of
glycoforms that are attached to a speci®c tryptic peptide
(Reinhold et al., 1995) or to quantitate speci®c glycoprotein structures (Mazsaroff et al., 1997).
3. Natural Products Dereplication
Natural products offer a source of unique chemical
diversity for the pharmaceutical industry. Numerous
successful drugs derived from natural products have been
introduced for the treatment of cancer (Hung et al., 1996;
Pettit et al., 1994), immunosuppression (Perico et al.,
1996), cardiovascular therapy (Nadin & Nicolaou, 1994;
Tomoda et al., 1994), and anti-infective therapy (Turner &
Rodriguez, 1996).
Traditional approaches for natural product screening
in drug discovery involve the testing of crude extracts
obtained from microbial fermentation broths, plants, or
marine organisms. When activity above a certain level is
detected, active components are isolated and puri®ed for
identi®cation. This process is often time-consuming;
where the physicochemical characteristics of the active
components are determined, known compounds are
identi®ed (dereplication), and the novel compounds are
scaled-up for more detailed investigation.
Shorter discovery timelines and accelerated development expectations have hindered the traditional approaches in natural products research. Furthermore, the
recent emphasis on chemical diversity presents a great
challenge in this area, particularly because traditional
natural products screening programs focus on one source
of chemical diversity such as microorganisms or plants.
Still, the primary issue remains: how to assay this ideal
source of new, biologically active compounds within the
current timeframe necessary for modern drug discovery
research. At the heart of this issue is the fact that
traditional isolation and scale-up procedures are highly
inef®cient and often become the bottleneck in natural
products dereplication.
A speci®c area of drug discovery research, which
required an immediate need for highly sensitive and rapid
analysis, dealt with antibiotic-containing mixtures from
fermentation broths. The need for rapid dereplication of
bioactive compounds derived from natural sources is
critical due to the overuse of antibiotics (Georgopapadakou & Walsh, 1996). This overuse has signi®cantly
accelerated the rate of pathogen mutation, and has resulted
in a growing resistance to current drugs (Davies, 1994).
Furthermore, there is an increasing number of immunocompromised patients due to AIDS (Bates, 1995). Thus,
novel antibiotic compounds are in high demand.
Most antibiotics come from secondary metabolites of
soil microorganisms that inhibit bacteria or fungi. Largescale screening of microorganism fermentations followed
by isolation and structure elucidation is required. Because
many natural products have been previously identi®ed,
approaches that avoid time-consuming isolation and
provide quick elucidation are essential.
To address these needs, a new strategy was introduced
by Ackermann et al. that uses an on-line ESI±LC/MS
approach that integrates multi-component identi®cation,
fraction collection, and sample preparation for bioactivity
screening (Ackermann et al., 1996). Using this LC/MSbased approach, crude extracts are screened without
extensive puri®cation and chemical analysis. Less material is required due to the sensitivity of the technique and
chromatographic resolution is retained. This resolution
would ordinarily be relatively poor with a fraction collection process. Furthermore, because the ESI acts as a concentration-dependent detector (Hopfgartner et al., 1993),
the HPLC ef¯uent can be split between mass spectrometry
analysis and fraction collection. Thus, molecular weight
information is obtained, and approximately 90% of the
fractionated material is recovered for biological testing.
The key to rapid dereplication, using this approach, is
dependable molecular weight determination. This information is used with existing natural product databases that
contain information on: bioactive compounds, the physical descriptions of the microorganisms from which they
come, their spectrum of activity, the method of extraction
and isolation, and physical data (i.e., molecular weight,
UV absorption maxima). Molecular weight is the most
critical information for initial searches because of its link
to structural speci®city. This information is used to make
pivotal decisions on whether or not to proceed to more
time-consuming isolation steps based on novelty of the
compound. In the study reported by Ackermann et al.
(1996a), LC/MS is used to increase sensitivity and
accelerate analysis. These features serve to signi®cantly
reduce labor.
The instrumental con®guration of the LC/MS system
developed by Ackermann et al. is shown in Fig. 20. This
system features an HPLC, UV detector, fraction collector,
ESI-triple quadrupole, and MALDI mass spectrometers.
Filtered fermentation broths are extracted with butanol or
ethyl acetate, and eluted on a gradient C18 reversed-phase
HPLC separation. The eluent is split 1:10 between a
FIGURE 20. Diagram of instrumental con®guration of the LC/MS system used for the characterization of
crude fermentation extracts. The system consists of the following components: (1) HPLC; (2) loop injector; (3)
guard column; (4) 5 mm C18 HPLC column (4.6 mm 25 cm); (5) zero dead volume tee; (6) UV detector; (7)
fraction collector; (8) triple quadrupole mass spectrometer equipped with ESI interface; (9) ESI power supply
and gas manifold; and (10) syring pump (Ackerman et al., 1996).
quadrupole MS/MS instrument (scanning 250±2000 amu/
3 sec in the full scan mode) and a single wavelength UV
detector (254 or 230 nm). One-minute fractions are
collected after the UV detector. Of these fractions, 20±
50 mL is used for MALDI±TOF analysis, and the
remainder is concentrated for microbiological testing.
The LC/UV chromatogram is compared to the bioactivity
assay histogram to highlight the peaks that contain
activity. The molecular weights of the active peaks are
obtained for novelty assessment of the compounds.
Using this approach for natural products dereplication, data are routinely obtained from 40 mg of crude
extract. Performance examples include the identi®cation
of 16 analogs of teicoplanin and 12 analogs of
phenelfamycin from separate samples. The summary of
results obtained for phenelfamycin is shown in Table 11.
The correlation of fraction, retention time, and molecular
weight provides the essential information for rapid
dereplication and identi®cation. The time required to
dereplicate natural product samples is about one week
with this LC/MS-based method compared to several
weeks by previous methods that involve traditional
isolation steps. The use of this LC/MS-based methodology results in greater clarity and con®dent decisions for
proceeding with the full structural study of an active
component that is derived from a culture.
Similar approaches that use on-line LC/MS and LC/
MS/MS techniques have been recently described for
natural products dereplication (Gilbert & Lewer, 1998;
Janota & Carter, 1998). In the method described by
Gilbert and Lewer, approximately 100,000 natural product
extracts are screened annually for in vivo and in vitro
activity, using the system shown in Fig. 21. The approach
for dereplication involves a comparison of retention time,
full scan mass spectra (i.e., molecular weight information), and MS/MS spectra with those from known
biologically active standards. Thus, previously identi®ed
components are rapidly eliminated and do not require
time-consuming structure elucidation studies. This saving
of effort allows researchers to focus efforts on novel
chemistries. Samples of novel compounds are infused into
an ion trap mass spectrometer, and an MSn fragmentation
map is generated. Using this LC/MS-based approach, the
structure of homolelobanidine was identi®ed from an
extract of Polygonum ¯acidum. The MSn feature provides
unique structure identi®cation capabilities that allow for
the facile assignment of neutral losses and characteristic
substructures of the molecule.
TABLE 11. Mass spectral LC/MS and MALDI±TOF data summary for the novelty assessment of phenelfamycin sample GE21640 F VI
45 (Ackerman et al., 1996).
Active fraction
Retention time
Molecular weight
[M K]
[M K]
Key fragment ions
n.a. not applicable; n.d. not detected; unk unknown.
See histogram in Fig. 6.
For structural assignments refer to Fig. 5.
FIGURE 21. Diagram of instrumental con®guration of the LC/MS system used for annually screening
approximately 100,000 natural product extracts (Gilbert & Lewer, 1998).
4. Bioaf®nity Screening
Combinatorial chemistry has changed the strategy of
drug candidate synthesis. As a result, hundreds of
thousands of compounds are now screened against a
particular biological target. Once activity is determined
for a mixture, the identi®cation of the active component(s)
is necessary. One strategy is to iteratively re-synthesize
sub-pools of the mixture. However, this approach requires
a considerable amount of resources. To reduce the time
and resources required for screening the large number
of compounds produced by combinatorial chemistry,
approaches featuring the parallel screening of mixtures
of compounds (20±30) have been investigated. The recent
studies performed by Anderegg and coworkers describe
the use of bioaf®nity selection LC/MS methods for the
identi®cation of active mixture component(s) (Davis et al.,
in press). This approach features an integrated bioaf®nitybased LC/MS screening method to separate and identify
compounds from mixtures.
This work is an extension of previously described
studies performed by Nedved et al. (Nedved et al., 1996)
and Dollinger and coworkers (Kaur et al., 1997), where
ligands are injected onto chromatography columns that
contain target proteins to observe various degrees of
``selection''. Compounds that bind to the proteins are
selectively bound to the column, and are eluted for
identi®cation. Other studies have reported on the successful use of ultra®ltration membranes to selectively retain
compounds that are bound to target proteins (Van
Breemen et al., 1997; 1998). Unbound molecules pass
through the membrane and the bound molecules are
released and identi®ed.
In the approach described by Anderegg and coworkers, LC/MS is incorporated as a bioaf®nity screening
strategy for lead identi®cation in drug discovery. A
mixture of compounds is incubated with the target protein
and the components bound to the protein are selected by
using a size exclusion chromatography (SEC) ``spin
column''. In this experiment, the unbound compounds
are retained on the column. The bound components are
eluted and identi®ed with LC/MS. The spin column
enrichment scheme is illustrated in Fig. 22. Increased
speci®city is obtained by dissociating the bound compounds and performing a second equilibration incubation
with the protein. This procedure preferentially selects for
FIGURE 22. Procedure for bioaf®nity screening of combinatorial drug candidates libraries with two cycles of
iterative size exclusion chromatography, using ``spin columns'' to separate the receptor and receptor±binder
complexes from unbound ligands (Davis et al., in press).
the compounds with higher af®nity, and results in an
enhancement of the quantitative LC/MS response. Iterative stages of incubation, size-exclusion, and LC/MS
allow the tighter binding components to be enriched
relative to weaker binding components.
In this study, the peroxisome proliferator-activated
receptor (PPARg), which is a target for anti-diabetic drugs
(construct molecular weight of 32,537 Da), is incubated
with ten ligands that range in molecular weight from 283
to 587 units. A spin column of 6,000 Da cutoff is used for
SEC purposes. The retained mixture of components is
analyzed by fast perfusive chromatography (Regnier,
1991; Afeyan et al., 1991), using a standard full-scan
LC/MS strategy. This analysis procedure allows for the
identi®cation and quantitation of the protein and the
ligands, compared to their responses prior to incubation.
The ligand-protein complex that dissociated under the
reversed-phase chromatographic conditions is selectively
detected. The LC/MS response of the 10-compound
mixture is shown in Fig. 23. After one pass through the
spin column, several weak-binding ligands (B, F, H)
disappear, and several others diminish in relative amount
(D, E, G). After a second pass through the spin column,
the three weak-binding ligands (D, E, G) are further
diminished. Four ligands remain, corresponding to the
tight-binders (A, C, I, J).
This analysis scheme provides a quick measurement
of binding af®nity, and serves as a screening tool during
drug candidate selection. Spreadsheets are constructed
and used to calculate the binding af®nity of the
components. In this example, two incubation cycles
followed by the SEC separation provide an enhancement
of strong binders to weak binders. This LC/MS-based
method provides a unique approach to obtain information
in situations when lower concentrations of tighter binding
ligands are present in the same mixture with higher
concentrations of weaker binding ligands. Furthermore,
this method is more ef®cient than synthetic deconvolution
procedures and does not require the use of radioligands.
5. Open-Access LC/MS
In the early 1990's, the notion that LC/MS could be
developed into an automated, walk-up system for
structure characterization of medicinal lead compounds
was prevalent. At the time, mass spectrometers were
becoming more stable and easier to use. Microprocessor
control, robust ion optics, detectors, reliable LC/MS
interfaces, and autosamplers created a high degree of
sophistication as well. These improvements, combined
with the realization that molecular mass was suf®cient for
structure con®rmation of synthetic products, led to a
qualitative shift in lead compound characterization.
For many years, medicinal chemists were accustomed
to open access or ``self service'' NMR and IR for routine
and rapid con®rmation of molecular structure. An openaccess structure provides a convenient environment to
follow synthetic schemes ``in process''and to facilitate the
gathering of information, thus allowing chemists to
quickly and ef®ciently proceed to the next step of
FIGURE 23. LC/MS extracted ion current pro®les for ten combinatorial drug candidate library components,
using the bioaf®nity screening procedure shown in Fig. 22. (A) Before passing through a spin column. (B) After
one cycle. (C) After two cycles. The enhancement of tight-binding ligands is evident (Davis et al., in press).
synthesis. During this time, medicinal chemists experienced tremendous pressure to be productive. At the same
time, analytical chemists became inundated with samples.
Clearly, traditional NMR and IR approaches were not
feasible due to sample quantity and throughput limitations. The mutual need was to devise alternate approaches.
LC/MS methods, using an open-access format, were ®rst
developed as a primary means of structure con®rmation
(Taylor et al., 1995; Pullen et al., 1995). This approach
validated the belief that monoisotopic molecular mass was
suf®cient for the structure con®rmation of synthetic
products, and that detailed spectral interpretation was
not necessary during this drug discovery activity. In
general, these approaches feature integrated analysis
strategies that emphasized simplicity with less detail.
In the open-access LC/MS procedure described by
Pullen et al., the samples are directly introduced from
solution for ease of automation and sample preparation.
Chemists prepare samples in solvent to a suggested
concentration range, then log the samples into the system.
The sample log-in is done at any time during the
continuous automated queue. Autosampler vials are used
to hold the samples, and autosamplers are used to directly
deliver samples in solution to the mass spectrometer. The
system uses a standard method to analyze the samples in
queue, average spectra according to a pre-set scheme, and
print out a spectrum for the chemist. Fail-safe procedures
for untrained users and instrument self-maintenance at
start-up and shut-down were also developed.
The LC/MS analyses were performed with either TSI
or particle beam (PB) interfaces. These systems successfully analyzed the labile, polar, or higher mass compounds, whereas a complementary GC/MS system was
used for volatile compounds. The LC/MS system proved
to be widely applicable to a diverse range of compounds.
The TSI and PB systems were both successful for 80±
90% of the compounds analyzed. Automated, open-access
LC/MS analyses performed well because sample throughput was expected to reach 250,000 in 1995. This
throughput corresponds to ca. 1,000 samples per day.
Development of the method involved the installation
of a system in an existing mass spectrometry laboratory
and working with chemists for three months to determine
speci®c needs and to develop a consistent, reliable
procedure. The instrument was moved to an open-access
laboratory and chemists were trained in its use. It should
be emphasized that a key to making this approach a
success is the fact that instrument down-time was kept to a
minimum. Understandably, maintenance is done at offpeak times, and support mechanisms are put in place so
that problems are immediately addressed. Training and
education was highlighted as a key factor for the
successful implementation of this LC/MS system to
optimize performance and to reduce the possibility of
instrument contamination.
In 1995, Taylor and coworkers also described the use
of an open-access LC/MS system for routine structure
con®rmation, featuring APCI. This system featured dual
personal computers (PCs) for automated instrument
control and sample log-in. A ``system-PC'' is responsible
for running the Windows NT for Workgroups operating
system and interfaces with the network for instrument
control. A separate ``log-in PC'', isolated from the LC/MS
system, is used by the synthetic chemist to enter details
about the samples. The analyst prepares the sample in an
autosampler vial in one of several solvent options. The
system speci®es where to place the sample vial in the
autosampler, and following analysis via a standard
method, spectra are automatically processed and printed
without any chemist intervention.
An average of 76 samples per day were analyzed over
a 6-month period in 1995, for a total of approximately
8,000 samples. This rate compares with a 20±30 samples
per day output prior to introducing the open-access LC/
MS system. The total cycle time is less than 4.5 min per
sample. The APCI method, when 60 representative
compounds were tested, generated more intense molecular ions, less fragmentation, and better signal/noise ratio
than TSI. The ESI approach was found to be a softer
ionization method, but produced multiply charged ions
and a higher chemical background than APCI did.
Typically, [M 1] and [M 23] ions, corresponding
to protonated and sodiated molecules, respectively, are
observed with ESI. The APCI technique produces intense
molecular ions for the variety of compounds with little
fragmentation. No signi®cant memory effects are
observed from sample to sample, due to the 4-min cycle,
during which time the mobile phase ``self-cleans'' the
system. As highlighted with the previous example, the
ability to generate simple, predictable, easy-to-interpret
mass spectra without signi®cant contamination from
sample-to-sample is of paramount importance for success.
Taylor et al. further demonstrated the value of openaccess LC/MS systems for generating a widened scope of
pharmaceutical analysis applications, including: (1)
characterization of synthetic intermediates and target
compounds; (2) reaction monitoring; (3) reaction optimization; (4) analysis of preparative HPLC fractions; and (5)
analysis of thin layer chromatography (TLC) plate spots.
The availability of these methods led to the increased use
of LC/MS for structural analysis. The short analysis time
and reliable structure con®rmation resulted in the use of
LC/MS as a ®rst choice for structure characterization for
synthetic chemistry applications, as well as an expanded,
and perhaps, integrated role of sample generator and
Chemists now routinely use open-access LC/MS in
the same way that they previously used TLC to monitor
reaction mixtures for the desired product and to optimize
reaction conditions. In practice, medicinal chemists
require only molecular mass data, and are comfortable
with a variety of ionization methods to obtain this
information. However, con®dence in the actual method
and procedure is a requisite. Today, molecular mass
measurement has quickly become a preferred means of
structure con®rmation over NMR and IR during the early
stages of synthetic chemistry activities, where sample
quantities are limited.
Open-access LC/MS formats have spawned new
dimensions in data management and access. Versatile
software packages for data manipulation and processing
have been a popular approach for integrating analysis and
information (Tong et al., 1998). These software programs
are ef®ciently implemented with stand-alone computers
and servers that are networked with open-access mass
spectrometer data systems (Fig. 24). In this con®guration,
the data are generated, visualized, processed, and automatically reported to the chemist. The program compares
a template of predicted molecular ions with the actual ions
generated by ESI and APCI for the quick analysis of
synthetic products, intermediates, reactants, reagents, and
contaminants. A list of observed ions along with known
artifact ions is generated and used to provide a measure of
the quality-of-®t to the predicted product(s).
FIGURE 24. Software packages for data manipulation and processing, using standalone computers and servers
that are networked with open-access mass spectrometer data systems (Tong et al., 1998).
Open-access LC/MS systems provide an effective
means for maintaining the high-throughput characterization of synthetic compounds. These systems offer an
ef®cient integration of sample generation and analysis
activities from laboratory- to bench-scale. Advances in
analytical instrumentation and electronic communication
have also played a major role in the emergence and
acceptance of LC/MS as a front-line tool for structure
characterization. From an industry perspective, these
advances were signi®cant catalysts for the acceptance of
LC/MS analysis responsibilities by mainstream sample
generators (i.e., medicinal chemists).
A recent review by Burdick and Stults indicates that a
similar methodology may be adopted for the analysis of
peptide synthesis products, using ESI±MS techniques
(Burdick & Stults, 1997). The application of LC/MS for
peptide analysis is similar to the previously described
schemes for chemical synthesis±puri®cation and focuses
on con®rmation of the desired peptide and identi®cation
of synthetic by-products. A variety of ESI-based instruments, using quadrupole, ion trap, and TOF, was indicated
to have a signi®cant impact due to the performance
advantages of ESI±MS, continued lower price, and
smaller size.
6. In Vivo Drug Screening
Advances in technologies such as combinatorial
chemistry, combined with initiatives calling for the faster
evaluation of lead compounds, resulted in a tremendous
interest in establishing technology for automated highthroughput bioanalysis. These analyses focused on
methods for determining multicomponent mixtures of
drug candidates that involve pharmacokinetics and
metabolic stability. These activities were traditionally
(and still are) positioned during the preclinical and clinical
stages of drug development. However, the need to provide
an early assessment of these properties resulted in new
strategies for in vivo drug screening during the drug
discovery stage.
Methods and approaches that can simultaneously
determine mixtures of drug candidates provide a powerful
approach for the selection of an optimal drug candidate
within a speci®c therapeutic area or a targeted class of
compounds. LC/MS/MS approaches, using relatively
simple isolation and chromatography conditions, present
an effective approach to evaluate new lead compounds for
subsequent development. Consequently, the use of LC/
MS-based screens has emerged, and has been successfully
applied to large numbers of substances derived from either
plasma obtained from animals dosed with a mixture
containing several test substances or from pooled plasma
from an animal that was sampled at speci®c time points.
In general, standard methods applicable to a vast
majority of compounds of interest, to ensure throughput
capabilities, are critical for LC/MS screens. Although not
optimized for speci®city, standard conditions provide a
systemic measure of control. This control results in data
that have high quality, reliability, and comparability. With
a strategic selection of compounds that have similar
molecular weights, structural features, and chromatographic properties, the detection selectivity and precision
are satisfactory for this particular type of analysis.
The premise of this approach is to provide a
mechanism for evaluating vast quantities of samples and
for forwarding on a select group for further testing, using
traditional, more rigorous approaches. A key to screening
is to establish an appropriate method that allows for highthroughput characteristics, while providing for an adequate level of discrimination. Development of an LC/MSbased screen involves a simpli®cation of the overall
experiment (i.e., method, expected results, interpretation).
For example, an LC/MS method is simpli®ed when it is
widely applicable to the majority of compounds under
investigation, and it provides yes/no or pass/fail results.
This binary mode LC/MS screening is perhaps the
simplest experiment for dealing with large amounts of
data. Extensions to this approach can be designed to offer
speci®c information from the screen, whether binary or
more comprehensive. In any case, the threshold criteria
for acceptance or failure de®nes the method.
Typically, screen performance, emphasizing high
throughput qualities, has less discriminating features.
Incorporating more discriminating features may result in
longer analysis times and/or more attendant data interpretation. Here, the strategy is to provide a screen that
satisfactorily meets performance standards and maintains
throughput requirements.
Once an LC/MS-based screen is developed and
locked-in for use (i.e., established as the standard method
for subsequent analyses), the object becomes to arrive at
the most promising lead compounds within a series
quickly without the traditional, rigorous testing, and
analysis of each candidate separately. The reward is a
signi®cant savings in time and resources. The inherent risk
is devising a discriminatory screen that actually discards
legitimate drug candidates! The reality is that each screen
will likely be unique and highly dependent on instrumentation, technology, method, scientist(s), and scienti®c/
business culture.
The development of an LC/MS-based screening
method is not intuitive. The object is to devise a method
that can signi®cantly impact sample throughput without
compromising the quality of data. The strategy is to forego
details while maintaining quality. A realistic starting point
for LC/MS screening is an approach that uses the ``80/20
Rule'' (see above) (Lee et al., 1997; Heller & Hindle
1998). This approach sets the criteria for method development, method re®nement, and screen performance.
High-throughput bioanalysis screening approaches
involve the characterization of full-scan mass spectra and
MS/MS properties to determine the predominant molecular and product ions, respectively. This information is
useful for the selection of appropriate ions for SRM
experiments. Settings such as collision energies and CID
pressure or gas thickness can be optimized as well.
Typically, the most abundant product-ion is selected for
SRM. Various acquisition software programs are used to
perform the experiment, display the results, and process
the data in an automated fashion.
Animal models, involving rats and dogs, have been
developed by Olah et al. for pharmacokinetic screeningbased studies in drug discovery (Olah et al., 1997). In this
application, LC/MS-based methods are used to simultaneously assay plasma concentrations of up to 12 substances. The plasma is obtained from either single animals
dosed with mixtures of lead compounds, or from multiple
animals dosed with a single lead compound, after which
aliquots of plasma from common time-points are pooled.
Essentially, simpli®ed, less stringent versions of preclinical/clinical development procedures are used for sample
preparation, assay validation, and analysis. A plasma
concentration±time pro®le obtained from a dog administered simultaneously with 12 compounds is shown in Fig.
25. Each compound is quickly evaluated relative to other
compounds in the series and comparisons can be made.
Desirable pharmacokinetic pro®les are assessed, and the
total number of samples analyzed are reduced signi®cantly. In studies that involve the dosing mixtures of lead
compounds, the number of animals required is signi®cantly reduced. This methodology provides a perspective
on the traditional quantitative LC/MS/MS approaches
for the analysis of drugs and their metabolites that are
contained in biological ¯uids. Although traditional
LC/MS approaches provide a straight-forward way of
assessing preclinical pharmacokinetic properties, the
volume of drug candidates generated via automated
synthesis routines combined with the requirements for
turn-around time made this approach costly and timeconsuming during drug discovery.
The application of APCI±LC/MS techniques for the
rapid determination of protein binding and pharmacokinetics during the discovery stage was recently described
by Allen et al., using a single quadrupole instrument
(Allen et al., 1998). A ``cocktail'' approach consisted of 4
experimental compounds and a control compound dosed
orally at 1 mg/kg with plasma samples obtained at 0.5, 1,
2, 4, and 8 h post dose. To insure reproducibility, the
control compound was tested with each cocktail. This
approach generated timely systemic exposure (AUC and
Cmax) data on 44 test compounds in three work days,
using two laboratory scientists.
The use of LC/MS/MS-based screening approaches
for quantitative bioanalytical measurements allow a large,
chemically diverse, range of potential drug candidates to
be analyzed quickly and con®dently. The development of
unique LC/MS-based systems for in vivo pharmacokinetic
screening reduces the analysis to a manageable number
of samples, and results in a cost-effective approach to
evaluate new lead compounds. Approaches to this type of
methodology will likely vary, according to the behavior of
the molecules of interest, standard operating procedures
(SOPs), performance capabilities of the mass spectrometer, and integration of automated sample preparation,
FIGURE 25. Plasma concentration-time pro®les of 12 compounds given orally as a mixture to a single dog
(Olah et al., 1997).
and data analysis procedures. Success will likely be
dependent on the above parameters, as well as on the
degree of tolerance to which the speci®c screen is set.
The simultaneous pharmacokinetic assessment of
multiple drug candidates in one animal has been termed
``n-in-one'' or ``cassette dosing''. As discussed for the
previous example, this parallel approach results in an
increased productivity for bioanalysis during drug discovery. Beaudry et al. (Beaudry, 1998) recently investigated the extension of this methodology to study larger
numbers of compounds in each mixture, and to integrate
sample preparation with the LC/MS/MS system for
increased ef®ciency.
The number of analytes studied in parallel was
extended to 63 plus an internal standard. A list of the 64
analytes and their method performance is shown in Table
12. The increased number of analytes is possible because
of improvements to the collision region of the MS/MS
system that lead to increased sensitivity and reduced
``memory effects''. In addition, robotic systems for
TABLE 12. Results of an n-in-one experiment of the parallel LC/MS analysis of 64 analytes from
the same plasma sample (Beaudry et al., 1998).
Drug name
Extracted LOD (pg)
Analysis ng/mL
Range values
Signal too weak
Internal standard
Unstable signal
TABLE 12. (Continued)
Drug name
Extracted LOD (pg)
Analysis ng/mL
Range values
FIGURE 26. Diagram of a robotic ProspektTM system for on-line SPE automated extraction integrated with
LC/MS/MS analysis of plasma samples (Beaudry et al., 1998).
sample handling and on-line SPE extraction of plasma
samples were integrated with the LC/MS/MS system
[Fig. 26]. An isocratic reversed-phase HPLC method
provided a cycle time of 4.5 min per sample. The on-line
sample preparation and short analysis resulted in an
increased sample throughput that required less time from
the scientist. The method produced good performance, in
terms of extraction ef®ciency, linearity, and LOD, and has
the capability of analyzing 320±960 samples per day. The
strategic emphasis is on providing high throughput LC/
MS methods for evaluating large numbers of drug
candidates during the discovery stage to eliminate poor
pharmacokinetic performers.
7. Metabolic Stability Screening
Recently, the use of fast gradient elution LC/MS
techniques was described for high throughput metabolic
stability screening (Ackermann et al., 1998). The method
uses a HPLC column-switching apparatus to desalt and
analyze lead candidates incubated with human liver
microsomes. The 12 overlaid SIM pro®les acquired by
using a standard method for the test substrates spiked into
blank human microsomal supernatant is illustrated in
Fig. 27. These pro®les show a favorable comparison
among the series of substrates injected over a 12 h period.
Substrates were selected whose in vivo clearance is
This feature is unique and avoids the multiple (2±4)
injections that are necessary with other MS/MS con®gurations (e.g., tandem quadrupole). Along with the
signi®cant savings in time, detailed structure information
is generated, which enables a comprehensive analysis of
substructure relationship to be constructed for each
metabolite. These automated studies provide unique
advantages during drug discovery, and provide an early
perspective on the metabolically labile sites, or ``soft
spots'' of a drug candidate. This knowledge is useful
during lead optimization activities, and can lead to the
initiation of proactive research efforts that deal with
metabolism-guided structural modi®cation and toxicity.
B. Preclinical Development
The transition from a lead candidate to IND/CTA
represents the interface between drug discovery and
preclinical development. With the focus on accelerated
development timelines, the relationship between these
two functions has become less distinct and less formal
than in the past. Today, preclinical development activities
are routinely initiated during the mid-to-late stages of
drug discovery. The emphasis is primarily on the ef®cient
transition of a novel bench-scale lead compound to bulk
drug supplies that are suitable for testing on animals and
FIGURE 27. SIM pro®les of 12 lead candidates incubated with human
liver microsomes, using a high throughput LC/MS system equipped with
column switching to desalt and analyze the incubates. The reproducibility
of the system over 960 injections is demonstrated. Analysis cycle time is ca.
0.5 min. (Ackermann et al., 1998).
controlled predominantly by phase I oxidative metabolism
as opposed to phase II metabolism or renal clearance. In
this way, the resulting data could be resolved into four
categories of metabolic stability: high ( 60%); moderate
( 30±59%); low ( 10±29%); and very low (<10%).
The rapid structure identi®cation of metabolites is a
powerful complement to previously described quantitative
approaches. Davis and coworkers recently demonstrated
the utility of an automated metabolite identi®cation approach, using LC/MS/MS with an ion trap mass spectrometer (Lopez et al., 1998). In this study, MSn analysis is
automated to provide maximum structural information in
combination with predictive strategies for biotransformation. Automated data-dependent scan functions are used to
generate full scan, MS/MS, and MSn mass spectra of
metabolites within a single chromatographic analysis.
a. Analysis requirements. The previous section that
highlights recent LC/MS-based analyses in support of
drug discovery activities featured fast and highly ef®cient
methods. High throughput, speci®city, and robust analysis
characteristics were essential to meet the high sample
volume (quantitative process) demands brought on by
sample-generating technologies such as combinatorial
chemistry. In preclinical development activities, analyses
are more dependent on diversity of process rather than the
diversity of samples. This dependency is because preclinical development analyses typically require the
measurement of a diverse number of analytes rather than
a single or targeted analyte. Thus, an essential feature of
preclinical development analyses is the ability to reliably
monitor and identify components of interest, and to relate
the information to the corresponding chemical or physiological process.
Traditional preclinical development analysis approaches involve the routine use of HPLC techniques.
Preclinical development activities are typically slowed
when HPLC retention times change, and require authentic
standards or the re®nement of the chromatographic
method to con®rm identity. The use of LC/MS during this
stage of drug development is far less dependent on the use
of standards, and provides reliable identi®cation in
situations where the retention times vary. Perhaps the
most common type of structure identi®cation activity
during preclinical development involves the analysis of
metabolites, impurities, and degradants. The early knowledge of structure allows for the quick re®nement of the
process directed toward improving a qualitative element
of ef®ciency (i.e., yield, bioavailability, potency). Therefore, structure identi®cation plays a central role in
prospective research, the acceleration of preclinical
development activities, and ®ling of the IND/CTA.
b. Analysis perspectives. Preclinical development is
the ®rst stage of the drug development cycle, where
regulatory issues are formally addressed and validated
methods are required. The transition from a regulatoryfree environment in drug discovery presents some unique
challenges for sample-analysis activities. For example,
issues that deal with the conversion of HPLC methods that
employ phosphate buffers to methods that use volatile
buffers, which are more suited for LC/MS are common.
Also, the evolutionary process of setting requirements and
limits for impurities (i.e., speci®cations) is initiated based
on analysis results for the IND/CTA. This stage of drug
development involves pharmaceutical analysis activities
directed toward the support of: (1) metabolism; (2)
process research; (3) formulation; and (4) toxicology.
These activities represent the ®rst formal interaction
between science and policy (i.e., regulatory compliance)
within the drug development cycle.
c. LC/MS contributions. LC/MS-based approaches
have ®gured prominently in this stage of drug development. Bench-scale mixture analysis methodology is
integrated into a single micro-scale on-line technique that
is driven by the coordinated use of LC/MS and LC/MS/
MS. Analysis strategies that emphasize an early lock-in of
analytical methods provide a quick approach to begin
support for a wide variety of analysis needs. This standard
method feature is critical because method development
and re®nement activities are very time-consuming and
often delay the initiation of work.
The chromatographic separation affords a pro®le of
components with reproducible relative retention time,
whereas molecular weight is determined and structural
information is collected via LC/MS and LC/MS/MS
methods, respectively. A template motif for structure
identi®cation is used whereby the fragmentation pattern
from the product-ion spectrum of the parent drug is used
to deduce the structures of the unknown metabolites,
impurities, or degradants. Interpretation is systematic
because speci®c product ions and neutral losses are
correlated with speci®c substructures of the parent drug
molecule. Structure databases are generated and provide a
quick reference to proposed structure, RRT, molecular
weight, and diagnostic functional groups. The databases
provide a comprehensive approach to organizing structure
information and the basis for comparison. In this way, LC/
MS methods are used during the later stages of drug
development to rapidly generate information in support of
preclinical development and to provide valuable information in support of registration activities.
d. Overview. In this section, the rapid structure
identi®cation of metabolites, impurities, and degradants
is described during the preclinical development stage. The
use of structure libraries that contain information on
metabolic and chemical stability is illustrated during
metabolism, chemical process research, formulation, and
toxicology events. Consideration and approaches for
method development, method lock-in, and speci®cations
are highlighted for structure database assembly and
technology transfer. Table 13 provides a summary of the
LC/MS-based applications featured in this section.
1. Metabolite Identi®cation
Metabolite identi®cation is central to many of the
activities in preclinical development. A more complete
characterization of pharmacokinetic properties is performed in animals (typically, rats and dogs) during this
stage. The knowledge of the biotransformation pathways
of the lead candidate to its metabolites is used to indicate
the magnitude and duration of activity. Metabolite
identi®cation is critical to many of these activities, and
plays an important role in establishing the dose and
toxicity levels.
The identi®cation of metabolite structures with LC/
MS and LC/MS/MS techniques are an effective approach
due to their ability to analyze trace mixtures from complex
TABLE 13. Applications of LC/MS in preclinical development.
Preclinical development
Process research
Metabolite identi®cation
Impurity identi®cation
Degradant identi®cation
LC/MS application
Standard methods and databases
Natural products; standard methods and databases
Predictive models for chemical degradants
Predictive models for biomolecule degradants
Selected References
Kerns et al., 1997
Kerns et al., 1994
Rourick et al., 1997
Kleintop et al., 1998
samples of urine, bile, and plasma. The key to structure
identi®cation approaches is based on the fact that
metabolites generally retain most of the core structure of
the parent drug (Perchalski et al., 1982). Therefore, the
parent drug and its corresponding metabolites would be
expected to undergo similar fragmentations and to
produce mass spectra that indicate major substructures.
Recently, Kerns et al. demonstrated the application of
LC/MS and LC/MS/MS standard method approaches in
preclinical development for the metabolite identi®cation
of buspirone, a widely used anxiolytic drug (Kerns et al.,
1997). The success of this method relies on the
performance of the LC/MS interface and the ability to
generate abundant ions that correspond to the molecular
weight of the drug and drug metabolites. The production
of abundant molecular ions is an ideal situation for
molecular weight con®rmation because virtually all the
ion current is consolidated into an adduct of the molecular
ion (i.e., [M H] , [M NH3] ).
For example, full-scan mass spectra of buspirone
contain an abundant [M H] ion signal with little
detectable fragmentation. The product-ion spectrum
reveals product ions and neutral losses that are associated
with diagnostic substructures of buspirone [Fig. 28]. The
product ion at m/z 122, for example, is indicative of the
pyrimidine substructure. The presence of this ion in the
product-ion spectrum of a metabolite indicates a structure
that contains the pyrimidine substructure. Similarly, the
m/z 180 product ion is diagnostic of the azaspirone decane
substructure, and the neutral loss of 164 (producing the
m/z 222 product ion) is diagnostic of the butyl azaspirone
decane dione substructure.
To assist with the MS/MS structure identi®cation, the
gross substructure of buspirone is categorized into pro®le
groups (Kerns et al., 1995). Pro®le groups directly
correlate speci®c product ions and neutral losses with
the presence, absence, substitution, and molecular connectivity (Lee et al., 1996) of speci®c buspirone substructures and their modi®cations. The pro®le groups of
buspirone are identi®ed with abbreviations that correspond to the three speci®c substructures: azaspirone decane
dione (A), butyl piperazine (B), and pyrimidine (P).
Substituted substructures are designated with a subscript
(s), and a dash (±) denotes substructure connectivity.
Thus, the buspirone molecule is represented by A±B±P.
The As ±B±P designation refers to metabolite structures
that contain the azaspirone decane dione, butyl piperazine,
and pyrimidine substructures with substitution on the
azaspirone decane dione substructure. The pro®le group
categorization within a corresponding database allows the
rapid visual recognition of primary substructures affected
by metabolism.
Table 14 illustrates a representative buspirone metabolite structure database. Information on the structure,
molecular weight, UV characteristics, RRT, and product
ions of metabolites obtained from rat bile, urine, and liver
S9 samples are compiled. Using this format, the predominant buspirone metabolite pro®le groups, As ±B±P, A±
FIGURE 28. Product-ion spectrum of the [M H] of buspirone, and the correspondence of ions to speci®c
substructures that are diagnostic of the compound, and are used as a template for structure identi®cation of
buspirone metabolites (Kerns et al., 1997).
B±Ps, and As ±B±Ps are easily recognized. These pro®le
groups indicate azaspirone decane dione and pyrimidine
as metabolically active sites of attack and the presence of
multiple substitution sites on each of these substructures.
In many cases, the pro®le groups indicate the occurrence
of metabolic reactions on more than one substructure.
Table 15 summarizes the product-ion spectra that are
obtained for each buspirone metabolite structure. In
combination with the data in Table 14, these results
provide a comprehensive metabolite structure database
that is indexed by speci®c analytical characteristics. This
database is a useful source of information for accelerated
preclinical development activities. It provides a useful
tool for the rapid ``dereplication of metabolites'' observed
in previous drug discovery studies, and serves as a future
reference for the identi®cation of novel structures during
the clinical stages of drug development. This protocol has
also been found to be useful during drug discovery
research in chemistry, metabolism, pharmacokinetics,
activity, and safety studies (Lee et al., 1997). Extensions
TABLE 14. Buspirone metabolite database of structures identi®ed with LC/MS and LC/MS/MS with a standard method (Kerns et al.,
MH b Pro®le groupc
Sample sourcee
Ur, S9
Ur, S9
Hydroxy buspirone glucoronide
Hydroxy buspirone glucoronide
Hydroxy buspirone glucoronide
Hydroxy methoxy buspirone glucoronide
Hydroxy methoxy buspirone glucoronide
Hydroxy buspirone glucoronide
1-Pyrimidinyl piperazine
Buspirone glucoronide
Dihydroxy buspirone
Methoxy buspirone glucuronide
Dihydroxy buspirone
Dihydroxy buspirone
Despyrimidinyl peperazine buspirone
Dihydroxy methoxy buspirone
Hydroxy buspirone
Dihydroxy buspirone
Dihydroxy buspirone
Dihydroxy buspirone
Hydroxy buspirone
Hydroxy buspirone
Dihydroxy buspirone
Despyrimidinyl buspirone
Hydroxy buspirone
Hydroxy buspirone
Hydroxy buspirone
Proposed structure
------ O, OH
Ur, S9
B, S9
B, Ur, S9
Ur, B, S9
Ur, B, S9
Ur, S9
B, Ur
Ur, S9
B, Ur, S9
HPLC retention time relative to buspirone (tRR 1.00) using universal HPLC conditions. Buspirone retention time was 13.5 min.
Molecular mass.
Refer to text for discussion of pro®le group categorization. A azaspirone decane dione, B butyl piperazine, P pyrimidine, subscript s
refers to substitution in a particular substructure, NA not available from the data.
U unchanged substructure, N substructure not present.
Sample source: B rat bile in vivo, Ur rat urine, S9 rat liver S9 preparation in vitro.
TABLE 15. Product-ion spectra of (M H) ions of buspirone metabolites and their structural interpretation based on buspirone as a
structural template (Kerns et al., 1997).
Fragmentation; m/z
Proposed structure
Hydroxy buspirone
Hydroxy buspirone
Hydroxy buspirone
Hydroxy methoxy
Hydroxy methoxy
Hydroxy buspirone
1-Pyrimidinyl piperazine 7
Buspirone glucuronide 8
0.42 165
0.44 578
Dihydroxy buspirone
0.45 418
Methoxy buspirone
Dihydroxy buspirone
0.46 608
0.48 418
Dihydroxy buspirone 12
piperazine buspirone
0.48 418
0.50 254
Dihydroxy methoxy
Hydroxy buspirone
0.51 448
0.53 402
Dihydroxy buspirone
0.55 418
Dihydroxy buspirone
Dihydroxy buspirone
Hydroxy buspirone
0.55 418
0.56 418
0.59 402
Hydroxy buspirone
0.69 402
Dihydroxy buspirone
0.70 418
0.74 308
Hydroxy buspirone
0.74 402
Hydroxy buspirone
0.80 402
Hydroxy buspirone
0.87 402
1.00 386
0.14 594
0.30 594
0.35 594
138 166
0.36 624
0.38 624
0.38 594
138 166
138 164
122 148
168 196
418 98
418 98
180 168
122 148
122 148
138 166
122 148
109 265
180 168
180 168
236, 208,
194, 109,
86, 81
383, 121,
109, 100,
88, 74,
59, 43
168, 98
98, 95
180 168
180 168
402 109
432 100
122 150
122 148
122 148
138 164
418 98
122 148
138 166
168 194
122 148
122 148
109, 98
343, 109,
of this approach with microprobe NMR analysis of a 50 mg
sample of isolated metabolite are routinely performed
(Rourick et al., unpublished data, 1997). A ``chemical
shift template'' characteristic of unique substructural sites
is used to identify speci®c structural modi®cations and to
distinguish isomers.
2. Impurity Identi®cation
Synthetic impurities are of particular concern during
process research and safety evaluation activities. Often,
impurities are the result of synthetic by-products or
starting materials of the scale-up process. Impurities
provide a comprehensive indicator of the chemical
process and are diagnostic of overall quality. The resulting
information is used by process chemists to guide process
optimization. Knowledge of the identity and relative
amount of impurities is used to diagnose process reactions
so that changes in reagents and reaction conditions lead to
better yields and higher quality material. Although it is
often dif®cult to assign an exact time period for the
completion of chemical process research activities, it is
usually the rate-determining step for preclinical development activities.
With an increasing number of novel lead candidates
that enter into preclinical development, considerable
resources are needed to identify impurities. LC/MS-based
approaches provide integrated sample clean-up and
structure analysis procedures for the rapid analysis of
impurities. This advantage was demonstrated during the
preclinical development of TAXOL1. LC/MS played an
important role for the identi®cation of impurities contained in extracts and process intermediates from Taxus
brevifolia and T. baccata biomass. Because drugs derived
from natural sources often have a very diverse set of
structural analogs, it is important to determine which
analogs are carried through the puri®cation process and
ultimately appear as impurities. This task presents a
unique challenge during the preclinical stage of drug
development due to the highly complex nature of the
Similar to the approaches described previously for
natural products dereplication during drug discovery,
traditional strategies for impurity identi®cation rely on
scale-up, extraction, isolation, and detailed structure
analysis. Unfortunately, these methods are slow, timeconsuming, and problematic for accelerated preclinical
development activities. Rapid structure identi®cation
methods that use LC/MS and LC/MS/MS protocols are
ideal for handling large numbers of drug candidates and
are applicable to a diverse range of compound classes.
Furthermore, the sensitivity of LC/MS-based methods are
suf®cient to study impurities and active compounds at
extremely low levels (0.2±2 nmol).
Kerns and coworkers developed a structure identi®cation strategy that incorporates LC/MS and LC/MS/MS
techniques for rapid, sensitive, and high throughput
impurity analysis (Kerns et al., 1994). This approach
integrates traditional steps of sample preparation, separation, analysis, and data management into a single instrumental method. The resulting multidimensional data
include retention time, molecular weight, UV, and substructure information. A structure database is developed
for each candidate and is used to rapidly identify the same
impurities in new samples. Structures are proposed based
on using the drug candidate as a structural template and,
with the use of a standard method approach, consistency
for comparison of results throughout the preclinical
development process is ensured.
The full-scan mass spectrum of paclitaxel is shown in
Fig. 29. The spectrum contains abundant molecular ions at
m/z 854, 871, and 912, which correspond to [M H] ,
[M NH4] , and [M NH4 CH3CN] , respectively.
This distinct molecular ion pattern is used to determine the
molecular weight of the resulting impurities. The production spectrum of the [M NH4] ion of paclitaxel is
shown in Fig. 30. Abundant product ions are present in the
spectrum and correspond to unique substructures that are
diagnostic of paclitaxel. Perhaps most strategic are the
product ions associated with the paclitaxel core substructure (m/z 569) and side-chain (m/z 286). This unique
pair of product ions serves as a diagnostic reference to
structure. Once the product ions are assigned to their
corresponding paclitaxel substructure, the spectrum is
used as a substructural template for the identi®cation of
A representative HPLC chromatogram with UV
detection (230 nm) of a process penultimate lot of
paclitaxel from T. brevifolia bark is shown in Fig. 31A.
A comparable LC/MS±TIC chromatogram of the sample,
obtained simultaneously with the LC/UV pro®le, is
shown in Fig. 31B. The responses in each chromatogram
compare favorably with each other. The molecular weight
of each component is obtained on-line from the full-scan
mass spectrum at a speci®c retention time. The sample is
again subjected to HPLC separation and a product-ion
spectrum is obtained for each compound. Structures of
impurities are proposed based on a comparison of the
molecular weight, product ions, and neutral losses that are
associated with paclitaxel.
Table 16 summarizes the novel taxane structures
identi®ed with LC/MS. These impurities incorporate
several consistent structural variations from the ®ve
pro®le groups of paclitaxel [Fig. 32]. Nearly all of the
compounds contain the characteristic paclitaxel core
substructure as indicated by the product ion at m/z 509
with variations due to modi®cations. Many of these
taxanes contain a side-chain similar to paclitaxel, with
FIGURE 29. ESI full-scan mass spectrum of paclitaxel with a mobile phase that contains aqueous 2 mM
ammonium acetate and acetonitrile (Kerns et al., 1994).
FIGURE 30. Product-ion spectrum of the [M NH4] ion of paclitaxel and correspondence of ions to speci®c
substructures diagnostic of the compound, used as a template for structure identi®cation of paclitaxel impurities
(Kerns et al., 1994).
FIGURE 31. HPLC chromatograms of a process penultimate lot of paclitaxel from Taxus brevifolia bark. (A)
LC/UV (230 nm) chromatogram. (B) LC/MS full scan TIC chromatogram (Kerns et al., 1994).
variations occurring on the terminal amide of the sidechain. The product ions that differ from the characteristic
side-chain ions of paclitaxel (m/z 286) by values indicative
of speci®c substructures demonstrate these terminal amide
variations. A comparison with the paclitaxel substructural
template indicates structural differences beyond the
position of the amide group in the side-chain substructure.
When a new impurity is encountered during chemical
process research, retention time and molecular weight
information are compared to the database for rapid
identi®cation. This approach is similar to the procedure
described for natural product dereplication. If the
compound is not contained in the structure database, then
the corresponding LC/MS/MS analysis is performed to
obtain substructural detail and the proposal of a new
Minimal sample preparation (dilution in HPLC
mobile phase) is necessary. A standard reversed-phase
HPLC method is used for all the samples that are
associated with a drug candidate to reduce time-consuming method development/method re®nement procedures.
Standard reversed-phase methods typically involve a 20±
30 min cycle time and provide information on a wide
range of compounds. The incorporation of a standard
method strategy allows the use of autosampling procedures and standard system software for data analysis.
During the development of TAXOL1, 90 taxane
impurities were rapidly identi®ed and added to the
structure database. This MS/MS information is routinely
obtained for impurities down to the 100 ng level
(injected), and requires approximately 2±3 h for the
analysis of each sample. The compounds are structurally
categorized with pro®le group terminology. The LC/MSbased methods are signi®cantly faster than previous
methods based on scale-up, isolation, fractionation, and
individual structural analysis.
3. Degradant Identi®cation
The proactive characterization and identi®cation of
degradants during the preclinical development phase of
drug development offers advantages in the evaluation of
drug candidates and their subsequent performance during
clinical trials. The early knowledge of degradants provide
TABLE 16. Novel taxane structures and related derivatives identi®ed by using paclitaxel as a structural template (Kerns et al., 1996).
S3 ±Cs
ii, vii
S3 ±C
S3 ±Cs
S3 ±C
S3 ±Cs
S3 ±Cs
S3 ±C
S3 ±Cs
iii, i
S3 ±Cs
ii, vii, viii
S3 ±Cs
S3 ±Cs
CH3C ----- CH2CH3 ±
S3 ±C
S3 ±Cs
S3 ±Cs
S3 ±C
S3 ±Cs
S3 ±Cs
S3 ±C
S3 ±Cs
i, iii
i, iii
i, iii
S3 ±Cs
Proposed structure
RRta Mol. Wt.b
Paclitaxel side-chain
methyl ester
Paclitaxel side-chain
ethyl esterf
10-Deacetyl propyl
paclitaxel analog
Methyl paclitaxel analog
benzyl paclitaxel analog
Ethyl paclitaxel analogf
10-Deacetyl benzyl
paclitaxel analog
hexyl paclitaxel analog
n-Propyl paclitaxel analogf,g
7-Xylosyl benzyl
paclitaxel analog
10-Deacetyl taxol C
Debenzoyl pentenoate
paclitaxel analog
Butyl paclitaxel analog
10-Deacetyl-7-epi-taxol C
Benzyl paclitaxel analog
7-epi-Butyl paclitaxel analog 1.12
Hexyl paclitaxel analog
7-epi-Taxol C
baccatin III
baccatin III pentenoate
baccatin III phenylacetate
10-Deacetyl baccatin III
10-Deacetyl ethyl paclitaxel [1.51]
Sample sourcee
HPLC retention time relative to paclitaxel (RRT 1.00) using HPLC condition I or condition II.
Molecular weight.
Refer to text for categorization. S paclitaxel side-chain substructure; C paclitaxel core substructure; subscripts 1 and 3 refer to the
position of substitution and subscript s refers to a general position of substitution on the respective substructure.
Refer to Fig. 1 for the general structures including R groups. For paclitaxel, R1 C6H5, R2 CH3CO, R3 H and R4 C6H5.
Sample source: i, Impurities in paclitaxel prepared from Taxus brevifolia. ii, Impurities in 10-deacetyl beccatin III puri®ed from T. baccata.
iii, Impurities in paclitaxel from T. hicksii. iv, Impurities in semisynthetic paclitaxel. v, Paclitaxel heated with ethanol for 12 weeks at 50 C.
vi, Impurities in preparations of 10-xylosyl paclitaxel puri®ed from T. brevifolia. vii, Impurities in preparations of 10-deacetyl xylosyl paclitaxel
from T. brevifolia. viii, Impurities in preparations of 10-deacetyl paclitaxel from T. brevifolia. ix, Paclitaxel treated with Na2CO3 (0.05 M) for
10 min at pH 8 and diluted in methanol.
Con®rmed using authentic standard with the result of matching RRT, MW, and MS/MS product-ion spectrum.
Recently reported.
FIGURE 32. General structures of the ®ve pro®le groups observed using
LC/MS, based on the paclitaxel template (Kerns et al., 1995).
insight into stability and toxicity. The value of early
knowledge of degradants is to provide insights into critical
issues and the development of corrective measures prior
to clinical trials.
During the course of drug development, the bulk drug
and drug formulation are studied under a variety of stress
conditions such as temperature, humidity, acidity, basicity,
oxidization, and light. Qin et al. described the utilization
of stressing conditions that may cause degradation (Qin et
al., 1994). The resulting samples may be used to validate
analytical monitoring methods and to serve as predictive
tools for future formulation and packaging studies.
A traditional approach to studying degradant formation involves similar time-consuming scale-up and preparation steps as described for metabolite and impurity
analysis. Similarly, this area of pharmaceutical analysis
has experienced the issues associated with faster drug
development cycles. Rourick and coworkers recently
described proactive approaches to obtain degradant
information with LC/MS methods during the preclinical
development stage (Rourick et al., 1996). The procedure
incorporates qualitative and quantitative process changes
for analysis. The structural information necessary for
successful drug development is emphasized. The corresponding structural information provides insight for
decisions, based on which leads are to be developed for
clinical testing. The early structural information on
degradants of a drug candidate offers a unique capability
for synthetic modi®cation to minimize degradation.
Structural information can also facilitate planning of
preclinical drug development in process research, formulation development, and safety assessment.
The strategy for impurity and degradant identi®cation described by Rourick et al. (1996) subjects lead
candidates to various development conditions, followed
by LC/MS and LC/MS/MS analysis protocols. A structure
database is constructed from the corresponding results and
is used to reveal unstable regions within the drug structure
as well as to ascertain which candidate or homologous
series of drug candidates may be the most favorable for
further development. High capacity and throughput speed
are necessary so that many lead candidates may be
evaluated. Applicability of the method to a wide range of
compound classes is desirable. Once the drug candidate
enters clinical development and manufacturing, the
structure database is useful for the rapid identi®cation of
impurities and degradants in samples generated during
these stages of development.
The method exposes drug candidates to forced
degradation conditions, (e.g., acid, base, heat, and
moisture) as a predictive pro®le. The coordinated use of
LC/MS and LC/MS/MS provides structure identi®cation
for speed, sensitivity, and high throughput. Standard
methods, useful for 80% of the compounds, are applied.
Various types of structural data are obtained for elucidation purposes (e.g., retention time, molecular weight, MS/
MS), and unknown compounds are elucidated with the
candidate drug as a structural template. The LC/MS
analysis provides retention time and molecular weight
data, whereas LC/MS/MS provides substructural detail for
structure identi®cation. Drug candidates are incubated
under one of the following conditions: 0.3 N HCl, 0.01 N
NaOH, 140 C, or 40 C in water. Automation via autosamplers and system software provides analytical speed
and high throughput.
Using this approach, ten degradants of cefadroxil, an
orally effective semisynthetic cephalosporin antibiotic,
were elucidated in a 2-day study. The conditions utilized
[Table 17] are predictive of the conditions expected to
occur under drug processing, storage, and physiological
TABLE 17. Predictive pro®le conditions used to study cefadroxil and to rapidly produce a
structure database (Rourick et al., 1996).
Heated solid
Heated solution
Reagent concentration (N)
Time (H)
Temperature ( )
TABLE 18. Library of cefadroxil degradants and impurities obtained from predictive pro®les
obtained by exposing the drug to the various development conditions shown in Table 17 (Rourick
et al., 1996).
Cefadroxil 16 Da
Cefadroxil sulfoxide isomer
Cefadroxil sulfoxide isomer
Cefadroxil isomer
2-Cefadroxil isomer
Cefadroxil with hydrolyzed lactam
Piperazinedione cefadroxil isomer
Methyl ester of cefadroxil (impurity)
Additional side-chain (impurity)
Isomer of piperazine dione of cefadroxil (2 or 7-epi)
conditions throughout drug lifetime. Standard LC/MS
methods provide consistency from sample to sample
throughout the development process, and allow for the
construction and use of a structural database for the rapid
identi®cation of impurities and degradants during development. The reversed-phase HPLC conditions provide a
general measure of the polarity of each compound, useful
for interpretation of substructural differences between
related compounds. Due to the mass-resolving capability
of the mass spectrometer, chromatographic resolution of
coeluting or unresolved components is not required.
Abundant protonated molecule ions, [M H] , provide
reliable molecular weight information, and product-ion
spectra generate valuable substructure information for
each degradant. The product-ion spectrum of cefadroxil is
used as a template for interpretation because speci®c
product ions and neutral losses are compared to the
spectra obtained from the unknown degradants. Product
ions common to each spectra provide evidence of
substructures unchanged by the degradation conditions
and differences are indicative of structural variations. The
product-ion spectrum of cefadroxil contains an abundant
product ion at m/z 208, which is diagnostic of cleavage
through the lactam substructure.
The structural data for 18 observed impurities and
degradants are shown in Table 18. The dimensions of
chromatographic behavior and molecular weight are
easily referenced within this ``LC/MS pro®le''. The mass
chromatograms (EIC pro®les) corresponding to the
[M H] ions of selected components are shown in
Fig. 33. This particular representation is useful for
distinguishing differences among degradants contained
in the base-degraded sample. For example, the difference
in molecular weight between cefadroxil and a proximateeluting degradant is 18 Da, which indicates a substructural
difference that results from hydrolysis. The product-ion
spectrum obtained from the degradant does not contain the
diagnostic m/z 208 product ion. An abundant product ion
at m/z 180 indicates a dihydrothiazine substructure
consistent with a hydrolyzed lactam. The hydrolyzed
lactam structure is further supported by the presence of a
product ion at m/z 141, which results from the neutral loss
of NH3. The resulting LC/MS structure library provides a
predictive foundation for preclinical and clinical devel245
FIGURE 33. The mass chromatograms (EIC pro®les) of selected degradants at the m/z values corresponding to
their [M H] ions in a base-degraded cefadroxil monohydrate sample (Rourick et al., 1996).
opment stages that involve drug stability, synthesis, and
process monitoring activities. Furthermore, this information aids the development of rugged stability-indicating
methods for clinical drug release.
Recently, this predictive degradation strategy has
been demonstrated for biomolecules as a tool to accelerate
drug development (Kleintop et al., 1998). Biomolecule
samples are exposed to various accelerated stressed
environments such as acid, base, heat, high intensity
light, and humidity. Molecular weight information
obtained from LC/MS indicated changes in the primary
structure. Actual changes in protein sequence are
determined with LC/ITMS methods, and data-dependent
MS/MS spectra are generated. The resulting MS/MS
spectra are interpreted with the SEQUEST database
searching algorithm. Finally, a rapid LC/MS-based H/D
exchange method is used to qualitatively detect changes in
the tertiary structure.
Similar to the examples described for small molecules, the resulting biomolecule degradant pro®le is used
to predict potential problems before they appear during
preclinical scale-up, formulation, and stability experiments. Furthermore, this information may serve as a
diagnostic tool for structure identi®cation during the
clinical development and manufacturing stages.
C. Clinical Development
By the time the drug candidate reaches the clinical
development stage, the scale of the chemical process
has reached a full production batch size (kg). The
information obtained on impurities and degradants
during the preclinical development stage provides a
useful historical database. Thus, when signi®cant process
changes are made, the impurity pro®le is reviewed to
determine whether the toxicological studies still support
development. By far, the most intense use of LC/MS
during the clinical development stage involves the
quantitative bioanalysis of the drug and drug-related
substances in support of pharmacokinetic activities.
Sensitive assays are of paramount importance to success,
particularly because lead compounds are more potent
and require smaller doses than before. The LC/MSbased quantitative bioanalysis assay has emerged as the
method of choice due to its high sensitivity and selectivity characteristics. Compatibility with conventional
HPLC techniques has streamlined method development
and analysis protocols during the transfer from the
preclinical stage of development. Other analyses that
involve LC/MS support activities deal with alternative
dosing formulations (i.e., improved dissolution and
LTSS) and drug safety studies (i.e., toxic effects of
metabolites, impurities, and degradants). Similar to the
drug discovery stage, clinical development proceeds via
three phases (I±III), where increasing levels of information are collected and increasing levels of criteria are
required to proceed to the next phase.
a. Analysis requirements. During the clinical development stage, the scale of process and sample volume is
signi®cantly increased, with an intense focus on only a
few drug candidates. For example, a multi-subject
pharmacokinetics study can generate well over 1,000
samples in varying matrices such as plasma and urine.
Also, attention shifts to the assurance of quality drug
product for human use and the accumulation of information for NDA/MAA approval. Furthermore, clinical
development studies often result in new impurity and
degradant pro®les as the chemical scale-up process and
formulation are improved. New degradants are generated
from LTSS and require structure identi®cation. Also,
human studies produce a new metabolite pro®le compared
to those observed in animal models. In many ways, the
analysis requirements for clinical development are similar
to those required for drug discovery. Large numbers of
samples must be analyzed, typically for a single analyte
(e.g., pharmacokinetic studies), from clinical trials that
involve 10,000 to 12,000 patients (Thompson, 1995) and a
premium is placed on sensitivity (low ng/mL) and speed
of analysis (<5 min).
b. Analysis perspectives. A central issue of this
phase is the completion of analyses under strict GLP
and GMP guidelines. This requirement adds cost, but it
assures reproducible results. Despite the diversity of
sample matrices that are produced during clinical
development, a large number can be analyzed with the
same method. This standard approach produces greater
ef®ciencies by providing: (1) reduced method development, (2) a reference database for a drug candidate, and
(3) reduced repetitive analyses. Frequently, a compound
that is initially identi®ed as a metabolite may also be
observed as a degradant or impurity in pharmaceutics or
process research samples. The early lock-in of methods
leads to the ef®cient analysis of an enormous volume of
samples throughout the lifetime of the project. In major
studies, like pharmacokinetic or stability studies, large
numbers of samples are produced; however, these studies
typically feature a targeted analysis, where known
compounds such as the parent drug or speci®c metabolite
are quantitatively measured. Furthermore, the samples are
usually presented within a consistent matrix (i.e., plasma,
urine) that allows for ef®cient batch processing. The
issues related to sample preparation are distinctly unique,
and over the years, provide many important lessons to
consider for successful pharmaceutical analysis (Henion
et al., 1998).
c. LC/MS contributions. LC/MS analysis plays a
major role in the success, ef®ciency, and timeliness of
clinical development. The widespread acceptance of LC/
MS in the area of pharmacokinetics has led to major
investments within pharmaceutical companies and contract analytical laboratories. LC/MS has demonstrated a
clear advantage to HPLC for quantitative pharmacokinetic
studies, in terms of method development time, cost,
sample throughput, and turn-around. A recent review
describes the powerful capabilities of LC/MS/MS
approaches for quantitative bioanalysis studies (Brewer
& Henion, 1998). Two LC/MS-based methods, SIM and
SRM, are invaluable tools for quantitative analysis in
clinical development and are featured in this section. The
emphasis on highly automated chromatography-based
sample preparations are highlighted with recent examples
that involve off-line SPE and on-line extraction techniques. Structure identi®cation has also played a major role
in accelerating clinical development. The rapid availability of structural information provides an improved
understanding, in real-time, as processes and formulations
are developed and metabolism is investigated. This
information contributes to highly ef®cient clinical development activities that lead to successful NDA/MAA
®lings. LC/MS structural information is also used
extensively as part of a multidisciplinary structure
elucidation strategy for impurities, degradants, and
metabolites; is information is also required for the NDA/
d. Overview. In this section, the application of LC/
MS and LC/MS/MS for quantitative bioanalysis during
the clinical development stage is illustrated with examples
that feature SIM (Fouda et al., 1991), SRM (Dear et al.,
1998), automated off-line SPE extraction methods
(Allanson et al., 1996; Simpson et al., 1998), and online extraction LC/MS methods (Needham et al., 1998).
The SIM and SRM examples emphasize mass spectrometry-based analysis strategies, whereas extraction
approaches emphasize the critical role of chromatographic separations, and to some extent, sample preparation. Also described are applications that deal with the
identi®cation of metabolites during clinical studies
(Lokiec et al., 1996) and degradants during LTSS (Volk
et al., 1996). Table 19 provides a summary of the LC/MSbased applications featured in this section. The selection
of a particular approach is discussed, with an emphasis on
multiple stages of separation, chromatographic and mass,
for providing unique capabilities and features for analysis.
The applicability of these approaches to a wide variety of
compounds of pharmaceutical interest is highlighted and
TABLE 19. Application of LC/MS in clinical development.
Clinical development activity
Quantitative bioanalysis
LC/MS application
Selected ion monitoring
Selected reaction monitoring
Automated off-line solid-phase
Automated on-line extraction
Long-term stability
Metabolite identi®cation
Degradant identi®cation
compared to traditional quantitative analysis methods that
use HPLC and GC/MS.
1. Quantitative Bioanalysis±Selected Ion Monitoring
The quantitative analysis of targeted components in
physiological ¯uids is a major requirement in the clinical
development stage. In 1991, Fouda et al. demonstrated the
use of APCI±LC/MS for the quantitative determination of
the renin inhibitor, CP-80,794, in human serum. Because
the pharmacological action is below 200 pg/mL, a
quantitative assay in the low pg/mL range is required to
monitor the drug's pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic properties. The structure of CP-80,794 [Fig. 34]
Template structure identi®cation
Standard method LC/MS protocol
Selected references
Fouda et al., 1991;
Wang-Iverson et al., 1992
Dear et al., 1998;
Kaye et al., 1992
Allanson et al., 1996;
Simpson et al., 1998
Needham et al., 1998;
Ayerton et al., 1997
Lokiec et al., 1996
Volk et al., 1996
corresponds to a modi®ed peptide of molecular weight
620. The molecule lacks a signi®cant chromophore for
UV detection with conventional HPLC methods. Also, the
low volatility and thermal instability precluded analyses
with GC/MS methods.
Quantitative LC/MS assays generally involve four
steps: sample preparation, assay calibration, sample
analysis, and data management. In this method, the
human serum samples are prepared with a liquid±liquid
extraction procedure. The internal standard (1 ng) and
carrier compound (50 ng), which is a structural analog of
CP-80,794 [Fig. 34], are added to samples of human
serum (1 mL aliquot). The addition of the carrier
compound, a structural analog of CP-80,794, is respon-
FIGURE 34. The structure of CP-80,794 and analogues used in the SIM LC/MS quantitative assay of CP80,794 in plasma (Fouda et al., 1991).
sible for reducing any adsorption losses during sample
preparation and LC/MS analysis (Self, 1979), and for
enhancing the extraction ef®ciency and precision of the
assay (Lee & Millard, 1975).
Assay calibration involves the use of human serum
samples forti®ed with CP-80,794 at 11 concentrations
(six replicates per concentration), ranging from 0.05 to
10 ng/mL. In this particular case, due to a narrow linear
dynamic range, two standard curves, ranging from 0.05 to
10 ng/mL, are constructed to provide the best accuracy.
Serum blanks and an 11-point standard curve (two
samples per concentration) are analyzed with each set of
unknown samples.
The LC/MS analysis involves the use of SIM to
monitor the molecular ions [M-H]ÿ that correspond to the
drug (m/z 619) and internal standard (m/z 633). In this
LC/MS application, the negative ion mode is highly
sensitive for this class of compound. Samples are loaded
onto an HPLC autosampler and 80 mL aliquots are injected
onto the column at 4-min intervals. The solvent front is
observed at 1.0 min, and the elution times of the drug and
internal standard are 3.1, and 3.4 min, respectively.
The standard curves obtained from the CP-80,794
assay are shown in Fig. 35. Background subtraction
routines are applied to obtain the best linear regression
analyses and smallest y-intercept. The accuracy and
precision of this assay are highlighted in Table 20, and
representative HPLC chromatograms are shown in
Fig. 36.
At the time, this application provided a powerful
benchmark for the use of LC/MS-based methods in the
pharmaceutical industry. This particular assay successfully supported several clinical studies with sensitive and
reliable results. This performance was benchmarked on
more than 4,000 clinical samples, and led to a wider scope
of application along with the development of routine,
standard methods for quantitative bioanalysis.
TABLE 20. Analysis of serum samples that contain known
amounts of CP-80,794; intra-assay parameters [n 6] (Fouda
et al., 1991).
Fort. conc.a
Conc. found
% accuracy
Forti®ed concentration.
Coef®cient of variation.
2. Quantitative Bioanalysis±Selected Reaction
Since the work of Fouda et al. a tremendous growth in
the LC/MS application for quantitative bioanalysis ensued
in the clinical development stage of drug development.
Similar LC/MS-based approaches that used SIM methods
for quantitation (Wang-Iverson et al., 1992) to the highly
selective SRM methods (Kaye et al., 1992) became
popular. The strategic emphasis was on increased
dimensions of analysis (chromatography and mass
separations) to provide a higher selectivity and rapid
cycle times.
The use of SRM methods for quantitative bioanalysis
represents increased dimensions of mass spectrometry
analysis. SRM methods that use APCI±LC/MS/MS for
the quantitative analysis of an antipsychotic agent,
clozapine, in human plasma was recently described by
FIGURE 35. Standard curves of the CP-80,794 SIM LC/MS assay for concentrations ranging from 0.05 to
10 ng/mL (Fouda et al., 1991).
FIGURE 36. Representative HPLC chromatograms of human serum samples for the CP-80,794 SIM LC/MS
assay. Extracted ion current pro®les for: (A) Blank. (B) Blank plus internal standard. (C) 0.1 ng/mL CP-80,794.
(D) 0.5 ng/mL CP-80,794 (Fouda et al., 1991).
Dear et al. (Dear et al., 1998). Preclinical development
studies of clozapine in rats and dogs used HPLC with
¯uorescence detection (FLD). With this method, a better
limit of quantitation (LOQ) of 1 ng/mL was obtained. As
the compound moved into the clinical stages of development, a more sensitive method of analysis was required to
obtain rapid metabolic information in support of drug
safety evaluation studies. A standard LC/MS/MS method
is used for the quantitative analysis of clozapine (I) and
four metabolites (II±V) in human plasma [Fig. 37].
FIGURE 37. Structures of clozapine (I) and four metabolites (II±V)
assayed in human plasma with SRM LC/MS/MS (Dear et al., 1998).
The LC/MS/MS strategy is similar to previously
described approaches for protein, natural products,
metabolite, and impurity identi®cation. An ionization
technique that generates abundant molecular ion species
with very little fragmentation is desirable. The production spectrum is obtained to generate the substructural
template of the molecule. Abundant and structurally
unique transitions (molecular ion ! product ion) are
identi®ed from the spectrum, and are used in the
corresponding SRM experiment for quantitation. The
SRM experiment provides a high degree of selectivity and
better LOD than full-scan or SIM experiments for the
analysis of complex mixtures (Johnson & Yost, 1985;
Kusmierz et al., 1990). As highlighted in the previously
described LC/MS/MS applications, the selectivity of MS/
MS reduces the requirements for complete chromatographic resolution of each component. Therefore, LC/MS/
MS experiments for quantitation typically emphasize
short analytical run times to provide high sample
The full-scan mass spectrum of clozapine contains an
abundant [M H] ion at m/z 410 with little fragmentation [Fig. 38]. The 13C6-labeled clozapine internal
standard exhibited similar performance in the full-scan
mass spectrum; an abundant [M H] ion at m/z 416 is
produced. Figure 38 also shows the product-ion spectra of
the [M H] ion of clozapine and of the 13C6-labeled
internal standard. This spectrum provides the structural
template for identi®cation, and contains the abundant
fragment at m/z 120 and 126, respectively, which
corresponds to the benzamide substructure. Thus, the
(410 ! 120 ) and the 13C6-labeled internal standard
(416 ! 126 ) are selected for SRM quantitation
FIGURE 38. Positive APCI mass spectra: (A) Full-scan mass spectrum of
clozapine. (B) product-ion spectrum of clozapine. (C) product-ion spectrum
of 13C6-clozapine internal standard (Dear et al., 1998).
experiments. Using this approach, the structurally unique
transitions for the metabolites (II±V) are obtained. Figure
39 shows representative LC/MS/MS SRM chromatograms
obtained from the analysis of an extract of a 50 pg/mL
calibration standard. A mobile phase of 75% (v/v)
acetonitrile in 20 nM ammonium formate at pH 4.0
provides good chromatographic peak shape, and the drug
and internal standard elute <2min.
The inter- and intra-assay precisions (% CV) of this
method are less than 8% across the range of the limits of
quanti®cation (0.05±10 ng/mL). The accuracy (% bias)
for all spiked control concentrations does not exceed
4%. Same-day turnaround of results for over 100
samples is possible with this LC/MS/MS method. This
method has been used to support an acute dose tolerance
and pharmacokinetic study that involves the analysis of
1600 samples.
3. Quantitative Bioanalysis±Automated Solid-Phase
As the trend toward obtaining more information
earlier in the drug development cycle expanded, methodologies that involve sample preparation got exposed as
the rate-limiting steps in work ¯ow during quantitative
FIGURE 39. Representative LC/MS/MS SRM chromatograms obtained
from the analysis of an extract of a 50 pg/mL calibration standard. (A)
Chromatogram for the m/z 410 precursor to m/z 120 product ion of
clozapine. (B) Chromatogram of the m/z 416 precursor to m/z 126 product
ion of 13C6-clozapine (internal standard) (Dear et al., 1998).
bioanalysis activities. The LC/MS analysis was, indeed,
the most ef®cient part of the overall process. Activities
involved with sample tracking, sample preparation, data
processing, and archiving presented the greatest challenge
in a high-throughput environment. Opportunities with
automated sample preparation using SPE in conjunction
with LC/MS approaches attracted much attention due to
their compatibility with robots and batch-mode processing
(Kaye et al., 1996). The analysis emphasis focused on the
increased dimensions of chromatographic separation.
The work performed by Pleasance and coworkers
highlighted the novel use of automated SPE in a ``96well'' format for high throughput bioanalysis in support of
the migraine drug candidate 311C90 (Allanson et al.,
1996). Initially, the clinical development of this drug
candidate was supported with a 25-min HPLC analysis
with ¯ourescence detection. Traditional packed-cartridge
SPE was used for the extraction of human plasma in a
sequential ``on-line'' mode (8-min extraction time). This
method provides an LOQ of 2 ng/mL. However, as the
clinical development of 311C90 progressed, the dose was
decreased, thus, a more sensitive method was needed.
Also, cycle times of the automated on-line sample
preparation and analysis were too slow for the LC/MS/
MS time-scale and the large number of samples from
clinical studies. This situation required a method with
increased sensitivity, shorter analysis time, and faster
extraction cycle time.
The analysis strategy uses LC/MS/MS in combination
with a 96-well disk plate SPE. The activities associated
with sample preparation and analysis are decoupled to
simplify troubleshooting and to allow for greater ¯exibility. The bene®t of this off-line approach is the ability to
simultaneously prepare 96 samples with SPE in 1 h,
followed by the LC/MS/MS analysis on each sample.
Previous approaches with individual SPE cartridges
required 2±3 h.
Sample preparation is automated for high-throughput
batch processing with SPE, which is better suited for
automation than other sample preparation methods (e.g.,
liquid±liquid extraction). The SPE cartridges are bundled
together in a ``block'' with the same dimensions as a 96well plate (Kaye et al., 1996) to achieve increased
throughput and the use with standardized robotics
formats. Samples are collected into a deep well (1 mL)
collection plate with a 300 mL elution volume.
In this study, the LC/MS/MS analysis is <3 min, with
injections occurring every 3.5 min. The previous HPLC
method with ¯uorescence detection had a cycle time of
25 min. Thus, many opportunities exist with LC/MS/MS
quantitative analyses to optimize chromatographic separations for speed. Similar to standard approaches described
for open-access or metabolite identi®cation, standard or
generic methods may be applicable with this application
(Dear et al., 1998).
The mass spectrometry performance of 311C90 and
related compounds is illustrated in Fig. 40. The full-scan
mass spectrum features an abundant [M H] ion at m/z
288, and essentially no fragmentation [Fig. 40A]. The
corresponding product-ion spectrum of the [M H] ion
of 311C90 indicates several useful product ions that
correspond to unique substructures [Fig. 40B]. In this
case, the product ion at m/z 58, corresponding to
[(CH3)2N --- CH2]+, is selected with [M H] ion for
the SRM experiment. For the desmethyl metabolite
(183C91) and the deuterated internal standard (2H6 ±
311C91), the m/z 182 and 64 product ions, respectively,
are selected with their corresponding [M H] ion for
SRM. The LC/MS/MS SRM chromatograms obtained
from the analysis of an extract of a 100 pg/mL calibration
standard are shown in Fig. 41. Each analyte and internal
standard elutes in less than 4 min.
This strategy provides a 10-fold increase in sensitivity, which results in an LOQ of 0.1 ng/mL. All liquid
handling (i.e., dilution, sample, internal standard addition)
FIGURE 40. Mass spectrometry of 311C90 and related compounds. (A)
Full-scan positive ion electrospray spectrum of 311C90. Product-ion spectra
of the: (B) [M H] ion of 311C90, (C) [M H] ion of 183C91
(desmethyl metabolite), and (D) [M H] ion of 2H6-311C90 (internal
standard) (Allanson et al., 1996).
is automated, and 96 samples are prepared in 1 h. This
rate compares to 3 h via manual means or 5 h with a
traditional on-line system approach. During the daytime,
2±3 blocks are extracted, and analyzed by LC/MS/MS
during the evening. Chromatographic resolution of the
drug, the metabolite, and the standard is not required, due
to the structure-resolving capability of MS/MS. The
instrument cycle time is reduced to 3.5 min from the
former 25 min.
In a period of 6 h, 96 samples plus standards and QC
samples are analyzed with this method. Other assays have
been performed with 2-min cycle times. Unattended
analysis of six plates (576 injections) is common.
Approximately 800 clinical samples have been analyzed
with this method during 48 h of continuous operation.
The work of Kaye et al. and Pleasance and coworkers
provided the interest and motivation to extend sample
FIGURE 41. LC/MS/MS SRM chromatograms from the analysis of an
extract of a 100 pg/mL calibration standard. (A) Chromatogram for the
[M H] precursor ion to m/z 58 product ion of 311C90. (B)
Chromatogram for the [M H] precursor ion to m/z 182 product ion of
183C91 (demethyl metabolite). (C) Chromatogram of the [M H]
precursor ion to m/z 64 product ion of 2H6-311C90 (internal standard)
(Allanson et al., 1996).
preparation capabilities into an off-line batch mode
process. This ``motivation'' was also stimulated by sample
preparation bottlenecks, which would typically occur
during on-line bioanalysis, where the limiting factor was
associated with extraction and clean-up procedures. The
rationale was to perform sample preparation tasks with an
automated procedure followed by the transfer.
A 96-well SPE system for the simultaneous extraction
of drugs and metabolites in biological matrices developed
by Wu et al. (Simpson et al., 1998) is shown in Fig. 42. In
this approach, smaller elution volumes (75±200 mL) are
used to improve SPE performance. This volume reduction
allowed for the direct injection of samples without any
evaporation and reconstitution. The collection plate that
contains the elution fraction is loaded to an autosampler
that is compatible with 96-well plates; therefore, elim-
FIGURE 42. Parallel extraction of 96 samples with an EmporeTM 96
individual disk SPE plate (A) and vacuum manifold system, including an
acrylic vacuum manifold top (B), a polypropylene deep-well collection
plate (C), two shims (D) for height adjustment of the collection plate, and a
Delrin vacuum manifold (E) bottom (Simpson et al., 1998).
inating the transfer to injection vials. This quantitative
process improvement led to an improved analytical
performance, considerable savings in time, and reduced
The performance of this LC/MS/MS quantitative
analysis was demonstrated on a selective muscarinic M1
receptor partial agonist, SR 46559, which is under clinical
development for the potential symptomatic treatment of
the cognitive disorders that are associated with Alzheimer's disease. The full-scan mass spectrum and the
corresponding product-ion spectrum are shown in Fig. 43.
The m/z 268 product ion is identi®ed along with the
[M H] ion at m/z 341 for the SRM experiment. Also,
intervention (adding the collection plate) and is signi®cantly faster than traditional extraction procedures (1 h
per 96 samples versus 4±5 hrs.), the 96-well SPE
format offers powerful advantages for high-throughput
bioanalysis in combination with LC/MS/MS techniques.
4. Quantitative BioanalysisÐAutomated On-Line
FIGURE 43. Positive electrospray mass spectra of SR 46559. (A) Fullscan mass spectrum. (B) Product-ion spectrum of the [M H] ion at m/z
341 (Simpson et al., 1998).
the m/z 273 product ion and m/z 346 [M H] ion from
the corresponding internal standard, 2H5 ±SR 46559, are
identi®ed for SRM.
Table 21 illustrates the cost analysis of a traditional
disk cartridge SPE and the 96-well SPE system. Savings
of $52 per 100 processed samples was calculated, which
does not include the savings obtained from reduced
solvent consumption and waste disposal. When combined
with the fact that this system requires minimal user
TABLE 21. Comparison in consumable costs between disk
cartridge and 96-well plate for every 100 samples (Simpson et al.,
Disk cartridge
96-well plate
Receiving tube
Injection vials
Pipette tips
Receiving plate
Based on invoices incurred from January to August 1997.
In response to off-line SPE assays in the 96-well plate
format, LC/MS analyses that feature the direct injection of
plasma with on-line extraction have recently been
reported (Ayrton et al., 1997; Needham et al., 1998). This
quantitative process approach eliminates the time-consuming sample extraction step, and provides an opportunity to perform an integrated on-line automated method
for extraction and analysis. The use of turbulent ¯ow
chromatography, which features high linear velocities and
large particle size stationary phases, is described by
Ayrton et al. (1997). The use of restricted access media
(RAM) HPLC column, speci®cally designed to accommodate the direct injection of plasma and other biological
¯uids, is highlighted in the approach described by
Needham et al.
The utility of the RAM approach was demonstrated
on a drug that was undergoing clinical evaluation as an
anxiolytic agent, CP-93 393. The LC/MS analysis
con®guration is shown in Fig. 44, and features a dual
plasma extraction column set-up. This arrangement
allows the extraction on one column to proceed while
the other column is equilibrating and rinsing from the
previous injection. The analysis procedure involves
2.5 min of extraction on column (2 mL/min), followed
by back¯ushing with the analytical mobile phase to elute
the analytes onto an analytical column (0.5 mL/min).
With this on-line automated method, more than 250
samples have been analyzed unattended in a 24-h period.
Good results are obtained over a 10±1000 ng/mL range.
The LOQ and LOD are 190 pg and 58 pg, respectively.
Accuracy and precision values are 9.0% or better over the
entire range of the assay.
Sample preparation issues inherent with on-line
extraction techniques that deal with the addition of
triethylamine to the mobile phase and the calculation of
extraction recovery is likely to be addressed for future
applications; however, this method appears to be widely
applicable throughout drug development. Previous examples for the quantitative bioanalysis that is highlighted in
this review feature single- and triple-quadrupole instruments. This example features the use of an ion trap mass
spectrometer. The performance capabilities and potential
implications of this mass spectrometer for quantitative
bioanalysis have been recently described (Tiller et al.,
1997b; Wieboldt et al., 1998).
FIGURE 44. Diagram of the instrument con®guration for integrated dual
BioTrap column plasma extraction and LC/MS analysis. Extraction
proceeds on one column while the other column is equilibrating and
rinsing (Needham et al., 1998).
5. Metabolite Identi®cation
During the course of clinical development, it is often
important to identify the structures of metabolites. This
information provides an opportunity to better understand
interpatient variability in pharmacokinetics and toxicity.
Clinical studies performed by Lokiec et al. on a
semisynthetic derivative of 20(S)-camptothecin, CPT-11,
demonstrate the use of LC/MS to investigate the in vivo
metabolic pathways. CPT-11 is a potent inhibitor of
topoisomerase II, which is an enzyme involved in DNA
duplication, and exhibits signi®cant activity against
various types of tumors in clinical studies. Here, the
understanding and control of the main biotransformation
pathways is particularly important for anticancer drugs
because therapeutic doses are often close to the maximum
tolerated dose.
In the clinical studies involving CPT-11, bile and
urine collected over a 48 h period was prepared with SPE
procedures. The resulting extracts were pro®led with LC/
MS and LC/MS/MS. The analysis involves the use of the
product-ion spectrum of CPT-11 [Fig. 45] as the structural
FIGURE 45. Product-ion spectrum of CPT-11, the structural template for
the identi®cation of metabolic structures (Lokiec et al., 1996).
template for the identi®cation of metabolite structures.
The spectrum contains many diagnostic fragment ions that
correspond to unique substructures of the molecule.
Fragment ions at m/z 167 and 195 correspond to the
bipiperidine and bipiperidine±carboxyl substructures,
respectively. Abundant ions at m/z 375 and 331 correspond to the 7-ethyl-camptothecin core structure, and the
ion at m/z 502 corresponds to the 7-ethyl-camptothecin
core structure plus the proximal piperidine. As described
in the previous sections that highlighted the MS/MS
template approach for structure identi®cation, these ions
serve as diagnostic markers for structural modi®cation.
Thus, any ``shift'' observed in the product-ion spectra of
CPT-11 metabolites serve to indicate a modi®ed CPT-11
substructure. The qualitative structural information
derived by using this strategy is summarized in Table 22.
Analysis of bile and urine extracts indicate that
oxidation of the bipiperidine side chain is the major
metabolic pathway. In addition, metabolism of CPT-11
occurs on three sites: (1) decarboxylation of the lactone
ring; (2) oxidation of the camptothecin nucleus or of the 7ethyl group; and (3) multiple oxidations of the bipiperidine side chain. The information obtained from this study
TABLE 22. Identi®cation of CPT-11 metabolites in bile and urine (Lokiec et al., 1996).
Peak intensity
Molecular mass
MH daughter spectrum
m/z 543 (ÿCO2)
m/z 502 (ÿ85 amu)
m/z 84, 167, 195
m/z 559 (ÿCO2)
m/z 502 [ÿ(85 16) amu]
m/z 183 (167 16 amu)
m/z 557 (ÿ18 amu)
m/z 474 [ÿ(85 16) amu]
m/z 183 (167 16 amu)
m/z 541 (ÿ18 amu)
m/z 474 (ÿ85 amu)
m/z 84, 167, 195
m/z 543 (ÿ18 amu)
m/z 476 (ÿ85 amu)
m/z 84, 167, 195
m/z 559 (ÿCO2)
m/z 518 (ÿ85 amu)
m/z 84, 167, 195
m/z 559 (ÿCO2)
m/z 502 [ÿ(85 16) amu]
m/z 183 (167 16 amu)
m/z 575 (ÿCO2)
m/z 502 [ÿ(85 32) amu]
m/z 393 [(SN-38 H) ]
m/z 349 (393-CO2)
m/z 227 (195 32 amu)
m/z 393 [(SN-38 H) ]
m/z 349 (393-CO2)
m/z 99, 127
m/z 557 (ÿ18 amu)
m/z [ÿ(85 16) amu]
m/z 183 (167 16 amu)
m/z 559 (ÿCO2)
m/z 518 (ÿ85 amu)
m/z 84, 167, 195
m/z 557 (ÿ18 amu)
m/z 474 [ÿ(85 16) amu]
m/z 183 (167 16 amu)
No data obtained
m/z 557 (ÿ18 amu)
m/z 490 (ÿ85 amu)
m/z 84, 167, 195
Oxidation of terminal piperidine
Oxidation of terminal piperidine of metabolite 5
Decarboxylated: ÿ28 amu on camptothecin
nucleus; modi®cation of the lactone ring
Decarboxylated: ÿ26 amu on camptothecin;
modi®cation of the lactone ring
Oxidation of the camptothecin nucleus
Oxidation of terminal piperidine
Double oxidation of terminal piperidine
Loss of terminal piperidine
Oxidation of terminal piperidine of metabolite 5
Oxidation of the camptothecin nucleus
Oxidation of terminal piperidine of metabolite 5
Could correspond to metabolite 11 with the
lactone ring of CPT-11 modi®ed as metabolite 5
Oxidation on camptothecin nucleus of metabolite 5
``nd, not detected.
provides a clear indication that oxidative metabolism
plays an important role in the elimination of CPT-11.
6. Degradant Identi®cation
Volk et al. recently described the use of LC/MS
approaches for the identi®cation of butorphanol degradants that are present in LTSS samples during the clinical
development stage (Volk et al., 1996). Butorphanol, the
active ingredient in Stadol1 NS, is formulated as an
intranasal analgesic product and is currently used in the
treatment of the pain that is associated with post-surgical
situations, dental intervention, and migraine (Lippman
et al., 1977; Zeedick, 1979). Careful monitoring of
degradant formation is an important aspect in determining
the stability of the drug. Identi®cation of the degradants is
useful to determine potency and to provide insight into
improved formulations.
In this study, several low-level degradants are
observed in the HPLC/UV chromatogram. Using a
standard method LC/MS-pro®ling protocol, structural
and substructural data for trace, butorphanol-related
components were obtained rapidly and systematically in
the formulated drug without prior fractionation. Similar to
the analysis strategies described for metabolite and
impurity identi®cation, chromatographic resolution of
coeluting or unresolved components is not required to
obtain product-ion data for structural analysis, due to the
mass-resolving capability of mass spectrometry. As a
result, this analysis strategy permits the development of an
LC/MS-based butorphanol degradant database that
includes relative retention time, molecular weight, and
product-ion spectra.
The degradation pathway and LC/MS pro®le data are
summarized in Fig. 46. These results indicate the
degradative processes that are observed for the LTSS
samples of butorphanol tartrate: oxidative products
proposed as 9-hydroxy and 9-keto-butorphanol, norbutorphanol, a ring-contraction degradant, and 1,10a butorphanol. In less than one day, detailed structural information
regarding trace level components in the stability samples
is obtained. When this information was correlated with
known or predicted chemically labile portions of the
molecule, structures were rapidly proposed. As a result,
synthesis of the proposed degradants and subsequent
con®rmation occurred much sooner than with the traditional structure identi®cation strategies.
Degradant structures are identi®ed with the production spectrum of butorphanol as a structural template. The
subsequent product-ion spectra obtained for each degradant represents a unique ®ngerprint of each compound,
and can be used for structure identi®cation purposes as
well as for con®rmation of the presence of a suspected
component. A database of degradant structures is
constructed from the resulting data [Table 23] or
referenced to an existing database assembled during the
preclinical development stage. Thus, the comparison of
degradant product-ion spectra with the butorphanol
structural template allows for a rapid and systematic
approach for identi®cation.
D. Manufacturing
Once the NDA is approved, attention shifts to issues
that relate to the reliable production, packaging, storage,
and distribution of the drug. Thus, quality assurance of the
drug product for human use is of highest concern.
Regulatory agencies provide intense oversight of the
manufacturing and patient side-effects. When new
impurities or degradants appear, a major effort is invested
in identifying the source and in generating an appropriate
remedy to the situation. The development and maintenance of good relationships with regulatory agencies is
of great importance.
a. Analysis requirements. Clinical supplies must
pass rigid speci®cations that were established during
earlier stages. When a product is no longer within
speci®cations (i.e., failure), a tremendous amount of
analytical work goes into characterizing the impurity.
These situations may arise from many events, such as an
unexpected process reaction, failure of a cleanup step, or
contamination from a packaging material. Competitive
analysis can involve the assessment of advantageous
characteristics, such as stability. It can also involve the
accumulation of information regarding patent infringement.
b. Analysis perspectives. The majority of manufacturing analyses focus on the routine monitoring of highly
characterized products. Quality assurance analysis of a
drug can involve the monitoring of 5±20 impurities, and
FIGURE 46. Degradation pathway for butorphanol tartrate in long-term stability samples (LTSS). The dashed
area indicates the substructure involved in the proposed ring contraction (Volk et al., 1996).
TABLE 23. Butorphanol degradants from long-term stability storage of an aqueous formulation identi®ed with LC/MS and template
structure analysis (Volk et al., 1996).
Proposed structure
Molecular weight
Ring-contracted butorphanol
1, 10a-butorphanol
----- O
TABLE 24. Applications of LC/MS in manufacturing.
Manufacturing activity
Quality Control
LC/MS application
Impurity identi®cation
Protein characterization
Data-dependent analysis
Peptide mapping
the monitoring of a biologically derived drug can involve
amino acid sequence veri®cation and the monitoring of
variant structural forms. When troubleshooting situations
arise via the introduction of a new impurity in the drug
product, intense efforts are invested in identi®cation and
quantitation procedures so that the cause can be rapidly
addressed and eliminated from the manufacturing process.
Prompt action can maintain an excellent relationship with
regulatory agencies and can lead to signi®cant savings.
c. LC/MS contributions. HPLC is used throughout
the pharmaceutical industry, and is often the technique by
which manufacturing issues are ®rst identi®ed. The
transfer of this analysis to the LC/MS is, therefore, useful
for organizational collaboration. During this development
stage, structural information is readily correlated with
HPLC peaks observed in the QC laboratory. Thus, LC/MS
is particularly suitable for troubleshooting studies. The
inherent sensitivity, selectivity, and speed of LC/MS
allows the rapid production of information. The structural
information from LC/MS is often suf®cient for the rapid
assessment of the source and extent of the problem. The
sensitivity and selectivity of LC/MS allows for the facile
application to trace impurities in complex samples.
d. Overview. In this Section, the application of LC/
MS, featuring data-dependent analysis techniques for the
identi®cation and quantitation of contaminants from drug
product packaging, is illustrated (Tiller et al., 1997a). In
Selected references
Tiller et al., 1997a; Wu et al., 1997
Chang et al., 1997
the past, leachables from packaging materials have
appeared as impurities in drug product QC monitoring.
Identi®cation and quantitation of these leachables with
LC/MS can provide information for the selection of
suitable materials. Also described is the application of LC/
MS for the monitoring of biologic drugs (Chang et al.,
1997). The amino acid sequence can be con®rmed, and
impurities due to other sequences or post-translational
modi®cations may be monitored. Each example highlights
the unique capabilities of LC/MS during this ®nal stage of
drug development [Table 24]. It should be mentioned here
that the use of LC/MS methods for the identi®cation of
impurities and degradants in support of patents is also an
important aspect of the manufacturing stage. Similar
strategies as described for preclinical development support are used, and the resulting LC/MS structure pro®les
that are obtained from samples in the ®eld are compared to
in-house reference standards. Due to the proprietary
nature of this application, few results and details are
1. Impurity Identi®cation Using Data-Dependent
Regulatory authorities strictly scrutinize the leachables (e.g., plasticizers, impurities) that may come from
medical devices and drugs. It is the responsibility of the
drug or medical device company to identify the leachables
and to provide adequate testing of their toxicity. Monitor-
ing methods must be developed and validated to
effectively control toxic leachables during the manufacture of high quality pharmaceuticals.
As a result, materials for medical devices and drug
products must be tested for leachable components. Once a
known toxic compound is discovered, it must be identi®ed
for the assessment of toxicity, followed by the monitoring
of levels using validated methods as required by the FDA.
This identi®cation procedure could be a time-consuming
process with traditional methods that are based on
fractionation and individual component analysis.
Tiller et al. have demonstrated an analytical strategy
with on-line LC/UV/MS and LC/MS/MS to rapidly obtain
structural information for leachables from a drug-delivery
device (Tiller et al., 1997a). The analysis strategy makes
use of ``data-dependent'' analysis, wherein the mass
spectrometer ®rst obtains molecular ions using full-scan
techniques, and makes real-time decisions about MS/MS
product-ion spectra that must be obtained. In this way,
molecular weight and substructural information are
both obtained for many components during a single
HPLC run.
In this study, adhesive was applied to a glass bottle
and cured. Highly puri®ed water was placed over the
adhesive, heated at 50 C for three days, and analyzed with
gradient reversed-phase HPLC. A LCQ ion trap mass
spectrometer with ESI was used to pro®le the polyesters in
the adhesive extracts with full-scan mass spectra and
corresponding product-ion spectra triggered by an ion
abundance that surpassed a threshold.
Many components are readily observed in the ESI±
LC/MS chromatogram, and several polyester leachables
were identi®ed [Fig. 47]. The ESI±LC/MS chromatogram
reveals 15 components, compared to the three components
that were observed in the 220 nm UV chromatogram. This
difference illustrates the capability of ESI±LC/MS to
provide a more universal detection when the analytes do
not contain strongly UV-absorbing substructures (e.g.,
aromatic). The method is highly ef®cient because
molecular weight and substructural information via the
full-scan and product-ion experiments, respectively, are
both obtained for the sample components. Figure 48
shows the full-scan mass spectrum and the product-ion
spectrum obtained from the peak at 25.16 min. A
molecular weight of 472 is easily con®rmed due to the
presence of the [M H] ion at m/z 473 and the
ammonium adduct [M NH4] at m/z 490. With this
information and knowledge of the starting materials, a
reaction product of 2-isophthalic acid molecules with two
diethylene glycol molecules was proposed [Fig. 48C]. The
product-ion spectrum contains the ions at m/z 429 and
385, which correspond to two successive losses of either
C2H4O or CO2 from the protonated molecule ion to yield
the m/z 429 and 385 product ions, respectively.
Similar to previous structure identi®cation methods
described for metabolites, impurities, and degradants, the
knowledge of the physiological or chemical process, in
this case the adhesive synthesis process, helped in the
rapid interpretation of the MS/MS spectra of the unknown
components. No user input about the sample composition is needed for the ``data-dependent'' analysis scheme;
thus, these experiments are simple and rapid to perform.
The result is a fairly routine approach to structural
screening of unknown mixtures during the manufacturing
A recent report by Wu et al. highlighted the
importance of similar LC/MS-based procedures to
identify organic extractables from rubber stoppers in
biotech products (Wu et al., 1997). Here, the capability of
analyzing the extractables from mixtures of a peptide drug
along with its formulated excipients allowed for the
detection of butylated hydroxytolulene to the 0.1 ppm
level. Furthermore, the presence of a coeluting polymer
highlighted the advantages of on-line LC/MS-based
2. Peptide Mapping in Quality Control
Quality control involves a carefully designed series of
analysis and protocols. The purpose of this activity during
the manufacturing stage of drug development is to ensure
the production of safe, high quality drug products. These
measures are helpful for the producers of the product as
well as the regulators (i.e., FDA). In this way, adherence to
protocols and procedure are carefully monitored on a
routine basis. When any uncertainty in the manufacturing
process occurs, procedures are referenced and data are
analyzed to determine the speci®c stage of manufacturing
to begin examining. Thus, the responsibility of drug
manufacturers and regulating agencies are to determine
when and how a process went awry. The ability to do so in
an ef®cient, straight-forward manner is helpful to both
parties, and ultimately, the consumer. Thus, the ability to
provide this information is highly dependent on the
manufacturer's ability to control the process.
LC/MS-based approaches provide the same analytical
bene®ts during the manufacturing stage of drug development as described for earlier stages. Information relating
to the process, i.e., retention time, molecular weight, and
structure, obtained during manufacturing activities help to
accelerate drug development. LC/MS analysis of protein
digests provides a powerful tool for mapping peptides and
for assuring quality during the manufacturing process.
Furthermore, the characterization of minor components
contained in the digest may provide information on
degradative processes (deamidation, oxidation, proteolysis), incorrect folding and disul®de rearrangement, and
errors in translation by the host cell.
FIGURE 47. Chromatograms from the LC/UV/ion trap MS analysis of leachables that were extracted from a
test adhesive with deionized water at 50 C for 3 days. (A) UV chromatogram at 220 nm. (B) TIC full-scan MS
chromatogram (Tiller et al., 1997a).
Somidobove is a recombinant bovine growth hormone (rbST) with a MW 22,818 that is composed of 199
amino acids. It is used to treat lactating dairy cows for
increased milk production. Chang et al. recently described
the use of LC/MS as a routine peptide-mapping tool to
examine the amino acid sequence of the protein molecule
during manufacturing (Chang et al., 1997). The peptides
that are generated from the tryptic digest of somidobove
provide a diagnostic con®rmation of the primary structure,
and an important aspect of quality control.
The use of LC/MS in a quality control environment
with biologicals involves three steps. First, the expected
cleavage sites (in this case, trypsin) within the amino acid
sequence of the protein somidobove are indicated in Fig.
49. This tryptic map serves as a template for the expected
peptide map. Second, an analytical method, using
chromatography columns and conditions that provide
the best resolution and reproducibility, is developed. An
opportunity exists to optimize the analysis based on
chromatography, digestion, and LC/MS performance.
Finally, the resulting LC/MS data are pro®led, according
to amino acid sequence, peak number, and [M H] , as
shown in Fig. 50. Other properties such as relative
retention time can also be added in this format.
This LC/MS approach is analogous to the strategies
that are employed during earlier phases of drug development. Rigid protocols result in a tight control of the
process and an adherence to desired speci®cations.
FIGURE 48. Mass spectra of the leachate component eluting at 25.16 min. (A) Full scan mass spectrum of
component. (B) Product-ion spectrum of m/z 473. The proposed structure is the reaction product between two
isophthalic acid molecules with two diethylene glycol molecules to form the compound shown in (C) (Tiller
et al., 1997a).
Similarly, the LC/MS screening approaches provide a
measure of control as well, to ensure the ef®cient
harvesting of discovery and the detection of serendipity.
With a perspective on recent LC/MS applications that
illustrated the contributions to the acceleration of drug
development, new insights may be derived to speculate on
future prospects. Certainly, the meaning of pharmaceutical analysis has evolved, and has resulted in the
continual development of LC/MS-based technologies
and applications. In fact, these improvements have led
to novel applications that constitute a major factor for
industry acceptance. Pharmaceutical industry applications
seem to follow an iterative cycle that emphasizes high
throughput, sensitivity, and structural detail. Current
FIGURE 49. Amino acid sequence of somidobove, which serves as a template for the expected peptide map
(Chang et al., 1997).
FIGURE 50. Somidobove LC/MS tryptic peptide mapping (Chang et al., 1997).
trends highlight the growing importance of structural
information and a waning perception of LC/MS as a
specialized or dif®cult analysis. A perspective on future
applications of LC/MS in drug development is presented
with an emphasis on integrated sample generation and
analysis activities.
A. Workstations
Workstations are perhaps a more ¯exible complement
to a robotics method. These systems are capable of inseries or parallel analysis. Methods are developed with
very speci®c and specialized functions that allow higher
throughput and operation in a batch mode. These
dedicated approaches would seem to be a popular choice
in the drug discovery and preclinical development stages.
Workstations could be con®gured according to specialized
needs and easily interchangeable with changes in workload or priorities. Since the testing in these areas of drug
development are less rigorous (i.e., method validation,
QC) than in clinical development and manufacturing, the
overall analysis speed is enhanced. A batch-mode process
allows for relatively simple correction without catastrophic errors or delays. In any case, each approach
seems to focus on opportunities to optimize the human
interface during analysis. The robotics approach emphasizes integrated analyses and provides a mechanism to
eliminate tedious processes manually performed by a
scientist. A workstation approach highlights rapid, diverse
analyses where a corrective action can be taken immediately if the LC/MS method is not performing as expected.
This approach would favor situations where constantly
changing priorities create demands on sample analysis
and instrument ¯exibility.
Automated approaches to LC/MS will play a major
role in the future development of dedicated workstations.
Robotic systems allow for the integration of many
processes (i.e., sample preparation, separation, analysis)
in virtually any format. Once set up and properly
con®gured, these systems can perform the analysis with
little or no operator intervention. Analyses are either
performed in series as samples are individually and
sequentially passed though the con®guration or off-line in
a batch mode. These approaches would appear to be wellsuited for clinical development and manufacturing
activitiesÐapplications where the analysis is fairly uniform and repetitive. The most critical oversight is
provided during the method development and method
validation stages. It can be expected that similar
approaches will be adopted in the early stages of drug
development as sample-generating technologies continue
to mature and standard formats become established.
The prospects for the application of open-access LC/
MS support strategies beyond combinatorial and medicinal chemistry seem good. Areas such as process
chemistry optimization could bene®t tremendously and
provide accelerated development for chemical scale-up
campaigns (Storer, 1996); therefore, it is likely that
similar LC/MS methods will be required (Cepa & Searle,
1998). Extensions of these approaches can be envisioned
to include selection of salt form as well as toxicology,
solubility, and lipophilicity applications. Once accepted,
routine and highly integrated quantitation approaches
[Fig. 51] as described by Cole et al. (Cole et al., 1998) are
likely to become more widespread. Also, instrument
formats that feature high resolution chromatography and/
or mass spectrometry may provide the required structural
detail in some instances. Similar to small molecule
FIGURE 51. An automated quantitation approach that performs all of the necessary tasks required in a
quantitative analysis. The user supplies only the molecular ions of the analytes and internal standards (Cole et al.,
analysis, the widespread use of open-access LC/MS
systems for protein synthesis activities (Burdick & Stults,
1997) appear to be imminent.
Screening applications appear to be logical and
necessary. LC/MS-based approaches are likely to continue to be the ®rst choice analysis to overcome important
bottlenecks for several reasons. First, the quantities of
compounds (drug and target) required for drug development will continue to decrease. For example, the amount
of compound contained in a single combinatorial bead is
usually ca. several hundred picomoles. Second, miniaturization and scale-down methods will become popular
strategies to screen compounds, gather data, and improve
product and processes in a cost-effective manner. Smallscale experiments reduce the amount of compound/
reagents as well as provide opportunities to explore new
avenues to development. Finally, new screening approaches will continue to be desirable in areas that feature
trace mixture analysis. The use of LC/MS to directly
gather data from mixtures will reduce sample preparation
steps for fractionation and puri®cation, and will help
alleviate the stress brought about by the increased number
of targets and compounds that require analysis.
B. Multidimensional Analysis
Certainly, screening-based strategies can be extended
to include multidimensional separations or multiple stages
of mass analysis (i.e., LC/LC/MS/MS, LC/MSn). The
integration of expanded capabilities to increase performance will continue to impact chromatography and mass
spectrometry formats. A recent example that highlights
the bene®ts of multidimensional chromatography
approaches (LC/LC) may provide uniquely integrated
capabilities for target-based screening in drug discovery
(Hsieh et al., 1997), on-line sample extraction (Needham
et al., 1998), and integrated approaches for sample cleanup (Sharma et al., 1997). New applications that feature
mass spectrometry also have an exciting potential. The
recent studies performed by Hopfgartner et al. illustrate
the use of a tandem quadrupole TOF instrument to obtain
exact mass measurements on drug metabolites (Hopfgartner et al., 1998). The highly automated MS/MS-based
approaches for real-time structure identi®cation described
by Yu et al. (Yu et al., 1999) are a signi®cant step toward
an integrated sample analysis with virtually no operator
involvement. Furthermore, the possibilities for routine
and/or data-dependent MSn protocols for structure
identi®cation are an exciting development for the detailed
analysis of unknown compounds such as natural products
(Gilbert & Lewer, 1998) and metabolites (Lopez et al.,
It should be mentioned that, although multidimensional LC/MS approaches will continue to expand with
powerful and unique capabilities for pharmaceutical
analysis, emerging areas of drug development are likely
to bene®t from benchmarked applications. For example,
the ``in-process'' monitoring and testing of raw materials
in bacterial or mammalian cell culture would appear to be
logical extension of current applications for chemical
process scale-up. In this case, LC/MS can be used to
determine the optimum timepoints to harvest the product.
Further QC applications of LC/MS are envisioned that
deal with the characterization of product lots for
consistency and speci®cations. An important aspect is
the assessment of purity in the presence of inherent microheterogeneity, which is characteristic of biologics that are
derived from bacterial or mammalian cell culture.
Performance aspects of chromatographic separations,
particularly for the mapping of post-translational modi®cations, will be important considerations.
C. Miniaturization
A 96-well plate format has been the standard for drug
screening over the past ten years (Bubiak, 1997), and
miniaturized formats using a 384-well plate and still
smaller ones have begun to appear in the pharmaceutical
industry (Kolb & Neumann, 1997). It is likely that these
formats, or a derivative, in combination with the LC/MS
assay will provide the necessary throughput for liquid
handling of samples.
Approaches to miniaturize or scale-down the pharmaceutical analysis will be popular. For example, pooling
strategies are an effective method to alleviate the
problems associated with high-volume liquid handling
and analysis. This approach has been used to test closely
related compounds such as a series of analogs in drug
discovery (Hop et al., 1998). Recent compound-pooling
strategies developed for testing combinatorial libraries
(Devlin et al., 1996; Wilson-Lingardo et al., 1996) would
appear to be well-suited for many LC/MS-screening
approaches. A matrix-pooling strategy involves a 10 10
matrix of separate compounds pooled in the x- and ydirections. The result is 20-sets that contain ten compounds each. The library size is reduced by a factor of ®ve,
and each compound can be tested in duplicate because
each compound resides in a x- and y-axis pool. Scaledown approaches that feature predictive models for
metabolic (Rourick et al., 1998) and chemical (Fink et
al., 1997) stability are likely to be highly utilized in early
development stages. These strategies feature integrated
methodologies and parallel processing of complex
mixtures that result in multidimensional structural data
[Fig. 52]. Scale-down approaches are also likely to be
extensively used to provide comparative pro®les for
metabolism (Gillespie et al., 1998), process impurities
(Rourick et al., 1998), degradants (Rourick et al., 1996),
FIGURE 52. Multidimensional structural data produced by predictive models, featuring integrated methods
and parallel processing of drug candidates for metabolic (Rourick et al., 1998) and chemical (Fink et al., 1997)
cellular uptake (Kerns et al., 1998), and interaction (Lee
et al., 1995b).
LC/MS interfaces that accommodate miniaturized
formats for biomolecule analysis such as nanoelectrospray
(Wilm & Mann, 1996) or microelectrospray (Figeys et al.,
1996) with a variety of mass-detection devices, ranging
from triple quadrupole (Swiderek et al., 1998), TOF
(Medzihradszky et al., 1998), and quadrupole TOF
(Morris et al., 1996; Hanisch et al., 1998) to ion traps
(Figeys & Aebersold, 1997; Arnott et al., 1998), appear to
be headed for tremendous growth. Future developments
with instrumentation and improvements in performance
will drive this growth, which will permit the facile
conversion to automated approaches (Ducret et al., 1998)
and routine procedures for isotopic labeling of peptides
for sequence analysis (Shevchenko et al., 1997). Furthermore, it may be reasonable to presume that these advances
will result in the more frequent investigations of intact
membrane proteins (Whitelegge et al., 1998), tRNA
(Taniguchi & Hayashi, 1998), and preparative approaches
(Immler et al., 1998).
D. Information Management
A key area that will continue to emerge with LC/MS
applications is data management. With the variety of
systems available from benchtops to tandem mass spectrometers, the ability to generate vast amounts of data
quickly and easily has created a dilemma for accelerated
development activities. Researchers will quickly realize
the consequence of data generation and data management.
There are three factors that will help to shape this
important area of focus. First, consistency of data will be
of signi®cant importance. A consistent data format could
involve the separate treatment of raw, processed, and
interpreted data. Standard, de®ned database ®elds for data
entry are essential. Database searching techniques for
protein identi®cation (Yates et al., 1998b; Yates, 1998c)
are likely to expand in scope throughout the drug
development cycle. Investigations into similar procedures
for the identi®cation of small molecules (i.e., metabolites,
impurities, degradants) will be important such as automatic deconvolution (Higgs, 1998) and correlation
analysis (Fernandez-Metzler et al., 1998). Second, a
relational database to access, compare, and rank data is
desirable. Simultaneous comparison of structure, purity,
chemical and metabolic stability, lipophilicity, and
bioavailability can be made to assist the drug candidate
selection process (Rourick et al., 1998). Finally, the
continued simpli®cation of data will be a critical step for
the continued use and acceptance of LC/MS-based
techniques in the pharmaceutical industry. Chromatograms and mass spectra will still have tremendous value,
and will likely evolve into highly visual and intuitive
representations such as contour maps (Li et al., 1998).
However, the interpreted result is a more powerful
currency. The visualization of metabolic stability by using
structures, tables, and graphs is already a standard
practice. A picture or number (or groups of each) is still
the most the easily understood data for decision-makers
regardless of how it was obtained or derived. Visualization
approaches are likely to progress from the actual
operating system of the instrument to the drug development process.
E. Strategic Outsourcing
Historically, the pharmaceutical industry relied
almost entirely on internal resources to support drug
development. The surge in new technologies has made it
dif®cult to keep current in all areas of responsibility and to
maintain adequately trained staff. Due to the availability
of high quality research services outside large pharmaceutical companies, many organizations have taken
advantage of outsourced analytical services. Similar
calculations for FTE described earlier in the accelerated
development section indicate that outsourcing is a highly
ef®cient approach for LC/MS analysis. The cost that is
involved with instrument selection, purchase, and installation combined with investments in personnel, training,
and maintenance required to generate reliable data have
made outsourcing a justi®able, and perhaps, desirable,
even necessary, solution.
Outsourcing strategies offer a highly ¯exible and
adaptable strategy for clinical development support. This
approach to drug development generally involves the use
of contract research organizations (CRO's) and contract
analytical laboratories, which perform a variety of
specialized clinical development-based functions. This
practice has recently spread throughout the drug development cycle, and it is expected that 20% of pharmaceutical R & D budgets will be spent externally by the year
2000 (Taaffe, 1996).
F. Summary
Analysis will continue to respond to advances in
pharmaceutical technologies. Similar to the pharmaceutical industry's response to molecular biology technology
in the 1970's, where quantity and puri®cation were no
longer the bottlenecks for the discovery of new drugs,
continued advances in combinatorial chemistry, genomics, and recently, proteomics are likely to lead to
signi®cant changes. These changes will necessitate the
development of analytical technologies that address the
criteria of a dynamic drug development environment.
The repetitive yet diverse nature of drug development
suggests that high throughput, automated analysis tools
will play a major role. Growth in product pipelines and
limitations in analytical capabilities are likely to continue
to drive the ®eld toward miniaturization. Meanwhile, the
traditional methods for analysis continue to lose meaning
in many aspects of drug development. For example, the
classical approaches of NMR or IR are no longer feasible
for the analysis of combinatorially derived compounds.
Certainly, NMR or IR spectra of a multicomponent library
mixture can be obtained, but they are not routinely
diagnostic of structure. The loss of these powerful tools
creates both burdens and opportunities. Regardless of the
applications, the successful application of LC/MS techniques to drug development will remain closely linked to
their integration with distinct drug development activities.
The ultimate success is likely to depend on continued
collaboration and relationship.
There appear to be some common motivating factors
by which many organizations have responded to LC/MS
accepted it. These factors provide a perspective on why
LC/MS has become so prominent throughout the drug
development cycle and provide unique insights into the
future prospects for growth.
Accelerated drug development schemes have shifted
the need for analytical instrumentation to include criteria
for high throughput (quantitative process approaches) and
the capability to contribute to an application that produces
information for accelerated decision-making (qualitative
process approaches). The value of sensitivity, selectivity,
and detail are still signi®cant; however, new parameters
dealing with ef®ciency, productivity, and information
content have become the new watermarks for analytical
instrumentation in the pharmaceutical industry. These
factors have been affected by shorter timelines and the
pharmaceutically relevant information required for decision-making.
Ongoing technological advances have caused relationship-building to be a key aspect of growth. Scientists
are compelled to seek more depth of knowledge in their
primary speciality, yet they are constantly put in an
environment that demands broader knowledge, ¯exibility,
relationship skills, and the ability to effectively integrate
new technologies. And, as responsibilities within the
pharmaceutical industry have become broader, interpersonal skills such as the ability to understand needs, create
relationships, and develop alliances have become more
Today's analytical end-users are made up of: (1)
researchers who specialize in analysis, and (2) researchers
from other pharmaceutical specialities. As in the past,
researchers who specialize in analysis (i.e., analytical
chemists) with formal training in the fundamentals of
instrumentation, method development, and the treatment
of data are continually challenged with relearning the
fundamentals of chemistry (Laitinen, 1980) and other
pharmaceutical sciences, such as molecular biology. They
must keep current with advances in the ®eld as well as the
pharmaceutical business in general.
Recent trends have made scientists more dependent
on analytical information, and consequently, they are
more apt to want to control or perform analysis activities
themselves. No doubt, the human factor will inevitably
arise and create reluctance, and perhaps, barriers to adopt
new approaches. For example, the LC/MS applications
that deal with open-access support for combinatorial and
medicinal chemistry, made the various aspects of acceptance quite clear. A chemist preferred simple answers to
simple questions.
Certainly, scientists within the pharmaceutical industry will continue to be immensely challenged by the
introduction of new technologies such as LC/MS and their
subsequent application to achieve accelerated development goals. In an effort to make these new technologies
TABLE 25. The elements of the information-gathering process during drug development, based
on relationships between the analytical data and decision.
Drug development
Analysis method
Analysis strategy
Analysis solution
Analysis activity
Method/process re®nement
Method/process validation
``user friendly'' to researchers in non-analytical specialities, speci®c tasks are being incorporated into the
operating system of the analytical instrument. Still,
productivity and ef®ciency are of paramount importance
to success. Future growth will continue to depend on
strong relationships with instrument manufacturers and
The pharmaceutical industry will continue to be
dependent on innovative products and highly trained
scientists to provide the data to support breakthroughs in
medicine. Technologies such as combinatorial chemistry
and molecular biology are capable of providing unique
information at unprecedented levels. These technologies
have been adapted and integrated within the pharmaceutical environment to provide quantitative and qualitative
process solutions for drug development. For the academicians and instrument manufacturers, there has been no
such breakthrough. Speci®cally, there has not been an
equivalent process-related technology that would signi®cantly accelerate the rate of invention and graduation or
the rate of instrument development and manufacturing.
Yet the burden of keeping pace with technology and the
diverse demands of the end-user increases.
In general, progress in drug development is dependent
on data obtained from analytical instruments. Thus, how
this information is derived and provided to decisionmakers is critical to the success of the pharmaceutical
industry. LC/MS technologies have effectively and
uniquely supported the productivity (quantitative processes) and ef®ciency (qualitative processes) needs of
drug development. Future issues appear to be directed
toward enhancement of the information-gathering process
that focuses on the relationship between data and decision
[Table 25].
There is no single approach to the selection and
implementation of analytical technologies. There will
always exist diversity in how different organizations
proceed to accomplish their goals. This approach relates
to the organization's history and culture as well as to the
people's areas of expertise and philosophies.
An impressive variety of LC/MS-based solutions,
incorporating quantitative and qualitative process
Currency for drug
development decision
Processed Information/knowledge
Interpreted Integrated information/knowledge
approaches, are now routinely applied to accelerate drug
development. The results are signi®cant and led to the
successful development of innovative therapies and
numerous novel drugs. The use of LC/MS with other
technologies for sample preparation, analysis, and data
management is now an inextricably linked element of
drug development.
The LC/MS applications highlighted in this review
indicate that this unique technology is now fundamentally
established as a valuable tool for analysis in the
pharmaceutical industry. The illustration of a widened
scope of application in the pharmaceutical industry, the
®fth stage of an analytical method, suggests that LC/MS is
establishing itself as a widely accepted and routine tool
(sixth stage) for pharmaceutical analysis in all stages of
drug development. It appears likely that the balance
between research and development needs along with
partnership between academia, instrument manufacturers
and industry researchers will allow for the continued
acceptance and advancement of LC/MS technologies in
the pharmaceutical industry.
However, the pharmaceutical industry is hardly
analyst-driven. Yet, it is analyst-dependent. And, whereas
new technologies continue to advance, the need for
information-rich tools such as LC/MS will increase. A
continual change in the top-line business combined with
tremendous focus on the bottom-line will indeed challenge many. And, as the pressures also increase with
increasing responsibilities of generating the data, managing the laboratory, and utilizing the information,
decision-makers will need to understand technology and
its applications much faster. Of course, relating this
understanding to business goals represents an equally
signi®cant challenge.
Though many of the developments illustrated in this
review are truly unprecedented, we should realize that
history does have a tendency of repeating itself. And like
the seven stages of an analytical method, there are
signi®cant social events which impact drug development.
The insightful and powerful statement made by Izaak
Kolthoff in 1973 (Kolthoff, 1973) is an eloquent reminder,
``We analytical chemists are no longer the maidservants of
other chemists, but together we contribute to further
progress in the whole ®eld of chemistry.'' Hopefully, as
the bases of understanding application, strategy and
analysis become more complicated and more integrated
with drug development, the depth of understanding new
technology, process and collaboration will continue to
The recent applications of LC/MS for accelerated
drug development suggest an exciting future in the
pharmaceutical industry. It will be ®lled with many needs,
anxieties and triumphs. Perhaps the next ten years will be
equally exciting as the last.
The glossary provides a list of the terminologies and
de®nitions that are encountered during analysis activities
in drug development. The objective is to assist the
understanding of principles, concepts, and analysis
strategies. The glossary has been compiled in part
from the well-accepted de®nitions obtained from the
literature (Pure Appl Chem, 1992; Pure Appl Chem,
1993). Many of the meanings are derived from an
analyst's perspective; speci®cally, activities that involve
LC/MS-based methods.
ADMEÐThe abbreviation for absorption, distribution, metabolism, and excretion. (see Pharmacokinetics.)
Af®nityÐThe tendency of one molecule to associate
with another.
AnalogÐA drug whose structure is related to that of
another drug, but whose chemical and biological
properties may be quite different.
Analytical ChemistryÐThe science of chemical
characterization and measurement.
ApplicationÐAn analytical procedure developed for
the production of speci®c types of data from
certain samples.
BioanalysisÐThe measurement of a drug and related
structures that are contained in complex matrices,
typically at the part per million to part per trillion
BioassayÐA procedure for determining the concentration, purity, and/or biological activity of a drug
by measuring its effect on an organism, tissue,
cell, enzyme, or receptor as compared to a
standard preparation.
BiotransformationÐThe chemical conversion of substances by living organisms or enzyme preparations.
Chemical Manufacture and Control (CMC)ÐThe
section in the IND or NDA that contains information on the chemical characteristics of the lead
ChemometricsÐThe application of statistics to the
analysis of chemical data and design of chemical
experiments and simulations.
Clinical DevelopmentÐThe stage of drug development that is responsible for registering the drug
candidate and ®ling the NDA.
Clinical Trial Application (CTA)ÐThe equivalent of
the IND document ®led in Europe.
Collisionally Induced Dissociation (CID)ÐThe process where a selected precursor ion undergoes
collisions with neutral gas molecules in a collision
region to yield product ions.
Combinatorial ChemistryÐThe process of preparing
large sets of organic compounds by combining
sets of building blocks.
Combinatorial LibraryÐA set of compounds prepared by combinatorial chemistry.
De Novo DesignÐThe design of bioactive compounds by the incremental construction of a
ligand model within the receptor or enzyme
active site.
DegradantÐA drug analog formed from the drug as a
result of the action of chemical and/or physical
DereplicationÐA process of rapidly identifying
known compounds contained in a natural products
Double Blind StudyÐA clinical study of potential
and marketed drugs where neither the investigators nor the subjects know which subjects will be
treated with the active principle and which ones
receive a placebo.
DrugÐAny substance presented for treating, curing,
or preventing disease.
Drug DiscoveryÐThe stage of drug development
responsible for generating and optimizing the lead
Drug DispositionÐRefers to all the processes
involved in absorption, distribution, metabolism,
and excretion of drugs in a living organism.
Drug ProductÐThe manufactured formulated drug
appropriate for clinical studies.
Drug SubstanceÐThe manufactured drug compound
appropriate for formulation into drug product.
Ef®cacyÐThe success of the drug in alleviating a
targeted disease in humans.
Electrospray Ionization (ESI)ÐThe liberation of ions
from electrically charged droplets in an atmospheric pressure ionization source region.
Extracted Ion Current Pro®le (EICP)ÐThe mass
spectrometry signal that corresponds to an ion
plotted against time. Also referred to as a mass
Food and Drug Administration (FDA)ÐThe government agency responsible for instituting policies
and monitoring science to assure safe, high quality
pharmaceutical products.
Full-Time EquivalentÐOne full-time employee with
skills and productivity appropriate to the designated responsibilities.
Gas Chromatography/Mass Spectrometry (GC/
MS) ÐAn analytical instrument that integrates
a gas chromatograph with a mass spectrometer.
GenomeÐThe complete set of chromosomal and
extrachromosomal genes of an organism, a cell, an
organelle, or a virus. The complete DNA component of an organism.
GenomicsÐThe study of the relationship of speci®c
genes to the expression of certain proteins or
biological functions (e.g., disease).
Good Laboratory Practice (GLP)ÐThe regulations
and requirements for the operation of laboratories
that produce data that are used in regulatory
Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP)ÐThe regulations and requirements for validation, personnel,
and record-keeping of facilities that are associated
with making drug products that are administered
to humans.
(HPLC) ÐA technology in which compounds
are partitioned between a stationary media and a
¯owing liquid phase in a tubular format under high
pressure, resulting in the separation of a mixture of
components and the reproducible time of elution
of each speci®c compound.
HomologÐA compound that belongs to a series of
compounds that differ from each other by a
repeating unit, such as a methylene group, a
peptide residue, etc.
ImpurityÐAn extraneous compound present in a drug
substance or drug product.
Investigational New Drug (IND)ÐThe registration
document ®led to begin testing in humans.
Lead OptimizationÐThe synthetic modi®cation of a
biologically active compound, to improve stereoelectronic, physicochemical, pharmacokinetic,
and toxicological properties.
Limit of Detection (LOD)ÐThe amount of analyte
that yields a signal-to-noise ratio adequate to
provide the desired con®dence for detection of an
analyte. A signal-to-noise (S/N) ratio of 3 is typical.
Limit of Quanti®cation (LOQ)ÐThe amount of
analyte that yields a signal-to-noise ratio adequate
to provide the desired con®dence for quantitation
of an analyte. A signal-to-noise (S/N) ratio of 10 is
LipophilicityÐThe af®nity of a molecule for a
lipophilic environment.
ManufacturingÐThe stage of drug development
responsible for the manufacture of marketed drug
Marketing Authorization Application (MAA)ÐThe
equivalent to the NDA ®led in Europe.
Mass ChromatogramÐsee Extracted Ion Current
(MALDI)ÐThe production of ions from an
analyte in the solid state by irradiation with a
laser, and the facilitation of a co-precipitated
compound that readily absorbs the laser light.
Medicinal ChemistryÐThe design and synthesis of
drug candidates.
MetabolismÐThe physical and chemical processes involved in the maintenance and reproduction of life in which nutrients are broken
down to generate energy and to give simpler
molecules (catabolism), which by themselves
may be used to form more complex molecules
MetaboliteÐAny intermediate or product that results
from metabolism.
Molecular BiologyÐThe study of genetic materials
and their expression at the molecular level.
New Chemical Entity (NCE)ÐA compound not
previously described in the literature.
New Drug Application (NDA)ÐThe registration
document ®led to rigorously document an NCE's
properties, manufacturing, safety, and detailed
evaluation in human clinical studies.
Neutral Loss MS/MS ScanÐThe operation of a
tandem mass spectrometer in which the two mass
analyzers are scanned at the same rate, with the
second mass analyzer offset (lower) from the ®rst
by a constant m/z ratio.
Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR)ÐA technique
for detailed structural analysis that involves
observation of the absorption of discrete radio
frequencies by speci®c atoms in molecules
exposed to a magnetic ®eld.
Parallel AnalysisÐSimultaneous processing of more
than one sample or compound during one or more
steps of an analytical protocol.
Pattern RecognitionÐThe identi®cation of patterns in
large data sets, using appropriate mathematical
Perfusive ChromatographyÐHPLC with stationary
media that have pores through the particles of the
media, resulting in reduced back-pressure.
PharmacokineticsÐRefers to the study of absorption,
distribution, metabolism, and excretion (ADME)
of bioactive compounds in higher organisms.
PharmacophoreÐThe ensemble of steric and electronic features that are necessary to ensure the
optimal supramolecular interactions with a speci®c biological target structure and to trigger (or to
block) its biological response.
PlaceboÐAn inert dosage form that is identical in
appearance, ¯avor, and odor to the drug product
dosage form, but contains no drug.
MotencyÐThe amount of drug substance in a speci®c
lot of drug product.
Preclinical DevelopmentÐThe stage of drug development responsible for evaluating lead compounds and ®ling the IND.
Precursor-Ion ScanÐThe operation of a tandem mass
spectrometer in which the ®rst mass analyzer is
scanned while the second is held at a speci®c m/z
Process ChemistryÐDevelopment of reagents and
conditions for the synthesis of bulk drug substance.
ProdrugÐAny compound that undergoes biotransformation before exhibiting its pharmacological
Product-Ion ScanÐThe operation of a tandem mass
spectrometer in which the ®rst mass analyzer is
held at a speci®c m/z ratio, while the second is
scanned. Also, the operation of an ion trap mass
spectrometer in which ions of a speci®c m/z ratio
are isolated and collisionally activated, followed
by scanning the product ions.
ProteomicsÐDetermination of the proteins expressed
under speci®c biological states (e.g., disease) so as
to determine their role.
ReceptorÐA molecule or a polymeric structure in or
on a cell that speci®cally recognizes and binds a
compound that acts as a molecular messenger.
Selected Ion Monitoring (SIM)ÐA mass spectrometry-based screening approach for quantitative
analysis where a single m/z value, which corresponds to the drug molecule, is detected.
Selected Reaction Monitoring (SRM)ÐA mass
spectrometry-based screening approach for quan-
titative analysis where two dimensions of mass
analysis are employed to detect a unique product
ion corresponding to the drug molecule.
SensitivityÐRefers to a detectable signal for analysis.
De®ned by the slope of the calibration curve
Serial AnalysisÐSeparate and sequential processing
of samples or compounds during one or more steps
of an analytical protocol.
Soft SpotsÐRefers to the labile substructures of a
molecule that indicate chemical and/or metabolic
Structure-Activity Relationship (SAR)ÐThe relationships between chemical structure and pharmacological activity for a series of compounds.
Solid-Phase Extraction (SPE)ÐUse of solid chromatographic media to extract compounds from a
liquid sample.
Standard Operating ProcedureÐA document stipulating a speci®c protocol for analytical or
organizational activities, for the purpose of
satisfying regulatory or organizational guidelines.
Substructure ConnectivityÐThe use of MS/MS or
MSn to delineate substructural relationships.
Analogous to two-dimensional NMR techniques.
Thin Layer ChromatographyÐA technology in which
compounds are partitioned between stationary
media on a solid support (e.g., glass) and a liquid
phase at atmospheric pressure.
Total Ion Current (TIC) ChromatogramÐThe mass
spectrometry signal that corresponds to the sum of
all ions detected in a scan plotted against time.
Thermospray Ionization (TSI)ÐThe liberation of
ions from heated droplets occurring in a vacuum
XenobioticÐA compound foreign to an organism.
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