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There has been a lot of media attention devoted to the Islamic prohibition of interest and how this affects financial transactions such as mortgages. Other key Islamic principles that could have a bearing on business include social justice and inclusion, honesty, protection of the weak, and a strong sense of fair play. What are the key influences on marketing ethics and what distinguishes "Islamic" marketing?
Human Resource Management Research, 2013
This paper aims to critically analy ze the conventional aspects of ethics and to find the loopholes of that while making a contrast with Islamic Ethics in the area of marketing. Th is is a conceptual paper fully based on theoretical analysis. The outcome of the research includes three models: Conventional Ethical Market ing and Islamic Ethical Marketing and Contingency Model of Ethical Decision Making in a Marketing Organizat ion. There have the elements for Islamic Marketers to bring into their consideration while conducting their business in the market.
Journal of Business Ethics, 2014
This article examines the role of Islamic ethics in the marketing field. It presents Islamic contributions to the field by referencing original sources and concepts that are often not easily available to researchers and practitioners alike. In foundational texts, Islamic ethics have their own marketing practice prescriptions, practices that are driven by a discipline which shuns any dichotomy between organizational and societal interests. The paper underscores the role of marketers in improving the well-being of individuals and the community and presents a framework for analyzing the link between Islamic ethics and societal welfare vis-a-vis marketing. Several marketing issues are identified and the contributions of Islamic teachings are presented. This paper, too, identifies emerging ethical dilemmas and the necessity to tackle them in a way that strengthens the role of marketing in societal affairs and ensures morally driven conduct.
World, 2011
The purpose of this paper is to formulate and develop a marketing definition and its framework from Islamic perspective. In present business world, market and globalization are becoming the first truly world creed which binds all corners of the globe into a world-view and set of values. Here marketing practices are playing a vital role in raising the standards of business conducts worldwide. But the roots of it are secularism, valueneutral materialism, Social-Darwinism, Utilitarianism, and 'rational economic man' oriented. The spirits of these isms is selfishness, persuasion of profit, and want maximization. But in contrast, Islamic world-view comprises religious values, cultural values, and universal values which can be accepted and respected universally and can visualize a consumer oriented marketing culture which can ensure a balanced synthesis of both the material and the spiritual dimensions of life which emphasize to maximize the welfare of the world and the world hereafter and can establish fraternity and socio economic justice. This descriptive study will attempt to provide a brief review of conventional marketing literature at the same time it will formulate and develop a definition of Islamic Marketing and its framework based on The Holy Quran, ×adÊth and Islamic Literature.
In this paper the authors attempt to present a list of theories from the developing discipline of Islamic Marketing. The list is neither exhaustive nor a detailed description of all the attempts toward a body of theory in Islamic marketing. Indeed, it is not the intention of this work to provide such detail. Rather, this commentary is designed to motivate researchers to begin to address the subject of Islamic marketing in a manner that will pave the way for a more comprehensive body of theory of Islamic marketing to be constructed, a subject that remains so clearly under researched.
Research Journal ‘Ulūm-e-Islāmia, 2020
Foreign culture is needed to expand the global business, the specific information about the ethics for business in broader sense. The purpose of this Academic Research Paper is sharing of Islamic perspective on business ethics. It provides the information about Islamic philosophy to expand business in Muslim culture. Through this paper we can conclude the implications and collect suggestions for further research purpose. The international marketing follows the strong ethical doctrine. This will increase the standard of business at global level. This Academic Research Paper will review the framework that depends on Islamic values and an impact of ethics on global market. It also provides the strengths of this structure which is strongly helpful for International market ethics. Islamic principles base on equity and justice. The issues of global market can be resolve through Islamic perspective. It also provides the structure of relationship between the Islamic Market Ethics and Global market ethics.
Advances in Islamic Finance, Marketing, and Management, 2016
Purpose À This chapter discusses whether marketing can ever be Islamic given the common view of marketing functions as unsustainable and sometimes unethical, for example, how marketing promotes materialism. Methodology/approach À This chapter reviews extant literatures in Islamic marketing, with a particular emphasis on stakeholder orientation in marketing. Findings À We argue that Islamic marketing is indeed compatible with the concepts of ethical and sustainable marketing encompassing social, environmental as well as economic perspectives and encourages ethical behaviour. Originality/value À This chapter highlights that discussions on Islamic marketing should include sustainable marketing and emphasises the growing importance of stakeholder orientation in marketing.
L'Arengario Studio Bibliografico, 2024
"Per quel che ne posso dire, tutto quel che è spirituale mi è estraneo. Il corpo mio è sangue e ossa, muscoli e ombre, memoria, aspettazione. Brilla e si spegne nei suoi colori, sperma, merda, lacrime, sudore. Tutte le rughe, le ferite, le croci, i sapori, le carezze. Il mio corpo che invecchia è il tempo che ho da vivere. Abbraccio chi è fatto della mia stessa materia, nel dolore, nella fragilità, nella consolazione e nella beatitudine. Sono qua per questo attimo bellissimo, con questa tenerezza insopportabile di sapere che sono a termine" (dal testo introduttivo). - - - "As far as I can tell, everything spiritual is foreign to me. My body is blood and bones, muscles and shadows, memory, expectation. It shines and fades in its colors, sperm, shit, tears, sweat. All the wrinkles, the wounds, the crosses, the flavors, the caresses. My aging body is the time I have to live. I embrace those who are made of the same material as me, in pain, in fragility, in consolation and in bliss. I’m here for this beautiful moment, with this unbearable tenderness of knowing that I’m living for the end".
RESPONSABILIDADES: El contenido de esta obra elaborada por ZIGURAT Consultoría de Formación Técnica, S.L. está protegida por la Ley de Propiedad Intelectual Española que establece, penas de prisión y o multas además de las correspondientes indemnizaciones por daños y perjuicios.
Публичная политика. Том 7, № 1–2, 2023, 2023
В статье рассмотрены взаимоотношения городской локальной идентичности и публичной политики, выявлены основные проблемы, сформулированы модели включения городской идентичности в сферу публичной политики.
Эрмитаж, сборник Ювелирное искусство и материальная культура, 2017
Acta agraria Debreceniensis, 2024
Pituitary, 2009
Renewable Energy and Power Quality Journal, 2016
Open Life Sciences, 2013
Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association, 2009
Journal of clinical oncology : official journal of the American Society of Clinical Oncology, 2014
Current Science, 2014
Acta Crystallographica Section E-structure Reports Online, 2007
Crop Science, 2007