Islamic Ethics
Recent papers in Islamic Ethics
The present essay is intended as a contribution to the study of gratitude or šukr within the Islamic tradition, beginning with the Koranic use of the root škr (and more particularly its derivative šakūr), examining its explicit... more
The paper discusses the role that Islamic values can play in articulating Islam as an ethical tradition that can shape the international relations.
İslâm ahlak düşüncesine dair eserlerde, söz konusu düşüncenin tefsir, fıkıh, hadis, kelâm, tasavvuf ve felsefe gibi muhtelif disiplinlerdeki ahlaka dair tartışma ve fikirleri kapsadığı söylenegelir. Fakat zikredilen disiplinlerin her... more
It is shown in this study that most of the Muslim farmers' crops in Glagahagung village are sold to the middlemen. Therefore, the this study aims to find out the reasons of the Muslim farmers sell their crops to the middlemen and to know... more
During the times of massive crises like the current coronavirus pandemic, individuals and communities consult their "moral systems" looking for support and coping mechanisms.
In den vergangenen Jahren sind Fragen von Umwelt und Klimaschutz zunehmend Gegenstand der öffentlichen Debatte geworden. Dabei ist unter anderem ein wachsendes Bewusstsein für den menschengemachten Klimawandel zu erkennen, welches sich... more
This short academic note discusses the possibility of incorporating the Islamic concept of leaving laghw (nonsense, vain talk, vain actions) into the theoretical and/ or methodological frameworks of human sciences.
This paper presents three theoretical accounts developed to assess the moral value and legal status of acts designed to promote commercial gain in the thought of major classical Muslim scholars. There has been an increased recent interest... more
In this study the researcher examines the claim stating that the Qur'ānic content and the behaviour of the prophet Muhammad ethically devolves with the move from Makkah to al-Madinah or from the state of weakness and dependence to the... more
This paper examines the roles of culture and virtues in medical ethics. It argues that principlism, which is the general approach to medical ethics in Western societies, is not comprehensive enough to fully understand how medical moral... more
Table of contents 1. Plato and a response to ethical scepticism; 2. Aristotle and the invention of practical philosophy; 3. Diogenes and philosophy as a form of life; 4. Epicurus and ethics as care for oneself; 5. Epictetus and ethics... more
Islam, Reason and Science: Renewal of Islamic Thought
This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the CC BY-NC 4.0 license.
This essay considers virtue ethics and universalism in the wisdom literature of Musharrif al-Din Muṣliḥ Saʿdī (d. ca. 690/1291). Published in Renovatio, Spring (2018). If possible, please use this link to access:... more
Al-Ghazālī made seminal contributions to the field of ethical economic thought. Though he dedicated many chapters in his encyclopaedic Iḥyā’ Ulūm al-Dīn (The Revival of Religious Sciences) to what he considered just and Sharī‘a-based... more
A brief conceptual and historical introduction to applied Islamic law and ethics (fiqh).
تمهيد تعدّ الرعاية التلطيفية أحد التخصصات الطبية الحديثة نسبيًا، والتي تجسّد عددًا من القيم المشتركة عالميًا، وأهمها العمل على تخفيف الآلام وغيرها من الأعراض المسببة للقلق )مثل ضيق التنفس(، وتحسين نوعية حياة المصابين بأمراض خطيرة، وتقديم... more
Il saggio verte sul complesso statuto etico-giuridico della bellezza e delle arti (da proibito o ḥarām a obbligatorio o wājib), specialmente la bellezza percepita visivamente. L’indagine si basa su materiale canonico e tradizionale di... more
هر عملی که انسان انجام می دهد ضرورتا مبتنی بر یک نظام ارزشی و اخلاقی است که بر آن اساس تصمیم گیری می کند. گرچه ما اغلب به معیارهای کلیِ اخلاقیِ یکسان معتقدیم، ولی تطبیق معیارها با شرایط جزئی در فعالیتهایمان، با مشکلات زیادی مواجه می شود؛... more
Sharīʿa entails economic teachings that are regarded as part of wider metaphysical considerations, whose ethical foundations ultimately function as a technology of self-examination pertaining to human behavioral patterns." "For instance,... more
Na tragu značaja kojeg učenja islama pridaju iskrenosti, a samim time i suzbijanju dvoličja, jedan od najvećih perzijskih pjesnika, Hāfiz Šīrāzī, svojim stihovima oslovljava fenomen licemjerstva. Nakon uvoda, autor se ukratko osvrće na... more
Im Zuge der Genese der islamischen Wissenschaftszweige, die im 8. bis 11. Jh. erfolgte, wurden vielfältige Diskurse um ethische Fragestellungen geführt. In dieser Entstehungsphase kristallisierte sich allerdings keine eigenständige... more
There has been a lot of media attention devoted to the Islamic prohibition of interest and how this affects financial transactions such as mortgages. Other key Islamic principles that could have a bearing on business include social... more
مناقشة قضية عمل المرأة من الناحية الشرعية أمر يتطلب نظرة علمية كلية شمولية تدرس الموضوع بكل ما يتعلق به من عوامل ومؤثرات حياتية مختلفة، وهذا بعد منهجي يسميه المجتهدون تحقيق المناط العام لموضوع البحث الشرعي؛ إذ هو يمتد إلى دائرة أوسع تتعلق... more
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Un’intensa riflessione sui Nomi Bellissimi. Si può leggere anche così il recente lavoro di Ida Zilio-Grandi, che si propone di «illuminare l’elemento morale necessariamente sotteso alla religione islamica». In un contesto in cui ancora... more
تسعى هذه القراءة إلى إلقاء الضوء على أطروحات د. خالد أبو الفضل، أحد أهمّ علماء الشريعة المعاصرين وأستاذ القانون في جامعة كاليفورنيا، وتتناول أفكاره عن القيم الجوهريّة في الإسلام، التي تمثّل في نظره الركائزَ التي تقوم عليها الرؤية... more
Nibras Breigheche, "La vera pietà", in “Famiglia domani”, 1/2020, anno XXXVI, Asti, Editrice Gazzetta d’Asti, pp. 56-57.
Nibras Breigheche, "E Dio rise …", “Famiglia domani”, 2/2020, anno XXXVI, Asti, Editrice Gazzetta d’Asti, pp. 54-55
Nibras Breigheche, "E Dio rise …", “Famiglia domani”, 2/2020, anno XXXVI, Asti, Editrice Gazzetta d’Asti, pp. 54-55
Interrogating the development and conceptual framework of economic thought in the Islamic tradition pertaining to ethical, philosophical, and theological ideas, this book provides a critique of modern Islamic economics as a hybrid... more
The present work is a translation of al-Shahid al-Thani’s Munyat al-Murid fi Adab al-Mufid wa al-Mustafid. The original Arabic work, written in 954 AH/1547 CE, quickly established itself as a core text in the Islamic seminaries, and it... more
This paper studies the field of ethical advertising as it relates to Islamic business ethics with emphasis on applicability to Nigerian marketing and advertising. Nigeria has recently been recognized as one of the emerging markets for... more
The argument inherent in this study is that the Islamic framework on social coexistence and harmony stipulates moral capital as a bridge for community's inter-connectivity, interaction, and development, and that, for Muslims, morals act... more
Muslim religious leaders and scholars lectured on the higher goals of peace in Islam by defining the goals with scripture and hadith, with prophetic sayings and actions, and with attempting to demonstrate that peace is a pillar of the... more
Reforming Modernity is a sweeping intellectual history and philosophical reflection built around the work of the Morocco-based philosopher Abdurrahman Taha, one of the most significant philosophers in the Islamic world since the colonial... more